Family Life My Way, Ch,4, Exposure. free porn video

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There weren’t many opportunities for David and Laura to be together over the next couple of weeks, he did manage a quick feel of her tits whenever he thought no-one was looking, once or twice he had his hand inside her knickers, she obviously wanted him but something always seemed to happen and the moment passed.

At work, David and Dan were busy making preparations for their big job, they were up at the house most days removing all the old wood that needed to be replaced. They were sat on the wall outside the front door, enjoying the sun as they ate their sandwiches.

“Have you fucked that girl of yours yet?” Dan asked.

“Only once,” David replied, “well twice really but it was one after the other.”

“Ah, the joys of youth,” Dan laughed, “l can just remember the days when l used to be able to do it more than once in an evening. Wouldn’t mind the opportunity to do it once let alone twice in one night, she must have enjoyed it if she let you have seconds. I take it you’re not saying who she is.”

“No chance, you randy old bugger,” David laughed, “you find your own.”

Dan and David had quickly formed a good relationship, Dan liked David, he was a good worker, always pleasant and ready for a bit of banter.

“I’ve got no chance in this town,” Dan said, “all the decent women are married. Wouldn’t mind a session with your mother, she’s still a good looking woman, do you reckon your father is giving her what she needs?”

“I don’t know,” David replied, “it’s not something you think about is it, you know, you don’t imagine your parents having sex.”

“From what l’ve read there seems to be a lot of boys thinking of having sex with their mothers, l get a couple of magazines every month and there is at least one story or letter about it every month. Don’t tell me a randy young stud like you hasn’t thought about it.”

“What, my mother?” David replied, “no way.”

“Good looking woman your mother,” Dan continued, “l’d give her one given the chance. Hey, while we’re talking about it, have you heard anything about some tart giving blow jobs in the toilets by the park.”

David felt himself colouring up but tried to sound as normal as possible. “No, l haven’t heard anything,” he replied, “what girl?”

“Oh, l don’t know, apparently there’s a hole in the wall you stick your cock through and she sucks you off.”

“How do you know it’s a girl?” David asked.

“Well l suppose it could be a fella but he would have to be in the ladies side if he was the other side of the wall.” Dan replied.

“Sounds like you’ve been there yourself you dirty old man,” David laughed.
“Yes, well son,” Dan replied, “if you were in my situation you would as well, any option is better than having to use your hand for some relief. Talking of relief, how are you doing with the ice maiden?”

“Who?” David asked, then realised who Dan meant, “Oh Mz Hargreaves, what do you mean?”

“You know son, l’ve seen the way she looks at you when you’re not looking, she takes a lot of interest in that bulge in your trousers, l bet she’s a real hot bitch on the quiet, you want to get in there son.”

“I don’t think so Dan, she’s always very frosty with me, l don’t think she likes me much.”

“Rubbish son,” Dan replied, “you have to read the signs son, she always sticks her tits out a bit more whenever you’re around, believe me son, she’s fucking hot for you, l’ll bet she likes to be on top. Have you still got plenty of condoms?”

“Yes l have,” David said, “but l’m having my hair cut this Saturday, do l just ask him for them?”

“Yes son, don’t be embarrassed about it, just about every fella in town gets them from him, that frosty old bitch in the chemist frightens all the fellas away, l bet she only get’s her husband’s dick up her on his birthday, not that l would fuck her with yours.”

David enjoyed this sort of banter with Dan but he had noticed that Dan always made some reference to his mother. He had never thought of her in a sexual way, of course he knew she was quite pleasant looking and when she was dressed up for going out in an evening she always looked very smart but she had never stirred any sexual fantasies in him. Lately though her had started looking at her more closely and a few evenings before she had changed into an outfit that she intended wearing to a social dinner/dance at the weekend, she had asked David what he thought and he had to admit she looked good. The dress showed off her curves more than anything else David had seen her wear and he was surprised to see that although she was not slim, she had a good figure.

On the Friday afternoon, David finished work early and as he was walking home he spotted Laura walking in the same direction. He sprinted to catch up with her.

“Hi sexy,” he said as he came up behind her.

Laura gave a start as he surprised her, then looked around to check if there was anyone near who would have heard him. “Don’t call me that,” she scolded, “what if someone hears.”

“Don’t be daft,” he replied, “l could see there was no-one around, anyway, Mum and Dad are going out tomorrow evening so l want to fuck you then.”

“David!” she glared at him, “don’t say things like that, it’s not nice.”

“Of course it’s nice,” he laughed walking beside her, “You love having my cock up your cunt, admit it.”

“David!” she said, going red with embarrassment, “you shouldn’t say things like that, those are dirty words.”

“They’re the same words you say when l’m fucking you,” he laughed, “lying there with your legs open begging me to fuck you.”
“Stop it David,” she said, desperately making sure there was no-one else within earshot.

“Why?” He replied, “is your cunt getting all wet thinking of having my cock rammed up it, l’m getting hard thinking about it…here,” he said, grabbing her hand and pulling it toward the front of his trousers, “feel how hard l am.”

“Stop it,” she shouted, pulling her hand away, “leave me alone if you can’t act properly, it’s not fair, you shouldn’t be doing this to me, we should never have done it, we have to stop it David, we mustn’t do it again.”

“No fucking chance,” David laughed, “your cunt belongs to me now or everyone is going to know what a slut you are.”

“Stop it David, please,” she said, taking a tissue from her handbag and dabbing at her eyes, “it’s not fair, you shouldn’t be treating me like this, l know now how stupid l was but it’s not fair.”

“That’s tough Laura,” he replied, “but it wasn’t me who had you sucking cocks in a toilet, and you thought it was fun, l bet you were fingering your cunt when those men stuck their cocks through that hole. I didn’t make you a slut Laura, Rusty Lewis did that and you liked it, l bet your cunt is wet now thinking about it. Well now you’re my slut and if l say l want to fuck you, you make sure you’re ready. What’s with all this regrets business anyway, you’ve been enjoying it and don’t lie.”

“We need to talk,” she replied.

“What about,” he laughed, “about how much you want my cock up you.”

“Stop it,” she cried, wiping away more tears. They were almost at the house when she suddenly ran on, leaving him behind.

“I hope you’re not in a mood as well,” his mother said as David entered the house through the kitchen door, “your sister’s just gone through here like a whirlwind, slamming doors behind her, l’m surprised you didn’t see her on your way home, you can’t have been far behind her.”

“Oh,” he replied, “no… l er went round to see a mate so l came home a different way. Do you want me to go and see what’s wrong?”

“Yes please,” his mother replied, “your father will be home in a minute and l have to get the meal ready, oh, and by the way, your father is out at a meeting this evening and l am going to a meeting at church, we won’t be late home so don’t go inviting your mates round.”

David made his way upstairs, opening Laura’s bedroom door without knocking.

Laura had just taken her dress off and undone her bra when she looked in the mirror and saw David walking in.

“Get out,” she shouted, turning to face him, holding her bra against her, “you’re supposed to knock, l could have been naked, get out!”

David just smiled as he approached her, “That would have been nice,” he said, undoing his trousers and releasing his cock, “we could have had a quick fuck.”

“Stop it,” she cried, backing away from him but finding her path blocked by her bed she stumbled, falling backward and sitting on the bed.

“There,” he said triumphantly, holding his erect cock in front of her face, “that’s nice and convenient, but then, you like sucking cocks don’t you?”

“David, please,” she begged, “please don’t make me, please David.”

“Shut up and suck it,” he said, grabbing hold of her head and pushing his cock against her closed mouth, “suck it.”

Laura looked up at him, her teary eyes pleading with him as she gave way and took the head of his cock into her mouth.

“That’s better,” he said, sliding into her warm mouth, “now show me what a good cock sucker you are.”

David held her firm as he started to slowly fuck her mouth, forcing it deep into her with her face pressed against his tummy, then pulling back and feeling her sucking as if trying to draw him back in.

“That’s good,” he praised her, feeling her reacting despite her protests, then he felt her hand behind him pulling him back and forcing him deep into the back of her throat. David knew that he had her completely in his power and that feeling only made him harder, she was surrendering to him completely, he had read so many stories about this sort of relationship and the overpowering feeling of excitement coursing through him made his orgasm all the more satisfying.

David moaned as his cock exploded in her mouth, forcing it deep as he pumped his spunk into her. She was pressed hard against him, unable to breathe, she gagged on him, trying to drag in air but only getting hard flesh and hot spunk.

Eventually he released her, leaving her gasping for breath, ribbons of cum that had escaped her mouth running down onto her chin. Her bra had fallen when she grabbed him and the spunk had dripped onto her tits.

“Now get yourself cleaned up and come down for tea,” he ordered, “Mum and Dad are going out this evening, we can talk then, but no more of this histrionics, you’re my slut and there’s no backing out now, anyway, admit it, you wanted me.” With that he left her bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Laura sat for a few minutes, coming to terms with her situation, she had convinced herself that she should end this, convinced herself she could extricate herself from this situation, but her body had taken over again, she had felt the flutters of a tiny orgasm when he had cum in her mouth and she knew that she would never be able to refuse what her body was craving.

All through the meal Laura was quiet and sullen, her mother looked at David as if asking if he knew what the problem was but he just shrugged.

Later, after their parents had gone out, David was in his room listening to music when there was a knock on his door, knowing it must be Laura he called for her to come in, turning the volume down on his record player.

“We need to talk,” she said, entering the room and sitting on the end of his bed.

“Okay, let’s talk first then fuck,” he smiled.

“I’m serious,” she said, “l’m late.”

“Late for what?” he replied, “where are you going?”

“No stupid,” she shouted, “l’m late…my period is late.”

“What does that mean?”

“God David, are you thick or what, it means l could be pregnant.”

“Don’t be daft, are you sure?”

“Well not completely,” she replied, “l’m not exactly late.”

“Make up your mind,” he interrupted.

“Will you shut up for a minute, what l mean is my period is due in three days and usually l’m as regular as clockwork, it’s just that l always get these little twinges in my tummy a few days before l start properly and that’s not happening.”

“So what you’re saying is that there’s nothing to worry about,” he replied.

“But what if l am pregnant David, l told you not to do it to me without a condom, you promised you would use one then you went ahead and did it without one, now l could be pregnant and you’ve ruined my life,” she started to cry.

“Hey, it’s not all my fault,” he protested, “you wanted it too, you were like a bitch in heat, you couldn’t get me up your cunt quick enough so don’t blame me…anyway, you might not be pregnant, you said yourself that it’s not due for three days.”

“But l’m never like this David, l know something is wrong, l can tell…what am l going to do?”

“Look, let’s wait and see shall we, it’s probably nothing to worry about, now get undressed, we may not have long and l’m hard again.”

“No David,” she said, still crying, “there’s something wrong l know it, how can l tell Mum and Dad that l’m having your baby.”

“You’re blowing it all up out of proportion,” he replied, “even if you are pregnant, you just have to say someone else did it, what about Rusty, you said he’d fucked you.”

“Yes but he used a condom and l’ve had a period since then, it has to be you David, there hasn’t been anyone else.”
“Well you can’t get pregnant just doing it once anyway, come on Sis, get undressed and let’s fuck, l’ll wear one this time.”

“Will you stop going on about us fucking and listen to me,” she shouted in exasperation “l could well be pregnant with your baby, what are we going to do?”

“You’ll have to get someone else to fuck you in the next couple of days, then you can blame them if you are pregnant.”

“God you’re a callous bastard,” she replied, “you don’t care do you, you’ve probably ruined my life and you don’t give a shit.”

“Don’t be so melodramatic,” he laughed, “so what if you are pregnant, we just have to find someone for you to fuck then you can blame him and he’ll have to marry you.”

“I don’t believe you’re saying this,” she replied, “you just don’t care do you?”

“Of course l care but it’s not all my fault, you said you would wash yourself out, well you obviously didn’t do a proper job, anyway, why are we even talking about this, you don’t even know if you are pregnant yet. Come on, they will be back soon, if you don’t want to get undressed just take your knickers off and open your legs,” David stood up and undid his trousers, releasing his cock, “look,” he said waving his limp cock in front of her face, “l’ve lost my hard-on now, suck it and make it hard again, we’ll have to make it a quick fuck we don’t want to get caught.”

“I’m not fucking you David so you can put that away,” she replied, “we still need to talk about this.”

“Well just suck me off first then, come on, you haven’t come near me for days, don’t fuck about, just suck me off, l’ll try to cum quick then we can talk.” David was stroking his cock right in front of her face, she could see his erection returning.

“No David, l’m not doing it until we sort out what to do.”

“Fucking hell Laura, you’re making a lot of fuss about nothing,” David shouted at her, trying to take hold of her head and pushing his cock into her face.

“Stop it David,” she cried, pushing him away, “it’s not fair, that’s all you want me for..can’t you see how upset l am.”

“Oh you women always get moody when it’s your time of the month, l’ve read plenty of letters in magazines about it.”

“What would you know about it,” she snapped at him, you’re just a k**.

“I’m not a k**,” he protested, “l’ll be se******n soon, and l’ve got a job.”

“Oh yes, and how many girls have you had sex with,” she mocked him, “if it wasn’t for me you’d still be a virgin.”

“Not like you,” he sneered, “the town slut, sucking cocks in a toilet.”

“Stop it,” she cried between sobs, “why are you being so horrible to me, l only wanted to talk to you to see what we can do if l am pregnant.”

“Well l can’t marry you,” he replied, “the best thing you can do is to go to the dance tomorrow and let one of the lads take you out the back and fuck you, then, if you are pregnant you can marry him, isn’t there anyone there that fancies you.”

“Yes but they’re all stupid wasters, the only decent fella there will be John Perkins but he’s that shy he can’t even say hello without blushing the other lads say he’s queer.”

“Is that the same family that own that big agricultural machinery place?” David asked.

“Yes,” she replied, “he’s only just finished at a posh private school, he’s very nice but he’s awfully shy.”

“Well try him then,” David replied, “you’ll probably be his first fuck so you can lead him on, then at least, if you are pregnant you can tell him it’s his, then at least, when he marries you you’ll have plenty of money.”

“You make it all sound so simple,” she replied, “what if l don’t want to marry him?”

“Well you shouldn’t have got pregnant, it’s no good blaming me, you can’t expect a man to stop once he’s started, it’s different for a man, once you start fucking you have to keep going, you can’t be stopping to put condoms on at the last second, you should have thought of that.”

“I can’t believe you’re blaming me for this,” she said, still crying, “you promised that you would wear one.”

“Yeah well,” he shrugged, “it was only once and you’re probably not pregnant anyway so it’s a lot of fuss about nothing, now come on and suck my cock before they get back.”

“You’re such a pig,” she protested, but this time unable to resist him as he forced his hardening cock into her mouth, immediately holding her firm and beginning to fuck her mouth.

He was only on his second stroke when they heard the front door opening and heard their parents talking.

“Shit!” exclaimed David as once again Laura pushed him away. “Quick,” he said, starting to wank his cock furiously, “just open your mouth.”

“Stop it,” Laura whispered, trying to break free but unable to release his hold on her as he was using one hand to grab her hair while he wanked with the other.

They heard their mother call up the stairs, David replied that he would be down in a minute, trying to get Laura to take him into her mouth again. She was trying desperately to free herself, then suddenly she saw him go rigid and the first ribbons of cum jetted onto her face, she opened her mouth to protest, only for David to seize the opportunity and push his cock into her mouth as he continued to pump his cum into her.

As soon as he’d finished he pulled his cock out, refastening his trousers. “You need to get cleaned up then come down, l’m away all day tomorrow so do what l suggested with that lad tomorrow night, it shouldn’t be too hard to get him to fuck you.”

“Callous bastard, just go,” she replied using tissues to wipe the cum from her face.

David didn’t see her at all on Saturday as it was late before he returned home. On Sunday morning, he lay in bed waiting to hear his parents leave to go to church. As soon as they’d gone he got out of bed and went to Laura’s room, not bothering to cover his naked body.

“Oh go away,” she said sleepily, turning to face away from him.

“How did it go?” He asked, “did he fuck you?”

“Yes he did as it happens,” she said, giving up on the idea of getting back to sleep and turning to face him, “it was horrible,” she added, “l felt really cheap and he was useless, it was his first time and he has a tiny cock, l tried sucking him to see if l could get him any bigger, we tried fucking with me against the wall but he couldn’t get it in, l had to bend over one of the cars in the car park in the end and he did me from behind, then he came almost as soon as he was in me, if l end up having to marry him it will be awful.”

“It probably won’t be necessary anyway,” he said pulling the bedclothes off her, “get out of those stupid pyjamas and let’s fuck, l’ll give you a proper fucking.”

“Where’s your condom,” she said.

“There’s no point if you think you might be pregnant already, anyway they’re back in my room and l’m fed up with waiting, get naked and open your legs.”

“You’re such a pig,” she said, slowly unbuttoning her pyjama jacket.

“Come on, don’t hang about,” he said, grabbing hold of the bottom of her pyjama trousers and pulling them off, then taking hold of her ankles pushing her legs up and over her head leaving her cunt fully exposed. He put one hand on the thick mat of pubic hair on her lower belly. “This is going to have to go,” he said giving it a tug, “Dan showed me some pictures from a magazine he got on a trip to Holland, the girls in there all had their pubic hair shaved off, they looked fantastic.”

With that he positioned himself above her with his cock at the entrance to her cunt, then lowered himself in one movement, burying his cock deep inside her.

“Ow!” She cried, “that hurt.”

“No it didn’t,” he replied bringing his pelvis against her, “you were well oiled, admit it, you were ready for it.” He felt her cunt muscles contracting around his cock. “There,” he said with a self satisfied smile, “see how your body reacts, l don’t care what you say, your body is screaming to be fucked and fucked hard.” With that he pulled right back then slammed down on her again, watching the emotions in her face as the pleasure flowed through her body.

He reached for her tits, taking each nipple and squeezing them hard, instinctively her legs wrapped around his waist and he felt her cunt contract again.

“You like that don’t you?” He smiled, “You like being my slut.”

Laura tried to bring herself to reject him but her body had taken over, the friction on her clit as he ground himself against her, the pain in her nipples as he pinched and twisted them, all of it combining with the look of triumph on his face as he knew she wanted to submit to him completely.

“Harder,” was all she could say as the emotion built inside her, his cock felt huge, a red hot bar thrust deep inside her belly, pulsating as it travelled out then slammed back in.

“You’re my slut,” he cried out, “if you’re not pregnant already, this will do the job,” and with that he lunged deep into her cunt and she felt the heat as his cum erupted from his cock.

That was enough to take her over the top and as he twisted her nipples once more she let out a high pitched wail as her orgasm shuddered through her body.

“Oh yes…please yes,” she cried as their bodies ground together flooding each other with their fluids.

It seemed to last forever as both cunt and cock pulsated, she felt his fingers digging into the flesh of her tits, her arms went round him, clawing at his back with her nails.

Finally he collapsed onto her, rolling onto his back, she following, managing to keep him inside her as she lay on top of him.

“Do you still want me to stop,” he smiled, looking up at her.

“No,” she replied, “but you’re still a callous bastard.”

“And you’re still my slut,” he replied as she stooped to kiss him.

They lay together for a while, then Laura noticed the time, realising that their parents would be home soon, she wriggled off him and ran out to the bathroom. When she returned, David was still stretched out on her bed.

“Shift yourself,” she said, “they will be here in a minute.”

“I’ve been thinking,” he said.

“That’s something new for you,” she laughed.

“You know Dan, the man l work for, well he told me the other day that he’d heard there was a girl giving blow jobs in the toilets by the park.”

“I hope you didn’t say anything,” she replied.

“Of course l didn’t, but the thing is he was saying how difficult he was finding it to get sex…”

“Don’t even think about it,” she said, standing, hands on hips.

“Don’t be like that,” he said, “it’s not as if you haven’t done it before, at least this time you’d know who you were doing it with.”

“You cannot be serious,” she said, reaching for her clothes and starting to get dressed.

“I’m not suggesting you fuck him,” David explained, “l just thought you could pop round one afternoon after college and give him a blow job.”

“No!” She replied, “absolutely no.”

“That would be okay if you actually had some say in it,” he countered.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s like this,” he added, “either you do as you’re told or everyone gets to know who was giving blow jobs in a dirty old toilet. You’re my slut and you’ll do as you’re told.”

She stood staring at him for quite a while, defiance in her eyes, but slowly David could see the resignation creep in, she knew her situation was impossible, as her mother would say ‘You’ve made your bed my girl, now you have to lie in it.’

David got off the bed, walked over to her, grabbing her tits and squeezing them. “You belong to me now and you’ll fuck whoever l tell you to fuck.” With that he released her and returned to his bedroom.

The following day, Dan and David were having their coffee break.

“Do you remember what you said the other day about some girl giving blow jobs in the park toilets?” David asked.

“Don’t tell me you tried it out, l was told it had stopped,” Dan replied.

“No nothing like that,” David continued, “if l was to tell you l know who the girl is you have to promise to keep it to yourself.”

“No problem son, l don’t gossip.”

David thought for a moment, realising the massive step he was about to take.

“It was my sister,” he said finally.

“You’re k**ding,” Dan replied, “that’s not a nice thing to say about your sister son.”

“Honest,” David said, crossing his heart, “l caught her at it, Rusty Lewis had her doing it, he was charging five pounds a time, l know two men who used her, l was watching.”

“Bloody hell David,” Dan responded, “whatever made her get involved with a waster like him, she’s a decent girl your sister, good looker too, very similar to how your mother was at that age. Does she know you know?”

“Yes,” David replied, “l told her l knew all about it.”

“What did she do? She must have been upset.”

“Not as upset as she was when l told her what she had to do to keep me quiet,” David laughed.

“You are k**ding,” Dan said, looking at him in amazement, “not with your sister for Christ’s sake.”

“Yep,” David smirked, “it was my first ever blow job, it was fucking mind bending Dan.”

“Well l can agree that getting sucked off is a great feeling,” Dan responded, “but not with your sister, bloody hell David that’s i****t, that’s i*****l.”

“Good fun though,” David laughed, “and who’s going to tell on me, certainly not her.”

“Well no, not me either,” Dan said, “well l suppose it’s not too bad if it’s only a blow job.”

David just smiled at him.

“Don’t tell me you’ve fucked her too,” Dan added.

“Well l had to lose my virginity somewhere,” David said with a smirk, “and she wasn’t a virgin anyway, Rusty had already had her but she said l was better.”

“Fucking hell David, you lucky bastard…l wish l’d had a sister like that…what’s she like?”

“It’s great Dan, we’ve done it a few times now.”

“Is that what those condoms were for?” Dan asked.

“Yes, but the main reason l’m telling you is to see if you fancied having her suck you off.”

“Yeah, well,” Dan replied, “that’s never going to happen is it, she’d never agree to that.”

“She has no choice,” David told him, “either she does as l tell her or everyone gets to know what she’s been doing, Mind you someone else already knows because her initials were written above the hole in the wall in the toilet, Rusty saw it and blacked it out but someone must have known in order to write it.”

“Any idea who?”

“Not a clue,” David replied, “l’ve been waiting for someone to say something ever since but nothing. Anyway do you want her to suck you off or not, l’ve already told her l want her to do it, she refused at first but then realised she doesn’t have the choice. Go on Dan, say you want it, it’s not as if she hasn’t done it before, she’s a good cock sucker and you can cum in her mouth.”

“Fucking hell David,” Dan responded, “l’m getting hard thinking about it.”

“Right,” David said, “l’ll tell her to come here tomorrow on her way home from college.”

For the rest of the day, it became their sole topic of conversation, David could see how excited Dan was at the prospect and when Dan said he had to pop back to his house for some things, David guessed it was so he could have a wank.

That evening, David managed to get Laura on her own for a few minutes to tell her what she had to do. She tried to protest at first but soon had to realise that she had no choice other than to follow David’s instructions. She didn’t admit it to David but secretly she was quite excited about the whole thing, she knew how he made her feel when he became dominant with her, she often felt a twitch in her cunt just thinking about it and she remembered the thrill she used to get when she was sucking cocks in that toilet, she knew it was demeaning but somehow that just added to the excitement.

The following day Dan must have asked him twenty times it it was definitely going to happen, David laughed to see how excited his boss was it was as if their ages were reversed and Dan was a young teenager looking forward to his first sexual adventure.

Dan received a phone call in the afternoon telling him the wood for the big project was due for delivery the following day, he told David he would take him up to the house in the morning and he would have to stay there all day to unload and make sure it was properly stored.

Once they had finished work for the day, they were both in the workshop waiting for Laura. The was an electric atmosphere in the room, neither of them said much but they both sensed what the other was feeling. David constantly checked his watch, he knew what time Laura finished at college and guessed that she could not be far away.

A few moments later there was a knock on the workshop door, David answered it and Laura entered, very nervously walking into the room. Being summer, she was wearing a gingham dress which made her look even younger than she was. David led her by her hand, standing her in front of Dan.

“Take your clothes off,” he ordered her.

“She looked at him, “You didn’t say l would have to do that,” she protested, “you said all l had to do was…”

“Suck his cock,” David finished the sentence for her, “Yeah, but l want you naked when you do it so strip off.”

Laura felt tears welling up, but she also felt a tingling of excitement in her lower tummy. Three times she had stopped on the way, each time considering turning back but each time it was as if something inside her kept pushing her forward. With her eyes fixed firmly on Dan’s face she began to unbutton the front of her dress. As the last button was loosed, David reached round her from behind and removed her dress. Laura stood there in just her bra and knickers watching Dan’s eyes wander over her body.

“Very nice,” Dan said.

“Now your bra,” David ordered, “let’s see your tits.”

As he said that, he undid the back of her bra and as she slipped the straps off her shoulders he snatched the garment away. Instinctively her hands went to cover her breasts.

“Show them,” David commanded, giving her a firm slap on her bottom.

The mixture of shame and excitement was surging through her, she knew she was crying with shame but at the same time she could feel the juices flowing in her cunt. Slowly she removed her hands, revealing her breast to Dan’s stare.

“Very nice,” Dan repeated, “not fully developed yet but she’s showing signs of having nice big tits like her mother.”

“Now these,” David said, tugging at the waste-band of her knickers.

Laura obeyed, rolling down the top then pushing them down and stepping out of them.

“Sorry about all this hair Dan,” David said, taking hold of her pubic hair and tugging it, “l know you like those girls you’ve seen with shaved cunts, perhaps we can shave her sometime.”

“Can l touch her?” Dan asked, this was the first naked female he had seen since his wife died. He reached out and touched her breasts, stroking them gently, tracing his fingers over her nipples, feeling how hard they were. “Very, very nice,” he said.

Laura felt totally humiliated, standing there naked, being pawed over. She knew she should never have come, that she should get dressed and run out of there, she knew that was the sensible thing to do, but again her body was taking control, she felt Dan’s fingers travelling over her skin, it felt as if tiny electrical charges were passing between them, she felt her nipples engorging, felt the muscles in her cunt pulsating, felt the heat of her own juices as they lubricated her cunt.

“Why don’t you show her what she has to suck,” David said, his hand travelling down her back, over the swell of her buttocks, down the cleft of her bum and between her legs.

Laura had lost all control, she felt David’s fingers sliding between the back of her legs and without thinking her legs parted. Then his fingers found her labia and another shock rippled through her.

“She’s gagging for it Dan,” David said, watching Dan undo the front of his trousers, then take out his cock. He was good and hard, about the same length as David but much thicker. Dan drew back his foreskin to reveal a large, purple head, glistening with pre cum.

Dan sat back on the top of his work bench as David placed one hand on her back, the other still fingering her cunt. “Start sucking,” he ordered, pushing her forward, “and make it a good one.”

Laura bent forward, taking hold of Dan’s cock as her mouth lowered toward it. This was the thickest cock she had ever seen and wondered if she would be able to take it in her mouth, but again there was some hidden drive inside her, telling her that she wanted it, wanted to taste that glistening substance oozing from the eye of his cock. Her lips touched the tip, then parted as they slid over the head, stretching to take the head fully into her mouth.

“Oh fuck that’s good,” Dan said, feeling the heat of her mouth engulfing him. He placed his hands on her head, gently pushing her down onto his shaft. He could feel her struggling to take him, he remembered how his wife had struggled at first, but he knew she would take him eventually.

His cock felt huge in her mouth as she slowly took him inch by inch until she could feel him at the back of her throat. In that position, standing and bending forward with her legs parted while those fingers invaded her cunt and teased her clit, she was totally at their mercy.

David removed his fingers, noticing how her body followed him slightly as if her cunt didn’t want him to stop. He took out his cock, and stepping behind her and holding her hips he slid his cock into her soaking wet cunt.

“See how easily her cunt takes me Dan,” he said, “she just loves cock and can’t get enough of of it.”

“I can’t hold out much longer,” Dan called to him, feeling the suction on his cock as her mouth slowly travelled up and down his shaft, her teeth gently scr****g against the sensitive head before she engulfed him in heat again. “God she’s good, it’s been too long David, l can’t hold it.”

“That’s fine Dan,” David replied, pushing his cock deep into her cunt, feeling her muscles contracting around him. “Just cum mate, don’t hold back, she loves the taste of spunk, just cum, give it to her.”

Dan increased the pressure on her head, forcing her down hard, his cock lodging in the back of her throat as he let out a deep sigh, his cock shooting pulse after pulse into her throat.

Laura gagged on his cock, managing to push herself back enough to be able to breathe and still take the spunk that was firing into her mouth, she swallowed hard but still couldn’t cope with it all. She gripped David’s cock with her cunt as she felt her own orgasm taking over, not one of the violent ones he usually created in her but just a warm glow as her juices released and flowed over him.

“Oh fuck this is good,” Dan cried as his cock continued to pulse.

“Are you still hard mate,” David asked, “ do you want to swap places and fuck her, do you think you can cum again?”

“It’s been so long,” Dan replied, “l must have gallons of the stuff.”

“Let’s swap laces then,” David said, pulling out of her cunt.

Laura was still sucking every last drop of spunk from his cock as Dan pushed her away. He then got off the workbench and David told her to lie on the bench. She obeyed without hesitation. She just wanted more cock now and any position was fine as long as she had a cock inside her.

Dan stood at the end of the bench, Laura’s legs resting on his shoulders as his still erect cock rested against the lips of her cunt.

“Yes…please,” she whispered, begging for him to slide inside her.

“Don’t be gentle with her,” David told him, “fuck her deep and hard, that’s how she likes it, don’t hold back, give her everything mate, that cock of yours should fill her up.”

Dan took hold of her thighs and with one lunge he was balls deep inside her burning cunt, grinding his pelvis against her.

“Oh my god yes,” she cried, arching her back as the pleasure of that thick cock filling her belly rippled through her body. As she opened her mouth to cry out, the sound was muffled by David pushing his cock deep into her throat.

“Fucking hell David,” Dan shouted, “this is the best fuck ever.” Time after time he drove his cock into her, his belly slapping against her as they crashed together, she raising her hips to meet each thrust, trying to grip his cock with her cunt as he withdrew, trying to draw him back in, then relaxing to take the force of his next thrust as his shaft connected with her clit, sending shivers through her body. Then she had her brother’s cock invading her mouth, fucking it to meet the thrusts of Dan’s cock in her cunt. Her next orgasm was more powerful, her back arched and she cried out against the cock in her mouth, she heard the sound of Dan’s cock slurping in her flooding cunt but still he kept pounding, one orgasm followed another, she felt hands on her tits, kneading them, pinching her nipples, causing more convulsions in her body.

David’s cock exploded in her mouth just as another orgasm wracked through her body, she gulped his cum down hungrily and still Dan was pounding her cunt.

“That’s good mate,” David called to Dan, “just look at how she’s loving it, give it to her mate, fill her with spunk.”

Dan’s fingers dug hard into her tits and again her back arched as another orgasm made her whole body convulse, one final deep lunge and he cried out again as his cock fired his spunk deep into her cunt.

David stood back, satisfied, as he watched the two of them humping against each other, Dan emptying his balls inside her and she desperately trying to draw more out of him.

All three were totally exhausted as Dan finally pulled out, watching the trickle of spunk oozing from her cunt. They both looked down at Laura, her body covered in a film of sweat, tiny bruises on her tits from the strength in Dan’s fingers, tiny riverlets of spunk on her chin.

“Wow that was good,” she said finally, still breathing heavily, “help me up will you, l don’t know if l can stand, l need to clean up.”

They both helped her off the bench, her legs quivering as she tried to stand.

“Let me take you through to the house,” Dan said, putting his arm around her, “you can use my bathroom.”

When Laura returned and began dressing, all three were quiet, understanding the significance of what they had done.

“We should make this a regular thing,” David said, “what do you reckon Dan?”

“I think that should be up to Laura,” Dan replied.

“No,” David said sternly, “it’s up to us, she’ll do as she is told, do you want to fuck her again?”

“Well yes, obviously,” Dan replied.

“Good,” David smiled, “Wednesdays are usually a good day, l reckon she should come here after college every Wednesday and we both give her a good fucking.”

Later, as David and Laura were walking home David asked her if she had enjoyed it.

“Yes,” she replied sheepishly, “l know l shouldn’t have but l can’t help it.”

“Good,” he smiled, “and now, if you are pregnant there’s three of us that could have fathered it.”

“It’s yours,” she said, “l’m sure it is.”

Same as Family life my way, Ch,4, Exposure. Videos

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Southern Exposure

SOUTHERN EXPOSURE Copyright Kristy Leigh 2003. All rights reserved. 1. Jess Taylor ambled swiftly up the driveway, fishing his keys out of his pocket as he approached the front door. He was a boy on a tight schedule; his Aunt would arrive home at five, dinner would be on the table no later than six. That left him less than three hours of free play; three hours of simple, childish joy through in the late September sunshine, three hours on the swings and slides and...

3 years ago
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Necessary Exposure

© Copyright 2003 Hayley stood before the mirror, working her brush through yet more tangles in her hair. As the brush pulled free, several drops of water fell from the ends of her hair, dripping onto her shoulder and down her breast. She looked at herself in the mirror. Age 40. Assessment. She wasn't 30 anymore, or even 35. Her breasts sagged a bit, but then, 38C was a mature size. Her skin wasn't quite... well, it was just looking aged. Not old, just older. Not clouded with spots,...

2 years ago
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Queens Four of a KindChapter 7 Exposure

Trish "One last hand?" I ask. "I thought we had to go to six?" wondered Pam. "I thought I would give you a break," answered Mark. "What do you say? "I sure could use the sleep," smiled Abbey. "Why not?" I agreed. What could he possibly have us do now? One last screw with all the ladies. That would be fun. "I am in," agreed a tired Pam. "I'll make it unanimous," added Maggie. "OK," Mark said dealing the card. "In this last hand, public exposure is at...

3 years ago
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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...

Oral Sex
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Waylaid by Highwaymen

Miss Emily Maitland and companion Jane Flanders were on their way to Derby. Miss Maitland a spirited and largely uneducated girl, daughter of a self made man from the lower orders had been to York to “See the Minster.” They had stopped at my parents house en route as Miss Flanders professed to know my sister from their time at the girls school though my dear sister could not place her at all. Father was delighted. Miss Maitland’s father was very wealthy by all accounts and had but three...

2 years ago
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I have to thank him for the situation I was in.He humiliated, cheated and threw me away like a dirty oil rag. To prove him wrong I decided to do something I would never have done in a million years. I was really a shy, reserved person that believed that a woman’s sexuality is holy, only to be exchanged for security by marriage to a wealthy man. He called me prudish because I would not wear a bikini, calling me a cold fish when I refused to let him stick his finger in my vagina. He said I was...

4 years ago
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My First Exposure

Introduction: Like a lot of women, Ive had some fantasies during my 40+ years, but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until now. My First Exposure Meeting My Paperboy Part-1 ———————————————– This story is woven around an old friends fantasy she shared with me over a span of nearly 30 years. ———————————————– Like a lot of women, Ive had some fantasies during my 40+ years, but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until Mike took me for a...

1 year ago
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First Sexual Exposure

ALL TRUTH……. NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH First Sexual Exposure By: Londebaaz Chohan This is exact and true count of my first sexual encounter. I don’t say each word I narrate is exact and true but I take an oath that the incidence I am going to narrate and the way it took place is all truth, nothing but the truth. Due to the f****y business commitments, my dad decided to move to this relatively serene and tranquil neighborhood on Staten Island. The Middle School I was supposed to attend was...

3 years ago
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I have to thank him for the situation I was in. He humiliated, cheated and threw me away like a dirty oil rag. To prove him wrong I decided to do something I would never have done in a million years. I was really a shy, reserved person that believed that a woman’s sexuality is holy, only to be exchanged for security by marriage to a wealthy man. He called me prudish because I would not wear a bikini, calling me a cold fish when I refused to let him stick his finger in my vagina. He said I was...

2 years ago
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My first public exposure

My first public exposure . . . I had been going through a period of denial, not self imposed though rather a period that I had no one to spend my personal gurl time with. The friend that I had spending time with for the last year and a half that my wife convinced me to open up to Steve, had determined he no longer wanted to be unfaithful to his wife. Regardless of how much he loved me dressing up for him, how much he enjoyed touching my lingerie and especially how well I had learned what really...

4 years ago
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My first public exposure

My first public exposure . . . I had been going through a period of denial, not self imposed though rather a period that I had no one to spend my personal gurl time with. The friend that I had spending time with for the last year and a half that my wife convinced me to open up to Steve, had determined he no longer wanted to be unfaithful to his wife. Regardless of how much he loved me dressing up for him, how much he enjoyed touching my lingerie and especially how well I had learned what...

2 years ago
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First Sexual Exposure

ALL TRUTH....... NOTHING BUT THE TRUTHFirst Sexual ExposureBy: Londebaaz ChohanThis is exact and true count of my first sexual encounter. I don't say each word I narrate is exact and true but I take an oath that the incidence I am going to narrate and the way it took place is all truth, nothing but the truth.Due to the family business commitments, my dad decided to move to this relatively serene and tranquil neighborhood on Staten Island. The Middle School I...

2 years ago
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how it got started first wife exposure

Indeed recalling hot situations of past adventures is very enchanting – for those who write them down but also for all likeminded having a chance of participating in an imaginary way. The story gets an extra kick when beefed up by accompanying pictures of that very wife.We got into lifestyle after my wife Agnes found out about an affair I had with another woman. We then openly talked about me lacking an arousing sex life. And I confessed my ambition to have her enjoyed by other men. Because we...

2 years ago
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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 6 Public Exposure

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 6 - Public Exposure By Farleven "Well, well, look who finally made it." Alex laughed as I stumbled through the kitchen and managed to collect up something resembling breakfast. I shot the spunky blond a quick glare before I poured myself a glass of orange juice. I was feeling a bit run down after so many late nights in a row. Even the afterglow of last nights marathon sexing wasn't enough to offset the fatigue. I was a bit surprised it had taken this...

3 years ago
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A nite in Maine She stood there, blindfolded, her hands tied behind herback with soft leather restraints and clad only in a black mid-calf skirt andmatching silk blouse. My wife was the picture of beauty. Subtly sexy yet shiveringslightly in anticipation, she had agreed to be displayed and teased and thoughtshe was ready for an evening of pleasure in front of near total strangers.This was a fantasy we had talked about many times and was now being realized. I met a man through an online...

2 years ago
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Dennyz Exposure

Very early this New Year's morning, my so-called shy wife was lying naked, face down on our bed as a new friend massaged her whole body while his wife and I closely watched silently, lustily. To be fair, Deni had a towel, folded into a small strip, across her sexy, naked ass. Gorgeous Rita was in just a small bra and panty; I was just wearing my briefs. We were softly stroking each other's upper thighs. Our small party was apparently a success. Don't ask! Before we all got further carried...

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