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Je me présente je suis Camille à ce jour j’ai 18ans, je vais vous raconter mon histoire avec un de mes collègues quand j’étais en apprentissage.

Quand j’ai commencé j’avais 16ans je faisais un bac pro tourneur-fraiseur, je sais c’est rare pour une fille mais mon père m’avait donné son enthousiasme pour ce métier.
Physiquement j’étais plutôt petite du haut de mes 1m52 et assez fine je ne pesais que 41kg à cette époque, j’avais des cheveux longs châtain m’arrivant au milieu du dos, j’avais une petite poitrine, on me trouvait quand même jolie mais on me disait souvent que je manquais de féminité ce qui expliqué surement que je n’avais eu qu’un seul copain avec qui j’étais restais un an, j’étais aussi quelqu’un de très réservée et de très timide.

Dans cette atelier d’usinage j’étais la seule fille de l’atelier et les hommes avaient au début un comportement un peu macho avec moi, bien qu’au fur et à mesure je devais leur petite mascotte.

Quelques mois après mon arrivé, il y eu un nouveau dans le groupe, un responsable de production, un homme charismatique, imposant le respect.
Dès son arrivée, il était toujours très gentil avec moi, sûrement car j’étais une fille.
Tous les matins il venait saluer le groupe en disant bonjour oralement, mais il venait toujours me dire bonjour personnellement quand j’étais seule à mon poste, naïvement je trouvais ça sympathique, encore une fois je pensais que c’était dû au fait que je sois la seule fille, je me suis vite rendu compte que ce n’était pas la seule raison, il devenait très souriant, je voyais son regard changer, je me sentais assez flattée et même s’il était beaucoup plus âgé que moi je lui rendais ses sourires, ce n’étais pas un homme qui m’attirait mais ses attentions me faisaient plaisir.

Un jour ou j’allais me laver les mains, je sentis quelqu’un me frôler, je me retournais et c’était lui, au lieu d’avoir une mauvaise réaction je lui lançais un petit sourire, il me répondit avec un petit clin d’œil.
Les jours passèrent et ce genre de petit contact arrivaient souvent, même si je n’étais pas une grande spécialiste j’avais bien compris que je lui plaisais et qu’il tentait une certaine approche alors je décidais de devenir plus réceptive ce qui était vraiment très dur pour moi mais j’en avais l’envie.

Le lendemain, même situation se produit, il était derrière moi pour se laver les mains aussi et son corps était proche du bien alors je me retournais rapidement et me colla à lui style de rien, nos corps étaient collés mais il fallait être discret et on se décolla vite, mais je pense qu’il avait compris qu’il commençait à me plaire aussi, on joua comme ça encore quelques jours.
Un jour lui et mon autre responsable proposèrent vu la charge de travail de nous diviser en deux équipes, il me prit comme par hasard dans son équipe avec un autre collègue dont la fraiseuse était à l’autre bout de l’atelier par rapport à mon tour.

Le lendemain matin nous commençons très tôt, chacun son poste, mon collègue part à sa machine et mon responsable lui vient à mon poste pour me donner mon travail et m’expliquer certaines chose que je ne connais pas encore, je me met en face du pupitre pour programmer et lui se poste derrière moi et je le sent venir de plus en plus proche de moi jusqu’à se coller à moi, il approche sa bouche de mon oreille et me murmure « tu sens très bon ce matin » et m’embrasse le coup, je ne dis rien, il se recule un peu et nous reprenons le travail, je sens son regard sur moi et c’est moi qui me tourne vers lui pour lui poser des questions mais machinalement nos corps s’attirent et je me retrouve collé à lui, nos regards se soutiennent et inévitablement nous finissons par nous embrasser quand nos bouches se décollent, nos corps veulent le contraire et vu la bosse que je sens contre moi je ne suis pas la seule à le penser. Il se décolle de moi et doucement me murmure à l’oreille « bouge pas je reviens », je le vois partir vers mon collègue, il revient 10min plus tard, il me fait signe de la tête de le suivre et nous montons dans son bureau, arrivé dans le bureau il ferme sa porte et il me colle contre la porte, avec ses mains il entour ma tête et m’embrasse, ce coup si notre baisé et langoureux, nos langues se mélangent, ses mains quittent ma tête et se pose sur mon pull en se glissant dessous, il att**** mes deux seins en pleine mains me les malaxant ce qui me met dans un état d’excitation, d’instinct je commence à ploter son sexe à travers son pantalon, il décolle sa bouche de la mienne et me murmure à l’oreille « je vais te baiser là maintenant » , je suis surprise par sa façon de me parler limite gênée je ne sais pas comment réagir mais ça ne l’arrête pas dans sa progression, il déboutonne lentement mon pantalon et le fait glisser doucement le long des mes jambes, il en fait de même avec ma petite culotte qui pour le coup n’a rien de sexy tellement je ne m’attendais pas à ce qui était en train de se passer, un fois ma culotte sur les chevilles, il se remit à ma hauteur et m’embrassa de nouveau tout en me caressant le sexe, au début juste des petites caresses et rapidement un doigt s’introduisit en moi, doucement il l’enfonça en moi, il décolla sa bouche de la mienne, il me fixait droit dans les yeux pendant qu’il me doigtait en me demandant si j’aimais ça, j’étais vraiment très intimidé même si ce qu’il me faisait me faisait un bien fou, alors d’une petite voix je lui répondu « oui c’est trop bon », ma réponse lui fit lâcher un sourire et d’un seul geste me retourne me mettant dos à lui, il écarta mes jambes, tira légèrement mes fesses vers lui et je sentis son sexe se poser sur le mien, je lui dis juste « vas-y doucement s’il te plait » et il commença à s’introduire en moi, mon souffle s’accélérer, le siens aussi il commentait sa pénétration en me disant que j’étais bonne, qu’il aimait ma petite chatte serrée, il commençait ses vas et viens en allant de plus en plus rapidement, ses mains empoignés mes reins fermement ce qui m’excitait fortement.

J’étais partagée entre plaisir et honte de me laisser baiser par un homme beaucoup plus âgé et dans une tel situation mais mon plaisir prenait le dessus, mon sexe était trempé je le sentais glisser en moi, il me pénétrait en alternant entre douceur et brutalité, après un long moment à me baiser il s’arrêta, me retourna lentement et me demande de retirer mon haut, il me demanda aussi de retirer mes chaussures pour pouvoir ôter totalement mon pantalon et ma culotte, je le fis sans me poser de question je retirer tout soutif compris, il m’observait pendant que je me mettais nue pour lui, quand je me retrouvais nue, je me surpris à être gênée, je cachais mes seins avec un bras et mon autre main cachée mon sexe. Il me demanda de ne plus les cacher qu’il aimait me regarder tellement j’étais belle, il s’approcha de moi colla son corps au mien et m’embrassa langoureusement, pendant ce temps sa main se posa sur mon vagin, il y introduit lentement deux doigts que je sentis entrer en moi avec une joie non dissimulée, il les laissa quelques instants avant de les retirer et de me les amener à la bouche en me disant « goutte toi comme tu es bonne », ses doigts étaient trempé, c’était la première fois que je gouttais ma cyprine, après ce petit moment il pris mon haut le posa au sol, et me demanda de me mettre à 4 pattes, il se mit derrière moi et de nouveau me pénétra ce coup-ci sans prendre son temps, son sexe s’enfonça en moi d’un coup sec ce qui me fis lâcher un cri assez fort, je m’excusais de peur qu’on nous entende et je fus surpris par sa réponse quand il me dit « ne te retient pas la seule personne qui pourrais nous entendre sait ce que je suis en train de te faire » je me retourne vers lui avec un regard interrogateur et il me dit « sois pas surprise je ne suis pas le seul que tu fais bander » je fus assez choquée par cette réponse et ça me coupait dans mon excitation, je lui demandais d’arrêter ce qu’il me faisait, je me relevais avec l’envie de quitter le bureau.
C’était pour moi une expérience hors du commun et cette phrase me coupa rapidement, j’avais envie de m’amuser mais pas d’être mal considérée.

Pendant que je ramassais mes affaires, il m’attrapa par la main pour me tirer contre lui. J’avais un peu les yeux coulant, vexé par la situation. Il me serra contre lui me faisant un câlin, s’excusant en me disant qu’il s’était mal exprimé, m’expliquant que dans une usine de mecs, le jeunes filles comme moi qui sont très rare excite beaucoup les hommes, il se noyait dans ses explications mais dans le même temps, ses mains caressaient mes fesses, il essayait de m’embrasser entre deux mots, il arrivait lentement à ses fins mon excitation repris le dessus, je savais que sa seule envie était de me sauter, mais je sais pas pourquoi, malgré la situation son manque de respect envers moi, ne me gêna pas autant que j’aurais pu le penser et c’est en appuyant doucement sur mes épaules pour que me m’agenouille devant lui qu’il comprit qu’il avait gagné.
Une fois à genoux devant lui il me demanda de le sucer, il introduit doucement son sexe dans ma bouche, commença ses vas et vient tout en me disant des choses un peu cru « tu l’aime ma queue », « tu fais ta prude mais sa t’excite de savoir que tu nous fais bander » et je me rendais compte qu’il avait raison, j’avais déjà couché avec un garçon mais cela m’avait fait l’amour, c’était vraiment la première fois que je me faisais baiser.

Je suçais son sexe de plus en plus rapidement, c’est à ce moment qu’il me releva me pencha sur le bureau et me dit « je vais te baiser petite salope », sa queue me pénétra sans douceur et c’est moi qui lui demandais de continuer comme ça, il me baisa avec une intensité tel que j’en criais de plaisir, il n’arrêtait pas de m’insulter, ses mains compressait mes seins avec fermeté, il me fixait dans les yeux en me disant qu’il allait me baiser comme la petite salope que j’étais, ses mots auraient dû me vexer mais bizarrement ils m’excitaient de plus en plus. Je lui demandais donc de se retirer, je changer de position posant mes mains sur le bureau et avec un regard coquin je lui demandais de me prendre comme ça, il se mit derrière moi et m’enfonça ca queue d’un coup sec et puissant, il commença ses vas et viens brutalement je sentais ses couilles et son corps cogner contre le mien il me baisait sans aucune retenue, je jouissais à plusieurs reprise pendant cette baise et il me dit à son tour qu’il allait jouir et me demanda ou il voulait que je jouisse, je lui dis ou il voulait mais seulement qu’il se retire de moi, il retira sa queue de moi et me fis me remettre à genoux avant de se finir sur mon visage en lâchant plusieurs jet de sperme, après ça je m’essuyer rapidement, il me regarda me rhabiller, il me dévisageait de nouveaux mais ce coup-ci je n’éprouvais aucune gêne et il me lâcha « tu as aimé ca petite salope », j’approchais mon visage du siens l’embrassa et lui répondis « c’est quand tu veux ».

(Dsl pour les fautes ...)

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Fucking Annie in the park

We'd arranged to meet again. After the club, both of us knew that we couldn't wait long for another session. Annie had texted the next morning, saying "thinking of your cock in my mouth. I didn't get much of it before we had to go" I felt myself growing hard at the thought of her petite and tight little body, and longed to explore every last inch of it. We arranged to meet in the park, a big park, with lots of secluded areas. Waiting on a bench near the duck pond I pulled my phone out and...

4 years ago
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Breaking The Beast Ch 1

I wasn’t supposed to be there night. I was supposed to be at home, in my bedroom studying for a test I had the next week. So, how did I get there? Jordie. Jordie is my best friend in the whole world, and she is the one that dragged me out to the new club opening. Apparently, it had been the talk of the town for a year, but according to her I live in such a deep, dark, hidden hole full of old books that I would never know if something new came along. To be perfectly honest, she was kinda right...

Love Stories
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dale felder lifestoryread ithttpdalef

dale felder's life story,written in many languages,english, german, russian, chinese, french, japanese,india,hindi,italian,hi friends im dale felder, im a author, designer, writer, photographer, and i live in sanfrancisco, california, you read my new photo books click the links below, here >(

3 years ago
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Nursery nurse turned sex slave

A few years back my baby daughter started at day nursery. Over the first few weeks you start to get to know the staff, particularly those who were caring for her. Each c***d is assigned a key care worker and your point of contact. Most of the girls there are in their late teens early 20's and all shapes and sizes. Our key worker Jessica was a large girl with very large breasts, certainly from day one the thought of a tit fuck had crossed my mind. The weeks had turned to months, and you have...

2 years ago
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Taking a Steam the Sequel

Andrew started waking with me in the early mornings, lying in the bed and watching me dress in my bathing suit and denim dress. He smiled as I walked back and forth past him. He liked to tease me, try to get me excited, often rubbing his hard cock against me as I brushed my teeth. Then, he would kiss me lovingly and send me, all aroused, to the gym for my workout. My steam room lover never returned, although I watched hopefully for her day after day. Finally, I resigned myself to the fact that...

3 years ago
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Ana in the street alleway

One late afternoon I came back home from my office and found my sweet wife very amused by something she had done in the net. Ana told me she was in a sex site chatting with a stranger, when he asked her to pay for having her dirty panties. I discussed with Anita and we thought it might be a laugh for both of us to hand her panties to a stranger in the middle of the street for a small financial reward.Then Ana made the arrangements. The stranger accepted I would be close by to make sure nothing...

4 years ago
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You are not what would be called popular in school, the only club you were member of was the chess club coupled with the fact that your step mother would often humiliate your father in public. Your mother had a daughter that was about five years younger than you, was the obviously the favorite. You were often the victim of jokes mostly from three girls whom were close as sisters. If they were not mocking you, there boyfriends would often humiliate you in front of the school even cause your...

Group Sex
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Holiday fun with a stranger

Day M and I where on holiday in Spain and whilst sunbathing around the pool we met you, It was a surprise to us as we generally don’t see many people around the pool at this time of year, it is usually quiet and especially don’t see younger single women it’s more of a couple place. You instantly made us feel comfortable in your presence with you friendly smile and bubbly personality, and of course you being pretty and having nice tits also helped me think of you in a different light. During...

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I met Alison at my door one Halloween night and fell immediately in lust.I’m a confirmed bachelor. I tried marriage once and it was a disaster, so I live alone in a beach-front condo full of young married couples, most have k**s that run around the pool screaming and hollering, which makes me use the pool at night when they’re all in bed.I’m kind of obligated to observe Halloween with everyone else, so this year I bought plenty of candy, hung a skeleton on my door, and waited for the...

4 years ago
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The Business Trip

The weeks had gone by. We had visited the archive room and the gent’s toilets on a number of occasions. Each time my work friend, Mike, sucked my cock. He really was good at it, and it would have been rude to refuse his requests. Besides, I hadn't wanted to refuse. I desperately wanted to suck him, but each time he said, "Wait until we are away together." In the meantime, he continued to suck on me regularly. We had known for a while that we would have to be away on business together with...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Walking on air

Walking on air By SG [email protected]        Christmas had come and passed. The family had been seen; our gifts exchanged. It was good to see the family. I had fun trading stories and catching up. Christmas was good but it could never be exciting. My family, who I love to death, are the text book description of mundane. Mundane was great for the love and support I needed in my life. For the wild and crazy times that you never forget and can never stop telling stories about I had to look...

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Betty Spanked Again

Betty was walking along the promenade with her new friend, Heather. They had met the other day in a coffee bar and, after chatting happily, they agreed to team up for the granny and grandpa races organised on the adult-only section of the beach a few days later where everyone, from bathers to the lifeguards, had to be sixteen years of age or older.The races were an annual event run by the lifeguards. All of the lifeguards were girls aged between sixteen and twenty-years-old who were used to...

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The Last Rodeo Out Of Town

She was face down ass up on the bed and her tight denim shorts hung from her right ankle.  She had not worn panties.  The cowboy's thick hard cock was deep inside her.  She let her hips bounce freely as the tour bus sped along the rough road, knowing there was no way her rider was going to be unseated.  She had already cum.  She had orgasmed almost as soon as he had entered her.  She knew it was the feeling of leaving, almost as much as his strong body and his long dick, that had made it happen...

Straight Sex
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You are nervous as I lead you into the room, you are doing this for me, your husband, yet you still do not know how I will react. You look beautiful in your high heels, charm bracelet, a silk robe and a black ribbon around your neck. I had offered you a blindfold but you declined. I place you in the center of the room and you look around to see a handsome, somewhat younger man seated and smiling at you. A weak smile comes across your face as you look into my eyes. I smile and untie your robe...

3 years ago
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A Tortured SoulChapter 5 Lisa

I slept much better (and thankfully dream-free) on Tuesday night and woke at seven the next morning feeling rested and slightly more positive about what was to come. I knew, deep down, I was going to struggle with life in Westmouth. I knew it wasn’t going to feel right without... her ... there. But now I knew I had Emily in my corner. She’d be there for me, whatever I needed. It’s not many people head off to university knowing they have that kind of support on their doorstep. Most people have...

3 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 2 Cold trail

I HAD a one to one conversation with Bob Cummings at a café near New Scotland Yard later that morning. He had already told me on the telephone when I arranged the meeting that the police had no time to investigate fully and he confirmed that Military Intelligence were now not even prepared to admit they were pursuing him as a deserter. As far as the Yard knew, Gold was now a Special Branch agent because almost immediately Cummings’ team began to make enquiries, he was dragged out of his...

3 years ago
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Violets AreChapter 3

"Richard stared at the keyboard for a few moments. "Maybe we belong to a pool of soul mates," he said pensively. "There are a small number of people on this earth that we are intertwined with, not just one other."" Taylor looked up from the book, eyes once again going to the sleeping Violet. Sleeping ... it helped to keep thinking of her like that. She was just sleeping. A sleep that would never end... No! Taylor would NOT let herself think like that! It had only been a couple days....

1 year ago
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BrattySis Lexi Lore Bratty Blonde Sister

Lexi Lore has agreed to help her stepbrother Logan Long with his homework since she borrowed his car. This hot blonde teen has other places to be, so she tells Logan to do it himself. Logan sees the opportunity to take a different form of payment from his stepsister. Pulling out her boobs so he can squeeze the round nipples and tweak her pierced nipples, Logan tells her he’ll accept having her instead. It takes Logan time to find Lexi’s clit, but he’s determined to...

2 years ago
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Gloryhole friend

I'm a 45 y/o Female.And still a pretty good looking Gal. I worked with a guy that was gay. But he didn't want anyone to find out. We worked togeather for 8 years, and got to be good friends. We was talking one day and I asked him what it was like being gay and what he like to do sexually. He told me that he loved to do oral and swallow but it was hard to find guys to do it and keep it behind closed doors. I said wow it's not a problem for a girl to find that. laughing. Later on in the week I...

4 years ago
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Controlled By Lillian

I hadn't seen Lillian for a few days, and found myself having arousing thoughts about what might happen the next time we were together. I was sitting alone at home one evening when Lillian called to tell me ahe had "missed me", and "needed my hot muscular body". I k**ded around by saying she on;y wanted to use me, to which she replied, " agreed to my conditions, and now I expect you to." "Be here in an hour, let yourself in...the door will be open, and don't overdress," she...

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MageChapter 64

We were greeted by cheers and applause when we emerged from the tunnel into the ‘Athena’ area of the fortress; the Drow looking surprised then pleased at the acclaim they were getting. The badly wounded were put straight under the care of those of our healers who had worked on Fae in the past as well as those Fae who were under the command of Talshish. Also greeting me were my wives and children, except for Brianna. They swiftly clustered round to ensure I was OK and, other than a mild...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 11 The New and Improved Me

September 1977 One thing was obvious to me. I was much more at ease in school than I ever had been before. Part of it was basically being with the same kids for the third year in a row. A bigger part of it was thanks to Jennie McGrath, Birgit Andersson, and Melanie Spencer. I had a lot more self-confidence and felt really comfortable talking to girls. Jennifer Block played a small role in that as well, as my confidante and advisor. Our discussions of sex had continued, and we talked a lot...

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Twenty Years to Life Ch 01

This story is a bit wordy and fairly long, so if you are looking for immediate gratification, you might want to look elsewhere. ————- ———————– The following story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead (or just confused) is entirely coincidental. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or in total, without the author’s permission. This story takes place in the entirely fictional city of Springfield, California, so don’t go looking for it on a...

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Mechanical Bull Sluts

A quick little story that came to mind. A few chauvinistic pigs can't get out of their own way when it comes to being anything competitive and trying to get laid. Enjoy Sluts! Mechanical Bull Sluts My buddies and I were from the big city and we were tired of doing the same old same old where we would head out to the local bar / establishment where we were always picking up the same type of women. The city women were pretty easy to pick up as we usually preyed on bachelorette...

4 years ago
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My new carpool lover

Good fortune smiled on me yet again this summer. If you keep your eyes and mind open, there’s no telling what you might find. At an office meeting a few months ago my company kicked off a carpool plan and the HR staff strongly encouraged participation. I figured I’d do my part by dropping my name & address into the pool database, but I had no intention of joining an actual carpool. After a few weeks I received an email from the pool organizer, saying that there was an opening in a pool...

4 years ago
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My Fuck With Marwadi Girl

I am back again friends .and this is my one of the best experiences and it is a paid sex and it was my desire to fuck a Marwadi lady I had seen many Marwadi lady and there are very awesome and I had a will to fuck them .so finally one evening on a weekend I decided to have sex and I enquired my friends and they had given me the details and through chatting I had booked her for 5 thousand for a night and she had accepted all conditions and I said to her she must be at 7 at evening on Saturday...

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