On Display: A Mannequin Fetish, Part 2 free porn video

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For the remainder of the week, Nathan did not return to the store. Michelle sometimes doubted the entire bizarre proposal even took place and carried on with her usual routine. Though deeply in thought of the man, she didn't allow it to interfere with her regular schedule. She had been working some days, in addition to evenings, though was able to keep up with her studies and hide her employment from her parents, who forbade her to work while in school. The following Tuesday, Michelle was closing the store when Nathan appeared with a couple of shopping bags. She was happy to see him, though dismayed that he chose to arrive so late.

"We're closing, I'm sorry," she offered.

"No worries, I'll wait for you outside the store, if that's okay," he said.

What did he have planned? she wondered.

After closing the store, turning off the lights and locking the doors, she met him outside in the common area of the mall on a bench where he sat anxiously. Without a word, he thrust a plastic shopping bag, nodding for her to take it. Michelle took the bag, wondering what he had bought. She sat undecided for a moment, holding the bag on her lap, awkwardly exchanging looks with him and smiling shyly.

"Well....?" he said finally, staring at her the whole time. "Look inside."

Michelle reached into the plastic coated shopping bag, fumbling past the tissue paper wrapping and felt something soft and furry. Slowly, she pulled out a black cashmere cardigan with tiny pearl buttons. A pleasant surprise. Reaching further, she found a pair of black fishnet knee-high stockings and a black pleated skirt.

"Wow," she said. "Are these for me?"

"Yes they are. You're going to wear them for me," he stated, now in a firm voice. "Here," he said, handing over the second bag. Inside, Michelle found a pair of black stilettos.

"Oh...," she responded. "I don't wear heels, not like these ones." She looked back at him and he quickly shot her a look of disappointment.

"You'll wear them, and you'll like them, trust me," he said. Michelle felt a little uneasy about this situation, but nodded in quiet agreement.

"Where would you like me to try them on?" she asked. "I...could find a public washroom..."

"Let's go back into the store," he suggested. "It's closed, no one is in the change rooms."

Michelle again nodded in agreement and returned to the front door to unlock it. She knew that her manager and the owner would frown on doing such a thing, and although she was an easy-going person, she did not want to risk being caught. Once in the store, Nathan motioned for her to lock the door from the inside; she complied. The store felt eerie without much light. In an unpredictable move, Nathan grabbed Michelle's elbow and took her to the back of the store and into the change rooms. Bright lights were switched on, making Michelle wince.

"I don't know about this..." she began.

"I want you to go in there," he instructed, pointing to one of the stalls with a full length mirror. The door to this change room was wide open. Michelle took the clothing provided to her by this unusual stranger and entered the room, grabbing the door to close behind her...then his hand gripped the edge of it, stopping her abruptly.

"No," he said. "I want to watch you change." At that moment he forcefully swung open the door, grabbed a nearby chair and positioned it directly in front of the small room. In his hand he held a camera.

Nervous and embarrassed by his forward and controlling behaviour, Michelle quickly undressed, unzipping her dress from behind, a similar style to the floral print, only it was dark green with white pinstripes. As the dress dropped on the floor, her body was exposed except for her bra and panties, both of which were black. She stepped out of her wedge heeled shoes, now enveloped by the dark green dress on the floor, and stepped to one side.

"Good," Nathan said, snapping a couple of pictures. "Now put the clothes I bought for you on....but..."


"Remove your bra and panties first," he said with a twisted smile. Michelle, feeling trapped, afraid, yet strangely aroused, followed his orders without hesitation.

'What is going to happen?' she kept thinking. 'Why is he taking pictures?'

Carefully, Michelle unhooked the clasp at back of her bra, loosening the cups and freeing a pair of round, generous C cup breasts with plump dark pink nipples and areola. Snap, snap, snap. She bent forward slowly, letting them hang further down as she slid down her underpants as the camera continued snapping. She looked down, following the path of her panty removal with her eyes.

"Michelle," Nathan said, gently. "Look at me while you're doing that."

"Okay," she said, looking at him and fixing her eyes on his. He was enjoying this moment. She was his to do whatever he wanted with. Upon dropping her underwear to the floor, Michelle stepped aside, standing with only her long, curly golden blond hair to cover her bosom and her arms by her sides. Nathan approached her at this moment, now taking the camera and placing it on a shelf in the change room, he stood just inches in front of Michelle, observing her nudity.

"Very beautiful," he said. "Your body is so curvy and natural, and that's what I like. You also wear clothing very well..."

"Thank you," she answered, now shaking in her voice. He reached out to her long tresses of gold, caressing them, moving them aside to expose her breasts.

"You have gorgeous hair," he observed.

"Th-thanks," she said, feeling tingles of arousal from his touching her hair. 'What was he thinking of doing next?' she wondered. Being unsure of his next move made this whole experience both frightening and exhilarating in an unexpected way.

"Too bad....," he began. "Too bad it has to go."

"Wh-what?" she asked, not understanding what he meant. Did he just say that her hair has to go? "What do you mean by that?"

"Come with me," he said, taking her hand in his, and walking her to through the darkened store. At first Michelle hesitated in her nudity, but Nathan assured her she was not visible from the outside and the mall was closed. They were now stuck inside the store for the night. That very thought aroused and excited Michelle a little, though not knowing Nathan's exact intentions were of concern. He walked over to the mannequins again.

"Take a good look at them," he pointed. "Look at their hair." Michelle did what he asked, and noticed that all three of them had short hair, very short bob hairstyles. It was a style that she often saw in the mall, though not as extreme as the short mid-ear length blunt styles of these mannequins. Before she could ask Nathan what his intentions were, he produced a box and quickly uncovered the lid to peak inside. Michelle eagerly looked but he shook his head, as if to not reveal its contents. He pointed to a stool beside the service counter.

"Sit there," he instructed, pointing to it.

"What are you going to do?" Michelle asked, now grabbing her long locks and guarding them from Nathan, covering her breasts with them.

"You'll see," he said with a sly grin. "Just sit." Anticipating the worst, Michelle sat down anyway, but held her hair in the front with both hands, as if to defend her tresses from a pair of shiny shears that Nathan quickly produced. Just like the camera, he snapped them quickly, making her jump almost off the stool. Running back into the change room, he grabbed the camera once again to position it now on top of the customer service desk, facing naked Michelle. She held her hair defensively against her breasts and Nathan standing behind with the big shears. The setting on the camera was switched to video, and a light appeared, illuminating the scene. Michelle closed her eyes as Nathan slid the large open blades of the scissors around her locks, severing them ruthlessly at chin level. The firmly tugged golden locks fell limp in her hands, as they were now loose and detached from her. With no mirror in sight, Michelle could only guess that her hair was much shorter now, barely grazing her shoulders. Once freed of Nathan's scissors, she turned back to look at him.

"Turn around," he demanded. "I'm not done." With that tone, she obeyed what he asked and the cutting continued. Long golden curls shimmering in the eerie glow of the camera, fell over Michelle's bare lap, breast and down her back, to the floor. More snips accompanied by the taut tugging of her hair by his firm hands sent chills and tingles throughout Michelle's body. Her eyes watered, and she bit her lip heavily, feeling even more exposed with nearly all of her long hair now cut off. Nathan stopped when the remaining hair resembled a rough, jagged bob at lip level.

"There," he said, now slowly circling Michelle and moving in front of her. Sliding two fingers under her chin, he lifted her shaky head and watery glare to meet his smiling eyes in the eerie light of the video camera. "That's a lot better, isn't it?" he asked.

At this point, Michelle did not respond, feeling embarrassed by this new level of exposure and her chest no longer concealed by her long tresses. Nathan smiled again, and cupped her head in his hands; he began to circle her lips with his tongue, then pushing the bottom lip down gently with his thumb, the kissing grew deeper. Michelle enjoyed this more than expected, and the pleasure it gave momentarily distracted her from the anguish of seeing her severed hair covering the carpeted floor below her feet. The deep kissing continued for a few minutes, until he gently withdrew his tongue and released her chin and mouth from his grip.

Walking behind her once again, Michelle could hear him rumbling through a bag where he had the scissors and other tools. 'I'll have to get used to this new short hair,' she thought, and just as she reached upward to touch her shorn locks, Nathan unexpectedly grabbed her arms and thrust them down by her sides.

"No," he said sternly, making Michelle flinch, and then the popping sound of clippers made her tremble all over, shaking unsteadily. "Stay still," he said in a softer tone, yet still firm. "If you keep moving, I will have to tie you down so that I can finish without cutting you..." Michelle obeyed and closed her eyes, remaining as immobile as the mannequins in the front display window of the store.

Firmly, Nathan placed one hand on top of her head, pushing it down forward, so that her chin was pressed against her chest, face looking at the beads of water falling from her eyes onto her bare lap. The metal teeth of the machine began at the back, shearing first the nape and working their way up to the occipital bone, one path at a time, and gently undercutting the sides just above the ears. When the buzzing sound ceased, Michelle began to calm a bit, until she heard the snapping of the scissors again. Nathan continued at the back, slicing off more hair, this time smaller flakes trickled over her body, joining the rest of the clippered short hairs and longer curly tresses beneath. When he was done, he moved in front of her once again; holding her head still as he moved the open shears around her now chin length bangs, slicing a blunt line across her eyebrows. A layer of thick, straight bangs now completed a severe A-line bob; the result of Nathan's wild yet controlled hacking of her locks. He wiped away her wet cheeks and kissed her softly this time on the lips; he then took her hand in his and led her back to the change room.

Once inside, she changed into her new outfit: black cashmere cardigan with the pearl buttons, a black pleated skirt with the knee high fishnets and the 6" heels to match. Looking into the mirror, she encountered a more striking, grown up, sexy version of herself. A slow, deliberate smile crept across her face as she reached up to touch the clipper shaved back of her head, fingers moving through the abbreviated hair, not curly any longer, but straight, golden with a slight wave in the front where the tresses hung to her lips. Michelle could see Nathan observing her exploration of this new look through her reflection in the mirror from behind. He remained close, enjoying every moment of her touching, tickling, and smiling at her image. He slowly crept up closer behind her and produced some makeup: red lipstick and mascara. Facing in her direction, towards the mirror, Nathan moved his arms around her, placing these items in her hands. "Put this on," he instructed softly in her ear, making her loins quiver, as she felt aroused by his touch and whispering in her ear. As she carefully applied both the black mascara and deep red lipstick, warms strokes of Nathan's breath could be felt on her nape, as he stared at her in the mirror. He wanted her and she knew it.

"You look amazing," he said. "Exactly the way I want you to look." Michelle managed a smile, and although her nervousness had simmered down with some clothing back on, she felt more exposed than ever before. Nathan was staring at her hungrily, with his hands fixed on his belt, and began to undo the buckle. "Come with me," he said, reaching out his arm for her to follow him, and led her to the front of the store. The common areas of the mall had now dimmed, only lit by minimal lighting for cleaners and security guards.

"Let's go up here," he pointed towards the mannequins' display platform. Michelle wanted to hesitate, but her desire to please him had grown too strong. Clicking the heels as she walked off the carpeted area of the store, she stepped up onto the tiled display floor, protruding like a small solarium outward, into the mall; a showplace for anyone to see that walked by. Nathan motioned for her to walk in between the mannequins, and stand against the bullet-proof glass windows, encasing the display. "Place both of your hands on the glass, and stay still." She could hear the belt buckle loosing, the belt thrown carelessly to the floor. With his pants pushed down, he moved up from behind her, pushing the pleats in the back of her skirt higher, where there was nothing underneath. "Open your legs, please," he whispered, and she complied.

Beneath her skirt, he gripped her waist firmly with his hands, steadying her already quivering body, pulling her back into him, forcing her to bend forward. His manhood caressed the crevice of her smoothly shaved, moist behind. The erection was immediate; he plunged into her vagina slowly at first, back and forth, in and out, until she moaned. Keeping her still with his strong hands, he continued, now quickening the motion of fucking her, his balls now slapping against her. He was about to ejaculate when he pulled out quickly. Simultaneously grabbing her hair with a tight fist, he pulled her back to release himself over her freshly shorn nape, face and back, now exposed as he stretched the cardigan down to expose her smooth skin beneath. Now it was her turn. He commanded her to stand again, with her palms flat against the display glass and her legs spread wider, she squatted slowly, lowering herself onto Nathan's welcoming mouth and flickering tongue, now laying beneath her; waiting for her descent down below. It didn't take long for her already lubricated loins to explode in a fountain of cream over his face. What made the experience even more exciting, was the potential for someone to walk by in the mall at any time...a security guard, mall cleaner or someone else closing up a store for the night. As for Michelle and Nathan, they spent the entire night in the store, embraced in each others' arms on the floor of the mannequins' display. When morning arrived, they promptly cleaned, vacuumed and rid the boutique of any evidence.

It was a night that Michelle would never forget. Every shift she worked since only made her happier; knowing she had a dirty little secret that made her smile, while everyone just thought she was an innocent sales clerk with an eye for fashion. Periodically, Nathan and her would meet; sometimes in the store, hotel or barbershop. She learned that his father was a barber, and taught him the trade. Although he chose to work in financial accounting, yet never lost his talent for cutting hair. Their relationship was an open one, where they could meet, explore and pleasure each other, while continuing their own lives. Michelle would later fulfill other requests of Nathan, including a navel ring and nose stud. She eventually got her first tattoo of a daffodil on her lower back after much persuasion. He would let her hair grow, but only just to her shoulders, then would decide how to have it cut and how: by himself or a barber? Fully clothed or in the nude? Every time they went out, they were on display.

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The fetish community is very tight-knit. These are the least judgmental people you can find on the planet. It doesn’t matter how weird or whacky your fetish is. You will find brothers and sisters in arms, ready to pop balloons in your ears or take a steamy dump on your face. This is what I imagine Jesus had in mind for Christianity. But, unfortunately, they kept the weird sex stuff and ditched the lack of judgment.Where I fit into this fetish shit is fascinating. I don’t have one fetish as much...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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BongaCams Fetish

Bonga Cams Fetish! For as long as people have been having sex, people have been developing fetishes. Tons of research has gone into how fetishes start and what parts of the brain are affected. Yet, despite all this research, there are more questions than answers on the topic.There are hundreds of fetishes out there, but a few are far more popular than the others. According to a recent survey, BDSM ranks highest amongst its competition. About ninety-three percent of men and ninety-six percent of...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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CamContacts Fetish

I think I might have a fetish for CamContacts girls because I spent all morning looking at the site with my dick out when I could and should have been doing something productive. Then again, maybe it’s just something about the kinky collection of camwhores they’ve got listed under their Fetish Sexchat Cams that snagged me like a gimp on a leash. The world of webcam sex is a world where your freakiest fantasies are indulged, and some folks are just a bit freakier than others. So it stands to...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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Fetish Movies

If you’re into Fetish Movies, it can sometimes be difficult to find what you want to jack off to on the mainstream adult websites. Sure, there are some short kinky clips buried in the pile if you go searching through the major free tubes, but you’re often out of luck if you’re looking for some full-length fun with an extra-hefty dose of depravity in your particular deep-niche fetish. Oh, and don’t even get me started on how the big paysites leave you hanging if you’re into the freaky shit....

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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Coming Out A Strange Fetish Revealed

This is a story about a really strange fetish. Most people will not be able to relate to it. Maybe a few will and maybe they will even get aroused by it. There are very few of us who share this fetish.The other day, I was browsing my favorite fetish blog. A came across an ad that caught my attention. It said, "I am a professional dominatrix, named Phoenix and I am interested in strange fetishes. Not the usual stuff, like feet, latex, leather etc., but really strange ones that only you seem to...

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Do you have a Fetish? If you answered “Yes,” I’m sure it’d be nice to have somebody to indulge that kink with, huh? Maybe you’re lucky and already have a fat lady to step on your face, a submissive babe who lets you tie her up, or a couple who let you do their dishes naked while calling you a filthy pig. If you don’t, maybe it’s about time you started looking around for one. Hell, thanks to the magic of the Internet, nobody should ever settle for a lame-ass partner who doesn’t get the...

Hookup Sites
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Bobs Gyno Fetish

"Hi, I'm Bob. I'm 34 years old, and I am a 'gyne-holic'. I cannot seem to get rid of this vaginal fetish. I've done a lot to try to satisfy my urges, but I seem to need more. Once I get what I want, maybe I'll be done ... maybe not." "Bob, thank you for coming to sexaholics anonymous. Tell us more about your fetish." "Well, I am obsessed with ... ahem ... pussy. Not just fucking it, that's normal. Me, I always want to look inside the pussy, probe it, explore it, reveal it, open...

1 year ago
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My first foot fetish experience

When I was 18 years old I experienced my very first (realistic) foot fetish experience; One day I was going to the movies with two of my friends who are both girls, Morgan and Caitlyn. Morgan's boyfriend was going to the movies too, but me and caitlyn were just friends this wasn't a date or anything. Once we bought our tickets and such we went in to sit down, I was the last person in and I decided to be 'funny' and sit in the row infront of Caitlyn she moved up and sat beside me, but Morgan and...

2 years ago
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Aunt Madges Fetish Persuasion Latex Edition

Note: This story is an expanded version of "Aunt Madge's Fetish Persuasion," This version adds a bit of "edge-play" or what is known in common fetish parlance as "breath-play," This fetish is along the lines of "autoerotic asphyxiation" and unfortunately, if done wrong or unsupervised or even if supervised either of these fetishes can, and quite often do end in death! The mere practice of this "type" of fetish puts immense strain on the heart! It's a sick or perverted interest that...

1 year ago
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Bi Foot Fetish Blowjob

First of all, I highly recommend masturbating while reading this. It's a long story but an extremely horny one. I am a 30 year old male with an intense foot fetish. The site of sexy female feet drives me wild. This is the story of how I gave a guy a blowjob while he was sucking on sexy female feet. He has an equally intense foot fetish, which drives him wild. But first, let me digress to just how horny I get over female feet. As I sit and write this my dick is growing hard. The mere thought of...

4 years ago
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Our Impregnation Fetish has Dominated Our Lives

We are a real married mixed race couple, Chinese-Malay wife (born in Texas) and white American husband. We think we have a somewhat unique story about how risky unprotected sex became an overpowering addiction in us.She comes from a rich conservative Chinese-Malay family that emigrated to USA from Singapore prior to her birth. He comes from a middle class midwestern conservative family. We are both licensed professionals.We have to admit our initial attraction to each other was actually, at...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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PornHub Fetish

Today's Top Rated Fetish Porn Videos - On your mark, get set, go! Welcome to the Fetish section of Pornhub! You know Pornhub and Pornhub knows you! That's why you get so many special and awesome things on the pages of this porn tube. Cause Pornhub knows very well what you want, when you want it and how to satisfy the needs of a porn fan! So, as I was saying, this is the place where you need to come if you want BDSM, bondage, slapping, leather shit, gagging, rough sex and so on. Another...

Fetish Porn Sites
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The Roommate with a Sex Doll Fetish Fetish Sex Stories

I have recently shifted to the hostel of working men. I got settled in a room for two and all other rooms were filled up. I was told, there were no takers for this specific room because of my roommate. But I had no choice and needed it urgently. I was soon going to find out the issue and also experience the best fetish in my life, a sex doll fetish. My roommate’s name is Jason. He is an average built guy who looks rather dorky. He is an accountant and single from what I learned. We bonded quite...

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My blueeyed neighbor has a fetish for Angels Fetish Sex Stories

I am Sofia- a 28-year-old curvy blonde residing in Cathedral Village. My affair with the next-door neighbor had been the talk of the town since I came here. John had half the neighborhood crushing on him but only I caught his fancy. Baby-faced John, blue-eyed John, the handsome Greek god John- that’s how everyone knows him here. But no one knows him better than I do and about his fetish for angels. I know why he chose me though. None could satisfy him the way I do. Our steamy sex was on a new...

4 years ago
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Mannequins From Mars 3

Mannequins From Mars 3 by: Paul G Jutras With the alien invasion dealt with, Samantha Pizza and her friends Tina, Christine and Kim are now special field agents for the government. They had spent the morning on the beach in bikini?s and matching toenail polish. Some barefoot while others had sandals on. Samantha purple, Tina blue, Christine a light brown. Kim was the only one without polish since she didn?t like having green nails, even if it did go with her suit. After the beach they...

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A compilation of 19 chapters following the nylon adventures of a young teen boy.CHAPTER 1My mom had left to meet my Aunt Jill for lunch and a few cocktails so I went to moms room,opened her nylon drawer and grabbed out a pair of her silky smoke gray thigh highs.Mom wears nylons almost everyday for work so she has many,many pairs in her drawer. I then pulled down my shorts and sat on moms bed. My cock was now at half mast just from feeling her silky nylons in my hand. I took one of the thigh...

2 years ago
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Serena takes her husband to visit The Fetish Shoe

Serena takes her husband to visit The Fetish Shoe Shop As the train slowed down and drew into York station Mark smiled at his wife Serena and asked how she felt. 'Nervous, and as horny as hell,' she replied. The train slowed to a halt and Mark and Serena got off and made their way off the platform where they were due to meet Robert, Mrs Wyles' assistant. They held hands as they approached the ticket barrier and walked through it. Almost instantly a young man approached them. He held out his...

2 years ago
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Fetish Factory

FETISH FACTORY By: Shawna Summer [email protected] I'm not sure what possessed me to take this crazy job. I mean, I wasn't desperate. Certainly, not yet anyway! Sure I'd been trying to find journalistic work, but the best I could find was some freelance photography stuff. Although just taking pictures was fairly easy work for my skill level. Plus the nice camera my folks had gotten me for my birthday helped! Still the jobs really didn't pay much unless you were a major name or...

1 year ago
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My New College Fetish Smoking Ch 1

Let me start out by telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Christy, I am 19 years old, and I have long blonde hair, blue eyes talland slim and can suck the chrome off my boyfriends ’ 1976 Chevy pickup. He likes the way I say that. He has never complained about my sucking and fucking ability. After I graduated High School in Tampa Florida, I decided to take a trip over to the east coast of Florida and go to gorgeous blue eyes, great build, nice tan and a tattoo on his groin area that...

4 years ago
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Mannequins From Mars 8

Mannequins From Mars 8 By Paul G. Jutras "Help me take charge of the situation, Sylvia," Samantha said, knowing her team members needed to be trusted. As they took out their blasters, they blew apart the mannequin zombie farmers. "We're the federal help you requested." Kim said to the girls at the school dance, who took off their hose. Team mannequin followed the same plan until almost everyone was restored and the nylon aliens got more than enough runs to finish them...

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Millie found the perfect partner to fulfil her handcuff fetish

Millie is a plain girl-next-door you would not notice twice. Though she had a petite and attractive body, she hardly ever found a guy to her taste. Most thought she is a too shy and introverted. But in reality, Millie had fetishes including handcuff fetish that often threw regular guys off-track. So, every time she started dating a guy, eventually they would run away as soon as she disclosed her kinky side. It was getting frustrating for her so she decided to look for guys specifically based on...

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The International Nylon Fetish Club

The International Nylon Fetish Club or INFC was formed at the beginning of the new millennium. In order to be a member you must be a married male with a provable intense fetish for nylons about which your wife is fully informed and regularly indulges your nylon desires.The club was formed to provide a means by which members can meet online and arrange face to face meetings with other couples. These meetings provide a way for men with an desire to see other nylon fetish men ejaculate semen on...

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Indian CrushFoot Fetish

I was part of a normal family and I was the only child. and both my parents worked so it didn't make much difference during school days but when it came to vacation time, I proved to be a real havoc to my parent's concern. luckily we had a neighbouring family. there were two people, the mother who was in her 40's (widow) and her daughter nithya (23 at that point). nithya chechi was working as a receptionist in a firm so being well groomed was no problem. she was attractive by any standards...

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My New College Fetish Smoking

After I graduated High School in Tampa Florida, I decided to take a trip over to the east coast of Florida and go to college over there. In college is where I met my dream guy. His name is Michael, he is 22 years old, he has short brown spiked hair, gorgeous blue eyes, great build, nice tan and a tattoo on his groin area that reads (YOUR HOT ROD) Oh my god every time I suck his cock it makes wanna cum just looking at it. (Really girls you would have to see it to understand what I am...

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My Creampie Fetish with White Women

I never had a creampie fetish as a teen. No condom? No go. Babies scared the living shit out of me. In my household having a baby at a young age symbolize failure! But from my c***dhood into my adulthood that changed overtime in the interracial dating pool. You see, I always dated within and outside my race. No big deal right? Wrong! Because dating white women from plenty of fish and tinder to social media sites like Facebook and Instagram made it obvious overtime that even if they wasn’t on...

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My First Jacket Fetish Firetrap Harrie Jacket

Back in 2005, the British TV Program ‘Doctor Who' was re-launched on TV. There came an episode where Billie Piper playing Rose Tyler wore a Firetrap Harrie Jacket. Essentially this jacket is slightly puffy, slightly cropped and has a large ribbed/ felt lower half which compliments the figure, a nice big hood which can be split into two. It looks really shiny when on certain lights and still to this day, I love these episodes in which she wore this jacket. The jacket in question can be found on...

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How my pantyhose fetish started

Birth of a pantyhose fetishPart of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in...

4 years ago
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Step MomMum Foot Fetish True Experience

I've read quite a lot of true foot fetish experiences and they turn me on so I'd like to discuss mine. Hopefully some of you will enjoy it and get as turned on as I did at the time. I'm not great at writing and because it's true and in retrospect it might not be very detailed. I can't remember every event detail for detail but I can do my best.When I was young I always had a slight obsession with womens feet, I would sit around or by feet and if we had any visitors I'd sneak into the hallway...

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