Diavolo Ch 04 free porn video

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She couldn’t sleep. Abigail tossed and turned, every once in a while she’d glare at the phone Gabriel had given her accusingly. After closing the photo gallery earlier, she’d set it on her nightstand.

She hadn’t expected him to call her soon, but it was already past midnight. How far away did he live anyway?

Can I call you tonight?

His deep gravelly voice haunted her, the memory of his lips and hands sent a cascade of goose bumps over her skin and an uncomfortable clenching throb low in her belly. Abigail hugged herself, clenching her thighs against the ache with a frustrated moan.

“Oh, what have I gotten myself into,” she huffed, reaching for the phone again.

As soon as she touched it, it flickered on. With a sigh, she drew her finger over the screen and tapped the gallery again.

Slowly, she scrolled through the pictures until sleep finally did claim her.

Gabriel came to her like the wet dream he was. His mouth clamped over hers as he pressed his body into hers. Again, she felt that obscenely large bulge he had in his jeans press against her abdomen. His kiss tasted like salt water and she gripped his hair to push him away.

Gabriel stared down at her in the darkness.

“Why are you all wet?” she asked as he dripped seawater over her.

His cold fingers traced the contours of her cheeks before moving away from her.

She watched in confusion as he straightened, realizing he was truly soaked down to his biker boots.


He looked sad, the dim moonlight illuminating half of his beautiful face.

Without uttering a single word, he turned on his heel and walked out through the open glass doors of her terrace.

“Gabriel,” she called following him out.

Thick fog rolled across the terrace, enveloping him until he was nothing but a barely distinguishable silhouette.

Fear gripped her for him. Where was he going? Why was he soaked to the bone?

“Gabriel, please. Come back. Gabriel?”

Her bare feet descended the terrace steps, but instead of encountering soft grass at the bottom, she winced when her toes touched asphalt.

Through the thick mist, she heard the faint rumble of Gabriel’s motorcycle. She could almost make out the shape of it as well as him sitting astride. The headlamps glowed through the fog like a beacon. Loud music cut through the fog.

“Gabriel,” she called out again.

As she approached, she heard the sound of another vehicle speeding closer.

He just sat there, his bike idling, as if waiting for her.

There was so much mist, the other person wouldn’t see him in time.

Abigail began to run. Or, at least she tried. Her legs felt sluggish.

“Gabriel,” she cried out, “get out of the way. There’s—“

The vehicle smashed into him. Abigail watched, horrified, as the bike skid across the road, sparks flying, and then he sailed over the guardrail in slow motion. She screamed, did her best to reach the now broken guardrail.

The debris the Harley had left behind littered the steep incline. Furious waves pounded the rock a few scant feet from where Gabriel’s body lay, twisted and broken.

Abigail sat up in her bed with a terrified gasp. Her heart was pounding against her ribs as she cupped her throat and tried to get her frantic breathing under control.

The sky was already brightening with the first rays of sunlight visible through the glass doors of her room.

She pressed trembling fingers against her mouth to stifle the little sob that was threatening to bubble up her throat.

It had only been a dream.

The sound of loud rock music made her yip in fright, her eyes darting to the phone on her nightstand.


She knocked over a glass of water in her haste to answer it. There was a picture of Angelo, eyes wide and tongue lolling out of his mouth on the screen with the word Retard underneath.

Abigail frowned and tapped the green phone symbol on the screen.

“H-hello?” she answered shyly.

There was silence for a few seconds.

“Well, shit. Abigail, is that you, sweetheart?” Angelo’s gruff voice slurred.

She swallowed. “Um…yeah.”

He muttered under his breath and Abigail could make out the sound of rustling bed sheets. “Well I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but tell that horny son-of-a-bitch he’d better call his granma before she has another heart attack.”

Abigail’s adrenaline shot back up as she shifted to sit at the edge of her king-sized bed. “B-but I don’t know where Gabriel is,” she blurted.

Angelo moaned, as if stretching. He sighed out loud. “What? Baby, put that idiot on the phone, will-ya.”

“Angelo, Gabriel isn’t here with me.”

Again, silence for a long while. “Why do you have his phone?”

Abigail stood, her hands trembling again. “He said he wanted to call me, but I don’t have a phone. He gave me his, but he never called me.”

Angelo let out a foul word under his breath. “Listen here, baby-doll. I’ll call you in a few minutes, okay?”

Abigail nodded before realizing he couldn’t see her. “Yes-yes. Please. Please call me back.” She left out the fact that she was scared

The phone went dead and she stared at the screen with a frown.

There were four missed calls. Heart pounding, she tapped on the missed calls symbol.

All four calls were from Mamá. His grandmother?

Abigail looked around her room. It was only half past six in the morning. She’d never be able to go back to sleep. She had planned to go into the nearest town and find a nice church she could attend, but with this mess with Gabriel…she’d have to do it later when he turned up.

He was fine. He had to be.

She went into her bathroom, taking the phone with her. Jumping into the shower, she cleaned up quickly. Wearing a simple white button-up blouse and a pair of faded jeans with black flats, she was in the process of pinning her hair into a bun when the phone sounded again.

It was Angelo.

“Did you find him?” she blurted.

“Eh…no, sweetums, but I’m on my way to pick you up. You decent?”

Abigail snatched her glasses off her bureau and slipped them on. “Uh, yes, but where are we going?”

“We’re all meeting up at Mike’s place.”

“Okay,” Abigail said already grabbing a purse. “I’ll be out front.”

“See you in a few minutes. I’m almost there.”

She hadn’t eaten, but doubted she could down anything with her stomach tied in knots as it was.

There wasn’t much movement within the house, just a few of the cleaning staff moving about, dusting, and placing fresh flowers in the vases.

Abigail rushed through the front doors, making her way up to the driveway. The air was cool and crisp. The slight breeze rustled the trees in front of the mansion as she neared the end of the driveway. Farther down the road, she spotted a black Audi Q7 approaching.

Her eyes strained, searching for the familiar red Ferrari, but the SUV stopped in front of her instead.

Angelo got out and approached. “Hey, sweet stuff,” he said grabbing her in a bear hug before leaning back.

Today, he wasn’t his usual smiley, flirty self. Abigail bit her lower lip as he proceeded to open one of the back doors for her.

Her eyes widened when she saw the elderly woman pictured with Gabriel sitting near the other door.

“Hey, Abs. This is Gabe’s granma, Ana Maria. Ma, this is Abigail. She’s Gabe’s new girlfriend.”

Abigail felt her face flame with shame at the lie. She wasn’t Gabriel’s real girlfriend, but the woman’s eyes welled up, her gnarled hands were already reaching for Abigail as she climbed into the vehicle next to her.

“Oh,” the woman cooed in wonder, “but you’re so beautiful. You look like such a sweet girl.”

The tears spilled over softly lined cheeks from startling blue eyes. Abigail was pulled into a warm embrace before the woman pulled back to look deeply into her eyes.

“Gabriel gave you his phone, yes?”

“Um…” she nodded, unsure what to say.

The woman smiled and wiped her tears with a nod.

Abigail noticed another man in the vehicle. It was the dark-haired, slim guitarist. He reached a hand back to her, his dark eyes piercing. “I’m Rafael Diangelo. Nice to meet you.”

Abigail nodded as he squeezed her hand in his larger calloused one.

The SUV was already moving. Abigail strapped herself in just as the sound of a phone chirped merrily through the sound system.

“Mike, what’s up,” Angelo said after tapping a button on the steering wheel.

“Got a call from Diamond. Head to over to Kaiser,” said a very deep bass voice over the speakers.

Abigail stiffened, her eyes going round. The hospital. Next to her, Gabriel’s grandmother closed her eyes and made the sign of the cross.

Abigail reached for Anna Maria’s hand. She gripped it tightly, giving Abigail a tight-lipped smile.

“He is a strong boy. I have faith he is fine,” the woman said with conviction.

Abigail just nodded. Good-God, what had happened?

The call was cut without another word, Angelo accelerated, turning off Park Avenue onto Third Street, and then onto Laguna Canyon Road.

All was quiet during the drive. Anna Maria rested her head against the back of the seat. She was a delicate woman with fair complexion. She wore a light blue dress with a cream-colored sweater over it. Square-toed loafers in beige matched the little coach handbag tucked next to her. She hadn’t let go of Abigail’s hand.

“How did you meet my grandson?” she suddenly asked, looking at Abigail.

Abigail swallowed before answering. “At Ariel’s house.”

“I wanted her for myself, but she went and picked Gabriel, Ma,” Angelo piped up from the front. “Go figure,” he scoffed.

Anna Maria smiled and shook her head. “Ah, she is a smart one then.” Gaze going back to Abigail, she added. “You did good to stay away from this one. He’s crazy.”

“Ma,” Angelo whined, looking back at her with hurt puppy-dog eyes.

“Keep your eyes on the road,” the older woman scolded.

Next to Angelo, Rafael chuckled.

Again, they were quiet, except for Angelo who tapped his fingers restlessly against the steering wheel of the Audi.

It took almost twenty minutes to reach the large hospital.

Abigail’s hands began to sweat as Angelo let them out before the main entrance. Rafael pulled on a baseball cap and sunglasses before stepping out and opening the door for Abigail. Angelo helped Anna Maria out on the other side. Overhead, helicopters flew, one seemed to be hovering just over the hospital.

“I’ll park this and find you guys inside.”

Rafael nodded, but he was already on the phone with Mike.

Abigail took Anna Maria’s arm and they made their way inside. The lobby was enormous and cool. A guard made his way toward them and spoke in a low voice to Rafael.

The uniformed man led them to an elevator toward the back of the lobby after signaling to the attendants at the reception desk.

They went up three floors before exiting. Glass lined one side of the corridors, giving a panoramic view of the city around the hospital. The floors gleamed and the lighting was pleasant. Halfway down the corridor a tall, dark-haired, lumberjack type man started toward them.

Abigail recognized him from the video. He had thick, straight brows that almost touched over his short blunt nose. Piercing golden eyes scanned each of them, pausing on Abigail before finally settling on Rafael. Abigail got a sense of authority from him despite the ponytail, faded Kiss t-shirt and jeans.

“What happened? Where is he?” Rafael asked immediately as the big man’s arms swallowed up Anna Maria in a bear hug.

His golden eyes flicked curiously over Abigail again before he looked at his brother and answered. “I heard they’re bringing him in right now. Helicopter.”

Abigail’s heart sank remembering the chopper hovering over the hospital outside.

Michael continued, face grim, “Looks like his bike skid on the stretch just past El Moro Canyon Road. He went over the guardrail there. They found him about a half an hour ago.”

Abigail’s mind reeled. She’d dreamt about he accident. Gabriel had even come to her. A shudder of fear crept down her spine. As if sensing her distress, Anna Maria patted her forearm where she had it gripped.

Angelo suddenly came up to them, a little out of breath. “What the hell happened? Security had to escort me up the back way. Said there’s a veritable circus setting up outside in front.”

Michael frowned at him. “Looks like Gabe lost control of his bike past El Moro. Went over the guardrail.”

Angelo was bouncing around on his feet. “Shit. Was he drinking?”

“He had a little wine with dinner at the Montenegro estate, but he seemed fine when he left,” Abigail volunteered.

The tall guitarist nodded. “He isn’t an irresponsible drinker.” He stuck his big hand out to Abigail then with a tight smile. “I’m Michael Diangelo, by the way.”

Before Abigail could say anything, Rafael hit his forehead. “Where are my manners? This is Abigail, Gabe’s girl.”

Abigail smiled as Michael’s hand swallowed up hers in a firm handshake.

“Nice to meet you despite the circumstances,” he said with a nod.

A very thin girl with bespectacled huge grey eyes and light brown hair approached them.

She held a steaming mug of coffee and had two boxes of Kleenex under her arm. Swaddled in a long, grey sweater, dark blue skinny jeans, and black suede boots, she ambled toward them staring at Abigail with an unsure smile on her face.

“Erica, this is Gabe’s new girl, Abigail,” Michael said. “Abigail, my girlfriend, Erica.”

The girl’s friendly expression fell, her eyes growing bigger as she quickened her pace toward Abigail.

Her boxes of Kleenex thudded to the floor as she gave Abigail a one armed hug.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said before hugging Anna Maria also.

Michael bent over to pick up the boxes of tissues for the girl.

Her enormous eyes went from Anna Maria to Abigail. “We’re just waiting for the doctors to come out and let us know what’s going on. Diamond is here somewhere too.” Erica craned her neck to look around their little group, up and down the corridor.

“Come-on. Let’s go into the waiting room before someone recognizes us,” Michael muttered, gesturing to the left.

They shuffled into a smaller waiting room with gleaming bland, off-white floors and beige seats.

“Diamond?” Angelo grimaced. “Who called her?”

Michael huffed out a breath, shoving his hands deep into is pockets after setting the tissue boxes on a seat next to them. “She actually notified me first. The police called her to let her know they’d found Gabe. Someone reported the accident at one of the gas stations along the road. They had to fly him out via helicopter here.”

“Do you want some coffee?” Erica asked, looking hopefully at Abigail and Anna Maria. The older woman declined but Abigail accepted.

“Mike, take this. It’s too cold anyway,” she said handing the still steaming mug to Michael.

Abigail frowned at the steaming cup of coffee. Michael just shrugged and began to sip it gingerly. The girl looped her arm through Abigail’s as if they’d been best friends for years and led her to another alcove with coffee machines and snack dispensers.

After a few minutes, they both had fresh mugs of coffee and were back on their way to the third floor waiting room.

Abigail made herself comfortable next to Gabriel’s grandmother. Erica handed her hot cup of coffee to Michael and excused herself to the restroom.

Minutes turned into an hour. Abigail couldn’t help noticing how nurses kept walking past the lounge, staring curiously at the band members of Diavolo. One particularly young nurse skittered in and asked for autographs. She giggled and gushed, staring nervously over her shoulder until a stern-faced older nurse appeared and glared at her. The young girl, called Heather, snatched her sheet of paper, and scurried out, head ducked in mortification. The older woman, obviously the head nurse, apologized to the band members for the girl’s impropriety.

The guys chuckled to themselves after she left, except Michael. He shoved to his feet and stalked out of the waiting room. Rafael and Angelo looked at one another before heading after him too. Just as they were on their way out, Ariel sauntered into the room, looking like he’d just rolled out of bed.

“Just got the message. Where is he? Is he okay?”

“I think Mike’s gone to find out,” Angelo said grabbing the bass player’s arm and dragging him in their wake.

Abigail twisted her fingers in her lap. Erica hadn’t come back from the rest room, and Anna Maria was very quiet, her eyes on the flat screen in the corner of the room.

Abigail finally gave the television screen her attention and gasped. They were showing an aerial view, apparently, of where Gabriel’s accident had occurred. There was a tiny picture of him in the corner of the television. The rest revealed a steep, rocky incline, pieces of motorcycle scattered everywhere. Just like in her dream.

Abigail blinked back her tears and gave a sideways glance to the woman next to her.

Anna Maria reached over, her eyes never leaving the television, and patted Abigail’s hand. “He’ll be fine. You’ll see,” she said softly.

A tall blond woman swept into the waiting room, her hazel eyes fell first on Anna Maria, and then Abigail. Her smile looked forced as she glanced back at Anna Maria and rushed over to greet the woman. Behind her, the rest of the band members of Diavolo followed.

“Anna Maria. So good to see you. You look wonderful,” the woman said enthusiastically.

“My grandson?” was all Anna Maria said.

“He’s resting. The doctors have a few papers for you to sign. I tried to convince them that I could sign too, but they insisted it had to be a family member.” The woman shook her head and laughed bitterly. “So ridiculous. We’re all like family anyway.”

“No doctor has spoken to me about my grandson yet.”

“Well,” the woman smiled, “I’ll go get one for you.”

Anna Maria stood. “No. I want to see my grandson. Now.”

The woman sputtered, her eyes darting to Abigail coldly.

“Diamond, this is Abigail,” Michael stepped in. “She’s Gabriel’s new girlfriend.”

If anything, the woman eyes grew colder. Her eyes flicked over Abigail dismissively. “Really?” She laughed, looking back at Michael. “Seriously, how could you guys bring Gabriel’s flavor of the week here, and with Anna Maria present.”

Abigail felt her face go hot. About to excuse herself, and sit back down, Anna Maria gripped her arm and glared at Diamond. “Do not refer to my grandson’s girlfriend in such a disrespectful way. Now, tell us where Gabriel is.”

A tall man with sharp grey eyes and a thin nose walked in. The nametag on his pristine white lab coat read Dr. Klein. He approached them immdiately, the overhead lighting glinting off his swinging stethoscope and bald head.

“Morning folks,” he said shaking everyone’s hands before focusing on Anna Maria. “I assume you’re Mr. Brink’s family member. Michael told me you’re his grandmother.”

Anna Maria nodded and Abigail could see the worry she’d manage to squelch until now surface in her eyes. “How is my Gabriel?”

“He’s doing fine considering he fell from a cliff.”

Abigail’s heart stuttered before racing in terror. As the doctor continued, she hung on to every word.

“He was lucky the tide was receding and landed on the beach below. We have him sedated right now. He’s suffering from a concussion, as well as various fractured ribs, collarbone, and his right femur. We put his leg in traction for now and have him resting in his room. He seems very confused and doesn’t remember what happened, but hopefully he’ll regain his memory soon.”

Anna Maria closed her eyes. “He has amnesia?”

“It’s a symptom with concussions. We x-rayed him from head to foot and he doesn’t have any skull fractures. The helmet he was wearing apparently saved his life otherwise I don’t think he would’ve survived the fall.”

“Can we see him?” Michael asked.

The doctor looked around at their group and nodded somewhat reluctantly. “Sure. He’s out right now, and we are limiting his visitors so he won’t over exert himself. He needs lots of rest until he heals.”

Michael gestured to Anna Maria and Abigail. “Let them see him first. We’ll go in two at a time for just a little while.”

Abigail looked at Diamond. The woman looked like she wanted to kill her, her face mottled red in fury. Michael ignored the woman’s hateful expression and steered Abigail and Anna Maria back out to the hall.

They turned down another corridor and headed toward the doors at the end. Two burly men stood in front of the doors, their faces like chiseled stone.

Abigail took in their black suits, sunglasses, and pronounced frowns and thought they looked like bodyguards.

Stopping before them, Michael turned to lift a brow at Diamond.

The woman’s gaze darted to Abigail before she smiled at Michael. “Now, Mike, are you sure it’s a good idea to let her in? I mean. Would Gabriel even remember who she is?”

“Tell your gorillas to step aside,” Michael ordered.

Diamond took a deep breath, her eyes blazing as she stared defiantly at the band’s lead guitarist. Blinking rapidly, she nodded at the two men who immediately stepped aside. One of them even opened the door.

Anna Maria looped her arm through Abigail’s and led her into Gabriel’s room.

The verticals in the room were opened only a crack, diffusing the glaring rays of the morning sun. The curtain around the bed blocked the view from the door.

When they walked around the curtain, Anna Maria let go of her arm and approached her grandson.

Gabriel lay, slightly reclined in the hospital bed. His right leg was suspended from a strange contraption rigged to the end of the bed. He had a thick bandage around his forehead and his right arm was in a sling across his bare chest. Wires and slim plastic tubes were everywhere. He had an IV stuck into the left side of his throat, white discs stuck on his chest with wires connected to a heart monitor, another big white clip attached to his left index finger, and an oxygen tube secured beneath his nose. As she watched, a band wrapped around his left bicep began inflating, measuring his blood pressure for a few seconds, before it emptied out with a soft hiss.

Thick, black lashes rested against his cheeks. One side of his face was black and blue and there were angry patches of bruising all over his magnificent chest.

Anna Maria fussed with the white sheet draped over his lower half, before smoothing back the long lengths of his dark hair caught on the scruff of his handsome face.

The older woman tutted in disappointment. “He needs a shave, and a good bath.”

Abigail could tell he was completely naked beneath that sheet. His grandmother tucked it around him, complaining about how cold the room felt and how they hadn’t provided him with at least a hospital gown.

Anna Maria stroked his face again, tenderly, before leaning over and kissing his cheeks and muttering a blessing.

Abigail watched her make the sign of the cross and mark little crosses over Gabriel’s forehead, lips, and chest. She left her hand over his heart and bowed her head in prayer.

Abigail crossed herself as well and placed her palm on his knee.

Almost immediately, he moaned, making Abigail break out of her reflective prayer.

Both women stared expectantly at him as his head rolled slowly side to side.

“Hijito,” Anna Maria whispered.

Gabriel blinked his eyes open a crack and looked at her.

His grandmother smiled and stroked his face, giving him another kiss. She spoke to him in Spanish, but he just closed his eyes again.

Abigail watched his throat work as he swallowed.

“Gaby, look. Your girl is here too.”

Anna Maria moved back and gestured for Abigail to move closer.

Heat suffused her cheeks, and her heart took off at a gallop as her eyes drew over the rippling mass of masculine brawn prone before them like an erotic feast. Sweat made the center of her back and palms clammy even though the room was pretty cold.

“Don’t be shy, chica,” Anna Maria smiled, a twinkle in her blue eyes. “Come give him a kiss.”

Abigail almost shook her head, but the sweet old woman looked at her so expectantly.

Oh-God —she gulped loudly.

She moved forward, her eyes staring at Gabriel’s bare chest. Even banged up, bandaged and with wires connected everywhere, he was glorious. His pecs were meaty, arms ropey, and abs hard-looking and chiseled. His hair spilled a little over both shoulders and looked as though he still had little particles of sand clinging to the inky strands.

Sexy scruff darkened the lower half of his face, highlighting his soft, lush lips. Looking at that mouth made Abigail quiver with the memory of his kisses and feel of those scratchy whiskers nuzzling into her throat. She hugged herself, almost afraid she’d succumb to the temptation of just stroking him everywhere.

“Don’t be afraid,” Anna Maria was saying sweetly with a smile. “Go on and give him a kiss, hijita.”

Abigail felt her face grow hotter.

Moving closer, she puckered her lips, and bent, pressing them daintily to his.

Oh-so magical. Heat suffused her entire being at the contact, and that delicious throbbing grew again.

He shifted, eyes fluttering open a bit to look at her.

Abigail just stared back before stuttering out a timid “h-hello.”

He blinked slowly, his brows drawing close over his nose, and pursed his lips. “Pop Tart?” he whispered.

Abigail’s eyes welled. “Yes. Pop Tart. How do you feel? Are you in pain?” She looked at his leg with a frown, before turning back to him, letting her hand stroke down his left arm.

“What the hell happened to me?” he frowned, voice hoarse.

Abigail bit her lip. “Don’t you remember anything?”

He closed his eyes. “I was supposed to go up to Laguna.”

Abigail blinked. “You did. You had dinner with us, and,” did he remember their kiss? A lump lodged in her throat. “You gave me your phone.”

His eyes fluttered open again and he frowned at her. “I did?”

She nodded, unable to look him in the eyes anymore. Rummaging in her purse, she pulled the big phone out and showed him. “I guess you want it back now.”

He just stared at it. “I gave you my phone.”

He didn’t remember, and she just wanted to die of mortification. “You said you wanted to call me, but I don’t own a cell phone, so you gave me yours.”

His eyes closed again. “Geez, Pop Tart. Everybody five and up owns a cell phone.”

She kept the fact that for the last nine months she’d been cloistered in a convent in Florence, Italy to herself. “I’ll just put your phone on the nightstand by your bed. I imagine you’ll need it.”

“No,” he said, his frown deepening. “Hold on to it for me. Please. I have another one anyway.”

He had two phones?

“I don’t think I should—I mean…are you sure?” she asked, the hand clutching the phone hovering over the nightstand.

His eyes had closed and he never answered. She debated as to whether she should leave it by him anyway.

Anna Maria patted her arm. “Put the phone away. I’ll have one of the boys get him another one.”

Abigail nibbled her lower lip. “Oh, I don’t know. He just doesn’t remember and I feel uncomf—“

“Nonsense,” Anna Maria insisted, moving Abigail’s hand toward her purse again. “Put the phone away. I’m too old to visit him everyday anyway and this way I can call you too to see how he’s doing.”

Abigail had to remember to close her mouth. “Oh, okay,” she murmured, slowly letting the phone drop in her purse again.

The more she tried to untangle herself from the situation, the deeper she sank.

Anna Maria smiled. “You stay here with him, I’ll go get Michael.”

Abigail was about to decline, but Anna Maria was already making her way out.

The others wanted to see him too, but only two people were allowed at a time.

To her surprise, Michael and Erica came in.

She smiled at them and moved away from the bed. “I’ll go outside and wait.”

Michael shook his head. “You’re his girl. You have every right to stay.”

Erica was already leaning over the guardrails to give Gabriel a peck on his cheek.

This time he didn’t stir.

“Oh, poor Gabe,” she was saying. “Michael, aren’t you going to say hi.”

Michael made a face at her. “He’s out cold.”

Erica pouted down at Gabriel. “Anna Maria said he’d opened his eyes when Abigail kissed him.”

Michael snorted. “I am not kissing Gabe.”


Rafael, Ariel, and Angelo filed in after Michael and Erica left.

Gabriel remained asleep the whole time. A nurse came in, took his vitals, and checked his IV.

After she left, Angelo grinned at the other two. “Quick, one of you two knock me out and call that pretty thing back here so she can give me mouth to mouth.”

Ariel snorted and Rafael just shook his head saying, “Ang, she was totally checking me out.”

Angelo grimaced. “You? You’re crazy. She barely looked at you, Rafe.”

A knock at the door had them all turning to see Diamond walking in. “Time’s up boys,” she said in a quiet voice with a dulcet smile aimed solely at the band members.

Angelo walked over to Abigail. “You staying awhile?”

“I don’t think I should,” she answered truthfully. She wanted to though.

Diamond sauntered over to Gabriel. Abigail watched the woman place a red-clawed hand on his chest and caress him possessively.

“Of course you shouldn’t, honey,” Diamond said very sweetly. “I can take you home if you like and you can come back tomorrow. There’s really nothing any of us can do here anyway. We’d just be in the hospital staff’s way.”

Abigail swallowed, watching Diamond stroke Gabriel as if he were a cat.

“I brought her, so I’ll take her back.” Angelo was saying. “Let’s go, Abs. See you around, Lady Di.” Angelo tossed over his shoulder as he put his hand at Abigail’s back.

Abigail nodded at the buxom blond, who smirked at her. Her face heated up as she saw the female’s hand trail slowly down beneath the sheet covering Gabriel’s groin.

Something inside Abigail snapped and she suddenly turned, stalking back to the grinning woman.

“What are you doing?” Abigail demanded.

To her satisfaction, Diamond’s face turned red, her eyes wide. “What do you mean?”

Abigail looked pointedly at the hand she’d now withdrawn to rest at his bellybutton. Standing with her back ramrod straight, Abigail lifted her nose. “You should be ashamed of yourself. He’s unconscious, and in a delicate state. How dare you take advantage of this terrible situation to molest him.”

Angelo had come up behind her, placing his hands at Abigail’s shoulders. The other two men stood at the foot of the bed, eyes darting from one woman to the other.

Diamond’s mouth had dropped open, eyes glaring with pure hatred. “How dare you,” she hissed, shaking.

“Now, ladies,” Angelo admonished nervously. “Now’s not the time for a catfight.”

Rafael crossed his arms over his chest with a grin. Ariel rocked nervously side to side on his feet, eyes wide with an expression of dread on his face.

“This woman has no right to speak to me this way,” Diamond said in a low but forceful voice, her eyes boring into Angelo’s. “Get her out of here. From now on, she’s not allowed in this room. She’s banned.”

Abigail knew she had no say in the matter, but she was shocked when the band members came to her defense.

“You can’t do that,” Rafael snorted.

Angelo nodded in agreement. “Abs is Gabe’s girl. She has every right to be here.”

Ariel remained silent, but he was glaring at Diamond and shaking his head.

“Gabriel is my responsibility,” Diamond stated, looking at all of them. “You all are. As your manager I need to look out for you.”

“That shouldn’t include sliding your hand under the sheets to fondle your client while he’s unconscious,” Abigail said haughtily.

Diamond gasped in outrage. “You’re out of you mind. I was only adjusting his sheet.”

“You were touching him under the sheet. I saw you. That’s just wrong, and disrespectful.”

Diamond tipped her nose up. “I’m not going to argue with the likes of you. Kindly leave, or I’ll have the guards at the door remove you. Don’t bother bringing her back, Ang. I’ll be speaking to the hospital staff to have her banned from the premises.”

Abigail didn’t wait for Angelo to escort her out. She turned angrily on her heel and stalked back out to the corridor.

“Abs, wait up,” Angelo called after her.

She was so angry she hadn’t realized she had no idea where she was headed.

Angelo and the others caught up to her a few feet from the waiting room. Michael came out, his eyes questioning when he saw her expression.

“You’ve got to do something about, Diamond,” Angelo was telling Michael.”

Michael’s face became serious. “What happened?”

Abigail turned away, embarrassed about her outburst. These people had been around Gabriel probably for years, including Diamond.

“M-maybe I overstepped my boundaries,” she stuttered, embarrassed now. “I’m so sorry for my rant in there.”

Rafael snorted. “That’s bullshit. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Erica wobbled her way into the group on her high-heeled boots.

“What happened?” Michael insisted looking curiously at all of them.

“Diamond felt Gabe up under the sheets and Abs and she had words,” Rafael snickered.

Erica gasped, her big eyes bulging even more. “That bitch!”

Angelo added, “and she wants to keep Abigail from seeing Gabriel now.”

“Well she is your manager,” Abigail conceded hugging herself. The thought of Gabriel finally revealing she was nothing to him terrified her. She’d look like such an idiot to everyone, a fake and a phony.

Michael’s lips flattened as he crossed big muscular arms over his brawny chest. “Don’t worry about Diamond. She’s harmless. I’ll talk to her. No one is going to ban you from seeing Gabe.”

“I-I don’t want to cause any problems,” Abigail began.

Michael lifted his huge hands, shaking his head adamantly. “No problem at all. She’s our business manager. That’s all. This isn’t her problem, or her place to say who can or can’t see Gabe.”

Abigail stared wide-eyed at the big man. He really looked annoyed. It surprised her how readily they backed her up. Had they been this nice to Mikayla too?


Gabriel opened his eyes. He was in a hospital room, his right leg hanging from a contraption rigged at the foot of the bed. The room was dim, but he could see sunlight pouring in through the cracks in the verticals over the large window to his right. He had a dull ache in his head and it hurt a little to breathe.

What the hell happened to him?

He turned his head and frowned in further confusion. Pop Tart. She was sitting in a plush armchair near the bed to his left, asleep.

Honey blond hair was pinned behind her head, but a few strands were loose against her cheeks, looking soft and silky and totally touchable. She wore a long grey dress and a white sweater over it. The glasses perched on her cute, upturned nose hung precariously to the side, and she was emitting the sweetest snores he’d ever heard through plump, parted lips.

Gabriel smirked, before quickly sobering.

What was she doing there and what the fuck happened to him?

His memory was murky. Last thing he remembered was getting ready to go to the Montenegro estate down in Laguna Beach.

He lifted his left hand and winced at the dull ache in his chest. His right arm was in a sling across his chest. His fingers gingerly felt the bandage wrapped around his head and dread filled him. Had they shaved off part of his hair? The bulk of the bandage was over the left side of his forehead.

Just before waking, he’d been dreaming. He’d been kissing Abigail. Had he kissed Abigail? Did he ever get to the Montenegro estate? He kind of remembered seeing Abigail and his grandmother earlier. Abigail told him he’d given her his phone. The memory was foggy and his head was aching.

A nurse walked in with a cart and smiled brightly at him.

“Hello, Gabriel. I’m Jeanie.”

He grunted and watched as she came closer. She retrieved a white, plastic, rectangular bag. “Oops. Time to change this out,” she grinned bending over.

He watched in silent horror as she detached a similar bag full of yellow fluid and replaced it with the new empty one.

Gabriel held his breath and lifted the sheet over his lap to stare horrified at the plastic tube impaled into the end of his dick.

“Oh-hell-no. Get that thing out. Please,” he croaked.

The nurse pouted. “But you can’t get out of bed. It’s to help keep you comfortable.”

Gabriel dropped the sheet and shook his head. Big mistake. His headache intensified. With a moan, he pointed at her. “Take it out.”

Abigail rose, much to his embarrassment, and stumbled sleepily to his side as she shoved her glasses up her nose with one finger.

“Gabriel, you’re awake,” she said with her sweet breathy voice.

“He wants me to take the catheter out,” Jeanie told her.

Abigail’s eyes went round behind her glasses, and her face flushed beautifully. Gabriel was willing to bet his face was redder than hers, judging from the amount of heat he felt in his own cheeks.

He scowled at the nurse. “I like to see the doctor who’s attending me.”

The nurse’s eyes widened as she nodded. “Yes, sir. I’ll see if he’s available. Excuse me.”

Abigail placed her hand on his left shoulder before sliding it across his chest to the strap of the sling. “Calm down, Gabriel. It’s there because you can’t get up yet.”

Gabriel’s entire body ached and he leaned his head back with a groan. Abigail petted him some more. It felt good, so he groaned again so she’d keep it up.

“Oh-God. Are you in pain? There’s a button thingy there with morphine. Maybe you should press it.”

Gabriel perked up and blinked at her. “Did you say Morphine?”

She bit her lower lip and nodded, picking up the little remote by his left hand to show him.

He wrapped his hand around hers and pressed the button on the remote.

Immediately a warm melting sensation infused his body, pushing the achy pains away.

Oh-yeah. Much better. “Abby,” he sighed.

She leaned closer and he fixated on her lips. He wanted to kiss her. Had he kissed her before? Damn memory lapse.

“Tell them to take this thing out of me. Look,” he muttered gripping the sheet.

Abigail grabbed his hand and shook her head. “That’s okay. The nurse will get the doctor and they’ll take care of it.”

Gabriel grinned, loving how her pupils dilated and her breathing became a little agitated

“Don’t you want to take a peek?” he teased.

Her mouth opened and closed as she sputtered. “Oh-no. No, please.”

He narrowed his eyes at her. “Why not?” he taunted. “I just want to show you what they’ve done to me.”

Her grip tightened on his hand, keeping him from peeling back the sheet and exposing himself. “Oh, hon, I can imagine. No need to show.”


His pupils grew until they’d swallowed up most of the luminous green of his eyes. Eyes heavy-lidded, he licked his lips, staring at her mouth hungrily.

Abigail felt breathless, like prey trapped by a predator. The sheer power of him drew her closer until she heard someone clearing their throat behind her.

Springing away from Gabriel guiltily, she turned to face the solemn-faced doctor and nurse.

Her cheeks flamed as he looked from Abigail’s face to her hand holding Gabriel’s almost right over his most private of places.

She snatched her hand away and walked to the foot of the bed.

Dr Klein approached. “The nurse tells me you want the catheter removed.”

“Yes,” Gabriel replied. “Immediately.”

The doctor smiled and nodded. “Very well.” He approached and pulled out a penlight to check Gabriel’s eyes as the nurse busied herself with the placement of gloves.

Abigail turned abruptly and almost ran out of the room.

Out in the corridor, the two guards that stood sentinel at Gabriel’s door barely paid her any mind. She walked to the elevators and went down to the lobby, thinking of getting some air outside, completely forgetting the mob of people stationed in front of the hospital for the past two days since Gabriel’s arrival.

A large group of people stood at the front desk talking loudly.

Some of them held cameras and microphones. Abigail’s eyes widened and she turned to go back into the elevator, but the doors had already closed.

“Darn,” she whispered, casting a wary glance over her shoulder.

One tall, blond woman turned, expression frustrated and angry. Her eyes clashed with Abigail’s and narrowed before widening in recognition.


Abigail turned again and tried to make her way to the stairway, in hopes of escaping the mob of reporters, but the blond woman and a chubby cameraman intercepted her.

“You’re the one! You’re the girl from the pictures!” the woman exclaimed grinning broadly. Her voice carried over to the front desk, drawing the attention from the others.

Before Abigail knew what was happening, she had a microphone shoved in her face as the woman leaned closer.

“How is Gabriel? Is it true he’s paralyzed?”

Abigail opened her mouth in horror. “What? No. He’s—“

“Miss, are you his new lover? Are you moving in with him?”

Abigail blinked as more people swarmed her. “I…”

“Are you breaking up with him now that he’s a paraplegic?”

“He’s not paralyzed,” Abigail exclaimed, panic gripping her as they started to push and shove, trying to get closer.

“There she is,” someone was shouting. “That bitch. Gabriel is ours.”

Abigail’s eyes gaped as a hoard of angry looking females with posters claiming love for Gabriel flowed in from outside.

The guards posted at the entrance were trying to get the crowd under control.

Abigail just wanted to escape.

One of the security officers made his way to her and helped escort her to a pair of swinging doors near the main desk. Other guards intervened and kept the mob from following them.

From down the corridor, Angelo came running, worry etched on his face.

“What the hell happened? Abs, what are you doing down here?”

Abigail was fanning herself as Angelo steered her away from the doors. “I just wanted some air.”

“Oh, hon, why didn’t you take the back way, the way we came up?”

Her legs were still trembling as he led her to one of the lounges on the first floor. “I forgot. I’m sorry. I just wanted some air.”

Angelo shook his head. “Everybody knows Gabe is here, sweetheart. The price of fame. We gotta sneak in and out now.”

Abigail blinked at him. “Yes, I know. I’m sorry,” she apologized again. “Th-there are women out there who look like they want to kill me.”

Angelo grinned. “We’ve got a few psychos for fans, Abs. They just think you’re some glorified groupie trying to gain all the limelight for yourself. They don’t know the truth.”

Abigail flinched. The truth? The truth was she was a fake. If it weren’t for Anna Maria’s insistence she remain close to Gabriel and keep her informed of his progress, she wouldn’t even bother to come anymore. Today was the first day in the past two days Gabriel had come fully awake. She’d been hoping he’d forgotten about that diabolical scheme for revenge. She wanted no part of it anymore. This life wasn’t for her.

The memory of how he’d almost pulled the sheet down to expose himself had her flushing beet red again. She wasn’t used to such behavior. She was just a plain, quiet, boring girl, completely out of her element.

Taking a deep cleansing breath, she squared her shoulders and looked Angelo in his big blue eyes. “Take me home, please.”

Angelo’s golden brows pinched together. “Eh…it’s still early. You sure?”

She nodded. “Yes. Please.”

She was quiet all the way back to the house. Angelo had the music on, and the sunroof open. He chatted incessantly until he pulled up in front of the Montenegro house. Abigail reached into her purse and placed Gabriel’s phone in the cup holder between the seats before reaching over to hug the drummer. “Goodbye, Ang,” she sniffed, and then dashed out of the SUV.

He was persistent. She heard him call out to her, the brake being pulled, and a door opening. Abigail ran as fast as she could right into the house and all the way to her room. Locking the door behind her, she raced to her bathroom and locked herself in there as well.

She didn’t know if he followed her inside, but it didn’t matter because he wouldn’t know where her room was located. She was sure Mikayla would never tell him.

Mikayla. Maybe she’d go to visit Gabriel instead. Abigail frowned. Oh-God! What if Mikayla started up with Gabriel again?

She buried her head in her hands. It wasn’t her problem. She was tired of being the one to fix everything. Her mother had gone through her trust fund, leaving Abigail virtually penniless. Luckily, she’d taken a sizable chunk out and put it elsewhere.

Going back to Italy would have to wait. She didn’t want to spend every last dime traveling back and forth.

The best thing to do was get herself a small used car, rent a little studio apartment, and try to find a job. More than anything, she wanted as far away from the Montenegro estate and its inhabitants as possible.

Having decided, she rose from the glossy marble floor in the bathroom and peeked out into her room.

Everything was quiet. It was still early so she decided to get a little car first. She’d need transportation in order to find a job and an apartment. Last thing she wanted was her dysfunctional family finding her and bringing their problems to her doorstep again.

Carefully, she tiptoed back out into her room and switched on the little white laptop perched on a small table by the glass doors to the balcony.


Night was falling. Michael had come around to see him, but there was still no sign of Abigail.

“So you really don’t remember the accident?”

Gabriel took a deep breath. “Not really. I went to dinner at the Montenegro estate. Paulina threatened me, Micks threatened me, and I got the feeling my half brother was laying it on a bit too sweet. Something about that didn’t seem sincere to me.”

Michael’s golden eyes bore into Gabriel’s as he scratched his chin, face grim. “And you said you blackmailed Abigail into pretending to be your girlfriend?”

Gabriel grimaced. “Blackmail is such an ugly word, Mike.”

Michael snorted. “But that’s what you did. Are you nuts? Why’d you do that?”

Gabriel closed his eyes in frustration. Where was she anyway? Some fake girlfriend he had. “I don’t remember.”

Michael snorted again. “How convenient. That poor girl’s been here by your side for the past two days religiously. I’m the one who picked her up this morning. If I’d have known you were using her—“

“I’m not using her,” Gabriel snapped and the regretted it when his head began pounding.

He reached for his morphine remote, but Michael yanked it out of his reach.

Gabriel glared at him.

“It’s not like you to mess with a nice girl, Gabe.”

“Geez, Mike, I’m not messing with her. I just want to get to the bottom of this mess with my parents.”

“A lot of good it’ll do you if your six feet under.”

Gabriel’s eyes narrowed at him. “You think one of them tried to kill me?”

“You drive like a demon sometimes, but you’re good at it. How many times have you taken that curve by El Moro?” Michael shook his head slowly, eyes blazing. “Try to remember that night, man. I really think someone else was involved in that accident.”

Gabriel looked at his suspended leg, tapping the clip on his index finger against the metal railing to his bed. He only remembered pieces of that night, getting ready, riding there, dinner, the expensive wine and then the meeting with Paulina and Daniel. He remembered Mikayla telling him he was going to be sorry, and…that’s it.”

“Give me your phone a sec.”

Michael frowned but handed over his phone anyway.

Gabriel pulled up the messages and tapped: Pop tart where r u?

He clicked send to his personal number and then stared at the phone waiting.

“Did you lose your phone in the accident?”

Gabriel shook his head and was about to answer when Michael’s phone dinged.


On my way snookums.

Michael was peering over his shoulder and chuckled. “Snookums?”

Gabriel also frowned at the nickname, but tapped: Baby why’d you leave?

He stared at the phone for three minutes until Michael sighed. “I gotta go before Erica freaks on me. She hates being alone and I gotta score points before the next round of touring.”

Gabriel grimaced, wondering how long it would take for him to recuperate from a broken leg.

The door to the room hissed open and his heart began to pound in anticipation.

“Snookums, I’m here,” Angelo announced opening his arms wide as he approached Gabriel with his lips puckered for a kiss.

“Fuck,” Gabriel grumbled tossing Michael, who was laughing, back his phone. “Why the hell do you have my phone, Fucktard?”

Angelo smirked and dropped the Galaxy Note on the bed by Gabriel’s left hand. “Abs put it in the cup holder before she hightailed it into the house.”

“Why’d she do that?”

Angelo shrugged. “I don’t know, man. I think she got really spooked by all the press and groupies outside.”

“Give her some time, she’ll calm down,” Michael reassured. “I’ll go get her tomorrow for you.”

Gabriel wasn’t satisfied with that. “Why didn’t you insist she stay with the phone? Now how am I going to contact her?” The thought that she might decide to up and leave had him feeling frustrated and anxious, especially since there was nothing he could do.

“I tried to follow her inside,” Angelo explained, “but that girl can run fast, and I’m not a runner, I’m a drummer. Besides, that Paulina woman came out and threatened to call the cops on me. She fucking told the chauffer to toss me out. Fucking Edvard, man. You believe that? That asshole listens to rap music.” Angelo’s face twisted into a moue of disgust.

A light rap on the door and a nurse peered around the curtain.

“Visiting time over, boys.”

A sense of loss filled Gabriel. He was stuck in the hospital until God knew when and had no way of getting in touch with Abigail. It was late and he didn’t want to disturb his grandmother. Now he’d be completely alone until the next day. He felt helpless.

Michael patted his shoulder and gestured to the phone. “You get Skype on that thing?”

Gabriel nodded.

“Talk later then,” Michael said.

Angelo leaned close, lips pursed for a kiss.

Gabriel cringed in the bed, glaring at the crazy drummer. “Get the fuck outta here before I hit you in the face with my bedpan.”

Angelo straightened, trying to keep a straight face. “No love, geez!”

Gabriel shook his head with a disbelieving smirk as Ang winked and turned to leave.

“Nighty-night, Snookums.”

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"Hi," Dani said to the knew girl while extending her hand, "my name's Dani, Dani Noonan!" "Nice to meet you, Dani, I'm Becky Rice, man this is a big school!" "Yeah, it is," Dani replied while closing her locker. "Where're you from, it must be tough transferring in the middle of your senior year?" "I'm from a little town down state," Becky replied as the two girls made their way through the lunch time throng of students. "My dad got a new job and we couldn't afford to have two houses at the same...

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NubileFilms Zlata Shine Why Don8217t You Stay

Bigtit hottie Zlata Shine isn’t shy about her sensuality. She’s just getting into bed when her Raul Costa, arrives. Zlata asks Raul to come on in, thinking that he’s her boyfriend. Raul claims he doesn’t have time and he has to go. That’s okay; Zlata gets started without him and is prepared to finish without him. Feeling a bit naughty, Raul comes inside anyway. By the time he makes it to the bedroom, Zlata has her big boobs out and her hand down her thong to...

4 years ago
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Moni at work

This is a true storyHi, Moni hereAnother true story from my younger days.A long time ago I was working in an office for a large trucking company. There were a few women in the office but all mostly men. Harassment back then was not uncommon and I didn't bother me much, back in the late 70's. I had been married for just under a year now and had just started to be a shared wife and loving it.The guys always leered at me especially the truckers. I had to wear dresses and skirts for work at the...

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My girlfriend And My Husband

My girlfriends and I go out about once a month for our girls night out. Its tradition, we have done this since we were 18. We are all 30 now and very attractive women, if I must say so myself. The girls arrived at the house about 7. We headed out to paint the town red. I kissed my husband good bye and we left. We were all feeling no pain when it came time to leave the bar. We called my husband Brian to come and drive us home. I was drunk beyond belief and so were my friends. I went in the house...

Group Sex
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 5 A Time to Play

The heat was starting to dissipate. Or maybe he was only just starting to notice it. The salty tang of the sea air mixed with the chlorine from the adjacent pool. There were other smells too: cooked meat, the slightest hint of lime, an herbal shampoo ... the musky scent of sex. Gregg still lay poised above the gorgeous woman beneath him. The chill he began to feel on his exposed backside didn't seem to touch her as she remained entwined around him seeking warmth and closeness. His hands...

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Training CourseDay Two And Night Two

At breakfast in the hotel dining room the next morning John and Richard were seated at different tables but smiled at each other from time to time. As Richard left his table he looked at John and put a hand to his own buttock.John Williams was a bit mixed up having, until the previous evening, no experience of homosexual activities but he had now not only spanked an older man's arse until the man ejaculated but also had his own erect penis sucked to climax by the just-spanked man. On top of...

Gay Male
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TurbulenceChapter 3

I was nervous when I checked in. The registrar was snippy because he had to wait for me to show up. “I don’t know why you couldn’t have been here earlier,” he said. My roommate, an upper-class student by the name of Ryan Chitworth came down to take me back to the room. He was nice enough (it was part of his job to guide this precollege student gently along). When we got off the elevator on the 3rd floor it opened to a large lounge area with the doors of three separated rooms surrounding it....

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Futa Naked in School 05 Futas Naked PassionChapter 2 Stacies Naughty Teacher Passion

Stacie Ward’s Week, Thursday Miss Castellano was the only thing making my week attending Rogers High School naked bearable. It wasn’t going naked in the Program that was the problem. In fact, I should have been up to my eyeballs in pussy thanks to the Program. Hell, I didn’t even mind avoiding that for my girlfriend if Meaghan wasn’t so clingy to me. If she wasn’t around, she had one of her host of friends to babysit me. They walked me two and from classes, glaring at any of the girls who...

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My Best Friends Mom Melanie

I’ve been friends with my buddy, we will call him “S” for the sake of privacy. I’ve spent countless nights over at his house and it wasn’t until I began to find mature milfs super attractive. Now, Melanie, is maybe 5’ 3’, bleach blonde hair, bright blue eyes, soft tan skin, I’d have to guess maybe 32DD tits. They are fucking amazing. If I’m not careful around her, she will see my cock start to get hard. Anyhow up until about a month ago, I never paid her any attentiaon out of the normal. Then!...

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JamesDeen Layla Price Off Camera Sex

Lalya Price is on set getting ready to have anal sex with James Deen. One dick is never enough for Layla Price. Before the day even starts she already is asking who else is going to be there that day. She’s asking this for one purpose. Layla wants to fuck and suck every cock and pussy that enters the room. James gives her the list of people she is allowed to ask to fuck her. Sure enough, Layla Price gets lucky and Johnny Castle is down to pound her pussy and ass. Layla Price loves feeling...

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Maesons AssistantChapter 6 Kimber gets punished

She lay there, feeling her body, safe under the covers, but squirming around as she moved her thighs like he ordered. When he leaned in, whispering, telling her to substitute themselves for Lee and Grey, she smiled a bit to herself. She had been way ahead of him, already imagining a better ending. One in which she was feeling all that Lee felt. Her lips parted, her breath started to come a bit faster as she moved faster and faster. Her hand moved down to lightly play with herself through her...

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This is a BDSM story – male on male, later male on sissy – with some f***ed feminisation. Sorry it takes so long to get to the fem part! Part two will represent the pay off. Sissyslave By NancyBerlin Martin is, or rather, used to be, a totally straight looking guy, not so tall – 173cm – with a somewhat stocky build, but lean and lightly muscled from his years of swimming. You could say he had something of a rugby player’s build. He was not so young – 47 – but he kept himself in good shape...

2 years ago
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First time a guy fucked me

Sorry but this is really long...I was renting a house and my landlord was a guy I met in my singles group. I am a guy btw. I thought he was a little effeminate and found out he would go to a large city hours away and be in tranny contests. He told the group he liked being a girl, had a whole female persona. Well, after a few months renting from him, he came by (as a guy) and told me he was selling the house and I needed to start looking for another place. I was a little upset, but oh well, what...

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MaquisChapter 22

High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. April. As the man nominally in charge of High Wycombe’s main police station, Chief Superintendent Matthew Jacobs read through the single sheet of paper on his desk for the third time, slower this time, his heart sinking. He’d guessed months ago that something like this might be coming and had drawn up contingency plans just in case the news caused riots when it got out. Though in his heart he had always hoped that something would happen to ensure he didn’t...

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Going Native

Hi all, this is a collaborative story I wrote with my friend Perspikay! If you like it and wanna read more work like it, check out her DA at http://perspikay.deviantart.com --- Going Native By Coral and Perspikay The room was charged with joviality as the guests mingled and mixed with each other, cocktail glasses clenched tightly as the champagne popped and flowed, the dulcet sound of the harpist playing a lullaby to the museum's newest acquisition. But even as the bodies...

4 years ago
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Tell Laura Chapter 16

LauraI could feel him pushing the ring down my finger as we kissed. It was slow, steady but inevitable, just as our relationship had been. I just hadn’t expected it to happen when we came away. These last couple of days had been a whirlwind after crossing that last line. It felt like we were fulfilling a destiny of sorts. However, I needed it to be different. I broke off the kiss and pulled back, holding Tommy’s eyes and hands.“Not like this Tommy,” I put my finger on his lips. “Shhh, will you...

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Vickys First Time

I was very open about crossdressing when I met my wife when we were in our 20s. She has been very supportive and helpful. She helps me with my hair, makeup, and picking outfits. We started having sex with me dressed up as Vicky. This soon escalated to her taking me with a strap on. I loved the times she would fuck my ass with her cock. I had never considered myself gay or bisexual but the feeling of her cock inside me opened up the possibility for more. One Thursday she told me that we were...

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BSC02 the Adventures of Janet and BeckyChapter 10 Peter Does Janet

Danny and Becky were lost in their own world of pleasurable thoughts as their sexual climaxes subsided when the front door clicked open. Seconds later Janet and Peter were standing at the bedroom door. They saw Danny pulling his semen covered penis out of Becky’s semen soaked vagina and they both stood motionless as they took in the whole messy scene. Janet looked at them both and said abruptly, “Right! That does it!” She grabbed Peter by his shirt and said loudly, “You sir, are coming with...

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Cave of Enchanted Transformations

The year is 2020 and it's a beautiful warm day in Washington state. You've been planning this day with your girlfriend, Selena, for ages. As you park your car and make your way into the forest you feel a cold air blow over you that makes you shiver and your spine tingle, "Did you feel that?" asks your girlfriend, "That must be the wind coming off the ice caves, it shouldn't be too far in!" As you continue to walk and chat you approach a fork in the path, one leading into some dense trees and...

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Sancia and Claire

I can always be reached with comments, praise, or general conversation at [email protected] 1 Sancia felt a dull panic build in her stomach as she stared down at the paper in front of her, the figures on it starting to swim slightly. She should know this, she should know how to do all of this, but her mind felt utterly blank. Hesitantly the fifteen year old girl dragged her pencil to the first question, and tried desperately to remember where to begin on this sort of problem. With...

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Samne Wali

There was a family living to our next door. They were husband, wife and 2 children. We had good terms with this family. The wife was a good friend of my wife. Her name is Faiza. She is an attractive woman with wheatish complexion, longhairs and sexy tall figure. When ever I saw her my cock got erection and I masturbated thinking about her for several times. She was also married with a kid. One day my wife said “Faiza has some problem in her computer and she needs your help, please help her” I...

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Doctors Orders

The sullen schoolgirl and the short-tempered woman in my examination room were unmistakably mother and daughter. Although one was only thirteen years old and the other well into her thirties, the lustrous dark hair, the arrogant cheekbones, and the full pouty lips they shared paired them so clearly that I would have been certain of their relationship even if I hadn't already known them both for years. The Dormonds had been friends of my family for nearly a decade. We lived in the same...

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Crossdreaming Thoughts

Last week I crossdressed for a while. Wore tight dark green jeggings, and two different shirts. I was barely able to squeeze these huge fucking J cup tits into a basically skin tight size XS stretchy nylon beige tshirt, and the other was an olive green turtleneck of the same tight fit. Wore both inside and outside. Took a short walk before sunrise. Felt so good. I really need to take photos of these shirts….they’re tighter fitting than any of the shirts I’m wearing in my current photos. I have...

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An unforgettable night

My name is Rob and I want to tell you the story of my first time. Though it was over twenty years ago, I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was eighteen and still a virgin. It was something frustrating which I didn´t like at all. All of my friends had girlfriends and had already their first sexual experiences. Then came this day in spring, four weeks after my 18th birthday when Latasha bought the neighbor´s house. Our neighbor had died three months ago. He was an old...

First Time
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Sophia impatiently brushed her hair back out of her face as the train lurched forward. She reached down and wrenched her biology textbook out of her messenger bag. Instead of dutifully turning to ‘Childhood Diseases and Infections,’ she stared out the window at the passing apartment buildings, leaving the textbook open on her lap. She had wanted to get in some studying on the train from work back to school, but the soft smell of spring that hung in the air today, even on the train, was making...

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My Girlfriends Hot Daughter Ch 2

She likes it rough and I do too….Her knees are turning black and blue…..The front desk keeps on calling….She throws the phone across the room….So we hope nobody finds…..”I woke up to the sound of Madison singing in the shower again. Madison was very chipper for 6:30 in the morning after drinking and fucking late into the night. Our bedroom fan circles slowly, blowing cool air across my body; I laid there thinking months had come and gone without Madison or Trina bringing anything up about our...

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Fundraiser Glamour Shots

Fundraiser: Glamour Shots By Karen Hansen Darren was still struggling with the ropes around his wrists which held his arms above his head when a stunningly beautiful Japanese woman walked over to the platform he was kneeling on and stood before him. As she looked over his body, he could see the excitement on her face as plan as day. Any other time and place, he would be thinking this was his lucky day and he knew a good time was ahead. But now... in the state he was in... this was...

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A Vegetarian Virgin

Have you ever met a 27 year old woman who was a virgin? More intriguingly, imagine that this 27 year old virgin was shapely, very pretty, college educated and sophisticated in a northeastern pseudo-intellectual, ultra-liberal, politically correct kind of way. If that wasn't enough, she was also a vegetarian, of the most extreme variety.Imagine then that this 27 year old virgin was also quite aware of her sexuality and very eager to lose her virginity, but she could not quite rid herself of some...

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A weekend of unhuman fucking

by BiggiverHere is a little fantasy of mine. You bring your wife to me blindfolded on a friday night. Blindfolded because I want to use her for a weekend as pure fuck meat. As soon as you have left I will undress her and start to examine her body. Then I will tie her hands behind her back to increase the feeling that she is pure fuck meat. Of course it is also very exciting to imagine what is going through her head the whole time. The blindfold and tied hands will never be untied. She will lie...

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Like Father Like Son Part 2

Carly stared straight ahead. The sheer lace of the veil covered her face as she considered her choices. With one month until her wedding, she had to choose one.Mariah saw the struggle on Carly’s face and it was clear it wasn’t about her dress choices. “Carly, are you okay? Look, I like you and I think you make my father really happy, but if you’re having second thoughts…”“I’m sorry, I just have a lot on my mind,” Carly apologized“Thinking about Mark?” Mariah asked.“You mean Marcus,” Carly...

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DDFBusty Angel Wicky Katerina Hartlova Office Lesbian Lovers

When blue-eyed Czech bombshell Angel Wicky seals the deal at her job interview she’s so excited that as the interview draws to a close she plants a kiss on her soon to be boss, Katerina Hartlova’s, big pouty lips. Miss Hartlova loves the assertiveness of her new hiree and soon the two curvy Czech glamour models are making out in their mini-skirts right there in the office. See the busty babes consummate their new work relationship as they bust out their big tits and big asses and...

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Britneys Nasty Secret

"Goddamn it. These fucking critics, they're hurting my career," Britney Spears yelled as she walked into the living room, where her mother was sitting alone. "It doesn't matter what I do, they're always burning my ass in those fucking magazines. Why can't they just leave me alone." "Why do you care what they say, Brit? Just ignore those assholes. You know they make a living badmouthing people who have what they'll never have. Just screw them, and do what ever you want to do,"...

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KathleenChapter 5 Chocolate Cake and Brown Sugar

After my evening with Kathleen and her brother, I wasn't sure what to expect next. While I felt a little overwhelmed by the nature and quantity of her sexual appetites, I was honest enough to realize that I enjoyed myself immensely whenever I participated in one of her adventures and I was eagerly anticipating her next surprise. I called her on Monday of the following week to ask if she were free to go out on a real date with dinner and a concert. When she readily agreed, I was almost...

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Apne He Pita Ko Pati Banaya

Hi friends I am Ranjit..Today i m going to share a story, “Apne He Pita Ko Pati Banaya”, which was told me by a girl named Sushma.. Now please read story in her own words as she told me- Mera naam sushma hai aur meri umar 19 saal hai.Mai deoria uttar pradesh ki rehnewali hu.Mai sawli hu par mera badan bahot sexy hai.Bade bade boobs aur tikhe nain naksh.Mere pitaji jinka ki naam ramanuj hai.Wo 1 school me teacher hain.Unki umar 41 saal hain.Par dikhne me jst 30 yrs k lgte hain.. Meri maa jb...

2 years ago
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The Invitation

John came - Hard. His cock felt wonderfully big and powerful, pulsating in deep waves as his cum spewed forth into Becky’s oh so wet and swollen pussy. His balls were tingling. It felt so damn good, as the second orgasm usually does! He moaned with relief. Becky sighed and shuddered gently beneath him. Her orgasm had come at the same time. In fact, this was her fourth deep, fulfilling orgasm since their session had started. John lay next to Becky on the bed, which was a mess after such a...

Group Sex
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Experiment with moms friend becomes more

Once I had tasted a woman for the first time, I was never the same. I haven't looked at women the same since that night. And it didn't take long for my first experience to lead to my next. My mom's friend, Margie, was only too happy to insure that my young pussy stayed wet. The first weekend after I first tasted her breast, Margie was ready to expand my horizons.Sara and I had grown accustomed to her sleeping over, though my mother and her were never overtly affectionate in front of us and...

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