Honey We Need To Talk Never Ends Well free porn video

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It had been a long day. I finally made it home after nearly twelve gruelling hours in the office. As I walked through the front door, all I could think about was ditching my shoes, grabbing a drink, and flopping down on the couch to relax. Imagine my frustration when, as I entered the kitchen, I saw my wife Sarah sitting at the table, a serious look in her eyes.

Sarah's large body took up the entire chair, and then some. Her luscious curves seemed to go on for miles, her beautiful behind especially a sight to behold. My eyes darted down her ample thighs before quickly returning to her concerned face. As I walked over to sit across from her, it became quite clear that my plans of relaxation were about to be put on hold, perhaps indefinitely.

"We need to talk," Sarah began, her beautiful serious eyes connecting with my lazy exhausted ones.

"I gathered as much," I replied, growing exasperated already.

Sarah sighed, clearly detecting my annoyance. She shifted in her chair, and leaned in my direction.

"I'm not too happy with the way our relationship is going," she continued. "You haven't been around much lately, and quite frankly, I'm growing bored."

I gulped. "I'm sorry. It's just that work has-"

"I don't care!" Sarah exclaimed, interrupting me. "I'm tired of the excuses. Something needs to change around here, or else."

I could tell Sarah was quite serious. I had never seen her like this before, and I began to tremble nervously.

"Sarah. You know how I feel about you, I'll do anything to make this right. You know that." I replied, trying to mask just how shaken up I was.

"Good," she replied. "I think I know just the change."

Sarah stood up, and beckoned for me to follow her as she made her way upstairs. Walking behind her on the steps, I couldn't help but stare at her gorgeous ass. Watching it slowly move up and down with each step in a nearly hypnotizing fashion, I realized I truly would do anything for this divine woman. I had clearly made a mistake in neglecting her like this, and I needed to make it up to her, big time.

We made our way into the bedroom at the top of the stairs, and Sarah motioned for me to stop. She walked over to the dresser, and started fumbling around in one of the drawers. I grew somewhat confused at this point. Was she going to show me a new pair of lingerie to help spice things up in the bedroom a bit? Admittedly, the thought was greatly exciting to me.

That excitement quickly transitioned into fear when Sarah turned around, a certain device in hand. It was pink, plastic, and rather small. I realized quickly what it must be - a chastity device. I had heard about these online, but I never expected to see one in person.

"What is that for?" I barely managed to stammer out, my eyes fixated on it.

"Why, you, of course!" Sarah replied, deviously.

"Wait a minute-" I began, but Sarah quickly interrupted.

"You said you would do anything, and I'm going to hold you to it. Besides, your performance in bed has been poor, and quite frankly, selfish, these last few years." Sarah said, clearly growing angry. "Now, drop your pants, and let's get this over with. Strip off the rest of your clothes while you're at it, too."

I considered objecting, but something in the back of my mind stopped me, and I ended up silently complying. I slowly slid off my pants, and quickly kicked them to the side before removing my shirt and socks as well. Sarah stared at me impatiently, making me feel more uncomfortable by the moment.

After what felt like an eternity of undressing, Sarah approached me and casually grabbed my flacid cock. Seemingly without any care, she quickly snapped the device in place and locked it. The feeling was immediately oppressive. It felt like my very manhood was being stripped from me, and the color of the device was hardly helping. It even had a little green bow on top, a final insult to what remained of my masculinity.

"That's much better." Sarah said, contentedly. "I've read online that husbands tend to be much more compliant after wearing one of these for a few days.

I gulped as Sarah walked over to the closet and opened a safe, which she must have had installed on one of my long workdays. How did I ever notice? I truly had become neglectful. Sarah quickly deposited the key, the only key, in the safe before closing and locking it. She made her way back over to me, and examined my naked trembling body up and down.

"Drop to your knees." Sarah barked.

Without a word, I did as I was told. I could feel the device chafe a bit as I lowered myself to the cold hardwood floor. It was clear this thing was going to take some getting used to. Doing my best to ignore my discomfort, I looked up at Sarah's massive, beautiful, body towering over me. I could barely see her face, and the position made me feel so tiny and insignificant.

"This is how our relationship functions now," She began. "You are no longer the so-called man of this household. You have no say in anything. You do whatever I ask, without hesitation, or there will be consequences. You will come straight home from work everyday and perform your chores and serving me in any way that you desire. Is that clear?"

"Y-yes." I replied, barely able to process what was happening.

"Good. You're going to need a lot of training, and I don't expect this to be easy for you at all." Sarah continued. "But in the end, I will be a lot happier, and that's what truly matters. Right?"

I nodded in agreement.

Without any further words, Sarah suddenly grabbed the back of my head and thrust it into her crotch. Even through her clothes I could smell her intoxicating scent. It intermingled with her sweat and pheromones, and it was nearly too much for me to handle. My cock began to stiffen, but the cage fought back, leaving me in a great deal of pain and pleasure as she held me against her.

"Of course, good behavior will be rewarded," Sarah said, playfully. "You want that, don't you?"

"Yes!" I did my best to reply, my voice muffled by her large body.

"Unfortunately, you haven't earned that yet." Sarah replied while pulling my head back away from her.

She walked back over to the drawer, leaving me in a daze, my cock aching more with each passing moment. I was having trouble focusing, but I could see her making some changes to her outfit. I couldn't figure out exactly what, until she turned around and took a few steps back towards me.

Sarah had removed the majority of her clothes. Her entire upper body was left naked, her luscious breasts in plain, and glorious, sight. My useless cock raged even harder at its prison, practically betraying me at this point. Sarah was also mostly naked from the waist down, except for one new article of clothing - a strap-on harness, complete with a big pink dildo.

"Do you like it?" she asked, playfully. "I picked it out to match your cute little cage."

"I don't understand!" I replied, clearly in shock.

"Well," Sarah continued. "I used to suck your useless cock all the time. You'd come home sweaty and tired, and I'd dutifully pleasure you anyways. I think it's about time you returned the favor. Just think, this one can't be sweaty or hairy, so it's a pretty fair trade-off!"

"No way, Sarah, you can't expect me to do that!" I said, nearly shouting.

"Oh? I think I can," she answered, sinisterly. "That little cock of yours will never be free unless you do what I say. Besides, you don't want me to leave you, do you?"

"No, of course not." I replied.

I couldn't believe she was going to make me do this. I closed my eyes, gulped, and leaned forwards toward her dildo. Suddenly, I felt Sarah's hand on my chin.

"Open those eyes. Look up at me, and realize your place." Sarah commanded.

I was in no position to refuse, so I did what I was told. I wrapped my hands around her soft thighs, and reluctantly opened my mouth to accept her cock. As it slid between my lips, I could feel the cold unforgiving plastic touch my tongue.

"Come on now. Worship it, adore it. Treat it like a good little slut would treat a real cock." Sarah said, looking down at me.

I began to wrap my tongue around it, and slowly started to bob my head up and down on it. I did my best to keep my lips pressed against my teeth, and was surprised at how tiring this quickly was becoming. Sarah clearly sensed my apprehension, and responded by placing both of her hands on the back of my head. Her grip was commanding, but gentle, at first. I took it as a sign to pick up the pace, so to speak.

I took a deep breath, and let Sarah's cock slide deeper into my mouth. In spite of my discomfort, I began to aggressively work my tongue up and down the shaft. I could feel the saliva building up in the bottom of my mouth as Sarah's grip on my head began to tighten. Her substantial hips began to slowly slide forward as my eyes began to widen in fear.

Sarah's cock slid along my tongue, and began to press against the back of my throat. My first reaction was to try to break free, but her hands held me in place.

"Now now, do you know how many times I had to go through this?" Sarah asked, playfully. "You'll take it like the good little slave that you are." She paused. "Yes, that's right. I think I'll call you slave from now on."

Thoughts began to race in my head, but they were quickly overridden by the sudden urge to gag as Sarah's cock pressed further. Drool began to drip down my chin, and my eyes started to water as Sarah pulled her cock out of my mouth. For a brief moment, I dared to hope for relief, but those hopes were dashed as Sarah quickly thrust back into my mouth, and down my throat once again. My throat contracted quickly, and I gagged again, this time more violently. However, Sarah did not pull back after this one, and instead forced herself deeper into me. My forehead now pressed against her crotch, and I could do nothing but gag, cry, and hope that this would be over soon. My throat throbbed against her plastic cock, and I could feel myself running out of air. Droplets of saliva dropped from my chin onto the floor, and tears streamed down my cheeks.

After what felt like an eternity, Sarah yanked me back. I started to pant and gasp for air as she rubbed her cock on my cheeks.

"Look at you slave. You can barely even handle this. You need far more training," Sarah said, disappointment ringing clear in her voice.

She grabbed my chin again, and thrust herself back into me. My lungs were still begging for air, and my throat now ached, but Sarah did not seem to care. With one hand she gripped my hair, and with the other she held the back of my head in place as she began to fuck my throat.

Sarah was merciless this time. She would thrust her cock all the way into me, until my chin connected with her harness, before withdrawing it most of the way and repeating. With each repetition, her wonderful thighs and stomach would jiggle and undulate, and I'd catch a quick glimpse before being enveloped in her crotch again. This unfortunately was small consolation for the immense suffering I was going through. I choked, gagged, sputtered, and occasionally cried out as she used my mouth for nothing more than her amusement.

A puddle of drool began to spread on the floor below me as Sarah's fucking grew in intensity. Her body was beginning to glisten with sweat, and I could hear her pant with each thrust. Despite this, she was grinning, clearly enjoying her revenge for the years of my poor sexual performance. This whole ordeal was truly succeeding in making me feel emasculated and worthless.

As the face fucking reached its climax, I was reaching my limits. My vision was beginning to blur and narrow, my jaw ached, and my face was a mess of saliva and tears. The gagging had mostly stopped, as the muscles in my throat had become completely exhausted. After a few more minutes of this, Sarah gripped my head hard, thrust as deeply as possible, and held my nose in her bush.

"Look up at me, slave," she stated. "This is just the beginning of your training. You'll look back on this fondly as an easy day in the near future."

She smiled, held me in place for another 30 seconds, and slowly slid out of my throat. I collapsed onto the floor, a panting pathetic mess. As my faculties slowly returned, Sarah leaned down towards me.

"Enough being lazy, slave," Sarah said. "I'm hungry, get downstairs and start working on dinner. You'll serve it to me here in bed when it's ready."

I nodded, not wanting to incur Sarah's wrath and potentially earn another face fucking. I scrambled to my feet, and scurried out of the room, the tiny padlock on my chastity cage jingling as I left.

Sarah leaned back on the bed and sighed, before speaking to herself.

"That was fun. Maybe next time I'll have to have him try the real thing."

Sarah chuckled to herself, and lay in the bed, content, naked, and glistening.

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Honey Select

Welcome to Honey Select, the premiere 3D sex simulator where you build your ultimate girl from scratch, and then have her in all kinds of sex positions where she’ll do anything you want.In Honey Select, you get one of the most detailed character creation kits I’ve seen in all of gaming. From basic things like her outfit and hair, to details such as her pubic hair and fingernails, every inch of her body can be constructed for maximum boner action.The game isn’t limited to girls either. Honey...

Free Sex Games
1 year ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 1

This story is a sex fiction story and all the ideas are imagination of mind and may be true and I do not know that. If there is any resemble to this I will be most happy to give life to Honey. My name is Honey. I am 18 yrs. only. I don’t know why god has a created me because i don’t have neither any external sexual beauty nor any internally sexually extraordinary. I am a totally black looking young girl with figure of 30-28-32 and my face also like hose shaped and every one dislike it. My...

1 year ago
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The Pantyhose Stalker

Part One Michele Bouvier sat in the carriage of the subway train pretending that she was engrossed in her notebook computer. She was in fact very aware that she and the man sitting a little further down the carriage were alone in the rattling subway car. The man had been staring at her throughout the journey and she was very nervous. Michele didn't normally use the subway and never used it late at night. This morning her car had failed to start and her husband couldn't get it going for her. He...

3 years ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 3

When Queen Eva is prepared sex wonderland all the family members of started crying , preying for mercy from both Queen Eva and Honey.They are telling Honey we will be your sex slave until our death please forgive us. But it is not possible to reverse the process so at last Queen Eva gave a suggestion that only the soul has been transferred from one body to another now both the body will remain in one body that is two soul in one body and all agreed to it. Now the elder son of Honey told that...

3 years ago
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Honey Chapter One

Honey - Chapter One By Katharine Sexkitten "Bullshit!" Linda looked at Sandy, who just shrugged her shoulders. "He says he isn't," she replied. They both looked at me. Linda smiled. She was one of those people who, when they smile, it's like their lips disappear and all you can see is glaring whiteness. She looked like she had about a hundred teeth in her mouth. "Oh, puh-leeze," she snorted. I looked at Sandy for support, but she shook her head a little, like she...

1 year ago
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Honey B

Adam Spicer was sitting on his deck with his morning coffee, watching the sun rise, when a flash like the reflection off of a mirror caught his eye. There shouldn’t be anything down there, especially at this time of morning. He unfolded his 6 foot frame out of the rocker recliner and whistled for Teddy, his big Heinz 99 hound. Together they headed down toward where he had seen the flash, near the creek running through his property. Teddy, as mentioned, is a big mixed breed hound about the size...

2 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 11

The phone was ringing as I unlocked the door and stepped into my apartment. Automatically,.I glanced at my wrist, wanting to check the time. My wrist was bare. My watch was still in the bathroom, coated with mud. It wasn't much past noon, however. "Hello." "The same to you, sleepy head." Honey oozed honey right over the phone. "You sure sleep soundly." "I've been up for hours. I've been out in the rain, and I just got back.' "Then you're probably ready for lunch. How about...

4 years ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 4

I first thanks Indian sex stories for publishing my story and I am finding a new way to live the life to have a fan club. I personally thanks all of them. Now after getting the message from Queen Eva of Sexome planet we all the family members started for the planet and with one twinkling of eye we all reached the sexome planet and the planet is no bigger than our moon but the peculiarity is that the whole planet is covered by a transparent membrane so that none can enter except through the...

2 years ago
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Honey Girl

Honey Girl By Marci Manseau Chapter One - Missing Mom Hi! I'm Andy. I bet you don't know many boys who like to be girls. I'm going to try to tell you all about me here. I hope you like my story. -~- Linda, my best friend, and I were at my house after school and we were bored, as thirteen year-old kids frequently are, so we began to roam around the house. We were in my dad's bedroom when Linda opened the closet that used to be my mom's. "How come all your mom's clothes...

1 year ago
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The Stalker Epilogues and Author Notes

The Stalker – Epilogue 1 The twin metal shards beneath my heel clatter discordantly down the concrete steps and onto the platform, their normal staccato rhythm off-beat and out of time. Carefully I place one foot the required 6 inches before its partner in a perfectly straight line willing my hips to wiggle and my pert, toned buttocks to undulate seductively beneath my fitted skirt. Gradually, I make my progression amongst the assembled throng, my feverish eyes darting hither and thither, fine...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Honey for SaleChapter 2

I was holding the check out to Jeb, but he wasn't reaching to take it and I began to worry that he might back out of the deal. Jeb scratched his balls and sniffed his fingers; the odor must have met with his approval because he looked at me, rolled the match stick in his mouth to the other side and said. "I got a couple stip-a-lations ta add ta this'en greement." He said trying to sound all lawyer like. "What kind of stipulations?" I eyed him suspiciously. "Well," he paused, "you...

4 years ago
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The Chelmsford Stalker

The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...

3 years ago
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Ori WarForest stalkers

I was born in the northeast and my mother died giving birth. My father raised me in the forest where we hunted, trapped or collected herbs and spices. I fired my first weapon when I was five and killed a Liger when I was six. They were huge forest cats that hunted more than animals. By ten I could track anything that walked, ran or flew. By fourteen I was hunting on my own to support my father. He died before I turned eighteen and that was when war came to Alexander. I joined the foresters...

3 years ago
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Honey for SaleChapter 3

I set the table for three and cleaned up what I could as Beth finished dinner. I would have helped with the cooking but I suck at it. I can grill enough to be able to get through a small bar-B-Q but that's about it. My wife accuses me of being the only person she knows that can burn water. Honey came into the kitchen; I assume she was ready for bed. She had on a faded yellow Sponge Bob "T" shirt that didn't come all the way to her navel and a pair of her new panties. For some reason she...

3 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 8

After a while, when our passions had somewhat dissipated, we 'came back and snuggled together on the couch. Automatically, it seemed, as we were lying on our sides with out bodies pressed together, our lips meeting. Our kisses were lingering and affectionate, yet stimulating because our lips were still highly sensitive. We played around, kissing lightly, our tongues caressing each other. Then her lush breasts probed against my chest, lovely cushions — so soft and heated, the tips strangely...

2 years ago
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HoneyFilled Romance With My Girl

Hi hello to all ISS readers. This is dilip kumar(name changed) from Bangalore. I am a regular reader of ISS from past 3 months and i was introduced to this site by the heroin of this story. By reading others stories i got motivated to write one of my incidence. you can send your feedback to my mail id ‘’. Coming to my story which happened a couple of days back and waiting for the next chance to meet her. I love her from past 4.5yrs and even i am in physical relation with her from past 3.5yrs....

4 years ago
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Honey sweet Honey pt II

Honey had just finished releasing her ecstasy, covering my face with the evidence of it. My husband, Tommy had emptied his hot seed on my ass. Reaching behind me, I wet my fingers with my husband’s cum. I rolled off the bed and kneeled in front of Rob’s enormous cock. I wrapped my moistened fingers around his shaft and sucked the bulbous head into my mouth. If he couldn’t cum by his own hand, or by the pounding he’d delivered to Honey, I was going to make damn sure he came by mine. I pressed my...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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HoneyChapter 3

I went down the hall to Mom’s room and saw a light under the door. I rapped lightly with the back of my knuckles and waited. After a while, I decided that she was maybe taking a bath or was already in bed and didn’t hear me. I went upstairs to my room, took a shower and was drying off as I walked back to my room. Mom was sitting on my bed and I grabbed my towel up to cover myself. “I heard you knocking but I was in the tub. By the time I got to the door you were gone so I came up here. I...

2 years ago
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Marsha and Gary Blackwell

There was a soft tapping on my shoulder. At first I thought it was my wife, then I remembered it was late Monday afternoon and the tapping was coming from someone else. I rolled over; it was Varina Jefferson, wife and part owner of the Antique shop where I’d bought some furniture. She was smiling at me. “Wake up sleepy head,” she whispered, “it’s after 4:00 p.m. My husband will soon be back, and I have to reopen the shop.” I half leapt off the old sofa, “Varina ... I ... we...” “Not now...

2 years ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 5

AT FIRST I THANKS ISS & MY READER BASE WHO SUPPORTS MY THOUGHTS. My reader is telling we are tired of nursery, primary level sex of unhooking bra, pressing boobs,entering cock in the cunt but you are giving us university sexperience by your eroticism, perverseness and kinkiness. Those who have not were a sex condom they please were in your brain to overlook incest and taboo, they will see only cunt and cock. Let us come to my story when the group of people coming to earth went to the base for...

2 years ago
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Honey And Jamun Sex

Hi I am a regular reader of this site and I am my Sujo from Mumbai Tamil girl. My height is 5.3 inch and my boob is 36 d nice around shape and I have very big ass too. I am married and my age is 23 and my husband is 25 and I have 1 year old boy baby with love marriage and we lived happy in Mumbai. Sex with another man it just happened 1 year ago. It’s a true story and I stay in Chawl and next to my house his uncle stay with his children. His wife expires 4 years ago. His age was 37 but he was...

4 years ago
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Honey Hollow

Welcome to Honey Hollow! Scenically located on the shores of (REDACTED great lake), we're a lovely port city of 75,000 inhabitants. Now, we might not have breathtaking mountains lined with chalets and ski resorts, nor do we have a charming riverwalk overlooking a mighty river, and we aren't the perfect setting for higher learning. So what do we have for you, potential visitor? Honey! We're the town that likely provides the tasty honey you fill your cravings with. Don't listen to what those...

2 years ago
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Honey BareChapter 14

The rain was gone. The sky was clearing rapidly. From the couch in the front room of my apartment I was able to see the moon shifting around behind the cloud clumps. I'd turned on the radio and it was playing softly. A short time ago it had been midnight and they'd given the news, a long with the weather report. "Today, Monday, was to be a beautiful day. No rain. No smog. Lots of sunshine." And I still didn't have a client. But I had Honey. After she'd made the telephone call from...

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