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Sou proprietária de uma Sex shop e vendo muitos comprimidos potenciadores sexuais. Naquela manhã tinha recebido uns Cialis e uns Vigour azuis que eram muito bons, Passado algumas horas recebi um telefonema de um homem que queria saber se podia passar por lá porque queria comprar umas coisas. Dei-lhe a morada e passado uma hora ele apareceu.
Era um cinquentão com ar de trolha, que me olhou com ar de comilão. - Gostava de saber o que tens aí para ter mais tesão e foder durante mais tempo. - declarou - Tenho Cialis e Vigou azul. - Redargui, exibindo os frascos. - levo os dois. Registei os frasco e quando lhe dei a embalagem para a mão, notei que ele abriu um deles, e num gesto brusco, levou a mão a boca. - Quero ver se isto é mesmo bom - Disse ele , afastando -se da porta de saída. - Tenho um bom dia - Disse eu, Passado meia hora ele apareceu. - Então senhor, esqueceu-se de algo - Inquiri na minha inocência. - Não, minha linda. Venho reclamar. - afiançou ele. - Reclamar dos comprimidos? - Sim, estou com um pixa de 22 cms e não consigo quase andar. Acha bem? - Oh... o senhor tomou quantos comprimidos? - Tomei 4! - Exclamou ele a cocar a pixa. - Oh exagerou. - Respondi - como faço para isto acalmar... quer ver como estou? - Sim, deixe-me ver se faz favor - Redargui enquanto trancava a porta de entrada dos clientes. Baixei-lhe as calcas e o caralho dele saltou como uma mola. Fiquei perplexa ao ver aquilo. Parecia um caralho de um burro, media uns 22 cms e tinha as veias todas salientes. - Pois temos aqui um GRANDE problema senhor Vasco (que era o nome dele). Posso ajudar a resolver? - Sim minha putinha boa- Rosnou ele ofegante. Comecei a lamber aquele caralho monstruoso . Estava deliciada, nunca tinha visto nada assim. - mete-o na boca, porca do caralho! - Ordenou, obrigando-me a engolir aquele haste. Eu bem tentava mas não conseguia. Eu em casa, costumo treinar o facefuck com pepinos de alto calibre, mas aquele caralho estava enorme demais ... O senhor Vasco estava doido e agarrava-me na cabeça de encontra a pixa dele, para me forçar a engolir.
Eu ja estava toda babada e escorria saliva por todo o lado. - engole a tesão puta, foste tu a culpada disto. - Engulo senhor Vasco - Porque não me avisaste que não podia tomar mais que um? - Desculpe senhor Vasco - Engole puta- Disse ele, dando-me uma estalada na cara. Voltei a tentar engolir o caralho, mas engasguei-me. Levei outra estalada na cara. - vira-te puta. Vou -te arrombar esse cu. - Afiançou ele, enquanto me punha de 4 para me enrabar. O senhor Vasco cuspiu-me para o buraco do cu para me lubrificar, e de seguida, enfiou o caralhão de uma vez só. Senti dor, mas sabia que ia levar a enrabadela da minha vida. - Vou -te foder esse cu todo, minha vaca. - Foda-me senhor! Levou perto de 15 minutos até ele se esporrar todo no meu cu, deixando-me com o cu todo arrombado bem ditos comprimidos!
Há tempos li numa revista qualquer que havia um estudo sobre as fantasias das mulheres relacionadas com o sexo, e uma delas era a violação. Na altura achei uma palermisse do pior. Quem é que deseja ou fantasia com uma violação? A única excepção que conheço é a minha amiga Luísa que tem fantasias com gangues e grupos de skinheads a domina-la e a espancá-la, mas essa é maluca. È uma excepção à regra. Contudo sei que não passam de fantasias, pois ela morre de medo de sítios abandonados e escuros, guetos, etc. A semana passada fui visitar uns tios meus que tinham regressado da Suíça e estavam temporariamente a viver numa casa alugada ali para os lados da Pontinha ( Lisboa). Meti-me no autocarro para os ir visitar, mas quis o azar que as cosias começassem logo por correr mal, pois quando joguei a mão à mala para pegar no smartphone, mas ele já nao estava lá. Tinha sido roubada! "Fuck!" Fiquei logo inquieta nem sequer sabia onde tinha de descer, por isso perguntei a um individuo de raça negra, onde era a paragem mais próxima daquela zona, ao que ele me disse, que apenas faltavam duas
paragens, uma vez que ele também saia ali. Quando abandonei o autocarro percebi que ia precisar de ajuda, pois estava num local ermo, e entretanto ja tinha escurecido. "para onde vais, dama?" perguntou o rapaz que eu abordara no autocarro. "vou visitar os meus tios" - redargui, mostrando-lhe o endereço no papel que trazia comigo. " podes vir comigo, eu moro perto" - declarou ele, fazendo-me sinal para eu o seguir. Parafraseado Charles Bukowski, "morrer não é ruim. Estar perdido é que é ruim", e perdida era como eu me sentia, por isso fui atrás dele. À medida que íamos caminhando, a minha insegurança ia crescendo gradualmente. "para onde estamos a ir?" Indaguei já com o nervosismo na voz. "vamos por um atalho. Este local é perigoso para damas como tu ." - Argumentou ele. Entre começar uma discussão e ver onde aquilo ia dar, optei por rezar e pedir a todos os Santinhos que ele não me fizesse mal. Nessa altura estávamos a atravessar um túnel onde predominavas o cheiro a urina.
Escutei vozes a murmurar e a rir. Mais à frente notei umas silhuetas de vários homens que gradualmente iam obstruindo a passagem. Fitei o jovem que me acompanhava que na altura não consegui lembrar do seu nome. Ele pareceu-me agitado , e isso deixou-me à beira de uma ataque de nervos. Subitamente começamos a ser cercados pelo grupo de homens que estavam no interior do túnel. A maio parte deles tinha o cabelo rapado e tinham um ar temível. Eram skin heads e não pareciam estar ali para brincadeiras. "Para onde vais nharo?" - Questionou um deles para o negro. "Não tens nada a ver com isso. És guarda alfandegário?" - Redarguiu ele com ar de desdém. Nesse momento o Skin deu-lhe um murro na cara que o deitou ao chão, de seguida todos os restantes começaram ao pontapé. Apavorada, tentei fugir do local, mas fui agarrada por um deles, que me segurou pelas costas de forma bastante veemente. "onde vais, coisa boa?" - Sussurrou ele ao meu ouvido. " Por favor, deixem-nos ir embora" - Supliquei "claro que sim!"- Vociferou o que nos tinha abordado. Notei que rapaz negro continuava no chão todo encolhido e com a cara toda ensanguentada. Ao ver que os Skins tinham virado as atenções para mim, ele desatou a fugir, o que os levou a rirem à gargalhada. "parece que o teu companheiro cagou para ti" - Rosnou um deles que
era o mais baixo, mas também o mais feio. "ele não é meu companheiro. É um monte de merda"- Redargui irritada com a cobardia do black. "Concordo contigo, como é que uma menina tao linda, anda com companhias daquelas" - disse o lider do grupo, que era o mais alto. - "deixem-me ir embora" - Supliquei "claro que sim" - Afiançou ele, ao mesmo tempo que abriu a navalha ponto e mola. Depois fez questão de a exibir bem perto do meu rosto, deslizando com a lamina pelo meu pescoço. A lamina era fria e ele deitava um bafo nojento a álcool. Nunca tinha tanto medo em toda a minha vida. "se queres passar, tens de pagar a portagem"- Declarou um deles "eu pago... eu pago, mas por favor deixem-me ir"- Balbuciei. Nessa altura senti as mãos de um deles a apalpar-me o cu. Depois senti outra mão a mexer-me nas mamas.
"pagas com este corpinho, querida"- disse o feioso, qu entretanto tentava beijar—me no pescoço. Estava rodeada de homens . Eles eram quatro e nao tinha hipótese nenhuma de sobreviver se tentasse reagir. Eles iam-me bater como fizeram com o outro, mas eu não tinha tanta resistência. "Não custa nada deixares a gente brincar um bocadinho contigo" - disse um deles, que entretanto já tinha metido a mão pelas minhas cuecas abaixo. Tentei contorcer-me, mas ele era muito mais fortes que eu. E foi num instante até que ele enfiou dois dedos pela minha cona a dentro. Gemi, mas aguentei. Já estava semi nua, e sentia aquelas mãos todas em mim como se tivesse caído num poço de serpentes. "Está húmida a puta",- Declarou ele e com razão. Estava mesmo húmida. A tesão estava a tomar conta de mim, e eu estava completamente descontrolada. Dois deles tinha colocado os mastros de fora e masturbavam-se enquanto os outros me apalpavam toda. Obrigaram-me a colocar- me de joelhos e outros dois aproximaram-se com as suas vergas que estavam a menos de um palmo da minha cara. "mama, puta" - Ordenou um deles, agarrando-me pelo cabelo. Hesitei, mas ele não me deu hipóteses, enfiando a sua verga grossa na minha boca. Comecei por chupar de modo desleixado, mas de imediato levei uma estalada na cara. "mama-me a picha, não te armes em esquisita"
Obedeci, esmerando-me mais na situação. As circunstancias não me eram favoráveis de não os agradasse, portanto, só me restava tirar proveito daquilo. Então comecei a comandar a orgia. " Fodam-me a boca, cabrões!"- bradei enquanto me abria para os outro me foder por trás. "eu sabia que eras uma puta fodilhona"- declarou ele enquanto me alargava o cu com os seus dedos grossos. Agora estava a mamar os três e a ser comida por trás. "fodam esta puta" A orgia estava quente e viscosa, quando de repente, o gajo que me estava a montar, ficou paralisado. "pensavam que se ficavam a rir, cabrões?"- Reconheci a voz do black que agora estava à nossa frente de pistola em punho. Pela forma como ele revirava os olhos, os meus violadores perceberam que ele não estava para brincadeiras, e logo as pichas que eu mamava, ja se tinham sumido. Escutei um estouro ensurdecedor e senti um espirro de sangue nas minhas costas. Ele tinha acabado de disparar um tiro contra um dos skins. "morram, filhos da puta" - berrava ele, enquanto descarregava o carregador, atingindo-os a todos na cabeça e no tórax. Os skins tombavam como coelhos à minha volta. Eu permaneci toda encolhida, até que senti a sua mão em redor do meu corpo. "estás bem dama?" - Indagou ele "Estou... quer dizer. Não sei" - Balbuciei nervosa. "Nunca tei iria abandonar. Estes filhos da puta só tiveram o que mereciam" "Obrigado por me salvares. Como te chamas?" - Indaguei " Chamo-me Cassiano, mas chamam-me big" "big?" - indaguei "Sim querida, vamos sair daqui, que depois eu explico-te".


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The Watcher

I turn the bucket upside down and sink down on it with a sigh, stretching my legs. My non-smoker's cigarette break always takes place in the dark corner of the equipment room of the gym, a place so stacked with weights and gear and mats and broken treadmills that they swallow up the sounds from outside. It's not silent by a long stretch, but it's the best it gets in this whole building. And there's something about the greasy, musty smell that I like, and about the windowless closeness of the...

3 years ago
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Sex and Stardom

You awake in a luxurious hotel bedroom, the warm sunlight in your eyes. Slowly you look around the room; it's huge, and you're seemingly in a penthouse suite as well. You're laying on a king-sized bed. The mattress is soft, incredibly soft. You don't know why you're here but you aren't one to complain. You feel slightly dizzy, your head aches a bit as you look down at yourself. You're naked ... Do you even sleep naked? You don't quite remember. Your whole mind is a mess. Suddenly, your prick...

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Sucking Off William

OK guys – I’ve just come in from some riding and I’m going to sit down and write about how I got my roommate Will down to his speedos for some horny fun. Will moved in at the end of November and we share a room in a 3 bedroom condo. Will is 19yo from Melbourne and plays a fair bit of AFL (Aussie Rules Football). He has just finished his first year of uni and is spending his summer break (yes it is summer now in the southern hemisphere – you can’t believe how many people don’t understand that...

4 years ago
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Loriart work applied

It was peaceful and quiet in the bedroom and Lori looked at the four items Ken had given her. A skirt, tank top, bra and pair of boots were the extent of what she was ordered to wear. Ken told her he wanted a Hotties' waitress on Sunday and all his buddies would be served by a luscious piece of ass. Every time the vile man said evil and disgusting things, Lori would always find a way to forgive him. She chose to ignore the insinuation of his demands and considered the waitress aspect of his...

2 years ago
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6 December 2006Chapter 6

Joyce stood close to Dan, pressing her tit to his arm, and he smiled again at her available cleavage. They watched as the scorekeeper printed the teams and total scores on the big board. “The first team in the two-point total pins, mid-season tournament game, is captained by ... Tony Bishop and the second team is captained by ... Joyce Young!” was announced. Joyce squealed with delight and quickly embraced Dan around the shoulders giving him a kiss on the lips then congratulated the other...

1 year ago
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Caitlins Humiliation

It was time for a yearly tornado drill early in the morning as Caitlin drunk more monster just to wake up a little more. The rules for this practice tornado was to get in the hallway,find a spot to kneel down with your hands on your head and stay quiet. Everyone else was ahead of Caitlin as she chugged the rest of her monster drink and threw it away. By the time she got in the hall it was already full. She looked around clueless, looking for an empty spot. Then an administrator pointed her to a...

2 years ago
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Last Chance

PART 1 I race to a halt and stand panting outside the office. My feet are killing me. These new high heels are not made for sprinting. Gulping a few nervous breaths, I smooth down my pink top and white mini. The door is ajar but I knock anyway then take a few steps back. I look down at my fluffy pink purse swinging back and forth across my thighs as if it's as anxious as I am to get this thing over with. The door jerks open and I watch two slightly scuffed, black shoes step towards me. I dare...

1 year ago
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Coming Clean

It remains dark in the house.Broken glass hastily kicked aside at the base of a back window reflects the glow of the full moon outside the house, shimmering and gleaming. Dirt is scattered around a potted plant that had been knocked over in the living room.In the large chef’s kitchen, opened containers of leftovers and bags of chips and cookies are strewn about the counter and breakfast table.  An empty bottle of milk and half-finished cans of soda rest in the sink.  Upstairs, the last drops of...

2 years ago
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Three Days Of Honeymoon With My Aunt

Hi All am Kaviraaj from south India. Here am sharing my experience with my lovely aunty. This is a real incident, hence no exaggeration. Please give your feedback if you feel hotness is missing. Her name is Swathi (name changed). This has happened in Dec’14 when I was in Bangalore. Her name is Swathi (name changed); I met her on social network. She was already married and her age was 36. She is so beautiful, bit chubby. Her measurements would be around 36 30 38. Am normal good looking guy of...

4 years ago
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My sister Is My Bitch

I'd got up late and no one was home or at least thats what i thought. So i carried out my morning ritual as i always do when no one is at home. I go intto my sisters rooms and look through their underwear drawers.First i went into Katie's Room and had a look through. She had a new matching set of underwear black bra and panties with a red trim. I got so engrossed in playing with them that i almost forgot about Nadines's room.So i walked into Nadine's room and was starlted to see her on her bed...

4 years ago
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More Than Friends

It’s hard to believe that I, Kevin Peterson, get to have Jessica Graceson to share a dorm room with. I know what you're thinking, why on Earth would any college allow a guy and a girl share a dorm room? Well, Jessica isn’t an ordinary girl, she’s spectacular. She’s amazing! She’s my best friend. She’s the world to me. Just looking at her unpacking her clothes releases butterflies in my stomach. How did I get so lucky?I remember the day I met Jessica. My life has never been the same since. She...

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Sex with crush

During my teen age I was very sexually active and loved girls alot. I just loved to have some nice squeezings and getting a handjob not until I was 18 before I broke my virginity. There was this hot girl I really had a deep crush on. Every night, I keep on imagining and dreaming of her nice and attractive perky boobs. I mastubate every night wising she would let me suck on them. She was younger than me with 2 years and we weren't so close. So I had to get close to her, the girl of all my...

3 years ago
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The Laundromat

Copyright© May 14 2005 She wandered through the house feeling restless and bored. All her work finished. She had taken advantage of the quiet earlier in the day and napped. Now she was wide-awake. Picking up a book, she found she did not really have the concentration for it. Sighing she put it down and decided to take a chance and call him at the office. This was some times risky and she knew not to call him if it was not important. Reaching for the phone, she came up with an idea for...

4 years ago
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Ingrid Ch 08

This is a re-posting of my earliest story, Quartet: Ingrid. I have re-edited it to correct errors in punctuation, grammar, and hopefully, readability. Monday evening, Steve and Ingrid strolled across the parking lot of Maurice’s, their arms around each other. Their idyllic weekend was coming to an end and they would be returning to their regular lives tomorrow. They had avoided talking about what came next as neither had a fixed idea of where their relationship would turn. They had been so...

3 years ago
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Life on Another PlanetChapter 26 L for Love L for Lost

Saturday, October 27, 2012 6pm Jesse and Kirsten were both a bundle of nerves as they checked into the hotel. For Kirsten, this was the culmination of all her hopes and all her fears. She desperately didn’t want to disappoint Jesse, and Jesse was equally concerned that he made this important moment right for Kirsten. She had willed herself to overcome her fears. She wanted this to be as special as Jesse did. The dinner was very nice, but it was obvious the two of them had their minds on...

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The LetterChapter 5

Matt shoved the garbage bag into Val's hand. "Get up on the roof." She hesitated, staring at the open door and the walking dead beyond it. "Matt, that thing, it opened the door. It turned the keys and opened the door. They don't know how to open doors, but it opened the door..." Matt turned her around and pushed her towards the back of the restaurant. "Go!" He stepped over the body on the floor and twisted the keys out of the lock before shoving the door closed. Partway closed...

3 years ago
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Ek Missed Call Ne Meri Jindagi Badal Di

Hi dosto , bedardi raja ka sabhi chut aur land walo ko salaam mene iss ka niyamit pathak hu kai dino se soch raha tha ki apni kahani apse share karu to wese to meri life ke kai sex experience he par me jo aaj kahani likh raha hu wo kabhi nahi bhool sakta ..Dosto apko kahani pasand aaye ya na aaye par mere email id par apne keemti comment jaroor de aur agar koi ladki ya aunty sex ya sex chat karna chahe to mujhe mail kare ,100 percent secrecy ki guaranty Mera naam raja he, age 26 , height 5.7...

2 years ago
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Meri Muumy Ki Chudai

Hello dost Me mehul gujarat se aaj me apko ek real story batane jaa raha hu or vo ekdam true hay mere ghar me hi hui hay, Mere parivar me me mehul or mere papa, mom or grandfather hay, papa abroad me hay job karte hay, yaha ghar me me or mom or grandfather rahte hay, mere ghar me do bedroom hay ek bedroom me me sota hu or dusre bedroom me mummy soti hay, grandfather main hall me so jate hay, last 14 april ko meri tabiyat thodi think nahi thi, to mera dyan rakhne keliye mene mummy ko kaha ke me...

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My Uncles Wife

I went to visit my Uncle last month while my brother was away for training and what I thought was going to be a boring visit turned my world around. My uncle owns a small ranch (ony about 60 acres) with a small barn and some horse stables. Whenever I visit I agree to help with the chores and I get to ride any of his horses anytime I want. On this visit my uncle got called away for business which left me at home with his wife who is an attractive woman but it is mostly her body and her...

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A Common Man From Bangalore 8211 Part 9

Hi, it’s me Pramod. (real name only for those who contact me) I have fucked many aunties and girls in my massaging profession. But here I am writing only personal incidents. Let me come to the story straight away. So we changed from that house to the new one in the adjacent area. It was just 1 kilometer from the old house. I used to regularly visit aunty when her husband was not there in town. We had a nice time then and now also. Her elder son is in college. But she wants my dick to satisfy...

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My Love of BBC Started at a Party

A friend of mine told me this hot story! It began at a New Year’s party given by a close friend. I was 28 and married and lived in an apartment. Les and Sharon who used to live next door to me in the apartments were hosting the party. It was well past midnight and we had all toasted the New Year with champagne. We were all drunk and Les and Sharon retired to the bedroom in their new three-bedroom home.Les and Sharon along with me and my wife and three other couples were white. There was one...

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my sexy cousin2


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A Change of lifestyle Part 13

A Change of Lifestyle Part 13 By Sandy Paris Continuing story about the changes in lifestyle that Chris was experimenting with, helped and encouraged by his wife and their friend Jess. More tattoos and a visit to a club. Thank you for the reviews and the suggestions but I have written several more parts and am happy with them. I hope that you enjoy them but I wrote them for me and I hope that you too enjoy them and if...

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Morning Chores

Jim's room had no windows. It was a small room with naked walls, and a cold, hard floor. Jim had been awake for a while now, though he could never be certain how long it had really been. The only light emanated from the small gap under the only door, and to Jim's eyes, it was unusually bright, which made him very nearly certain that it was daytime already. He shifted his weight a little, trying to alleviate the stiffness in his muscles, and his chain rattled. It was heavy and made of steel, and...

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SRU Jessica

This one isn't very original and its not one of my better stories, but it was what I felt like writing at the moment. SRU: Jessica By Morpheus Brandon dodged around a couple people and sped past on his roller blades. Brandon was a junior at the local high school, and though he already had his driver's license, he actually preferred roller blading most of the time. He thought that driving a car couldn't give the degree of control and freedom that a good pair of blades...

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My wife, let's call her Suzy, was 19 when we married and I was her first. I encouraged her to seek her own sexuality and for while she resisted. Suzy is 5'6" about 118lbs strawberry blonde with an awesome set of 34C tits and a firm round ass. After two years she got into it and we had done the swing thing a few times. This went on for about 3 years with infrequent playing with a few other couples and a lot of fantasies played out in the bedroom. She never failed to get hot when we...

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Not My Sisters KeeperChapter 7

The following day was a sort of free day for all of the guests and family. The day after was to be the day of the Fox Hunt and I was really looking forward to it because I had never been part of one before. My sister had told me her husband to be was obsessed with the whole Fox Hunting concept and I guess it was appropriate because he was landed gentry. Somewhere down deep inside I had a bit of a concern about the fact the poor fox was usually destroyed at the end of the hunt but it was...

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