Ma Première Baise free porn video

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Je me présente je suis Camille à ce jour j’ai 18ans, je vais vous raconter mon histoire avec un de mes collègues quand j’étais en apprentissage.

Quand j’ai commencé j’avais 16ans je faisais un bac pro tourneur-fraiseur, je sais c’est rare pour une fille mais mon père m’avait donné son enthousiasme pour ce métier.
Physiquement j’étais plutôt petite du haut de mes 1m52 et assez fine je ne pesais que 41kg à cette époque, j’avais des cheveux longs châtain m’arrivant au milieu du dos, j’avais une petite poitrine, on me trouvait quand même jolie mais on me disait souvent que je manquais de féminité ce qui expliqué surement que je n’avais eu qu’un seul copain avec qui j’étais restais un an, j’étais aussi quelqu’un de très réservée et de très timide.

Dans cette atelier d’usinage j’étais la seule fille de l’atelier et les hommes avaient au début un comportement un peu macho avec moi, bien qu’au fur et à mesure je devais leur petite mascotte.

Quelques mois après mon arrivé, il y eu un nouveau dans le groupe, un responsable de production, un homme charismatique, imposant le respect.
Dès son arrivée, il était toujours très gentil avec moi, sûrement car j’étais une fille.
Tous les matins il venait saluer le groupe en disant bonjour oralement, mais il venait toujours me dire bonjour personnellement quand j’étais seule à mon poste, naïvement je trouvais ça sympathique, encore une fois je pensais que c’était dû au fait que je sois la seule fille, je me suis vite rendu compte que ce n’était pas la seule raison, il devenait très souriant, je voyais son regard changer, je me sentais assez flattée et même s’il était beaucoup plus âgé que moi je lui rendais ses sourires, ce n’étais pas un homme qui m’attirait mais ses attentions me faisaient plaisir.

Un jour ou j’allais me laver les mains, je sentis quelqu’un me frôler, je me retournais et c’était lui, au lieu d’avoir une mauvaise réaction je lui lançais un petit sourire, il me répondit avec un petit clin d’œil.
Les jours passèrent et ce genre de petit contact arrivaient souvent, même si je n’étais pas une grande spécialiste j’avais bien compris que je lui plaisais et qu’il tentait une certaine approche alors je décidais de devenir plus réceptive ce qui était vraiment très dur pour moi mais j’en avais l’envie.

Le lendemain, même situation se produit, il était derrière moi pour se laver les mains aussi et son corps était proche du bien alors je me retournais rapidement et me colla à lui style de rien, nos corps étaient collés mais il fallait être discret et on se décolla vite, mais je pense qu’il avait compris qu’il commençait à me plaire aussi, on joua comme ça encore quelques jours.
Un jour lui et mon autre responsable proposèrent vu la charge de travail de nous diviser en deux équipes, il me prit comme par hasard dans son équipe avec un autre collègue dont la fraiseuse était à l’autre bout de l’atelier par rapport à mon tour.

Le lendemain matin nous commençons très tôt, chacun son poste, mon collègue part à sa machine et mon responsable lui vient à mon poste pour me donner mon travail et m’expliquer certaines chose que je ne connais pas encore, je me met en face du pupitre pour programmer et lui se poste derrière moi et je le sent venir de plus en plus proche de moi jusqu’à se coller à moi, il approche sa bouche de mon oreille et me murmure « tu sens très bon ce matin » et m’embrasse le coup, je ne dis rien, il se recule un peu et nous reprenons le travail, je sens son regard sur moi et c’est moi qui me tourne vers lui pour lui poser des questions mais machinalement nos corps s’attirent et je me retrouve collé à lui, nos regards se soutiennent et inévitablement nous finissons par nous embrasser quand nos bouches se décollent, nos corps veulent le contraire et vu la bosse que je sens contre moi je ne suis pas la seule à le penser. Il se décolle de moi et doucement me murmure à l’oreille « bouge pas je reviens », je le vois partir vers mon collègue, il revient 10min plus tard, il me fait signe de la tête de le suivre et nous montons dans son bureau, arrivé dans le bureau il ferme sa porte et il me colle contre la porte, avec ses mains il entour ma tête et m’embrasse, ce coup si notre baisé et langoureux, nos langues se mélangent, ses mains quittent ma tête et se pose sur mon pull en se glissant dessous, il att**** mes deux seins en pleine mains me les malaxant ce qui me met dans un état d’excitation, d’instinct je commence à ploter son sexe à travers son pantalon, il décolle sa bouche de la mienne et me murmure à l’oreille « je vais te baiser là maintenant » , je suis surprise par sa façon de me parler limite gênée je ne sais pas comment réagir mais ça ne l’arrête pas dans sa progression, il déboutonne lentement mon pantalon et le fait glisser doucement le long des mes jambes, il en fait de même avec ma petite culotte qui pour le coup n’a rien de sexy tellement je ne m’attendais pas à ce qui était en train de se passer, un fois ma culotte sur les chevilles, il se remit à ma hauteur et m’embrassa de nouveau tout en me caressant le sexe, au début juste des petites caresses et rapidement un doigt s’introduisit en moi, doucement il l’enfonça en moi, il décolla sa bouche de la mienne, il me fixait droit dans les yeux pendant qu’il me doigtait en me demandant si j’aimais ça, j’étais vraiment très intimidé même si ce qu’il me faisait me faisait un bien fou, alors d’une petite voix je lui répondu « oui c’est trop bon », ma réponse lui fit lâcher un sourire et d’un seul geste me retourne me mettant dos à lui, il écarta mes jambes, tira légèrement mes fesses vers lui et je sentis son sexe se poser sur le mien, je lui dis juste « vas-y doucement s’il te plait » et il commença à s’introduire en moi, mon souffle s’accélérer, le siens aussi il commentait sa pénétration en me disant que j’étais bonne, qu’il aimait ma petite chatte serrée, il commençait ses vas et viens en allant de plus en plus rapidement, ses mains empoignés mes reins fermement ce qui m’excitait fortement.

J’étais partagée entre plaisir et honte de me laisser baiser par un homme beaucoup plus âgé et dans une tel situation mais mon plaisir prenait le dessus, mon sexe était trempé je le sentais glisser en moi, il me pénétrait en alternant entre douceur et brutalité, après un long moment à me baiser il s’arrêta, me retourna lentement et me demande de retirer mon haut, il me demanda aussi de retirer mes chaussures pour pouvoir ôter totalement mon pantalon et ma culotte, je le fis sans me poser de question je retirer tout soutif compris, il m’observait pendant que je me mettais nue pour lui, quand je me retrouvais nue, je me surpris à être gênée, je cachais mes seins avec un bras et mon autre main cachée mon sexe. Il me demanda de ne plus les cacher qu’il aimait me regarder tellement j’étais belle, il s’approcha de moi colla son corps au mien et m’embrassa langoureusement, pendant ce temps sa main se posa sur mon vagin, il y introduit lentement deux doigts que je sentis entrer en moi avec une joie non dissimulée, il les laissa quelques instants avant de les retirer et de me les amener à la bouche en me disant « goutte toi comme tu es bonne », ses doigts étaient trempé, c’était la première fois que je gouttais ma cyprine, après ce petit moment il pris mon haut le posa au sol, et me demanda de me mettre à 4 pattes, il se mit derrière moi et de nouveau me pénétra ce coup-ci sans prendre son temps, son sexe s’enfonça en moi d’un coup sec ce qui me fis lâcher un cri assez fort, je m’excusais de peur qu’on nous entende et je fus surpris par sa réponse quand il me dit « ne te retient pas la seule personne qui pourrais nous entendre sait ce que je suis en train de te faire » je me retourne vers lui avec un regard interrogateur et il me dit « sois pas surprise je ne suis pas le seul que tu fais bander » je fus assez choquée par cette réponse et ça me coupait dans mon excitation, je lui demandais d’arrêter ce qu’il me faisait, je me relevais avec l’envie de quitter le bureau.
C’était pour moi une expérience hors du commun et cette phrase me coupa rapidement, j’avais envie de m’amuser mais pas d’être mal considérée.

Pendant que je ramassais mes affaires, il m’attrapa par la main pour me tirer contre lui. J’avais un peu les yeux coulant, vexé par la situation. Il me serra contre lui me faisant un câlin, s’excusant en me disant qu’il s’était mal exprimé, m’expliquant que dans une usine de mecs, le jeunes filles comme moi qui sont très rare excite beaucoup les hommes, il se noyait dans ses explications mais dans le même temps, ses mains caressaient mes fesses, il essayait de m’embrasser entre deux mots, il arrivait lentement à ses fins mon excitation repris le dessus, je savais que sa seule envie était de me sauter, mais je sais pas pourquoi, malgré la situation son manque de respect envers moi, ne me gêna pas autant que j’aurais pu le penser et c’est en appuyant doucement sur mes épaules pour que me m’agenouille devant lui qu’il comprit qu’il avait gagné.
Une fois à genoux devant lui il me demanda de le sucer, il introduit doucement son sexe dans ma bouche, commença ses vas et vient tout en me disant des choses un peu cru « tu l’aime ma queue », « tu fais ta prude mais sa t’excite de savoir que tu nous fais bander » et je me rendais compte qu’il avait raison, j’avais déjà couché avec un garçon mais cela m’avait fait l’amour, c’était vraiment la première fois que je me faisais baiser.

Je suçais son sexe de plus en plus rapidement, c’est à ce moment qu’il me releva me pencha sur le bureau et me dit « je vais te baiser petite salope », sa queue me pénétra sans douceur et c’est moi qui lui demandais de continuer comme ça, il me baisa avec une intensité tel que j’en criais de plaisir, il n’arrêtait pas de m’insulter, ses mains compressait mes seins avec fermeté, il me fixait dans les yeux en me disant qu’il allait me baiser comme la petite salope que j’étais, ses mots auraient dû me vexer mais bizarrement ils m’excitaient de plus en plus. Je lui demandais donc de se retirer, je changer de position posant mes mains sur le bureau et avec un regard coquin je lui demandais de me prendre comme ça, il se mit derrière moi et m’enfonça ca queue d’un coup sec et puissant, il commença ses vas et viens brutalement je sentais ses couilles et son corps cogner contre le mien il me baisait sans aucune retenue, je jouissais à plusieurs reprise pendant cette baise et il me dit à son tour qu’il allait jouir et me demanda ou il voulait que je jouisse, je lui dis ou il voulait mais seulement qu’il se retire de moi, il retira sa queue de moi et me fis me remettre à genoux avant de se finir sur mon visage en lâchant plusieurs jet de sperme, après ça je m’essuyer rapidement, il me regarda me rhabiller, il me dévisageait de nouveaux mais ce coup-ci je n’éprouvais aucune gêne et il me lâcha « tu as aimé ca petite salope », j’approchais mon visage du siens l’embrassa et lui répondis « c’est quand tu veux ».

(Dsl pour les fautes ...)

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One day my girlfriend asked me if I would come to lunch with her so she could talk. It sounded like something, but I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad news. We ended up going to a sandwich place that had a balcony. It was nice and relaxing. “Hey Trish.” I said as I stood up and hugged her. “Hey Sara.” She said hugging me tightly. We exchanged pleasantries for a while and ordered our food. After not to long the waiter came back over and Trish ordered a margarita. “Is it bad news?” I...

1 year ago
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DaisyChapter 17

Daisy tutored her in her school work as well. Amy blossomed into quite a woman. She was more sure of herself in everything. Daisy taught her about clothes and makeup. She shaved her thin bush, explaining how it made one feel sexy. For the first time in her life, Amy did feel sexy. As a result she got a lot more attention. One evening Daisy came back to the room and heard giggles as she entered. A shocked and frightened boy was under the covers with Amy. "Hi Daisy. This is Brian." "Very...

4 years ago
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my wife a old friend and a new cuckhold who is me

While i was under the kitchen table driken coffee and sucking the old man tom cock there was a knock at the front door been tell's sarha to get it. so sarah puts on a silk night gowen and opens the door as ben is taken a set at the kitchen table. Sarha opens the door and it's my Great uncle rob my uncle rob was a big man about 5'5 and 280 pounds he see's sarha and say's o did i come at a bad time and before sarha could say anything ben yell's no man come on in were just haveing brekfest. i go...

1 year ago
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Bigboy and His Bitches 2

I try to drive slow going home but my thighs squeeze constantly as I think of what is waiting for me there. My foot keeps subconsciously pressing harder on the accelerator as the hunger I feel impels me to speed home. I have to constantly correct my speed and slow down to keep from getting ticketed. It feels like it takes hours to get home but is really only about 20 minutes but the craving between my thighs makes it seem much longer. Once home I go to the computer and open the website so...

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The Crossing part 19

The changes at Castle Rumstahl in the wake of the assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler had brought a new person into my orbit, someone who was going to shake things up, but were they friend or foe? THE CROSSING - part 19 by BobH (c) 2016 - 44 - My mind was reeling. The beautiful blonde standing before me was clearly female. She was also Alec Delon. How was such a thing even possible? "Ah, another woman! How delightful!" she said,...

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Out of My Element

I look out the window and shake my head. Once again the residents of Massena are waging war with Mother Nature, and as always she’s kicking our collective asses. The Village and Town Highway Departments are trying their best to keep the roads clean and salted, but the snow and rain is just too much. I walk over to the counter and grab my list. Being born and raised in the North Country I know what to expect this winter. They are predicting that this Ice Storm is going to be worse than that of...

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Redopt2 younger womanolder man taboo for agepla

it was three days since i stopped bleeding from the effects of the morning after pill. i was sprawled naked on a bath sheet on his bed, naked and ankles on his hulking shoulders as he shaved off what little hair i had managed to grow down there. it was delicate work and it made me nervous."There we go, bare pussy. You know what the Japanese call bare pussy? Paipan." He pronounced the strange word like 'pie pan' and i couldn't help the giggles, or wondering if that was the right way of saying...

4 years ago
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A Salemans Life Part2

That night as I lay in bed next to my wife I couldnt help but think about what I had done in that toilet with that stranger and what he had done to me and the more I thought about it the harder my cock became and as I drifted off into a deep sleep I knew I had to do it again and I wasnt bother with who it was, colour, age it didnt bother me.I woke just after six that next morning and after showering and shaving went back through to the bedroom, I opened my underwear draw and took out a pair of...

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DonkeyLoving SchoolgirlChapter 3

The sun was heading toward the western horizon and sending brilliant rays through the open windows on the right side of the bus. Sitting in the middle of the long back seat, Denise found herself sweating miserably while Peggy, still naked and asleep, leaned up against the left side window, shaded and fanned. Denise thought about moving further up front, taking an empty seat on the left side of the bus, but she was afraid that if she moved she might draw attention to herself. Already some of...

2 years ago
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Turning PointsChapter 8

She heard him rise early and shower. Just as she had done dozens of times with Allan, Kerri pulled the covers over her head, as a child would do to ward off the monsters of the night. There simply was no defense. She knew he could take her any time and any way he wished. His footsteps in the hall grew closer to her door and she trembled, but, thankfully, he moved on past and into the kitchen. After a few more minutes she heard the front door slam. Kerri waited several minutes to make sure he...

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ExamsChapter 3

The next day the atmosphere in the house was charged. Shobha was dressed in her nightie with a thin veil upon it. Her hair was tied with a scarf and she had applied fresh body spray which had filled the room with fragrance. Rahul coming down and seeing his mother's attire was delighted. He hurried his steps and coming behind his mother he put his arms around her waist and nuzzled his head on her hair. Inhaling deeply the aroma he untied the scarf holding her hair before wishing her good...

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Abbotts Awakening Part I

“You want to put it in my ass?” Lacey asked. Her smirk told me I was pushing my luck. Maybe I shouldn’t have hinted at it for the umpteenth time. She had never let it happen before. “I get it. Really, I do. But how would you feel if it were the other way around? You wouldn’t want someone bending you over and going to town back there and I don’t either.” Now I was the one smirking. Lacey had poked around back there on more than one occasion and I didn't mind in the slightest – quite the...

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A coach and a quaterback

Jack sat on the bed his back against the head board. Now the head coach for his high school football team, and at 25, his years of sports and gym training left him with a hard hairy muscular body. At 6 feet his shoulders were broad and hard as steel. Big guns and thick muscled forearms. Hard chiseled pecs. Sexy cut abs with a dark trail of brown fur leading all the way to his dense pubic bush. Jack liked the way he looked with a slight 5 o'clock shadow so he managed to always keep that sexy...

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The Love Boat

You are an experienced sailor. You've crewed up and down the east and west coast of the US since you were just a teenager. Now you're 24 and you've qualified for your master's ticket. A former employer has recommended you to a friend and now this potential employer is on the phone. "Hi John this is Max Bucks. I've got a little yacht that I need taken across to Tahiti for the summer season. I'll be heading out there for my summer vacation and I want to use the Sea Nymph as my home away from...

2 years ago
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Anal Party

My friends always call me crazy when I tell them I love anal sex. Even today, as a 21 year old girl, still trying to explore and expand my sexual horizons, I have always found anal sex very pleasurable and exciting. The biggest complaint I hear from my friends is that it is physically painful. I must have never received that text because it gives me some of my strongest orgasms.I believe that anatomically speaking, I may be unique in the fact when I feel a nice hard cock sliding in and out of...

1 year ago
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After The Ball

I could still feel the burning sensation on my cheek where he'd kissed me goodnight- how easy it would have been to turn my face and allow him access to my lips, but that wasn't the plan. I'd waited ten minutes, then here I stand outside his room. I knock on the door, no hint of hesitation in my actions. He opens the door, still wearing the white dress shirt and black trousers, his feet bare, the bow tie loosened around his neck. "Lauren... everything ok?" He wears a slightly worried look....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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A Time for SharingChapter 13

I didn't have long to wait before I was confronted by a very upset Anita. From her wild eyed and angry look, I assumed she'd come to find me straight away, after being told by Tina about the proposal that had been made. "You're crazy, you know that?" Typical opening, one you would expect from her. I was knee deep in muck, attempting to find the source of an underground water leak. I'd been digging holes and following a damp path towards where the problem might be. "Don't start up...

4 years ago
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Be Sarah Chapter 4

Be Sarah Chapter 4 Audrey Salk woke up with a little grin on her face. She knew last night, at worst, she found a lifelong friend in Mike Cornette; and at best, she found someone to share her life with. The connection between those two was not love at first sight. Mike was not the type of man who women would mistake lust for love. The aspiring doctor would never be mistaken for a man who would woo a woman; Mike was a courting type of man. Wooing was just not Mike's style. The...

3 years ago
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Delayed Inevitability Part 2

I give one more stroke along his hard flesh, the veins thick and swollen, and then release him. Then I turn walking slowly over to the bed.I turn to see him standing there naked from the waist up, trousers hanging from his hips -  his beautiful dick hard, twitching. God, he excites me.I sit down, perching my bottom on the edge of the bed feeling the mattress dip slightly. I sit with my legs spread wide, deliberately letting him view the length of my legs and the now moist gusset of my panties.I...

1 year ago
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My Parasitic LifeChapter 2

I had learned that it didn’t do to take the top spot, as that put quite a target on one’s back. Sometimes it was unavoidable, such as with a lion’s pride, but that was solved by driving the male progeny away early enough before they became a challenge. By then habit kept them clear of their former home territory. It wasn’t as much a problem in some animal societies, and in matriarchal societies such as most whale pods, mastodon and bonobo, troublesome males were either pacified or exiled. It...

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White Balance

1. Summer in Ridgewick was hazy and idyllic. The city had the down-home atmosphere of a Norman Rockwell print; a sleepy patchwork of tree-lined avenues and painfully green lawns. The streets droned with cicadas and the ponds with dragonflies, their streamlined bodies glittering like emeralds in the morning sun. Its picket-fence suburbs were perhaps the most American of the regional townships. On a fine, clear day, you could smell the heady aroma of apple pie drifting down the sidewalk;...

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Fateful First Time

We have all had encounters that we remember and those we want to forget, but this particular one I had has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to put it out of my mind. I periodically I find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and I slip back to when it all happened. Maybe I wish it would somehow materialize again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. I have mixed feeling about it, but when it creeps back into my thoughts and I end up...

3 years ago
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A new black gang party

Three days after I followed that black guy Bob, from the subway to his filthy flat, where he gave me a great fuck; I was absolutely horny again. My loving hubby had left the town the day before and I needed a good cock.I was so excited about my experience with Bob; that I wanted to get him again. This time I warned Victor about my intentions and he agreed happily.Then I called Bob and asked if he was in the mood to take up where we had left off the first time we had met. He said of course he...

2 years ago
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Now Youve Done It Levi Strauss

I caught the eight-thirty, three hours later than my usual. The trains run every thirty minutes, and I’d been trying for the eight o’clock but missed it by three minutes; it had been that kind of day. Boring meetings that ran too long, cantankerous clients, computer glitches, grouchy staff – and I’d destroyed a brand new pair of hose, snagging them on a rough spot beneath the conference table first thing that morning. That should have been a red flag, a warning to pack up and go home. Instead,...

Quickie Sex
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Keeping Up With An Insatiable Princess In Bangalore

Hi iss readers. My name is yash. I am 26 years old male from bangalore, 6 feet tall, athletic body with a high sex drive and decent looks. I am going to narrate a real incident which happened to me. Thank you so much iss for giving me this opportunity. Kindly ignore my mistakes and hope you enjoy reading it. Suggestions and corrections are always welcome. Let me not waste anymore time and get into the story. This story starts when I was back in college and I had a full time girlfriend and we...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 538

This little ditty is from Mikey During the mid-1980s dairy farmers decided there was too much cheap milk at the supermarket. So they bought a few senators and the government bought and slaughtered 1.6 million cows. How come the government never does anything like this with lawyers? This Little Ditty Is From Gary Do you know what to do in case of fall-out? Re-insert and shorten stroke. This One Is Compliments of Bill Sam was walking home late one night when he decided to take a...

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Book of Common Prayer Prayers For Weekdays Sunday The Day of The Lord ACT OF RESPECT

ACT OF RESPECT Hail My King- My masculine, virile, absolute Master, You are full of strength and worthy of utmost respect. Here I pray to You, to pay my greatest, unconditional, everlasting homage to the Man who dwells in my heart and my mind at all times, who guides my every action, who inspires my every thought, who follows me in my every step. My eyes only see You when You allow me to cherish Your beauty, my ears only hear Your name full of majesty, my lips only...

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