Big Bang Theory Fanfic: Penny/Missy Cooper free porn video

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What they were doing in Penny's apartment during The Pork Chop Indeterminancy. Points if they do it between the boys coming over to ask Missy out, and have to get dressed to answer the door each time.

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If there’s one thing that both the Cooper twins are used to, it’s getting their own way. Penny finds this out halfway through the first glass of wine, when Missy leans over, puts one finger under Penny’s chin, and turns Penny’s face toward her.

“I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how pretty you are.”

Penny breaks into a wide smile. “You don’t need to, but if you want to...”

Missy closes the gap between them and kisses her with perfect confidence, the same sort of perfect confidence Sheldon could have if it weren’t overwhelmed by his perfect arrogance.

Penny gets a little bit distracted by this thought and Missy pulls back.

“Something wrong?”

“No, I was just thinking.”

“Oh, Lord, you’re not bi-curious, are you? Because I’m sick of being experiment material.”

“Yes. No! Not the curious part. I’m bi-sure. I was thinking about your brother.”

Missy lifts an eyebrow at her. “There’s a time and a place, hon.”

“God, no, not like that. I was thinking that if he wasn’t such an ass he’d be a lot more attractive. Like you,” Penny adds as Missy’s eyebrow goes even higher.

“Okay, you backpedalled fast enough.” Then Missy’s kissing her again and God, she’s missed this. When was the last time she so much as kissed a girl? It’s been too long. Not that there’s anything wrong with guys, but sometimes she just craves soft curves pressed against hers and hands that know.

Missy’s got the curves part nailed, that’s for sure; the deep V-neck of her dress accentuates her cleavage perfectly. Penny’s seriously tempted to motorboat her, a silly moment’s whim. She traces the V with a fingertip instead and Missy shivers under her touch.

“Maybe Mom was right when she worried so much about Sheldon comin’ to California. I’m surprised someone ain’t turned his head by now.”

“Actually, I’m from Nebraska,” Penny says, letting her accent creep all the way back in, and Missy laughs.

“I guess that makes you a regular downhome Aphrodite then, and not a California girl.”

“Mmmm, these days I’m a little of both.” Penny trails her finger back up and then touches Missy’s cheek. “So does Sheldon know you’re not planning to carry on the Cooper genes?”

“Don’t even start on that. Every time I try mentioning it to Mom she either ignores me or starts talkin’ about turkey basters. I’ve no idea what Shelly would say.” Missy’s lips curve into a moue of disgust that Penny can feel reflected on her own face.

“Well, neither of them are here,” she says softly, and kisses the frown away for half a second until there’s a knock on the door. “Sonofa—if that’s your brother, I may have to kill him, with all due respect to the Cooper genes.” She scrambles up from the couch; Missy stays put, eyes sparkling.

It’s not Sheldon. It’s Leonard, and that’s a whole different level of bad. Especially the part where he stumbles through establishing that she’s off the market which only serves to establish that he’s just like any ordinary guy. Not that she ever really thought that he was any different, just, maybe. Maybe she was expecting some kind of respect or politeness out of him just because he’s a geek.

Also, he’s breaking the b*o Code way worse than she is.

But then it doesn’t matter because Missy not only turns him down, but pulls Penny to her the moment the door closes and gives her a reassuring dizzying kiss, as though she saw into Penny’s mind and caught that brief flutter of fretfulness.

“What was that about cheese earlier?” she asks when the kiss ends.

“What? Oh... um, he’s lactose intolerant, and Sheldon... okay, I’m not so sure about that part.”

Missy gives her a dazzling smile. “Oh, honey, I’ve been sayin’ that for years.”

They’ve downed a glass of wine each and Penny’s got her legs over Missy’s lap and arms around Missy’s neck while they try to outdo each other with who can kiss the other the softest – and giggling a good deal while they do it – when the next knock on the door comes.

“Damn it!” Penny disentangles herself from Missy and proceeds to watch Howard go through the most humiliatingly stupid attempt to hit on anyone since – well, however long ago it was that Leonard was at the door.

“I guess this means we’re gonna see Rajesh before too long,” Missy says as Howard crosses the hall with his metaphorical tail between his legs. “Maybe we should put on a show for him, let him know why it is I’m saying no.”

“Are you k**ding? You’d end up with all three of them over here with a video camera, plus Sheldon with a big stick.”

Missy just grins at her. “I guess we’ll just have to see how far we can get before he knocks on the door, then.”

Penny grins back. “Challenge accepted.” And with that she sticks her face between Missy’s breasts and makes Missy shriek with laughter, because who says you can’t give in to a silly moment’s whim once in a while?

In a way it’s lucky that Raj runs into trouble talking and starts stammering; it gives Missy an extra few seconds to get her dress back on. It’s not as neat as it previously was, and Penny’s so sure Raj will notice that she forgets to sound bad about his return to mutism.

“Well, we’re three for three,” she says, closing and locking the door. “Now wha—whoa!” Because Missy’s swung her up off her feet. Penny puts her arms around Missy’s neck and giggles as Missy strides into the bedroom and dumps her unceremoniously on the bed. She pulls her dress back off equally unceremoniously, dropping it onto the floor, and kneels astride Penny, looking down at her. She is wearing a white bra and white panties with lace trim; she looks as though she could be in a Victoria’s Secret magazine.

“You’re overdressed,” she informs Penny, who promptly wriggles out of her yellow top and tosses it aside. “Aw, come on. Look at me.”

“I am.”

Missy gives her a patented Cooper Stare, and Penny relents and eels out of her pants. She has to sit up to do so and she’s at just the right height to press a kiss between Missy’s breasts. There is a tiny pink rose embroidered on the front of the white bra.

“What’d they make your underwear out of, cotton candy?” Missy sounds amused; Penny has to look down at herself to remember what she’s wearing. Oh, right; pink bra and g-string. Hey, at least they match.

“Maybe. Want to taste?”

The next thing she knows she’s flat on her back again and Missy’s mouth has closed over her nipple, sucking at it through the thin fabric of her bra. A thrill runs through her whole body at the feeling, and she arches her back. Missy doesn’t miss a beat, slipping a hand under her to unhook her bra, and a few seconds after that her mouth is on Penny’s bare skin.

If anyone else knocks on the door tonight, she’s not at home.

“You do melt in the mouth, sugar,” Missy says at last.

Penny just rolls her eyes – it takes all the energy she can muster – and tries to make her breathing return to normal. Missy stretches out beside her, the picture of insouciant grace. When Penny manages to sit up she can feel the string of her underwear dragging against her wet skin and almost falls back to the bed again. She’s determined, though, and gets to her knees, then pulls at Missy’s wrist, urging her up as well.

They kneel face to face, Penny’s bare breasts against Missy’s lace-clad, Missy’s fingertips tracing the line of Penny’s underwear where it dips down between her buttocks, Penny’s hands coming up to unhook Missy’s bra. She wonders if Sheldon ever counts the nights that she doesn’t come home at all, the nights when she’s out doing this because bringing another woman home would – well, she doesn’t even want to think about what kind of crap Howard would pull.

She pushes the thought from her mind by tugging Missy’s bra off and immediately taking one of Missy’s nipples in her mouth. It takes her zero seconds to work it into a hard peak and she’s missed the way that can feel against her tongue. Missy’s fingers claw into her backside and Penny grins around her mouthful because clearly she hasn’t lost the hang of this.

“I swear, Shelly doesn’t know what he’s missin’ out on,” Missy says when Penny comes up for air.

“I thought you said there was a time and a place for thinking about your brother,” Penny says. Missy swats her backside, and Penny hooks a finger under the waistband of Missy’s panties and snaps the elastic against her smooth skin. She can see just a little soft curling brown hair peeking out of the leg-band, under the lace, and suddenly she can’t settle for what they’re doing any more. She deliberately runs her fingers under the elastic again and pulls, and Missy takes the hint, moving to stand up so Penny can pull her panties right off. Penny notices that they have the same little pink rose hand-embroidered on the front; she holds it out to Missy, raising an eyebrow.

“My middle name’s Rose,” Missy says.

“Oh, right.” Mystery solved, Penny starts kissing a messy hot line down Missy’s chest and stomach. Missy stops her just above those floss-fine curls and, when Penny pouts at her, physically lifts her off the bed and drags her underwear off before dumping her back on the bed.

“On your side,” she orders.

“You must have been a ball of fun in gym class,” Penny says, stretching out obediently, bending one knee for balance. Missy just rolls her eyes and lies down too, and the height difference between them that would be annoying under some circumstances makes it easy for Penny to nudge her face in between Missy’s legs while Missy curves around to settle her cheek on Penny’s thigh.

Penny gets one good inhalation of Missy’s scent and dives right in, her tongue and lips working fast and rough, because she feels like she’s been hungry for this for a long time and only just now realized; like Missy’s an essential element that’s been absent from her life and she needs her like air. Or maybe it’s just that she’s needed to be with someone whose body curves with hers.

Missy puts up with her sloppy eagerness for a minute or so before silently reprimanding her by pressing her own tongue flat against Penny and sliding it slowly between her labia, ending with a flick up over her clit. Penny lets out a muffled moan and Missy does it again, and again, and Penny’s own tongue stops moving altogether because she can’t concentrate. She is not unused to this position but it has been some time; she’s forgotten how to balance the influx of pleasure with the output of the same.

Then Missy captures Penny’s clit between her lips and starts sucking, and Penny can’t think at all. She moans again and Missy shivers under her lips and Penny gives herself over to the feeling and just lets the vibrations of her whimpers and moans let Missy know exactly why she’s having trouble reciprocating at this point in time.

She’s sure she can feel Missy laugh.

How long exactly Missy’s mouth works on her, she’s not sure. All she knows is that heat suffuses her entire body much faster than she’s used to and then she’s rolling her hips against Missy’s lips and gasping out Missy’s name.

“You’re easy to please,” Missy says, laughter in her voice.

“No, you’re just good at it,” Penny says when she can breathe again. She feels Missy’s head shift to pillow more firmly against her thigh and moves her own head in further in response, further in to that warm female smell and the slickness of Missy’s folds against her lips, in to the hard little length of Missy’s clit. She rolls her tongue along it and hears Missy sigh, and sets about returning the favor.

It doesn’t take her long to figure out that Missy likes a couple of fingers inside her as well as the play of Penny’s tongue against her; it takes a little shift in position but she can deal with that. She wonders if Missy would let her use the strap-on she keeps hidden in her bottom drawer and her fingers falter for a second.

“Somethin’ on your mind, sugar?” Missy sounds breathless.

“Just wondering how you feel about playing with toys.” Penny twists the fingers inside Missy for emphasis.

“Mmmm.” Missy tightens around Penny’s fingers. “Tell me more.”

“Well...” Penny draws the pause out by striping a long hot lick over Missy. “I have a good, hard cock I can fuck you with.”

Missy jerks hard against her; perhaps she wasn’t expecting such an explicit response, or perhaps she’s a little more sheltered than her sixty-nine-initiating self appears. “God, Penny!”

Penny flutters another couple of quick licks against her. “I think I’d have you on your back, so I can see your face—”

That’s as far as she gets before Missy comes, arching her back and crying out, inner muscles squeezing around Penny’s fingers. Penny dips her head down to suck hard at Missy’s clit and gets a shuddery cry of pleasure in return.

“Holy Mother of God, girl. You are way too pretty to act so butch,” Missy says eventually.

Penny snorts. “Like that has anything to do with it.”

“I know, I know.” Missy rolls away and turns around, crawling up to lie face to face with Penny. They kiss lazily; their combined taste on Penny’s lips is addictive and she gets a little sloppy with her tongue, engrossed in chasing down every last bit of it in Missy’s mouth, until Missy pushes her away and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, laughing.

“You really are deprived.”

Penny shrugs, not quite meeting her eyes. “It’s been a while, yeah.”

Missy reaches down and trails her fingers up Penny’s thigh. “Are you working tomorrow?”

“I’m on the dinner shift.”

“You can have a late night, then,” Missy says adamantly, fingertips brushing through the light brown patch of curls that hides Penny’s center. She slips one finger between Penny’s folds, withdraws it slick and wet, and brings it to her mouth to suck it clean.

Penny giggles. “You could be a porn star.”

“Nah. These’re real.” Missy cups her breasts and jiggles them a little. Penny pounces to try to motorboat her again and Missy squeals and wrestles her away, rolling them both over and playfully pinning her down. Penny shivers delightedly. It’s so good, so freeing, to just have fun without expectations. Even her one night stands with men seem to have a predefined set of rules, not least of which that Leonard will give her that kicked-puppy look if he sees her, and that Sheldon will say something disdainful, and damn it, now he’s back in her head.

“Sugar – hey, Penny, come back to me.” Missy releases her wrists and looks down at her, concerned.

“I was just thinking about your stupid brother being judgmental.”

“About this?”

“About me.”

“Oh, honey, don’t worry about it. That’s just Shelly bein’ Shelly.”

Penny wants to move past it, but her mind takes these things to heart and worries over them sometimes and she can’t. She rolls over and buries her face in the pillow, kicking her feet a little. “I just know that if he saw me like this he’d accuse me of corrupting you.”

“No, he wouldn’t. He’d say—” and here Missy’s voice changes register just enough for the similarity between the Cooper twins to be really very apparent “—‘Oh my Lord, Penny, you’re beautiful’.”

“That’s spooky! How do you do that?”

“Practice,” Missy says, still mimicking Sheldon’s voice. She runs a finger down Penny’s spine. “I’ve never seen you like this before...”

The tingle that runs down Penny’s spine isn’t just chasing Missy’s finger. She’s afraid to roll over, afraid to shatter the tenuous illusion, afraid to find out that she doesn’t want to break it. “And? What do you think?”

“You’re beautiful,” Missy repeats, and there’s a tremulous note of awe in her voice. “Can I – may I touch you?”

“Of course, sweetie,” Penny says, and she keeps her eyes closed as she rolls over. She can feel the weight of her partner shifting on the bed and then a light touch of slim fingers butterflying over her breasts. Her nipples immediately draw up tight and hard and she hears a gasp before a thumb rolls over one nipple.

“Like that?”

“Yeah. Oh.” She can’t keep her eyes shut and puts one forearm over them. “If you... try sort of pinching, just lightly...”

“Hmmm.” Finger and thumb close and roll and she likes it when her directions get followed, she really does. Her hips arch off the bed a little, but they’re not up to that part yet. “More?”

“More,” she agrees, and her nipple is engulfed in wet heat, the pull of lips, the flick of tongue, and an accidental clumsy sc**** of teeth that draws a hiss out of her that’s more pleasure than pain.

“Oh, Penny.” She doesn’t know if she’s ever heard her name in that voice in a tone that reverent. It’s almost too over the top, almost snaps her out of the moment, but then both of her breasts are being cupped and teased and stroked and she forgets what she was thinking.

This is insane, this is not at all what she was expecting to be doing with her night, but it’s a kind of insanity that makes a secret heat curl and burn between her legs, especially when she feels the slow stroke of slim fingers on her inner thighs, hesitantly urging them apart. She cannot reconcile this uncertain touch with Missy’s confidence and it only deepens the illusion.

She rolls onto her side abruptly and reaches for the handle of the bottom drawer. She yanks it open and then leaves it open, feeling the weight of her partner shifting off the bed. She wonders for a second whether Missy will realize this is ridiculous and wrong and make a run for it.

When the bed shifts again with her partner’s weight, she lets out a sigh of relief she hadn’t even realized that she was holding.

“Penny, can you—” She feels a hand on her hip and rolls over, getting up to her hands and knees. There’s the soft press of breasts against her back, there and gone. She sits right up and spreads her knees and sinks down onto her partner’s lap, and feels the hard length slip into her with ease. This is, maybe, a little more intricate of a position than she would have expected for their first time (and the thought has her pushing down hard – their first time), but oh, it feels so good.

“Oh, God,” she moans, and there’s an agreeing whimper from behind her.

“I’ve been watching you,” the voice whispers in her ear. “Ever since I met you. I’ve been thinking about this.”

Penny closes her eyes, slides one hand down to touch her clit, and feels it pushed aside by another hand.

“Just sit back and enjoy the ride.” Texan twang and amusement are all rolled up into that voice and she can’t imagine really hearing it that way but by now it doesn’t matter; she’s into the scene and, yes, enjoying the ride.

They manage that way for a couple of minutes and then Penny has to lean forward, having trouble staying upright. Not for the first time she wishes her headboard wasn't solid wood; she sticks her hands between the pillows and grips the upper edge of the mattress instead. She ends up on her elbows and knees instead of hands and knees but there's still plenty of room for a hand to steal under her body and toy with her nipples before slipping back to circle her clit again. Given how tight her partner's other hand is gripping her hip she's going to end up with finger-bruises; it is not an entirely unappealing image.

"Fuck," she says, the word barely making it out of her dry throat.

There's a laugh from behind her, and then suddenly -- oh God. It feels like the times she's experimented with vibrating cock rings, and if she tries she can just about imagine the configuration of toys that are being played with here.

"Penny. Come for me."

God. Why do their voices have to sound so fucking similar?

She tries to stick with nameless noises, but she knows the soft, "Sheldon," that inevitably escapes her lips is audible. By then it's too late though, because she's shaking and coming, her legs giving way, held in place only by those long-fingered hands. The only admonishment she gets is the slow sc**** of fingernails over skin, and then a soft bite to the back of her shoulder blade.

Penny crawls away and turns around and Missy is Missy again, one hand between her own legs, dildo and harness and bullet vibe all discarded. Penny gives her a sideways shove and goes onto her belly between Missy's legs, grateful for all the space on the bed. Missy is slick and wet and open and Penny pushes one, two, three fingers into her.

"Do it, hon, come on." Missy bucks against her hand and Penny tucks her pinkie and thumb in against her palm and pushes. Missy gasps in what could be pain or could be pleasure and Penny pauses until Missy nods at her. Then she turns her hand slowly, marveling at just how adaptable the human body is, and starts working Missy's clit with her tongue.

The feeling of Missy clenching tight around her hand when she comes is indescribable. She wonders if it feels the same on a guy's cock and makes a mental note to never ever ask any of the guys she knows because, well, explaining the context of the question is more than she's prepared to do. Ever.

When she finally slips her hand free, Missy gives her a wry grin. "Sure I'm not my brother now?"

"Positive," Penny says. She can feel herself going pink; Missy laughs and tackles her, hugging her back into proper composure. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Missy arranges them on the bed so that she's spooning Penny. "Okay, maybe it was a little weird, but now you know you should go over there someday and see if you can teach him to rodeo."

"Missy!" Penny throws her elbow gently backward and Missy catches her arm, pinning it tight against her side.

A few gently hazy warm minutes pass. Penny thinks she should probably clean up the toys, and maybe pick up their clothes, and quite possibly deadlock the front door in case any of the boys decide to visit again, but it's too cozy and comfortable here. She feels like she's been opened and filled, not just because of the sex, but because maybe Missy's right; maybe she should go talk to Sheldon and see how much of this scene she can recreate.

She's about to get up and tidy up when the sudden laxity of Missy's embrace lets her know that Missy has fallen asleep, felled by a post-coital c***. Good. Excellent. Fuck it. She can clean up in the morning. In the meantime she can sleep now, sleep with the delicious ache of good sex suffusing her body, and the sweet scent of Missy filling the air.

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Tonight's the kind of night I hate, the wind is blowing. It always makes it hard to sleep I’ve been tossing and turning with unease for-- I don’t know how long now. Do I dare look at the clock? I lay in bed wrestling with the decision only to finally give in. I reach over and pick up my phone, its 1:30 am, “Crap.” I let out a frustrated sigh. I just can't fall asleep even though I'm so tired. It's the kind of night I wish I had someone I could cuddle into and feel protected someone...

2 years ago
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fanfic Chapter 8

I follow the four down to their lair. Huh, doesn't sink as bad as I thought it would, considering we're in a sewer. As we draw near I pick up the scent of incense, the sandalwood was a much needed relief to the senses. “Before we go in...” Leo pauses and places a hand on my shoulder. He looks me deep in my eyes. I can see his deep affection for me. He takes a deep breath, “I just want to give you a heads up, I don't want you to be caught off guard. Our sensei is a little...

1 year ago
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fanfic Chapter 3

The next night I anxiously await his arrival. My body quivers with anticipation and excitement as i wait for the arrival of my savior. For the first time since I arrived and began my new life in this god forsaken city I felt confident, secure, protected. I knew as i was held in the arms of Donatello I was safe. I felt so warm so comfortable in his arms. I longed to be held by him once more. A light rapping on the window, my breath catches as my heart jumps with excitement. Quickly I move to...

4 years ago
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fanfic Chapter 5

I set the phone down “Ok guys pizza's on its way.” “Yay Pizza!” They holler in unison. “While we're waiting Aimee there's something I wanted to talk to you about.” I am caught off guard, usually hanging out with the guys is care free and fun but this time Leo has a completely serious look on his face, as does his brothers. “Ok, what it is?” I slowly sit down, my skirt riding up just slightly. Raph's eyes drop and a slight smile crosses his lips. The guys look at each other than at...

1 year ago
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fanfic Chapter 4

I roll over in bed turning on my lamp, ‘I’m parched’ I think to myself. I roll over and look at the clock. Only 9 pm screw this getting dark early stuff. I roll out of my perfectly heated bed, toss on a robe, and hurry to the kitchen for a quick drink of water. On my way back to my room I feel a cold draft. “I have got to get a towel for under my door.” I say to myself. I enter my bedroom only to be greeted by an unwelcome guest. “You think you can just show up when you want and let...

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fanfic Chapter 6

I push through my apartment door exacerbated, “Uh, can’t I have just one normal date. Please!” I yell into my stuffy empty apartment. I walk over my AC unit and flip it on, reveling in its cool comfort. As the cool air passes over my dewy skin, I feel a shiver run through my body; my nipples tighten under my satin dress. I let out a sigh and caress my neck in the cool air letting my hand pass over each breast, feeling each tender nipple, gently rolling it between my fingers. I let out a...

3 years ago
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fanfic Opening

I hurry along tucked into my jacket. I hear footsteps behind me. I think nothing of it; I live in a big city after all. I keep up my brisk pace but hear the footsteps getting closer and closer. Suddenly I feel a strong tug and I’m pulled back and thrown to the ground. My jacket pulled from my shoulders. Sitting exposed on the sidewalk the rain starts to soak through my sweater. A shady figure grabs me and pulls me towards the black shadows of the alley way. I kick and yell for help, my voice...

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Dead by Daylight Explicit Fanfic The Trappers Agitation

She crept away slowly on her hands and knees, her heart pounding like a drum inside her chest, jeans covered in mud and dirt. She covered her ears and shut her eyes tightly as she heard terrible cries of pain echoing in the distance as he took them away one by one, sacrificing them to this strange creature, this Entity. She cried into her hands, holding her mouth shut trying to stay quiet. Whilst streams of tears ran down her face, she quietly prayed, “Please, don’t let him catch me, I don’t...

2 years ago
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Dead by Daylight Explicit Fanfic The Nurses Calling

I sighed deeply as night after night I found myself here, trudging through the darkness, the moonlight illuminating my way forward. There were others like me, sometimes we would help each other sometimes not, either way it didn’t matter to me. I’d learned all I needed from this place and escaping from here had become nothing more than a simple chore. Still, I guess in not really knowing what else to do; it was time to get to work. x x x x x x In this perpetual night time she sat glancing...

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Me Before You Sexy FanFic

For those not familiar with this story- Will Traynor, a young man of 29 with an appetite for adventure and a bank account to accommodate it. If you can think of an extreme sport, Will has not only tried it but mastered it. He stands 6’1 and has a muscular frame. His dark hair and light blue eyes make a stark contrast against his burnished tan skin. He was full of life until one tragic day when he was struck by a motorbike while crossing the street. The accident left Will paralyzed from the...

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A Midday Cheat A Modern Family FanFic

He didn’t go out of his way to keep count the number of times he had heard the song in these last three weeks but his brain - which was always on - told him that he had heard it seventeen times. Seventeen times Andy had reflexively pawed where Haley had bitten him on his collarbone during the song’s final thrumming beats. Seventeen times Andy had instantly relived the final, elongated thrust they shared as Haley’s bite put him over the edge. Seventeen times Andy had felt a stirring unlike...

4 years ago
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A Night to Remember Wizards of Waverly Place Fanfic

Title: A Night to Remember Summary: Max and Alex share a erotic night that neither would dare to forget. WARNING: Incest. Implied Jalex. They spooned the entire night. His arm draped over her hip as he held her naked body close to his own naked body. His face in her hair as she gently caressed her fingers up his arm with a satisfying grin plastered on her face. Max laid a little tired, but he was also satisfied. Alex moaned as she thought about what happened almost an hour...

4 years ago
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Do You Feel Beautiful Now Tom Hiddleston Fanfic

How can anyone, especially you, find all this you wave your hand around, gesturing to your naked body lying before Tom on his bed attractive? You see fault where I find beauty, he says gently, running the backs of his fingers down your cheek. The corner of his mouth turns up. By the end of this night, you will feel as if you could tempt a saint. Why would I want to do that? you ask. Ive already got you&hellip, Havent I? Tom bends down and places his lips on your collarbone while briefly...

3 years ago
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A Midday Cheat A Modern Family FanFic

Introduction: This is my first sex fiction. And fan-fiction, really. Maybe people will think my inclusion of music is cheesy. Try reading it with the choices made though and youll maybe soon think otherwise. Could very well lead into a few more parts for sure. Constructive criticism welcome. -CC Andy pulled his car into the Dunphys driveway and left the engine to idle as Kyla La Granges Cannibals finished up on the radio. Typically, it was the kind of song that would make Andy change the...

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Fanfic ShortShots

I appreciate all of your reads and stars and requests. Stick around. I update frequently. Feel free to browse! Characters will be listed as chapter titles.

2 years ago
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Dodger Fanfic

Hello people, welcome, this is going to be a hub for dodger fanfiction and erotic stories, hopefully. I do hope that more people, will add and make stories of their own. :D, i will try and update the story, everyday, but well you know life and everything John Doe

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Neon Fanfic Evangelion

You are Shinji Ikari, Pilot of Evangelion 01, You fight against the Angles with your classmates... oh come on, you know the show, you know the details. Anyway this will take place in the Angelic Days universe, the alternate world from the last episode. Their was a small manga series based on it where angels attacked, but I will take elements from the real universe too. Well here goes. Youve seen the show, you know the story, I just really want to write some nasty sex with some of my favorite...

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Return to the vault FMFalloutFanFic

With the large vault door closing behind Jacob the same eerie silence he had grown up with returned to his life, the mix of boredom and safety that had once been all he’d known. Now it felt strange, a phase of his life he had grown out of, left behind even though his thoughts never quite left.He had lived through more than just one lifetime in the past years, ended the lifetimes of others and helped those in need. It had made him rich and a legend, he owned houses in Megaton, Rivet City and the...

1 year ago
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Everything Is Possible a Kim Possible Fanfic

Bonnie walked along the school pavement as she played with her brown hair, curling it around her finger as a frown filled her face. “Fuck you, Bitch Possible,” she uttered angrily, “I’ll get your ass for ditching me after practice...” “Ahhhhhhh!” A loud moan rattled the walls of the possible house, “Fuck, that’s amazing, keep going, Kimmi!” Ann screamed at the top of her lungs. Her back rested on her bed as her body quivered with pleasure. Her body jolted along with her heartbeat as Kim worked...

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Al Bhedian Nights a Final Fantasy X2 Fanfic

“Ahmm ... Paine ... Well...” Rikku stumbled in her speech. “What is it Yuna? Did you and Rikku discover a new sphere? Are we in danger?” Paine asked, her red eyes trying to pierce the girls’ souls and rip the answer out of them. “I’m pregnant Paine...” Yuna spat out, Paine’s jaw dropped open, “5 months in...” “Well,” Paine raised her voice and jumped on her feet, her hands banging on the table, “That’s great news, didn’t know you had a boyfriend, I want to meet him! Let’s go, everything...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficPrologue

First, I must give all possible and due credit to Amanda Serve. Without her creating these wonderful characters this story would never have been possible. Also, it would not have been possible without her permission, not many authors will allow you to take their story and create an alternate reality where their characters may do things that they would never have them do. In fact, she has enthusiastically encouraged me on this project, and has been the only person besides myself to see this...

3 years ago
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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 1

Sometimes our lives seem to be a series of random accidents. This part of our tail centers on what happens when the inevitable happens and life decides to mark due the bill for our mistakes and misdeeds. As the Taylor family finished up at the tattoo booth, a range of emotions could be found amongst the four of them. Wendy was feeling astounded that things had gone so far so fast. She had readily agreed to this penance as a way to make up for the sins that she knew that her and Jamie were...

4 years ago
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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 2

Cathy Griffin stepped from her house bright and early Friday morning and smiled a grand smile on the way to her car. Today was the day that she would move on her goal of making Jamie hers forever. Everything was set, and all, while not complete, would be set in motion. Cathy grinned when thinking of that fateful Saturday that Jamie had handed her brother over too her. She would someday tell her what she had done that day, but that would be a ways down the road. Step one of today’s plan...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 3 Black Friday Part 2

It would take Cathy a couple of hours to calm down enough to think clearly. When she did, she realized that she had royally screwed up, she wanted to kick herself. She had broken every rule she had in controlling people. One, she had allowed herself to loose control. She was still trying to understand herself why she had reacted so strongly to finding out about the tattoo. It certainly wasn't that she had a problem with them, had one herself in fact. She also didn't mind having one of her...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 4

Chris Taylor was having a very mixed kind of day. He should be feeling great about now, but for some reason he did not. His sister was 'the' topic of conversation at Cherry Lawn High this morning. The chatter wasn't positive in nature either. What Chris had always wanted was now here. His sister was now a social outcast just like him, hell even worse than him, he was pretty much ignored for the most part. Jamie would not be having that problem anytime soon. Why was it not as much fun as he...

3 years ago
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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 5

"Well Chris, I'm sure you have a really good story to explain where the hell you have been since last night, and how you ended up looking like a punching bag. Lets get you set up to have that head of yours looked at, and anyplace else that needs it, then we can all find some place quiet and talk." Bill led Chris up to the check in and his best friend at the check in desk. "Veronica, how did you end up bringing Chris here? I thought that you didn't care about him at all." Jamie asked...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 6 Black Friday Part 5

Bill called a cab and the Taylor's decided that they had spent enough time sitting in the ER. They went outside to wait for its arrival. This was when they got the first call from family. It was from Bill's mom. She was spitting and sputtering so much that Bill really couldn't understand much that she said. He tried to tell her that the photos were a fake done by someone with a grudge against the family, but he didn't think that she was really listening. She was too busy blaming...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 7

Jamie Taylor was exhausted. She knew that she should be sleeping. Her mind was running in circles though, and she couldn't sleep. She looked over at the clock and saw that it was nearing midnight. She had been thinking about the fact that she had missed school today and the pep rally. Jamie hadn't missed a day of school since she was little and got Chicken pox. She had also missed cheering at the game, that had never happened before either. She was a captain of the squad. Next year she...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 10

As they were loading everyone into Bill's little Ford Ranger, Bill realized that they were going to need a larger vehicle to haul everyone around in now that Cathy was gonna be around for a while. They had gotten Wendy's car back yesterday, but it was a small car and wouldn't seat five with any level of comfort. He decided that he and Wendy would have to do some car shopping Monday while the kids were in school. The girls were also finding things a bit crowded in the back of the truck....

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 11

My Chapter 16 The Taylor's were in the parking lot after leaving the movie theater. They were all still a little off from the intensity of the final part of the movie. Normal discipline was lacking as they all just quietly made their way to the truck. Bill knew he should do a little something to remind the girls that they were still in the game, and he had a idea that would make his life much more difficult in a few minutes. If he knew what was coming he would have just loaded everyone into...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 12

My Chapter 17 Wendy was awakened by her husband telling her it was time to get moving to start the day. She was really wanting to stay in bed all day and just do nothing, but she knew that wasn't a possibility. Last night had been an interesting one in many ways, and the ending of the night with the ceremony for stars and her sister being there were only part of it. She had went to bed with her husband. That wasn't so unusual in itself. She had been doing so all week, but this time it...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 13

My Chapter 18 Wendy sat in the back of the limo wondering just what she had gotten herself into. The thought that she would be completely at the mercy of two men that she didn't know outside of the workplace was not exactly a pleasant thought for her. She wanted to believe in her husband and think that he wouldn't have allowed this if he wasn't sure that she would be safe, but to be honest, her gut told her that she was on her own in this whole thing. Wendy was also made more uneasy by...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 14

My Chapter 19 The first thing that Wendy was conscious of was pain. She was hurting from head to toe and nowhere in between seemed to have been spared. The fact that the pain should have been worse wouldn't be known to her for a while yet. She was on a pretty potent pain killer. She hadn't opened her eyes yet and hadn't really moved either so she still appeared to be asleep. She tried to remember what had happened to her, but everything was a blur. When the cobwebs from sleep and heavy...

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Family Feud an Alternate Continuation FanficChapter 2

The light at the end of the tunnel isn't ALWAYS an oncoming train "Since when do you decide if we're going to have a family conference, whore?" Bill began to rant, before seeing the look in her eyes and changing tack. "I mean we still have to get food for the fridge and you have to make us breakfast..." he tapered off lamely. "I know honey," Wendy began, using an endearment instead of master or sir before continuing, "and we will, this worthless shit-eating, cock sucking dime-whore...

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Family Feud an Alternate Continuation FanficChapter 3

If it hurts then it must be good for you Wendy and Jamie knew better than to enter the hotel room dressed in their firemen's' jackets so they shrugged out of them at the door before they went inside. Chris was still naked in the chair texting with Delilah and Bill was napping, fully dressed on the bed. The girls carefully hung the jackets next to the door and carried the breakfast bags to the coffee table. With the money they'd made at the fire station firmly clutched in her hand, Wendy...

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All the Way a Buffy FanficChapter 2

“She’s taking it pretty hard...” Buffy said, she turned her eyes to her sister, Dawn. “Well, it’s not surprising.” Giles agreed, playing around with the ice pack on his face. “Though we can’t ignore this kind of behavior, something needs to be done before it spins out of control.” “You’re right,” Buffy agreed, “I’m glad you’re here to take care of it, don’t be too hard on her okay?” she added before heading upstairs and leaving the two behind to talk. Buffy walked down the hallway to her...

1 year ago
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SPH Futa fanfic

In this multiverse women and Futas are the only genders. Typically these universes have the average size be eight inches, eleven inches being large and five inches being small. But every once in a while a Futa is born with a Micropenis, an abnormally small penis that’s less than three inches when hard. These Futa often stay Virgins well into their lives or even die without experiencing sex. Some women actually prefer these penises, but for the Futa it’s oftentimes not worth the risk to even...

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Bang Bang Reloaded In Bangalore

Hi everyone. Thanks for appreciating my first story “BANG BANG IN BANGALORE”. Let me reintroduce myself. I’m Aditya, nickname Adi from Bangalore. I stay in BTM area and work in a MNC. Here I’m gonna tell you all about another of my crazy sexperience which was connected to my previous babe Mitali. So continuing from the last story, me and Mitali continued our sexcapades in mind boggling fashion. We became sex addicts for each other. Even once I fucked her on our terrace while her hubby was busy...

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Proving A Theory

I checked the device in my pocket--it was fully charged and ready. I took a deep breath, calmed myself and entered the faculty lounge. Including myself, it was now full of half a dozen sociology professors. Only one of them was important to me though: my target, Dr. Cynthia Lowe. The middle aged woman with the tight brunette bun, mannish gray suit, and horn-rimmed glasses was drinking tee, pinkie extended, and talking to the cute new red-headed assistant professor who looked like she was...

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Big Bang Theory Cuckold

The guys aren't sure why the girls as ked the to the apartment but they 're anxious . Especially since both Penny and Bernadette are dressed in lingerie.Could they want an orgy Howard wondered excitingly . They already have a thing for nerds ."Boy I 'm sure you're wondering why we as ked you here. " Penny asks ."A lit t l e. ""Well you see, we feel like you take us for granted and don' t s how the love you claim you have. ""We understand you have y our hobbies of comic books and video games ....

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Big Bang Theory

Arthur Dent woke up. He blinked his eyes and yawned, scratched his chin, and rolled over. It suddenly stuck him that he was forgetting something. Was it something he was supposed to do? No...that's not it. Wait, it was something that had happened, something big. Yes, thought Arthur, something had happened. Now what was it? Did Arsenal win it all this year? No, that didn't sound right. Maybe it was something to do with a lawsuit concerning McDonalds. No, that wasn't right either. Did the...

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big bang theory Fan fic

This story takes place in season four. Also, it is only a oneshot, I am not going to continue this. Priya hated Penny. Priya hated Penny more than Penny hated Priya. She couldn't believe that Leonard was dating that dumb blonde from across the hall from his apartment for years.She wasn't sure when that hate turned into something sexual. She was definitely heterosexual, she was sure, but that didn't stop her from noticing... attractiveness of attractive women. And, she couldn't help but to...

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