- 4 years ago
- 17
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In a daze, I stared at Master Geoff with a broken spirit look, while I awkwardly massaged my wounded cheek with cuffed hands. I realized I’d sport finger-like bruises for at least a week. In my mind’s eye, I visualized the stark-white indentations his hand had imparted on my smooth skin. I anticipated that the would-be bruise was already taking on blue shadows that’d quickly metamorphose into an ugly purple, edging towards a frightful black, before it slowly ebbed to hues of yellow.
With my initial outburst, the jungle drums had quickly spread the word and all activity in the village had halted. They’d come running, no one was about to skip this event. Everyone hovered in a tight knot scrutinizing us, waiting, as I squared off against Ronnie vicariously through his new sub. It wasn’t her fault, but she, I could verbally assault. The crowd’d come for the entertainment. It was a first. A sub, and a new one at that, dressing down a Master, though overtly. To heighten the drama, I was the owner’s kidnapped slave and for many it was the first time they laid eyes on me. It was a display to behold, one that would become folk-lore.
The horde, especially the Master’s, knew an infraction of this magnitude carried huge consequences. They realized Master had to punish the behavior by publicly inflicting pain and humiliation. Everyone knew, even the newest acquired initiate recognized better than I, what was about to happen to me. Master Geoff’s anger was palpable. Unfortunately, I was the focal point of his anger.
My mouthing-off had landed me in trouble yet again. Even as a child, most of my troubles started with my inability to control my mouth. While my new life was changing many habits, Master had yet to reinvent my innate personality faults. He was determined to recreate me into his style of slut and our battles were furious. Now though, with my actions I’d forced him to publicly teach me the error of my ways. His reputation depended on it.
My hot face boiled with humiliation, marred only by his hand’s imprint. If it’s humanly possible, my eyes shot flames straight at Ronnie and Master. I’m not sure who I was angrier with, Ronnie for being Ronnie, or Master for landing me in this terrible situation. I was like a woman possessed. All my emotions that I’d pent up since my captivity burst to the surface, like a submarine blowing its tanks in a race to emerge from the inky depths of the sea. I’d taken on a shrew-like voice and even it was reduced to sputters. I was so angry.
‘Suzie! Suzie! Stop!’ Master furiously said, his voice laced with a tinge of pleading. Master’s fingers dug into my upper arms with unbelievable force. I caught his movement at the last second. My cuffed hands flew up in self-defense. In a sliding move, he single handedly grabbed up held wrists pushing them downward. Against his superior strength, I felt my biceps strain in their losing battle. ‘STOP!’ In an offensive action, he jerked back his arm, then, Master swung striking my other cheek with tremendous force. I was sure my jaw shattered. Stars burst behind my closed eyelids a second before I blacked out.
Shaking my head, groaning, I regained consciousness. I realized only milliseconds had elapsed as I was still pinioned upright by Master’s hands. ‘OW! You’re nails are hurting me. Please,’ I whimpered barely audible. The throbbing of his opened-handed punch or the ringing in my ears had not yet registered in my brain. I was in shock. Then the shakes started.
My lips quivered as tears rolled down my face. Oh, how I wished I could quell my crying. My tears defeated the strength of character I’d displayed. I felt weak when I cried. The snot smeared across my face was the most embarrassing. I’d have given anything to have fallen through a crack in the rock where I stood. Pride made me meet Master, eye to eye. I dared him to strike me again. It was a match, one I knew he could not allow me to win, but the unspoken battle was fought anyway.
My lips formed the words, ‘Please, Master, please,’ but they remained unspoken. I glanced up toward his cabin, my home, hoping he’d understand my plea. Silently I prayed he’d march me back to the privacy of his cabin and mete out my punishment. Anything, no matter how perverse if done in privacy, I would gladly withstand. But this public dressing-down was too much.
Gazing out over his clients, he ignored my silent plea. The throng was so quiet, you could hear the Ponderosa pine needles landing softly on the bare rock, where I stood. He hissed, ‘You push me to my limits, woman.’ For my ears only, he added, ‘I love you ‘n’ hate you. You certainly know how to push my buttons, you she-devil.’
With his words, I felt as if he’d wrapped his strong arms around me. I believed myself to be safe. ‘I know,’ I mimed.
For the benefit of the others, ‘Suzie, you slut! You’ll pay! We were goin’ watch the training. Not now! You’ve just become the trainee for at least the balance of the day,’ he said vehemently. ‘You’ll rue this day.’
‘Now, for the last time, march!’ he said, his voice gaining in volume and strength as he clipped out each word.
Shaking off his hand, I squared my shoulders and proudly approached the double screened-doors. As I reached for the door handle my cape was caught by a strong gust of wind that ruffled it about my buttocks. It tickled. Its outward blast bared my breasts. The only upside was the gawkers were behind me. The downside was my bare ass was on view to all. Wolf whistles let me know at least some of the crowd appreciated my assets. I couldn’t help but stand a little taller. I smiled.
Master laughed, he’d seen my smile.
Ronnie, the nosey bastard inquired, ‘What’s so funny, Geoff? Ya got big plans for your fuckin’ slut?’ I wheeled holding the door open. My eyes narrowed to slits, my nostrils flared, as I fought for control. I knew attacking Ronnie would accomplish nothing and only add to my punishment, but it didn’t stop me from fervently wishing I could scratch his eyes out.
I battled with myself, but I managed control. I met and held Master’s eyes as I said softly in a wispy voice, ‘Master Geoff, please correct my behavior, sir.’ Gracefully, I turned and in a fluid move walked into my fate giving my audience an extra wiggle of my almost bare ass.
I let the door slam behind me. I stopped statue-still and waited in the center of the large rectangular room, not sure what to expect. From the dark recesses, a low guttural groan tore me out of my reverie of self-pity. Pirouetting, I glimpsed a darker shadow in the far corner. The moaning shadow seemed to fill my view. I recognized it, as a glimpse of myself.
With my arms wrapped around my chest in the universal symbol of being chilled or self-love, I wandered toward a sun-filled square. Standing at the French doors in the sun, I felt better, safer. The view was spectacular. A strong breeze blew up the valley whipping my cape. My nipples responded to its brisk kiss. Standing at attention, they begged for more. My cape billowed like Superman’s, even matching in color. I looked up the near ridge bathed in the early afternoon sunlight and there on a rocky outcrop lay a large mother wild cat of some kind with two of the cutest bundles of fluff rollicking over and around her.
The scene made me think of my babies. A lone tear spilled, as my heart convulsed. Only a sharp intake of breath saved me from sobbing at my loss and untenable predicament. There was no way I could give into my grief. This was not the time for introspection. I understood, that again tonight, in the dark, I’d grieve. How long would the grief last? How long would I live? I knew that was the only real answer.
It was Master’s laugh that brought me back to the present. I didn’t hear what’d made him laugh. But later that night, as Ed’s Camille washed my snotty face, she gleefully shared the episode with me. Apparently, Master’d walked up to Ronnie and standing toe to toe, his face contorted in angu
ish, remarked pointedly, ‘Suzie’s more woman than you could ever handle, let alone appreciate, Ronnie. Remember she’s mine and that puts her on the top of the food chain around here. Do you – get my point?’
Hearing a commotion, I glanced over my shoulder, in time to see the other Doms fight to open the door for Master, as if he was a celebrity. I just shook my head saying to myself, ‘Sad.’
I turned back to watch the cubs. As Master purposely strode across the room my back tingled in anticipation of his touch. Fear rippled through me, followed by desire for the feel of his hands repossessing what he had already claimed. Master stood directly behind me, close enough that his heat waves danced upon my back.
Taking me by the shoulders, Master Geoff turned me like a top. I nibbled on my lower lip worrying a piece of chapped skin loose. The sharp sting combined with a definite metallic taste let me know I’d tugged too hard. I furiously lapped at it hoping to stem the oozing blood.
Master closed the gap. He sucked on my lower lip. I attempted to push him off. Stepping back, holding me at arm’s length, he said, ‘Suzie, there is nothing of yours that is not mine.’ I scowled shaking my head in disgust, not understanding how he could do such a thing.
His hands crept into my hair, mussing, tugging, and tangling it as he lovingly drew me into his arms. I was totally thrown by his gentleness when I’d expected to suffer his wrath. He nibbled on my earlobe whispering, ‘I don’t want to hurt you, so please, please, do not fight me. OK.’ I nodded as he claimed my lips in a deep sensuous kiss. My mouth opened to accept his tongue’s probing.
My body couldn’t resist his touch, though my mind still sought to in the worst way. My anger ebbed away, replaced by my escalating desire. It succeeded and my body’s response was immediate. I clung to him, as I’d never clung to my husband. I tugged his head down locking us even tighter. At that moment, I needed him in the basest manner possible. I recognized that I’d walk through fires, if the end result was our coupling.
‘Good girl,’ he whispered, as if he’d read my thoughts and emotions.
Over his shoulder, I superciliously surveyed the tools of my up-coming punishment. I would let no one witness my terror. I realized that if I was to remain my Master’s, I had to act regally and accept my training in a manner that would set me above the others. I was sure Master would appreciate my efforts. The most worrisome was, could I endure it. It may be called training here, but the rest of the world labeled it abuse.
When he realized he’d lost my attention, he gave me a chilling smile accompanied by a curt nod. ‘See her,’ he said pointing over my right shoulder.
I turned sadly acknowledging the sight. Glancing into the shadowed corner, I peeked at the poor soul who gave another mournful groan at our attention. ‘Come on, let’s visit her,’ he said taking my hand. With hesitant steps, I complied, recognizing I was looking into the face of my future. I suddenly halted about six feet away, as if I’d become stone. My eyes were glued on the puddle below her. Master squeezed my arm, ‘Come on, Lindy won’t bite.’ I resisted.
Coming nose to nose, he barked, ‘NOW!’ His eyes took on a hard look, a fine spray of spittle showered me.
I let him propel me. Every muscle in my body ached with the tension. Even breathing was more than what my body wanted to do. We ducked under the heavy wooden frame. He positioned me beside her chest under her outstretched arm. She was suspended horizontally about at my waist height. With the kindest of voices, Master Geoff asked about her care, ‘Lindy, you OK, little one?’ She sort of nodded but her movements were very restricted.
Poor Lindy was cuffed and stretched wide open within the heavy wooden frame. On her head, she wore a ball gag, as well as an auxiliary harness that was rigged with a D-ring. Chain clamped her tightly to the head of the frame. All that was scary enough, but the worst, I think, was the large vibrator that had telescoped out of the bottom of the frame and was wedged into her nude pussy. It seemed such an invasion of her privacy to be fucked by an oversized plastic cock for all the world to see.
My Master’s hand ran up her meaty-thigh to her belly button, circling it, then down the far thigh as far as he could comfortably reach. Lindy’s legs were pried wide-open at an exaggerated angle. It appeared Master didn’t want to lean into her or add any additional weight that would just aggravate her predicament. She attempted to lift her hips as his fingers came tantalizingly close to her nude mound. When he disregarded her female invitation, she groaned loudly. ‘Shhh, little one. Soon,’ he murmured.
Master’s fingers trailed up her white skin. It rippled under his touch. Until this point, he’d held me in place with one hand, now he let go. He had another use for his hand. Taking each of her ponderous breasts he squeezed hard, indenting her flesh. The rig suspending her nipples appeared to be drawn up as tight as a guitar string. Kneading her fleshy breasts, he milked her. Poor Lindy wiggled in her restraints, but little movements were the extent of her flexibility. Suddenly, without warning he tweaked the tip her elongated suspended nipples like you would a crokinole game-man. Her pale blue eyes widened in shock. Every muscle in her body twitched, she screamed behind the huge red ball gag. It sounded more like a strangled gurgle than a scream, but I recognized the sound. Recently, I, too, had made similar noises.
Master chuckled, as did others behind me. That was the first I realized the villagers had crowded into the room. Though large, the room wasn’t designed to hold everyone with all the equipment. There was standing room only. The Doms, including one Dominatrix, gave deep belly laughs at poor Lindy’s distress. The subs nervously giggled a chorus of strangled no’s. Me, I involuntarily screamed, ‘No-o-o!’ Repulsed I stepped back.
In many mixed crowds, the women congregate on one side and the men on the other, not so with this bunch. Here the subs, woman or man, stood obediently next their Master. Once the involuntary reactions subsided, most subs lovingly looked up at their Dom, including me. Strange, I had to admit the term lovingly, suited my gaze also. A warm glow spread through me. The room reeked of female arousal.
I whispered, stepping closer, ‘Shhh, Lindy baby, you’re OK.’ I angled my head, so we made eye contact, which was a little awkward, as she wore blinders.
Her Master, Kevin, stood quietly on the other side, possessively massaging her outstretched bicep. ‘Lindy, you ready to behave now?’ He mussed the straggly gray hair that sprouted through the harness. He gently kissed her tear streaked cheek.
To my surprise, she shook her head no. The room laughed. I stared perplexed. Master hooted, as he lightly tweaked my right tit. “Remember,’ he whispered kissing my hair.
‘Watch,’ was all he said.
‘Kevin, how long has she been like this?’ Master conversationally asked. ‘Her nipples appear as if you haven’t been watching her closely enough. You don’t want to damage your property, now do you?’
Kevin was standing admiring his sub, not really giving any visible sign of listening to Master Geoff. I watched as my Master’s face darkened, ‘Kevin!’
‘I heard ya.’
‘I said, how long?’
‘Well, she,’ he said pointing directly at me, ‘interfered with all her carryings-on.’ Master’s darkened face grew almost horrific when Kevin made reference to me.
In a deep guttural timbre, every syllable enunciated, ‘No more! You know the rules. Cut her down.’ I guess Kevin didn’t move as quickly as Master desired, for he bellowed, ‘NOW!’
Kevin literally jumped. Still he tenderly removed her gag, affectionately wiping spittle off where she’d drooled. He seemed so gentle with her, so doting. Kissing her, he slid his hands on to her b
reasts. As he straightened, she smiled up at her master trustingly. Simultaneously, he released the nipple clamps. Lindy screamed, it echoed, she thrashed about in immediate anguish, as blood rushed back into her jeweled nipples. Fear, hatred, arousal danced across her wide eyes.
I was embarrassed to be watching something this bizarre. Several people guffawed, female voices whimpered in sympathy.
Baring my ass, Master’s hand slithered up under my cape. I felt the color rising in my face. His other hand massaged first one then my other breast gently twisting my nipple rings. Murmuring against my wavy hair, he asked nonchalantly, ‘Does this excite you, pet?’
I wished I could say no. I said nothing. I closed my legs a little tighter, hoping to stem the flow I knew was oozing out. I could only hope, nobody noticed. Wiggling his hand between my legs, he tested me. My legs reluctantly unlocked. He brought his finger to his mouth and sucked my essence.
Fascinated, I watched Master Kevin press a button on the wall. A motor whirred. The frame slowly pivoted positioning Lindy upright. Moving in front of her, Kevin removed the head harness and blinders. His hands tantalized her clit while he kissed her deeply. She moaned, this time in ecstasy. Her hips rocked forward crying out for more. Master Geoff balanced her while her master undid the quick-release chains. As she eased down, her taut muscles were slow to respond. The plastic cock still embedded was driven in even deeper. Her hips rotated happily. Now, I understood why she’d said she wasn’t ready to behave, she liked the invading phallus.
Lindy spoke hoarsely, her dry throat causing her voice to crack, ‘Master, may I keep it?’ The quiet room erupted in laughter. One of the trainers, a graying man, stepped in and pushed a button on the telescope. I’m sure every eye in the room, except maybe Lindy’s scrutinized the trespasser, as it slowly retreated. Steady streams of female juices copiously streamed down her legs.
‘No, Lindy, I have something else that you’ll like better,’ he said rubbing his growing bulge thrusting his hips in a pantomime of fucking. She smiled, her dry lips cracked, bleeding. She looked to be in pain as she willed her body to move, her outstretched hands reached for his crotch. Chafing his bulge, genie-like, she proceeded as if it was the most natural thing in the world to publicly touch a man’s cock. What came next, floored me!
Lindy knelt, he helped her balance as she awkwardly sank. I could tell that every movement was agony, but she never complained. She sucked in her cheeks. My guess was that she bit her cheeks seeking a rush of salvia. Successful, she licked her parched lips. She unzipped Kevin’s hiker style shorts. He wore no boxers nor briefs. Curly salt and pepper hair sprung out. She buried her face into the wiry mass. I recognized she was inhaling his musk. My mouth watered at the very thought. Devotedly, she attempted to extricate his hardened cock. It was impossible.
I gazed up at Kevin’s face, it was pained.
Ronnie, the big mouth, hollered, ‘For gawd’s sake, just drop your drawers.’ He guffawed uproariously. Several others joined in, including some of the submissives. I didn’t know where to look, but I wasn’t going to watch poor Lindy be humiliated like this. Instead, I stared, as the trainer washed the floor where Lindy’s juices had puddled. No wonder the place was so spotlessly clean, he actually scrubbed the floor on his hands and knees with disinfectant.
Master seized my hand, bringing me back to the scene. He positioned it on his burgeoning crotch. I yanked my hand away, humiliated. ‘Suzie, do you have to fight me on absolutely everything?’ he said exasperated. ‘Come on, just feel me. I won’t make you suck me in public yet.’ My head flew up fast enough to give myself a whiplash. Our eyes met. They held, neither backing down. He smiled gently, chuckling lightheartedly. The crisis passed, but I appreciated that though I had out stared him, he’d won.
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One night I had been out, I went home a little early, about one o'clock in the morning to the townhouse I lived in with my parents. I snuck in the front door and as I came home I saw my parents walking around naked. They had gotten up from the couch. Dad tried to hide, but I could see that he had a standing dick and Mom was damp in the crotch. Her pubic hair looked sticky. Did they have sex on the couch? "Excuse me," I said anxiously. Mom had pretty big tits and a little belly. Her...
Thursday started with me headed off on the bike. I rode my bike to the Sit Down even though I had the ugly red Chevy in the parking space behind my Downtown House. I didn't need exercise, and I wasn't green conscious, I just enjoyed the slower pace of the bike as I carried me through downtown. Pedaling it along was not a problem, not even in the thirty degree temperature. Since Sylvia had arranged a meeting at the bank for me at nine, I ate slowly. Sylvia and Peter Gordon were both in...
By : Ankit Hello every body, I’m Ankit first aqp sab ke liye laya hoon mera dusra story. Mere pehle story pe jin sab ne mujhe reply bheje the sab ko thanks. Koi anty yone mujhe questions puchhe the ke unhe mujhse chudwane ka mann kar raha he lekin dar te hain kahin kisi ko pata chal gaya to? To mera reply ye hai ke Ankit ke saath jo bhi sex kiye hai woh mujhe bar bar phone kar te hain. Kyun ki ek biswas hi original satisfaction deta hai. Mai sex ko apni jaan se bhi pyari cheej man ta hoon....
I was screaming as loud as I could, I could not see any audiences, but I was sure all the staff were hiding somewhere enjoying the double fuck show I was making for their eyes, the idea of being double fucked while being watched by others, made me so hot and so horny, I came three times on a raw before any of the men came yet, finally they both came in my fuck holes, stuffing my pussy and ass with their thick, white cock cream, we were all laying there till we caught our breath and...
Nola Exico was all about her big, juicy, natural tits. She loved to show them off. Probably she ran topless to the shoot. She took them out, she shook them, she bounced them. She squeezed them through the railing. She let Danny Steele oil them. Then she shook them and bounced them again. This time Danny was squeezing them. She gave him a nice boob job. Then a blow job. And then they fucked. First on the kitchen counter. Her tits were bouncing left and right. Then on the sofa with her tits...
xmoviesforyouShe always look at me with her cute smileFirst time i met her, I had just cum in her daughter mouth on our way to the dinnerfeeding my 7 unc to her cute girl, teaching her to give good bjs after school for about a monthi wasnt her bf, she didnt love me, in fact she hated me during the early year of college because i wasnt like the other boys, always wanting her attention , even called her a spoil brat during a mix soccer game where she faked i pushed her.yet, that night her bf let her freeze...
Here is the story of my 18th birthday, and the best time of my life. First of all I'd like to say that is my first story I've ever written, and I hope you enjoy it. Second of all, I'd like to add that what you are about to read is completely true in every detail, EXCEPT for the names (they have been changed). Now no one knows that I am Gay and so far I did quite a good at hiding it. Let me give you a quick visual, I am now 18 and I am tanned with longish black hair and I am in good shape since...
Gay Male- with the deepest respect to Nigella - I giggled as I squirmed out from underneath his arms and tumbled out of bed. He caught me around my waist just as I was standing up and pulled me back into bed with him. I pressed the full length of my body against him , luxuriating in his warmth and against his once-again hardening cock. I sighed and contemplated not going anywhere, but rather cuddle up, nibble his ear and whisper about all the naughty, filthy things I want to do to him that night. But...
Straight SexInfiltrating Ashagen, the land of ultimate torture Authors: Noemi Salvadge & Aurelie Catena Authors' emails: Noya2929 [at] gmail [dot] com), Aurelie [dot] Catena[at] gmail [dot] com Tags:M/f, M/f+, F/f, F/f+, interracial, modification, snuff, Tit Torture, feet, slavery, bondage, real, torture, nc, Extreme Introduction Summary An expert female spy, Aurelia, is sent to infiltrate a ring of slavery and save a colleague of her who had mysteriously disappeared in a previous mission. The operation...
Mother’s Helping Hand By Reeb My story takes place the summer of my 17 th birthday, just before my senior year in high school. I was fast becoming a young man as I was an athlete in high school. I was on the football team, basketball team and ran track every spring. I stood about 6 feet tall, weighed about 185 pounds, brown hair, blue-green eyes and from all the weight lifting, I guess you could say I was built quite well as the ladies, young and old seemed to always be staring at me lately...
IncestIt's a 100% true story like the rest of my stories (Although it took 2-3 hours to seduce the young repairman *see: Airconditioner repairman laid some pipe*)I never really liked clubbing unlike my best friend B. but she was really into that and therefore, i did accompany her several times despite enjoying the scene myself.I went to clubbing on a Saturday night as usual with my best mate B., it was almost 23.30 when we arrived due to heavy rain that hit the region. Although it was rainy, the club...
Fiction! I have a natural hottie aunt.She's got those big boobs, nice body and etc. Everytime i see her, i feel horny. I always tried to sneak at her whle taking a bath but this was the best. One night She and i was left in the house. she went to her room and grab a towel. She went for a shower. I sneaked her with a video cam whle she's taking a bath. how amazing? i finally saw her big tits, sexy body and yummy ass. My dick got hard. I did not knw that she was cmpletely aware of my presence....
First TimeI had never really thought of my female students in a sexual way. I was in my forties, and though I'd never been married, I had certainly had my share of young, beautiful women. I used to fuck a different slut every weekend in grad school. The young college coeds couldn't wait to suck my dick when I started talking about my graduate thesis and my plans to get a P.h.D. They were all sluts and didn't care much about fucking around with a young, muscular, intelligent grad student,...
“Sit,” Ann instructed. She reached over to the center of the conference room table for the water pitcher and a glass, her short skirt inching up enough for me to see she had on no underwear. She turned and looked at me, smiling. “Water?” she offered. Water was the farthest thing from my mind. Sales, I hate working in sales. But every now and then, the rewards can be great. I am organization effectiveness consultant and companies hire to me to him that maximize their production and profits. I...
Office SexI awoke before the alarm rang and rubbed my eyes, trying to see the time on the clock radio beside the bed. “Hummmm...ten to six”, I thought, “I guess I’ll get up now instead of waiting for the alarm.” It was a Friday so I figured I’d get to work a little early, eagerly anticipating the upcoming weekend. I also figured, the earlier I got in, the earlier I’d be out and relaxing with a drink or possibly lining up a date. Ever since my girlfriend Janice and I broke up a couple of months ago, I had...
EroticI told myself that never in a million years would I ever go to one of these types of events. Oh sure I had heard of slave fairs and auctions and even services that dealt with the training and modification of cunts, but I always told myself that had nothing to do with me and nothing good would come from being anywhere near those things, and yet here I was, standing smack in the middle of it with no idea what on Earth could have possibly made me think that this was somehow a good idea. I’m a...
The gaffer had stories on top of stories ... and many of them might be true ... his history was easily checked; Connie needed to learn her watch. Yes, William the first was a freeholder. Yes, Molly was a pickpocket. No, she wasn't 15 when Big Bill was born. Molly was 13, and Big Bill's father was a six foot seven English Marine. Molly was 12 and the giant wasn't her first time riding the pony. Molly didn't brandish a cast iron skillet, she slapped Bill the first on the ear with a...
Mermaid's engines had long since been shut down and she drifted silently through space, her passive sensors keeping an eye on the frantic search that was being undertaken on their behalf. The crew had been at general quarters for nearly five hours now, all of them anxious, scared, but also proud that they had just helped take forty thousand marines out of commission. Brett and the rest of the bridge crew watched their screens as the Panamas continued to pass far above them and as the...
I didn't take time for breakfast before leaving Farmer's Grove, because Control made it sound urgent. The trip to Capitol City was a four hour drive. Since I did find time for take out, I was eating the egg sandwich as I waited on the park bench. The bench was in the shadow of a Civil War Soldier's statue. I think he was a Reb but there were no markings on him. With all the political correctness and historic rewrites happening lately, I expected that all the original markings had been...
I said I would tell you about the small gathering of Ladies who like me were selected for a BBC sex party, part for breeding and part for our multi orgasm pleasure with these a****l monsters. The 2 rooms were one for breeding Ladies and the other for us to have our pussies filled and filed over and over again. One of the Ladies who loved to breed with African BBC men was Sue. Sue is a blonde Lady of 35 yo and about 5′ 3′ tall. She has a big ass and titties with huge brown nipples. Her belly is...
Hi to every horny readers I m 22 male from Tamil Nadu. I m am an engineering graduate finished my education in Tirunelveli. Presently I’m working in Chennai. The heroine of this story is my classmates in UG; saying about her she is 5.2ft with white complexion and not to fleshy (I love lean gals more). Telling about me; I’m normal looking guy with lot of humor sense and bit bulky with 6.1ft height. We both are of same class with lot of small fights soon social networks broke the distance between...
I take a deep drag of my 'cigarette', have a large gulp of tea. Then exhale. The sound of the vibrations of my phone on the wooden bench are familiar. A sound I subconsciously wait for. I pick up my phone and a message reads: 'I'm coming over in 5. Hope thats OK' It's from her. But she never comes over. I take one last drag and put the stub out. Pick up my still steaming mug and bring it inside. I sit down back at my computer, open a blank page, and put fingers to keyboard to record my...
Love StoriesPenny Authors note: This was an interesting, and challenging piece for me to do. Most of my works are usually pure fiction with perhaps a sprinkling of fact based on similar experiences, or people I’ve known thrown in. As many of us here at Lit sometimes find, we get emails or feedback from people who have read and appreciated our stories. Sometimes a friendship can come from this, or at the very least dialogue begins borne from someone’s desire to see a particular story written, or an idea...
“Are you ready for another go?” Emma asked, greeting Phil as he pulled into a parking spot. “Or rather, can you survive another one?” Ethan teased. “Yeah, though this time will be a little different,” Phil said, exiting his car. “Instead of the typical crowd scene, I told Melissa I was done with waiting room demonstrations. I insisted I’d only handle five of her worst cases. That way, the chances of complications are reduced, as are the number of observers. If I take out one creature each,...
Hi Friends, This is Neel () from Hyderabad. My height is 5.5″ and the size of the dick is 7 and thickness is 2 1/2 centimeters. This is the continuation of “Lakshmi Made Me Her Slave” After the Pussy V and Ass ( )( ) licking session Mami said I am tired and I needed a Bath and proceeded towards the bathroom. Before entering the bathroom she said follow me my slave… then we entered the bathroom and it was big one with bathtub. Mami then sat on the moda and started filling the Tub and told me...
Hi sexy guys and girls. I am Neha and I am back. In my previous story I told about my experience of carrying myself in sexy clothes. Now I am sharing my first sex experience.I was alone in my rented home. I moved in to this home few days back. As I was alone, I felt very horny. I thought of watching porn but my net connection was down. But I wanted to do something. I removed all my clothes and was walking nude in my home. I made sure that all the windows and curtains were closed. But I wanted...
Kayla Kayden was born in Syracuse, New York, on September 6th, 1988. Kayla is a private person, so little is known about her childhood. However, I do know a little about Syracuse, New York, and let’s just say that if you grew up there, you’d also be willing to suck dick to escape also.The Great PornstradamusBecause I could find so little on her background, I’m going to stare directly into the windows of Kayla's soul (I’m not talking about her eyes) and take some educated guesses.I’m going to...
Twitter Porn AccountsPart 2 Still naked the three of us walked the thirty steps or so down to the lake and waded in. The cool water made us gasp but it was refreshing. We were all sticky and sweaty after our intense session together and it felt good to get cleaned up. Gail and Jenny were grabbing my genitals and had little problem getting me hard again. With that accomplished Jenny turned her attention to Gail, suckling her full C cup breasts, and nibbling on her large dark areolas. I came up behind her and...
Group SexJane couldn't wait for college to end, so she could see her sexy boyfriend and show him off to her parents. Lynn had slept a little better, resigning herself to the fact she had to act normal and conceal her sordid secret from her family. For the sake of harmony, she would live with the guilt, the shame, the humiliation, until she could come up with a solution to the nightmare that had become her life. As the evening approached Lynn prepared the chicken meal with trepidation, the sick...
I checked my makeup in the mirror, and brushed a wisp of newly coiffed hair from my brow. Taking a deep breath and swallowing my pride, I stepped out onto the patio. The click of my favorite Manolos echoed in the Sunday quiet of another warm, southern California night. The white satin hem of the long, elegant evening gown swished on the concrete as it trailed. A few slow, sultry strides brought me to the edge of the pool. My husband stopped his laps and wiped the water from his eyes, gawking...
Introduction: do not read this article without having read pt 1 At nine oclock on Sunday morning, Judith awoke in her bed. The brunette law students bedroom reflected her sensible personality, neat, tidy and well-organized. A Van Gogh print hung above her bed, her desk was clear except for a single notebook with a fountain pen laying across it, and her shelves were stocked with academic books in alphabetical order. Laying there with the summer sun shining through the thin pink curtains,...
Arlene tried to pretend her husband was merely away on business, but her mind refused to be tricked. She felt empty and lonely. Hal was in jail. She couldn't imagine how he was coping with the situation. Such a proud, upstanding man. Did he exchange friendly talk with the other prisoners? Or did he simply keep his eyes cast low and never speak at all? These thoughts pained Arlene so much that she forced her mind to wander to images less disquieting. She forced herself not to worry about...