Across Enemy Lines Ch. 03 free porn video

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Mr Scott’s office was a spacious suite at the top of the building, decorated in blues and wood, wind breathing in from the open window. Monica could hear the sound of cars rushing by outside, the call of gulls. There was a cup of coffee in front of her on the desk, untouched.

Mr Scott cleared his throat. ‘I assume you know why you’re here.’

Her mouth formed a thin line. ‘Conflict of interest?’

The image on the email attachment loomed large in her memory. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to work out who ‘John Smith’ was, or why he’d sent it. Business, not personal, Rupert had said, as if he was Charles’ consigliere. She’d have been furious, if she wasn’t so mortified. Walking across the floor in front of her colleagues that morning, absorbing their shocked and amused gazes, it had been the worst experience of her life. Next to being dumped by Charles, of course, but now when she thought of him she wanted to smash his face in, break that idle grin he always wore as if nothing in the world could bother him.

‘Look, I’ll be honest. There’s someone leaking information to Halpern. Cross has been on the phone, and let’s just say… he knows a lot more than he should.’

‘So of course, you think it’s me.’

‘That’s not an old photo, Monica. It was taken at the retreat, quite recently in fact.’

She gritted her teeth. ‘OK, yes, Charles and I used to be together, a long time ago, when I was a student. And yes, something happened at the retreat. But I swear on my life, I’d never leak information to Charles or that scumbag Cross, or do anything to damage this company. I’ve given ten years of my life to you, I’d never throw it away on a…’

Cheap fuck. That was all it had been. Charles hadn’t even asked her to divulge any company information, but then she’d snuck off before he’d had the chance. Maybe he’d thought there was plenty of time, that he’d make love to her again and order breakfast in bed, and worm something out of her then.

Mr Scott folded his arms. ‘I’m not saying I don’t believe you,’ he said. ‘But you understand, I can’t let you be involved in this business anymore, this takeover bid. You should’ve told me this at the start. I’m going to find it very hard to protect you now. Once the shareholders get wind of this… I’ll come under pressure to let you go. I’ll do my best of course, but you’ve kind of tied my hands.’

She stared at him miserably. ‘I understand.’

‘So. Just get back to your work. Those figures you turned in for the quarterly budget, there’s a few little things that don’t quite add up, I’ve highlighted them on the spreadsheet. You can get started with that.’

She pulled her jacket around her as if it was a suit of armour that would deflect the stares of her colleagues. ‘I’ll get to it.’

The office was noisy with the sound of photocopiers and printers and the whispers underneath. Her skin prickled as she imagined all eyes turning to the traitor. That was what they were thinking, she was sure of it. She knew she had nothing to hide, but nevertheless slunk over to her desk and pulled the yukka plant to the side to shelter her from the gossip. It had grown tall since she’d been given it on her promotion, and she’d been tending its leaves with milk, making them shine. Charles had taught her that tip, a long time ago.

As her computer booted up, she lifted her phone to check her voicemail. Three new messages, all from yesterday, before the fateful email had been circulated and ruined her life. Her hands clenched into fists for a second, then she forced herself to relax.

The first was a quick message from Lydia Goldman, thanking her for the cookies. The second was a call from the gym, asking her if she wanted to renew her membership. And the third… she almost hung up at the sound of his voice.

‘Monica! I was hoping to see you. I guess you didn’t get my message on your home number? Anyway I’m free tomorrow lunchtime, if you fancy meeting up.’ Charles cleared his throat. ‘I’d like to see you.’

Furious, she slammed the phone back into its socket. Of course Charles would like to see her. What better opportunity to show her he’d put her in her place? Humiliated in front of her entire company, another obstacle in the way of the takeover removed with one simple email. How easy it had all been for Charles! And what a fool she’d been. Then she became aware of someone hovering beside her.

‘What,’ she growled. ‘I’m busy.’

It was Nick, holding a brochure. ‘Look,’ he said, his ears turning pink. ‘I just wanted to say… well, you know everyone’s seen it. I know what it’s like to have your heart broken.’

She stared into his green eyes, aghast. ‘So what are you saying? That makes it ok to go around blabbing company secrets to any man who worms his way into your pants? And you think that’s what I’ve done.’

He shook his head. ‘God, no. That didn’t come out the way I meant it. Like I mean… sometimes you do stupid things when you’re in love. It doesn’t mean you lose all common sense. I know it isn’t you who’s been talking. I was just trying to… be supportive.’

‘I’m not in love.’ Monica was slightly mollified. ‘But thanks.’

He smiled. ‘Fran and I are going for sushi for lunch, if you want to join us.’

She remembered Charles’ invitation and bit her lip. Should she go? The damage had already been done. See what he had to say for himself after everything, why the hell not. ‘I have plans, but thanks.’ Sitting back in her desk, she studied Nick’s handsome face, his black hair still untouched by grey, his skin fresh and unlined with years of work-induced stresses, late nights and coffee. ‘Who broke your heart?’ His face fired red, and she regretted her question. ‘Sorry, it’s none of my business.’

He cleared his throat. ‘Well. It’s an ongoing process. But I’ll be ok.’

‘Well, when you get a bit older you’ll look back and kick yourself, trust me. Don’t waste your time. It’s a cliché, but it’s too precious to throw away on assholes.’

He flashed her a pained smile and went back to his desk, and she frowned at her reflection in the computer screen. Lunch with Charles. She should tell Mr Scott, just to be on the safe side. Full disclosure, wasn’t that what people were always talking about? And maybe she could use the meeting – lunch – to her advantage.

Charles was easy to reach. She dialled his direct line and he answered on the second ring.


Why did he always sound so damn pleasant and friendly? ‘It’s me. Monica. Just returning your call. You wanted to meet?’

There was a silence. ‘To be honest,’ he said eventually, ‘I didn’t think you’d want to.’

Oh really. Because of a certain email? She gripped the receiver in her hand as if she was choking the life out of it. ‘Well, I’ve got nothing else on.’ Thanks to you.

‘Smashing!’ There was a surge of enthusiasm in his voice. ‘Let’s say Café Boulevard at one? I’ll have my chap book us a table by the garden.’

Arrangements made, she hung up, chuckling to herself. Who the hell nowadays said smashing, or talked about their secretary as their chap? Only Charles, the idiot. She touched her finger against her smile and then cleared her throat and forced a frown. The asshole.

Lunch with Charles. Once upon a time she’d have danced around the table, her silly heart pounding blissfully. But now… Clearing her mind of all thoughts, she opened the spreadsheet Mr Scott had sent back and got to work.

= = = = =

Café Boulevard was an exclusive restaurant on the ground floor of the five star Garrison Hotel, overlooking a key garden that belonged to the three-storey Georgian homes behind. She sat at the table, fingering the crisp white tablecloth and watching a little girl playing in the garden on a tricycle as the sun cast shadows over the grass from the thick-trunked trees all around. A cool breeze from the air conditioner wafted down the back of her neck but sh
e was still hot from her walk. She fanned herself with the menu and checked her Blackberry.

Charles was late. She smiled to herself. Some things never changed.

Yawning, she checked her reflection in her compact. Just a hint of gloss on her lips, a touch of blush, her lashes thickened with black mascara. It was enough. At thirty three, she was finding the old adage less is more to be very true indeed. She slipped her stilettos off under the table and started leafing through a copy of the Tatler to pass the time.

Advertisements for cosmetic surgery clinics, photos of smiling students in black mortar boards, wedding photos of all London’s best and brightest just wanting to be seen. Well, Café Boulevard was a good place to be seen too, not that Monica cared about such upper class nonsense. Of course Charles would, he always had. He probably shopped at Waitrose to be seen there too. Or wait… his chap did. Charles had never known how much mundane things like groceries cost, only that they were there for his consumption and pleasure.

Then her eye caught something that made her do a double take.

It was a photograph taken at a racing track beside the winning thoroughbred. A slim, beautiful woman with blonde ringlets spilling over her bare shoulders, tanned in a cream dress and standing beside a tall man in a black suit. The caption underneath read Alice Chapple-Leigh and Dale Swindon, with the ‘low down’ underneath in a short paragraph.

Alice Chapple-Leigh, daughter of racing track owner and breeder Frederick Leigh, finds happiness at last with Dale Swindon, one of Farlborogh Children’s Hospital’s top surgeons. Ms Chapple-Leigh, formerly the fiancée of business mogul Charles Halpern, is seen with her father’s latest winner…

Her eyes jumped back to the previous words and she felt her face start to redden with shock.

Charles had been engaged?

She took a sip of her water and stared at Alice’s smiling face. If it wasn’t for the other woman’s slightly protruding teeth, she and Alice could have been sisters. She fought down the surge of irrational jealousy. It wasn’t as if she’d led the life of a nun since Charles, although her boyfriends had been few and far between and none of them had amounted to much. Charles had every right to date whoever he wanted. And besides, Alice had clearly moved on, so there was nothing to worry about there.

Wake up, Monica! She checked her make up again and chastised herself for being so stupid. None of that mattered. Charles – either directly or indirectly – was screwing up her professional life, and she meant to take action. She remembered the email and felt her cheeks prickle. Rupert Cross was going to get what was coming to him, for sure. Seeing Charles would mean she could cut out the middle man, and maybe get some helpful information because it was personal now, Rupert had made it so.

Then she heard a familiar voice making some flirty conversation about the weather with a twittering waitress. Charles had arrived. He looked over at the table and flashed Monica a smile.

She took in his sparkling blue eyes, his brown hair shorter than she remembered and sculpted into a spiky style, his broad shoulders. He was dressed in a dark grey suit and a pale pink silk shirt, and she couldn’t help smiling. Only Charles could top that outfit with a Snoopy tie and still look damn gorgeous.

‘Hey,’ he said, and sat down. ‘Have you ordered? I hear the mussels are good.’

‘Mussels,’ she repeated faintly, then shook herself. ‘I think I’ll have the steak.’

‘Ah, a good bit of meat.’ He winked at her and beckoned the waitress over. ‘Two steaks, well done.’

He still remembered, and her heart softened for a moment. Then she thought about the email and frowned. The waiter came over, unbeckoned, with a bottle of champagne and an ice bucket. She stared at him and then looked at Charles. ‘What are we celebrating?’

‘Oh, nothing,’ he said, grinning. ‘Isn’t every day a celebration?’

‘Oh please. You sound like an American greetings card.’

‘Ever the romantic, Monica.’

She felt his foot brush against hers under the table, but she was sure as hell not backing off and jumping at his touch like a schoolgirl so she pretended not to notice and watched the waiter pouring the drinks.

‘So what was it you wanted to talk about?’ She sipped at the champagne and felt the fizz flare and die on her tongue.

He shrugged and smiled that lazy smile that still made her heart pound, no matter how much she tried to stop it. ‘I just wanted to see you,’ he said. ‘Isn’t that enough?’

‘So much so that you’re prepared to launch a hostile takeover of my company?’

There was a silence. ‘Well, now you come to mention it.’

She was suddenly furious. ‘Do you have any idea what you’re doing?’

‘Look, apparently it’s a sound proposal. It’s good for us and it’s good for you. And yes, the idea of working with you had crossed my mind.’

‘What do you mean, apparently?’

He looked at the table, and there was a strange expression on his face. ‘I don’t pay much attention to the day-to-day things anymore. Do we have to talk about business? I was rather hoping we could have a chat, about normal things.’

‘So basically you haven’t got a clue what’s going on in your own business. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.’ All the old jealousy was starting to seethe inside her. She’d worked so hard, studied so much, done so many late nights at the expense of her relationships. Charles had just had everything handed to him on a plate. It wasn’t fair.

She gnawed her thumb and looked out at the garden, not trusting herself to speak.

‘My father died last year,’ he said, playing with his napkin. ‘Sort of got me thinking, what’s it all about, really.’

All her anger disappeared like a burst balloon. ‘Oh Charles, I’m sorry.’

Then he smiled and met her eyes. ‘You never liked him.’

‘He never liked me.’ She felt her cheeks start to redden.

There was a silence. ‘No, I suppose he didn’t.’

Monica’s head was whirling. If Charles didn’t take any interest in the day-to-day business anymore, then it was very possible he’d had nothing to do with that hateful email at all. And she hoped desperately that that was the case, because despite her anger, her humiliation, when she looked into those eyes something shifted in her chest. She remembered what she’d told Nick that morning. I’m not in love. Had she ever been out of it? And she couldn’t bear to find out the truth, that if he’d had anything to do with it at all she’d be back to the weeping girl at the train station, broken all over again.

Then the waiter came over with two plates of food and set them down with a flourish. The steak lay thick and juicy on top of a puff of mash and glistening with gravy. A broccoli floret sat to the side, rings of onion hung on top under a garnish of parsley. Her stomach grumbled and she realised she was starving.

And Charles’ foot was rubbing against her ankle.

She drew her feet back under the chair and lifted her knife and fork.

‘This looks great,’ she said, and started hacking at the steak. Taking a bite, she savoured the tangy gravy for a second then said casually, ‘how’s Rupert?’

Charles looked surprised. ‘He’s fine. Working very hard, as usual. Honestly, I don’t know what I’d have done this last year without him. He’s been a rock, a true friend.’

‘So he’s sort of taken the reins.’

‘There’s no one I trust more.’

She kept her eyes on the plate. How could Charles be so blind? But then he’d always been like that, blind, and weak. He hadn’t fought very hard for her, and in the end, just cut her loose like a fisherman that had pulled in a catfish instead of a salmon. And then she found herself thinking about something else Charles had said, maybe the takeover might be good for her company. What was the harm at looking at the pr
oposal? Mr Scott had been sketchy with the details, maybe it was time to… But no! What a ridiculous thing to consider. She didn’t want her company to be swallowed into the huge conglomerate that was Halpern Industries. The lines had been drawn and she’d taken her side. Now she had to see it through.

‘You know Monica, you have a nice little business. And I’m tired of this whole the new Richard Branson nonsense. It would be nice to work in a normal job for once, not to have to be responsible for everything all the time. And working with you would be rather pleasant, I imagine. You’re so driven, it’s one of the things I used to …’ His voice tailed off and he finished the last of his steak, staring at her as he chewed.

She looked at him, shocked. ‘Well,’ she said, finding her voice. ‘I’m sure Mr Scott would give you a job, if you applied for one.’

He dabbed at his mouth with the napkin and looked at her with a twinkle in his eye. ‘Maybe.’

His foot was touching hers again, this time she didn’t pull away.

‘You know, I’ve got a room upstairs.’

‘Have you, now.’ She finished her steak and drained the last of her champagne. ‘Presumptuous as always, Charles. I have to go back to the office.’

‘Do you, now.’

She gritted her teeth. ‘Yes.’

‘Well, let me get this.’ He threw down his napkin onto the plate and stood up. ‘A pleasure, as always.’

They walked in silence over to the bar where Charles paid up, and Monica took a mint from the bowl. She unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth, her head a battleground of conflicting thoughts. She didn’t want to think about business anymore, the takeover, the repulsive Rupert Cross. The humiliation of the morning seemed far away, faint under the buzz of the champagne. She followed Charles into the lobby, looking around at the white walls, the plush sofas, the golden mirrors. Guests were milling around the reception and in and out of the door, chatting to the bellboys who were wearing fancy red uniforms edged with gold.

The buzzing from her Blackberry shook her out of her daze. It was Mr Scott, and she frowned. He knew where she was, why couldn’t he just wait until she got back? ‘Sorry Charles,’ she said. ‘I have to take this.’ She moved away from him, into the quiet side corridor beside the dark golden doors of the elevator.


‘Monica.’ There was a hum of chatter in the background. ‘Any developments?’

She sighed. ‘Well from all we’ve talked about, it seems Charles is just the figurehead of the organisation these days. Cross is the one behind it, the takeover and the email too, no doubt.’ She told him about the conversation in the bakery and listened to his silence.

‘Well,’ he said eventually. ‘The banks aren’t so keen to fund Cross now we’re taking on DIS, and that’s bought us some time. On the other hand, they’ve now acquired more than 45% of our shares. So… if you can find anything at all from Halpern that would help us, that would be… great.’

‘So you trust me now, is that what you’re saying?’ She looked across at where Charles was standing, adjusting his Snoopy tie in the mirror. If Mr Scott was pressing her for information like this, things must be getting desperate at the top level. She watched Charles grinning at himself and picking some green out of his teeth, and felt a sense of despair.

‘Look, the most important thing right now is stopping this mole Cross has from allowing him to access non-public information – which he’s certainly using to his advantage – and if he’s prepared to try and destroy your reputation like that, then it would seem to me that you’re the last on the list of suspects. That’s assuming he sent the email of course. There are a lot of people in this company too who’d like your job, don’t forget that. Anyway, I’ll see you later.’

She slipped the Blackberry back into her bag, gobsmacked. She’d been so taken up by her age-old dislike of Charles’ best friend that she hadn’t even considered the possibility that the email could have come from someone else. It could just be a simple case of plain, simple jealousy, an opportunist who saw a way to clear an obstacle out of their path up the company ladder. And practically the whole of the senior staff had been at the retreat, anyone could have taken that photo.

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Behind Enemy LinesChapter 2 The Puppets Are Gathered

After weeks of probing Sa'arm defenses on Tulak, Delta Company was ordered back to Truman for R&R. After two weeks of relaxation on Truman Delta Company was ordered to the training facility at Demeter to not only train replacements for the company's casualties, but to also train elements of other units with their firsthand experience of what works and what doesn't work when confronting Sa'arm units in force. Delta Company had gotten the training program organized on Demeter and was...

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Ori WarStriking into the enemy

With Sax rushing in we have held Kane along the western border. The Ori Royal Guards have began to make themselves known once more. The ancient fortress had been the perfect northern base. Not only had it stood up to constant attacks but it was sending the army after the Kane in growing numbers. New roads were moving to several areas of the border. The Stalker companies had pushed the Kane out of the far north and the Royal Guards were moving south. The victory on the southern border had...

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RedtailChapter 9 Engaging the Enemy

Sometimes I think I’d give anything for a normal life. You know. One where I grew up, married my high school sweetheart, lived on the ranch inherited from my father, and raised half a dozen kids who gave me grandkids before I was too old to recognize them. At the same time, I would never trade my life with Laramie, the love I experienced with Kat, my cousin’s passion and commitment, or the unbelievable young woman who consented to be my bride. You know, when I got home I found out more about...

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Enemy CombatantsChapter 3

Damon's cock pistoned repeatedly into Svetlana's ass as he rewarded her for a job well done. The portable heart-monitor he wore registered his accelerated pulse as his orgasm approached, and then he was spraying the inside of her colon with his seed. He wiped himself off on her white lab coat and put his boxers back on. He grinned up at the device, which looked a lot like giant ball bearing with Cylon eyes. A jumping, red line synched with his heart-monitor. Phillips wouldn't find him as...

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A Problem With PiracyChapter 4 Engagement With The Enemy

September 6, 1990 The intercom blared, “Captain. This is Ensign Scaccia. We have a problem outside the galley.” “What is the problem, Ensign?” “Seaman Davino, Seaman Martelli, and Seaman Tocci tried to rape Hearth Maria. They’re pretty mangled. She won’t let anyone attend to them.” Captain Tasso glanced over at Sword Anat. She was watching him for his reaction. He winked at her. She grinned. He replied, “There’s no problem, Ensign. Hearth Maria is waiting for help in seeing them demoted...

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Enemy Ch 02

The next day, was a day unlike any they had experienced. The sun seemed dull, the air seemed musty, and everything else was coated in a thick layer of grey. School seemed like a whole new experience to them, they were whole new people now. Today was the day they became true enemies, in every sense of the word. There was no talking, no touching, no kissing, and absolutely no dares. It was torture at its finest and he was using every bit of his will power to endure. He couldn’t touch her, but he...

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The Enemy of My Enemy Is My FriendChapter 5

When I gave my report and updated my Masters, I took care to note that my suspicions of Ray Ford seemed correct, he had run off. It was his wife, Laura who had supplied him with some poison. He was CIA and his request to her was not unusual since 'The Snake River Complex' had recently been closed and the use of the lethal 'Satan Bug' had been limited now. It had been a shock to her what her husband had been doing. Our friendship running since we were kids took hold again, and she had...

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Behind Enemy Lines Ch 03

CHAPTER 3: Alice is on her last legs THE NEXT MORNING Their panting sounds of pleasure were amplified as they echoed around the cell. This was the second time Carruthers had fucked Alice since they’d awoken and despite the numerous orgasms she’d screamed out, her body demanded even more. The drugs rampaging through her system had her in permanent heat and she was rapidly reaching the stage where she no longer wanted to fight the effect. The feelings were too good to deny… He was fucking...

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Sleeping with the Enemy

Sleeping with the Enemy QUICK NOTE: This story is essentially the second chapter of my attempt to turn ‘Sexual Healing’ into a novel, re-titled and posted as a love story…there is no real sex in this story, so keep that in mind…thanks to all who have been asking about it, and thanks for reading… Chapter 2. Failure. There are some events in a man’s life that just seem to eat away at his soul. Events that etch themselves indelibly upon us with the passage of time, like the lines that form upon...

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Enemy in the Shadows

He should have killed her. His first reaction was to do just that. His squad, Red Troop One, had been making their way nervously through the almost impenetrable woods, just outside Armagh. Suddenly, they’d come under fire. No one was injured and their assailants had quickly vanished into the woods. ‘Charley?’ ‘Sarge.’ ‘This looks as if it’s been used as an arms cache. Take the rest of the men, spread out and move northwards. Carefully now. But I think those bastards are long gone now.’...

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Enemy Ch 05

In the mansion on the tip top of the hill, the Stone family dwelled in chaotic turmoil, every member in their own personal hell, overwhelmed with worry for Diago. Dorian was over come with guilt, he knew all about loss, his very own brother had committed suicide after killing his wife and trying to kill his son. He had been consumed with guilt over his suicide, he regretted not doing something when he had finally realized just how depraved his brother had become. He was filled with 3 million...

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Enemy Ch 07

There was chaos on the front lawn, everyone was fighting and Diago was in the very center of the brawl. Diago had just sent a punch to Braxton’s face when he looked up to see Maddy squealing the tires of her caddy back up the front yard, pulling to an abrupt halt next to Bianca. As the struggled continued around him, Diago watched with a sudden rush of anxiety as Veda jumped out of the car, helping Bianca to carefully, but quickly get into the back seat. His heart raced so fast it felt like it...

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Sleeping With The Enemy

I, Portia Diamond, am a redhead with tanned skin. I have an average body with below average B-cup breasts. I was the valedictorian at my high school and softball was my sport. I was shy in high school and didn't date much. I attend Hartfeld University now and I know that I would not have gotten through the challenges in my college life without my friends. Let me tell you about them. There is the athlete Chris who eventually became the student body president. There is James Ashton who helped me...

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My Enemy Part 1

I was 20 at the time, at university some 2 hours from my home where my parents lived. When visiting, I would come by motor coach. Well this time too I was meant to do so, and my parents knew the approximate time I'd be arriving, except this time, another student was driving my way, and I jumped in the car with him. This meant that I would be arriving an hour earlier. I didn't get the chance to inform my parent of the change in plans. When I arrived, was I shocked. My arrival was unnoticed, and...

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sleeping With The Enemy

sleeping With The EnemyThe present day…The wedding party was in full swing now and I anxiously scanned the guests to see if everybody was enjoying themselves. The noise levels had risen in line with the amount of drink being consumed, so I guess that was a good enough proxy for enjoyment. I was holding a glass of champagne in my perfectly manicured fingers and as I took a sip I caught the eye of my new husband who had been buttonholed by two of my aged relatives. His eyes pleaded at me to...

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A Real Friend Indeed Or An Enemy

Swati Luthra, a graceful woman in her early 40s. Height 5 feet 6 inches dusky complexion, oval face. She was slightly overweight with little extra pads of fat on the sides of her waist, arms and thighs. In other words she had a luscious body and whenever she walked the sway of her ass and her extra padded waist and the view of her jugging 40D breasts tempted men to waste at least one load of their sperm imagining the treasures hidden under her clothes. But in a tragedy, Swati lost her husband...

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Sleeping With The Enemy

Sleeping With The Enemy I live for feedback [email protected] The present day... The wedding party was in full swing now and I anxiously scanned the guests to see if everybody was enjoying themselves. The noise levels had risen in line with the amount of drink being consumed, so I guess that was a good enough proxy for enjoyment. I was holding a glass of champagne in my perfectly manicured fingers and as I took a sip I caught the eye of my new husband who had been buttonholed...

2 years ago
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The Accidental SpyChapter 11 The Enemy of My Enemy

I stood in silence on the balcony overlooking the harbor. The sun was showing signs of waking up on the horizon still below the black rolling waves. The two girls were sound asleep in the master bedroom suite. The sight of them both intertwined without benefit of any clothing at all should have driven me to wake them up and prime them for another round of high-spirited love-making. All I could think about was that something did not seem quite right and I couldn't quite put my finger on it...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 30 The Third Time Its Enemy Action

January 31, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Jamie, how hard is it to get someone disbarred for barratry?” “Littleton, I presume? On what grounds?” “He’s Milton’s brother-in-law,” I said. “It’s completely groundless and meant for harassment.” “Are you SURE about that?” “Positive. I went over everything in detail. I talked to Sam, K, Eve, and Charlie. It’s a frivolous suit if there ever was one.” “Our first step is to try to get the dismissal based on failure to state a claim. I’m reasonably...

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The Enemy WithinChapter 3

It had been a long five weeks, most of which Kyle had viewed through an oversexed fog, but they were finally close to their new home. The AI announced that they were coming out of hyperspace and would be arriving planet-side in eight hours. As much fun as the trip had been, scanning into the replicators all the items they had brought, having sex, planning and getting modified, having sex, learning new things and teaching classes, having sex, training to adjust to their new bodies, more sex,...

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In the Hands of the EnemyChapter 11

Everything started moving fast after the surrender. The ordinary people in the street seemed confused by the change in the attitude of the government. They thought they were supposed to die for the Emperor and now suddenly they had lost the war to the hated Yankee invaders. It was difficult for the older citizens to accept the fact they had actually lost the struggle that had taken so many lives of young military men and innocent civilians as well. Nurse Heidi was content to let things...

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Age I Of The United StatesChapter 5 Route to the enemy

Chang was subjected to further 'interrogation' before the effects of the truth drug wore off, but it was clear that the inscrutable Chinese had no more idea of what the iLOX's aims were than the rest of them. The full extent of the Chinese treachery was revealed however. China had been secretly training troops for some time now and had grand plans of invading and subjugating what Scott knew from his time as Russia. He was aware that enmity existed between Russia and China in his timeline,...

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Behind Enemy LinesChapter 1 The Plan

Explosions and the bright flash of energy weapons could be seen in every direction. Delta Company had made a textbook drop from orbit to test Sa'arm defensive capabilities and was getting its butt kicked. "This isn't working, Commander Kehoe!" Lieutenant Timmons shouted into her implant. "As soon as we knock out the last position in a battery, the first one opens up on us again. It's like Iwo Jima all over again." Both the Leopard bringing in reinforcements and the A20 covering it...

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Behind Enemy LinesChapter 4 What Lies Beneath

The scattered fleet was six months out of Truman when the Hurst Castle reported finding a heavily polluted planet with no sign of recent Sa'arm activity in planetary system reference number 749.4, also known as Sa'Triste. Colonel Murphy ordered a polar orbit of the planet and an initial mapping of the surface. The Hurst Castle had been in a high orbit of the fourth planet for ten days when the Lancaster Castle was detected entering the system. It took the Lancaster Castle two days to...

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Behind Enemy LinesChapter 5 The Return Trip

Budzinski was put through to Commodore Achord before he reached the CIC. "Commodore, we need to nuke the L-Z. I don't know how close Lieutenant Timmons got to the surface before First Squad was overrun. The conventional device inside the complex would have done negligible damage to such a large structure and the tactical device on the surface wasn't enough to dig even 20 meters into the ground. We need to minimize the threat of the Sa'arm recovering bodies and weapons, sir." As the four...

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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 12 Enemy of my Enemy

“Now, let’s just sit down, talk like civilized people, and figure out our next steps. Karen, I still have questions. I hope you will have some answers.” So saying, Logan took a seat on a rock he had rolled over to the fire as an impromptu chair upon first moving in. Beauty did the same, settling into her accustomed place on their moss bed by the fire. Both of them pretended that there was not an awkward silence still hanging between them. Reluctantly, Karen shuffled over and lowered her...

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The Enemy of My Enemy Is My FriendChapter 2

I guess when you are having fun, everything can and does change. I remembered reading a line in a story that stuck, 'no good deed goes unpunished', that is how I felt when 'we' got back to Washington. I had asked how Natasha and Katya would come with me. It had only been the day before that I had gotten instructions to 'return home'. I received several responses, all seemed to come down to the following, 'Details, mere details, don't sweat it!' A big black Gulfstream IV...

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The Enemy of My Enemy Is My FriendChapter 3

You know how you just know something is wrong. When I fell asleep then less than an hour later I knew I had been poisoned. I woke up in a cold sweat, chills and a pain in my throat and stomach you could not believe. My vision was blurred, my body refused to move and I barely was able to wake one of my girls. There was not much anyone could do for me, I almost lost consciousness. Natasha awoke, called to her sister and yelled out 'Help!' to no one in particular. The FA came over. She knew...

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The Enemy of My Enemy Is My FriendChapter 4

'Pax' in our time is the goal, unless it is good for 'business'. My poisoning was of paramount importance to me. I had my suspicions and now that we were back in the US, decided to pursue one or two of them. I called my number one suspect, Ray Ford, and told him I was alive and well and needed a place to stay for a day or two while I had some 'personal' things to attend to. I would take the silence on the phone to mean only one thing. He knew that I knew that he had been...

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The Enemy of My Enemy Is My FriendChapter 6

Neither of us had any children. When we saw Carrie and Lu Ann together both of us just looked at them, then at each other, thinking the same thoughts, at least I think they were the same. For me, I could not help to think back to when we were at their age. Carrie was 16 going on 17 and Lu Ann was 2 years younger. They had a younger sister who was 13; she was home with Grandpa. Their parents had just up and left. First their mother, then their father. They were not even sure if they had...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 11 Enemy Identified

Hank had just closed communications with the Florida girls when his Palm Slave beeped again. "There goes the lakeside picnic," a horse named Tornado groaned. "Go, Monty." Hank said into the mike. "Two unidentified humans are walking down our road." The speaker had a distinct upper class British accent. "Descriptions: one point three meters tall, estimated 25 kilograms, female, wearing shorts, tee-shirts and tennis shoes and carrying a shoulder bag and a canvas shopping bag. They are...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 13 Meeting the Enemy

Amanda watched the drone plane on her right as the drone flew not more than ten meters from the stubby air car's starboard thruster fans. An identical drone plane was on the left. Farther behind the sky car and almost invisible were two human-crewed aircraft and several more drones. "Amanda, release your safety harness and get in the back seat," Hank directed. "I need you to put on a slave collar, a dress and a pair of sandals because Eglin is a federal reservation. You know the...

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Across Enemy Lines Ch 02

Author’s note: apologies for the delay- been on holidays- also for any inaccuracies to those of you who are business experts. I’m certainly not!  Luckily this is a romance and not a how-to of hostile takeovers. * Monica pushed her glasses up onto her forehead and rubbed at her eyes with her knuckles. Her back was starting to ache and she was exhausted. It was almost eleven o’clock and the office smelt of the stale coffee that had been sitting in the percolator for the last three hours. ‘No...

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Part 1 2 Loving The Enemy

The Ethehini: a group of people with the ability to use earth's elements and matter to our will and for our purposes. Mortals might call us warlocks or sorcerers, and they fear and hate us as such. Wars have been fought to wipe out our existence, how ironic it is that we are the ones who help and watch other them, seeing that they do not destroy themselves in their mortal impulsiveness. Never the less we are forced to hide and use glamour and magic to hide ourselves from the human...

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Krystenahs Punishment Lines

I squeezed Daddy’s dick between my breasts. Daddy’s dick was hard and warm and my breasts embraced him lovingly. It felt so wonderful to have the World’s Best Cock nestled between the caress of my tits. My cunt began to drool at the sensation. I moaned and... “Goofy.” Daddy’s bass voice shook me out of my dream. I blinked up at him and saw that he was hugging a steaming cup of coffee to his chest. Still a little disoriented, I looked at his semi-erect dick, which was at eye level and not...

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Enemy Turned Fuck Buddy

I've known him since I was born. Jordan was 6 years old and our parents were best friends. As long as I can remember we have never gotten along very well. We always argue, fight or pick on eachother. We were worst enemies throughout our lives. Now he is 31 and I am 25. There were times where I wouldnt see him for a long time, we would run into once in awhile or end up seeing eachother at a family get together. Over the years he went from being a skinny kid everyone picked on, to the chubby...

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Float Trippy Giselles Tan lines

Back at the Hollywood Sex Shop, Tory and I were now the new Dare Masters for my three exotic Island girls and the Ass Manager, Giselle. "So how does a couple like you end up with a sex shop? You closed up pretty quick I assumed you must be more than just 'in charge?" I asked my new friend. Outside a purple sunset faded, the summer night deepened; inside, Annette, the fine Phillipina nymph was pulling on bright blue thigh highs, then stepping into a pair of silver stripper heels with help from...


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