Ho Ho Hoes free porn video

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I arrived at the base of the beautiful snowy mountainside lodge. A grand mansion built in the style of a log cabin sat as pretty as a painted picture out in the open, surrounded by the snow-covered fir trees. The sun had only just set, and the beautiful Christmas lights that adorned the outside trims and windowsills of the beautiful building glowed in their sparkly rainbow-coloured wonderment, keeping the blackness of the northern night sky at bay.

Inside, the yellow roaring fire of the giant brick chimney which stood dead centre of the main hall had cast the halls in a hug-like warmth. There was only a small handful of guests and staff members milling about.

I set my backpack down at the main desk, and proceeded to sign myself in with the aid of a polite smiley receptionist. I then joined a friendly looking group of guests sat in the corner by a large window. They were young, bearded gap-year students wearing thick winter jackets and clothes, and they were very jovial having clearly had their fair share of blood-warming beer. I quickly embraced the good humour of the group, as we celebrated the coming holidays. All was good...

Suddenly there was a great crashing sound. All of the lights had shut off in the blink of an eye. The only light now coming from the yellow glow of the fireplace. Everyone looked around in uneasy tension.

"Please, remain calm."
A male staff member declared, but his voice had a certain hesitance to it.

"Pay your electric bills much?"
One of the students joked with a nervous chuckle.

"Please, remain calm."
The staff member repeated, before he quickly hurried off to the maintenance room to assist the other staff in trying to solve the blackout problem.

Everyone was feeling very uneasy. The taste of the air had quickly altered. None of us could put our fingers on it, but the atmosphere had changed. The hairs on the back of our necks had stood up. It was like an unseen force was threatening us from the shadow.

"How difficult is it to change a fuse?"
An older guest had questioned loudly from across the room.

"Or get a backup generator running?"
Another moaned.

"I don't like this!"
A young woman cried out, as panic began to set in her.

"Calm down. It's just a blackout."
Her boyfriend tried to comfort her.

There was a sudden commotion. A hive of activity quickly enveloped the staff, as they grabbed a bunch of heavy-duty tools and rushed outside into the snowy surrounds.

"What's gotten into them?"
A student asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and watched as they quickly exited the lodge.

"Probably a polar bear wanting to check in for the night."
Another student joked uneasily.

Everyone started holding their phones out, to blindingly shine their lights around the large room to see in the dim darkness. I also used my phone light to see. I walked over to another large window, and peered outside. The lights from the phones was obscuring my view.

Suddenly, the screams and yells came.

The sound of violence blared from outside the lodge. Everyone rushed over to the various windows to check out the commotion. I clicked off my phone light to see more clearer from my window. I couldn't really see any detail except for the shadows against the snow of the staff rushing around and fighting something.

I could see a crowd of shadows emerging from the fir woods. The staff members were fighting back against them, but were being overrun. The staff then turned heeled, and rushed back to the safety of the lodge. They entered with haste, and quickly slammed the front doors shut behind them. They all grabbed flagpoles by the entrance and wedged them through the hooped handles on the door to barricade them shut.

There was a few moments of uneasy silence.

"What's going on out there?"
The nervous woman asked, her voice all shaky.

"Please, remain calm."
Another member of staff nervously stated, out of breath and sweating.


A window on the front door was suddenly shattered by angry hands. That crowd outside was desperately trying to break in. They were groaning angrily as they fell over themselves while lashing violently at the doors and windows. Guests began to scream and run towards the centre of the lodge, next to the fireplace.

I just backed slowly towards the fireplace, looking for anything to defend myself with. I noticed the heavy iron fire-poker beside the fireplace, and picked it up.

"Please, remain calm."
The staff members repeated to us as they nervously faced towards the front doors.

The flagpole barricade began to give way. The doors awkwardly broke open by the sheer weight of the angry horde fighting to get in. I wielded the fire poker, ready to defend myself.

With loud cracks and bashes, the door splintered open enough for bodies in the crowd to start spilling inside. I realised right away, from the glow of the fire casting yellow light upon them, that these weren't people... They were zombies!

Without hesitation, I charged at the smelly rotting monsters, and began bashing their heads in with the sharp end of the poker. I stabbed their skulls, which crumbled in like thick eggshells. I fought valiantly, as staff members and a couple other guests grabbed improvised weapons and joined the defence of the main hall. But the numbers were just too overwhelming. Thousands of the undead beasts kept on coming. My arms slowly grew hot and tired from swinging the heavy iron around. I backed away.

"Take up defensive positions! Triangle around me!"
I yelled out.

Nobody listened. Everyone around me was too panicked to follow any orders. More and more zombies broke through. More and more rotten bodies came at us. They forced our backs against the brick chimney.

All was lost...

The loud jingle of bells suddenly cut through the air. There was an extra chorus of new voices yelling out in manic fighting. With lots of squishy, wet thuds, the large heaving crowd of zombies slowly thinned out. I peered over the increasing pile of dead bodies, to see our saviours.

Christmas elves!

...Or grown adults of varying ages, genders and races, dressed up as Santa's grotto helpers, in their green tunics and trousers, and red and white stripy hats and curly-toed black buckled shoes. There was coagulated bloodsplatter staining there festive clothes in a dirty mud-like red.

They were yelling and cheering and warcrying as they waded violently through the thousands of living dead beings, cutting them all down in their wake with their red and white striped baseball bats, machetes, and assault rifles.

After some minutes, the zombie threat was ended.

A brief moment of calm swept over the lodge like the lapping of a wave. We cheered and thanked our saviours, who just grinned maniacally at us like possessed Christmas-flavoured demons.

The ones toting assault rifles suddenly aimed them at us.

"Supplies. Now."
One demanded.

"Excuse me?"
A female staff member stepped forward to question.

A sudden burst of gunfire cracked out. She was gunned down right before us. Her body now littered the ground with the rest of the dead creatures.

"Your supplies. They're ours now. Give them to us."
One of the store elves demanded impatiently.

"Are.. Are they seriously real???"
One of the gap-year students quietly whispered in a scared hushed voice to me, behind my ear which was still ringing from the loud gunfire moments ago.

"They are for real,"
I subtly answered in a hushed whisper of my own,
"Just look into their eyes, only retail workers dressed up as elves and forced to work around the Christmas holidays can possibly be more dead inside than zombies!"

"Fuck it. Shoot them."
Another dressed-up elf shrugged casually.

Rapid gunfire quickly rang out loudly like small fireworks in a tin pan.

Somehow, in the chaos and bloody pandemonium, I was able to dive behind the brick chimney just in time which was quickly crumbling down from the bullets. It provided me with just enough cover to rush towards one of the bullet-hole shattered windows to dive through. Shards of little glass cut my exposed skin, but the damage was only minimal. My thick winter coat was able to provide enough padded protection to the body, and my long thick hair was able to protect my scalp from any damage too.

The elves cried out the order to stop me, so I ran as fast as I could in the thick snow into the shelter of the snowy evergreen woods.

My heart pounded like a hammer inside my chest as I rushed through the maze of trees in the dark night. The only glimmer of light to aid me was the majestic lights of the aurora which began its beautiful dance high above. I could hear the many hundreds of elves in the surrounding woods yelling out behind me. I heard the roar of engines as some were chasing on snowmobiles.

I ran, and I ran, and I ran.

I flew and I tumbled down the slope of the snowy mountainside. I didn't know where I was headed, I just had to keep running to save my life.

The yelling manic voices of the elves slowly grew distant behind me. I knew I was escaping. I was nearly in the clear. I saw a clearing in the woods, with a little stream still running in the distance despite the icy cold temperatures. If I could just make it over to there, by those large boulders and rocks, I could follow the flow of the stream down to hopefully a small mountain town. To safety!

My legs soon felt like heavy logs, but I kept on running as fast as I could, towards the stream.

Just as I passed by a couple more fir trees, my legs suddenly gave way. I fell hard to the snowy ground. Something was holding onto my ankles!

I hurriedly looked down and reached for my ankles. They was wrapped up in thin blue nylon ropes. I quickly pulled at the ropes, trying to set myself free.

The loud engine of a vehicle approached from my flank. The snow crushed under its wheels as it pulled up to a stop. I looked towards the vehicle. It was a open-top old-fashioned army Jeep. It was lit up brightly by strings of Christmas fairy lights adorned around the frames and snow tires. There was 3 young blonde women sitting in it, no older than 20 years of age. Christmas music was blaring loudly from the tinny car radio.

"Well, well, well. Look what present Father Christmas brought us!"
One of them sneered with a manic grin. Her voice was high-pitched, irritatingly so.

They all jumped out eagerly from the small utility vehicle. They were all dressed identically in little red mini-dresses, with white tinsel trim. A red Santa's hat with a white fur bobble on the end. Little curled red shoes with a tinkling bell on the end of the curled toe. The rest of their skin was exposed to the icy air, which didn't effect them negatively at all.

"Let's totally stick her!"
One of them cheered as she produced a large hunting knife from behind her back, and skipped over to me, ahead of the other two.

One of my ankles was still tangled up by the rope. I had to defend myself on the ground. As she came right on top of me, I quickly used my BJJ training to turn her momentum against her and force her to the floor beside me. I quickly scrambled for her hand with the knife in it, and disarmed her with little struggle. She quickly hurried away from me, as I used the knife to cut the rope around my ankle.

Now free, I hastily stood up to my feet, and faced the three blonde psychopaths. They were all laughing like a pack of wild hungry hyenas.

"Aww look! She wants to fight us!"
One laughed.

Another agreed.

"How dare she want to defend herself and spoil our fun! What a selfish bitch!"
The first sneered with a devilish grin.

"No way! She doesn't want to fight us. She totally wants to play with us!"
The third giggled manically.

"Yes! Totally! She's our new dark-haired Barbie doll! Let's play with her!"
One of them declared menacingly.

"I don't want to play with her! She's a cheat!"
One pouted bitterly, before laughing again.

"Yeah, look! That's so bogus! She's using a knife to cheat! Cheater! Cheater cheat cheat cheater!"
Another taunted me bitterly.

I admit, I was kind of put-off by them talking like Californian valley girls. But I wasn't afraid of them. I was just getting increasingly pissed-off by them and their irritating high-pitched voices.

"I don't need a knife to deal with you bitches."
I dared them as I jammed the knife into the bark of the tree beside me, and faced them with my fists clenched.

"Ooooh!! She's a brave little Barbie!"
One taunted and laughed.

"And to think they call us blondes air-headed bimbos!"
Another joked and laughed gratingly.

"Christ, you're annoying!"
I snapped at them.

"And you're about to be dead, so I guess we're even!"
Another replied with an annoying laugh.

"Agh -- shut up! Come here you little ho ho hoes, so I can deck your halls!"
I challenged as I started to rush towards them.

They didn't show no fear or hesitation at all. They came at me with big wide soulless eyes, and manic grins stretched from ear to ear. I didn't think much of them. They were slimmer than me, slightly smaller than me, and looked a lot weaker than me. Oh how I underestimated them!

As I crashed into them, they quickly overpowered me. It wasn't just the numbers game playing to their advantage. They were surprisingly strong. Much stronger than I anticipated. Much stronger than me!

They were even more nimble too. It was like trying to grapple with cats, they were easily able to slip from my grasp and punish me with scratches, pinches and hair pulls. They were even grabbing at my thick winter clothes, ripping and pulling the fabric off my skin me. I fought as hard as I could, but they were just getting the better of me at every turn. And all the while they were screeching with deranged laughter, and taunting me in their mocking high-pitched irritating dumb blonde valley-girl voices.

Before I knew it, I was pinned down naked in the snow, with one of them sat hard on upper my chest, her back to me and her bum pretty much in my face. One had took advantaged and grabbed me by the ankles to pull and bend my legs up until my feet was by my ears!

I suddenly felt extremely exposed and helpless, and struggling to breath from both being bent up out of shape like that, and having one of them effectively smothering me with her frame. My ordeal was only made worst when the one who wasn't actively near me, suddenly towered over my exposed naked bum being held aloft in the open air, and started spanking me hard!

With every stinging slap of her icy cold hands against my exposed open cheeks, they would all laugh and tease me. The one awkwardly sat atop my chest/face joined in, spanking my quickly blushing bumcheeks with her psycho friend. They even started timing their spanks and slaps on my bum in time to the tinny beat of the Christmas song playing from the Jeep's radio!

The one who was behind me, holding my feet by my head, re-positioned herself slightly so she could see with my heels between her thighs, effectively pinning my painfully bent legs in place whilst freeing her hands so she could reach them around the body of her friend sitting on top of me. I quickly felt what her intentions were, as she started to unmercilessly pinch, pull, tweak, and twist my nipples. My nips were rock hard from the cold, which made it all the more easier for her to get as strong a grip on them as she pleased.

I could only cry out in pain and beg for them to stop. But there was going to be no stopping their party on me.

With every agonising moment of pain and humiliation endured, I grew weaker. My muscles were giving up on me, my sinews softened greatly, and my resolve to keep fighting paled.

Even when they stopped torturing me in that hold and got off me briefly, I couldn't find any will to muster myself away from them. I just tried desperately to pick myself up, but all I could manage to do was turn over onto my front.

"Where'd you think you're going?!"
One of them shrieked with manic laughter, as she eagerly jumped onto my back, crushing me down into the slushy snow beneath me.

She grabbed my arms and pulled them back, lifting my head and upper back up as she did so. I strained for breath as my body bent unnaturally backwards like that. Another, demonstrating her full nimble gymnastic prowess, briefly cartwheeled beside me, and landed with her legs wrapped around my neck and head, as she faced towards her crazy friend sitting on my back. From my point of view, all I could look at was the heels of her feet as she crossed her legs to really tighten her leg scissors on me.

The third one, with that deranged manic evil grin on her face, slowly approached me. She kicked one of her curly shoes off, exposing her bare foot to the winter air, and then unceremoniously jammed her red-painted toes into my mouth, as she laughed mockingly.

"Open wide, slut!"
She taunted as she laughed.

I couldn't even find the strength in my achy tired jaw to bite her.

"Now that's what I call a cheesy Christmas present!"
The one pulling my arms bending me backwards joked, which garnered annoying shrieks of mocking giggles from all three of them.

As soon as she pulled her foot away from me, I began to splutter and tried to spit in disgust. Anything to get the taste of her foot out of my mouth!

She asked as she wiggled her wet slimy spit-covered toes in front of my eyes, and then howled with taunting laughter at me.

"She's such a total faker! Bet she loves feet really!"
The one squeezing my neck/head between her solid thighs teased and laughed.

"Totally! I bet the little slut's never gotten more wetter than right now 'cos of that!"
The other agreed with a derisive giggle.

"And we so need her wet. More play time for us!"
One declared with a big grin.

"The wetter, the better!"
Another laughed.

"Ugh! Well then jokes on you dumb bitches,"
I defied,
"I don't even have a foot fetish!"

There was a moments pause.

"...You will!"
The one in front of me suddenly shrieked with laughter as she pressed the ball of her foot hard against my lips. I was somehow able to keep my lips shut tight enough to resist her from putting her gross cheesy toes into my mouth again.

She quickly grew tired of trying to force her foot in my mouth, and instead, with a small evil giggle, stepped back and walked away from me. She disappeared from my point of view, as I was completely unable to move my head what with it being trapped solid between the tight squeezy confines of that leg scissors.

She returned moments later though, holding in her hands a long tangled roll of fairy lights.

"Wait wait wait. New game!"
She giggled excitedly,
"Release her head."

She started directing traffic on me, as the other two eagerly followed her lead. In a brief moment of freedom, I tried to scramble away from them, but the torture had taken its toll on me. I was just too physically exhausted to move gracefully. I was quickly pinned back down again. All three of them were now leaning down hard onto my back, and pulling at my arms. Next thing I knew, they had tied my arms together, straight as a board behind my back, with those strings of lights wrapped like spiderwebs around the branches of my arms.

They then rolled me over onto my back, crooked my legs together, with my calves pressing against the back of my thighs, and swiftly tied my legs in place like that. With my heels pressing firmly against my bum, I was fully tied up and helpless. If I dared so much as to even attempt to straighten my legs, the muscles in my thighs threatened immediately to seize up into an excruciating cramp. I had no choice but to just lay still and let them do whatever they wanted to me...

They really took their playtime seriously, despite all the irritating giggles, annoying taunts and teases. One of them had produced a candy cane, and shoved it into my mouth.

"Suck on my candy, bitch!"
She demanded with a manic laugh as she held the minty stick firmly between my lips.

I really didn't want to piss them off, so I just literally sucked it up!

"Oooh look at her go. She's a total natural at sucking on a big pole!"
Another taunted me while she was busy pinching and twisting my stiff nipples between her finger and thumb.

"Ram it down her throat! Make the bitch choke!"
The other impatiently dared with a deranged grin on her face. The one holding the candy cane in my mouth was more than happy to comply...

I choked and spluttered as she kept repeatedly thrusting the sticky thick minty rock down my throat. As if I didn't hate those disgusting holiday sweets enough as it is already, this was doing nothing to change my mind on them!

She finally pulled it out of my mouth, and inspected its sticky wetness.

"Hmm... Good enough!"
She then giggled like a hyena, and handed it to the one who was kneeling between my thighs.

She took the candy cane from her friend, and without warning, pressed it up between my thighs!

I was helpless to do anything but to feel that hard stick invade and stretch my spongy walls. I closed my eyes, and just took it...

When they finished with the candy cane, they simply threw it away in the snow, and one of them just dived right in between my thighs, and started eating me out. The other lent down to start suckling and nibbling on my teats. She wasn't gentle at all. She took great joy in pinching my stiff nipple between her teeth and pulling on it until my flesh slipped from her sharp toothy grip as I was powerless to resist. And the third one, simply hitched the small skirt of her mini-dress up, revealing she had no knickers on, and sat down on my face. She didn't even demand for me to lick her, she just casually began to fuck my face as she grinned mightily pleased and satisfied with herself.

I can't tell you how long the ordeal lasted for. Whenever they got bored of doing one thing to me, they would do something else. They were entirely creatures of hedonistic impulse. They toyed and played with me like a pack of laughing hyenas helping themselves to an open feast.

Eventually, they had their fill of hyper-sexual fun with me. They all got up, and looked down at me laying helpless and tied on the snowy ground, naked and bedraggled.

"Now what?"
One of them asked with a curious soft chuckle.

"Let's hang her upside down and slit her throat -- like a little piggy!"
One suggested and oinked mockingly a few times, with eager bloodlust manic eyes and a snarling grin, before she started for that hunting knife stuck in the tree trunk.

"Wait! I totally just got an awesome idea,"
Another sneered an evil thoughtful grin, stopping her friend in her tracks,
"Let's keep her and play more with her later!"

The other two looked at her like she was insane. Well, she was. They all was!

"...Y'know, until she becomes a boring broken toy. Then we'll totally kill her!"
She added.

The other two laughed and eagerly accepted the idea.

"Come on, dolly. We're going to have even more fun with you!"
They threatened, as they all grabbed a tied up limb of mine each, and began degradingly dragging me through the snow towards their vehicle.

I tried to struggle, but there was clearly no hope of escape for me. I could only whimper and shiver. They picked me up off the ground, and just dumped me into the back of the old rickety SUV.

They all took their places in the vehicle, and turned the radio knob making the old cheesy Christmas song play even more undecipherably louder. They peeled away in the snow, laughing all the way.

I was left to the fate of that pack of hyenas, where my Christmas was going to be anything but merry...!

The end.

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Sharon The SlutWife part 4

Previously, I had met Sharon, a gorgeous sexy blonde older married woman during my mid-twenties at a barbeque. We had chatted, flirted, and danced together. I had given her my number, and two weeks later we went for a drink. Afterwards, I had given her a lift home. She had told me to pull over before getting her back to her husband, to give me an amazing blowjob in the back seat. A week later we met again, and again got a blowjob in the back seat of my car. Over a week after that I...

4 years ago
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My Brother and I Get Closer

My brother and I are only 18 months apart. We lived with our dad in a small house in the Midwest. I was a senior in high school when he started commuting to community college. We have always been close siblings, but my senior year we got a lot closer. I have never told anyone about this. Tommy and I had our own separate bedrooms, but we shared a wall. It was paper thin and we could hear everything unless the music was turned up loud. Late at night, I could hear Tommy masturbating. Sometimes he...

4 years ago
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My First Experience With A Man

It happen when I was 18 years old. I was working for a clothing company at the time and it was a slow Tuesday morning. As I was folding clothes, a tall (I’m 5’5 he was 6’2) light skinned black man approached me. He introduced himself as Sam. He looked like he was well into his forties but was really fit. He inquire about several clothing articles in our store and slowly the conversation became more about me. How old was I? Did I like working there. Innocent questions that raised no alarms in my...

2 years ago
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The MILF Next Door Chapter 1

She was a mother of two and would've been about 40 max, her name was Jenny and ever since my family moved in next to her 4 years ago when I was 13 I had been absolutely awe struck by her beauty. She enjoyed wearing skimpy outfits around the house and outside, she'd wore short skirts or short shorts to go outside and get the Mail. I could guarantee you every red blooded man on the street wanted to fuck her senseless but she had a boyfriend who lived with her and her daughters, who were also...

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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 5

The door opened. “Ariel?” It was Hulda’s voice. “Yes.” She heard Hulda sniffing. “Ah, I smell ya frigged yourself good.” “Uh huh. Look, Hulda, I—” “Ya okay? Still good with what we’re doing?” “Yes. But look, I kind of—” she had been about to talk about the mess she had made of the bed. But Hulda had been out there doing all that, and her first impulse had been to make sure Ariel was still in a good place. Ariel was touched by the care: she had just been here masturbating, while Hulda...

1 year ago
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What I want

We've planned this meeting and I know what you want. As I enter the room and the door closes behind me, there you stand in tight bluejeans and a tee shirt that show your muscular arms and legs. You've demanded that there be no talking. I'm here for one purpose only. Your satisfaction. I walk over, drop to my knees and unzip your pants. You're commando and your cock flops out of your paints into my face. Without hands I lick the lenght of your cock and take it int my mouth. Soft you're 6" but as...

2 years ago
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Bengali Aunty Was Finally Mine 8211 Part 1

Firstly I will describe myself in a few words. I am Piyush, a 27 years old guy, working in an MNC in Ranchi and with an average physique. I stay alone in a 2bhk flat of a residential complex. I have had a few sex encounters in my college life. About them I will write later. The one I am going to narrate now is a special one i.e. with a married lady of age 34 years. Coming to my very first story (incident on 2 years before) on this page now… I was new in the colony, new job, new people. I am...

2 years ago
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Erotica For Women The Ultimate Taboo

A new wave of erotic mass media is being invented for women, by women.Is there any such thing as female eroticism?Historically, pornography isn't a thing that women were considered to enjoy. With men leading the looking at and creation of porn, women who took component in this sector were frequently given degrading roles.But some women are no longer content with females being stuck in those cheap roles. As the view of female sexuality changes, so does the relationship that women have with...

4 years ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 6 Katies Revenge

Katie’s Revenge It had been four weeks since our encounter with Joel. Katie and I had talked about what had happened and how I ruined her trust, didn't respect her and embarrassed her. I had sent her flowers, cards and took her out for romantic dinners. She said she wasn't going to divorce me but I had to regain her trust. Katie and I hadn't had sex and I hadn't cum since the dressing room at the Gap. I was horny as hell. I tried everything to get my wife to have sex but she refused telling me...

3 years ago
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The Best Conference Part II

Catherine and I met up at a conference to have a little fun. I was married and had never cheated before, but after joining her in the shower for some mutual oral pleasuring, we were ready to move to the next level...CHAPTER 2: First nightShe wrapped herself in a towel to dry off, and went to hand me one when I stepped out. I took her hand and pulled her toward me, and we kissed."I have waited all year for this," she whispered to me. "So I have something special. I'll meet you in bed."I stole...

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Ambika is so sexy

Hi ,,This is Ram. I am 18 years old. My neighbor name is Ambika. She is 23 years old and going to be get married. She was a Biology teacher and she conducts tuition in her house..She stooped her tuitions when she was engaged. But as I am her neighbor I used to go to her house and study. She had a sister named Sumathi. She is doing her collage. She had no father. Her mother is working in a private concern as a clerk. Her mothers name is Madumoli. As she had no husband she was considered as a sex...

2 years ago
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Fulfilled My Fantasy Of Fucking My Sexy Housemaid

Guys, any 23-year-old man like me is likely to become a pervert if a young naughty maid worked in his house. The very first day when I saw my new Indian maid, I became convinced that my habit of masturbating was going to end pretty soon! Our new housemaid was the daughter of one of the maids who had worked previously for us. She was hired to keep our 3-bedroom-flat in neat and tidy condition. As she too was of my age, my mother took some precautions. My mother began to go out for the evening...

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Impossible Desires

After I was done sulking over forgetting all my homework and food, I decided to take a look around to see exactly who I was sitting near. Normally I sit in the front of the bus where it was pretty much just freshmen and sophomores, they usually didn't say anything to me which was okay because I'm a shy person myself. I usually just sat in my seat with my eyes closed trying to to listen in on the latest gossip, mostly because I didn't know most of the people they were talking about. I only...

3 years ago
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Discoveries with Mack Pt II

“I’ve seen you staring at me in class, anyone could see it.” I could tell through his voice his lips had curled into a smile. I was somewhat in shock; was it really that obvious? I threw the thought away as another popped into my mind. Is this really happening? I lay there, my dream boy clinging onto me, his cock rubbing my asshole. “Hey aren’t you forgetting something?” I broke from his hug, and turned to face him. But before I could say anything, he kissed me; and when our lips met, my...

2 years ago
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An Extreme Cure For Writers Block Part 4

"So the question I have for you Ms Cooper is...who the hell are you?" His question just hung there between us as I tried to think of an answer he would accept. He already knew Lacey Cooper didn't actually exist and it seemed he knew or at least strongly suspected James Cooper was the real author. I cursed my own stupidity. Obviously there were records here to show who was getting paid for the book sales! Why hadn't I considered that before going through with this? Why hadn't...

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White Slavery on the Dark Continent

General Cormeau rubbed his eyes as he came to realize the growing danger. He was the head of a small United Nations mission to the central African nation of Lamumba. Recently things had become very unstable as ethnic rivalries between various local tribes began to turn violent. Tales of murder, rape and slavery made way to the capital. Now there was word of a rebel army advancing on the capital. Cormeau had overseen the evacuation of much of the foreign population and was expecting to get the...

2 years ago
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Mmmmm,as I watched her on stage moving her hips back and forth,my pussy got so fucking wet. She was so damn sexy. Her legs so long lean and her tits sat up like rocks. Mmmm....Im YoonA I want to taste you. As I watched her I was fighting the urge to touch myself. I think the other's could tell something was on my mind. Probably not YoonA's pussy but they could tell. "Jiyeon are you okay? You look weird,your all sweaty and you cant keep still" Hyomin exclaimed. Oh im fine Hyomin. I lied. All I...

4 years ago
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Moms Morning Fantasy

Another stage in my fantasies of my son... After my husband discovered I had sex with our son and got so turned on by it, he told me I could do it again, if he could watch. I LOVED the idea. Unfortunately, I the sex with my son was so spontaneous, following my catching him jerking off, there had been no chance to discuss it. Would he go for the idea of doing it with me again? I thought so. Would he be willing to do it with Dad watching? I had no idea. I waited several days to talk to him...

2 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book OneChapter 5 Firing Squad

“Ow, fuck!” Mike winced as Naia inspected the large bruise forming above his hip bone where Abella had squeezed him with her stony thighs. The Mandragora plant had actually injured him less than the gargoyle had, surprisingly enough. Save for some scrapes on his hands (well, and not being eaten), he was fine. “Yeah, that will sting for a while.” Naia placed a kiss on it. “You had me so worried! I’ve never seen the Mandragora do that before. You’re going to need to feed it pretty...

4 years ago
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Carrying the FlagChapter 13 Asalam Alaikum

Can’t breathe! Can’t scream! Fight! I try to get my hands up – CAN’T! FIGHT! Help! I need help! My whistle! Blow my whistle. No whistle! No air. I woke up soaked in cold sweat, early morning sunlight filtering through familiar curtains, rolled on my back, tangled in my sheets, my pigtail draped across my throat. Fumbling it loose I grabbed a desperate breath. Finally unwinding everything I sat up and slumped. Shit! How long had it been since I’d had a nightmare that bad? A long...

3 years ago
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My Love

Hello all, this is my first story to submit here…coming to me i’m kavya and i am 21 years old and my family consists of myself,my dad,mom and elder brother…. and my dear friends,this is a real story in my life happened just a week back,i swear… First let me describe myself…..my height is 5’5″…..and of 52 kgs….i have fair complex and my figure is 36-26-38…..with black silky hair which comes upto my breasts. i always tie my hair into a band anyways coming to my life story…. when i’m younger...

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My Arranged Marriage With My Nephew 8211 Part 4

Continuing with where I left, We exchanged garlands in front of everyone. Everybody started coming one after the other to pose for photographs with us. I was blushing most of the time. My children came and wished for us. I was a bit uncomfortable to stand beside my nephew at that age in front of my children. My friends too came and stood beside me for photographs. They wished us. They whispered in my ears that am very lucky to marry my young nephew. They also told my nephew that he’s very lucky...

2 years ago
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My First Internet Lover

Having been divorced for almost a year now, living with my 11-year-old son, and having lived in a sexless marriage for the past 6 years, I was ready for romance, but coming up short. So, like many others, I was on the internet, looking for love in all the wrong chat rooms. One day I ran into a woman from the UK who I felt a strong bond to, for some reason, and began to chat with her. She seemed to take to me as well, and we got close over the next 2 weeks. As a gesture, I sent her some virtual...

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Handcuffed in The Sex Shop Powerless as they did

Went into the city for a days shopping, and over coffee, decided to update my sex toy collection, with something new.Googled my iPhone and found directions to one shop about 2km away. It was down a down a quiet side street, where else I thought, trust the council to hide a woman's sexual needs down a back alley.Pushed through the door which sounded a buzzer, alerting the owner, or employee, a desperate woman had entered, looking for something hot to push up her pussy and cum.True to form a fat...

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Mom Son Couple

It was a hot summer's day so me and my mom decided to drive down to the sea side on the way there i noticed my mother in her 34D tight bikini top and miniskirt as i drove over a speed bump her breasts bounced and i was getting exited i started to bulge through my three quarter trousers so i pulled over on a empty near by road and said we'd broke down i quickly got out and popped the hud and tried to hide my bulging cock but then my mom got out my heart almost stoped luckily she turned and...

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A Daughterrsquos Adventure

A Daughter’s adventure Hello, my name is Michelle, I am Ms. K’s daughter. She has her story on here and thought I might tell you one of my adventures. You might know that I am sharing my mother's husband with her. Those details are in her stories. This will be more about my adventures leading up to fucking daddy. This is how I became a slut just like my mother.Before my accident, I became a bigger slut than my mother. I knew about sex from school. I learned about sex watching my mother. I had...

4 years ago
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Crystal PassionChapter 9

If you were touring America these days and you wanted to contact your manager or, indeed, anyone back in the UK, all you need to do is switch on a laptop or tablet or smart phone and use Skype. And if not Skype exactly, you'd use Viber or exchange e-mails or instant messages. But in the early 1990s, the internet was very slow and ridiculously expensive and most people weren't online anyway. So, when Crystal wanted to contact Madeleine, our agent, to find out how things were doing she had to...

1 year ago
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Surprised and Blindfolded Part 2

It is much softer, the tongue swirls around her nipples in a soft circular motion. She feels a hand on her other breast that is small and as it pinches and pulls on her nipple, it is soft and exciting. Her mind wonders if this is a woman. The thought excites her beyond anything she has ever felt before and her pussy is aching to be touched! “Mmm…Yes,” Sheri lets escape from her lips as the person sucks and bites at her nipples. Sheri is in a state of pure erotic euphoria as she grinds her ass...

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the mystery email

the mystery email started a frantic searchIt all started with an email.I wasn’t even sure I knew who it was from. I didn’t recognize the email address. There wasn’t any text it was just the subject line:“If you can find me; you can fuck me!!”How can I ignore an email like that? I mean really!! Well, the search had commenced. I was trying to think of anyone that would send me an email like that.Old girlfriends that I still had phone numbers for, I immediately got on the phone, call after call...

3 years ago
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Watching Anita and Jeremy for the first time

When living in New York, one day I discovered that my sweet wife Ana had been giving her pussy to a close friend of mine. Jeremy always acted shy around Anita and I would have never guessed he would have the guts to screw her. Anyway he had been doing her at our own bed twice a week for two years. Ana finally confessed the truth to me; after I told her about my suspects…I told her I wanted to watch them fucking, but she was afraid that if she told Jeremy, he would stop coming over. So I had to...

2 years ago
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Sea FenciblesChapter 10 An Aboutface

Anson was in an excellent mood during the return to Salcombe. His courting of Elizabeth Maynard was making good headway whilst his conduct during the court-martial had been met with approval by senior officers. He had taken Captain Manson's word to heart, and a letter to Sir Robert was already en route to London in which Anson advised his benefactor of the opening in Dido once her repairs were finished. Admiral Chalke had given him a copy of his recent evaluations which he enclosed in the...

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8211 I

Author: manoj രണ്ടു വര്ഷം ജോലി ചെയ്തു കഴിഞ്ഞപ്പോളാണ്ഡി ഒരു കാര്യം മനസ്സിലായത്‌, MBA ഇല്ലെങ്കില്‍ പ്രൊമോഷന്‍ താധയവ. അങ്ങനെ ഒരു പേര് കേട്ട കോളേജില്‍ ചേര്‍ന്ന്. നല്ല കാണാന്‍ ചരക്കുകളാണ് കൂടെ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നത്. ഡിഗ്രിക്ക് കൂടെ പഠിച്ച ചരകുകള്‍ ഒരുമാതിരി മെഗാസീരിയല്‍ നായികമാരെപ്പോലെ പതിവ്രത കോഴ്സിനു പോകുന്നവര്‍ ആയിരുന്നു. ഒന്ന് കമ്പി പറഞ്ഞാല്‍ പോലും കമ്പ്ലയിന്റ് ആയിരുന്നു, അവരോടുള്ള കമ്പനി ഞാന്‍ ആദ്യവര്‍ഷം തന്നെ കളഞ്ഞു. ഇവിടെയും അങ്ങനെയുള്ള കുരെയെന്നമായിരിക്കും ഉണ്ടാവുക എന്നാണ് ആദ്യ നിരീക്ഷണ ഫലത്തില്‍...

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neighbour didi ko choda

A fuck with neighbour didi HI DEAR ISS READER, I AM rocky of 21 , from a small town in chhattisgarh. I came to know about iss few month ago when I got an internet connection on my pc. I am going to tell my story which happened last month from the girl whome I call didi, she is elder than me her name was sonal. We two are neighibour. She will be near abt 25 and still unmarried b’coz of some xxx and she had two brother one is younger and another is elder than her and one elder sister. She is...

1 year ago
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Mistress WatchingChapter 17

Hy Symington knocked on the door about 5 minutes after Ed got off the phone with Commander Rice. Ed let him in and Ed introduced Hy to Ann. They all sat at the kitchen table. "You said you know who the man in that last picture was," Hy said, "You also have an ID on the ring?" Ed shook his head, "I know who they are. I had the call the State Police and ask them to get involved. They're on the way over here right now. Hy, this is too big for us. All hell is going to break loose. Hy...

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The Bad Boy Affair

Dana waited impatiently as the clunk of the broken doorbell echoed through the house. There were lights on inside and she could hear a tv playing in the living room. Still, she had rung the bell four times now and seen no sign of movement inside. "Mr. Eckes, Mrs. Eckes, are you in there?" she called, "It's Mrs. Tedesko." There was still no answer. She tried again, "I need to talk to your son." She paused now. What was the little bastard's real name? "Derek." Still receiving no...

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Arden and Gloria A Summer Camp RomanceChapter 4

2nd Saturday At breakfast, Gloria happened to sit at the same table with Judy again. That wasn’t unusual. She liked her counselor a lot, and being both excited and worried about what might happen with Arden may have nudged her toward sitting with someone she felt comfortable with. It was for that reason that she happened to be there when the camp director came to the table to talk to Judy. “I’ve got the shopping list for the supplies we’re running low on,” said the director. “It’s not too...

4 years ago
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Case Study 301 A Swedish Beauty Pageant

Chapter 19 Meanwhile back in New Mexico at Camelot: Miles and Kristen are in the midst of yet another therapy session. Miles has hypnotized Kristen and used a technique known as regression. This technique allows him to tap into her subconscious mind and he is able to retrieve her raw memories. Miles’ hope is to piece together who Kristen really is, then help her map out an escape from the catatonic state that she lives in on a daily basis. Unbeknownst to Kristen, she has yet...

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Sadistic masters slave boys

Part 1, shit faced.Satisfied by his slave’s torment Michael pushed out his legs and swayed on his chair. The slave now encapsulated by thick lumpy pig shit from head to toe moaned. ?Not at all nice now is it girl, still I reared those pigs for years fattening them up, making sure they were fed regularly just so they produced this absolute foul smelling shit, here why not try some??It was a rhetorical question not needed to be answered; the slave knew it and Michael too. He picked up the old...

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RepercussionsChapter 9

Donny has company. There are about a dozen young men waiting for us in the barn, all of them around his age. They're leaning against empty stalls or sitting around on hay bales. All of them have a very hungry look in their eyes and it's pretty obvious I'm what's to eat. Tank came up behind me and grabbed my arm. Donny grabbed my other arm and together they pulled me over to a hay bale in the middle of the floor. They lifted me up onto it and stepped back. I watched as Reggie came over...

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Jeff tippe zweimal kurz auf die Hupe, nachdem er neben dem Mehrfamilienhaus geparkt hatte. Er war an diesem Montagmorgen pünktlich auf die Minute bei seiner Arbeitskollegin vorgefahren, um sie mit zur Arbeit zu nehmen, da ihr Wagen kaputt war. Er wartete mit laufendem Motor auf die hübsche Blondine, die seit einigen Monaten auf der gleichen Büroetage arbeitete wie er. Verlegen wischte er noch mal über die Sitzfläche des Beifahrersitzes. Sein Auto war nicht ungepflegt, aber er wollte nicht...

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