Long Commute free porn video

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The car radio cut out and I tore my eyes from the brake lights in front of me to glance at the in-dash screen as the Bluetooth displayed the incoming call. Maryann's name appeared on the screen. I thumbed the talk button on the steering wheel.
"Hey, baby," I called laconically.

"Hi, honey," she called from the car speakers. "I figured you'd be home by now. Are you far?"

"No, I stopped at my girlfriends house and got some on the way home." It was an old joke between us. "She called, begging, you know how she is, that whiney bitch," I laughed.


I chuckled as I moved another few feet, glancing in the side mirror to see if I could change lanes, as though that might affect anything other than my illusion of forward progress..

"Yeah, a little bit." My usual one-hour commute was closing in on two, with no end in sight. "It looked good until after the bridge, but then it turned on me like a rabid dog." Ahead, around the curve and just past the overpass I thought I saw flashing lights and hoped things would loosen up after that.

"Oh, you poor thing. I'll hold dinner. You must be exhausted." Maryann knew I didn't handle traffic well. "How long, do you think?"

I explained that I thought the lights ahead might be the end of it. "About forty-five after that, if it clears up." I hoped it wasn't just a cruel deception, just a fender bender caused by the real traffic and that the actual cause of the snarl might still be far ahead.

"Oh, my poor man," she commiserated. "You'll be all tense and grumpy by the time you get home." She sounded sad for me, and that cheered me a little. She never took me for granted. I grunted noncommittally. "I know just what you need," she continued. "Forty-five minutes?"

"At the minimum," I answered.

"That'll be perfect. I'll see you when you get home, dear, and don't you worry about a thing. Drive safe, and let me take care of you." We blew kisses into the phone and the call ended. The radio came back on. The brake lights in front of me switched off and slid ten feet forward only to light up again.

I sighed.


Just over an hour later, I pulled up in front of the house, parked and heaved a sigh of accomplishment. I glanced at the clock, noting the two hours and fifteen minutes I'd spent getting home. Grunting with resignation, I opened the door and slowly unfolded myself from the driver’s seat, stretching my back and legs. I heard my old bones and joints groan, pop and click and I exhaled my relief. As if my body knew we were home I suddenly had to piss. I reached in, grabbed my briefcase and half trotted to the door.

"Is that you, Greg?"

Really? I grimaced, snarling to myself. Was she expecting someone else? With a grunt I hurried to the bathroom, bag in tow, jacket still on. My bladder, convinced it was close, barely held on until I got unzipped. Heaving a huge sigh of relief I relaxed and emptied, a sensation of warmth and comfort sweeping through me.

Washing up, I checked myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess from running my hand through it in frustration, and I thought there were obvious stress lines around my eyes, making me appear aged instead of older. I grimaced at my reflection and washed up, then grabbed the bottle of mouthwash and took a swig, swished and rinsed.

I made my way to the kitchen, feeling half refreshed but still tired and expecting a cold, dried out dinner that I would eat alone, but got a worse surprise. There was nothing. No food at all. I wanted to complain and feel sorry for myself. I mean, seriously, she got home from work way before me. She must have eaten already. I caught myself from the edge of self pity and considered that she might have put it in the fridge, when I heard her voice call me from upstairs.

And then I remembered her promise to take my stress away. My mood brightened a bit.

"Coming up!" I called out and headed for the hallway.

The lights were mostly off and I turned off the kitchen light as I exited. There were just the two of us, so no need to leave all the lights burning. When I turned the corner, I saw the glow of the upstairs landing lights illuminating my way. Turning to head up the stairs I saw Maryann at the top waiting for me, a backlit vision in a white terry cloth robe with a towel wrapped around her hair. I could just make out the slight part in the robe exposing a slender slash of shadowed flesh, from neck to crotch. She stood with her legs slightly parted and her hands on the railing at either side, leaning slightly forward. I smiled a little and my traffic memory began to fade.

"Come up here, you," she called softly. "Your bath is prepared." She released the rail with her left hand and extended it down to me. I stood there a second, drinking in the vision of her, but I didn't wait very long. I smiled again, broader this time, and began climbing. When I reached the top step, I paused but she didn't step back. Instead she leaned forward, took my face in her hands and bent down to kiss me. She's only a few inches shorter than me so the step gave her a height advantage and I craned my neck to meet her kiss, returning it softly, one hand reaching to her hip and holding her gently. She made a yummy sound as her tongue tickled my lips.

She stepped back and smiled lightly. "Right this way, sir," she cooed with dramatic flair, "your bath awaits." She reached down for my hand and led me to our bedroom. I noticed the candles flickering softly as we passed through to the en suite. The door was closed, and she smiled back at me before she opened it.

Steam billowed out from the dimly illuminated bathroom. I followed her in and she shut the door behind us. Grinning and feeling the warmth of the room, I turned and gave her another appreciative smile, inhaling the warm air, scented by candles and bath salts.

She leaned in and kissed me briefly. I wanted nothing more than to just hold her but she stepped away. "Get yourself undressed and in, I'll be right back." And just like that she turned and left.

I stripped my clothes off and stacked them in a pile on the vanity next to the sink. Naked, I tried to see myself in the mirror but it was steamed up. With a shrug I turned to the tub, an oversized monster we'd argued about when we'd had the bathroom redone, and dipped my toe in. It was hot! I slowly eased my foot in and allowed the rest of me to follow until I could rest on my back, my head against the cushion. The heat suffused me, penetrating my tense muscles and stripping my tensions away. I closed my eyes and soaked.

I might have dozed, but I think I just zoned out. I was pulled back to reality by the sound of the door. It was behind me and I was too far in the moment to sit up, so I angled my head until Maryann came into view. She was carrying a tray as she closed the door with her foot. She turned her back to me and placed the tray on the sink, then turned and offered me a glass of wine. When she bent to place it in my raised hand her robe fell open and flashed a luscious breast at me.

"That's nice," I smiled, "thank you."

"I figured you might like a glass," she offered, sitting on the edge of the tub.

"Oh, yes, that's nice, too," I grinned. Her robe hung open and her full right breast hung in sultry profile, the dark nipple visible and erect. She followed my eyes and smiled back.

"More of that later," she said, but didn't close the robe. She reached over me for the bar of soap. She had removed the towel from her hair and it hung in damp tendrils around her face and shoulders. I watched as she lifted a washcloth from the edge of the tub, dipped it into the hot water and soaped it up to a lather.

"Are you going to join me?" I asked with a sly grin.

"I've already taken my bath, silly," she smirked, working the soap into the cloth. "Someone special gave me plenty of time to prepare," she intoned in a lilting sing-song. "So I took care of me, and now I can take care of my man." She reached into the water and lifted my arm out and began lather me. I was content to feel her fingers holding my arm and her hand sliding the soapy cloth over and under my arm as I watched her studious expression. She made small talk and I answered, but honestly it was just easy married questions about my day and her own. She didn't push me for details or interrupt, except to kiss me to distract me when my narrative started to gain agitation.

And all the while, she washed and rinsed and stroked my arms and legs and back and front. She wet my hair and shampooed it, massaging my scalp before rinsing. She washed my saucy bits, too, taking care to clean them and despite her efforts to keep it clinical and caring, I still became aroused. So sue me.

She looked in my face with a knowing grin as she held my filling shaft in her hand. "Hmm," she murmured, "I'm trying to reduce your stress, but it feels like there is some tension growing here."

I grinned back at her. "It's not a bad tension," I observed wryly.

"No, it isn't," she replied. "But we should take care of it anyway, shouldn't we?"

I reached out and flung a wet arm to her shoulder and pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed me back tenderly, whispering between pecks. "You're getting my robe all wet," she sighed breathily, "I don't want to get cold."

"Come in with me, I'll warm you up," I whispered back.

"No, silly," she giggled, squeezing my almost engorged shaft. "I'm taking care of you, remember?" She pulled from the kiss, sitting back on her feet next to the tub, then rising and standing slowly to face me, untying the sash of the robe and letting it slip slowly from her shoulders. I watched in rapt attention as she slowly lowered it, exposing her breasts, dark nipples greeting me with beckoning attention, the curve of her rounded globes enticing and pink in the subdued light. The robe slipped further, exposing her slightly rounded and soft belly, then parted and slipped fully away and she stood there, holding it behind her.

I gasped. Her hair-shrouded pussy was completely shaved but for a small strip of fur delicately trimmed above her hooded clit.

"Oh, fuck, Maryann!"

"You like?"

"Baby, it's incredible... when?"

"I told you," her voice teased with a smile that I looked up to return. "Someone special gave me lots of time to prepare."

My cock throbbed with excitement as I reached a hand out to her, but the stood just out of my reach.

"Come closer, let me touch."

"Not yet," she cooed seductively, "plenty of time for that later." Her denial made me want to stroke it all the more. "First, we've got to address your 'tension' situation." She reached for a big fluffy towel and regarded me thoughtfully, then dropped it. I was already half out of the tub when she returned it to the hook. "On second thought," she mused, and stepping to the tub, added, "maybe you should just kneel up."

I scrambled to my knees at one end of the still-warm water as she stepped in at the other end. I watched as she fitted her lovely naked form into the hot water, lowering herself in and crouching down over her knees.

Anticipation gripped me. I was kneeling, facing her, my balls hanging in the bath water and my stiff cock jutting out at her upturned face. My skin cooled as the water dried but it didn't chill me in the warm, steamed air. I inhaled unsteadily as I witnessed the most erotic sight a man can experience, one I had seen many times before but never tired of, and it never lost its magical effect on me.

The woman I loved looked up into my face, her eyes glittering darkly. She parted her lips in a half smile as her face closed the distance. One wet hand reached for the base of my cock as her tongue slipped out. And there, in that moment before contact, she was the most beautiful erotic vision ever placed on the face of this planet, the very image of desire and devotion, love and pleasure.

I released my breath as her tongue swiped up the seam of my cockhead and her lips pursed to kiss the fat clear drop of pre-cum that bulged there, waiting for her. I stared down at her as her eyes lowered and her glossed lips parted and wrapped themselves around the swollen plum. I trembled as her tongue stroked and swirled the head inside her mouth. I heard her growl a yummy sound and then felt suction as her mouth took me deeper, her face approaching my belly. I took another shuddering breath as she reached her limit, tightened her lips, and with a slow, steady suck, drew back the entire length of my cock.

"Oh, fuck, Maryann," I gasped. I took her head in both hands and turned her face up to look at me. Her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled, rubbing my leaking slit across her lips.

"Hush," she said.

"I love you."

"I know," she said. "Now relax and be quiet while I take care of this."

She smirked at me and dropped her gaze, closed her eyes and went back to work. My hands slid from her head to her shoulders, tracing casual lines over her bare skin with my eyes closed and my head back and mouth open, relishing the attention she was lavishing on me. She took her time at first, increasing my arousal, tormenting and tantalizing me. I leaned back against the tile wall, feeling the cool on my skin in sharp contrast to her warm mouth and resisting the urge to thrust my hips. Waves of pleasure billowed out through my body, enhanced by my occasional glances to watch her as she enjoyed her work and her own delight.

One of her hands slipped between my legs to cup my balls, fondling and lightly juggling the globes in their thin sack. I felt her middle finger slide up behind them to tickle my anus and I groaned. She teased and tickled and sucked and swirled until my arousal built and I felt my climax approach. My hands tightened on her shoulders and my breathing quickened and her hand pressed my balls up tight to my crotch. I looked down as she looked up and her lips smiled around my shaft. I could see in her eyes that she knew I was close.

Still looking at me, she pushed her mouth down to her limit and wrapped her hand tightly around my shaft, her finger and thumb pressed to her lips. And then, to my exquisite thrill, she held her lips around my shaft and began thrusting her mouth onto me, bouncing her head up and down, fucking my cock with her face and pulling me to the finish line. My head went back, eyes wide and breath short as I embraced the swirling build of sensation. My tightening balls, the clenching in my crotch, the anticipation in my stomach, all answering the call of her mouth and lips and tongue as she stroked my shaft, coaxing, urging... pulling my climax to the fore.

I swelled. My head jerked forward and I looked down at my wife, looking up at me and squeezing the base of my shaft as she pulled her mouth back for her lips to encapsulate the head of my cock. Her eyes lit up as she felt the pulse under her fingers, and the corners of her mouth curled in delight as the first jet raced up my shaft in glorious release to coat her tongue. Her hand stroked, her lips tightened and my cock exploded. My body jerked and I howled in ecstasy as I filled her mouth with hot spurting semen. As the first, stronger blasts finished, she stroked the underside of my shaft, extracting the full measure of my cum, smiling up at me as her mouth held my steaming ejaculate.

I let out a huge exhale and she pulled her mouth back, squeezed up my shaft and kissed off the last drop, and smiled. Her lips parted and cum dripped from the corners of her mouth as she swallowed what she'd earned. I stared at her in abject wonder and appreciation,trying to form words.

"Oh, fuck, Mare," I managed. It was all I could struggle out.

"Mmm, that was a big one," she said and licked her smiling lips. "Yummy!" She giggled, I laughed and she laughed with me, kneeling up to kiss me, her chin and lips coated with my essence. We shared a soft, comfortable, cummy kiss, puckered lips smiling and making small warm sounds into each other's mouths.

After a few moments, she pulled away and in unspoken agreement we extracted ourselves from the bath. She wrapped me in a towel and kissed me again, the smell and taste of cum still on her lips. She put her robe back on, took my hand and led me to our bed, placing me on my back and opening my towel. With a devious grin she climbed on and stood above me.

"So, now that you're all relaxed, and we've relieved your tension," she teased, looking down at me, "would you like a closer look?" Still grinning, she dropped the robe and stood naked above me, straddling my chest, her legs parted, giving me a glorious view of her full swollen lips, bereft of hair, glistening and beckoning. I watched as she slowly smoothed her hands down her sides, down her legs and back up, sliding them to the inside of her thighs as they rose seductively to her bare pussy.

"Oh, Maryann, it's gorgeous, so sexy," I hissed.

"Mmm, it feels so smooth and soft," she cooed, trailing her fingers up the side of her labia. I felt an unexpected stirring between my own legs as I watched her fingers glide up and down her bare mons, parting her lips, plying the fleshy peach. Her slit opened, giving a glimpse of pink wetness within and I groaned. I watched her slip a slim digit into the crease, saw the fingertip emerge wet and shining, stared as she stroked under her clit, slowly circling, exposing her pearl for me, then watched the manicured painted nail slide down, slowly, sliding easily between bare labia to disappear from sight inside her.

"My turn," she sighed, slipping the finger back out.

And she lowered herself then, squatting first before dropping to her knees, then adjusting her position as she approached, moving her beautiful wet cunt up to my waiting mouth.

I stared as it neared, opening for me as she knelt over my face, spreading her legs. Beautiful swollen lips parted, revealing the wet, glossy, pink glittering between them. Time slowed as her scent reached me, drilling my senses. My hands reached for her thighs and slid up behind her to cup her ass cheeks as I craned my neck to meet her treasure with my mouth open. My lips met hers and my tongue pushed into her opening as her juices spilled out for me, a champagne fountain of sexual delight in a one-sided tongue kiss. I felt my hips lift involuntarily, my cock once again hard. I rested my head, pulling her down with me, my lips sealed to her juicy cunt as I licked up her slit, drinking her nectar and finding her pearl, hard and proud and eager at the juncture of her labia.

She squealed and gasped as I licked her button, then pursed my lips and sucked it, flicking it with my tongue. Fuck, she was delicious and her juices flowed like a running tap, filling my mouth. I sucked and swallowed and sucked some more. I lapped at her slit, sucked her lips and circled her clit. My fingers squeezed her cheeks and the the tip of one explored her valley, finding her crinkle and teasing there. She squirmed on my face, pressing her clit on my nose, as I pushed my tongue deep inside. As I tongue fucked her sweet pussy, my busy finger pushed inside her tight ring. She began crying out, squeaking and panting as her climax built, and grew, and swelled inside her.

Then her hand was tangled in my hair and she bellowed, shrieking as her pussy clenched my tongue and her anus gripped my finger. Juices spilled from her in a spasm of fluid, filling my mouth, coating my tongue, my lips, my chin, my cheeks. I slid my tongue up to her clit and teased her through the peak, stroking lightly around her sensitive bud as she shook and trembled on my face.

Releasing a sigh she collapsed to my side, panting and shaking with one leg still draped over me. I rolled to face her, pulled her leg up and aimed and slid my hard cock into her in one stroke. I began pumping for all I was worth. In a few short strokes, her climax returned with a vengeance and her fingers dug into my shoulder and chest as she came again. I lifted her leg and changed my angle for better penetration, with us both on our sides, shifting into a modified scissor and driving my cock deep. She twitched and writhed like a landed fish, gaffed by my throbbing shaft. I was ferocious as her climaxes crested and receded over and over, the next one just inches from explosion, her uncontrolled ecstasy escalating mine.

Despite having cum already I felt the build and didn't delay. I pumped for me, wanting my cum, wanting to fill her, angling my head to watch my cock spear in and out of her shaved cunt. Fuck, it was like she was eating me, cock first; her red, open hole swallowing me and pulling me inside. Once again I felt the swell, felt the telltale rumble and surrendered to the jerking of my hips as I yanked her leg, pushed myself deep and exploded. I barked and groaned as I painted her insides with my hot lava, and then collapsed alongside her, cock still fitted in her juicy, sodden tunnel.

It took a few minutes before either of us stirred, and we barely managed to crawl to each other, wrapping ourselves in each other's arms, weak and spent and trembling and happy. Her eyes opened and found mine and they crinkled at the corners.

"Holy fuck, Greg," she croaked, "that was incredible!"

I shifted my hips, sliding my softening shaft inside her, grinning.

"No, stop, I can't take anymore."

"You know I'm incredibly jealous,” I offered, “of the multiple orgasm thing." She laughed lightly at my comment and extricated herself. "God," I added, "if I could do that I'd never get out of bed."

"That's why men can't," she quipped. "The species would die out!" She leaned to the bedside table and pulled two small towels and handed me one. "I came prepared," she quipped.

I started cleaning up, still grinning.

"Are you hungry?" she asked, climbing from the bed, "after your long drive?"

"Famished!" I chuckled. "Don't tell me there's dinner, too!"

"Of course there is! I just have to heat it up!" she replied, leaning down to kiss me. I pulled her into a long, warm embrace and she cuddled against me, fitting her body to mine like a missing puzzle piece. "I take care of my man when he has a tough drive!"

"You sure do!" I confirmed, and we held each other a long time, silent and content, before we headed to the kitchen to share a late dinner.


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Longhorns Ch 02

***Author’s note: Thanks to everyone for the feedback on the first chapter. This chapter proceeds from Virginia’s point of view. As always, I appreciate votes and comments. -Theworldspins*** There must be some law that any party thrown by a sophomore chick has to have at least, like, three bottles of Malibu coconut rum. Virginia scrunched her face up when she took a sip of the ‘tropical’ concoction her friend Stacy passed her. She hated the taste of coconut. ‘This one’s from Madison,’...

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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

4 years ago
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                         - Everlong -Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Don't rape people in real life,don't kidnap them and don't stick needles into them against theirwill.She's lying on a bed, naked, arms and legs spread. Coils of rope bindher hands and wrists to the posts of the bed. It is warm, almost hotin this windowless cellar, lit by countless candles of red and whiteon the floor, on shelves on the wall. Her body is stretched, her firmbreasts riding high, her skin golden in the...

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When Times Are Toughby: counterparts199Mature audiences only - I'm a pacifist, and this is fantasy:"Times have been tougher.  Since the nuclear wars society has rebounded and then stabilized.  International treaty had hopefully made nuclear war a thing of the past.  A rule of order has been established, creating strong senses of border, and allowing the full weight of a strong United Nations to come to bear on any nation crossing another's line.  The only major exceptions are excessive...

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Oolong at Midnight Chamomile at Dawn

The First Mona Youngblood Story Mona Youngblood had a good view of her apartment from her hidden vantage point. Which is, of course, the point of hiding for advantage. Or, in this particular case, hiding for safety, since there was an intruder standing not six meters away from her. Having worked for several years on the fringes of society and the law, Mona had the foresight and the resources to extensively remodel this apartment. There was a very good wall safe behind an oil original in...

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"When's the party?" my Mom asked. "The party's this Saturday," my 16-year old big sister Autumn answered. The party was next door at Savannah's house. She was 16 too. "Alright, you can go. You know that Dad and I will be at his business convention and we won't be home until very late." The convention center was a couple of hours away. "I know," said Autumn. "I was going to be bored at home all day so this gives me something to do." "And me too," I chimed in. Autumn frowned...

4 years ago
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LongshotChapter 2

The second difference I recognized was sex. That realisation came while I was standing knee-deep in one of my favorite stretches of the ringriver. Just downstream of the canyonlands — what Mother called “antispinward”, opposite to the rotation of the ship — the river was dotted with a cluster of small islands planted with cherry trees. If you were daring enough, the island chain could be reached from the riverbank by leaping the foaming water via a series of broad flat rocks. Every 120 days...

2 years ago
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LongshotChapter 3

After a decade of daily travel Zuri and I were intimate with every bank and island of the river. Our bare feet had trod its thirty-kilometer circumference multiple times, leaving both of us aching to adventure farther. Finally yielding to our demands, Mother led us along an antispinward stream feeding the ringriver, heading towards the bow. The air was cool, carried on a low headwind that pushed constantly against my face, pebbling my skin with gooseflesh. Crisp, dry brown foliage snapped...

3 years ago
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LongshotChapter 4

Five kilometers above the night-darkened lake, the last set of fireworks launched themselves from the spindle of darkened moonline. As we watched, the tiny dots of light descended through the atmosphere, splitting into thousands, then millions of autonomous fragments, forming a spinning accretion disk of brilliant color that stretched across our home from one side to the other. The vast display pulsed, colors rippling out through each fragment, reflected in the water below, illuminating the...

4 years ago
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LongshotChapter 5

My lessons began to diverge from Zuri’s a year after our first dive in a takamakura. While my sister continued to learn whatever interested her, my sessions increasingly became focussed on urban planning, stellar cartography, environmental stewardship and resource allocation. The more I resisted the flow of information, the more overt the lessons became, like fighting a remorseless current. Eventually, it was easier to give in. In reward the infinite space within the takamakura began to...

2 years ago
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LongshotChapter 6

“You are homo liberas. You will never grow sick, never wither or fade.” Standing on the cliff face, skin gleaming in the mist of the waterfall that thundered over the lip of dark brown rock at our feet, the words of our mother had the cadence of a rite. It was the morning of our fourteenth birthday. We had arrived at the falls after walking most of the night, reaching the top just as the lightline began to glow into dawn. The higher elevation of the upper summerland plains dropped...

2 years ago
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LongshotChapter 7

Soft, blue light played over Zuri’s bare stomach from the factotum’s cupped digits as she lay back on the grass. It was impossible to believe that a baby could exist in her flat, firm belly, but there it was, projected and magnified in a hologram above her navel: two tiny yolk sacs with their fetal poles. Twins. I held Zuri’s hand, breathless in wonder, feeling her hand squeeze mine tightly. “That’s us,” she whispered. “We’ve always been a fecund species,” our mother said, then blinked. “I...

2 years ago
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LongshotChapter 8

Lying on her side under the shade of a river birch, the dark round hill of Zuri’s belly moved slightly with each slow, deep breath as she slept. Passing high above us, a long white wisp of visibly curved cirrus cloud momentarily dimmed the sunline, stilling the whirring sounds of insects. Spinward, the closest building of the polis remained a quarter of the way up the cylinder. Compared to the nomadic adventures of our childhoods, we’d been making very slow progress along the ringriver...

4 years ago
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LongshotChapter 9

19 YAL Our wanderings became circumscribed by our daughters. Ananya and Hotene, names we had chosen from the Old Sol cultures associated with their phenotypes, largely slept when we did. Thankfully, they usually went down at around the same time, after Hotene’s nightly fight; the staggered circadian rhythms that kept our sleepless human ancestors on guard at the mouths of their caves were synchronized in homo liberas twins, repurposed to Longshot’s watches. Our family expanded to three...

3 years ago
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LongshotChapter 10

20 YAL At first our mother’s departure felt much like the trips she had taken in the past when Zuri and I were children. But as the days of her absence continued, we realised that she wasn’t coming back. “Daddy?” Ananya’s high voice piped above my head as she swayed side to side on my shoulders. “Yes, sweetheart?” “How many stars are there?” My eldest daughter – Ananya had emerged into the world two minutes before her sister – had recently become obsessed with counting and numbers....

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LongshotChapter 11

Frowning at the carving in my hands, I smoothed a curve of dark brown wood with the pad of my thumb. I’d been playing with Ship’s printer algorithms for weeks, trying to convince the AI to produce wood with an interesting structure that avoided becoming interlocked. Working on the meter-long post with a chip knife had convinced me that the latest sample might actually be a usable result. I had started carving a few years ago. Carrying a sleeping Ananya in my arms along a rocky beach at the...

1 year ago
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LongshotChapter 12

The bats were just beginning to come out by the time I made it to the polis. Avians had apparently never been successfully adapted to the habitat, for reasons we still didn’t understand; the only birds we ever saw were flightless rails, parrots, and some ground-hugging species. But bats had thrived, especially in the canyon and rainforest biomes, from where they emerged each evening to hunt for insects. We had taught the children to spot them at dusk by listening for the faint rustle of...

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LongshotChapter 13

After dinner was cleared away and recycled, we rose one level farther. Mother had told the truth: the dome at the top of the tower was completely clear, allowing me to look directly overhead at last. A ramp from the open capsule doors took us up to a square sleeping platform in the center, from where I could see the city spread out beneath us and the darkened habitat beyond. Immediately, I felt much more comfortable. Standing above the center of the ringriver allowed me to observe it as I...

2 years ago
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LongshotChapter 14

“So Mom’s pregnant,” Zuri said. I looked at my sister in surprise as I climbed down from the crouching factotum. “You knew?” She raised an eyebrow. “Of course. She never does anything without a plan.” Returning to the intimacy of family allowed me to forget my new responsibilities for a long time. Fear of command was replaced with the immediate task of raising Hotene and Ananya, thoughts of the immensity of our voyage and my responsibility for it subsumed by the simple act of waking up...

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LongshotChapter 15

30 YAL Sitting on the stern shore of Lake Numi I felt the alert from Ship enter my mind like a rock shearing from the face of an incomprehensibly tall cliff, falling through infinite divisions of femtoseconds before plunging into the shallow waters of my brain. Glancing at Mother, I saw her eyes film over in response to the same message. You have this, she subvocalized, her voice low and calm in my ear. Longshot was beginning to turn. In the depths of interstellar space the vessel’s...

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LongshotChapter 16

My children’s reaction to Mother’s departure reflected their personalities perfectly. Ananya was saddened by the news, but held up stoically, leaving our conversation determined to make her grandmother’s last day with the family as pleasant as possible. Kirra, too young to fully understand what was happening, appeared to be mostly confused, but quickly settled into nonchalance. I reserved a chance for storminess later when realisation set in. In contrast, my second daughter’s response was...

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LongshotChapter 17

“You are homo liberas. You will never grow sick, never wither or fade.” Repeating the words taught to us over the thunder of the falls, I raised a wooden bowl filled with ringriver water above Ananya’s head. While Zuri and I had retained Mother’s observances and celebrations, we’d remade many of her rituals. There were no death-defying plunges for our daughters, no endurance marches naked in the cold. Waking the children just before dawn, it had taken just half an hour of walking before...

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LongshotChapter 18

Nibbling kernels the colors of stained glass from a steaming corn cob, I listened to little Kirra babbling happily, entirely unaware of the tension that flashed back and forth across the campsite as we ate supper. Stirring the leaves above our heads in soft whispers, the dry evening breeze carried a hint of crispness, a promise of the season’s swift turning. With our old black pot removed from the RTG, the heating element’s radioactive decay warmed our small circle as darkness closed...

3 years ago
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LongshotChapter 19

Brushing wood chips from my legs, I looked up to see Zuri appear between columns of black spruce trees with the white bulk of a facto following at her heels. As she drew closer, I read her stride as less walk than strut. Her full lips cast into a smirk, bouncing on the balls of her feet, everything about my sister wordlessly communicated I know something you don’t. Forbidden to us as children, the boreal forest had become a popular destination for my daughters during our summer migrations....

1 year ago
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LongshotChapter 20

“I want to give you something.” “Hmmmm?” Hovering at the edge of sleep, drained by the demands of the day, I rolled within the warmth of the merged sleeping cocoons towards my sister, feeling her long legs brushing against mine. The inside of our tent was dim, the taiga biome’s linelight cool and grey through the thin fabric. Hiking to the bow had taken us three days, our progress slowed by an unexpectedly early microwinter, the snow falling so deep we’d been forced to stop while the factos...

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LongshotChapter 21

Entirely capable of fending for themselves, the rest of the camp left Zuri and I undisturbed the next morning. Crossed wrists held under my hand, my sister bucked hard against me, her eyes squeezing shut, screaming hard as I finally allowed her to join me in climax. Shuddering, back arched as I released inside her, we collapsed together, gasping. Around us I could hear sounds of activity as the camp rose with the dawn. “So good...” Zuri moaned, her tongue forcing its way into my mouth as...

1 year ago
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Longboat KeyChapter 2 Lindas Day

I was shaking as Roger and I walked to the room at the waterside hotel. How did I get into this? I knew I had sort of pushed the whole affair (is affair the right word), but Steve would have said something if he truly objected. He hadn't, and I knew the whole idea, sort of, turned him on. Why do I keep using "sort of?" Either it does or it doesn't, and the same goes for me. Am I going through with this? Steve had been teasing me for years about other couples, never seriously, I think....

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Longboat KeyChapter 3 Breakfast Steve again

Early morning light filtered in the room. I got up first. In the bathroom, I brushed my teeth then inspected Beau for damage. Finding him fit for duty, I cleaned him up and reentered the bedroom. Hearing me, Maggie got up and left to do her duties. I heard the shower, the hair dryer—then an hour later again woke to see her open the bathroom door. She returned with hair perfect, lipstick, ultra red over full lips her breasts naked and her nipples hard. I was impressed. Beau was impressed. I...

2 years ago
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LongreachChapter 2

Eric and Alex talked for days, which turned into weeks, planning. The crew of the Misty had gotten permission to "visit" the compound that Eric had, with his ships help, restored to almost pristine condition. One of the things that Alex had asked Eric to do, was to have his crew scanned by an empath from the compound, to see if they had a spy. They did, and it was Mara Bates of all people! She had assumed that Alex would be suspicious, and had arranged for someone who looked to be a spy to...

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LongreachChapter 3

For over a year we worked our asses off at Longreach. We carefully selected people to migrate to our new base. Besides the repair ship, Marn; we also had a mining/refinery ship! It was busy converting raw material into useful finished products for us. The base on the planet which we named Alton, was located on the continent where Eric had spent so much time. The second base was named Caston. Both bases were recruiting people for various positions. One thing we wanted was a trained army. Not...

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LongreachChapter 4

Commodore Barnhart was prompt. While I waited for the commodore, I looked into hiring guards for myself and my ship. Station security was supposed to safe-keep all ships that were docked, but things had been known to happen in the past. The front desk suggested a company called, Triad Security. As the commodore had also mentioned Triad, I gave them a call. I was impressed that they knew my name, right from the start. Apparently I had made a 'whose who' list. I talked to a partner about...

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LongreachChapter 5

Eric looked at the screen and marveled at the hugeness of the "engine" that had appeared with it's accompanying ships it had given a lift to. The LP was as good as it's word. League of Planets freighters were even now separating from the hyper engine, and making their slow ponderous way to orbit. The engine had shortened an otherwise much longer trip for the majority of these ships. It also carried within it an interstellar communications suite. Eric marveled at how much space the...

3 years ago
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LongreachChapter 6

Eric was aboard CCS-14, monitoring the advancing Terran Federation ships, as they moved towards his task force. After a little over two years, Longreach now had a nice little navy formed; thanks in part to the TF's policy of dropping civility, and trying to force planets into subjugation. Eric had helped this fledgling navy with a bit of technical support. For example, a small task force such as this should not try to take on a force of the size of the battle group that was now approaching...

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