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I had never heard of a BDSM dungeon, much less an open house at one. So, when my best friend showed me the flier she had gotten, I had to read it twice to figure out what it actually meant. The pictures should have tipped me off but I was having a little trouble making sense of them, too. After all, I didn't really understand the point of a tall chair where most of the seat was a hole. At least at that point, I didn't.

"Please," she said in that persuasive tone that I knew was going to get me into trouble.

"Please, what?"

"Please go with me."

"Aw, Tina, come on. That isn't my scene."

"How do you know?" she asked. "You've never been."

"Do I need to be tied down and smacked around to know I won't like it?"

She showed her pout. It was a powerful pout. "That's not what it's like. Besides, it's an open house. You just come and watch. At eleven, if you like what you saw, you pay to stay."

"So, go. You don't need me."

"By myself?" she said plaintively. "You know I wouldn't do that to you. I didn't do that to you. Remember that horrible indie movie you made me go to? The one about the bouncing ball?"

"It wasn't about a bouncing ball. That was symbolism--"

"Whatever. I went. I hated it, but I went." I rolled my eyes and sighed; clearly she sensed weakness. "It's just one evening, Mel. Please."

In the end, I agreed. And it wasn't out of curiosity or arousal. It was because Tina and I had been friends since grade school. I brought the common sense; she brought the fun. I may be a professional woman in my thirties but I wasn't ready to lose the fun yet. So, against my better judgement, I said yes.


"What on Earth are you wearing?" Tina asked me.

I was going to ask her the same question--she just beat me to it. I had on jeans and a nice blouse; she was in some sort of latex dress that barely covered her ass.

"I thought you said that this was just about watching."

"Yeah, but the place has atmosphere. You're going to kill it with the Sunday picnic attire."

I dragged her back to my bedroom and opened my closet. Business clothes and casual clothes. "Fine," I said. "Dress me."

She found a leather skirt at the back of my closet that I hadn't worn in at least five years. I was shocked it still fit. My tops gave her more trouble. She finally settled for a silky white blouse that she left open at the collar. She found my most uncomfortable pair of strappy heels and handed them to me.

When I was dressed, she looked at me critically. "At least you won't stick out."

I stuck out my tongue at her and she laughed. "You ready to do this?" I asked.

She drove and parked in a garage a block away. I wasn't exactly nervous; if anything, I felt invigorated. The building that housed the dungeon looked like any other on the street, except there were no windows in the front. We went in the front door to a very normal looking foyer with a line of people in lace and leather and latex.

"Glad you let me dress you?" Tina whispered.

"Thank you, oh Wise One."

We waited in line and when we got to the bouncer at the door, she handed the handsome, well-dressed man our tickets. He looked me up and down and smirked at me. Then he looked at Tina and his grin widened.

"You ladies have fun," he said. Then he turned his smile to Tina alone. "I hope to see you in there later."

"I hope so, too," she said, flirting like usual.

We stepped through the door. The room we walked into was like a banquet hall: large and open, with high ceilings. At the front of the room was manned tables with displays like you would see at a vendor fair. One table was entirely dedicated to vibrators and another to different types of restraints. There were costumes and jewelry and books. I knew I wasn't going to have enough time to see everything.

Behind the tables, taking up the rest of the vast room, were rows upon rows of BDSM equipment, much of which looked custom-made. Padded sawhorses, for bending someone over. Big wooden X's for tying someone splayed and upright. Benches with kneeling pads. Restraints that looked like stockades. Next to the equipment stood men and woman, most of them holding some sort of punishment device.

That was when the woman caught my eye. She wore a leather corset, a black thong, shiny elbow gloves, and thigh boots. Her hair was a perfect, black, chin-length bob; her full lips were scarlet. She held a black riding crop and stood next to that strange, high chair with the hole in the seat. For a brief moment, my mind wandered; I imagined what she could do to me with the crop and, to my complete surprise, had an intense wave of arousal. I had always considered myself open-minded but straight and hardly into kink. My last boyfriend had actually complained about it.

I stared too long. The woman caught me looking at her, gave me a slow, sexy smile, and winked at me. I looked away. The heat that rushed to my skin wasn't entirely caused by embarrassment.

"Let's check out the dildos," Tina said; I let her lead me over to the table. I was glad she missed my little transgression.

We spent the next two hours going from vendor table to vendor table. After that I wanted to see some of the leather work and she wanted to look at the paddles. We only had about fifteen minutes left to browse before there was a whipping demonstration, the finale of the night.

She checked the time on her phone. "Meet you over there in ten?" she asked, nodding to the one pieces of equipment: a sturdy frame with a place to bind hands over the head and ankles wide apart. It was cordoned off with a velvet rope.

"Sounds good."

The leather work was masterful. Some of it was clearly for fetish but some of it could be worn anywhere at any time. I picked up a black leather necklace that had been tooled until it was lacy and ran a finger over the work.

"That would be beautiful on you." I looked up. That woman with the black bob stood beside me. She was at least a head taller than me in her heeled thigh boots. Her corset squeezed her breasts until they bubbled out a little. I had a very hard time not staring at them.

"I'm trying to decide if I should splurge," I said.

Her perfectly red lips curled into that very sexy smile. She leaned in closer to me, smelling like leather and soap. "You should. You should also come see me at eleven. I would love to show you what I do to beautiful women."

Her words immediately made me throb and wet. I met her eyes and liked the challenge I saw. But, really, seriously, I was straight and not at all kinky. "I really was just here to watch," I told her.

She swept her eyes over the length of me. "You prefer watching to coming?" she asked, causally brushing my hair over my shoulder and pretending to fix my collar.

I went hot and cold. There was something about her bluntness that just stoked my arousal. "Here? In a public place?" I said, with a challenge of my own.

She met my eyes. "Trust me. You won't notice anyone else."

I spoke without thinking. "That's already true."

That sexy smile lingered; she drew a gloved finger to the lowest point my blouse would allow. "Then, think about it," she said.

She walked away. I watched her go, admiring her ass, really wanting to follow her. There were other things to consider, though. I glanced at the paddle table; Tina had her back to me and was talking to the handsome bouncer who had greeted us. I wasn't sure I wanted her to know about this strange, new attraction. I was very sure I didn't want her input about it.

I shook myself and looked back at the necklace. Now, it reminded me of the woman and one incredibly arousing conversation. So, I bought it, put it on, and went to find Tina, who had moved close to the velvet rope.

"The bouncer is fucking hot," she told me. "His name is Brad. When the open house is over, he's going to come in here to play. I might want to stay."

I looked around for the woman but I didn't see her. "I might be okay with that," I told her.

She jabbed me with an elbow. "I thought this wasn't your scene," she teased.

"Shut up. It isn't. I just didn't get to all of the tables."

By the time the demonstration started there was dozens of people, male and female, crowded around. Right on time, the velvet rope was unclipped and the woman who had talked to me just minutes before stepped up to the equipment. She was followed by a much smaller, naked blonde woman. The corseted woman's eyes flickered to me, but only for a moment. Her proximity and her glance made my heart beat harder.

"I'm Alex," she said. "This is Corrine." She nodded to the naked woman, who smiled at the group huddled around. "For anyone new," she said, her eyes flickering to me again, "you should know that we always establish safe words in a scene where someone is bound."

Alex's gloved hands played with Corrine's breasts roughly. Corrine's mouth opened and a little color came into her cheeks. Seeing her pleasure just turned me on more.

"So, if you want things to stop, what do you say?" Alex asked, pinching her nipple.

"Red," Corrine replied.

"And if you want things to slow down?" she asked, pinching her other nipple.


Alex led her over to the equipment and quickly bound her hands over her head and her legs splayed wide. "I enjoy this piece of equipment because it allows me access to all parts of her body." She ran a hand up Corrine's inner thigh, touching her lightly between the legs until she rocked in time with the touch. Then, she stepped behind the girl, caressing her ass and flirting between her cheeks with gloved fingers.

I had missed the absence of Alex's riding crop; it was tucked into her thigh boot. She pulled it out and ran the leather loop over Corrine's ass. Alex glanced at me again and I bit my lip.

Corrine's nipples were hard; a drop of fluid ran down her thigh. She arched her back, putting her ass and breasts on display. Alex held the crop, paused, and then swung her arm in a fast sharp motion, using the springy part of the crop to strike her. When the crack sounded, my sex reacted with a flood of heat. Corrine jumped but then she arched again and relaxed into the position; I was close enough to hear her pleading whimpers. Another crack and the whole crowd leaned forward.

"Corrine and I have been playing together for a while," Alex said in a very calm voice. "So, I know she's a horny little minx." She cracked the crop again and Corrine moaned loud enough for anyone to hear. "She likes it when I start hard and go harder." Another crack. And another.

She stepped around to Corrine's front and ran the crop tip over her skin, teasing it near her pelvis but never going lower. "She doesn't even really need me to touch her, she gets off so much on the whipping." There were a couple of little slaps on her lower belly. "You do, don't you?" Alex asked in a stern voice.

"Yes, I do." Corrine's voice was almost a whimper.

Alex returned to Corrine's backside. The crop found a rhythm and I could tell Corrine's ass was turning pink, even from where I stood, even in the soft light. She twitched up to meet the whip. Her face was flushed and sweating. Her eyes were closed. Her body moved like a dancer's.

"Look at the people watching," Alex instructed, the cracks coming faster and harder.

Corrine's eyes opened and swept the room. They rested on me for a moment and heat in my pelvis settled into a throb.

"You love the spectacle, don't you?" Alex demanded.

"Yes. I love it."

The cracks were like music. I felt like I was swaying to her rhythm, even though I was only watching. I wasn't alone, either. At least one man was openly jerking off. At least one woman was being fondled by another while they watched.

Another trickle of fluid ran down Corrine's thigh. "Please," she begged.

"Please?" Alex teased. "What do you want?"

"You know," Corrine whimpered.

"Hard and slow until you come?"

"Oh, God yes!"

She made Corrine wait a moment. Then, "You've been so good. Here's your treat."

The crop reduced its speed but doubled its strength. Corrine's face went red and the flush spread into her chest. Her body shook and she cried out in a hoarse voice. Alex didn't stop the whipping until her body went limp.

Alex tucked her crop back into her boot and unbound Corrine's legs. Her knees wobbled. When Corrine's arms were released someone in the crowd started to clap. Soon we all were.

Alex showed that very sexy smile. Her eyes found mine. "I'll be here from eleven until two if anyone would like a taste of what I do."

She led Corrine away. It felt like those of us watching took a collective breath. It was almost like the room was humid with sex and arousal. That was the grand finale and it didn't disappoint. Slowly, most of the crowd moved to the exits.

Tina turned to me. "That was un-fucking-believable. I love this place."

Before I could answer, a man spoke from behind us. "So, does that mean you're staying?" We both turned and Brad, the bouncer, smiled at Tina. He had changed out of his business clothes and now wore jeans and a very tight, white t-shirt that stretched across his chest.

Tina looked at me. "Can we?"

My heart beat a little harder but I kept my voice nonchalant. "Your call. You drove."

She looked back at Brad. "Yes, I'm staying."

"I'll go take care of the admission," I said.

"Don't worry," he said. "It's your first time here, right?" We both nodded. "It's on the house. I love an adventurous first timer," he said, looking at Tina who grinned. Then he turned to me. "We should be about an hour."

"Take your time."

He took her to a piece of equipment in the back corner of the room, pretty far away from Alex's seat-less chair. I went back to the tables, absent mindedly looking through the different bottles of lube. I glanced up and Alex was there, next to her equipment, looking at me. A man came over to talk to her. She smiled at him, but it was a polite smile. I could read her lips when she said, 'Later' and he walked away. She looked back at me.

I'm not sure there was really any choice involved; I walked towards her before I really decided to do so. When I stood in front of her, she opened the collar on my silky blouse an additional button and touched the leather necklace, her fingers brushing my skin. She leaned closer to me.

"I was right. This is beautiful on you."

"Thank you," I told her, liking her touch. "So how does this work?" I asked.

"First tell me your name."

"Melinda. Mel, usually."

She undid another of the buttons on my blouse. "Well, Melinda, I like seeing a woman come while she's accepting pain. That's what I'm going to do to you."

I met her eyes. "Yes, please."

There was that sexy smile again. She undid another button. "What were the safe words in the demonstration?"

"Red and yellow."

She opened another button; I only had two left. "Don’t be afraid to use them. Understand?"

"I do."

She undid my last two buttons, slid my blouse over my shoulders, and hung it over a chair. "I want Corrine to fuck you with her mouth. That will give me the chance to focus on the rest of you." I hadn't even so much as kissed another woman but there wasn't a single part of me that wanted to say no.

"Do what you like. I'll tell you if it's too much."

"Keep talking like that, and I'm taking you home with me."

She looked over my shoulder and nodded. Then she pulled down my bra cups; my breasts were exposed to anyone who wanted to see them. A couple of people glanced my way; my throbbing need intensified.

In a moment there was another pair of hands on me, Soft fingers on my bare back and soft lips on my shoulder. I glanced back and caught a glimpse of Corrine's blonde hair. "I saw you watching us," she whispered in my ear from behind. "It was really hot, seeing you so turned on."

Alex pushed my leather skirt up to my hips and felt underneath. She looked over my shoulder. "She's overdressed. Help her out."

Corrine hooked delicate fingers into my panties and stripped them away while Alex played with my nipples, smiling at my breathlessness. When Corrine's lips were on my shoulder again, Alex said. "Bind her arms."

Corrine pulled my two arms together behind my back and put something cloth over them both. "This is a restraint. It's called a sleeve," she said. It felt like she pulled lacing tight, forcing my arms together behind my back from wrist to elbow, thrusting my breasts out. Alex, in front of me, continued to play with my nipples; they couldn't have gotten harder. Then, she drew me to the chair.

It was a curious contraption. The seat was a good three feet off of the ground. In fact, there was a step for getting up there. But it didn't take long for me to figure out why it was designed that way; Corrine fit perfectly on her knees underneath. It would wrench her neck to use her mouth from that angle, but I suspected that the discomfort was part of the pleasure for them.

Alex helped me up and pulled me forward until my sex dangled through the hole and my skirt was bunched around my hips. She secured my dangling legs to the legs of the chair, I became acutely aware of two things: that my aching, wet sex was like low-hanging fruit, vulnerably exposed and at Corrine's mercy. Also, that a group of five people had stopped to watch.

Alex pulled my face even with hers. "You focus on me. Don't worry about them."

My bound arms forced my posture erect and my pelvis tilted down. Alex pulled the riding crop out of her boot; she put the soft loop of leather under my chin. She trailed the crop down my neck, over my left breast, circling the nipple, and down my torso to my inner thigh.

Through the hole in the seat, fingers separated me. I felt hot breath against me. Then the tongue started, circling the outside edge of my sex, coming nowhere near where I needed her to. Alex watched me, caressing my inner thigh with the crop. It was delicious and nowhere near enough.

I whimpered. Alex answered with a stinging slap from the crop to my thigh. "Shhh," she hushed. It sent a thrill over me.

Fingers entered me. I couldn't say how many, but more than one. I stifled my moan; she slapped my thigh again. The jolt went straight to my sex. I looked down at where she had struck, seeing little pink blooms on my skin, then back up to Alex. Her lips were parted; her breasts bubbled even a little further out of her corset as her breathing grew heavier.

She started striking my inner thighs in little licks, slapping and moving. It stung but mostly it concentrated my attention to the V of my legs and what was happening between them. It could have been purely psychological, but it seemed that those lips knew how to tease me better than any that had ever tried: sliding over where I wanted her to stop, using softness where I needed a harsh tongue, and circling and circling, just outside of my core. Fingers moved in and out of me at a lazy pace. That, in addition to the flutter of slaps, left my sex contracting around the penetration, wordlessly begging for more.

The slapping stopped and the caress of leather resumed, tracing soft lines from one thigh, over my lower belly, lifting my bunched skirt, and to the other thigh. She pinched my chin with gloved fingers and leaned in close. "Did that feel good?"

"Yes." My tone begged.

The crop's leather loop skimmed from my thigh, up my torso, to my breast. "Do you want more?"

"Yes, please."

Her lips pressed against mine once. The idea that I might have a shadow of her red lipstick on my mouth just aroused me more. Then, she nudged Corrine under my chair. A long, lush swipe of the tongue contacted every electric spot on my sex. In spite of her warning to be quiet, I moaned. Alex smiled.

Her crop circled my nipple, even as the soft flat of Corrine's tongue set up a rhythm with her thrusting fingers. The crop licked the side of my breast. My nipple ached in anticipation. Then, there were a series of slaps, getting ever closer to the place where it would hurt most. I wanted it and I didn't want it. The rhythm almost matched the stroke of the tongue.

The first slap to my nipple sent electricity to my sex. I arched my back more than my bound arms forced me to. Even with my legs bound, I managed to shift so even more of me hung through the hole in the chair.

Alex let out a long breath. Her face was flushed. She struck my nipple again. In the moment of pain, my arousal receded but in the instant afterwards, blood flooded to my groin, the touch between my legs seemed twice as intense, and my path to orgasm shortened. She struck me again and I moaned, leaning into it even more.

"I'm going to go harder," Alex said.

The thought of it made me both ache and cringe. "Yellow," I breathed.

The tongue between my legs slowed and became gentler; the crop on my nipple was replaced by Alex's gloved hand, massaging and working the flesh. It felt really good.

"Not harder," I managed. "Not yet."

Alex leaned into me again, her lips brushing mine again. The tongue resumed its rhythm against me and I moaned; my legs strained against the bonds, wanting to open wider. I pushed myself, as much as I could, into Corrine's mouth.

"You tell me when," Alex said. "Green is the word you use."

She circled her crop around the nipple of my other breast. Then, she started the light slaps, the leather loop skirting my nipple. I arched but she avoided where it would hurt me the most. The tongue between my legs was now relentless. If I had been able to open my legs all the way, I already would have been hurtling into orgasm. But, because of the uncomfortable position, I needed more stimulation.

I watched Alex, seeing a mist of sweat break through her make-up. Her perfect, red lips were just slightly smudged. "Please," I said to her.

She circled my nipple with the crop. Then, she slapped it more lightly than she had before. It still sent a sweet current of electricity to my sex. "Like this?" she said, her voice a sexy purr.

"Yes, like that."

She smacked me again. I couldn't hold back the throaty moan. And again. Corrine wasn't just licking me anymore: she was mouthing and nipping and rubbing her face into me. I climbed to another level. I strained against my binds and moaned in a breathy voice. I knew I was going to come. I was just about to come.

I met Alex's eyes. "Green."

The crack of the crop was simultaneous with my plateau. I clenched and she struck me again, just as hard. My orgasm sent blood rushing to my head and my fingers and my toes. "Oh!" I cried out and she struck me again. And again. I pulsed and moaned with the cracks, the pain stoking the pleasure.

I was shameless. I pressed myself against the hole in the chair and thrust out my breasts to Alex. The pleasure just didn't seem to ebb; the strokes on my sex grew harsher. The sharp strikes against my nipples just prolonged my orgasm. Then, finally, the shaking pleasure grew sensitive. The blows slopped. Corrine softened her stimulation and finally I felt what must have been a kiss against my still pulsing clit.

I could finally focus on Alex's face again. "Wow," I said breathlessly.

She massaged my breast like how she had my other one. "Wow, yourself," Alex said, her breathing heavy. I could smell her musky arousal mix with my sweetness. "Corrine's going to have a very nice rest of the night because of you."

Corrine unbound my legs, then my arms, and then stood in front of me, smirking, her face shiny with my wetness. She handed me my panties and I pulled them on under my skirt. When she went to retrieve my blouse, I looked down at my breasts. They were very pink and a little sore. I tucked them back into my bra.

"How do you feel?" Alex asked.

"Glad I came. Sorry it's over."

"That's what I like to hear."

I climbed down from the chair and accepted my blouse. People seemed to be lingering but I hadn't even noticed if anyone watched me come. Anyone but Alex, that is. I buttoned up and tucked in. I wonder if anyone looking at me outside of this place would know I just had public sex. Would it show on my face or in my walk?

"I'm here Fridays at eleven," Alex said to me, that sexy smile curling her lips.

I leaned into her, the way she had leaned into me all night. I kissed her cheek, liking that it was still damp with sweat. "I'll see you next week," I whispered. I smirked at Corrine as I walked away.

I was back at the tables, looking at the restraints with a lot more interest, when Tina showed back up. She was flushed with her hair mussed, looking thoroughly pleased with herself. "That was amazing," she said. "Thanks for waiting. You weren't too bored, were you?"

"No," I said, stifling my smile. "It was fine. I managed to amuse myself."

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I walked there, through the dark first level in the parking lot of our office building. I could hear my own stilettos clinging on the floor of this humid cold place.I saw the flashing lights of a car parked far away.I then walked even faster, going to my date. Twenty minutes ago, I had met this man by chance at the building lobby and he had slipped a note in my hand. I read that he would wait for me in the underground parking lot…I got closer and he signaled the passenger seat. I entered the...

1 year ago
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Work and Play

It was the second summer that I worked for our local public library but this time, I was assigned to a different branch from the one last year, which had been the branch I generally went to. Now, before I tell you about what happened, I'll tell you something about me, after all, I do work in a library so maybe I'm not the senior all-star quarterback. And I'm not. If you thought I didn't do a lot of sports, you're right, I mostly work at getting good grades so I can get a scholarship...

4 years ago
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TRESChapter 17

The limo was white, not black, and the driver was female, not the baffled male who drove us around New York City during my last visit. Because a terrorist act we'd partially foiled potentially exposed my empathic aptitude to our old driver, Sandy had judiciously changed limousine services. After a couple of weeks without sex, Sandy was in no mood to wait, and before we left the airport complex she jumped my bones. Did I complain? Nope. I went with the flow. But my bones enjoying my eager...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E18 Audrey Moncur 43 from Sunderland NE

We open with an establishing shot of a windswept sandy beach - panning around over the sea (which looks a bit rough), and then seeing a long concrete pier curving out into the sea – waves crashing against it sending spray high into the air, and then continue panning across the pier as we complete our turn and come back to the beach ... Then behind the beach, a low raised, concrete beach-break walk ... And behind the walk, a row of (currently shuttered) low buildings – game arcades,...

2 years ago
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Seize the Day3 Old friends

Here I am driving a couple cities over to meet up with you my friend for the weekend. You texted Thursday afternoon to tell me to drive down Friday night, we have a long weekend planned. I have mixed feelings about all of this. My life has been wild at times but I've always seen myself as straight. I love women, I love my wife. Now I'm driving to see you and suck your cock and be fucked in the ass. How did this all start? How did I get so caught up in this adventure. It must have started...

2 years ago
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Project Zone 3

The Characters and situations in the story are ficticious and author cautions that the situations depicted may upset some readers.  Bomatsu Msingu waved happily as he saw my Land Rover sweep round to the check point."Very good to see you Bwana, welcome" he shouted."How are we doing," I enquired as I stopped and climbed from the ageing vehicle."Very well Bwana, on target, your friends will be very happy."Oxbridge Greening, my charity, bringing a sustainable future for farming in an area of...

4 years ago
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Taken a stupid mistake 6

TAKEN: A Stupid mistake 6 I know this has literally been years, there has been a reason for that, but still apologise The story is in my head and will be completed ASAP. I have been spending less time behind a key board and more time actually playing as 'Candice' my female persona. Although never to this level, I still hope you enjoy the next part. I wake, slowly at first, groggy so very very groggy, I start to shake my head and hear the clinking of metal but it feels far away,...

2 years ago
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Jaq Needs Oral Badly

One evening last week, Jaq turned to me and said that she really misses oral sex with more than just the two of us. Paul and Kathy are regular playmates of ours, one phone call and all is arranged.I told Jaq that Paul and Kathy would be coming over on Saturday evening, I had informed Paul that Jaq just wanted an evening of oral sex. Paul said he would advise Kathy of the plan and would see us on Saturday.Saturday arrived and Jaq was really feeling horny, after a wonderful shagging session, we...

Oral Sex
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Mary A Desired Older Woman

(Could the mature, attractive wife be tempted)But I do love him, Bert. We have a comfortable life, lovely c***dren, a nice home and I know he works hard, but........!' and Mary tailed off from what she was really wanting to say.Mary was 49 and had spent her whole life living in the little village in Hampshire, down a tiny, leafy lane that led to a small bay by the sea. She had been married for nearly 30 years, and had inherited the little bungalow from her parents when they had died, so she had...

1 year ago
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The Devils Harem The Curs

‘To pluck a beautiful flower from the desert is an unpardonable sin.’ – Man Of Mountain, Shoshone Medicine Man My best friend Karla, lived with her dad, Hank, in a trailer until she was eighteen. Then she fixed up an empty trailer, one of those old chrome things with the rounded corners, and moved into it by herself. She used to get spooked in that trailer all by herself. She would call me on the phone and say, “Jan, come over and spend the night. You know I’ve got NetFlix; we’ll rent something...

3 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 69

“Are you sure about this, Martina?” “No, my love, not really. But it’s the best idea I have at the moment.” With our success in the city, I had a few of the residents of Chorrol that were actually related to members of the Imperial Legion company stationed at Battlehorn Castle and Fort Rayles with our small group, as well as Honditar. The main army had continued on to the west after two days of rest and replenishment to join the Cheydinhal forces. The battlements of the castle were visible...

1 year ago
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Working in Guest Services

I work in an upscale hotel in Dallas, Texas and there is no shortage of good looking women who stay at and visit our hotel. Since I am a part of the guest service team, I have a lot of interaction with our guests and visitors. One of my myriad of work assignments is to make sure our guests are well cared for. We have a full time concierge who tends to the personal whelms and desires of our uber-wealthy clientele. One evening not too long ago, one of our frequent guests, an international...

2 years ago
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Arousing LeighaChapter 4

ROOM THREE "Periformis syndrome." Dr. Ryan looked at Leigha and spit it out. She didn't have a clue what he was talking about. "What's that?" "A muscle condition in your buttocks. You've a pain in the ass, Leigha." He sort of held up his palms and shook his head as if it were a joke. It certainly wasn't to her. Over the past months she had slowly felt the pain. At times it wasn't there, at others it ranged from noticeable to very painful. Finally, she went to Doctor Ryan to...

4 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 50 Complications

Before I went off to see Rebecca that night I checked in with Walter to see how the Palm Springs issue was going. "My Lord, I am close to breaking him." "Stop calling me that!" "As you desire my Lord, we have agreed to debate that issue another time." I wanted to scream, but I managed to contain myself, "Thank you, Walter, keep me informed and let me know if there is anything you need." He bowed and left. I spent most of the night going over every image and memory Rebecca had of...

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My First Time Gay Experience True Story

This is the true story of my first gay experience. I was 18 at the time and just moved to Jacksonville Florida, and never had a romantic interest in men, but always had gay sexual fantasies. Now that I was in college, I had the opportunity to fulfill them. I had never been with a guy before, but always fantasized about being fucked by a larger older man. The difference old and young or daddy dynamic was really hot to me, and I wanted to be used by an older guy. I went onto Craigslist and found...

2 years ago
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Revenge is best served blonde Prt 4 Eyes on the Prize

I figured that the two mile walk to school gave me time to settle down. I stopped by a store and got two energy drinks and stuffed them into my bag, but I started into one before I was even half way to school. My head was killing me and maybe the caffeine would take the edge off for now. I walked into the school as 1st period ended. “Good timing” I thought to myself. As the doors to classrooms opened and students flooded the halls I fought my way upstream to my locker. I spun my...

2 years ago
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Gangbanging Granny With Friends

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net My name is Anshul and I am a friend of Goa. This is a true story and my granny said you folks might like to read about it. I was almost 63 and still in good shape and very active sexually. I love sex and I am also a member of several swinger sites. I’m also a nudist and I stay naked whenever I can. One weekend I was leaving to go spend a few day at a local nudist resort here in Goa beaches. I have been going there for years and...

4 years ago
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Joey and Robert went to the movies with Deirdre (Joey's Mom) and Lillian (Robert's mom), when they got out of the movies. Deirdre and Lillian decided to take the boys for a little walk. As they were on their walk, they see a man in the on the sidewalk near them selling Federal Express boxes. Down the road a trucker starts shooting at Deirdre and Lillian for no apparent reason. Lillian and Deirdre dive to the ground each grabbing one of the boys and telling them to lie down and don't move....

1 year ago
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Cheating Girlfriend Gets Punished

Hi ISS readers this story is about how my girl friend cheated on me and always lied to me. I am Sriram working at Infosys Pune Location in a decent position. I was very low profile guy and always mind my own work. I was very studious in my teenage and never had girlfriends. Now my age is 26 and I was ready for marriage according to my parents and right then I met her. Ekta was her name. Ekta Raney to be specific. She joined as a fresher in my team as we needed some developers for our...

3 years ago
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The House on the Hill Chapters 78

The House on the Hill Chapter 7 Michael was exhausted as he re-entered the room where he had started the day. Although he had heard that they were going to be helped by a maid he was surprised when saw her dusting the desk in the corner of the room. "Good afternoon, Miss Evelyn," the maid said with a smile. "I am sorry if I surprised you but I thought it best to try to get your room in order before you returned. I cleaned up everything and made your bed and I also drew a hot bath...

1 year ago
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A married guys guide to makeing your wife an anal whore PT 2

I came home from work one day a few weeks ago feeling exceptionaly horny. Theres a new girl at work who is hot as fuck, and I spent the whole day working with a chub. When I got home my wife was standing in front of the couch folding laundry, and I just had to take out my frustrations. I came up behind her and forced her down on the couch as I pulled her jeans down and literally ripped her panties off. She knew what was coming, and at once her bare ass was up in the air. I buried my...

3 years ago
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Natalie and IslaChapter 2 Weekend in London

When I awoke it was quite dark and my bed was empty of female company. I searched the unfamiliar room for my LED alarm clock. As this was a cheap London hotel rather than my home bedroom my search was unsuccessful. I thought about fishing about the darkness for my mobile but decided I didn't actually need to know the exact time. Instead I recalled the few hours before I'd fallen asleep. An ultra quickie from Natalie, a sexy thirty something, followed by a few hours of absolute magical sex...

2 years ago
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Fresh people

We arranged with Pete and Margarate to meet one Saturday afternoon. As the day got closer my mind went into overdrive, I was scared and excited both at the same time. The day arrived and we followed the directions given to a local public house. On arrival I was pleasantly surprised to find that both Pete and Marg were really nice good looking people in their late forties. After exchanging pleasantries and a few jars we loosened up and decided, after getting the nod from my husband to go for...

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The lady that wanted to be a slut Part 1

This storie is a creation of my imagination. Hope you enjoy it!!!At work I had a colleague from a very strict religious family. She was always seriously dressed as if she were coming from the church, with skirts exactly until the knee, thick socks, shirts buttoned up till her neck, with no heels or make-up. A regular religious lady who respected everyone and talked nicely! I was just the opposite. My skirts just covered my pretty ass, thin shiny tights, at least 10cm heels and deep neckline...

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Carl Brown sighed aloud from the corner of the packed room as he watched the annual Christmas party of the neighborhood take place. Carl was seventeen and hated being dragged to this stupid party every year. it was packed with a lot of neighborhood parents and their annoying kids. He just gazed down at his white dress shirt tucked neatly into his matching brown dress pants, as his brown dress shoes tapped along the floor softly. His hazel eyes watched the night just fly by before...

2 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 59 SM03Psi Day 9 Morning

Steve was relaxing after a pleasant breakfast with the ten women he called 'wife' when the room monitor told him he had a private message. Giving the woman on his lap a squeeze and a kiss, he left the room to take it, more than slightly curious. It was the first outside contact they'd had since waking here and seeing that awful video. He knew he'd be quizzed mercilessly once he was finished listening to whatever the message was about. It took him fifteen minutes to stop shaking once...

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The Tellers House

‘I asked what you do for a living.’ Clarence snaps out of his daze, turning his attention to the woman sitting across from him. The two of them are seated in an airy outdoor cafe. Small houses dot the landscape, but otherwise the surrounding area is comprised completely of woodlands. ‘Oh, well, I’m a bank teller now. After college I just decided to come back home and spend more time with the folks. Of course I still find time to pursue my…artistic interests,’ he chuckles, in his soft-spoken...

2 years ago
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The CureChapter 49

Of course things did not go smoothly with the medical centre, at least initially. Cass, although estranged from her family, was still subject to the influences of the Imperial Health Bureaucracy and her vindictive cousin Ujuna. Hence, as soon as we took title to the medical centre from Municipal Services, we lost all our Healers ... for about one hundred rotations, which is all it took them to hand in their notice and sign back up with the centre. It was the same with their...

4 years ago
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Sex park 1 and 2

Once upon a time there was a park. Not any old park no. This was sex park founded by Thomas James Williams.  This park is outside like most parks. Except there are a few exceptions that you can tell between a sex park and a children's park.  The slides are raised higher and there are a few lined up next to each other. Under the slides are chairs.  The swings are also higher.  And for bondage reasons there is a play pirate ship but it holds secrets.  This is the story of noah...

3 years ago
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((in case this is first place you are seeing this. Rule 1: keep the writing style the same, so that it sounds coherent and from the same source. 2: Everyone specifically named is UNDERSTOOD as 18 years old as a MINIMUM, if you have a specific age you can disclose that. I don't plan to have under age characters, but if it arises I'll figure something out. Maybe a protected characters list. I REQUEST if you do involve an underaged character check the protected character list and act...

1 year ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 43

Debbie eventually finished up with her work, though it did take her several more hours. Of course, had it not been for Alan’s interruption she might have been finished a lot sooner. But it wasn’t just his showing up and fucking her that did it, it was her thoughts afterward. Well, not just those either. The woman was so aroused and ready for more that her mind was consumed with thoughts of both him and what they did that she had to stop several times to masturbate. Each time she brought...

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The Sleepover That Changed My Life

What am I doing? Why am I here? Why am I talking to myself? Again?! This is the reason I’m here now, why can’t I just be normal AND STOP DRAWING ATTENTION TO MYSELF!!!! Ok, so you’re nice and confused now. Great. I tend to have that effect on people, I can count the amount of people on one hand who actually understand what I’m talking about (most of the time), including my best friend Shari…. and the mad old lady next door who has arguments with her shoes, but I don’t want to talk about that....

3 years ago
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The Old Lamplighter

There he was, just as always, working his way down the street. It was shortly before dusk and the shadows were already beginning to grow deep. Darkness would soon descend upon the town and its streets, but the gloom would be partly dispelled by the gas lamps. Mrs Lucy Gilyott, who used to be Miss Lucy Ormerod, was standing at the window of her drawing-room looking down the street. There he was, the old lamplighter who came day in, day out, to attend to the gas lamps. Old? How old? Sixty,...

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Masturbating with my stepdad

My stepdad came into my life when I was about 7 years old. I didn’t primarily live with him and my mom until high school, and around then a bond formed. I would notice my stepdad casually checking me out when we would all swim in our pool. He drunkenly made a comment to his friend once about how big my tits had gotten and I overheard him. Once while hI’m and my mom were out I had my boyfriend come over only to have my stepdad walk in my room to me riding him completely topless. He seemed angry...

3 years ago
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She had first day of college the next day, a Monday. She was tied up all day with that until well after 6. O.J. had gone home that morning. She was adamant that her relationship with Keenum would end that day. She also knew that the very sight of him made her melt. So why fight it? She was at her strongest after a good hard fuck. Hell, after two good hard fucks she would have even more control, more resolve. So why not end things with a bang?It was twisted logic that gave Ashley a sense of...

2 years ago
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Sex with a dream

Dear all, I am first time posting my story on ISS. I am one of the most regular readers of ISS, and i really like the way people share their experiences on ISS. Now instead of wasting your time, let me start a true incident, I am Nishu, age 25 from delhi. Having very fair looks, and athletic body, when i used to be in gujarat, ahmedabad for my studies, i was living in outskirts of ahmedabad from where my college was near. The place where i was staying was a decent colony, it was a three storage...

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Summer in Maine Ch 03

To those of you who have waited patiently I humbly apologize. Real life has a way of changing your priorities, and I didn’t get a chance to finish this last year. Thanks to the prodding from my muse Chrissy, I took up the story again and after a few false starts got it down in print. You need not worry that I’ll leave you hanging again, the rest of the story is down on (virtual) paper and I’m going through the editing process. Thank you for taking the time to read my stories, and as always,...

3 years ago
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Not A Typical Day At The Office

It had been so long since a man had touched me with my pleasure in mind, since a man looked at me with lust in his eyes, and since a man commanded my response. It had been far too long since my body responded to a man’s touch with unrestrained need, since that voice in my had begged for dominance, and since I felt that joyful ache of passion.  Our conversations were fueled by sex. Our flirtation and desire had been pushing us to this moment. A few stolen moments together were not nearly enough...

Office Sex
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When Words WanderChapter 2

Once Jonathan left the room, Laura's gaze pinned Susan like a honey-coated prisoner on an ant hill. "You ought to know the reason I decided I couldn't continue to represent you. My personal feelings won't let me! This agreement is, in my legal opinion, much better than what you'd get in any court. By that I mean that if we got the best judge on his best day, he'd never give you as much as I've negotiated for you. It is my legal opinion that you should sign before it's withdrawn....

1 year ago
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Hotel Cleaner

A little about me…. So I suppose I’m a little alternative… I mean possibly a lot. I’m a 5foot 6, curves in all the right places but physically fit 25 year old. Tattoos and piercings… let’s just say yes. I have lots of both and love rocking the emo/goth look. Today started like any other. I got out of bed and looked back at my 6foot 2 Adonis of a boyfriend. His and glistened in the morning sun with his blonde hair curling in the pillow. We have been together for 5 years now in a completely...

1 year ago
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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 7

The morning had begun just like any other morning; I awoke in bed with just me and the dog. He went outside; I used the master bathroom and went into the kitchen for coffee. I rinsed out the pot and filled it with water. Wait, what was I doing? I never drink more than two cups of coffee in the morning. I don't need all of this water or coffee. I dump out all the water except for 4 cups, that I pour into the maker along with a couple of scoops of coffee and hit the button. woofbarkwoof I...

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The Emma J Chronicles 2 Part Two

Chapter TwoSaturday morning dawned bright and clear, it was one of those early spring mornings when everything seemed right with the world, the sky was a lovely azure blue with not a cloud in sight.The k**s had gone to their friends for a sleepover and Mark and Emma were lying in bed talking and formulating their revenge on Marcus.“So you reckon the best way to get to him is through Caroline then”. Mark queried.“Oh definitely, she wears the trousers in their house and I already have a way of...

2 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 45

Four days later, Lauren was fit enough to bathe and feed herself. She could walk around the house unaided, but always made sure she was within striking distance of something to hold onto if she became dizzy. She ventured out onto the remains of the patio, peering down into the rounded hole that had been the pool. The familiar heat remained, but the soothing waters had vanished. She sat in her shorts and T-Shirt on the lounger and surveyed her bruised limbs and the scene of damage. Without...

3 years ago
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The STOPPart 2

As I pull away from the curb, I'm feeling very fortunate to have been stopped by the hottest cop I've ever met. And even more fortunate that Josh wanted to have sex with me... and did. I'm still pretty horny thinking about our hot sexual encounter. For a guy who claims to have very little experience, he acted like a pro. I don't think anyone has ever sucked my cock with the same enthusiasm as he did. I'm getting a chill in my chest just thinking about it. I need to get home and get a...

2 years ago
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My Recent Houseguest

The bar had the usual Saturday night crowd. You know, the typical AAA rejects, that tend to occupy the best bar stools. The bartender, as usual, is loud and overly friendly as I walk in. I sat at an unoccupied table close to the TV in the corner, hoping that one of my friends might walk in and join me. Gloria, the bartender, holds up a glass and motions to me, suggesting I might want my regular drink, gin and tonic. I nod a yes, and turn to survey the crowd hulking over their glasses, as they...


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