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Kürzlich fuhr ich abends mit dem Zug nach Bern, entspannt lehnte ich mich zurück, packte mein Buch aus und begann etwas über Kierkegaard zu lesen. Wie üblich wird ich durch das Vorbeizeihen der Landschaft aber schnell abgelenkt und meine Augen wanderten umher. Da blieb mein Blick an zwei wunderbaren Knöcheln hängen, wanderte weiter zu Füssen, die schwarz bestrumpft in schwarzen, eleganten Pumps steckten. Ich wurde neugierig. Leider hatte sie ihren Wintermantel was weiss ich warum über ihre Beine gelegt, aber es liessen sich, passend zu den Knöcheln und den stilvollen Schuhen auch zwei wohlgeformte Beine erahnen. «Achtung, sonst gerätst du in die #meToo-Mühle…», dachte ich bei mir. Natürlich blieb mein Interesse an diesem Hammerweib nicht unbemerkt, als ich oben ankam, dreht sie ihr Gesicht grad weg, aber ich bemerkte im Spiegelbild der Scheibe, dass sie lächelte. Süffisant lächelte, wie mit schien.
Ich widmete mich wieder meinem Buch, aber meine Konzentration – zumindest auf die Lektüre – liess stark zu wünschen übrig. Immer wieder schweifte mein Blick ins Nachbarsabteil, zur fleischgewordenen Sünde auf zwei Beinen. Ihre Augen waren von einem leuchtenden Grün, das Abenteuerlust versprach. Ihr schönes Gesicht strahlte eine Reife aus, da fühlte man sich gleich irgendwo in italienischen Weinberge versetzt. Ihre vollen Lippen waren dezent in einer rötlichen Umbra geschminkt, aber strahlten einen verführerischen Glanz aus. Ich schmolz dahin. Eine Wahnsinnsfrau, die einem nur durch ihre Anwesenheit den Verstand raubt. Wenn ich mich endlich wieder verkrampft meinem Buch zuwenden konnte, spürte, ich, dass auch sie mich taxierte. Ist ja klar, ich meine, warum soll nur ich gaffen und mich ergötzen. Obwohl, so eine Göttin wird sich wohl nicht mit einem einfachen Schreiber und Zeichner abgeben. Ich wagte es nicht, aufzuschauen, zu sehr fürchtete ich einen abschätzigen Ausdruck in ihren Augen.
«Meine Damen und Herren, wir treffen in Bern ein.», ertönte nun die Lautsprecherstimme. Ich packte mein Buch in meine Stofftasche und freudig stellte ich fest, dass meine hinreissende Nachbarin ihre Sachen auch packte und den Mantel anzog. Dabei konnte ich wieder im Spiegelbild ihre Figur erkennen. Ich bekam regelrecht weiche Knie und in Gedanken skizzierte ich dieses heisse Wesen – natürlich nackt, scheiss auf #meToo. Und kurz darauf wurde mir der Boden unter den Füssen weggerissen, veränderte sich mein Weltbild, stockte mir der Atem: Ganz deutlich höre ich an meinem Ohr eine sanfte, engelsgleiche Stimme. «Folge mir!» Das ist alles. Die elegante Dame ging mit sicheren Schritten auf ihren hochhackigen Schuhen durch den Gang, stieg aus und wandte sich durch das Menschengewimmel der Rampe zu, welche in den unterirdischen Bahnhof führte. Sie drehte sich nicht um. Dieses Prachtsweib war sich ihrer Wirkung voll und ganz bewusst, sie hatte mich an der Angel. Sie wusste haargenau, dass ich ihr folgen würde. Obwohl das ehrlich gesagt gar nicht so einfach war, da mein Blut beim Hauch ihrer Stimme in meinem Ohr tsunamiartig in meine Lendengegend schoss und ich mit einer gewaltigen Beule in der Hose ihr hinterherhastete. Ich durfte sie nicht aus den Augen verlieren, aber das war auch nicht schwer. Ihr Duft leitete mich, traumhaft, verführerisch kitzelte er mir in der Nase und lenkte meine Schritte dem Trippelton ihrer Pumps nach.
Meine Augenweide ging schnurstracks am Treffpunkt in der Bahnhofshalle vorbei und nahm die Rolltreppe zur Neuengasse hinauf. Gespannt folgte ich ihr, bisher hat sie sich noch nie umgedreht um zu schauen, ob ich ihr folge. Ihr Gang war wundervoll, es war, als ob sie schwebte. Ihr Hüftschwung beim gehen liess mich erbeben und meine Fantasie hüpfte auf, es war eine Wonne, ihr hinterherzugehen.
Beim Waisenhausplatz bog sie ab, zuerst dachte ich, sie wollte ins Starbuck, aber dann bog sie bei der Neuen Mittelschule in die Zeughausgasse ein. Ob sie zum Stadttheater wollte? Nach einem achtminütigen Catwalk aber, kurz vor der Französischen Kirche, verlangsamte sie ihre Schritte und sie wandte sich dem Eingang des Best Western Hotelbern zu. Ich musste mich beeilen, wenn ich sie nicht verlieren wollte. Obwohl, dort drin würde ich wahrscheinlich rasch auffallen und vom Personal rausgeschmissen werden. Ich betrat den Rezeptionsraum und blieb verblüfft stehen. Mist! Weg ist sie. Das kann doch nicht sein. Ich meine, ich bin ihr ja regelrecht am schönen Rockzipfel gehangen. Fast etwas verärgert über mich selber schaute ich mich um, als ich schon wieder diesen erotischen Hauch ihrer verruchten Stimme vernahm, die mir wieder ins Ohr flüsterte: «Warte beim Lift.» Wieder nicht mehr. Mann, die weiss, wie man spielt.
Kurz darauf hörte ich den Concièrge sagen: «Voilà, Madame. Ihr Schlüssel. Es steht alles wie gewünscht bereit. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Abend!» Zielstrebig kommt sie auf mich zu, lächelt mich – ehrlich, dieser Engel hat’s drauf! – fast scheu an und drückt auf den Liftknopf. Als sich die Schiebetür öffnet, rauscht sie an mir vorbei und meint keck: «Na? Worauf wartest du?» Im Lift drückt sie auf den Knopf für den dritten Stock. «Jetzt gibt’s kein Zurück mehr, mein Lieber. Ich freue mich, dass du meiner Einladung gefolgt bist.», lächelt sie mich unverfroren an. «Ich heisse Lisa.» - «Enchanté, Madame. Ich bin der Alex. Und ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend!», antwortete ich in Anspielung auf den Concièrge. «Oh, den werden wir haben, mein heisser Alex!» lacht sie mich an und gab mir einen Kuss.
Ich konnte es kaum erwarten, bis sie den Schlüssel drehte und die Tür n ihr Doppelzimmer öffnete. Oh Mann, das Zimmer allein strahlte schon eine erotische Atmosphäre aus: Das Licht der Lampen aus der Zeughausgasse fiel golden gedämpft durch die halbrunden raumgrossen Fensterscheiben und tauchten das bunt gestaltete Zimmer in lustbetonte Magie. Ich betrat den Raum, blieb stehen und liess ihn auf mich wirken. Da trat Lisa von hinten an mich heran, ich spürte ihre wohlige Hitze an meinem Rücken, ihre Lippen an meinem Ohr: «Lass dich heute Nacht von mir verzaubern, mein abenteuerlicher Lustprinz!» hauchte sie mir nun schon zum dritten Mal ins Ohr. Das Blut schoss erneut in meinen Schwanz und augenblicklich wölbte wieder eine ansehnliche Beule meine Jeans aus. Lisa schien das zu spüren, denn ihre eleganten, warmen Hände legten sich von hinten auf diesen Buckel, nicht sanft, nicht hart, gerade mit genügend Druck um mir ein wohliges, lustvolles Röcheln zu entlocken. «Spritz jetzt ja nicht in die Hose, du Ferkel! Ich will nicht, dass du auch nur einen Tropfen deines Lustsafts vergeudest!» - «Meine Liebe, das ist möglicher weise schon zu spät, du hast meine Samenpumpe arg strapaziert.», grinste ich Lisa freche an. «Zumindest eine gewisse feuchte Vorfreude spüre ich…».
«Na dann wollen wir dich doch mal von dem lästigen Stoff befreien und deinem strammen Freund etwas Platz gönnen, du geiler Bock!», und schon nestelten ihre geschickten Finger meinen Gürtel und den Knopf auf. Mein dicker, steifer Bengel sprang regelrecht aus der Hose und schnellte in die Höhe, als Lisa meine Boxershorts nur ein wenig nach unten zog. Das schien ihr zu gefallen. Lisa kniete vor mich hin. Mit ihren hübschen Fingern und den gepflegten, halblangen Fingernägeln streichelte sie meinen Bolzen. Sie legte ihre warme Hand an den fleischigen roten Lustpfahl und spürte, wie das Blut in ihm pochte, wie er in lustvoller Freude pulsierte.


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The world as we knew it no longer exists. The 'incident' that occurred less than a month ago has wiped out 75% of the human population. 24% of those that survived rapidly underwent horrific mutations. Flesh eating monsters was the last report before the television went dead. With less then 1% of humanity left in the world, all seems lost. That was until an XM radio station announced safe haven had been established not far away. Soft spoken teenager Emily has long black hair straight down to...

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Another Chance Opportunities Missed

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The Tree House Book 2Chapter 5

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Sunanda Sangeetha Srungaram

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Hot Sex With Latha Aunty

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A Slut For My Fathers Bachelor Party

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Mistress Jasmine Made Me a Slave Forever

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Uncle and niece

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Bestiality fantasies with sexy dirty girl

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Grace the Final ChaptersChapter 3

THE TWO BOARS This took place back home at Gladys’ farm after my ordeal locked up with thirty dogs for two nights and one day. The cameras did not catch me being mated by all of them but I did do this and some more than once. To show it, as I have already said, they edited it to look like it by filming only fifteen. Only! I was then taken naked to a pig sty. They made it even look more nasty dropping in more earth and water but it actually, for me, was a lot easier and comfortable. The wet...

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Changed "How can you be such a baby," Daniel teased mercilessly. It always pleased Daniel to no end when he was in a position in which he could show superiority over someone else and it was even better when it was his sister. They were both having their breakfast that morning and for Daniels's sister Jessica this wasn't a good situation. Recently Jessica had lapsed into wetting herself every now and then and now wore diapers until she a time where she was consistently dry. "Why do...

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The Widow Ch 18

Passion in James County XII: The Widow Chapter Eighteen Joanne was delighted to awaken in Larry’s arms the next morning. Even nicer was the fact that one of his hands was gently squeezing her breast and something warm and hard was nudging between her buttocks. When Larry felt Joanne stirring, he kissed her softly on the neck. ‘Good morning, sweetheart,’ he whispered. ‘Did you sleep well?’ ‘Oh, God, darling!’ Joanne whispered. ‘I slept wonderfully…thanks to you!’ Larry had awakened quite a...

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Perks Of The Job

This is actually a true story involving myself,hope you guys enjoy! After I left high school, I really didn't fancy going to college to sit in a classroom learning about stuff I had no interest in or things that had any use to me in real life, so after a work experience placement working for my local council contractor, accompanying various carpenters, plumbers and decorators, I decided I wanted to become an electrician. I was offered an apprenticeship role with the contractors once I had left...

Straight Sex
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A Log Truck Driver In Outer SpaceChapter 12

I didn't really need to drive my truck up to the safe area to get there, Carl would have let me use his pickup I'm sure. In fact he offered it. I took my log truck because if they wanted to see a truck driver I might as well prove it by showing them the truck from the git go. When I'd come as close as I could without bumping into the barrier I laid down on my train horn. I hadn't seen them when I drove up but they came running around from the back of their truck right away. It was an...

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The Courts Of Pleasure Ch 12

Chapter 12: The Patron Pursues His Pleasures of Passion. The Patron, finishing the last of his dinner and relaxing with his glass of Chardonnay, viewed these beauties dawdling upon the monitor before him, their images life-size in the screen. The Patron sipped the wine with more than satisfaction. The display this afternoon with the three guys had been all that he had hoped for. This recording would be a treasure, a new entertainment at the next soiree. Most interestingly Sarah had shown...

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WhippedAss Sadie Santana Mia Li Noisy Neighbor Conflict turned Kinky Lesbian Sex

Hot musician Mia Li, sings and strums away on her ukulele as Sadie Santana, the neighbor she shares a wall with, attempts to study. Sadie’s efforts to quiet Mia prove fruitless, so Sadie walks into Mia’s unlocked apartment to shut her up. Mia quickly turns Sadie’s anger around with a sweet seduction and Mia convinces Sadie to stick around for spanking, finger banging, bondage, foot worship, paddling, flogging, clothespin nipple clamps, tons of pussy licking, pussy and anal...

4 years ago
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Olive Oyly0

Olivia's alter ego Oyly is released in a public performance. Olivia Franklin awakes to find herself in a strange theater where she is forced to participate in an erotic performance involving humiliation, spanking, masturbation, and several other interesting sexual practices. At the end of the performance she is called upon to make what is perhaps the most important decision of her life. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over...

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Finally It Happened With Mom 8211 Part 2

Thank you for your responses for my last post. I’m Sumith narrating the experiences of one of my friends Nelson and his mom Molly. Nelson being from a small town in Kerala was not a guy with tremendous confidence, however human instincts overtakes all. Now it’s time for you to enjoy the later part. Over to Nelson now. It was really amazing, the very first sexual encounter let alone with mom but with any woman. Yes, she isn’t young and slim as my classmates are but nothing can match my mom at...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! My grandmother has been dead for about 18 years now and i lost contact with my grandfather and father. when i turned 16 i got my permit and started to go to my fathers house which was about four city blocks from my grandaddies. before i get to much into this story let me tell you a little about myself. i am a blonde with glacierblue eyes athletic body with 32 24 34 for my messurments. i am 58. i just started my summer and decieded to go visit my...

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My first meeting

After some persuading I had agreed to meet with Len. He was going to be on holiday in Spain, and I was there with my yacht.We agreed to meet at the marina bar and see what happens.When we eventually met up, I knew all I wanted was his cock, but I needed to be in control, and as he has a severe stockings fetish, I was wearing the right clothes to entice him into my way of thinking.After a quick chat and few drinks we went back to my yacht, as we started to kiss and just as we got into the...

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The Hidden Camera

We had a few cars being broken into around our neighbourhood and a few ofmy neighbours had house alarms fitted but the trouble I found with themis that they go off for all sorts of reasons and no-one takes any notice.I decided to buy a wireless video camera. I bought it on ebay verycheaply and when it arrived through the post the next day I quickly setit up.My neighbour Frank called round and asked me what I was doing and I gavehim a demo. He said he would like one but was useless at doing...

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Im a Cougar

Hello, I’m Jaqui and I’m a Cougar. Welcome to Cougars Anonymous. Ha! Jaqui’s not my real name and I’m not ashamed of being a cougar. But I’m not telling my real name. Why? Well that’s none of your beeswax. Just call me Jaqui. Pronounced Jakee. Okaaay? I’m 41 in 2010, the year of our Lord. Oh dang, shouldn’t be mentioning Him since the first thing I’m gonna tell you about myself is that I like to fuck young men. Always have, I think I always will. Back in my twenties and early thirties, I...

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Jennys Bargain in the Sea of Cortez

Jenny was extremely apprehensive about the trip, but she tried not to show it. She and her husband, Joe, had flown from their home in the Kansas City to Guaymas. From there, they were going to rent a sailboat and sail to Angel Island in the Sea of Cortez. The Sea of Cortez is the long passage of water between the mainland of Mexico and the long Baja peninsula to the west, surrounded by ocean on each side. Jenny was fearful of the ocean. Her husband was a computer geek she had met in college....

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RebelChapter 26 Trudy The Generals Wife

As a spy, I guess inept would be the best word for me. My lieutenant sent me into the city with a wagon load of corn and a few shillings, to see what I could find out about British plans for the spring. I was told to stay away from Mrs. Von R- for some reason. I did not have any trouble getting a good price for the corn or the wagon and mule, but I sure did have trouble finding out what Howe was up to. In fact, what I did find out made me think that Howe really did not care much for the...

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Trading FriendsChapter 4 Sheri

(NOTE: Starting with this chapter I will be changing a bit. From now on even numbered chapters will be from the viewpoint of another member of the group. Odd numbered chapters will be POV Robert. This should give the story a slightly different feel.) Sheri: Mom and dad had started out last night trying to read me the riot act; but then they had softened and agreed that what I was doing was probably for the best. Dad said that he really didn't want me to be sexually active, but that he...

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The Adventures of Mar and Kate Part 1 Membership Test

I messaged Kate that I was finally getting a membership at Three Lavender Rings. TLR is a very exclusive sex club for LGBTs. Kate and I are bi, so we fit the "B" category. We also share the same kinky tastes – bondage, exhibitionism, sex machines and more. We'd planned to go as a team and see how much ravishment we could collect. But first, we needed membership. The club had no website, no phone directory listing, and no advertising except word-of-mouth. You could not pay at the door. You had...

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Blood MoneyChapter 10

Josh and I had split the reward money from the Wainwright capture, so I had less money than I would have had if I had been operating alone, but I now had a partner that I could count on to watch my back. The swap was more than welcome! Martha and Josh got along very well, but I could not see anything coming of it. Well, what do I know? I am just a man. Anyway, I spent two weeks at home sleeping with my wife. No sex, though. The midwife had told her to forgo sex for at least four months to...

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Patriot Games v20 Chapter 9 Jack Confronts Rose on the Issue of Infidelity

Chapter 9 - Jack confronts Rose on the issue of infidelity "Infidelity in a woman is a masculine trait." "Mike and his friends were smoking cigars all day. They even talked me into sucking on Mike's...." "Go on Rose, you sucked on Mike's what?" Rose stood there naked with fury in her eyes she slapped Jack so hard his vision blurred, "Bitch, watch your potty mouth! Don't be an ass Jack. His cigar of course! "By the end of the day I reeked of the smoke. I took a shower,...

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A Visit to My Old College Town

Anna loves sex. A routine trip provides her a new opportunity for excitement.I am Ric and this story is mostly about my wife Anna. My wife Anna and I visited my old college recently. It is in a small southern town. I had some alumni business and Anna was along just for fun.Let me tell you something about Anna. She is 5’4’’ tall. She weighs about 140 pounds. She is blonde now greying. She is beautiful at 59-years-old. Her tits are 36c and very sensitive. Her nipples are exquisite. And she has a...

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Dare Book IIChapter 6

The world was in twilight, the grey moment between day and night, and I was moving amongst the people. I'd left the house, sneaking away because I didn't need or want my brothers to follow me. I thought perhaps that I was looking too far when there were a lot of people living on the reservation. The Native Americans knew me already; most of them had seen me at least once, during the Awakening, but little beyond that. I was more like a rumor, I suppose, a ghost maybe, and some of them...

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