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Je me présente je suis Camille à ce jour j’ai 18ans, je vais vous raconter mon histoire avec un de mes collègues quand j’étais en apprentissage.

Quand j’ai commencé j’avais 16ans je faisais un bac pro tourneur-fraiseur, je sais c’est rare pour une fille mais mon père m’avait donné son enthousiasme pour ce métier.
Physiquement j’étais plutôt petite du haut de mes 1m52 et assez fine je ne pesais que 41kg à cette époque, j’avais des cheveux longs châtain m’arrivant au milieu du dos, j’avais une petite poitrine, on me trouvait quand même jolie mais on me disait souvent que je manquais de féminité ce qui expliqué surement que je n’avais eu qu’un seul copain avec qui j’étais restais un an, j’étais aussi quelqu’un de très réservée et de très timide.

Dans cette atelier d’usinage j’étais la seule fille de l’atelier et les hommes avaient au début un comportement un peu macho avec moi, bien qu’au fur et à mesure je devais leur petite mascotte.

Quelques mois après mon arrivé, il y eu un nouveau dans le groupe, un responsable de production, un homme charismatique, imposant le respect.
Dès son arrivée, il était toujours très gentil avec moi, sûrement car j’étais une fille.
Tous les matins il venait saluer le groupe en disant bonjour oralement, mais il venait toujours me dire bonjour personnellement quand j’étais seule à mon poste, naïvement je trouvais ça sympathique, encore une fois je pensais que c’était dû au fait que je sois la seule fille, je me suis vite rendu compte que ce n’était pas la seule raison, il devenait très souriant, je voyais son regard changer, je me sentais assez flattée et même s’il était beaucoup plus âgé que moi je lui rendais ses sourires, ce n’étais pas un homme qui m’attirait mais ses attentions me faisaient plaisir.

Un jour ou j’allais me laver les mains, je sentis quelqu’un me frôler, je me retournais et c’était lui, au lieu d’avoir une mauvaise réaction je lui lançais un petit sourire, il me répondit avec un petit clin d’œil.
Les jours passèrent et ce genre de petit contact arrivaient souvent, même si je n’étais pas une grande spécialiste j’avais bien compris que je lui plaisais et qu’il tentait une certaine approche alors je décidais de devenir plus réceptive ce qui était vraiment très dur pour moi mais j’en avais l’envie.

Le lendemain, même situation se produit, il était derrière moi pour se laver les mains aussi et son corps était proche du bien alors je me retournais rapidement et me colla à lui style de rien, nos corps étaient collés mais il fallait être discret et on se décolla vite, mais je pense qu’il avait compris qu’il commençait à me plaire aussi, on joua comme ça encore quelques jours.
Un jour lui et mon autre responsable proposèrent vu la charge de travail de nous diviser en deux équipes, il me prit comme par hasard dans son équipe avec un autre collègue dont la fraiseuse était à l’autre bout de l’atelier par rapport à mon tour.

Le lendemain matin nous commençons très tôt, chacun son poste, mon collègue part à sa machine et mon responsable lui vient à mon poste pour me donner mon travail et m’expliquer certaines chose que je ne connais pas encore, je me met en face du pupitre pour programmer et lui se poste derrière moi et je le sent venir de plus en plus proche de moi jusqu’à se coller à moi, il approche sa bouche de mon oreille et me murmure « tu sens très bon ce matin » et m’embrasse le coup, je ne dis rien, il se recule un peu et nous reprenons le travail, je sens son regard sur moi et c’est moi qui me tourne vers lui pour lui poser des questions mais machinalement nos corps s’attirent et je me retrouve collé à lui, nos regards se soutiennent et inévitablement nous finissons par nous embrasser quand nos bouches se décollent, nos corps veulent le contraire et vu la bosse que je sens contre moi je ne suis pas la seule à le penser. Il se décolle de moi et doucement me murmure à l’oreille « bouge pas je reviens », je le vois partir vers mon collègue, il revient 10min plus tard, il me fait signe de la tête de le suivre et nous montons dans son bureau, arrivé dans le bureau il ferme sa porte et il me colle contre la porte, avec ses mains il entour ma tête et m’embrasse, ce coup si notre baisé et langoureux, nos langues se mélangent, ses mains quittent ma tête et se pose sur mon pull en se glissant dessous, il att**** mes deux seins en pleine mains me les malaxant ce qui me met dans un état d’excitation, d’instinct je commence à ploter son sexe à travers son pantalon, il décolle sa bouche de la mienne et me murmure à l’oreille « je vais te baiser là maintenant » , je suis surprise par sa façon de me parler limite gênée je ne sais pas comment réagir mais ça ne l’arrête pas dans sa progression, il déboutonne lentement mon pantalon et le fait glisser doucement le long des mes jambes, il en fait de même avec ma petite culotte qui pour le coup n’a rien de sexy tellement je ne m’attendais pas à ce qui était en train de se passer, un fois ma culotte sur les chevilles, il se remit à ma hauteur et m’embrassa de nouveau tout en me caressant le sexe, au début juste des petites caresses et rapidement un doigt s’introduisit en moi, doucement il l’enfonça en moi, il décolla sa bouche de la mienne, il me fixait droit dans les yeux pendant qu’il me doigtait en me demandant si j’aimais ça, j’étais vraiment très intimidé même si ce qu’il me faisait me faisait un bien fou, alors d’une petite voix je lui répondu « oui c’est trop bon », ma réponse lui fit lâcher un sourire et d’un seul geste me retourne me mettant dos à lui, il écarta mes jambes, tira légèrement mes fesses vers lui et je sentis son sexe se poser sur le mien, je lui dis juste « vas-y doucement s’il te plait » et il commença à s’introduire en moi, mon souffle s’accélérer, le siens aussi il commentait sa pénétration en me disant que j’étais bonne, qu’il aimait ma petite chatte serrée, il commençait ses vas et viens en allant de plus en plus rapidement, ses mains empoignés mes reins fermement ce qui m’excitait fortement.

J’étais partagée entre plaisir et honte de me laisser baiser par un homme beaucoup plus âgé et dans une tel situation mais mon plaisir prenait le dessus, mon sexe était trempé je le sentais glisser en moi, il me pénétrait en alternant entre douceur et brutalité, après un long moment à me baiser il s’arrêta, me retourna lentement et me demande de retirer mon haut, il me demanda aussi de retirer mes chaussures pour pouvoir ôter totalement mon pantalon et ma culotte, je le fis sans me poser de question je retirer tout soutif compris, il m’observait pendant que je me mettais nue pour lui, quand je me retrouvais nue, je me surpris à être gênée, je cachais mes seins avec un bras et mon autre main cachée mon sexe. Il me demanda de ne plus les cacher qu’il aimait me regarder tellement j’étais belle, il s’approcha de moi colla son corps au mien et m’embrassa langoureusement, pendant ce temps sa main se posa sur mon vagin, il y introduit lentement deux doigts que je sentis entrer en moi avec une joie non dissimulée, il les laissa quelques instants avant de les retirer et de me les amener à la bouche en me disant « goutte toi comme tu es bonne », ses doigts étaient trempé, c’était la première fois que je gouttais ma cyprine, après ce petit moment il pris mon haut le posa au sol, et me demanda de me mettre à 4 pattes, il se mit derrière moi et de nouveau me pénétra ce coup-ci sans prendre son temps, son sexe s’enfonça en moi d’un coup sec ce qui me fis lâcher un cri assez fort, je m’excusais de peur qu’on nous entende et je fus surpris par sa réponse quand il me dit « ne te retient pas la seule personne qui pourrais nous entendre sait ce que je suis en train de te faire » je me retourne vers lui avec un regard interrogateur et il me dit « sois pas surprise je ne suis pas le seul que tu fais bander » je fus assez choquée par cette réponse et ça me coupait dans mon excitation, je lui demandais d’arrêter ce qu’il me faisait, je me relevais avec l’envie de quitter le bureau.
C’était pour moi une expérience hors du commun et cette phrase me coupa rapidement, j’avais envie de m’amuser mais pas d’être mal considérée.

Pendant que je ramassais mes affaires, il m’attrapa par la main pour me tirer contre lui. J’avais un peu les yeux coulant, vexé par la situation. Il me serra contre lui me faisant un câlin, s’excusant en me disant qu’il s’était mal exprimé, m’expliquant que dans une usine de mecs, le jeunes filles comme moi qui sont très rare excite beaucoup les hommes, il se noyait dans ses explications mais dans le même temps, ses mains caressaient mes fesses, il essayait de m’embrasser entre deux mots, il arrivait lentement à ses fins mon excitation repris le dessus, je savais que sa seule envie était de me sauter, mais je sais pas pourquoi, malgré la situation son manque de respect envers moi, ne me gêna pas autant que j’aurais pu le penser et c’est en appuyant doucement sur mes épaules pour que me m’agenouille devant lui qu’il comprit qu’il avait gagné.
Une fois à genoux devant lui il me demanda de le sucer, il introduit doucement son sexe dans ma bouche, commença ses vas et vient tout en me disant des choses un peu cru « tu l’aime ma queue », « tu fais ta prude mais sa t’excite de savoir que tu nous fais bander » et je me rendais compte qu’il avait raison, j’avais déjà couché avec un garçon mais cela m’avait fait l’amour, c’était vraiment la première fois que je me faisais baiser.

Je suçais son sexe de plus en plus rapidement, c’est à ce moment qu’il me releva me pencha sur le bureau et me dit « je vais te baiser petite salope », sa queue me pénétra sans douceur et c’est moi qui lui demandais de continuer comme ça, il me baisa avec une intensité tel que j’en criais de plaisir, il n’arrêtait pas de m’insulter, ses mains compressait mes seins avec fermeté, il me fixait dans les yeux en me disant qu’il allait me baiser comme la petite salope que j’étais, ses mots auraient dû me vexer mais bizarrement ils m’excitaient de plus en plus. Je lui demandais donc de se retirer, je changer de position posant mes mains sur le bureau et avec un regard coquin je lui demandais de me prendre comme ça, il se mit derrière moi et m’enfonça ca queue d’un coup sec et puissant, il commença ses vas et viens brutalement je sentais ses couilles et son corps cogner contre le mien il me baisait sans aucune retenue, je jouissais à plusieurs reprise pendant cette baise et il me dit à son tour qu’il allait jouir et me demanda ou il voulait que je jouisse, je lui dis ou il voulait mais seulement qu’il se retire de moi, il retira sa queue de moi et me fis me remettre à genoux avant de se finir sur mon visage en lâchant plusieurs jet de sperme, après ça je m’essuyer rapidement, il me regarda me rhabiller, il me dévisageait de nouveaux mais ce coup-ci je n’éprouvais aucune gêne et il me lâcha « tu as aimé ca petite salope », j’approchais mon visage du siens l’embrassa et lui répondis « c’est quand tu veux ».

(Dsl pour les fautes ...)

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Storm of the Century

I had read of things like this but never dreamed it would happen to me. I knew before I stepped through the bedroom door, the sight only confirmed it. My Gerry, giving off the uncontrolled sounds so familiar to me as her hips thrust back at Mike, my so-called best friend in the world. Naked in our bed. Naked, the smell of their sex filled the room tearing at my heart. Eight long years of marriage, down the tubes. I had thought we were happy, living the American dream. We had a nice home, a...

4 years ago
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Bi Time with Wife and Eric

My wife and I have been swinging for a couple of years now. Although we have had few experiences, they have all been good. Our latest experience happened a few short months ago. For the last year or so we have been members of an on-line swinger personals site. We have met some real losers on there but for the most part, the experience has been great. The last guy we met for fun and games, we met through there. We have mostly met guys from there because the single bi female is more elusive than...

2 years ago
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intiation into my new collar

Flames danced in the fire place as i watched the glow from it dance across my bare skin. Kmeeling on the floor at my masters feet i felt the tug of the leash that was attached to my collar. Looking up at master he offered a snack. Opening my mouth i took the morsal and again lowered my gaze as he stroked my long red hair.A group of his friends, card playing buddies had arrived earlier with their slaves and each man's slave attended to them in some fashion. Fetching drinks, bringing snacks, or...

2 years ago
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Education Education

“You left school at sixteen, no A levels, no chance of a degree,” said the girl, “yet here you are running your own company, successful, three-hundred-plus employees, plans to expand. There has to be a secret.” She switched on the mini-recorder, pushed it across the desk and sat back. If she meant it as some kind of challenge, I didn’t rise to it. I had been interviewed often enough to know I could provide answers on automatic pilot. That allowed my mind to wonder about a resemblance between...

3 years ago
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Jayne Southport 1980

[iI was spending a weekend away with my latest boyfriend Kirk. We had booked into a little B & B on Bath St. and were looking forward to a little romantic time together. Kirk knew all about my past, I think it turned him on just hearing about it! We had enjoyed the day messing about on the boating lake and in the resort's "Theme Park", Pleasureland. Being early September, the sun had already set at 7.45pm, as we made our way onto the pier. " You hungry babe?" I asked Kirk, he nodded , "...

2 years ago
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My Sissy Life Part 17

My Sissy Life Part 17 I fixed my make up and went back to cleaning, I didn't want to get into trouble because my chores weren't done. I don't know how I would explain that, 'I'm sorry mother I couldn't finish dusting because I was too busy sucking Jake's cock.'. That is not a conversation I wanted to have. I wasn't sure what was going to happen when Jake babysat me for the weekend. I had an idea that there would be a repeat of what just happened. The rest of the night. I served...

4 years ago
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Scorn and ReconciliationChapter 2

Dad wasn’t in a good mood the next day. I felt awkward between them, given what I’d heard the night before and was happy when they each slipped off to engage in their own activities for the day. I did the same, retiring to my room to fart around on my computer. I waited until early afternoon to go downstairs to get lunch, hoping to be on my own, but Mom was there. She was drinking a cup of coffee and browsing through a stack of magazines on the kitchen table. I felt her eyes on me several...

4 years ago
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Governor and Daughter 2

The condemned warehouse about fifty miles northwest of New York City crouched like a giant, moldering time capsule. Its boarded-up windows hung thick with cobwebs and dust. Its massive aluminum walls and rafters overlooked rows of rotting pallets and rusted equipment. It was a place time had forgotten. Humanity too. And that served the perpetrators of the kidnapping of Governor Mick Ucomo Werdan and his daughter, Michaela, all too well. Her father’s screams echoed in Michaela’s ears....

4 years ago
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I got Detention and my erection got me extra credi

School was almost over for the year and everyone seemed be acting a little roudy in the classroom, especially today as we had a substitute teacher. Finally she had put up with as much as she could take and sent several people to see the principal. There were several rude comments made about her being too harsh, we were just having some fun. She responded by giving myself and another student detention after class. We settled down and finished our studies till the bell rang. The two of us that...

4 years ago
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Special Meal

Linda had decided that she wanted to be treated to a speacial meal. She had invited 10 people around and had made every effort for her guests. Tey had a lovely meal and some conversation about what might be for desert. Linda had said that she had rather hoped that they had brought desert with them as she really just wanted to suck on their cocks.Linda was persuaded to tkae off her dress and was now just in her heels and ligerie while all 10 men presented their cocks to her in turn. She was...

2 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 15

I walked into the cabin and smiled before looking back at Kiera and putting my finger over my lips. She nodded but looked confused until I stepped further into the room and she saw Master sleeping with Marta on the bed. Apparently, they’d worn themselves out and had fallen asleep. We decided to come to find them when Peter stopped by the courtyard to tell us that dinner was ready. I wasn’t worried, but I knew my Master wouldn’t want to miss dinner. The looked so cute curled up together that...

2 years ago
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Lessons in Physics

I was sixteen, an awkward teenager that wanted to do the things that any male teenager would want to do, but shy and nervous around women. I was not too bad looking, being tall, blondish, and evenly featured. But I suppose I was a bit of a geek, being scientific- minded and wedded to my schoolbooks. I'd also been a bit socially handicapped by the fact my father's job had us move to a new town every year or so, which is not really enough time for a teenager to break into any really cool social...

4 years ago
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 20 House Guest

Gary's Golf Outing Chapter 20 - House Guest "Are you ready for your ass-fucking, my love?" Kay asked when I opened my eyes. "Just as soon as I use the facilities," I responded. "Let me join you," she said. "I want to give myself an enema and I'll give you one, too." I wasn't keen on enemas but, at this point, I was ready to do anything Kay wanted me to do. I never thought I'd say it, but the enema was extremely erotic. Maybe it was because it preceded my first morning...

3 years ago
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Napunsak Bhaiya Ki Biwi 8211 Pt 10 Bimla Ki Nautanki

Mujhe paper toh laa diya. Lekin VP Sir ne Bimla ko kaha ki mujhe naa bataye ki ye paper hai, “Main isko padhane ke bahane saare paper ready karwa dunga aur aata jaata rahunga tution ke bahane.” Bimla ne haan kar di. VP Sir roz hi aate aur bahane se mujhe dusre room mein bhej dete 15-20 – 30 minute ke liye. Bimla aur unki baatein main camera mein record bhi karta aur chup ke dekhta bhi tha. Bimla saree ko nabhi se upar hi baandhe hue thi. Bimla gori chitti aur gadraye hue sharir ki malkin thi...

1 year ago
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Stacys Nightmare

Stacy woke up, she had no idea where she was, but it was a large room that she figured was a garage. She noticed that there were other girls there too. They were all dressed in red. Stacy looked down and noticed she was dressed the same. The big roller door opened and the bright light hurt her eyes. There were about 12 men who walked in, Stacy looked around more awake now and scanned the room. There were 6 girls and 12 men, then she realized that they were all split up into 6 different...

Adult Humor
2 years ago
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My cuckold journey IV

My wife Angie was onto her second lover after marrying me. She was now fucking a guy from her work, someone she had had an affair with during her first marriage. The first guy lasted only a few weeks but I had higher hopes for this one... I would, at least once a week, get a text saying she would be home later than usual. When she came home and gave me that sexy wink I knew she had been with him. Normally they would have sex in the school where they worked, but sometimes in his or her car in...

3 years ago
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Twin Trouble II

Twin Trouble II Jake and Mary, twin sister and brother had fooled their grandparents by switching identities. Unfortunately for them the grandparents took them at their face value and enhanced their male and female appearances. Mary Before their parents arrived home the twins had gone to Mary's room. Mary sat looking at her brother for a moment, thinking how are we going to get out of this. For herself she was quite content, the clothes were comfortable. She was amused by...

4 years ago
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The Homecoming Date

They were so excited. It was their first night together. ‘My god, she looks so beautiful,’ Matt thought as she peeled the bra from her bountiful breasts. But please forgive me, I am getting ahead of myself. They had been talking to each other for a little bit now. They met in high school, in their junior year advanced chemistry class. Neither of them really cared for the class. Her name was Elisabeth. Matt was already in the class when she transferred into it. When she opened the door,...

2 years ago
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stepson and me

I married my wife late, I was 34, she was 38 and sexy as hell. She had 2 great k**s from her first marriage, a boy now 19 and a girl now 16. Our first summer together we went on a vacation to a warm climate city. We did all the tourist things most of each day, then spent a lot of time at the motels pool later in the day. Being newlyweds, the wife and I slipped away whenever we could for a quickie. We also spent a lot of time cuddling and whatever else we thought we could get away with at the...

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Lesley part 36

Geordie Ridley parked his car in the visitor car park, at the nursing home where Lesley was in employment. He had been here once before, but only to drop a bag off, for his 'daughter' Lesley, when she'd left home without it. He didn't know where to go. He walked around the corner at the nearest point, and came to a door where their was a wooden shed outside. Two women were sitting inside, of what he assumed was the smoking hut. "Hello Geordie....god I haven't seen you for years! How you doing?"...

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Joanna was a beautiful African-American woman in her mid-forties with two beautiful c***dren: a 19-year-old son Markus and a 21-year-old daughter Alison. She was recently divorced from her husband Bill whom she had been married to since she was eighteen who left her without an explanation why. She was left alone... and extremely horny. She honestly felt like the only two people in the world who cared at all about her were her two beloved c***dren who stuck by her through her messy divorce from...

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Movie Night Ch 2

Author's Note: This story is Chapter 2 to my story, Movie Night . If you have not yet read Movie Night, please do so before reading this.Otherwise this story will be hard to undestand. Thanks. Kisses; SluttyKim The following day was Saturday. Chris woke in her bed and lay there thinking of the previous nights events. She was embarrassed and angry with herself for turning into such a slut with Mike and cheating on her fiance Joe. She thought of how she had let Mike cum in her fertile unprotected...

5 years ago
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How Lucky Can You Get

How Lucky Can You Get? By PFL Janey's hand was shaking as she rang the bell. She double checked the address on the paper with the number over the door. Just then the door opened and she was greeted by a handsome middle aged man with a kind smile. "May I help you, miss?" he asked. "I'm here in answer to your ad. The one for models?" said Janey, making it more of a question than a reply. "Ah yes. Come in, Come in! I'm Benjamin Hunter." He stepped...

3 years ago
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But Who Am I ReallyChapter 8

Hugh was determined to do everything he could to make up for his hateful remarks earlier. And the best way to a man's heart is through... And so, accordingly, he had purchased all of the ingredients for traditional Irish lamb stew and it was bubbling on the stove as he got dressed. Dressing for this evening was difficult. He wanted to be casual, but stylish. Sexy, but not overt. He almost called Fenway to get her opinion. 'But no, ' Hugh thought, 'I can do this on my own.' In the end,...

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Amandas Journey The Final Chapter

Chapter 12 "Oh Princess, we have an hour all to ourselves," Jennifer says in a wicked tone, as she forces me to walk across the room. I know I'm about to endure pain like I've never felt before, so I try to brace myself as well as I can. I judge we're on the other side of the room near the stairs when she stops. I hear a panel open, and a click. Jennifer whips off the sack and says, "Check this out, I love this part." A section of the media wall swings open into a short...

4 years ago
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So I was invited to a mans home to basically just suck his bbc and swallow his load. I arrived at his home on 4th St in St pete. I knew by my goggle map search that it is a really shitty area which I love and I new I was going to be meeting a 60yr old black man that's very heavy set. I arrived on time and made my way to his front door. I knock and he comes to the window and says go around back so I do. I walk around the back and he's naked sitting on a armless chair I follow through with what I...

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Unexpected Visitor Part Eleven

PART ELEVEN Jim, Nathan and I went into the bedroom and we all turned to face each other in a sort of triangle. Nathan looked at Jim and me with a big grin on his face as he slowly rubbed and squeezed his rock hard erection through his briefs. Jim and I had both been up hard and ready since Nathan arrived and now we dropped our shorts to the floor to reveal our pulsing meat. Both our dicks were wet with pre-cum in anticipation of the fun...

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