Photographer Ch. 10 free porn video

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Everybody was happy with the outcome of the divorce settlement except for of course Mr. Blair. Within the next six months Mr. Blair sold both of his houses, liquidated all of his companies and moved without leaving any forwarding address. He established a trust fund for each of his grandchildren in the amount of one million to be managed by his daughter until they were eighteen, gave his daughter and son-in-law five million dollars and left town.

Attorney Barker called Mr. Blair’s daughter and asked her and her husband to come to his office. He said, ‘Your father has asked me to turn these two trust accounts and this check over to you. He was too ashamed to face you himself. The only request he made was a family photo once a year. He will contact me to let me know how to get it to him.

‘This doesn’t make it right!’

‘He knows that. He also promised me that he would seek help.’

As they left the office, they knew their future was secure at a tremendous cost. Maybe someday it would all make sense. A week later they called Greg to take the first family picture.

Tammy also called Greg and told him she was ready for the second photographic session. She and Greg had looked at his dream book of her first photo shoot again last night.

She called him and asked, ‘When you come over tonight would you bring your video equipment.’ This time I want some action to watch while you are off at college.’

When Greg showed up she was dressed in a beautiful hostess gown and the table was set with flowers and candles.

‘You look exceptional beautiful tonight,’ Greg said as he swept her off her feet. After the greeting Greg brought in the equipment he had left on the porch so that he would have both arms free for Tammy.

‘The first video I want is of me serving you dinner and us dining together. I will never have to eat alone while you are at college.’ He set up the equipment and filmed the entire meal. Then she wanted it turned to the kitchen to film them working together cleaning up after the meal. He decided to add a little spice to the show by walking up behind her and reaching inside her gown to feel her breast. She pretended she didn’t like it and smacked at his hand.

When the dishes were finished she asked him to setup the equipment in her bedroom focused on the bed. He had brought three cameras so he could catch all the action. Tammy had left a burgundy set of silk pajamas on the bed for Greg. He put them on and waited for her to come out

‘Start the camera rolling.’ As Greg started the cameras exotic music started to play as Tammy came from the bathroom wearing a beautiful silk robe.

‘You have your dream book, I will have my fantasy wedding night video. This was what I had planned to wear to lose my virginity on my wedding night. Tonight I want to play out another fantasy of being strapped down and taken by my lover. She pulled back the bed covers to show padded hand cuffs connected to the bedpost. When she removed her robe Greg saw the most exotic nightwear he had every seen. It was all in white.

Lying back on the bed, she held her hand out to him. He stretched out beside her. They kissed each other with great passion and their hands worked slowly until they had removed each other’s clothing. Tammy put her hand up toward the bedpost and asked Greg to close the handcuffs around her wrists.

‘Kiss my body lover.’ That he did, from head to toe with great attention to the special parts.’ He brought her to her first climax as his talented tongue invaded her body. Her pussy was soaking wet and he kept up his oral attack through her orgasm. He was rock hard and didn’t know how he was going to get relief. He had vowed not to take her virginity because she was saving that for her husband. He had the chance on several occasions, but he had resisted.

‘Please let me feel the head of your cock in my pussy. He did as requested. ‘Just a little bit more?’ He pushed in until he hit the wall of resistance. He wanted so badly to keep going, but he respected her too much to take advantage of her. She on the other hand was determined that tonight was the night she was going to lose her virginity.

She yanked on the handcuffs that were breakaway handcuffs, threw her arms and legs around him and thrust up pulling their bodies together. She cried out in pain as her virginity surrendered.

Greg was momentarily in shock, but when he realized his cock was buried deep within Tammy’s body, their lips met and he began to move slowly in and out. Her legs were on the bed now and as the pain subsided, she planted her heels into the mattress and pushed up to meet each thrust. It was like they had been lovers forever. They settled into a rhythm that increased in speed until he exploded within her just as the orgasm of her life hit her.

Greg hit the remote to stop the filming.

‘Now I will really have you with me on those long winter nights.’

They fell asleep in each other’s arms.

The next morning Greg wanted to know why it was important for her to lose her virginity now.

‘You have treated me better than any other man in my life. I considered asking you to marry me, but I was afraid your parents would kill me. I want to be free to have lovers and you need to be free to live a full life as a college student. You will always be my first love and I will never demand anything of you.’

‘There will be many women in your life, especially if you continue to do the type of work you do so well for Attorney Barker. Many of them will want you to bring out their sexuality and enjoy you sexually as Mrs. Blair has.’

‘How did you know about that?’

‘I didn’t. I was guessing, but I am glad I was right.’

‘You are the most amazing person I have ever known,’ Greg said as he stared into her eyes. ‘Are you still up for our camping trip?’

‘You bet I am. That is the real reason I wanted to do it last night. I didn’t want my first time to be in a tent on the ground.’

‘So, where would you like your second time to be’?

Before she could answer, Greg’s phone rang. It was Attorney Barker wanting to know if he could do a rush job for him? Looking at Tammy and knowing it meant they would have to put off their camping trip, he said he was available. Attorney Barker said the client would be in his office in two hours.

When Greg hung up he apologized to Tammy that they would have to delay their camping trip.

‘There is a God! Since Annie is not around, how would you like a partner?’

‘That would be great. I need to go home and put on a suit. I will pick you up in about an hour.’

Tammy felt like a kid going on a great adventure. She really wanted to watch Greg at work. She showered, put her hair up and selected a business suit with a skirt. With dark nylons and high heels, she looked quite the detective part. Greg was quite impressed. When they walked into Attorney Barker’s office both Amy and Attorney Barker were also quite impressed. Greg was wearing one of his custom made suits he brought back from Tuscany.

Attorney Barker briefed them on the situation. Mrs. Sylvia Lake was married four years and 10 months ago to George Lake. She is quite wealthy and has a chain of hair salons in several states. She built the chain from a two-chair salon that she purchased 10 years ago. When she was married she signed a pre-nuptial agreement with an unusual clause. As long as neither of them was unfaithful to the other in five years the pre-nuptial would be null and void. He came into the marriage with a million dollars and a productive job as an architect. Two years ago he started gambling and quit working. Sylvia has good reason to believe he is unfaithful to her, but I will let her explain it to you. Amy will show you the office space I have set up for you on the next level down.

Amy took them to an office with nothing on the door. It opened to a suite of offices. She unlocked a room with all hi
s surveillance equipment that had been returned from New York and Tuscany. It was still in the boxes. There were locking storage cabinets to store it in. There was a small conference room with eight chairs.

Two offices were well appointed with furniture and one had a brass nameplate for Gregory Johnson.

Amy said, ‘Attorney Barker wanted you have a place you could work very confidentially.’ Laughing, she said, ‘I really think he doesn’t want to know exactly how you are getting the information.’

Attorney Barker walked in with a beautiful woman wearing a mini skirt and a sweater at least 1 size too small. He introduced Greg and his assistant Tammy and left them alone to get the details.

‘What makes you think your husband is cheating?’ Greg asked.

‘Some nights he doesn’t come home until very late or even the next morning. Sometimes I would see lipstick on his collar, but I didn’t think much about it because I figured it was the cocktail hostesses at the casinos cozying up to the high rollers.’

‘Then I started seeing things out of place in the laundry room. I also noticed the bed in the guest room was not made the way I make it. Two days ago I set something on the washer and loosened the sheets in the guest room and carefully folded the towels in the guest bathroom.’

‘I drove up the back street in he afternoon and could see a light on in the guest room. That night I confirmed that the washer had been used and the sheets and towels had been laundered. At this point it would be my word against his.’

Greg asked, ‘When can I get into your house to set up surveillance equipment? ‘

‘He is going to see his mother tomorrow. She lives three hours away, so he will be gone at least 8 hours. They have lunch together once a week.’

Greg said, ‘Excuse me a minute.’ He went in the equipment room and came back with a small black block with a magnet on one side.

‘I need you to put this on his car tonight. Just reach under the car and place the magnet against the frame. We can monitor exactly where he is so that we don’t get caught in the house. As soon as he leaves tomorrow morning, call me and we will monitor his car until he is at least 10 miles away.

After Sylvia Lake left, Greg said, ‘Let’s go get out of these clothes and then come back and organize the equipment. Greg dropped Tammy off at her home and went home to change. When he got back to her house she was already outside dressed in jeans and a t-shirt ready to go to work. The spent 3 hours unpacking the equipment and setting up the computers in the office. She wanted to know what everything was and how it was used. He packaged up enough cameras to equip the inside and outside of the house. He also packed up the heat sensitive surveillance equipment in case it was needed. In addition he had laptop computers and cell phones.

When they had everything they needed, Tammy asked, ‘Do you think we should christen your desk.’ She set on the desk and started unbuttoning her shirt. He started removing his clothes and within seconds she was sprawled across the desk and his cock was pumping in and out of her pussy. When they were finished Tammy said, I bet Sylvia Lake would have liked to be the one to christen this desk. I noticed she was checking you out pretty good and giving you a real show with that mini skirt.’

‘I am not sure which one of us she was playing to most. She put a lot of emphasis on her invitation to you to come to her salon for a full complimentary introduction to her services.’

‘Would you like me to shave my pussy like she does? She made sure I got a good look of the fact that she was not wearing any underpants and it was totally bare.’

‘I like your beautiful blond bush just the way it is.’

Fortunately they had gotten dressed before the door opened. Amy came down for Attorney Barker to see if they needed anything. Amy was about 23 years old and was a single parent. She had a one-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl. Her husband had been killed in the Iraq War. During the time he was gathering the evidence against Mr. Blair, she had made some statements about being available to him for whatever he needed. One night when he called to see if she was getting the transmission of evidence from Tuscany, she was breathing very heavy. He wondered if she had been masturbating while she watched it?

She also handed Greg an envelope with the petty cash to be used when necessary to buy information or get past certain roadblocks. As she left she said, ‘You have my work and home number if you need anything.’

Tammy wondered if Greg and Amy were having any sexual activity, but decided not to ask. She didn’t want him to think she was possessive or prying into his life. She was just happy they were able to make love with no limits.

It was a beautiful afternoon, so they decided to swim in Greg’s pool. Tammy asked Greg to stop by a store on the way home because she wanted a new bathing suit. Greg waited in the car. When Tammy came out he asked her if she found what she was looking for.

With a smile on her face, she said, ‘I bought two, one for when it is just us and one for when we are with other people. But before I can wear the one that is just for us, I think I will need to avail myself of Sylvia’s waxing service.’

‘I don’t mind if some hair stands out around it. Or I would be glad to trim it.’

‘Ok, you win. You get changed and wait for me at the pool.’

When she came out to the pool, she was wearing a terrycloth cover-up. When she removed it, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The string bikini had to little pieces of cloth that just barely covered her nipple area and a small triangle over her pussy. Her ass was bare. There was hair sticking out both sides of the triangle.

They swam for a while and then got out and relaxed by the side of the pool. He just lay there and looked at her on the chaise lounge.

‘Tell me about your plans for getting the goods on Sylvia’s husband.’

‘Well to begin with, he is not broke as he would want Sylvia to think. He has a whole separate P.O. Box in the neighboring town. He also has a business set up to receive money and transfer it to a Swiss bank account. Whatever he is doing is paying good money. I don’t find any casino in this area with him listed as a high roller or even a major player. He doesn’t even have a wampum card at any casino.

What he does have is a large bill every month for the rental of a hotel suite. We need to find out what is happening there.

We need to totally bug the house, so we know everything that happens when Sylvia is not there. I think he has Sylvia pretty well snowed regarding this act about gambling addiction.

Sylvia called the next morning to let them know that her husband had just left for his mother’s house. Greg checked his laptop and confirmed that the locator was working. They headed over to Sylvia’s house. She greeted them and gave each a kiss on the cheek. She was dressed in white Capri pants and a loose top showing a lot of cleavage and open at the bottom that did not quite reach her waist.

Greg explained that to fully cover the house, all rooms including the bathrooms and all entrances to the house would have to be monitored.

‘This will impact your privacy also unless we just bug the guest room area.’

Sylvia said, ‘You can put them everywhere. I enjoy a little voyeurism and it will be fun knowing you are watching me. She winked at Greg and ran her hand up under her top to rub her tit through her bra.

After Greg and Tammy finished installing the cameras, Greg gave Sylvia an untraceable cell phone. ‘Simply hit 1 for me, 2 for Tammy and 3 for Amy. The number of vibrations you feel will let you know which one of us is calling. He also gave her a laptop computer. ‘We can transmit directly to you, so you can identify who we are seeing.’

Greg had been watching the movement of her husband’s car. It had been stopped for the last fifteen mi

When he gave Sylvia the address, she said, ‘That is my sister Caroline’s house.’

Greg zoomed in with the satellite view and sure enough George’s car was in her sister’s driveway.

Greg asked, ‘What is that trail in the woods behind her house.

‘It is just an old logging trail’

‘Come on Tammy, we have some hiking to do.’ Turning to Sylvia, he said, ‘Don’t do anything to let him know you are on to him.’

When they drove away from the house, Tammy said, ‘This is exciting. It is my first job as an assistant private detective. She had the laptop open, so they could watch for Mr. Lake’s car to move. When they got within a quarter mile of the house, Greg found a place to park. Greg had a backpack for each of them. They just looked like hikers out to take some pictures. They hiked up to an observation point where they could look down on Sylvia’s sister’s house. They could see them sitting at a kitchen table working on some type of paperwork. As Greg zoomed in with his camera, he could see they were looking at pictures of women and what seemed to be some type of applications.

George put the papers and pictures in a briefcase and Caroline walked him to the door. Greg and Tammy hiked back to the car and called Sylvia. She had no idea why George and her sister were looking at pictures. She and her sister had an argument about two years ago and they had not talked to each other since then.

Greg asked, ‘What was the argument about?’

‘She wanted me to set her up with a salon and I told her no. She had sponged off of our parents all her life and I told her to start her own business.’

‘Was that about the time your husband started gambling?’

‘Yes it was. Why do you ask?’

‘We need to share some information with you about your husband’s financial situation. Can you meet us at the office this afternoon?’

Greg and Tammy determined from the locator that George was going on to his mother’s house. They went back to the office and started checking into the financial situation of Sylvia’s sister.

Sylvia transferred her afternoon hair salon customers to one of her other stylists and joined Greg and Tammy at the office.

Greg asked, ‘Do you go to the casinos with George?’

‘No, I have worked too hard for my money to gamble it away. He decided to throw his career away and it is just his money he is losing. He doesn’t have access to any of my income. Since he stopped working, I have been paying all the bills and the house and the vacation home are only in my name.’

‘George isn’t going to casinos either and he is far from broke.’

‘What do you mean?’

Greg showed her the information regarding the P.O. box and the wire transfer of funds to the Swiss bank account.

He also showed her where he is paying her sister between fifteen and twenty thousand dollars a month. They looked at pictures of George and her sister with the pictures and application on the kitchen table.

‘I think they may be running some type of prostitution business. I have also been able to trace payments to about 50 women. It also does not appear that he is reporting any of it to the government. He rents a large suite at the Wayback Motel.’

‘That son-of-a-bitch! I gave him gas money this morning to go see his mother. I hope Attorney Barker told you that money is no object in bringing this bastard down.’

After they had shared all the information, Tammy told Sylvia she would like to take her up on her offer of being introduced to her services. ‘I need a new hair style and I desperately need a bikini wax.’

Sylvia’s eyes lit up at the thought of working on Tammy’s hair, especially the hair on the lower part of her body.

After they left, Greg decided to watch the recording from Sylvia’s house after they had left. Sylvia definitely let her voyeurism be shown as she took a long sensual bath, rubbing her breast and using a dildo to satisfy herself. She kept looking up at where she knew the camera was located and smiling. After she dried off, she stretched out on the bed and used a vibrating toy to bring herself to a climax. She clearly was playing to the camera and he was rock hard watching it as the door opened and Amy walked in.

Same as Photographer Ch. 10 Videos

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My fantasy from a real sighting

I drive a big ol' box truck. It's really a Dodge 3500 pick up, but instead of a pick up bed, I have a 12 foot long box on the ass end. I sit up higher than most vehicles on the road, except the 18 wheelers. It was about 6:15. I have been on this job for about a year, and I have seen some rather nice sights. You know, college girls, scantaly clad going between home and school. Some like to flirt by blowing kisses and honking and waving. This is nothing like that. A small mini van, maybe...

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Helping my horny aunt out

Aunt Kate was somewhere in her 40s but she takes good care of herself as she still had a voluptuous figure,long tanned legs, the ass of a 18 year old and beautiful 36 C cup tits and slim waist that often reminded of Salma Hayek. "Would you like some lemonade?" she asked. "I could do with that right now, its so hot outside" I replied while she went to the refrigerator to get us each a glass lemonade. She knocked the house keys off the kitchen counter and as she bent over to pick...

3 years ago
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Panty Sabbatical

Panty Sabbatical By Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Different Unlike other teenagers, I always wanted to be different. Most teens join groups and try very hard to stay within the group norms. One or two in each group see themselves as the leaders, and then try to set those norms. But even they stay within the group norms they set. I was different. I didn?t care to follow the norms of any group. I wasn?t a loner, but I didn?t feel I had to do what everyone else did. That...

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Enslavement of my soul Part One

Again the dream, sweat rolling down his face, the drugged feeling. The scent still lingering in his memory, the music floating away as the fog lifted from him. His body ached as he pulled himself from the sweat soaked sheets. He flipped the bathroom light switch,  light always seemed to ease the feeling slowly away. The ice cold water that he splashed on his face brought clarity to his mind. The dreams were coming more frequent more vivid. After so many years instead of fading, her image became...

3 years ago
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Sex With Manager During Outing At Resort

Dear friends, I am Srini, working as a software engineer in Bangalore. This story is on how I had sex with my office manager Lakshmi when we went on an overnight company get-together. So about myself, I am 26 years old and have been working for last 5 years in this company. My manager is a 30-year-old lady by the name Lakshmi. Ms. Lakshmi is a tall medium built lady, oval face, fair complexion and always well dressed. She always wears chunni with chudidar or salwar kameez. Her kameez or kurta...

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The New StartChapter 25 Tasha

Tasha walked across the central plaza of the village to the cabin that she occupied alone. At her orders the robots had constructed it specifically to her plans. Her reasoning for having separate quarters was she felt it unfitting for her to live with the women who were her subordinates. In reality Tasha had just wanted her own place. No one had been inside with the exception of Naomi. Tasha had equipped her cabin with every convenience and modern thing she could think of. A computer terminal...

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Lawmen Gangbang and Impregnate a Lactating Young Mother

The State of Colorado approved the commercial cultivation and sale of marijuana in the election on November 2012, to be effective on January 1,2014. Colorado’s neighboring states were, and still are, unhappy with that approval, due to the additional costs of law enforcement and the perceived degradation in morality from the easy access to weed. Since that time, drug busts are common on highways leading out of Colorado, and especially in Nebraska and Kansas.Nebraska and Oklahoma tried to sue...

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Wifes Boss

This story is about my wife's boss she is middle age women 5ft 10 140 pounds very good looking women with killer blue eyes.MY wife was heading out for a business trip and told me her boss Lisa will be staying over for two nights and they where going to fly out.I was in my office working away and when they came home I recall looking at her wow tight dress on and nice silk dress top and notice and G-string when she turn around.Later on we all eat supper I could not stop looking at her she was...

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My Aunt and I The Beginning

I was always close to my Aunt, even if I did see her once or twice a year, we got along well. She was funny, knew how to have a good time, and she's very good looking for her age. But she's always been a little too strong with the physical showing of affection. When I was a lot younger, we had to share a bed and she wrapped her body around me. Another time we were sat on the sofa and she wrapped her arm around me, resting my head against her breasts. Of course, you'd think nothing of it; but a...

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Surviving 3Chapter 21 The battle that never was

Reluctantly Scott agreed to Tara accompanying Lachlan and himself on the ride north. He had mustered five hundred of the Dalriada men, all horsed, and led them up Glen Shira once they left Inveraray. They skirted the foot of Beinn Bhoideach and Beinn Bhalgairean, forded the Teatle Water and headed northeast through Glen Orchy. The crossing of the vast Rannoch Moor (fifty square miles) was at once hard going because of the treacherous, boggy conditions underfoot, but also uplifting due to...

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Danny Thomas Founder A Short Story

"Danny Thomas, Founder"A short story by Gentile---------It'd been years since they'd ended:"Why, Donald?""Ann." His tone slightly sliced with threat."Is there someone else?""Christ." He started to rise then fell back into the chair. There never had been someone else and there never would be. He'd loved one woman and would love her until he went "into the dust that was always the end.""It's the sex, isn't it?" A slight streak thru her tone.Don came back, right over the top:"What sex?""You knew...

1 year ago
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Valentine Siblings

FEBRUARY 12TH "He's hot," Kate said as she threw herself down on the bed. "What are you talking about? He is not!" Ginny responded to her best friend's statement. "Have you looked at him recently? Your little brother is sooooo hot! Do you think I'm too old for him?" "My gawd you're a slut. He's still a baby." "I mean when did he get so big, so grown up? Did you see his chest? He used to be such a little twerp." Virginia Couries had noticed of course. And not just today when...

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A Rabat Morocco Adventure

[ For A&T, and their latest (and on-going) adventures as a cuckold married couple, and the exciting future of 'race relations' between whites and blacks that will forever undercut the very power of white supremacy (racism)---namely, from within the wombs of white females who chose, deliberately, and intentionally, to combine their DNA with the DNA from where all of humanity originally sprang from: Africa! The road back to black is an exciting one, and can't help but lead to a better world...

4 years ago
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257 A few precious months 10

257 A few precious months 10 The rings enhanced the sex for Kelly and whoever was her elected partner each night during the next couple of weeks, her symptoms were now rapidly showing themselves and we knew the time was fast coming when she would demand the ultimate sacrifice from me. I still had no ideas as to how I could carry out this ultimate wish, as she wanted to go out on an orgasmic high! But how, we racked our brains, whenever the three of us were together without her as we wished the...

1 year ago
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A Sweeter Kind of Torture

He was sat up in bed as she entered the room. There was no smile on his face as he took in the sight of the young fair haired girl dressed in just a white, see-through nightdress that rested on her hips and a pair of matching see-through panties, instead there was a look of pain. Neither was he sat up voluntarily, his arms were outstretched and tied to the bedposts of the large headboard by short ropes attached to wristbands. His legs were also attached to the bottom posts of the bed via...

1 year ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 28 I Just Love My Job

George Burns’ hand didn’t skip a beat at this sudden intrusion into this moment of male masturbation. The intrusion had been expected because George Burns was the one that had invited Vanessa and Janine into his room in the first place once he knew they were at the door. Vanessa’s question also only elicited a bit of a grunt from the Principal’s lips as his hand continued its longitudinal motion along that shaft. Thirty seconds after that little grunt saw George Burns saying, “Yer, I guess...

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Breaking the Commandments

My name is Evans, for the past 5 years I have had the greatest youth minister at my church, I just graduated and I’ve ruined my friendship with him forever.When Tom, our Youth minister, first arrived at our church he brought along his beautiful wife, Susan. I must admit I had an instant crush on her. She’s so genuine, kind, and loving, everything a man could want in a personality. She is about 5’7” tall, long black hair, hazel eyes and a gorgeous body. Since then she has had two k**s but...

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Factory Love 8211 Part I

Hey Dudes & Forks, I am Karthik. I came from an upper middle class family. I am good at studies, desperate to get a job on my own. Finally I got offer in a Steel company located somewhere in the border of Andra and Karnataka with a very good package. My parent were so happy, they have provided all gifts costly watch, golden chain, three rings and sent off me like a bridegroom. I reached the city where I am gonna with in, get settle there in two / three days. My job is to replace an old computer...

1 year ago
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RuthieChapter 3

Ruthie and I were a lot more comfortable around each other now. I could go by her and rest my hand on her shoulder, or when we were out and I was guiding her, I did not worry where my hand was placed. We sat for hours discussing how we could put together a book, with Uncle Peter pretty much at the center. The case histories that Ruthie would be compiling were possible only if Peter was the glue that held the stories together. First, we both felt that we had to get his permission. I called...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Epilogue

SIUCRA The last transmissions of the Siucra fleet and Olnatar arrived at the Sicura home world and the First Protector listened to them with great concern. The entire fleet of over a thousand ships had been destroyed, even Olnatar had not returned. The Siucra did not have that many more ships and not enough beings to crew them them. The holy task to protect Koken was in jeopardy. He knew that the Kermac had been here only recently, He decided to disturb the sanctity of the holy place,...

2 years ago
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Visiting My Estranged Brother Part 2

In the other one, it was from Sadie’s point of view, in this one it will be told from a third person point of view. ALL suggestions are welcome email me @ [email protected] THANKS a lot. :D After yesterday’s ordeal Sadie slept amazing and woke up around 8, it was Sunday so Matt was sleeping in from his busy work schedule. Sadie crept quietly from her bed and through the house to his room and slowly opened the door, as she tip-toe over to him she heard something… She was to his back and...

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Older Friend

John moved in to the house 10 doors down about 6 years ago, he is a 74-year-old man that would pass for someone in their mis 50s. He moved in with his wife, she sadly passed 4 years ago.I chat to John on a regular basis and help him with his garden and share the od beer over a warm summer night.I had arranged to meet john on Sunday to help out, it was 10am and I arrived at the back door. I knocked, no answer, I called out. The door was open so in I went.This led to the laundry room, there was...

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In Case of Emergency

'... Press this button. That is what it says, yes?' Leah glanced up from her sitting position on the lift floor, pausing as if the question might not have been for her, before finally nodding. The man stopped pacing (such as it was, the lift floorspace being only two by two metres). 'But it's not doing anything!' Leah pulled a tattered handkerchief from her pocket and mopped her brow. 'Yes it is. It's sending a signal to the engineer's office on the ground floor, to reset the duty...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Kee Sex Story 8211 Part III

You read that I fell in love with one school colleague and was ready to fuck with him. But he talked indecently and I backed out. Instead I had sex with an elderly man ,kaka of tea-stall and I liked his monster cock. Thereafter I fucked with father in law and he sold me to his friends ,i returned back after having another six lund in cunt and waited for more. Now Next part : Next day I returned back to my place . I am sure after I came , FIL must have told MIL regarding my slutness with him and...

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Reality Bytes Part ThreeDantes

"You still with me, Ms. Davis?" Alicia blinked at Juan. She had been looking right through him. She had been thinking of HIM again. "What? Oh, I'm sorry, go on." "Well, as I was saying, we've run into a bit of a snag with the DNA sequencing for the phage. It seems that one of the genes we're using is patented by Kefler-Henley Biotech." Alicia chided herself for having let her thoughts wander. This was a critical matter. Her employer was only one of several companies attempting to develop a...

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Love Never ChangesChapter 15

“Wait a minute! There IS no United States now. We’re just a bunch of survivors living off the land, in the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust,” Piper argued. “We’re more than that, though, Piper,” Deacon said. “I’ve been down to the Capital Wasteland, after that big fight the Brotherhood had against the Enclave. I drank some of the pure water that’s down there. For right or wrong, the Brotherhood under Maxson has restored a good chunk of that area.” Arthur smiled. “I can’t claim credit for...

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Take It Like A Man

After receiving a call to come over, I made my way to her place. Once there, I came inside and sat down in a chair and waited. She yelled out from the bathroom, "Go in the bedroom and sit down on the bed." Of course I did what she wanted. The door slowly opened as she stood in the doorway. There was little light in the bedroom but I had no problem making out what she was wearing. Her breast were encased by a tight black leather corset, accompanied by black panties, knee high boots and...

4 years ago
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How I Took My Cute Girlfriend8217s Virginity

Hey guys, this is my first story on iss, I’ve been reading a lot of stories here but all of them sound like fantasies.. So I wanna share my dick raising real story of my first encounter with my gf. She was a virgin and we’ve been in a relationship since a year. We were in relationship for a long time but it being long distant….we never got to fuck each other except for some foreplay and smooches. We have been doing some vid sex on Skype but one day when we were both back home in our city…we got...

3 years ago
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Odd Fanfiction match up

Pardon the shortness, this is an intro thread. This idea came from shipper’s site. Shipper is a fan fiction term for people who write stories about character getting romantically together. There a lot of Spike/Buffy shippers. There also a lot of Hoshi/T’pol shippers. There sites dedicated to these match ups but what about odd pairings. What about Andrew and Joyce shippers. What about a Dawn/Clem relationship or Faith/Jonathan. Your job is to pick odd pairings and match them up. It could be...

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Anal with Ashley

Ashley and I wanted each other the very moment we met, but our friendship got in the way.Right after I married Sharon, we moved into a large apartment complex and became good friends with our neighbors, Jim and Ashley.Ashley was a hot brunette, had a great body, and wore her long hair up in a sexy ponytail most of the time. I was dying to grab that ponytail and kiss her, but because the four of us were such good friends, I didn’t dare jeopardize our friendship by doing something so forward.The...

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Allys Dream

Cravings. Everybody gets them. Many people have sexual cravings of one sort or another. I do. But I’m a twenty-one-year-old woman, finishing her third year of college. My sexual cravings aren’t only from the need to get laid.I’m not a virgin. I’ve been with guys on various occasions. But none of them could ever fulfill my deepest, darkest wish. Only one man could do that. That man was my father. Many times, I fantasized about him making love to me. I wanted to feel his cock pounding into me as...

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The Gilded Cage book 1

This story is copyright to the author and may not be sold or distributed for profit.The story may be read and copied but may not be changed in any way. The Gilded Cage 1 by Ann Browning INTRODUCTION. In her book Little Lord Fauntleroy first published in 1886, Frances Hodgson Burnett depicted the merging of American culture and British aristocracy. Historian and Anthropologist Ann Browning has researched the changes that have occurred to the family since Little...

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AmlieChapter 15 The Small Man

[Undated Entry] Oxford, Oxfordshire THE RAIN NEVER stopped work at the brickyard. The kilns ran hot and the bricks cooled as they always did. For those who worked outside the rain was a trial, and after three days the small man as well as his fellow workers were almost ready to walk away. The thought that there might not be work for them when they chose to return is what kept them at their labors. In another change of his pattern and once more for reasons he could not articulate, the small...

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Tale of model sis and photographer bro

Hi friends im raj, a fashion photographer by profession, i am always surrounded by beautiful girls all day long and i ususlly have sexual encounters with a new girl every other day. But this happened on a sat night which was strange and yet special because i had sex with my beautiful cute hot little sis ammy who is a part time model who does modeling for time pass not to earn money because that not our motto because im earn a lot being a fashion photographer.there was no need for her to sleep...

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Milf to Go

                                    Milf to Go                                     By Johhnyboy                                     [email protected]             Part one of a three part fantasy Yarn bearing no relation                To the activities or fate of any living person: should be read by under                            Eighteens or anyone who cannot see this as such.                                      Part OneI never did discover whether it was just pure chance or the...

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