The Young Amazons Part 1 free porn video

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Stalked and captured by young Amazons

The two exhausted and terrified men collapsed, barely able to breathe any more, they had been running for what seemed like an eternity. They hid in bushes off the forest track, both shaking with all consuming fear. Their wild eyes stared at each other totally unable to comprehend the scene of utter horror they had just witnessed. They panted heavily, they were sweating profusely as steam rose from their bodies into the cool dank early morning air. Then they heard the eerie distant sounds again, a loud cooing type noise, rising and falling in pitch. “Ha ha woooaah HA HA!” “Ha Ha woooaah HA HA”. The noise had been following them intermittently as they ran. There it was again, it was definitely not an a****l noise, it was human and with its high pitch almost certainly female, a sort of war cry. Instinctively they moved deep into the bushes, cowering in fear. They covered themselves in foliage and watched and listened intently, their senses fully alert. They did not speak, what could they possibly say? Both men were trying desperately hard to convince themselves the horrific scenes they had encountered were the result of their imagination, their worst nightmares. The forest was quiet, dew dropped heavily on to their sweating bodies. They had discarded most of their clothing as they fled the scene and wore only working boots, trousers and vests. Time passed and the eerie sounds had ceased, they knew they had to get away from this place as fast as possible. The forest was dense, but there was a clear path nearby, they gathered themselves again and sprinted off once more, hopefully to the safety of their comrades. The men had been running for half an hour and in the far distance could see the forest edge and there lay the road where they could jump on a wagon or cart and return to civilisation. They stopped to rest, a tiny bit of confidence had returned to them as the strange sounds had ceased. They took stock as they panted heavily, they were exhausted, but knew they had to escape this hellish area. Then suddenly the noise returned, it was louder, whoever was making the calls was much closer, the sounds came from either side of them. “Ha Ha Woooah HA HA!” Whoever was stalking them definitely sounded female, and there was more than one of their pursuers. They froze in fear, it was absolutely inconceivable to them that females could have been responsible for the atrocities they had seen. The men were now hopelessly confused, their brains scrambled in total terror.

The men were soldiers of the Albion kingdom, they were not front line infantrymen or cavalry, they were both Fitters and had been assigned to a remote staging post close to border with Syran. Their job was to service the wagons and carts of their Army as they proceeded to and from the border. Albion and Syran had fought many wars, but had coexisted peacefully for 25 years, with a small border force present on either side. Albion was a peninsula a country surrounded by sea with the exception of it’s northern border with Syran. Both countries shared a common language and the lasting peace had seen the development of many free trade agreements and easy border passage between the two nations. Syran was a huge country, inhabited exclusively in the south, all towns and citadels straddled the Albion border, the north of the country was an immense desert wasteland running for hundreds of miles. Both countries were ruled by a monarchy with a council of Ministers to advocate laws. Both were predominantly run by males but females could accede to high office and often did so, enjoying equal rights to males. Beyond Syran little was known, though rumours abounded of savage warrior tribes. At the core of their current thoughts were the tales of a nation of ferocious Amazon women, who were unparalleled in their fighting skills and were utterly merciless to all men, enslaving then and killing them in gruesome rituals. The Northern lands were largely unexplored, but tales from explorers had frequently told of a nation of Amazon women who had covetous eyes on Syran and Albion.
The men, James and Edward were both in their 30s and had served as Fitters for 20 years, carrying out maintenance and servicing on the Albion Army’s carts and wagons. Both single men, they had thoroughly enjoyed the lifestyle, superior pay and prestige given to the nations Armed Forces. Neither man had seen any front line action and as support to the Infantry and Cavalry possessed only the most basic fighting skills. As a matter of routine they carried an issue sword and dagger.

“Ha Ha Woooaah HA HA!” the war cry type noise echoed very loudly through the trees, from both sides, whoever was making the noise were very close now. “My God James, whoever they are they are nearly upon us” gasped a frightened Edward. “ My God it can’t be Amazons can it?” Their frozen terror filled minds went back to the scene of death and depravity they had seen earlier. They had been deployed fixing a broken down cart and on returning to their small compound had found their 2 comrades viciously slaughtered. Their naked bodies were tightly bound to a fence in star positions, with every inch of skin covered in deep whip marks and bites, their fingernails and toenails had been removed. Both men had been branded with strange A shaped signs burnt into their upper thighs and stomachs. Hanging from their mouths were translucent penis sheaths with very visible dried semen stains, it was clear they had ejaculated prior to death. They had long thick penis shaped ivory posts jammed deep in their anuses, streams of dried blood must have flowed from their rectums and was caked on their heavily whipped upper thighs. Both men had had their genitalia removed, their naked legs were covered in blood, their faces frozen for eternity in terror. The two men had retched uncontrollably at the sight of their colleagues. It would seem that whoever had savagely tortured, castrated and killed their colleagues was stealthily stalking them.

“Ha Ha Woooaah HA HA!” The noise was very loud now, their pursuers were close by on either side. The men shook uncontrollably with fear, the memory of their brutally murdered comrades flooded their every thought. To stand and confront them would be foolhardy, they would stand no chance in combat against Amazons or whoever had brutally slain their comrades. They had to attempt to flee. Totally panic stricken they ran down the track, wide eyed, ashen faced. Suddenly they heard loud rustling on both sides of them, they were being stalked like a****ls, the men increased their pace, to no avail, their pursuers had superhuman speed. To the left the noise was ahead of them to the right behind them, “they are nearly on us on both sides it must be Amazons” shrieked James. As they desperately ran they heard the noise of branches snapping and the sound of boots crashing through the undergrowth only feet away, their pursuers began wailing “Wooooo Woooooo Aaaaaaagh Aaaaaaaagh” in soft female sounding voices, the repeated terrifying wails echoed loudly through the dense undergrowth. Suddenly it stopped. Adrenalin filled their veins and they ran as fast as they ever had, they were about a 100 yards from the edge of the forest, ahead they could see large clouds of dust and the very faint outline of an Albion Army convoy slowly moving along the main road. “Nearly there, we must keep going” gasped Edward. On either side they caught black flashes as the mysterious figures closed in on them. They were so so close to safety, seconds away from help. Then suddenly, ahead of them, a caped figure dropped from the trees blocking the path, they stopped in terror, they then heard and saw another caped figure stood behind them. They were trapped.

The forest was quiet, save for the gentle breeze blowing crossways through the trees. To the front and back of the men stood two figures in ground length, shapeless, baggy, flowing capes and face veils. The figures were totally static, staring at the men. The men trembled with fear, staring repeatedly back and forth at the figures. A long period of time elapsed and the caped figures had not moved, they were like statues. “Wh wh wh wh who are you” whimpered Edward, his broken stuttering voice betraying his fear. The figures did not reply. “Pl pl pl please, we mean no harm, we are mere Fitters” cried James. Still silence. Both men screamed cries of help at the top of their voices, but the convoy was way too distant to hear. The figures laughed manically at them, smelling their extreme fear. “No one can hear you, you are ours” the figure at the front cried out. “We really enjoyed our evening yesterday, your friends were most accommodating” laughed the figure at the back, adding “we have so enjoyed this morning, toying with you pathetic specimens, now you are under our total control” the voices were unquestionably female and they sounded young. The men were breathing heavily, they looked disbelievingly at each other. Their brains utterly scrambled. Do they fight? Do they surrender? Do they beg for their lives? The way they had been toyed with and stalked, and the the way their comrades had been brutally tortured and emasculated indicated they would have little chance in combat with these females. Then the figures removed their veils and capes….

The men stood open mouthed, their eyes widened in amazement, stood in an aggressive posture before them were 2 girls, both young, topless and stunningly beautiful. The girl before Edward stood hands on hips long legs wide apart, she was clad in a calf skin tunic style skirt and tight knee length a****l skin boots. Her long raven hair was pulled up in a tight black bun, she glared contemptuously at the Male wretch before her. She had cold fiery brown eyes and her luscious lips were pursed in pure hatred. She had big firm breasts, her erect nipples proudly jutting forth. Her stomach was taut and extremely muscular. Her ultra tight skirt was very short, barely covering her modesty, and emphasised her powerful thighs and long sturdy legs. The skirt was slit all the way up on both sides, connected only by thin hemp cord, which pressed into her bronzed flesh.
Before James stood a very tall and vey slim girl. She had long blonde hair, which like her colleague was sc****d up into a severe bun. She had piercing big blue eyes, high cheekbones, thin lips which she twisted into a cruel sneer, her breasts were very small but firm, her tiny nipples standing up prominently. Her waist was tiny, her stomach washboard flat. She was clad in similar knee length boots to her companion, but apart from that she wore only a high cut a****l hide thong. The thong and boots highlighted her figure, displaying perfectly her endless bronzed shapely legs. “My god they are Amazons” gasped James. A petrified Edward nodded.
The men stared disbelievingly at their opponents, the 2 young girls held their heads high, both had the most ultra confident demeanour, with legs wide apart, their fists clenched tightly by their sides, they stared hard into the eyes of the males they were about to fight, their lips had twisted into contemptuous sneers. Neither man could recall seeing such beautiful females, they drank in the vision of young beauty before them. It seemed surreal that they were about to attempt to fight them. The girl in the tight skirt spoke sneeringly “Now we fight, men versus Amazons and you will be destroyed, just like your colleagues last night, they were still alive when we did this…”. With that both girls reached down to their capes and lifted out the severed genitals of the man she had castrated the previous evening, they placed them in the upturned palms of their small hands and displayed them to their terrified opponents. The men looked on in disbelief, their stomachs churning over, their minds overflowing with total fear, their bodies shook. It seemed incredulous that the two leggy beauties before them could be responsible for such savage torturing, butchering and emasculating of their two colleagues. Now they had to fight them. Men versus Girls.

The men, were armed with light swords and daggers, but were very unskilled in their use, they had certainly never used them in anger, as Fitters they had undertaken only the most basic combat training, with a 2 day annual refresher period. The girls had an array of weapons, swords and daggers in their capes, but they left them behind as they slowly and slinkily approached the trembling men. Both the men reeled back futilely attempting to adopt a defensive posture, as the long legged unarmed Amazons, one in a tight skirt, the other in a thong ever so slowly approached them.

Thong stopped just out of the reach of Edward’s sword, her face staring intently at him. She adopted a sideways posture her fists held high, then she flew at him, he slashed out wildly but she leapt high in the air above the blade, her boots thudding into Edward’s upper torso, he staggered back, with lightning reflex she locked her right arm under his armpit, she pressed her body into his and grasping his wrist with her left arm she threw him over her shoulder, he landed on his side below her, she stamped on his wrist and his sword fell from his hand, she kicked it away, he scrambled back to his feet, Thong moved away, then with lightning speed she pirouetted and launched into a cartwheel, she had balletic grace and great momentum as her boot smashed into his head. Edward fell back again, he groggily got to his feet, but Thong was straight on him again, he flailed wildly, unable to match the fighting prowess of the young Amazon. Her long booted shapely leg kicked his leg over, she drove her fist hard into his stomach as he fell on his back, she dived on top of him, drawing her left leg back and smashing her knee into his groin, he screamed out in agony. She flipped him over on to his stomach and drew his arms up forcibly behind him, she placed her knee in the small of his back and pressed hard, she could have finished him then but instead smashed his face and body into the dirt. He screamed out again, his face bloody. She tore off his vest and trousers, turned him over laid beside him placing her nude delicious thighs either side of his neck, she squeezed them together. Edward gazed up at his sneering assailant, her face exhumed pure hatred. He had lost the fight, his fate in the hand of the beautiful long legged girl. Her small naked breasts heaved, her nipples were fully aroused, her honey thighed long legs pressed ever tighter around his neck. His eyes pleaded with her for mercy as she increased the pressure, she laid over his groin and could feel he had developed an erection in his briefs, she rubbed her beautiful ass over it, she was so turned on by the feeling of power and control she had over this pathetic Male. Edward’s head lolled, he could barely breathe, the life was beginning to ebb from him, his life about to be ended by a stunningly beautiful young near naked girl. Thong suddenly released her grip. He lay gasping for air, his body wracked with pain. The feeling of being dominated by a beautiful young girl had caused strange sensations to pulse through his body, and his manhood was bulging conspicuously in his briefs.
Tight Skirt had known her comrade would make short work of defeating the Male and had encircled James during the brief skirmish. Thong’s beautiful legs remained wrapped around Edward’s neck, he gazed up at her wondrous legs and ass, covered only by the briefest piece of hide, his manhood pressed hard through his briefs into her stomach as she turned sideways to watch her friend fight.
Tight Skirt suddenly turned and raced at James, he slashed out wildly, she feinted left then right, then right then left, James was becoming disorientated, with panther like speed she dived low, her fist smashing into his ankle knocking him forward, as he fell she rapidly turned and grabbed the wrist of the hand with the sword, she squeezed with all her might and the man screamed out in pain as the sword fell to the floor. With her incredible strength the bare breasted Amazon ducked low and lifted him on to her back, she rolled forward smashing the mans body into the ground. James had the wind knocked out of him. In a split second she was upon him again, she lifted him on to his feet and pushed him backwards very firmly into a tree trunk, she drew back her muscled left arm and drove repeated blows into his stomach, he doubled up in pain, severely winded. The leggy young Amazon lifted his torso and kicked him hard in the testes, her brief tunic riding up over her luscious bronzed thighs, he instinctively fell forward his hands reaching for himself to try and soothe the pain. She yanked off his vest and placing her arms under his armpits lifted him up, she turned and threw him on to his back in the dirt. She fell immediately fell upon him, ripping off his trousers, he cried out in pain and fear. Tight Skirt sat on his groin and placed her legs around his neck, like her comrade had done she squeezed her sturdy strong thighs together, the raven haired beauty squeezed tighter and tighter, the man looked up pleadingly, unable to speak, a series of desperate gurgles coming from his throat as he tried to draw in air. Just as he was about to black out she released the pressure and he gasped, spluttered and coughed as he strove to get air. He looked up at his beautiful young assailant, her bare breasts were large but very firm and upright, her large pointed nipples showing her arousal, her tiny tight skirt had by now ridden up to just below her waist, her femininity covered only by a pair of tiny black silk panties. Her blazing large beautiful hate filled brown eyes stared intently at him Like his colleague he had developed a full erection, his manhood straining out against the confines of his briefs as her shapely ass cheek rubbed against it.

The beautiful young Amazons stood up triumphantly, they placed their booted feet down on the men’s groins pressing hard. The helpless vanquished men, cried out in pain and distress. The young beauties stood back.
“ON YOUR FEET ” yelled Tight Skirt. The beaten terrified males obeyed immediately. “NOW STRIP FULLY AND KNEEL BEFORE US!” Thong screamed. The men shivered with fear, the horrific torture and deaths of their colleagues at the forefront of their minds. The men hastily disrobed, exposing their erect penises, and knelt naked and cowering in deference before their 2 young female superiors, the beautiful scantily clad girls who had out fought them.
The Amazon girls slinkily walked round their respective naked Male victims. The men drank in the vision of beauty before them, the wondrous bodies and beautiful faces of their captors. James was utterly captivated by Thong’s legs and ass, to the rear the thong was cut incredibly high, resting above her hips, her ass was pure perfection. Despite his terrible predicament he was fully aroused at the sight of his young Amazon superior.
Edward likewise had his gaze fixated on Tight Skirt, her taut muscles and flesh shown off perfectly in the skirt. He could not avert his gaze from her big strong exposed powerful thighs. Waves of lust flowed through him as he longed to relieve his urges. Tight skirt and Thong stood back and stared conspicuously at their respective victims penises, both were steel hard now, with the foreskins partially retracted, the purple head of each mans glans clearly visible. Tight Skirt spoke “You are both useless pathetic males, it was no contest, your efforts to fight us were pitiful, beaten up with the greatest of ease by two young girls”. Thong looked at their bulging manhoods and smirked “no man can resist an Amazon, your adoration for us is very very apparent, as was your colleagues, they gushed out so much man filth before we finished them off”
Tight Skirt spoke “it is unsafe for us to interrogate you here, so we will now take you scum to a safe clearing we have prepared, there we will deal with you, hands behind your backs immediately and from now on you will INSTANTLY obey us”.

With that, both young Amazons picked up small collars with 4 long thin pieces of cord attached to them, also on the collar was a clipping point the erect nude males whimpered in fear, sensing only too well what she meant by “deal with us”. The men knew they had to be utterly subservient to the 2 young beauties who had out fought them, they would obey every command in the forlorn hope they might be shown mercy. With that the scantily clad Amazon girls approached their respective victim. Thong grabbed Edward’s bulging manhood and roughly drew back his foreskin, she forced the collar over his engorged head causing him to wince in pain and slid the collar down to the base of his erect shaft. She pulled 2 cords tightly round his testes and up through his anal crack, thence upwards securing it strongly around his neck. She then took the other 2 cords from the penis collar and ran them up the front up his body, his hard glans brushing against her voluptuous thighs as she secured it tightly round his neck. Edward squirmed in pain. She then slowly pressed her slim body against his and slid down him the tip of his engorged penis brushing lightly against her small bare breasts and erect nipples as she did so. She then attached a cord loosely around his legs just above the ankles, allowing him enough free movement for one small step forward. Finally she bound his hands tightly behind his back. Tight Skirt repeated the procedure on James, a sickly smile on her face as she harshly drew his foreskin back, she gripped his manhood tightly and very slowly slid the collar down his inflamed shaft. With a cruel smile she looked up at her victim and she drew the collar back and forth several times over his bulbous head, chafing his glans, causing him to cry out in pain. She then pressed her curvy voluptuous body up against him as she ever so slowly and meticulously trussed her naked inferior Male up. He felt Tight Skirt’s bare curvy thighs squash his erect penis, felt her hard large nipples brush his chest as she bound him tightly. With the leashes tightly bound around the men’s necks their hard penises now pointed at an upwards angle. The girls stood back satisfied, and finally they both clipped a short leather leash into the men’s penis collars. Tightly bound, they were helpless at the hands of the beautiful young warriors, both in great pain and discomfort from the tight leashes cutting into their skin. None the less, the scenario of being utterly outfought, overpowered, stripped naked, humiliated and dominated by 2 near naked stunningly beautiful young Amazons had turned both men on, their conspicuous erect penises betraying their desire for their young superiors. The early morning sun shone through the forest canopy lighting up the drops of pre cum oozing from their shafts. Tight Skirt faced the vanquished men, “we go to the hidden clearing to deal with you now, this place here is too close, we can deal with and interrogate you properly and more intimately there” her face contorted into a sickly smile. Both girls pulled the leads tight, the men winced as the tight collar chafed against the base of their erect shafts. Thong commanded the wretches “You must keep up the pace, failure to do so and you will taste our whips, do you understand Bitches”. “Yes Mistresses” they replied. Both men were then fitted with tight ball gags, the Amazons did not want them crying out and attracting attention. The young girls put their capes and veils back on to protect themselves from receiving cuts and abrasions from the dense foliage, their naked Male victims would have no such protection. With that they moved off the path, Tight Skirt and Thong pulled the leads tight and dragged their trussed up, naked, whimpering Male victims by their penises into the depths of the forest.

To be continued……

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Hunted by Amazons

I walked through the forest hunting deer. It was high-noon when I had picked up the tracks of a small herd. I lived on the forest edge and had been living in these woods for some time. So it was odd finding foot prints. I was armed with my bow, staff and a short sword. Following the tracks the foot prints went off to the east while the herd continued north. Listing to the forest it went completely silent. This was the first sigh that something was wrong. Stopping my keen ears picked up on the...

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Amazons take a mother and daughter

Liz was excited for the opportunity but also happy and proud that her daughter Julie was along for the trip. Julie had expressed an interest in following her mother’s footsteps and planned to enroll in college after the trip was completed. They were among a dozen other scientists and researchers. Their guides led them by boat up the Amazon and then by trail deep into the jungle. They were about a week into their journey and the information they were gathering had them all excited. While...

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Young Amazons kill prisoner

�� The Barbarian hung on the wooden frame, the leather strips binding hiswrists and ankles bit deep into his flesh, cutting the circulation as hewrithed and gasped helplessly. The semi-circle of young girls sat andkneeling before the man watched with eyes wide with wonder, and mouthsopen wide in surprise, as he shuddered again, and groaned as if in agony.They took keen notice of the man's face, his eyes rolling in theirsockets; his face flushed, his head straining upwards, his mouth openwide as...

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In the Valley of the Amazons Ch 01

This is clearly a fantasy even though I have endeavored to write it as realistically as possible. There are no Amazons that we know of and no hidden undiscovered valleys in the middle of the Brazilian jungle. As with all my stories there is plenty of sex, but it is woven into the plot of the story, which always comes first. Parts of this story might make it eligible for different genres, but I have decided to post it as a romance. Any resemblance between the fictional characters in this story...

3 years ago
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Amazons of Gaming

The ships arrived at the dock. One by one, the occupants stepped off, carrying whatever items they may have had with them. One of them, a Hylian princess with long brown hair, looked around. "How curious," Zelda said to her blonde-haired companion, Peach. "It appears that everyone in this tournament is a woman." "It's certainly a pleasant change from the other competitions we've been in," the second princess replied. "At least we have a better chance of winning." "I wouldn't be so sure about...

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In the Valley of the Amazons Ch 05

©2013 by Senorlongo. This is a work of fiction. All characters are creations of my imagination. Any similarity to real people is strictly coincidental. David and Hosi work together as the tribe faces its biggest challenge ever—betrayal! ***** CHAPTER 1 Sean and I walked slowly back from the forges. We’d spent the entire day working with iron, making arrowheads and spear points. All we had to do now was attach them to the wooden shafts. He had his arms around his assistants—they’d played...

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In the Valley of the Amazons Ch 02

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between characters in this story and actual people is coincidental. Although the story is based on fantasy, I have endeavored to make it as realistic as possible. © 2013 by Senorlongo David and Hosi face new challenges as Hosi travels into ‘civilization’ in the USA. As always, please vote and feel free to leave whatever comments you feel appropriate. ***** CHAPTER 1 Queen Aleppa learned very quickly that it’s much easier to encourage men and...

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Bound by the Amazons

“Wake up swine!” You hear a cruel female voice command as cold water drenches your face shocking you into consciousness. You try to wipe away the water, but your hands and ankles are firmly bound. Shaking your head and blinking your eyes you slowly begin to regain focus, coming out of a drugged like state. Your mind races trying to remember and process your surroundings. As a captain of a small company of soldiers you were sent to capture a local tribe that has been raiding your newly founded...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 9 Sweet Wet Kisses

Day Sixteen As soon as it was light, the newly promoted Francesca roused Frieda, and they swam out to the wreck. They soon discovered that the hold was divided into three sections and only one of them had been explored so far. With January upon them by this time, the water was getting extremely uncomfortable to work in and only Frieda, as ever, was happy in their task. Francesca willed herself into thinking she was really swimming in a warm sea off the coast of an Indian Ocean atoll, as she...

4 years ago
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Naked AmazonsChapter 15 Guilt Finally Purged

FRANCESCA AND FRIEDA It was seven weeks since Joanne had been given the dreadful news that, far from being about to be freed, she was less than halfway through her ordeal. Much had happened since then. Francesca and Frieda had been made Lieutenants and led several successful attacks. They had still hankered after another whipping, though, and decided to provoke one, after both had been a little tipsy one night. And now here they were, broken down to Private, tied to adjacent wooden frames,...

4 years ago
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In the Valley of the Amazons Ch 06

Thanks for reading the story so far. This is the final segment, bringing the story of David and Hosi to an end. They face more challenges here, some—unfortunately—of Hosi’s making and others from outside the valley. Please feel free to vote and leave a comment. © 2013 by Senorlongo. This story is a fantasy that is written in a realistic manner. All characters come from my imagination and any resemblance to real persons is unintentional and coincidental. ***** CHAPTER 1 I stood there, my...

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The forest of the ballbusting amazons

I'm in the middle of the Amazon forest, engaged in a quest to find an ancient temple which,according to my studies,should be in the middle of the jungle. The journey so far has gone well, without major problems due to inhospitable fauna or animals, when we reach the mouth of a river. I look at my map and I turn to the guide indicating the direction in which I want to go,but the man looks at me with wide eyes, shaking his head. I ask, "What, you can't go there? " He looks at me horrified and...

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Amazons Part 2

Tarzan is still as erect and as hard as ever. As he rises from behind the girl he wraps his big right hand around the middle of his thick cock and slowly pulls it. He is horny and ready to go again. Who will it be next?Slightly to his right the huge wolfhound stirs.As soon as Tarzan had injected his huge load in to the small warrior, Queen Laya was already rising from her throne and removing her halter top as she did so to reveal her large, firm pendulous breasts. Her skirt came off a while...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

2 years ago
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In the Valley of the Amazons Ch 03

Hosi and David face new challenges, including a threat to their lives in the tribe. All characters are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people is strictly coincidental. ©2013 by Senorlongo ***** CHAPTER 1 ‘For a scientist, David you’re not very observant. We’re bringing back six new residents. I’m pregnant again!’ I looked into those beautiful pale green eyes and told her how much I loved her. I really did—I was the luckiest man in the world. I kissed her then leaned back as we took...

4 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 2

The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer’s outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicion that the farmer or one of his family members may have used it last night. When I got back to the barn Nell was awake, getting dressed and repacking her blankets in her pack. She must have known I was watching her pull her leather shorts up...

2 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 1

I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can’t stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn’t all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...

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Life Among The Amazons

"Ay Dios mio... Mi corazon... mui mal" Pablo cried before slumping over the yoke of his single engine Piper Cub. We went into a steep dive as I struggled to pull him off and gain control of the aircraft. I managed to pull us out of the dive, trying to make sense of the controls when I noticed a clearing and a small village. Not knowing where we were, I decided to try setting it down where there were no trees. A graceful landing it was not, as I hit a stump and flipped the plane over on its...

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Shipwrecked on the Isle of the Amazons

Your name is Malexos, a simple Athenian captain sent to scout beyond the Pillars of Heracles for viable ports for Athenian goods, badly needed after the decade-long war with the Trojans. It is the mythic era of ancient Greece, a time of blood, wine, and bronze. You yourself are a veteran of the Trojan war and have the scars to prove it. You feel the gentle rocking of your ship, even beneath the free-swaying hammock that supports your muscled frame. Your hair is black and cropped short to your...

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I was on cruise by the coast of Africa with my friends. We were celebrating both our graduation from high school AND my 18th birthday, and this trip was paid by a rich dad of one of my friends. And then out of nowhere one night, a storm came upon the ship i was suddenly overboard! How could I get so much bad luck? The darkness fell over me as I was beneath the water... And then I woke up, starring at the cloudless say above me. I sat up and looked at left and right, noting that I’m right now...

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Anime amazons

AUTHOR'S NOTE; I accidentally submitted this story before actually writing it. My bad. Sasuke stood in stunned silence. Itachi killed their parents before he came into the room "I-Itachi..." Sasuke said "Hiya bro!" Itachi exclaimed sweetly "How could you do this!?" Sasuke cried. Itachi's smile faltered as she knelt down to him from her staggering seven foot eight stature With some difficulty Itachi sat as close as she could and still try and look Sasuke in the eye despite her breasts rivaling...

1 year ago
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Captured by Amazons

Your name is Crispin Swift. You've led some of the most highly trained men into some of the most dangerous situations on the face of the earth. You are a Navy Seal. You enlisted right out of college with high marks and made Captain with ease. After that you took a Seal contract and thirty-six months later you graduated. You're only twenty six. For five years you've been a Seal and seen some of the worst combat there is. Your mission, is simple. Find a man nicknamed 'The Devil of the South' and...

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Island Sex Amazons

I woke face down in the sand. My head pulsed with a dull throb of pain. How long had I been asleep? I turned over and saw that I was on a beach. A life jacket with a patch bearing the name John was lying a few meters away. My clothes were in tatters. Suddenly, it all came back in a flash. My plane had been struck by lighting! My nighttime cargo flight had turned into a nightmare when my plane found itself in the middle of a huge sea storm. I was blown miles off course. A bolt of lightning...

3 years ago
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Amazons Part 1

A tribe of scantily glad, statuesque, women are out in the jungle hunting cock! Unlike other local tribes the warriors are white with the exception of the leader and a couple of the younger girls who have darker, olive coloured skin.Having lured him into a trap they snare a Tarzan like figure. He is dressed in just a loincloth, is really well built and muscular. It takes 4 or 5 of the warriors to wrestle him to the ground.As he is pinned to the floor a couple of the girls are already grabbing...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 2

Two days after the two girls left their side of the island to see what lay on the seaward of their prison, there was a great storm. All the water in the Seven Seas seemed to be falling on the island with furious winds sending huge waves pounding the shore and inundating their cave shelter, scattering the meagre supplies left to the girls by the Inspectors and strewing them over the beach, or at least, those which had not been swept out to sea. When conditions had returned to something like...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 4 Angela Has Time to Think

Francesca greeted Joanne's return with an enthusiastic report on her day's activity. Now that she was getting used to the sea temperature, her search underwater was becoming an obsession. "I think we can get one of those cases out of the hold, Jo. I was over there when you were away, and I've moved it quite a way up. Should be only a half day's work with any luck. How's Annie?" "She's OK, Fran! A bad girl for not obeying orders, for which she'll pay, but she's OK!" "Any sign...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 5 Planning Revolt

"How did it go, Jo?" asked Fran and then she giggled. "That rhymes - I never knew I was a poet before! How about that, eh!" "Yes, Fran. Very good." Joanne sat down between the other two, a little closer to Annie than Francesca and put her arm around the little girl. She squeezed her affectionately and wondered what Robert would think if he could see the two of them! Well, it would be a long time before she met him again -and he'd probably have given up waiting for her by now in any...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 6

It had been remarkably easy to capture the helicopter, but Joanne's hope of capturing the pilot and forcing him to fly them to the mainland deep into rebel territory had been thwarted by that gentleman's bellicose response and yet more deadly accurate shooting from Frieda. So they were still stuck on the island and with the threat of a replacement helicopter full of armed men, or of a landing from a Government warship. She guessed neither of these possibilities was imminent. The authorities...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 7 Frieda and Francesca Get Whipped and love it

Day Thirteen (Of Joanne's Ordeal) "How was Joanne" asked Frieda. "Still pretty rough, I'm afraid. Can't expect much else after that... you know... I mean - all that lovely smooth skin of hers that was starting to look so nice again - and now it's all raw like a slab of meat. At least she's not bleeding any more but she's lost a lot of blood Frieda. That bitch! I hope Jo kills her when she gets out." Frieda said nothing at first. Then she answered Francesca. "I've seen plenty of...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 8 Francesca Moves Up

Day Fourteen Meanwhile, Francesca had reported back to Angela and was helping to build the raft. It was a pretty ramshackle affair, but would serve its purpose. It consisted of a number of variously sized and shaped bits of tree, driftwood and furniture salvaged from the wreck. A professional job it was very definitely not! By noon it was ready and by three in the afternoon, the last of the cases was ashore. There had been many anxious moments as the extraordinary contraption had made its...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 10 More Grief For Annie and Joanne

DAY TWENTY "Lieutenant Moroni! I want you to go and supervise the release of Prisoner Schwartz. Your investigation of the wreck must be postponed until later. Take Brown with you!" Once the couple were away from eagle-eyed Angela's jealous gaze they made up for the hours they had been apart. Then they continued on the short and by now familiar walk to the other side. They walked arm in arm and paused frequently to embrace and kiss. "I'm pretty poor officer material, darling Frieda."...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 11

DAY TWENTY FOUR FOR JOANNE "I think I've got it, darling!" It was Frieda whose triumphant voice announced that the hatch was finally free. The two lovers dived down to see. Then they surfaced. Francesca pronounced her verdict. "Lots and lots of lovely juicy kisses are in order, Frieda. How scrumptious! Come on! Let's make out! We don't have all the time in the world my sweet! Oh, sweet lovely Frieda! Why can't I be whipped instead of you? I got you into this, you darling!"...

3 years ago
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Naked AmazonsChapter 12 Francesca Plots

"The helicopter is fine, Commander. All it needs is a bit more fuel in the tank and we're away to the mainland." Angela nodded and thanked her deputy. "I hope you didn't forget to wet the ropes, Francesca." Francesca assured her leader that Annie was trussed as tightly as she had ever been and her arms and legs should be half way out of their sockets in a day or so. Angela looked serious. "I just hope it teaches her not disobey orders. Of course, I guessed she would speak to...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 13

"Gosh, Frieda, it feels funny not to have the sound of the sea in your ears any more." Francesca and her beloved Frieda were resting on the grass outside a shepherd's hut, high up in the hills. Below them was a wooded valley and grassy pastures, and towering above them were the tall snow covered mountains. Frieda had never seen such awesome scenery before. This pair had been kissing and crawling all over each other madly for the past half hour and this was pretty well Fran's first...

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Naked AmazonsChapter 14 Purging The Guilt

ANNIE AND ERIC Annie was in charge! She had been a little lonely these past three weeks. Joanne was still suspended in the cage, purging her guilt rather painfully, and dieting rather severely at the same time. Francesca had gone off to the nearest village to arrange for the camp to be provisioned and try to recruit a few lusty, brave and exhibitionist local wenches to the cause. Annie had been in charge for three days now and was making the most of her time in command. Rosie was seeing to...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The future has chnaged now Amazon women rule part2

Darren to Jades transformation and school my nail begin to grow as well my hair I had a brown colour hair but it look like it was changing blond colour my nails had grown to inch in length my skeleton started to dissolve and my as my body started to change there was a lot pain I began to scream in agony I looked down and saw my balls of my penis disappearing as they slowly went up my body I was left with a skin thing hanging of my body as they travelled up my body the begin changing...

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