Mannequins From Mars 7 free porn video

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Mannequins From Mars 7 By Paul G. Jutras It was a chilly, cloudy December afternoon. Samantha Pizza and her friends Tina, Christine and Kim were on their way home from the government agency they had been working for. "Things could be worse, Sam." Tina told her. "How so?" Samantha sighed as she looked at her pay check. Since there hadn't been any real disasters that required their services in months, their pay checks had gotten smaller and smaller. It got to the point where Samantha felt she could make more money working a cash register in the supermarket. "Our plastic bodies could feel the cold." Kim said with a smile as she stood in five-inch heels and a red bikini. "Being a living mannequin does have its advantages. I'd never be able to get a full body suntan in the winter before the transformation." "We are supposed to keep our cover," Kim reminded her. Though that meant keeping a distance so that people couldn't tell they were plastic and not flesh. "Hey, gals." They suddenly heard Dan's voice echoing in their heads. They all sighed except for Sam, who had a smile spread across her face. A mission and a bonus pay was just what she needed to lighten her holiday spirits. "Come on Dan," Kim whispered so the crowd wouldn't think she was talking to an invisible friend. "It's three days till Christmas. I promised mom that I'd help her decorate the tree tonight." "Sorry, girls." Dan replied. "A meteor shower has started to touch down out west. It's probably nothing, but we can't risk alien invaders using the falling rocks as cover for a landing." "All right." Sam said as Dan said that the other mannequin agents were already being contacted and sent on their way. "We'll meet them there." "Don't tell me that the aliens are back." Christine said in a worried tone. "It is possible." Kim said as she walked up to a stand outside a clothing store and tried on some sunglasses. "We haven't seen the Martians since before that farming scientist was going to sell her new fuel formula." "We can handle them." Samantha smiled, as the girls charged a country girl looking outfit to the government before taking their van to the airport. "All we have to do is believe in ourselves." A short time later, a government cargo plane was flying the girls and their van across the country. They then drove the van down to a familiar farm and an even more familiar handyman. "Hey Jonathan, long time no see." Tina said from the passenger window when they pulled up to him along the side of the road. Jonathan couldn't believe his eyes either since its not every day one sees a bunch of plastic beauties like them. "Do you have any clue what happened after the meteors first came down?" Kim asked. "If I knew that I wouldn't have called you in, now would I?" Mrs. Fidget said sarcastically. The girls just looked at one another as they realized they'd pretty much asked for it. "I just hope you girls feel up to handling the case. You all look kind of pale." "We're fine." Samantha said, wondering if she had forgotten that they had hollow mannequin bodies instead of flesh and blood. "Hey look!" Christine said as she noticed a flyer in the mailbox. "There's a dance at the high school tonight. We can ask everyone who attends if they know of anything about the meteors...and we'll get to dance with some cute teachers as well, I'm sure." Jonathon led the girls in the front door where they were shown their way to the guest room. The three girls would have to share a queen size bed like they had to do the last time. After the girls unpacked, they all headed off for the town where they could start their work "Go to victory!" The cheerleaders on the field cried out as men in red football uniforms and white helmets charged one at a time upon the tackling dummy. The women'scheerleader uniforms were also red and white, including their pom-poms. Getting together in a practice huddle, they snapped the ball and raced down the field. The four girls stared from the bleachers at the handsome young men. They'd feel goose bumps if they could. "Pretty handsome, aren't they." Sylvia said as she showed up with a smile on her face and dressed in a cheerleading uniform. "What are you wearing?" Tina asked. "I grew up in this town and worked for Mrs. Fidget before my change, remember." Sylvia said with a giggle. "I used my old uniform to get into the girls locker room and ask them questions." "What now?" Christine asked as they heard the sound of screeching tires down the streets along the side of the school. "Come on. We've got to earn the money that President Rachel Montez is paying us for." Their back packs turned themselves into jet packs and allowed the five mannequin girls to go after the car. The car began to skid from one side of the road to the other. Dust really kicked up, not that the girls needed to breathe. As the girls used a small explosive to blow out the driver's side door, they pulled the driver out moments before the car went off the bank. "Friend of Mrs. Fidget?" Samantha asked as she noticed that her farm was the only one down the road he was driving. "Yes, I'm John Doe." The man introduced himself. "I was on my way to warn Mrs. Fidget of the Martians when this heat beam blew my tires and... Well, you know the rest. Except that they're making mutants out of humans who will work for them." "Mutants?" Tina questioned. "Given them super human powers." Mr. Doe said as he saw a man move into the shadows, smoke rising from the corner of his eyes. "Saw one using heat vision and heard another can freeze a person into an ice sculpture with a mere touch." "What now?" Christine asked. "Search me." Samantha said, hoping that this case would be easy. She never expected that humans would side with the aliens to gain powers beyond their dreams. The Martians knew that they couldn't stop Team Mannequin without some kind of edge. As she rubbed her smooth, sexless crotch, the dildo forever inside pulsed even more rapidly. She heated up with excitement at how the case was going. "We'll drop you off at the farm." Sylvia said as they flew over to meet Jonathon while they headed to their room to figure out their next move. Since they were already inside; however, they didn't notice Mr. Doe dissolved Jonathon with a touch and then took on his shape and form. Samantha Pizza and her friends Tina, Christine and Kim were taking time away from their work as special field agents for the government to listen to the local popular music and unwind. They loved the feeling of nylons on their plastic legs and how the fashions looked on their perfect figures. "Hey, gals." They suddenly heard Dan's voice echoing in their heads. They turned down the music and listened to the radios inside their plastic heads. "How is the mission going?" "Rough, right girls, " asked Kim. "Yeah." Christine added. "We've listened to people give us a bunch of war of the world nonsense, but haven't seen any actual aliens. Or even the humans that are supposed to be working with them." "If there are traitors, they must be dealt with as well." Dan said in the agency's underground base. "We just know the unit we sent to the farm you visited before to collect some meteor samples has disappeared. We also got word from the widow owner that some of her employees have gone missing too." "Understood, Dan." Samantha smiled, as the girls picked up their sandwiches and drinks before heading out to their white van. "Best get back to work. None of us have dates for that dance yet." A short time later, a man walked up to the town power station and raised his arms above his head. Soon he began to absorb all the power plant's energy. It powered him up. As a man walked up, the stranger send out an electrical blast and left only a fried corpse behind. "The games are over and the world will be ours," a Martian said with a smile as the two smiled at one another. "This time it won't matter how many of these plastic bombshells are teamed against me. They'll all pay, along with that bitch of a president." "We know he's still here." Kim said in a whisper to the others. "This guy is so dumb, the aliens probably doesn't consider him part of this planet's intelligent life. He wouldn't make a very good looking mannequin either." "It's not easy being the best and beautiful." Tina chimed in. "It's us versus. them." "John Doe is gone." The handyman said as the girls followed him into the house. "As missing as the first agent sent in." Mrs. Fidget grinned. The girls just and made sure their government badges were where they could show people around town. "Get to work Jonathon." Mrs. Fidget stared at the girls. "You girls best do the same. With a world to save, the party can wait." "As the girls drove off, Jonathon's arm transformed into a solid blade and sliced off Mrs. Fidget's head. His body them morphed to assume her shape and dragged the real body to join the body of the real Jonathon in the storm cellar. "Hey!" Samantha said as they pulled up to the side of the rode to see Sabrina and Nancy knelt over the fried body. Just then the ambulance showed up. "What's going on?" "The police are saying he got too close to the circuits." Sabrina replied. "I think it was the mannequin Martians." "Never changes." Kim said as they took a short cut on foot through the wheat field. "Not only could they be hiding in here, but we could get ourselves lost as well." "What do you plan to do if we find them?" Tina asked, already suspecting the answer. "Scream my head off, what else?" Kim chuckled. "What's that down there?" Sabrina asked Samantha as she and Christine reached the top of the hill and looked down at and old place with a water wheel. "That's where the wheat and other items we grow get ground and processed." Samantha said as the girls followed her down to the building only to stop while Samantha searched her purse for an area map. "I was thinking that if the Martians want to hit a mass attack, the dance is it. We've got to get to that school." "Not to worry, it's that way" said Sylvia, giving it a shove. They walked through the field and started to pick up the pace for the school. As they reached the sof the aliens. "You won't get away." Samantha said as the girls stood their ground. "What did the aliens offer you?" "Power." John Doe said with a sinister smile. "Power beyond the dreams of most humans. With these powers we will rule whole countries in the name of Mars. We've gone from small farm nobodies to the true power in the universe." "Not any more." Jonathon now stood in John Doe's place. He walked up to the group with a glazed look in his eyes. The girls could see a pair of hose on Jonathon's legs through the tears in his pants. "We won't be needing your services here any more." "The aliens seem to have control of what little mind he has." Tina said, wondering if he was feeling the same massaging pleasure she felt just having a smooth sexless plastic crotch. "Samantha, can you hear me?" Dan asked through her internal intercom. "Things are getting serious. The government and military leaders have all gone missing. The only odd clue is that a wax museum; now using plastic, has female twins dressed in doubles of their official clothes." "Strange." Sylvia thought as she wondered if the world's men were turning into women to hide the location and true fate. The five mannequinized agents just stared at one another as they tried to figure out the best way to help out. "What now?" Nancy asked. "Whatever you do, best do it fast," Dan replied. "We've got more and more of the world's powerful people disappearing ever... what?" "Dan, what is it?" Samantha Pizza asked. "Dan?" "Think they got him?" Kim sighed as she got up and moved to the school. She made it up the drain pipe and into an air vent were she followed the sound of the music toward the gym. She only hoped she was in time. "He won't be the only one to fall if something isn't done." Kim said as she led the team charging forward and whalloped John Doe, together and then turned toward the other glazed zombies. "What's going on?" John Doe said. He had no idea what kind of super crook he was, but he'd make a great super hero with his shape changing ability. "Well talk later." Christine muttered. "Best get back to the city for now." At the same time, Samantha was being held down by a pair of hose-wearing mannequins while an alien pair of hose waited to slide up her legs. "Struggling is useless." A voice was heard in her head...a voice she recognized as being Dan's. "Afraid we can only work best as Team Mannequin can and hope for the best." Samantha said as she broke the mannequin arms off those who used to be living farmers. "You forget that the hose doesn't work on our already transformed bodies." "Help me take charge of the situation, Sylvia." Samantha said, knowing that their team members needed to feel trusted. As they took out the blasters, they blew apart the mannequin zombie farmers. "We're the federal help you requested." Kim said as the girls at the school danced, who took off their hose. Team mannequin followed the same plan until everyone was restored and the nylon aliens got more than runs in them to finish them off. Those who were once male were shocked to find they were now female. "All right!" The girls cheered. "We did it!" Soon all the girls returned home for Christmas Day and a toast of Egg Nog with their family and friends. Inside the girls' heads, Dan, now Darcy, was giving them a special toast in his mannequin female voice. "Maybe next time I'll join you in the field." THE END

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My life as a whore in Marseille

Andrea was born in Marseille, where I went to school. Most of the pupils came from Maghreb. I felt in love in one of them, his name was Ahmed. He was good looking boy with black hair and blue eyes. At school I was very good in mathematics, whereas most of the boys were poor. I engaged myself to give private math lessons to Ahmed. Of course the lessons served as a pretext. One day Ahmed said to me, that he appreciates my engagement and that he preserves me a reward. "I give you my cum". Before I...

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Marsha Seduces Her Daughters Best FriendbyMarsham

Marsha smoothed back her red hair and walked slowly toward her front door. She was in the middle of her workout and not eager to greet a door-to-door salesman, or for that matter anyone who'd talk long enough that her heart rate would slow. She needed to keep it at 80% of her maximum rate for 45 minutes if she was going to keep the cellulite from building up on her 41-year-old thighs.She opened the door and was surprised to see Amy, the 18 year old friend of Marsha's daughter Emily."Amy, come...

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BB Tryst Episode 4 Midnight in Marshland

As soon as the door clicked shut, I dropped my bag and grabbed my sexy tryst partner to push her up against the wall. She didn't resist, letting me take control, passionately making out with her, holding her face, shoulders, hips, waist, neck, moving my hands to each area of her body as she did the same with me. We both needed this release, and leaned into each other without inhibitions for a good two minutes, feeding each other's desire for hot, steamy sensual contact. I felt her breasts push...

1 year ago
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Tom BillionaireChapter 6 Marseille

-- JULY, MONTAUK, NEW YORK -- Sharpley had snatched Cassandra in Manhattan. We always traveled with security outside of the mansion and outside of the JKE building. I knew for a fact that Fat Tony would have made damn sure nothing bad would happen to his favorite blonde bombshell, were he with her. But he wasn't. Instead of going directly for Cassandra, Sharpley's goons had captured our helicopter pilot. He was found drugged and tied up in a janitor's closet. But by then, Cassandra had...

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Journey to EdenChapter 7 The Marshes

In the low places the air grew foul, and the stench seemed a living thing, as if the filth of the world had washed into the sloughs and marshes, and had taken root there. And the stench was not alone. Swarms of wetland insects, some of which they had never encountered before, plagued them to the point they were tempted to turn back. Doe had fashioned face coverings from the bark cloth, and they helped a little, but even these had to be wet, and that meant dipping them into the pools they...

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Deputy MorpheusChapter 8 The Death of a Marshal

Each marshal is unique in their own way. I pushed the huge man in front of me through the front doors of the building. I touched my badge to the door plate to silence the alarm before pushing him again to get him moving. I glanced back at Amanda carrying her ready bag with one hand while the other was in a sling. The two building guards smiled but did not try to interfere as I pushed the man into the lift. I was ready for him to try something again. I brushed his kick to the side with a foot...

2 years ago
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Intriguing Marshall

“The Marshall will take me?” I said. I wasn’t sure about that. He was a tall and grizzly looking man who stood nearby us. I questioned whether or not I wanted him of all people to ride along with me back to my home town. The other man said he would ride along you with me. I wasn’t sure about that either but I knew it would be a “long” and treacherous ride if I didn’t take precautions. I looked at the Marshall. He did look brazen to say the least but I had heard without that heavy and ugly...

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Deputy MorpheusChapter 14 Missing Marshal

I was moving smoothly through my exercises with Amanda mirroring me. Dragon and Cynthia were watching from the side of the gym. Michaels cleared his throat as I slid back and away from Amanda, “We have a marshal missing.” I continued the martial dance and circled, “Who and where?” Amanda slid in and I shifted while one hand swept her foot aside and she spun back and away. Michaels moved out of the way, “Palia system and it is Gilroy. He did an escort and turned the prisoner in before he...

2 years ago
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 She wore no make up (not that she really needed any), her auburn hair was cut short that summer, very elegant and very practical for a young woman who like to do sports. She wore a decent gray skirt that hung loosely on her hips and that went to just below her knees. She wore white sneakers and pink socks. She also wore a plain white tee-shirt and an old denim jacket, because even though it was late June, it was not a warm day.She parked her bicycle up against hedge and then then she opened...

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Tales fromthe SugarBowl 5

He seemed genuinely interested in her and her life. While he always treated her like a lady….she found herself listing all the things he had done to make her life better…He was paying her tuition for the graduate school courses she was taking evenings in business…Jennifer had a four year degree and a job as a dental hygienist …but regretted her career choice that required her to put her hands in people’s mouths everyday…She could talk to Bob about that and he had promised to help her find...

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Lavender Ghost StoryChapter 2 Bob and The Frighteningly Large Marshmallow

The streets of Lavender town became crowded as they rode through the town square and turned South, away from the omnipresent Tower. The old Victorian style homes that the town's populace had dwelled in for the last five hundred years had been decorated for the upcoming event. Carved Jack'o lanterns sat on their wide verandah's, small bits of ragged white cloth had been done up to resemble ghostly figures and hung from the branches of the twisting leafless trees, and everywhere, strings of...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 3 Paradise Regained and LostChapter 2 Tossa del Mar

We flew into Barcelona on the 26th May. We had booked a week at a hotel at Tossa del Mar, a small coastal village about 25 miles to the north of the city. A car from the hotel met us at the airport and as we drove along the coast road I understood why the area was called 'The Costa Brava', The Rugged Coast. Tossa del Mar had escaped the over-development suffered by other coastal villages as it did not have the large beaches of the Costa Blanca or Costa del Sol. Instead, the small secluded...

1 year ago
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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 4 Joan Marsh

I was fifteen minutes early at Panera’s Bread. I got us a good table by the best window and staked out my claim. I admit I was a tad nervous – panicked might have also described my state of mind. I reminded myself the reason for this lunch date, especially in a public place where I’d be apt to be seen by my neighbors, clients, and coworkers: I was building the myth that I was dating mature women around my age so that no one would suspect me of having a romantic and sexual relationship with my...

3 years ago
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Mrs Howard Spanks Marsha

  Mrs Collins opened the door to Mrs Howard, her cleaner who immediately asked “did you give Ellie the spanking as we discussed?”  She could tell from Mrs Collin’s face she hadn’t. Mrs Collins answered somewhat sheepishly “Well I saw how red her bottom was after you had spanked her and felt sorry for her.” “I see. So, how has she been this week with you?” “Oh you know, just like any 16 year old I suppose.” “You mean she was rude to you again.” “I guess” Mrs Collins said quietly. “How...

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Mannequin Spell

As Matt walk home from school he eagerly thumbs through the old, thin book he had lifted from the magicians backroom. It had been a stupid dare, but Ronny had put his latest issue of Milfs vs. Teens on the line and Matt had succumbed to his 18-year old hormones. Sneaking backstage had been easy, as the magician was still performing for the rest of Matt's class, and upon opening his changing room Matt had found all sorts of weird and esoteric objects lying around. He didn't know why he had...

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My own Parody How do you solve a problem like Mar

[How do you solve a problem like MariaA parody based on "The sound of Music" The year is 1936 and just above an ancient convent outside Saltsberga pretty young blonde girl is singing on a grassy hill.Maria was an orphan who lived at the convent as a novicewith twelve other young girls of various ages.Maria is a slight girl of five feet in stature and has honeyblonde hair and these are her adventures at the conventand at Captain Von Trapp's mansion where the goodcaptain lives with his six...

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The Girl From UNCLE

The Girl from UncleBy April DancerPart 1 -Initial training and UNCLE's suggested recreational sex program -Hello, my name is April Dancer. I am among a class of about 75 probationary female recruits to join UNCLE (the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement) in hopes of becoming an UNCLE Agent. Our enemy is the dastardly sinister THRUSH organization, which is out to dominate the World. I was recruited in my senior year in college with a degree in Political Science and minors in foreign...

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From young man to boi to bitch to object

From young man to boi to bitch to object by 2nn Not for minors! If you are not an adult, stop reading and go elsewherenow! If BDSM, bondage, sexual slavery and homosexuality offends you,please stop reading. Please keep in mind that this story is a work ofFICTION; nothing more. Prologue: The young man The young man stepped off the buss with a big fat smile on his face inspite of being more than a little tired from the long trip. Having leftsmall town life behind him once and for all, shedding...

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Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad

Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad- Chapter 1 I am in my Stepdad's room. My parents are divorced. I am living with my Stepdad. I turned 18 yrs old a few months ago, young and horny and very curious. My Stepdad is at work (or so I think). Being the horny k** that I am - I am snooping around my stepfather's bedroom hoping to find some porno. After going through his drawers, under the bed and not having any luck, I go to his closet. Above the rack of hanging clothes is a single shelf with folded...

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I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

To our readers, I would like to introduce a new coauthor Cagivagurl. Do yourself a favor and check out her story page on FM. We were so impressed with her resume of stories we went out and actively recruited her to join our team. For our faithful readers you might be able to detect a more sensual leaning to this production. We hope you enjoy this tale. Marina and Monica Promoted from CFO to Secretary. Beth Johnson sat out on the patio relaxing with her morning...

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A Visit From Meister Hans

Synopsis: Meister Hans, a cruel bisexual sadist and former mentor of Mistress Lisa, visits the mansion to drop off two of Lisa's apprentices who had been training with him for a week. He also brings a present. After dinner, a new torture toy is demonstrated and one of Rick's fantasies is brought to life. As a reward for his entertainment and training services, Lisa lets Hans abuse her sub Elisa. Updated 2012-02-28.----A visit from Meister Hans. ----Chapter One----Lisa and Rick were going over...

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Running from a Hard Place

Running from a Hard Place By Dana West Copyright 2009 I awoke in Maurice's embrace, his big nasty boner rubbing against my sissy ass made me feel like his little plaything. His arm was draped over my side and he was softly caressing my nipples which made me gasp with pleasure. He finally told me to get on my hands and knees with my little butt in the air. I was completely naked, whereas he had his underwear on, and he removed his big black penis from his boxers, covering both my...

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Parting of the Ways Part 4 Away From Home

Chapter 11 Winnisimmet was a flutter of activity for the Finn Family compared with London. Michael Finn and his fiance Courtney Bollinger had the luxury of spending their summer alone, in a different country, among people who detested them for no reason other than they weren't British. It wasn't anything new to Michael, but for Courtney it was tiring and made her long for home after just three days there. They were lucky to have been given free reign over a historic townhouse owned...

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