Wendy Ch. 08 free porn video

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Chapter 8 The Sewing Room

According to Cotton

Wendy stirred, her head came off of the arm rest and she gave me a quizzical look as if to say, ‘where am I and who are you?’ She had dozed off sometime during my description of my visit to the home of Mrs. P one rainy Saturday night.

Her light snoring had not deterred me from my task. I droned on, determined to give a full account of the night that I watched Mrs. P bake cookies and later helped her loose her cookies in her sewing room. At one point I covered Wendy’s bare feet with a quilted blanket I found in the lamp stand. She smacked her lips and made a meowing sound in appreciation.

Putting my audience to sleep did not discourage me from continuing. Wendy had wanted to hear the story and I complied with her wishes. Once into it there was no stopping me, whether she listened or not.

Lydia was ready to call it a night. We had our fun and it was getting chilly in the room, especially given our state of undress. We were sitting on the coverlet with our backs to the small metal cot and our legs touching, basking in the afterglow of intensive and satisfying sex.

Unlike our previous ‘encounter,’ when she ordered me to ‘get off and get out,’ we talked. She had told me that the room we were in had been a maid’s room at one time but now it was her get-away harbor, a room with a door that locked, masking as her sewing room. She had also told me about her children’s father and how she and he had strayed from their ideals. There had been no bitterness in her version of the demise of their marriage. In fact, there had been an admission of guilt on her part.

Our bodies clung together, partly for warmth, party to extend the night that neither of us wanted to end. A few long kisses and a close embrace made it seem almost toasty warm. My hands roamed her back and she pressed her tits to my chest. I felt wetness when my prick brushed her pussy. She pulled away.

‘We mustn’t,’ she announced.

I knew her concern. Earlier in the evening she had told me of her worry that she was already pregnant from our romp on the freezer the previous Tuesday night when I had come to pick up the floral display. She had watched closely as I rolled the rubber onto my cock earlier this night.

‘Had she not seen the slight bulge in my sock where the second condom was awaiting its call to action? I was almost certain that she knew it was there, making the sock on my left foot look like it was covering a growth.’

‘I’ll pull out,’ I offered.

‘I’ve heard that before,’ she laughed, putting distance between us.

‘I’ll pull out and cum on your back,’ was my last argument. She raised her leg and I felt her hand on my shoulder. She was making preparation to stand.

My mouth found her left nipple and my hand palmed her right tit. The hand on my shoulder relaxed. I twisted her nipple.

I felt her hand on my thigh as she leaned close to my ear and whispered, ‘are you sure?’

I brought my mouth to hers as my left hand rubbed her inner thigh, letting one finger gently brush the outer rim of her pussy. She found my cock and stroked it gently, pulling it closer and closer to her wetness. Her tongue was fucking mine.

I tossed the pillow from the cot to the floor. Lydia knew what to do. She broke our kiss and crawled across the floor. Before she lowered her head to the pillow she looked back at me. Although no words escaped her mouth she appeared to be searching my face for an answer to her question, ‘are you sure?’

I gave her a reassuring smile as I took my place behind her. I rubbed my hands over her ass cheeks, they were firm and soft at the same time. She reached between her legs and found me. There was urgency in the way she shifted her right leg to give me access to her cavity which, with the help of some hip action, drew me inside.

Lydia’s head did not stay on the pillow. She was up on one hand while the other pulled one of my hands to her tit. I took the hint and did the same thing with my other hand. Her butt was moving in sync with my thrusts. Her hands and her right foot were flat on the floor.

She moved one shoulder to the floor and her head to the pillow but only briefly. Soon she had both hands on the floor again to get more leverage, pushing back, pushing back. Her head swung from side to side with each push. I moved my hands from her tits and attached them at her waist where I could better control our movements or at least try to keep up with them. I pushed deeper. She looked back over her shoulder with an attempted smile but a frenzied mixture of anguish and desire overshadowed it. Her forehead was covered with beads of perspiration which ran down one side of her face. She mouthed, ‘fuck me!’

I nearly abandoned my promise to cum on her back when her head bobbed up and down like a filly slowing to a trot after a fast race. I heard little yelps and snorts coming from the woman as she climaxed. I stopped pushing when her head went to the pillow and one of her fists pounded the floor. The pause gave us both a chance to catch our breath. I renewed my resolve to do as I had promised.

When I was sufficiently rested I made short movements to get Lydia’s attention. She lifted her head from the pillow and placed her hands flat against the floor again, signaling she was ready to resume our mutual enjoyment.

We glided together, increasing the pace to a flurry that built a rumble in my balls that would be impossible to stem. I warned her verbally that I was pulling out but she did not hear me. A puzzled look came to her face as she slowed her hip movement then brought her self to a stop. She must have felt the spurts of cum hit her back because she gave me a ‘good-job’ look and then collapsed to the floor.

We lay on the floor catching our breath and grinning at one another. I put my arm around her and stroked her back until I felt the pool of sticky cum which I spread out like icing on a cake. Her hair was matted with perspiration and her eyelids looked drowsy.

At the door she stretched up to give me a peck on the cheek. She was dressed in the slacks and the blouse but her feet were bare. I put my arms around her but she would not move closer.

‘This is the last time, you must not come back,’ there was a resolve in her voice but I also heard anguish that made my heart ache.

When I pulled her to me there was a brief kiss that ended quickly with a final word, ‘go.’ I heard the door latch behind me as my foot hit the ground outside.

I slept well that night and walked on air for the next three days but by Wednesday there was an ever present annoyance praying on my mind. Her words, ‘this is the last time, you must not come back,’ nagged at my subconscious.

‘Cotton, what’s wrong with you?’ Marcie said, calling my attention to the burning toast. It had popped up but I had absent minded-ly pushed the lever down. The smell had caught the attention of Marcie who hated to cook but hated burned toast even more.

‘I’ll do it,’ she said, pushing me aside. ‘Where is your mind these days? Everything all right at school?’

I assured her that everything was fine. As a decoy, I told her about the upcoming dance and my plans to test my dancing skills.

Marcies dislike of Ellen who had given me dance lessons during her week long visit saved me from further discussion. My absent minded blunders, caused by my preoccupation with my status with Mrs. P, went undetected for the balance of the week.

The following Friday night I took Patsy King to the high school dance. It was my first date with someone younger than myself. It was fun to be with kids my own age and the date was enjoyable, but frustrating. Our petting session ended abruptly when the couple we were with got into a disagreement and we went home early.

On Saturday morning Patsy’s former boyfriend paid me a visit to gave me a forceful warning to stay away from, ‘his girl.’ M
arcie saved me from taking a beating. For me, that was the end of Patsy King. My small world had crumbled. All I had left were the memory of Mrs. P turning from her position on the coverlet as she mouthed, ‘fuck me,’ and the lingering smell of Patsy’s dried juices on my middle finger.

That night Tad had just arrived when the telephone rang. He and Marcie were having a heated discussion about how they would spend their evening together. She wanted to scrap their plans to see a movie because the feature had already started.

‘It’s already five past eight and by the time we get there it will be twenty past,’ she whined as she went to answer the telephone.

There was no one on the line which made her slam down the receiver in disgust. Tad was patiently holding her coat and waiting for her at the front door. ‘We’ll go to the drive-in, it doesn’t matter when you get there,’ he joked.

Marcie’s disposition turned, she grinned up at him and gave him a peck on the lips. ‘Really?’ she cooed.

‘What are you going to do tonight, Cotton?’ Marcie asked me as Tad held the door open for her. I had planned on jumping into the shower as soon as they were out the door, then walking over to Mrs. P’s house and waiting until the lights in her house went out. There was always the possibility that she had changed her mind about seeing me again.

‘Oh, not much. Maybe I’ll take a walk after while.’ My words fell on deaf ears, they were already outside.

I decided to shave first and that was a good thing because I would not have heard the telephone ring had I been in the shower. It was 8:13 P.M. when I picked up the receiver.

‘Is she still there? If she is just hang up,’ I heard Lydia say.

‘No, no they’re gone,’ I rushed the answer.

‘Oh, good,’ was followed by a sigh and then, ‘would you like to come over? I have a surprise for you.’ Her voice trailed off, faintly warm, pleading.

‘Sure, I mean sure, when, when should I come?’ I stammered, trying to hide my excitement.

‘As soon as you can?’ she asked, there was a gentle urgency in her voice.

I cut my chin while shaving and my body was not completely dry as I raced out the door. Then, I remembered the condoms and I had to go back inside to stuff one in each sock. I ran most of the way, only slowing down the last block so as not to attract attention and to catch my breath.

She was wearing the dress with the buttons down the front and I noticed some makeup on her face. I leaned in to get a whiff of her perfume and told her she smelled nice. She seemed happy to see me. ‘Did anyone see you?’ she asked me, expectantly.

‘I don’t think so, aren’t your children here?’ I whispered, astonished at my good fortune of being invited and not having to wait until the lights went out before I tried to get her attention so I could beg my way into her home.

‘They’re both on sleep-over with friends,’ she said, taking my hand as we walked along the porch.

When we got to the freezer I looked at it longingly as I deposited my jacket there.

‘Don’t get any ideas,’ Lydia laughed. It was good to see her in such a good mood.

At the kitchen she turned to me, ‘would you like to go to the sewing room or to my bedroom upstairs? There’s light in the sewing room but not in my bedroom, I don’t want the neighbors to get any ideas.’

We were standing in front of the kitchen stove with the lighted clock but that was not the source of the glow that shined within us. There was a gaiety in the air, the joy of being together again. We were at a crossroads, ‘which way to go? it was my choice.’ I took her into my arms and kissed her. ‘I want the light,’ I said.

She did not lock the door behind us. The blinds were already drawn and the small table lamp faintly lit the room.

‘It’s a lower wattage bulb,’ she explained. I nodded my approval, still amazed at my luck to be in the sewing room with her. ‘No children at home and a dim light, this must have been prearranged,’ I thought.

‘Nice surprise,’ I commented.

She came to me and whispered in my ear, ‘That’s not the surprise. You’re not going to be a papa, isn’t that great news?’ Her body quivered slightly in my arms. I drew her closer to express my relief at the news.

‘That’s why I wanted you to come here tonight. I wanted you to know and there was no other way to tell you. It’s not like I could call you on the ‘phone or come by and see you,’ she whispered in my ear. Her body was soft and warm in my arms, the pent-up worry that both of us had suppressed for too long was drained from our bodies. It felt good to hold her.

‘It’s good news,’ I agreed, moving my lips to hers.

The kiss was brief. She pulled away and moved to the cot where she leaned her back to the wall and sat with her legs drawn up under the dress. She motioned for me to come sit near her.

She took my hand in hers but kept her distance. ‘I had to pull some strings to get the kids out of the house. Did Marcie suspect anything when she answered the ‘phone and no one was there?’

‘She was aggravated I guess. They were on their way out, two more minutes and they would have been gone,’ I answered, not wanting to waste time talking about how Marcie felt with regards to the dead telephone line. I tried to move closer but Lydia squeezed my hand and pushed it back toward me to let me know I should stay put. We sat in silence for a full minute.

She squeezed my hand again and I squeezed back. We were like two teenagers on a first date, neither quite knowing what to say or do next.

‘Are you relieved?’ she asked, quietly, her voice was distant and she was avoiding me by looking straight ahead. Her grip on my hand had lessened.

I didn’t know what to say. Frankly, I hadn’t thought much about the consequences of her being pregnant. There were too many other things occupying my mind. ‘How I could manage to be with her again, was she really serious about ending it, what had I done to deserve this treatment,’ and other such thoughts had overtaken my life.

As I let the enormity of what-could-have-been sink in, a little shudder rocked my shoulders and I said, ‘yes, I’m very relieved, thank you for giving me the news.’

Lydia squeezed my hand again but still looked straight ahead. Solemnly, she spoke, ‘you see why this can’t continue, I did another foolish thing the other night, nothing like that will happen again’.

She looked my way. I could tell she was seeking some indication that I understood what she was telling me. ‘Do you understand?’

‘Yes,’ I answered, reluctantly. My world was shattered, she was telling me it was over. She squeezed my hand again and I moved my thumb over the back of hers. It was soft but muscular like the other parts of her body.

She was using the hand movements as a buffer between us to establish a boundary, not be crossed. The hand squeezing was a silent way of expressing her feelings. I had to find a way to penetrate the line and get closer to her. Something needed to happen soon, by the feel of her hand the end to this rendezvous was near.

I had it!

‘I would never do anything to put you in jeopardy,’ I said, turning to her in complete seriousness.

‘Jeopardy!’ she screamed, pulling her hand away. ‘You wouldn’t do anything to put me in jeopardy? What did you call that?’ She was pointing to the floor in front of us where we had done it doggy style without protection only seven days before. ‘What was that? Me on my knees, taking you from the rear and you without a condom, what was that if it wasn’t placing me in jeopardy,’ her voice was still raised and her face was wildly agitated. ‘Don’t tell me you would never DO anything,’ she continued, screaming. There was a blue line that extended from her left eyebrow to her hairline.

I had clearly said the wrong thing. I had expressed my feelings badly, said it wrong. Do I dare try again?

‘Didn’t you enjoy it?’ I knew the answ
er, it had been her that swung two gorgeous ass cheeks in the air and offered her pussy to me. In addition, I was almost certain she had seen the second rubber in my sock.

The question took her by surprise. At first she pretended that she had not heard me but the question had quieted her. A smile appeared on her lips and she nodded, still not looking at me. I wrapped my arm around her and she came willingly.

We kissed and I fingered one of the buttons on her dress. ‘It was more my fault than yours, I could see you had another condom, I should have insisted that you use it.’

‘It was my fault too,’ I said. ‘I should have used the rubber.’

‘Cotton?’ her lips were pressed to my ear. I had the top two buttons to her dress undone.

I nodded my head to let her know I was listening while unfastening another button.

‘We can’t let that happen again, Okay?’

‘Okay,’ I said in a low serious tone.

‘Don’t ask me to because, you know, I might let you do it again. I’m afraid Cotton, I’m afraid of myself.’

When I didn’t answer she shook me playfully, ‘do you hear me?’ she asked.

I mumbled something as we kissed. As the forth button was undone I slid my hand inside her dress and felt bare skin. At first I didn’t think she was wearing a bra but there it was, lacy and soft. I reached behind her to undo a single clip. Lydia squirmed around to give me a shorter reach.

‘I didn’t intend for you to do that,’ she whispered. ‘Its new and you were suppose to see it on me.’

‘What do you want? For me to put it back?’ My hand was already under the bra, massaging one of her breasts.

‘Unbutton the others,’ she said, whispering although there was no need to be quiet, her voice was supplicating, yet soft. She broke away and began to peel my clothes off with a flurry of energy as I labored with the buttons.

I kicked off my shoes and let my pants drop to the floor. My prick sprang out through the front opening of my boxers. We stood facing one another. Lydia’s dress was open at the front and the bra hung loosely over her breasts.

‘Hold that pose,’ she said, dropping the dress to the floor as she turned toward the dressing table where the lamp stood.

‘An… oth… er… sur… pr… ise,’ she sang, as she returned. The bra was now fastened and left almost nothing to the imagination. The black skimpy panties barely camouflaged the target of my desire. She posed, first with one leg bent at the knee and arms spread to demonstrate what the underwear was doing to enhance her perfect figure. When I nodded my appreciation she smiled and turned to give me a view of her rear. Her scantily clad ass cheeks glistened under their lacey covering and the narrow bra strap clung to her rippled back.

When she turned again I noticed the package in her left hand. ‘Here’s the surprise,’ she said, handing me a package of 12 condoms.

I was overwhelmed, ‘What was that?’ I asked, referring to the display I had just witnessed. My cock was bobbing between us, responding to the lacy undies and the attention Lydia was giving it.

‘These?’ she asked, with one thumb under the front strap of the bra and another under the waist band of the panties. ‘These are a surprise too. Would you like to take them off or should I wear them?’ This was delivered in a little-girl, high-pitched voice and she wore a goofy smile on her face. She put one thumb in her mouth and made her eyes bulge before getting serious again.

‘Put one on,’ she ordered, rocking back and forth as if she was moving to music.

The package or rubbers looked expensive although I had never heard of the brand. She watched closely as I fumbled, first with my boxers and later getting the package open. Once the rubber was in place Lydia took my cock in her hand and gave it a how-do-you-do shake while giggling like a child.

‘Time’s wasting, let’s get to it,’ she said, turning to the cot, about to remove the coverlet. It was to be spread out on the floor as was had done before.

I touched her arm and when she looked at me I shifted my eyes to the cot and back to her to suggest we use it instead of the floor. With a naughty grin on her face and a twinkle in her eye she jumped into the center of the cot, making a crunching sound as her butt bounced on the thin mattress. I pulled on her legs to bring her close to the lower end so my body, especially my stiff prick, could hang down without being painfully pinned under me. Her legs were smooth to my lips.

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Just Looking and Writing

Early February 2007 The Dancing DressWow! Batman another one!! I was driving back from filling up the Batcar with BatGas, when I pulled up at the intersection to see a dream; skipping across the road.About five foot six and on the bright side of thirty, Her hair was short and black, not dyed; but natural.She was very well dressed; in a one piece dress made of a silken material, in autumn colours.The top was close fitted across her breasts bringing them in tight and close together and at...

2 years ago
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Sorrels Long Journey to Love Ch 07

A few days later Fletcher got a second call from Gwyneth. They wanted to invite Sorrel that Friday night. It would be just Sorrel, Gwyneth, and Hannah. They’d get together, chat, and perhaps go out for drinks. Fletcher hadn’t expected a second call so soon. He didn’t know what to say so he stalled. He made up a story that Sorrel might be busy, and he’d have her call back. When Sorrel got word she called back saying she’d be delighted to go over. She suggested an early start, say 7:00. Gwyneth...

3 years ago
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Wife Becomes a Slut

Chapter 1 Sue was a happy married, wife of ten years, with two children, president of the PTA, and just had her first affair. Sex at home was good with her husband, or that she was looking for something exiting or different or for any reason other than it just happened. She had met him in high school and a year after graduating, on warm summer evening she gave herself to him. The following year at age 19 she married him, her only lover. They had a daughter and a son within four years and her...

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Taking the Boss

“What do you want?” she asked him as he entered. He smiled that smile that she knew would lead to no answer, as he leaned back to close the office door behind him. “You can’t do this to me.” Her voice trembled. She heard the mechanical thunk when he triggered the lock on the door. “This is my office.” She stated the obvious with as much authority as she could muster. Her heart beat fiercely in her chest. She also recognized the swelling in the nipples of her breasts, cradled in the sexy,...

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Perils of Love

Fantasies. We all have them one time or another. I know I did. But I learned sometimes it's best to keep fantasies in your imagination rather than actually making them come true. After you read this, you'll understand why. My name is Eva, and I'm 26 years old. My story goes back to last year. I was living with Chris, my long time boyfriend of three years. He and I were in love. We had so much in common and I felt he was going to be "the one" that I would end up with for the rest of my...

2 years ago
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Low Blow Wrestling

One day you and your hot as hell 5'8", hourglass, redhead of a girl friend, Brooke, who has nice D-cup breasts and a great firm arse are sitting on the sofa looking at each other wondering what to do. You look into her beautiful blue eyes as she says "I want to wrestle". "Ok lets go for it" You reply knowing that you can take her any day. "Not normal wrestling, sexy wrestling" She retorts with a twinkle in her eye. "What does that mean?" You ask confused. "Rules are you can only target my...

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A Stranger In My House Chapter 1

Steve Williams was looking forward to the trip home. It had been a very successful business trip, and he had landed the new advertising account he had worked so hard on. Now it was finally time to head home and treat his family to a well-deserved vacation. He knew that the past few months had been hard on the whole family, he had been working late and had hardly been able to see his two kids at all. But the hard work had paid off big and with this multi-million dollar account locked in, his...

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BadDaddyPOV Kenzie Taylor Reluctant But Willing

Little Kenzie Taylor wants to sleep in. She hates school and doesn’t want to go. Her step Father has different plans for her. If Kenzie wants to stay home, then the young blonde needs to work his big cock until it cums all over her pretty little girl face. Her Mommy doesn’t suck or fuck the man of the house anymore and he needs some young tight pussy to keep him home. Every time the two of them do this, he swears it will be the last time. Until Mommy finds out, it seems like there...

2 years ago
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Birth of a New Dawn Part Two

Birth of a New Dawn Part Two By Heather St. Claire (A couple of you asked for a sequel. I am to please!--Heather) Two years ago tomorrow, I was transformed from a man into a woman. I went from Don to Dawn in an instant. If you read the first part of my story ("Birth of a New Dawn") you'll understand the how and the why. I was your typical clueless, self-centered guy, and unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I'm still trying to decide which one, I ran afoul of an angry girlfriend and...

2 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 17

A quick note before we jump in. My next release will be ‘TRC - Just A Sip - An SftS Extra’ which takes place a little bit after this chapter but isn’t a part of the main story line. I only mention this because it probably won’t show up with the rest of the series. If I remember, I will try to see if the admins can put it in with the rest of the SftS chapters. Thank you all so much for reading, it really means a lot that you all enjoy my stories! :D Enjoy! -Blu He slowly opened his...

1 year ago
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Hungry For SisterChapter 9

"We did it!" Judy leaped out of the chair at the triumphant cry from the back door. The raincoat flapping around her legs, she sped through the swinging door and collided head-on with Harry Anderson. "WE DID IT!" he bellowed even louder, bouncing back from her and capering wildly around the kitchen. He was swinging a small suitcase in wild sweeps that threatened every breakable fixture in the room. "Two hundred frigging thousand frigging dollars right here in this suitcase!" he...

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TRUE HotwifeCuckold story this happened six hou

So - Last year I found out that my wife of 16 years and mother of my c***dren was planning to cheat on me with a work colleague. I had my suspicions when she started taking a huge interest in cycling (his favourite hobby), and spending a lot of time texting, using the 'Viber' app. Back then the security was pretty poor on Viber and I was able to clone her account on my laptop.She took up cycling and would go for long rides with him, to train for upcoming events.I didn't have to wait long after...

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The Missionarys DaughterChapter 5

She could not have been sleeping long again when she felt pulled over closer against the wall. In her half-asleep state, she dreamed that it was Daranje Kawat and she hadn't the strength or sense of will to move and listen or open her eyes to be sure of what was going on. She sensed the stopping of trousers from a dark muscular body, and she heard them drop dully on the earthen ground. Then there was silence, except for a deep breathing. Was there no one else in the room? She tensed her body...

1 year ago
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My Mom8217s Unknown Life

Hello readers, I’m new to writing stories here. I am going to start with one of the very first experiences of sexual arousal I got when I was a teen. As I am new to story writing, I want you to send your feedback to my mail address, In this story, I am going to narrate about the unexpected things happening around me during my younger days which made me this horny today. Before going into the story, I will first introduce the few characters in my story. In this first story of mine, I will tell...

4 years ago
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A Mermaids Tale

This story only available on Lush Stories.“E’er starlit water greets rolling mistAnd emerald tides greet smiling moon,Thou shalt hearest Neptune’s splash:Beware yon mermaid’s doom.”For some people, stuff like in the films never happens. I never win competitions, and I never win prizes or the lottery (okay, I never enter or buy a ticket, but it’s not the point). I am always just seconds too late to pick up the wallet full of money that earns the honest person a reward for handing it in. And I’m...

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Drawn Hentai

Looking for premium hentai porn at DrawnHentai? As many of you might already know, 3D women can get pretty annoying after a while. Sure they can be good to look at and fuck, but soon they can come with some bullshit like nagging, emptying your wallet, and all sorts of other crap that just makes you wish they’d go away after you get done fucking them.This is where 2D girls come in. When it comes to 2D girls, we don’t have these problems. They are always eager to please, always beautiful, and...

Premium Hentai Sites
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Mr Anderson My Teacher My Forbidden Fuck

I'll admit it. I was kind of a slut in High school. Ever since Andy McCoy took my cherry in the backseat of his car when I was 14, I'd become a teen tramp. I liked getting fucked and I liked sucking cock. I had no shame. My Dad was blissfully ignorant about it all and still thought I was his little angel. There hadn't been a boy yet to turn me down, but now I set my sights on a bigger target. Mr. Anderson was a nice looking man. He was also my Dads best friend from college and my last class...

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PurgatoryX Haley Reed Kenzie Reeves Game Of Seduction Episode 2

Haley (Haley Reed) believes that what happened to Kenzie (Kenzie Reeves) could never happen to her. She’s willing to bet that her boyfriend, Codey (Codey Steele), would never cheat on her so Haley and Kenzie decide to test his loyalty. With Haley hidden close by and watching, Kenzie does her best to seduce the unsuspecting Codey. His resistance is nonexistent and a shocked Haley watches her boyfriend and bff lock lips. Haley emerges from hiding and confronts Codey but Kenzie soon reveals that...

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My 24 Hours of Fun Chapter 2

After my fun at the coffee shop with Fred and Peter, I drove Chloe and Rebecca to their friend Leah’s house where my daughter was having a sleepover. Driving her there completely pantieless and with a very wet pussy was a real turn on. I stayed and had a quick cup of coffee with Leah’s mum, wondering what she would have thought of the fact that under my skirt my fanny was completely dripping wet, and I had been exposed to two of my older lovers not less than half an hour ago. Once finished...

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Afternoon Study

Why is it that all my friends can relax on a Friday while I’m stuck inside my tutor’s house studying? I know that I didn’t get a good grade for a few of my classes. So now I’m paying the price of my precious time with this forty-nine year old guy. Mitchell had just moved into our street, from the city he moved to our small community looking for accounting work. After leaving his job as a university lecturer, he was looking for a change in his career. As he introduced himself to my family, I...

First Time
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The Wishing Stone

I was walking in the woods in my backyard when I found...it. It was a round,blue stone,glowing eerily in the light. Picking it up,I saw a small note beside it as well. Dear Sir or Madam, This stone is a magical artifact,forged from the ancient fires of blacksmiths long past,and imbued with the power of a wizard. It will grant any wish you can think,,and make that wish a reality. I thought it was fake. A hoax. So I jokingly made a wish. "I wish that my neighbor,Summer,was my sex slave." The...

Mind Control
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House PerksChapter 5

“Good evening, this is Timely Report. I’m Gavin Worth. Tonight’s guests are Republican Congressman Philip Sundermann of Pennsylvania, conservative pundit and writer Alfred Newton, actress/director/model Deirdre Watkins, and House Minority Leader Kara Peters, Democrat of Oklahoma. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Timely Report. Now, the latest news is the proposed immigration reform package proposed by President Brian Kincaid and Vice President Donald Hume, one which would grant ‘guest worker’...

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Big Booty Black Slaves

Kevin was a pretty traditional guy until one of his employees wanted him to impregnate her. Being a successful businessman, Kevin saw a chance to live out some of his fantasies. Political correctness be damned as a black admin assistant figures out a way to get what she wants but has to involve her college friend to seal the deal. (Mdom/FF, intr, bd, orgy)***"Can you get those invoices mailed out today?" "Sure. Do you need me to email that proposal also?" "Oh shit. Yes please. Thanks." Having...

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Anna Meets Old Men in the PubChapter 3

My eyes almost popped out of my head, the dog up my arse was fucking me like a bloody jack hammer. The other dog which was knotted up my fanny seemed to get excited that his mate was fucking my arse, even though he been knotted for about half an hour, during which time it felt like he’d pumped gallons of spunk up me, I could feel his knot getting even fucking bigger! I couldn’t help myself but cum, my legs were trembling as wave after wave of orgasm overtook me. I looked at the four blokes,...

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Transforming Play

Transforming Play By kachakali See an acompanying picture at my caption site: http://nevermoreuniversity.blogspot.mx/ "So, what did you call me in for? What was so urgent you had to call me?" "Dwight, We need you to replace someone for our play in Romeo and Juliet The play starts in a few hours, the director and I are all out of options." "Who am I replacing, Wilma? Dont you have understudies for that? "Well, it's like this. The actress playing Juliet has got really...

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PornMegaLoad Maya Luna DP8217d By Her StepSon And His Buddy

When 59-year-old Maya Luna comes home from work, she finds her step-son, Jack, and his friend, Gio, sitting on the couch, playing video games. Maya is dressed in a sexy business suit: white blouse, short skirt that shows off her nice legs, heels. She’s happy to see her step-son, but she seems even happier to see his friend. In fact, she’s a bit touchy-feely with him. Maya talks to the boys for a bit, and when she walks away, Gio asks, “Is your step-mom flirting with...

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A Different Kind Of Sleepover

I've always enjoyed my friendship with my best pal Jeremy. We became real good chums ever since we were classmates in school. Jeremy was one good-looking dude, with the cutest smile. He has a slender build, but as I watch him in gym, it was very obvious that all of his weight training worked. We became so close that we always would rotate spending nights each other's houses. Last weekend was his turn to stay at my house. Normally our times together were fun, but uneventful. We did the usual guy...

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Izzys 18th Present Prequel To The Engagement series

I stood in the middle of the hotel room, waiting for the golden-haired beauty to leave the bathroom and join me. I had taken her out to the Westend as an early eighteenth birthday present. We had been to see Oliver tonight and tomorrow we were going to see Billy Elliot. Izzy loved the surprise but I could tell she was getting fed up with my slow approach to our relationship, she couldn’t believe I’d booked a room with one double bed. I looked around sighing realising that I was lucky she had...

Straight Sex
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MyDirtyMaid Gabriela Lopez Gabriela Sucked and Fucked Him Clean

Gabriela Lopez was hired to clean up a house. She was quite a sexy thing. Derrick was wondering if she would clean just in underwear. Some dollar bills quickly convinced her. She looked really sexy cleaning that house. Would she be all naked for a few dollars more? These days money is hard to find, so why not? Was it turning her on, to clean all naked? Maybe. She looked up from the dishes and Derrick was laying there all naked with a giant hard on. Yes for a few bills more she would clean that...

4 years ago
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My First Story

He had always been attracted to petite girls, and she was no exception. She stood at 5’2′ with large, 32D breasts. Her hair was chestnut brown, cascading down to brush her shoulders. Her blues eyes sparkled as she was pleading with her eyes to him, ‘fuck me please!’ They begged. She was about the receive the punishment of a lifetime. He had her bent over at the waist, wrists shackled to her tiny ankles. He stood in front of her face, his hands gathering the hair at the base of her neck, and...

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Bade Boobswali Sexy Padosan Ko Choda

Mera naam Manoj hai aur meri age 28 hai aur height 5’7 hai, Main UP ka rehna wala hoon. Toh baat kuch saal pehle ki hai jab mere transfer Mumbai me hua tha, Maine ek room kiraye par liya tha aur mere neighbor me couple rehata hai, Deepak aur uski patni. Deepak ke saath meri formal introduction ho gya usse bat karte karte meine usse bola muje khana banana nahi aata hai tab usne bola mere ghar se khana Lelo uske Baad uski patni muje tiffin dene aati thi fir meri aur uske patni ke saath pahchan...

1 year ago
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With my Brothers inLaws help

Hello My name is Nancy twenty six years old and this is my story I'm five ft four inches and weight one hundred twenty pounds and have a thirty eight DD bra size and just love SEX .I married right out of college where I studied for social service work and my now husband Dennis studied economics . My line of work was sparse around here but Dennis found a good paying job right away so it was no big deal that I didn't have a job.My husband is a wonderful man kind and gentle and everyone thinks...

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Exposing my Girlfriend to Strangers

We went out to a nice restaurant on my birthday to celebrate. After we sat down she told me she didn’t have any panties on. I know her idea was to make me think about it all through dinner then we’d go home and have hot sex, but I couldn’t wait. I slid my hand up her leg and when she didn’t stop me kept going till I got to her pussy. I started rubbing her slit and it didn’t take long for the juices to start flowing. I kept going back to play with her off and on all through dinner and got us...

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Make It RealA Fantasy Pt 2 Angels First L

After several months of hot, mutually gratifying telephone sessions, my first live session with angel came only after a couple of telephone conversations regarding expectations and establishing rules. Then again, only after the initial meeting in person at her place. She was completely new to this lifestyle, and I wanted to ensure her complete comfort and total trust.She insisted it be at her place, as opposed to a neutral location such as a restaurant or bar, since I planned on bringing my...

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Hot Group Fuck

It all started when Sushma (Sam)’s brother Ritesh (Rick) had stopped by to help me move the bedroom furniture so we could have new carpet installed. We were sitting around the kitchen having some coffee before we got started and I noticed that as Sam was hurrying around before she left for the day Rick kept sneaking looks at her. She was dressed in a simple summer cotton nightie, and although it wasn’t revealing it wasn’t made of very thick fabric. She wouldn’t normally have worn it without a...

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