3 Cousins free porn video

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This story is including: Fantasy, Bi-sexual, Exhibitionism, i****t, Masturbation, Teen Male/Teen Females, Voyeurism, Young genres.

I was rather young when my family and I went to a birthday party at my grandma’s house. All of my cousins on that side of the family are girls, and most of them are extremely attractive, Samantha included. She is around the same age as me, so we naturally always hung out during these family get-togethers. At that time she had long, blonde hair flowing down her back, usually in a ponytail, and I remember that she was wearing a white tee-shirt and shorts.

She and I had retreated to the fifth wheel that my uncle owned, somewhere that we would sometimes go just to get away from everyone else. We’d usually just talk, but that day I guess we were looking for something to eat, because we were rummaging through my uncle’s cupboards.

“Ha-ha… look at this!” Samantha said, and I brought my head around to see what she’d found. When I saw, I froze.

In her hands she held a calendar, the front of which showed a very buxom young woman clad in a bikini. I glanced away, but my eyes came back to the breasts on the calendar almost like they were magnetically attracted.

“Holy crap, these girls have big boobs.” Samantha was evidently looking at the various pictures on the back of the calendar when she said this, because she then started to flip through the pages to show me. When she got to September, she snickered and pointed. “Look, you can almost see her nipples.”

Indeed, the girl in question, brunette and short, had two fingers on each breast instead of a bikini top. The wink she was giving the camera made my nether parts begin to stir and I quickly put my hand down there for an adjustment. I was still young, of course, so I wasn’t very subtle about it, and Samantha looked down at where I was touching.

Instead of responding, she continued to flip through the calendar. December contained a photo with the previous eleven girls, all topless and pressed against one another in creative ways so as to not show the most private parts of their breasts.

“Do you like big boobs? I kind of think they’re pretty.”

I gulped and said, “Well, yeah, I guess, but I think most of them are too big, actually.”

“Have you ever seen real boobs? Like, naked?” Samantha put the calendar back where she’d found it and sat down at the little table. I joined her on the other side.

“No, not really,” I lied. I’d seen then a few times when sneaking a peek online, but I wasn’t about to admit that to my cousin.

“I’ve only seen a real… thingy… once,” she confided, dropping her voice and giggling. “My dad was outside tanning and usually we can’t see out there, but my mom had to come in for a minute. Cindy and I,” (Cindy is her little s*ster,) “saw my dad out there and Cindy was like, ‘Why does dad have a long butt in front?’”

She busted up laughing at this point, blushing a furious red. For some reason all of this talk of private parts was really making my penis erect, and I adjusted it again while I laughed with her.

“I’ve kind of always wanted to see one up close. Dad’s was so far away, you know? Besides, he’s old and my dad. Yucko!”

We sat in silence for a while as I finally got my penis in a position that didn’t make it feel like it would explode out of my pants.

“Have you ever wanted to see a girl’s boobs?” my cousin asked, and I think that’s when I realized where she was trying to lead the conversation. I glanced at her chest, the two small mounds of her breasts poking out toward me, and glanced away.

“Well, I am a guy, right?” I tried to say it nonchalantly, but I think I probably failed.

She giggled and blushed again, whispering, “I’ll show you my boobs if you show me your thingy.”

“Really? You want to see me naked?” I asked, giggling nervously.

I felt the breath of her own laughter on my face and realized that we were leaning toward each other, speaking quietly, faces inches away.

“No, not really NAKED,” she said. “I just want to see your penis!”

“Why mine?”

“Because you’re here and you have one?” Samantha pretended to glance over the table into my lap. “At least, I THINK you have one.”

“Oh, I do,” I said, still laughing. “But do you have boobs?”

“Yep!” she said, sticking out her chest and shaking her shoulders in a shimmy.

We both started laughing loudly, jumped, and then shushed each other.

“Well?” she asked, chin shaking in nerves.

“You first.”

“Okay,” Samantha said without hesitation.

Her hands shook as she lifted up her shirt to show what I now know was a training bra. Then, without ceremony, she used her thumbs to push up the remaining material that covered her chest, exposing her two mounds of flesh, each topped with a tiny, pale nipple.

I stared at them for what seemed like a far too short of a time before she adjusted her clothing. Her face was a deep red, and she was breathing hard. I noticed that my own skin felt hot.

“Your turn,” my cousin said, jumping up. “Come on, stand up! I can’t see your thing through the table, silly.”

Neither of us were giggling any more.

I slowly stood, but must have hesitated a little too long, because Samantha glanced to the door of the fifth wheel and said, “Hurry, before someone comes!”

Deciding to get this over with, I quickly unbuttoned my jeans, pulled the zipper down and then yanked both my shorts and underwear down to my ankles. My penis, hard as a rock by this point, sprang up and slapped my belly, standing as if at attention.

Samantha, now white as a sheet, stared at my throbbing member for a long while, and when I started to bend down to get dressed, she stopped me.

“Wait, I want to see it really up close, okay? If you want to see my boobs like that, I’ll let you. I’ll even let you see my crotch, okay? Please?”

I could only nod.

She knelt in front of me and brought her face within half a foot of my penis, studying intently. It was nearly bald, of course. Her mouth was so close that I could feel her heavy breath touching my skin invitingly.

“Are those your balls? I always wondered what they looked like. They aren’t really balls, are they? Kind of like a… glob.”

“They… they’re like balls inside of the glob,” I said, my mouth dry.

“Oh. Can I, you know, feel it?”

“Sure, I guess.”

Samantha reached out her right hand, obviously tentative, and poked my left testicle with her index finger. After another poke, she squeezed it between her fore finger and thumb.

“Does that—”

The door suddenly slammed open and Samantha’s older s*ster, Mary, barged into the place saying, “What are you guys….”

The girl’s words trailed off as Samantha jumped and screamed in fright and I fell over backwards on my rump while trying to pull up my pants.

Mary, in spite of her pudgy, slightly nerdy appearance (she wore glasses), was one of the hottest girls I knew. Part of this was due to her bright blonde hair and long legs, but she also had huge breasts that would, later in her life, need to be surgically reduced in size. At that age, she probably had a nice D or DD cup size, at best.

“Oh my GOD, what ARE you guys doing?” She quickly closed the door and started laughing hysterically. “Samantha, were you giving Brian a present!? It’s not HIS birthday!”

“I was just looking!” Samantha screamed. Then she looked at the door and quieted her voice. “Don’t you know how to knock?”

“Really, she was just looking!” I said, finally getting my pants up around my penis. “It was my fault.”

“No, I WANTED to see, Brian,” Samantha said.

Mary was still laughing uncontrollably, her face red, and tears ran down her face. Samantha and I looked at each other and back at her s*ster, both wondering if we were going to get in big trouble.

The older girl finally started to calm down a bit. “I’m sorry, that just surprised me so much. It was just kind of cute, you know? My little s*ster and my little cousin playing doctor! Can I see it, too?”

It took me a moment to realize what she was asking me.

“Mary! Stop being mean!” Samantha whined.

“I’m NOT being mean! I’m being serious! I’ve never seen a dick in real life before. Except dad’s… and that’s just gross. Well, I guess I’ve seen YOURS, Brian, now, but I want to see it again.”

I just stared at her.

“Oh, come on, I won’t tell. No one will know. I’ll even show you my tits and pussy if you want.” Her face went bright red and, if possible, she was breathing harder than Samantha had been earlier. “I bet Samantha will show you hers, too. In fact,” she continued, reaching to the door and locking it, “let’s just get naked. All of us. Come on! It’ll be fun! No one has to know!”

Mary giggled and sat down on the floor, legs crossed. Without warning, she reached out and started tickling Samantha, who started squirming and laughing immediately.

“I KNOW you want to do this, girl,” Mary said, laughing. “Come on, let’s get naked!”

Out of breath, Samantha looked at me. “Want to?”

I was completely at a loss. I’d fantasized about these girls sharing my bath and bed several times and a few of my wet dreams had even cast them as the stars, but….

But nothing.

“Yeah, sure,” I said, and we all started to disrobe at the same time.

Since I’d already seen Samantha’s breasts, I glued my eyes onto Mary’s. She slipped her black shirt over her head, revealing her massive black bra and a belly that was a bit round. Within seconds, her bra was sliding down her arms and her two nipples were poking out at me. The nipples were small compared the rest of her breasts, and rather red. They looked as hard as my penis.

I glanced over at Samantha just in time to see her sliding panties down her smooth legs, revealing a perfectly bald pussy. She looked up at me and smiled as I pulled my own underwear back down, penis popping free once more. Both of our shirts, and her training bra, had already been removed a second before.

My eyes went back to Mary, who had removed her pants and was now pulling off a thong. Thin, blonde hair graced her vagina, but it had obviously been trimmed recently, more than likely so she could wear a bikini while sun bathing.

For a long while, the two girls just stared at me up and down, and I stared at them. Then, as suddenly as she had started tickling Samantha, Mary lunged forward and started to do the same thing to me. I fell over backwards, her cold hands all over me, and started to scream out laughter. I felt another two hands join, and realized that Samantha had joined in the tickle torture. Mary’s breasts flopped against my chest and as she moved up I felt them slap my face. One of her hands was against my crotch and I felt it grab hold of my balls, squeezing rather gently.

“I have his balls! Hold his arms down!” Mary screamed and I felt Samantha doing just that. I made a show of protest as Mary sat on my legs, her own spread to show me her most private of areas in all glorious details.

We were all out of breath and grinning from ear to ear, Mary’s hand still holding onto me. I looked from her pussy, to her boobs, to her face and then continued upward to look into Samantha’s face. The younger girl’s breast buds were inches away from my eyes.

I think that’s when Mary lost control. She let her fingers move from my balls to my penis and started jerking it up and down. I moaned and she giggled. Looking up to Samantha again, I noticed her staring intently at what her s*ster was doing, again white as a ghost. Something wet touched my penis and I looked back down at Mary, who was now putting her mouth around my member. I moaned again.

After only a couple of seconds of giving me my first blow job, Mary pulled away and started rubbing her body against mine. She put my penis between her breasts and rubbed up and down over and over again for about a minute straight.

“Suck my boobs,” she ordered, sitting up. “Please, both of you. You know what I like, Samantha. Sorry, I want to have more fun, but I just CAN’T hold this. I’m SO horny right now.”

Samantha immediately lunged over me to her s*ster (it gave me an amazing view of her vagina for a split second) and started sucking on the girl’s left breast. Mary was crouching now, her left hand behind her, steadying her, and her right hand rubbing vigorously at her pussy. It took me only seconds to join Samantha, sucking, wildly and unskilled, at Mary’s right nipple. It really WAS hard, almost like a peach pit. The breast gave under my face, firm but soft.

Moaning emanated from both girls, and when I broke away for air I noticed that Samantha was also rubbing herself. I reached down and started jacking off while I continued to suck my older cousin’s nipple.

Mary’s moaning turned into gasps and she started to spasm. She fell down on her butt only a moment later, her nipples popping out of mine and Samantha’s mouths. Samantha glanced over at me, still rubbing her bald pussy.

“Please?” was the only thing she said, and I knew what she meant. Lunging forward, I took her tiny left tit into my mouth and sucked.

It was a different experience from suckling her s*ster, almost more intimate. First, I could breathe. Second, I could feel and hear her heart fluttering. The nipple was softer, and, overall, it simply tasted better. Mary’s had tasted kind of like salt, but Samantha was almost sweet. I explored the stiff nipple with my tongue, making Samantha let out a high-pitched groan.

I continued stroking my penis.

A couple of minutes later, Samantha started to shudder and she fell backwards, similar to what her s*ster had done. But Samantha wasn’t done. Her eyes were glued on my hand pumping my penis, her hand continuing to rub a now very wet pussy, her mouth open in a silent “O” of astonishment. I think she’d stopped breathing.

Samantha’s shudders continued and grew more intense. Finally, she stopped moving her hand, simply pushing her hand against her vagina and pressing her legs together. Her whole body tensed and her eyes fluttered. This seemed to go on for a long time, and I started worrying that maybe there was something wrong.

Still my hand pumped.

Finally, Samantha gasped and fell on her back, arms out to her sides, chest heaving, legs slightly spread to show her glistening pussy. It was an amazing sight.

After a while, she said, “Holy crap, that was awesome! I’ve never actually gone all the way before! Mary always just goes away after Cindy and I help her.”

Glancing around, I realized that there was no sign of Mary. Both she and her clothes were gone.

I was still jerking off frantically, wondering what had just happened.

Samantha’s breathing eventually slowed, and she looked over at me. I now sat cross-legged facing her. My cousin flipped around so her head was near me, rolled over onto her belly and put her legs up into the air, swinging them, the muscles of her butt alternating deliriously. I moaned.

She giggled.

“Here,” Samantha said, sitting up and crossing her legs. “Let me. It’s not fair that you don’t have boobs to suck on!”

She took my penis in her hands and, while she had no skill in masturbating a male whatsoever, her touch was enough to send electric shocks up and down my body. I scooted forward so that our knees touched and she looked up at me, smiling for a moment before looking back down at her task.

I started to black out a bit, so I leaned forward, pressing my forehead against her hair. My hands reached forward of their own volition and grabbed my cousin’s thighs. It must have tickled her, because she gasped and jerked, but she didn’t move away. I pulled my head back for just a moment and caught an amazing view of her pussy.

That set me over the edge.

We both gasped as my virgin cum flew out of my penis all over her chest. This time she did jerk back, a look of slight disgust on her face. Another wave of cum came out of me, this one splattering on her left, inner thigh. The third spurt went right below her belly button and started to dribble down toward her pussy.

“Sorry,” was the first thing I could say.

She jumped up, her hands to either side. “It’s okay, it’s okay. I just didn’t know that would happen. Guess I should have, right?” Samantha giggled again.

Legs shaking, I stood.

“Thanks,” Samantha said, looking from my softening, and rather sore, penis to my face.

“No, thank you,” I said, and I meant it.

My cousin stepped toward me and, hesitating, hugged me, pressing her cum splattered body against my sweaty one. I felt her pelvis against mine. She then brushed her lips against mine in a kiss that was far more shy than had been her hands on my penis. It crossed my mind how weird it was that I’d had my first blow job and my first hand job before my first kiss.

We dressed in near silence, and splashed some water on our clothes to make the cum on our bodies blend in, although thinking back, that probably didn’t work. Mary had left the door unlocked. Samantha and I didn’t say a word to each other for the rest of the party. Mary only looked at me once, then looked away.

When Samantha and I hugged goodbye, I felt a slight pinch on my butt and she whispered, “Next time go inside of me, okay?”

I nodded.

The End

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 15 Home Sweet Home

“Make yourself at home while I put everything away.” She wandered through the downstairs, went to the sunroom and turned on the outside light so she could see the large yard, deck and pool. Then she came back in, looked over some pictures and made her way upstairs. I found her sitting on the edge of my bed crying. I sat next to her and said, “Hey now, what’s wrong little girl? I thought this would make you happy.” “It does but when I look at everything you have, the pictures of your kids...

3 years ago
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RetirementChapter 6

"Daddy, David would have to leave!" "I'll... I'll go." "David, sit down now! On the sofa. Daffy, he has to stay here in case I need him to squash ants. Now remove your shorts." She shut her eyes and sighed. She began to reach up and remove the hat, but Grant stopped her. "No, leave the hat on, and the sandles too. They look sexy. Just take off the shorts like I told you." Daphne swallowed and unbuttoned the waist, then unzipped the zipper. Slowly, shaking slightly, she slid them...

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Neighbour wants more

2 days ago (Friday) I saw my neighbour Jean. Jean has watched me wanking a couple of times now so when she came over to talk I was hoping it would be for more wanking fun. She asked if I was going to be around in the morning. She said if I was she would look out for me and maybe I could come round for a chat or something. I told her I would be around in the morning and that I'd love to come round. Yesterday morning as usual I was watching porn and wanking naked. I saw Jean walk into her garden...

1 year ago
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BangBus Yumi Sin Rebellious Teen Fucks For Cash

We met up with a true baddie today, Yumi Sin. A young and tatted asian with a hunger for cock and a thirst for money. We had a little interview with her about her tattoos and paid her some money to flash us her tits. After seeing her perfect tits, we knew we had to get her on the bus. After paying her some more and showing her Tyler’s huge cock, she couldn’t keep her hands off him. She gives him an amazing blowjob and starts to fuck him in multiple positions until they both have...

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Story Of Arpita 8211 Part IV 8211 The Official Slut

Hello readers, welcome back for the fourth part of the Story of Arpita. For those who had been a regular follower of Arpita, a brief recap first – Story of Arpita – Part 1 – Wife at Stake – Pritam, Arpita’s husband had lost his job at a very crucial time of his life. He had just got married to Arpita and was beginning his life, when his sacking came as a bolt from the blue. And he had no other choice but to offer his wife, Arpita, to his bosses, to save his job. Unmesh, Rahul, and Anjan, his 3...

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sex with my step dad

She hoped that her mom didn’t expect her to call this asshole daddy. After all, she was 18 and she already had a dad, even if he wasn’t around much. She hated the marriage and hated her mom even more. Since her parents’ divorce, Suchita and her mom never got along. She blamed her mom for her dad leaving and she hated her for it. Her mom worked long hours at her job, sometimes not coming home till way after midnight. When she would come home she would bitch at her for hiding in her room and not...

1 year ago
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Brief Encounter

"Hello, Jane Darling." The woman, who had been studiously reading something in a folder, looked up - bristling - at this unwarranted intimacy. "Excuse me. Are you talking to... Roy?" "In the flesh! What's a nice girl like you doing on a train like this?" "Trying to read." The smile she gave me was everything that I remembered. "Sorry. But it was such a surprise seeing you here and I couldn't resist it." "You and half the teaching staff!" She was proud of her family name -...

2 years ago
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The Cycling HolidayChapter 3

We were soon cuddled up side by side and I dug into my gear and brought out my surprise. I had a bottle of Drambuie and I waved it under Mom's nose asking her if she was interested? I took it from her smile of pleasure that she was quite keen and I popped the cork and passed the bottle to her for her to try. "No Glasses?" Mom didn't wait for my reply, just lifted the bottle to her lips and took a swig, shuddering as the fiery draught slipped down her throat and then said: "God that's...

3 years ago
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It was about three in the morning when I wandered in. I’d agreed to drive a friend’s car cross-country to his parents’ house, and I was determined to pull it off in record time. After a few hours of sleep to take the edge off, pancakes sounded like just the thing to get me going for another leg of the journey.The empty restaurant matched the empty streets I’d encountered. The Midwest was nothing like the west coast, where the world didn’t stop just because it was after midnight. The only person...

Quickie Sex
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Teasing Daddy and Myself Part 3 of 3

At last the summer had arrived, days were longer and warmer, and for Mike, some well-earned time off work; time that he could spend with his daughter, Molly. Mike knew that one day it would all come to an end and that Molly would find someone her own age; indeed he encouraged it. What Mike hadn’t banked on, was how he would feel when that day came.Molly was the kind of girl that attracted attention. Her breasts were heavenly and her long legs and small waist, just made her look exquisite; every...

4 years ago
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When I was young always went to a male barber but later found the women cut it much better.Last week I went to a new young woman who had recently opened a salon in my area so thoughI would give her a go.It was late afternoon when I went to book in but beside being gorgeous had a great body.After staring at her she asked did I want a cut - at that time was thinking of a fuck.Ah Ah yes but thought I had to make an appointment.'I was about to close up but think I could take one more" she said...

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Are you sure

?Are you sure ?Are you sure?? He asked quietly. She knew that all she had to do was say no and he would stop.? Her years of searching would have been for nothing.? But he knew and she knew that she would not, could not say no. ?Yes Sir? she whispered trembling. He kissed her gently and squeezed her hand as he again searched her eyes for any doubt.? Then he stood and looked at what she had assembled. Running his hands over the selection he picked up each instrument in order and showed it...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Natasha Nice Perfect Blowjob

Thick, busty, beautiful and horny, Natasha Nice is a fucking dream woman. This Porn Star pro truly loves sucking cock and using her huge, natural tits to turn you on. Enjoy her in a Full POV adventure as she shows why she’s one of the greatest whores on the planet. She will tease, lick, moan, stroke and throat this cock in a way that will absolutely have you coming back for more. If you love a natural, curvy beauty with a gorgeous face and an amazing rack to match then you are going to...

3 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 12 Like Permanently Shutting Up A Politician

I was on the roof, practicing my Pushing. "There's a problem downstairs. You're going to want to get involved." Ashley said as she approached me. "What the hell are you doing?" I spun on one finger, using small Pushes to counteract gravity and friction. B-Boy power moves lent themselves to my ability; most people also didn't know what was possible and impossible so I could explain it if I got caught. Letting my rotation slow to a stop, I balanced on a fingernail. It required nearly...

2 years ago
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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18 Chapter Eight

Last time we left off I was in the front yard on a cold winter's morning, butt naked of course, being hosed down by my sisters before school. The water from the hose was cold, and that combined with the freezing air caused my little nub to shrink even more, barely sticking out and looking more like a female nipple which sat upon my little balls, which looked so tight you could bounce a coin off them. A small crowd had gathered and were looking over the fence at the spectacle. My sisters had me...

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Tales from an Uber driver

At 55 and still fit and active it was a blow to lose my job owing to downsizing in the company where I had worked. I did get a reasonable severance pay but had used a lot of that chasing women to replace the sex I was missing when my wife left to live with one of my so-called friends. At least she was happy and getting enough from her new man to leave me alone. So now I found myself driving for Uber. My first week was a huge learning curve, how to operate as a driver, talking appropriately...

1 year ago
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Sleepwalking in San Diego

San Diego is a wonderful place, even in the winter. Thanksgiving and Christmas have a different kind of feel when you are surrounded by palm trees, beaches and beautiful women. The lack of snow, and cold weather is fine with me, after all, I live on a boat and have good reason to avoid miserable winters. The first time I was there was in the winter of 1975. My reason for being in San Diego that winter was simple. Eight weeks of fun and sun in the U.S. Navy recruit training station awaited me....

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The Tough Get ComingChapter 4

Early the next morning, Bill floated lazily around on his back in the family pool, letting the warm sun and gentle lapping of the water soothe his body, while his mind flashed back over the events of that Saturday night. He could still hardly believe it had actually happened, that he had fucked his own sister! But what a fuck it had been - Gwen was an incredible piece of ass, and he wanted to make sure that this didn't turn out to be just a one- time thing. His mother and father sat in...

1 year ago
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Dipty 8211 3

Hi friends, it was my pleasure that u like my series on Dipty series. So much of response for that story. Hope u also had read my other 60 stories too. Here I m with one more story. This is my request that heart paitent don’t read these story because this is a horror story. My fantasy is crossing the limits and u will understand with these story of mine. It was a not very crowded Sunday in the train of Mumbai. But the normal people use to travel with their family in the First class...

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Alternate way

Alternate way Hi, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I born in a middle class Bangladeshi family and serving in a public organization I’Monika married and having two kids. I spent a lustful life indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from hidden places when...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Night With A Milf 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys, This is Vishu, having my own business of imports and exports in Hyderabad. A little about me, I am well built, 5’10” tall with good physique having just about the muscular cuts visible at the view ends of the body. This is an incident that happened to me a couple years back. I had an encounter with a hot MILF who had a 1 year old daughter and living in Hyderabad. I happen to meet her thru one of my friend (Vinay) who knows this lady, Vinay is a very good friend of mine and we usually...

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You Make Me Smile

Most often, we enjoy tender lovemaking - taking our time - slowly building the stimulation. But there are times… We were sat in the lounge, having a cup of tea and chatting away. Not about anything in particular, just relaxing. But I was suddenly struck by her beauty again, as if for the first time. My feelings grew rapidly, like one of those cartoon snowballs that is soon picking up trees and whole buildings. I thought about how sweet she is, and how much we love each other. I fondly recalled...

Straight Sex
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BangBus Emma Bugg Gotta Love 18 Year Olds

Today while driving along we came across a girl who for the first time in a long time, actually seemed excited to talk to us. Between her bubbly personality, pretty face, and cute little body, we had a feeling this chick was gonna be perfect for our main mission, getting some pussy. She tells us she’s 18, and we know what language 18 year olds speak, Money. We throw a couple hundred at her and then buy her underwear off her for 500. After getting her on the bus to take a ride with us,...

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Touched by the Prophets

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TOUCHED BY THE PROPHETS (A Deep Space Nine fanfic) [STAR TREK, DEEP SPACE 9 and PARAMOUNT STUDIOS are all copyright 2015 by Laika Pupkino...] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "I HATE YOU!" I screamed. "HATE YOU! HATE YOU! HATE...

3 years ago
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The Dirty DoctorsChapter 19 Turn On Adult Store

Peter and Linda were relaxed, sitting at the table, eating dinner. They were just talking about the last few days. Going over how their sex lives has changed so much for the better. Linda said, "Honey, do you remember how Dr. Harris said that we need to work together and talk about our fantasies and it will help our marriage even more? Do you have any fantasies that you think about or you know you would like to try?" Peter put down his glass and said, "Well of course I do, we all do, but...

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Sharing your wife for the first time

You’re holding hands with your wife as the three of us enter the hotel room. Once inside, you give me your wife’s hand, she is the most prized thing in your life. I understand the significance of the hand off, and I thank you with honest and deep sincerity. You watch as I lead your lovely spouse towards the bed. She is a wife, a mother, a working woman...she is empowered...but she is also a deeply sensual and sexual female, and you are the only man she has known intimately. However, that’s...

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The Whore Next Door

One day the town home beside him, which had been empty for over 6 months, was finally bought. Peeping out of his window he noticed it was a family, a mother, a father, and a son. Seemed typical, just as he was losing interest he noticed their daughter stepping out of the van, Cor couldn't help but instantly get excited, his cock starting to rise in his pants as he watched her walking up to the front of the home, her hips swaying in her incredibly short shorts, her ass just barely peeking out...

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Family LettersChapter 81

Dear Brother, I bet you received a letter from Phoebe long before this one reaches you. It's not that I haven't wanted to write, but Colonel Yarnway is a complete idiot and Erica and I haven't had a break in ages. I hear that troops often complain about the general officers they serve under, but Colonel Yarnway is the first one who's so bad that I've heard someone mention fragging the officer. The man was originally in charge of a training center, and from what I've seen the marines...

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Seeing What I Could See Pt 5

Seeing What I Could See Pt. 5 Another fantasy of a high-school aged boy and his middle-aged bbw Aunt "A" in the mid 1960's. Upon visiting with this lady in her final years, these stories just may had been possible. It was winter time and I was on Christmas break from school. It was brought up at Christmas dinner that I go to my Aunt and Uncle's home to do some final yard clean-up the next day after lunch. The thought of yard work was...

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Sisters Horny DogChapter 11

After the thrilling three-way fuck with their dog, Babs and Madge took another nap, a briefer one this time. A short time later, the ringing of the telephone awakened Madge. When she answered it, she was delighted to discover that the caller was a boy she had had a crush on for a long time. He asked Madge out and she eagerly accepted. She showered and dressed and left a note for her sister, seeing that Babs and Jake were still asleep, side by side. When Babs and Jake awoke later, the young...

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A Fantasy Come True

So I was 16 staring at this girl that I had a crush on. We had been friends since around grade 8 I had been fantasizing about boning her for a while when school ended I was headed for the mall as usual when she pulled me away from the crowd and told me that she had nothing to keep "entertained" that night and was wondering if I could come over, I tried not to freak out so I said fine like i usually do when asked something she then gave me her number and adress and walked towards the bus. When...

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