Fathers Nipples -Taking Off His Shirt (Part 3) free porn video

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The plan had to be executed. Steve wanted to end the frustrations, the
stop-and-go, on-again, off-again mindset that kept his father's sexual
gears shifting, changing and braking. Most of all, Steve wanted more of
his father's sub-surface sexual being to demonstrate itself to him. The
time was now, not later.

First on Steve's list was a visit to the attic compartment above the
house's garage. Not easy to pull out the built-in ladder and get up and
down without making some noise, but Steve was happy to do it to find a box
that contained valuables brought back from California. Still in good shape
were a small stash of pot and a pair of handcuffs complete with furry
cuffs. His second girlfriend liked having them used on her. She was a kinky
soul; Steve thought for a while he had fallen in love with her. She had
Steve thinking he could live a completely straight life with lots of kink
in their love life. But, their affair went crazy and their relationship
became contentious.

Steve wiped his mind of the bad memories by thinking of what else he needed
for his ultimate plan. He would have to leave the house. He knew where an
adult toy and sex shop was some 10 miles away and that package and grocery
stores were nearby. Those three stops would complete his needs. His plan
excited him. He would not get any sleep for the night, but such was
required to set his plan in motion for his father.

It was 4:30 am, when Steve stepped quietly into his parent's master
suite. A night-light allowed him to see his father sleeping soundly in the
bed. Between the two beers his dad had consumed right before bedtime, the
late hour in which he got to bed, the swim before turning in, and the
rigorous sex before that, Steve knew his dad was a snoring log. He smiled,
appreciating his father's deep sleep and his available handsome
body. Confidence assured him his old man was fast asleep, not too likely to
be disturbed too easily,

If his father took offense or became angry at his actions and plan, Steve
knew he risk losing the latest relationship they had begun. The intensity
of the sexual relations was unbelievable for him; he wanted to chance
things for the excitement of their sex, but he nervously risk rejection
from his beloved father. Yet, he recalled what his father had said about
needing to be relieved of his responsibility to prevent their sexual
actions from advancing any further.

Without much doubt, Steve thought his plans would free his dad, the
responsible father, good husband, outstanding community leader, and
well-respected man about town, of needing to adhere to what society thinks
taboo. After all, Steve wanted to be the submissive and loving son willing
to give his dad a long and loving blowjob. Or even something more.

The son knew that perhaps he should wait a while at least until after his
father returned from his out-of-town business trip, but he also knew that
risk his dad having time to change his mind, come to his practical senses,
or even his mom calling saying she was returning to the States. More than
anything though, he wanted what he wanted, and he was an impatient young

So in the wee hours of the morning, the young man quietly tiptoed around
and began the set up for the activities in his father's bedroom. At first,
Steve spent several minutes just looking at his dad - his splendidly
handsome face, pretty lips, hairy bare chest, and the golden brown,
precisely round, and quite meaty nips. He also noticed his dad continuing
to sleep soundly, peacefully, and unknowingly.

Steve's heart raced triple time when he touched his father's hands, grabbed
his wrists, and then raised both arms above his head. When he clamped on
the handcuffs, clicked them to lock them, and his father kept snoring
lightly, Steve felt greatly relieved and knew his plan was coming together
nicely. He then used a short piece of rope tied to the steel cuffs and to
both bedposts for further security. He looped two pieces of similar nylon
rope on both of his dad's ankles, but only tied them loosely to the foot of
the bed so they served to keep his dad in the bed, but did not restrict his

The son next took a lightweight blindfold and placed it over Lee's eyes and
behind his head. The man's still thick hair on the back of his head
prevented the backside of it from feeling tight and awakening him. With a
great sense of pride at his creativity and his quickly implemented plan,
Steve looked at the items he had placed on a TV tray by the bed. The Dom
Perignon champagne, two thick joints containing some of the finest
marijuana from Berkeley, a can of whipped cream and a dish of cherries, and
crushed Viagra tablets. Also, the toys included anal beads on a thread; a
silver-bullet vibrator; snakebite suction cups, and a blossom sleeve. Oh,
what great fun awaited both of them, Steve thought and mentally celebrated.
He had great confidence that if his dad enjoyed having his dress shirt
unbuttoned, could be enticed to appreciate the near-naked bodies of
professional wrestlers, or enjoyed having his cock sucked briefly
underwater in their family pool, he would very much enjoy the events Steve
had planned

When all was ready, Steve stripped off his clothes, turned on his music
player, placed the volume down low, made sure he agreed with the sexiness
of the male singer's voice, paused to light a lavender-scented candle, and
then climbed into bed with his father. He thought about pulling down the
bed sheet, exposing his dad's lower body, stripping him of his briefs, and
awakening him to the blowjob in progress, but that was too risky, too
forward, and potentially too surprising for his father. He wanted to
seduce, control and highly stimulate his paternal lover, not scare him off.

So with great anticipation, the son slipped beneath the bed sheet and moved
into his father's warm and hairy body. Steve could feel his cock beginning
to pulsate and fatten as he felt the warmth of his dad's nice body and as
he smelled his father's intoxicating skin. With an ease and comfort he did
not expect to feel, Steve turned into his father to bring the palm of his
right hand in touch with his father's upper leg. He caressed the muscle and
soft hair and then massaged Lee's hip under the fine cotton briefs. He
edged his hand partially under his father's briefs, turned more and ran his
hand through the silky pubes and back out to his father's furry belly. The
motion excited Steve as he felt his father's sexy belly under his skin.

He leaned in closer, found the sensitive spot of soft skin behind his dad's
ear, and sucked it to his lips as his hand moved back over his dad's briefs
and around his shapely cock. He had wanted to hold the shaft ever since
last letting go of it several hours ago. The son weighed his father's love
handle in his palm before lightly stroking it, but he did not linger, yet
he took just a few seconds to run his fingers inside the briefs to again
enjoy Lee's thick pubes. Slowly he moved his hand back to his dad's hip and
then began using the back of his hand to lift the restricting briefs
partially off his father's right buttocks. Exposing part of his dad's butt
allowed the son to feel its heat with the tip of his stiffening cock when
he pushed forward to get even closer.

The eager son then slowly moved his hand up, back over and around the
enticing belly, and then slowly up to the marvelous hairy chest, with which
he had become obsessed. His lips sucked the earlobe a time or two before
moving down the neck. Just as his mouth met the crease between his dad's
strong neck and broad shoulder, his hand made its way across his dad's
massive chest. He did not waste a second letting his fingers lock on Lee's
waiting and perky left tit. He caressed the left nipple a second or two to
reclaim it and then squeezed down on it. For the first time since he had
touched his dad, he heard the man groan.

Lee awoke slowly, realized his body was being caressed, heard the music,
and then felt the tremendous and tantalizing touch of his son's hand
playing across his hairy chest and then settling on one of his meaty
nipples. It felt good when the finger began to twist the tit; again it
immediately turned him on. Just the quick touch of his titillated tit let
him know his son had moved into bed with him. He involuntarily lifted his
body to offer his breast to his son.

Steve turned into his dad, being careful as to not put any strain on his
bound arms. When Lee's bare chest was turned enough, Steve went immediately
to the fondled tit. He vacuumed it into his wet mouth. He loved its meaty
feel, wonderful texture, and salty taste. His lips tightened around it and
then Steve bit it lightly while shaking it gently. He loved the morsel of
fine, delicate meat and it was now his without fear of rejection.

Wanting to have his dad as stimulated as possible when he awoke, Steve
leaned over almost on top of the big, muscular body so he could caress
Lee's cock. Steve waited as his father began to fully awaken. He continued
to tongue and nip the succulent and tender tit while stroking fairly steady
at his dad's growing dick.

Lee groaned, arched his body, and said mindlessly, "Oh fuck, I tell ya,
that's sweet. Yes, yes, eat my tit big time." Lee then tried to take his
hand to hold the head down so the sucking mouth was even tighter to his
nipple to get the full treatment like he most enjoyed. But his hand would
not move. He opened his eyes and the scene began to unfold before him.

Realizing that Steve had reached down to begin stroking his aching dick to
a hard on, Lee shook his eyes opened once, twice, and again, and tried to
bring his arms to his body, but without fail. He could see anything, and
his arms would not move. "What in the hell? Oh my, what in the hell?"

'Take it easy, dad. I want to have some fun with you. Let you enjoy
yourself without any responsibility as the father."

"But why, why the blindfold and why tie me up, son?"

"Sorry, dad. I can undo all of that if you insist, but otherwise," and
Steve pause as he ran both hands up and down and around his father's fine
chest, concentrating on making circles around the pecs and tits. "So, dad,
let me do as I have planned. Please."

"This is crazy, Steve. I have a huge day ahead. I have to drive three hours
and be down south for a dinner meeting later. Stop this!" Lee
insisted. "Get this blindfold off my eyes and let me the fuck up."

"Can't do it, dad. That would show me to be a wimp, a weakling. You
wouldn't respect me in the morning," the son said and chuckled. Steve then
got on top of his dad and ordered, "Now lay back, dad, just lay back and
let me massage these shoulders and this great chest. We are going to have a
big time. I am going to take all of the responsibility away from you; just
as you said needed to be done, so we could do anything and everything. The
surprises I have for you will blow your mind before they blow your
beautiful balls."

"Steve no, let me up. Let me up." And that was all Steve heard as he
planted his mouth on his father's while using one hand to caress his dad's
open armpit and the other to grab at and then pinch his available right
nipple. The feel of the tit meat between his fingers charged Steve a lot.
Lee groaned and realized just how forceful his son was being and how damn
good the hot kiss was becoming. And when Lee felt a stirring in his cock,
he could not believe once again the absolute control that Steve could
exercise over him.

Lee tried to free his arms, he tried to lift his body out of the bed, and
he again tried to convince Steve to stop the action, but to no avail. When
he felt his son's tongue r****g the inside of his mouth, and he knew it
felt damn good and very heated, he started to surrender.

"Oh yes dad, you kiss as well in the wee hours as do at midnight, my
lover. Damn!"

"Steve, what time is it? I have to be into the office before it gets too
late. Please, this has been a surprise, but I've..."

"Stop it, dad. I am not going to let you up unless you threaten me, and I
just imagine when all is said and done, in an hour or two or four from now,
you are going to thank me."

Lee was about to protest further, but he felt Steve's lips again at his
perky nipple, working it, making it beg and thirst for the lip loving, and
he knew if he forced his son to stop the mouthing of his tit, he would
regret the loss of the intense pleasure. He also felt Steve's warm hand
snake under his briefs to again grab his dong that throbbed from the
excitement of the situation. He lay back on the bed to let Steve have his
way. The mask over his eyes and his hands being bound concerned him, but
what his son was doing to his body was wildly exciting.

"Steve, I'm going to trust you here, son, but you must promise that you
will untie me so I can go to the office in a while, and that you will not
bruise or break me or mark me with hickeys," Lee stated.

Steve lifted his mouth from wetting his father's tit and armpit to quickly
kiss his dad on the lips and answered. "I promise, you have my word; now
let's get some game on here." With his father's arms stretched above his
head, his nipples also were stretched just a bit, making them appear more
vulnerable. Steve then moved down his dad's fine body, kissed his father on
his belly button, and lingered to do a favorite thing for both of them and
that was to drill Lee's navel with the tip of his tongue.

"Nice, Steve, yes, that always feels so nice," his dad commented.

"We've only just begun," Steve assured.

The son then placed both hands at the flanks of his father's briefs and
pulled the fabric from around Lee's waist. Lee lifted his ass so his son
could pull them down and off of him. The movements thrilled Steve and when
his dad's thick cock popped into view, he felt his own loins firing
up. Steve leaned down to lick the length of the partially hardened
cock. Lee moaned, arched his body to provide Steve access, yet warned him
"not too much too soon here, Stevie."

Steve moved away from the fatherly penis, admired the entirety of his dad's
hairy and awesomely attractive naked body, and then told him, "I've got
something that is going to turn your magnificent nips into something you've
never seen and it's going to feel great."

"Steve, please, no nipple clamps and hell, not clothespins."

Steve chuckled. "No way, this shouldn't hurt, but they will do a number on
your fine tits, dad." Steve reached for his toy and whispered to his
dad. "Oh yes, we are both going to like this special effect."

Lee felt Steve again rubbing his chest. This time, he recognized that Steve
was being very deliberate and forceful in how he fingered his paps. Steve
tested the thickness of the hairs growing from his father's pecs. He used
his saliva to smooth out the lighter hairs around his dad's fine tits and
to wet the skin surrounding his father's areola for the best intended
effect for the magic to come. And then, the son smiled widely while Lee
felt something rubbery being applied to his left tit. The feeling was
sensational, sexy, but not painful.

"Ah dad, this is going to be the absolute best sight, yet." Steve said.

"What is it, Stevie. My tit feels suctioned."

Before Steve answered he licked his dad's seductive right nipple to get it
wet and to test it even more than the left. He then stuck the second
snake-bite suction cup to it. With both rubber suctions on his tender and
already overworked nipples, Lee arched his chest, hissed, and felt like an
orgasm was sweeping throughout both of his large pectoral muscles.

"Dang Steve, Oh man, that is tremendous. My tits are on fucking fire. I can
feel them throbbing, swelling, damn!" Steve used his fingertips to caress
lightly under, around and over each of this father's wonderful pecs
surrounding the meaty and now puffy mannips. He prized his control over
the meaty morsels. With great excitement, he could see the sexy brown
buttons swelling, growing, and looking needy just as his father had said
they felt. .

Steve said, "And then I will pull those off in a few minutes or so, dad. I
am going to have these beauties of yours super charged, a lot bigger than
your normal daddy tit. Bigger to suck and to enjoy!"

"Oh Steve, I am trusting you k**, but you scare me." Lee tried to settle in
though the handcuffs were a little tight and he felt very exposed. He then
heard his son turn on the bedside light.

Steve exclaimed, "Oh yes, all the better to see my handsome father and to
enjoy the display." Again, Steve's hands made their way over his father's
body continuing to discover him, continuing to like his muscular tone and
body hair, and continuing to fall in love with the physical older man. When
his fingertips got ready to cross over Lee's nicely round nipples, Steve
allowed his fingers to squeeze down on the vacuum seals working them into
mighty swollen mounds. The squeeze made Lee hiss and arch his body from the

Knowing his dad needed a break and maybe something to quench a dry mouth,
Steve poured the first of the champagne and offered it. Lee gulped from
the glass before realizing his son was giving him an alcoholic beverage. He
then sipped more slowly, but with Steve encouraging him and telling him the
price of the champagne, Lee took time to enjoy several ounces. As he
watched his dad swallow the last of the bubbly liquid, Steve smiled. He had
mixed in a pill and a half of Viagra. His dad would be fully charged for
what he had planned regardless of the amount of sex they had already

"Nice son, good stuff even first thing in the morning. That will relax me

Steve offered his dad another glass, but Lee declined. Yet, the champagne
and Viagra would not be the only stimulants that the son administered to
prep his father. Steve put the glass on the bedside table, reached for the
joint, and again got on top of his father. He straddled Lee at his
mid-section, savoring the feeling of his bare cock and warm testicles going
skin to skin with his dad's hairy belly. Lee could feel his son's long,
bare cock stretched out and lying over his hairy belly.

And without further ado, Steve took a lighter and fired up one of his
joints filled with some of the best pot he had experienced in his two years
on the West Coast and around friends from Berkeley. He did not know how his
father would react to him having marijuana in the house, but he was very
confident about what the wonderfully strong and soothing pot would do for
his dad. .

Turning over, moving his mouth near his dad's and then telling Lee to "Open
your mouth, and breathe in very slowly. Very slowly." Lee could not have
placed more unconditional trust in his son at that moment. He did just as
Steve instructed. He could feel the heat of his son's face near his, he
hoped Steve was about to French kiss him deeply, but instead he felt the
smoke and tasted something a little rosy and then he wanted to cough, but
knew he shouldn't, and then he heard Steve whisper, "Now hold it in,
dad. Hold it in and get the full effect." And Lee held the fine smoke.

When told to let it go, he did as Steve instructed. And they repeated the
process. Wanting to pleasure his father to the ultimate, as Steve shot the
marijuana smoke into his dad's mouth, he reached down to caress Lee's lower
parts by fingering his belly button, combing his pubes, stroking his
swollen cock, and lightly juggling his bubbling balls. Steve and Lee
repeated the process of Steve taking the marijuana joint to shoot shotgun
blasts to his dad, with Lee holding the smoke deep into his lungs, and then
releasing as told to repeat the process. The cycle went on six or seven

Lee reached a point of knowing the pot was overtaking his entire system. He
begged off Steve chuckled, put the remainder of the potent joint in a
nearby dish, and then got on top of his bare-chested father to kiss his
mask covered face all over, his nose, his ears, his lips and his chin. When
he returned to his dad's lips, Lee leaned up to ensure that Steve lingered
and that their kiss went deep and that their mouths melted together for a
long while. Steve knew his father had lost all inhibitions. He could now
anxiously await the rest of the morning hours with his sex-induced father.

"I am feeling out of my own body, Steve. A little too relaxed maybe. A
little fucked up."

"Good, I don't want you to be uptight, dad. So just enjoy the moment. "

As they broke the kiss, Steve reached for yet another toy that he knew
would further arouse his dad and send him to places unknown. He first took
his soothing cooling lotion and massaged the creases of his dad's legs and
then his thighs. Lee relaxed and let Steve's tremendous touch and the
lotion's special properties loosen him. In no time, Lee spread his legs
further and offered Steve every angle to rub down the creases of his legs,
his buttocks, and his perineum.

When Lee felt Steve's middle finger invade his anal passage, he hissed and
then warned his son, "If you start to finger fuck me, I will cum in no
time. Just so you know."

Steve spent a while at his dad's anal opening, lightly rubbing the edges
with his fingers, feeling its texture, letting finger and hole get to know
the other. He then softly rotated his finger to moisten the inside of his
father's anal passage with the lotion. Lee offered himself to his son. "Oh
Stevie, baby. You're making a fool out of me. I am so horny, so hot; these
damn things are about to pull my tits off. You're finger down there makes
me want to scream." Even though his dad warned him, Steve wanted to
control things; he edged his finger to find his father's prostate, to take
his dad to another height in sexual flight.

Lee made garbled sounds as his son's finger worked his love button and
pushed into his sensitive anal sleeve. He knew his prostate could not take
too much of the excellent sensations. He knew if Steve kept this strange
sensation going in his ass and around his inner love controls for much
more, he was likely to cum without either a hand or mouth touching
him. Down below, his standing cock felt so fuckin' tall and rigid. Lee
wondered if it were maybe an inch or so longer than he had ever felt or
seen. The amount of pre-cum it leaked had now moistened most of his pubic

Steve then reached for the rest of the joint again, held his dad's head,
and forced his dad to take a couple of deep hits. Lee could not believe the
intensity of sex wreaking havoc in every corner, crevice and erogenous zone
of his body. His tits felt like ignited rockets about to blast from his
chest, his cock stretched out even further leaking more of its juices, his
balls roared, and his head left his shoulders. Realizing his father was in
a rare mental state, Steve grabbed his dad's hardened shaft and began to
beat up and down it with great velocity. He jacked his dad like he had
seldom done before, knowing his father's cum juices were on the verge of
flowing through the canals of his body. The son had no intent to bring his
dad off so soon, but he wanted to take advantage of the cemented cock in
his palm.

"Steve, please. Please. Stop! Stop that. I am beside myself. We cannot! We
cannot! I will cum against my will, if you don't stop..." Steve eased up,
loosened his grip on his dad's dick, and stroked slowly.

A silence fell between them for a few seconds and then Steve knew what was
next on the agenda. A few minutes of rest and then he would take his dad
back into sexual orbit. The son reached over and added the expensive
champagne to a few ouches of cold orange juice he had in a nearby
pitcher. He leaned his dad up so he could drink. As he held the glass to
his dad's lips, a little of it dripped down his dad's chin and onto Lee's
seductive hairy chest. But Lee did not let too much get by his lips. He was
thirsty, the juice was cold, and the champagne was fantastic. Steve also
joined his dad. Lee drank two four-ounce glasses of the fine mimosas while
Steve had one.

"That stuff is already giving me a tickling buzz, Steve."

"It's the best and glad it is doing the trick," Steve said. The remarked
amused Steve; he knew it was more likely the Viagra or pot giving his dad
the real buzz. He then saw the wet trial in the middle of his dad's
chest. He wiped it with his hand, again appreciating how nice his dad's
chest hair felt.

Steve reached up to twist the nipple crunchers. His father noticed the
extreme pulling at his tits from the suction cups that were now doing a
number on his mantits. He knew they were sucking at his nipples causing his
paps to enlarge, swell, and become abnormal and extra succulent.

"Steve, I am going to need you to remove the tit grippers here. I can feel
my nips getting awfully big and sore." Steve smiled, rubbed his dad chest,
and answered, "Only another few seconds or so. You are going to be amazed
at them, dad." After a few seconds of silence, Steve said, "Here dad, let
me remove the blindfold. You need to see this. These lovely tits of yours
are going to look so damn ravishing."

Steve twisted the rubbery yellow cup on his dad's left nipple a time or
two. "Go ahead, Stevie, take them off. My nips ache and hurt too much now."
Knowing when to take his dad's direction, Steve pulled the rubbery vice
from around its vacuumed tit. It popped when it came off the manly
nip. The vacuum was broken.

Steve reached up to raise the blindfold to let his dad appreciate the
number the suction cups had done to his perfect nipples. Lee looked down to
examine the result.

"Oh my, dad, oh fucking my. Your nipple is five times the size. So hot, so
much, I want it!"

"Stevie, oh baby, Stevie, crap my tit is huge. Swollen bigger than a large
rock. I hardly know it!"

Steve did not linger to observe the big nipple instead he moved down to let
his tongue kiss, lap, lick, and suck the swollen tit. When his son's
hungry mouth suckled at the grossly enlarged mannip and with the pot
bringing him to an apex, Lee yelled out uncontrollably. His scream was
without restraint.

The revered Lee Jacobs felt his awesome cock pulsate on its own, and he
knew he could experience a cum without a hand stroking him off or anything
else. He did not know if he could ejaculate, but he knew he was very close
to an orgasm. He desperately needed Steve to bring him off.

"Oh Stevie, suck it. Nurse from it. Love it good. And stroke my cock!" And
the son did. He kept the suction cup on his dad's tortured right tit while
he treated the massively swollen left one to an oral love job. Lee grunted
once, twice and again before muttering, "Oh, my son... nobody has ever
treated my tits so well. Damn, your tit loving is tremendous."

The nipple was raised from his dad's chest a good inch or so. Its tit was
thick and pointed more like a fat bullet than a pencil eraser, and its
areola looked absolutely fat. The moment was unbelievable for both father
and son. For Lee Jacobs, his mind and body had never been so taken from
him as his son had done. Neither had his dick felt so huge or his tits so
sexed and swollen. He wished his hands were free to run his fingertips over
his grossly enlarged tits, to feel them and to enjoy the pleasure. For
Steve, he had never felt so alive with wanton sexual desire nor so in
control of a sexual a****l as he had so turned his handsome father into in
a matter of an hour or so.

Steve continued to nurse at the enormous nipple protruding awesomely from
his father's chest. Lee was in awe of how large his man tit had been made
by the suction; he was in writhing pleasure at the sensations spewing from
his enlarged tit as his son loved, kissed and nursed it. He noticed his son
look up, felt Steve give his largely embossed nipple a loving kiss, and
then saw the look of eagerness and delight in his son's eyes. Steve took a
moment to pop the other suction device from his father's right nipple, and
they both noticed how it was even larger than the other. Steve leaned down
to kiss it, but his ambitions were larger now. Sucking on the bullet-long
nipples adorning his dad's chest had now gotten his rawest needs to the
surface of his sexual play. He teased, twisted, nibbled and bit the big,
right tittie that had been freed, and he appreciated its color having
turned into a dark red, but his desires were elsewhere.

The son again grabbed his father's strong cock and began a steady sensuous
stroke of it, making sure that he used his finger on the upward stroke to
rim his dad's foreskin and to tease the slit. An idea flashed through his
mind, so he instructed Lee to lean back. "You'll like this, dad. Something

Lee relaxed back on the bed. And once again, his son pleasured him. Very
slowly and delicately, Steve poured small amounts of the bubbly champagne
on Lee's big tortured nipples. First, Steve covered his dad's right nipple
and then sucked the tenderizing bubbles from it. Lee moaned and thrashed
about although bound. Then, Lee felt his son drip champagne over both of
his tits and then into his belly button. The champagne perked his grossly
swollen mannips into sexual rockets. Steve's tonguing of his two tits,
first the right one again and then the left one, and his slurping of his
navel forced Lee to take notice of the sensational pleasure. "Damn
Steve. Oh, damn! What you are doing to me. I am so hot and ready."

The father noticed that his cock was staying at full mast and was indeed
likely longer and harder than he had remembered seeing it in many years.
He felt close to a ball breaker for sure. He then felt Steve pour a good
amount of the expensive champagne on his hairy testicles. When his son
began to caress the bubbly sauce into his nut sac, the father became putty
in his son's hand.

"Oh damn, Stevie, damn! My tits are tinkling, my mind is racing, and now my
damn balls feel like they are about to boil away. Oh, wow!" Steve took
time to work his dad's balls, wanting to get them overcharged and
overheated. He again leaned down to suck his dad's navel and to kiss
lightly down his cock a couple of times.

Knowing that few men could have withstood what he had already done to
stimulate his father, Steve stopped caressing the fine set of fatherly
balls. He examined the size of the tremendous orbs before lifting his hand
and fingers from them.

Yet, the son went to an even more vulnerable erogenous part for his
father. He poured a glob of the cooling lotion in his hand, made sure his
middle finger was well coated, and then he wormed his way back into his
dad's ass. He played and caressed his dad's warm, mysterious hole until he
knew it was wet and ready.

As Lee watched, arms raised above his head, his middle body partially
lifted off the mattress, and his amazing cock stretched up to stab at his
belly, the son quickly grabbed the silver bullet vibrator. Without ado,
Steve pushed the large bullet into his dad's ass. Lee groaned, thrashed on
the bed, and made a couple guttural sounds unrecognized by his son, but
turning Steve on in a big way.

"Stevie, my man. I don't know what that are, but you just about have your
old man nuts, son. Absolutely nuts. Please be careful."

"Enjoy it, dad. And let this thing wreck you all over. Enjoy it. Here

Knowing he had pushed the micro-vibrator into his dad's ass so it was
against his prostate, Steve reached for the control button on the
connecting cord, pushed it, and waited. He was not to be disappointed. The
hard plastic, silver bullet began to vibrate on slow mode inside Lee's ass,
stimulating his prostate and moving to rub against his anal walls.

The after effects of the suction cups on his handsome nipples already had
Lee in overdrive. His son's manual moistening of his inner parts with the
lotion and his longer finger had sent him to the edge. But when the almost
electric, hyper-charge of the vibrating bullet began to rock his sex
button, Lee knew he was going to a place he had never been in many years of

"Good gawd, Stevie. Oh shit! That thing is firing off inside me," Lee
wailed. " Shut it down, please,. Shut it down, it's screwing my ass all
over the place."

When Steve began to play with the control button, so the bullet randomly
went from slow to fast to super speed to steady and back to slow and then
again to super speed, Lee could not believe the incredible flow of intense,
hot charges that overwhelmed his entire body.

"Argh, oh son," Lee said loudly and without reserve," It's fucking me,
fucking my ass, eating me up, please, oh please," Lee begged for Steve to
stop the controls. He knew his red-hot cock was jerking involuntarily,
releasing droplets of pre-cum at a steady rate. The elongated, wet and dark
cock felt huge, given extra bulk and size from the Viagra Steve had slipped
into the champagne. Lee knew the sex toy was fucking his ass. And he knew
his pressurized balls badly wanted to release, but still, the overwhelming
charges to all parts of his body were unbelievable. Sweat poured from all
parts of his hairy body; he gripped the mattress with the heels of his
feet; he bucked his ass up and down.

'Damn Steve. You put it on slow and it fucks me gently, then you put it on
fast and it takes me into orbit. I am burning of pleasure all up inside my
ass, son. Fuck me!"

The distinguished father, good husband and outstanding member of his
community shook his hips almost violently. His cock slapped up and down
against his belly and all around his lower belly and pubes. He hissed, he
felt the effects of the pot, he felt the impact of the Viagra though
unknown, he groaned from down deep like an alley cat. And then, he shouted,
"Oh Steve, my son, too much... too much... fuck me... I need to be fucked!"

Steve hit the fast button on the bullet vibrator and let it continue to
work its magic, taking his dad into further sexual ecstasy. Seeing his
father's expression of deep, steamy lust, watching his hips and ass
shrivel, and seeing him arch his body into the air without care or control
even sent the son's own cock into high times. Steve again turned the
bottle of cooling liquid on his dad's nuts, poured more out, and massaged
gently. He tested a few of the longest hairs on his old man's nuts. He
reached up to stroke his dad's cock from tip to base twice, knowing that
was enough to keep Lee on the edge, but not enough to tip him over it.

"My gawd, Steve. Finish me. Please, enough. I am so hot. So beside
myself. Finish me, please!" More than anything, Steve wanted to take his
hand, stroke fast at his dad's bloated cock, and watch his sperm shoot high
into the air. To give his father a big-time orgasm and thrill that he
would remember. Steve hit the control button from slow to super speed and
then eased it back to slow. The state of deep lust that he watched reduce
his masculine father to a thriving beggar of orgasm mesmerized the son.

Lee's verbal response was guttural; his back and hips raised off the
mattress; and his ass pumped back and forth. "You're fucking me, son,
absolutely fucking me with that toy up in my ass. So fucked!" Steve
continued switching the speed of the vibrator controls. He watched his
father react to each one whether slow and steady or at super speed. Lee
Jacobs was driven to a cum without touching himself or being touched.

"Steve, Stevie, oh God! Too good, I feel so out of body. I am cumming,
cumming, cumming!"

And then Steve saw a thick spurt of thick man juice shoot from his father's
large and massively hard cock. The end of the cum string stuck to his piss
slit and landed between his pubes and navel. Lee had orgasm and began
ejaculating without any direct stimulation to his cock.

Steve switched off the vibrator and stopped the action. He grabbed his
dad's tremendous dick and pushed his thumb up under its head to stymie the
rest of the sweeping orgasm and the big spurts of thick semen that were
about to begin.

His father looked at him with surprise and shock; his erupting mancock
quivered big time, it stayed cemented to a massive erection, droplets of
cum eased from it and dripped down the head, but his orgasm was stopped in

"Oh son, please, please, I am cumming, oh, you have me!"

And Steve did have his father, right in the palm of his hand, holding off a
full orgasm, yet having taken his dad's body to an unknown sexual flight.

Steve knew for this one and only occasion, he had to keep his dad on the
verge for longer, for more pleasure, and for a big-time explosion of cum
when it occurred. A cum that he, the son, would be in charge of with his
hand or mouth or whatever.

"Oh Stevie, let it happen. Go on, let that thing **** me. I so need to
finish this."

"You'll get there, dad. You'll get there, I just didn't know it was
charging you to a cum without me even stroking you."

"Then stroke me, suck me, fuck me, but let me finish. Please."

Steve smiled. He had never loved his father so much, yet his father's need
and vulnerability made Steve feel guilt about where the situation had taken
his manly and usually reserved dad. As small amounts of cum continued to
ease from his father's mighty cockhead, Steve admired the man's bloated
balls, Viagra extended massive dick, and the run of his cum juice.

"Oh Stevie, oh man, I have never felt so damn, fuckin' good or horny," Lee
said. Steve smiled and chuckled.

In their bed of sex play and in the steam and intensity of that play
neither man had a clue that another pair of eyes had taken in the last
couple of minutes of their sexual exchange.

Same as Fathers nipples -Taking off his shirt (Part 3) Videos

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Geoff And Melanie Married Siblings

SOUTH BEACH 2006 I'd met Geoff and Melanie Snider some seven or eight years ago. The fall of 1998 I think. They'd come into my photography studio with their two young daughters wanting some family pictures on a sunny, humid Miami Beach October day. They looked like a nice family. The parents had looked about twenty-eight to thirty, around my age, although I remember thinking at the time that the wife might have been a year or two older. The little girls, just nine and eight, were adorable;...

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nipplestrecher Posts stories

nipplestrecher Posts & storiesWoman's ? about dogsDogs aren’t like men, even though all the erotic stories you read give them human characteristics. In the stories, you stimulate them by hand, or orally, get them erect, then achieve penetration. Then the stories have the dog perform intercourse for a while, eventually getting the knot inside somehow. Then, the stories say, the dog ejaculates, and withdraws. All are stories written by men who have no idea how the process actually...

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Katie PunishedChapter 10 The Stocktaking

Katie was eating breakfast. Breakfast nowadays consisted of a glass of fruit-juice, a pot of China tea and two slices of wholemeal bread covered with a thin layer of low-fat spread. (The pursuit of health and fitness can make life such a total bore and the author certainly wouldn't recommend it!) Katie assessed the score, thus far, in her unasked for contest with Charlie Ford and his sinister cousin. Chained to the ground for five weeks in a foreign police station. Point to...

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Military DelightsChapter 12 The Officers Mess

One of the buildings that had been sacked in the downfall of Tradagha was the Grand Vizier's harem. The younger women in it had been herded into a lorry and taken to serve the Officers' Mess as general bed companions. Most of them were completely resigned to this and were quite co-operative with their new Masters. A few had to be persuaded, but by the time the sacking of Tradagha was completed all the women in the Officers' Mess were most co-operative. The headquarters staff decided to...

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The hissy fit

M. Thinks I went a bit too far with this one and he would never ever treat me like this. Challenge accepted I say. He clearly doesn’t know what he got himself into when he chatted me up a few months back. I was at Tesco browsing the chilled aisle for some chicken fillet for dinner, when he called me. 'Are you done having your hissy fit?' he set off. 'What? I am not having a hissy fit. I can't believe you just said that.' I should have known, he was just teasing me with pesky little comments...

Straight Sex
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With My Bhabhis While My Wife Was Pregnant

Hi all, this is ilrumjack here again. This is an episode that happened with two of my bhabhi’s while my wife was pregnant with my first child. As is the practice, we were having a baby shower function on the seventh month of my wife’s pregnancy. We were having the child after 4 years of my marriage. The function was being held at my parent’s place as the whole thing was being organized by my mom. Since both, I and my wife were working we had taken a day off for this function. Being a...

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A couple bring their Hispanic maid into their kinky lovemaking and even the wife8217s boss participates

A kinky episode happened two summers later. Mary was working for a bank in a ritzy resort town. Her bank manager needed some video surveillance equipment installed and Mary recommended me. Her boss (a late 30’s divorcee) called me and offered the job. It was going to take me about two weeks to complete everything she wanted done at the bank and at home, so she offered to put me up at her place while I did the work. When I got there and talked to Mary, I found out that her boss had been...

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9 Removing the offending part

a reissue by popular demand9. Removing the offending part Barry sat watching her as she sat opposite him, his jaw dropped, the words washing over him like a stream over a rock; his ears hissed his blood ran cold, he knew it was his entire fault. He alone had started this fantasy trail, He couldn’t understand the details she was telling him, and he was mentally numb! What his choices were, she was explaining, but he just couldn`t really take in. He knew she would patiently explain it again, she...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Heathyr Hoffman ghost hunters lesbian love story

After being chosen as the winner of the SyFy channel reality show "ghost hunters academy" in 2009 and given a permanent role as a co-host on ghost hunters and then later ghost hunters international, Heathyr Hoffman couldn't possibly be happier with her life as a reality television celebrity.Being on “Ghost Hunters International” was a blast. Heathyr Hoffman couldn’t imagine a better career than globe-trotting while looking for paranormal activity wherever it might occur. This enhanced a...

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I Masochist

1I Masochist - Chapter One - Performance ArtBy The TechnicianBDSM, Public Bondage, Electro-sex, Public Orgasm = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A college professor presents a performance art production of "I, Masochist" with a little technical help from W.  Afterwards, the professor who referred the masochistic models to her asks her and W's help in recording the six young women's stories of how and why they are masochists.The eight chapters of this story each stand on their own, but...

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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

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Tabloid Tales Memphis Interlude

Back when Paul1952 published "Sultan's Choice", I asked if I could set a story in the Tabloid Tales universe. He was kind enough to say yes. He was also kind enough to read this story before I posted it and correct some mistakes that I had made in my use of British terms. Thank you, Paul, for your time, your kindness, and your stories. Ellie Tabloid Tales: Memphis Interlude By Ellie Dauber Copyright 1999 The Wheatsheaf Pub -- Wapping London -- October '99 It was...

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Showoff All Day

(One of a series of stories sequel to the original Showoff) It was easy to find additional yard tasks for Eric to keep him close to my windows two or three days each week. Today he was over cleaning the pool for example, right outside my bedroom window where last week he watched me getting dressed. I watched the handsome young man, wearing a low-slung pair of swim trunks as he used a long-handled skimmer whisking away leaves and other debris. He is lean and sleek in appearance, much like the...

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Blacks Hispanics Fight Racism

My name is Arthur Brown. A tall, good-looking young Black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. And I have an important message to share with you. In celebration of the race created to kick the collective ass of the universe, I give you the African-American National Anthem. We’re living in the best of times right now. The rest of America suffers but we secretly rejoice. We’re finally standing on our own two feet. And we’re prepared to battle any challenge the universe throws our way....

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Breast Milk Masochism

Nicolette Fuck Wheelbarrow’s breasts ached as she moved. That was alright, though. She liked that. Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her sore, heavy chest. Both of her breasts lifted as she raised her arms, sending little sparkles of pain up her spine. Biting her lip, she forced herself to hold the pose,...

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