Those Days Of…Ch. 01-05 free porn video

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Chapter 1

An Accidental Introduction

I was lucky, unlike those who have to face the hassle of the commuter rush, I lived close enough to where I worked to be able to walk, so when the weather was fine I had a very pleasant start and finish to the day. Like most of us I’m a creature of habit and left home at around the same time most mornings, so got used to seeing people who were also making a similar journey every day.

Over time I developed a nodding acquaintance with some of these people, two of who were in fact rather attractive women. One a little younger than myself, who I usually saw soon after leaving home, the other much younger, not yet twenty I imagined, who I normally passed in a small park, towards the end of my walk.

The older of the two looked as though she was somebody’s secretary and from the limited variety of outfits she wore I imagined she was living on a fairly tight budget. But she was always perfectly groomed, choosing clothes that flattered her still trim figure, and what was undoubtedly her very best feature, her legs. Being an inveterate leg-man I formed that opinion the very first day I noticed her, and had it well and truly confirmed one, still memorable day, some time after we had finally begun to actually say ‘good morning’ as we passed each other.

It was a bit breezy that morning and as I was about to cross a road I saw her approaching from the other side, then, in the moment she stepped off the kerb, there was a sudden gust of wind. The skirt she was wearing that day had some sort of fly-away panel at the front and as the wind caught and lifted it high, I had a spectacular view of her legs, virtually the full length of them! Beautiful, and, as I found when I recalled the moment during that and many other days, very arousing!

The other, younger woman didn’t have quite such spectacular legs, but she certainly had everything else, and, it would seem from the type of clothes she wore, she enjoyed flaunting it! Her breasts were what one would have to call ‘mouth-watering’. Large, firm, with a youthful bounce that never failed to stir me as I watched her walking towards me. As the sight of her swaying hips and bottom was just as tempting, there had been many mornings when I had tried to decide which view of her was the more enjoyable, the front or the back.

Though I suppose I would have described myself as ‘a reasonably happily married man’ I still enjoyed my personal fantasies, and each of these women had, on many separate occasions, played an exciting role in some of those.

On the day in question I had taken a day off from work to attend to some personal legal matters but to avoid the crush that develops in the city later had still left home at my usual time. To be perfectly honest, as I was wearing a new outfit that I was particularly pleased with, I was looking forward to seeing ‘my ladies’ reactions to seeing me in something other than my usual suit.

But of course things rarely turn out the way we expect, and when I hadn’t seen the first by the time I entered the park I had managed to convince myself that was the day I wouldn’t see either of them.

Then, when I had almost reached the far side of the park, I saw them both, hurrying towards me, together!

As they came closer I could see that the younger one was talking excitedly to the other and, something about both her actions and the other’s responses made it seem that she was talking about me, and when, as they drew closer and I saw them both grinning in my direction, I felt sure I had been right.

Then suddenly, when they were just a few paces away, the younger one tripped and began to fall headlong.

The split-seconds seemed to be frozen into slow motion, I saw her stumble, her ankle twist awkwardly and then, as she began to fall forwards, a button burst from her already low-buttoned blouse, and I saw one, delightfully firm breast pop right out.

I darted forward, my arms outstretched to break her fall and as I caught her, one hand, that must have unconsciously followed my line of sight, was filled with the warm fullness of her flesh.

Having steadied her I snatched it away and although my attempt had saved her from more cuts and scrapes, the damage to her ankle had already been done. She’d shrieked at the sudden pain and then as we tried to move her as gently as possible to a nearby seat she began to cry. But even through her tears, when she saw where my eyes had remained fixed as she attempted to cover herself, she still managed to give me a weak but decidedly cheeky grin.

Embarrassed at being caught-out like that I looked down, and saw that her ankle was already swollen and seemed to be getting worse by the minute.

‘I don’t think she should stand on that.’ I said to the other woman. ‘With that much swelling already, if something isn’t broken it’s certainly very badly sprained. I think we should get a cab and get her to St. John’s.’ Which was the nearest hospital, and only a hundred yards or so from where I lived.

‘I’m sure you’re right. It really doesn’t look good darling.’ she added, speaking to the younger woman. Then, turning back to me again. ‘Would you mind very much helping me to get her to the street, we can get a cab there.’

‘Of course not. I wouldn’t dream of leaving you to manage alone. I’ll come with you.’

I quickly overcame her initial objections to that and took the opportunity to introduce myself, and when she did likewise I was flabbergasted to discover they were in fact mother and daughter!

Of course it was a totally inappropriate time for such thoughts, but I still couldn’t help recalling some of the separate fantasies I’d had of each of them, nor momentarily thinking just how much more exciting they could have been if I had even guessed at their relationship.

Chapter 2

Two Admirers!

The daughter, Barbara was obviously still in a great deal of pain and her mother, Helen and I had to form a sort of ‘fireman’s chair’ to carry her to the nearest road. But I admit that I felt that my efforts were more than rewarded by having the pleasure of the intimate feel of various parts of Barbara’s body. And, as her torn blouse was pulled further to one side by the way we held her and the lush swell of her young breasts was almost level with my eyes, the constant ‘eyeful’ I also had!

A short cab ride took us to the Emergency section of the hospital and by then Barbara’s face had become very pale and drawn from the pain and shock, but luckily the place was not too busy and the nurses began to attend to her very quickly. Then, just as Barbara was being prepared for having X-rays taken, there was a sudden scream of sirens, two ambulances raced into the drive-way and in a matter of minutes some, obviously quite badly injured people were being wheeled into the area.

Nurses and staff appeared from all sides and equipment and screens were hurriedly placed alongside and around the bleeding and groaning people and one of the senior nurses hurried over to us and spoke to Helen.

‘I’m afraid it will now be a while before we can finish attending to your daughter, we need to take the X-rays to check if it’s just a bad sprain or if there is something broken too, and at the moment we need to attend to these other people first, I do hope you understand.

‘Of course sister.’ Helen said. ‘How is Barbara now and how long do you think it will be?’

‘Oh, she’s fine now. We’ve given her some pain-killer so she’s much more comfortable. As to time, it’s a bit hard to tell but I wouldn’t think less than two hours, perhaps a bit more. It all depends on how well we go with these other people. There are several that are quite badly injured from a car crash. So, if you’ll excuse me now, I must be off’ she said as she started to hurry away, then turning
to add. ‘There’s a coffee machine in the waiting area, or you could just come back in a couple of hours, it certainly won’t be less than that.’

I didn’t wait for Helen to answer. ‘We’ll do that I think sister – come back in a couple of hours I mean.’ I said. ‘Please tell Barbara that her mother will take care of any phone calls and that we’ll be back for her well before lunch time.’

Then I took Helen’s arm and said to her as I steered her towards the exit. ‘You don’t want to be hanging around here for two or three hours, perhaps longer. I’m sure you need to phone your office as well as Barbara’s. My place is just up the road, we can have some proper coffee, not that machine stuff, and you can phone in comfort.’

Discovering that I lived nearby naturally came as a surprise. ‘You live near here?’

‘Yes Helen, no more than a few minutes walk. As I said, we’ll be far more comfortable there than here, and it’s not as if you could do anything for Barbara if you stayed, they’ll be too busy looking after those other poor people.’

She was silent for a few moments and I saw a faint flush spreading over her cheeks, but finally she said. ‘You’re right of course Roger, there’s nothing I can do here, but, what about your work, your wife, you can’t just not go to work, and I can’t just barge in on your home.’

I couldn’t help a slight chuckle as I answered. ‘As to my wife, she’s a career lady and she left for work long ago, so what we do won’t interfere with her at all. So far as my work is concerned, I was having a day off today anyway, I just need to cancel an appointment, it was nothing too important.’

She looked up at me and a smile lit up her previously worried face as she responded. ‘Oh, so that’s why you’re in such a nice outfit! That’s what Barbara was going on about, just before she tripped, about how different you looked today.’

It was my turn to be surprised! I tried not to let on just how pleased I was to know that they had been talking about me like that, but grinned back at her as I answered. ‘So, you are saying that in a way her accident was all my fault anyway. If so it’s only fair that I help. Anyway, my time is yours, for the rest of the day if necessary.’

‘A lady might take that as an invitation.’ she replied in such a soft voice that I’m sure the comment was really not meant to be heard, but added in a normal tone. ‘It’s very kind of you, and yes I will accept your offer, at least of the use of the phone and a coffee John.’

During the few minutes that it took us to walk to my place I found out that Helen was indeed a secretary, to the general manager of a transport company, who luckily was interstate for a few days, so she anticipated no real problems in being away from work. I also learned that she and Barbara had lived together since the death of Helen’s husband a couple of years earlier. And that Barbara worked for a small clothing manufacturing house and had hopes of becoming a fashion designer. Although where they worked were actually not far from each other, because Barbara studied most nights and was slow to get up in the mornings she and Helen found it easier on their nerves if they staggered their preparation and departure times. Which accounted for the reason why I had never previously seen them together.

When we reached my place I took her straight through to the kitchen, suggesting that she make her calls from there, while I got the coffee ready, and I admit I had an ulterior motive in suggesting that. To use the kitchen phone Helen would have to sit at the breakfast-bar, on a stool, and in that position I hoped to have the chance to snatch a few glimpses of her marvellous legs, that I had until then, only seen from a distance.

But I certainly hadn’t planned or even in my wildest dreams hoped for the eventual outcome of what I had thought of as a harmless bit of ‘perving’!

The call to her office took longer than we expected, her boss had already rung, wanting some specific information and Helen got involved in trying to tell another person in the office where it was and how to get exactly what her boss needed. I kept a keen watch as she concentrated on what she was trying to explain and saw that as she moved around on the bar-stool, just as I had hoped, her skirt rode up, exposing just a little more of her legs the longer the call continued.

I almost forgot about the coffee in my rising excitement, then, as luck would have it, I happened to be staring hard when she finally finished the call. As she put down the phone she span around on the stool and slid forwards off it, and I had a truly spectacular view as her skirt skidded up behind her and exposed most her legs, including a brief flash of stocking-tops and the whiteness of her thighs above!

‘Excuse me.’ she said, blushing as she realised that I was staring at her and hurriedly pulled her skirt down again.

‘Don’t apologise Helen, I’m certainly not going to, for looking I mean. I’ve always thought your legs were superb, even without having had such a wonderful view of them before. But I have to admit that it’s even more exciting knowing that you wear stockings, not panty-hose, that’s a real turn-on!’

She blushed even harder as she replied. ‘I don’t always wear stockings, just when I feel a bit, a bit, well, you know… I guess that today was one of those days, I really don’t know why.’

As she spoke her eyes rose, to look directly into mine, and I hoped that what I thought I read there wasn’t just wishful thinking on my part. Then she turned away again, saying. ‘I must ring Barbara’s work too.’

While she made that call I finished fixing the coffee and poured two cups, putting one down in front of her just as she finished the second call. So I was standing immediately behind her when I suddenly became overpoweringly aware of her closeness and of the scent of her perfume. She paused, her hand still resting on the receiver, and it was as though some sort of charge or current passed between us. Time seemed to stand still and I don’t honestly know how long I hesitated, but then, taking my courage in both hands and resting them lightly on her shoulders, I leaned forwards and gently kissed the side of her neck.

As I breathed in the scent of her hair and the even more heady smell of her body I whispered. ‘Circumstances, fate, call it whatever you like, have brought us together Helen, perhaps for just an hour or two, who knows. But I must tell you that from the first day I saw you walking towards me I have always thought you incredibly attractive. And I have dreamed and fantasised about you many, many times.’

I paused and kissed her again before adding. ‘And if what I think is anywhere near right, I think you might be just a little bit attracted to me too.’

I felt her turn and when she looked up into my eyes I saw there the same message I had seen earlier but which I had been unsure about. ‘You’re right of course John. I do find you attractive, very attractive. In fact,’ she added with a grin. ‘We both do!’

For the first time I saw her eyes truly sparkle and the effect was breathtaking. But my brain was trying to fix itself on what she had said, not on the effect her brilliant eyes were having on me.

‘Both of you?’

‘Yes, Barbara too! In fact she was the one that first started talking about this great looking, older man that she often saw on her way to work. That he always seemed so pleasant, cheerful, smiling, saying ‘hello’ to her, nothing ‘heavy’, she said, just a ‘nice person’. Then she started to describe you physically, and as I visualised what she was telling me it became obvious that it had to be the same man that I had also, secretly, taking a liking to. I didn’t say anything of course, but I was curious to see if he made some sort of a move on her, I mean she is a far more sexually attractive woman than I am.’

She stifled my attempted protestations with her fingertips pressed against my lips, but, as she continued, I realised that she hadn
‘t attempted to stop me from holding her.

‘But he didn’t, and the fact that he didn’t further increased my interest in him. So I then tried ways of discretely attracting his attention, hoping, a bit wistfully, that he might make a move on me instead. I even bought a rather ‘showy’ skirt, with a panel that tended to fly up whenever I moved, hoping a quick glimpse of what I’ve always considered my best assets might start something. But all to no avail, the only result was that I felt I had made a bit of a fool of myself’

She again stopped my protestations as she continued. ‘No, let me finish, or I might never say it.’ Then the words came tumbling out in a rush. ‘So, this morning, when Barbara started saying that her mystery man was approaching, in a new outfit, looking terrific, and wondering if today he might say something more than just ‘hello’, in a funny way, my heart sank. What chance would I have, once you had seen me with my daughter.’

I finally stopped her by pulling her close to me, thrilling at the feel of her body in my arms, and feeling my cock instantly responding. As my lips met the soft moistness of hers I slid one hand down her back, over the curve of her buttocks, and pulled her even harder against myself. Her lips and body responded with rapidly increasing enthusiasm and my cock surged as her thigh pressed against its quickly rising hardness.

Slipping my tongue inside her sweet tasting mouth I found and played with hers and felt her arms finally come up around me, her fingers caressing the nape of my neck, sending shivers up and down my spine. We continued, our bodies crushing ever tighter against each other and, as the rising passion took over, I felt her beginning to move herself eagerly against my now almost fully extended cock.

Slipping the light jacket from her shoulders, I ran my hand up until I felt the heaviness of her breast filling it. She tensed, then pressed herself forward as I began to fondle and squeeze, and she made a series of low moans as I continued to caress her. After a minute or two, I backed away a little and began to unfasten the buttons on her blouse and as I did that she dropped her hands from my neck, first to free it from the waistband of her skirt, then up behind herself, to unfasten her bra straps for me.

Chapter 3

Mutual Pleasures

As she slipped blouse and bra from off her shoulders I couldn’t help myself from staring down at her totally exposed breasts. They were simply lovely!

Apart from anything else they were larger than I had anticipated, full, rounded, still firm, with large, already darkly erect nipples. My hands couldn’t resist, rising to cup them both, lifting them, thrilling at their warm weight, the skin’s smooth tautness, feeling my cock growing even harder as I gently stroked and fondled them with my fingers and slipped my thumbs up over their hardening peaks.

My excitement was intensified by the way she arched her body, thrusting herself forward, offering herself up to my caresses, moaning softly as she experienced apparently long-forgotten sensations.

For months I had been thinking of her as a pair of beautiful legs, during all that time I hadn’t even thought of what other delights she might have to offer me, but the sight of her breasts and the feel of their silky firmness were enough to drive those thoughts right out of my head, at least for a minute or two. So after my hands had brought her nipples to full, almost leathery erectness I bent forwards and, taking first one and then the other between my lips I began to suck and gently nibble them, hearing the sounds of her pleasure intensify as her body responded.

But although they were marvellous there was much, much more of Helen that I wanted to see and so, while my mouth was still busy with her increasingly tender nipples, I slipped my hands down and began to fumble for her skirt’s zip.

But I soon found that the position we were in made it virtually impossible, I was getting nowhere until, understanding my problem, Helen gently but firmly pushed me away from herself and in a trice undid her skirt, bent, took hold of the hem and in a single, fluid movement, had it up over her head and off.

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Wet hollydays with sabusha aunty

Hello my dear friends,i am___,sory i am not exposing my name because these stories are even read by my brother or any of my is about me and my aunty, her name was sabusha around 33 yrs old.she is really a hot stuff to mess with.she has been married to my uncle @ 21,and at 23 she got pregnant,and gave birth to a girl.i usf to spend some of my vacation time at her place, to watch her and to spend more time with her most often i used to get glimpse of her big round sexy typical indian...

1 year ago
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Hmm, Porn 4 Days. I’ve always been a fan of a quick wank, but I also like a nice, long marathon session of flogging the ol’ bishop. Why settle for a few minutes of smut when you can have porn for days, am I right? To that end, is yet another free porn tube serving up what seems to be an endless feed of porn.The thing is, telling me you’ve got porn for days isn’t that much of a big deal anymore. Hell, a site only needs 48 hours of material before it has literal porn for days. A lot...

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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February Fantasy Fridays 1

"I don't know, Kat," William whined to his girlfriend that Friday afternoon in late January. "I never did anything like that for work. This is my first year at 'Firefly.' Maybe I should just sit it out this year and see what everyone else does." "Oh, come on, Billy, don't be such a stuffed shirt," Kateri said, more than a little irritated with William's reticence. "The whole point of 'February Fantasy Fridays' is team building. In the summer we have 'Friday Field-Trips' to keep our...

3 years ago
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Those Days ofCh 6165

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 61 Helen Returns Home I don’t think either of us stirred very much that night and I have no memory of dreaming but the following morning, like most men, I woke with one of those so called piss-proud erections. I was frankly amazed to see and feel it in such apparently good shape after all the work it had done during the previous couple of days. Barbara was already up...

3 years ago
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Those Six Days

Those Six days ?This is not a fantasy or a story of fiction. It’s a true story that happened to me a few months ago. I am from India, where sex is still considered taboo. Here, Slave, Mistress, BDSM are words people would not have even heard of. Your comments are invited on [email protected] ?Those days, I was working in a private firm in a good position. I got this job after a lot of painstaking efforts and hence this job was extremely precious to me. ?My immediate boss was a South Indian...

4 years ago
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My Sundays as a Maid

My Sundays I look forward to Sundays. It is my favorite day. I know Mondays are dreaded because of work, but for me, Sundays bring to my soul what I miss all week. We have a routine by now where the kids spend Saturday night at grandmas. My wife picks them up after dinner Sunday evenings. This arrangement allows us time to be alone and indulge in some of our kinkier activities. This is a real story, my wife is very tolerant of my other side and our marriage has been wonderful since she...

3 years ago
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Those Were The Awesome Days

Those Were The Awesome Days By: W. A. Chohan A compelling, true story of a teen, Virgin boy, well trained in sexual affairs by and an expert adult. You will love the way it happened. Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I was very lucky; my college counselor informed me that I was one of the four students who were selected to go attend a semester abroad. It was great in my case specially because only one of us was not only going to attend a semester abroad but was to spend all this time...

1 year ago
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Those Few Days With Pihu 8211 Part 1

Hello all, this is abhi and I am back with one more sizzling incident of lust and sex. I apologized for the delay of few months as I got numerous mails from all you guys for new story but here I am back in form ready to blow your minds [blow whatever] again. This time the incident involving my friends wife called Phankhuri aka Pihu. Amit was a college friend of mine and we use to share rooms while studying BTech in banglore. Like me he was also from Delhi and we moved along quite nicely. 4...

2 years ago
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E076 Birthdays

The last couple of days of their vacation pass as wonderfully as the vacation started.  Back home Emma and Donald fall into a routine.  The pool is finished, and it is all they could want.  They spend many afternoons in it for an hour or so playing and swimming to relieve the tension both sometimes feel from their days.  They spend their evenings playing at touching, licking, sucking and entering each other.Regularly they visit the basement room for some exercise for Emma.  She notices that...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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38 fantasy Birthdays treat for a scribe

38 fantasy Birthdays treat for a scribe Another birthday, spent with the wife, a Tuesday in March, usual sort of birthday , a meal with the family the highlight, to most just a meal, to me a mark of the fact I had passed another year and those that matter most have survived with me. On Saturday I am to receive a present that money can`t buy, and it`s not from my family it`s from a woman I have never met, a married Mum who has a very open sex life which I document for her as well as I am...

2 years ago
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Rainy days and Mondays

Monday morning, who needs them! in the street people jostles for position in queues, pavements begin to fill with men and women going to work. In your house there was a different atmosphere, for today a special person was visiting, A local beauty agency was sending a new apprentice to your house for some training in massages and waxing. You took a shower and awaited the arrival of the apprentice. To get you in the mood you put on a silk dressing gown and some generously revealing panties that...

2 years ago
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Special Fridays Chapter 1

SPECIAL FRIDAYS - 01 By Libnos The sight of the flashing red and blue lights in my rear view mirror caused me to look quickly at my speedometer. Shit! I was doing 45 in a 30 mile zone. Damn it! I'd just forgotten where I was momentarily and the foot on the accelerator pushed down a little too much. I was caught. Pulling over to the side of the street I made sure my seat belt was on and rolled down the window. While I was waiting for the officer to...

4 years ago
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Those Few Days With Pihu 8211 Part 2

Hello all, welcome all of you to my 2nd episode of Pihu’s life. Hope you all had enjoyed the first part and thanks for all your awesome feedback. So today we will see more thrilling action and hope you will like this also. So from the last episode where I made a video of her having a bath in my bathroom, my attraction towards her was getting out of control. I used to daily masturbate seeing her naked in my phone. Whenever I use to see her flashes of her naked body came in front of me and I...

1 year ago
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Bloody Wednesdays

Well the big day had finally arrived. Almost three months had passed since my sky-diving adventure and 'Those who know' had decided it was time for me to go home. They tried to give the impression that I was well down the path to recovery but I knew that my medical insurance was about all done and it would be hard to get anything from the outfit that had put me in hospital in the first place. I had received one visit from that bastard instructor but he left in a hurry when I managed to throw...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 8 Wednesday Dana

I was crammed into a corner of the booth with Toni, Ned and Fran, when Toni asked, "What do you do for them?" She meant at work. "I'm International Sales Manager. We have a lot of retail customers overseas, mostly in Europe. They're my job. There's not much travel, but some." "You study Marketing in college?" she asked. "What I do is really logistics — distribution, not really Sales. No, I was good old English Lit. When I went to work for them, I was just an assistant in Sales....

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 14 Sunday

Toni drove out the Diagonal Highway in the Sunday sunshine; few cars on the road, the still-green wild grasses swaying on the fields. At the turnoff for Niwot, she bumped over the tracks and drove through the sleepy village to Ned's house. When she turned into the drive, the garage door swung up; the space next to Ned's car was empty. Toni chuckled and drove in, the door beginning to swing down behind her. When she stepped out of the car, Ned was standing in the doorway in t-shirt and...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 30 Phil

Sylvia is a woman who really intrigues me; smart, competent, beautiful. But she certainly takes some getting used to as a person. Very strong, but I like that. I also like it that she's an architect, and a good one. I feel good about the law, she feels good about creating buildings. It gives us a common ground that we frequently return to when we talk about things. When we first started dating, there wasn't much question about the sexual side. She took her time to get to know me, then she...

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The Joshua Diaries Underestimating Tuesdays

I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing.  “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...

Gay Male
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The Joshua Diaries Underestimating Tuesdays

I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing.  “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Those Days ofCh 6667

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 66 Fanning the Blaze Even the following morning, when we discovered that Barbara hadn’t returned home, as I found I was still feeling a little drained I spent a long time down beneath the sheets, with my head between Helen’s thighs. After giving her a series of small but obviously satisfying climaxes we both dozed off again. The sound of the telephone ringing finally...

1 year ago
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Thursdays Thursday nights I reserve for something special. It's always for the twoof us, with the express goal to bring us closer together. Marriage can wearout if you aren't careful. It has to be kept alive, nurtured, and it takesattention and effort. That's my job, to be proactive and take the initiative.From the beginning we agreed on certain roles in our relationship, privilegesfor each of us balanced by individual responsibilities. I got the short straw,the one where you win the dominant...

3 years ago
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Brown Thursdays

©1997, All Rights Reserved Andie and I used to play around nearly every Thursday afternoon for most of a year. On Thursdays, her mother took her kid sister to soccer practice after school, and we had the house to ourselves. After the first few times, we seldom fucked in the conventional way. Andie worried too much about getting pregnant and neither of us much liked the feel of wearing a rubber. Sometimes I would slide my cock into her naked and withdraw just before cumming. But after an...

4 years ago
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Those Were the Days

None can touch me like you can however. The sweet sting of your hand across my ass reduces me to a writhing, screaming mess… but I love every minute of it. I love it. I love it without question. I love your fingers on my clit, pushing harder than just a simple stroke that makes me scream and moan and clutch the pillows, clutch your arms, dig my nails in the scarred skin of your shoulders. I love it. I love your kiss- the way it was never gentle, never questioning when we...

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My Father The Maid Chapter Three A Case Of The Mondays

My Father, The Maid, Chapter 3 A Case Of The Mondays By Sissy Oona. Sleep came easy that night, I was frankly a bit worn out from the amazing sex we'd had. I was awoken by the door to the room opening and the click of heels on the wood floor. I cleared my weary eyes to see my father entering the room carrying the breakfast tray I had become accustomed to seeing in the morning. Noticing I was awake my father curtsied to me, he then set the tray of food on the chest of drawers sitting...

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I Hate Mondays

I hate Mondays, I'm not too keen on Tuesdays either and the rest of the days of the week all depress me to some extent. Everything bad that's happened to me over the years has always been on one of these days. Take last Monday for instance... There I was, at work early in the cold and the frost, and the automatic timer hadn't worked yet again and my office was like a refrigerator. Being a dispatcher for a small transport company in a small country town in the middle of nowhere had lost a...

3 years ago
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Sundays Tonic

Sundays afternoons are always twinged with twilight. The setting of the weekend, drawing long shadows of an impending Monday. As days of the week go it’s my least favourite, reminding me of my own middling years, overwhelmed by the dawning considerations of old age. These are symptoms that need self medicating, a gloom only cured by a specific light. My prescribed treatment? The pursuit of sexual gratification, willing or otherwise. To humiliate others distracts from my own inadequacies and...

2 years ago
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Sundays with Sultana Sharmila

The following is a true account written by a friend of mine in Calcutta. Read it and enjoy. In a few earlier narratives I have described a couple of erotic sessions with my former girlfriend Roma. Today, I shall describe some extremely satisfying sexual sessions with my present girlfriend Sharmila. Sharmila, 37, a probashi divorcee from New Delhi, is a management executive working for a National News Channel and she is currently on a three year assignment in its Kolkata office. We met first at...

4 years ago
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Those 11 Days

By: AWC When my college told me that my scholarship was approved, it was a very ecstatic news. It meant I was to go to Canada from this little small European country. My University tuition, dorm expenses including the food charges were all taken care plus a reasonable amount as pocket money and the incidental expenses was also fixed. There was only one hitch. My college counselor explained it to me very clearly that there were a good number of foreigner students as usual this year as well...

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Those Days ofCh 4145

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 41 A New Home We all seemed to be very busy at our respective jobs for the next couple of weeks, Barbara was also spending more and more time over at Mike’s place and for several days at a time we didn’t even see her so had no opportunity to organise the ‘demonstration’ we had talked about. Normally that would have given Helen and I more opportunities for free-wheeling...

2 years ago
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Schooldays party fuck

This is a true story of when we were at high school in our last year. When we were in our last 2 years at school that was around the time we all started going to parties, drinking, smoking and shagging. I say this but we were not all lucky enough to be having sex then. This is the story of my mate who gained a nice little reputation that lead to him fucking quite a few girls in our year. Id missed a few of these parties but I had heard some of what went on on the Monday morning at school where...

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Schooldays growing up

When I started secondary school it was a new experience and an all boys school. Discipline seemed quite severe with punishment dished out for the daftest of things by the all male teachers. As I started so did a new maths teacher who took our maths set. He was quite keen on slippering and within a few weeks we knew when a slippering would take place as you could see a stiff cock bulging in his trousers. We had to learn 10 items about geometry and was tested about it the next lesson. I ended up...

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Schooldays My First Threesome FFM

I was supposed to be revising for my exams but had spent most of the morning lazing around, masturbating over my secret hoard of porn mags, and feeling ever so slightly guilty about being so lazy.Just as I was on the point of giving in to my guilt and getting some books out to start revision the door-bell sounded. “Saved by the bell” I thought as I opened the door to find two of my female friends standing there.“Hi”, they said, “we were passing and thought we’d drop in for a coke or something”....

4 years ago
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Schooldays party fuck

This is a true story of when we were at high school in our last year. When we were in our last 2 years at school that was around the time we all started going to parties, drinking, smoking and shagging. I say this but we were not all lucky enough to be having sex then.This is the story of my mate who gained a nice little reputation that lead to him fucking quite a few girls in our year. Id missed a few of these parties but I had heard some of what went on on the Monday morning at school...

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Sarah Porters Schooldays

Chapter 1. In which Sarah arrives at Harkwood AcademyThe large stone edifice of Harkwood rose up through the trees at the end of the gravel drive, looking like something from the opening scene of a Merchant Ivory film. It was Sarah Porter's first look at her new school. The taxi took almost five minutes to traverse the winding gravel road from the front gate and the closer she came to her destination, the more apprehensive Sarah became.She was excited to be sure, but a new school was always...

2 years ago
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Tammys Schooldays

Somewhere in a universe far far away. Sexual disease is unheard off and people can do what they want, when they want, where they want just so long as they don't frighten the children or startle the horses. I woke at six and padded off to the loo. After peeing I washed my hands and brushed my teeth before heading for Billy's room. Great, Sally had stayed overnight, I liked Sally. It had been a hot night so the pair were lying on top of the covers. Billy with an early morning hard on. I...

2 years ago
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Good Old Fashioned Schooldays

Little Sally Grant was new to Saint Bernard's Private School. She had transferred in just before the Thanksgiving holidays. She was only in school for a single day when they all went on a four day holiday. The Principal's name was Sister Regina. She was described to Sally as "The Terror" by her new stepsister Angela. Angela had spent her entire school lifetime at Saint Bernard's and knew all the "ins and outs" of Catholic school existence. Her new foster residence friend was almost 19...

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