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Kürzlich fuhr ich abends mit dem Zug nach Bern, entspannt lehnte ich mich zurück, packte mein Buch aus und begann etwas über Kierkegaard zu lesen. Wie üblich wird ich durch das Vorbeizeihen der Landschaft aber schnell abgelenkt und meine Augen wanderten umher. Da blieb mein Blick an zwei wunderbaren Knöcheln hängen, wanderte weiter zu Füssen, die schwarz bestrumpft in schwarzen, eleganten Pumps steckten. Ich wurde neugierig. Leider hatte sie ihren Wintermantel was weiss ich warum über ihre Beine gelegt, aber es liessen sich, passend zu den Knöcheln und den stilvollen Schuhen auch zwei wohlgeformte Beine erahnen. «Achtung, sonst gerätst du in die #meToo-Mühle…», dachte ich bei mir. Natürlich blieb mein Interesse an diesem Hammerweib nicht unbemerkt, als ich oben ankam, dreht sie ihr Gesicht grad weg, aber ich bemerkte im Spiegelbild der Scheibe, dass sie lächelte. Süffisant lächelte, wie mit schien.
Ich widmete mich wieder meinem Buch, aber meine Konzentration – zumindest auf die Lektüre – liess stark zu wünschen übrig. Immer wieder schweifte mein Blick ins Nachbarsabteil, zur fleischgewordenen Sünde auf zwei Beinen. Ihre Augen waren von einem leuchtenden Grün, das Abenteuerlust versprach. Ihr schönes Gesicht strahlte eine Reife aus, da fühlte man sich gleich irgendwo in italienischen Weinberge versetzt. Ihre vollen Lippen waren dezent in einer rötlichen Umbra geschminkt, aber strahlten einen verführerischen Glanz aus. Ich schmolz dahin. Eine Wahnsinnsfrau, die einem nur durch ihre Anwesenheit den Verstand raubt. Wenn ich mich endlich wieder verkrampft meinem Buch zuwenden konnte, spürte, ich, dass auch sie mich taxierte. Ist ja klar, ich meine, warum soll nur ich gaffen und mich ergötzen. Obwohl, so eine Göttin wird sich wohl nicht mit einem einfachen Schreiber und Zeichner abgeben. Ich wagte es nicht, aufzuschauen, zu sehr fürchtete ich einen abschätzigen Ausdruck in ihren Augen.
«Meine Damen und Herren, wir treffen in Bern ein.», ertönte nun die Lautsprecherstimme. Ich packte mein Buch in meine Stofftasche und freudig stellte ich fest, dass meine hinreissende Nachbarin ihre Sachen auch packte und den Mantel anzog. Dabei konnte ich wieder im Spiegelbild ihre Figur erkennen. Ich bekam regelrecht weiche Knie und in Gedanken skizzierte ich dieses heisse Wesen – natürlich nackt, scheiss auf #meToo. Und kurz darauf wurde mir der Boden unter den Füssen weggerissen, veränderte sich mein Weltbild, stockte mir der Atem: Ganz deutlich höre ich an meinem Ohr eine sanfte, engelsgleiche Stimme. «Folge mir!» Das ist alles. Die elegante Dame ging mit sicheren Schritten auf ihren hochhackigen Schuhen durch den Gang, stieg aus und wandte sich durch das Menschengewimmel der Rampe zu, welche in den unterirdischen Bahnhof führte. Sie drehte sich nicht um. Dieses Prachtsweib war sich ihrer Wirkung voll und ganz bewusst, sie hatte mich an der Angel. Sie wusste haargenau, dass ich ihr folgen würde. Obwohl das ehrlich gesagt gar nicht so einfach war, da mein Blut beim Hauch ihrer Stimme in meinem Ohr tsunamiartig in meine Lendengegend schoss und ich mit einer gewaltigen Beule in der Hose ihr hinterherhastete. Ich durfte sie nicht aus den Augen verlieren, aber das war auch nicht schwer. Ihr Duft leitete mich, traumhaft, verführerisch kitzelte er mir in der Nase und lenkte meine Schritte dem Trippelton ihrer Pumps nach.
Meine Augenweide ging schnurstracks am Treffpunkt in der Bahnhofshalle vorbei und nahm die Rolltreppe zur Neuengasse hinauf. Gespannt folgte ich ihr, bisher hat sie sich noch nie umgedreht um zu schauen, ob ich ihr folge. Ihr Gang war wundervoll, es war, als ob sie schwebte. Ihr Hüftschwung beim gehen liess mich erbeben und meine Fantasie hüpfte auf, es war eine Wonne, ihr hinterherzugehen.
Beim Waisenhausplatz bog sie ab, zuerst dachte ich, sie wollte ins Starbuck, aber dann bog sie bei der Neuen Mittelschule in die Zeughausgasse ein. Ob sie zum Stadttheater wollte? Nach einem achtminütigen Catwalk aber, kurz vor der Französischen Kirche, verlangsamte sie ihre Schritte und sie wandte sich dem Eingang des Best Western Hotelbern zu. Ich musste mich beeilen, wenn ich sie nicht verlieren wollte. Obwohl, dort drin würde ich wahrscheinlich rasch auffallen und vom Personal rausgeschmissen werden. Ich betrat den Rezeptionsraum und blieb verblüfft stehen. Mist! Weg ist sie. Das kann doch nicht sein. Ich meine, ich bin ihr ja regelrecht am schönen Rockzipfel gehangen. Fast etwas verärgert über mich selber schaute ich mich um, als ich schon wieder diesen erotischen Hauch ihrer verruchten Stimme vernahm, die mir wieder ins Ohr flüsterte: «Warte beim Lift.» Wieder nicht mehr. Mann, die weiss, wie man spielt.
Kurz darauf hörte ich den Concièrge sagen: «Voilà, Madame. Ihr Schlüssel. Es steht alles wie gewünscht bereit. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Abend!» Zielstrebig kommt sie auf mich zu, lächelt mich – ehrlich, dieser Engel hat’s drauf! – fast scheu an und drückt auf den Liftknopf. Als sich die Schiebetür öffnet, rauscht sie an mir vorbei und meint keck: «Na? Worauf wartest du?» Im Lift drückt sie auf den Knopf für den dritten Stock. «Jetzt gibt’s kein Zurück mehr, mein Lieber. Ich freue mich, dass du meiner Einladung gefolgt bist.», lächelt sie mich unverfroren an. «Ich heisse Lisa.» - «Enchanté, Madame. Ich bin der Alex. Und ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend!», antwortete ich in Anspielung auf den Concièrge. «Oh, den werden wir haben, mein heisser Alex!» lacht sie mich an und gab mir einen Kuss.
Ich konnte es kaum erwarten, bis sie den Schlüssel drehte und die Tür n ihr Doppelzimmer öffnete. Oh Mann, das Zimmer allein strahlte schon eine erotische Atmosphäre aus: Das Licht der Lampen aus der Zeughausgasse fiel golden gedämpft durch die halbrunden raumgrossen Fensterscheiben und tauchten das bunt gestaltete Zimmer in lustbetonte Magie. Ich betrat den Raum, blieb stehen und liess ihn auf mich wirken. Da trat Lisa von hinten an mich heran, ich spürte ihre wohlige Hitze an meinem Rücken, ihre Lippen an meinem Ohr: «Lass dich heute Nacht von mir verzaubern, mein abenteuerlicher Lustprinz!» hauchte sie mir nun schon zum dritten Mal ins Ohr. Das Blut schoss erneut in meinen Schwanz und augenblicklich wölbte wieder eine ansehnliche Beule meine Jeans aus. Lisa schien das zu spüren, denn ihre eleganten, warmen Hände legten sich von hinten auf diesen Buckel, nicht sanft, nicht hart, gerade mit genügend Druck um mir ein wohliges, lustvolles Röcheln zu entlocken. «Spritz jetzt ja nicht in die Hose, du Ferkel! Ich will nicht, dass du auch nur einen Tropfen deines Lustsafts vergeudest!» - «Meine Liebe, das ist möglicher weise schon zu spät, du hast meine Samenpumpe arg strapaziert.», grinste ich Lisa freche an. «Zumindest eine gewisse feuchte Vorfreude spüre ich…».
«Na dann wollen wir dich doch mal von dem lästigen Stoff befreien und deinem strammen Freund etwas Platz gönnen, du geiler Bock!», und schon nestelten ihre geschickten Finger meinen Gürtel und den Knopf auf. Mein dicker, steifer Bengel sprang regelrecht aus der Hose und schnellte in die Höhe, als Lisa meine Boxershorts nur ein wenig nach unten zog. Das schien ihr zu gefallen. Lisa kniete vor mich hin. Mit ihren hübschen Fingern und den gepflegten, halblangen Fingernägeln streichelte sie meinen Bolzen. Sie legte ihre warme Hand an den fleischigen roten Lustpfahl und spürte, wie das Blut in ihm pochte, wie er in lustvoller Freude pulsierte.


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How I imagine it would have been

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The kids had certainly seen Jackie and I in the nude in times past, though not in quite the way they had seen us the night before. So it was that Jackie didn't overreact to Rob's sudden unexpected appearance, and made no move to make any attempt at covering herself up. And it wasn't like we flaunted our being naked in front of the kids either. But we certainly never made an issue of nudity in the home as we'd long ago agreed upon when raising them. "It's a long story," my wife began...

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Lucky Night Part 3

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My Indian Daddie

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Padosi Bhabhi Ko Diya Apna Lund

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 10

I didn't answer her out loud, but instead stopped her relieved babbling with kisses. Luckly she didn't take offence. We managed to get out on the road again before the checkout deadline, and it was much nicer to travel knowing that someone wasn't trying to kill us, or me, rather! Suddenly Eliza gripped my arm, and indicated I should pull over. What Now? I thought. "I felt something, picked up some thoughts- Someone needs our help! Are you up to playing Hero, again?" For my Eliza, I was...

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Second ChanceChapter 41

Time heals. By the time two weeks went by, we were all back to normal. Even my leg felt almost normal. It didn't bother a bit to know that the people who shot me, along with those that sent them to shoot me were all dead. If you ask for trouble, you will always find it. Sometimes what you find is worse than what you expected, and my attackers discovered that a little too late to help them. Benjamin and I spent almost every waking moment together, and he continued to bring endless joy, as...

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Enslaved Chapter 52

The crate labelled ‘Additional Sales’ stood in the centre of the bedroom in Quentin’s suite. Still unaware of its contents, Hans and Cassim had placed it there for him. On previous days they had also made some minor alterations and additions to the bedroom and the adjoining dressing room.The latter had been converted into a kind of cell-cum-Punishment Room, with all the necessary equipment. The room was now entered through an iron-grille door which could be locked. There were some changes in...

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 25 The Golden Road to Samarkand

HASSAN: Sweet to ride forth at evening from the wells, When shadows pass gigantic on the sand, And softly through the silence beat the bells Along the Golden Road to Samarkand. ISHAK: We travel not for trafficking alone; By hotter winds, our fiery hearts are fanned: For lust of knowing what should not be known We take the Golden Road to Samarkand. MASTER OF THE CARAVAN: Open the gate, O watchman of the night! THE WATCHMAN: Ho, travelers, I open. For what land Leave you the dim-moon city...

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Boston with its many old neighborhoods is as varied as its people. In the older seedier parts of town many people live and carry on in a world much different from the clinically clean and proper suburbs. On some streets there are rows and rows of the monotonous dark brick two, three, five or six story apartment buildings many exactly like the one next to it and just like the ones across the street. Other streets, while somewhat rundown, have a funky array of different buildings each one a...

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my ela teacher on halloween part 2

I was gonna wipe it off of my face but she got up fast and told me to lay down on my back. When i was on my back , she hops on top of my penis , i can feel my penis head entering her big warm slimmy cunt. She went all the way down untill she was really sitting down on me. She moaned and groaned as she was going up and down my shaft. I was fricking loving the sensation of her pussy on my cock. I grabbed her boobs and sqeezed them , pinching her nipples sometimes. I could tell when she was gonna...

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Selena and JoeChapter 60

Monday morning came easily for Selena. She woke to the new work week with the same fervor for her job she always had. She had let a hum-drum that set in late in the previous week get to her psyche. That left her wanting more from herself, but she was re-centered now. Everyone at the Sunday Night Letter meeting at WSGG mentioned that she glowed and was more exuberant that usual. Once the bed of the basic letter was built during the week, Sunday usually left "just after closing" effects to...

4 years ago
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Friendly Fun

Julie a 5’10’’ brunette with piercing green eyes setting off her olive complexion giving her a wild a****l appeal. And it was an a****l attraction we shared. Julie had/has an amazing body. Welled muscled deeply tanned legs that cause any eye to admire especially in tight shorts. Full hips and a firm but supple ass that invited your hand to cup and screamed for a slap. her tan-lined crotch highlighting her dark triangle of pubic hair directing your fingers, tongue, lips, and cock to her waxed...

2 years ago
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Raping the Drunk teacher Part 2

Mrs Rawat, the school teacher I'd just raped, screamed at the top of her voice as the rustling of leaves informed my hyperactive senses that she was being dragged away. I could see neither till a silhouette appeared in the square of light, dragging another writhing one behind it. In a moment, both were gone. I stared into the dark garden, her screams almost inaudible now. Should I follow her ? Or should I return to the party ? Before I could decide, my dick was leading me across the ...

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Barging into the room, were Stu, Princess and Jennifer, seeing us dressed with me on my phone in the wheelchair, packed and ready to go. Peter sent me a text. I let Honey ‘man’ my wheelchair as the ladies all giggled at the look on her face. Stuart understood what had happened and I saw him shaking his head in deference to me. My lap held my, Honora’s, and Jennifer’s bags as we all got to the bus together. Stu handed me a piece of paper, which I put in my shirt pocket because Peter had come...

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Bridesmaid Terry

Bridesmaid Terry "Mum, I just knew there was an ulterior motive behind getting me to grow my hair long." "I suppose it was a bit devious, Terry, but you know that your sister wants you at her wedding - dressed as a girl." "Mum!" exclaimed Terry. "Yes, I know you prefer boys' clothes, boys' shoes and all that, but it will please her," said Terry's mother, in a wheedling tone. "Go on, do it for me - and her." "But what if any of the guys from school see me? My life will be...

3 years ago
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How I Became a Submissive Bisexual Love SlaveChapter 3

The next thing I knew, Lucy's Mom was still licking me out with her butt up in the air and her dad was crawling up behind her. He looked like he's pushing into her bum. "Easy, Jack, I'm a bit sore from last night, love." "Is it good, Ma? I get Dad tomorrow. I want him to sleep over with Mandi and me tonight. He can fuck me in the morning and Mandi can watch if she wants." "I just love your butthole, Brenda. Wish your pussy was this tight. Little Mandi's butt must be a virgin....

2 years ago
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Meri 4 Saal Ki Kahaani

‘Oftentimes we say goodbye to the person we love without wanting to. Though that doesn’t mean that we’ve stopped loving them or we’ve stopped to care. Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you’ Please keep in mind these lines while reading my story. Hello friends & I extend my heartiest welcome to you that you came to read my story. I m 22 yr male from Delhi. This is my first story on iss. Now i start to write everything in Hindi for your comfort & pleasure. Main ek average looks...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 3 Katies Wet Mouth

Katie Jackson couldn't remember what they were talking about while they stood in the kitchen. It seemed unimportant, so trivial, such a waste of time at this point. She vaguely remembered her husband was discussing something about his work as the sexy wife's mind wandered. She knew that either she or Fred would have to pick up their children from daycare within a 1/2 hour. Her eyes hadn't left his crotch since the moment he walked in the door. She felt her knees as they shook underneath...

4 years ago
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When Layovers Are Good

A full arrivals hall, with multiple arrivals from all over the world, and staff at O.R Tambo had the wisdom of placing just two Immigration Officers at Passport Control. This was taking forever, and James time was very limited on this occasion.Just eighteen hours earlier, standing jaded at Check-In after a three-day conference in Hong Kong, he'd initially been inclined to reject the offer of flying home via Johannesburg in exchange for an upgrade. But just as he was about to politely say, "no,...

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Coast Swingers Party Interracial

Then I turned to see Dancer working his big black snake into my wife’s pussy while he alternated massaging her legs and clit. His cock was a good 9-10” and 2 ½ -3” in diameter. Coast Swingers Party (Interracial) This goes back a number of years when we were still in the lifestyle. I had been chatting with Tami, a friend of mine, about parties and said we were looking expand our group to party with. She asked if I had ever been to Susie’s and I said “No.”. She said...

2 years ago
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She woke, stretched, shuddered, gritted her teeth, squeezed her vaginal muscles and expelled a slim, silvery device, shivered, sighed, licked it and put it on the table beside her bed, smiling and thoroughly aroused, dripping, quivering, her nipples distended and clit trembling, ready for another lover. She crawled across the carpeted floor, leaving a spotty trail of slime, made sure the gnarled dildo was on securely, licked its domed head and then mounted the modified Sybian machine, swung her...

2 years ago
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My First Group

"Same as usual, I don't claim to be a story writer, I apologise in advance for any grammar errors or spelling errors. This is 100% true except some of the names may be altered for privacy's sake."Well this is a story which is all about my first time experiencing a group meeting. It was a day after my 16th birthday and was a surprise present from my "buddy" next door. (read earlier story for details on him) Anyway, the day of my birthday came and it was a great one, I was spoiled rotten off the...

4 years ago
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My Hareem of Restricted Women

In 1976 I was invited to a party in the North of Derby, England, Me Im aged 27 years old, A man of 6.2" and weighed in at Twelve Stone..It was that part of the year when Nature is shutting down,and the frosts are begining to cause problems on the road network... My name is Russ, and I working for the local Coach Company,and one of my favorite jobs was taking young girls (14-20) to the Clothes show ...we will leave this for the moment....... The Party, like most men of my...

2 years ago
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2 December 2006Chapter 7

Scott and Vicky returned to be with the others as Brad and Abby returned to the living room “Brad and Abby can you take a few minutes before you go and sing that song we heard?” Karen asked. “Sure Mom.” “We’d love to,” Abby added. Brad went downstairs to get his guitar. “Aren’t Diane and Cathy having wonderful sex together?” Vicky smiled at Scott, who was also watching them.” “They sure are.” “You just wait until Karen and I do it for you.” “I can hardly wait.” “Will you touch me,...

1 year ago
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New Sensations

NewSensations! Why are you still jerking it to shitty quality porn clips? Come on, you’re a fucking adult. You have better tastes than that, right? Enough settling for the bottom of the barrel, grainy, out of focus, 420p porn that you watched as a teenager. There is full-length 4k HD porn out there that will blow your mind before you can even blow your load. It’s like you are right there in the action. Every little detail is crisp and jaw-dropping. You can see the goosebumps around your...

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My First Facial

I have had a fascination for porn for as long as I can remember, since early in my teens. I suppose that is unusual for a girl, but nonetheless, I’ve enjoyed a LOT of porn in my life. And, of course, you can’t watch porn these days without seeing guys spray cum all over girls’ faces. For the longest time, I always thought this was hot, but having been subjected to society’s indoctrination that porn is about dominating and subjugating women, I just believed that it was not something most women...

2 years ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 19 A Time Of Discovery

"Bring that useless female with us," I pointed at Katherine with a K. Warren not too gently dragged her to her feet and shoved her in our direction. All Katherine could do was moan. None of us felt sorry for her in any way and me least of all. "Why that woman is hurt," Professor Wiggins said. It seemed to totally slip his mind that she had in essence tried to force her way in at gunpoint. "We have a first aid room where she can be tended to down below." He stepped in last and pressed...

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Daddys Little Girl Part 3

Introduction: Father and Daughter Romance Chapter Four Lindsey yawned as she sat next to Ellie on the bleachers at school. I didnt sleep at all last night, Lindsey said. Ellie smirked. I did. You fucked me so good last night. I couldnt help but sleep. Oh, you look cute by the way. Lindsey knew that she was sexy. She had worn her tiny black shorts and pink sports bra to gym. But she was too tired to actually do anything. Ellie looked cute too. She was wearing her usual gray booty shorts and...

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the breeder vampire

this vampire is just as powerful as the common vampire with only exception.this vampire doesnt want your blood.hewants your fertile pussy.his power is to breed with any and all females that are fertile.this passage will tell thetale of how he lures women with his eyes.he controls them with the tone of his voice.women can not resist.thisvampire can not be stopped.he will not stop.his power is to breed. a long long time ago at the age of thirteen a young male c***d,while in the shower...

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An Unconventional Fairytale

An Unconventional Fairytale - Sophie Elizabeth "Wow, Jessica, you look amazing," I said as she opened the door to the student house she shared with four others. "Well you look quite smart yourself there Dave, it is a shame though that you wouldn't join in the fun," she replied smiling at me and let me in. She did look stunning in a sparkly purple halter top, a sparkly, purple and white tutu and a pair of flimsy fairy wings on her back. She completed the look with small white...

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Medical Test at the State Fair

Our State Fair recently took place and I was surprised at what took place. While looking at all of the booths and activities, I saw a motorhome that had a big sign on it that said “Prostate Cancer”. Being a male in college, I was curious about it. I was greeted by a woman who gave me some literature and told me I could get a free blood test and exam if I filled out a questionnaire. The questionnaire was very easy to fill out, and it asked me a lot of questions about going to the bathroom at...


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