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Kürzlich fuhr ich abends mit dem Zug nach Bern, entspannt lehnte ich mich zurück, packte mein Buch aus und begann etwas über Kierkegaard zu lesen. Wie üblich wird ich durch das Vorbeizeihen der Landschaft aber schnell abgelenkt und meine Augen wanderten umher. Da blieb mein Blick an zwei wunderbaren Knöcheln hängen, wanderte weiter zu Füssen, die schwarz bestrumpft in schwarzen, eleganten Pumps steckten. Ich wurde neugierig. Leider hatte sie ihren Wintermantel was weiss ich warum über ihre Beine gelegt, aber es liessen sich, passend zu den Knöcheln und den stilvollen Schuhen auch zwei wohlgeformte Beine erahnen. «Achtung, sonst gerätst du in die #meToo-Mühle…», dachte ich bei mir. Natürlich blieb mein Interesse an diesem Hammerweib nicht unbemerkt, als ich oben ankam, dreht sie ihr Gesicht grad weg, aber ich bemerkte im Spiegelbild der Scheibe, dass sie lächelte. Süffisant lächelte, wie mit schien.
Ich widmete mich wieder meinem Buch, aber meine Konzentration – zumindest auf die Lektüre – liess stark zu wünschen übrig. Immer wieder schweifte mein Blick ins Nachbarsabteil, zur fleischgewordenen Sünde auf zwei Beinen. Ihre Augen waren von einem leuchtenden Grün, das Abenteuerlust versprach. Ihr schönes Gesicht strahlte eine Reife aus, da fühlte man sich gleich irgendwo in italienischen Weinberge versetzt. Ihre vollen Lippen waren dezent in einer rötlichen Umbra geschminkt, aber strahlten einen verführerischen Glanz aus. Ich schmolz dahin. Eine Wahnsinnsfrau, die einem nur durch ihre Anwesenheit den Verstand raubt. Wenn ich mich endlich wieder verkrampft meinem Buch zuwenden konnte, spürte, ich, dass auch sie mich taxierte. Ist ja klar, ich meine, warum soll nur ich gaffen und mich ergötzen. Obwohl, so eine Göttin wird sich wohl nicht mit einem einfachen Schreiber und Zeichner abgeben. Ich wagte es nicht, aufzuschauen, zu sehr fürchtete ich einen abschätzigen Ausdruck in ihren Augen.
«Meine Damen und Herren, wir treffen in Bern ein.», ertönte nun die Lautsprecherstimme. Ich packte mein Buch in meine Stofftasche und freudig stellte ich fest, dass meine hinreissende Nachbarin ihre Sachen auch packte und den Mantel anzog. Dabei konnte ich wieder im Spiegelbild ihre Figur erkennen. Ich bekam regelrecht weiche Knie und in Gedanken skizzierte ich dieses heisse Wesen – natürlich nackt, scheiss auf #meToo. Und kurz darauf wurde mir der Boden unter den Füssen weggerissen, veränderte sich mein Weltbild, stockte mir der Atem: Ganz deutlich höre ich an meinem Ohr eine sanfte, engelsgleiche Stimme. «Folge mir!» Das ist alles. Die elegante Dame ging mit sicheren Schritten auf ihren hochhackigen Schuhen durch den Gang, stieg aus und wandte sich durch das Menschengewimmel der Rampe zu, welche in den unterirdischen Bahnhof führte. Sie drehte sich nicht um. Dieses Prachtsweib war sich ihrer Wirkung voll und ganz bewusst, sie hatte mich an der Angel. Sie wusste haargenau, dass ich ihr folgen würde. Obwohl das ehrlich gesagt gar nicht so einfach war, da mein Blut beim Hauch ihrer Stimme in meinem Ohr tsunamiartig in meine Lendengegend schoss und ich mit einer gewaltigen Beule in der Hose ihr hinterherhastete. Ich durfte sie nicht aus den Augen verlieren, aber das war auch nicht schwer. Ihr Duft leitete mich, traumhaft, verführerisch kitzelte er mir in der Nase und lenkte meine Schritte dem Trippelton ihrer Pumps nach.
Meine Augenweide ging schnurstracks am Treffpunkt in der Bahnhofshalle vorbei und nahm die Rolltreppe zur Neuengasse hinauf. Gespannt folgte ich ihr, bisher hat sie sich noch nie umgedreht um zu schauen, ob ich ihr folge. Ihr Gang war wundervoll, es war, als ob sie schwebte. Ihr Hüftschwung beim gehen liess mich erbeben und meine Fantasie hüpfte auf, es war eine Wonne, ihr hinterherzugehen.
Beim Waisenhausplatz bog sie ab, zuerst dachte ich, sie wollte ins Starbuck, aber dann bog sie bei der Neuen Mittelschule in die Zeughausgasse ein. Ob sie zum Stadttheater wollte? Nach einem achtminütigen Catwalk aber, kurz vor der Französischen Kirche, verlangsamte sie ihre Schritte und sie wandte sich dem Eingang des Best Western Hotelbern zu. Ich musste mich beeilen, wenn ich sie nicht verlieren wollte. Obwohl, dort drin würde ich wahrscheinlich rasch auffallen und vom Personal rausgeschmissen werden. Ich betrat den Rezeptionsraum und blieb verblüfft stehen. Mist! Weg ist sie. Das kann doch nicht sein. Ich meine, ich bin ihr ja regelrecht am schönen Rockzipfel gehangen. Fast etwas verärgert über mich selber schaute ich mich um, als ich schon wieder diesen erotischen Hauch ihrer verruchten Stimme vernahm, die mir wieder ins Ohr flüsterte: «Warte beim Lift.» Wieder nicht mehr. Mann, die weiss, wie man spielt.
Kurz darauf hörte ich den Concièrge sagen: «Voilà, Madame. Ihr Schlüssel. Es steht alles wie gewünscht bereit. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Abend!» Zielstrebig kommt sie auf mich zu, lächelt mich – ehrlich, dieser Engel hat’s drauf! – fast scheu an und drückt auf den Liftknopf. Als sich die Schiebetür öffnet, rauscht sie an mir vorbei und meint keck: «Na? Worauf wartest du?» Im Lift drückt sie auf den Knopf für den dritten Stock. «Jetzt gibt’s kein Zurück mehr, mein Lieber. Ich freue mich, dass du meiner Einladung gefolgt bist.», lächelt sie mich unverfroren an. «Ich heisse Lisa.» - «Enchanté, Madame. Ich bin der Alex. Und ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend!», antwortete ich in Anspielung auf den Concièrge. «Oh, den werden wir haben, mein heisser Alex!» lacht sie mich an und gab mir einen Kuss.
Ich konnte es kaum erwarten, bis sie den Schlüssel drehte und die Tür n ihr Doppelzimmer öffnete. Oh Mann, das Zimmer allein strahlte schon eine erotische Atmosphäre aus: Das Licht der Lampen aus der Zeughausgasse fiel golden gedämpft durch die halbrunden raumgrossen Fensterscheiben und tauchten das bunt gestaltete Zimmer in lustbetonte Magie. Ich betrat den Raum, blieb stehen und liess ihn auf mich wirken. Da trat Lisa von hinten an mich heran, ich spürte ihre wohlige Hitze an meinem Rücken, ihre Lippen an meinem Ohr: «Lass dich heute Nacht von mir verzaubern, mein abenteuerlicher Lustprinz!» hauchte sie mir nun schon zum dritten Mal ins Ohr. Das Blut schoss erneut in meinen Schwanz und augenblicklich wölbte wieder eine ansehnliche Beule meine Jeans aus. Lisa schien das zu spüren, denn ihre eleganten, warmen Hände legten sich von hinten auf diesen Buckel, nicht sanft, nicht hart, gerade mit genügend Druck um mir ein wohliges, lustvolles Röcheln zu entlocken. «Spritz jetzt ja nicht in die Hose, du Ferkel! Ich will nicht, dass du auch nur einen Tropfen deines Lustsafts vergeudest!» - «Meine Liebe, das ist möglicher weise schon zu spät, du hast meine Samenpumpe arg strapaziert.», grinste ich Lisa freche an. «Zumindest eine gewisse feuchte Vorfreude spüre ich…».
«Na dann wollen wir dich doch mal von dem lästigen Stoff befreien und deinem strammen Freund etwas Platz gönnen, du geiler Bock!», und schon nestelten ihre geschickten Finger meinen Gürtel und den Knopf auf. Mein dicker, steifer Bengel sprang regelrecht aus der Hose und schnellte in die Höhe, als Lisa meine Boxershorts nur ein wenig nach unten zog. Das schien ihr zu gefallen. Lisa kniete vor mich hin. Mit ihren hübschen Fingern und den gepflegten, halblangen Fingernägeln streichelte sie meinen Bolzen. Sie legte ihre warme Hand an den fleischigen roten Lustpfahl und spürte, wie das Blut in ihm pochte, wie er in lustvoller Freude pulsierte.


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Broken Fantasy Part 4

DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the use of condoms and safe sex at all times. Broken Fantasy (M/F, Intr, Cuck, Voyeur, Anal,...

2 years ago
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Life of the Party

"Billy, you pig," Mona said with a smile as she screwed herself still deeper on my upright shaft with my gripping hands squeezing her hard nipples out between my splayed fingers. "Don't just lie there; get to work." "I'm fucked out, baby. Sorry. You're about the twelfth girl to mount my prong, and it's sore and tired. I've done the two hours you asked for." She wriggled in the saddle, getting comfortable with my more or less rigid penis well up inside her and rubbing her folded-in...

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Off The Beaten Path

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Fucking my newly shaved step sister and her friend

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 8

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Moms website

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CFAST part 3

They followed the Mistress, hand in hand, to the medical facility. Entering the room, they were greeted by the nurse who instructed them to remove their clothes. Looking around, Pete saw that an assortment of large transparent bags, rubber tubes, and something resembling the teats that had been on the feeding bottles. 'I am going to instruct you on how to give your girlfriend an enema,' the nurse informed them. 'You will do this twice a day, when you get up in the morning and before you...

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An Original Woman

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Pulling Weight and Other Things

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Alone Time

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making sexual progress

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A wonderful wake up call

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Sara and Mr Rostand The Fun Continues

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Celebrity Fuckfest

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Handyboys New Customer

Billy's mother put the sandwich and glass of milk down in front of him and then sat across the kitchen table and smiled, licking her lips and secretly pleased, her warm, damp pussy trembling. "I saw Mrs. Peterson today, at the store. She told me what a good job you did for her." "Um," he said, chewing. "She's very pretty, isn't she?" She let her bathrobe fall open. He nodded, trying to ignore her full, firm breasts. "She called you a fine young man, and said she hoped to see you...

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Mitch, tank-boy, Cooper and I had been out of the army for a week when we all met up for a drinking session at Coop's house. As usual, we went too far and I ended up staggering home far the worse for wear. And it was only early evening.When I closed the front door and fell up the stairs, I could hear giggles coming from the brat's bedroom. Oh, no. The little cow had another of her soppy team-mates round.Stacy was nearly ten years younger than I. In fact, she had only had her eighteenth birthday...

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You can make love to me she whispered

I was thinking back on the first night that I slept with Kathy (not her real name for privacy purposes). I had recently relocated from the Mid-South to northeast Florida and started working as a computer technician in a little shop in a small town. There weren't too many people in the area that did computer work in those days and the shop at which I was employed did the I.T. work for the city government. One of the people who worked in one of the city offices was a secretary who bore a striking...

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Sexy Little Neighbor

For months I had been waiting to find out who was going to move into the house caddy corner to mine. I had always hoped it to be some sexy coed or something. Over the last month, a lot of interested buyers had gone through the house and left with out offering anything. I was disappointed by the interested buyers until I saw Jenna… I was pulling up to my house in my 65 mustang, when I glanced over at the house and saw this gorgeous little fox. From my view she looked to be around 5`5 and maybe...

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Sex With House Owner Aunty

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 66

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Say the Secret Word

‘Jack boy, you have so nailed this,’ John Michael Robertson, Jack to his friends, thought to himself as he finished reading the report on his computer screen for the third time. A recent graduate ofNorthernCaliforniaState, the twenty-one year old was one of six interns vying for a permanent position atCornwall, Dunmoreand Frost, and while his performance the last few months had made him the front runner, one other candidate, Rebecca Blackwood, had turned in equally impressive work. It was all...

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At the end of his day, it was a tired Jason that made his way home. As he walked up his walk, he noticed a cute, young, petite, dark haired girl sitting on his porch. “I’ll bet you are the lovely Ms. Kelly Ann Black.” “Yes Sir. Please call me Ann. Dean Malcomb sent me here for orientation. I don’t understand why. I’ve already been through the university’s orientation class.” “That’s fine Ann, but my orientation is a bit different. You may come to enjoy it a great deal more than the one...

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young ladies get educated pt1

I am trainer for a girl group of 9 10-12 y.o. girls. I know them far well because I do this job for two years now. But it is disgusting for me. These pretty little chicks seem to be little toys of their parents. All the way they talk about fashion and music. Sports is only a favor for their fashion requirements and their daddies. The only thing I really enjoy is each shower after the training session. My eyes eat each babyish pussy and everytime my pussy becomes rather wet dreaming about a 69...

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Ladds Exchange Mall Book 1

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Lord of Corruption

Delvin Artanus was an innkeeper in a not-so-typical fantasy setting, he wasn’t an average person, but he was the kind of character that most stories would relegate to background status. That wasn’t to say he wasn’t nice to look at; some would say he had a kind of natural hotness to him reserved for when you are talking about someone in terms of appearance and social presence. He was no warrior or Paladin; Delvin was just someone that adventurers occasionally interacted with and told stories to...

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Finding moms toys

Oh yes oh yes oooh.... i moan as i pump 2 fingers in my bald wet cunt as i fantasize about a ridged cock filling my wet snatch. I pick up the pace and feverishly finger fuck my self faster and faster to an explosive body shaking, convulsing orgasm oh and im a huge gusher/squirter laying in my bed its about 8 am on a Saturday im naked, shiny with sweat and my own cum. Just a little bit about me My name is shelby im an 18 year old highschool graduate 5'4 130lbs fairly curvy with 34 dd tits. They...

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What Did I do

What did I do? This is the question I asked myself as I was gang banged by twenty or more young teenage thugs. I was leaving my third hour class of the day in high school, as I started to go down the stairs to the second floor, Charlie was standing on the landing looking up at me with a wicked smile. I saw him and hoped he didn't see me, I started to walk back up the stairs when Bruce push gently at my back whispering ''re going the wrong way, we need you yo go with us or else..." Fear...

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That Morning With My StepSister and Her Friend

This is one of the first stories I wrote, now tarted up and wheeled out for your delight dear readers.God! I’m sure my cock grows a bit bigger every night. Some guys would do bad shit to own one like mine. The girth of it fills my palm, its purple bulb a fucking wonder between my fingers. This morning it's so hard it fucking hurts.Why is there never pussy at hand when you need it? God, Ryan, you’ll just have to think about how they moan when you push into them, how it opens them up and fills...

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First Experience And Blackmail The Boys 8211 Part 2

Hi guys this is the second part of my previous post. Hope you all have enjoyed my previous post. Coming to the story. After Mangesh and I dressed up we went to our class. I said both of them that now you both will not only touch each other’s penis but also will take it in mouth. Days passed I made them do the same thing. Mangesh was used to handjob, when I moved his penis skin up and down he was not having any pain. And daily sucking his penis made him orgasm. I used to suck his penis and he...

1 year ago
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My husband and I are golfers and we got friendly with this new couple at our course who owned a condo in Florida, which they invited us to when they went there for a week. It was in a complex that had two golf courses, no waiting and the third day we were there, the weather was miserable. Gwen and I both did not want to play in the nasty weather, so our husbands went without us, leaving just the two of us for about five hours or so. They were no sooner out the door when Gwen took her robe off,...

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Love Potion Goth Slave Sister

It all started like it did every day and it never seemed to end. Angela had been a perfect sister and daughter according to mom. Angela turned 13 and just went crazy. It all went downhill as Angela found new friends and started using drugs and our lives went from one crisis to another. Tonight it was the worst ever and Angela hit mom, I stepped in and separated them, then put Angela in her room. Mom said "Robert you're responsible for your older sister now and I want you to control her." Mom...

1 year ago
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Neighbourhood Watch

The phone call was a surprise. After some inconsequential small talk, the caller dropped his voice in asking, “Does the term ‘watch-and-be-watched’ ring any bells with your two?” Mark paused before committing himself. Eventually, he said, “It might.” “We hoped it might.” “We?” “Pam and I.” Mark waited for further elucidation. “We’re planning a little get-together for Saturday evening. You remember Gary and Audrey - they come to the Neighbourhood meetings occasionally?” “Vaguely.” In fact, he...

2 years ago
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Experimental Erotics Escorts 1 3 Videos

[uWe present our dear readers an erotic essay with sexy videos by great girls from all around the world[/u]We love to tease our dear readers and slowly build up the erotic experience from 'hot', by 'hotter', to 'hottest'.We show you videos, chosen from the three main continents. From amateurs in awesome Australia to tough America and Eurasia. Which is halfway the former two, in terms of porn production. We present models, similar in looks and age. Students of around twenty years in age. All are...

4 years ago
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Pissing In The Woods

I went into a deep sleep of which I have no recollection. The first thing that I became aware of was dreaming that Susan was fondling my still raging erection. I remember feeling so happy that I was going to get my wet dream about Susan. I dreamed that she began pumping my tool as she had learned from watching me. She had said that it was so clear in her mind and that she would probably never forget the first time that she saw a guy shoot his orgasm in front of her while watching her do...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a serial swinger Origins of a sex

The further you go from the beginning the closer you come back to it. That truth seems to be guiding me now. Things have come full circle as I follow a path of serendipity through this maze of ugliness and greed before me. Providence tells me it leads the way to you...exert 3-28-12 from JOURNAL******************************************************************************** "ORIGINS OF A SEX ADDICT" chp. IMy memory dims as I...

2 years ago
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Nappys Lament The Don Imus Story

NAPPY'S LAMENT (the Don Imus story) A bit of doggeral by The Gimp. I once was Don Imus but now I'm a slut, who gets fucked in the cunt and the mouth and the butt. Yes I once had my very own radio show; when I talked more better, and not like no Ho. All I can say now is things like: "Sho 'nuff"; "Yowza!" and "Um-gawa" and "Feets do yo' stuff!"... And to negotiate prices for services rendered, by this dumb two-bit floozy of a new race and gender. Oh I used to be famous all...

3 years ago
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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 14

"That was a lot of help," I grumbled to Susan after we were back in the car. I'd looked for the shiv in the car door when we'd got to the Federal building, but it hadn't been there any more; probably jarred loose when I'd been clipping out of that parking lot with bullets flying at me, or maybe when I busted through the exit barrier. There was, however, a neatly indented gash in the sheet metal. "I'm sorry, Larry, I really thought they'd come through," she told me. "I mean, if I...

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Lonely Hitch Hiker

One day I was driving home, it was pouring rain out, I seen a young girl huddled under a tree trying to stay dry with a sign and a backpack trying to get to South Carolina, any help appreciate. I drove by then turned around, I pulled into the parking lot. And walked over to her. Meet me over at that hotel im getting you a room for the you don’t have to ...your gonna freeze to death c’mon. I met met her at the hotel and set her up with a room, handed her my business card and told her...

3 years ago
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More Than One Way To Skin A Cat Part 1

There are other ways I’ve tried (as trying one of them with another soon-to-be-slave at the same time, as a matter of fact), but this was the most reliable. Normally it guaranteed results in a few hours, a day at most. This one had resisted for two days now. She was covered in sweat and her breath came in uneven gasps. But she hadn't begged. After the first day, I had applied pain again. I'd whipped her with a rattan cane until her voice went hoarse from screaming, then held her on the...

4 years ago
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My Week With Tommy PT

please excuse any grammatical/punctual errors as English is my second language.Names have been changed for the safety of people featured in this article It was Thursday night, i had nothing special going on, laying upside down on my bed staring at my 'Whitechapel' poster. I heard my phone vibrate, so I sat up and grabbed it. It was Ms.Baxter, a middle aged, single mother that lived down the street from us. I opened the text message and it said "Hey, Chelsea, could I ask you for a HUGE...

4 years ago
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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 12

What had come through with the dog was not one box but two. John blinked, but reckoned they had accepted the request for more medical kits, and they had sent do with the pup as the best solution. That implied that other dogs may arrive with two boxes each time. He ruffled the head of the pup before detaching the boxes, and it whined softly, still confused with what had happened to it just now. John picked up the boxes, on in each hand, and held them up so that Vickie would see they had...

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 38

When they walked up the street, they saw Clyde Yancey sitting on a bench in front of Bonner’s Store whittling on a piece of wood as he waited on his women folks to finish up inside. “Tom, Cal I see the brothers sniffed you out. They’ve been chomping at the bit, to get back in town to see you two, how’re you doin’?” “Just fine Mr. Clyde, I reckon you ‘n your folks are all doin good too?” Cal spoke as he and Tom sat down on the long bench next to Mr. Yancey. “Yep, we been doing just great...

3 years ago
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Black Magic Part 2 Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Author's Note: This is the second part of a long Giles/Willow story. No sex yet (yes there is sex, it's already written), but I prefer the slow burn.~Part 2~Willow was surprised when she arrived at Giles' apartment and didn't see any cars she recognized from the group. She didn't think too much of it, simply rang his doorbell and tried to quell her anticipation, smoothing wrinkles from her billowy dress out of nerves more than anything else. Giles was sitting in his living room, trying his best...

4 years ago
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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 10

When we came to a stop in Chicago at the Civic Center, there were four people waiting for us there. That was a new way of finding new people, and surprisingly disconcerting. All of us ran from the two RVs and, in the shadow of the great Picasso statue, greeted the newcomers. There were two boys — African-American siblings, the older twelve years old, his brother only four. There was a young woman, about 25, and her father, a wheelchair-bound man of around 50. The boys were Edward (the...

2 years ago
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Ritual 2 Birth of the ClanChapter 6

I woke with Priya in my arms, her hair tickling my nose, while her gentle breathing ruffled the (scant) hairs on my chest. My left arm was pinned beneath her, but my right was free, and I used it to gently brush her hair back, then began to stroke her side, moving down her flank to her hip, then around to her ass. I toyed with her asshole, then moved down her taint to the base of her pussy, which I began to stroke. She began to moisten, and I spread her fluids around her lower lips, until...

2 years ago
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My Wedding Part 3

So it began. A 3 month ordeal that my mother and my legal wife said would be fun. It wasn't fun - for me. It was torturous. I was naked, my cock was fully erect. My balls were ready to explode. My wife sat 3 feet away dressed head to toe."You can't fuck me Larry. I am writing your wedding vows.""But we are already married. To each other." I added, frustrated and annoyed."No Larry. Our's is a sham marriage."Angry I turned around and looked at my mom.She was sitting in her underwear, het large...

4 years ago
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New Neighbour Seduces Hot Youtuber Bhabhi

Hello readers, fellow ISS authors, a very warm welcome to you to my first sex story. I plan on writing true stories as they come, along with fictional sex stories. I am new at this, I hope you guys like it and the story leaves guys and girls alike jerking off!! The present story is a work of fiction. About myself, I am a 24-year-old guy and I am studying. I am a dominant guy in the bedroom. Without further adieu, I will start. The heroine of the story is Shikha, she is 28-year-old married lady...

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