Black Reverend free porn video

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We had arrived in my husband's home town. It was really just a small village with a main street that looks like it came right out of a painting. The town was beautifully decorated for Christmas; all the lamp poles had colored lights running up and down them. A fresh carpet of snow blanketed the town; this place could really get you in the Christmas mood.

There were so many of his family members in town that there was no room for us at his parent's house so Don had already made reservation at a nice local bed and breakfast. This was fine with me as I didn't really know any of his relatives very well anyway. Don and I lived in New York City and only had only seen his family once or twice since our wedding.

We checked in and the first thing Don did was asked about the pool. He loved to swim and the hot tub sounded good to me after the drive we had just after dropping off our luggage in our room and changing into our swimming suit we headed down the spa.

When we arrived we found that we had the pool all to ourselves. Don jumped in the pool right away, I just grinned at him. He was a very nice guy and had a great job and education. He was well built and always had been good to me. He swam to the end of the pool and started another lap.

I put down my stuff and started the hot tub timer. I slowly lowed myself into the hot bubbling water, the jets felt good and in no time a heavy foam was forming all over the surface of the water. It felt like heaven, my legs hurt, my shoulders hurt, and my whole body ached. I was just starting to relax when a whole family of black people burst into the pool room. There had to be at least two families' that entered together. A handful of k**s jumped into the pool and the adults went to the far end to sit down their things.

I was annoyed at first but then I remembered it was almost Christmas and that a lot of people traveled on the holidays. The adults headed right to the hot tub. There were two older women, maybe fifty or so and a man their same age. One of the men was much older and they all climbed into the water together.

I was just about to get out and find another place to relax when the older man smiled at me and said that his name was Zeck. He stuck out his hand and I took it with a shy grin. They all settled in on the other side of the hot tub from me and once again I started to relax. I found the sounds of their voices kind of soothing. I leaned back and was just about to close my eyes when Don came running into the hot tub. The other people in the hot tub had to shift to let him sit down next to me. This pushed Zeck, the other older black man over to my other side.

"The waters is great honey, you need to try it." He said.

"I think I'm going to try it," one of the ladies added and three of them left for the pool. This left only the older black man, Don and I sitting in the hot tub. I noticed that the older black man hadn't moved away from me when the others had left despite there was now plenty of room on the other side. I found this rather odd, but I said nothing.

Don started a conversation up with Zeck right away. They started talking about sports and I quickly became bored. Zeck then move even closer to me while he was talking to my husband, I felt his leg rubbing up against mine. I was shocked at first at this unwelcome contact but I guessed that it was innocent enough. I closed my eyes for the first time and that's when I felt it. The older mans hand had come to rest next to my leg just above my knee. I opened my eyes and looked over at him; he didn't stop talking to my husband so I decided that he didn't realize he was touching me. When I looked at him he quickly moved his hand away. Don must not have noticed anything had occured because he just kept talking about football.

I lay back again and within seconds I felt his hand touching me again. This time however his hand wasn't on my leg it was up on my thigh and I had to fight not to jump up. I looked at him and again but he seemed not to notice me at all. His hand moved away again and he never stopped talking to Don. I laid back my head again. I found my heart racing as I wondered if he was going to put his hand back on my leg. It only took a second before I felt his large hands on my leg again. This time however his hand didn't stay in one spot. I felt him moving his hand up my leg a few inches from my soft inner thigh.

I knew that I should jump up and slap this stranger. He was now running his hand up my leg and I could fill his fingers making small circles on my inner thigh. I knew that I could scream out and stop this right now., then I remembered all the other people in the pool and my husband just a few inches away. I just kept quiet; I didn't want to make a scene. I found myself wondering how far this older black man would go with my husband sitting right here. His hand felt kind of good and it sure had gotten my blood up.

As this older black man slowly kept moving his hand up my inner thigh; I could feel his hand squeezing my soft tight flesh. I couldn't believe how brazen Zeck was; he was feeling me up with his wife and grandk**s in the pool and my husband sitting right next to me. His hand kept moving up and I found myself getting aroused. My blood rushed down between my legs and I felt a warm rush that had nothing to do with the warm water running over me. His stopped just a few inches from my crouch, his hand not only stopped moving but he removed it from my thigh.

My whole body was on fire; I could not believe that he had stopped. I found myself wanting him to continue. I opened my eyes and kind of looked over at him. He didn't even look my direction. Don was talking about some quarterback needing to get it together and when I looked over at Zeck. I felt his fingers softly touch me again. This time his fingers were inches from my crouch, they starting slipping into the leg hole of my bikini. He even turned towards Don more so that he had a better angle to get his hand down between my legs. I was shocked at his bold actions. My body was afire, excitement rushed though my body as I felt his large finger suddenly touch the tender lips of my pussy.

I had to bite my lower lip to stop from making any noise. I laid my head back and tried to keep my eyes closed. I felt his fingers working under the elastic of my swimsuit. I knew that he could feel how slimy my pussy was and by now he knew just how sexually turned on he was making me. It was so exciting. I had heard stories about other white women who had been m*****ed in the bus or on the train by black men but never thought it could happen to me. Now here I was sitting in a hot tub a day before Christmas with my husband, letting some black man that I had never met before touch my pussy. I was on fire, I found myself lifting my ass a bit off the bench to let him have better access to my hidden spot.

That's when Don stood up and said that he was going to get back in the pool. I looked up in alarm because that would leave me all alone in the hot tub with Zeck. All this time in the back of my mind I knew that this wouldn't go any farther because my husband was sitting right here. With Don now gone, I looked over towards Zeck as he put a finger up to his lips to tell me to keep quite. I felt his fingers starting to work again. I watched as he put his other hand on my breast; he acted as if he would never get caught. I couldn't believe he would do such a thing with his family and my husband so close to us.

He worked his large fingers into my yielding flesh, but I didn't try and stop him; I just lay there with my legs spread open more than before. I looked up at him and I knew that he could see the lust in my eyes. He knew that he had me so turned on that I wouldn't do anything to stop him now. He knew that he could do whatever he wanted to my young welling body. I turned towards him and opened my legs even wider so that this strange black man could get to my opening easier. I was on fire, he was pinching my nipples softly and his finger was finger fucking me so fast now that he was moving the water around.

My reached over and rested my hand between his legs and I could feel his cock under his swim suit. When he felt my small hand he quickly pulled his massive black rod out of his shorts. I found myself holding the biggest dick I had ever felt. I couldn't see it clearly because of the swirling water but this sixty year old black man had a cock that was much bigger than my husbands. That was all I needed, wave after wave of an intense orgasm ripped through my body. The orgasm hit me so hard I had to bite my lip again to keep from crying out, I found myself grunting like an a****l as each wave hit me.

My orgasm had just finished when Don came walking back over from the pool. I was afraid as he walked into the spa that he would know something was up. That somehow he would see the lust in my eyes, the redness in my cheek, my hand still holding the older black mans cock. The foam and bubbles hid all this from my husband. It also hid the fact that this black man still had his finger buried deep up his young wife's pussy. My husband had this big grin on his face.

"Hey Susan, I'm going to get some beer. Zeck, you want one?" He asked.

I couldn't talk at all; my mouth felt like it was full of cotton balls. I knew that Don didn't know what was going on right before his eyes, or he never would have left his wife alone with this strange black man. I was afraid to move, afraid to even let go of Zeck's cock.

"Sure Don, that sounds great." Zeck answered. "Hey Debra, give Don some money his going to bring us back some beers." He yelled at one of the heavy older black women.

Don rushed over and took the money from the heavy black women and pulled on his shirt, then quickly disappeared out the door. Zeck waited for just a second and then he looked at me for the first time. He was easily three times my tender age of twenty. His hair was gray and was cut close to his head in a very clean cut, his eyes were sharp and bright. He smiled at me and I grinned back but found that I couldn't say anything. He just moved closer to me and gently pulled his finger out of my satisfied pussy.

I signed and that's when he spoke to me for the first time.

"Can you meet me someplace, so that we can finish this?" He whispered in my ear.

He stood up and walked towards the restrooms. I couldn't help but see his large erection under the thin wet fabric of his swim suite. He turned it towards me on purpose as he walked out of the water. I swallowed hard. I watched him step into the dark hallway that led to the drinking fountain and the restrooms. I knew that this was an open invitation for me to follow him, to finish what we had started in the hot tub. I felt a strange tingling in my pussy as I thought about the fact that my husband had just gone and that I didn't know when he would come back. I felt short of breath as I stood up out of the water and saw just how bad he had stretched out my bikini bottom.

I walked toward the dark hallway where Zeck had disappeared. I nervously looked over to his family sitting on the other side of the pool. They never seemed to notice me at all as I quickly walked into the hallway. I noticed that the men's restroom door was open just enough to see inside. What was I doing? I was about to walk into the men's restroom on Christmas Eve to have sex with some strange black man that had just finger fucked me to an orgasm in the hot tub. My mind reeled as I thought about just how wicked this was.

I slowly opened the door and looked in to see Zeck smiling at me. Without a word he pushed the door closed and leaned down and kissed me wetly. I didn't resist as I felt him pulling me against him and we embraced and I felt just how powerful this large black man was. He pulled down his swimming trunks and his large black cock sprang free, it bobbed up and down with the beat of his heart. I melted, I felt my knees weaken, and I felt like I was going to fall. When I slumped downwards Zeck put his hands on my shoulders and forced me to kneel down on the floor in front of him.

"Now I was not hoping for his, little girl." He said in surprise.

On my knees he pushed his swollen black dick towards my mouth. Surprised at myself I opened my mouth as the large hard head of his dick touched my lips. I sucked in his large cock and quickly found that I could just barely get the head of his black dick in my mouth. I grabbed a hold of his dick with both hands and started to jack him off at the same time. I worked my small mouth over his cock head. He had given me one of the best orgasms that I had ever had in my life and I was going to return the favor.

"Oh man!" Zeck said in an excited tone. "We don't really have time for that now Susan." He told me Standing me up and turning me around to face the sink.

I grabbed the sink and braced myself. I could see Zeck in the mirror as he lined himself up to enter my pussy from behind. With my swimming suit already ruined he easily pulled it aside again and I felt the hot tip of his massive dick touch my wet willing pussy lips. Even as big as Zeck dick was I was so wet that the head of his cock quickly slipped into my hole.

He groaned as he entered my wetness, his cock was so hard it pushed aside my soft flesh easily. I looked into the mirror and found those sharp black eyes locked with mine as he pushed himself in deeper. He was making faces as he pushed his large black cock into me. I gripped the sink and pushed back, I was so excited at this point I found that I wanted all of him inside of me.

"Girl, I wish we didn't have to rush this, but we got people that will be missing us!" Zeck half whispered to me.

I felt him start to fuck into me; the first thrust was so quick that I let out a grunt. The size of his dick made me look up in shock as he started his assault on my pussy. My eyes pleased with him not to hurt me, not to be so ruff, but the next push was just as hard and quick. I could see then raw lust in his face as he started to fuck me so fast that his balls were slapping up and hitting my clit with each thrust. He grabbed my hips and started a loud slapping attack on my pussy.

At first I was just trying to hold on and not get hurt, but as Zeck kept pounding into me I found that I was bucking back towards his cock with each thrusting motion. My pussy was on fire and my legs felt wobbly with all of Zeck's weight pounding down into my pussy over and over again. I was shocked at how fast and hard an old man like Zeck was hammering me. I lowered my head as my first orgasm hit me. He never stopped or slowed down a bit as my body twisted in front of him. I think it turned him on more to see me cumming because he grabbed a hold of my shoulders and started to fuck me like I had never been fucked before.

I looked up into the mirror and saw that the gentle elderly man was replaced by a grunting powerful a****l. I felt his cock swelling up inside of me and the head of his cock started to bang right on the entrance to my womb. When I felt his cock hit my womb again another orgasm hit me and as I felt it come up from my toes I felt Zeck unloading his black sperm into my waiting pussy. He grunted out load and I thought I heard him say something about God. He soon pulled his softening cock out of me with a wet popping sound and without another word to me he pulled up his suit and slipped out of the bathroom door.

I collapsed onto the cold bathroom floor. I caught my breath and tried to stand up, my legs felt like noodles. I had never been so well fucked in my life. I realized what I had just done. I had just had sex with some old black man that I really didn't know in the men's restroom of a hotel on Christmas Eve. I pulled myself up and clean myself up with tissue paper as best I could. I was feeling so satisfied, my pussy felt so warm and sensitive that I jumped when I touched it. I realized that Zeck had given me what I really desired but could never tell my husband about.

I composed myself as best as I could and slipped out of the bathroom door and walked back to find everyone sitting around the pool drinking beer and talking. Don grinned at me and handed me a beer as I walked out of the hallway.

"Hey babe, miss me?" He joked.

I grinned at him, in the background I could see Zeck, he was talking to the women I believed was his wife and acting like he never saw me. I took the beer and knowing that my bikini bottom was ruined as I said. "Don I'm tired. I think I will go to the room, if that's ok with you."

"Sure babe." He said "if you don't mind I'll stay down here a bit, I'll be along later." He added.

I walked to our room and quickly removed my bikini; I wrapped it up and hid it at the bottom of my suitcase. I climbed into the shower to clean up and I let the water wash all the evidence of what I had done away. It might seem odd but I found that I didn't feel guilty over what I had done with Zeck. Maybe because that old black man had given me what I had never gotten from my own husband. I climbed into bed and found that in my satisfied state I was quickly asleep.

The next morning I awoke with Don whispering Merry Christmas in my ear. We dressed and made the trip out to his family's home. It was full of people and I tried to make everyone happy. We exchanged presents and ate and I found that I really did enjoy his family's company. Ever time I was alone however; I found my mind slipping back to that mensroom. I would remember seeing Zeck behind me fucking me like I was some kind of cheap whore or something. I would feel a warm rush running over my body.

That vision kept coming back to me over and over all Christmas day. It helped somehow knowing that I didn't know who Zeck really was, that I didn't know where he lived. It helped knowing that my husband had no idea what I had done on Christmas Eve in the hot tub.

That night Don told me that his family had a tradition of going to church on Christmas day for the evening services. I just grinned bravely as we loaded into five cars and drove the short distance to the family church. I found myself thinking that it was a large church for such a small town but shrugged it off as Don patents introduced me all around to all the people they knew.

I met their preacher and his wife they seemed to be nice people and as we found our way to our sits I noticed that the entire church was full. Don's mother, Alice told me that they always brought in someone special to run the services on Christmas. I set back into my seat next to my husband as the services started. As I looked up to the front, guess who I saw sitting there? It was Zeck; he was dressed in a nice suite with a red tie. My mouth dropped open as I watched their preacher stand up.

"First I want to thank you all for coming on this fine Christmas day. Second I want to introduce to you our guests for tonight, Reverend Zeck Warren. One of the most popular preachers in New York City has come to share with us tonight."

Zeck stood up and shook the preachers hand as I poked Don in the ribs.

"I didn't know Zeck was a preacher!" I whispered.

"Ya, he told me last night. His is a really nice guy, and guess what; he lives in New York City too. I told him where we lived and invited him over when we get home. He said he would be glad to come over." Don whispered back.

This was shaping up to be one of my strangest Christmases ever.

It had been nice visiting my husband's family for Christmas, but I couldn't wait to get home to New York. You know how it is, after a long trip it's always good to get back home for some real rest. A lot of good things had happened to me this holiday, and something's which I also wanted to forget. One good thing that happened was Don's mom had told me that I was making her son very happy and I felt like we had kind of bonded over that week long visit. The thing I wanted to forget was the image of the cheap sex in a hotel bathroom that kept invading to my mind.

That's why I felt so bad, so low. What none of the family knew about was that I had cheated on Don with a black man, a stranger, on Christmas Eve. That one fact alone would really change their minds about how they felt about me. I thought that I could somehow put it out of my mind but I found that I the harder I tried I still kept seeing the entire scene unfold before my eyes. I saw Zeck in that bathroom mirror standing there behind me. I kept having visions; images of his large black cock in my hand, my mouth and my pussy.

No matter how I tried, I couldn't seem to get that vision out of my mind. Our first night home Don had tried to make love to me and I turned him away. I told him that I didn't feel that well but I was lying. I knew the real reason was that I felt guilty as hell about what I had done, and what I had allowed to happen in that hot tub. I knew when Zeck first started touching me under the water I should have stopped him. I should have pushed his hand away. I should have told my husband or his wife. I could have screamed, I should have done a lot of things, but I didn't. I sat there and let him touch me. I let him put his hands on me, in front of my husband Don.

Now, that act tormented me, I kept thinking about it, night and day. Every time I would slow down I would think about how exciting it had been to fuck that unknown black man. I felt sick about it; that the touch of some black man's hand had effected me so that I let him led me into a bathroom for a quick fuck. I was a married women and I felt sick with remorse. I found that I couldn't sleep at night, and every time Don tried to touch me I felt almost repulsed. I felt dirty, I felt like a slut for what I had allowed to happen. Then why did I keep thinking about it? Why?

It only took a few days for Don to start to notice that something was wrong. He tried to talk to me about it several times but I just couldn't talk to him about what was troubling me. How do you tell your husband that you had cheated on him? How do you tell your husband that when he touches you, you feel guilty and cheap?

It only took Don a week to act. Right after the end of the year, he told me that he wanted us to start going to see a marriage counselor. I was happy that he was so concerned about our marriage. I knew that I was going to have to tell Don what I did on Christmas Eve or I would never be at peace with myself. Confession is good for the soul they say, I hoped they were right. Maybe through a counselor I would be able to find the strength to confess, and get this all behind us. If I didn't, I felt that it was going to ruin our marriage.

I let Don set up the appointment for the marriage counselor. Don told me that the counselor had already met with him and now wanted to meet with me. He gave me the address and I noticed that it was in the Washington Heights area. That was a part of the city I didn't know very well, so to get there I took a cab. I dressed in a nice green dress, it was simple and conservative, it was my first visit to this marriage counselor and I wanted to make a good impression.

I was nervous as the cab pulled up at the address that Don had given me. It was a small red brick business building on West 180th street. I paid the cab and walked into the building. I started to think about what I was going to say to this counselor. I knew that I loved Don and that I needed to work this out with him. I had already decided that I was going to tell the truth no matter what was asked of me. I needed to come clean and find a way that I could tell my husband what I had done without destroying my marriage. I just had too.

There was a large black woman behind the reception desk. She smiled at me as I approached.

"I'm Mrs. Hamil. My husband made me an appointment with a marriage counselor at this address." I said trying to grin back to her.

"Oh Mrs. Hamil, yes we are ready for you. Please follow me." She rose and started off down a wide, well lit hallway.

I followed her, my high heel shoes clicking on the tile floor as I hurried after her. She led me to an opened doorway and I stopped just outside of the door. Looking over her shoulder I saw that the room was empty except for a large desk, a couch and a few chairs set up in a circle. The receptionist turned and smiled again, I couldn't help but notice that she had lipstick stuck to her teeth.

"My name is Marcy." The receptionist said. "If you would just take a seat and make yourself at home, the marriage counselor will be with you in a moment."

Marcy closed the door leaving me alone in the room. Now that I was so close to meeting this marriage counselor, I was getting nervous. I hoped that Don had contacted someone that both of us could talk to. I hoped for someone that could understand what I was thinking. I didn't really feel like going into all the details, I was just going to tell the counselor that I had an affair, which would cover it. I would not mention the fact that the affair happened in a bathroom.

There was a polite knock on the door, the kind that a doctor used before he entered a room. I strengthened myself and watched the door open. I was totally shocked! I knew his face in an instant, it was Zeck. My hands went up to cover my open mouth.

"Oh my God I can't believe it!" I gasped.

Zeck just stepped in and closed the door. He walked past me and without a word went to the desk and dropped a yellow folder unceremoniously upon it. As her turned I watched him loosened his tie as he looked at me. I suddenly felt naked before him, I felt dirty. There was something about this older black man, a presence that demanded your attention. He stood about six foot tall and he was broad at the shoulders. His hair had gone mostly gray at the temples but it was still black at the top.

"It's nice to see you again so soon Mrs. Hamil." He said with a knowing smile.

I faced him and I felt a rush of emotions flood through me. I was afraid, I had to fight not to turn and run out of the door. I was ashamed. Out of all the people in New York how could Don have picked this man as our marriage counselor? I felt my cheeks flush and I realized that I still had my hand over my mouth. I slowly lowered it.

"You. H...How could it be you? You're a preacher not a m...marriage counselor." I stammered.

"It's true, I am a preacher." he said as he turned and pointed out the window to a large stone block building outside. "That's my church; I just do counseling services for the membership from time to time, when it's needed, at no charge." He added as he leaned back on the desk behind him.

"I'm not a member of your church." I said slowly fighting to keep from lowering my eyes.

"Your husband Don was very upset when he called me the other day. He told me you two were having problems and asked if I could help. I agreed to help if he agreed that you'd both become members of my church." He looked me square in the eyes. "So, I told him that I was always happy to help a young couple that is having difficulty." He went quiet; I just stood there afraid to speak. I was afraid to breathe. We just stood there like that for the longest time.

"Look!" I broke the silence in the room. "I had no idea that you would be the marriage counselor. I wanted this counseling thing to work and save my marriage. There is no way in hell that this is going to work. I wanted to work things out with Don and you can't help me with that Zeck." I felt a tear run down my cheek.

Zeck moved forward.

"Now Susan, why is it that you find yourself here? Don't try and lie, you know that you liked what happened between us. I talked to your husband and he told me that you have not let him touch you after you returned from your trip. It is the fact that you liked me touching and fucking you that has you here." He stepped even closer to me.

It took all the courage I had not to step back. I stood my ground. There was no way that Zeck was right; there was no way that I wanted him to touch me that night. My weakness that evening caused my current dilemma. I would not be weak again in the presence of the black man that had taken advantage of me that night.

"Stop lying to yourself Susan. You know that you wanted it; you know that you wanted me. If you didn't you would have stopped me. You could have stopped me at any time, all it would have taken was a look from you and I would have never done what I did. I'm much older than you and I don't waste opportunities. You know what I am saying is true and that's what is causing your problems with your husband. You're lying to yourself and that is leaving you filled with guilt. All you really need to do is accept the truth and all of these problems you've been having will go away." He gave me a stern look.

"That's bullshit! I didn't ask you to touch me in the hot tub. I didn't invite you to grope me like you did. It was you, not me that did it. I'm not guilty of anything." I found myself screaming at him.

"Now, Susan why don't you sit down and we can talk about this." He pointed at the couch.

"NO! There is no way I am staying here with you." Before I could finish he pushed me down hard onto the couch.

"Let me tell you what you are going to do, Susan." He walked forward and started to undo his pants. "I wanted to do this differently but, if this is how you've got to have it, then so be it." He paused. "I've seen and dealt with your kind before, girl. You got sexually excited when I touched you in the water; you got hotter yet when you let me put my fingers in your pussy. A lot of people are just like you, the sex needs to be nasty before it's good. The dirtier the sex you have, the better you will like it. That night in the bathroom when we fucked was the first time you felt it. The fact that it felt so good, you think something has to be wrong with you." He said unzipping his fly and pulling out his black cock. "You're going to do whatever I want you to do!" He added in a warning tone.

My face flushed as I watched him pull out his black meat. He was right, I did want it, and I wanted all of it. Each time I closed my eyes, I saw him working his penis into me from behind. I saw his eyes full of wanton lust for me as he took me. My breath quickened as he stepped toward me, aiming his cock head at me like it was a weapon. A wave of lust rushed over me as he stopped a few inches from my face.

"You're going to suck my cock Susan. You're going to suck it like you started to do the other night, but this time you're going to finish the job." He pushed his half hard dick in between my lips.

"I will not..." I said trying to spit his large member out of my mouth.

Opening my mouth was a mistake. He pushed the head of his cock further between my lips. I wanted to fight but the strong taste of his pre-cum made me want to suck it deep. I stopped fighting and took hold of his dick with both hands. I was hungry for him. Zeck's black cock had been all I had thought about since that night. I slurped the large cock into my mouth as deep as I could. My hand wrapped around the part I couldn't fit into my mouth and I began stroking him with my fingers, lips and tongue.

"That's it bitch, suck my cock." He said looking down at me. "I knew you liked it dirty he moment I layed eyes on you."

I looked up at him and I am sure he liked the view. I felt him swelling in my mouth as his dick grew as hard as a rock. I knew once again that I should not be doing this but I couldn't stop myself. Zeck had been right; this is what I had wanted. This is what I had been thinking and dreaming about. I wanted him in the worst way a women can want a man. I didn't want to make love to Zeck, I just waned him to fuck me. I wanted it to be dirty. I wanted it to be a cheap black cock loviong whore. I wanted to get off.

"That's it Susan, now work your hand all the way up to the head of my dick." He commanded.

I did as I was told. I started to bob my head on just the head of his black cock while my hand worked over the length of his shaft. I was rewarded with a warm rush of pre-cum that flooded my mouth and made my head whirl. I noticed that working over Zeck's large black cock like this was drawing spit out of my mouth and it was dripping down onto my lap staining my dress. A large wet spot was starting to form on the fabric. I didn't care; all I cared about was this gorgeous cock in my hand and in my mouth.

Zeck had his eyes closed as he rocked his hips towards me.

"That's right, suck my cock." He said. "Tell me how much you like to suck my black cock."

"I like to suck your cock." I said between slurps.

"No, tell me you like to suck my cock." He demanded.

"I want to suck your cock." I said with the head of his dick still in my mouth.

Zeck pulled his black cock out of my mouth and started to hit me in the face with it. The wet slaps of his spongy cock head filled my ears.

"I don't believe you Susan, what is it that you want again?" He said as he slapped me with his manhood.

"I want your cock, I want it Zeck. I really want your cock." I pleaded reaching for his black cock trying to guide it back into my mouth. Finally, he allowed me to grab it and I started to suck hungrily again.

"My, my Susan what a little slut you are." He said.

He pulled away from me and grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling me roughly to my feet. I got the feeling that he enjoyed moving me around in his powerful hands. I pulled my dress up and turned around grabbing hold of the arm of the couch as he pulled my lace panties aside. I felt him push his black cock into my pussy. This time I was so wet it went in without restriction.

"Wet for me I see. You're a little slut for black men aren't you?" Zeck said as he pushed forward into me.

I had nothing to hide now. This was the second time Zeck had fucked me and he knew how badly I wanted it. The only difference was that this time, I knew that I wanted it. I was a married white women but I wanted to get fucked by this older black bull of a man. He started to thrust hard into me and I couldn't help but wonder how an older man like him could be so powerful.

"Now Susan, my little slut you're going to take my cock." Zeck said. I had a hard time standing up under him as he slowly drove his dick deep into my young blond pussy. I started to rock back to meet him. I wanted him to know just how much I wanted him to be inside of me. I worked my hips from side to side as we fucked. Zeck was right, I was a slut, and I was his little slut. His large black cock was soon covered in my juices. I felt my first orgasm starting to grip my stomach. Zeck must have known that I was reaching climax because he picked up his pace and drove his meat even deeper and harder. I stiffened as wave after wave of electricity rocked my pussy.

Zeck grabbed me and rolled me onto the couch. He leaned down and started to kiss me, I had never thought of kissing an older man but I found that he knew just want I wanted. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, tickling the top, then bit my lower lip just enough to let me know he was in charge. He kissed down the softness of my neck and I could feel him inhaling my perfume. Needles of excitement ran through my whole body as he kissed me. He lowered me into a sitting position and opened my legs and for the first time Zeck could really see my open cunt.

He quickly slipped his cock back into me and he ran the fingers of his right hand through my blond pussy hairs. He lifted himself up and looked down on me impaled on his manhood. He grinned as he pushed himself back into my wet open cunt. I watched as his black shaft disappeared into my open pussy lips. It was the most arousing thing I had ever seen and I was enthralled by the sight of his large wet black cock pumping in and out of me. I was amazed that I could take his entire length.

In this new position I found that I could feel Zeck's cock rubbing a different part of me than before. I could feel a small bump each time he drove into my pussy, I rubbed my tummy and could feel his hardness inside of me. That was it, another ripping orgasm hit me, I pulled Zeck close and wrapped my legs around his hips pulling himself deeper inside of me.

I felt Zeck's cock start to swell just on the end of my second climax. He was about to cum. I gyrated my hips, trying my best to rub his cock on whatever spot he needed to get himself off. He grabbed my neck and pulled me up to him for another hot, wet kiss. He started to jerk as I felt my pussy fill with his hot seed. I felt at least four strong waves as he rolled his tongue around inside of my mouth. He worked his older black seed into my willing womb as he kissed me. That was the only time I had even thought about birth control. I wasn't on any, my husband always used a condom, but that didn't matter to me now. I just wanted his sperm.

After kissing down my neck again, he slowly pulled his black cock out of my pussy. I could feel his cum rushing out of me and running down into the crack of my ass. He stood up and pulled my head towards his cum covered black cock.

"Now Susan, finish the job, clean me up." Zeck ordered.

I looked up at him with my soft blue eyes. I opened my mouth and let him push his wet black cock between my lips. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me farther onto his cock. I tried to take all his cock into my mouth. I could feel it trying to snake its way down the back of my throat. I tried to pull back but Zeck held me firm. I started to use my teeth to bite on his dick as he forced it into my mouth. After a few seconds, he pulled back and allowed me breath again. I licked all over his dick, cleaning every inch of it.

"That's it Susan, yoou're doing a very good job." Zeck patted me on the head and put his cock away.

I wiped my lips with the back of my hand as Zeck zipped up his pants.

"Don't worry Susan." Zeck stated as he tucked in his shirt and fixed his tie. "I can give you want you need. I will call you when I need you, until then I want you to go and make love to your husband." He said with a grin. "We want him to think that these counseling sessions are working."

"Yes Zeck, I can do that." I said in a soft voice.

"Now get dressed and go home." I will call you later." He said.

I got up and strengthened my dress. Zeck opened the door and as I walked out into the street I looked down for the first time and saw the big wet spot on the front of my dress from the blow job I had just given Zeck. I tried to hide it with my handbag as I flagged down a cab. I could feel Zeck's sperm running down my leg. It was a relief to get out of the public view, but I also found it very exciting. Zeck was right about me. The fact that I had a black man's seed running down my leg in broad daylight made me even hotter. I felt like I needed to get fucked again. I picked up my cell phone and called Don.

"Hi Honey." I said.

"Susan, Hello. How did the meeting with Zeck go? I was told that he was a good marriage counselor, and the fact that we already knew him I felt would help us both. How did things go?" Don asked.

"Good honey, I think things are going to work out fine if we keep going to him." I replied.

"That's great; I was thinking that we should join Zeck's church. You know he won't charge us for the sessions if we are members of his church." He said.

"That's a good idea Don." I said. "Can you meet me at the house? I feel kind of....." I paused for a second. "Horny." I finished.

"Are you k**ding me? Sure honey I'll be home in a flash." He replied excitedly.

"See you there." I closed my cell phone; I couldn't help but feel Zeck's cum running down my leg. Don and I could work this out now. Zeck had shown me what I really wanted. I wanted to be a slut for Zeck's big black cock. I wanted the sex to be nasty, dirty and cheap. I still don't know if it's the fact that Zeck is black or the fact that he is so much older than me that really is the turn on. I guess it's both.

I arrived home to see Don's car already in the driveway. He met me at the door. I had to hide the wet spot because it still had not gone away. The front of my dress was still stained by my spit.

"Susan, I have needed you so bad. You know how I am, I want to make love to you all the time and you haven't let me touch you for a week."

Don grabbed me and started to kiss me. I had to think fast to cover up the fact that I had just had sex with Zeck. I slipped out of my dress. I pushed it away with my foot, which took care of the wet spot. I quickly dropped to my knees and undid Don's pants.

I pulled his cock out and started to suck him as wetly as I could. He never said a word; he was not used to me doing this for him. I pulled his pants down and grabbed his balls in my hand and started to softly tickle them. In no time Don was as hard as steel in my mouth. I looked up at him as I worked over his dick.

"What has gotten into you Susan?" He asked with his eyes closed.

"I just want to show you how much I do love you Don." I answered as I rubbed his hard dick on my face. "I want you to make love to me now."

He started to walk to the bedroom but I stopped him and pulled him down onto me right there on the living room floor. I knew that I had not cleaned myself up yet after being fucked by Zeck and that Don was sure to notice if we went to the bedroom. I guided his cock towards my pussy. If I could get his cock into me fast it would cover up my infidelity.

"Honey, I got to go and get protection." He complained as I pulled him towards me.

"Forget it Don, I want you inside of me now." I told him.

His cock hit my wet pussy and when Don felt it he pushed hard forward. My pussy was well fucked already and it felt so hot and messy to have another hard cock in me. I had never had two men in one day and it was a really turn on. Don started to fuck my pussy which was full of Zeck's cum.

I was worried at first that he would notice that I had just been fucked hard by someone else. I think the fact that we never made love without a condom helped me hide that fact from Don. He was fucking into me really slowly in a nice firm rhythm. I wrapped my legs around his hips.

"You are really wet." Don said.

"I'm hot for you; please Don, not so slow. Fuck me faster." I begged.

He stopped for a second, I never talked like that to him before and it caught him off guard a bit. He looked down at me with a puzzled look. I gave him a wicked grin.

"Zeck told me to tell you how I really felt when we are together and right now Don, I don't want you to make love to me. I want you to fuck me, fuck me good." I told him pulling my blond hair out of my eyes.

He took my advice; he grabbed both of my legs and put them over his shoulders. I saw something in Don's eyes I had never seen before. It was the same look that Zeck had when he looked at me the first time we fucked. Don started to fuck me as hard as he could.

"That's it Don, Fuck me, Fuck me good." I said cheering him on. "I need you so bad."

The wet feeling of his hard dick pumping in and out of my used cunt made me remember that I still had a good load of Zeck's black cum in my pussy. Don didn't know it but he was working another man's cum around in my cunt. Don didn't know it, but I did. I think that Don liked the wet feeling of my used cunt and the noise it was making as he fucked into me. The mere fact that Don was fucking my stretched pussy right after a black man had unloaded into it brought on my orgasm. It was my third climax of the day, as my stomach started to clinch it almost felt sore. I had never done anything so nasty before in my life and it felt so good.

Don got a charge from my orgasm and started to pump into me harder. Zeck's cum made it really easy for Don to work his cock into my open hole. He pumped me for all he was worth. Then I felt him start to pull his dick out.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm not going to cum in you without protection." He said.

"I want it Don. I don't care about that now; give me your seed Don." I pleaded with him.

Just my words were all the encouragement he needed. I felt his dick pump in me deep as he started to cum. Don was adding his sperm to Zeck's. He lowered his lips to mine, claiming them in a heated kiss.

"Honey, I love you." Don said.

My pussy was still aflame with the nasty thing I had just done. I could feel both men's cum running out of my cunt. This is what I needed, what I wanted. Zeck was right. I wanted sex, dirty, nasty sex.

"I love you too." I said.

As we lay there I found myself wondering when Zeck would be calling me again.


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Blackmailing My Twin Sisters

Blackmailing My Twin Sisters Well I was going to blackmail them. Really! But as you’ll see I didn’t have too. It was probably for the best that way. Then they couldn’t accuse me of taking advantage of them. I am a fourteen-year-old boy that has a beautiful set of thirteen-year-old twin sisters that drive me absolutely fucking nuts. Pardon my French. I mean to tell you that even I have trouble telling which is which. They look alike, they dress alike, and they are sexy as hell. They...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Beauty

Introduction: A lesbian teacher catches a student cheat and blackmails her. Blackmailing Beauty A teacher/student story A in the closet lesbian teacher catches a student cheat and decides to blackmail her. Note 1: Thanks as always to Steve and Estragon for their editing help. Blackmailing Beauty As soon as I got the job teaching in Hill River, my whole lifestyle had to change. I knew I was a lesbian since I was 16 and had my first girl-girl sexual encounter when I was 18. During college I...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing the mother in law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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Blackmailing My Sexy Teacher Part1

Hi ISS readers, Aman here with a new fantasy story. This story is about how I blackmailed my sexy teacher into sex in the classroom. Let me tell you about her. She is Priya and her age is 28. She has a very hot figure 34-30-36 and she has a very curvy body just like Bollywood heroin Urvashi. This incident happened when I was in 12th standard and I was 18 years old. I was a very naughty and kinky guy at that time. Coming to the story, it was Monday afternoon 4 pm and the college bell rang. It...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing Sister8217s Friend Part 3

Hi everyone. Thanks for your awesome response for the previous parts. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me as well as real sex. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at This is continuation to my other stories “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-1” and “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-2”. This story is completely fiction and...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing Sister8217s Friend Part 2

I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me as well as real sex. Any girl who is interested in having fun with me can contact me at This is continuation to my first story “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-1”. As I mentioned in the first part this story is completely fiction and my fantasy however the girl is real. I suggest the readers to read the 1st part to know the complete story. So let me start the...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing Ruth

Blackmailing Ruth By Wolf Ferret [email protected]. Jones, a partner in Jones and Forbes Solicitors of London, sat at his desk considering what to do about his secretary. Ruth had been working for him for over 4 years and was efficient, attractive and well liked by the clients and staff of the firm. Unfortunately, the auditors had just supplied conclusive evidence that she had stolen 30 thousand pounds from the firm.He and his partner, Mr Forbes, had discussed the matter. The choices...

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Blackmailing My Dads New Wife Chapter 1

I knew she was a golddigger; she wasn't fooling anyone but my Dad. Porsche (yes, apparently that was her real name) had met my Dad about three months prior to their getting married.He had gone to Las Vegas on a business trip–a sales convention for his company. One day after the endless meetings, he had stopped off at a local titty bar called Candi's for a little something to relax.There he met Porsche and they hit it off. The next thing they knew, Dad was bringing her home to meet me.At least...

3 years ago
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Blackmailing MotherChapter 2 PantEHose

My mother Bethany Griffith was CEO and sole owner of a small but profitable advertising agency called Womankind. My father’s business interests were immense, varied and complicated but Bethany held onto her little boutique business as a matter of pride and a source of self-determination. That said, she was ruthless. Womankind employed only female staff and specialised in feminine-only products. Bethany was CEO and Head of Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising and Creative. Her Personal...

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Blacked and Betrayed chapters 1 through 3

Blacked and Betrayed by rat_race * * * * * CHAPTER 1 - My First Cuckold Experience * * * * * "Oh come on. It'll be fun," I insisted, sitting there in that dingy neighborhood bar, in the not-so-nice part of town. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Remember?" "Yeah, but we're not in Vegas, Carl. We're here in Austin, Texas. Our home town. Remember?" my 32-year-old wife, Sally, argued back, and then continued on, "And we also just happen to be pillars of our community. Don't...

2 years ago
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The invitation came in a black envelope, addressed in silver ink. ‘Blackout Party’, said the card, and gave the address of a very good friend. My innards flipped with a thrill. I had been hoping for this to arrive, and finally it was here. Only a work-week away. I had known of my friend’s predilection for erotic gatherings of his trusted close group. I don’t remember how we got onto the conversation while he and I were out for a drink one evening. But it turns out that he was the host of...

2 years ago
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"Where were you when the lights went out?" Almost everyone was asked this question this past summer when the Big Blackout of 2003 happened. Electric grids caved in under a severe heat wave that gripped the Midwestern and Northeastern parts of the United States and Canada. Lights were out for days in some states. We lost power only for one night but what a night it turned out to be! Getting back to the question: I think a better question to ask me would be "Where was I when he lights came back...

1 year ago
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I yawned widely and then looked around, embarrassed. I had been reading so long and I was so bored, I'd totally forgotten about being in the Public Library. As I looked around to see if anyone had noticed my open yawn, I saw an older man in a three-piece suit staring directly at me. I nodded at him and then turned back to my book. I had just about finished the textbook I was studying and as I started to close it, the lights went out!! Since I was on the third floor of the Public Library,...

3 years ago
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Blacking out What do you think Yes or No

This is what my wife says happened when she had sex with 2 black guys .She also says that I tricked her into doing them because she didn't think that I had their phone number when I kept asking her if she wanted me to call them to have sex with her. This story is about ,"My wife is Multi Orgasmik and we didn't know that she was until that night"I wrote it afew weeks ago and part 2 is in my blog so I hope that you will read it and give me your input to what you think. My wife and I have been...

2 years ago
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Blacked Uk wife

I’m happy to say my wife Kathy took her first extra-marital cock in August of 2022. We had been wed 5 years at the time and although a regular fantasy for us we’d never taken it any further. I was very keen too. Maybe I’d felt undeserving for a long time and wanted to share her but there were other reasons. For ages i’d been writing interracial erotic fiction and she was, in my eyes, perfect material for black cock. Kathy’s a good looking brunette, 29 at the time,...

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Blackmailed I am her devoted Little Cuck

If you have been following my story, you know that Randy, a friend of mine since high school, has been blackmailing my girlfriend Sandy and me for the last few weeks. Sandy and I agreed to be his sex slaves for one month, as long as at the end of that term, he would turn over the compromising videos he filmed of me.I was the first to be blackmailed into gay sex and it seemed the more I complied with him, the more entangled I became as he videoed more and more of me giving him blowjobs or...

4 years ago
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Vic lay on his bed, stretched out on his side, naked, his hard, throbbing cock in his hand. As he stroked himself harder and harder, faster and faster, his breathing growing hoarse and ragged, his gaze was locked inexorably upon the centerfold of the magazine before him.Her name, according to the XXX magazine at any rate, was Honie and, despite the unusual spelling, Vic certainly thought that she was. Her body was lean and trim, smooth and petite, hairless and just lightly tanned. Her nipples...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed Forger

Introduction: A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture. Synopsis: A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture. Prequel to Owning a Dominant BitchChapter 1Darrel James had waited patiently for this day. He had confronted Peggy almost two months earlier with the info he collected on her forgery scheme and, when he revealed the evidence to her, she crumbled quickly. Little by little he had taken more and more control.His job at the bank gave him more than enough to...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Housewife

Blackmailed Housewife Blackmailed HousewifeChapter sixBy Master John Caroline sat in the backseat of the car wondering where Tim was taking her and what he would do to her when they got there. It was an almost heady mixture of fear and excitement that coursed through her body and mind as different scenarios ran through her head.? But the blindfold upon her eyes made it impossible to tell where they were and caused enough disorientation to make it almost impossible for her to tell in which...

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