Holidays Break free porn video

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I was home on holiday break from College visiting along with an assortment of other relatives. My parents had worked out bed assignments so after mom told me who my roommate would be for five days I objected. “Okay”, my mother conceded, “maybe it's not the best sleeping arrangements in the world but we don't have a choice. With so many people coming you and your brother are going to have to share a room.”

“But Mom! There is only one bed in my room! You mean that he will be in my bed with me!?”

She looked at me exasperated “No, of course not, he'll have a sleeping bag on the floor.”

“But ----”

“Listen girl, its either him or your two cousins. I'm sure they wouldn’t mind getting you alone behind closed doors again.” The last time my father's family came to visit over the 4th of July my twin cousins spent most of the time trying to seduce me. They had me cornered in my room one night and were trying hard to get me to fuck them. They stopped short of physical force but it took me forever to get them out of my room. They only left because I convinced them I was on my period and wouldn't fuck anybody just then. The next day I told my mom what happened and she made sure they stayed away from me for the rest of the visit. Now they were coming back and I knew they would be pestering me again. Mom continued “With your little brother there, they will probably leave you alone.”

Score one for logic. “Okay, but it's twisted mom, perverse, and I want you to know he can stay only under protest.”

“It's only perverse in your mind girl, nobody else is going to wonder what the hell you two are doing behind closed doors. It won't be the first time you and your brother shared sleeping quarters.”

“Maybe not but the last time we did I didn’t have tits and he wasn't old enough to get a boner.”

Shaun marched into my room with a big smile and a monster smug attitude. “Hey Cheryl, it's you and me Babe!” He threw his rolled up sleeping bag onto my bed then glanced around for floor space.

I tried to freeze him with my glare but didn't succeed, he was still moving when I reluctantly pointed to a corner and told him “Over there, and don't even think you are going to change clothes in here and you'll be gone when I change too.”

“Yeah, okay, whatever.”

I sneaked from the family reunion about 10 that night and found quiet solitude in my room. I was tucked in nicely listening to tunes when Shaun threw open the door to come in. Over his shoulder I could see my twin cousins standing behind him straining to look into my room. Two sets of identical eyes locked onto me and flickered up and down the form of my body under the blankets. I scowled “Shut the damn door Shaun!” My brother tossed a quick goodnight to the spectators in the hall then closed the bedroom door. God, it was going to be the longest five days in my life. How in hell was I going to stay out of Frick and Frack's space so long?

My brother must have forgotten the rules because he stood in the corner and stripped to his briefs then crawled into his bed sack. I didn't want too, I didn't mean too, but I watched as he bared his body. He is 16 months behind me in age but in the last couple of years he had grown to be six inches taller and outweighed me by 40 pounds or so. He had his back to me so my view was of his broad shoulders and back which angled as a V to his 32 inch waist. The form of his butt under the snug briefs looked solid and muscular. His long defined legs were adorned by a thin layer of light brown hair. When he turned to kneel down to the sleeping bag I caught a quick glimpse of the outline of his works. The shape and size of the bulge in his shorts smacked me in the head with the realization that Shaun had become a fully matured man. As he turned off the light I knew I would never be able to call him my 'little' brother anymore.

After the light was out he sent across the room “Good night Cheryl.” When I heard the tone of the words I cringed with embarrassment, he must have known I was eyeballing him while he stripped.

I had a restless night. I had a hell of a time clearing my mind, it took forever before I managed to sleep. It was my brother that caused me to lay awake so long. I couldn't get the image of his tight, sculpted body out of my mind. Shaun played sports in school but I didn't think all that exercise could shape him that well. Genetics had to be a factor too, our father had been an NFL running back for nine years. Whatever the cause, I couldn't get over the fact that my younger brother was hot. Once that thought was established firmly in my head I started thinking about his girlfriends. He had dated a few girls then settled into a long relationship with Bridget. Hmmm, I wondered how much Bridget enjoyed being up close and familiar with Shaun's body.

The next morning I roused to find my brother lying on his back staring at the ceiling. “Hey” I greeted him.

He turned his head “Hey back.”

“How did you sleep?”

Shaun grimaced “I didn't, this floor is too fucking hard but I didn't want to get up and find any blankets to put under me. I didn't think this would be different than camping but it is. At least the ground has some give, the floor doesn’t.”

“Well, I'm getting up, if you want you can come up here and try to sleep for a while. It's still early so nobody else will be up yet.”

“Then where are you going?”

“I want to be up and dressed before the two lechers find me.”

Shaun smiled “Yeah, they were telling me last night how they want to tag team screw you. I'll help keep them away from you but I can't be there 24/7.”

“Thanks, come on up.”

My brother threw open the sleeping bag then sprinted across the space and laid on the bed beside me. I stole another surreptitious look at him then drew the blanket over him and got up. He closed his eyes for rest while I began my day. I decided I could change with him there so I dropped my night gown and slipped on a pair of house pants and a t-shirt. When I turned to leave I checked Shaun again. He had been watching me. I felt a flash of hot irritation but it quickly cooled when I remembered I had seen him only in briefs so I guess him seeing me in panties was about the same level of exposure and since I had my back to him he didn't see my tits.

The day passed and I managed to stay out of my cousins' reach. Shaun was there to keep them busy so I was able to relax and enjoy the family as we prepared for the holiday. That night Shaun was the first to slip away, twenty minutes later I said good night and followed. When I went to my room the adjoining bathroom door was closed and I heard water flowing, my brother was taking a shower. I had to piss like crazy but I didn't want to go to the hallway bathroom because the twins were in the house somewhere, lurking, lusting after me. I eased open the door and peaked through, my brother was behind the steamed glass shower door so I knew he wouldn't see me so I went in to pee. I dropped my panties and sat. As I flowed into the toilet I could see Shaun profiled though the frosted glass. As he moved around, stepping in a circle under the stream I caught fuzzy glimpses of his body. He was facing the glass when he stepped close enough I had a clearer view of him. My eyes focused immediately on the junction of his legs. The dark patch of pubic hair was prominent but even more intriguing was the outline of his cock. I couldn't judge how round it was but it was long enough to cover his nuts and then some. I stared at my well hung brother just enough to feel depraved then diverted my eyes, wiped my pussy then fled the room. I didn't flush because I didn't want him to know I was there.

He came into the room wearing pajama pants, no shirt and went to the sleeping bag. Earlier he had found a foam pad in the garage and put it on the floor but when he laid down he grumbled, “Fuck, this is still hard.”

“Maybe you can put more blankets down, that might help” I offered.

“I don't think so, they would just bunch up under me then I would be lying on lumps.”

I turned the light off and we were quiet but I could hear Shaun scuffling around trying to get comfortable. After about twenty-five minutes of listening to his frustration I felt sorry for him and made him an offer, “Hey, come on up here, you can sleep on my bed.”

“Where are you going to sleep?”

“Right here, but I'll be under the blankets, you can be on top.”

I heard the tease in his voice when he asked “On top of you?”

“Kiss my ass, now you sound like those two degenerates.”

Shaun crawled over me and laid down beside me, on top of the blankets. I rolled away from him when he said “Ah man, this is so much better.” It took him less than a couple of minutes for his breathing to even out to deep sleep mode.

I drifted in that zone between awake and REM. I knew I was resting but I also knew I wasn’t' sleeping. Every once in a while I would open my eyes and check my clock, surprised that time was actually passing. Gradually I realized why I wasn’t sound asleep. I was too aware of my brother lying beside me. No, not my brother, somehow my brother became misplaced and I felt a man, a male member of my species on my bed and my internal workings were reacting to him. My entire body was warming, my pulse was quickening, the temperature under my blankets was rising. I rolled over to look at Shaun. He was on his back, arms set at angles over his head. I checked his peaceful face then allowed my curiosity to take in the rest of him. His broad muscular chest was bare and I noted the cloud of hair sprouting dead center between his nipples. My eyes drifted further down to the pajama pants where his boner was revealed. His Boner! My brother had a long fucking hard-on poking up from the pee slot in his pjs, it was too large to stand straight so it was angled toward his chest. When I saw his unconcealed arousal I stopped breathing, my heart shook and my cunt shivered with a sexual thrill. I flopped back to my side away from him ashamed of the feelings that were rattling my nerve endings. I was too warm so I pulled the blanket off my leg, baring it from thigh to toes so the night air would keep me cooler. The vision of his hard-on was etched into my eyes. I'd seen several stiff cocks in my life and I'll be damned if his wasn't among the more appealing. He had a nice looking erection!

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't keep my imagination from focusing on Shaun. The longer I lay there the wickeder my thoughts became. Would that thing feel as good as it looked? How would it feel sliding in and out of me? Were his balls as entrancing as his cock? I hadn't seen them clearly, would he wake if I tried to look at them? How much cum could he unload when he got off? Could he make me get off? I wondered if I should ask Bridget those questions but quickly decided that would be unwise. I self-consciously slipped a hand into my panties and massaged my cunt while those questions spun endlessly through my mind. After a few minutes of soft abuse my body gave in to the attention and I climaxed, keeping my mouth closed to mute my moans of satisfaction, trying to keep my body motionless. As my eyes closed for the final time that night I still had a vision of my brothers arousal shadowed on the insides of my eyelids. I focused on that vision until my libido finally gave up and let me sleep.

Shaun was gone when I awoke that morning. I stirred around lazily then roused to shower. After preparing for the day I picked up the excess clothing lying around thinking I should put it n the laundry hamper. When I grabbed my brothers flannel pajama pants they came up in a ball, didn't fall loose and open. When I studied the wad of material I realized that they were bunched up and glued together by dried cum. Shaun had ejaculated and used his pants to soak up the discharge. I felt myself burn red in the cheeks and hurriedly threw the pjs into the hamper. My brother had jacked off in my bed? With me lying beside him? That was exactly the kind of nightmare I tried to tell my mother I might have to live through, my entire body shivered with revulsion. All the erotic curiosity I’d felt, the feelings I had as I masturbated with him on my bed vanished in the face of the physical evidence of my brother's act.

The day passed, most of the time I was with my mother, grandmother and aunt shopping and getting excited for the next day which was the main event. Gifts would be shared, food cooked and consumed then our home team was taking on their greatest rivals. I gave little thought to what I had discovered that morning.

A little.


But not much.

By bedtime that night I was over my shock at discovering my brother had beat off next to me so I had no difficulty with the prospect of sharing my bed with him again. Shaun was sitting on the floor with his laptop over his crossed knees when I came into my room. He was wearing another set of sleepwear and I knew why, the first set was wadded into a sticky ball in the hamper. He looked up “Hey.”

“Hey back, what you doing?”

“Checking Facebook, waiting for you.”

“Me? Why?”

“Cause the twins asked me again to set them up with you. They want me to convince you to screw them as a present. Man, those two are rabid for your bod.”

I wasn’t surprised, “Are you going to talk me into bed with them? That would take a lot of convincing and an ironclad guarantee for some really big future favors? A hell of a lot of huge future favors.”

He replied with a hint of tease, “Does that mean I can't talk you into a sex party with your favorite cousins?”

I laughed lightly, “Shaun, I would rather get fucked twice by you than once by the two of them.” As soon as I said it I knew I had stepped way over any boundaries I had set up in my own mind. My brother stopped talking and held my eyes prisoner for a few moments before I scuttled off to the adjoining bathroom. I closed the door and sat on the stool and felt total shame and embarrassment envelope me.

I composed myself, brushed my teeth, fluffed my hair then opened the door. Shaun had moved from the floor to sitting on the end of the bed. I stepped timidly past him to my bureau for a night gown. My mind was in that zone where I could do things but not think about it so it took me a few seconds of fumbling before I grabbed some sleepwear then retreated back to the bath to change. Shaun didn't say a word.

I opened the bathroom door, hurried to bed and slipped under the blankets. Only after I felt the cool sheets on the length of my bare thighs did I realize I had selected a nightie that I'd worn only a few times, when I met a former boyfriend at a motel. I dressed to seduce him and when he saw me in the sheer shorty he got hotter than a groom with a virgin bride. And now I was wearing it in bed next to my brother; with a shock of awareness, I recalled how I dug under three other night gowns for the one I was wearing. Why in hell did I do that!? I didn’t need a mirror to know what Shaun saw. The material was thin enough that my breasts and body were visible and he couldn't help but see my blue satin thong. I pulled the blanket up to my chin and laid away from him, I was teetering on the edge of the bed, my thoughts boiling with unbidden recollections of his erection and wondering why in hell I dressed as if to seduce him. I felt Shaun lie down behind me.

For several minutes I didn't move, couldn't move as I tried to control my breathing but no matter what, my body was reacting to the guest on my bed. Just as I made the determination to chase him back to the sleeping bag he rolled to his side so he was facing me then put a hand on my hip. Shaun pulled me close to him, the only thing between us was a few layers of cloth and bedding. I felt the pressure of his hard-on on my butt and even though it should have revolted me, it caused my loins to bubble with increasing warmth. I wanted to move away again but I couldn't make my back muscles obey the command. Shaun bumped me lightly so I felt the contour of his boner press deeper along the crack of my ass.

Mother Nature blanked my rational mind and took control. I bumped back on my brother then reached behind and gripped the hot blood filled muscle projecting from his sleepwear and squeezed it while kicking the blanket down to my thighs. I bent forward, increasing the pressure of my butt against my suitor then lifted the top leg and laid it over his. Shaun put a hand between my thighs, pulled the thong to one side then repositioned so I could guide the end of his cock to where we both wanted it. He thrust forward, his erection slipped through my loose grasp then into my wet dilated hole. I moved my hand then lie very still while my brother started fucking me.

Sub-conscientiously we both knew we had to keep quiet so other than the slight slap of his groin on my ass when he pushed in we made no other sounds. The longer we screwed the harder it was for me to keep my building passion from flowing over my vocal cords. I was getting well fucked and I liked it and it didn't matter the guy doing it was my sibling. Just about the time I opened my mouth for a large gulp of cool fresh air Shaun banged into me hard, gripped my hip and my pussy started getting wetter and hotter. My brother was bucking rapidly against my butt as he unloaded and all I heard was very soft muffled whimpering over my shoulder.

He fell away relaxed and I rolled over to face him. Shaun couldn’t look me in the eyes until I cupped his cheek and pulled him to look at me “You fucked me” I stated the obvious. He blushed and tried to look up but I held his head in place.

His eyes locked on mine, concerned, “I hope you don't get all weird and fucked up in the head now, I'm sorry but I kinda got hot and it just sort of happened.”

“Would you have stopped if I said 'Stop, back off?”

It took him a couple of moments before he uttered “Well, yeah.”

I paused for effect then admitted softly, “Well, I didn't did I?”

Shaun looked at me for several moments then began to smile with more confidence “That's right Cheryl, you let it happen.”

I got off the bed and went to clean up. When I came back I sprinted across the floor then launched myself at Shaun who caught me neatly then tucked me under him, he was over me, his groin pressing pleasantly on mine, my legs curled up and over his. He put his mouth next to my ear and reminded me “You said you would fuck me twice before you let them fuck you once.”

“I remember.”

“Did you mean it?”

“MmmmHuh, I do now.”

He lifted off me and pulled off his pajamas then helped me strip naked. When we bonded again as a couple his bare skin was caressing mine, causing the woman to rise from my womb with a heated urgency to couple again.

We still couldn't make noise, the house was full of family so my brother and I screwed with caution but without limitations. It was actually one of the hottest sex sessions I ever enjoyed because we took a lot of time being careful to be quiet. The long slow fondling, necking and fucking caused me to start a series of orgasms that I had to muffle under my pillow while Shaun came in gushes.

My brother saturated my womb three times that night. We were not being careful but I was safely on the pill so I let him enjoy me all the way.

It was all I could do to keep my hands off Shaun the next day. I wanted to flirt with him, to tease him, to build his desire all day then let it happen again that night but with too many sets of eyes around he and I behaved like normal siblings. The lecher twins weren’t so subtle, they were constantly hanging near ready to snatch at any opportunity to hit on me. Screwing my brother three times the night before had mellowed me considerably so I didn’t rebuff them with a lot of vigor.

I went to bed first, Shaun and our cousins were hooked up to a video game so I said goodnight to my relatives and parents then went to make ready for another heated night. I showered, powdered and primped then slipped into bed naked. It took him another half hour before he came in. He sat on the bed next to me and kissed my neck while passing a hand over my exposed breasts. His tender lips and gentle hands caused me to shiver with barely controlled excitement. “Take a shower, but make it quick” I urged him. When he stood my eyes were locked on the evidence of his anticipation. Shaun pulled his clothes off in the room, making sure I got a good preview of things to come. When he was nude he let his erection lead him to the shower while I laid back on my pillow and fingered myself.

He came to me still wet. I rolled to my stomach, spread my legs and gave him unspoken permission to do whatever he wanted. He came up from the end of the bed over my back, put his head between my thighs then put the tip of his tongue on my anus. I experienced my first orgasm while he mouthed my ass. I thought my heart would burst it was pounding so hard when he rolled me over and put his lips on my cunt. Shaun ate his pleasure of me then moved up to put the heavy head of his cock against the entrance to my body and pushed down and in until his pubic hair tickled my pussy. I didn’t need to neck, pet and fondle to get hot enough to fuck my brother, when his balls mashed against me I moaned with another hip shaking orgasm then raised my knees and willed Shaun silently to ravage my body.

Shaun screwed me for twenty minutes. He bent me; he twisted me; he turned me over, around, and upside down. By the time he filled my womb with the produce of his nuts I'd come five times, my ardor was completely wilted with exhaustion and satisfaction.

We lay side by side, silent in the afterglow of fantastic sex. I rolled my head to look at him and he smiled limply, “God Cheryl, that was hot.”

I rolled to his side, threw my leg over his thigh, pressing my pussy on his leg, I nuzzled his ear,“I got off a lot, you only once, is that enough for you?” I was feeling sexy, he made me feel sexy, and even though I had just been fucked damn near to oblivion I knew he was still riding a high level of lust. I slipped a hand over his semi-hard cock and started building him back up for another party with his sister. His prick regained its status as an erection under my slow teasing fingers. I lifted up and started kissing and licking him anywhere my mouth met his skin while fingering and pulling on the man between his legs. I seduced my brother that way for several long minutes until my head was resting on his stomach, I was closely inspecting his cock. I looked up at him “Hey, Shaun,”

He answered “What?”

“I'll take whatever you can give me.” With that declaration I returned to the prize in my hand and pulled it between my lips and over my tongue. As my mouth formed a seal around the thick shaft my brother shuttered, brushed my hair back then watched me give him head. As I bobbed, licked, kissed and caressed his hard-on I felt it swelling even more, growing stronger and longer. I cupped his big balls in my left hand and began to roll them in my fingers. Shaun's hips bounced, he groaned then he put a hand on my head and pushed me to take him deeper, the end of his boner made my throat bulge. I pulled up to catch a breath then I encircled the head with my lips and encouraged him with my eyes on his to cum. His cock convulsed then a flood of semen surged into my mouth. I sucked him half way in then let him pump straight down my throat.

Nothing was said, there was nothing to say. We were both completely sated so sleep came gently as he cradled me in his arms. I woke up, it was dark, I was nude and had a man between my legs. Awareness came slowly until I remembered where I was and who was behind me. Shaun had grown another erection and was using it again. Even though I was asleep when he started fucking me I quickly heated up for him. He took me softly, slowly until he got off then pulled out. I rolled over, kissed him, wished him goodnight again then we both fell back to sleep.

I woke about 5:30, the winter sky was still dark and cold so I snuggled against Shaun and let the cozy warmth envelope me. I was thinking about what we had done, brother and sister, fucking with the passion of new found lovers. I felt another yearning blooming in my womb, preparing for another hot encounter. My pussy warmed, puffed softer with warmed blood and I reached for my desire. Shaun s prick was flaccid when I first gripped it but in mere seconds it transformed into a woman’s sex toy. When he was fully aroused I shed the blanket then rose up over his lap. I held his hard cock then eased down until my body swallowed him completely. I started rolling my hips, sliding the long hard muscle though the entrance of my body, watching my brother come up out of sleep. He looked up at me, lifted his hands to my breasts then massaged the nipples while I fucked him. Shaun and I exchanged smiles then I bent to kiss him. We rolled over until he was over me, I pulled my knees up to my sides then my brother screwed me to another string of awesome climaxes. My he flooded my cunt again while he shook and trembled over me. I didn't need to wonder or ask what Bridget felt, I knew.

The family reunion was over. Frick and Frack were openly disappointed that I hadn't entertained them properly so I promised I would the next time we got together, a promise I would never keep. Shaun bundled his sleeping bag back to his own room and we acted as if we were relieved to have our privacy again. Our mom asked me “Well, was it so bad, sharing space with your brother?”

“No mom, I was surprised we got along so well, even with the door closed.” I went to my room to pull the sheets off my bed before she did. I didn't want her to see how well Shaun and I got along.

Shaun was loading my luggage into my car when I approached him, “Hey.”

“Hey back.”

“I'm going to Florida for Spring Break. I'll be down there six days, want to go with me?”

“Spring Break? Isn't that where it's all about Girls Gone Wild?”

“Yeah, but this time it would be all about Sister Gone Wild.” I let Shaun think about that for a moment then added, “And if Bridget is Bi, bring her along.”

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A year had passed. My first year at University had been very successful. My scholastic achievements were excellent, and my social progress was just as good. Girls at Uni seemed to have different criteria for assessing boys, to girls at school. "Footie" prowess, gift of the gab, and rugged goodlooks, were replaced by scholastic success, cute good looks, and an "appreciation for the arts". I rode this new wave of popularity carefully, but earnestly, losing my virginity pleasantly, but quite...

1 year ago
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Holidays with Auntie Joan Part 2

A year had passed. My first year at University had been very successful. My scholastic achievements were excellent, and my social progress was just as good. Girls at Uni seemed to have different criteria for assessing boys, to girls at school. "Footie" prowess, gift of the gab, and rugged goodlooks, were replaced by scholastic success, cute good looks, and an "appreciation for the arts". I rode this new wave of popularity carefully, but earnestly, losing my virginity pleasantly, but quite...

2 years ago
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Holidays at the Farm Part 5

Holiday for me is over tomorrow. I have enjoyed my time at the farm for the last 5 weeks. I have had more varied sex than I could imagine. My cousin Sarah, my lover Elaine and I have spent time together sexually here. Elaine’s mom and dad have made me feel most welcome. I have become a member of their family. I am very sad to be leaving. We had finished dinner. I was downstairs packing up to go home and off to school. Elaine and I have one last night together until mid-term spring break. I...

2 years ago
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Holidays and Letting the Genie Out of the Bottle

So we are in our room by the ocean,and you’ve just returned from a visit downstairs. You always like the upper floors so we took the 23rd. I pour us a drink and you take a sip. Our eyes meet and I see a look that sends blood racing to one place, and that always feels good. Licking your lips you lower your glass. "I think I'll head out to the balcony," you say as you turn and with an elegant flick of your wrist, toss a pair of panties at me. "Do try and prove useful," is tossed over your...

3 years ago
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Holidays Thanksgiving Christmas

Been a while my Son In law has been very scared of us getting caught and it just makes me want him more. True stories from Thanksgiving and Christmas. So thanksgiving rolled around and my daughter and her husband came over. It was our first holiday season since my husband left me. This made me even more horny for my son in law. Hes been hesitant to fuck me since he thinks my husband knew about us. Anyway my they came over to help cook dinner. My other daughter wouldnt come over because shes mad...

1 year ago
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Holidays with my aunt

Me and my aunt have always been close I see her about once a week at family dinners. We always sit and play cards together and discuss whats happening in our lives. One weekend my aunt invited me on a holiday with her on a cruise. I accepted on the spot. A month later she came and picked me up from my house to leave for the port. It was a long drive but we got there on time. We went to check into our room they said they apologize but they only have rooms with a single queen left. We reluctantly...

2 years ago
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Breaker Breaker

With apologies to Jennifer Sue. The following story makes authorized use of the setting and some of the characters painstakingly developed in her monumental *Ladd's Exchange Mall* series (q.v. in these Mania pages). Breaker, Breaker by Jenny Leeds Senator Breaker's heart sank the moment the judge flicked a sympathetic glance at him before seating herself. It would be everything he feared. A bailiff intoned, "The prisoner will rise." Breaker watched Acious...

1 year ago
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The Outbreak

One month ago an outbreak occurred. The infection spread like wild fire, through out the world. Between the infection, the chaos, and the destruction infecties have inflicted, the death toll has been staggering. Infecties, have become known as zombies, creatures reduced to their primal instinct, with no morals. Creatures seemingly bent on feeding, and killing. But since the outbreak, mutations have sprung up. Aberrant zombies, unique from their more normal counterpart. The world hasn't ended,...

4 years ago
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Holiday Break

“But Mom! There is only one bed in my room! You mean that he will be in my bed with me!?” She looked at me exasperated “No, of course not, he'll have a sleeping bag on the floor.” “But ----” “Listen girl, its either him or your two cousins. I'm sure they wouldn’t mind getting you alone behind closed doors again.” The last time my father's family came to visit over the 4th of July my twin cousins spent most of the time trying to seduce me. They had me cornered in my room one...

4 years ago
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The Breake

Chapter 1- Jessica  James Griffin liked his job very much. Actually, he loved it. This was the kind of job he had dreamed of since he was a child. He enjoyed the thrill it gave him, the sense of domination, and of course, the risk. He enjoyed feeling the adrenaline pumping through his veins, and the hidden eroticism.   Most of the time, he worked alone. His associate was a bit queasy about certain practical aspects. James didn’t mind that. He liked working alone.   It was Tuesday, the 7th of...

2 years ago
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First let me say thanks to my volunteer editor KJ plotts for putting up with me…I know I can be a handful. This is a long story about some fairly dark subject matter so if that’s not your thing I can completely understand that but you should think about another story then. Otherwise I hope you enjoy it and make sure to vote. The Second Coming Turning and turning in a widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer: Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold, Mere anarchy is loosed upon the...

2 years ago
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Holidays at the Farm Part 3

Elaine and I finished our shower together. Earlier in the afternoon, we were part of a threesome with Sarah’s mom. Sarah’s mom acted strangely after she caught us naked in my bed. I stayed with Sarah’s parents while on Christmas and semester break from college. Elaine and I started having sex since the summer visit to Elaine’s home. Sarah, Elaine and I shared our bodies on my summer visit and every visit since then. Elaine loved me and I returned my love to her. What made Sarah’s mom seem...

2 years ago
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Holidays at the Farm Part 2

Sarah’s parents went to Boston for a shopping trip. They expected to return on Monday. Their plans changed and they came home on Sunday morning. Sarah’s mom came in the house looking for me. Sarah’s dad was still outside putting the gifts in the barn and moving the car into the garage. Elaine and I slept naked in each other’s arms in the basement. Sarah’s mom came downstairs and woke us up. She caught us. The secret was out. We were in deep trouble. Elaine and I looked at Sarah’s mom with fear...

3 years ago
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Holidays with Auntie Joan Part 3

The next year I was able to drive up to M. I was now the proud owner of a cheap second-hand Toyota, that managed to last the entire trip. I had been in a lovely relationship with a pretty, foreign fellow student, who was returning to her home country for the Uni vacation.On arrival at Joan's shack, we warmly covered each of our major experiences since my last visit. Joan had invested some of her art income into some improvements to the shack - an electric hot water system, a new computer,...

2 years ago
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Holidays with Auntie Joan Part 3

The next year I was able to drive up to M. I was now the proud owner of a cheap second-hand Toyota, that managed to last the entire trip. I had been in a lovely relationship with a pretty, foreign fellow student, who was returning to her home country for the Uni vacation.On arrival at Joan's shack, we warmly covered each of our major experiences since my last visit. Joan had invested some of her art income into some improvements to the shack - an electric hot water system, a new computer,...

4 years ago
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Holidays at the Farm Part 4

Okay. The excitement of New Years Eve was over and Sarah would be back tomorrow. Elaine and I dealt with it and moved on. We learned some things from watching the participants and tried them out. A few looked so interesting, we might add them to our lovemaking. Elaine and I spent a wonderful ten days exploring each other, getting to know each other, hell, living with each other. It was a roller coaster ride but we managed to come out ahead. With Sarah's return, we thought there would be...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Holidays at the Farm Part 3

Elaine and I finished our shower together. Earlier in the afternoon, we were part of a threesome with Sarah’s mom. Sarah’s mom acted strangely after she caught us naked in my bed. I stayed with Sarah's parents while on Christmas and semester break from college. Elaine and I started having sex since the summer visit to Elaine’s home. Sarah, Elaine and I shared our bodies on my summer visit and every visit since then. Elaine loved me and I returned my love to her. What made Sarah’s mom seem...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Holidays at the Farm Part 2

Sarah's parents went to Boston for a shopping trip. They expected to return on Monday. Their plans changed and they came home on Sunday morning. Sarah's mom came in the house looking for me. Sarah's dad was still outside putting the gifts in the barn and moving the car into the garage. Elaine and I slept naked in each other’s arms in the basement. Sarah's mom came downstairs and woke us up. She caught us. The secret was out. We were in deep trouble. Elaine and I looked at Sarah's mom with fear...

4 years ago
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Holidays in Calabria magnificent old man number 1

If for my second favorite old man I get nervous, here I want to break everything.I've been on vacation for a week, the eighth day I decided to look at the various photos I had taken, but I could not find one that made me excited in particular,after having had breakfast I went to the beach and as usual I was going to position myself almost at the end of the coast because I find it a nice piece of beach;but I still did not find myself halfway through my journey, which came to me in front of this...

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Holidays with Peggy my wifes sisterpart2

So nothing else happened that night between me and Peggy, and I needed the rest so my sore cock could heel. The next day was Thanksgiving, spent with the whole family, again pretty tame day, no sex. On Nov 25th, the day after Thanksgiving, I had to be in work early, but also got to leave early. I got home and as I walked inside I heard the shower running. I went upstairs and figured it was my wife, it was. I stripped down and hopped in with her. We started messing around and eventually ended up...

4 years ago
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Holidays with Peggy my wifes sister

Once again it was Thanksgiving and my wifes sister Peggy was staying with us. We have a pretty good history between us, and with her older sister also. Well this time Peggy came down alone, her husband had to work. So this day started with a phone call from my wife, to get the hot tub ready because her sister wanted to go in it. Whatever I thought and went out to turn it up to 103. My wife also layed out some of her bathing suits for her sister to borrow. Since me and Peggy have a history( see...

1 year ago
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Holidays with the Johnsons

Football had ended three weeks earlier. Since there was no practice, my afternoons had been filled with studying and helping Mrs. Johnson decorate for Christmas. We had put up the tree, but was waiting until Samantha, the Johnson’s daughter, to come home from college before we placed the lights and ornaments on it. We had decorated around the house, inside and out. At night the house glowed with red, green and blue lights. I had never had a real Christmas. Most of the homes,I was in, made...

2 years ago
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A widower is seduced by his teenage daughter. (M/f-teen, ped, inc, exh, 1st, oral, mast, anal, rom)***I guess it was all my fault. My wife walked out on my daughter and me, four years ago. Kasey was only ten at the time. My Ex had found a new life and one day when we got home she was gone. A note that didn’t say enough was on the kitchen table. My daughter took it very hard. Me, I never saw it coming.When my wife first left, our daughter was so upset she got in the habit of climbing into bed...

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The Ice Breaker

We talked about it and she told me to get all the sexual thoughts out of my head this was not a sex vacation or so she said at the time. We booked the reservations and started to make all the necessary plans to have a great time. The trip was scheduled for about 6 weeks off so we had time to get ourselves into better shape to be naked in public. We both started on a crash diet and we committed to going to the gym every day until departure. We started going every evening after work and after...

4 years ago
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The Ice Breaker

Introduction: This is a story about a fun time we had at a lifestyle resort My wife and I have been married for over 30 years and we finally got all the children out of the house and launched into society. We decided we would go and have a little fun and treat ourselves to a well deserved vacation. We discussed many different options and looked on the internet for several weeks when my wife said she would like to go to an all nude resort. She had never done anything like that but she thought...

3 years ago
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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 23 Double Breakthrough

Once Ki Jung got back home, she informs Auntie and little brother that she was going to cultivate in seclusion for the next couple of days. She wants to attempt to breakthrough with both her Blessed Whole arts to further improve her inner body and the depth and breadth of her Dantians and meridians. Ki Jung hopes to achieve this through intense cultivation while in seclusion at the Pergola at the Academy. As an instructor, she has full-time access to the academy grounds and most of its...

2 years ago
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The RutBreaker

It was the last thing that Larry expected as he answered his mobile phone over breakfast. “It’s Helen,” a soft female voice spoke, “Helen, from last night.”“Yes I know.” he responded curiously, “good of you to call.”“I... I was wondering if you were free to meet up for coffee this morning if you’re still in town.”“I haven’t checked out yet in fact I’m just having breakfast. When would you like to meet?”“I could pop over now. I don’t have to be at the office until eleven.”“That would be fine....

1 year ago
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The first two sections– Prologue 01 & Prologue 02– are pretty slow and are primarily there to set up Felicia’s story, which is told in Chapters 01 through 04. Her story makes a lot more sense if you read the prologues, but if you want just the heavy sex stuff, skip to the first chapter. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted...

2 years ago
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She woke up by strange, blurred noises she couldn't quite make out; a lot like the rattling of cold steel. Her head was a mess – one big, agonizing mess. Bits of memory flashed through her mind: a lazy evening with Hubby, a sudden malaise, a sudden nausea, a sudden impairment of her consciousness. Drugs? And then, the masked men breaking into their house. Three of them. Then, darkness.A pang of thunderclap headache shook her fully awake. Her natural reaction to hold a protective hand to her...

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Prologue 01: The Truce is MadeCarlo Benito didn’t want to make the truce, but something had to be done to stop the killing. The five gangs were dropping each other’s members on an almost daily basis and the cops didn’t seem to care. One of the West Forty-Nines said that he had information that the cops were waiting for them to kill each other off before they stepped in and took down the winner.A truce was absolutely necessary, and this time it had to be a truce that could be enforced. There had...

3 years ago
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A Werewolf A Heir A Rulebreaker

This is a concept that I toyed around with, and as such I’m not sure how serious I am about it. All characters that will be in erotic situations will follow the guidelines (I.E. Main character is nineteen years of age). Should story progress to need more characters, story will be edited to accomodate, ___________________________________________[Line Break]_______________________________________ Your name is John Doe, and your a werewolf. No, not some mangy mutt who hides out in a secret pack in...

2 years ago
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Stats & Updates Act I Draft Complete Stats for Act I 27 Segments Deep at its shortest & about 15k words to P A R S E on a single path. A story that drastically changes with your decisions. Characters S U F F E R and their personality grows, depending on your choices. Several S E X Y decisions to make, now. Several P O R N O G R A P H I C decisions to haunt your conscience. 1 apocalyptic event to D E C O M P I L E as you explore the future, we imagined, haunt those we left to deal with it. No...

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The Bitchbreaker

It's funny how popularity works. This time last year Richard Flynn was one of the more popular guys in school. He was the new guy and shrouded mystery. Before the end of the first semester there were dozens of rumors about him spreading around the campus. But that was before last years Junior-Senior basketball game. The game itself was a joke. Five seniors from the varsity basketball team would take on a team of juniors voted in by the entire school. At some point the seniors would pull a prank...

3 years ago
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You'd like to think there hadn't been any warning. There had, of course. Way above your head - literally and figuratively - satellites had had their sensors tuned to the area of space long before most of them had recorded anything out of the ordinary. Other had been blinded, complex strings of code beamed up to them from hidden complexes across the globe - or in a few cases, simply deactivated by the controls hidden within them during their manufacture. That part you'd heard about. The news...

2 years ago
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Client Confessions 101 Bens Bottom Breakthr

As some of you know I have my own Sex Perversion Counseling office at our clinic. I'm often working with men who have one or more sexual perversions they themselves cannot easily explain. A large part of the process is finding that 'breakthrough' where a client can really identify some sort of original event in their lives that brought about the perverse lusts or sexual obsession. Ben, 33 was an example of someone who might have psychologically blocked out an event yet was carrying out behavior...

4 years ago
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A Lunchbreak

(Mark rushes home to her bedroom for lunch)Mark called home, his meeting had been canceled and he decided to come home for lunch. Of course, with an hour's drive to get home, he hoped it would actually be lunch and a whole lot more. The k**s were at school and it had been a while since him and his wife had done anything, so Mark was hopeful.Allison knew exactly how to serve lunch, and it had very little to with cooking or food. Fully aware of the opportunity, she changed out of her everyday...

2 years ago
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Icebreakers "So Nathan, how did you first learn that Trisha was not born as a girl?" Most people were done eating, and Sarah had told us all about her new job, but it was my mom's opening shot to Nathan, at least during this conversation. Nathan chuckled quickly, "Oh this is a great story! I'm in Prof. Ballard's Creative Writing class, and it's the first day. He starts things off with an icebreaker exercise. Everyone is sitting in a circle and we are to take turns saying our...

3 years ago
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Cursebreaker By: Lyrissa Ardath narrowed his eyes as he surveyed the edge of the drab, foreboding swampland. Gnarled, moss-encrusted trees leaned precariously out over dark pools of still water and the air was dank and cold and smelled heavily of rotting vegetation. Ardath seemed out of place in this dreary landscape, his well-polished armor and weapons making him appear as if he was a celestial being who had just taken his first step down onto the dark world of mortals. The young...

2 years ago
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Jailbreak Megan Roman Inspired by the picture "Jailbreak" found on Prinny77's deviantart site ( Steffie knew she hadn't lived a perfect life. For 21 years, she had spent pretty much every day indoors, either watching TV, reading, or playing videogames. She had no friends, no money, and no social life, and meeting her end by accidentally touching a broken power strip did nothing to change her activity level. Hell didn't seem like a logical...

2 years ago
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Porno for Breakfeast

?Porn For Breakfast?  A Love story: ?love lost, love found, responsibilities and redemption, tattoo’s, an affair, a beautiful dorky that overcomes overwhelming odds to triumph & a wall street pirate who risks everything and takes many bullets for his soulmate, crazed family members, puntuated with liberal doses of the hero & heroines extreme, obscene & fetishistic sexual habits. A two year time frame for the story, most of the fact is easily recollected between two brains. The background of the...

3 years ago
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The Mindbreakers

Ingrid knew that she might have ruined her chances of a job, an opportunity to get out of the squalor and misery of the last six months, in that fit of temper that afternoon. The miraculous letter had arrived in the morning and introduced a Mrs Petrak who wished to interview Ingrid about a job opportunity. But then she had to go to work and that bloody woman Rene just would have found an old newspaper at home ? Under the Lino?? and in it details and pictures of Ingrid at the trial two years...

3 years ago
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??????????? She?d been kneeling naked, eyes closed, for what seemed like an eternity.? Most likely it was only 15 minutes but the time of silence, without his words, his touch or the sight of him to anchor her made it feel much longer, much worse.? Despite knowing there would be an end to it she couldn?t get used to these moments of enforced silence, enforced exile.? Her arousal would dissipate quickly without him even though she knew it pleased him greatly to keep her this way.? He?d...

1 year ago
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Sunday lunch Part 2 of Bed and Breakfat

After such a sexy morning, I had the day to myself. Pam and Beth/Brian were visiting relatives, so with £50 in my pocket I hit the westend. I had a great day and was bold enough to hit M&S, BHS and C&A buying myself panties, stockings, suspender belts and 3 fantastic nighties, lemon, blue and a very sexy black one.There was a lovely white negligee set but it was over £20 and I couldn't afford it. I went into Soho and enjoyed looking around the sex shops even found a porno cinema. I got...

1 year ago
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It was not even 6 o'clock yet, and both her parents and her brother were still asleep one floor below her, she knew. None of them had a reason to be up this early on a weekend. Dad wasn't due at the office until Monday, Mom had today off from the diner, and Billy wouldn't even start stirring until 10, at the earliest. Ari was awake for a very good reason, though. She had a date today, the very first one of her life. Even though she had celebrated her eighteenth birthday last week, both her...

2 years ago
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Beccas Breaktime

I spent my lunch break in the women's locker room at the factory, buried balls-deep in Becca Ferguson, the nineteen-year-old press operator who wanted me. I didn't want Becca. She was flat-chested and kind of dumb, no real ambition but to get married and start cranking out babies like a puppy mill. Still, she wanted me, and I was willing to use her to get what I really wanted, which was Susan. Becca and I had our shirts on, but our pants around our ankles. I pounded into her, stroke after...

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