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Sou proprietária de uma Sex shop e vendo muitos comprimidos potenciadores sexuais. Naquela manhã tinha recebido uns Cialis e uns Vigour azuis que eram muito bons, Passado algumas horas recebi um telefonema de um homem que queria saber se podia passar por lá porque queria comprar umas coisas. Dei-lhe a morada e passado uma hora ele apareceu.
Era um cinquentão com ar de trolha, que me olhou com ar de comilão. - Gostava de saber o que tens aí para ter mais tesão e foder durante mais tempo. - declarou - Tenho Cialis e Vigou azul. - Redargui, exibindo os frascos. - levo os dois. Registei os frasco e quando lhe dei a embalagem para a mão, notei que ele abriu um deles, e num gesto brusco, levou a mão a boca. - Quero ver se isto é mesmo bom - Disse ele , afastando -se da porta de saída. - Tenho um bom dia - Disse eu, Passado meia hora ele apareceu. - Então senhor, esqueceu-se de algo - Inquiri na minha inocência. - Não, minha linda. Venho reclamar. - afiançou ele. - Reclamar dos comprimidos? - Sim, estou com um pixa de 22 cms e não consigo quase andar. Acha bem? - Oh... o senhor tomou quantos comprimidos? - Tomei 4! - Exclamou ele a cocar a pixa. - Oh exagerou. - Respondi - como faço para isto acalmar... quer ver como estou? - Sim, deixe-me ver se faz favor - Redargui enquanto trancava a porta de entrada dos clientes. Baixei-lhe as calcas e o caralho dele saltou como uma mola. Fiquei perplexa ao ver aquilo. Parecia um caralho de um burro, media uns 22 cms e tinha as veias todas salientes. - Pois temos aqui um GRANDE problema senhor Vasco (que era o nome dele). Posso ajudar a resolver? - Sim minha putinha boa- Rosnou ele ofegante. Comecei a lamber aquele caralho monstruoso . Estava deliciada, nunca tinha visto nada assim. - mete-o na boca, porca do caralho! - Ordenou, obrigando-me a engolir aquele haste. Eu bem tentava mas não conseguia. Eu em casa, costumo treinar o facefuck com pepinos de alto calibre, mas aquele caralho estava enorme demais ... O senhor Vasco estava doido e agarrava-me na cabeça de encontra a pixa dele, para me forçar a engolir.
Eu ja estava toda babada e escorria saliva por todo o lado. - engole a tesão puta, foste tu a culpada disto. - Engulo senhor Vasco - Porque não me avisaste que não podia tomar mais que um? - Desculpe senhor Vasco - Engole puta- Disse ele, dando-me uma estalada na cara. Voltei a tentar engolir o caralho, mas engasguei-me. Levei outra estalada na cara. - vira-te puta. Vou -te arrombar esse cu. - Afiançou ele, enquanto me punha de 4 para me enrabar. O senhor Vasco cuspiu-me para o buraco do cu para me lubrificar, e de seguida, enfiou o caralhão de uma vez só. Senti dor, mas sabia que ia levar a enrabadela da minha vida. - Vou -te foder esse cu todo, minha vaca. - Foda-me senhor! Levou perto de 15 minutos até ele se esporrar todo no meu cu, deixando-me com o cu todo arrombado bem ditos comprimidos!
Há tempos li numa revista qualquer que havia um estudo sobre as fantasias das mulheres relacionadas com o sexo, e uma delas era a violação. Na altura achei uma palermisse do pior. Quem é que deseja ou fantasia com uma violação? A única excepção que conheço é a minha amiga Luísa que tem fantasias com gangues e grupos de skinheads a domina-la e a espancá-la, mas essa é maluca. È uma excepção à regra. Contudo sei que não passam de fantasias, pois ela morre de medo de sítios abandonados e escuros, guetos, etc. A semana passada fui visitar uns tios meus que tinham regressado da Suíça e estavam temporariamente a viver numa casa alugada ali para os lados da Pontinha ( Lisboa). Meti-me no autocarro para os ir visitar, mas quis o azar que as cosias começassem logo por correr mal, pois quando joguei a mão à mala para pegar no smartphone, mas ele já nao estava lá. Tinha sido roubada! "Fuck!" Fiquei logo inquieta nem sequer sabia onde tinha de descer, por isso perguntei a um individuo de raça negra, onde era a paragem mais próxima daquela zona, ao que ele me disse, que apenas faltavam duas
paragens, uma vez que ele também saia ali. Quando abandonei o autocarro percebi que ia precisar de ajuda, pois estava num local ermo, e entretanto ja tinha escurecido. "para onde vais, dama?" perguntou o rapaz que eu abordara no autocarro. "vou visitar os meus tios" - redargui, mostrando-lhe o endereço no papel que trazia comigo. " podes vir comigo, eu moro perto" - declarou ele, fazendo-me sinal para eu o seguir. Parafraseado Charles Bukowski, "morrer não é ruim. Estar perdido é que é ruim", e perdida era como eu me sentia, por isso fui atrás dele. À medida que íamos caminhando, a minha insegurança ia crescendo gradualmente. "para onde estamos a ir?" Indaguei já com o nervosismo na voz. "vamos por um atalho. Este local é perigoso para damas como tu ." - Argumentou ele. Entre começar uma discussão e ver onde aquilo ia dar, optei por rezar e pedir a todos os Santinhos que ele não me fizesse mal. Nessa altura estávamos a atravessar um túnel onde predominavas o cheiro a urina.
Escutei vozes a murmurar e a rir. Mais à frente notei umas silhuetas de vários homens que gradualmente iam obstruindo a passagem. Fitei o jovem que me acompanhava que na altura não consegui lembrar do seu nome. Ele pareceu-me agitado , e isso deixou-me à beira de uma ataque de nervos. Subitamente começamos a ser cercados pelo grupo de homens que estavam no interior do túnel. A maio parte deles tinha o cabelo rapado e tinham um ar temível. Eram skin heads e não pareciam estar ali para brincadeiras. "Para onde vais nharo?" - Questionou um deles para o negro. "Não tens nada a ver com isso. És guarda alfandegário?" - Redarguiu ele com ar de desdém. Nesse momento o Skin deu-lhe um murro na cara que o deitou ao chão, de seguida todos os restantes começaram ao pontapé. Apavorada, tentei fugir do local, mas fui agarrada por um deles, que me segurou pelas costas de forma bastante veemente. "onde vais, coisa boa?" - Sussurrou ele ao meu ouvido. " Por favor, deixem-nos ir embora" - Supliquei "claro que sim!"- Vociferou o que nos tinha abordado. Notei que rapaz negro continuava no chão todo encolhido e com a cara toda ensanguentada. Ao ver que os Skins tinham virado as atenções para mim, ele desatou a fugir, o que os levou a rirem à gargalhada. "parece que o teu companheiro cagou para ti" - Rosnou um deles que
era o mais baixo, mas também o mais feio. "ele não é meu companheiro. É um monte de merda"- Redargui irritada com a cobardia do black. "Concordo contigo, como é que uma menina tao linda, anda com companhias daquelas" - disse o lider do grupo, que era o mais alto. - "deixem-me ir embora" - Supliquei "claro que sim" - Afiançou ele, ao mesmo tempo que abriu a navalha ponto e mola. Depois fez questão de a exibir bem perto do meu rosto, deslizando com a lamina pelo meu pescoço. A lamina era fria e ele deitava um bafo nojento a álcool. Nunca tinha tanto medo em toda a minha vida. "se queres passar, tens de pagar a portagem"- Declarou um deles "eu pago... eu pago, mas por favor deixem-me ir"- Balbuciei. Nessa altura senti as mãos de um deles a apalpar-me o cu. Depois senti outra mão a mexer-me nas mamas.
"pagas com este corpinho, querida"- disse o feioso, qu entretanto tentava beijar—me no pescoço. Estava rodeada de homens . Eles eram quatro e nao tinha hipótese nenhuma de sobreviver se tentasse reagir. Eles iam-me bater como fizeram com o outro, mas eu não tinha tanta resistência. "Não custa nada deixares a gente brincar um bocadinho contigo" - disse um deles, que entretanto já tinha metido a mão pelas minhas cuecas abaixo. Tentei contorcer-me, mas ele era muito mais fortes que eu. E foi num instante até que ele enfiou dois dedos pela minha cona a dentro. Gemi, mas aguentei. Já estava semi nua, e sentia aquelas mãos todas em mim como se tivesse caído num poço de serpentes. "Está húmida a puta",- Declarou ele e com razão. Estava mesmo húmida. A tesão estava a tomar conta de mim, e eu estava completamente descontrolada. Dois deles tinha colocado os mastros de fora e masturbavam-se enquanto os outros me apalpavam toda. Obrigaram-me a colocar- me de joelhos e outros dois aproximaram-se com as suas vergas que estavam a menos de um palmo da minha cara. "mama, puta" - Ordenou um deles, agarrando-me pelo cabelo. Hesitei, mas ele não me deu hipóteses, enfiando a sua verga grossa na minha boca. Comecei por chupar de modo desleixado, mas de imediato levei uma estalada na cara. "mama-me a picha, não te armes em esquisita"
Obedeci, esmerando-me mais na situação. As circunstancias não me eram favoráveis de não os agradasse, portanto, só me restava tirar proveito daquilo. Então comecei a comandar a orgia. " Fodam-me a boca, cabrões!"- bradei enquanto me abria para os outro me foder por trás. "eu sabia que eras uma puta fodilhona"- declarou ele enquanto me alargava o cu com os seus dedos grossos. Agora estava a mamar os três e a ser comida por trás. "fodam esta puta" A orgia estava quente e viscosa, quando de repente, o gajo que me estava a montar, ficou paralisado. "pensavam que se ficavam a rir, cabrões?"- Reconheci a voz do black que agora estava à nossa frente de pistola em punho. Pela forma como ele revirava os olhos, os meus violadores perceberam que ele não estava para brincadeiras, e logo as pichas que eu mamava, ja se tinham sumido. Escutei um estouro ensurdecedor e senti um espirro de sangue nas minhas costas. Ele tinha acabado de disparar um tiro contra um dos skins. "morram, filhos da puta" - berrava ele, enquanto descarregava o carregador, atingindo-os a todos na cabeça e no tórax. Os skins tombavam como coelhos à minha volta. Eu permaneci toda encolhida, até que senti a sua mão em redor do meu corpo. "estás bem dama?" - Indagou ele "Estou... quer dizer. Não sei" - Balbuciei nervosa. "Nunca tei iria abandonar. Estes filhos da puta só tiveram o que mereciam" "Obrigado por me salvares. Como te chamas?" - Indaguei " Chamo-me Cassiano, mas chamam-me big" "big?" - indaguei "Sim querida, vamos sair daqui, que depois eu explico-te".


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The Professor and His Lady

Dani listened to the sound of running water in her bathroom as Jesse turned on the shower, and she wished she had the right to shower with him. He began to whistle softly, and she swallowed the thickness in her throat and retreated to the kitchen. Right! He’d said he wanted water, but she figured he wouldn’t mind a cold beer and some pretzels. She waited until she heard him shut off the water before setting two longnecks and some pretzels in a bowl on a tray. She took them out to the living...

2 years ago
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Chained in the Basement Please HelpChapter 3

So he's been gone for a week now. He's not coming back. A week ago he was sitting across the room, in his easy chair (which I can't get to), and he had his dick out and he was watching me, and masturbating. And I was sitting hunched up in a ball on the bed, and I grabbed the pillow and held it in front of me. He'd told me not to do that, that he'd take it away if I used it to cover myself. Or that he'd hit me. But I did it anyway, because I couldn't stand just sitting there and...

4 years ago
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The Wotch Sea and Sky

This Fan fiction is based on characters of the on line comic copy wrote by Anne Onymous and Robin Ericson. THE WOTCH SEA AND SKY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS The coming storm made the day the darkest it could be. Paul screeched his bike outside of his school. He got off his bike, locked it too the rank and was about to let go when it happened. Green lighting stuck out of pink smoke. It hit Paul's metal bike and knocked him with the power of a mule kick to the ground. When he woke, he couldn't...

4 years ago
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The Art Show Part 1

There’s a man about our age, in his early 50s, sitting on his own at a table. He’s having a drink and reading a London tourist guide. Looking around for a place to sit in the crowded hotel bar, we approach him and I ask if we can share his table. “Please, be my guest,” he says and I go to order drinks while my wife sits and waits. At the bar, I turn to see them exchanging words but he’s not looking at her; he still has his head in the guide. When I return, I hear him say he’s an art tutor here...

2 years ago
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I Watched my Assistant Fuck her Boyfriend

Tina is one hot little number, a thirty-two-year-old single mom who works for the company where I am a manager. I'm technically her supervisor, but she functions more-or-less autonomously within my department. We have a friendly relationship, and the topic of conversation sometimes turns sexual. Tina is about five-foot-five, with long black hair that she keeps "up" at work. She reminds me of the classic sexy secretary from decades past: pencil skirt, stockings and stilettos, red lipstick, and a...

3 years ago
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Adventures with Gwen Chapter 1 Thursday night

I lay in bed, head buzzing with the events from earlier, while my wife of 20 years slept beside me. She had sat beside me on the couch earlier while I was Skyping with my sister, but due to her obsession with baseball she’d had no idea that I was looking at my sister’s boobs and making plans for when we could have sex. Actually, Gwen is my half-sister, and I’d only known her for two months. She’d known about me for a few years, but had only recently gotten the nerve to introduce herself to...

4 years ago
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First Milf Trophy Wife to Trophy daughter

A little background. In my younger years I was a all around bad guy. A criminal among criminals. Anyway I took a job working nights closing a store. I worked with a lot of people but it was only took two people to close so on occasions I would work with this girl Sara. Now Sara was your typical suburban college girl. Skinny blonde paris hilton type but not as tall innocent to the city way of life. She never showed interest in what I did or who I knew outside of work. One day she invites me to a...

3 years ago
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Both Virgin Fucked

Hi readers, this is Atul once again with a new encounter with 2 virgin sisters and so without wasting any time and I will start my story for you all. During my earlier job tenure, I have to travel extensively all over India to develop the dealers and distributors network. Hence, very often I used to go to all parts of India. During those tours and I realized that we have not yet covered some parts of Madhya Pradesh. Especially the interior parts which were famous for dacoits once upon a time...

4 years ago
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Watching my mommy Sobha getting fucked 1

This is a series specially written for those people who cannot imagine themselves having sex with their mothers but fantasize about seeing their mothers as sluts and being fucked by other men.This incident happened about five years ago. I live in a city nearby Kanjirappally in Kerala along with my mother, Sobha. My father works in Dubai. So, he comes home only once in every year. Now let me tell you about my mother. She is forty years old and she keeps a good figure. Big breasts and a slim...

3 years ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 26

The night that Sue and Cindy were having their group sexy fest with the two Bob and Larry, Tim got so horny that he wanted to have a hot sexy fuck. Tim felt himself growing increasingly horny for some hot sex during the evening that his wife Cindy and their son were over with Sue and her son having their first introduction to sex. He sat trying to watch the TV, but all he could think about was his recent evening with Janice, Jennifer, Chuck and himself fucking their brains out. He first...

2 years ago
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Cousin Sister Ki Andhere Me Li

Hi indian sex stories dot net Dosto aaj mai apko bataunga kaise cousin soni ke saath hui chudai. Kaise bhai ne didi ka chhut ka pyas bujhayi. Aur bhai ne kaise didi ka gaand mai lund dali. Mai raunit jaisa ka aap jaante hai ..Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai 19 saal ka tha. Soni ekdum bharpur husn ki malkin hai. Hamare mohalle k ladke soni ko dekh kar apne lund pe hath marne lagte hai. Soni ka figure 32 24 34 hai. Usne pahle apne boyfriend ke satha sex ke khoob maze liye hai but wo study ke liye...

4 years ago
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Erotic Sex With My Horny Neighbour

Hey guys! Shikhar here and this is my first story in ISS. I have been a regular reader of stories here but never got a chance to post anything. But I finally got a chance today. So this is a real story about how I seduced my horny neighbour and how I managed to explore her holes. So she was my new neighbor and newly married lady. She was just 24 and already married. About me, I am a medium-built guy with 6.5′ dick. She was a beautiful and elegant woman, slightly dusky but had flesh at the right...

2 years ago
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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 46

Following Kim's directions, they returned her to her home on the other side of the city. Elaina pulled up in front of the building indicated, then set the brake and turned off the engine. She turned to face Kim in the back with Rob looking on. "So, we're good, right? You never saw us and this never happened, agreed?" she asked. "What are you, the Men in Black or something," Kim joked shakily. Rob started to chuckle at Kim's comment, and Elaina shot a glance at him to shut him...

2 years ago
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Twins Christmas Pictures

Samantha told Hannah about her asking their best friend, Rich, a professional photographer for a photo session in great detail, including how good she felt while she was talking to him. Hannah was captivated by the thought and got a sexy look on her face. "I know Rich would love getting some photos like that of me, too..."Then, at the same time, they both said, "We should do it together!" They called the Rich immediately and made an appointment. The day finally arrived, they rounded up some...

3 years ago
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New Friends at the Beach

“Hey Jen, we’re gonna miss our reservation if we don’t…” Jen and I had driven to our beach house earlier in the day in time to get some rays on the beach, but were running late for our dinner reservation. Just then she emerged from her dressing room looking gorgeous in her freshly tuned up tan, a strappy little black dress that plunged provocatively between her perky 34B’s and ended mid-thigh showing off her lean tanned thighs and long, slender legs, a pair of open-toed four-inch heels, and her...

5 years ago
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The Maid

It’s been a long day of work. I come home, tie loosened, looking around the house for you. I drop my keys on the counter, continuing to undo my tie and shirt as I walk the house calling “Honey, you home?” I come around the corner and I’m greeted by a view of your amazing ass, barely hidden in a thong. You’re decked out in a maid costume, a black corset with white lacing and lace accents. The petticoat underneath the skirt lifts it nice and high so your round butt is very visible and I just want...

Quickie Sex
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FapHouse Arab

Bitches from all around the world are sexy. I'll fuck anyone of them. Each region has its own flavor, and I have a worldly pallet. But, regardless of skin color or creed, one thing always holds true: they have pussies, asses, and tits. That's all a man like me asks for. Men are but simple creatures with simple needs.There is a World of Pussy OutsideIf you are looking for petite skinny bitches with cute faces, look no further than Japan. If you want something a little thicker with a fat ass and...

Premium Arab Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 38

As Victor sped towards the east edge of town, he felt something so alien that it might as well have not been his own emotion: anxiety. Victor treated emotions as currency; calm was gold, and patience was platinum. His first big foray with his powers had taught him much about both, as well as the use of others to assist in deflecting curiosity. He had not intended for his sister to be his first slave sale, but she had meddled in his private affairs and had threatened to expose his...

4 years ago
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Man Dating Chapter 5

Tuck sat in the salon chair, staring at himself in the huge mirror in front of him. He still wore the very tight little rubber panties, his penis was still very artfully arranged, and his boy clit was still very much exposed. But his previous near nudity was now hidden, or mostly hidden, with a very sheer silk robe, loosely tied with a pink sash around the waist. And his bottom felt... squishy. His legs, however, still looked fantastic. He crossed his ankles in a very feminine way just...

4 years ago
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Our last cruise as a married couple

The story I'm about to write did happen in 2013.The last year of our marriage.In the beginning of 2014 we divorced.Things between me and ex now wife didn't went good despite our efforts to make the marriage work.Only thing that worked great was our sex lifestyle.Cuck and swing.So there we were and both wanted to go a last cruise together but with the purpose of last sex cuck style as a couple.So this time we book a cruise with Costa Cruises.Im sure you all know! The route was from Venice in...

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Room Serviced

There was a birthday coming up and Annette Bishop wanted it to be special. Normally, a birthday celebration might involve a special dinner, a trip to a club, or some other festive activities but this year, she was on the road in Paris. She would have to come up with a new way to celebrate. The moment she saw him in the hotel fitness center, her mind began spinning a plan. His name, she found out through casual conversation, was Sebastian. He was in town for a few days to engage a new client in...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 12

2076 a.d. The Prophet The storm had passed and the crystal sun was shining brightly once again. Jeff gave Béla some of Greta's clothes to wear. Surprisingly, they fit. Béla considered herself extremely petite and was hoping the clothing Jeff offered her would be too baggy to wear. Then she could have convinced him to let her run naked; at least between settlements. They both explored the storage room, separating out what they wanted to take with them. They only needed the basics – a...

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Debauchery of my wife 8211 Part 2

I was tense about the maid. The next day, Sarika told me that she had settled with the maid and she won’t spill the beans. I relaxed a bit and resumed my job, which has started now. Offices were open, and Sarika and I started to go to the office. Around a month after Reddy’s visit, I came home in the evening. Sarika was in the bathroom having a bath. Her bridal dress was lying on the bed with all ornaments. I was confused a lot by this sudden event. I yelled at Sarika about it. She calmly...

4 years ago
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Jasons Secrets Exposed Part 9

I suggest that the reader check out the first parts of this story before reading. Comments are appreciated.The following morning, I awoke at 6 AM with a raging clitoral erection, having been dreaming about pegging Jason with other people watching. I summoned Jason from his spot at the bedside and told him to lick me. He did so, much to my satisfaction, for multiple orgasms, and I made a mental note that he would receive release in today. Remembering that Lilly was staying in the guest bedroom,...

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OMG Last Night

I suppose I'd better start at the beginning. Well, my femme name is Carly Hughes.I'm a 47-year-old male who has probably been cross-dressing since he was seven. I started dressing in my mum's and sister's clothes. I've built up stashes of clothes many times and binned them through guilt. I've probably wasted so much cash it's unbelievable.Anyway, I've done all the manly things in my life like football, being a jack the lad, getting married, becoming a dad, etc. Through all the years my...


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