PREDATORS’ HUMAN - 2, 3 free porn video

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Now that I was conscious and healed it seemed unbearable to be just sitting in a small room, naked, until someone came to adjust some clothes for me. Danna or one of her staff came in to see me several times, sometimes to provide me with some fluid that I was told was prepared for my body to provide me with the nutrients I needed. They seemed very curious of my body and insisted that my wounds needed checking despite the fact that they were completely healed.

Next to come see me was Otton. This surprised me and I was suddenly conscious of my nudity. Danna was right behind him. They stopped in front of me and he said, “You are well, now?”

“Yes, thank you. Danna and her unit have been very good. I no longer hurt and all my wounds are healed.”

Looking at Danna, “Is there anything else she requires?”

“Only clothes. Apparently, her size requires all options to be further modified to fit. We were waiting for that.”

He looked at Danna hard, then at me and was obviously weighing a course of action. “We will go now. We will see what the delay is with clothes. You will learn, Human Alexa, warriors are not used to waiting on others.”

“But, naked?”

“Your acceptance here will be difficult. Your acceptance will depend on your ability to prove you are worthy to be a warrior with us. I would have left you behind if I did not believe you have the skills to learn and adapt. Our Unit will give you every opportunity to succeed out of respect for me and you’re fighting with our brother. But you will ultimately have to prove you worth in the Unit. You are different from the rest of us. There is no hiding that. So, why not use that and make them consider you differently?”

Danna, “Interesting psychological application, Otton. Good luck, Alexa. I hope I don’t see you here too much during training.”

Otton turned and went out the door opening, Danna stopped me and pointed to the corner. There stood the lance Otton had given me. She said, “Warriors never leave their weapons behind. That’s why Otton gave it to you. Your fighting for their brother earned his weapon.”

“Otton, wait.” I walked to the corner, took up the weapon and walked out to meet him. I put it over my shoulder. He looked at me, the weapon and nodded. We walked out into the corridor. Needless to say, I attracted a lot of attention. Walking with Otton, a Warrior Unit Leader, down the corridor, stark naked without even anything on my feet, with a lance weapon casually carried over my shoulder we attracted a lot of attention. I walked along him, not ahead, not behind. He had told me that everyone in the Unit walked together even though he was the Leader. They shared in the danger equally. He walks side by side with the Unit. Our entry into the supply room caused a scurry. They knew why he was there immediately, the naked human was a give-away. While he watched, they took their measurements and made the adjustments and quickly had a gown on the style of the Predator race. They also took measurements for fitting her with combat clothes, boots and armor.

When they left, I asked, “Where are we headed now, Otton?”

“The Unit barracks. You must meet the rest of the Unit. You will depend on them for much of your training in weapons, fighting, and our ways. Also, we all reside together in the barracks. As a fighting Unit, we live as a unit and depend entirely on each other. Will that be a problem, Human Alexa?”

“None.” I needed to be part of the Unit. Clearly, that means I will be sharing the same space and no privacy. Yes, this was going to be interesting. I told myself, again: Head up. Confidence.

At the barracks the three others looked over as we entered. Although they had seen me at the beginning, they had not really met and I believed knew little about me. They rose and stepped towards us in the large room. There were five beds along one side with storage space behind. There was a large table and casual seating on the other side. In the middle was an open space where we now stood. Otton stopped in front of them and they made their introductions, each referring to me as “Human Alexa”. I asked them to repeat their names so I could learn them. Besides Otton, there was in order of rank, Sinar, Tobar, and Actab. They welcomed me to the Unit. Sinar spoke for them, “Otton has told us what our expectations are and that you will be joining our Unit provisionally based on your training performance. He has also made it very clear that your performance will reflect on our evaluation. This is normal, Human Alexa; a Unit is only as strong as the least member. It is in our own self-interest to be a well trained and assimilated member of the Unit closely working together as one. We will all be involved in your training and your instruction of our ways and culture. You are not of our race so there is much to learn and only a limited time to accomplish it all.”

“Limited time? What is the time schedule and why?”

Otton, “There are two events dictating the time schedule. One is that we are headed for a world that has a developed species and a developing space travel ability. We should be arriving in approximately one of your months’ time. We will be tasked with investigating this species. We don’t do this remotely. Our practice is to locate and contact a warrior group to test their capabilities. It is a way for us to evaluate their race. It is primitive, yes. The larger evaluation of their threat and capability for space travel is handled by remote evaluation without their awareness. The second event will occur in approximately three of your weeks’ time. It is an Inter-Unit combat competition. This occurs periodically whether on our plants or in space. It measures our training proficiency and along with our performance on missions determines the status of each Unit. During these competitions, ALL Unit members must compete. So, you see, your training has to be sufficient very quickly. It is possible that your Unit could cover you on a first mission, but the competition is one-on-one. No one else can protect you. This Unit has been among the best and we don’t intend to be different this time. It is for Unit honor. Do you understand?”

“Absolutely! I do not intend to be the weak member. I know I am much smaller than any of your races’ warriors. But I have other skills.”

“We know that.”

“How do you know that? You’ve not seen me fight.”

Sinar, “We have, Human Alexa. Our battle armor is equipped with vocal and visual recording and periodic transmission. That is how we knew our brother was in trouble. We just got their too late. His was not supposed to be a mission of much danger so he was alone. We did not know another alien species had a colony present at that same location. In reviewing the recording, we all saw your fighting skill and bravery. All warriors of this ship did, including our Leader. All stood to honor you at the end of the recording. Your bravery and technique (although very different from our fighting) was effective and inspired.”

Otton, “Human Alexa, we must teach you much about our weapons, their use and range of effectiveness. Also, how we fight as a Unit. Each has responsibilities based on their skills and unique abilities. We have seen your unique abilities. Each of us is interested to see how you will do in learning our system of fighting but we are also interested in considering if some of what we saw from you could be incorporated in our Unit. We know you are limited in your size and what we do will not necessarily work for you. You will need to adapt what we teach you with what you have already been taught as a warrior for your race. Are you ready? We have no time to waste. We start your training tomorrow.”

Tobar, “I am hungry. Let’s eat and then let Human Alexa rest to prepare for tomorrow.”

We walked to the common mess hall (as I knew it on Earth) with Otton and Sinar ahead of the rest. They went through a line like any military mess hall I had ever seen, got our food and took a table as a group. I tried various items but wasn’t impressed. Otton insisted that I eat. “I will speak with Danna about some supplement for your body but you must take food. It is high in the protein you will need to get stronger. Also, the liquid, it is formulated for beneficial muscle growth and recovery.”

I managed to finish most of it but hoped I developed a taste for it soon.

During the meal and the walk back to their barracks, we had animated discussion about my previous training. I explained that my training had emphasized speed and efficiency rather than brute force. Our weapons were intended more for dispatching an enemy from a safe distance than close contact. But that I also was proficient at close combat fighting but it was intended only for emergencies and silent kills when sneaking upon an enemy.

Back in the barracks I quickly got my ‘exposure’ to what my life would be like and I needed to immediately adjust. I didn’t realize it but Otton was watching me closely. I didn’t have many possessions yet, just the clothes I wore. I had noticed before the showers were at the end of the room and as I considered what to do about that, I looked up and two of my new Brothers had stripped off their covering and were naked, walking to the showers. I actually gasped. They were big. Not just big, HUGE. I was wondering what I was doing noticing the cocks of these Predators but then remembered how much I enjoyed eating out Danna earlier. Otton was still watching when I stood up, stripped off my own covering and stood naked once more. I tried to be casual about walking to the showers. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed Otton who merely nodded once again. I walked into the shower room and stopped to see how it was setup. Sinar, who had not gone in yet bumped into me from my sudden stop. All the showers were from the ceiling. There were three shower heads and two of them were already being used. Sinar gently pulled me to the other one and we shared it. I was in a shower with a guy (even if he was an alien) with this almost horse cock hanging between his legs. We bumped numerous times and I didn’t know if it was accidental or planned. After drying off and walking back to the beds, Actab asked, “Human Alexa, what are those markings on your skin?”

Okay, so now I have to stand in the middle of this room naked in front of these three who are also naked and owning the biggest three cocks I had seen not attached to a horse and have a casual conversation? Turning my back, I pointed to the one on the back of my left shoulder and said, “This is a panther which is a wild cat, feline on Earth. It represents strength, fierceness and grace.” Pointing at one very low on my back just about my ass, “This one is called a yin/yang which is used to describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces are interconnected. To me it reminds me that a female can be a female while still also being a warrior.”

“Do many humans mark themselves?”

“Only some. But many warriors do.” And at that moment I could tell that they were as interested in my body as I had shown in theirs.


The next morning the training started. We had a light meal and they went over the various basic weapons for description and explanation. I would have the opportunity to use them and practice later. The lance was a weapon of honor and pride. To make a kill with it meant they had come close enough to the enemy to put themselves in danger. Much like the old traditions of some American Indian tribes who, in battle, would merely touch an enemy to show their bravery. I would be practicing with it a lot.

That night I was quite sore and stiff. When I went for my shower, the same thing happened but I shared this shower with a different one. By the fourth night I had shared a shower with each of them including Otton the last time. That night as we were walking out of the shower room, Danna buzzed to be let in. She walked into a room where everyone was naked. She walked up to me looking at everyone. She gave me a large container and told me that it contained a cream that was intended to relieve soreness from my body. She asked if I would like her to apply some. I looked her in the eyes and smiled. “No, thank you, Danna, but I think I can get that done.” And she left.

I turned around the room and looked at each of my Unit Brothers. “Is the opening locked now?”

“Yes.” And it seemed to come from four voices.

“There are places I can’t reach. Could all of you please help me with applying the cream to my sore body?” I gave the jar to Otton, our Leader, and looking at them spread my legs and arms wide. For the next moment or two nothing happened and I worried, but then just as suddenly there were four pairs of hands on my body making sure every inch of me was being properly treated. Otton then replaced the cover to the jar, put it into my storage area and returned with the others surrounding me. Their cocks were no longer limply hanging between their legs. Due to their size they couldn’t manage sticking straight out and certainly not up, but at about a 45 degree angle. I looked at them and was nervous but Otton was involved and he had as much to lose if this was not appropriate. Even on my toes I couldn’t reach their faces so I was content to walk to each starting with Otton, pressing my body to theirs, taking ahold of their cock in one hand and kissing their chest while touching them on their side with the other. I went around to each in turn. When I came back to Otton, I asked, “I need to know because I don’t know your customs, if I do more will this cause a problem for individuals or the Unit as a whole?”

“Human Alexa, I have thought about this since deciding on you coming onto our ship. I knew there might be a potential of this at some time and if it would be a problem, as you were wise enough to question, I should make sure it did not happen. I have determined that our training and mission work cannot be compromised. But, as a Unit, that does not mean we cannot enjoy our pleasure as long as it is inclusive. Do you understand? If it causes a problem between individuals by exclusion, it is bad. If it brings the Unit together as one, it is good. Do you agree?”

I looked around the group. It was clear that what Otton was saying was that our activity would be as a group. If I took care of one of these massive cocks, I would be taking care of four of them. They were all watching me intently. “Guys, I need you to form a half circle in front of me.” I knelt down on the floor and scanned the four large Predators with four massive cocks pointing at me. I hoped I was up to what I was about to start.

My eyes were totally fixated now on the four massive cocks in front of me. I wasn’t sure if they were familiar with being satisfied this way or not but it was the way I was going to do it, at least this time. I started with Otton, took his cock by two hands, kissed the tip, licked the slit at the end, licked underneath and down the length and back. Moved to the next and repeated the process. Moving around to the all of them. Only then did I look up and search their eyes. “Guys, I wish I could read your faces better. I can’t tell if what I am doing is satisfactory or not. If this is what you want or need or not.”

“We know we are both alien to each other and are still getting used to the difference in our appearance. You look odd to us as well. What you are doing is gentle and arousing. Our females do not take us with their mouths. Your mouth is shaped different and that apparently provides you with an additional option for satisfying the male. I was unsure when you got into this position but I find it very pleasurable. I know we are all anxious to see what it is you wish to do for us. And we are honored that you are willing to do this for your Unit. I also want you to know that this does not diminish you in any way as a member of the Unit but increases our appreciation of your willingness to provide whatever you can for the benefit of the Unit. Thank you.”

“Better. And thank you for those assurances. Now if I can proceed. I am anxious to see my four Unit members come to climax.”

“What is climax?”

Holding his cock and raising it, “When this gives me its seed.” And I went back to now sucking with intention. I went from cock to cock getting them hard and keeping them there. After a long length of time I focused on Otton’s cock and sucked for all I was worth, taking it as deeply as I could get that massive piece into my mouth, almost gagging as I did, twirling my tongue around it as I sucked. When he finally gave me his seed, I was surprised by the volume and force. I choked and took it out of my mouth only to have it splash onto my face. I quickly recovered and took it back into my mouth to finish him off. I then moved onto the next and the next and the last. Each one I was able to take some of their climax but it was too much. I couldn’t swallow fast enough. Each one when taken out splashed me until I took them back into my mouth to finish them. Then I took each again and clean them with my tongue and mouth of leftover seed.

When I was done, I looked down at myself and shuddered visibly. My face and upper body were covered in cum, alien cum. As it dripped off me, it was also on the floor. I sheepishly look at each of them and smiled, “I guess we learned a lesson here.” I am not sure but I thought they might have been nervous. But I quickly put them at ease, “From now on this should be done in the shower room.” And I laughed. They made a noise that I took as laughing. Then Otton helped me up and picked me up and carried me into the shower room. He turned on the shower head we stood under and rinsed my body. I washed my hair and face while he focused on my breasts and upper body. Then he picked me up again and held me against his body with my arms around his neck. I hugged him and found myself kissing his chest, licking the water as it fell down upon us. Then I felt one hand leave me and something hitting between my legs. I trapped his cock between my legs and he took me in both arms again. He very gently lowered me so my pussy was now in contact with his cock head. Just enough to part my lips but not enough to enter me. I was still kissing his chest as a shook with my own orgasm as his cock gently rubbed across my pussy and clit. What a night. I sucked off four alien cocks that were like horse cocks and had my first orgasm at the hands of an alien.

And suddenly, my decision to leave my home plant and join them on their ship was looking pretty interesting, again.

* * * Part 4 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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Fredrick glanced out the wide front gate, watching as the men carted steaming piles of manure into the fields. Since Leza promised to keep her zombies away, Thomas decided it was the perfect opportunity to develop their property beyond their gated walls. Virtually everyone in the compound—small children, nursing mothers, barking dogs and squealing pigs—were involved in the day’s activities. As Fredrick’s responsibilities remained in the scientific realm, his duties lay elsewhere; formulating...

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The new Human

You open your eyes and all you see is blur and through it, a ray of light. You've never seen light before but by the intensity you can tell that this is artificial. You move your right arm in front of you. By the sensation around your body and what your eyes perceive, you can tell that you are in a liquid. You push your hand in front of you and your palm contact with an obstacle. A high sound suddenly resonated with a red light which began to blink. The sound sounded like an alarm but... how do...

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[Note to Readers: This story is designed to be read in game mode; this will prevent potential infinite loops and allows certain choices to only show up when the appropriate conditions have been met. This is your first and only warning.] Four voices chanted in unison, "Happy birthday Ari!" You took the little box wrapped in silver paper and a red ribbon with a smile. You're the youngest of your group of friends, just turning eighteen today. You know what's in the box; all of them know, since...

2 years ago
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Enhanced Human

Hi, Sanpeux here agin. Bit later then I expected, but a few things popped up irl. This story was original posted on Chyoa story pathway underneath the Lust Spirit story. I spoke to the author and we both decided to take out stories in different directions. Over the last few months I have been re-writing this story and am now ready to post. Anyway, hope you enjoy this new story. It will be shorter chapters and some chapters may have little smut inside, while others will have more. Enjoy! - Adam...

Mind Control
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More Than Human

you are a nerd, an average nerd. You belong to the bottom of the social ladder. Your near-perfect memory and ability to analyze information could help you if they weren't completely dedicated to video games, anime, and comics. All things geek, really. Fortunately you are not intimidated. Not too much at least. Others have it worse than you. Much worse. Most people just ignore you. The few that don't are simply condescending or mildly teasing. None of those teasing is too cruel. Unfortunately,...

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Habitat for Humanity

On that day, we drove 4 different cars, and I drove my Dad's minivan (not exactly glamourous) but I had 2 girls in the back and a teacher sitting in front giving me directions. We would switch every 3 hours on the 12 hour drive down from New York. Well I got to know the teacher by talking a lot with her, she had a Master's in forensic science, and was one of those nerdy but hot white girls. I could tell she partied, and was secretly a sex fiend or something. I didn't let my fantasies...

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Sympathy for Humanity

Please allow me to introduce myself; it's not enough to know that I'm a man of wealth and taste. The money comes because I've been around for a long, long year; and the taste is more of the same. I stole many a man's soul and faith; those words are the only introduction you need to know my name. And I was around when Jesus Christ I stood naked before the windows that looked over a new Sodom smiling at the night sky. No star shone to welcome my triumphant return, but then again... no...

4 years ago
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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 12 Caged Humanity

When I woke up the next morning, Evan was spooned up tightly behind me. My legs were tangled with his and one heavy arm wound around my waist. I snuggled back against him and thought about everything that had happened the day before. I wasn't quite as panicked about our impending trip. Being with Evan had calmed both me and my wolf about what might happen. Surely he wouldn't be sleeping this soundly next to me if he were worried. He certainly had more experience with the Council than I...

3 years ago
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Nature take away all inhibitions of humans

Myself 42 yrs old Gujju Muslim guy from Mumbai having Height 5.9″ & Weight 74 kgs… Having whitish complexion & Athletic & Energetic & Manly body for me…I M regular reader n fan of ISS since last 4 yrs but never felt like sharing my sexual flings here with my fellow readers but fling I had last week with My Lady didn’t resist my Temptations for sharing same with U all…I feel I specially owe it to all my fellow writers already shared their life with Us n I M doing it now… Though I had regular...

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Iam Not Gay You Are Gay

The shame, the paranoia, the guilt, I'd experienced it all in high school. I'd watch the other guys in the shower out of the corner of my eye, terrified I'd get an erection and be betrayed. After that you'd think I'd grow up and come out of the closet, but I pretended to myself as much as anyone else that I wasn't gay. I dated, I had sex, I got my first apartment, and still I looked at other guys out of the corner of my eye.My friend Hunter wasn't gay. Slim, tall and attractive, women d****d...

3 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 21 Another Day another Emergency

We arrived home tired and dejected. The girls had done like I asked, so the only people at home were family, though Becky and Melinda thought that if we were keeping up appearances, then it was OK for them to be here, so we had two more for dinner. The only one of my girls left was Anh, since she technically served as our housekeeper and could pretend she didn't speak English to avoid answering any questions. However, she planned to stay inside where no one could easily observe her. I'd...

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Nikos 75 Geburtstag

Niko ist ein armer notgeiler Sack. Seit 10 Jahren Witwer lebt er allein und zurückgezogen. Sein leben ist langweilig. Er ist einsam und unglücklich. Das einzige was ihm richtig Spass macht ist wichsen. So steht er zu Schulbeginn und Schulende am Fenster und gafft auf Schülerinnen und holt sich dabei mehrmals täglich einen runter. Er wohnt ein Stockwerk über mir. So gerne würde er mal wider ficken, sein letzter reales Sex liegt 10 Jahre zurück. Dabei steht er auf ganz junges Gemüse und solche...

1 year ago
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Aunt Alexis

“For fuck’s sake, Mother,” Noelle cried, stamping her foot in exasperation, “I’m not a c***d; I can take care of myself while you’re gone.” “We’ll be gone for three months, dear,”Marian Staples replied, a hint of exasperation in her voice. “The idea of your being alone here in this big house for that length of time is not acceptable. I would be sick with worry and unable to enjoy myself.” “Don’t go all drama on me, mother,” Noelle replied. “I’m nineteen; I’m going to the university in the fall,...

3 years ago
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My Toy

Happy for me to use you for my pleasure, knowing that whatever pleasure I take I will give back to you fourfold. You willing to submit to my desires, eager to please, as your whole existence revolves around me. I am the piece which make you complete. You stand there in front of me, I see the look of longing in your eyes, a hunger, a need, a lust, you need me more than anything else. Nothing else matters, except me. I pull you towards me, my strong arms pressing you against my chest as our eyes...

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First Time pt 1 Written by translove Fantasy

This is a true story that began when I was about 5. When I was about 5 yrs old I somehow discovered that I enjoyed women's clothing, especially wearing them. It started off rather innocently, wearing my moms or sisters dress along with heels. I used to put 2 stuffed bears as boobs. As I got a little older I seemed to have forgotten all about this for a few years.Let me describe myself a little before we go any further. At age 12, I was about 5' 1" maybe 100 lbs, longish brown hair, green eyes...

1 year ago
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Meeting my lover

Then it was my turn. He laid on his back, his cock limp which worried me. I thought he would be all hard and excited. But that made it a challenge. I started using my tongue, slowly going up and down his shaft, with my hand stroking his balls, licking and feeling him getting hard in my mouth, little by little. We had tried to meet for awhile, something always happened. His schedule or mine. At last, we had a chance to meet. He left his car in a parking lot and we drove in my car to his friend's...

1 year ago
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Caught and Conditioned

The standard disclaimer applies: If you are under the age of consent in your area please continue no further, go find some place more age appropriate, there will be plenty of time for this when you are older. If you are of legal age and any or all of these themes: humiliation, crossdressing, punishment, non-consensual sex, and/or possible homosexual themes bother you please read no further. However, if this disclaimer has peaked your more prurient interests please enjoy some hopefully...

2 years ago
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My Dirty Little Secret 10

As always, enjoy! Mike was turning out to be an aggressive fucker. This, I liked. What I didn’t like was the fact that he was into scat. Then again, looking at the bright side, at least I wasn’t the one getting my dick covered in shit. He always used a condom, though, so I guess that was good. It’s just that… there is a biological reason we’re disgusted by shit and I couldn’t help but think there was something wrong with Mike. That was when I remembered that Mike’s parents were strictly...

4 years ago
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A hungry fatty I met

This happened when I had to move to a new flat, and it was not entirely voluntary to be honest. Ok, right I was cheated on, and moved out as fast as I could. Those were bad times, but of course i’m not going to bore you (and myself) with that. I was really lonely in the empty flat, so most of the time I preferred being in pubs, and pathetic as it is, drinking alone too. Then later I switched to long walks at night and fewer drinks. I started to flirt with girls again about that time too, you...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 421

At 3AM my phone rang; I was expecting the worst from Africa, instead it was bad from KCC. One of my guys - Matt Roberts - had shot and killed one man and wounded another while they were trying to carjack a car on the street in front of college. I was at the college at 3:45; this day was not going to be a good day either. I talked to the college security desk as I drove. The two villains had dragged the man out of the car in his driveway and he had been fighting them when both of them pulled...

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Full Circle Chapter Seven

“Whatever it is you’re doing don’t fucking stop you’re driving me wild” she moaned loudly as her breath came is gasps. I couldn’t believe that she had slept through all that. Well she was awake now and I was just getting started. I locked away in the back of my brain her reaction to light anal probing because that was certainly something to explore later. If she acted the way she did with a light bit of pressure how was she going to act toward actual penetration? I withdrew my finger from...

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Experience of a Doctor

I am a married man age 37 and ophthalmologist (Eye specialist) by profession, living in Lahore. The event I am going to narrate here is true and for some of you it must be very strange and unbelievable. Many of us can claim that they know the psychology of women fully but after reading this story they must reconsider on there thinking that women are unbelievable and to understand that at what time what they want is purely a wild guess. As I told you I am an ophthalmologist and I have well...

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Aunty Ka Deewana

Hello friends… This is sameer from hyderabad .. Aged 21 doing engg…. Mai bahot study mind aur sharmila type ka ladka hun … Isliye mujhe ladkiyon se baat karne me daar lagta hai aur mai sex bhuka hun …. Isliye mai apni ek story joh meri ek aunt ke sath hai woh share karne ja raha hun plz agar pasand aaye toh mujhe mail kare mera email address hai … Kuch galti hui toh maaf karna dosto. .. Toh meri aunty ka naam archana (name changed) unki age 27 yah 28 hogi rang gora slim beautiful aur unka...

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Home Alone 6

Home Alone 6 By Susan Brown I fell asleep thinking about all the things that had happened to me. I must have still been suffering from the effects of the bang on my head, because when I woke up my head was hurting and for a few minutes I didn't know who or where I was. Then it all came back with a rush. My adventures in the shopping center. Janet and Dawn in the school shop. The mugging. My encounter with the kind nurse and the fact that I had nearly been caught out. I wearily...

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The Rebirth of Jami

The Rebirth of Jami This story is in part an ongoing fantasy and partially autobiographic. This will be an ongoing saga, as I wish to complete one phase of this story, as I, and the story evolve. I will begin with a brief prelude to describe myself. I was born as James. I was a rather percocious boy with an older brother and sister. My dad was a hard worker so my mom could stay at home with the children. I was a relatively normal boy who liked to run and play and was involved...

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I Will See You When I See YouChapter 5

I pulled off at the next exit. Twin Falls had two exits with a truck stop at each. I parked the SUV and before I could get out, Renee had me in her arms and a hand on the erection in my jeans. “When we get done in there, I expect my dream to come true.” “Your dream?” Renee smiled and looked at the roof in the SUV. She pointed at a spot. “I want you to put a stain right there.” We kissed and went into the building. This place was a lot bigger than the last truck stop, but it had a smaller...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 865

These are compliments of J & B Murphy’s 15 other Laws... 1. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. 2. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. 3. He who laughs last thinks slowest. 4. A day without sunshine is like, well, night. 5. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. 6. Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don’t. 7. Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented...

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volontariato volunteering

Ti racconto la mia storia, un po’ per il piacere di farlo e anche per una forma di piccola vendetta personale nei confronti di mio marito, affermato professionista calabrese. Un bell’uomo di buona famiglia e, a modo suo, bravo padre e (secondo la mentalità disgustosa e antiquata che ci circonda) anche buon marito. Il mio “bravo” marito però non sa che uno dei suoi amici di gioventù è gay. Amedeo è molto affezionato a me sin da ragazzo; mi confidava tutto e mi avvertiva anche quando “il...

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A Weekend en femme

A WEEKEND EM FEMME BY JANICE The following story is, mostly, true. I say mostly because the mists of time may have distorted, changed or embellished some of the events. I will tell it as I remember them. I am a cross dresser and have been for most of my life; I am not going to get into how or why because it has nothing to do with what I am about to write, the only thing of import is that I am a cross dresser, OK? It...

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KinkySpa Gizelle Blanco Gives a boy from school a massage

Gizelle meets this cute boy (Jay) at school and decides to invite him to where she works “The Kinky Spa”. When Jay arrives, he doesn’t know what to expect but Gizelle helps him along, before Jay realizes it Gizelle is naked and giving him a hand job getting him ready for the full body massage. Gizelle takes his cock with pleasure putting that massage table to good use until Jay can’t handle anymore and blows his load all over her perky tits. Looks like Gizelle is going to have no problems...


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