Brotherly Love
- 4 years ago
- 30
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With their marriage on the rocks, Abby and George turn to a most unlikely source for help. Unbeknownst to George, Abby has agreed to let the incubus, Damian, and his mate, Britt, act as marriage counsellors.
Following a morning of bondage at the hands of Damian, Abby discovers a newfound sense of freedom.
Abby awoke some time later, disoriented and stiff. She took in the rough wood of the horse stall around her and the straw on the floor. After a moment of confusion, the episode with Damian came back to her — of having been bound in the barn, wrists tied behind her back and raised uncomfortably while Damian had done his work.
How long had she been sleeping? She stood in the stall and groaned as she straightened her back. Judging by the slant of the light on the floor of the barn, perhaps no longer than an hour.
Her shoulders especially were stiff and sore. Her privates tingled. Her thoughts chased each other within her head. Thoughts of the humiliation of bondage followed by thoughts of the shameful yet blessed violence of her release. Her body had betrayed her yet again, responding in quivering pleasure to the very things from which her intellect recoiled.
She was completely nude and wondered what she should do. A quick scan of the stall and interior of the barn revealed that her clothing had been removed. She could wrap the blanket around herself and seek out George. Unfortunately, she’d have some explaining to do. Or she could remain in the barn and wait for what came next.
In the end, Abby decided on the latter. She wound the blanket around her and tucked in a corner at her breasts. She sat on the straw, leaned against the wall of the barn and resolved to wait.
A few minutes later, the barn door opened and Damian appeared, carrying a bottle of wine and two long-stemmed glasses. He entered the stall and sat on the dusty floor opposite Abby. Without speaking, he poured two glasses of wine and passed one to Abby.
The blanket slipped and pooled in her lap, exposing her breasts. She left it. A little late for modesty, she decided. Like a bizarre if inexact parody of the Manet painting, ‘Déjeuner sur l’herbe’, Abby sat nude while watching the fully clothed Damian, seemingly oblivious of the incongruity of the scene.
‘Thanks,’ she said after taking a sip.
Damian studied her intently until she was forced to look away, gazing at the wine she swirled in her glass.
‘You’re a remarkable woman. I’m impressed,’ said Damian.
Abby remained silent. Until recently, Abby’s idols, her pantheon of remarkable women, were those who had achieved great commercial success, who had crashed through glass ceilings and institutional sexism by outmuscling and outthinking their male counterparts. They weren’t women who allowed themselves to be trussed up, manhandled, and brought to gibbering orgasms. While these last few weeks and answering Damian’s challenges were remarkable for her, she laboured under the seemingly irreconcilable contradiction between her ideals and this new, unfathomable reality. The trouble was, she genuinely enjoyed the challenges she’d faced over the last few weeks. While achieving success provided intellectual satisfaction, there was no denying the rewards of Damian’s brand of stimulation.
Damian interrupted her thoughts. ‘You mentioned before that I was trying to break you — as in a horse.’
‘And you said the analogy was wrong.’
‘Partially. A lot of people think that horse breaking is a process of robbing the horse of its spirit until it is completely compliant and malleable, leaching it of what makes it vital and majestic.’
‘It isn’t?’
‘No. In reality, horse breaking involves training the horse so that it and the rider can work as a unit without one hurting the other.’
‘But the horse is still subordinate.’
‘What good would it be to the rider if it weren’t?’
Abby mulled it over for a while. ‘That’s the rub, I guess. Who’s the rider and who’s the horse?’
‘True. That’s the rub. We’re almost done for today. But first, I would like us to explore the nature of horses.’
* * *
George still couldn’t get over it. He could see the angry welts curling around the side of Britt’s buttocks. He had struck a woman. In fact, he’d enjoyed doing so. What’s more, she appeared to have enjoyed it as well.
It was a strange world in which he and Abby had landed.
Britt held up her manacled wrists. ‘Could you unlock me, please?’
George hurriedly complied and Britt rubbed where the unforgiving metal had chafed her.
‘Well, George, now you’ve gone and done it.’ She crossed her legs and leaned back on the bench, perching herself on her arms. The rings on her nipples glinted in the sunlight that streamed through the skylights. If she was self-conscious about her nudity, she hid it well. ‘How do you feel?’ asked Britt.
‘I should be asking you that.’
Britt cocked her head. ‘I’ll be okay, but I’m curious about you.’
‘Despite the fact that I gave you permission?’
George shrugged.
‘You have nothing to feel guilty about. I wanted you to do it.’
George wasn’t convinced.
Britt smiled. ‘Did you abuse me? Some might say that you did. As far as I’m concerned, absolutely not, and only I can judge. Don’t you think that it’s the height of arrogance for anyone else to judge? What happens in the bedroom between consenting adults is no one else’s business.’
‘But this isn’t normal.’
Britt laughed. ‘Why are you so worried about normal? If it’s normal for you, it’s normal. There’s no one else in your bedroom evaluating your actions against standards. You know, not too long, sodomy was a criminal offense. Now, it’s a part of the menu. Are you going to wait for lawyers to tell you it’s okay?’
Britt took his hand and placed it on her breast. ‘With consent, anything is possible.’
Her nipple grew hard beneath his palm.
Britt continued, ‘It’s something that has to be negotiated by the couple. It doesn’t work for everyone. It requires a special kind of man and an enormous level of trust. It works for me because I trust my partner implicitly. That and I find it enormously satisfying.’
George let his hand drop. ‘But we’re talking about Abby.’
‘I think you’d be surprised at what Abby is prepared to do.’
* * *
Abby was surprised to see that the bottle of wine was just about done. Damian had kept her own glass filled, and she couldn’t be sure whether Damian had drunk as much as she. She felt pleasantly mellow, content even.
‘Are you up for it?’ asked Damian.
‘Honestly, I’m exhausted,’ said Abby.
‘I won’t be placing any unreasonable physical demands on you.’
Abby closed her eyes and nodded.
Damian stood up and held out a hand. Abby took it, clutching the blanket at her breast. As he had earlier that morning, he asked her to strip. Stripping took little more than letting the blanket to fall to her feet. This time, Abby complied without hesitation, despite some misgivings that she might be subjected to the same treatment as before. Her immediate and unquestioning compliance didn’t surprise her any more. She asked only whether he planned to stress her as he had. There was only so much her body could stand.
‘No,’ said Damian. ‘We’ll take it easy.’
He approached her nude form. ‘You have quite the body.’
Abby blushed and shuffled her feet in the straw. ‘Thank you.’
He stepped behind her and placed his hands on either side of her neck and kneaded the muscles. A massage was the last thing she’d expected. She could feel the heat of him behind her as his fingers worked their magic. Between the wine and Damian’s hands on her, she found herself relaxing.
‘I don’t think you realize how much power you possess, even if you subordinate yourself to a man,’ he
said quietly, almost to himself.
Was Damian making a pass? Was he admitting to being aroused? And what was this about subordination?
His strong hands left her and he disappeared into a dark corner of the barn. She mulled over what he had just said – subordinating herself to a man. Before meeting Damian, the thought would have filled her with revulsion. Now less so, though the notion still made her uncomfortable.
Damian returned a moment later with a cardboard box.
‘More farm implements?’ asked Abby nervously.
Damian chuckled and reached into the box.
He removed what appeared to be a squat, black cylinder. Abby was curious in spite of herself. As he approached her, she recognized what it was. With a wink, he placed a tall, fur-lined leather collar around her neck and fastened a pair of buckles at the nape of her neck while she held her hair out of the way. The collar sat firmly on her shoulders and braced her chin, effectively keeping her head immobile and upright. A large ring dangled at the base of her throat.
He stood back and admired her. ‘Bend over,’ he commanded.
Abby furrowed her brow at Damian. ‘What are you going to do?’
‘Bend over and you’ll know. Trust me. This shouldn’t be too unpleasant,’ he said.
Trust him. The words rolled around in her head. How could she even entertain the thought of trusting someone who’d done the things to her that Damian had? Yet Damian could have had much more than he’d taken. In fact, he could have had taken just about anything and she doubted she would have wanted to stop him. Yet she could have stopped him with a word, a word that had remained unspoken.
Abby complied. Excited foreboding warred with anticipation. The collar forced her to keep her back straight as she bent at the waist.
Damian nudged her gently and she spread her legs. She grasped her ankles and closed her eyes, exposing herself to whatever Damian had in mind.
Abby felt his hands on her naked ass. He rubbed her for several moments and she sighed. The rubbing stopped and at length an object pressing against her anus. The object was cold and slippery. She thought it might have been the ball of the hook from earlier in the day, but soon noted that the object was tapered. She would only make it worse by fighting it, so she took a deep breath and forced her muscles to relax. She could feel more and more of the slippery length entering her. The object widened, stretching her almost to the point of discomfort when it suddenly narrowed, her anus closing around its base, hugging the object firmly within her ass. It wasn’t uncomfortable now that it was embedded within her, yet the sensation of a foreign object lodged within her rectum was definitely insistent.
Still holding her ankles, Abby opened her eyes and peeked between her legs and observed a cascade of what looked like hair dangling between her legs.
A tail?
Damian invited Abby to stand.
‘Um, I appear to have a tail,’ she said as the hair of the tail tickled the backs of her calves.
‘All this horse talk.’ He shrugged. ‘I’m sorry if it doesn’t quite match your hair, but I did my best.’
What could she say?
‘I have something else for you, Abby.’
‘I can’t wait,’ she said, but failed in the sarcasm. Her heart was racing, not in fear but in anticipation.
Damian presented her with a tangled mess of leather straps. ‘I know it doesn’t look like much now…’
He busied himself around her breasts. Her skin tingled at every accidental touch of her nipples as he untangled straps, draping a pair over the top of her breasts and another beneath. He fastened the straps behind her and tightened them. Her breasts seemed caught in a wedge of leather, held by a central metal ring at her sternum. She could feel him at the sides of her breasts, sliding something forward to narrow the straps, squeezing her breasts between them.
‘Beautiful,’ he said, admiring his handiwork. ‘Are you ready for a walk?’
‘A walk? As in outside?’
‘Outside is one of the best places for a walk. The fresh air, the woods…’
‘I can’t go outside like this,’ said Abby in growing panic.
‘Why not? We’re in the middle of nowhere.’
‘But what if someone sees me?’
‘They’ll be in for a treat, I guess. There’s no one. I promise.’ He clipped a lead to the ring of her collar. ‘Let’s go.’
Abby allowed herself to be walked to the open doors of the barn when she balked. ‘I can’t do this.’
Damian, standing in the sunshine, holding the lead, frowned. ‘I can’t believe that after all we’ve been through, this is where you draw the line.’
Abby looked from Damian to the path leading into the woods some hundred yards from the barn. ‘Can you cover me with the blanket until we get to the woods?’
Abby scrutinized the drive leading to the farmhouse and the windows that overlooked the barnyard. She could see nothing. She took a deep breath and then tentatively stepped into the sunlight. Damian turned and walked toward the path, leading Abby. She followed, almost overtaking Damian in her haste to reach the cover of the forest.
Damian and Abby walked along a cart path. Soon the path dove into a forest. Now that she was hidden from prying eyes, Abby found walking in the woods in the nude strangely liberating. Her tail tickled the backs of her thighs in time with the graceful movement of her legs and sway of her hips. She tried to keep to the grassy strip in the middle of the path to spare her feet the worst of the gravel.
The birds chirped unseen in the trees and for the moment, Abby forgot the unnaturalness of her position and listened to what Damian was saying.
‘…we have these magnificent bodies that are capable of giving and receiving inconceivable pleasure, coupled with limitless imagination that enables us to explore the boundaries of sensation. Yet most people willingly restrain themselves because of prudishness, fear, ego. And you think that what I did to you was bondage.’ Damian laughed. ‘People restrain themselves in more creative and permanent ways than I ever could.’
They walked in silence for several minutes.
‘So, how did you like the barn?’ asked Damian.
‘It was the most intense thing I’ve ever experienced,’ Abby admitted.
‘And you did it yourself. I merely set the stage.’
‘Great as it was, what’s the point of all this? In the context of healing my marriage, I mean.’
‘I’m surprised and disappointed that you have to ask. You’re a smart woman. You figure it out.’
Damian’s rebuff hurt, particularly since they seemed to have developed a kind of rapport, though Abby knew instinctively it wasn’t one of equals.
Okay, she was smart, particularly when it came to the binary logic — on and off, yes and no. But of late, Abby operated in an expanse of grey, where lines that had been respected forever vanished and re-established themselves in the distance. Damian had mentioned prudishness, fear, and ego. Did these apply to her? She thought for a moment and had to admit that they did. How might things have been different had she embraced the timid innovations George had introduced? How might they have been different had she encouraged him?
She remembered the early years of their marriage. Curiously, she’d never felt diminished, even on her knees before her husband, pleasuring him with her mouth. The giving of herself had occurred naturally, without any notion of reciprocity. She had revelled in her ability to stimulate George, to cross the line of her own comfort and accomplish something new. His loving gratitude was reward enough, though more often than not he’d upped the ante in his own way. What had happened?
Abby suddenly stopped when she heard someone whistling just around the bend in front of them. ‘What’s that?’
‘Sounds like the theme from the Andy Griffith Show.’
‘That’s not what I meant.’
‘My guess is that it’s Rodney,’ said Damian, tugging on the lead to keep Abby walking. ‘He’s the groundskeeper at the farm.’
‘We’ve got to hide.’
Damian laughed. ‘Don’t mind Rodney. He’s harmless.’
‘But look at me. I’m practically naked! And done up like a pony!’
‘Believe me, I’ve noticed.’
‘Please!’ Abby begged.
Damian shrugged as the whistling grew louder. He led her onto a game trail that intersected the path they were on. Abby begged him to hurry.
While Damian leaned against a tree with his arms crossed and a smile playing on his lips, Abby crouched behind some undergrowth. Ferns and grasses tickled the exposed flesh of her butt. She felt like a little animal, hiding from a predator. A man rounded the corner, dressed in a suit and a bowler hat. He carried a walking stick that he swung before him, more of a prop than anything, for it never quite touched the ground. He neared, seemingly oblivious to the two who watched his progress from just off the path, until he reached the point just opposite them. He turned his head toward them, or rather, toward Damian. In the suddenly unnatural silence of the forest, the man pointed to his eyes and then to Damian. His malevolent smile made Abby shudder. With a nod, the man sauntered down the path and out of sight.
There was a menace about this man that contrasted with his almost comical costume.
Abby heard the hissing intake of breath behind her and she turned in time to see an unearthly shimmering around Damian, as though waves of heat disturbed the air around him. She’d almost forgotten what he was.
After a minute, the whistling dwindled to nothing, replaced by the tentative sounds of the forest.
‘Who was that?’ she asked. Abby was angry. She turned to him, ready to launch into a tirade regarding his promise, now broken, that they were alone, that her vulnerability would be shared by no one but him. But Damian’s own face was a study of fury. Lines etched his countenance and his eyes blazed under a furrowed brow. Beneath his anger roiled another emotion. Fear. ‘Rosier,’ growled Damian.
It was Damian’s fear that robbed her of her angry denunciation of him and his empty promises. ‘Who is?’
He cut her off with an impatient motion of his hand. They emerged once again onto the forest path. The light slanted at a sharp angle through the trees, casting long shadows across the path. He stood in the middle of the path, looking the way Rosier had gone. There was wariness about Damian now, a tenseness that caused the muscles in his jaw to twitch.
Finally he took a deep breath and by force of will, it seemed to Abby, relaxed somewhat. ‘Let’s go,’ he said quietly.
Damian allowed the lead to dangle from the collar Abby wore and took her hand instead. The contact was comforting, and Abby wondered who was comforting whom.
They continued walking, dapples of light playing across Britt’s skin.
‘I guess it’s working,’ ventured Abby, wanting to get Damian’s mind off the unwanted apparition that had so disturbed him.
‘What is?’
‘Your attempts at lowering my resistance,’ said Abby.
‘The evidence would appear to support your statement.’
They continued in a strangely companionable silence. She’d already forgiven Damian for his broken promise, it was obvious that the man’s presence had been as unexpected for him as it had been for her.
As the distance between them and the strange man grew, Abby immersed herself in the enjoyment of this simple walk. Abby had never been so attuned to her body. The collar forced her to stand erect when she would have preferred to curl in on herself to hide her nudity. She felt the sway of her breasts, the plug within her and the tail that brushed the backs of her legs with every step. She felt the breeze between her legs and the hand that held Damian’s. And she felt the freedom.
* * *
George turned at the sound of Abby and Damian entering the old farmhouse. Damian paused in the doorway to the living room.
Abby entered behind Damian, as though wanting to hide behind him for as long as possible.
‘Hi you two,’ said Britt brightly. ‘George and I were wondering what kept you.’
‘Just a short stroll,’ said Damian. ‘We ran into Rosier…’
Had either Abby or George been looking, they would have noticed the sudden pallor of Britt’s face and the look of alarm that passed between her and Damian.
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Mo nan sarita das mate 38 age heba mora gotie pua achhi nan bitu taku ebe 16 barsha 100 re padhhuchhi.dine mun ta room re pasijiba time re dekhili se ta pc re gote blue film dekhuchhi.trouser ku kholi dei hatare ta banda ta ku dhari bhari jor re upara tala karuthila mun jhat se dekhi tike pati kari deli are bitu eei kan karuchhu ?sethu se pura darigala aau bed cover ku nei ta ku gudei hei padila but ta bhitare mun ta banda ku dekhi sarithili.ta banda ta praya 7 inch heba aau mota 3 inch. mun...
You remember when we were kids in school, and our teachers would ask us what we wanted to be? We were asked every few years, and our answers would always change. I guess it’s not the same for everyone though, for me I never really knew what I wanted to be. I always did well in school, and could even gone to college, except that isn’t what I wanted to do. I’ve always been a people pleaser, but mostly I liked to please myself. When I lost my virginity at sixteen, I was addicted to it. I took...
Journal One 7/7/16 It's a funny thing, really. I used to be one of those shy and reserved girls during my freshman and sophomore years in high school. I had a close group of friends and everything, but I was never known as the most outgoing or the most popular. I usually avoided going to school dances because it was just so far from my comfort zone (having the entire school watch me dance? no thanks), and I would hesitate talking about anything sexual in front of my friends because, well, I...
First TimePale, bespectacled brunette Jackie Hoff looks sexy in a leopard-print bikini that displays her fleshy, natural tits. On a private date with Mick Blue, the XXX director/performer douses her knocker in oil. Jackie giggles as she rubs the slippery liquid over her breasts, soon stripping off her bikini bottom to spread her holes for Mick’s POV camera. Following a sassy intro, Jackie drops to her knees to worship the Austrian stud’s huge boner. Her petite hands stroke his big cock...
xmoviesforyouAs Tammy waited for Billy, she was pondering the startling changes that had overtaken her in two short weeks. From a reserved, naive cheerleader to something she couldn't put a name to. Her dreams were becoming what she used to call evil, lurid sex fantasies. She was brimming with keen anticipation of the evening. The smirk he had shown her when they said goodnight warned her that he hadn't told her everything that was in store for her, but she didn't care. She knew she should have been...
CHAPTER 3I woke to a beautiful morning with the sun just shining through the trees. I stretched my body out, the top cover pulled from my upper body as I pushed my foot straight out. I remembered something about last night. I lay in my darkened bedroom and I could hear their voices much more distinctly than I felt I should. Then I realized that they must have moved out to the patio and their voices came to me through the open balcony door. I loved two things about that: they had taken to heart...
After the ugly pirate had had his way with her, he left Heviya naked and on her knees. He stooped down and collected the girls scattered clothing, walked over to what seemed to be a trash container close to the hatch and dumped everything inside it except for her panties. Those he tucked under the bedding of what seemed to be his bunk, judging by the worn state of the lower layer sagging in the middle. Can't imagine that you will be wearing any clothes around here any more, Cor's words...
AliceMy name is Alan Smith, I am twenty two, about five foot six, fairly slim at just nine stone, my hair is dark blonde and fairly long, sometimes I put it in a pony tail. I have a degree in computer science, I work for an I.T. company, travelling around the southern half of England fixing computers and programming. I live with my dad Greg in a quiet suburb in Essex. My mum Elizabeth left us about four years ago, that was such a surprise as mum and dad got on very well, there did not seem any...
Hi friends mera name vicky m haryana ka rhne wala hu meri hight 5’6″ hai. M kafi time se iss ka reader hu or mujhe to iski story pde bina to nind hi nhi ati. Roj m iss stories pdke sota hu. Umeed krta hu tumhe bhi meri story psnd aygi. Please rate this if u like. Ab m apni khani start karta hu. Ye ba 1 mhine phle ki h jb mne apni mami ko choda, but meri najar un par kafi time se thi. Tkriban 2 sal phle ki bat h jb unke dever ki shadi thi, m unke pati k sath beth kr daru pee rha tha or hum khub...
Ryan went out the next week with his friends. They ended up at Melissa's house. Ryan wondered if Jen would show up. He knew they would run into each other sometime, it couldn't be avoided; they hung out with the same group. "Jen's coming over," Melissa told him. "Oh yeah?" he answered, trying to sound like he didn't care. But his heart was racing. They all sat around, watching TV. When Jen walked in the door she barely looked at him, only glanced at him like she did everyone else....
Introduction: My detention with Mr. Embrey I head down the hallway to detention. Ugh. This is SUCH a waste of time. I could be rehearsing lines or doing homework! I decide to dress fashionable one day and everybody panics! I wore my new corset/tank top, a short black skirt, and my black ankle boots. Hey I have a curvy body but Im proud and loving it. I wanna show it off! But no thats inappropriate I enter the room and theres Mr. Embrey. Honestly, I feel bad for the guy. He has to run detention...
Chapter 32: Game 2 Friday, it was time for game two of the season. I was put in on the roster as shortstop again much to the angst of Nobel, he was still telling everyone he would be better there than as first baseman, but the rest of the team were getting bored of his boasting, he hadn’t been even that good in that position making a few mistakes in the first game, which luckily hadn’t cost us runs, his batting had been poor, he was in the order at seven, which also didn’t please him at...
Hi guys, I am back with another story. And thank you so much for your feedback on the previous stories. Please read the previous stories so that you can enjoy the complete series. Those who don’t know me, let me introduce myself. I am Akhil, 26 years old. My dick size is 6 inches, which can be a and satisfy any female. Here is a short recap of the previous story. I went to her house and teased her a lot by doing some kinky activities. And she begged me to fuck her, and later that night, we...
Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aap sabhi ka mere story se itna lagaw hi mujhe aur aage likhne ko hosla deta hai. Sabko mera bohut bohut thanks. Zyada baate na karte hue chaliye agli episode padte hai. Aaj ka episode Shobha ki hai ki kiss tarah se woh apna loan approve karne ke iraade mein hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padne se pahle season 1 ke pahle episode se padhna shuru kare. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena...
The little match girl by Susan Brown Loosely based on the tale the little match girl by Hans Christian Anderson (1846) 1 it was the night before christmas eve. A small child sat huddled and shivering on a doorstep watching everyone go by. It was a bitterly cold night and icy snow was on the ground. The wind was whipping up flurries of white flakes that settled on and around the place where the child sat. Many people walked past the tiny figure, not noticing, not...
0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry Ungrown - unnumbered 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on Lucy Known and OR numbered 0501 - Thaddeus ???? - Lena missing -...
I get a lot of odd jobs, handyman type stuff from several different people, most often from someone who owns a house that he rents out, usually to college students.One job I had was patching up a wall that had some damage to it from a leaking pipe behind the wall. There was someone living in that apartment, a young tomboy.The first time I started working on the wall I knocked on the door and she let me in, she knew that someone was going to be there to fix the wall. She wasn't one of the more...
Straight SexTom’s Story I sailed back to the marina with a much sunnier outlook than what I had when we left. Mind-blowing sex with my stunning wife would lift the spirits of a zombie. More importantly, I was sure that Janet and I had done the right thing. It was hard to blame Murphy for trying. No functioning male could ignore Janet’s spectacular face, figure or smoldering sexuality. And I am sure that most of the men she has encountered have had fleeting thoughts about what it would be like to seduce...
“You got to help me out here!” Alexander pleaded.“Helping you out is the last thing I have to do. Consider yourself lucky that I even took this call. Should have blocked you a long time ago!”There was no chance, Lillian thought.“Come on! Don’t be like that! I'm really desperate. My landlord threw me out. Suddenly, she’s afraid of Europeans. I might carry the virus, she says.”“You’re saying she found out that there is something toxic about you? Welcome to the club! She’s a bit late,...
BDSMI lay on my bed in my room, just relaxing, listening to the music playing from my speakers. I was in a chill mood, mostly OAR and Dispatch playing. If you don’t know the bands, I suggest you check them out. Unfortunately, my relaxation time was not to be that day. The door slammed closed followed by heavy footsteps upstairs, then my door swinging open. My 19 year old sister, younger than me by just fifteen months, Erin, stood there, her eyes watery and red, her face twisted into an expression...
IncestOutdoor Anal FuckingBy: Londebaaz Chohan Now Frank was sure that his girlfriend; Julia was bisexual and like most men although, he was fascinated to watch 2 women having a good go at sex and not only having fun but also entertaining the spectators; he was not willing to share his girlfriend even with another girl and every time Julia tried to wheel him in for a FMF threesome with her confidant and lesbian play partner Molly, somehow he wiggled out successfully. So far so good but he was trying...
While taking a shower I’m almost expecting Wendy to join me, but I know that she would probably be checking up on Clive taking a bath or busy making supper, but hey a guy can wish can’t he? I still can’t believe that my love for cricket got me into this situation. After getting dressed again I walk to the dining room and find Clive and Wendy sitting at table, chatting about schoolwork. I sit down at the place set for me and listen to them talking, a while later my opinions gets asked about...
I glanced around at the stream before heading into the burning forest. I knew the fire would not burn to long with all the moisture but we needed to get further away from the colony. The animals might or might not respond to the fire this time but the Cariss sure would. I started a long circle back to the south and glanced at the scout, “Stay behind me. If I stop, you stop.” She opened her mouth but I was already moving again. I moved through the brush as quietly as I could. The scout on the...
Beth was at a sleepover and didn't feel very well. She had a headache and a few tummy pains. Amy's mother suggested that she sleep in the spare room and then the other girls would not disturb her. Beth took some pain killers and was soon fast asleep. She had a very strange dream during which she couldn't stop her nipples getting hard and constantly wanting to put her hand inside her knickers for a little play. Slowly she came out of her dream. It was still dark in the room so she settled down...
First TimeA Day In My Life By Sissy Sally-Anne My life is what I wanted it to be. I have no choice about it now. I could not change it if I wanted to. I am truly a sissy, slave to my mistress and at her disposal. Most nights, I sleep downstairs, locked in a cage under the stairs. It is barely big enough for me to fit in but it is my home. In the mornings, my mistress comes down and unlocks it to let me out. As soon as I am free, I put on my plastic apron and shower cap. She always...
Hi again, Bill here with another totally out there adventure. It had been a few months since the night of the Stones concert and my Mom had mostly reverted from wild child to suburban mother. There were times when she acted like Mrs Cock Teaser when we were home without dad. She would pretend to be dressing and then have to look for some missing item and this meant she paraded around the house in just a bra and panties or maybe add some pantyhose and high heels. On other occasions, when dad...
My Mother Wanted A Girl By Sara The small group of twenty turned their chairs as the young woman stepped next to the television screen. Normally they talked in a circle like any group, but today she wanted to show them a video. She was like any in the group though the girls envied her perfect skin and her tightly smoothed groin. She was five foot two petite, and shapely another point to envy. She wore very little makeup and a few wanted to ask her how she did it or where she had...
Author’s Note: This is the first chapter in the blossoming and soon-to-be-enduring romance of Peggy and Alex. At the end of this chapter, there is a question. Your comments will help shape Chapter 2, and your votes are always appreciated. ———- Peggy and I had been married for six years when it happened. During those six years, our sex life had become more passionate and varied. At the beginning of those six years, though, on our wedding night, we both lost our virginity, and it wasn’t...
when we finally got there we needed to change, it was in the changing rooms that i realised i was alone with you, in the dark, with you in barely anything that you insist to call a swim suit. and all i was wearing were some thin lightweight swimmers trunks. well little did i know how right i was when it came to describing your outfit. i came out and saw you standing by the exit in the tightest thong/bikini bottom i ever saw!! it squeezed your lovely, round, pear shaped ass perfectly and the top...
Angel Face: A Sexual Revolution, is a tale of lust, desire, and envy! Riley Nixon is a freshman forensic science major, investigating an old mining town for clues into what really happened to the mine owner’s wife, a century earlier. The myth of sex and domination has Riley so captivated, she loses herself in her investigation, finding herself set upon by figments of the past, horny miners with only one thing on their mind: to take Riley as they took the mine owner’s wife, and fuck...
xmoviesforyouIt is mid afternoon as we come to the surface of the clear waters surrounding the Bahaman islands. This is the end of our third trip under the ocean’s surface and a trip to the ocean floor. We have spent the day exploring coral reefs, the sandy bottom, an old ship wreck, and many other places. During this trip we were able to see two white-tip sharks among the reefs, but only from a distance. It was the highlight of the trip, but not the most fascinating thing we were...
Wish Shift: Chapter Eight Pathways Year 1 A.S. Day 46 Jenny heard the car pull into her lot in the dim glow of light just before dawn. She had been up until almost midnight the night before and had needed to rush to the toilet sometime in the early morning hours to deal with a bout of morning sickness. Those had been coming less frequently this last week and she was starting to hope that she may be close to parting ways with this particular aspect of being a woman soon. Leaning...