Thumper Ch. 05 free porn video

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Note: This story veers into BDSM territory. Fun as it might be for some, it’s not to everyone’s taste.



With their marriage on the rocks, Abby and George turn to a most unlikely source for help. Unbeknownst to George, Abby has agreed to let the incubus, Damian, and his mate, Britt, act as marriage counsellors.

Their first session has broken down some barriers. The next session promises to be even more challenging.


‘I made you an omelette. Just the way you like it.’

Abby stood at the entrance to the kitchen, hugging herself. He can’t possibly be doing this. He can’t possibly be making breakfast as he used to before.

George stood at the stove, smiling tentatively. George, so eager to please. ‘There’s coffee too,’ he said.

‘I don’t know what to say.’

‘You could say thank you.’

Abby did so and choked down half of the omelette. This easy domesticity wasn’t right. Did he think that everything could go back to normal? Nothing had changed, not really. She pushed the plate away. ‘I have to go to work.’

‘It’s Saturday,’ George protested.

‘I know, George. I just need some time. Please.’

At least they were talking to each other, thought Abby as she drove to the office. Mundane things, but the bitterness was gone, or perhaps just better concealed.

Over the next weeks, they started sharing their bed again and doing the things that married couples do — shopping, going for walks, occasionally eating out. It felt like play-acting, a couple of amateurs engaged in a drama that was beyond their emotional reach.

Britt had called on the Monday to see how things were coming along. Then nothing for over a week. Abby wondered, not for the first time, whether Britt and Damian had been for real.

Then came the day Damian called her at work. ‘Are you ready for the next session?’

She rose from her desk and closed the door to her office.

‘I don’t know. The last one was pretty humiliating.’

‘I see. Did you enjoy it?’

Abby had been asking herself exactly that question for the last couple of weeks, wondering about the method behind the madness. She hadn’t enjoyed it, not all of it. At first, she’d felt used and diminished. But as the days wore on and she thought back to her night with Damian, she realized that she had felt oddly liberated. It was refreshing to have been along for the ride, rather than driving.

‘Not at the time. Now, perhaps,’ she answered tentatively.

‘I’ll take perhaps over an unconditional no,’ he said.

‘It depends on what you have planned.’

‘I can’t tell you that. You have to trust me. Remember, you can stop at any time.’

There was that word again: trust. ‘I’m okay with it if George is,’ she said finally.

‘George is already okay with it. I’ve talked to him. This is a courtesy call.’ The next meeting was scheduled for the weekend. Damian gave Abby the address of a farm far north of the city, and had instructed them to pack an overnight bag.

‘I have plans.’

‘Change them. I expect you there by seven in the morning,’ he said, simply, and hung up.

* * *

The farm was located an hour north of the city.

After Damian had ended their last conversation, Abby had fumed at Damian’s arrogance and at her mute compliance. Now on the highway, having left the sleeping city behind them, she was filled with apprehension and curiosity. The sun peeked over the horizon on the right, illuminating ruler-straight rows of newly-planted corn.

Still flushed from the success of recent weeks, George chatted happily, occasionally placing a hand on her thigh. Abby was grateful for this unconscious contact, but was not so unabashedly optimistic as George. Yes, she and George had made the first tentative steps to rekindling their intimacy, but there was, she knew, a long way to go.

Besides which, her last session with Damian had shaken her, much more so than her outward reaction had indicated. She`d been played. Her will had been skilfully short-circuited. When she reviewed the evening and thought of Damian`s fingers on and in her most private parts, she felt not so much violated as bewildered, for as much as she recoiled at the memory, there was an unmistakable exhilaration. Abby still had difficulty reconciling the two.

Setting aside the initial violation, the session had been subtle. It had reawakened something in Abby, had started a process of thaw. Though she had yet to share these feelings with George, it felt like the first warm spring day after a long and cold winter. It was now possible to shed a layer.

Abby wondered absently what this weekend had in store. Plans had been made that involved her. She was along for the ride again, as on a rollercoaster, on track for a headlong rush into the first stomach-churning descent. She could finally put a name to the emotion — anticipation.

George still had his hand on her thigh. She placed hers on top of his and squeezed.

George smiled, unaware that she had squeezed his hand less out of affection, but more for reassurance.

* * *

They drove for miles along a gravel road until the GPS announced that they were at their destination. George slowed and then stopped in the middle of the road. The dust settled around them. He peered at the GPS.

‘There’s nothing here.’

Indeed, the empty road stretched ruler-straight before them, with a dense forest on the right and fields of corn on the left, until it disappeared over a hill in the distance.

‘There’s a track over there,’ suggested Abby.

George reversed until he drew abreast to the track. ‘This must be it.’

He swung Abby’s BMW onto the gravel path. The trees overhead formed a tunnel into which few stray beams of light broke through. After a hundred yards, the path emerged onto an opening. A gravel drive ran in a loop to the front door of a farmhouse.

The farmhouse appeared to be well over one hundred years old. It was built of stone, and a covered porch ran the length of the building’s face. Dark red shutters flanked the windows on the ground and upper floors, and two small windows peeked out from just below the apex of the tin roof on either side of the stone chimneys.

To the left of the house stood a barn and a large shed, to the right a well-tended garden.

George parked the car beside Damian’s Porsche. Damian, dressed in a tattered t-shirt, old jeans, and clunky work boots, emerged from the barn, wiping his hands on a rag. Britt, incongruously wearing an apron, appeared at the front door and waved. Both George and Abby were taken aback by these rustic apparitions.

‘Welcome to our home,’ said Damian.

‘It’s beautiful,’ said Abby, surveying her surroundings.

A pair of horses trotted to the cedar rail fence. Beyond the farm, a field of grass stretched over undulating hills until meeting a band of forest far in the distance.

Damian collected their bags and ushered them into the farmhouse, which was filled with the aroma of baking. George’s stomach grumbled. ‘We’ll set you up in the guestroom upstairs and have breakfast.’

‘Sounds great,’ said Abby.

‘And then we begin,’ said Damian, grinning.

Something in Damian’s look suggested that he wasn’t talking about chores.

* * *

After breakfast, Damian and Abby strolled to the barn. The shadows of passing clouds ran before them.

‘George thinks that everything is okay now and that you and Britt are geniuses,’ said Abby.

‘You don’t think so?’

‘No.’ Abby smiled. ‘To either one.’

Damian placed a hand on his heart. ‘Madam, you wound me.’

Abby laughed nervously.

‘But you’re right. You’re wise to recognize it. The journey has only begun and new challenges await. Are you up for it?’

‘I think so.’

‘I can assure you that this won’
t be pleasant for you.’

‘Then let’s do something else,’ suggested Abby as they entered the barn. ‘Ride the horses, for example.’

‘No.’ Damian closed and bolted the door behind them.

The barn was a large wooden structure with a dusty floor and stables running up one side. All of the stalls were empty but one, where a large horse nickered gently. Ropes, chains, and pulleys hung from the rafters and tools hung from hooks on the wall opposite the stables. A not unpleasant aroma of hay and animals permeated the atmosphere.

Abby walked to the center of the barn and turned to face Damian.

He approached. ‘I’m afraid you’ve had it pretty easy so far,’ he said.

Abby didn’t trust herself to speak.

‘I have a bit of a test for you.’

‘A test?’

Damian nodded. ‘It won’t be easy. You don’t have to go through with it.’

‘Will it hurt?’


‘And if I don’t want to go through with it?’

‘Then you and George go back home. You’ll never see Britt and me again.’

Abby thought for a moment. There was a challenge in Damian’s last statement that she could not ignore. Part of her wanted to throw in the towel, spare herself whatever humiliation Damian had in mind and preserve what remained of her dignity. Another part of her, the louder one, remembered the heady thrill of her last session with Damian and desperately wanted to know what he had in mind this time. Finally, she was a strong woman and felt that she could easily deal with whatever he threw at her. ‘Let’s do it then.’

Damian nodded again. ‘Last question, then I don’t want to hear anything from you until I’m done or you say your safe word, whichever comes first.’


‘Do you want to see what I’m doing or do you want me to blindfold you?’

Blindfold? Abby’s heart raced. What did he have in mind? What had she let herself in for?

She raised her chin and said with more confidence than she felt, ‘I want to see.’

‘Very well.’ Damian led Abby to the far end of the barn. On the floor lay a small platform constructed of rough timber, four feet square and about eight inches in height. The platform featured eye bolts at regular intervals and several mitred holes. ‘Strip to your underwear and step up,’ Damian commanded.

Abby hesitated at exposing herself to this man. Who was he anyway, to command her so? It wasn’t too late to call it off. Her hands rose to the top of her blouse. What was she thinking, to even consider such a request from a man she scarcely knew? She could return home with George, cobble together some semblance of a normal marriage, and congratulate herself for having dodged a bullet.

She undid the first two buttons of her blouse and her heart rate accelerated. Stop, shouted part of her. You don’t have to do this.

But hadn’t she promised George that she would do whatever it took?

Suddenly, she was outside herself, looking on in horror, as she mutely shed her clothes. Clad only in her underwear, she stepped onto the stage. She was now committed.

Damian stood in front of Abby, studying her. She wore a black bra and matching thong. ‘I see you took my advice to heart,’ he said.

Abby nodded and bit her lip. She shifted self-consciously from foot to foot, hands loosely held in front of her.

Damian smiled wickedly and walked to the work bench. He returned with a large canvas bag. ‘Tools of the trade.’

He retrieved a length of rope from a bag and dropped it on the floor. He stepped behind Abby and gathered her wrists behind her back and set about tying them together. Abby’s knees almost buckled. Her breath came in gasps. Idiot, she said to herself. Idiot. It became a mantra as Damian looped the rope repeatedly around her wrists and tied it off. The rope was tight but not uncomfortable.

Damian placed a hand on her bare shoulder and Abby flinched. ‘Relax,’ he whispered into her ear.

Damian rummaged in the bag again and withdrew a pony bit, a rubber rod held in place by heavy metal rings and leather straps. He held the bit to Abby’s mouth. ‘Open,’ he commanded.

She closed her eyes and complied. He inserted the bit, moved behind her and fastened the strap.

He faced her again. ‘Too tight?’

Abby shook her head. She opened her eyes again. If she should see herself, she was sure she would recognize fear.

Damian busied himself next with Abby`s ankles. He wound rope around each, and then pushed her legs apart. He tied each ankle to an eye bolt and Abby struggled to maintain her balance.

‘Looks like you need something to steady yourself.’ Damian grinned.

From above Abby’s head, Damian pulled down a hook that dangled on a thick rope from a pulley high up in the rafters. He showed Abby the hook and moved behind her. Abby felt some tugging on her arms. Damian walked to the wall where the other end of the rope was tied and slowly pulled. When the slack was taken up, Abby’s arms gradually rose behind her, forcing her body to bend forward.

‘This technique is called ‘strappado’ or, to use a more recent term, ‘Palestinian hanging’. It’s a torture technique dating back to the 1500s where the torturer binds the victim’s arms and pulls them up until the victim is hanging. Often, the arms become dislocated and all kinds of nasty nerve damage can occur.’

Damian pulled the rope and Abby’s arms rose another few inches.’We don’t want that, of course.’

Another few inches. Abby was forced to stand on the balls of her feet and she whimpered. ‘But then, we don’t want this to be too easy.’

Damian held the end of the rope loosely in his hand. ‘Enough?’ he asked.

Abby nodded frantically.

Damian smiled and tied off the rope on a cleat on the wall.

He approached Abby. ‘Rest assured that I don’t want to damage you.’

He ran his fingertips lightly down her arms and along her sides until they rested on her ass. His touch thrilled her. ‘That being said, people usually feel some discomfort in short order. This position begs for the use of floggers and whips. You’ll notice that your ass is already presenting itself nicely. Of course, one can also choose to take the bound party from behind. Nothing much to stop it, after all. Personally, I find this position irresistible.’ He rubbed her ass once again and ran his fingers from Abby’s crotch down the insides of her spread legs.

He smacked her hard on the buttocks. ‘Do you like it?’

Abby was only now realizing how vulnerable she was.

* * *

In the kitchen of the ancient farmhouse, George related the events of the past few weeks to Britt.

‘That’s great,’ said Britt. ‘I’m glad that things are getting better. But we’re not done though. Not nearly.’


‘No. One weekend of intimacy changes nothing. Let me ask you this. If you and Abby were to fill out the questionnaires now, would your answers be different?’

George thought for a moment and his face fell. ‘No,’ he admitted.

Britt nodded.

They sipped coffee for several minutes. Britt gazed at the barn from time to time. Finally, she stood and removed her apron. ‘Today we’re going to cover how to properly hit a woman.’

George nearly coughed up his coffee. ‘How to what?’ he sputtered.

‘Hit a woman. Oh, I forgot that you were a squeamish one, a sensitive guy. Let’s call it impact play then. Happy?’

‘I don’t hit anyone, let alone women.’

Britt rolled her eyes. ‘You’re a lover, not a fighter, right?’

George was incredulous. ‘Did you miss that day in grade school when they taught you that it’s never okay to hit? Buffing your stilettos?’

Britt moved around the table and stood in front of George with her arms crossed. ‘Have you ever patted Abby’s ass?’

‘Of course.’

‘Ever given her more than a pat?’

‘Perhaps. You know, in the throes.’

‘In the throes. That’s funny. If that’s the case, then
you’ve hit her.’

‘Come on, there’s a big difference between smacking her on the bum and assaulting her.’

‘Bingo! I knew my faith in you was not misplaced. Somewhere between a caress and a beating is a line both parties must negotiate.’

George was exasperated. ‘But I don’t want to negotiate anything. What are we talking about anyway? Spanking?’

‘Sure. That’s one option.’

‘Oh God.’ George was genuinely horrified. ‘I don’t want to talk about options. It’s wrong. Besides which, there’s a symbolism to subjecting women to violence, even play violence, that I can’t stomach.’

‘Symbolism is for pickle-faced harpies who fret about such things and wonder why life’s not much fun.’

‘I can’t believe we’re having this discussion!’

‘If I told you that Abby wanted us to have this discussion, would that make it okay?

‘She what?’

‘Let’s say, hypothetically, that she isn’t averse to a little spanking from time to time. You know, smacking her on the bum. Possibly even a little discipline.’

George pictured Abby drawn across his knee. He shook his head. Abby was a strong, confident, and proud woman, and would never allow herself to adopt that position, to subjugate herself in such a way to any man. ‘My Abby?’

Britt nodded earnestly. ‘Your Abby. Would that make it okay?’

George thought about it. Britt was right, of course. It was all about lines. Even if the line was drawn on the far end of spanking and even if Abby allowed it, could George do it? He remembered the burning desire to hit Abby when he discovered that she had been unfaithful. If fact, he’d wanted to pummel her, but his nature and a lifetime of conditioning had rendered his hand impotent. But if Abby wanted something milder, and it was within an intimate or perhaps erotic context, could he strike her? He conceded reluctantly that he could, and noted, at the same time, that the mental picture of Abby’s bare ass under his hand did arouse him.

‘I guess,’ he said finally.

* * *

A dull ache grew in Abby’s shoulders and her calves knotted with the effort of relieving the strain on her arms. She concentrated on maintaining her balance, as any failure to do so only increased her discomfort.

Self-recrimination at allowing herself to be trussed up like this faded into the background. There would be time enough for that later. Now she was focussed entirely on her predicament.

‘I bet that right now, you’re asking yourself why you ever agreed to this.’

A thread of saliva ran down Abby’s chin as her teeth gritted against the bit. She glared at Damian, refusing to respond.

‘So strong, yet you’ve never been so helpless, have you?’

Again, Abby didn’t respond.

Damian clapped once and rubbed his hands together. He reached into the bag and removed a large silver hook with a metal ball on the point and an eyelet at the top. ‘Do you know what this is?’ asked Damian.

Abby shook her head.

‘It’s called an anal hook.’

Damian smiled as Abby’s eyes widened. ‘As you’ve probably guessed, it’s not for fishing. It’s inserted into the rectum and tied off. Given that you have such a nice head of hair, I’ll use that.’

Abby shook her head and tried to speak from around the bit in her mouth.

Damian stopped. ‘Was that your safe word? Thumper?’

Abby took a deep breath of resignation and shook her head.

‘I thought not.’

Damian tied Abby’s hair in a ponytail and then moved behind her. He applied lubricant to the ball at the end of the hook and ran it in circles around her anus. Abby arched her back and whimpered. He pressed it against her anus. ‘It’ll go easier if you relax.’

Relax. The notion of relaxing while someone threaded a hook in your ass was laughable. She couldn’t see Damian. She was desperately conscious of her vulnerability. Bent over as she was, legs spread and tied, he was painfully helpless and exposed.

The ball pressed once more, insistent, and finally violated her anus. Abby gasped. She could feel her sphincter closing over the ball and its slow passage up her rectum.

‘See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?’

Damian placed himself in front of Abby. She could feel the heat coming off him and smell the faint aroma of cologne.

‘Doing okay so far?’

Arrogant bastard, though Abby. She nodded.

‘Good. I have great expectations for you.’

Roughly, he pulled her head back so that she was looking directly up at him. He tied off the rope on her ponytail. Every movement of her head now translated itself to her ass.

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Private Alexis Crystal Veronica Leal Poolside Anal Threesome

Alexis Crystal and Veronica Leal have come to Private Specials, Costa Brava Heat ready to make the most of their summer vacation and this is certainly one hot threesome you won’t want to miss! Enjoy all the action on where these sexy stars fool around together on the beach before heading back to their mansion for some lesbian fun and a big dick to share by the pool. Watch Alexis and Veronica treat the lucky Potro del Bilbao to a gagging blowjob and an incredible fuck as they...

3 years ago
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Getting to Know My Cousin

I am new here so comments would be appreciated. I hope you enjoy the stories…I was 22 at the time. You could say I was a late bloomer. I had never had a steady girlfriend and had not even become sexually active until I was 19. My first time having sex was on a house call for a furniture company I worked for back in Florida. She was a 36 year old housewife, and she taught me a lot of things. Being a willing and able learner, it quickly set me on a path toward sexual “deviance,” which is not...

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Phone Sex

Going to Paris to shoot a rock and roll band sounds like one of those dream jobs for a photographer, but The Big Time wasn't living up to it's expectation. Instead of April in Paris, picture January and a fierce storm knocking out half the cities power. Being a California boy, I'd elected to travel light for this trip, knowing that I would have a bunch of presents to bring home to Nancy. I was a victim of my own profession, where all my images of Paris were in the Spring, Summer, Fall....

1 year ago
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Early 80s ExcitementChapter 12 A Sleepless Sunday Night

He was dreaming about her. He can't remember exactly what, but he was thinking about her. He then realized he could feel it. She was now caressing his ass. He was lying on his belly as he always did while he slept. She was back there rubbing both of his cheeks with her hands. He could feel her doing so. And now he was wide awake. He decided to be more discreet and completely pretended to still be sound asleep. She started to grab his ass more firmly. It felt good. Not amazing, but good. Yet...

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My Snow White

I’m not an adventurous person. Not by nature, anyway. It takes quite a bit of motivation to get me to explore outside my comfort zone. I suppose that’s what made Halloween so special. I could dress up and disguise my identity. Even act completely unlike myself and not worry. At the office where I work, there was a lot of discussion revolving around various parties. The buzz was all about who was going where and for some, with whom they were going. I hadn’t made any plans myself. Until Liz, my...

2 years ago
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Sucking my Son

After I returned home from work one afternoon. I accidentally walked in on my son who had just got out of the shower. "Oh I'm sorry Mark,” I said, but yet I couldn't take my eyes off of him standing there in front of me naked. He looked so stunning and I couldn't help but take notice of his young manhood hanging between his legs. It must have been at least 4 inches limp and was very thick."Ok mum, you’ve seen me before many times" he said as he wrapped a towel around himself. For the rest of...

2 years ago
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Banging and Bliss

Introduction: A little fantasy of what I wish had happened today. I find myself waiting at the plaza for Chris, my hair up in a messy bun, tied up in a bandana, trying to distract myself. I light a cigarette, placing it between my red lips and inhaling the smoke. My headphones are blaring in my ears, and I mutter along with the song, closing my eyes and relishing in the feelings of control that pulsate through my lungs before I exhale the cloud of smoke and grin. I continue smoking, leaning my...

4 years ago
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Round Back

A few minutes later a large black man stood over her a package in hand. Nancy smiled. It was Ralph the UPS man. Since she’d moved and started working from home he was a constant diversion every few days with deliveries. “Ralph.” She said sitting up. “Ms. King.” “Call me Nancy. You know I told you that before.” She said. He bent placing the package besides her admiring her voluptuous breasts, wide seductive hips and full shapely legs all glistening and ripe. He was in the standard...

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While this should more than likely serve as the conclusion to the story,I fear that it will not be read if written as such. And being the sort of storythat it is, I suppose the greatest hope is that it will not be finished, unlessout of curiosity and with a sense of carnal completion, so to speak. This is a love story. It's neither chaste nor gentle, is messy and oftenbrutal, and its completion is uncertain. My experiences are not contrived;what you will read is my life, as best I can...

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WinterbornChapter 3

I think I'll take a couple of days rest in Albuquerque, Dillon thought as he rode into the town. It was pushing two weeks since he left Amarillo; he, Buck, and Buddy the pack horse had covered a better than 20 miles a day. Dillon hadn't pushed the animals too hard; he wasn't in a hurry. About every third day, he'd ride Buddy and let Buck take it 'easy' carrying the pack saddle and gear. One reason he had been able to make 20 miles a day, day after day, was that he'd followed the Santa...

2 years ago
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Halloween with the Three

Three naughty little witchestrue story of what happened last yearI had known them casually for about a year, having talked with them a few times in the café and along main street. They were mild high-school goth chicks - or so it seemed. Gail was average in most ways, with dark brown hair and glasses. She had nice curves and often wore leather. She was friendly and ready to chat about anything. Rebb - Rebecca, was a tall skinny red head with very pale skin. She read books all the time and was...

3 years ago
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Discipline Correspondant

The Discipline Correspondence School. The Submissive woman after searching the internet located an interesting site. She could not believe her eyes, it was exactly what she was looking for discipline orientated site that would actually tailor its levels to the Sub. Eagerly she joined and filled out her Submissive questionnaire. The next few hours were exquisite torture for her, what would be her first lesson. And would she be able to complete the tasks, if not what would they demand as...

3 years ago
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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

2 years ago
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My First Time With Man

I was in my late teens when this happened. I am a 5' 4" Filipino, with slim built at the time. I had just finished surfing. It was a slow day at the beach. It was the middle of the week, hardly anyone was there. Had all the waves to myself. After surfing I headed into the showers. There was an older white man sitting on bench a reading. I did not think anything of him as I started to shower. The shower stalls are wide open with 4ft high pony walls separating the stalls. I was butt naked facing...

First Time
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My Neighbour the Runner Part 1

I live in a townhouse in the outskirts of a big city. Although the houses are packed tightly together we don't really act very neighbourly to each other. We're all busy professionals with busy lives and we keep ourselves pretty much to ourselves.There is a girl called Anna who lives about ten houses down the road from me. Like me, she's a runner; not the type of runner that runs because she needs to lose some weight. Oh no. She's fast, fit, has the world's most perfect ass and a pair of breasts...

4 years ago
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sex empress

as i sit here writing this story i am thinking about all the diffrent men that have willingly had sex with me. i call myself the empress of sexual intercourse. i have performed every sex position in the book. missionary, doggy style, the 69... like i said, you name it, i've done it. but this story is about one of my most recent sexual exploits. i have this bisexual friend named aquoa. he's fijan and very sexy.his manhood is extremely large at nearly 11 inches long. so yesterday,me and aqoua met...

3 years ago
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Grantville An Iona Beddau Adventure

Grantville: An Iona Beddau Adventure By Julie O Features characters from The Julieverse & Forget-Me-Not Chapter 1 "So Iona, what's the story about this place?" Michaela asked as we drove down an empty Midwestern road. "Our Chicago office got a note stating that the town elders are changing boys into girls in order to maintain the town's population,"...

2 years ago
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My Friends Family

The plan was finally set. Me and my friend Chris were going to drug and have our way with his little sister, John, his Mom, Lisa, and his Grandma, Doe. We planned on doing it when his Dad was going to be out all night at a job, and already got ahold of the stuff we needed to get them. John, had just turned 18 and actually very cute, even if a bit on the chubby side. Her mother, Lisa was half Asian and a lot of the good qualities passed onto her. She had her nice tanned skin and cute face....

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My Bucket ListThree

He uses the word “fuck” too much. Way too much. But twenty years on a submarine for Uncle Sam means he’s learned to use the word “fuck” to describe everything. As a military wife, I’m used to it; but he embarrasses our kids and grandkids when he talks like that in public. You’d never know he had two college degrees by listening to how he speaks or by reading what he writes.Did you read his two stories about his bucket list? He’s melodramatic, isn’t he?He is… but he’s mine and he’s golden as a...

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Bianca Behind Bars Part 1

After a night of drunken debauchery, the futa goddess Bianca found herself locked away in a cell in the local county jail. She was being charged with disorderly conduct and indecent exposure, and was escorted out of a dive bar called the Hot and Heavy Lady last night. Now, the morning after, Bianca woke up in a cell by herself, confused and incredibly hungover. This was the first time she ever got arrested, much less found herself behind bars, and the entire situation seemed so surreal. "I see...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Girlfriend

Hello friends. I m jack, a boy of age 19. This happened in this year summer vacation. I had always had a desire in my mind of having sex with a girl ( who was of my age & also my girlfriend ) ( her name is Nancy ) who was living just above our floor in our apartment. She was very attractive to look with fair colour skin & bluish green colour eyes. I never had the courage to ask her to have sex with me ( one cannot ask directly because it would had embarrassed her & in anger she would have...

1 year ago
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Craig HillChapter 13

Sunday morning was normal. They trooped off to church in Ripley and then Mark had an early snack lunch and left. His family all wished him luck in his new job and Serena gave him a passionate kiss in public which caused Elspeth to smile. He arrived at Bulford Manor at about half past six and, having circled the house decided which door was the ADC's flat entrance. He knocked and the door was opened by a little man, no more than five foot six, with jet black hair, vivid blue eyes and a wide...

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Analized Sarah Vandella In Love With Rough Anal Punishment

Sexy Sarah Vandella hasn’t been fucked up her ass in far too long. She dances around in excitement knowing what is to come. Sarah uses her anal plugs to stretch open her unused asshole before her big Russian cock enters. She is tossed around like a rag doll, all the while getting messy and covering her pretty face in her drool. Sarah cums hard as her asshole is destroyed. She likes to feel used up and fucked. By the end of the day Sarah Vandella gets all her wishes fulfilled. Her asshole...

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Jamacia Mistaka

My wife Brooke and I sail pretty often in the Caribbean. I am a professional captain by trade, and I have a lot of time off. Usually a few weeks at a time and sometimes more, but we don't want to waste too much time getting there. Therefore, we usually charter a boat in the area we wish to sail.We had been talking about chartering in Jamaica. No acceptable boats were available, so we intended to scrub the idea since we don't like hotels. Then my wife found some small beach bungalows for rent....

1 year ago
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Julie out on her own ndash First Threesome Part 2 ndash

Julie out on her own – First Threesome (Part 2) – CD/TV/TS, MFM(Continued from Part 1)Sure enough, there was Vicky was, head above mine, eyes closed, sucking on her fingers. I reached my arm up and snaked it around her head, and pulled her lips to my face quickly, making her faceplant into pools of sperm. She was surprised, but relaxed and started slurping – I knew I had her. I whispered quietly, “You still owe me … bitch!”To my surprise, as much as she’d seemed to be into it, sharing Mike’s...

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College life 31 the final chapter of the first se

To start my Sunday here in December, I headed down to do some laundry andhave it done before finals began here on Thursday with Wednesday being`dead day'. I was nice and threw in Kris's towels along with mine eventhough he still had a lot of laundry left. While doing laundry, I didcarry my laptop down and studied for some tests. I got a call from Dadwanting us to meet at his house for an early Christmas. I told him Tuesdaynight would be best for me. He agreed and gave me directions....

1 year ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 105 Vacation

Tuesday, November 6, 1990 I should have expected what happened next, but I didn’t. Brewster’s cell phone rang, and he held it up to his ear. He grabbed my shoulder and said, “Come on, back to the room!” “What’s up?” He slipped the phone back into his holster. “The President is going to be calling.” I stared at him for a moment. “The President? You mean, the President?” McRiley began dragging me out of the room, and the other pros and Marilyn followed me. Out in the hallway, where it was...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Cuckold 2

Becoming a Cuckold, Ch. 2 of 3by DirtyMindedMinxI woke up with a raging hard-on after a fitful night. Irene, my wife, was asleëp beside me, apparently worn out from her night of adulterous sex. I was torn between trying to fuck her and letting her sleëp. Knowing she probably wouldn’t want to have anything to do with my little pecker after what she’d had in her pussy last night, I quietly went downstairs to jerk off where I wouldn’t disturb her.Sitting in the chair she had masturbated in last...

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The Six Year Load

Watching the news one Spring morning, I noticed an article about an article about an ex con about to be released, after serving six years of a 10 year sentence, at a glance I thought he looked rough and ready by hand s mugshot, muscl, tattooed yes as criminals went, he was a hot rough and ready Daddy type.I as per got my day and put the story behind me. After work, I went to a local gay bar, for a swift drink, also to eye up the local talent, Show noticed a man was looking at me sitting from...

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Ahmed Meri Jaan

Hi 2 all. This story is only for gay lovers.I am riz 25 chubby gay bottom from karachi pakistan . Main direct story pe aonga. Mere 5 behan bhai hain mujhe mila kar sb mujhse bady hain aur sb married hain. Kahani 5 saal purani hai jb mai 20 saal ka tha. Meri street main larka rehta tha ahmed. Hum aur baqi street k larky cricket khelty thy. Jis k liye area se bahar ana jana rehta tha. Ahmed aur meri family bhi ek dosry ko janty thy. Hum ek sath sex ki baatein karty thy aur mazaq mazaq mai ek...

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Enterprise Shoal Leave

Lt. Christopher's personal log. August 10th, 2151. The Enterprise is due for a maintenance overhaul that will take three days. The maintenance will take place at Outpost 212. The Outpost is currently under expansion itself, soon to become a Starbase. Due to its proximity to the pleasure planet of Risa, Captain Archer has stated that any personnel that has any shore leave owed them may take it during the maintenance period. I have a few days saved up, but I'd rather hold onto it and use it in...

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Hot Rod Ch 04

My fantasy has come to life and all I want as I take her lush breasts in my hands is to taste her. So I lean down and flick one nipple with my tongue. Absolutely delectable! She makes a cooing noise and thrusts her chest towards me and has my already hard dick straining painfully behind my zipper. Enclosing the rigid peak with my lips, I suckle on the sweet taste of her. I press the other nipple between my finger and thumb as I do so. Alyssa’s back arches, pressing my face more against her in...

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Hungry for You

I DON’T KNOW WHY I’M TORMENTING myself like this. I want her. She is the only woman I ever wanted to fuck ever since the first time I had her. Mind you our first time included my fuck buddy, her and me; he fucked us both real good that night. He went down on both of us then fucked us senseless, making us gasp and moan and writhe and horny as hell. Too bad our last few fucks were stolen moments and I never got the chance to go down on her sweet flesh hidden between those athletic thighs. ...

4 years ago
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This is continuation of ' THE TRAIN JOURNEY IN INDIA PART I '--------------well as you all read the ticket checker was in my cabin in the trainHe was in his mid forties i guess and 5ft9 with a beer belly and chubby all over.he was stared at me for a cpl of minutes and then removed his coat, shirt, pants and boxers. He had his back to me i couldnt get a view of his cock. he wore his pyjamas. I had meanwhile turned to face away from him and said "Bhanu did you lock the door?" and he replied "it...

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A day at the beach the continued story 2

Last time, I told you all what happened on a bright summer day..... How I met Amber and Sarah, mother and daughter, on my way to the beach.... How nasty they were, how fuckin' hot that day was, and how slutty they behaved on the nude beach....As the day wasn't over when Amber had swallowed my load, here's what happened later. We were invited at the beachparty that evening, by Petra, the waitress of the beachclub and Sarah's niece. As we were on the beach that day, and I hadn't planned anything...

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Initially you were not too thrilled with the idea of spending the day shopping. It was a Saturday, which of course meant football was on, and to make matters worse your favourite team was playing a critical match. I had made you promise me that you would come along though, and as usual you gave in with your usual charming good grace. I smiled to myself, you didn't know it yet, but I was planning a surprise for you. The shopping centre wasn't too crowded. We wandered around some of my favourite...

4 months ago
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A Survey So Scientific Pt01

Amara is asked an unusual question by a co-worker and it immediately sends her into a sexual frenzy Part 1: "An Accident for a Question" Amara could not believe what she had just heard. The words that washed over her ears hit her with the unforgiving consistency of a cement bollard. She was so shocked that she lost her hold of the dinner tray, sending it together with its contents crashing to the floor with a loud clatter that turned all the heads within earshot in her direction. At the same...

2 years ago
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Alison Goes To London Chapter 16 A Jolly Good Fucker

Fucky Birthday to you,Fucky Birthday to you,Fucky Birthday, dear Alison,Fucky Birthday to you!“Surprise!” There was a chorus of cheers, and Alison felt her blindfold being untied. She looked around and gasped at the sight of Claire’s room, decorated with bunting and banners displaying messages like “Happy 19th – to a True Whore!” and “Many Fucky Returns!” Little pink paper cocks, tits and asses, dangling from ribbons, festooned the room, which was dominated by a huge poster of a gaping asshole,...


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