Wife's Descent free porn video

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It all started with a little harmless flirtation. She was the new young intern at the law firm Rick worked in, and she was strikingly pretty. Blonde, petite and always wearing short skirts, Christine was a 22-year-old who made everyone's head turn with her wholesome, good-girl look. Unfortunately for Rick, his head turned too. Harmless flirtations in the office quickly lead to more serious, direct flirtation. Soon they were texting each other quite often, though neither of them was single. These text conversations were riddled with sexually charged conversations and even pictures. Rick was coming to realize that this innocent-looking beauty was actually very forward, almost aggressive, and definitely very kinky-minded.

This was all very exciting to Rick, who was nearing 31. Angie, his wife, though a gorgeous, petite 27-year-old brunette in her own right, she was always somewhat conservative when it came to the type of attitude that Christine was displaying. She would have deemed it downright "slutty". Rick didn't consider Christine a slut. He considered her very sexy and engaging, which made their texting (or sexting) much more entertaining than flirting with Angie had ever been. She told Rick she wanted his cock. Badly. After a couple of months of these exchanges, they finally arranged to go to a nearby hotel one night of the following week, all under the cover of having to work late.

The day before this rendezvous, Rick was having breakfast with Angie. She was walking around the kitchen in some really short shorts and a white T-shirt. She kept teasing him and laughing every time he tried to reach for her ass (he always thought she had an amazing tight little ass). He realized right then and there that he didn't need anything else. He was completely happy with his wife and was being a complete idiot for wanting to fuck Christine. A tumble with a young tease wasn't worth throwing his marriage away. Rick decided that day to call the whole thing off and told Christine via text later that day.

If he wasn't a complete idiot before, he certainly felt like one now. Christine was furious and reminded him that she had backed up all these text conversations they had been having. How could he be so stupid as to not think about that before? She said that he was screwed, that she would not stand for this. She did not reply any of his following texts and did not talk to him in the office. Needless to say, he was scared shitless.

That weekend, Rick was walking in the mall with Angie, window-shopping after lunch. He was so happy there with her that, for a moment, his mind was not on the incident from earlier in the week. As they were leaving one of the shoe stores, Rick heard a distinct and cheerful "Hi!" which made him go pale. He turned and Christine was walking up to them with some shopping bags of her own and a cheerful smile on her face. Angie turned to him, looking slightly confused but not at all alarmed or angry, so he used all of his poker-face abilities and introduced them to each other, explaining to his wife that Christine was a new intern at the firm. After saying hi to Angie, Christine asked Rick why he never told her that his wife was so gorgeous. Rick could tell Angie was flattered, to which she replied that Christine was very beautiful as well. It only took them to notice each other's shopping bags for them to hit it off and start talking like they were old high school friends. Beneath his poker face he was freaking out and sweating bullets. It didn't help that he was taken by surprise by Christine's demeanor.

Suddenly, Rick was snapped awake by listening to the two of them making lunch plans. "What?" he said, a little too startled. Lunch plans?? What was going on?

"Oh, don't worry," Christine answered, "we girls are going to go shopping during the week at this new place and grab a bite after. Your wife is so nice and we have the same taste in clothes." He turned to Angie who was just smiling at him and nodding. What the hell was Christine up to? Was she going to tell Angie all about the texts during lunch? He certainly couldn't say anything or it would be too suspicious.

Rick was a tangle of nerves leading up to that day, and when the day finally arrived he was expecting a call from an enraged Angie at some point. That call never came. In fact, over dinner his wife said they had had a great time. "Really?" he tried to ask not giving away surprise. She poured more wine and said "Yeah, she's nice! Actually, we already made plans to go check out this new exhibit they're doing at the art gallery on Thursday." Rick thought maybe he should have stepped in and suggested getting together with Christine wasn't a good idea, but what would have been his excuse? He decided to just let things play out and see what happens.


The exhibit was fascinating and the girls had fun walking around and talking about it as well as other things, including gossiping about the people at the law firm Rick worked in. They decided to grab some coffee at a nearby place. The weather was nice and warm, so they could enjoy sitting in a terrace with some view.

While walking there, a small group of black guys, dressed like they coming from a pick-up basketball game, passed them while walking in the opposite direction. As they passed, the guys overtly checked out Angie and Christine, who were wearing short shorts and skimpy tops due to the warm weather. Some of them went as far as to make some loud inappropriate comments about the girls (at least Angie thought they were extremely inappropriate). Like she had done all her life, Angie did her best to ignore these lewd comments and look straight ahead as she kept on walking, not giving such punks the satisfaction of even telling them off. However, Christine's next words startled Angie "Wow! Did you see how hot those guys were??"

Angie turned and looked at Christine with a shocked expression on her face, "What? Hot??" Seeing Christine nod and smile made her astonishment increase, "I would have never imagined that a sweet girl like you would be into black guys, let alone ones as rude as those!"

Christine's eyes went wide with excitement, "Oh yeah! Definitely! I think they're sexy as fuck! And they're not rude, they're just naturally dominant and arrogant. I think that's so hot!" Angie didn't know what to say. Her brain couldn't put together Christine's words with her good-girl looks and vibe. It was as if a different girl were speaking to her. What Christine said next was even more shocking, "I mean, I do have a white boyfriend. We've been together for like a year now and he's really caring and nice. But my REAL boyfriend is Jarvis, who has an amazing big black cock and REALLY knows how to use it! It's so fucking big! You have no idea how amazing it feels to have 11 inches of big black meat inside of you fucking your brains out!"

Angie had a dumbstruck look on her face. It was like Christine had transformed from this fun wholesome girl into a slut right before her eyes! It was a good thing that they had just gotten to their table in the coffee shop's terrace because Angie really needed to sit down in order to digest all she was hearing. She still hadn't said anything, unable to come up with a response. It was so weird picturing Christine's pale, petite frame with one of those big, dark, muscled, thuggish-looking guys. Angie had never thought of black men as object of sexual desire. Not that she was racist or anything, but she was raised in a context in which blacks and whites simply didn't mix very much. She had heard jokes of their cock size, of course, but she always thought they were just jokes. Also, she definitely didn't care for the ones with a lot of "street" attitude and attire, having grown up with the idea of a "Prince Charming" as the ideal mate.

"What? You don't believe me?" Christine could see the confusion written all over Angie's face, "Here! See for yourself." She pulled out her phone, scrolled down and showed a picture to Angie. It was a picture of an impossibly large, thick, black cock. Angie's jaw opened, but no words came out. The string of thoughts that flowed through her mind were unexpected, almost primal, but they emanated from her most basic instincts. She was initially scared, thinking how much that huge thing must hurt inside of someone, but at the same time she was inexplicably turned on. A lot! Curiosity crept into her mind as well. She turned to look at Christine and noted how similar their bodies were. "How the hell does she take something like that?" she thought.


Thirty minutes later, Rick's phone went off. Checking the caller ID, he could see it was Angie. "Hey, baby!" he answered.

"Hi, baby!" she replied. "Hope I'm not bothering you at work too much. It's been a fun and interesting day with Christine." Rick told her he was glad to hear that and asked her when she would be heading home. "Well that's kind of why I was calling." Angie's voice became slightly higher-pitched and unsure. Had Rick been more attentive rather than worried about whether Christine had ratted him out, he would have noticed how Angie's tone of voice now gave away nervousness. "We've had so much fun and Christine talked me into going out with her and some of her friends tonight. I hope you don't mind! I'd tell you to come along but you have work tomorrow."

Rick had been bracing for a call about his text conversations with Christine, so this came as a surprise to him. However, he still wasn't sure he liked this. "Well why don't we talk about it when we're both home before you change to go out?" he proposed, trying to avoid having to say no over the phone with Christine right there.

"Oh, don't worry about that! Christine and I are like basically the same size and everything so she's going to lend me clothes, shoes and makeup. There's no need for me to go all the way home before that, so we'll just change at her place. It's gonna be fun! Probably just some drinks and then I'll take a cab home. Thanks so much for not minding!" Rick didn't recall having even hinted at him not minding, but at least his secret was safe for now. Maybe Christine had just thrown a fit but had since gotten over it. After all, she was young so maybe she cared more about making friends and partying than anything else.

Later that night he got a message on Snapchat, an app he had only downloaded and used after meeting Christine. She had insisted on sending him teasing pictures of herself in various stages of undress with and without captions, but only on that app. When he checked his phone, he could see that the message was indeed from Christine.

He opened it eagerly and saw a picture taken in a dimly lit bar. He could make out that it was a selfie taken by Christine, looking very hot in a revealing outfit that was clearly meant for going out. He could also tell that she had taken it discretely since no one else who appeared in the picture seemed to be aware of it or looking at the camera. The first thing he noticed was an arm around Christine's shoulder. A dark arm with large, defined muscles and interspersed tattoos. The arm belonged to a black man who appeared to be quite tall, with very short hair and a matching short goatee. He was looking at the two people across from him in the table. One of those people was another tall-looking black guy. Unlike the one hugging Christine, this one's head and face were completely shaved. He also seemed to have a larger muscular frame under his white slim-fit dress shirt. Sitting next to him was Angie, looking as stunning as she's ever looked. Her makeup made her look very sexy and she was wearing a little black dress that accentuated all the right places. Rick was sure it made her tight little ass look great though he couldn't really see it from this angle. What bothered Rick most was how intently Angie seemed to be listening to whatever it was the black guy next to her was saying. Rick also didn't like that this guy's hand was on the back of Angie's chair, creating a lot of proximity between them, and possibly even rubbing against her back.

Rick tried messaging both Christine and Angie, but received no response from either for a long time. After another twenty minutes he got a text from Angie, which said that they were at some bar having a couple of drinks with some friends of Christine, a couple of guys and girls. It also said that she would not be out late but that Rick shouldn't wait up since he had work tomorrow. It ended with an "I love you!" along with a smiley blowing a kiss. Rick thought to himself that maybe this was good. After all, she had been telling the truth about being in a bar with friends (though Rick didn't see any other girls in the picture). She hadn't mentioned that they guys were black, but then again why would she? He tried to put the thoughts behind him and go back to watching TV, failing miserably.

After about an hour of anxious waiting, Rick's phone screen lit up again showing another Snapchat message. Rick's heart began to race as he opened it. This was a video, and, judging from the initial audio and images, it was being recorded from inside a club with loud music and lots of people partying. The video focused in on a pretty girl wearing a very short black dress, dancing with her back pressed up against the bald black guy with the white shirt. A lump grew in Rick's throat as he recognized Angie dancing with the same guy who had been apparently talking her up before. Angie looked beautiful, smiling brightly while moving her body, her beautiful legs on full display, accompanied with matching high heels. She looked so small with that hulking man behind her. He thought he saw Angie grinding that delectable ass against the guy but was distracted by the caption of the video which read "Don't worry, I'll take care of your precious little wife for you."

Rick's eyes went wide. He frantically called and messaged both Angie and Christine, but no answer. He was furious, jealous but nothing was worse than not being able to replay the video. He needed to see it again; to analyze what was happening on that dance floor. He wanted to believe that Angie was just having some harmless fun dancing but deep down something yelled at him that that wasn't true. The contrast between that small white girl and that large black man was incredible, powerful and frightening.

It was another hour and a half before Rick got the following Snapchat message. He frantically opened it, but nothing could prepare him for what he saw. It was another video, but no longer in a club. This was filmed from inside an apartment, and the person recording (who Rick assumed was Christine) was walking down a dark hallway. The camera peaked around the corner into the living room. The lights were very dim but the hip hop was blasting. Rick could see his wife, with nothing but a skimpy thong on, kneeling in front of the same bald black guy from the club, who was completely naked sitting on the couch. He could see Angie's head bobbing up and down over the guy's lap. Rick couldn't believe this. He could hear slurping noises over the music and, once the picture became clearer, he could see her sucking on a huge dark cock which could not be shorter than 10 inches. Rick's insides churned; he was so mad! But what surprised him was how aroused he was. His own cock had never been harder in his entire life!

Thankfully (did he really just think "thankfully"?) it took a lot less time for the following Snapchat to arrive. This time, Rick opened it with his dick out and his hands shamefully wrapped around it. The video showed the same couch as before, but this time Angie was lying on it and the camera was much closer to her, though it wasn't clear to Rick whether Angie knew if she was being recorded or not. Judging from what was going on she probably didn't care. The guy was on his knees in front of her, having pulled her thong to the side, and was devouring her tight little shaved pussy. Angie's body was convulsing and her head was shaking from side to side with her eyes closed. Rick thought he ate pussy very well, but she'd never reacted like this with him.

The next video came shortly after and greeted Rick with his hand still on his cock. It showed the guy pulling on Angie's thong downward, but she held onto it with one hand. Surely this is where she would draw the line, come to her senses and push him away. Angie had always hated infidelity and spoke horribly of those girls who fucked other guys while in a relationship. All those thoughts in Rick's head went down the drain when he saw Angie cover her face with her hands, either in disbelief or embarrassment or both, and lift her hips in invitation for the guy to remove the last piece of clothing which protected her marital fidelity.

The bald black guy smiled lewdly and came close to her. He began rubbing his huge, thick python all over her glistening pussy, making some slapping noises with it every now and then. Rick focused on Angie's eyes however. Those beautiful eyes, which could captivate anyone when they held a gaze, were now wide-open, staring down at the impending penetration of her little white married pussy. Her eyes gave away extreme nervousness but were also drunk with lust. They opened a little more as he began to push his oversized manhood into her pussy, the largest she had ever had or seen by far, and a short high-pitched squeal came out of her mouth. Rick could not believe that that huge log would fit all the way inside her, which ironically was the same thing Angie was thinking at that same time.

The next video came about five minutes after, and not a moment too soon for Rick. As soon as he opened it, loud moans drowned out the rap music which was playing. Angie was now getting royally fucked by this bull of a man. This time it was Rick who opened his eyes in shock. Every time the guy shoved his big black cock into Angie, an obscene bulge was visible in her abdomen. He was literally resizing her! He also heard the guy say "You like this nigger dick, don't you?" To which Angie could only nod and moan. He said louder "You like getting nigger-dicked?" And this time she spoke "Fuck! Yes! I love it!" Rick stroked his cock faster.

The following video came some time later and this time showed them on a bed with white sheets. The black man was lying on his back while Angie was riding him for all she was worth, both bodies sweating profusely, which made the smacking noises of their colliding bodies even more audible. Rick noted she was now taking the entire length of his cock balls-deep, all while moaning and screaming in a way she never had before (she had always said that loud moaning and screaming was for pornstars who liked to fake it for the cameras and were overacting ridiculously). Her pussy was also leaving behind a layer of cream all over the guys shaft which definitely wasn't his cum; something Rick had never witnessed before.

All of the sudden, the other black guy from the club, the one with the tattooed arms and short hair who had been hugging Christine in the first picture, appeared naked while walking up to the bed, led by a swinging cock which was one of the biggest Rick had ever seen in, including porn. To Rick's horror, he got up on the bed and started moving towards Angie until he was directly behind her. He grabbed a bottle of lube from the nightstand, spread it all over his fingers and started fingering Angie's ass. She was too busy getting fucked and cock-drunk to really notice what was going on though. That changed when the black guy started pressing his lubed-up cock against her tight little asshole. Angie's eyes shot up, "NOO! Please! Stop! I've never done that before!" The tattooed guy spanked her hard, "Shut up, bitch! You ain't never been with a real man before either but that changed tonight didn't it?" He pressed forward, making Angie shut her eyes in pain briefly before the video came to a sudden stop.
Rick was worried for his wife. She had always protested against them having anal sex because she claimed that trying hurt her too much. And he wasn't anywhere near as big as those brutes! However, his worry didn't prevent his dick from being the hardest it had ever been. He was so ashamed of himself. He should be protecting his wife, not getting inexplicably horny at the thought of her being denigrated like this.

The next video came some five minutes later, interrupting his anguished thoughts. Angie's current state was the last thing Rick expected. She was moaning like an unrepentant whore while getting double penetrated by those enormous, ripped black guys. Her eyes rolling back into her head, "Yeeees! Fuck yes! Fuck my ass! It's so good...I can't stop cumming!! Oh god!!" Rick came all over himself.

The last message Rick got that night was a picture from Christine with a caption that read "That's what you get for not fucking me when I told you to." The picture was Angie, sweaty and spread-eagled on the bed. What seemed like more cum than Rick had ejaculated in the past year, combined, was running out of her red, used pussy and asshole.

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Enna was already waiting for us by the time Ashryn and I got back to the dining room. Everyone but Katriana stared at us when we entered the room, Voss and Enna having near-identical wry smiles. “Did you have fun, kids?” Voss asked. I must have blushed, because Calliope huffed. “Anyway,” Enna remarked, “I found what I was lookin’ for. We can get into the catacombs ‘bout five blocks from the manor, and it shouldn’t take long to figure out if the catacombs meet up with the manor’s...

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Robins Loving Family Book 2Chapter 10 The Descent

Dirk was still aroused by all the activities that were happening around him but he could see that they were winding down which was a good thing. No matter how much he would have liked to dip his cock into any willing hole that was here, they still had a time schedule to keep and their midday break time would be up very shortly. He looked down at the girl as she stood up from being bent over the table. She reached down between her legs and pushed two fingers into her quim using them in a...

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The AtonementChapter 5 The Final Descent

"Hi, Barbara. This is Cheryl." Barbara's heart starting pounding when she recognized the voice on the other end of the phone. She had been expecting this call ever since John told her of Cheryl's future plans. She would panic whenever the phone rang. She spent endless hours each day thinking of things she could say that would change this bitch's mind. She vowed to herself that she would be strong and forceful when the moment came, but now that it was here, her knees began to buckle and...

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Perfect WishesChapter 18 Descent

"I'm a joker... I'm a smoker... I'm a midnight toker..." I sang along cheerfully with the radio as I pulled into the driveway. I grabbed the pizzas and headed in. Just before I reached the door I stopped. Something wasn't right. It was too quiet. I couldn't sense any emotions from the house. Dropping the boxes I rushed in. "Melody! April!" I ran through the house. I found her in the kitchen. The table was on its side. There were utensils scattered on the counter and floor. There...

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There and BackChapter 81 Descent

I dreamt about the movie "The Sound of Music," not a surprise given what I'd been doing when I fell asleep, but I woke to something considerably less pleasant: panicked screaming. Alistair and I were on our feet in a mere second, both of us grabbing our weapons as we rose, but then stopped in confusion when we looked around the cavern and saw no cause for alarm. Others had peeked out of their alcoves as well, and we all exchanged puzzled glances. I thought about the voice I'd heard,...

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MonstersOfCock Larem 18 yo Latina Takes on a Monster Cock

Larem is a 18 year old hot Latina that is brand new to the business. She’s only shot once before, and for her second scene she wanted to get a taste of some monster cock. We invited her over to satisfy her needs, we paired her With Jax Slayher. She was full of confidence at first, but once the giant black cock came out she was evidently nervous. However, Larem took on the beast. She gagged on Jax’s giant black cock several times trying to see how far she could go. Soon after, his monstrous cock...

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Wrinkles in Time Part 2 long

Book 3: Wrinkles in Time Part 2 Chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “What does it do?” Frank asked, looking at the ancient piece of pewter. It was about six inches long and an inch in diameter, shaped like a small rocket ship; the kind he used to play with as a child. But this device had four long, narrow slots in it, one every quarter turn. On the flat end, there was a lever. He moved it back and forth. The first time he moved it, there was a ‘click’, but nothing happened. He had no...

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Morris Family side story Yuukos destiny

This is a spin off of the Morris Family, I wanted to put some background on Yuuko. Thanks to frogprince for his help editing it. I was raised to be the proper wife of a person I had never met. Behave well, don’t talk unless spoken to and don’t think more than what I am told. That was until I got the opportunity of my life and a view of the world that had been hidden from me forever. During my last year of high school, I won a scholarship to a university in the US. Without thinking twice I left...

4 years ago
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Me And Two Hungry Aunties Having A Great Time

Hi. This is Nithin. Basically from Kerala…i am 25yrs and currently working at Ernakulam. I am just average looking person with a height of 5.6”. My tool is also of average size….Any ladies who are willing to have a secret relation or online fun can contact me @ As I am good at role play…. I have a liking for big boobs….So I always fantasize about ladies with big boobs…i even watch my neighborhood aunties secretly and masturbate thinking about them as most of them are having big titties and...

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The Drunken Bastard

At about 10:45 Alex came into work. This time he was only 5:45 minutes late, but drunk off his ass. He stumbled into the little nick-nacks shop and stared at Julie in the way only a drunken horney bastard could. Alex was the store co-manager and was allowed to do just about everything the manager could do except fire people. He was 25, blond, with blue eyes and handsome. He was extremely athletic and played football with his friends. Usually afterwards he had a kegger and then sex...

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stocking malfunction

I haven’t worn sexy underwear for heaven knows how long, years. I managed to get the stocking on my left leg fine but the bastard right one will just not pull up straight without creasing. I have plenty of time but this is stupid. I want to look my best. I want to feel my best too, and that means sexy underneath my clothes too. But if either of my stockings are creased I will spend the whole evening worried I will be looking like bruised fruit on a supermarket shelf rather than first choice. I...

4 years ago
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Wife As A Call Girl

This is the story of an Indian housewife seema who wanted to be a call girl for a night and fucked hard at least 6-7 times. Her husband never fucked her more than twice a night. All along she had this fantasy but never dared to speak to her husband. One night while watching wife sharing sharing video, she asked her husband som – have you ever thought of getting me fucked by another guy for fucking..?? (tumne kabhi socha hai kya ki mujhe koi aur aadmi chode) som was shocked..! He never expected...

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Hoodoo Dreams Part 1

New Orleans. City of a million dreams. The Big Easy. Samantha had roamed the crowded streets of the French Quarter looking for the excitement that she craved. She was looking for something to fill the void left after the break-up. It was hot and steamy and only hours away from July. She scanned the crowds through eggshell blue eyes, a lot of lost souls looking for something similar, a break from everyday life, excitement or a forbidden thrill. It was almost dark and the neon lights were...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Summer Night

I had had so many daydreams about what it would be like to be with him. He was always such a nice guy. By far my favorite customer. I could tell that he was an MMA fighter even before my coworkers had told me about him. I could see where some damage had been done to his ear from a fight a long time ago. He was so sexy. The fact that he rode a motorcycle, a fast one too, was all the more attractive. I would have given anything to be able to ride with him. I wanted so bad to find out what kind...

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Obeying MrsCarine

I was still in high school and working odd jobs in an attempt to make enough money to buy my first car. I played sports through the school year round which didn’t leave me with enough time in the day for even a part time job, so I started hitting up all the neighbors for work I could do. I ended up mowing lawns, trimming tree branches and bushes, washing cars, etc. I had just finished walking an elderly neighbor’s dog and still had a whole day left with no other work planned. I decided to...

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Charlotte and the Chocolate FactoryChapter 5 Small Problem

"Wilco, can we sit down for a moment?" Mrs. Veetee asked. "This pace is killing me." "Not to worry, ma'am," Wilco stated as we turned a corner. "Transportation has been arranged." A large, oddly-shaped vehicle with various tubes winding throughout it stood in front of us. I saw those small women from before pouring liquid into it. "What is it?" Matt asked. "The Wilcomobile!" Wilco said enthusiastically. "It's powered completely by carbonated beverages. Now take your places,...

4 years ago
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the tree part 3

i got to school and from then it was a normal day. but i didn't see hannah i was wondering where she could be. i got home talked to my mom. i went to hannahs house i knocked on the door. no answer so i just walked in her. i talked to her parents offten so they wouldnt mind. as i walked in there was a loud moan. i started walking to hannahs room. i walked in and there she was fucking anouther guy. i saw look att he door way and she gasped. the outher guy siad "IM GOING TO CUM!!!" she...

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Golden Chains in Sherazad

Golden Chains in Sherazad   This one is completely the work of my depraved imagination. (With some inspiration from Jade Dragon and Eucher).? I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  I really wanted to revel in Queen Kailya?s humiliation so it required a fairly lengthy introduction. I mention nasty things like rape etc but for tags, (M/F, cons, fantasy, oral, inter)  Secondly this is an adult story, if you are younger than eighteen DO NOT READ!!!  If you liked it drop me an...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 14 The pen is mightier than the law

“Everything Greenaway has said is a lie. Where are his witnesses? His evidence? His proof of my so called conspiracy to murder?” Cornelius Clark stood cocksure before Ivan Crossley, flatly denying everything I had said about me being knocked unconscious while in his house, and then having a pack of staghounds set on me. He was correct of course. I had no witnesses, and no proof, just a bump on my skull. “The evidence is lying scattered in the fields by Quantock House,” I said, knowing Clark...

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Glenn stepped into the darkened bar, pausing to let his eyes adjust to the low lighting. Two men stood up at the bar, talking and pulling on tall bottles of beer. The bored bartender was absentmindedly polishing and stacking glasses. Off to the side sat a couple, leaned in close, young. New and budding love surrounded them, they seemed oblivious to all around them as their hands and fingers brushed across the tiny table. Glenn ordered a glass of red wine, the bartender’s practiced hands were...

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Multiple Orgasm With Massage

Hi this is Prakash as you might not have ever come across any stories of mine since this is the first post I want this story of mine to be deicated to all the Ladies, Aunties Old girls & Smart, Bold & beautiful Matures, specially all of these categories who fall in Hyderabad. Im actually a Designer by profession, I do Interiors for many show rooms in & out side the city, i also desing Small restuarants, Coffee Shops etc, but since I have traveled around the world & the most favourite pas time...

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Nude Sunbathing

I love sunbathing in the nude as much a possible. Across the street from where I lived there is a creek that I loved to go and lay out nude and have some piece and quite from everyone else. The water was nice to have when I got to hot I could walk into the creek and cool off. There was a day that was very sunny and warm and since every one had gone to work I decided to go and lay out for a while to darken my tan before I went off for the night. I put on my bikini and a tee shirt over me and...

Group Sex
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Amanda fumbles sleepily for her alarm clock, desperate to stop the horrid sounds that are blaring through her room. Her hand comes down on top of the offending clock once; twice; a third time. Defiant to the last, the alarm clock continues to fill her bedroom with its disharmonious tones. Her hand falls to the top of the night stand and begins to pat all around the evil timepiece's base. Her fingers at last locate the power cord and, after jerking back briefly in triumph, seize it and pull...

2 years ago
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Theater fun

This happened a few years ago when aids wasn't around.After discovering my bisexuality I started visiting adult book stores and theaters. I lived in the San Fernando Valley and there were plenty of adult bookstores around but I had to be somewhat discreet because none of my family or friends new of my sexual desires. Back in those days adult movies were advertised in the newspapers including gay movies. I used to read through them and see what was playing and maybe getting away to visit one of...

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Kaledu Hoda Dinagalu

Hello geleyare, Naanu nanna kaledu hoda dinagalannu savistaravagi rasabharithvagi vivarisalu bandiddene. Na hela horatiro kathe nadedaddu 2006 year nalli. Jagala saligege hogi, salige preethige thirugi, prethi karune ella konege kama thruptige koneyada katheya heluthiruve. ge nimma abhipraya thilisi. Edu nanna jivanadalli nadeda sathya kathe edannu nimma munde ondu conversation thara helthini , maja eruthe, kanditha nimge leak aguthe ☺. Nanna hesru shivu , maneli elru nanna hage karithare,...

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Long Commute

The car radio cut out and I tore my eyes from the brake lights in front of me to glance at the in-dash screen as the Bluetooth displayed the incoming call. Maryann’s name appeared on the screen. I thumbed the talk button on the steering wheel. ‘Hey, baby,’ I called laconically. ‘Hi, honey,’ she called from the car speakers. ‘I figured you’d be home by now. Are you far?’ ‘No, I stopped at my girlfriends house and got some on the way home.’ It was an old joke between us. ‘She called, begging,...

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Friends with BenefitsPART 5

Before you read..check out Parts 1-4...PART 1: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/234264.htmlPART 2: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/238551.htmlPART 3: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/250197.htmlPART 4: http://xhamster.com/user/rocketstud/posts/257904.htmlAnd now...PART 5:“What’s this drink called?” I said, feeling buzzed already as Mark handed me a shot glass.“It’s called a blowjob,” Mark said with a chuckle. “Try it. I know you like them.”I laughed and downed the...

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Camp Counselor

It was the summer of 1999 and I was a camp counselor at a local Y club. This particular summer we had a lot more girls signed up than boys. Most of these girls where hot, and the summer heat made them even hotter. I took notice of how the sweat would bead on their tan bodies as they played their activities. Most of them wore modest shorts and long t-shirts but there was this one young t16 year old, Lacey, who mostly had daisy dukes, and short tight Ts.I knew it was inappropriate for a male...

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Summer Vacation Ch 05

‘I’m glad you called to let me know you were going to be late last night, Tommy,’ Aunt Karen told the young man Monday morning while they ate breakfast. ‘That was so polite of you.’ She gave her daughter a rather stern glance as she said it. ‘Come on, Mom, don’t start on that call if you’re going to be late stuff already,’ Kim said, a pretty pout on her face. ‘I was home early last night.’ ‘I’m not talking about last night,’ her mother said, ‘I’m talking about the rest of the summer. I don’t...

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Davids New Life Part 2

David's New Role - Part 2 David glanced at the clock on his bedside table and realised that he only had an hour to get ready before he had to report for another day working at the lingerie store. It had been a strange few days after he had been caught spying on the store by its owner and she had blackmailed him into working there. After the first day he had he had checked out the legal position with a friend, who had reassured him that she would have very weak grounds for any action...

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Diane 11 Shopped Popped

Act I That night, I'd gone to the dance to watch the girls and see what happened (there's something about dancing that seems to get women, especially teenage girls, all excited). There was all the usual goings-on: Marcie sneaking into the bushes with Jerry; Mack and Brutus getting thrown out for fighting (again); Marcie hiding in a locked room with Tom; Rose and Shelly having a screaming match that could be heard over the band; Marcie sneaking behind the curtains behind the band's stage...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 74 Reminder to Fear Malls

Morgan's question stuck with me for the next two hours as we wandered the mall. Beatrice had handed out cash to everyone when we first arrived and told us to spend it as we pleased. Angelique had been given a twenty and begged to be shown where she might purchase a teddy bear. I found a children's store and took Angelique inside as my friends scattered throughout the mall. Angelique wandered the entire store, gazing longingly at a couple of the dolls before heading over to an area filled...

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StepDads Night Out

I was going to get laid tonight.At least, that is what I tried to convince myself. My sex life had disappeared completely. My wife had, not long after turning 50, declared that she had lost all interest in sex. Unfortunately for me I hadn’t, so in my mid 50’s my sex life consisted of daily encounters with my own hand .Tonight was my chance.I had a perfect pass. My wife was baby-sitting for her daughter, my step-daughter who was going out for the nights with a group of friends, luckily for me I...

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Barbie Goes Hunting

Barbie Goes Hunting by Trans Vest March 23, 2000 This is a story that involves sexual situations and should not be viewed by anyone that is not old enough to view such material. If stories about sex or stories that involve transvestites upset you, do not read any further. **************** Barbie Goes hunting I had everything packed away in the suitcases and stashed in the back of the van. I was ready for my trip up north. It was my vacation time and I was going to spend 2...

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