Saving the Starlight Ch 04
- 3 years ago
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It was fairly early when Bud put the slaves to bed, but by the time Karin returned with the videos, a couple of exercise pads, and several sports bras, it was pushing midnight. While waiting for her to return, Bud had been able to make some more plans and get more things ready. When he finally crashed on the couch, his sleep was fitful, though. There was just too much happening that was completely new.
At least his slaves' nudity and his touching of their bodies was not the shock it might have been before his sessions at D-House. However, that still left the huge problem of how to fill their time. It would take a while to develop a routine, and he was worried about losing authority if his control seemed tentative or sporadic.
In one of his middle of the night restless periods, he got an idea when thinking about the slaves losing weight. He recalled how secretive they both had been about their weight. Ed had joked that one sure way of getting Julie angry was to be anywhere nearby when she stepped on the scale. The result of his idea and twenty minutes of scrambling around was crude, but it would definitely highlight their true status as slaves. There was never any question of the women waking before the men in the Haller household, so Ed was briefed and ready before Bud roused the slaves.
Having never been comfortable with the slavery idea, Ed had assumed that he would stay 'arms length' from the process. Well, Kim's little interlude in his lap and especially the intense sex with Julie had pointed out the futility of avoiding involvement. He was in this and he might as well do anything he could to help. Bud's request made him shudder a little, but he believed that Bud could handle it.
Predictably, the slaves were disoriented at being awakened naked in a strange bed. Bud explained that better sleeping arrangements would be arranged, but they barely heard him in their haste to get to the bathroom. Just to make the point, he stood in the bathroom while they went and told them not to bother to shower or primp yet.
He led them out to a corner of the rec room where they could see Ed waiting with a tape measure in hand and the scale on the floor. They gasped when they saw the large paper chart taped to the wall, and Bud chose that time to warn them.
"Slave Julie and Slave Kim, we are now going to get baseline measurements for the beginning of your body improvement program." He could see them start to react, but he just talked right over them. "I know that both of you have always been rather secretive about your weight and other things about your bodies. That ended yesterday because you no longer own your bodies. Your bodies belong to me and I choose not to have any secrets about them.
"Dad, help Slave Kim onto the scale and let's record her starting weight." Bud stood poised by the chart with marking pen in hand. Kim stood frozen for a moment, and Bud had to react. "Slave Kim, that's a stroke. Be aware that the strokes will not decrease your weight." That made Kim scamper onto the scale, but did not make her expression less unhappy.
Bud had Ed do each measurement to first Kim, then Julie. Besides weight, he recorded waist, hip, bust, upper arm, and upper thigh sizes. He informed them that as soon as he had the right instrument, he would estimate body fat, as well.
When Ed went upstairs, he left two very downcast women. Kim having to endure a stroke did not help their mood, either.
Next, Bud took them in front of the TV where he had the exercise pads. He also had two pair of each of their sport shoes and the sports bras that Karin had brought. "Slaves, you are going to start the day with a very energetic exercise video. I suggest you wear a sports bra and shoes, but that is your choice. Prepare quickly."
Bud was wise enough to realize that women, any kind of garment, and 'quickly' were completely incompatible, so he was patient. When both had on shoes and bras and nothing else, they looked at each other, gasped, then giggled. That was a good thing because the mood so far had not been happy.
He had not lied to them about the video, and twenty-eight minutes later they were both gasping and sweating as he led them to the shower. He decided that he would not repeat the drying and applying body lotion from the day before. With Karin and Gloria, he would discuss the best ways to keep emphasizing his ownership of their bodies. He also wanted to keep Julie's arousal level high to continue the resurgence of her libido.
After their showers, the next part of the morning was filled with breakfast preparation and cleanup, laundry, and some general housekeeping tasks. Gloria called and said that she was sending out a set of exercise bands. Given their minimal muscle tone, she thought that would be the best start at resistance exercise.
Bud planned to include running in their regular program, but wanted to keep them completely naked until Monday morning when Kim had a class. It was a warm, sunny late winter day, and Bud ordered them to lay in the sun for fifteen minutes on each side. Their hesitancy to walk out onto the patio naked cost them each two strokes. He considered that a good thing. Learning consequences immediately would make everything that followed easier.
Kim spent a good chunk of the afternoon studying, and Bud carefully explained how Julie was to monitor her efforts. He warned that he would be checking with other sources, and if Kim did not inform them immediately and completely of all assignments, she would earn numerous strokes. She promised that she would not withhold anything and he believed her. Before the troubles, she had been a very conscientious student.
Before a fairly late dinner, there was another exercise session with both a video and the bands. Then, they were allowed to relax and watch TV for a while.
Whenever he could take the time, Bud got on the phone with Karin and Gloria to discuss progress and ideas. Together, they decided that a massage session just before bedtime would be perfect. The women recommended that Ed do Kim while Bud did Julie. They also recommended they be done privately so Bud could do more to get Julie aroused. They thought she should be sent up to Ed's bed for sex again after the massage.
There had been enough unaccustomed exercise that day so a massage was very welcome. Neither Bud nor Ed was accomplished, but the slaves did not seem to care. Bud had to enlist Gloria's help to persuade Ed to give Kim the full body lotion treatment. For himself, he felt guilty again as he touched his mother, but he knew it served a purpose. It helped that she was getting very eager to go to his father.
Ed had massaged Kim out in the main room. When Julie literally dashed from Bud's bedroom where he had done her, Ed went after her. Walking into the main room, Bud had to struggle not to show the sympathy he felt for his sister's obvious arousal and frustration. He only debated a moment before deciding that free time was appropriate, and he released her.
"Dad's hands felt pretty good, huh?" he teased, to be answered by only a moan. "Fulfill any fantasies?"
"Oh, God, yes!" she exclaimed.
"But not your ultimate fantasy, I'll bet."
"I ... I don't think he ever would," she lamented. "You won't either, will you? It's not fair. Mom gets to go and get relief, but I have to suffer."
"Kim, when I'm talking to your husband some day, I don't want to have to lie about what we did while you were a slave. You don't either, do you?"
After a large sigh, Kim answered "Bud, I had to tell Kevin I was not a virgin. After I tell my intended that you shaved my pussy and gave me FULL body massages, do you think he will believe that was all?
"If I promise not to beg you to fuck me, will you do something for me?" she begged.
"That depends."
"When I lose ten pounds and when I reach my goal, can I ask Kevin to spend the night with me? That's if he hasn't found anyone else."
"I promise I will discuss it with Karin and Gloria. First, though, Mom has to tell me she will be all right with it."
"Not Dad?"
"Haven't you heard that all dads believe in immaculate conception of grandchildren by their daughters?" he joked. Changing tone, he ordered "Slave Kim, free talk time has ended. Make yourself orgasm." Placing himself between a woman's legs, close to her crotch, had proven to stimulate arousal, so he did that and enjoyed similar results to the first time with Kim.
He had expected more of a battle over his reluctance to escalate sexual contact with her. While not sure of the reason, he was happy that she had not pushed.
Sunday was a repeat of Saturday, except for the measurement session and more study time for Kim. She showed surprising fear at the prospect of going to school the next day, so Bud called Karin and Gloria to come over for a pep talk and planning session.
When they were all gathered in the family room and Bud had declared free talk, Kim admitted "I don't want to go until Bud can be with me all the time."
"We hope that can be Wednesday," Karin explained, "but we're not sure, yet. Your dad has arranged excellent protection." No matter how excellent, it was clear that Kim considered it inadequate because it was not Bud.
"Ever wear just tights under a baggy sweatshirt?" Karin asked Kim.
"Not to college."
"Have any hiking boots?"
"Well, how about an outfit so 'not Kim' that Dawn wouldn't even recognize you? Tights, hiking boots, baggy sweatshirt, baseball cap, and clear glasses."
"But she's in my afternoon class, and Bud won't be there," Kim whined. Everyone knew who 'she' was.
"OK. Just for tomorrow, I'll go with you," Ed promised. "I won't be in the classroom but Lexi will sit beside you and she will have her radio. Will that help?"
"Honey, it will be a good test," Ed encouraged. "We don't want you to have to wear a disguise all the time, but for the next few days, it will make you feel better."
Karin asked a good question; "Are any of your sections small enough so the instructor might notice someone unusual?"
"Maybe two or three of them. In one big lecture, Psyche, the prof is really aware of all the students."
"Is Dawn in that one?"
"What day is that?"
"Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Bud won't be with me Tuesday!"
"So, Lexi and I will do Tuesday, too," Ed assured her.
"Oh. Good. Um, does it have to be a baseball cap?" Being naked had not squelched Kim's fashion sense.
"Of course not, Kim," Karin chuckled. "You can go bald if you'd rather. We'll go and pick something out.
"You need to know what to say if an instructor challenges why Bud or Lexi or whoever is with you in class; also, why you look so different," Karin advised. "Once they hear there is a stalking type of problem, they should be co-operative."
Ed did not stay around to see Kim and Bud off to her class. Bud hoped that Ed would be able to stifle his reaction when he saw her at lunch when Bud had to leave. With a tam instead of a cap, tinted fake glasses, and big hoop earrings, Kim was barely recognizable, and then only because of how she moved. Kim's trips to campus Monday and Tuesday went without incident.
Although he had not talked with Karin and Gloria about it, Bud had been thinking hard about shaving the slaves again. Honestly, he would rather never have to do it again, especially his mother. However, he believed Gloria's explanation of its importance. He was definitely concerned about maintaining the seriousness of the women's status.
If the shaves were necessary, he decided to make it rather ceremonial, or perhaps ritualistic was a better word. Tuesday morning, he moved an electric heater into the downstairs bathroom and warmed up the room while the women exercised. Telling them that breakfast would wait, he started with Kim. Everything that he needed was carefully laid out ahead of time, enough for both women. By that time, the room was too warm for anything but bathing.
Ordering Kim to pee first, Bud then had her get into the tub with the shower curtain open and wash under the shower. When she was finished, he had her stand on the towels he had placed to catch any spray that escaped the tub. There, he toweled her down and applied lotion. He did not rush, but did not extend the process as he had the first time.
The same was true with the shave. The time required was already reduced because there was no need for a scissors. The actual shaving could not be rushed, though. She had to become aroused enough to get herself off with no trouble.
Everything went well with Kim. She did not orgasm during the shave, but came in a reasonable time when she masturbated.
With Julie, he almost considered having her take another shower. She came during the lotion and during the shave, as well as when she masturbated.
He decided that he liked the ritual as he had set it up and would continue that way. The time of day could change, though.
Tuesday evening, Bud had a larger than usual cheering section for his final game, and they all went out for a late meal. It was Julie's first time dressing since Friday evening. Bud had played his usual steady, solid game, and the team won. Unexpectedly, his Uncle Chuck was back in town and came to the game. Literally everyone was watching Gloria as they were introduced, and they were not disappointed in her reaction. Chuck was noticeably puzzled about the presence of the two women, and the explanation given was admittedly thin.
At dinner, Chuck finally broke down and explained why he was home. "Actually, I have probably taken my last overseas assignment. I, uh, got grazed by a bullet. Nothing serious, just a bandage, but, uh, well, I have had some other close calls. The company decided to shove me in a VP's office here at home for my own protection."
"So, congratulations are in order." Ed enthused.
"Well, yeah, but you know me. I like the field work," Chuck said to deflect the praise.
Looking at Gloria, who seemed to know what he had in mind, Ed told his brother "Friday night. Come for dinner, and I'll bring out a good celebration bottle." Apparently, neither slave connected the visit with their nakedness, and they reacted as they would for any other visit invitation to a favorite guest.
As they were leaving the restaurant, Ed handed Gloria a note with Chuck's cell number. "Can you brief him before Friday?"
"Gee! Do I have to?" she quipped. Behind her, Karin was grinning from ear to ear.
Bud had planned to skip Wednesday classes, so he ordered Kim to dress as herself. She chose to keep the tam to cover her head. It made so much difference to her to have Bud with her permanently that she agreed without argument. He was not worried about being able to protect her. He just did not want to get into a confrontation that could cause more problems for her.
When Karin called at noon to tell him that he was done with classes and just had to take three tests, Kim was even happier. He insisted that they stay after each class so she could introduce him and explain his presence.
Wednesday morning, Chuck Haller was not at all displeased to be called by Gloria Solberg to see if he could meet for lunch. When she said it was quite important, he rearranged his schedule.
At the game and the dinner the previous night, there was no way Chuck could fail to be impressed by the statuesque beauty. The explanation he got for the presence of the two women was suspect, at best, so he was eager to find out more.
As Gloria walked toward the table where Chuck stood to greet her, he was no less impressed than on the previous evening. Her greeting intrigued him even more, as she said "I had a dilemma; should I be professional and be right on time, or should I be female and be a little late?"
He scored his own points when he retorted "Why are they mutually exclusive?"
"Touche! You removed the problem by being early, anyway. Thank you for making time today. Have a seat, and I'll relieve your curiosity." He thought her smile had just a little too much smirk behind it.
They had to wait until the server took their drink order, then she hit him with "If you go to Ed's for Dinner Friday evening, you will find Julie and Kim wearing nothing but slave collars. They will both have their pussies shaved bare. You already saw that Kim has her head almost shaved." He could barely notice that her smirk had taken over fully because of his own amazement.
At first, he was tempted to treat it as a joke and respond accordingly. However, he had barely refrained from asking about Kim's hair and he had noticed Ed's strange glance toward Gloria before the invitation to dinner. So, she was telling the truth. But, WHY?
Gloria managed to cover Kim's troubles and Bud's search for a way to save her before their meals were served. As they ate, she described her credentials and Karin's and how they came to be involved. He had a number of questions about D-House, but asked nothing more about Julie and Kim.
When they were getting ready to leave, he looked at her quizzically and said "You didn't ask how I felt about this and whether I wanted to be involved."
"Didn't think I had to. Unless something really changed you over in the sand, you will react just like Ed. You have huge questions about the morality of this, but you trust your brother. If he is convinced, that's good enough for you. You love your niece and your sister-in-law enough to help them any way you can. Your only worry is that your presence will embarrass and humiliate them."
Chuck just laughed aloud. "I've always been skeptical about psychologists and psychiatrists. Do they really know anything, or are they just spouting faddish theories. Well, you read me perfectly, so there is at least one credible shrink in the bunch."
"Oh, you will find that Karin is completely credible, too," Gloria pointed out. "I will admit to holding the same view of many of my colleagues. It is my guess, though, that you could categorize the majority of engineers the same way, could you not?"
"Ouch!" He decided that casual sparring with his woman should be undertaken carefully. "Say, will you be there Friday at dinner?"
"I think it would be best if we reduced our presence and let things works out with the family. How about if you come to breakfast early Saturday morning at D-House. You can see what I do and I can find out how the dinner went."
"Um, I've been living on military time for a while. What do you consider early?" he inquired.
"Well, Bud has been there several times at six. Ed came there once, as well."
"Ed? That's a big step for him to be seen there," Chuck commented.
"Let that be an indicator of how serious he considered the situation to be. Remember, he was facing having his daughter arrested on her next violation. That could be a career stopper in the department," Gloria explained.
"She may already have caused him problems," Chuck mused aloud, then said "Gloria, thank you so much for filling me in, and I look forward to Saturday morning at six." Damn, there was that little smirk behind her smile again. Should he be worried? What was it about this woman?
On Thursday afternoon, Bud accompanied Kim to the Psyche class that Dawn was also in for the first time. He was quite impressed by the professor, who he later found out was an assistant professor. He was surprisingly young, but his manner, his speech, and his eyes bespoke great intelligence and self-confidence.
When Bud led Kim down to explain their situation after class, the professor had an interesting reaction. "I assume it is Miss Winthrop that you are protecting her from," he told Bud. "I also assume that there is a more interesting story here. You are more than just her brother and her bodyguard, right? I would really like to hear the whole story."
Bud verified the prof's assumption by not even looking at Kim as he arranged a meeting during a mutual free hour later that afternoon. As they left the lecture room, he could see her about to object, but just a stern look was enough to dissuade her.
During the later meeting, Professor Montague asked many very detailed questions. Many of the answers caused Kim to blush fiercely. After a half hour or so, he asked Kim directly "Are you satisfied that your brother is doing the best thing for you? Don't worry about my notifying any authorities. This is just professional curiosity."
"I couldn't fix things by myself," Kim admitted. "This seems ... severe, but some expert women are helping Bud. I feel more ... content than I have in months."
"That's good," Professor Montague encouraged. "Any chance I could meet these experts? I have a real interest in the idea of benevolent servitude."
"Give me your card and I'll leave it up to them," Bud said.
"Good. I appreciate the courtesy of this visit and I wish you success with this project."
Early Thursday evening, Bud got both Karin and Gloria on the phone while the slaves were relaxing and recovering. "First of all, has Chuck been briefed?"
"Yes. It was really fun," Gloria chuckled.
"I assume he is willing to be part of their support."
"There was never a question."
"And you're going to wait with Grandma and Grandpa Lewis until you see how it goes with Chuck, right?"
Karin answered this time "We had decided to hold off on all of them. I guess Chuck's surprise arrival accelerated things. You really had to have him over for dinner."
"We could have let the women dress," he suggested.
"We were very late getting home Wednesday debating that very question," Karin revealed. "Assuming Chuck is very much like your dad, he will be the perfect test case. Julie's side of the family may never be involved."
"Don't see how that could happen," Bud cautioned. "The Lewis women talk and visit each other constantly. This can not be kept a secret."
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The next morning I showered alone and took breakfast on the patio. I could hear the old lady rousting her charges and getting them out of my room. An army of maids had the room perfect and free of sex smells before I finished my morning coffee. I rang for the ‘madam.’ ‘Your choices were superb last night. I have never been more pleased with someone else’s choices. Will you take a small gift from me.’ She nodded and I gave her five hundred dollar bills. She started to hand them back. ‘It is...
-1- I can’t get enough. I never want it to end – sex with a black man. But it does, in time. Fatigue sets in and our bodies give out. There’s always a nice nap, or a good night’s sleep, or simply a walk on the beach to take a break before getting naked and going at it again. My life’s work, my destiny, has been pleasing black men. I give my body, all of it, for them to take, to use, to gather pleasure from. It’s one reason I was so sad to learn my old place of employment – Elite...
Author’s note: I’m branching out as it were and writing this as an experiment with all OCs. Yes, it is a dark tale, and reader feedback is of course appreciated. No sex in this chapter, but that’ll come later. Note: Leslie is a former child star that hit a rough patch, based on every former child star. ***** ‘One long cut. That’s all it’ll take.’ Leslie thought to herself as she stared down at the straight razor held in her hand. She blinked back tears and moved her shaking hand down to her...
"Ready Mrs. Bauer?" he asked. She was about to tell him that wasn't her name but decided not to. If she didn't get into the habit of being addressed to as Annie Ming Bauer she wasn't going to pull off this ruse and save Annie's life. "Yes, I'm ready." "This way to your car," he continued, "please follow me." She followed him as she turned and walked down the hall. They went through some turns and short corridors then up the elevator to the basement level before arriving at a...
It’s a full, two day trip down the steep, winding mountain trail to the first paved county road, and I wanted us to arrive at, or just after dark. I was hoping we’d not meet any search parties along the way. I was trying to cover all the bases in my mind. I was sure that if we were spotted from the air during the day, we’d surely be considered members of a search party. We started at daylight the next morning. I saddled both my horses as Amanda put the bridles on them. She told me that she’s...
I didn’t plan on leaving the country on the run. I mean, it’s not the kind of thing that most people have as a life’s ambition. But sometimes, you just don’t have a choice in the matter. Not if you are going to be able to look at yourself in the mirror each morning. I had just gotten off work and was heading home to my place just west of Cheyenne. It was almost 90 degrees outside. Not unusual for an early fall day in this part of the state. I had my windows rolled down to let a breeze flow...
******************************** I slowly slipped into consciousness. Bright sunlight shone in my face and I raised my hand to block it out until my eyes adjusted. Looking around me, I realized that I was back in my own hotel room. Cuddled up in front of me being the little spoon, Steph slept soundly. She was wearing a pair of pink silk pajama bottoms and a light purple sports bra. An arm draped over my waist, I turned my head to see Amy snuggled behind me as the biggest spoon. She...
Introduction: My fantasy about to members meeting Recently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. This is my fantasy of that meeting, however the final result was the real-life ending. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe. In the Sex Stories Forum, there is a Calling All Writers challenge. This is my entry. Please take the time to go there, read all of the wonderful stories and vote for your favorite. For reasons of my own, I can no...
Julie was a white woman, she had short blonde hair and was 5’5. Her ravishing blue eyes was making everybody blush when speaking to her. She had medium firm tits and medium bubble firm bubble butt. She trained all the time at home or outside. Julie hasn’t seen Rebecca for almost two years. Rebecca had a private instagram with not many followers but Julie was one of them. The reason of Rebecca absence in Julie life was her new girlfriend. At first, Rebecca and Julie never were lesbian. Rebecca...
Hi guys and galsJust wanted to take a few minutes to share an experience from a few months back. We hope you'll enjoy.....We were traveling to New Jersey to see some old friends that we hadn't seen in over a decade.Their names are Rex and Rayna.Rex is a fireman, and Rayna is a chef, both still looked great. Rex and I were having a beer, and discussing plans for our stay. When he mentioned that he wanted to take us to the drive-in for a movie I thought he was joking, a drive-in in this day and...
Hi guys and galsJust wanted to take a few minutes to share an experience from a few months back. We hope you'll enjoy.....We were traveling to New Jersey to see some old friends that we hadn't seen in over a decade.Their names are Rex and Rayna.Rex is a fireman, and Rayna is a chef, both still looked great. Rex and I were having a beer, and discussing plans for our stay. When he mentioned that he wanted to take us to the drive-in for a movie I thought he was joking, a drive-in in this day and...
Introduction:My fantasy about to members meetingRecently, two members from this site met in person for the first time. This is my fantasy of that meeting, however the final result was the real-life ending. Their names and locations have been change to keep their identities safe. In the Sex Stories Forum, there is a Calling All Writers challenge. This is my entry. Please take the time to go there, read all of the wonderful stories and vote for your favorite.For reasons of my own, I can no longer...
Saturday. The one day of the week when I had any real free time to spend on myself. Monday through Friday I spent working and on Sunday I usually spent the day helping my elderly aunt and uncle around their house with grocery shopping, yard work, whatever that needed to be done that week.This particular Saturday I found myself sitting in Jim's a local mom and pop diner that had been around for some twenty or thirty years. I had big plate of fries and one of the greasiest hamburgers I've ever...
Julie was a white woman, she had short blonde hair and was 5'5. Her ravishing blue eyes was making everybody blush when speaking to her. She had medium firm tits and medium bubble firm bubble butt. She trained all the time at home or outside. Julie hasn't seen Rebecca for almost two years. Rebecca had a private instagram with not many followers but Julie was one of them. The reason of Rebecca absence in Julie life was her new girlfriend. At first, Rebecca and Julie never were lesbian. Rebecca...
InterracialI didn't plan on leaving the country on the run. I mean, it's not the kind of thing that most people have as a life's ambition. But sometimes, you just don't have a choice in the matter. Not if you are going to be able to look at yourself in the mirror each morning. I had just gotten off work and was heading home to my place just west of Cheyenne. It was almost 90 degrees outside. Not unusual for an early fall day in this part of the state. I had my windows rolled down to let a breeze...
When I was younger, fifteen or so, I was present when my mom and dad had one hell of an argument which ended with my mom throwing an ashtray at dad and then stomping out of the room. That wasn't the first time that mom had gotten violent with dad and when she was out of the room I asked him why he put up with it. He thought for a minute and then he said: "Life is full of ups and downs Rob. You have to learn to take the bad with the good and then hope that in the end the good outweighs the...
Bud was sitting on a secluded bench on campus, talking with Kevin Chapman. "I'm sorry, Bud," Kevin said sadly. "You know how I loved Kim, but she's ... she's hardly Kim any more." "I know, Kev," Bud agreed sadly. "I can't say I blame you, but I'm asking you to hold off giving up on her while I try something desperate." "Hold off for how long?" "I would say three months at the most," Bud told his friend and erstwhile future brother-in-law. Bud shared Kevin's anguish....
Sunday had been set for Meghan's day to move in. Friday night brought one more completely unforeseen event for Bud. Mark was back in town, and it was time for the women's massages. Mark would do his wife. Chet would do Julie for the first time, and Ed would do Kim. Shaking his head at the scene, Bud retreated to his bedroom, but he was barely in the door before Carol joined him and started to undress. "Grandma! What would Grandpa think?" "He told me to do this. Now, give me a good...
“Don ‘t wait for the perfect moment to strike, strike in the current moment and make it perfect. Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. “ – William Butler Yeats Jason returned home to find Julia and Razza waiting for him, but chatting to Gamma, Sheila and Jonathan. “Hi, you guys what’s going on?” Jason asked. “Julia has arrived here with a number of concerns about tomorrow. She worries that if we rely on one computer that we leave behind, we are putting...
“Where there is no peril in the fight, there is no glory in the triumph.” --Pierre Corneille Linda watched as the groups boarded shuttles and and left the ship accompanied by the assault frigates, gunships, assault shuttles, and Mech Warriors. She hoped fervently they would come back safely and Razza’s parents would be saved. She transported to Command Central. As Linda walked into the room, Andrea spoke. “Linda the Coven are attacking our ‘bait fleet’ near the planet. The new Porquenta...
Picking up where we left off...The state had opened up despite the outbreak of the virus and while things were not back to normal, if they ever would be, they were close to it. A woman had driven Nyla to the very apartment that Leah was rumored to live in. It was pretty decent given her salary as a nurse. Due to the summer hitting and weather getting warmer, the rooftop pool became busier than usual. In typical Leah fashion, given that both Kash and Trent had busy days, she went to the pool...
LesbianGoing back about three years ago, we see Kash laying in bed nude with a woman, a couple years older than him, named Marie. Marie matched with Kash on a dating app and had dark hair, was tanned and had green eyes. When it came to her overall appearance, Marie looked exactly like Irina Shayk back in the days when the model was dating Cristiano Ronaldo.Kash started to stretch while being tangled up with his lover, locking lips with her. The breaths became deeper, bodies dripped in sweat, and both...
Hardcore“Ho, Kash, ho, Kash, ho! Whew!” said Alex, letting out deep long breaths while maintaining sharp eye contact with Kash. The tanned Emily Ratajkowski lookalike was experiencing such emotions and sensations that she was unfamiliar with, inciting a mad raging arousal.Kash had wrestled his good friend Alex down to the bed and had made out with her so aggressively that she rushed to take off a piece of clothing at every turn. Slowly but surely, Alex was nude, aroused, and very happy of it. The sexy...
Hardcore“So talk to me, what happened?” asked Leah.“I mean, it was overwhelming, I couldn’t do shit and I wasn’t used to it,” replied Aline.“So what about it struck out to you? What happened? Did it help?” asked Leah.“I mean most of 'em give up after a couple minutes but he kept going and going and going, I felt worn out as fuck after a while. He even mocked me but I couldn’t do jack shit. In a weird way though, it feel good to be humbled,” said Aline, in her southern accent.“Let’s see what Hannah...
HardcoreOn a usual Wednesday morning, Kash sat at home nude and ready for his visitor, sitting naked on the couch and stroking his cock. Truth be told, Kash had finished an intense workout consisting of squats, bench press, cardio, and deadlifts. Instead of going for a shower, he decided to lay on the couch, his aroused body ready for the visitor to come.Leah sent Kash the text letting him know about the visitor he will be having and this one was quite different. Having heard enough from Kash and Trent...
HardcoreFenton composed an email next morning, feeling like a man reborn after a highly physical night with Lisa who had grunted and groaned with him into their final climax around dawn before he staggered off home and went to sleep for another three hours. He emailed a message to all trust members but excluding their patron the Mayor. He was livid that their first meeting had been a no go wrote with restraint. The note read: Hi guys. Our first meeting of the extended trust board last evening was...
***************************************************** I sat in the rattan chair, sipping on my beer, I relaxed to the sound of the waves against the beach. The full moon lit up the night and sparkled on the crests of the waves. I was a little surprised to see a couple walking along the beach at this time of night… but I guess it would be pretty romantic. I will have to remember that if we stayed another night on the small island. I broke off from people watching when I heard the...
Look at me, I have two updates within a month. This chapter came out rather quickly, and I hope to have more soon. The recovery process is not always 12 step. I think we’ve established that 12 step doesn’t work for her. The story showcases her struggles with all forms of addiction. Will she find love along the way? That remains to be seen. Everyone is over 18 etc. Comments and feedback are always welcome. Enjoy! ***** Peas, carrots, and something vaguely meat all swam before Leslie’s eyes....
Colin watched Emily sleep. The petite dark haired girl lay on her side facing away from him. She had come to him late in the night looking for refuge and as usual he gave it her. She trusted him and in his heart he couldn’t betray her even though he had wanted her more than life itself. Yet, he remained her friend, not because he wanted to, but because what she needed was his protection more than anything else. Life hadn’t been easy for her. Barely eighteen she had lost both parents and...
CHAPTER 1 Bo Short (Bo being short for Bob which was short for Robert) went into the bar. He’d been told to meet Charlie and Eddie Hooker there because a well-paying job was on offer. The brother’s Sergeant at Arms, a beefy guy called Herb, frisked Bo and the guy said through broken teeth, ‘Go to them. They’re behind me.’ The bar was half-full of guys who looked like crims and all the women looked like sluts, as women tend to do when they slouch in bars or show their panties sitting on...
It seems that I’m speeding up with my writing. It’s because of readers like you that have caused me to speed up and continue this tale. Thanks! All characters are over 18, etc. Comments and feedback are welcome. *** ‘What do you mean!’ Leslie shouted, mouth frothing with toothpaste. She looked like a mad dog, and her mood matched. ‘Leslie, we heard you last night. I think the entire building did.’ Gen looked over at her before handing her a paper towel. ‘The night nurse heard you and...
My name is Amane Akira. I'm a simple guy who loved computing, and that's what I had dedicated my whole life to. I tried my whole life to make my dreams come true; I studied a career and managed to graduate. I got a job in a prestigious company and the truth is that I was aiming high in the position I was in. My life was successful. Because, I not only have the job of my dreams and I was doing very well, but I have the woman I most adore in this life. My girlfriend. His name was Yumezawa Kanako....
My name is Candice but everyone calls me Candy and this is a story about how I saved my Daddy from making a terrible mistake.You see my mom had died a few months back. I was extremely sad that she had died so suddenly. My Dad was devastated but as time went by he seemed to settle into a new life which focused on his work. I would check in on him once a week or so but other than that I went on about my life.Then it happened one Saturday I stopped by and my Dad had company. It was a woman just a...