The Scullery Maid's Tale free porn video

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The little girl skipped down the forest path, her mother following close behind. She crested a little rise, and stopped short. When her mother caught up to her, they looked out over a fenced field planted with row upon row of blooming cotton plants. The little girl's attention was riveted on a group of tall, nearly naked Slave-men harvesting cotton. Two uniformed fieldwomen, shiny metal batons held casually in their hands, watched them from a short distance away.

The little girl looked up at her mother. "Who are those people, Mommy, and why are those ladies watching them?" Her mother knelt down to look her in the eye. "Those aren't people, dear, those are Men - Slave-men, we call them… they work the fields." The mother paused, letting the little girl absorb the meaning of the scene before them.

"Thousands of years ago Men were not the dumb creatures you see here today," she continued."In fact, they ruled Elysia just as Queen Morgana does today. But they were bad, and were always causing fighting and unhappiness. In the end they caused so much fighting with such terrible weapons almost everyone in the world died... and when the distant ancestor of Queen Morgana began to rebuild the world She realized Men were not fit to rule. In Her wisdom, She knew they were only fit for being beasts of labor, working at menial tasks that suit their strength and endurance. So She began a long process of breeding men to be the useful beasts they are today."


"But be careful, they are strong and willful, and can be dangerous!"

* * *

Dawn was slowly flowing over the land of Elysia, and the light struck sparks from the golden roof of the high towers of Queen Morgana's castle. On the highest balcony, the Queen stood looking out over her land. Below, she saw the women of the kitchen staff bustling about the courtyard, and her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of a Scullery Maid hurrying across the courtyard to the stables.

She looked out over the rooftops and saw the first of the slavemen being led out of the stables into the fields, their leadropes held firmly by the husky fieldwomen. The slavemen stumbled along, their blinders and shackles preventing them from taking full steps. Morgana's attention was drawn back to the courtyard, as the Scullery Maid's hourglass figure disappeared through a door into the Milking Room attached to the stables.

Morgana shifted uneasily as the sight of the Maid's ample curves caused the first pangs of a familiar ache deep inside her... she felt the first slow flow of wetness start the maddening friction of her pussy lips and clitoral hood that kept her in a state of arousal through most of her waking hours.

She suddenly turned and strode from the balcony into her sumptuous quarters. She almost ran to the huge bed that dominated the room and ripped the covers off the sleeping form that was in it... the face of the very young serving girl thus exposed underwent a lightning change from annoyance at being so rudely woken to a sly, anticipating hunger as she saw Morgana towering over her. Her Queen, shrugging off her robe, straddled the girl's angular body and began to rub her swelling pussy against the serving girl's belly and budding breasts, while kissing her deeply. The serving girl's hand darted between her own legs and slipped inside her haven to ready herself. Her eyes closed as she felt her head pulled roughly up by her hair, and her mouth was covered by her Queen's now-sopping pussy.

Morgana rutted against the serving girl's lips and tongue for a long moment, and then she reached for a tiny, chased silver and gold cup on the bedside table. She slipped off the tightly fitting cover, and a faint wisp of vapor wafted out.

The Queen pulled back from the serving girls face, and the serving girl laid back and pulled her knees high up to her chest, spreading her legs as wide as they would go.

Morgana dipped her finger into the cup and brought out a fingertip coated with the last drops of a shimmering, viscous fluid. The product of centuries of research and refinement by the by the Court Alchemists of generations of ruling Queens of Elysia, the precious liquid made her fingertip burn with its magic. Distilled from hundreds of carefully harvested orgasms of a few well-chosen slaveman stallions, the liquid held the power to (if only temporarily) satisfy the overwhelming lust that was burning between Morgana's thighs.

Taking a deep breath, she carefully applied the fluid to her nubby, swollen little clit and her eyes, along with the serving girl's, riveted to that small bud of flesh. The familiar shivering, electric vibration traveled from Morgana's extremities up into her torso and concentrated into a ball of heat deep in her belly, and she gave a long drawn out wail as her clit began to swell, harden and extend itself. Like a slow-motion movie of a flower unfolding, her clit became a full, thick, seven-inch penis, crowned by a sharp-ridged deep red head that quivered with sexual power and lust.

The serving girl cried out, "Please, your Majesty, fuck me now, fuck me hard, fuck me please!!" and sensuously writhed her hips toward her Queen in invitation.

Morgana grasped one of the serving girl's small hands in each of hers and pinned them to the bed. She positioned herself above the delicate pink lips of the offered pussy and roughly thrust her rock-hard cock/clit deep inside.

Morgana began a deep, slow grinding fucking that pushed her rigid flesh deep into the serving girl until she pressed against the limits of the young but experienced womanhood and then pulled out until the head, shinning with wetness, just cleared the puffy gaping lips, before stabbing deep again.

Queen Morgana continued this pounding rhythm like a machine, her eyes tightly closed and her face wearing a tight expression of complete concentration. Inwardly she was consumed by the sensation of penetrating the serving girl's hot, tight slit over and over.

Morgana built to her climax, completely oblivious to the passionate moaning of the girl under her. She did not change her motion or rhythm as the serving girl angled her hips to press her own little clit against the shaft thrusting in and out of her, and she did not notice when the girl howled in pleasure as her pussy spasmed again and again in it's climax.

Soon after, though, Morgana's labored breathing suddenly stopped, and she pulled all the way out and shoved forward, releasing the girl's hands. The Queen threw her head back and tensed every muscle, one hand wrapped around the shaft of her cock and the other thrusting several fingers deep inside her pussy.

Morgana grunted from deep inside herself as jet after jet of clear, thick cum burst from the tip of her cock and sprayed across the chest, throat and face of the nearly delirious serving girl, and copious dollops of pussy-juice ran past her fingers to flow down onto the girl's smooth belly and shaven mound.

The girl, fucked almost insensible, feebly scooped the Queen's cum up to her mouth and licked her fingers clean over and over, until she had to lean forward to suck and lick the last drops from the tip of Morgana's still hard flesh.

Morgana grabbed a handful of the serving girl's hair and thrust herself deep in the slack mouth, and then pulled out, wiping the cum and spittle onto the girl's gratefully dazed face. The Queen dropped her back onto the bed, and in an unusual gesture, flung the blankets back over the thin girl's body.

Morgana, still naked, strutted back out into the morning sun on her balcony, and breathed deeply as she watched her big cock slowly gather into itself and regain the familiar shape and texture of her beautiful clitoris.

She was deeply, fundamentally satisfied... but even then she felt the familiar tingle of renewing lust tickling at her senses. She looked down into the courtyard at the door to the Milking Room, where she knew the Scullery Maid, with all the skill and experience of her years of duty, was hard at work.

* * *

Behind the door of the Milking room, in a dimly lit stall, the Scullery Maid prepared her equipment with the casual precision of a craftswoman of long experience. She remembered how daunting all the preparations and equipment had seemed when an unexpected opening in the Milk Maid roster had given her the opportunity to be promoted from her menial Scullery Maid duties. In a bit of reverse pride, she allowed everyone to continue to call her Scullery Maid - maybe just to show she was unashamed of her humble beginnings.

She placed the sterilized tubing and collection cup on the table next to the minute vacuum pump, and checked the cross-ties and leather restraints, though she knew her tack was perfect in every way. After a last look that confirmed everything was laid out to her satisfaction, she straightened her skirt and blouse and went out into the corridor that led to the stable proper.

Walking past the stall that housed Prince, a strapping 20-year-old stallion with blond hair and bulging muscles that had been hardened by hard work in the fields, she allowed herself a small smile. She heard Megg, another Milk Maid, hissing frustrated curses at Prince as she tried to get him tacked up for milking. Apparently Prince was not feeling cooperative, and no wonder! Megg might have been the Scullery Maid's primary competition for the annual Production Prize, but she just didn't have the knack of dealing with these powerful, sensitive creatures on their own terms.

The Scullery Maid came up to a stall door that belonged to Thor, her absolute favorite stallion of the whole Royal stable, and smiled broadly as she heard him humming to himself behind the closed stall door. He was not a handsome specimen, and his conformation was not ever going to win him a Blue Ribbon at a stock show, but his winning personality and willing production has caused the Scullery Maid to bond with him in a way that was almost unnatural...

The Scullery Maid paused outside the stall door and looked at her reflection in the shiny steel casing of a water heater. Not young, but not yet old, her full figure filled her Maid's uniform perfectly, and the powerful cattle prod hanging at her belt shined in the light. She was aware of the admiring glances she often received from the Princesses and Duchesses that surrounded the Queen, and many of the other household women that she worked with.

Her mouth turned down momentarily as that thought reminded her of her wife Synthia. A tall, slim woman with a bitter outlook on life, Synthia no longer seemed to find the Scullery Maid as attractive as she once did, and constantly ridiculed her for all and any small details of her looks and behavior.

"That's the way it is with long-married couples," the Scullery Maid thought, and shrugged off the negative thoughts as she tried to concentrate on her task at hand. Synthia even ridiculed her job as Milk Maid, and dismissed the possibility of the Scullery Maid winning the Production Prize as meaningless. Synthia often sniffed loudly when the Scullery Maid came home from a day's work, and muttered comments about "the whole house smelling like the filthy livestock" until the Scullery Maid took a long shower. And then she had to listen to complaints about using too much hot water! Grrrr!

The Scullery Maid shook herself and put the sad details of her marriage aside, and focused on the job at hand. "Thor!" she called outside the door, and was rewarded by a clatter and a grunt or two as Thor leaped up off his cot and began to pace back and forth just inside the door.

The Scullery Maid stole a glance down the corridor and was secretly pleased to see Megg leading Prince out of his stall, tugging on his lead rope and twitching her whip at his legs. His shackles were tight and he was popping and dodging to beat the band - and Megg was getting angrier by the minute.

The Scullery Maid cautiously opened Thor's stall door - even the best stallions could be a handful - and slid into the stall. Thor was obviously pleased to see her, in his dim way, and was humming away as he did when he was particularly happy or comfortable. Of course his tongue has been cropped at birth, and his early training had eliminated any possibility of coherent speech (it was hotly argued among the Milk Maid sisterhood whether even the brightest of these male animals had real "thoughts", and the Scullery Maid came down firmly on the side of "Maybe".) If slavemen had ever had any capability of normal thought, most Milk Maids agreed it had been long bred out of them in the thousands of years that the land of Elysia had recorded history.

Thor was a head taller than the Scullery Maid, but he obviously was aware of her dominance in the stall, keeping his distance as he bowed his head and stood calmly waiting for his tacking up and grooming. She followed traditional practice and slipped a halter with a choke collar over his head (he ducked right into it as he almost always did) and ran the slack out until he was safely secured to a pulley attached to the ceiling of the stall, with just enough slack to allow him to keep his feet on the floor. She did it remembering that another Milk Maid had neglected this elementary precaution a few weeks previously with a mean-eyed stallion named Diablo, and she was due to get out of the Infirmary "sometime soon".

Thor, thou', was as good as gold, holding out one hand at a time for the cross-ties that extended from the walls to a strap buckled around each wrist, securing his arms stretched up and out.

The Scullery Maid said, "Don't go anywhere," a little joke to herself she amused herself with most days at this point, and went out of the stall and down the passageway to the sink and pulled a bucket of hot water. Grabbing a bar of soap and a sponge and brush, she happily carried them back to Thor's stall. She never tired of the small details of the Milk Maid's job... she thought, unlike some, that the stallions deserved good care in return for the precious product they were there to produce.

Back in the stall, the Scullery Maid put the bucket down and proceeded to bathe and groom Thor with gentle care. She lathered him up and used her bare hands to wash him everywhere. Aware that today's production was the last before the end of the cycle, and thus the last chance to cement her lead in the Production Prize race for this year, she was excited to see his little dangling cock begin to swell and grow as she washed his bum and dangling balls, and it positively hardened and stood up as she rubbed the soap onto the shaft and skinned back his foreskin to get the "tricky parts" as clean as the rest. Thor was not as dramatically endowed as, say, Prince was at rest, but once excited he had a respectable six-inch penis that stood out straight and hard...

She released his now-squeaky-clean penis and proceeded to shave his balls and belly and the upper part of his legs - not a necessary part of grooming but one that the Scullery Maid thought was a nice touch, and one that had made her proud the last time the Royal Alchemists came through the stables on one of their inspection tours. The old crone (who was obviously a Very Important Woman by the way all the other scientists deferred to her) had nodded in approval as she roughly flipped Thor's penis and balls up and down and ran her hands over his smooth belly.

"Come to think of it," the Scullery Maid said, half to the unwitting Thor and half to herself, "The Powers That Be have been paying special attention to you, old stud." She had been told to take special care with sterile procedures and to make sure that his production, once measured, went into a special batch that was whisked off to the Alchemists Tower immediately.

"I don't think your production is going into the "Baby Batter" with the rest, Thor," she said, referring to the normal destination of the stallions' efforts, which was to supply the necessary chromosomes for the careful genetic manipulation that resulted in each new generation of Elysian women. This procedure used the useful parts of the male genome for the in/vitro fertilization that allowed the scientists to produce each female baby without contaminating those perfect offspring with the traits that were preserved in the male children, useful only for fieldwork, and other simple undemanding tasks they could be trained for.

Not worrying about what she couldn't control, she put the mystery of Thor's popularity with the Alchemists out of her mind, and proceeded with Thor's grooming, rinsing and drying him, and giving his long mane a good brushing. It was reddish tinted and curly, and was pleasant to touch and run her hands through, when it was clean and untangled. His craggy, unsymmetrical face had developed an animal charm that kept it from putting her off as it had when she first saw him, and his gentle and compliant nature was an added bonus.

All through these routine procedures, she often let her hands stray to the stallion's belly, thighs and genitals, watching carefully as her ministrations caused a quick reaction, hardening his penis and tightening his ball sack without really causing him any other visible excitement. She enjoyed the skill with which she could control his involuntary responses, and knew the reason she was leading the Production Prize list was more due to her careful and knowledgeable treatment of her stallion than any real biological advantage he might have been born with...

Before she unhooked Thor's cross-ties, she buckled a cuff around each of his ankles and connected them with a short chain that effectively limited his ability to walk quickly or run. She released his hands from the cross-ties one at a time and put his wrists in similar cuffs behind his back. Only then did she release the vertical tie to his halter, allowing him to put his full weight on his feet and follow her out the stall door, his calm and confident movements a marked contrast to the nervous, jumpy demeanor that Prince had shown a few minutes ago.

The Scullery Maid wished for a second that Meg had been in the corridor to see Thor moving gracefully down to his stall in the Milking room, but quashed the thought as unseemly pride. As it was, she could hear Meg muttering threats to Prince as she tried to get him to cooperate in his stall, and that was enough to reassure the Scullery Maid that - barring disaster - today's production should allow her to keep her lead in the Production Prize.

The Scullery Maid led Thor into his Milking room stall and quickly and gently hooked him up to the clean, white cross-ties and vertical halter that she had prepared earlier. All the tack and surfaces in the Milking room stalls were practically sterile in their cleanliness, as required by the Alchemists. While she was tacking up, the Scullery Maid patted and caressed Thor, and crooned a little melody softly to him as he stood patiently waiting.

The Scullery Maid placed a large hourglass on the table, with the full end down. When she was done she stood back and surveyed her preparations. Thor was secured in the middle of the stall, his cross-ties limiting his ability to move in any direction. The front of his thighs were pressed against a low table just above his knees, and his penis and balls reflected in the shiny chrome surface.

The Scullery Maid turned the hourglass over and ducked under Thor's cross-ties, standing close behind him. She reached around him and ran her hands over his cock and balls, pleased to feel an immediate swelling as she gently wrapped her fingers around the shaft. She slowly stroked the hardening penis and cupped her free hand under his balls. She alternated long, slow strokes with gentle rubbing at his most sensitive spots with her fingertips. She continued this treatment as his cock grew longer and harder and she felt his pulse quicken. She carefully monitored the state of his excitement, and soon his breath began to quicken and she felt the first pulses of his impending orgasm. She immediately stopped the stroking and held his shaft firmly at the base as his excitement cooled.

The Scullery Maid caressed Thor's chest and arms with her free hand as she controlled his attempts to thrust against her motionless hand by pressing against his buttocks with her belly and thighs. She heard him sigh as he accepted the first denial of his orgasm and relaxed his muscles.

"Good boy, good boy," she whispered to him affectionately. "You'll be pouring out buckets when that hourglass runs down, won't you, my big boy?" She rested her head against his hard muscled back and as always, tried to repress a guilty pleasure as the solid warmth of his back and the pulsing of the hard shaft in her hand combined to wake up her own sexual feelings.

She knew none of the other Milk Maids ever admitted to feeling any arousal with their charges, and she never mentioned her feelings to them. She was afraid it was a sick, twisted part of her mind, but she couldn't help the heat and flowing lubrication she was feeling between her legs. She shrugged and, as was her nature, accepted what she couldn't change as best she could.

"That's my boy," she whispered to Thor's unheeding ears, "You're getting me all wet, aren't you, bad boy?" She reached under her skirt and dipped her fingers between her sopping pussy lips, bringing them up shiny with clear juices. Playfully she reached around and coated Thor's lips with her lubrication, and giggled as he snorted and licked it all away.

The Scullery Maid walked around Thor and checked to make sure the stall door was securely closed, thankful for the privacy it allowed her. "I'm such a BAD girl aren't I, Thor?" she asked him. She could faintly hear the normal sounds coming from across the corridor where Meg was working Prince, and the monotonous slapping sound as Meg furiously stroked Prince's semi-hard cock reassured the Scullery Maid that her privacy was complete.

She pulled the hem of her skirt up to her waist and was pleased to see Thor's eyes irresistibly drawn to the clean shaven mound below her smooth belly. She stood for a moment, battling in her mind between her guilt and her shameful desires. Then, with a shake of her head, she gave in as she so often did, and climbed onto the sturdy milking table. She stood in front of Thor, and pulling the front of her shirt open, she offered her nipple to his eager mouth. Her head fell back and her eyes closed as his lips and tongue instinctively sucked and licked at the whole of her generous breast, concentrating on her stiff pink nipple.

Breaking away from his mouth with an effort, she knelt on the table and abandoned all pretense of normalcy, taking Thor's cock into her mouth, shivering at the delicious wickedness of allowing the animal heat and hardness to penetrate deep past her tongue to the back of her throat. Thor moaned and thrust in and out as deeply as the cross-ties and milking table would allow.

Even in the grip of her own wanton passions, the Scullery Maid was aware of her responsibilities, so when she felt Thor's cock swelling against her lips she reached out and stilled his hips with a strong hand. "Whoa, boy, whoa," she crooned to him, as she withdrew her mouth from his cockhead, licking off the glistening saliva she had left there.

"Easy, now," she told him. "We have a long way to go before you're ready for milking, old son!" She looked at the hourglass. Almost halfway gone! She sat in front of him on the table and crooned soothing sounds to him as he slowly calmed down.

As his cock lost some of the steely hardness of his near-orgasm, a large drop of clear pre-cum appeared at the tip, and the Scullery Maid quickly reached for the collection cup, trailing the clear tubing that connected it to the Milking pump. She placed the cup under the tip of Thor's cock and squeezed the shaft firmly. The drop at the tip of Thor's cock fell into the cup, followed by a long string of pre-cum that she expertly milked out of his cock. The pump hummed and the fluid whisked up the tubing and ran into the sterile bottle that hung where the tubing was attached to the Milking pump. "Good boy, ohhh, you're a good boy," she encouraged Thor, and shook the end of his cock to dislodge the last drop of pre-cum.

Carefully replacing the collection cup near to hand, the Scullery Maid reached her arms around Thor's torso and hugged him close, her head against his chest and her lips pressed passively against his nipple. She knew he needed a minute or two to recover his control, and she put the hourglass on its side as his breathing slowed.

When she saw that Thor was not on the edge any more, the Scullery Maid lay back on the milking table and spread her legs, displaying herself to Thor, whose eyes drank in the sight of her swollen pussy lips. She slid across the table to him and put one leg on each side of his hips, and pulling his buttocks with her ankles, drew him in until his thighs were pressed against the table's edge. Raising her hips, she allowed the tip of his slightly drooping penis to touch the wetness there. She felt a tremor go through his body and felt the pressure increase as his cock once again filled as hardened, increasing its length enough to just penetrate her. She clicked her tongue at him and he began a slight rocking motion that she matched, so his cock began to slide in and out of her by as much as an inch or two, over and over. She reached over and turned the hourglass upright, and the sand began to flow as she carefully controlled his excitement with the pressure of her feet on his hips and the angle of her torso. When she was sure he was safely in a rhythm that would not push him over the edge, she reached down and began to play with her clit as his cock head rubbed back and forth over her G-spot. Her breath began to hiss in and out and she soon trembled all over as the first of many orgasmic spasms clutched at Thor's churning penis…

After a long while she felt that he was again reaching the point of no return, and so she reluctantly pulled back out of reach. Thor grumbled deep in his chest as his deep red, rigid cock fucked only air, and for a moment he struggled to make himself cum, but the Scullery Maid whispered reassuring words and stroked his belly as he calmed down. She picked up the collection cup, and waited for the expected drop of pre-cum to form, and when it did she drew an even bigger flow of fluid into the collection bottle, by milking the shaft and carefully massaging the area under Thor's full dangling balls.

Thor was beginning to show signs of restlessness, shaking his head and groaning as her expert fingers drew the last drops of pre-cum out of his loins, and the Scullery Maid saw to her surprise that the hourglass had run out. "Are you more than ready, big boy?" she whispered, and gave his hard cock one last lingering kiss before she slid off the table and walked under his cross-ties and behind him once again.

She picked up the collection cup and fixed it into a little stand that left it propped right under the tip of Thor's cock. She took a bottle off a shelf and poured a generous puddle of lubricant over her right palm and fingers, and cuddled up behind Thor, her belly and breasts pressed into his hip and side. She reached around with her lubricated hand and began to stroke his cock, with long, sure strokes that matched the pressure of his hips against the table. She reached between his legs from behind with the other hand, and gently massaged his balls, feeling them draw up into a solid mass as his eruption neared. His cock engorged as much as it possibly could, feeling like a hot bar of steel in her hand. She let her stroking hand extend out to envelop the head on each stroke, creating a perfect friction as the head slipped through her fingers. Thor began a panting wail, closing his eyes and throwing back his head as far as his restraints would allow, and the Scullery Maid knew the timing was perfect. She let her left hand wander forward until it reached the lubricant dripping off the base of his cock, and after her middle finger was liberally coated, she slipped it between Thor's butt-cheeks and found his puckered bum-hole, straining with his need. She pressed firmly and felt the muscles relax, allowing her finger to penetrate his intimate recesses. She pressed in further 'til she felt the egg-shape of his straining prostate, and began a light circular massaging with her fingertip, and Thor went over the edge with a high, keening scream of released desire. The Scullery Maid's right hand held his cock head in place as she felt the pulsing of each huge jet of creamy semen passing through the shaft on its way into the collection cup. His hips bucked as he pumped his cock into her tight fingers, and for a fleeting second she thought he was producing so much, so fast, that the collection cup would overflow before the pump could suck the precious fluid down the tube into the safety of the collection bottle!

Ten, eleven, twelve distinct spurts shot out of the cock in her hand, as the Scullery Maid looked on in wide eyed amazement. This was more that she had ever seen even the awesomely productive Thor shoot in one orgasm, and she glowed with pride as she slowed her stroking, lingering more around the head area, feeling the hard ridge begin to soften as he gasped for air. She just stroked on gently, enjoying the sensation in her hand, when Thor looked down at her, sighed deeply, and rolled his eyes up in his head, and she thought she felt him give a push inside, and one last long dripping string of thick cum followed the rest into the cup.

"What a GOOD boy you are Thor," she smiled happily at him. "You'd think you were trying extra hard just to see me a shoo-in in the Production Prize, wouldn't cha?" she laughed, hugging him hard.

She held up the collection cup up and made sure the last drops drained out of the tube into the collection bottle and sealed it tight. She didn't have to see the measuring lines to know Thor had outdone any previous effort, and had surely clinched the Production Prize for her. She completed the fussy details of cleaning up and putting away all her equipment, and returned Thor, head down in his exhaustion, to his stall and a special pan full of his favorite feed. With a last fond look over his stall door, she left the Milking Room.

* * *

Much later that night, the Scullery Maid stood again at the door to Thor's stall, her face a blackened mess of tear-stained makeup, misery and a fresh, red swelling around her eye, soon to be a deep blue bruise.

She slowly unlatched the stall door, murmuring "Oh Thor, oh you good boy" as she listened to his deep breathing. She sobbed quietly and rested her head against the cool, dark wood.

She well knew you never entered a stallion's stall at night, not without a cattle prod and a club, but as the tears rolled down her face, she realized she just didn't care…

* * *

Hours before, she had returned home from the Production Prize banquet, flushed with pride at the compliments and accolades that had been showered on her, and completely oblivious to the darkening expression on her wife Synthia's face. She had felt the increasing coldness in Synthia's manner as the evening went by, but excused it by telling herself Synthia must be very tired after such a long day.

But as soon as the door shut behind them, Synthia's bad mood blossomed into full-scale rage, and she turned on the Scullery Maid like a snake striking.

"You fucking little glory-hound slut, you miserable useless womanhood!" Synthia shouted, grabbing the Scullery Maid by the front of her best evening dress. The collar ripped, and the Scullery Maid looked down at it dumbly, unprepared for the backhand that snapped her face up, spit flying from her shocked mouth.

"You think you're something special in all Elysia, now, don't you, Miss Production Prize snot?" Synthia hissed. "Well, I'll show you what you're worth, you little whore." The Scullery Maid felt her world turn upside down as Synthia pulled her by her hair through the sitting room and flung her to the floor. "You think I didn't see the way the Queen was staring at those gross tits of yours, you slut?" Synthia matched a sharp slap to the Scullery Maid face with each accusation. "You think I didn't pick up on the way you smiled and smiled as she undressed you with her eyes?" Slap! "Why didn't you just offer to lick her Royal womanhood right there at the throne?" Slap.

"I'll tell you why. Because you're such a worthless little worm the Queen would rather spit on you than let you touch her. That's why you're here with ME! I'm the only one who'll put up with your useless ass!" Synthia pulled up the front of her skirt and dragged the Scullery Maid's head in between her thighs. "Now lick my cunt and do a good job of it before I throw you out in the street!"

The Scullery Maid felt the familiar sensation of Synthia's furry mound pressing against her nose and tried to do her best, licking and sucking on Synthia's clit and pussy lips, until she felt Synthia bucking and groaning as she flooded the Scullery Maid's mouth with her acid tasting juices. The Scullery Maid continued licking and nuzzling lovingly, only to have her head roughly yanked up and thrust away. She felt three quick kicks in succession as she curled up defensively on the floor. To her horror she heard Synthia hiss, "That was awful as always, you can't even suck pussy right. Now get out of my sight!"

The Scullery Maid dragged herself to the door and stumbled to the only place she felt at home, and soon found herself at the door to Thor's stall…

* * *

The Scullery Maid shuffled softly through the stall door, closing it behind her. Through a haze of tears, she dimly saw his sleeping form on his cot, and she sidled across the room and stood over him.

He was so big! He didn't look so huge next to Prince in the courtyard, but here with her alone in the stall without even the most basic defensive tools, his dangerous muscled arms looked even stronger than they did during the day.

She had a moment of clarity, and her blood ran cold as she realized the danger she was in. She readied herself to softly step towards the door, when she saw his eyes snap open, and she knew it was too late.

In her hopeless daze she just stood frozen, and a new flood of tears flowed silently down her face. Again, realized: she just didn't care what happened next…

But Thor sat up, and made the little grunting noise he so often made when things happened that he just didn't understand, and he reached a hand out slowly to touch the tears on her cheek. "Oh, Thor, you good old boy," she whispered, and she moved over and put her hands on his shoulders. She gently pushed him back down onto his bed and he obediently slid back against the wall when she motioned him to.

She lay down beside him and put her back to him, pulling his arm under her aching head for a pillow. She felt his other arm clumsily move around her and she pulled it close to her chest.

Her mind whirled at the madness, but she felt his warmth enclose her. All mysteries, fears and hurts faded from her mind, and she heard him begin his little contented humming sounds as she cried herself to sleep.

The End


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The Maidenly Maids

The Maidenly Maids Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a caption by Commentator] Rita Lopez hung her head as she looked down at the documents in front of her. She could not believe that Jack had been so reckless. She had known him since he was a young boy. She had watched him grow up in front her eyes. She had never had a child of her own. Watching her business partner raise Jack was the closest she ever came. When Jack got out of college with an accounting degree, Rita...

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The Lavender Hill Ladies and the Kenton Manor Maids

THE LAVENDER HILL LADIES AND THE KENTON MANOR MAIDS by enduringshades This is the second Lavender Hill Ladies adventure, the first was the 'The Lavender Hill Ladies Luncheon Club'. For new readers, or as a reminder, I start off with a brief description of each of the Ladies. Otherwise you are welcome to skip to the beginning of the story. THE LADIES The Lavender Hill Ladies started as the Lavender Hill Girls, when four straight crossdressing undergraduates shared a student house...

4 years ago
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How I Was Initiated Into Sex With Maids

Sushila bai had been working in our house for almost 20 years at that point. Both she and Indu were typical marathi kaamwali types. Darkish complexion, about 5ft 2 inches tall, hard bodies, big tits, luscious asses, and thick, long black hair that they kept tied in big buns. Both always wore saris and behaved like traditional conservative women. Indu was married but hubby had abandoned her because she couldn’t bear kids. Sushila had remained unmarried. She lived in servant’s quarters attached...

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Fantacising My Maids

Hello People, Firstly let me introduce myself to you’ll my name is Michael Dsouza, 25 yrs old and I currently live in Coorg, Karnataka, India. I have been a great follower of Indian sex stories for years now so I thought of writing about my own experiences. Right from my childhood days i have been a great admirers of maids hot and not so hot ones who have been working at my place. I very well remember about my first encounter of seeing my maid nude, I was 8 years old then And my maids name was...

3 years ago
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The Maids

Lisa turned to Her maid and said "Dear Bambi, Please tie these males up in the traveling restraints and get the slave chain ready with the others also. And get my Pony boys ready. Let me know when it is ready." "Yes Ma'am." The maids were completely different from the slaves. After the Women on Sabrinia took over control of their planet,they soon realized that it would be necessary to have individuals to fill a sort of "middle management" position, not quite slaves, but not quite Mistresses,...

2 years ago
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Made Maids

I seem to remember someone saying "Drink up!" and then a warm glow spreading through my body. Then it seemed as if I was just an observer as I was led up to a bathroom by two shapely, miniskirted girls. One helped me start to undress as the other stripped to her underwear. Then they changed over and I found myself naked with two pretty girls in bra, panties, stockings and high heels. They started covering me with special cream. "We don't want to get any of this on our dresses," said...

4 years ago
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Taylor Maids

Taylor Maids - By Karyn Amethyst. I was 32 unemployed and starting a new business. I had little capital, but my best friend and confidant Ryan ponied up over one-hundred thousand in start-up funding, provided I make him an equal partner as well as paying him back. "No rush, buddy," he said, clapping me on the shoulder. "As soon as I can, Ry. I promise." I breathed a small sigh of relief, the pressure was off, for now. I began in earnest the next morning, I purchased two small...

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Maids R Us

I must admit that Styx's Random Title Image gave me this one. This story is pure fiction. There are no ties to the fine cleaning service Maids R Us out of Huston Texas. (Yes that is a real agency.) Also to the best of my knowledge, Nannys R Us does not exist at the time of this writing. Maids R Us I was thinking of a way to help out Larry Sargento for the surprise party he had planned for Nicole. Nicole had passed her Sergeant's test and was promoted. I was thumbing through a...

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BBW Cuckold Maids

BBW CUCKOLD MAIDS by Throne Molly and Polly stood in the kitchen, waiting to be called. They looked at each other nervously. This would be the first time they were seen by anyone other than their wives and the guys their wives were dating. You see, the pair in the kitchen used to be Mike and Pete. But a series of unfortunate events had left them very much changed. Before it all happened they had been average looking guys, proud of their manliness. Now they were a couple of...

4 years ago
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A Meeting of Maids Part2

I ran back to my house and breathlessly filled a bag. I packed my two favorite uniforms the black and the pink PVC. I selected a couple of sets of underwear and a couple of pairs of shoes. Because the bag was not very big I had to be selective. I wondered if I could get Roberta to come to my house for a dress up session, maybe in the future I hoped. Packed I hurried back to Roberta's house. Roberta ushered me in and we went upstairs to the spare bedroom, this was where Roberta kept her...

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The Maids Room A Year Later

The Maids Room - A Year Later By Sissie Maid Cuckold It had been a year now since I first walked in on my wife Brenda and her Black lover, Mr. Karl. Between the two of them they had put me in my place as a sissy maid cuckold. My wife loved having sex with Mr. Karl and he was quite proud of the conquest he had made with her and turning me into a cuck and sissy maid to do his bidding. It was coming up on the exact one year...

4 years ago
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Dominated And Fucked By Hot Maids In The Office

Hey Everyone. Recently, I have developed this fantasy of writing sex stories inspired by many ISS writers. About me, I am a 22 years old boy with wildest sexual desires. This is not my story and I am writing this on behalf of my friend. Coming to the story, I am Aditya (name changed) from Pune and from a good family. I love working out to keep myself fit. I am quite fair, tall (not fat) guy working in a company. So let’s begin. This happened before 3 months when I was working late in my office....

3 years ago
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Jack of All Maids Chapter 1

Do you want to know why? Because I have every type of woman I could want, and they all love me. No cheating, no jealousy of one another, no issues with equally spending time, none of that. Don’t believe me? I wouldn’t blame you. If you were born last century that is. See, last century, a portal opened to another world and it was dubbed “Fantasia.” We went through it and found a whole slew of never-before-seen races of people that are colloquially called “monster people,” or “Fantasians” if...

1 year ago
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5ive Maids

There are five maids in my house (we are upper middle classed family) and there names are1.) Shobha age 58 yr , size 36 34 362.) Krishnaveni age 56 yr , size 36 24 343.) Kanchana age 65 yr , size 34 26 34 4.) Rajeshwari age 57 yr , size 34 26 36 and the last 5.) Bhagyama age 59 yr , size 36 36 34The story starts like this ….. Once my mom had to go out with my sister as she had her medical exams ( one whole week) from morning 8 am to evening 6 pm at basvangudi (bangalore) ……. That day my dad had...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Five Maids

Hi Indian sex stories readers…. This Sricharan 19 yrs old….. I am new and this is my first story ….. Please read it and let me know whether you like it or not …… Now to start my story I was 18 yr old when this happened …. There are five maids in my house (we are upper middle classed family) and there names are 1.) Shobha age 58 yr , size 36 34 36 2.) Krishnaveni age 56 yr , size 36 24 34 3.) Kanchana age 65 yr , size 34 26 34  4.) Rajeshwari age 57 yr , size 34 26 36 and the last  5.) Bhagyama...

3 years ago
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 17 Four Maids Amilking

Gary's Golf Outing Chapter 17 -- Four Maids A-milking I woke bright and early on Saturday morning, did my daily routine in the bathroom, plus I gave myself an enema. I shaved twice, shaved my balls and the stubble under my arms, some stray hairs on my legs and some peach fuzz on my chest. I had to glue my new falsies on my chest and I didn't want any hairs hanging onto them when I tried to take them off. I pulled the red panties up my legs, followed by my tan slacks and a dark golf...

1 year ago
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A Meeting of Maids Finale

I suffered the cock cage for another two weeks. Roberta did not make it any better with her erotic text. I should really have ignored then, but I guess I am a sucker for punishment. So finally two weeks later we were at Roberts and Margarets for dinner. After dinner without being asked Robert and I headed to the kitchen to do the washing up. As we left Penny gave me a knowing smile and a nod, which was strange. We talked about this as we did the dishes and how they had been strange in...

4 years ago
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A Meeting of Maids Part 3

I had been in my cock cage for a week and was really feeling the strain, Roberta had not helped! When I left in a hurry from Roberta's I realised I still had the cock cage on. I thought about asking for the key but realised what I really wanted was a key holder. I did however have second thoughts as soon as I got home, so I rang her. "Roberta I forgot to ask you to remove the cock cage before I felt" I said in a meek voice. "Really!........*Snigger*"......CLICK. The phone went...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sister Maids

You look at the maids dress hanging on the wardrobe and your sissy clit tingles. The hem is short and has a froth of petticoats that will make it lift almost to the horizontal. The waist is narrow so you are guessing you are going to have to wear the corset that is currently in your overnight case. The neckline of the dress is low and plunging so it will flaunt your fake sissy tits, once again your clit twitches. Finally the sleeves are short ending just over the shoulder. You love the...

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Katherine Parr the Prefects Tale

I am a student at Katherine Parr’s school. Katherine Parr is a very exclusive private all –girls boarding school sited miles from anywhere in the wilds of Cumbria. The parents who sent their children there were very keen on discipline and Katherine Parr obliged them with a strict regime of corporal punishment in the proud tradition of its eponymous founder. I said all girls but no, that’s not entirely true. You see teachers’ sons were allowed to attend the school due to its remote...

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The maids first time part 1

Sally had wanted to be a proper maid for so long, she had dressed in her maids dress many times but always on her own on so she could be watched on cam but she had never dressed in the company of others. A chance meeting in a chat room had led to this night and the opportunity Sally had been waiting for, for such a long time. She was told that she looked great and the admirer asked if Sally had ever been a maid for real. Sally replied that she hadn’t but had always wanted to. The admirer asked...

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The African maids

In the mid ’80s, I was posted to work for a company in West Africa. After settling down into a big house, I looked for a maid who could do all the housework and yet be presentable enough to be a host during my parties. I hired one who was educated and attractive for the African standards. Of course I had to pay more than the market price to attract the best. Her name was Suzy and she was from Cameroon. She was about 5 ft. 5 in. Tall in her late teens and had a pretty full body. Her breasts were...

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Fucking The Maids In The Neighborhood

Hello, friends, I am Rohan from Chennai aged 18 here to talk about my best sexual experience. For feedbacks and chat contact me on . Going into the story this one happened recently. I was forcibly joined by my parents to a private tuition near my house since I secured low grades in my exams. The tuition was a five-minute walk from my apartment and the timing was from 5-7 am in the morning every day. The plain thought of getting up so early for my classes sent shivers down my spine but I had no...

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Naughty Motel Maids

Millie and Mary were maids at the Southside Motel, several buildings comprising approximately 50 units. Millie was a brunette in her late 20s. She was about 5'7" tall and, while she was carrying probably 20 pounds too much, she still had nice big protruding breasts and a narrow waist that emphasized her ass. Mary was younger, in her early 20s and dishwater blonde. She had a nice figure with large, conical shaped boobs. While working at the motel they became friendly, working on...

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Me And My Maids 8211 Part 5 Blackmailing Rashmi

Hi friends. I am back with the 5th part of my erotic journey with my domestic helps. For those who have just joined us. Please follow the links for the previous installments… Nikki kept me hard and pumping for almost 11 months. She was the hottest whore I had banged….. even today I masturbate remembering our bed breaking fuck sessions. Two maids came after her but didn’t stay long enough due to family issues.. So I couldn’t fuck them. They did see my dick ample number of times. I was flashing...

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Scotts Yucca Man Tale

Scott told me this tale at the Irish while Howie was being turned into Helen. Peace Belle. Scott's Yucca Man Tale I was just getting in from taking Connie back to Prince Eric. I had returned Connie back to her original form with Prince Eric's promise that he would send regular reports on the Count's behavior. I went to the Irish to get a beer or two along with a meal. I also wanted to catch up on local events and the Baseball scores. I was on the weekly board. I...

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Uncle Montys Tale

Uncle Monty's Tale This tale is how Scotty met Nicole's and Larry's father. Please read the tale of Oh No before reading this one. Peace. Belle. Greeting everyone. Scotty here. This tale deals with Anthony James Sargento. I told this tale after the interment of Anthony Sargento. Both Nicole and Larry wondered why both Capt. Starr and the leader of the Marine funeral detail saluted William Bonnie. Capt Starr, William Wallace, William Bonnie, and myself were in full uniform with medals...

2 years ago
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New maids

"You're such a baby." Monique rolled her eyes as Thomas slammed his Xbox controller into the coffee table. "At least I'm not the spawn of a gold digging whore," Thomas spat back, eyeing Monique with contempt. Monique glared at her step brother. "What an entitled piece of shit," she thought as she shook her head. Monique knew that her mother Vanessa hadn't known Thomas's dad Todd long, but that didn't make her a gold digger, much less a whore. Monique watched as their maid Consuela...

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The maids first time part 2

The maids first time – part 2.Sally showed Rob and Sue through to the main room and asked them if they would like a drink, they both went for Champagne so Sally went to the kitchen and poured two glasses and returned to the room, putting the glasses on the table. Rob thanked Sally and she could see him looking at her stocking tops, being a maid felt good and Sally felt a tingle go through her body, she had a feeling she was going to enjoy the night.Sally was very busy for the next hour...

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A Meeting of Maids

My wife Jenny and I are not big on social entertaining so it came as a surprise when Jenny said that her friend Margaret and her husband Robert were coming for dinner Saturday night. Jenny suggested I looked for something to cook from our cook books. I chose Italian both because I love to cook Italian food and it is simple to prepare for large groups. I decided on Seafood Gnocchi which Jenny imperiously agreed would be suitable. She also ordered me into the loft to find the Trivial...

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The Witchfinders Tale

THE WITCHFINDER'S TALE By Dr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DIn the garden of the cottage, as the birds sung in the trees and the summer morning warmed the soil, the young girl sat on the grass and looked again at the baby son who slept in her arms. Her husband sat beside her, still with a look of awe in his eyes. His mother came out to the garden and joined them, she smiled at the way her son was so stunned he could produce such a perfect child. "I never thought you would be married by...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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MOTHER AND THE FRENCH MAIDThe Royalmount Hotel was conveniently situated in the centre of a middle-size city in California. It was a touristy area, but it was late in the season and the tourists had been replaced by university professors from all over the US pretending to exchange priceless information concerning the expansion and security of wineries in danger of more punishing bush fires.In fact, these specialists were there for good food, good wine and a good time, and some serious sex....

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Draft Dodger On The Rag A Bunnys Tale

DRAFT DOGER ON THE RAG - A BUNNY'S TALE By: Deane Christopher Copyrighted: 2000 *********************************************************************** **** Draft Dodger on the Rag - A Bunny's Tale is the direct result of three different ideas coming together to form the bases for a single story. It all started with a suggestion from Mindy Rich for me to use some or all of the photos that she had posted on the Original Fictionmania from the made for TV movie A Bunny's...

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Me And My Maids 8211 Part 1 Choti

People, my name is Akash Saxena, 27yrs old from Delhi. I am a regular reader of ISS stories, especially maid stories. They are the best depiction of how sex starved people lose control and give into their carnal desires….. Coming to the story. Yeh baat hai tabki jab main 12th std mein padhta that. I was doing pmt prep. I lived with my parents and brother. We had a full time maid called choti. She was about the same age as me. Maybe 2 years elder. Dark complexion, skinny with a curvy buttock and...

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Seafarers tale

My name is Jack, better known to all and sundry as Jack the Rat, with another enthralling tale of my lusty adventures. I am a sea salt with years of experience of the high seas and the lowlifes that populate it. I have been at sea so long that when ashore I have problems walking a straight mile. Me dad was a second mate on board an old tramp steamer, and when me ma passed away, me dad took me into the service and left me brothers with an aunt in Bristol. Me aunt was a right river, and me...

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Not all the maids r same

Hi friends I’m Ash from Goa again with my new & latest encounter which prompt on 04.05.2008 .1st of all let me thank all the ISS reader for making it a munch, with your mails & calls, & rating all my stories (“sex with granny”, “reading iss was never so fun”, “please help me” & “this can happen to u”) as hot…Before starting the story I must tell u 1 thing, I got lots of mails from my fans complaining that the stories posted by them don’t get any feedback or comments so that they get...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Surprise Birthday Party 8211 Part 1 Sex With 2 Young Maids

I was in my mid-twenties and was friendly with a couple, Asha and Rajat. They were rich and really enjoyed life. We shared a very open relationship and spoke openly about a lot of things. But I had never intruded between them. Even though I guessed that if I hinted, I could probably share a bed with them. This actually helped keep our friendship stronger I always felt. I was turning 26 and Asha and Rajat invited me home on that day. They said that it was to be a special dinner for me with a...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Licking the Maids Feet

Hello everyone. I would like to share one of my recent experiences with you all. Since this is my first time ever delivering my story i would like to share my best experience. A 20 year old maid by the name of Ritu joined work at my house as a helper in the kitchen. She was quite pretty and had a decent slim figure. Her skin color was tropical but she had slightly whiter face and feet. From the moment I saw her I knew I would never mind licking this girls feet. But I was very afraid to approach...

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Almost a Fairy Tale

Almost a fairy tale Chapter 1- The beginning "In what a mess I'm involved in", I though. There I was, half naked and surrounded by two large and well armed guards. Close to me was Elisabeth, my lover, and together we did wait for our executioner, the mighty King-Wizard Wolf. My name was Richard. I was born in an untypical peasant's family. My father had been educated to become a monk, but was expelled from the monastery after the other monks discovered what he had been doing...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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A Mermaids Tale

This story only available on Lush Stories. “E’er starlit water greets rolling mist And emerald tides greet smiling moon, Thou shalt hearest Neptune’s splash: Beware yon mermaid’s doom.” For some people, stuff like in the films never happens. I never win competitions, and I never win prizes or the lottery (okay, I never enter or buy a ticket, but it’s not the point). I am always just seconds too late to pick up the wallet full of money that earns the honest person a reward for handing it in. And...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Almost a Fairy Tale

Just some notes: -I do some research, but I do it in the spare time of my spare time, so I took many poetical liberties in the description of the past. -I'm no adept of metaphysics, but the interpretation I gave for prophecies as powerful spells look logical to me, perhaps someone had that idea already before. -There is sex, of course, but the main focus is on the concept of personality, what defines "us". This is the main theme of all my stories. Almost a Fairy...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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The Witch Hunters Tale

THE WITCH HUNTER'S TALE copyright 1998 by Scott K. Jamison The fire crackled merrily as the travelers finished their song. The Adventurer turned to the Witch Hunter, flashing his slightly maniacal grin. "It's your turn to tell a story tonight, my friend." The Witch Hunter set down the stake he'd been whittling. "I suppose it is, at that. Any requests?" "Something with sex in it!" called the Cat. The Maiden pouted. "Do you think of anything else? *Can* you...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Mai Corns Tale

This is the tale of a witness to the events chronicled in the tale of Miss Pepperidge, parts one and two. It occurred in the world of Templeton College, so compellingly described by Charles Petersunn. This tale is told with the approval and support of author Petersunn. == == == == == == == == == == Mai Corn stumbled a little as she walked from her plain-sight hiding place to her room. She wasn’t drunk. Indeed, she hadn’t had anything to drink all evening. But she was excited, more excited...

3 years ago
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An Enchanted Tale

Long long ago, in a sleepy little kingdom deep in the woods, a lone cloaked figure came riding slowly into the village. This quaint village sat at the base of a very big hill, at the top of which sat a large imposing castle, which in turn protected the village. The village was quiet and dark and the rider was curious as to why. It looked charming enough, but there was a sense of foreboding and dread that permeated the whole town. The figure rode slowly through town, stopping at a small market...

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