Mensonges indian porn

2 years ago
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Conte de f es diverses

Conte de f?es diverses Chapitre 1 La chute Charles ?tait assis dans un coin piteux de l'auberge, sirotant le plus lentement possible son vin coup? a l'eau, sans doute de l'eau de lessivage vu la t?te de rat pingre de la rombi?re qui tenait le mis?rable ?tablissement. Le moral de Charles ?tait aussi noir que la salle ?tait crasse. Fini les bons moments d'insouciance de sa vie d'estudiant a Paris, les journ?es d'oisivet? bienheureuses et les nuits festives semblaient bien loin maintenant, plus que jama...

4 years ago
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Moussa le migrant et la bourgeoise

Cela a commencé avec la création d’un CAO (Centre d’Accueil et d’Orientation) dans notre ville de bantieue. Nous avons donc accueilli 45 immigrés venus de Calais, et tout se passe bien. Mais pas de bals publics cette année, le maire craint que le déséquilibre accentué hommes/femmes ne crée des bagarres entre jeunes, la consommation de bière aidant.. Le temps passe, mon mari a pris comme « stagiaire » à insérer au métier, un migrant sénégalais de 25 ans. L’homme est beau, très noir, très grand,...

3 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 9

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 9 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 36 - Deux Mamans Inqui?tes La nuit fut assez calme et le personnel soignant ?tait pass? plusieurs fois afin de s'assurer que tout aller bien dans la chambre 127. Samantha ?tait bien plus fatigu?e qu'elle ne l'avait imagin? et elle s'?tait endormie tr?s rapidemen...

1 year ago
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Reconnaissance agrave une Putain

Je conçois qu'on nous enferme dans la catégorie des veules et deslâches. Un mâle est prêt à tout pour obtenir une femelle. Depuislongtemps je convoitais la femme de mon meilleur ami. Je savais ce genred'infidélité et de frasques assez banal et pour le coup sordide. Je nepensais pas qu'un jour je m'abaisserais à un si bas étiage. On devraitêtre plus humble. Les abjects ne sont pas si loin des nobles. Je fus cejour-là une canaille. Pour ma défense la miss en question n'était pas enreste. Je lui...

4 years ago
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Bangkok aller simple

Bangkok, aller simple. J'attendais ce voyage avec impatience. Nous sommes dans l'avion pour la Tha?lande, avec ma petite amie Chlo?, sa tante St?phanie et sa m?re Sandrine. Je tiens la main de ma copine. Elle est moite. Je sais que Chlo? est morte de peur, m?me si elle ne le montre pas. Oh, elle n'a pas peur de l'avion, enfin, je ne crois pas. En r?alit? c'est le but de notre voyage qui l'angoisse. Chlo? va subir une op?ration de changement de sexe. Elle va devenir une v?ritable jeune femme. En effet, m...

4 years ago
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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

1 year ago
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Eiffel eacute pisode 3

Eiffel – Chapitre 3Je passe les jours suivants sous antidouleur. Tous les jours, je vérifie l’état de mes blessures car je ne pourrai pas inventer un autre mensonge pour différer mon retour à la maison. Je n’ai qu’une crainte : que mon épouse voit les traces évidentes de mes déviances. Déviances que je me repasse en boucle sur la télé, me délectant en me branlant de me voir livré aux trois hommes comme la dernière des putes. Je suis fasciné par mon visage tantôt extatique, tantôt déformé par la...

3 years ago
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la r eacute v eacute lation

Je n'avais pas encore 18 ans et je vivais une adolescence plutôt chaotique.Entre les conneries d'un garçon de cité HLM, les petits vols (emprunts) de mobylettes et une situation scolaire catastrophique. Je n'étais franchement pas le plus épanoui des garçons de mon âge !Toujours puceau, je ramassais râteau sur râteau de la part des filles qui m'aimaient bien pour la plupart mais comme copain pas plus. Il faut dire que j'étais le roi de la déconne et des bêtises et çà m'attirais une petite aura...

3 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 4

Effet Papillon. 4e partie. 7. Les gens sont souvent cruels entre eux. Surtout lorsqu'ils sont encore jeunes. Je craignais la r?action des autres ?tudiants face ? mon nouveau style vestimentaire. Je ne fus pas d??u. J'avais l'impression que tous les regards se portaient dor?navant sur moi. Ils s'accompagnaient de petits rires en coin, de messes basses plus ou moins bien cach?es, de rictus haineux devant la ? folle ? qui confondait les amphis avec les discoth?ques. J'eus m?me le droit...

3 years ago
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Les f minisatrices pisode 4 Doria

R?sum? de l'?pisode 3: Michelle Le secret de Michelle avait ?t? d?couvert par ses parents. Son p?re r?agit avec une grande violence, et sa m?re, apr?s avoir d'abord ?t? horrifi?e par la f?minisation de son fils, d?cida de totalement soutenir son enfant, et de divorcer de son mari brutal. Nicole et Michelle se rapproch?rent durant ces ?preuves et les deux gar?ons f?minis?s devinrent tr?s amis. Nicole rencontra ?galement pour la premi?re fois Sylvie, la gyn?cologue qui fournissait son traitement hormonal. Apr?s une ?trange consult...

3 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 10

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 10 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 41 - Totalement Samantha Dans les affaires que lui avait offertes Jessica, Samantha d?couvrit des choses toutes plus jolies les unes que les autres. Des robes, des jupes, des chemisiers et pleins de tops et chaussures... il y avait m?me des sous-v...

2 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 2 5 Une larme sur la joue

Chapitre 2 : Une larme sur la joue ********* Plus tard. Une fine brume couvrait la terre dans la nuit. Hector dormait. Emma dormait. Fran?oise dormait. Bref, tout le monde dormait. Mais pas Hugo. Il r?p?tait avec lenteur et pr?cision les gestes qu'il n'avait pourtant fait que deux fois. La corde. Le pic. La cave. La porte. La clef. Afin de v?rifier ses constatations pr?c?dentes sur son corps, il essaya de se mettre ? plat ventre et ...

1 year ago
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Amis d enfance

Amis d'enfance. Quand j'y pense, c'est ?tonnant que Christian et moi soyons si proches. Nous n'avons rien en commun. Christian est tr?s sportif, il est grand, viril et muscl?. Il est le type m?me du beau mec qui fait craquer les filles. Je ne sais pas combien de copines il a connu... Je les ai pratiquement toutes rencontr?es, mais j'ai renonc? ? les compter. De mon c?t?, j'?tais plut?t petit et malingre. Je cachais mon visage encore enfantin derri?re de grosses lunettes qui faisaient de moi une caricatu...

2 years ago
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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

3 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

4 years ago
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Viols lors de la croisi re inaugurale French

Cruise Ship Captives Omar - Viols lors de la croisi?re inauguraleCruise Ship Captives Couylybaca / Black Demon       Le paquebot de luxe 'Islands of Pleasure" allait partir pour sa premi?re croisi?re, un long p?riple de Charleston aux Bahamas. Cette sortie initiale servait ? tester le navire au plan commercial. Naturellement comme il s'agissait d'une premi?re sortie au d?part de Charleston les passagers ?taient pour la plupart des autochtones. Les dates des croisi?res futures d?pendraient du succ?s de ce voy...

4 years ago
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Maryann my very first female lover

The confessions of a confirmed Lesbian. This story is about Maryann, my very first female lover. Maryann is the reason that I am happy today. She made me understand that I am a Lesbian. She made me what I am… I might as well start at the beginning. I suppose I’ve always been attracted to women, but it never seemed excessive until I was seventeen. There were lots of beautiful girls all around me and I suppose I thought I admired their beauty and sexyness and that it was this link...

3 years ago
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Play Date

Diane, my wife, and I have developed a very liberal attitude about sex. After a couple of years of marriage she had lost most of her inhibitions and now enjoyed sex and showing off her body. Sometimes she was even willing to share herself for me. We had started with a longtime friend of mine who had always had an eye for her. She had protested but later admitted that she had secretly been hoping to do a threesome with Gary and me. We had converted one of the spare bedrooms into a playroom...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Skinny dip turns into a circle jerk

We were at a friend's cottage, all sitting around the campfire one night. There were 3 couples total, and we had all been drinking quite a bit that day. One of the couples walked out on the pier to look up at the stars. That is why one of our other friends got the idea to go push them into the lake in all their clothes as a joke. We knew we should stop him, but figured what the hell, it would be funny to see. As he tried to walk slowly down the pier so they didn't hear him, they caught on. The...

3 years ago
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Sibling Seduction 2

"Let's go to my room," she breathed,"mom won't be home for an hour probably, but you never know!" He helped her off the table, and he followed her upstairs and into the bedroom. She left the door open so that they could hear when their mother got home. Amy stood before him. She kissed him softly, mouth closed. She kissed him again, cunt still tingling. She fell to her knees before him and undid his button and zipper. She pulled his pants and underwear down, freeing his hard pole. She grabbed...

3 years ago
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A Valentine Present

I think this may be my best story. It comes the closest to real life. EVERYTHING in this story could happen and I have made happen. Not all together as depicted here. You will note that in this story, Lisa DOES remember what happens under hypnosis. It is not necessary that the subject not remember. In this story the issue just doesn’t come up. If you enjoy the story please vote. Fives are most appreciated. * * * * * Sara had been like a sister to me for at least ten years. She was very pretty...

2 years ago
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Happy Halloween CaitlinChapter 3

His erection was buried so deep in her mouth it felt as though he would coat her brain with his orgasm, and she wanted that. She wanted that more than she had wanted anything ever. That was the new thinking going on in Caitlin's new mind. She was on all fours leaning over the back of her bed. The hand made of solid shadow held her head firmly. The heat that radiated from that strong hand penetrated her mind and its fingerprints were certainly imprint themselves on her soul. And she marveled...

2 years ago
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My friend Tina had given me two tickets to a movie premier on Friday night, and I was dying to go. The only problem I didn't have a date.My bastard husband had to go out of town, probably with his secretary. So I asked my friend Sally, but she had told me that she couldn't go either.As I was driving back home from my Pilates class, I thought about who to ask and then it hit me, my son.He would go with me if I asked him. I smiled thinking about my boy something had happened over the last year...

4 years ago
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A Tale of Submission Day Eight Guests

A Tale of Submission By LindaK Day Eight - Guests escape for the human body. A chance for the body's systems to recharge and for the mind to relax from the day where millions of decisions and actions take place. For Linda, sleep brought some sustenance for the body but the hood, the gag, the training corset and the boots...the agonizing ballet boots all contributed to aches and pains that bordered on the sadistic side of sanity. Those inputs along with memories of the...

1 year ago
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wife got fucked

At the time my wife was about 31 years old, a perfect size 12 36ff breast the sweetest shaven pussy in the would which i was very proud of! we had a very horney sex life with stories fantacies and fuck in most places. she ozed sex was one of those women that everyone wanted to fuck!.She was dressed in a short skirt high boots and a tight white top which made her breast look amazing.The night start like any other when we went out club we meet her work mates one was having a party.we left about...

2 years ago
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My Lovely Fat Sister

Incest! I didn’t know the word before the events told in this story. Even if I knew what the word meant, I never thought I would be involved in something like that. One never really expects something like this to happen. I was fifteen, thankfully not a virgin anymore. Julia from down the street took care of that few months back. But, she’s moved on to other guys after making sure I knew the basics of pleasuring a girl. Julia was always looking for something new. I wasn’t new anymore and...

1 year ago
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George Isolde etc Chapter XV

Chapter XV They were all sitting at the breakfast table, having a second cup of coffee, when Isolde spoke up. “I have an idea,” she said. “On those nights when I don’t feel like shutting one of you out, would you both mind coming to my bed with me, and just snuggling, and going to sleep that way?” George and Terry looked at each other. “I’m game, if you are,” Terry said. “Okay,” George said. “We can give it a try.” He wanted to say that things might be moving a little too fast, but he...

4 years ago
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MaroonedChapter 6

[Note to readers: This chapter follows a completely rewritten Chapter 5 and slightly modified Chapter 4. If you have read the original version, you might consider rereading them to make this chapter more understandable.] “Sir?” “Yes, Mike?” “The fellow on the island has spelled out a number, using stones, that appears to be a comm channel frequency number. When we listened in, there was a repeating message.” “And?” “It says, ‘This is Harvey Long, speaking for the entity that controls...

3 years ago
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Beggars Can t Be Chapter 4 More Naughty Bits

If this were a love story, I imagine that I would have picked up Jenny right there and carried her to her bedroom. This, however, is not a love story (wink, wink), and I was neither capable of lifting her nor did I have a clue as to where I would have carried her if I were, in fact, about the size and shape (as being in condition) of Fabio. Instead, I got to my feet and, in a gentlemanly manner, helped my lady love to her feet. She held my hand after getting up and looked at me with the look...

2 years ago
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How I fuck my Maid

I am 30 years of age. I have always been fascinated at the sight of sexy, beautiful women with big boobs, sexy eyes and ravishing lips. I love to feel them and kiss them and make love for hours and hours. This is a true story about my beautiful maid I always wanted in my house. I am and was always fascinated of having sex right from when I saw her My Maid was very sexy and gorgeous. She was little bit on the plumper side. She has with beautiful assets, which could make any man go crazy. I ...

2 years ago
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20 March 2009Chapter 4

“Now this is more like it!” Karen commented as she took one cock up her ass while the other fucked her pussy. She even managed to get a third cock to suck on. She was quick to mention her anticipated gang bang tomorrow in the bondage room “So there you are,” John smiled entering the room. “I can see you’re having your usual fun.” “Hi, honey. What can I say, I’m a happily married slut,” she replied, referring to being married to Dan. She sucked on her cock a few more times. “Aren’t you going...

2 years ago
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Fingered By Aunt Francesca

My beautiful Aunt Francesca slid her fingers slowly up and down the lips of my vagina, skillfully and urgently exploring every fold of my sensitive places. I was completely naked on her couch, where she found me rubbing myself just a few minutes before. Her eyes moved up and down my body slowly as my breathing became uneven. I felt my breasts bouncing slightly as my tummy twitched when she touched me. I liked watching her watch me. She was erotically fascinated with my body, I could tell."Have...

1 year ago
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Spider Queen Book 8Cast

Cast of characters for the Warlord Series Book 1: The Warlord and the Traitor In order of appearance Name Description Jason Kargo Main Character – at beginning he is 80 yrs old Jeff Cycle riding friend of Jason Tom Cycle riding friend of Jason Charlie Cycle riding friend of Jason Harry Cycle riding friend of Jason Rosie one of Jason’s Rottweiler dogs Sarah Kargo Jason’s wife Lauren Craddock Jason & Sarah’s daughter Chloe Craddock Lauren & Dan’s daughter Chuck Craddock...

3 years ago
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Megan and Ex Stepdad

I am Megan and when Mum had to go away for a few days she suggested that I go stay with Frank, her ex-husband, I guess she didn’t trust me being home alone. I didn’t really mind as when they were married I got on well with him and liked him being my father although I hadn’t seen him in a few years.I remember him always being around the house in his boxers saying it was his house and he would dress how he wanted so I kind of got used to it and thought nothing of it after a while, he even...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Delilah Day Flashing Before His Eyes

A masseuse, Delilah Day, is at work when her colleague and best friend Anthony Pierce comes in. He is shaken up, explaining that he just narrowly escaped a frightening traffic accident. It was such a close call that his life flashed before his eyes. Delilah is immediately concerned for her good friend, and tries to help him calm down. There are hints that deeper feelings lie below the surface of their friendship. Delilah then offers to give Anthony a massage to help him feel better. He agrees....

2 years ago
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Old times

For some strange reason this was what I thought I should be doing as a young girl. Well, after coming home from a date – spent most of the time kissing my boyfriend and him feeling me up – I was hot and bothered. When I got to my room my roommate was already in bed sleeping – she didn’t have a boyfriend at the time, but she was much more worldly than I was. So I got into the room and changed into a t-shirt and my panties. I went to lay down and get some rest, but kept thinking about what...

2 years ago
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Wild Sex With Wife 8211 Part 1

This incident took place month of Feb 2015.. my cousin just got married to a beautiful girl from southern part of Kerala..she looks so beautiful and got nice body figures ,right amount of fat in places with curvy body..her name is shilpa(fake) 24yr of age(34-28-36)..i met her first time during the wedding…she was so beautiful in red saree and i had a huge crush on her…The marriage and the party was a grand celebration and later all family members had gone back to our respective places…as my...

3 years ago
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Her first time skinny dipping

As she slid her slender body into the cool water a wave of excitement filled her. As she had never been skinny dipping, so this was a rush she never expected to have. As she swam from one side of the pool to the other the feeling of the water flow between her legs and the thought of her getting caught had turned her on immensely. She stopped at one side to catch her breath, running a hand down her submerged body tracing her curves, feeling her nipples that were hard little buds. Letting out a...

4 years ago
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45yo MILF becomes my slave to get pregnant

Hi everyone. This is Romil Singh back again with I got to know that there are some active readers of my stories. I have received their emails asking why there are no new stories. Reading those emails gives me immense happiness. I started writing the stories to present my experiences but later found my passion in them. I didn’t write any stories for a long time. I think it happened because I haven’t met someone who can give me a story to pen down. But the wait was over when I met this lady in...

2 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 10

Back at the apartment, Jenny was trying to get Chris out of his clothes with hands so shaky they were almost useless. The bed had been turned back earlier, and she was sitting on the edge. She managed to wait until he was completely naked before she took his cock between both hands and just marveled at the feel of it. "Chris, there is so much I want to do and learn. But I cannot relax and enjoy anything until I feel you in me. I am ready for you. I have an IUD. When Amy is weaned, I will go...

1 year ago
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Too Tough To Tame Ch 01

-one- Beautiful Claire Raines took a long tired drag from her cigarette and turned her eyes from the gloomy interior of her living room to the moonlit city outside. It was so quiet out there, as though the world wire dead, as dead as she felt, except for the growing, gnawing hunger in her pussy. What was – she doing in the middy of nowhere – for she considered any place outside of the U.S. the middle of nowhere – in the middle of the night with her pussy aching for a fuck like it was going...

2 years ago
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The Massage

It was our wedding anniversary of 24 years of marriage. My wife had arranged a weekend away at a resort in the mountains. She had booked me a fly fishing trip and then some other activities for the both of us. On my return from my fishing trip she told me she had booked us to be at the spa in the morning. We woke around 6:30 AM and went to eat a lite breakfast then return to the room to get ready for the spa day. We arrives at the spa about 7:30 AM and it all began. The first gave us some robes...

3 years ago
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Kinky Lady

My room was next to the bathroom and long ago as my curiosity grew about what the other sex looked like in particular my grandmother and mother who were the only other two in the house besides me and the only women I had a lot of contact with looked like beneath their clothes I made a hole in my closet so I could look into the bathroom. The opening was in the blackened part of a painting in the bathroom and when not in use I could cover it so if the picture was removed it would look as if the...

3 years ago
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Jab Maa Aur Didi Ek Hi Mard Se Chodawai

Is sachi kahani ko padhane wale sabhi logo ko mai sabase pahale un tin logo ke bare me bata du jinke bare me mai aap logo ko is kahani me baat batane jaa raha hu. Is me tin log jinka jigra kiya gaya hai un logo me se pahali meri maa hai jinaki umar tab bayalis saal ki thi, dusari meri Didi jinaki umar tab bayis saal kit hi aur tisara aadami wo mard hai jisaki umar tab pachapan saal ka tha. Meri maa jo ki ek behad hi gori aur khubasurat aurat hai. Unki lambai paach fit pach inch ki hai aur...

4 years ago
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The Cycling HolidayChapter 2

On the third day we had breakfasted well in the morning and we were deep into the countryside by noon and had paused at the bottom of a long, long hill that looked as if it might go forever in its climb to the clouds. With a great hissing of air-brakes a gigantic truck stopped near us and the driver offered us a lift up the hill, Mom quickly agreeing and we were soon crushed in the cab with our bikes tied on the back. "I must admit that I quite admire and even envy you guys. It must be a...

2 years ago
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It had been a while since I had done a bachelor party, but now that I was back to being an escort, I had scheduled a few parties and this was my first one since I had retired nearly 15 years ago. Mikey was my chaperone and he was in the corner of the hotel room handling the music that was currently playing while the bachelor fucked me in the ass. He had seen me fuck and suck off quite a few men since we had been together, but this was the first time that he had been with me since I had been...

3 years ago
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A Helping Mouth for an Older Lady Followed By

So awhile back I established a friendship with a couple from Mass thru Craigslist that was an amazing amount of fun. During that time the wife of that couple, Sally, told me about a friend of hers that worked at the Univ of CT and was an older, half Asian, women. Sally said she had not let herself go and was in her late sixties and pretty. Her husband had dementia and other ailments that left him in a wheelchair and required he had constant supervision. This women, named Alice, had not had sex...

4 years ago
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fantasies of my friends for my sexy mother

well, u know these days when you are out of luck? but let me begin some days before that day. your mom won a trip to the east usa because she was the 1.000.000 customer in her local store. she was quite happy because she wanted so hard to take a trip to the beautiful country. she had some problems at home with her work (got fired) her house (got sold because of outstanding depts) and she paned to think about her future while taking her vacationtrip. she sold nearly everything she got at home....

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Soixante Trois Airlines part 23

Sophie could barely suppress her giggles as she and the rest of the crowd stood in anticipation of the event that was about to occur. Sure, the weather wasn't perfect, but that didn't matter. Sure, she was several hundred miles from her home in London, but that didn't matter either. And sure, she was clad in a snug pencil dress and uncomfortable stiletto heeled shoes, but that just served to make the event all the more exciting for Sophie. "I have been waiting for this day for...

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The Boys at John s HouseChapter 21

Before we left the train station, we found the men's room. I used the urinal; Juan used the stall. Two young guys stood by the sinks, waiting. They were twins, which made them memorable enough. Add to that, they were gorgeous if you go in for the blond haired, blue-eyed angel type. I wasn't especially fond of the breed, but these two had definite appeal. I could only think of two reasons for anyone to be loitering around a men's room and neither of these guys looked like a drug...

2 years ago
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Little Bound Riding Hood

"Need you to sign off on the contract for the hall, catering and costume shop, Gil." Shelly, my assistant with the shapely legs and long, golden locks, smiled at me as she knocked on my office door and entered. "Didn't I sign another one of these contracts just two months ago? How much are we spending annually on these company social events?" I replied with absolutely no enthusiasm. I don't like attending company parties and avoided them whenever I could. Shelly laughed and replied,...

3 years ago
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That s So Wrong Chapter 15

Day 3—The Family Johnson Once they'd all collected their clothing and redressed, the Johnsons all decided to spend the day together. They descended upon the buffet, all feeling closer than ever. By unspoken agreement, they elected to give Barbara and Duke, who sat together across the room some space. The mother-son pair appeared in their own world and none of them wished to interrupt. After lunch, the family headed to the beach. The posted sign at the top of the stairs leading down to the...

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The Shooting Gallery 1

By Epheles "Dammit!", Sam shouted in frustration. She slammed the rifle on the table and stepped away from the cute blonde that had been eating her out for the duration of the game, adding further difficulty to winning it. The operator of the shooting gallery, a dark haired woman in her mid 40's, quickly replaced the target, a small plate, and handed Sam hers. It looked like this time she had been really close, one or two more hits and she would have won. She straightened her skirt...

3 years ago
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Summer Holiday in Jersey

I had been into masturbation from p*****ns to be truthful my life revolved around it soon after being shown how to do it apart from the odd circle jerk that was as far as it ever went. By the time the swinging 60's I had gone from masturbation to trying to fuck anything that wore a skirt and as any of my mates of the time would confirm when I was drunk I didn't care what age and what they looked like as long as I got my end away. One year a mate convinced me to go on holiday with him to Jersey...

2 years ago
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The Protector Family MattersChapter 2

"Glad to meet you Detective Bladen," Jonas said as he opened the door and got out of the car. Jonas didn't like being at the disadvantage of sitting in a car while such a corrupted man was standing at the door. Once he was standing he stuck out his hand "Glad to meet you too," Detective Bladen said. He looked at Cleves and said, "I didn't know you had friends from the other side of the tracks Cleves." He said it as a statement but he made it sound like a question. Cleves looked...

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Walk in the park

You walk in the park in that sundress thinking you are safe. You don't want to be safe do you? You think you want to be taken. You don't know what you're asking for. It will be bad. It will hurt and there will be more than one. It's the same path that you always walk when you feel like being reckless. It's dark and secluded. As you walk you see used condoms on the ground and you wonder what the sex was like. You hear a noise behind you and suddenly you are pushed hard against a tree. "Move a...

1 year ago
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My Pakistani Cousin Edited

Being born and brought up in the UK to Pakistani origin parents I visited Pakistan every summer.A very conservative society where women were kept indoors and not allowed to converse with other men.Never in my dreams would I have ever thought to loose my virginity in that country, well my wildest dreams would become reality in the next few lines. A hot June afternoon I was resting on my bed while the hot air was making me go crazy.Suddenly the doorbell rings and I open up the door to be blown...

2 years ago
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My Remarkable Trip

I had just moved into the neighborhood not too long ago. Four days to be exact, but I had made friends very quickly at the High School that I was attending. There were four kids that I met, all about the same age to me, and we along very well. I guess I should tell you who my friends are, Well first there is Eric, he had black hair and a cute face. Next there is Steven, now Steven, so I was told by Eric, was the guy who was always looking for away to relief himself of sexual frustrations and...

2 years ago
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Good Girls like it Bad

This will be a compilation of several stories. The beginnings here will allow you to pick which one you’d like to follow and from there explore endless possibilities. Feel free to leave a comment or a like if you enjoyed them.

1 year ago
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Young Sex Parties

When it comes to sex, the more, the merrier. There is no limit to how many bitches I'll fuck at one time. As many as you can line up, I'll knock them down. I have an unrelenting insatiable appetite for pussy. If I had nothing but time on my hands, the three and a half billion bitches inhabiting the planet still wouldn't be enough. I've got a lot of love to give.Cum Production LineSo do you, but it's in a different way. See, I have so much sex that my body has become a cum factory. My balls...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
3 years ago
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My wife likes to be fuck as I video her

It was about 7 years ago that I invited a guy to fuck my horny sexy wife . She has great tits and the sweetest pussy a guy could ever have .Since that time we had several guys joining me in giving her a good fucking.Every time we had one of these guys fucking her I video tape themI enjoy seen the  videos and  seen her loving having a cock inside herThe guy we invited had a huge 9 inch cock and gave it to her in many different ways just about 1/2hour after we meet himHe fuck  her on top ,she...

1 year ago
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His Feminine Twin 2 Christmas Blow Jobs

Note : This story is completely fictional! Christmas. It's said to be the most wonderful time of the year. However, this was not the case when it came to twins Sean Davies and Donatello Davies, a.k.a. "Double D". Normally the closest of twins, they had not spoken to one another for an entire month. On the day just before Thanksgiving, Sean and Double D crossed a wild sex, short-lived as the moment was. While Sean saw nothing wrong with the event, Double D apparently felt otherwise; because here...

4 years ago
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Designer InterviewChapter 3

When Kelly reached her apartment, she breathed a sign of relieve when she saw Bruce had already left for work. She needed time to get her mental and physical self back under control. After a warm bath, she stepped from the bathroom, towel wrapped around her, the phone rang. Kelly picked it up and heard Ms Tynes voice on the other end. "Kelly, I just wanted to call and see if you were okay. You left without a word. Did you enjoy meeting Christine?" Kelly was floored by the casual way Ms...

3 years ago
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Out Of Afrika Chapter 50

A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******​Our story thus far:Rhino the South African electronics conglomerate had transformed the lives of many in and around the small town of Hawksville by virtue of the products they manufactured which were all embedded with software which transmitted mind-controlling commands that compelled the recipients to accept and encourage the domination of the black man over white women and for their husbands and...

2 years ago
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School Time

"Over the desk, you naughty little girl!" Cheryl smiled and leaned over at the waist placing her hands on the cold desk in front of her, her firm rounded bum stuck out under the little schoolgirl skirt she was wearing, the thin grey material dropping just below her bum on the top of the backs of her thighs."I'm sorry Miss" she said with a grin as she felt a soft hand rub over her firm bum then slip under her skirt, rubbing the white cotton panties that were covering her skin, the touch sending...

2 years ago
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Shanna is a Lesbian She is a sort of house slave to Lisa a BBW

Hi I’m Shanna. Might as well say right here and now that I’m a Lesbian – and proud of it. Might as well say also that I’m a friend – a very loving friend – of Lisa and that I’m proud of that too. In fact where Lisa’s concerned it’s more than love with me. I worship her. To me she’s a Goddess in every way. She is everything a Big Beautiful Woman should be – and more! A Big Beautiful Woman yes and how I adore that superbly luscious...

2 years ago
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The Honeymoon

You have been dreaming about this day for years. Every woman does from the time they are a little girl. Maybe it’s all the Disney movies or the Barbie and Ken dolls that they play with, but they all have the same dream, the same fantasy. One day their Knight in Shining Armor, their Prince Charming will fall in love with them at first sight, sweeping them off their feet to live happily ever after. You met your white knight at the convention two years ago. After a long day of presentations to...

4 years ago
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A Night with a Scorpio

Introduction: For the hottest guy know. His name was Kevin. He was the perfect guy. Tall, muscles, and a smile that could light up your world. On top of that he was hung *jaw drops*. I met him when I was 16 and he was going by a pseudonym ScorpioMagnum and he was 23. Despite age, this man lit my fire. He was everything I wanted: free, party-going, and fun. Everything I wasnt as a Capricorn. Even though our differences were an issue that did not stop me. I was grown, grown and stable. I was 19...

1 year ago
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Mercado LakeChapter 3

Ethel sat Ann, Brenda and Father Adams at the kitchen table and started to busy herself fixing breakfast for all of them. Just as she sat the food in front of them there was a knock on the door. Father Adams walked into the living room and answered the door. He returned in a minute followed by another man who introduced himself as Sam Bradbury, Rosie Bradbury's son. Ethel got him a coffee and sat him down at the kitchen table. She insisted that he allow Ann and the baby to get something to...

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Closet MILF Not true story

Shelly Wright always threw the best women-only house parties the weekend before the Superbowl as a kind of special reward to all the women that would have so much work to do for each of their own big football parties the following week. The night was still pretty young, but Heidi decided her early morning plans would probably be harder to keep if she continued socializing and drinking with her colleagues from work. Leaving her coworkers house early would also alleviate the amount of grief she...

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Back Against the Wall

Stacy had just finished what felt like the longest day of her life. She had worked a double at the department store and all she could think of doing was getting a drink and kicking back. "Taxi!" Stacy called as she walked up to the curb. The cab came to a screeching halt in front of her and she hopped in. "Here Lounge please." She said to the driver as she looked into the cabs rear view mirror. The driver was a woman in her mid to late twenties, medium length brunette hair, and the most intense...

3 years ago
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Jen s Life Chapter one

Tonight is my birthday, and I am excited to open my presents. I have a new computer game from my father and mum, the one I have been wanting for ages. My parents invite the family over for a special birthday dinner – and I get to open my presents, and thank them for thinking of me. My family consists of my uncle and Grandpa – both on my father’s side. I don’t have any more family; my mum told me a few years earlier that when she met my father and married him her family have nothing to do...

4 years ago
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Bride of the Boss

Bride of the Boss By Margaret Jeanette Judy Stimpson was sitting at her desk going over the last quarter's figures. They had made a profit but it was not as much as she had expected. She had bought this company a little over a year ago and wanted to see it expand. This was the lowest profit except for the second quarter after she took over. She had nine women and two men working for her. The nine women were doing their jobs excellently but Ted Martin and Tracy Holmen were...

2 years ago
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Holy Smoke

Holy Smoke Chapter One: I Meet Ruth The clouds opened up and rain bucketed out of the sky as I ran for the first shop door I could find. I had come to Hayward because I had heard its town square was one of the most picturesque in northeast Ohio. It had been cloudy, but I bet myself I could get some good photos before the storm hit. I lost. My shirt was drenched, and my glasses were streaked with rain, as I turned the handle of the first door I reached. I pushed the door...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi ne bathroom mai bulaya

Hi desi friends this is James I’m from Surat. Let me tell u that this site is mind blowing. Now to my story. Meri bhabhi aik sexy woman hai us ke baray baray mammein hain jin ka size 38d ,gand 38 aur waist32hai. Yeh sachi kahani hai.aik rat mein achanak utha aur bathroommein janay ke liye giya laikin wahan pehele hi light jal rahi thi mein ne bhabhi ke kapray pehchan liyay aur aik qadam peechay hat giya aur intezar karnaylag giya thodi dair bad bhabhi ke kapray pehinanay ki awaz sunaim dijab us...

2 years ago
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Sodomy in Salem

1692 - Salem, Massachusetts The trees shook in the cool evening wind. The leaves were beginning to fall to the ground, mixing with the bare earth to add a fresh new layer to the forest floor. Soon, although the trees didn’t know it, that new layer would be trampled down by the hooves of horses giving chase to a woman in a dark dress. She was being hunted down by a mob of enraged townspeople chosen by their god (or, more appropriately, by the Court of Oyer and Terminer) to capture anyone in the...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Veronica Leal Rebecca Volpetti Slutty Friends Veronica Leal And Rebecca Volpetti Get DP 8217 d At Christmas Party

Best friends Veronica Leal and Rebecca Volpetti get themselves dressed quickly after their lesbian session, just in time for their Christmas party to begin. They have invited good friends, Erik, Vince and Jay over to celebrate and as soon as they arrive the girls have a plan! They start kissing and teasing the guys and within minutes they have joined in and pair off to lick their pussies. Veronica and Rebecca get all their holes drilled with cock in this festive free for all and take turns...

3 years ago
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The No Strings ChallengePart 6 Service with a Swallow

I have a lot of explaining to do, but we're in the bedroom of a beachfront condo. Alix sits against a wall in a black bra and g-string set. She wears a pair of white high heels and she has the back end of a pen between her teeth and the yellow notepad in her lap. She's wearing reading glasses. A small remote rests on the left arm rest of her chair. The remote controls a track-mounted video camera just over the bed where I sit in a white terry cloth bathrobe. Dani's voice comes from the...

2 years ago
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My Muslim Widow Aunt Seduces Me

This is a completely true story. I belong to a very conservative Muslim family. I live in one of the largest cities in central India. As my father was the second oldest among 7 brothers I lived in a huge, extended family. There were around 30 of us living comfortably in 3 huge buildings which were in a private gated compound. I was the third c***d and had a twin sister and an older sister. Although I had 15 cousins I was still the favorite k** in the house. Let me first describe my Aunt. My...

4 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 2 Exposing her to David

Introduction: The continueing story of how my young wife and I began to share her. Sharing Cindy Chapter Two: After the experience with Rick, Cindy and I began to develop a different kind of relationship. I used to love having her wear short shorts and sexy tops, things that showed off her body to others. I loved watching other guys trying to sneak peeks down her tops or watch their mouths hang open as she walked by. I knew I had to take it a step further. I told her how hot it was for me...

2 years ago
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Being Me Part 6 A Cruise Diary

Being Me By Karin Roberts The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery Cruise Diary - Day 5 I woke with a slight start a noise outside in the corridor, it passed. I looked at the clock just gone 8am. Yesterday had been a strange day it had started so well, I had really been looking forward to Cadiz and my trip ashore. The end though with Mhari confirming her knowledge of my true gender had knocked me a bit sideways. We had come back to...

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Emily and the surprise

We’d both giggled and shared our time through puberty and had no shame with each other. We had often “beat off” in each others company, staring at the latest porno mag we’d got hold of or looking at internet porn pictures. Jack’s cock was long and thin, like him,although it appeared to be longer than mine, because mine was much thicker, my stature mirrored my cock, shorter and stout, it was the same length, yes, we had measured each other. Never had we touched each other or even thought...

2 years ago
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2 Tag Bonewell The Murder of Wendy Wilde

ALMOST NO ONE has ever heard of Ms. Jennifer Penelope Deaux-Fontaine, but plenty of folks know her alter ego, her nom de plume, her pseudonym, her pen name, Wendy Wilde, the wicked writer of sexually explicit novels and articles. Yeah, that Wendy Wilde. The same offbeat writer who had more people hating her than even Adolf Hitler could ever have imagined. But, as of today, everyone's heard of the woman behind the Wilde mask. Anyone, that is, who bothered to read last night's evening paper....

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Sissy Teaches Me Part Three

Sissy opened her legs a little more as I leaned up to get a better feel of her perfect divide. As I did, I felt the dampness of the towel under my naked ass. It was soaked. I really did cum. A lot.I actually looked down between my legs to see the wetness there between them. The towel was a lavender color, so when I looked, the darker color of the purple showed where my sexual liquid had poured out of me. It was no little spot. It was huge. I had no idea I could cum like that. I had no idea that...

1 year ago
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Eating Pussy GIFs

Are you horny as fuck to eat some pussy? Sorry, mother fucker – it is not going to happen today! Or tomorrow, or next week, or even next decade for that fucking matter. Let’s stop kidding you here.So now that you know you are going to be hopelessly jerking off by yourself forever, you need to find some kick-ass stroking content. Especially for those of you that enjoy beating off to hot bitches getting their pussies eaten. If that sounds awesome to you and you want to look at only this kind of...

Reddit NSFW List
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Beth and her Mom

Beth and her Mom By Deputy Duffy I am one of those lucky few, who love their jobs. I work for the great Stateof Vermont, as a Deputy Sheriff. I spend most of my nights patrolling its sleepyhighways and back-roads. I'm just 22-years-old and only got this job becausemy dad's the Sheriff. Most of the time there is not much to do, as I work thelate shift. There are times however, when this can work to ones advantage.The following is an account of one such evening. I set up shop (radar) one night on...

3 years ago
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Collateral Ch 1

Summary: Jake is young, wild, and runs with his brother's bad-ass gang. But he has a secret he needs to hide. When he is saved from a rival gang by a guy with eyes blue as the summer's sky, all dressed up in an Armani suit and moves like Bruce Lee, the walls he carefully built around him start to crumble.***Jake had never been the type to fear anything for too long. It was either that way or his way. It was how he had been taught to think from an early age. His brother was in charge now, and...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Marica Chanelle Sharing is Caring when Stud Shares Stacked Italian Blonde Marica Chanelle with His Pals

Three bros — Thomas Stone, David Perry, and Kristof Cale — are hanging out at the pool on their day off and shooting the breeze. But when stacked Italian blonde Marica Chanelle shows up, Kristof finds out that his pals have given her to him for the day as a gift! He can hardly believe his luck as he feasts his eyes on the blue-eyed blonde and her curvaceous bod. Marica takes him into a side room and starts off by giving Kristof a nice, old-fashioned blowjob. Kristof can’t...

4 years ago
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Priya Masi Humiliated

Hi, all. I am Chetan (m 25). I am back again with another story of I have written many stories about her in the past and you have liked them a lot. For those who hasn’t read them, you can go through them if you like. A brief history about me and Priya masi. Our incestuous relationship began when I visited her home, and things got seductive between us. Since then, we have also been on a trip where an incident occurred. Priya masi is 5’3″ tall, has a dusky skin tone and has a 34-30-36 curvy...

1 year ago
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Babita and me

The next day (Sunday) I woke up early and was doing my work, babita came early for work; she was looking radiant after yesterday’s lovemaking and gave a sexy smile. I went near her and kissed her lips, she embraced me tightly and we kissed for some time, my hands roaming over her body. She was wearing a red churidar and was looking stunning. She told I will finish my work soon as I have to go to some other house for work and will come in the afternoon, I told her ok and she made breakfast for...

4 years ago
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What Would You Do

You arrive at your your best mate’s party. You’ve been working a lot of over-time to provide savings so your woman can stop working and have your first child. Drink in hand you move towards the living room, you see a circle of people gathered about in front of the fireplace. Your mate stops you as you advance, trying to move your attention elsewhere. He hadn’t expected you for hours yet and warns you off the activities going on currently. “Your wife would be very upset if she knew you were here...

4 years ago
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Zach and Christa Naked In SchoolThursday

Th .1 As could probably be expected, my mom was waiting for me when I came down to breakfast. What was surprising was my father—he was there too. He has pretty bad commutes, so normally he's gone by now. "Christa," they said. "Good morning." "Hi Mom, hi Dad," I said. "We'd like to speak to you," Mom said. I shrugged, reaching for the cereal. "I'm here." They sat down across from me, composing themselves. Finally my mother spoke. "Young lady, what time did you get home last...

2 years ago
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So I Divorced a Succubus

I would have to say, if asked by someone in the know, that this whole situation is truly bizarre, but to be fair, that hardly makes it wrong. Supernatural? Sure. Unnatural? Arguably so from the perspective of those who view nature with an uncritical eye. These are the same idiots that would have you believe that all of life’s answers are found in a book written gradually over two to three thousand years, which teaches you that Man was created from dust and Woman from the man’s rib. True, some...

2 years ago
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Luck By Chance Part 2

Hi friends rohan again here.Pehli story ka acha response mila.My mail is koi bhi mujhe mail ya msg kr sakta hai.Mai response krunga.Is part mai story ko thoda erotic banane ke liye mai thode local horny words use kiye hai .So let’s start please enjoy. Last story mai mai bhabhi ke sath baitha tha aur unse unka muh chodne ki permission mag rha tha aur unhone has ke ha kr di .Uske aage. Maine unke balo ko pakad kar unko centre table par doggy banaya aur unke muh ke samne apna 7 inch ka fanfanata...

3 years ago
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SeniorChapter 30 Rule number nine tilted

One night, I picked up the phone, thinking it was Adeline. "Sammy?" "Hi, Kelley, how are you?" I asked, trying to sound friendly. "Sammy, I'm making another trip to Seattle to meet Linda? It's next weekend, and she's asking if you'll be there. Naturally, I told her you would." "Gee, Kelley, I distinctly recall you agreeing to tell Linda that we're not together." "I couldn't. Please say you'll go with me. We'll have such fun. You won't be disappointed." "I'm sorry,...

3 years ago
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What Mary gets up to part 1

This summer I had befriended one of the chambermaids called Claire, she was 18 years old, on her first placement away from home, we became very close and after a lot of badgering and persuading my parents agreed that I could share her room. I think they had finally realised I needed friends of my own, either that or it was an excuse to off load me onto someone else, I always got the impression I was a thorn in the freedom of their side so to speak. The room was right at the top of the house,...

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