Fantasy Fulfilled [Revised] free porn video

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This is a redo of my original story with all the errors corrected.

It is based in truth about my third marriage. I hope you enjoy it.


Neither my wife Stacey nor I were virgins when we married. Hell, we weren’t even virgins when we first met! First hooking up in the late 1980’s, we dated non-exclusively and then in the early 1990’s we had a k**. Neither of us felt any pressure to make the relationship formal. We did, however, love to role-play and frequently helped each other fulfill our various fantasies. By the mid-‘90’s she moved out of state for a better job, I started seeing someone who eventually became my second wife, and we lost touch with each other.

About 10 years later as my marriage was breaking up, the age of the internet made finding lost loved ones easier. I found a phone number after less than an hour of searching and Stacey and I reconnected.

Phone calls turned into emails. Emails led to visits. Visits led to really hot sex. Hot sex or lack thereof was why my second marriage ended.

She and our daughter moved back into my life and into my house with me. A few months later we married.

Not long after getting back together we resumed our role-playing and fantasy indulgences. Some of my favorite ones were when Stacey would regale me with her sexual exploits while we were apart. Rather shy and submissive when we were first together, she had “cum out of her shell” as she liked to say… Men, woman, multiple partners, she had had an exciting and varied sex life over the last decade and nothing surprised me more than how turned on I got when she would share the details with me.

We used to make bets on sporting events, since we rooted for different football teams, both college and pro. The reason we even got married was that while repaying one of these bets, one in which for 2 hours I “could not tell her no,” she got down one knee and proposed to me. As she knelt there, naked and dripping my cum onto the bathroom tiles, I kept my word and said I would marry her. She then proceeded to whip out a large gauge needle and pierce my left earlobe! Then she inserted a tacky gold loop earring as my 'engagement ring’. I’m just glad she didn’t give me a Prince Albert!

After the wedding and leaving our daughter with my folks, we went to Louisiana for our honeymoon. While I drove down, I had her relate story after story of her wanton activities. Taking my cock from my pants she would slowly stroke me as she told me of her exploits. She never let me cum, wanting me primed and ready. By the time we arrived outside of New Orleans I was about to burst. We barely made it inside the room before I threw her down on the floor and attempted to consummate our marriage.

As I savagely fucked her, the old wooden floor creaking under my thrusts, she whispered in my ear.

“You really love hearing about my slutty past don’t you?”

All I was capable of doing was to grunt in reply, my hips pounding her even harder. Just as I approached climax, she gripped the base of my dick with all her might as screamed at me.


What else could I do? I pulled out quickly and rolled onto my back.

“I have a bet for you…”

She teased.

“What’s the wager?”

“Beginning right now, I say you can’t go 12 hours without cumming…”

“The stakes?”

“If you win, you get your greatest fantasy. I throw away my diaphragm, I never use any form of birth control ever again and you get to knock me up as many times as you want for the rest of my fertile years!”

“If you win?”

“You are my slave of the rest of our honeymoon. You give me absolute obedience without question…”

It took me less than a second to agree.

Smiling a smile of a cat about to spit feathers, she rolled on top of me and pinned my arms to the floor. I playfully I tried to push her off of me, but moving quickly, she clutched my hardness and began to stroke at a furious speed. I lasted about 10 seconds before I exploded all over her hands…

I’m sure her laughter could be heard on streets of the French Quarter below.

Before I could say a word she leaped up and squatted over my face.

“Feast on this slave, because this is all you’re getting this week!”

I suddenly understood she meant to tease me mercilessly the rest of the week! I never even went soft.

As I ate her, she told me the rules for the week.

“No masturbating, no blowjobs, no fucking, nothing! No more orgasms for you this week at all! Do whatever I say without question. Break any of these rules and you will be punished!”

After her third hard cum, she stood and began to dress.

“Get ready, we’re going to dinner.”

She ordered. It was difficult to put on my semi-tight jeans with the throbber I had going, but I dressed, fixed my hair and brushed my teeth quickly, then sat waiting for my wife.

Stacey sat on the bed playing with herself while I got ready, I did my best to ignore her, but her smell permeated the room. When I was done she dressed if you could call it that. Being about 4'11” and 95 pounds, she pulled out one of my white tee shirts and d****d it over herself, it fell to just below the curve of her ass. She spun in front of the full-length mirror, exposing her wet shaven pussy and small tight butt. She spun again, then stopped. Pulling a bright red scarf from our luggage, one I usually used to tie her up with, she wrapped it around her waist like a sash. Tying the knot, she spun again, this time only the bottom of her ass was exposed. She smiled, added a pair of black thigh high stockings and platform sandals. She retrieved her purse and stood by the door, waiting for me to open it. I dared not utter a word. I began to realize her plan.

Down onto the busy streets, we went. She was walking next to me, practically hanging on me. The smell of her sex filled my nostrils. Every eye on the street was dawn to her, every head turned, most mouths agape.

The first two restaurants we approached refused to seat us, one even suggested I “take my whore someplace else!” Before I could respond to the rude waiter, Stacey gripped my arm tightly, her eyes rolled back in her head, her body twitching. The man called her a whore, and she had cum standing right there in public!

She ordered seafood for both of us once we found an accommodating place. Boiled shrimp for her, raw oysters for me. She even fed them to me, all the while rubbing my hard-on under the delicate linen tablecloth. I was yet to go soft.

“May I ask a question please?”

“Certainly my pet…”

“I can refuse you nothing?”


“I am not allowed to cum?”

“Also correct.”

She replied while exaggeratedly fellating her piece of shrimp.

“So if you decide to make me cum…”

“Exactly my pet!”

“Shall we skip to the punishment then?” I asked, not wanting to draw this out any further than we had too.

“If you insist” she grinned.

She reached for the zipper of my jeans. I closed my eyes and for the first time in more than a decade, I blushed. She had the zipper less than halfway down when I came…

This behavior continued for another two days. I would pleasure her orally and/or manually, she would strut around town in almost nothing, never wearing any underwear. Teasing, taunting me mercilessly but never letting me find any release.

On the third day, she took us to a local sex shop. Her outfit today was a micro bikini top and her 'belt’ from the first night tied around her waist like a sarong. She had never put on any underwear since we arrived, and the scarf was almost transparent. She had me buy several pairs of solid handcuffs, and what she called a “cute” bright pink cock ring.

While paying for our purchases I caught her staring at the curtain in the back of the store.

“What’s back there?” she asked the cashier.

“Video viewing booths” he replied.

“Coins or bills?” she asked.

“Either, plus plastic too!”

She smiled that smile again, I felt a lump in the pit of my stomach and my cock starting to rise. “Wait here my pet,” she said as she walked to the rear of the store. A few moments later she reappeared and motioned me towards her. “Bring our stuff my pet…”

Past the curtain, she led me into one of the video booths. A single metal folding chair and a 36” HDTV mounted into the wall were the only things besides us in the room. The smell of sweat and sperm attacked my nose. She took my credit card and selected over 3 hours worth of videos.

“Strip and sit” she commanded. I did as I was told. Luckily there were a couple of hooks inside the door. I sat naked on the cold metal chair. She knelt before me and struggled to put the bright pink ring around my hardness. After several attempts and much pinching, it was rolled into place, she then proceeded to apply the cuffs to my wrists and ankles. Once complete she stood and circled me, looking at me lustfully, maybe more so than she ever had before.

That’s when I saw them. The holes cut in the two side walls. She followed my eyes and laughed, not like she did on our wedding night, but like some fell daemon who has ensnared the soul of its prey!

She walked behind me and leaned in close to me. Nibbling on my ear she whispered

“Now its time for your punishment my pet. For months you have used my sluttiness for your own stimulation, but did you ever think about my feelings? Did you ever think I might be a little bit ashamed of myself? Did you ever wonder why I did all those nasty things? I did them to try and free myself from you. To kill the love I felt for you. To quench the anger I had at you…”


“SHUT UP SLAVE!” she screamed as she slapped my face. The smack I’m sure could be heard at the front counter.

“I wanted to rid myself of you, never see or hear from you again. That’s why I became such a slut…”

Tears began to run down her cheeks, whether from sorrow or anger I couldn’t tell and wasn’t about to ask.

“So now I’m going to let you see first hand what a slut is like. No fantasies, no imagining, just dirty raw sex!”

She untied the knot holding her 'skirt’ to her., followed by her bikini top. In moments she was naked, her back against the TV monitor, her hand working her crotch.

I could not move. I could barely breathe. I wanted to go to her, hold her. Apologize for being so foolish. To beg for her forgiveness. I knew better than to speak now.

That was when we heard it: In the booth to my right, the sound of a door closing. Then moments later, a cock was pushed through the hole. Only medium sized, and a bit dirty looking. Stacey stared at it for a few seconds, her hands still working at her sex, tears still running down her face. Then she smiled. But her smile was the smile of the damned. She crossed the few steps to the hole and knelt down like she was about to receive Holy Communion. She took her hands from her cunt and began to stroke the cock, using her own juices to bring it to hardness. She glared at me and spoke.

“Welcome to hell mother fucker!”

With that, she turned and started sucking the filthy cock.

After a few minutes, she pulled her head away from the slimy pick in front of her. Without even looking at me she spoke again.

“You will not close your eyes. You will NOT turn away. You will watch everything!”

Then she turned and smirked at me. “There will be a quiz later my pet…”

What she didn’t realize was I could not look away. I could not close my eyes. Fuck, I’m sure I could even blink! She turned her head and lowered her mouth back onto the cock.

Up and down, up and down her head moved. Her lips touching the roughhewn plywood surrounding the hole. The only sounds, the wet smacking of his crotch against her mouth and an occasional cough from her. After about 10 minutes, a faint “I’m gonna cum…” emanated from beyond the wall.

Stacey pulled her mouth off and clamped her hand down hard on the base of his cock, just like she did to me on our wedding night.

“Oh no, not yet” she cooed.

Standing, she turned to face me, straddling the slick dick sticking from the wall. She stroked it slowly a few times, biting her lower lip as if working up her courage to do something.

Stacey went up on her tiptoes. She took her right hand pushed her fingers up inside herself while continuing to stroke the stranger with her left. With a bit of effort, she removed her right hand from her core and tossed something into my lap. Staring down I realized it was her diaphragm. My head shot up to look at her. Her gaze held mine. “Sluts take cum my pet,” she said as she slid the stranger’s bare cock into her now unprotected hole. She moved her ass back against the wall and came down off her tiptoes, driving the shaft up into her.

In a split second her eyes grew wide as saucers, her chest thrust forward and her mouth opened into an obscene O shape. She tried to speak but the words caught in her throat.

“My womb… he’s in my womb…”

Stacey didn’t have a very deep vagina and when her diaphragm wasn’t in place, I could easily spear through her cervix, even with my average length. I knew there was nothing in the world to compare with the fist-like tightness of her giving a deep fuck. I knew the stranger wouldn’t last 10 seconds.

Now I began to struggle like a madman to get free. Sex games are one thing, but my wife giving her fertile womb to a stranger just to make me feel like shit was something else. Yes, Stacey was ovulating this week, it was the main reason we chose this week for our honeymoon, so we could give Kelly the little brother or sister she had always wanted. The cuffs held me to the chair, my feet not even touching the floor. In my struggle, I started to lose my balance and the chair started to tip over backward.

It was like the world turned into slow motion. I was falling through space, Stacey was screaming in orgasm, and the stranger was crying out at the top of his lungs


Simultaneously as my chair crashed to the floor with a bang louder than any gunshot, my eyes were knocked shut by the impact. My last sight was Stacey twitching like a gigged frog as she shuttered and came, the stranger filling her with his seed.

I’m not sure how long I was out cold. When I opened my eyes Stacey was standing over me, using both hands to contain what was in her cunt. There was a loud pounding on the door as the cashier panicky called out “are you folks OK in there?”

I tried to speak but could not. Stacey squatted down across my face and removed her hands, pressing her dilated pussy against my mouth. The frothy contents of her cunt washed out of her like a waterfall and caused me to gag. I had never tasted sperm in my life and now my whorish wife fed me the remains of her honeymoon conception.

“Drink it, slave! See what it’s like to be a slut! A cum dump! Can you feel the shame? The humiliation? Does this fulfill your fantasies? Your wife, the mother of your c***d treated worse than a common whore?”

She moved away from my face and I began to vomit. Spraying my dinner, the stranger’s cum, Stacey’s juices and my love for her all over myself and the floor.

I think I slipped into shock as the door was burst in.

I woke up in a hospital. I had a nasty concussion and a missing wife. The cashier at the store claimed to have never seen her, only coming to my rescue when he heard the chair hit the floor. The stares and laughter of the hospital staff may have been worse than the ordeal at the sex shop.

When I was released two days later my luggage was waiting for me in the lobby of the bed and breakfast. I arrived home to find Stacey and Kelly gone. All their belongings packed and removed. Stacey’s wedding ring on my nightstand. Her cell phone disconnected. All evidence of them gone.

About a year later I received a small envelope in the mail. No return address only one thing inside. A photo of a young baby.

A c***d in the arms of his mother, my missing wife.

Holding them both was a man with a grinning face, the face of the cashier.

Written on the back were two words: “Fantasy Fulfilled?”


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Horny Niece Lets Uncle Help Revised

*Author’s note: This is the third time I’ve submitted this story. The first edition mysteriously disappeared. The second version got corrupted and garbled, rendering the story unreadable. Hopefully this latest attempt will be successful.Horny Niece Lets Uncle Help (Revised)By billy69boyMy sister-in-law and her two young daughters came to visit us for a week in the summer. They live out of state, and we only get to see them a few times a year. With each new visit, I am amazed to see how...

2 years ago
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The Marriage of Martin Hastings Chapter 1 Revised

WARNING: Fictionmania Readers: This story has elements of forced feminization, s/m, b/d, that forces a man to become the bride of another man. This all takes a place in the realm of fantasy and no where else. There are scenes of sexual activity the take place beginning in chapter 5. This story has been posted here before, but it is much revised now. Dark Tales of Forced Feminization Presents "The Martin...

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The Marriage of Martin Hastings Ch 2 Revised

Dark Tales of Force Feminization Volume One "The Martin Hastings Saga" is a work of erotic fantasy/fiction in three distinct pieces and is not based on any beliefs/realities or are any of the characters based on person's alive or dead. This story contains elements of b/d, s/m, forced femininity, and some explicit scenes of gay sexual activity, some non conventual in nature. The story is meant to be a piece of erotic literature for entertainment purposes...

4 years ago
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Devils Due revised

Devil's Due (Revised) By Daniel A. Wolfe (aka D.A.W.) Author's Note: This was originally posted on my website for Halloween. While not exactly new it's almost a complete rewrite of Devil's Due which was originally a Mixed Tape entry, and is more than double the length of the original. I'm finally going to bring this story into the official cannon for my open universe Tales from Meridian the rules of which can be found by visit the open universes page on my website. The original can...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Daughter Revised

Becoming a Daughter - Revised There were 60 seconds left in the football game. We were ahead 21 to 0 and going for another shutout. This shutout win would break the school's long-time record of shutouts. My dad, a big guy, was on the original team a number of years ago that set the school's shutout record. My twin brother Jack, 18, was big like our dad, while I, was much smaller like our mom. We were both on the current team. My brother was a very good athlete and he started at...

1 year ago
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A Flair For Trouble Revised

When Judge Carlson calls, I always know that the job is going to be interesting, and when he called me this time in the dead of night I just knew that this particular case is going to be 'unusual'. He had the talent for pulling the one 'odd ball' court filing out of a stack of about 100 other nearly identical ones, that seemed to have 'special features' of interest to him. The judge is a great guy and has given me a lot of business over the years and I've learned to trust his 'nose for...

2 years ago
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Second Honeymoon Revised

(Revised) Edited by Richard Loving wives Brian and Jenny had been married for 7 years and they loved each other very much. Due to an unexpected windfall on the lotto they had decided to have a second honeymoon at the same place as the original one. They booked into the same hotel/pub and were able to secure the very same room. When they got there they had the same views of the seaside and the long stretches of beach but the Pub was a little run down and the area had fallen on hard...

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Fantasy fulfilled

I've heard it said one needs to be careful of the things one asks for. How true. I'm just back from a 7 couple hard swap weekend. The things Roger had to do to arrange this was big. First thing he did was to call on old friends we have screwed around with. But we don't have that many friends. So friends called their friends and I guess our circle got bigger. The awkward part was by ex-husband and his new wife getting an invite. It turns out Ken's new bride had never participated in an...

3 years ago
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Fantasy FulfilledChapter 4

She was fully aroused by the time she was to get dressed in her costume - it happened that fast! Her pussy gleamed and her eyes were lusty. The rosy nipples on her perky breasts stood up, hard! Dana is a beautiful, sensuous woman! No question of it! She put her stage costume on, buttoned up the front and slipped into her shoes. She was all set. I could see the bulge in Jason's pants growing considerably while he watched Dana being undressed. The affection and caring between the two of them...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled5

As she got off the plane from first class, relaxed and a bit tipsy from the champagne she made her way quickly through customs and out to the baggage claim. As she was waiting for her bags she felt arms encircle her from behind and she let out a squeak of surprise, whipping around she saw her friend. She smiled and wrapped him in a hug, he was even more gorgeous in person. He had ginger hair, with piercing dark brown eyes and was tall and lean. His accent as he spoke got her heart fluttering,...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled Part 2

For various reasons it was nine months before my second visit to Matt. I booked a lunchtime appointment over a week in advance and was in turmoil the whole time. What was wrong with me? I'd done the hard part nine months earlier so couldn't understand my nerves. Maybe it was what else I wanted to do this time..... I'd decided to try and knock two more items off my fantasy list - being handcuffed and being filmed. Matt's profile stated he liked, amongst lots of other things, both "being...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled After A Long Time

I all fucking fellows, I’m here to tell you my ever cock boning incest story. Which really happened to me after a long wait of 14 years. I’m a Iss reader since last 6 months. As all other writers I am not claiming that it’s a real story and nothing fantasy. My story is just fantasy come true, and I want to know it by all readers response on my id .So here I go…I’m Rajiv, living in a nuclear family.with my mother father wife and twin kids. This story starts when I was a bachelor. And my now...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled

On her knees, Jennifer waited in the abandoned room bathed in the light of the bulb she had to bring with her. Servicing someone at a glory hole had been a bucket list kinky dream of hers, and her husband Derek had found the perfect place. An adult bookstore a few hours from home had a glory hole room that was a relic from a much simpler time. Last weekend they did a test run to get back to the room. Just a lightbulb and some disinfecting wipes were all that were needed. Back in its heyday the...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled4

~The Making Of A Teenage Slut~ --- --- ------ --- --- ----- --- --- ----- --- --- ----- --- --- ----- --- --- ----- --- --- ----- --- --- Author’s Note: This story has everything from the slowest foreplay to the absolute dirtiest sh- well you’ll see. Anyway, if you get to a part that doesn’t suit your preference, don’t let it ruin the rest for you! Just skim through it and enjoy the parts that you do like! And PLEASE do me the favor of letting me know what you really think of my story....

2 years ago
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Dreams Are Fulfilled by Me The Desires by You

Dreams are fulfilled by me, the desires by you. It was a dreary Saturday afternoon as Daniel Samuelsson walked under a dreary sky to enter a dreary mall, to just be around dreary people while he tried to find something bright, at one of the dreary stores filled with dreary goods, to lighten his dreary mood from having a dreary life. Daniel did not really believe his life was really that dull, lifeless and depressing. It was just February, the worst month of the year for...

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Fantasy Fulfilled

We didn't have sex until about 5 months into our relationship, not that we didnt want to, just that we had both been burned before early on and wanted to make sure the other was going to stick around. However, when we finally did, WOW it was amazing (for both of us i might add). Im white, about 6'3", thin, to an atheletic degree, fairly handsome as i am told by the ladies and real world well endowed. Most stories are always like "oh and i have 10 inch peniss" no. I have a respectable,...

3 years ago
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Fantasies Fulfilled

FANTASIES FULFILLED by Throne "Priscilla, we are ready for our tea," his wife Abagail said, intentionally using a plummy voice. Paul took a steadying breath. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. It had been one thing to have the fantasy. To imagine himself as a perfect maid, serving his wife and one of her friends while he was in full uniform. His face made up conservatively but femininely. No hair anywhere on his body. But it was something else again to actually be...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled

You've been thinking about doing this for a while. No matter how many times you fuck, it isn't enough. The normal stuff is cutting it for you anymore. But you don't exactly know what you want. You've experimented a lot in the past before. Whether it be role playing, bondage, and so on. Yet, you really haven't experienced that true apex that you desire. It is not as if you had no suitors to help you find your fantasy. Your gorgeous brown hair flowed down to the middle of your back, slightly...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Nearly Fulfilled

I've always wanted to watch my wife Gwen fuck another man. I'd told her of this fantasy many times while we fucked. She always said no, but never told me to stop talking about it and she always got hotter when I discussed it. I even told her that if she wasn't comfortable with me there, she could go out and find a guy to fuck and tell me about it when she got home. I also loved to hear her talk dirty while fucking, although most of the time I had to prod her into what to say.Gwen just turned 40...

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Fantasy Fulfilled

I am 61 and my wife is 60. She is very good to look at and exercises regularly but our sex life had been pretty dull for some time. Not often and not good. I was losing my ability to satisfy my wife. Years ago we had tried things to make sex more interesting, she would dress up sexy, tied each other to bed used toys etc but recently we had not been active in these areas. I had always had a fantasy of a threesome but she didn't want to try. She had an erotic massage once but other than her being...

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Fantasy Fulfilled

My apartment is on the second floor of a three-story building in an older development. As an older building, it has far more character than the new cookie-cutter high-rises. While the quirky units are nice, the lack of air-conditioning was a big drawback. But with large windows that open, lots of fresh air gets in. With the recent heatwave, that’s been fantastic, but it does mean that I have to leave the blinds open to let in as much air as possible.The other drawback is that the buildings are...

2 years ago
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Fantasy fulfilled

Now talk about some fun times I love to fulfill my fantasies. It has always been my desire to see just how far my wife of 35 years would go in the sexual situation so one night I got my chance. You see my demure wife is a great looking lady despite our middle ages, of course age takes it toil but she holds her age wonderful and the guys still look her way when she walks by. We have been going to a local nightclub/pub for a few months for dancing and drinking. The people seem to know us and we...

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Mommy II Revised

Hi, all. After I posted the first version of this story, a lot of feedback was about how many holes had been left in the thing. Or if there was some hidden conspiracy to force Jack into becoming Jacqueline, why hadn't it been at least shown even briefly? This revision, in several installments, will hopefully fill the holes, and give explanations as needed or desired. I guess it won't be giving much away to tell everyone that there is indeed a conspiracy to completely...

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Abu Ghraib Revised

Chapter 01 Please take note! Adults Only LiteratureThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.Email [email protected] with your comments.Copyright 2006 Chapter 1? ? Abu...

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A Secret Desire Fulfilled

A Secret Desire Fulfilled by Maria Ski The dentist style chair contained a naked male. His arms had been strapped to the chairs arms. He fought to keep his eyes open as the soft new age style music played through the headphones he was wearing. The heavenly tune was so relaxing. "What is your name?" a soft voice asked. "Richard... My name is Richard," he replied. "What is your name?" the soft voice asked again. "My name is Richard," he replied with a whisper, "My name is...

1 year ago
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Found a partner who fulfilled my sexual desires Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

For a woman, it is often difficult to decide between someone who fulfilled my sexual desires and someone who makes a great father to my kids. I love my children but lately, my sex life wasn’t even remotely exciting. It was the same missionary after Sunday lunch when the kids were napping. And I was frustrated. One day, I read about some dating sites where people would go for just a purely physical need. Being the cautious queen that I was, I thought nothing of it, but kept reading about how so...

Extra Marital Affair
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CHAPTER ONECINDYI was planning a trip to England and I began researching for some unusual things I might do there I came across an ad in the in the travel section for the Fantasy Fulfillment Theater. It was two lines, “Travel adventure, make your fantasy come true.”I sent an email to the address provided and received a response in the form of a registered letter. There was a release, all matter of confidentiality stuff, an authorization for a performance bond guaranteeing my personal...

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SHAKE IT UP revised

Hermaphrodite: male or female with both sex organs Shemale: a female or male with the appearance of the other sex(guy looks like girl. girl looks like guy) All right people I know all of my other stories I created and copied off of were complete and total crap. I am not the best writer and this is where that will change. This is my try hard story if it is bad sorry the only thing you will see abused in grammar is a lot of run on sentences, but I will try to do better with...

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