Writer's Block free porn video

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I came round, groggy and confused. It was pitch dark and cold.

The first sensation was the pain in my arms and wrists, which were pointing diagonally upwards, attached to something I could not see. I tried to move to ease the stiffness, but my ankles were similarly spread wide and attached to the floor. Panic followed quickly. I thrashed for a while, breathing quickly as I tugged against the stiff restraints, but it was no use.

"Hey!" I shouted.

The words echoed and as my eyes became used to the gloom, I could see that I was at one end of a very long corridor. At the far end, a door was open which let in a small amount of light, but only enough to give the smallest clue to my location: a long empty corridor with a few doors on either side.


Still no response. The place was deathly quiet. Like a morgue.

The cold crept up through the floor. I could not feel any clothes on my body and the air seemed to prickle on my skin, raising goose bumps. I was shivering, though whether from fear or cold I could not say.

Giving up ideas of escape, I tried to reduce the pain in my wrists, standing on tiptoe until my feet screamed for mercy, then letting my wrists take the weight again. My captors clearly wanted me to suffer, even while I waited.

Time crawled by. An hour, perhaps two. I lost all track.

Eventually, a distant booming noise made my heart thump. I had wanted to attract attention, but now that I could hear them, I was afraid to make a noise. They were coming to me, whoever they were, for whatever purpose they intended. And they had not been friendly so far.

Another noise, closer this time. A door opening and slamming shut. And footsteps: regular clicking, like heeled boots on a tiled floor. Eventually a single figure appeared at the end of the corridor, blocking the light from the open door. A switch clicked and a line of fluorescent tubes pinged to life along the length of the room. I squinted, quickly trying to get used to the light and focus on my captor, looking around for some sort of escape. But I was securely chained and there were no exits that I could see at this end of the corridor.

It was a woman. She strode towards me confidently. Her pace said that she was unhurried, but purposeful. She was focused on me. The thought made me start to sweat, suddenly aware of my naked vulnerability and the humiliation of having a female captress. I started to breathe heavily, nervously.

When she was within ten feet she slowed and stopped, her dark eyes locked on mine. She was in her thirties, with short dark hair. An open leather jacket covered a pure white tee shirt. Skin tight black jeans led down to spiked boots. Dark eye shadow and bright red lipstick completed the look. Her expression was neutral. She did not speak, just gazing at me.

I rattled the chains above me. "Let me go," I said, trying to insist but not to threaten her. She did not react, still gazing blankly. "Let me GO!" I repeated, more forcefully. When she still did not respond, I started to thrash and pull at the chains, clenching my teeth and grunting.

I heard her take a long breath and let it out slowly. "Good morning," she said softly. The contrast of her manner with my panic was like a slap in the face. I almost greeted her back, absurdly, but managed to keep silent, nostrils flaring. I tugged one more time at the chains, pathetically.

Her eyes left mine and followed my arms up to the tight leather cuffs and chains holding them. Then they dropped to my ankles, which were similarly caught. Finally they returned to hold my gaze, and she asked quietly, "Do you think you can break those straps?" I gritted my teeth and eventually shook my head. "Do you think that struggling will make me release you?" If she was playing with me, her voice did not betray it, but I felt helplessness wash over me. Again I shook my head stiffly. "Then I would advise that you stay still," she said calmly. "You will only hurt yourself by struggling." She continued to stare at me blankly, as if waiting for an answer.

"My fingers are numb," I said, hoping for some mercy.

Again a long pause, then, "You're putting too much weight on your arms. Stand on your toes for a while." So much for mercy. I felt a flash of anger pass through me - my toes were in hell too - but tried not to show it, adjusting my footing. My calf muscles screamed their objection.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Another long pause. "You don't need to know who we are," she said eventually. "We want to understand you better. We thought it would be appropriate to talk here."

I rattled the chains again in objection. "Are you mad? What do you mean, 'understand me'? Just let me go for God's sake."

"After we've talked," she insisted, softly.

"Talked about what?" I said rather aggressively.

She paused again, as if offended. "Do the numbers one, eight, seven, two, two, seven mean anything to you?" Of course they did. I nodded, and furrowed my brow, puzzled. "And you also use the name PipkinTale, I believe?"

"Yea, so what?"

"So," she paused dramatically. "We are some of your readers."


She was genuinely puzzled now. "You have written stories for a fair number of women. Most of them are professional dominants. They have friends and acquaintances with whom they share your stories. You must have realized you would have a small group of readers in the professional community?"

My mouth started to form some sort of answer, but I was genuinely surprised. Almost all the stories I have written over the years were private commissions. I didn't imagine they would be shared.

"But… How many…?" I asked weakly.

She looked at the ceiling briefly. "Maybe twenty," she said, watching my reaction closely. I nodded. "But we're puzzled by something." She started to walk around me slowly, heels echoing in the empty space. "We can't decide whether or not you have had personal experience of the things you write about."

When she was standing in front of me again, she prompted for an answer by raising her eyebrows. "Well, some," I muttered, "but not as extreme as…", I looked up and rattled the chains again.

She nodded and walked behind me; I struggled to look back over my shoulder at her. There was a wall behind me and some sort of cupboard, but I could not see properly. I heard a metal drawer open and close. She returned carrying a long thin cane, flexing it.

"You write about the cane a great deal," she said. "Have you experienced it?"
The sight of the woman flexing a cane sent shivers down my spine.

"Just a little," I said, "Nothing too… I mean not like…" I trailed off thinking of some of the more brutal scenes I had written.

"Not like what?" she prompted, bringing the cane down sharply on the outside of my thigh. I winced, though it was not that painful.

"Not… I mean, not like some of the stories."

She brushed the cane up my thigh and along the side of my body. "But aren't writers supposed to do their best work when they write about what they know, about what they have experienced?"

"I suppose… but…"

"But you just make it up as you go along," she accused, sarcastically. "Is that right?"

"Yes… I suppose I do," I admitted sheepishly.

She walked to the side of me and stroked the cane down my bare back, patting my arse playfully. "Then a little experience might do you the world of good," she said, with amusement in her voice. Before I could object, she raised the cane and gave me a single stroke across the centre of my butt cheeks.

Jerking against my bonds, I grabbed and held a breath from the shock, growling with my eyes squeezed shut, then let out, "Gaaa... FUCK that HURT!"

After a few seconds I felt her fingers on the back of my head. She grabbed a handful of hair and yanked my head backwards, painfully, staring into my eyes as I struggled to breathe. "You will NOT swear," she said darkly into my face. "It is disrespectful. If you swear again, I will beat your ass until it bleeds. Is that clear?"

She stared into my eyes for a long time, fury burning in her eyes. I tried to nod and made gurgling noises of agreement. She eventually shoved my head forward again roughly, snorting in disgust.

"So," she demanded, anger still in her voice. "Have you been caned like that before?"

"Not that hard, no," I whispered.

"That was not hard," she spat. "You may get a little red marking, but it will not welt."

"I've never been hit that hard before."

"Very mild then. It's no wonder your caning scenes are all over the place." I suddenly felt the urge to apologize, but held it back. "The cane is a precision instrument. It is capable of causing great pain, but it is also deliciously accurate. Strokes can be laid down neatly, covering the body methodically." I tensed up again as she held out the cane, touching my bare skin.

"No, please. Please don't."

She stroked the cane softly across my buttocks, ignoring me. "Many people use the cane sensuously like this too. It focuses the mind on the area to be beaten. Some people say it enhances pain to know that it is coming. Anticipation is a powerful tool, where pain is concerned."

"Yes, I see, but please don't -" But before I could say more she gave me another single stroke, much harder this time, the cane making a whooshing noise before it bit. I let out another involuntary scream and tugged at the chains. My breathing became fast and erratic as I struggled not to let out a stream of expletives, gritting my teeth against the pain.

"That was hard enough to welt," she said in a matter of fact tone, ignoring my distress. "Welts rise quite quickly and last a few days usually, fading to a red line and then healing without marks." She laughed softly, adding, "And they hurt like hell when you sit down."

"OK, I get it," I said breathlessly, hoping that was an end to it.

"You notice that the pain is sharp and sudden, but that there is a burning sensation afterwards?" I grunted. "But if strokes are given quickly enough - less than a second apart - then the pain of them blends into a continuous sensation."

"Nnn… no please don't…", I begged.

But she had already made up her mind. She started to lay hard strokes in quick succession across the same area that she had already welted. The beating was relentless. The shock made me thrash and panic, screaming - inarticulate howling - shaking and yanking desperately against the chains. When she finally stopped, I hung my head, groaning rhythmically with each ragged breath.

After a while my head cleared and I realized that she was standing in front of me. She was laughing softly. "Some of your beating scenes are reasonably realistic. But others are really very wide of the mark." She was flexing the cane again, grinning at me. I tried to look at her in pain, pleading for mercy, but she did not look in the least sympathetic. "For example, this business of beating a slave u*********s." She looked at me, seeing me respond with yet more fear. "That is really quite ridiculous." She walked behind me and I tensed again, flinching as she ran a finger along the line of one of the cane marks on my behind. "I'm not saying a slave could never pass out," she said, "but it would require something far harsher than you describe." She came back round to face me, still grinning. "And besides, there are many more interesting aspects of pain that you could describe before your character passes out."

She stood close to me, face to face now. I could feel her breath. "Do you understand the many faces of pain?" she asked. I didn't react, eyes frozen with fear. She came closer still, breathing her question into my face. "Do you know what happens to a man as you cause him pain, then more pain, then yet more pain?" Her eyes looked sweet and yet there was such casual sadism in them. She was enjoying this. I shook my head nervously and she laughed softly again.

"I am interested in the pain in your stories," she said. "Pain is what I do." She looked closely at my terrified eyes. "It's My Thing," she added, pronouncing the words slowly. "I love to cause pain. I work with it. I am paid for it. It is my clay, my paint. I create sculptures in pain." She smiled, as if proud of her chilling career, watching my reaction. "And like any skill, there is an art to it. Any fool can stamp on your toe, but it takes an artist to make you appreciate the pain they cause you. And my clients really… really appreciate what I can do. Am I making sense?"

My head was spinning with the implications of what she was saying and coupled with my predicament, I could feel the fear rising in me again. I nodded, and she pulled away slightly.

"Good. So I don't want to read any more rubbish where you pass out after a few strokes." I nodded again. "Most people's initial reaction to pain is anger, though it is usually suppressed out of respect for me." She waited for me to acknowledge with another nod. "Some people start to laugh at this stage - not mockery, but an angry laugh through gritted teeth. As the pain increases, people who don't know how far I will go - and I often keep them in the dark - will usually start to beg and plead." I nodded again. "Going further, many men will cry, which tells me they are really losing all self control. Beyond that, people sometimes throw up - which means you have to be careful that they do not choke, if you have them restrained. Beyond that, they may lose control of their bladder and bowels - so some sort of plug is useful." She smiled at me, seeing the look of terror on my face. "Between there and losing consciousness, people suffer a kind of insanity. Often they cannot remember what happened when the pain reaches that level. I suppose the mind is starting to cut things out." She was still smiling. "Does this frighten you?" she asked after a pause.

It scared the shit out of me. "A little," I admitted weakly.

"Fear is also part of the process. The way people experience pain is strongly influenced by how afraid they are. Fear intensifies feelings. So being naked, helpless and not knowing what will happen will enhance the experience for most people." She grinned, looking up at the chains holding my wrists. "Perhaps you understand this?"

I nodded. Clearly she had planned this whole scene. And I did not know what would happen next - the feeling gnawed at me all the more for knowing that she had planned it that way.

She went behind me again, and started opening and closing drawers in the cupboard, looking for something. When she came back, she was no longer holding the cane, but instead had something small and metallic on her palm. It looked like an elaborate bottle opener.

"Do you know what this is?"

I didn't, but my heart rate leapt at the prospect of her showing me. I shook my head.
"It's a ball crusher. You've written about these too. I'm guessing no experience here either then?" She had that not-so-sweet smile again. I shook my head. "Well, let me show you." I tugged instinctively at my chains, breath quickening, but she did not react. "This ring opens and clamps around the balls, holding them together." She lifted the device, showing me. "And then when the balls are secured, this screw brings this plate down against them. You'll see the plate is slightly knobbled? They aren't sharp points, but they are very painful." I felt sick and I could feel myself starting to shake. "Let me show you."

"No… it's OK… I get the idea, honestly."

Ignoring me, she reached down and took hold of my balls gently. "It's something you have to experience to really understand," she said. "I want you to write about this in future, so I need you to understand."

"But… please, can't I just… please don't."

She twisted my sack slightly and I could feel the cold metal close around the base. I heard a click and she released them, adjusting them slightly in the collar. "There. Is that comfortable?"

Like a fool, I nodded.

"Good. Now…" She crouched down and could feel something else cold touching the other side of my balls. She flicked something with her finger - a wing nut? Then, I sensed that she tightened the nut while looking up at me for a reaction. I was sweating and breathing heavily, but I felt no pain at first. Then the plate was clearly being pressed against my balls and it started to feel uncomfortable.

She slowed her tightening as I reacted. It was starting to hurt. I let out a hiss, then gritted my teeth, trying to bear the pain. She slowed even more, until eventually I had to cry out. "STOP! Enough! Please! I get the idea… please stop there!"

She stopped and stood up. "Nasty little things, aren't they?" she said, amused. "Now, tell me, where is the pain?" My face was already screwed up, but I managed to twist it some more, not understanding the question. "Think," she explained. "It hurts, but the pain isn't really in your balls, is it?"

At first I thought she was just playing with me, but it was true: the pain did not seem to be in my balls really. Rather it had spread through my belly and legs. "No," I said, my voice straining, "It's… all over the place."

"What else do you notice about the pain, compared to the cane?"

What was this: sado-quiz time? I just wanted it to stop. I pulled another pained, quizzical face.

She sighed. "The cane was a sharp short-lived pain on the skin. This is different, yes?"

"Yes," I grunted. I would have agreed to anything. "Can we stop it now, please?"

"How is it different?"

"I don't know. Please, can we stop? It's deeper inside, eating at me. Please stop it."

"Yes, that's important," she said. "It reaches deeper inside you. Pinching and crushing pain does that. And yes, it eats away at you, like teeth chewing relentlessly. That's important too. It means the pain can last a long time."

"Yes, OK, I see… please stop it now, PLEASE!"

"I just have to loosen the screw and the pain will subside."

"Yes, please please do it."

"Or I could tighten it and the pain will intensify." She grinned at me again. Tears started to form.

"NO! No please don't, PLEASE..."

Smiling, she crouched down and I felt her take the screw in her fingers. "So is it… is it anti-clockwise for… loosening… no that's tightening isn't it… but it's upside down, so… I can never remember." I felt her hand twist suddenly. And the pain in my balls immediately leapt to a horrific intensity.

"Aaaaargghhhh!!! Nooooo! PLEASE!! STOP!!!"

She stood up, level with my face again. I could hear her laughing although the buzzing in my head seemed to drown out everything else. "Was that tighter or looser, I can't tell?" She did not expect an answer, and I could barely speak, tears were running down my face. She stood laughing at me for a while.

"You see, this is another important lesson. I can increase the pain, or I can decrease the pain, or I can leave you in pain for a very long time." My head slumped, but she lifted it with a finger, to look deep into my eyes. "Would you like me to leave you here for an hour?" My eyes popped open in terror. "Or perhaps we should resume our conversation this evening… perhaps six or eight hours would be better?"

I was now a gibbering wreck, tears and snot and sweat, shaking my head and making incoherent sounds. "Nnnnn….nnnnnmmmmm...nnnnoooo…"

She just stared at me for what seemed like minutes, watching me suffer; watching me break. I would have done anything at that point, anything at all to make the pain go away. Curiously, I didn't hate her. I just wanted to make her understand the pain - and yet, of course, she did understand. I realized she was trying to show me that her absolute power was part of the experience as well. Not just the pain, but her control of the pain.

I looked into her eyes then, and perhaps at that moment she knew what I was thinking. She seemed to nod.

Finally she crouched down again, and this time I felt the pain diminish. She fiddled for a while to remove the device, and left me hanging, still breathing hard. I heard her go behind me and put the device back into a drawer.

Several minutes passed. My ragged breathing settled, though there was still a pounding pain throbbing in my balls. She did not re-appear and after a while I craned my neck sideways to see where she was. I could just about see her out of the corner of my eye, sitting on some sort of cupboard, waiting, playing with her mobile phone.

The silence seemed more threatening than her presence, so eventually I spoke, hoarsely. "What is this place?"

She did not answer for a long time, and I began to fear that I would be punished for asking. But eventually she said, "It is a facility that several of us use, usually in a professional capacity."

"Where are we?"

"No one who visits the facility ever learns where it is located. They are d**gged when they come and when they leave, as you will be." The idea chilled me.

"And these are clients of yours?"

"Of mine or my friends, yes. Clients who wish to experience captivity and suffering." Another chilling idea.


I heard her get off the cupboard and she walked round to face me. "You're asking a lot of questions?"

"Sorry," I said, meekly.

She stared at my for a while, perhaps trying to decide why I was asking. "Yes, captivity," she repeated after a pause. "These side rooms are prison cells. We can house up to six prisoners here, though all the cells are empty at the moment. But your screams could have been useful." I did not understand. "We often make prisoners listen to each other being punished. Fear conditions the mind, remember."

The idea was terrifying. Eventually, I asked, "How long do you keep them here?"

"This is a business. It depends what they pay for, though in some cases clients do not want to be told how long they are to be held for. They just set an upper limit. There is no natural light down here anyway, so we can fuck with their idea of time. We can make a week seem like a month." She laughed, honestly this time, not as a cruel joke. "How well do you think you would survive in captivity?"

I couldn't believe I was having a casual conversation with a woman who had been torturing my balls just a few minutes earlier. I shook the chains. "Well, I am in captivity aren't I?"

"Yes, I suppose so. But those cells," she nodded over her shoulder, "are about eight feet by four feet. Bare concrete. The punters call them coffins. They have no windows. They're cold. We keep you in the dark for long periods. The only human contact you get is to be taken out, tortured, and put back. The only thing you ever hear is silence or other people being tortured. So how well do you think you would survive?"

I had to admit defeat. "Not long, I guess."

She smiled. "Perhaps not. But there are other forms of captivity that are easier to survive," she said, walking back to the cupboard yet again. She returned with something I most definitely recognized.

"Do you know what this is?"

I nodded. "It's a chastity device, yes."

"You write about chastity very often. Have you had experience of chastity?"

"Yes, I have as a matter of fact." I felt a wave of pride. At least I'm not a complete fraud. "Though mine was plastic, not steel."

"And you had a key holder?" I nodded. "A woman?" I nodded again. "And how long did she keep you locked?"

"The longest was about two weeks."

"Not long then, but better than nothing. I think we all agreed that your writing about chastity was definitely from some sort of personal experience." She smiled. "And how long do you think you would be able to cope in chastity today?"

"Well… you don't mean… I don't really want…"

"Don't want what? To live your fantasy?"

"No, but… yes… but…"

She held up her hand to stop me. "Let me explain how this is going to work." She became suddenly businesslike. "You now write exclusively for me and my friends - you've already written stories for many of us anyway, so that's no big change. You will write what we want, to order. And we are going to keep you locked in this device." She wiggled the chastity device on her finger. "When you deliver some work to our satisfaction, we will remove the device briefly. But then we will lock you again. The idea is that, by keeping your energies nicely pent-up, you will have more passion to spend on your writing. You will be very motivated to deliver on time and to deliver something acceptable - if you fail in either respect, you will be given no release."

"But I don't want that!"

"We don't care what you want," she said bluntly. "You've been living a lie all these years, pretending to be something you're not. So now we're putting that right."

"You can't… you just can't…"

"And if you think you can cut the device off and run away, or run away when you are unlocked, consider this. We went to your house last night, while you were out cold, so we know everything about you. We know all your Facebook contacts, all your LinkedIn contacts, your entire address book. Family, friends, business colleagues. If you try to break free, we will tell them all about your writing career, together with some choice frames from today's video." She looked up at the ceiling. I hadn't noticed, but a small video camera was looking down at us. "Is that clear?"

I felt the blood drain from my face. I was completely at her mercy.

She took the ring of the chastity device and forced my cock and tender balls through it, painfully. Then she pushed the metal cage over my cock. It was tight, even though I was limp, but she forced the two pieces together anyway. Lastly, she threaded a small padlock into the pin, and clicked it shut. My heart sank.

"That just leaves your goodbye present," she said, walking back to the cupboard. This time she came back with a hypodermic syringe and a small vile of a clear liquid. She drew a small amount of the fluid, and held up the needle. I hate needles and she seemed to sense it. She put the point against my bare chest, and scratched it down my belly. As she headed towards my cock, she grinned, watching my reaction. But then she scratched it sideways, stopping at the top of my thigh. "Here, I think." She suddenly jabbed the needle into me, making me flinch. She emptied the contents and yanked it out again. "There, that should take effect in a couple of minutes."

I felt a wave of warmth start to spread over my body.

"So, slave," she grinned triumphantly. "Your first commission is to write up today's experience. And when the job is done to our satisfaction, you will be unlocked." She came closer, speaking quietly. "I want it to turn me on… so if it doesn't… you'll be doing it again." She laughed darkly.

The warmth was growing stronger and I could hardly respond.

She turned on her heel with a final grin and strode off down the corridor, as confidently as when she had arrived. Laughing, she switched out the lights and all I could see was the open door at her end. Then she slammed that shut, and I heard the click of her heels walking away.

The warmth and darkness closed over me.

I awoke, groggy and confused, on the floor of my own kitchen. I was still naked, and shivering from the cold. The pain from my welted arse and crushed balls was still fresh, my wrists and ankles merely sore by comparison. My clothes were in a pile next to me. I reached down and felt the cold steel cage around my cock.

Getting up to my knees, I saw her message, written on the floor in bright red lipstick.

"5000 words. By midnight tomorrow."

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The Auction Block The Auction Block Chapter One?? June 17th? 4:15 PM The longer the van ride lasted, the more uncomfortable Nikki and her younger sister Kate became.? They had been in the black van, with dark tinted windows, for over three hours now, and the vehicle continued to wind deeper and deeper into the densely forested countryside.? Their stepmother had assured them they were going to a wonderfully isolated, yet thoroughly modern retreat in the Northern California woods.? A...

2 years ago
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Hunters Vs CockBlocker

Keiyra's alert eyes scan the streets for any signs of Hunters. As the most successful and renowned CockBlocker, Keiyra never drops her guard. She would never be collared with the dread conCollars the Hunters used, and to her dying day she would kill those who seek to collar her or other women. For being collared was practically a death sentence. The collar could read your thoughts and intentions and can "train" women by shocking them for what their programmers deem as bad thoughts. It could...

3 years ago
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My sister Dee is 42 this year but we have been together since she was 17. I will only mention in this post about our recent get together which is all too rare. I headed down to the States for her famous summer barbecue and her in-laws were there which both she and I have come to regard as great cockblockers.They want to be taken care of hand and foot and my sister being the great matriarch she is, makes up a fabulous spread and serves upwards of 30 or 10 people at one of these things. I try to...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 65 Blockhead

March 16, 1992 Chicago, Illinois We arrived home from O’Hare just after Elyse brought Abbie and Matthew home from Midway Airport, and just in time for dinner, which Nancy had helpfully prepared. “There’s my other granddaughter!” Nancy said when she saw Birgit. “Hi, Grandma!” Birgit said going over to give her a hug before climbing into her booster seat. “How were the trips?” “Vermont was nice and peaceful,” Kara said. “Except for a certain husband who just HAD to watch NASCAR!” Jessica...

3 years ago
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The Writers Block

1. A successful journalist is sitting inside his room, staring at a fireplace. A cacophony of sounds keeps reminding him of the storm outside. ‘Soothing,’ the man mutters to himself while stretching his arms. ‘I really hope this rain is going to provide me with a stream of creative ideas.’ ‘You’ll have more than you bargained for,’ a voice can be heard. ‘Who’s there?’ the journalist sits in a chair, scanning the room. ‘I’m a panacea,’ the voice says. ‘That’s an intriguing accent,’ the...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Solution To My Writers Block

 The dreaded inability to write had a stranglehold on me. I sat in my study and looked at the blank screen on my PC. It had been two months since I last was able to compose a story. Since then my imagination had been bone dry and my spurts of inspiration as arid as my spurts of cum.Luckily for me, my publisher was my significant other. Just as I was pouring myself a glass of Jack Daniels, the entryway opened, and Joy entered. She looked stunning in her little yellow sundress with a blossom...

4 years ago
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Writers Block

It's 9 in the afternoon and you are sitting at your desk, blankly staring at the monitor in front of you. It's been almost 12 hours since you woke up, and ever since you had breakfast, you've been trying to get something creative going. As a writer, nothing is worse than having writer's block. Despite your publisher assuring that you can, you feel that you really cannot write bestsellers on command. Your first published book, "Satanic Sheets of Satin", was a bestseller and is even now, a year...

4 years ago
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Writers Block

"If you stare at that screen any longer, you're gonna get square eyes" Lucas' dreamy voice caught Christina off guard. She abruptly glanced up from her blank laptop screen, greeted with the sight of a freshly showered and shirtless boyfriend. She blinked hard, allowing her eyes to adjust back to the non-pixelated world. She leaned back against the headboard of her bed and scrunched her straightened legs into a basket, carefully balancing her pride and joy on her knees. "I think I have writer's...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Jennie From The Block

I took a big breath and an even bigger sip of champagne to calm my nerves. I was about to begin my ritual of transformation, but tonight was special. Tonight was Halloween, and for the first time, if everything went according to plan, someone other than myself and a few anonymous internet strangers would see me as a girl. With shaking hands, I donned a wig cap and put on my favorite long brown wig, combed to lustrous perfection specifically for tonight. Adjusting the floral scented...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 32 Jennifer Lynn Block

March 1985, Chicago, Illinois The rest of Sunday, the last day of March, was calm and relaxing. I had wanted to watch the NASCAR race at Bristol on ESPN, but it had rained all afternoon in Tennessee and the race was postponed a week. It wasn’t usual for NASCAR to race on Easter weekend, but they would this year, though on Saturday instead of Sunday. Bill Elliott had won his second race of the year in Atlanta two weeks previously, and was looking strong. Most of my housemates left for home...

2 years ago
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Ice Blocks

I was busy packing for my little trip up to my parents’ holiday cabin, which was a few hours’ drive away from our house. My step-brother, Tyler, would also be coming with me. Our parents wanted us out of the house while they dealt with some legal issues surrounding a client my mother was currently fighting a case for; as they thought it would be easier for everyone. So, as a result, Tyler and I were going to spend a week or so in the woods, alone and yet completely free to do whatever we...

4 years ago
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Bollywood BlockBuster

Bollywood had found its latest Angry young Man, Aryan Khan. He debuted in SOTY 5 which proved to be a commercial success and gave another 4 consecutive hits within his first 2 years. But his most acclaimed role came in a somewhat controversial Erotic thriller named "Bondage" it was like an Indian version of The Fifty Shades of Grey. Here Aryan played a Psychotic lover who kidnaps his unwilling crush and subjects her to various bondages and sexumiliation which was his version of Harsh...

4 years ago
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Harry was chanting something, but Lisa couldn't make out the words that he was saying. "Make out" the words, Lisa thought to herself. That's funny. "Make out" was something that Harry had probably wanted to do with Lisa for five years. She knew that Harry would never get into her pants, but she enjoyed taking him for the ride! Harry was in his thirties and wasn't bad looking. He had some money that he got from an insurance company when his parents perished in an airline crash and he...

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Writers Block

Yes, I was staring, I made no effort to hide it, either. This was exactly the reason I chose this apartment complex instead of one filled with people my age. There were a number of young college students in residence, many of them female, and most quite lovely to my eyes. Then there were the guys. No, I wasn't checking out the men, but on weekends many of them were likely to have girlfriends over, and the girlfriends only added to my viewing pleasure. So, I spent a lot of time by the pool,...

3 years ago
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Writers Block

I do not usually write in the first and second persons, but in this case, it fits. And while there is no eroticism, there are some allusions to it. If this is not your style, you may wish to move onto the next story. Although the other character in this complete fiction is obviously a lover, the intimate friend is in fact a composite of many wonderful individuals who were, and still are, there for me throughout the years, platonic and otherwise. They have helped me through some very difficult...

3 years ago
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My 48 hours in BBlock

So after a day or so minding my own business, tying to be invisible, I was approached by a guy, average sized fella, black, 6 foot, sort of overweight. He told me that he'd been watching me and he noticed I was on the phone whenever possible. They had a phone schedule, each guy could use one of the two or three phones for set amounts of time. I was really missing my girlfriend and was on the phone with her whenever I could. We talked a bit and he seemed pretty nice. He seemed to be genuinely...

2 years ago
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Writers Block

Olivia was a writer. It’s not just what she did, it was what, in her mind, defined her. Short stories, poems, and novellas spanning all manner of genres. She’d taken great delight sharing them with her small circle of friends, sometimes even shyly reading them out loud, quietly pleased at the praise they’d heaped on her, each time pushing herself to improve. Jack had been especially supportive, always sending her motivational emails or glowing reviews, finding bright moments in even the failed...

3 years ago
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Writers Block

Ursula slammed her fist against the table in frustration. She tore the piece of paper she had been working on out of her notebook and noisily formed it into an origami boulder and tossed it on top of the pile overflowing her office waste basket. Her husband Walter picked his head up from his book and quietly sighed. She was taking an adult creative writing course at the local community college and was stuck, at the moment, trying to write a short story assignment. She was always so unpleasant...

1 year ago
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Writers Block

‘If you stare at that screen any longer, you’re gonna get square eyes’ Lucas’ dreamy voice caught Christina off guard. She abruptly glanced up from her blank laptop screen, greeted with the sight of a freshly showered and shirtless boyfriend. She blinked hard, allowing her eyes to adjust back to the non-pixelated world. She leaned back against the headboard of her bed and scrunched her straightened legs into a basket, carefully balancing her pride and joy on her knees. ‘I think I have...

3 years ago
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Writers Block

He was sitting quietly, tapping his fingers on the key without typing. "What are you doing?" she asked, startling him. He blushed, and then grinned. "I was trying to come up with an idea for a story for you, but I couldn't decide on a situation to get us naked." "Why not?" she teased. "Most of my stories start with something that really happens and inspires me. Nothing inspiring happened today." "How about this?" she said as she hugged him from behind and started nibbling on his neck. ...

Quickie Sex
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ks on the block

Joel and Allison live 4 houses away. Allison is a year behind me in school and Joel 3 years behind.I have been on a swim team most of my life and Joel started swimming for the same team a couple of years after me. He started hanging around me, almost worshipping me. At first I found it ego building but it got almost weird. My last year in school he invited me over after we had won a swim meet.“My parents are gone,” he said. “We can do anything we want”I reluctantly went to his house. Allison...

2 years ago
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Writers Block

Ursula slammed her fist against the table in frustration. She tore the piece of paper she had been working on out of her notebook and noisily formed it into an origami boulder and tossed it on top of the pile overflowing her office waste basket.  Her husband Walter picked his head up from his book and quietly sighed. She was taking an adult creative writing course at the local community college and was stuck, at the moment, trying to write a short story assignment. She was always so unpleasant...

2 years ago
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family on the block

I was 17 years old and horny as hell. My only sex experience was with the two girls at school that everyone had done. Very awkward. There was a freshman on the swim team that worshiped me and he lived down the street.One Saturday evening we were celebrating after a swim meet. His parents were gone and we were drinking their stuff. We decided to take a shower and head to bed. I was waiting forever for him to finish his shower. I stripped down to my briefs and waited in the bathroom. He stepped...

4 years ago
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The Auction Block

It was supposed to be for charity. A good cause they told me. I dressed in a short black dress with black stockings. The stockings had a dark seem that ran the down the back of my leg and tall heels. I had to make a good impression...I wanted to raise a lot of money for the charity.I was intimidated though, the moment I arrived. All of the other girls looked so amazing. Ashley in a blue dress that came to mid-thigh; Megan in a green skirt and a blouse that was more see-through than not;...

3 years ago
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Auctioneers Block

I stood in a world of darkness, hands bound behind my back as I listened with growing trepidation to the loud hum of conversation that had to be a hall full of people. The velvet bag over my head puffed out from my face with every warm breath I took. It was hot in that bag, my face felt flushed and uncomfortable. I didn't dare to move, fearing there would be consequences or that without the benefit of sight I would fall and hurt myself. Around my neck was a rope, the loose end of which hung...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 10 A Chip Off the Old Block

April 18, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Hey, Squirt,” I said when I walked into her office late on Tuesday morning. “I take it Kimmy talked to you?” “Yes. Shut the door, please.” I nodded and shut the door to the office, then sat down across from her. “Ed is really uncomfortable with you and me traveling alone together.” “Seriously?” I sighed. “After fifteen years?” “I know, but you have to see his perspective.” “Oh, I do. Jess will quiz me, but she’ll be OK with it. You know she’s mellowed...

1 year ago
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Naughty Neighbours 1 Bad Boy on the Block

On Fuck Street no one can be satisfied with the same person. They have all fucked each other and managed to keep their relationships. Well the lucky ones. New bad boy Andrew Robinson had just reunited with his father and was already hungry for pussy. Andrew had lived a dangerous life being on the run in all sorts of countries and was only 18. And of course like any bad boy he had fucked a girl every week. Now although they had not met, Andrew had already boned one of these slutty girls. Donna...

3 years ago
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Prologue. ‘Damn writer’s block! Damn it to hell!’ I sat before my lap top in the large dining room waiting for inspiration. There was nothing. A hundred times, or so it seemed, I had begun to tap in words, and then deleted them. ‘Rubbish, all bloody rubbish,’ I silently wailed. ‘I’ll never be able to write another story, ever.’ Chapter 1.The Mountain Hideaway. It had started weeks before, this confounded inability to string two words together in an intelligible manner, sod it. I had...

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This past Good Friday I went to see a lady friend of mine who I've not seen for awhile,cause she asked me to come over. She told me that we would be alone all day and there wouldn't be no one to bother us while we were having sex. So I told her to get ready for me to come over and I like to see her in a dress without her panties.Along the way I stopped at the neighborhood store and got our favorite drink,and picked up some Chinese food for us to eat,and the night was all ours.When I got there...

3 years ago
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A Family of Building Blocks

My Father, sister and I have always been alone. Not alone from other people, but alone as a family. My sister MJ, short for Mary-Jane, and I are twins, but not any where near identical. I can't remember anything before I was 4 years old. My father told us about our mother and how she died when giving birth to my sister and I. Dad told us too, our grandparents are from different backgrounds and that's why they didn't recognise us as kin. So my dad has done the best as father and mother,...

2 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 8 The way is blocked

There it was again, straight ahead. The mist parted, and the disk of the sun shone wanly through a thin layer of cloud. But that should not be! He was to travel a day’s journey to the north. But here he was, again, veering straight west, as if something, or someone was physically resisting his progress northward. He forced himself to turn to his right, to seek a pathway through the gorse that opposed him, but he could not find a place. The only way that opened itself to him lay to his left,...

4 years ago
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Ice Blocks

I was busy packing for my little trip up to my parents’ holiday cabin, which was a few hours’ drive away from our house. My step-brother, Tyler, would also be coming with me. Our parents wanted us out of the house while they dealt with some legal issues surrounding a client my mother was currently fighting a case for, as they thought it would be easier for everyone. So, as a result, Tyler and I were going to spend a week or so in the woods, alone and yet completely free to do whatever we...

2 years ago
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up two blocks

so as i sit here stroking my cock watching this whore deep throat a cock and love gagging on it, tears in her eyes..... makes me think about a time back in highschool....slutty little neighbor girl that i had recently met in highschool... she had been a cheer leader all thru highschool tight body not the prettiest but good enough for a lil fwb that we kept from every one mainly because i was nt gunna tell ppl i was messing with her but any ways.... i loved using this girl ...she came...

3 years ago
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Raver Grrl

Becky didn't know what to expect when she allowed her friends to drag her along to the abandoned warehouse on 49th street. She just knew that it was going to be "the party of the century". But then, all parties were the party of the century that year, seeing as the clock wasn't just turning over a new year that New Years, it was turning over a new century and even a new millennium. Deciding not to go with the "I'm a blatant newbie" look, the normally shy, demure fourteen-year-old went...

2 years ago
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October Dream

I came home early from work where I saw my room mate standing in front of the living room window wearing his sheer purple panty,I don't think he heard me as I said Hey Ron, he turned from the window where I was just staring at his cock in those sheer panties and asked him what he was doing. He was in shock that I came home early from work and caught him in his panty. I continued to stare at his larger than life size cock which seem to grow in his panty when he saw me,I again said Ron what are...

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Tune Up

“Tune Up” By Cheap Thrill There was a choking noise in the engine as she pulled up to the intersection of Fifth and Eye.  By the time Christie rounded the driveway of Gonzales All Service Tune N’ Lube, it sounded as though her car might fall apart.  Noises not unlike the desperate squeezing of an empty metal oil can announced her presence to the shop.  Christie lurched out of her car and swung the door shut with all her might, echoing a loud bang throughout the work bays.  The heel of her right...

1 year ago
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BAMVisions Avi Love Excited For Your Cock

Nothing shouts classy like Avi Love wearing seamed fishnet stockings during anal sex with Bam Visions’ Mick Blue. But this small tits stunner is as dirty as they come once you get her hairy bush wet with a finger fuck. She’ practically claws up the walls. She wants big cock deepthoat bad. Mick wants to eat her muff. He facefucks her in the 69 position, and then slathers her big ass with lube. Pushing his prick into her tight asshole, Avi’s fingers obediently fly across her clit. Mick won’t let...

2 years ago
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the first date

So this is half real. All the way up to me showing him the jiggle balls but I wasn’t brave enough to put them in and he didn’t suggest it because we were both too shy but after he confessed I should’ve gone ahead and done it or just showed him porn (I was watching it in the car on mute next to him) All names have been changed I looked anxiously at my phone waiting for the message from Ashton. Sat in the living room in my little black dress that showed plenty of cleavage and the black flowered...

4 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 17

The past week had been hell, but having to bury your loved ones was never easy. Seeing the remains of our home had broken my heart, but not as much as watching my father and husband’s caskets being lowered into the ground. If it hadn’t been for the love and support from Master and my sisters I probably wouldn’t have made it through. I could still see the worry in Felicia’s eyes when she looked at me, she was afraid I would start blaming Master for their deaths. I knew their own courage was...

1 year ago
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Bobby Gets Educated Part I

Even when I was very young, my body was already tuned to sexuality. I remember getting a boner when in the bathtub or shower with my little sister up until I was 10 years old. About that time, Mom decided that we probably shouldn't be bathing together anymore. Funny that Mom cared about this but blew-off worry about so many similar cases. In the bath, my sister would grab my pointing 2" penis, bend it down, and watch it spring back up. Even then, somebody else touching me was somehow electric....

4 years ago
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Roberts Drunken night

Introduction: Robert comes home drunk after seeing his ex-wife at his work. After an amazing drunken tryst, he gets a big surprise. It had been a lousy day for Robert. Robert was a district manager for a retail company that had several locations in malls in the region, and his day had started with having to fire one of the managers. To make matters worse, he had seen his ex-wife and her lover in the food court during his lunch. Once he was done with work for the day, he had headed towards home,...

3 years ago
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Peeping Pussy

Peeping PussyDungeonMaster It was an autumn Saturday morning. There was a slight chill in the air and the four men were eager to get going. They had congregated at their hunting cabin and were sipping on cups of steamy coffee they had bought on their way here. They?ve been coming here for years. During the week they each had different jobs or careers, but the one thing these gentlemen had in common was the love of hunting. They discovered this abandoned building years ago and fixed it...

2 years ago
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Please help me. They’ve left me alone-for now. But they’ll be back. And they’ll do something even worse, even more horrible. I don’t know how that’s possible, after all they’ve done to me, to my body. But I know they’ll find a way. Find something even more terrible to drive into my pussy, to shove cruelly ups my bleeding ass. Please help me. I am so ashamed. So humiliated. He seemed so nice, you know? Trainer at the gym, handsome, buff, funny. David. His name is David. Gentle in his guidance,...

1 year ago
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Dadson play with my younger friend

II know Adam just for 1 month. My friend Lucas took him to our private party because Adam is bi curious. We had really nice time and I was happy to hear a week ago from Adam who said he really liked and that we could meet in privacy. He said he'd love to play some situation where I will be his dad because Im 44yo and he is only 25. I told him it's great idea. We made situation that Adam is just 18 yo and has bad school results and i must punish him that he doesn't behave properly. I said : “...

2 years ago
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The Office Whore Part 40

Chad woke up and glanced over at the beautiful redhead in his bed. “Mine,” he thought, “all mine for the next four glorious days. And he realized that the best part about starting a four-day weekend on the evening before was still having four full days of fun ahead!Since she was still sleeping, he glanced briefly at his phone to check for any messages from Karena about the new account he’d managed to secure yesterday. When he saw nothing, he sent her a quick text.Hey there, any news on the...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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My Wife Used Ter Be Innocent

Ah went ter high school in another town cause we didn’t have one nearby in our hills. Ah lived with mah uncle and aunt. Of course that meant Ah got some good older pussy at least once a day. She was pretty hot like our family women are, so mah uncle needed the help or she’d be screwin too many of the neighbors. Sure Ah dated high school girls. Ah’m a big solid farm boy that could easily out do them jocks in anything they wanted ter try. For years Ah’d been fucking older women that knew how ter...

3 years ago
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My Nephew

I am a divorced 46 year old women who is still attractive and sexually vibrant. That's why having been divorced for a number of years has been so painful for me. Not that I missed my ex, but I missed a cock. My ex husband and I may have been kind of kinky by some peoples definition of sex. We used to watch the videos while we fucked and fantasize about being with the couples on the screen. Now all I can do is finger my aching pussy to climax while I watch alone. But thankfully that changed...

1 year ago
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A n afternoons sauna with my daughter

Note : This story is completely fictional! Having married Terri my wife when her daughter Stella was still young, I was never really aware of her growth to adulthood until suddenly she was a very pretty teenager. Then I became like most dads and worried more about her and what guys wanted than realising just how sexy she’d become to me as well. One day when she was back from university, I was taking a sauna. I was enjoying the relaxation of the heat on my naked skin and gently stroking my cock...


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