It's A Shame About Duncan free porn video

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I hadn’t intended to cheat on Duncan. Well, okay, yeah, I obviously did mean to cheat on Duncan. But prior to arriving in France, I’d never thought myself capable of it, mostly because it seemed unlikely that Evan Dando and I would ever meet.

For the record, let it be known that I tried stoically to abstain - but against love and lust, stoicism rarely stands a chance. 

And Duncan did introduce us, so really, it was his fault.

The truth shall be my judge, and I can say with total honesty that when I first saw his best friend, I was instantly smitten, pierced by cupid’s lust arrow, or, as Duncan would later offer;

‘…just a fucking slut who can’t control her sexual urges.’

I’m okay with that appraisal. It’s probably accurate, so I’ll own it. My riposte was that if Duncan had been satisfying those slutty sexual urges then maybe I’d not have strayed. Maybe.

But let’s be real here. The stud walking up the beach towards me had just slain Evan Dando and stolen his throne. Duncan had no chance, and nor did I.

He had me before hello.

So I did the hair twirling, coy, lash fluttering thing as he walked up the beach towards us, while feeling quietly smug that I’d worn my ass clinging Daisy Dukes and had chosen to go braless in a tight tee (there were compelling reasons behind this outfit choice that will be explained later). Thank fuck for gentle summer breezes.

There’s a small nudist hideaway on the southwestern coast of France. It’s idyllic, miles from anywhere, and hidden inside a dense pine forest littered with pretty chalets, all of which look out onto a private beach. It’s frequented mostly by locals and a select few outsiders who have proven themselves worthy. Duncan’s mum fell into the latter category and owned one of the chalets.

It was only my second time abroad. I was nineteen, which would put the year somewhere in the early nineties, though I don’t care to be too specific.

It was me, Duncan and his best not-from-school mate, and I think the three of us all felt really grown up to be trying out a nudist resort rather than heading for a week long Ecstasy fest in Ayia Napa.

I’d never tried public nudism before that, but instantly fell in love with the nuanced exhibitionism that it allows when amongst so many strangers, and friends.

We arrived at the resort somewhere between mid and late afternoon. It was specifically because it was a nudist resort that I’d purposefully gone with the high cut, ass clenching Daisy Dukes and tight tee with no bra ensemble on our journey over.

I’d figured that if you could already see most of my ass through the Dukes, and all of my tits through the white tee, then I might as well have been in the buff anyway. My logic was that in being almost bare to the world whilst clothed, it wouldn’t be such a huge thing to disrobe in public for the first time (when sober).

However, my wardrobe choice felt like even more of a masterstroke when the man who’d made Evan Dando an instant afterthought strolled towards us.

He smiled.

I melted.

We shook hands as Duncan introduced us. He was honoured to finally meet me, apparently, he’d started to wonder if I was even real. We all politely guffawed, and then he explained, partially to my face, but mostly to my chest, how he could see why Duncan had kept me hidden away for so long. It’s funny how when certain men talk to your tits it can be boorishly irksome, but with others, studs, to put it bluntly, it’s like the greatest thing ever. Duncan’s best friend fell into the latter category.

You can talk to my tits all day, baby.

In fact, being at a nudist escape suddenly seemed like the most fortuitous thing in the world. So I ripped off the tee and dropped my shorts within moments of us climbing the rickety wooden steps onto the veranda of our chalet.

Yeah. That’s right boys. I wasn’t wearing any knickers either.

Once starkers, I leant back against the balcony rail and did my best to look casually alluring.

Duncan’s best mate was the keenest of the two boys to offer me a beer. When he tugged on the ring pull, ‘to save those beautiful nails’, it spunked froth all over my tits - which immediately gave him the perfect excuse to ogle them as we both giggled. I then playfully rubbed the amber nectar into my boobs like a porn star playing with fake cum during her close up. As you do.

I felt sure we were flirting. I mean really flirting. And he’d said he liked my nails, which was more than Duncan had managed - that meant a lot to me as I’d taken friggin hours over them.

An INXS song started to play in my head - the one where Michael Hutchence croons ‘objectify’ over and over again. He may never have sung that, but on that day he did in my head, and it was awesome.

Things swiftly began to unravel, however. Duncan had been all bravado about us heading to his Mum’s nudey hideaway until his best friend had casually invited himself - but he hadn’t been assertive enough to turn his friend down, and it didn’t take me long to realise why his presence was going to be an issue for him.

It appeared intrinsically linked to his sudden appetite for finding obscurely ‘important’ jobs to do before actually getting nekkid. 

I’d always thought that I hadn’t met Duncan’s out of school friends because he was ashamed of me. I’d had a myriad of thoughts on this, from being too curvy, and that he wanted all his mates to think he was seeing a more waif-like girl, to that they’d think I was a bit rough owing to my green hair and penchant for f-bombs.

It wasn’t until his bestie finally slipped out of his board shorts that I realised the shame may have lain somewhat closer to home.

‘Wow. Your mum must be proud,’ I joked, suddenly trying to give my eyes a wide angled focus.

‘Thanks.’ He grinned, ‘No doubt your dad feels similarly about you.’


Duncan stood glowering beside the beer fridge.

Suddenly our hugely mature, extremely grown up holiday had become very awkward.

The three of us tried to act all grown up as Duncan finally stripped off to reveal his little pee-pee. Nothing was said or inferred about the staggering size difference between the two boys. But, well meaning as that was, it just left a tiny elephant on the veranda that none of us could get away from.

Things worsened considerably when Duncan sat down on the veranda beside his best friend. What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t help but compare the two of them.

The yearning began in earnest, along with the guilt. I felt terrible. I couldn’t help drooling over the boy that I wasn’t actually dating. Thoughts ran riot in my head - He’s hotter than Evan Dando, and he’s huge. Like, otherworldly huge. I want to be his fuck-toy forever and ever and ever. That sort of thing.

So I forced myself to try and think about stuff other than where I might get his name tattooed on my body before begging him to fill my cunt with his massive piece of man meat.

Not easy.

Particularly as we spent the first couple of hours on the veranda drinking and smoking weed. Duncan was on his fifth beer before I’d sunk my first. The stud was acting as cool as a cucumber. I was horny as fuck, and Duncan was quietly losing his shit. So I decided to extricate myself from the situation temporarily.

I went for a walk along the beach. The whole nude experience felt revelatory. The myriad of differing body shapes and the relaxed vibe seemed so body positive and there weren’t any catty looks or sneering judgers anywhere to be seen.

I swam for about an hour in the clear, blue sea. It felt so freeing to be skinny dipping. Afterwards, I stood, lingering in the shallows, as the waves splashed playfully at the backs of my thighs.

I remember thinking how exciting it felt to have my tan-lines on show. Everyone else was either a lighter shade of pale, having just arrived at the resort, or tanned all over - but I’d spent the majority of the summer back in England, sunbathing in a giant prude bikini, which now seemed fortuitous indeed.

I began to revel in how prominent the large, previously hidden triangles of untouched white flesh had suddenly become in contrast to the dark olive, sun scorched textures across the rest of my body. It was as if the darker bits had shirked politely into the background and I’d become nothing more than a pair of big white tits and a bushy mound of dark cunt fur set off to a pristine white canvas. It felt really sexy.

I walked back up the beach feeling like my body was screaming look at my sexual bits - which excited me. Men were unashamed in their loitering glances and I enjoyed the feeling of them being so.

The more I noticed the glances, the smiles and the head nods of appreciation, the more I walked at a consciously gentle pace to allow them the opportunity to properly objectify me. It was an act that took me way out of my comfort zone, but I was starting to realise that I craved it.

The sun was dipping away by the time I made my way back to the chalet. Duncan lay drunkenly passed out in a hammock on the chalet decking. His best friend, my future husband, sat in a rocking chair, smoking a joint. He watched me walk back up the beach with the most visceral stare - hunger, amusement, expectation, dominance, it was all there in those beautiful green eyes.

I pretended to be oblivious, all whilst provocatively running my hand through my hair and walking up the beach with one foot flouncing in front of the other as if I was striding purposefully down a catwalk.

My arrival back at the chalet didn’t go quite as elegantly as planned - I stubbed my toe on the decking steps (splinters!), which sort of killed my catwalk diva thing, but I felt confident he wasn’t watching my feet too closely anyway.

I took a draw on the spliff and we went through the pretence of talking about the water being beautifully clear and warm.

It always is this time of year.

Uh huh.

As I stood on the veranda I kept trying to subtly ogle his cock. He knew it too. But I couldn’t help myself. He was uncut, with a thick, veiny trunk that had its own beautiful arrogance, matched by the two giant plums swaying behind it in unison. I wondered if that was why Duncan had got so drunk - out of shame and embarrassment for his penis being so inordinately smaller.

Or maybe it had just been his way of stepping aside - because as my boyfriend lay comatose in the hammock, his best friend didn’t even try to hide his objectification of me, and I made no effort to prevent him from doing so. He wanted me to know he was looking, and I wanted him to know I didn’t care.

I remember him saying something about how I’d, ‘evoked a wondrous passion for nudism within him, so we must keep doing this’.

I smirked and took a couple of draws on the spliff whilst trying to think of a deserving riposte. I said something about being thrilled to have opened his eyes to new interests, and exhaled as sexily as I could.

‘Oh, you have. My eyes are wide open.’

‘I noticed.’

Perhaps I shouldn’t have been quite so demure when walking sultrily back up the beach. Perhaps, because of that, I was that deserving slut who got what she asked for.

In truth, it had felt intoxicating to flaunt myself. And more than any of the other faceless men on the beach that day - I wanted him to look at me the way he had, with his best friend, my boyfriend, lying flat out on the decking beside him. It seemed to play to the addict in me - the one that wanted to be desired to the craziest extent possible - where men lost their minds and their morality in a haze of lust.

I fancied him. I felt guilty for it, because of Duncan. But he was so good looking - the sort that knows it, plays to it and has a smile that could get him anything he wanted when he chose to use it. He was also acutely intelligent, painfully quick witted, more than a little sexist, fit, tall, athletic and well on the way to professional success. He’d even shown an interest in my writing. So, freaking perfect, basically.

I’d swoon at his eyes as they fizzed from under his swathe of ungainly dark curls. Part of me knew he was dangerous. That was the problem. I was the metaphorical moth.

I left him on the veranda and wandered inside the chalet. I could feel him watching me through the doorway as I sauntered across the living room’s threadbare rug towards the glass fronted beer fridge sitting snug in its corner.

Three beers, the hashish, and an afternoon spent idling in the scorching French sunshine had me revelling in the sort of horny, fuzzy state where sound judgement has died at the feet of lost inhibitions.

I flipped the fridge door open and reached inside. I knew he’d be able to see my cunt as I bent over, so I lingered, playfully arranging some of the chilled bottles as my ass teetered in the air for his complete, unadulterated viewing.

It was only when I pirouetted around that I realised he’d followed me inside and was standing behind me.

‘I got beers,’ I offered, blushing as I clutched the chilled bottles to each breast.

‘So I see,’ he replied, looking down and smiling. ‘Don’t move, I want to get a photo of that. You look incredible.’

‘You can’t,’ I insisted, though I didn’t move.

‘Why not?’

‘Because I’m Duncan’s girl.’


‘So it’s not okay for you to have nudes of your best mate’s girl.’

‘You’re not nude. There’s clearly two bottles almost covering very little of those spectacularly big bosoms,’ the stud retorted with a painfully hot Cheshire Cat grin.

‘Very funny,’ I replied, trying not to let a smile break across my face, ‘And thanks, for the boobs thing, but I’m serious, and furthermore, it’s incredibly presumptuous in the first place. I could be a prudish, militant feminist who’s aghast at your objectification of me for all you know.’

‘Yeah, that’s how I had you pegged when I first saw you,’ he replied.

We both laughed, and then he fixed the keenest, most swoonsome eye lock on me, ever.

‘Okay. So, tell me outright that you don’t want me to take this photo of you.’

I could see Duncan in the background, snoring away in the hammock. It seemed to add an even headier mix to the thought of posing nude for his friend. Shameful, I know. But, of course, I did it anyway.

Click, click, click.

‘You are so hot, I mean so, so, so hot.’ He cooed as he crouched on one knee and squinted into his camera as it rat-a-tatted around me.

‘Thanks,’ I managed to mumble, but I was mostly lost in a whir of excitement.

It felt liberating, and extremely sexy to be the object of his fascination, more so that a man as beautiful as him had wanted to capture me nude. It swept me up in its moment and before I knew it I was deliberately angling my body towards the camera as I clutched the glass beer bottles provocatively to my chest.

Click, click, click.

‘Fuck yes! That’s it. Incredible!’

I winked, grinned, pouted, leered, leaned into the lens and dropped my hair across my face - basically anything I’d seen in Cosmo over the years.

I could see his cock hardening as he rattled off shot after shot. There was a rabid look in his eyes - I’d not seen it before, but now I know it’s the look an alpha gets when he’s completely overcome by his own rapacious sexuality. It was everything I shouldn’t have found utterly enthralling and desirable in that moment, with my boyfriend lying passed out so close by.

‘Now come over here and let’s fuck.’ The stud suddenly declared.

‘What? No!’ I stammered, ‘Are you crazy?’

I genuinely couldn’t believe how brazen he was.

He was smirking, like it was all a game, like he didn’t believe a word of my belligerently offered denial. The problem was, nor did I. 

He stepped closer. I stepped backwards. But there was no backwards, only a wall. He’d got me pinned.

His hand brushed several strands of hair from my face and he smiled at me.

‘We can’t.’ I mumbled, but somehow his hands were already grasping my arms, turning me around and bending me over the little beer fridge, ‘Not with Duncan out there. You need to stop.’ I insisted, all whilst pressing my palms to the top of the fridge as he encouraged me to raise my ass up for him.

‘I understand, I really do,’ he replied, kicking at my ankles so I’d splay my legs even further as his cock brushed expectantly back and forth against the inside of my thigh.

It felt so big, and so hard. I wanted it in me, even if it was just once - just once to know how good it might feel. But I knew I couldn’t, or shouldn’t. Not while I was with Duncan.

‘I’m telling you no.’ I sighed, desperately trying to suppress any notion of pleasure as his huge hands reached around and began cupping my breasts as if he was weighing me up on a set of balance scales.

‘These have been taunting me all day.’ He groaned, squeezing and kneading my boobs firmly in his huge hands. It felt delicious to be so roughly manhandled.

‘I said no, you need to stop,’ I pleaded, shimmying my body as if trying to free myself from his grip. ‘We can’t do this!’

He let go of my tits and backed away. I thought it was over. But then his hand suddenly pushed between my legs and a finger scooped at the entrance to my sex.

‘Your cunt seems to be on my side, baby girl.’


‘Look, it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that we can’t.’ I sighed, barely suppressing a groan as he pushed two fingers into my pussy and began working me back and forth. ‘He’s your best friend, he’ll never get over it.’

The stud ignored me and pushed a third finger inside me and began pumping my cunt more furiously.

‘I don’t think I’ve ever been this wet before,’ I offered softly, biting my lip as his fingers plundered me so capably.

‘He doesn’t know how to use you does he?’

I shook my head.

‘But we still can’t. Not here. He’ll wake up. He’ll hear us.’

‘If he does he’ll have to watch us.’

I groaned and the stud’s left hand moved from squeezing my tits to clutching my throat.

‘This is happening,’ he insisted. ‘Scream as loud as you want to, but it’s happening.’

I whimpered. I could feel his enormous girth pressing at the backs of my thighs. I raised my ass even further to accommodate him. The tip of his cock nudged at my sex. Then he pushed and suddenly I was being filled to my very limits. It felt utterly fucking beautiful.

I hollered like the grateful, needy slut I was, and he started to fuck me from behind as I gripped the fridge for support. Bottles rattled and bosoms jiggled.

All men do not fuck a woman equally.

He gave me a ferocious pummelling over the fridge. It was as if he wanted the glass bottles rattling about inside to smash and clatter, because it would wake Duncan. And I didn’t care anymore - I needed what I was getting. It had to be this way.

I’d never really been fucked for more than five minutes at a time prior to that, and he gave me ten even before dragging me up off the fridge and slamming me up against the back wall with his hard body pressing into mine. His hands were voracious and his mouth relentless - nibbling and kissing at my neck in a frenzied blend of tactile sensuality.

‘You’re mine now. Don’t fight it.’ He groaned as one hand pressed my cheek firmly up against the wall whilst the other gripped my throat, all as his huge cock filled me from behind with a fullness I’d never experienced before.

I could see Duncan out of the corner of my eye, lying comatose and ignorant to the moment where his girl had left him for his best friend - the man who was now forcing huge, powerful thrusts of his massive cock back and forth inside me.

His pelvis kept slapping against my buttocks as he drove himself deeper and deeper. He kept telling me how big my ass was, and that he loved how it wobbled each time he slammed himself against it. I’d never known such a deluge of compliments, all while being deliciously and violently defiled.

Then he paused, holding me fast against the wall as his cock just twitched inside me. It felt exquisitely challenging just to try and manage his girth as it filled me. This is how it should be, I thought to myself - it should be wonderfully challenging to feel a man inside me, not where it barely touches the sides.

Each time he began to thrust up into me it felt harder, rougher, and more expectant than the last. I could feel the wall grazing my tits and dragging my nipples up and down as he pushed me tighter and closer.

I came after the second reprise. And then again after the third. I knew he wanted my acknowledgement - to hear me cry out. But I didn’t. I liked that he was, in essence, taking me - that I hadn’t openly vocalised my consent and yet he was forcefully pounding me regardless.

I’d never been fucked like that before - with rough, uncompromising disdain, and all from behind with a hand at my throat and my body pressed rigidly against a wall that was the most awful pea green in shade. I remember thinking about that as I came for the fourth time. It was as if for a while I tried to disassociate from our act so as to remain free of all guilt and shame.

It was only as we entered the fifth phase of his relentless fucking that I finally lurched my head back and met his open mouth with mine. I climaxed again, as his tongue pushed furiously into my mouth and I reciprocated with equal passion.

‘Please can I suck your cock?’ I groaned, trying to look back at him with big pleading eyes, as his mouth roved over my neck and nibbled my ear, ‘If this day never happens again I couldn’t bear not to know what it must feel like to have you in my mouth.’

He grunted appreciably and swung me around in his firm hands. I moaned, lost to my delirious pleasure.

‘I love the way you manhandle me.’ I gasped as he gripped me by the shoulders and pushed me across the room before ordering me to my knees in the middle of the threadbare rug.

‘Property always does, and you belong to me now.’

I melted and gratefully took his enormous cock into my mouth. I’d never had one force my jaw quite so wide, but with his I had to stretch my mouth to its extremes just to accommodate him.

He let me play for a while. I was desperate and utterly covetous - the slut in me suddenly free to roam in a more exciting playground than the ones I’d known with boys before.

I did everything I could to his beautiful cock, from gripping its astounding length in both my hands and wanking him, to wrapping him up in my big tits and working him back and forth so he could watch his cock getting lost in my cleavage, to licking his shaft keenly and sucking softly on his enormous balls, all before swallowing him to the hilt once more.

I wanted the whole experience. If I was to have to go back to Duncan and a diet of overly sensitive, three pumps and done sex, I wanted these memories forever.

‘I’m going to cum in your mouth and you’re going to swallow everything I give you. Is that clear?’ The stud explained, looking down at me expectantly.

I nodded and gazed back up at him adoringly as I felt the huge tip of his cock push to the back of my throat.

I could see Duncan was beginning to rouse. Everything seemed to blur into slow motion. He sat up, rubbed his eyes and then stared through the glass front of the chalet to where I lay on my knees with his best friend’s cock at the back of my throat.

The stud fucking my mouth was oblivious. He grasped at a clump of my hair and started to fuck my mouth even more aggressively. I knew he was going to cum - I could see his eyes bulging, then there was the telling twitch of his cock.

I fixed my gaze on Duncan, who sat, frozen in disbelief on the veranda. I wanted him to see the joy in my eyes when his best friend came in my mouth.

‘That’s it. Show me what a good girl you can be.’ The stud grunted.

I stared back at Duncan. His best friend clutched my head tightly in his grip as his thick prick twitched and emptied what felt like ten gallons worth of semen into my mouth.

I swallowed every drop with a look of drunken ebullience - like it was the greatest privilege ever to have had him use my mouth as his cum dump, which it was.

He held me like that - standing over me, gripping my head to the base of his shaft, until his cock stopped twitching and began to soften. All I could hear was his panting, and all I could see was Duncan staring back at me as his shock finally turned to rage.

There was a fight.

Duncan lost, and ran off down the beach.

I remained on my knees in the middle of the room, watching my new boyfriend sending the old one away. It excited me. As women, we’re not supposed to admit to things like that - but I loved that they’d fought over me, and I loved that the one I wanted to be with had won.

When I finally stood up he slapped my bare buttocks playfully. I was slightly sunburnt so it scolded. But even that felt good.

And for about an hour I lay in his arms on the veranda, listening to him telling me what we were going to do together for the rest of our lives.

He’d taken what he wanted, and I was his forever after that. I’d found the man of my dreams.

We married six months later. Duncan didn’t attend.


(c) Fraid Seams



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***This story contains female domination aka femdom, sissyfication, etc.***(Two weeks later...)God, it's hot. I opened my mailbox: junk mail...nothing but junk mail."Junk mail," a voice parroted my thoughts. I looked up...Heather. Iglanced around. I could have sworn there was no one near the mailboxeswhen I walked up. She was wearing what I jokingly referred to as her'housewife clothes:' a baggy sweatshirt with a wide neck and short jeanshorts. Her feet, as always, were bare. As far as I...

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Shameful Boy

"Hi, come on in, all of you are welcome. Please sit down and make yourself comfortable. I have some white wine if any of you are interested. Yes?" Since there was general agreement on wine, Mary went into the kitchen to take out the two chilled magnums she had purchased for this occasion. She had really enjoyed herself last week at the Abused Mothers Support Group, and was looking forward to this show and tell session. Last week she had finally heard enough of the other women's woes and had...

2 years ago
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Walk Of Shame Of The Year awards

I'd just received a dickpic on my Kik :o It was huge and was the guy I was hooking up with later that night ... I'd just been buying some new slutty underwear and was on my way out of the shop, then BAM!?! I crashed with this brick wall of a man and spontaneously bursted out "Hey, jackass, look where you're going!?!" He grabbed my jacket and pushed me against the wall and pulled out a baton, pushed it against my throat :o Turned out he was a big security guard in uniform :o -"What the fuck did...

4 years ago
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Lily stood in the shadows from the light that glowed in the porch of the large house, rain soaking over her raincoat and dropping from her dirty blond hair which fell midway down her slender back. She was still in college and the years of her life so far had been full of struggles. She was orphaned when she was nine and had come to live with her uncle who had little money and a heavy alcohol habit that took what little they did have. For the second time her delicate fingers lifted and pressed...

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Stuarts Shame

STUART?S SHAME STUART?S SHAMEStuart walked faster, he knew that he couldn't slack. He passed a couple of guys he'd gone to elementary and high school with, working on a car. They saw him, and snickered. "He has to be home or his uncle will spank him!" one guy, Roddy, said to the other. "No, not now, man...he's an adult, it can't still be that way...remember when the uncle showed up that time and made them strip to their skivvies?" Stuart walked faster, feeling embarrassed, as he...

2 years ago
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Shame on YouChapter 4

Tom's mind was reeling. She couldn't actually be going to do this to him, could she? She had been just using it as a threat to get what she wanted, wasn't she? This was unimaginable shame! He had just spent the last 20 minutes humiliating himself in front of her and three teenage girls in his own house, begging until Linda agreed to spank him while they all laughed. Now, was Beverly really going to follow through with the rest of her plans for him? Oh God, please don't let it happen......

3 years ago
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Shamed Sissy Sisters

SHAMED SISSY SISTERS by Throne Tammy and Ronette (formerly Tommy and Ron) were herded into the garage by their wives, Jane and Kate. The husbands looked rather alike, with their short stature, slender bodies, and absolute lack of any hair below their eyebrows, which were subtly shaped by careful plucking. They also both had longish hair, nearly collar length, and conservative but noticeable touches of make-up. Both of them wore hints of eye shadow and a coating of lip gloss, the...

2 years ago
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Reddit Unashamed, aka r/Unashamed! Are you a fan of exhibitionism or maybe voyeurism? This subreddit is not really under those specific niches, but it is pretty close. It is called r/Unashamed/, and it basically shows women being naked where they should not be naked. I think you’ll get the gist once you start browsing since there is really no rocket science or hidden meaning behind this.Reddit, in general, is a great site for all kinds of shit. This is a free site with lots of subreddits for...

Reddit NSFW List
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Glory Hole Shame

It had been over 10 years since my wife passed away suddenly. Even though I had become very lonely I never really felt like getting back into the dating scene. Raising a young daughter as a single father was hard enough. Maintaining a relationship with a woman, I felt, would have distracted me from that priority.That's not to say that my sexual urges were diminished. Lacking a regular sexual partner, my libido seemed to increase to levels like that of a teenager. Nevertheless, I tried to use...

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(Fictional story told from Female point of view) My husband Ron and I like to play sexual games. One game that we sometimes play is Forfeits, this is where I am given some task to fulfil and if I fail I have to take a note from the Lucky Dip jar and act out whatever is written on it. These have ranged from relatively mild things, such as leaving off my panties and flashing my nakedness in a pub, to very severe things like inviting a strange Master from a sex contact mag, to come and beat me....

4 years ago
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Shemale Park Shame

Park Shemale Shame Hi All, Now I’m as straight as the next man, I’ve got a cute little blonde girl with a great arse who I love to ride, lick and tit feel, but, well, here’s a cautionary tale. This is a warning for you fellas who sometimes find yourselves looking at pictures of pretty shemales, in all their frillies, on the internet when you just wanna have that added pervy kick so as to cum. Right, the other day I was walking home from the pub after a couple of after work drinks with...

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Crying shame

I was so upset when my granny passed away that I cried for nearly a week and even had to take a few days off work because of my grief. I still miss her today and would much rather she was still with us even though she was so generous to me in her will. It transpired that my grandparents were very astute and although they lived very modestly, they quietly built a substantial fortune amounting to nearly one million pounds sterling. My mother and uncle were the main beneficiaries but when...

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Crying shame

I was so upset when my granny passed away that I cried for nearly a week and even had to take a few days off work because of my grief. I still miss her today and would much rather she was still with us even though she was so generous to me in her will. It transpired that my grandparents were very astute and although they lived very modestly, they quietly built a substantial fortune amounting to nearly one million pounds sterling. My mother and uncle were the main beneficiaries but when...

Group Sex
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FROM SHAME TO GAME Part 02By: V.I.Profferi Saturday morning arrived and Alice came in to wake us up for breakfast. She looked exhausted, with rings under her eyes. She had put Corky’s sleeveless work shirt on and nothing else. We could both see portions of bare breasts coming out the sides and when she stumbled at the end of the bed, her entire left breast with its large and still erect pink nipple showed itself clearly. While still lolling on the bed atop our legs, Alice asked with a drunken...

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FROM SHAME TO GAMEPart 02By: V.I.ProfferiSaturday morning arrived and Alice came in to wake us up for breakfast. She looked exhausted, with rings under her eyes. She had put Corky’s sleeveless work shirt on and nothing else. We could both see portions of bare breasts coming out the sides and when she stumbled at the end of the bed, her entire left breast with its large and still erect pink nipple showed itself clearly. While still lolling on the bed atop our legs, Alice asked with a drunken...

3 years ago
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Secretary walks the walk of shame

Catherine has always been above everybody else in the office; after all she was the Personal Assistant to the boss. Immaculate make up, glowing red lipstick, blow dried hairstyle, tanned and every single day of the year without exception dressed in proper business attire. The typical high powered female business executive in a jacket and skirt, a blouse, shiny panties and fantastic high heels. Yes Catherine knows how to use every advantage of her heels, gaining a few inches in height to talk...

2 years ago
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Where Everybody Knows Your Shame

Where Everybody Knows Your Shame By Cassandra Morgan The lights are brighter. The beer is colder. The faces are friendlier. That's why we seek out a new nightclub. Maybe it's closer. Maybe it's cheaper. Maybe they sell hope in a bottle. And so we seek new watering holes, because we believe they have new new energy. We want new. We want different. We want fun. When you get down to it, bars are pretty much the same. The dance floors are identical. The booths look similar. But...

4 years ago
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Alison Goes to London chapter 17 And They Felt No Shame

The sun was setting on Alison’s birthday, as she, Eva and Claire sat on a bench in the park facing the empty bandstand – waiting. It was getting a little chilly on this autumn evening, so most of the outdoor fucking activity of the day was winding up – apart from one solitary couple about fifty yards away on another bench. They were both dressed in tight black leather, but the man’s cock jutted through his fly, and he was doggy-fucking his partner through an unzipped flap in the rear of her...

Straight Sex
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Shame.That’s what you must’ve felt every time you met up with me. You claimed the way you looked at me is how you once looked at your wife, but I highly doubt it. With her, I bet it was true love, adoration, and care, but with me, it was pure lust; a need to seed. To use me as the piece of fuck-meat you so desperately craved.You two made sweet, passionate love, while we had rough, disrespectful sex.Not that I minded.In many instances, you told me about the bliss of finishing inside her bits....

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Shame on YouChapter 11

Tommy drove home, his eyes blurry from crying, his sore ass and the garter belt clips reminding him that all of this had been real, not just a perverse nightmare. Oh God! Kathy! How could Marie have done that to him? How could she have had the heart to invite his cousin over to see him like that, and to make him do all those things while she watched? How could he ever talk to her again after tonight? Her comment about stopping by on Saturday to see what Linda and the girls would do to him...

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Skinsuits Store

Somewhere between the universes there is Aaron's Share Store where you can buy a skisuit that will turn you into whatever character it represents. You will get to the store through some other store, or strange gates placed in a place where they should not be. Story making rules: Your character is of legal age. You must briefly describe from what world or universe it comes from. In the case of something commonly known, a description like: from the eighteenth century Earth, or from the Mass...

2 years ago
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Pantasy blackmailed erotic shame and humiliatio

After my first encounter with that older pantyboy I was beyond embarrassed! I was humiliated to the depths of my soul. I wasn’t sure which was worse- the fact that it happened and could never be undone or that I would never be able to erase it from my mind. Now that it was over and there was nothing I could do I prayed that there was somewhat I could forget the whole ordeal and what had occurred that shameful night.The phone rang at Mom’s one evening and I picked it up. It was him. The last...

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Shame on YouChapter 7

Tom managed to get through the rest of the day, somehow. Louise sent him out to get sandwiches for her and the girls at lunchtime. Mrs. Peterson returned to the office around 1:30 and noted that things seemed fairly normal. She looked questioningly at Louise as she walked to her office and received a positive nod from her that everything was OK. Maybe she had made the right decision giving Tommy one more chance to keep his job. As long as Louise was around to keep watch over things nothing...

1 year ago
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How to shame a husband

May be you can be discreet having an affair with another man? May be. But it wasn't like that for me. I shamed Robert and exalted Saul. It was unbelievably cruel, unbelievably dirty. The intimate dynamics of my sex life are well...a little complex. First, I am married to Robert, a sweet and intelligent man. Robert is a manager in public services. He earns a decent salary but he's hardly wealthy. I am a personal assistant in a logistics and transport company. My salary is even less, but then...

4 years ago
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shame on my husband

The intimate dynamics of my sex life are well...a little complex. First, I am married to Robert, a sweet and intelligent man. Robert is a manager in public services. He earns a decent salary but he's hardly wealthy. I am a personal assistant in a logistics and transport company. My salary is even less, but then that doesn't matter so much. As you will learn, I am spoilt. Around four years ago I started dating a very handsome, a very direct and sensual man called Saul. I know, i know, married...

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Forfeits By Peg Thebois I was anxious as I arrived at Gwen's house, she had asked me to come by early to help her set up, I guess that was part of my forfeit from losing a wrestling match to her at our party last month. Gwen was one heck of a sexy lady, I had enjoyed grappling with her, grinding our bodies together, it was when I pushed her down into the mount position and I sat on top of her trying to pin her arms down that I got distracted. It would be very easy to have sex in...

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SRU Turnabout

Spells R Us: Turnabout By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 Matt wiped the whipcream out of his ears and eyes feeling embarrassed to have been caught in the latest prank of his roommates Chris and Steve. The three of them often took turns playing pranks on each other. After all, what else was college for if not for fun and pranks. Going to the mall Matt hoped would give him some inspiration for his revenge. He needed something big to get back at those two and even...

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Dick van Dyke 1 If They Had Made a Movie Based on the Book Turnabout

Dick van Dyke 1: If They Had Made a Movie Based on the Book "Turnabout" By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) "Rob, do you *have* to watch this movie?!" Laura said, upset. She was sitting up in her twin bed, trying to ignore what was on the bedroom TV behind her book. "What's wrong with this movie? It's a comedy!" Robert Petrie said from his bed. "It's going to give you nightmares! I just know it." "What?? This silly thing?!" "I know how suggestible you are, Rob. You...

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A Turnabout Party

A Turnabout Party Chapter 1 You are kidding me? It was Monday. I had just finished cooking dinner and my wife had just walked in the door from work. She set her things down and just said, "You may get your wish." "My wish?" "Yes. Your wish for us to go out with you looking like a woman." You see I'm a work at home husband, doing on-line editing of technical books, papers, and the like. My wife is a high end professional woman. I...

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Turnabout Part I

6:30 AM. The alarm buzzed. I slammed down the sleep button, with every intent of going back to sleep. Five minutes later, I had to go to the bathroom and got up to go. I turned on the light. I looked in the mirror. My wife looked back. I screamed. "What's wrong, Dan?" I heard myself say, from the bed. "Come here, Jessica," I heard my wife's voice say. "Come here. NOW!" I saw myself walk in. "What's wr....DAN! What's going on?" "How should I know? I woke up... and I'm...

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Test Subject Turnabout Angelas Story

Test Subject Turnabout - Angela's Story After receiving some negative comments on a previous story I put up (Test Subject Turnabout which focused on a young man who knowingly dated a pre-op transsexual, did some very bad things to her, fell in love, apologized, and tried to win her back), I contacted a well known tg author with a question about dealing with that bad thing. The response I received prompted this alternate viewpoint which has more character development. You may want to...

3 years ago
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It began back when I was in Central Grammar School. I had dressed as a maid in a black skirted leotard, fishnet tights, and ballet flats and a white apron and cap. I found that I liked the feel of hosiery on my legs and the swish of a skirt. In that costume, I could not avoid showing my bottom that got pinched by way too many boys and adult men that those who did it were suspended if a student, made to do Community Service if an adult. That introduced me to the dark side of being a girl,...

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No Shame Taken Just Returned Ch 02

No offense taken, no offense given. This is what forums should be about. I had submitted this before, but I must have ‘fat fingered’ something, and the submission was stuck in a type of limbo. I could not fix it so I was forced to delete it and start again. Unfortunately, there were 5-6 comments that were lost in the process. Please accept my apologies. * I am always amazed at some of the comments that I get from some of my stories. In many cases, the comments are extremely on target. What...

5 years ago
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The princesses Shame

As she fled as quickly as she could threw the forest she could hear the men yelling behind her and crashing through brush close on her heel. Each of her steps more difficult then her presuers do to her attire. She was with the royal party on a caravan en route to a formal event. The princess looked simply ravishing tonight. Wearing her best white dress falling down to her calves and hugging her body tightly. A beautiful set of jewelry and her pinned up and perfect. Of course no...

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Cindys Shame

Cindy barely glanced at her phone as it 'pinged', next to her. She had almost dismissed the flashing email notification already when the title finally dawned on her. 'Halloween Horror at Carter Hall!' She opened it immediately, but only got as far as the first line of the email. 'You are exclusively invited to the party of Hannah and Josh, from dusk till dawn this Halloween, at the infamous Carter Hall!' It was all she needed. She was already frantically dialling Hannah's phone. With the...

4 years ago
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Shame but pleasure Usual roles reversed

That's the only true information contained in this story from my past. The rest of the information, names and places have been changed for obvious reasons. However, the events are absolutely true. I've never spoken of them before except in a minor way because I was a fit strong 35-year-old completely and utterly ashamed of being treated the way I was by kids. It's only now 40 years after the event that I can look back at pictures of myself to see that I suppose I must have been fairly...

2 years ago
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In Shame and Secrets 1

So while she was bored, Maxine was glad her brother wasn't home. Her mind wandered to the events of the previous day, when she had wandered into her brother's room to try and find clothes for washing. She had picked up a pair of his jeans and thrown them over her arm when a small white packet had fallen from them. Before she had a chance to pick it up, however, Robbie had burst into his room and caught her, grabbing her by the throat mid sprint and slamming her so forcefully against the...

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In Shame and Secrets 1

Introduction: Maxine is used to hiding things under the carpet, one more betrayal is no different. It was a cold November night in Los Angeles, and Maxine Devyn was sitting in front of a fire, cup cradled in her hands. The 16 year old blonde was home alone and very bored, waiting for either her father or her brothers return from their respective haunts. Jack Devyn, 43, was a business management teacher at Maxines high school and often had to stay late for staff meetings and to prepare his...

4 years ago
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Lily stood in the shadows from the light that glowed in the porch of the large house, rain soaking over her raincoat and dropping from her dirty blond hair which fell midway down her slender back. She was still in college and the years of her life so far had been full of struggles. She was orphaned when she was nine and had come to live with her uncle who had little money and a heavy alcohol habit that took what little they did have. For the second time her delicate fingers lifted and pressed...

3 years ago
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Susanne Submits 4 Shave Shame Slave

"Susanne shave your pube please. It is a symbol of submission. You will be even a little bit more naked to our eyes. I like to study your pussy in detail later today. As soon as we arrive at the secluded spot I have in mind."Susanne doesn't know my exact intention of looking in full daylight at the details of her shaven teen-like twat. She poses for a few pictures. First set of two shows the contrast between being dressed to hit old town for a night as a student, and fully nude without any...

2 years ago
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The shame of being caught

I have dressed as a girl since I was young boy, I have early memories of my mother having caught me dressed taking me to see a c***d psychologist, I distinctly remember him telling me mother I would grow out of it! Well I never did. However I did have a normal up bringing, got married and carried on dressing throughout my life with increasing secrecy. After a successful career in IT, I was in it at the right time I retired early. Our c***dren have grown up and left home and with my wife and I...

4 years ago
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Public Shame of BBW

I got stripped a couple of months back by a gang of girls. I was walking home along a wide alley where garages backed onto houses one dusky evening. I thought it was quiet when I looked down there bearing in mind it runs for a good quarter mile but generally there’s no trouble. It was quiet until half way when a group of these girls appeared from a side gate ahead of me. Loud music came from their house so I’m guessing there was a party in full swing. There were five of them in all,...

3 years ago
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I eased daddy inside and felt no shame

'Do you think you can do voice-overs, M'?I looked up at dad, 'In Swedish, or English', I replied, excited at the prospect of some lucrative Summer work, but curious, as I knew dad was a keen film maker and was in a club.'Dont quite know love', he replied, 'never thought of asking', he continued, dropping the top of his newspaper to look at me.'Who's asking', I queried, not keen to lose the prospect in case it was something exciting.The top of his newspaper dropped again to reveal his wizened...

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FROM SHAME TO GAME By: V.I.ProfferiPart 03 I obediently withdrew farther into the dark upper balcony corridor with May. She placed herself in such a way that she could continue to watch and listen to the fornicating adults upon the snooker table. Using her undressed skirt as a pillow, and later as a muffle, May raised her backside only enough for my penis to reach her anus. I bowed my head to her broadening girlish rump and began to lick, kiss, and suck her anus. I held her cheeks apart and did...

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FROM SHAME TO GAMEBy: V.I.ProfferiPart 03I obediently withdrew farther into the dark upper balcony corridor with May. She placed herself in such a way that she could continue to watch and listen to the fornicating adults upon the snooker table. Using her undressed skirt as a pillow, and later as a muffle, May raised her backside only enough for my penis to reach her anus. I bowed my head to her broadening girlish rump and began to lick, kiss, and suck her anus. I held her cheeks apart and did...

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FROM SHAME TO GAMEBy: V.I.ProfferiPart 03I obediently withdrew farther into the dark upper balcony corridor with May. She placed herself in such a way that she could continue to watch and listen to the fornicating adults upon the snooker table. Using her undressed skirt as a pillow, and later as a muffle, May raised her backside only enough for my penis to reach her anus. I bowed my head to her broadening girlish rump and began to lick, kiss, and suck her anus. I held her cheeks apart and did...

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