True Friendship Pt 2 free porn video

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True Friendship Pt 2.

I’m going to start this story off with the assumption that you read part 1.

As I lay on the beach feeling the warmth of the sun as it soaked in my body, I realized that I was noticing people around me differently. I was seeing everything from a little different perspective. I saw things from a sexual side and related everything back to the basic function of sex. Not love, just sex.

This was the first time I allowed and wanted Bryce to put suntan lotion on me as people walked by. There were a couple of times that my husband was rubbing my exposed tits or had his hand between my legs when there were people walking by and the exhilaration I was feeling was amazing me. I felt a kind of power that I had never felt until then; a sexual power, that I had control over.

Hubby later told me that after that tall guy walked by and Bryce moved my bikini bottom to the side and rubbed my pussy and clit, eventually fingering my very horny pussy. Between rubbing my clit and talking about how much Reef was going to enjoy me (that’s where the saying comes from in my T blog – “enjoy me”), I was writhing in ecstasy. The surreal surprise came when Bryce told me that the tall guy had actually stopped in his tracks and watched the show we were putting on. He began rubbing himself and even put his hand in his shorts and played with himself. Bryce said that the guy was looking at his watch every few strokes and finely shrugged and walked away sporting a huge bulge. Bryce teased me saying, “If you saw the size of that tent he had, you would have already make plans to return to the beach tomorrow just in case he was there again. You would have been awestruck.”

“Oh can we go back tomorrow?” I asked.

“What is happening to you? You didn’t even see it for yourself. If I had know that it was that easy to get you turned on just y saying something like that, I would have done this long ago”, Bryce answered and then, “Let’s see what tonight brings and then we’ll see if you are in a hurry to come back here.”

This brought me back to the reality, not fantasy of what was really going to happen tonight. I may have been lying there topless on the beach, with my bikini bottoms very much askew, feeling all this sexual power and prowess, but then suddenly I wondered if Reef would like what I was going to be wearing. I chuckled to myself thinking that Reef won’t care what I have on as long as it’s easy to come off.

Come back to the moment, “So, what’s the plan then?” I asked.
“At this point it depends on what you wear, how quickly things move along and how we play it by ear”, was the plan Bryce was laying out.

“And?” I asked further.

“And, if possible, you fuck Reef,” Bryce stated matter-of-factually
“But what about you? Where will you be? What if we take longer than you want? What if Reef wants to do it more than once, if he can? What if he can’t? He hasn’t had it for a while so he might have some stored up sex he needs to get out?”

Bryce laughed. “Sex to get out, and he’s going to do that by getting into you, is what you meant. Anyway, that’s why they call it playing by ear. Just do what you want and everybody has to respect that”

“Oh, so I can do as I please?” I questioned.

“Pretty much”

Wow, I thought. Did he really mean anything I want? At that point, I look back knowing that I had no idea what I wanted. What I really wanted was anything and everything in this new world that feels good and doesn’t cause pain. My new new world of not love, it’s just sex!

After a warm, horny afternoon at the beach we returned home and showered and changed. Bryce was already in his shorts, golf shirt and deck shoes with a rye and coke in one hand and for me a tequila sunrise in the other hand. He sat in the chair watching me finish up my make-up. I was wearing a pink thong with multiple straps on the sides. I pulled on my short denim skirt and a new cotton, t-shirt material, transparent pink halter top that looped around the neck and tied at the back. After I put it on was when I realized just how transparent it was. Bryce saw me looking at myself in the mirror and told me I looked amazing and Reef would be very pleased to see me show up in this. I stepped into the platform sandals and thought to myself, yeah this should start his motor.
“Oh, you’re just saying that”, I teased hubby, but I knew he was enjoying me in this role too.

“No I mean it. The skirt and shoes show off your legs and that top molds to your tits so nicely and when the material in the top is stretched a little like that, it shows off your areola and nipples. Reef won’t need much imagination to know exactly what your breasts look like, and with the flick of one hand he can undo that top and have full access to them”, he asked in an accusatory manner.

As I grabbed my denim jacket and threw it over my arm, grabbed my purse and made for the garage door, I then answered Bryce, just in case it was a question, “That’s what we are all hoping he doesn’t aren’t we?”

The ride over was filled with nervous tension, at least it was for me and by the way Bryce had to keep adjusting his dick in his short, especially when I would catch him taking side glances at my tits showing through my halter top.
Just before we got there I had to ask, “Okay, is this top too sheer?”


“But Reef will have no problem seeing my tits in this top,” I was making statement, but asking a question.


“So he will be looking at my tits as soon as I get near him?” I asked further.

“If not sooner! It’s not just how sheer that top is, and now so stretched out over your boobs, it is beautifully sheer, but Reef will be looking at your tits the moment he sets his eyes on you”, my husband explained, nodding towards my breasts.

“Oh shit. I might as well be topless!”

“Hey Babe, you were topless at the beach, me and several people saw you. Here it will just me and Reef, so you should be good!”

And with that we had arrived and my honry hard nipples were very much stuck out and were about to be very much on display.

To cut to the chase.....Reef’s eye’s almost fell out of his head. At one point I asked Reef if he still meant ‘playing by ear’ was what he said before. He smiled and nodded. I was helping my skirt to ride up my legs to show Reef my well tanned thighs and a glimpse of pink thong. The sexual tension was palatable. Once more looking back, realizing that at this point in the story, poor Reef was the only one not sure that he was close to getting some that night.

It was well after dinner was over and we had been sitting out on the back deck, enjoying the warm breeze that just strong enough to keep the bugs down, to allow us to stay out after it began to get dark.

Reef left to check the a****ls, leaving Bryce and I sitting in silence watching Reef make his way across the yard with the slightest stumble.

“I don’t think Reef realizes that you and I want him to have sex with you?” my husband commented.

I haven’t told him, and I guess we have been teasing but it’s been pretty tame” I answered.

“So, do you have a plan of what you’re going to do, by ear?” Bryce said, chuckling so that I wouldn’t get mad at his now using the plan idea.

“Not really. What should I do?”

“We can try to get him talking about his ‘Not love, it’s just sex’ idea and how that would work and while that’s happening you ramp up the flashing, rubbing against and smiling eyes.”

“Yeah, then what? We’ll just be hornier than we are now and still like this, in stop and go mode!” I stated almost scolding him. I was beginning to feel like it might not happen and now I wanted it so much. I had dreamed about it. Looked forward to it. I had fantasized about and daydreamed about it. I was probably only a few minutes away from having it or not getting it, but so far I was anywhere near, short of me stripping and jumping Reef.

No that was rational wasn’t it? Holy shit, I must have been through the roof horny. Of course if this were to be the case and Reef and I met and it seemed evident that it was going to happen, I would just ask him if he would like to make out. I can see where that leads and where I might want it directed, but it would be started, not talked about.

I guess with Bryce and in his situation, talking about it was almost as good when we made plans. I would see him getting hard for a while. He may an odd, but respectful voyeur. I never really knew where he would be, but I would know he was watching. And when I was sure I would enhance the show for him. I had learned the benefits to one who becomes more risque.

Thank god that whole thought took about 5 seconds to flash through my brain and then bam, “I’m going to have to be the one to step it.”

“I think so. He doesn’t want to overstep the friendship boundary without knowing exactly where that is and what it looks like.”

“So what then? How forward should I get? I mean, should I be making advances and rubbing his leg. I am not wearing that much clothes to have any to just take off. It was hot today.”

“You really want this?” Bryce asked very anxious and keyed up, but he also had the look of a man with a plan. This was exactly the time a man with a plan could never be more needed.

“Okay, what? What?” Yes, I was anxious too.

“Okay, let’s start with another drink each and some bud. Mellow a bit and when you give me a sign, like toss your hair back, like you’re neck is hot, or something. Make enough of an issue that I notice, but not so much that Reef gets suspicious. That’s my cue to use the can and make sure it’s known I’m not having a piss, so I may be a few minutes. You have to come right out and ask Reef,” and hubby paused and whether he lost his train of thought, I wasn’t sure. He had a far off look in his eyes and glint of naughtiness.

“Ask him what. Shit, what am I to say? Just come right out and ask Reef? Ask what?”

“Oh yeah, ask him what this ‘sex friend/not lover’ idea entails. Don’t get argumentative with him, just let him go into his story, his ideas and see if he gets kinky or excited. Who knows, it could be fun.”

“What if he asks me if I want to be his sex friend? How do I get out of that one?” I questioned.

“Get out? It might be just what you want to get in, or get in you”, he laughed at his own little joke.

“I’m not sure I have this clear. I am to lead Reef into believing that I want to have sex with him on a regular basis and be my sex boyfriend and I’d be his sex girlfriend...... him and me..... together?”

“Not right off the bat. At least not until you have a chance to get to know each other, better. Then you can decide on when, how often, how many, where etc, if it all goes as you would like, for both of you. I’m pretty certain that Reef won’t have anything to stop him. First thing is to have sex with him and see if you want more. If you want more right away, have it right away. If you need to stay the night, do it and then get some in the morning too. At least that way you have a better concept of what you are getting into and what’s getting into you”.

“How do you suggest I bring this up about you, and me and how it would work for him and me?”

“Easy enough and the hardest part you have to do”. Decide where you want this to start happening, like the family room, the back deck, or out in the kitchen.”

Before Bryce could say anymore I quickly spit out, can’t be in the kitchen. Remember when we talking about sex, “It’s not on the table!”

“Ha ha. Look when you do the hair flick I will give you your space. Once your alone and all is quiet and it’s time before it gets awkward, decide where you want to go and as you tell him that because you only just met him and that it was far too soon to make any kind of on-going arrangements like Reef will have been referring to in his sex boyfriend scenario. Here you stand up and unzip your skirt and as it is dropping down long those gorgeous shapely legs of yours and he is watching the skirt drop down and now out of his way, Reef will realize that you just ask him to go to one of these places you choose, say the living room, to get better acquainted. Tell Reef I will hang around a while and if you need a ride home I be here. But you can know that if you want to stay and I’ll come back later. OK? Do it once and we go home in an hour or so. Do it twice I come back and get you in the middle of the night. If he can do three, one next morning I’ll be there by noon. Now get ready to let your hair down.

Bryce liked the melodramatic flare, when he leaves you with a cliff hanger with no time to think it through, just reaction time. Just as planned. About then Reef returned and suggested we go inside and refill our glasses, as the wind was settling and the bugs were restless. We went inside to the kitchen and Bryce started rolling some dubes, as Reef got the drinks and we all proceeded to work on our buzz.

When we went inside Reef placed his beer by the fridge and next to him and the short end f the table was my glass and Bryce’s C & C was placed in front of the seat across from Reef.

It seemed like we had just started these drinks but mine was gone. As Reef was making another round, Bryce was motioning for me to flip my hair (the signal). I was ready to do it, but teasing Bryce was fun too. Although, getting it on with Reef was way up there on my list, #1 definitely go to do......any moment!

Bryce got the focus right smack dab on the money. “So brother, what does this mean, your theory of “Just Sex”? Like how often and was there anyone he that he knows that might be a candidate, in your opinion”? Bryce quizzed Reef.

Reef answered most of the questions without taking time to formulate the right answers. It was truly what he wanted and how he felt. The question hubby asked if there someone that he’d love to start shagging and see if this was a workable solution right now. “

Of course there is no one perfect person and so no perfect solution, but someone does come to mind when I think about getting some with a steady partner for sex, only?”

“Oh, I guess it wouldn’t be proper to ask who that is.” I shot out there.

Reef didn’t have to answer, his red face gave it away. Then he muttered a name.

“Who?” Bryce challenged him.

“Caryl”, came the strong resonating voice of a man who knew what he wanted. Reef was not going to be shy about him and I having sex. There it was and it was on the table so to speak.

I was about to toss my hair back, when Bryce stood up and announced that he was going to give Reef and I some time to talk, as h was headed for the washroom and would be a while.

Reef and I were standing there facing each other, his tent pole aimed at my pussy and my nipples aimed at getting some attention.

Reef finally broke the ice. “You know that what you and Bryce are doing for me is no small thing, no pun. The thing is that it works so awesome in so many ways. I can love my wife yet express these pent up sexual urges with a gorgeous woman where it is not love, it’s just sex.”

“But no one starts out on that premise. We would need to get to know each other a little first, I responded. By this time my skirt had dropped off and I had kicked it away. Reef eyes were taking it all in, but there was still some disbelief that it was happening and maybe not going to actually take place.

I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and offered, ”Why don’t you and I take some time to get to know each other right now?”

“So then Reef”, I said taking him by the hand, “I guess if we remove some of these cumbersome clothes maybe we could go out to the family room, lay on the couch and get to know each other a lot better. And if we get to know each other well enough, we might be able to proceed up to your bedroom. That would mean that they were both very into it and this extra time would help define the times we might have together on other nights, if it all works out that way?” My question and statement weren’t lost on hubby’s buddy.

So I stood before Reef and placed his hand inside my halter top and allowed him to explore my body, however he chose to. I thought that he was going to kiss me, but he was so caught up in caressing my breast, I let him be and have fun and just reveled in being appreciated that much.

I told Reef that my husband would not be back and we had set this time aside for this purpose, so there won’t be a problem as I told him that Bryce and I had decided together we were going to try this tonight.

Reef looked like a c***d on Christmas morning with a room full of gifts, all for him. His smile was from shoulder to shoulder.

I also explained that Bryce would be around, if and when I needed a ride home, whenever that might be, but this is not a cuck thing and I was not out to humiliate my husband.

Reef agreed and was so amazed that his friends were offering him this opportunity. “You know exactly what this means to me, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yes, exactly. It means that you and I are going to have sex, not make love, and if it goes well, we could do more than once tonight.”

“Pinch me, Did I hear right?” Reef looked at me hoping I was going to back out now.

“Yes you heard me. Furthermore if we have a really good time tonight, I can choose to stay the night if we are going to have sex in the morning too. If not I should go home, because cuddling and sleeping together just to sleep in not just having sex”

“Oh, absolutely, but I can assure you that twice won’t be a problem, so maybe count on staying the night. I’m quite certain that by morning I’ll be ready for another one or two”, and to ensure that he didn’t have to discuss it any further, he slipped the breasts he had been kneading out from my under my top, bent over and started to lick and nibble my nipple. Tugging on it with his teeth and then lips, then pulling on it so that it stuck out even further than it already was.
When Reef stopped long enough to look up, and I made a side nod motion towards the living room and Reef led the way.

By the time he had guided me into the front room and over to the couch I had undone my halter top and pulled it up over my head. Reef’s eyes were like saucers, big ad round as he stared un abashedly at the time he had actually seen my breasts completely naked.

I stood there, naked except for my pink thong and country boots with heels, before this man I had only met once before today and I was offering him my body to use for sex for both his pleasure and mine.

Reef took my breasts in his hands and gently began massage them and just holding them firmly but not rough. He then start picking and tweaking my nipples as he kissed the side of my neck making his way up to my earlobe.
“I know I am going to enjoy you, so I hope you enjoy yourself because I think I want to do this a lot and often.”
I was so involved in what his hands and tongue were doing, I think I said, “me too”, but I may have only thought it.
Reef spent so much time kissing my neck, my lips my breasts ad fondling my boobs and nipples and never even attempted to move his hands below my waist. I wondered if he was a desperate as I thought he would be, as I had convinced myself that he would be wham, bam, thank you ma’am, for this first time.

The raging boner in his pants assured me that he was indeed horny and he was savoring ‘the having sex, not making love’.

Reef became more aggressive with my breasts as we continued. He was grabbing handfuls and holding them tightly, yet not painfully. He would also pull my nipples with his thumbs and forefingers, while twisting them just enough that it was close to hurting, but felt marvelous. During this Reef was grinding his pelvis into my groin and I could feel the bulge in his jeans trying to push my thong into my vag lips. Eventually he had pushed the thong up and to the side so that his bulge was riding between my pussy lips and occasionally gave my clit a good workout before he moved about to try another position.

I motioned for him to stand up. When he did I undid his jeans and slid them down his legs. Reef stepped out of his runners and out of his pants. Bu then I had his underwear pulled down to his knees and found myself face to foreskin with Reef’s penis.

There was ample evidence that Reef was anxious about this. He had drooled more pre-cum than I have ever seen before or since. As I observed Reef’s cock I could help but feel that this was, for what I wanted and needed then, a perfect penis. It was about 7 ½ inches long, uncut so I had a foreskin to play with. It was thick at the base, nearly the size of a billiard ball. The head had a lovely ridge that popped out when I slid his foreskin back and the head itself had a pointed shape that I knew would be beneficial for getting it into tight places, like my ass that Bryce had only days before made me no longer an anal virgin.

I stroked the length of it and heard Reef moan and when I squeezed it and stroked it again he cooed. I was enjoying giving this man the sex he had been doing without for so long. It sounded like he was enjoying me too.
I looked up and my eyes met Reef’s just briefly. For that moment it felt like more than just sex. Reef smile
d, but then I remembered I had said something to him. What did I say. Oh yeah, “I can’t wait. I have to do this”, and then began to slip his dick into my mouth and then swallow his cock down my throat. That’s why he was smiling. I was making something out of nothing and maybe getting sex stupid too. (That’s were sex overtakes logic and leads to fucking up)
Reef now leaned over top of me and was reaching down and lifting my tits up so he could feel them and squeeze them. I sucked him hard and fast, knowing that once his breath got choppy he might be close to losing his first load. I slid his dick out of my mouth and stared to rub the head over my tits and gets his pre-cum and my spittle all over my tits.

Reef was again looking at me. There was a longing pleasurable look in his eyes along with a raging lust. Once more I began to think that maybe he was going to get feeling, which would not be good. Of course there are feeling, but not love feelings. They were not the feelings we needed to experience in this sex relationship.

That was the point that I realized that I had already made up my mind that if Reef wasn’t a complete loser moron, I was expecting to be having sex with him once a month may be every other month. I guess I was planning a return visit already and we hadn’t even made out once, yet.

Reef brought things back to reality when he looked into my eyes and said, “I’ve never had a blowjob before. My wife has never done it and now as an invalid, I don’t feel right asking her to do it now, or ever.”

You can bet that I put as much suck and draw and tongue to that man’s cock as any woman has done for any man. I pushed his foreskin back and laid my tongue across the head of his dick and then rolled the foreskin back out, over his cock head and my tongue. Reef looked as though he was in ecstasy as I rolled and twisted my tongue around under his foreskin for a few moments before he slipped out. I had never done this before and had not perfected the move like I have now so I did what I knew to do.....SUCK!

That I did and I stroked his cock so close to make him cum, but always slowing enough or stopping with Reef on the verge. I wondered how often I should do this, when Reef offered without me asking, “I can’t hold out much longer, if you keep doing that.”

Okay, so I sat back and slowly stroked him with one hand and made an attempt to slide my thong down with the other. That didn’t work as during our dry humping grinding time, the thong was shoved both in my pussy and the back was deep in the crack of my ass. Reef being the gentleman took them off.

Okay, then he sniffed them and threw them over where his clothes heap was.

Looking all around, Reef states in a worried tone of voice, “I don’t have any condoms down here.”

I smiled and told him that I didn’t need them for pregnancy reasons and I was pretty sure he did catch anything be celibate, or close to it.

“You mean?” Reef asked.

“Yeah. Bareback. Cum in me as much and as deep as you can or want to,” I offered.

Within moments I was feeling the length and girth of his cock sawing into my pussy. Each stroke going a little deeper and coming out with a little more upward pressure on y clit. Oh fuck yeah, this was going to be good.

I have to admit that we went from 0 to 60 faster than I was expecting, but once Reef got his momentum and speed up, it felt amazing to have a fat hard cock pounding into my pussy again. Oh I was missing this and it felt great.

Like all good things, they must come to an end, or in this case just cum. Here’s the things with Reef that was so different. When he sprayed his load inside me it felt as it a small high pressure water jet squirted me deep inside. It came out with such force and took me off guard enough hat it sent me over the edge with a much stronger orgasm than the one I had just had from his cock ramming into me.

Reef was not shocked by the sounds I made when he made me cum the first time, but my yelling obscenities about his fucking cum making me fucking cum ...etc. This wasn’t a one time thing because I didn’t keep count but I a not wrong in saying that Reef came inside me with all those powerful blasts of cum over 6 times, which made me have one long huge rolling orgasm. Then his dick slipped out and he squirted another 3 or 4 times on my belly.

Once we had settled, Reef looked at me with longing in his eyes. Before I could make any assumptions like before, he asked, “So, what are you going to say to Bryce?’

“I’m going to tell him he might as well head home because I will be staying for a while.” Reef’s eyes were still searching as I continued, “and that he will probably need to come back around noon tomorrow because you”, pointing at Reef, “Are just getting started.”

Reef was throwing his jean and t-shirt back on again claiming to be going out to check the a****ls. He really just needed a smoke after sex. I didn’t like smoking and I knew that Reef had held off for my sake, so I couldn’t begrudge him one now, especially after having had sex for the first time in 18 years.

After Reef walked out the side door I got up, looked around at my clothes and thought, ‘No, let Bryce see his freshly fucked wife, naked with cum running down her leg.’ He said he wanted this too, so he should get to see what happened.

I went out the back door and saw him sitting in chair sipping a full Rye and coke.

“Did you just get that drink?” I inquired.

“Yeah, about 10 minutes ago I went in.”

“So you heard some of hat happened?” I dug further.

“I think the neighbor way down the road may have heard how much you came from Reef shooting his cum in you so hard.”

Bryce laughed and restated that he was in the kitchen when I was cumming the first time and then Reef came and sent me over the top. He confessed that it was weird hearing like that. He said he took a straight shot of Rye and then made his drink.

“I thought I’d be back outside with you two still cumming in there.”
After a pause Bryce said, “I would imagine you will be spending the night so I should go home. What time do you want me back?”

I told hi what Reef and I had said, which Bryce agreed and said he was going to say goodnight to Reef and leave.
I told him that I would call him in the morning and thanked him with a long sloppy loving, not sexual kiss, even if Bryce did play with my breasts briefly.

“You better call. I’ll be up half the night jerking off thinking about what I heard and what you’re doing. I want to know the details when I get you home”, Bryce said as we kissed and stated our love.

As Bryce left me on the back deck, sitting there in the dark, at his friends house, naked with only boots on, I called out to him, “ I’ll tell you everything tomorrow!”

Obviously there is more and an unexpected twist, if you’re interested?

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Something More Than Friendship

Hey. This is a story that happened a few weeks ago with my colleague. We both joined the office together. Her name was Neha and she hailed from Jaipur. She had the most amazing figure. We started off at the same level and were often assigned with each other. Slowly we developed a friendship which grew day by day. It grew into something which was more than friendship. We started talking a lot to each other. She was very frank and could talk about literally anything. And I enjoyed that. It became...

1 year ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 18 The Price of Friendship

Deuce sat at his favorite table at the campus coffee shop he frequented ... well, frequented over the past few months anyway. He wore the same black trench coat as always, and was scribbling away on his yellow legal pad as always. Sitting back, he brushed his scraggly, oily black hair out of his face, which always seemed to fall into his line of site. 'Always... ' he thought to himself. 'It's always the same.' Taking a break from writing, he contemplated his appearance, scratching at...

2 years ago
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Deepening Our Friendship

It was the Fall after I graduated college.  My longtime girlfriend had just dumped me.  Intellectually I could understand why: she was younger than me, and had spent most of her college career attached to me, and I guess she wanted to enjoy college without attachment for a while.  But it still hurt.I started spending more time with my friend Theo. I'd met him in chess club, of all things, early in college.  We had remained friends, hanging out on and off, although he graduated two years ahead...

3 years ago
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For Love or Friendship

I’ve known her for so long. It seems almost too long. Yet if I sat down and thought about it, it’d only be four or five years, six at the most. Hardly a lifetime, yet we are still young. For us it feels longer. Friends are hard to come by at the best of times, but to find a friend that your at ease with and you can rely on, perhaps even trust your life with, is even rarer. I was lucky enough to find her. Back when I was fourteen, when I was needy and scared about the changes I was going...

2 years ago
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The Pleasure of Friendship

I am not a new writer; however, I am a new writer on this website. This is the first story I am posting and I am hoping to post more sequels to this story. If you have any suggestions on writing tips so that my future stories can be even better than this, then please send me a PRIVATE message. I love getting feedback, good or bad. It's about 4,000 words, so I hope that's not too long. Anyway, let's begin with the story proper, shall we! Enjoy! ...

2 years ago
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Culminating A Long Friendship

Introduction: Culminating A Long Friendship [Thank you for all of the comments on my Sisters By The Pool series! I never dreamed Id immediately make the top rated stories of the month. I will be working on part three soon. I just wanted to take a break and come out with some new stuff. As always, if you want to send me personal comments or messages or anything fun you can PM me on here – thanks for reading!] Every guy growing up seems to have a switch that flips from too scared to talk to...

3 years ago
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The Pleasure of Friendship

Introduction: Friends, love, sexuality…. Note from the author: I am not a new writer, however, I am a new writer on this website. This is the first story I am posting and I am hoping to post more sequels to this story. If you have any suggestions on writing tips so that my future stories can be even better than this, then please send me a PRIVATE message. I love getting feedback, good or bad. Its about 4,000 words, so I hope thats not too long. Anyway, lets begin with the story proper, shall...

1 year ago
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Strengthening The Friendship

Strengthening The FriendshipBy: Londebaaz Chohan Alvin and Irvin were both close to 30 almost. They grew up together on the same block and went to the same elementary, middle and the high school. They were very good friends. Alvin was over 6’ tall with broad shoulders, big and hard muscles weighing 250 pounds. Irvin was also a burly, husky man. With 6’ 2’’ height, he weighed 245 pounds. Alvin was married and had never considered himself as gay or bisexual but often fantasized about other men as...

3 years ago
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A ruined friendship

I love my job, and getting to work with my best friend Chloe just makes it so much better. Chloe and I met when I applied for a Christmas job in a little lingerie shop in town, the manager was running behind so we got chatting while I waited to have my interview. I got the job and we quickly became friends, we would go out dancing after work on Saturdays, then crash at my flat and recover together on Sunday watching DVDs and eating bacon sarnies. We had so much fun at work, trying on stock and...

4 years ago
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Bangladeshi net friendship

Hello, everybody fan of this site. This is “F”- it is the first letter of my nickname from Dhaka the capital city of Bangladesh. I am 33 years old sexy man. I would like to let you know how I introduced with a net friend who had shared with me with her sex. It is real, not fun. I am married man, but living alone in Dhaka & my wife lives with my parents in another city. Every weekend I meet with them & pass 2 nights in a week with my wife in bed. In these 2 days, I fulfil my wife’s desire for a...

3 years ago
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Newer Level Of friendship

Newer Level Of FriendshipBy: Londebaaz Chohan Narayan was almost 5 10, dark black hair and he had hazel brown eyes. He never been to a gym but was an avid jogger man with a very nice physical appearance. Rishi on the other hand was about 5’ 8’’ a bit over weight about 190 pounds of meat but still looked in pretty good shape. They almost were never together doing any exercise but as they rented a two bedroom apartment together in the college town, it was only an accident that they saw each...

1 year ago
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Unconventional Friendship

Holding on to hope - I had been secretly in love with my best friend for nearly three years before my feelings where discovered. I remember the very moment that I realized that what I was feeling for my friend was love. It happened about a year after we had met in the summer of 1978 when we where both 18-years old. This all began more then 20 years ago and now more then 10 years has passed since I have seen his face. What a special time it was to grow up and become a teenager at the transition...

4 years ago
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Culminating A Long Friendship

Every guy growing up seems to have a switch that flips from 'too scared to talk to girls' to confident and ready for anything. I've always credited Deb for finally flipping my switch. It's embarrassing to admit that it took until about midway through high school for this to happen, but better late than never, right? She was just a freshman that landed in one of my elective classes, but you wouldn't have known it by looking at her. She had natural, long blond hair and green...

2 years ago
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An Affectionate Friendship

This is the story about a young woman named Kelly, and an older gentleman TJ, written in the first person from the perspective of the girl. TJ is a friend of the family, and was Kelly’s frequent ‘babysitter’ when she was a young girl. Readers will notice I have split the events of the evening into two parts. Part One is the more tame telling of the non-sexual portion of the evening, and those not wishing to partake of the more heated part of the story may wish to stop after this part. Part Two...

3 years ago
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The Beauty of Friendship

Introduction: This is a short story of two young college girls who discover themselves in one another. The Beauty of Friendship Rebecca, a tall, slender brunette, was lying in her bed the morning she was to move into her college dorm. She pondered what she had in her life. She was eighteen years old. She had just graduated high school and she was ready to move onto the next phase in her life: college at the University of South Carolina. She rose from her bed and gathered her things for her...

2 years ago
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A drunken evening leads to a closer friendship

I was going out with a girl called Cara, who was absolutely stunning. All of my friends were incredibly jealous of me and although in reality, she was boring and we had nothing in common, I felt the luckiest man in the world when we were out together. Cara’s best friend was called Lindsey and as most couples do, we tried to get Lindsey hooked up with my best friend Jon. Lindsey fancied Jon, who admittedly, was an easy guy to fancy but Jon wasn’t overly bothered about her. We went out as a...

3 years ago
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A Very Special Friendship

A Very 'Special' Friendship             A new beginning. Jena woke to find the sun streaming through the curtains and she found herself almost singing because she felt so good. Yesterday she met up with Ben after many years separation. They had only been in touch by phone for so long with an occasional visit every few years. They had had a wonderful lunch and a very in-depth review of their lives since they had seen each other. Both of them had come through divorces without too much damage....

3 years ago
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The Beginning of a Fucking Friendship

Swat412 [email protected]’d worked with James for about 6 months. He was a very nice black guy, about the same age and we just got along very well together. I was single at the time but he was married – had been for something like 4 or 5 years then. We shared a lot of things, as closer friends do, and it became apparent that he was having some problems with his wife. Nothing really bad but a lot of little things that became larger when they added up. I won’t go into it all but she was just...

1 year ago
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Ruined 8 Year Old Friendship

Hello Indian Sex Stories readers, I hope all of you are having some great fapping time. I am back to tell you a true story that happened last year in Bhopal during the rainy season. I was sitting at my home waiting for a call from my friend- jyoti who was an amateur photographer and was learning photography in Delhi. She came to Bhopal for a week to during the break at her photography institute in Delhi. Main aur jyoti ek dusre ko 8 saal se jante the aur hum bahut acche dost the last year...

3 years ago
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The Life And Death Of Al Parker Part 3 Beyond The Lines Of Friendship

Warning: This story contains sexual material and transgender themes. If you're not 18 or over, or are offended by such material then don't read it! This story can be posted on Fictionmania or any other free sites however, I do ask that you notify me first before doing so. This story is based on the story called, "I, my sister" and was written by Diana Christy (07/97). I would like to thank Diana for allowing me to use parts of her story in mine. I would also like to thank...

1 year ago
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The Price of Friendship

The Price of Friendship By The Professor I was just in the middle of my junior year at Cal State Fullerton when the dot com industry hit the wall. I mention that as a turning point in my life for two reasons - one is how I thought it would affect my life and the other is how it really did affect it. I'll explain the first reason first. I was a Computer Sciences major in those days. I was born the week IBM unveiled the personal computer, so I guess I could boast that I just grew up...

1 year ago
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Bound Together in Friendship

Bound Together in FriendshipINTRODUCTION My name is Samantha, and I have a story that I’d like to share with you.The story I am about to tell will sound strange coming from me because normally I am very shy.  It happened just over a year ago now, but the memories of those events are forever in my mind.  They have shattered my view of sexuality.  But first let me give you a little background into my life.I was raised in a very conservative home.  My mother and father were very close to me.  They...

1 year ago
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Extramarital friendship

Hello all, a brief intro of myself. This is Kartik, I am 42 yrs old, 5.10 with good physique and have very strong desire for sex. Settled in Bangalore for last 10 yrs and working for an MNC. I respect womanhood and I vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy it more than man and I have always committed in practicing what I have believed whenever I loved a lady in bed. I like ladies with good looks n figure and good sense of humor. These qualities help me to bring out more out of me to offer...

4 years ago
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Bound Friendship

Her eyes rolled back, her hips bucked upward, she began moaning a guttural moan as he had made her cum. Her legs bound to their respective legs of the bed leaving her no dripping wet pussy exposed. It’d left her panting, wanting more. Her kink was bondage. Her interests were BDSM related in most ways. It’d led her down a path that led to Julien. It’d been their friendship that eventually went beyond their original intentions. It wasn’t like it mattered though. They were going to be friends in...

3 years ago
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When Lust Won Over A Friendship

Hello all, I hope you are all doing well! I am going to share my real experience with Sushma. Sushma is a beautiful married girl. She is traditional and never exposes her valley. Her dressing style is neat and clean. She is my senior in the office. She speaks less in the office and is not interested in gossip discussions. I like her, but she never pays attention to me. I tried many ways to connect with her, but I landed with no luck. Time has passed fast, and it’s been over four years. But she...

2 years ago
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The Friendship

They met when they were around 21 years old. Chris a young nerd that had invested some monies when he started work at 18 and became a millionaire. He own his own beach front 3 bedroom unit in Tugun overlooking the morning sun rising over the ocean. He did pick the unit that no one else could see in. Tom was from a well to do family that had left him a few dollars to set himself up with. Unfortunately a few months ago both his parents, who were actually separated, were killed in Africa so, as...

1 year ago
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Tainted Friendship

I've always been a timid, shy boy. Maybe it was because of my upbringing, or maybe it was caused by the world I lived in. The majority of the world didn't think we belonged, and we tried hard to hide. You see, I am gay, and being a young virgin adult doesn't help this fact. My name is Daniel and I planned to lose my viriginity these summer holidays. I've had crushes on many of the guys around me, especially my best friend Andrew since I have been near him for most of my memorable life. We've...

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 231 Golden Friendships

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: April 11, 2011) Chapter 31 - Golden Friendships I had hoped to sleep in on Tuesday morning, since it was the only day I had off. But Emily wasn't going to let that happen. It was the first day that we both had off in several...

1 year ago
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The Wham Bam Theory II The Fellatio Friendship

Andrew sat in his favorite spot on the old brown leather couch watching his favorite TV show, Star Trek (the original). He happily had the apartment to himself, his roommate Isaac had left for a science convention the day before. His girl friend, Elizabeth, was also out of town visiting relatives so he was fairly certain he would not be disturbed - a fact that made him grin broadly. He had been looking forward to this since he learned that Isaac would be going to the convention. Isaac asked him...

3 years ago
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Adventrues of Tami Halloween Story

Adventures of Tami: Halloween Story We All Have a Halloween Story, and I do, too. Starring L & Tami by Tami, L's gurl These stories are based on real events. Some dramatization has been added, but otherwise, this shit is really happening. It's been a number of Monday Night's, now. Tami is the proud owner of her first pair of High Heels and Costume Wig. The heels ?.they give me shivers. They are black suede ankle boots with four inch spikes. We were out looking ...

1 year ago
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What’s in a name? True Anal implies that all the other butt-humping porno sites are fake and that they’ve got something more real, more raw, and hopefully more sexy. Can it be true?Like so many of the babes that grace its scenes, True Anal is a young site, which makes their claim of higher truth in porn even bolder. They’ve only been serving up hardcore anal sex footage since 2015. Today I’ll go in through the front door to find out if their back-door entertainment is really as true as they’re...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
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Reddit TrueFMK, aka r/TrueFMK! We have all played the game called Fuck/Marry/Kill, and this subreddit is made for that game as well. Welcome to r/TrueFMK/, and in case you did not know what FMK stood for, now you do. You are welcome to check out all that this website has to offer since Reddit is a free site, to begin with. So, you can browse on your own, or you can read to see what the4 fuck I have to say.One of the main reasons I love Reddit is simply because it offers a little bit of...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Expanding Friendships

It had been about six months since I learned that I was bi and could truly enjoy sex with a man as much as sex with a woman. My gay lover had taught me many things about sex, not the least of which was that confidence always made the encounter more enjoyable. Confidence in your own sexuality as well as confidence in your ability to try new things. Even with all of that, I still kept my new sexuality private. I couldn't think of how to broach the subject with friends, so I kept it to myself....

2 years ago
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A nice male friendship

They are friends since the time of teen students of a religious school run by the Marist Brothers, a catholic order, specialized in youth education, mainly the children of businessmen or upper-middle-class families. Despite the different skills, the two boys helped each other in the field that each one was better. They frequented their houses and were well received by their families The result of these joint studies were always good grades in the school and approval to the College. They are...

1 year ago
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Haven And Inessa Flex Their Friendship

"Heidi, hurry up and go after her," Inessa advised me, leaning to me. "Don't let her get away.""I'm naked, though.""Who cares? The woman you love is getting away," Haven whined, waving her hands at me.I bit down on my bottom lip, but after twenty seconds, they both got up and shoved me towards the door. I felt to be in a sauna, but I had to make a move."Fuck it, I love you two," I muttered before I walked out of the apartment. "Hey, Skylar!" I yelled, going after her.She turned to...

2 years ago
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A guy and his 45 Friendship

Gen cringed when she heard her master curse again for the hundredth time. She was feeling ashamed that hers and the others magic healing had not only not protected him, it was also the fact that he was hurt as badly as he was. She'd already made a decision that she was sure that master wouldn't be too pleased with but for him she'd do anything. Walking out of the huge room in the palace they were in, she headed for the throne room. As she walked in Princess Amira saw her and walked...

2 years ago
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The Beauty of Friendship

Rebecca, a tall, slender brunette, was lying in her bed the morning she was to move into her college dorm. She pondered what she had in her life. She was eighteen years old. She had just graduated high school and she was ready to move onto the next phase in her life: college at the University of South Carolina. She rose from her bed and gathered her things for her morning shower. She raised the temperature of the water to a perfect warmth that greatly pleased her body. She rubbed soap on...

2 years ago
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Bounds of Friendship

I was attracted to her from my first glance. I have always liked petite girls even though I am by no means a small guy. I am near six feet tall and I weigh 270 pounds. I have brown eyes and hair. My hair is naturally curly because of my Greek heritage, so I keep it cut short. I am polite and courteous around people I do not know but am more relaxed around my friends. I am not extraordinarily endowed with only a five-inch cock, but I do use it to masturbate. I figured she was out of my...

1 year ago
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The different flavours of friendship

I love his hands, elegant and strong, the hands of a pianist. I love the way they feel on my skin, the way he cradles my face before he takes that first kiss. His hands might have been the thing surprising me the most that first time he kissed me – not his mouth, not those beautiful lips, not that addictive taste. Though his mouth was nothing to sneer at. Patrick knew how to kiss. I watched him practice with a wide range of women over the years, and teased him mercilessly about it. But that...

2 years ago
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A ruined friendship

I love my job, and getting to work with my best friend Chloe just makes it so much better. Chloe and I met when I applied for a Christmas job in a little lingerie shop in town, the manager was running behind so we got chatting while I waited to have my interview. I got the job and we quickly became friends, we would go out dancing after work on Saturdays, then crash at my flat and recover together on Sunday watching DVDs and eating bacon sarnies. We had so much fun at work, trying on stock and...

2 years ago
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Power of Friendship

I had been the water-boy for the varsity football team all four years and was pretty damn positive I loved women. I dreamed about them and saw a fair share of porn, but never actually had a physical encounter with anyone before. There I was a virgin, a senior in high school, and surrounded by dudes all fall season. During the whole season I saw my fair share of guys and their packages. This of course, got me curious and led me to view gay porn. I wasn’t so sure about myself then. I was growing...

3 years ago
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Beginning of a Friendship

David was lost in thought as he walked home on his way back from college. Professor Jacob had given him an ‘F’ in chemistry practicals again. David knew that the results of his experiment were accurate. But he couldn’t do anything about it. Professor Jacob has been intent on giving David a hard time ever since he caught David kissing his daughter. That bastard, David thought, how can he keep doing this? One more time and I am taking this to the principal! ‘Hey Mike, did you learn to count to...

2 years ago
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A Chance Meeting Renews a Friendship

I was on the crowded London Tube. A fair-haired woman who had her back to me and was pressing against me as was talking to her friend. Both had an Australian accent. One was obviously of mixed blood and had a beautiful light tan skin tone.I was fascinated as the fair-haired girl sounded like a girl who I believe I had known in a country town in Victoria.She still had her back to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her name was Jenny.She turned and immediately recognised me, as...

3 years ago
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A Chance Meeting Renews a Friendship

I was on the crowded London Tube. A fair-haired woman who had her back to me and was pressing against me as was talking to her friend. Both had an Australian accent. One was obviously of mixed blood and had a beautiful light tan skin tone.I was fascinated as the fair-haired girl sounded like a girl who I believe I had known in a country town in Victoria.She still had her back to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her name was Jenny.She turned and immediately recognised me, as...

1 year ago
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Theres Freedom in Friendship

Stacy idly thumbed through the comic book, sorry *graphic-novel*, trying to find where she had left off. When had she become such a nerd?! Bowing to Peter’s complaints on defining one picture book from another even inside her own head! Still, she had to admit, the storyline was pretty good. It explored a lot more interesting and explicit ideas than the sort of shit that was shovelled towards most girls her age these days… all blushing romance and no bloody pay off. Over the top of her book...

1 year ago
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Of Love and Friendship

Jeremy and I had been friends for what seemed like forever. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that we were best friends. We would do anything for each other and supported one another in everything we did. So when Jeremy came out of the metaphorical closet, I was happy for him. We had talked about his feelings on sexuality many times and I knew how uncomfortable hiding it made him.But, after he came out and wasn’t hiding his feelings anymore, my feelings became even harder to suppress.The...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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A special friendship

 I met sherri several years ago. It was quite by accident and we were kind of competitors. My husband (Mike) and I had just moved into the area from across the state. While that is not earth shattering, I was having withdrawal symptoms. My husband and I were very active in the swinging community back home and I was having fun on almost a daily basis. Mike travels about 90% of the time for his work. He has always encouraged me to do what I needed to satisfy my sexual needs. I think most would...

3 years ago
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How girls make new friendship

I wouldnt call myself a shy or quiet person but I also dont put myself out there to meet new people. Thats why I was shocked but a little pleased when a new girl in my economics class sat right next to me and chatted me up almost immediately. Her name was Ashley, a really basic name for a really...authentic girl. Id say her last name to give her more identity but I honestly dont even know it. “Hey, Im Ashley, Im new here” Ashley announced to me, giggling in high-pitched but still laid back...

1 year ago
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The different flavours of friendship

I love his hands, elegant and strong, the hands of a pianist. I love the way they feel on my skin, the way he cradles my face before he takes that first kiss. His hands might have been the thing surprising me the most that first time he kissed me - not his mouth, not those beautiful lips, not that addictive taste. Though his mouth was nothing to sneer at. Patrick knew how to kiss. I watched him practice with a wide range of women over the years, and teased him mercilessly about it. But that...

1 year ago
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A good friendship

We are Donna & Don, a happily married white couple, in our mid 50's. My husband and I have been into the swingers lifestyles now for a little over 7 years, we swing we like minded, & body built couples, any race, (occasionally ) a single. My husband is a titty man, and I like'em long & rock hard, that can slow fuck , & last long.Since getting into swinging, we tried alot of different things, especially with very discrete other, some we or he or I enjoyed, other were one...

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