Thumper Ch. 06 free porn video

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With their marriage on the rocks, Abby and George turn to a most unlikely source for help. Unbeknownst to George, Abby has agreed to let the incubus, Damian, and his mate, Britt, act as marriage counsellors.

Following a morning of bondage at the hands of Damian, Abby discovers a newfound sense of freedom.


Abby awoke some time later, disoriented and stiff. She took in the rough wood of the horse stall around her and the straw on the floor. After a moment of confusion, the episode with Damian came back to her — of having been bound in the barn, wrists tied behind her back and raised uncomfortably while Damian had done his work.

How long had she been sleeping? She stood in the stall and groaned as she straightened her back. Judging by the slant of the light on the floor of the barn, perhaps no longer than an hour.

Her shoulders especially were stiff and sore. Her privates tingled. Her thoughts chased each other within her head. Thoughts of the humiliation of bondage followed by thoughts of the shameful yet blessed violence of her release. Her body had betrayed her yet again, responding in quivering pleasure to the very things from which her intellect recoiled.

She was completely nude and wondered what she should do. A quick scan of the stall and interior of the barn revealed that her clothing had been removed. She could wrap the blanket around herself and seek out George. Unfortunately, she’d have some explaining to do. Or she could remain in the barn and wait for what came next.

In the end, Abby decided on the latter. She wound the blanket around her and tucked in a corner at her breasts. She sat on the straw, leaned against the wall of the barn and resolved to wait.

A few minutes later, the barn door opened and Damian appeared, carrying a bottle of wine and two long-stemmed glasses. He entered the stall and sat on the dusty floor opposite Abby. Without speaking, he poured two glasses of wine and passed one to Abby.

The blanket slipped and pooled in her lap, exposing her breasts. She left it. A little late for modesty, she decided. Like a bizarre if inexact parody of the Manet painting, ‘Déjeuner sur l’herbe’, Abby sat nude while watching the fully clothed Damian, seemingly oblivious of the incongruity of the scene.

‘Thanks,’ she said after taking a sip.

Damian studied her intently until she was forced to look away, gazing at the wine she swirled in her glass.

‘You’re a remarkable woman. I’m impressed,’ said Damian.

Abby remained silent. Until recently, Abby’s idols, her pantheon of remarkable women, were those who had achieved great commercial success, who had crashed through glass ceilings and institutional sexism by outmuscling and outthinking their male counterparts. They weren’t women who allowed themselves to be trussed up, manhandled, and brought to gibbering orgasms. While these last few weeks and answering Damian’s challenges were remarkable for her, she laboured under the seemingly irreconcilable contradiction between her ideals and this new, unfathomable reality. The trouble was, she genuinely enjoyed the challenges she’d faced over the last few weeks. While achieving success provided intellectual satisfaction, there was no denying the rewards of Damian’s brand of stimulation.

Damian interrupted her thoughts. ‘You mentioned before that I was trying to break you — as in a horse.’

‘And you said the analogy was wrong.’

‘Partially. A lot of people think that horse breaking is a process of robbing the horse of its spirit until it is completely compliant and malleable, leaching it of what makes it vital and majestic.’

‘It isn’t?’

‘No. In reality, horse breaking involves training the horse so that it and the rider can work as a unit without one hurting the other.’

‘But the horse is still subordinate.’

‘What good would it be to the rider if it weren’t?’

Abby mulled it over for a while. ‘That’s the rub, I guess. Who’s the rider and who’s the horse?’

‘True. That’s the rub. We’re almost done for today. But first, I would like us to explore the nature of horses.’

* * *

George still couldn’t get over it. He could see the angry welts curling around the side of Britt’s buttocks. He had struck a woman. In fact, he’d enjoyed doing so. What’s more, she appeared to have enjoyed it as well.

It was a strange world in which he and Abby had landed.

Britt held up her manacled wrists. ‘Could you unlock me, please?’

George hurriedly complied and Britt rubbed where the unforgiving metal had chafed her.

‘Well, George, now you’ve gone and done it.’ She crossed her legs and leaned back on the bench, perching herself on her arms. The rings on her nipples glinted in the sunlight that streamed through the skylights. If she was self-conscious about her nudity, she hid it well. ‘How do you feel?’ asked Britt.

‘I should be asking you that.’

Britt cocked her head. ‘I’ll be okay, but I’m curious about you.’


‘Despite the fact that I gave you permission?’

George shrugged.

‘You have nothing to feel guilty about. I wanted you to do it.’

George wasn’t convinced.

Britt smiled. ‘Did you abuse me? Some might say that you did. As far as I’m concerned, absolutely not, and only I can judge. Don’t you think that it’s the height of arrogance for anyone else to judge? What happens in the bedroom between consenting adults is no one else’s business.’

‘But this isn’t normal.’

Britt laughed. ‘Why are you so worried about normal? If it’s normal for you, it’s normal. There’s no one else in your bedroom evaluating your actions against standards. You know, not too long, sodomy was a criminal offense. Now, it’s a part of the menu. Are you going to wait for lawyers to tell you it’s okay?’

Britt took his hand and placed it on her breast. ‘With consent, anything is possible.’

Her nipple grew hard beneath his palm.

Britt continued, ‘It’s something that has to be negotiated by the couple. It doesn’t work for everyone. It requires a special kind of man and an enormous level of trust. It works for me because I trust my partner implicitly. That and I find it enormously satisfying.’

George let his hand drop. ‘But we’re talking about Abby.’

‘I think you’d be surprised at what Abby is prepared to do.’

* * *

Abby was surprised to see that the bottle of wine was just about done. Damian had kept her own glass filled, and she couldn’t be sure whether Damian had drunk as much as she. She felt pleasantly mellow, content even.

‘Are you up for it?’ asked Damian.

‘Honestly, I’m exhausted,’ said Abby.

‘I won’t be placing any unreasonable physical demands on you.’

Abby closed her eyes and nodded.

Damian stood up and held out a hand. Abby took it, clutching the blanket at her breast. As he had earlier that morning, he asked her to strip. Stripping took little more than letting the blanket to fall to her feet. This time, Abby complied without hesitation, despite some misgivings that she might be subjected to the same treatment as before. Her immediate and unquestioning compliance didn’t surprise her any more. She asked only whether he planned to stress her as he had. There was only so much her body could stand.

‘No,’ said Damian. ‘We’ll take it easy.’

He approached her nude form. ‘You have quite the body.’

Abby blushed and shuffled her feet in the straw. ‘Thank you.’

He stepped behind her and placed his hands on either side of her neck and kneaded the muscles. A massage was the last thing she’d expected. She could feel the heat of him behind her as his fingers worked their magic. Between the wine and Damian’s hands on her, she found herself relaxing.

‘I don’t think you realize how much power you possess, even if you subordinate yourself to a man,’ he
said quietly, almost to himself.

Was Damian making a pass? Was he admitting to being aroused? And what was this about subordination?

His strong hands left her and he disappeared into a dark corner of the barn. She mulled over what he had just said – subordinating herself to a man. Before meeting Damian, the thought would have filled her with revulsion. Now less so, though the notion still made her uncomfortable.

Damian returned a moment later with a cardboard box.

‘More farm implements?’ asked Abby nervously.

Damian chuckled and reached into the box.

He removed what appeared to be a squat, black cylinder. Abby was curious in spite of herself. As he approached her, she recognized what it was. With a wink, he placed a tall, fur-lined leather collar around her neck and fastened a pair of buckles at the nape of her neck while she held her hair out of the way. The collar sat firmly on her shoulders and braced her chin, effectively keeping her head immobile and upright. A large ring dangled at the base of her throat.

He stood back and admired her. ‘Bend over,’ he commanded.

Abby furrowed her brow at Damian. ‘What are you going to do?’

‘Bend over and you’ll know. Trust me. This shouldn’t be too unpleasant,’ he said.

Trust him. The words rolled around in her head. How could she even entertain the thought of trusting someone who’d done the things to her that Damian had? Yet Damian could have had much more than he’d taken. In fact, he could have had taken just about anything and she doubted she would have wanted to stop him. Yet she could have stopped him with a word, a word that had remained unspoken.

Abby complied. Excited foreboding warred with anticipation. The collar forced her to keep her back straight as she bent at the waist.

Damian nudged her gently and she spread her legs. She grasped her ankles and closed her eyes, exposing herself to whatever Damian had in mind.

Abby felt his hands on her naked ass. He rubbed her for several moments and she sighed. The rubbing stopped and at length an object pressing against her anus. The object was cold and slippery. She thought it might have been the ball of the hook from earlier in the day, but soon noted that the object was tapered. She would only make it worse by fighting it, so she took a deep breath and forced her muscles to relax. She could feel more and more of the slippery length entering her. The object widened, stretching her almost to the point of discomfort when it suddenly narrowed, her anus closing around its base, hugging the object firmly within her ass. It wasn’t uncomfortable now that it was embedded within her, yet the sensation of a foreign object lodged within her rectum was definitely insistent.

Still holding her ankles, Abby opened her eyes and peeked between her legs and observed a cascade of what looked like hair dangling between her legs.

A tail?

Damian invited Abby to stand.

‘Um, I appear to have a tail,’ she said as the hair of the tail tickled the backs of her calves.

‘All this horse talk.’ He shrugged. ‘I’m sorry if it doesn’t quite match your hair, but I did my best.’

What could she say?

‘I have something else for you, Abby.’

‘I can’t wait,’ she said, but failed in the sarcasm. Her heart was racing, not in fear but in anticipation.

Damian presented her with a tangled mess of leather straps. ‘I know it doesn’t look like much now…’

He busied himself around her breasts. Her skin tingled at every accidental touch of her nipples as he untangled straps, draping a pair over the top of her breasts and another beneath. He fastened the straps behind her and tightened them. Her breasts seemed caught in a wedge of leather, held by a central metal ring at her sternum. She could feel him at the sides of her breasts, sliding something forward to narrow the straps, squeezing her breasts between them.

‘Beautiful,’ he said, admiring his handiwork. ‘Are you ready for a walk?’

‘A walk? As in outside?’

‘Outside is one of the best places for a walk. The fresh air, the woods…’

‘I can’t go outside like this,’ said Abby in growing panic.

‘Why not? We’re in the middle of nowhere.’

‘But what if someone sees me?’

‘They’ll be in for a treat, I guess. There’s no one. I promise.’ He clipped a lead to the ring of her collar. ‘Let’s go.’

Abby allowed herself to be walked to the open doors of the barn when she balked. ‘I can’t do this.’

Damian, standing in the sunshine, holding the lead, frowned. ‘I can’t believe that after all we’ve been through, this is where you draw the line.’

Abby looked from Damian to the path leading into the woods some hundred yards from the barn. ‘Can you cover me with the blanket until we get to the woods?’


Abby scrutinized the drive leading to the farmhouse and the windows that overlooked the barnyard. She could see nothing. She took a deep breath and then tentatively stepped into the sunlight. Damian turned and walked toward the path, leading Abby. She followed, almost overtaking Damian in her haste to reach the cover of the forest.

Damian and Abby walked along a cart path. Soon the path dove into a forest. Now that she was hidden from prying eyes, Abby found walking in the woods in the nude strangely liberating. Her tail tickled the backs of her thighs in time with the graceful movement of her legs and sway of her hips. She tried to keep to the grassy strip in the middle of the path to spare her feet the worst of the gravel.

The birds chirped unseen in the trees and for the moment, Abby forgot the unnaturalness of her position and listened to what Damian was saying.

‘…we have these magnificent bodies that are capable of giving and receiving inconceivable pleasure, coupled with limitless imagination that enables us to explore the boundaries of sensation. Yet most people willingly restrain themselves because of prudishness, fear, ego. And you think that what I did to you was bondage.’ Damian laughed. ‘People restrain themselves in more creative and permanent ways than I ever could.’

They walked in silence for several minutes.

‘So, how did you like the barn?’ asked Damian.

‘It was the most intense thing I’ve ever experienced,’ Abby admitted.

‘And you did it yourself. I merely set the stage.’

‘Great as it was, what’s the point of all this? In the context of healing my marriage, I mean.’

‘I’m surprised and disappointed that you have to ask. You’re a smart woman. You figure it out.’

Damian’s rebuff hurt, particularly since they seemed to have developed a kind of rapport, though Abby knew instinctively it wasn’t one of equals.

Okay, she was smart, particularly when it came to the binary logic — on and off, yes and no. But of late, Abby operated in an expanse of grey, where lines that had been respected forever vanished and re-established themselves in the distance. Damian had mentioned prudishness, fear, and ego. Did these apply to her? She thought for a moment and had to admit that they did. How might things have been different had she embraced the timid innovations George had introduced? How might they have been different had she encouraged him?

She remembered the early years of their marriage. Curiously, she’d never felt diminished, even on her knees before her husband, pleasuring him with her mouth. The giving of herself had occurred naturally, without any notion of reciprocity. She had revelled in her ability to stimulate George, to cross the line of her own comfort and accomplish something new. His loving gratitude was reward enough, though more often than not he’d upped the ante in his own way. What had happened?

Abby suddenly stopped when she heard someone whistling just around the bend in front of them. ‘What’s that?’

‘Sounds like the theme from the Andy Griffith Show.’

‘That’s not what I meant.’

‘My guess is that it’s Rodney,’ said Damian, tugging on the lead to keep Abby walking. ‘He’s the groundskeeper at the farm.’

‘We’ve got to hide.’

Damian laughed. ‘Don’t mind Rodney. He’s harmless.’

‘But look at me. I’m practically naked! And done up like a pony!’

‘Believe me, I’ve noticed.’

‘Please!’ Abby begged.

Damian shrugged as the whistling grew louder. He led her onto a game trail that intersected the path they were on. Abby begged him to hurry.

While Damian leaned against a tree with his arms crossed and a smile playing on his lips, Abby crouched behind some undergrowth. Ferns and grasses tickled the exposed flesh of her butt. She felt like a little animal, hiding from a predator. A man rounded the corner, dressed in a suit and a bowler hat. He carried a walking stick that he swung before him, more of a prop than anything, for it never quite touched the ground. He neared, seemingly oblivious to the two who watched his progress from just off the path, until he reached the point just opposite them. He turned his head toward them, or rather, toward Damian. In the suddenly unnatural silence of the forest, the man pointed to his eyes and then to Damian. His malevolent smile made Abby shudder. With a nod, the man sauntered down the path and out of sight.

There was a menace about this man that contrasted with his almost comical costume.

Abby heard the hissing intake of breath behind her and she turned in time to see an unearthly shimmering around Damian, as though waves of heat disturbed the air around him. She’d almost forgotten what he was.

After a minute, the whistling dwindled to nothing, replaced by the tentative sounds of the forest.

‘Who was that?’ she asked. Abby was angry. She turned to him, ready to launch into a tirade regarding his promise, now broken, that they were alone, that her vulnerability would be shared by no one but him. But Damian’s own face was a study of fury. Lines etched his countenance and his eyes blazed under a furrowed brow. Beneath his anger roiled another emotion. Fear. ‘Rosier,’ growled Damian.

It was Damian’s fear that robbed her of her angry denunciation of him and his empty promises. ‘Who is?’

He cut her off with an impatient motion of his hand. They emerged once again onto the forest path. The light slanted at a sharp angle through the trees, casting long shadows across the path. He stood in the middle of the path, looking the way Rosier had gone. There was wariness about Damian now, a tenseness that caused the muscles in his jaw to twitch.

Finally he took a deep breath and by force of will, it seemed to Abby, relaxed somewhat. ‘Let’s go,’ he said quietly.

Damian allowed the lead to dangle from the collar Abby wore and took her hand instead. The contact was comforting, and Abby wondered who was comforting whom.

They continued walking, dapples of light playing across Britt’s skin.

‘I guess it’s working,’ ventured Abby, wanting to get Damian’s mind off the unwanted apparition that had so disturbed him.

‘What is?’

‘Your attempts at lowering my resistance,’ said Abby.

‘The evidence would appear to support your statement.’

They continued in a strangely companionable silence. She’d already forgiven Damian for his broken promise, it was obvious that the man’s presence had been as unexpected for him as it had been for her.

As the distance between them and the strange man grew, Abby immersed herself in the enjoyment of this simple walk. Abby had never been so attuned to her body. The collar forced her to stand erect when she would have preferred to curl in on herself to hide her nudity. She felt the sway of her breasts, the plug within her and the tail that brushed the backs of her legs with every step. She felt the breeze between her legs and the hand that held Damian’s. And she felt the freedom.

* * *

George turned at the sound of Abby and Damian entering the old farmhouse. Damian paused in the doorway to the living room.

Abby entered behind Damian, as though wanting to hide behind him for as long as possible.

‘Hi you two,’ said Britt brightly. ‘George and I were wondering what kept you.’

‘Just a short stroll,’ said Damian. ‘We ran into Rosier…’

Had either Abby or George been looking, they would have noticed the sudden pallor of Britt’s face and the look of alarm that passed between her and Damian.

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 49 Cleaning up the mess

"Thanks, I'll try." A bubble of awareness must have traveled ahead of me, for the streets were clear well in advance of my presence. Doors slammed, windows shuttered and people fled. I disregarded it. I had to. Covered in blood, I stormed down the street to that house. I would worry about my appearance after I did what needed to be done. Four of the local soldiers saw me at a cross street and fled. I'd worry about the guardsmen later. That house came first. Both pieces of the soldier...

3 years ago
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The Chase

The Chase (c) 2005 by Nom de Plume I checked the contents of my purse one last time: lipstick, compact, some bobby pins, Altoids, tissues, hairbrush, cell phone, wallet, room key, car key, cigarettes and lighter. I added the case for the sunglasses, which were gaily perched on top of my head. With that, I took a deep breath, and after a final glance at my hair and makeup in the mirror on the closet door, I opened the door to my hotel room and stepped out into the hall. It was...

2 years ago
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Sukanya And Me From My Perspective

It all started on the fateful evening 20 years ago. I was minding my own business and walking down the road at 7:30pm. I was a very quite, thin teenager of 16 years, just finished my 10th and looking forward to college. I was about 5’7” weighing around 58 kgs, brown eyes, black hair and a thin just sprouting mustache. I had never shaved my face before, so there was a thin beard also. I was always a very clean kid and made sure that I was always presentable. I did not have any friends as such,...

2 years ago
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My first Crossdresser Part Three

Harrah's was crowded, loud, and bright. She walked in front of me, holding my hand and leading us through the maze of people. I didn't mind being led because I could watch her walk, her ass and legs were as sexy as any I've ever seen. We made it through Harrah's, lurched onto the street and into the cool night air. The sidewalk was crowded still, but now we could walk side by side, hand in hand. I could hear giggles and whispered comments as we passed other pedestrians, but I didn't care. We...

3 years ago
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Converts to BBC

I've been married to my lovely wife Cindy for 30 years. We've had a very happy marriage, if rather unusual. Or at least most people would think it unusual, if they knew the real story. Fortunately for our family and friends, on the surface our life has been quite conventional-a nice house in the suburbs, two c***dren, two cars and a cat. Indeed, we might be the typical 50 something couple, which we are, except for our sexual tastes. But let me begin at the beginning.Cindy and I met at a college...

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Marwari Aunty ki Choot

Usraat soote waqt jab main muth marneki socha to achanak se “aunty’s” ko soch kar muth marne laga ….. maza aata tha.”aunti” k mote-mote,rasile aamon ko dekh kar mere lund ki pyass bekabu ho jaati thi.unki bhari hui “gaand” main apna lund ghusane ka bahut mann karta tha … Do din baad maine unko phone kiya to unhone kaha ki dicide nahin kiya baad main batayeegi.. 1 hapte baad main fir sa call kiya to unhone kaha thik hai 2 din baad phone kar ka aane kaliye boli..Fir main usdin unke call...

2 years ago
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My Lil Slut Wife Her Sisters Hubby

Introduction: Charlie enjoys my young wife My wife is even better when shes been bad. Even though I still wrestle with it, pride etc&hellip, I cant deny that shes more than I can handle sometimes and sharing her in different ways is exciting. Hearing about her with other men allows me to go longer because of the distraction it causes. Would you be cumming as your wife described how so and so screwed her really long and hard or would you wanna fuck the shit out of her? Wouldnt you want to show...

1 year ago
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A night of pure sexual bliss

The office was quiet at this time because only three women worked the late shift, and they were in separate offices.Sometimes the owner of the company stayed around to complete his business transactions. Anna, her roommate also worked the late shift and her office was on the opposite side of the hall. Danni could see her through the glass doors and as she surfed through the illicit videos she could not help lusting over her hot friend. Too bad you aren’t bi, she thought as she tried to...

1 year ago
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Fucking my cute petite classmate

hello everyone i am boy. i get always horny when i see girls private parts. in my class there is a girl looks so cute has a nice body private parts when i see her boobs and ass i can't control myself. Some times at home i masturbate thinking herself. she looks so cute and has a curvy body. One day she went to college toilet in the middle of class. I just got myself went out of the class silently without asking teacher permission. It was really a nervous moment to get out of the class any how i...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 10 Hes BAAAACCCKKKK

September 23, 1995, San Diego, California I had, once again, managed to get myself into one of those situations, and it was purely my fault. I KNEW it would happen when I agreed to play chess with her, and yet I had still invited Meredith back to the hotel, or, rather, accepted her invitation to come to the hotel. Bethany would tell me that subconsciously I WANTED to play ‘strip chess’ with Meredith, complete with the rewards for winning, and I was pretty sure Bethany would be right. Of...

3 years ago
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Lived My Fantasy That Rainy Night

Hi Everyone. I hope you all are fine and enjoying this lockdown period. Thank you, everyone, who have read my previous stories and gave their wonderful comments. Today I am going to share one of the most memorable moments of my life when I lived my fantasy. As I told in my previous stories, that I live in Gurgaon. So It was Friday night. Just like any other weekend was about to start. My 6 months of live-in relationship with my love, Bhawna, have been brilliant. We saw each other changing a lot...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Casey The Right Touch

Wearing just a necktie, Casey is a luscious picture who can’t keep her hands off her buxom body. Her titties are a delight as she hefts their weight, and her meaty fuck hole is already set as she starts rubbing her clit. Splayed out, she masturbates for Jason X. to show him just how she likes it. When Casey finally invites him to join her, Jason starts by squeezing that ass and then pulling her in close with the necktie. He shoves his finger into her mouth to suck, then lets Casey drag...

3 years ago
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The PhotoChapter 2

Siobhan sent Mike back to his room with a warm (but not passionate) thank you kiss on the lips. He navigated there on auto-pilot, performed his usual bedtime routine and got himself into bed, all in a daze; partly due to his lack of sleep the previous night, but mainly due to the emotional overload of a day spent in Siobhan’s company, rounded off with that kiss. A good night’s sleep and the challenge of getting Siobhan away without alerting the media focussed his problem-solving abilities and...

4 years ago
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More Than Cosmetic

The light pouring through the window was strange, Margaret thought sleepily, then realised why: surely it was too yellow, to bright to be natural? It trickled through the blinds like liquid gold and pooled lazily on the tiled floor. Who would melt so much gold, just so they could pour it into her room? Would it burn her if she tried to get out of bed? On the other hand, the thought of climbing from her warm, comfortable bed was so unappealing that the thought of being trapped in bed was almost...

2 years ago
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UniversityChapter 47

Though classes weren't officially in session, I had reading to be done. I was involved in an excessively arid tome concerning Evidence when my dad called on Sunday. They were arriving on Wednesday and would be staying at the Intercontinental for a week. I told him I was duly impressed and that we hoped to see them during their search for a suitable residence. He told me that sarcasm wasn't becoming. I said we'd see them and that I was going back to reading a text on evidence. He told me to...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Came True

Hi ISS readers and it’s me Charlie back with surprisingly unexpected erotic encounter briefly myself 6 feet horny handsomely built hunk with Asian fair looks and after posting previous story of my real time experience with Raj I got plenty of mails asking me to hook up. Well I was going through some very good looking guys with their pictures attached, but I made up my mind and reserved my ass only for Raj though there is no chance of regaining him One morning as usual I was going through my...

Gay Male
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Rogues Story Part One The Awakening

Rogues Story – Part One -The Awakening This story couldn’t have been written without one man, you know who you are! She quickly turns the ornate gold tap in the opulent ladies room of the country house, and grabs a handful of paper towels that were neatly placed next to the expensive hand creams and lotions, she begins to dab the red wine stain on her new cream evening dress. “This isn’t going to come out, that stupid oaf of a man.” She wishes she could have let loose and tell him what she...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the SdrenChapter 5

Dammit! How could Catherine let things get so far!? She had remained talking like a valley girl for a few hours after leaving Chad’s place. In that time, she had taken at least 10 selfies for Instagram, judged the appearance of everyone she passed, and had bought a few new outfits for her to wear for Rush week. She had thought it was weird that Sai was calling her “Catherine”, but that wasn’t what ultimately snapped her out of it. It was when she sat down to do her homework, having...

3 years ago
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One Night in Nome

Ben stumbled out of the house. He barely had any sleep. It was close to 2 am when he was awaken by the commotion in his backyard. The dogs just kept barking like mad. He strode purposely towards his dog pen. His animals continued to bark even after he verbally warned them. That usually would do the trick. However, this time something was making his animals insistent. His dogs were barking constantly. And that was a minor understatement. What he thought was just them blowing off some steam was...

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Lynn and Jake

Lynn and Jakeby Jena121© This is the story of a Father and Daughter who had been separated for a many years. Lynn had been bought up in a very wealthy home with her Mother, and she had since married and eventually divorced. She had been looking for her Father for a number of years; her mother wouldn't tell her where he was or why he had disappeared. She decided on doing her own investigation. She hadn't been able to trace him, but now was about to discover him. The feelings are all genuine and...

2 years ago
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Srducing A Straight Male Part 2

Joe actually showed up! I was wearing a small, tight, blue bathing suit. He's 2 years older than me, strong, hot kind of guy! I invited him in, and opened a six pack while he changed. I didn't bother to take a peek because I knew I'd fuck the cum out of him in a bit...He came back in a red speedo (Its like he was begging me to fuck him!) He started talking about life and how his pool buisness was going. This went on for a while till I asked him if he had a girlfriend. He quickly said no, and...

4 years ago
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The Last Man On Earth

On one hand, you sort of expected that being the last man on Earth would make you the de facto ruler. In some sense, this was true; your word is essentially law inside the Breeding Complex. In another sense it was not true: you are very much a prisoner here. The survival and propagation of the human species depends on your safety; you would never really be allowed to leave. But of course, why would you want to? By now, the Breeding Complex was large enough that it should really be called the...

3 years ago
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The Boy Who Lived Down The StreetPart four

Introduction: Again I apprciate the comments it help inspire me to right more. I hope you like part four, I am barely starting part five, their are still two more parts maybe three. I hope you like this part. Thanks. She felt the hot sun burning her skin, she opened her eyes and waited for them to adjust. She felt a hot body up against her back, Jake was in her bed, his arm around her protectively as they spooned each other. She felt his hot breath against the back of her neck, making her...

3 years ago
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A French Girl In The Elevator In Toronto

It all started when I moved to a new apartment near my college in Toronto. I and my roommates were moving in our furniture early morning around 7 a.m. As we were waiting for the elevator to open, a Caucasian girl in her early 20s’ came out of the elevator in her gym gear. As she was leaving the elevator, there was a moment where I looked at her and she looked at me and there was some kind of connection already. Gradually time passed and I forgot about her. The building I stay in has 35 floors...

1 year ago
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Factory 1

***story of a 28 year old single man -John, after his abduction.* *** Part 1, the beginning. I slowly opened my eyes. Where the fuck am I ? I had been stripped naked. I was in a cold steel room with only a door with a small barred window near the upper middle area. I must be in prison for something? I’m not a terrorist or anything, what could it be? I go over to the door and try to look out through the bars. I cant see much. it’s a very tall door. Its pretty quiet, although it sounds like I can...

Erotic Fiction
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My Sister Tormentor Part Nine

A comment from the author before we begin. I had meant for this to be one of two interchangeable endings to this story. The "theatrical cut" if you will chosen because I have a feeling it would go over better, given some of the comments on other parts of this series. I had intended to do a ""director's cut" with the ending I had initially envisioned, but in writing this chapter I found it surprisingly so satisfying to me, that the ending I had intended now feels false so there will be...

1 year ago
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The Womanless Beauty Pageant Part 4 of 11

The Womanless Beauty Pageant - Part 4 of 11 The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby. As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community. The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written. The second is...

3 years ago
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I am driving from Portland to Seattle when a glance at the fuel gauge indicated that it was time to fill up as soon as possible. I guess time had just slipped away from me on the drive. It was now a dark and lonely night! About ten minutes later, I see the sign up ahead of a gas station. I pull in, get out and start the gas going in the tank. A car pulls in and stops on the pump next to mine. The driver got out. My heart skipped a beat.He was absolutely gorgeous. Tall and lean. Thick...

2 years ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 22 Very Pregnantly Yours

Two days later everything had been crated and trucked to Sir Willy's ancestral estate. To allay the suspicion of any hostile observers we covered the artifacts with canvas and sent them by semi down the road. The bills of lading listed them as machinery to be dismantled for salvage. Just by looking at them no one would give them a second glance. Their dull gray exterior and oblong shapes suggested nothing more than things, stuff of no interest. We planned to wait a few days and then send...

1 year ago
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Jaks stories physical exam

Once we got home my anus and penis started to hurt. He had hit my pwnis a couple times and even nit it when it was in his mouth. But my snu hurt so bad!!! And my abbs started to hurt too. Before I hopped in the shower, I called my dad over to my room. “What is it Jakky?” “Well…. Uhm…..can you check something out for me.?” “Oh? Of course” he looked surprised that I was asking him about something sexual, I never had before. I just took off all my clothes in my room with the door open and...

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Its For the Best

Vacationing on the beach at the Jersey Shore my wife and I were having a deep discussion about our relationship and how we can improve our lackluster sex life. It was difficult to speak about it because a guy never wants to think he is less than perfect for his wife or girlfriend. My wife Dani, short for Danielle, has an amazing body and she knows it. She also knows that when she wears provocative clothing that she draws lots of attention from other guys and she also knows that when...

2 years ago
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Your sister is 19 years old and a sophomore in college. She is very athletic and plays on the woman's volleyball team at D1 level. The volleyball has given her a really nice butt and a overall athletic body. She also has a nice pair of tits, you sometimes wonder if they don't slow her down. Even tough she plays volleyball, she's not very tall, only standing a 5'4". If that wasn't enough she also has a really cute face with the most beautiful blue eyes ever seen and nice brown hair that she...

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I Meet an Influential Couple

Lillian became a regular member of our family, by that I mean she, Catherine and Mrs. McDonald and I became regular intimate friends. What I loved about our friendship, she opened a lot of doors for me into the upper classes of society. I may have been what a lot of people would call a slut, but I was not stupid. I’ve always been attracted to money and nice things, Catherine was the first. We first met in the restaurant where I worked, she was a generous tipper so I’d give her special...

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A Wonderful Night

I had gone out with my husband, and it was supposed to be a night of fun and partying and dancing. We had dinner at a nice club, celebrating our delayed 5th anniversary, and the Italian food was great. Then we hit a bar a few doors down we used to go to, and I sat on his lap as we enjoyed a few drinks. Then an Uber, and a ride to a club that had just opened up.I had on a short red dress I had gotten just for the occasion. The plan was to enjoy ourselves and have a great night, then go home and...

2 years ago
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My First Night With Hannah

I was a Senior in highschool. I played center and defensive tackle on the football team. After football season, I was on the wrestling team. Even though I’m on the big side, I’m not fat, toned muscle with a nice physique, I was in my prime at 6’ 3” with dark hair and dark eyes. Hannah, the girl I’d been eyeing since Sophomore year, was even more beautiful that when I had first met her. She was tall compared to most girls I knew, 5’ 9” with long brown hair, beautiful...

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Seal the DealChapter 4

The scooters required some minimal service because we had been a bit rough with them yesterday. There was nothing seriously wrong, but the track did need some adjustment because we had hit some tree roots a bit harder than was prudent. Hopefully, we will do a better job of driving today. Today was something of a repeat of yesterday in that we were going to check out the rest of the registered campers to make sure they had made it through the night in good shape. If we had time, we were also...

4 years ago
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Eine Busfahrt zur Uni

Lutz war unglaublich müde. Es war auch erst kurz nach 7 Uhr morgens. Die S-Bahn hatte Verspätung und nun musste er sich wieder in diesen total überfüllten Bus quetschen. Aber er wollte natürlich pünktlich in der Uni sein. Seine blonde mittellange Mähne war noch etwas zerzaust. Sein Rucksack hing lässig über der Schulter. Er trug heute die schwarze Lederjacke und Jeans. Insgesamt war er keine allzu auffällige Erscheinung, aber alles in allem konnten Frauen durch seinen Anblick durchaus schwach...

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