Notre Esclave Sexuelle Au Cap D'Agde (10) free porn video

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Les amants pervers 4 : notre esclave sexuelle au Cap d’Agde (10ème partie et fin)

Sous le regard du public je gravis la scène, comme une diva ou une bête de foire, à vous de choisir.

Une fois que je suis assise sur le fauteuil, la première à venir me voir est Audrey. Elle porte un ensemble blanc, corsage, bas et porte-jarretelles. Le contraste entre sa chevelure rouge et la pâleur de son teint, en accord avec ses sous-vêtements est du plus bel effet. Je lui dis :

- Inutile d’insister, tu es hors concours. Aucun de ces messieurs ne pourra rivaliser avec toi.

Elle rit :

- De toutes manières ce n’est pas son cul qui m’intéresse le plus…
- Je ne pensais pas te trouver ici. L’endroit est un peu trop… hétérosexuel.
- Les hommes sont prêteurs quand il s’agit de regarder leurs femmes avec une autre femme. Il m’arrive parfois d’avoir une faiblesse et de les sucer un peu, sans jamais aller plus loin… mais voici que s’avance ton premier candidat.

Un binoclard d’une trentaine d’années, le crâne dégarni et le ventre flasque, conséquence d’un régime à base de pizzas et de boissons gazeuses, s’avance timidement. Le geek parfait. Célibataire j’imagine, il a sans doute payé son entrée une petite fortune. Je commence à regretter mon idée. Il va falloir que je ferme les yeux et que je fasse preuve d’imagination sous peine de passer un mauvais moment. Tout en lui souriant, je replie le cuir du string sur le côté et lui montre ma chatte. Le type se met aussitôt à genoux. Derrière ses culs-de-bouteille, ses yeux s’agrandissent démesurément, à croire que son regard est aspiré par le spectacle.

- Elle est belle, non ?
- Oh oui Madame. Je suis prêt à vous vénérer comme il convient.
- Retire tes lunettes…

Ce n’est pas aussi désagréable que je l’aurais pensé au premier abord. Sa langue douce parcourt mon bas-ventre. Il sait faire preuve de concentration et de ténacité. Il ne va pas droit au but mais le chemin détourné est agréable. Il me fait mouiller ce petit cochon.

J’ouvre les yeux. Il me faut un moment dans l’obscurité mais je finis par repérer Greg. Il est nu. Une femme est à ses pieds. Une rousse. Audrey ! Un fourmillement bien connu envahit mon bassin et une pointe de jalousie vient épicer mes sensations. Je ne peux pas leur en vouloir : même s’il est excité par la situation, je ne suis pas en mesure de le satisfaire et je me suis refusée à Audrey. Elle se venge à sa manière. Je connais mon premier orgasme de la soirée, tout autant dû à la bouche du geek sur mon clitoris qu’à mon voyeurisme impénitent.

- Vous êtes satisfaite Madame ? demande-t-il en se relevant.
- Pas mal pour un apéritif. Tu peux disposer.

Le suivant est familier de nos lecteurs. Il s’agit en effet de Richard, le capitaine du bateau de plaisance qui abrita nos ébats le temps d’une journée. Toujours aussi rigolard, il me fait un clin d’œil. Je vais devoir le disqualifier, de par sa proximité avec le jury. Jury dont je suis l’unique membre par ailleurs. Pour l’heure, vu que Richard lèche comme un dieu, je profite de l’aubaine en lui offrant ma chatte.

- T’es déjà trempée, poulette. Je peux y mettre le doigt ?
- Mais bien sûr.

Le vilain tricheur, ce n’est pas un doigt qu’il glisse dans mon sexe mais deux. Il s’attaque tout de suite à mon clitoris durci par le désir. Il le prend sans sa bouche, le suce. Je m’agrippe aux accoudoirs du fauteuil et serre les lèvres pour ne pas crier. Il sait y faire le bougre. J’essaie de tenir le plus longtemps possible mais je craque très vite. Et dire que ce n’est que le deuxième ! Je n’ose pas imaginer les courbatures dans les cuisses le lendemain.

Dès que Richard s’éloigne après avoir esquissé une courbette, arrive un très beau jeune homme, bien musclé, avec un sacré morceau qu’il peine à dissimuler sous le pantalon. Il dissipe très vite mes illusions. Je pourrais avoir un aspirateur ou une ventouse collé sur la chatte que le résultat serait le même. Quelle catastrophe ! L’ennuie me guette.

Je ne peux m’empêcher de jeter un œil en direction de Manon. Sa tête est toujours entre les cuisses de la femme mais un homme, sans doute le mari, se tient derrière ma petite protégée. Il la pilonne à grands coups de reins.

Je me débarrasse de l’importun en simulant un orgasme. Encore dix minutes de ce traitement et cet imbécile me gâchait la soirée.

Le défilé continue. Je finis par crier grâce. J’ai la chatte en feu comme si tous les mecs de la région avaient craché dessus.

Il est l’heure d’annoncer le vainqueur. Rico.

On le connaît bien, Greg et moi. Il a vraiment une sale trogne, avec une balafre sur la joue, sans doute conséquence d'un soir de castagne. Il pratique la musculation. Je parie qu'il a commencé en taule. C'est un méchant, un vicieux. On l'a choisi pour ça, plus que pour sa capacité à brouter les minous. Pas qu’il soit spécialement mauvais dans ce domaine, mais disons qu’il manque de délicatesse.

Nous l’avons également choisi pour son énorme bite, plus grosse encore que celle de Thomas. La longueur déjà impressionne et le diamètre plus encore. Elle est trapue cette queue, un vrai mandrin de barbare.

Manon est couchée sur le dos. L’homme la tient par les hanches. Il sort sa bite tout doucement de la petite chatte rasée puis l’enfonce brusquement, d’un coup, en entier, avant de recommencer. Son petit manège m’amuse. Manon gémit à chaque fois. Il finit par sortir sa queue et éjaculer sur le ventre de la jeune femme. C’est joli ces perles blanches sur la peau bronzée.

Je lui tends une serviette. Elle s’essuie.

- Viens, maintenant, c’est toi la vedette.
- Qu’est-ce que vous me réservez encore ?
- La soirée va finir en apothéose ! Grimpe sur la scène.

Je la fais mettre à quatre pattes. Elle me lance un regard rempli d’appréhension.

- Détends-toi.

Je lui écarte les fesses à deux mains.

Rico se rapproche. « Joli petit cul, dit-il, appréciateur, mais je ne vais pas y mettre la queue si je ne suis pas absolument sûr qu'il est propre. J'aimerais pas faire de mauvaise rencontre. » Il a un sourire particulièrement mauvais. « J'ai une idée. On va lui faire un lavement à la Rico. Patron ! Une bouteille de champ' ! » Il fait sauter le bouchon et retire consciencieusement le papier alu. Il secoue ensuite la bouteille tout en la maintenant fermée avec le pouce. Sans plus attendre il l'enfonce le goulot d'un coup dans le cul de Manon. Elle gigote et hurle comme si elle se prenait un tison dans le fondement mais nous l’empêchons de s'échapper. Je lui dis : « Arrête de te débattre bordel, tu vas te faire mal ».

Rico tient sa queue à la main tout en agitant la bouteille de champagne. L’incroyable érection donne à son gland des reflets violacés. De grosses veines saillent sur la verge. Sans conteste le plus impressionnant gourdin de mâle en rut qu’il m’ait été donné de voir.

Manon ne résiste plus. Ses jambes flageolent, je dois la soutenir. C’est un vrai geyser qui jaillit de son cul dès que Rico retire la bouteille. Ce salaud ne laisse pas à l’orifice le temps de se refermer. Il enfonce son gland à la place du goulot, distendant l’orifice de Manon au-delà du raisonnable. A ce moment, elle att**** mon poignet et le serre de toutes ses forces. Elle a cessé de crier. Ses lèvres forment un « O » de stupéfaction. Des larmes coulent sur ses joues. Le silence règne dans la salle. Je crois qu’ils ont tous cessé de baiser en même temps.

Je me dégage avec peine de l'étreinte de ses doigts crispés sur mon avant-bras. Je m’accroupis devant Manon, saisis son visage à deux mains. Ses yeux virent au blanc, je crains qu’elle ne tombe dans les pommes. Ma langue pénètre sa bouche. Je sens ses joues brûlantes sous mes paumes.

Rico force le passage, s’aidant de ses mains pour écarter les fesses, centimètre par centimètre il prend possession du cul de sa partenaire. Fort heureusement, ce n’est pas sa première fois. Greg a préparé le terrain, sans quoi je pense que Rico lui aurait déchiré les sphincters. Voilà qu’il lui colle des claques tout en allant et venant entre ses reins. Au prix d’un petit effort de gymnastique je glisse mon visage entre les cuisses de Manon, frôlant de mon front au passage les énormes couilles de Rico. J’ai une belle vue sur la fente délicate, aux lèvres courtes et lisses. L’entrée du vagin est rouge et humide, encore bâillant de sa dernière baise. Je tire la langue pour goûter sa mouille. Manon gémit. Je la lèche puis je suce son clitoris. Ses jambes se crispent.

- Oh putain continue ! gueule Rico. Il est étroit ce jeune cul presque vierge, mais je le sens encore se resserrer à la base de ma queue. Je vais jouir !

Manon aussi, sous l’action de ma langue connait un orgasme pendant que le sperme de Rico se déverse dans son cul.

A peine s’est-il retiré que Greg et Richard nous rejoignent. Greg se couche par terre. J’ordonne à Manon de grimper sur lui. Elle saisit la verge de mon homme sans discuter et l’enfourne dans son vagin. Rico lui présente sa bite à nettoyer pendant que Richard vient occuper le dernier orifice resté libre.

- Je ne la trouve pas si étroite, dit-il. Enfin, je suppose que c’est normal, après le passage de Rico.

Ce dernier s’éclipse. J’ai cru lire sur son visage un sourire de satisfaction qui, fugacement, lui a donné un air un peu moins méchant. Un autre type l’a remplacé dans la bouche de Manon.

J’ai repris ma place sur le fauteuil et je regarde cette petite salope se faire baiser par tous les orifices, offerte à qui veut, sans discussion. Elle est littéralement déchaînée. Je souris en repensant à tout le chemin que je lui ai fait parcourir sur la voie de la déchéance de de la perversion.

D’autres crieraient grâce, jugeant qu’ils ont eu leur dose d’orgasmes pour la soirée mais je suis encore excitée. C’est le moment que choisit Audrey pour réapparaître. Elle rampe littéralement vers moi.

J’écarte les jambes.

Epilogue :

Nous avons continué de baiser toute la nuit. Une véritable tempête d’orgasmes, une orgie des sens qui ne s’est arrêtée qu’à l’aube.

Nous sommes rentrés à Paris le lendemain. Il faut croire que nous manquons un peu à Manon, vu qu’elle ne rate pas une occasion de nous appeler pour se branler devant la caméra.

Elle est en couple avec Thomas, heureuse visiblement. Ils fréquentent les milieux échangistes de la région.

Inutile de vous dire que nous attendons avec impatience les prochaines vacances d’été.

Merci à Léon pour l’inspiration, à Elenamark et Julie pour leur soutien et leurs conseils.

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 42 The Beginning of Fall

The varsity game ended in a huge loss for the upperclassmen. The crowd actually started to get uneasy with half of the fourth quarter still to play. Several recent graduates and parents started shouting at the players, cursing them for their poor play. It got bad enough that the faculty advisor for the cheerleaders sent them away from the field with two minutes left in the game. The exodus of the cheerleaders signaled to Morgan that it was time for our group to make its way out of the...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 46 Cutting an Onion

Jason lived up to his promise in the second half. He not only recorded two more sacks, but on the last one, stripped the football and then managed to recover the bouncing ball and run it in for a touchdown. Everyone on the defense was patting his helmet when he walked over to the sideline still carrying the football. "Take it easy," Coach Grisham told him. "There are only two minutes left in the game. We'll let the backups play." I walked over to the benches. Jason followed me. He...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 52 Scum Resurfaces

My thoughts after the pickup proved true. Ashley and Lenore rarely let me leave their sight during the days leading up to the New Year. Jason and Jessica had the same issue. A simple plan to go for a run in the park quickly became an organized march as their companions demanded to go with them. Becky was the worst. She clung to Morgan. Beatrice had called their employer and tried to explain the issues, but was not sure she was successful. She succeeded in getting Becky a week off without...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 68 More Estrogen

Major Greenfeld was standing outside the door. He looked at me and shook his head. “You are just fifteen?” he asked. “I might be sixteen now,” I replied. “I’ve lost track of how many days have passed and which day we are on anymore. But I also don’t worry about it much.” “You don’t?” he asked as we started walking back to Corsica. “My age does not determine how well I can do my job,” I said. “No, but it does determine how others will view you,” Major Greenfeld said. “At least initially....

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 2 Disturbing Confrontations

I stood up and walked toward the door, leaving my unfinished drawing on the easel. Jessica gave a cry of annoyance, as I walked away. I heard her easel crash to the floor behind me as I left the building. Outside, I walked a few feet from the door and then turned around. A couple minutes later Jessica stormed out of the classroom. She walked right up to me and slapped me across the face. "How can you embarrass me like that!" she hissed. I said nothing. Instead I pointed to a bench set far...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 4 Reaching Understanding

Ashley jumped behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. I reached up with my right hand to stroke her right arm. "Ashley, I don't think that's helping," I said. Ashley's mother glared at me, but quickly turned to concentrate on her daughter. "Ash, why are you hiding behind Mark? You came here to get tested. I'm not going to punish you for your score." "I agreed to have Mark take me," Ashley said. "My score isn't good enough, but his is." "What?" Beatrice squawked....

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 10 Slipping out of School

I held Ashley close. There was a musical chime coming from the backpack at her feet. She giggled and looked down at it. "Mark, that's my cell phone. Can you grab my bag?" I shifted to the left so I could use my left hand to reach the bag. My right hand Ashley held pinned against her pussy. She was rocking gently against my hand as I picked up her bag and lifted it to the table. Once it was on the table Ashley dug through a side pocket to find her phone. "It's Mom!" she exclaimed as...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 12 Unpleasant Interruptions

It must have been only a moment, but I came awake with my arms wrapped around Ashley. She was lying there senseless. I pushed my body off hers and rolled to the side. Once we were lying next to each other, I began offering loving kisses. "Will it always be like that?" Ashley asked with a sigh. "I wish it will be," I replied as I held her. "That was just about perfect." "I know," Ashley said as she put her arms around me and squeezed me. "I never expected that." "I love you," I...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 17 Test Anxiety

Fortunately, the rest of the protest was rather peaceful. My brother stopped the few anarchists who had shown up hoping to use the protest as cover for some robbery attempts. Jason, Ashley, and I found that someone had already warned people on the route of the march. Buildings were closed, and many had placed boards over their windows to protect them. The three-mile march proved to be no more strenuous than a weekend jog. Jason was the first to notice that the marchers were having trouble...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 28 A Moment of Rest

The next two hours were a blur of exercise and pain. Sergeant O'Malley never broke a sweat as he first had everyone run around the clearing while he promised to train us to fight and then he proceeded to show us a series of dirty tricks and holds we could use to disable an opponent. When Jessica, Jason, Morgan and I were too tired to continue, he had us lay down while he took the ladies around and showed them how to break free from any hold a person might try. It was exhausting, but at the...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 29 Initiating Lenore

Ashley and I were quiet on the drive home. We were pulling into the driveway at my place when Ashley quietly asked. "Mark? Should we have offered her a chance to leave Earth with you?" "No," I said firmly. "There was no connection. Both of us think Kelsey is sweet and adorable. With Lenore it seemed like we came to the same conclusion about her sadness. And we know they get along with each other. I liked that Connie was willing to help when I had to intervene in the fight at the store,...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 46 Captain to Captain

The system was in standby as I turned the chair back to the front. I reached down to call up a replay of the engine repair when I felt a hand grasp the back of my chair. “Yes?” I asked. “Is it always like that?” Captain Prescott asked. “The simulations are supposed to be the absolute worst possible sequence,” I replied. “And the time is compressed a bit. I really doubt we could enter a system get into a fight, scan a planetoid as well as a Sa’arm controlled planet and escape in just under...

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Cape Ann Caper

Cape Ann Massachusetts is an ideal body of water for fishing (both pleasure and commercial). The vicious wind coming off the North Atlantic is subdued on the waters of the Cape. Historical structures line the shore is observable by Cape travelers. Fishermen returning from the high seas find the sight of the land structures beautiful and relaxing. The same can be said for tourists who are treated to tours along one or both shores by operators stationed in Gloucester, at the North end of the...

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Little Caprice 4500 275000

Sometimes there are porn stars that make such an effect on you that you remember the first time you jerked off to them for the rest of your life. Bitches that dig their digital claws so deep into your balls that there is a scar left for life. Bitches that make your cock so hard you spend the rest of your days chasing the dragon. One of these ladies is Little Caprice.Everything I WantLittle Caprice has everything I want in a porn star. I can throw her around the room like a rag doll. I can treat...

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Dreamscape The Conclusion

Dreamscape Conclusion By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 5: Dream Walker Fear, confusion and fraud. These were the three words, which had dominated my existence since I died in a car accident. Through cosmic happenstance, I emerged from a coma in the body of Lucy Maya. My second chance at life, so to speak, was not one of wonderment at the miracle of being given another crack at life, as one would expect. Quite the opposite. I tip toed through this life fearful more people...

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Futurevision DreamScape Chris and Sarahs Shared Reality

Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that...

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Pretty CAPableChapter 7 CAPped

"Calix Flynn Gebel's CAP testing cycle is complete, Major McTavish." The voice seemed to come out of the very air itself. "Is he ready to be released from the med-tubes?" McTavish asked as he looked over his tablet. "That was the point of my interruption, Major." McTavish knew AIs were supposed to be emotionless but that sentence sounded insufferably smug. "I mean, have his repairs been completed," the Major asked slowly. "Damage to Calix Flynn Gebel was primarily soft...

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Capn Angie and a Fair Maidens Booty

I just want to say, this story took so much longer to write than I had anticipated. I put a lot of love and effort into it, so, you know, please don't be a dick and judge it too harshly! That said, please enjoy and let me know what you think of it :) This is a prequel to, so don't worry if you haven't already read that story yet...

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Cap DAgde 5

My hubby appeared back with the croissants and made some coffee. I was laid on the bed - I deliberately lay there with my pussy on display to him I knew that he had a birdseye view of my well fucked and abused pussy. As we drank our coffee we discussed the events of not just the night before but the other experiences that we had enjoyed since arriving at Cap D'Agde.Both of us admitted that it had been the most outrageous sexual acts that we had even taken part in. In the past, we had both...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 54 Preparing for the Super Bowl

I let everyone know about the reappearance of my brother. No one was very worried about him. Mike had proved to be a coward. The only worry was that he might try to catch one of the girls alone. Morgan used some contacts he had through his construction work and a week later gave everyone in our group pepper spray canisters. School continued. The teachers were increasingly distracted though, and the lessons suffered. Some of the teachers spent most of their time trying to chat up the students...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 57 Making a Spectacle Seem Mundane

We loaded the suitcases onto the bus quickly. Once the bus was full, I informed the driver that we were going to head to breakfast. He said that he would park around the corner. Maurice, Jason, and I headed over to the restaurant. We arrived at the entrance and found that the rest of our group had already been seated. The hostess agreed to lead us to the private room where everyone was. I lagged behind the others as the hostess led us through the restaurant. Several of the patrons looked at...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 58 Fun in the Box

We found the ramp and began making our way up the spiral. Ashley had her phone to her ear. "Yes, I know about it. I was filming ... No, I didn't put my video on YouTube." "Sooner," Lenore and I said in unison. "Look, we're trying to get to our seats," Ashley said. "No one here is hurt or anything." "No one?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. Lenore giggled. "Morgan told us about how this security company has been known to try to shake down some of the luxury box ticket...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 59 Risking Everything for a Girl

The game ended up being a bit of a snooze. Carolina's defense created three touchdowns before the second quarter was half over and then cruised to the ending. The halftime show was loud, but otherwise forgettable. Angelique and Erica both ended up falling asleep during the third quarter. Angelique climbed into her mother's lap to sleep. I ended up with Erica in my lap. I had spent almost no time with the young lady, but she was smiling in her sleep. Thomas tried to stay awake. He...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 11 Meeting More People

Lenore ran over to join us. I nodded to her and then offered my free hand to her. She took it and we started walking towards the exit. It was sliding open when I heard a voice behind me. "Oh sure. You'll take the virgin to medical, but leave the girl who would do anything to have your cock in her cunt." I shook my head. "Aine, I have no clue where all the anger comes from, but its not very becoming of a young woman. I'm going to tell you now. I'm done with the nasty comments and the...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 23 So Many Square Pegs

Chastity followed me as I walked over to the table. When I stopped to look around the room I could see a very nervous look on her face. “Problem?” I asked. “That orientation makes the ship seem very complex,” Chastity said. “It is. It has to be in order to allow us to travel into space,” I replied. “But I can’t even understand why I have the CAP to be a citizen. I always hated fighting. My parents were always fighting. I got into acting because there was a small theater group in my...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 31 Intersectional Rivalries

I waited for the door to close and then released a massive sigh. Tatyana immediately put her arms around me. “That was hard on you,” she observed. I feel like I’m the only sheep in a room filled with hungry wolves. There are quite a few members of the crew that would do their best to replace me if they thought I’d fail,” I replied as I stood up. “Never let them see you sweat?” Tatyana said. “Basically,” I agreed as I stood up. “AI, you can power down this room until the next training...

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