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Shelby skipped off her wedding dress and stood in front of the mirror in her underwear. She wore white panties, a white garter belt, and a pair of matching nylon stockings. Her tits bulged out of a flimsy lace bra, the sturdy nipples poking through the sheer material.

She patted her flat brown belly and turned to look at her tight ass. Her white garters stretched down over her asscheeks onto her slender thighs. Her lace panties had slid up between the cheeks, leaving them naked. She grinned at her reflection wickedly.

Her new husband Leo was sure getting a sweet hunk of ass, she thought. Thirty-eight-inch tits, a twenty-two-inch waist, and thirty-four-inch hips. And on top of all that, a beautiful face with big blue eyes and perfect teeth. What more could a guy ask for?

And what was she getting in return? Certainly Leo wasn't the most handsome man in the world. He was balding slightly. He wore glasses. And at thirty-seven he was old enough to be her father. But he was good to her. He was mature and considerate. And of course he came from one of the richest, families in town, while she was definitely from the wrong side of the tracks. Altogether, it wasn't a bad deal.

She glanced around at the plush furnishings of the room. This would be the bedroom she and Leo would share as man and wife. She was finally going to live in a white mansion on a hill.

She would never have to worry about money again. She would never have to work. Leo's family would keep them both in luxury from now on, even if he didn't have his beloved teaching position.

The only question mark was sex. In their brief summer courtship, she and Leo had never once fucked. She'd wanted to, of course. She could never get enough sex. But he was curiously shy.

He wanted to save it till after they were married, he said. Only then would it be special. He wanted her to be pure and virginal on their wedding night.

She had blushed as he said this. She was far from being a virgin. She'd lost track of the number of boys she'd fucked and sucked in her young life. And besides, wasn't it the girl who was supposed to put the man off, and not the other way around? But of course she'd said nothing. She wasn't going to blow her chances with Leo. If he wanted to believe she was a virgin, that was okay with her.

There was a tap at the door and a grey-haired woman in glasses poked her head in the room. It was Mrs. Grimes, her mother-in-law, and Shelby quickly pulled her white dress up in front of her. The last thing she wanted was for Leo's mother to see her dressed in garter belt and stockings. She would think her precious son was about to be corrupted forever. Which in a way he was.

"Shelby dear, aren't you changed yet?" the older woman scolded. "The car's all ready and waiting. Leo is just saying his good-byes. Hurry up now."

"Mrs. Grimes, it's not as if we have to catch a plane. We're only going to a downtown hotel. Leo has to work on Monday, remember."

"I know that. But you shouldn't keep people waiting. And that's not just any hotel you're going to. It's the very best in town. Leo's friend, Mr. Tate, went to a lot of trouble to get you the bridal suite."

Shelby sighed. What a snob the woman was. And what a pain in the ass. She was always reminding everyone how rich she was and how the family had special connections all over town. It really got on your nerves. Thankfully Leo wasn't like that.

She said she would be quick as she could, and Mrs. Grimes left her. But then less than a minute later there was another knock at the door. Shelby still hadn't had time to slip on her street dress. In fact she didn't have time to cover herself at all before a handsome young man dressed in a suit slipped into the room. He locked the door behind him and strode over to her.

"Kenny, what the hell are you doing here?" Shelby gasped. "Did Mrs. Grimes see you come in?"

"I waited till the old bitch went down the stairs. I just had to see you one last time, Shelby. I just had to feel those tits, and that sweet teenaged cunt. I couldn't resist."

He came over to stand right in front of her. He took her by the shoulders and gazed down at her, his eyes bright. He didn't miss a detail. He took note of the garter belt, the stockings, the sheer panties. And of course the flimsy bra that was barely holding up her luscious tits.

"Fuck, you look great!" he grinned. "I'm glad to see you're wearing a garter belt. We had some fun with you wearing that stuff, didn't we?"

He folded her in his arms suddenly and crushed her to him. Then he let her loose and cupped his bands to her tits. He squeezed the twin mounds together, mashing them against each other. Then he slid one hand down and rubbed it up and down between her legs.

"No, Kenny! Don't!" she protested. "I'm a married woman now. You should know. You were at the ceremony. Get out of here right now. What if Mrs. Grimes finds you here?"

"Fuck Mrs. Grimes! I have to have a farewell poke at my favorite piece of ass. Who knows when I'll get the chance again?"

He quickly tugged down one cup of her bra, so that her big tit flopped free. He dipped his head and sucked the thick nipple between his lips. At the same time he slipped one hand into her lace panties. His fingers slid through her pubic fleece and he parted the lips of her cunt. He pushed his long middle finger deep inside her.

"Kenny no! You can't do this!" Shelby moaned. But to her shame the sweet familiar tingling was starting in her nipple. And her cunt was melting around his probing finger.

"Such a sweet hunk of ass," he gasped, pulling his mouth off her nipple and moving over toward the other one. "Why are you wasting yourself on old Leo? Whoever heard of anyone marrying their fucking high school teacher? He probably can't even get it up anymore!"

He sucked her second nipple into his mouth and poked his finger deeper into her cunt. He swirled the digit around and around, widening her hole. It was easy then to slip a second finger inside her, and a third. She went weak in the knees, and he quickly folded her down across the bed. He used his free hand to work her lace panties down her legs.

"Kenny you're a bastard, such a fucking bastard!" she groaned. But her resistance was fading fast. Her cunt was oozing slime all over his probing finger. She spread her legs wide as soon as he had her panties off.

"You want this as much as I do," he grunted. "You never could resist my nine-inch cock."

He knelt between her legs and opened up his pants. He shoved them down off his hips and his cock bounced out into the open. It wasn't nine inches long yet, but it was getting there. It loomed out a good six inches from his crotch and was steadily thickening. He primed it in his hand several times and then guided it down between the lips, of her cunt. But before he could shove it inside her, she gripped his wrist and stopped him.

"Eat me first, Kenny," she gasped, her eyes sparkling. "Just for old times' sake. Stick your mouth in my cunt and eat me till I'm all wet."

"Shelby, baby, we've only get a few minutes. The old bitch mother-in-law might be back any second. Not to mention your new husband."

"I don't care. Eat my cunt. I want you to suck my cunt till I tell you to stop. I want you to get me good and creamy."

"Same old Shelby, I see. I'm glad to see marriage isn't going to change you. Once a slut always a slut, hey, Shel?"

Shelby grinned up at him. Then her grin turned into a soft smile of contentment as Kenny dipped his head between her legs. He began licking her furry cunt, scr****g his tongue up one side and down the other. He probed his tongue deeper, bit by bit, till it was snaking far inside her. She squirmed on the bed and moaned out loud.

"Fuck, I love getting eaten," she hissed. "I love to feel a hot dirty mouth all over my wet cunt."

"Let's face it, Shelby, you love everything about sex," Kenny gasped, raising his mouth from her cunt for a moment. "That's why this crazy marriage isn't going to work. Old Leo will never be able to give you what you need. You crave young cock and lots of it."

Shelby shoved his head back between her legs to shut him up. She didn't want to be told her marriage wasn't going to work out when it hadn't even begun yet. Especially when the guy giving her the advice was eating her cunt. She locked her thighs around Kenny's face and concentrated on the sweet feelings pouring through her.

"You always did know how to eat cunt," she moaned, running her fingers through his hair. "You always were a great cunt-lapper."

"Mmmmfff," Kenny agreed, slurping his tongue deep inside her.

A warm syrup was oozing down from the depths of her cunt. She was wet and oily with excitement. He swirled his tongue around for a while yet, lapping up the sweet slime. Then he pried her cuntlips wide with his fingers. The bud of her clit bulged out from under its hood of pink skin, and he touched it with the tip of his tongue. He began to flick it back and forth.

"Ohhhh you bastard! You dirty, cunt-sucking bastard!" she croaked, arching her back off the bed. "You're going to make me cum! You're going to make me cum on my wedding day!"

Her crotch mashed hard onto his face. Her hips swirled around and around. For a while only her head and shoulders and her feet were in contact with the bed. Her whole body was arched and writhing against his sucking mouth. But he stayed with her. He never once lost touch with her clit. He went right on sucking till he knew he was driving her out of her mind.

"I'm cumming, you bastard! I'm cumming all over your hot sucking mouth!" she wailed. "Eat my cunt! Suck my cunt juice, you sonovabitch!"

Her crotch jerked against his mouth, snapping his head back again and again. Her thighs cranked back and forth on either side of his face. She was still arched high off the bed. There was a deep, sexy hollow in her back. And she was cumming. Waves of cunt-pleasure were rolling through her.

He slurped and slobbered on her cunt for the better part of a minute, till the jerks of her crotch grew less and less. But he waited till her body had sunk back down into the bed before raising his face from her. When he did, his mouth and chin were dripping and shiny with slime. And he was grinning. He winked at her lewdly.

"It's a good thing you're such a quick cummer, baby. I still have time to dip my cock," he smiled. He raised himself onto his knees again and took his cock in his fist.

It was fully erect now, a solid nine-inch pole of gristle in his hand. He tugged on it twice, angled it down between her legs. With one easy stroke the shaft was buried up her cunt to the balls. He paused for a second, gazed down at her with a look of triumph in his eyes. Then he began fucking her with deep, steady strokes.

"You bastard! You're such a bastard!" she whimpered. She locked her legs round his back and drew him deep, inside her.

"You love it, you little bitch. Don't try to deny it," he panted. "You love cock so much it's unreal. You'll never get enough. You're a cock-crazy slut, and marriage isn't going to change you one fucking bit."

Shelby blushed with shame. He was right of course. He knew her so well. But why did he have to keep rubbing it. She squirmed beneath him, accepting every thrust gratefully. Her cunt was still twitching around his plunging hard-on. Sweet sensations were still bursting inside her. She gazed up at the ceiling and tried to forget for the moment that she was a married woman.

"I'm going to cum up your cunt, babe. I'm going to spurt cum up your hot pussy on your wedding day," he gloated. "Even before your husband. I bet he hasn't even fucked you at all, has he? I bet he's been saving up for his wedding night."

"You bastard. You mean sonovabitch," she groaned. He seemed to know everything about her. Every last little detail.

"Don't worry, slut, I won't tell anyone about this," he went on, his thrusts getting shorter. "I won't tell anyone I fucked you on your wedding day."

He rammed his prick in and out of her with short, sharp strokes. Then he reached behind him and uncurled her legs from around his back. He bent her knees, scissored her legs up on either side of her. He ran his hands up and down over the white nylon of her stockings and forced her thighs wide apart. He glared down and watched his huge cock plunge into her again and again.

"You're going to make me cum again, you bastard!" she hissed. "Your big cock is going to make my cunt spurt cum-juice all over again!"

"Don't fight it, bitch. I'm going to spurt myself any second," he grunted. He drilled his cock as deep as it would go inside her.

His pale ass pumped up and down. His pants were tangled hopelessly around his knees. Again and again his balls smacked onto her upturned asscheeks. The thick shaft of his prick disappeared inside her like a greased piston. With every thrust of his cock, her tits shimmied and wobbled, half in and half out of her bra.

"Shelby, are you all right in there?" a voice called out through the door. "What's the holdup? Everybody's waiting for you."

It was Mrs. Grimes, back again to check on her naughty daughter-in-law. The door rattled in its frame as the older woman tried to come in. Fortunately Kenny had locked it. Otherwise everything would have been over, Shelby thought. She gasped and tried to clear her throat. Kenny had come to a standstill on top of her, but his cock still throbbed up her cunt and he eased it around and around.

"I'm... okay, Mrs. Grimes," she croaked, trying to keep her voice steady. "Tell Leo I'll be right down. I'm just... finishing myself off."

"Well, make it snappy," the older woman said, her voice trailing off. "We don't have all day, you know."

"You heard the old bitch," Shelby whispered, grinning up at Kenny. "We don't have all day. Shoot that hot creamy spunk up my cunt right now. I have to get started on my honeymoon."

Kenny tilted his ear toward the door, but there was no way of telling if Mrs. Grimes was still there. He began shafting his cock in and out of Shelby all over again, pinning her deep into the bed. His prick had lost none of its hardness. It was still a solid spike of meat warping her cuntlips out of shape.

"Spunk up my cunt, you mean bastard," she hissed. "Fill my aunt up with hot, gooey jism. One for the road, huh?"

"Yeah, one for the road," he grunted. And he pumped his cock in and out of her as if someone were holding a gun to his head.

It didn't take long. Within seconds Kenny was tensing on top of her. He came to a full stop, shuddered, and began pouring out his cum in hot jets. He was then all action again. He drove his prick into her with vicious lunges. And each time he rammed forward, his cock spurted a thick knot of spunk into her pussy.

"Yes, you prick!" she groaned. "Fill me with hot cum! Pour out all your gooey jizz into my hot cunt! I love it! I fucking love it!"

Glob after glob of hot spunk sprang into her, until soon her cunt was overflowing. Silver cum floated from her cuntlips down into the crack of her ass. It hung from his cock in strings each time he withdrew from her. Her blonde pubic hair was soon matted with thick, gooey slime.

"Fill me up! Fill me up! Fill me up?" she chanted, hugging him to her. Her legs were flow tilted up over his shoulders.

He fucked her steadily for maybe another minute, spewing out the rest of his cum in fat jets. Then his balls were drained and he was slowing down. He came to rest in a heap on top of her, sweat pouring off him thickly. He was gasping for breath as if he'd just run a long way.

"Fuck, that was great! What a hot fuck you are," he panted. "I hope we can do this regularly now, even if you are married."

"No, Kenny, I don't think so," she wheezed. "This was one last time for the road, remember. From now on I'm going to be a sweet and faithful wife."

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that," he grinned. And he pulled his wilting cock from her cunt and drew up his pants.

He gazed down at her for a few moments, watching thick wads of his own cum pour from her gaping cunt. Then he climbed off the bed, made some last minute adjustments to his clothes, and strode to the door. He listened closely, with his hand on the doorknob. Then he unlocked it and prepared to leave.

"See you soon, slut. Enjoy your honeymoon," he grinned. And he pulled open the door and was gone.

"Bastard!" Shelby grunted, still lying in a heap on the bed. She could feel his heavy jism drooling from her cunt. She gazed up at the ceiling and blushed. It was less than an hour since her wedding, she thought. And already she'd cheated on her husband.


"I've arranged to have your dinner sent up to the bridal suite around seven," Charlie Tate said. "I'll make sure you're not disturbed after that."

The handsome hotel manager smiled at Shelby and then glanced quickly at his old friend. This was his first meeting with the new bride, and he couldn't help but wonder about her. And about Leo, for the matter. The girl couldn't be any older than eighteen. She was a very young and immature girl, and she looked it. She looked totally out of place beside his middle-aged friend.

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate all this, Charlie," Leo said. "I know we didn't give you very much notice about our plans. Our wedding arrangements were all very rushed."

"It's my pleasure. Anything for an old college buddy," Charlie said.

Again he glanced at Shelby. He was amazed at the teasing look in her big blue eyes. She actually seemed to be coming on to him, right there as she stood next to her new husband. On her wedding day. It looked like poor old Leo would have his work cut out for him, keeping this little girl in line. He hoped his friend knew what he was getting into.

"Does the hotel have a swimming pool?" she asked suddenly, her eyes sparkling. "I like to swim every day if I can."

"Of course," Charlie smiled. "Down on the lower level there's a huge indoor-outdoor pool and a fully equipped gym with everything you could need for a workout. Saunas, steam rooms, the works. But aren't you going to be too busy for exercise?"

Shelby giggled and squeezed Leo's arm. She kept smiling as she noticed the hotel manager eyeing her legs and her tits. She'd changed into a dress that showed off a healthy chunk of thigh and tit. It was so short she was in danger of displaying her stocking tops and her garters. It was cut low enough to flatter her bouncing tits.

A young man named Rick was summoned to show them to their suite. And with a final glance at her legs, Charlie Tate headed back to his office. Leo slipped his arm around her waist as they rode up in the elevator. He snuggled her close and kissed her cheek quickly. The young man named Rick stared at the two of them with a knowing smile. Shelby smirked at him. He was about her own age.

"Here it is," Rick said. "The best suite in the house."

He ushered them into a spacious set of rooms on the top floor. Then quickly he gave them a tour, showing them the living area, the bedroom, and the huge sunken bathtub. He pointed out the stunning, city-wide view, while all the time staring at Shelby's long slender thighs. Finally he was gone and Shelby and Leo were alone. They gazed at each other a little self-consciously.

"I can't believe it," Leo said at last. "I can't believe you've married an old-timer like me. I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

He sat on the bed, and from the way he looked at her, it was obvious what was on his mind. Any other time, and Shelby would have been more than willing. But her cunt was swollen and sore from her recent encounter. And she still had Kenny's cum swirling around inside her. There had been no time to shower between fucking and leaving for the hotel.

"What time did he say dinner would be here?" she asked, stalling for time.

"Seven. We have two whole hours," Leo grinned.

He held out his hand toward her, and she had no choice but to go over to him. He remained seated, and drew her in between his legs. He ran his hands up over the backs of her thighs, caressing the dry material of her stockings. His fingers went farther, onto the bare skin above her stockings and along the taut strips of her garters. He followed these over her ass, squeezing her asscheeks gently as he did so.

"God, you're so young and beautiful. And you know just how to drive me crazy, wearing underwear like this," he groaned. "I've waited so long for this. I've actually dreamt of doing things to you."

"You naughty man," Shelby giggled. But she tensed as she felt him begin pulling down her panties.

She took his head in her hands suddenly and kissed him deeply. He was distracted enough to stop puffing on her panties. Then she backed off and stared into his eyes. Her hand slid all the way down his chest and into his crotch. She fondled the mound of his growing cock and balls.

"Leo, you know how you wanted me to stay pure and virginal for tonight?" she purred in her sweetest little girl voice. "Well do you mind if we wait till then? I guess I'm a little nervous, is all."

"There's no need to be nervous, darling..." he began. But she cut him off with a finger on his mouth.

"I know, but I am. But there's something else I could dry to do for you, if you want. It's something I heard some girls talking about once."

"Oh? And what would that be?" he asked, amused at her coyness.

"I'll show you," she whispered, slipping to her knees between his legs.

She tugged down his fly, opened up his pants, and then drew them down off his hips. He raised his ass to help her, and soon his pants and shorts were off altogether. He removed his jacket, and then his shirt and tie. Then he settled back on his elbows to watch his gorgeous young bride do her stuff.

There was a sly grin on her face as she reached out for his cock. Her fingers curled around the half-hard shaft and she tilted it upwards. She moved forward, spreading his legs wider with her body. Her hand held his prick to the right and her face came closer and closer to his crotch.

"I've never done this before," she lied. "So I'm not sure how good I'll be. But I'll do my very best, I promise. Didn't I always try hard in your classes?"

He winced a little at the reminder of how young she was. But then he groaned with pleasure as her tongue came into contact with the head of his cock. She licked around the purple crown slowly, as if she really was doing this for the very first time. Then she ran her tongue tip all the way down the underside of the shaft till she reached his balls.

"Does it feel good?" she cooed. "I heard some girls saying how guys love to have their cocks and balls licked. Is it true?"

Leo groaned and said nothing. He watched her tilt his cock this way and that, her tongue tracing up and down the length of it. He moaned as he felt the feathery light tip tease his balls. She was licking his balls, swirling her tongue every which way on the leathery sac. Her lips were folding down over each of the swollen balls in turn.

"Shelby, baby, you're very good at this," he croaked. "And you sure you've never done this before?"

"Of course not, silly. What kind of girl do you think I am?"

Her tongue slurped around on his balls for another moment or two. Then she was licking her way back up the underside of his cock. It was growing fast in her hand. Veins were beginning to fill in the side of the shaft. She traced along them with her tongue tip. Finally she reached the swelling head of his cock and she pursed her lips against it in a girlish pout. She stared up at him with her big blue eyes.

"Would you like me to suck it, you naughty man?" she cooed. "Would the big naughty man like his sweet little girl to put his big cock in her mouth?"

Leo moaned and propped himself up higher on his elbows. His cock was swelling against her face. It was a solid eight-inch hunk of meat in her fist. She was grinning up at him like a mischievous little girl. Her eyes were bright and teasing. She pursed her full lips over the swollen crown of his cock and sucked it into her mouth.

"Shelby, you sweet girl..." he croaked. He watched as two, three, four inches of cock disappeared between her lips.

Her mouth slid down halfway along the shaft and then she paused. She drew back till only the swollen head sat throbbing on her tongue, and she gave it a special sucking. Her eyes didn't leave his face as she did this. Then down she went again, stuffing four, five, six inches of cock into her, mouth. Her lips were stretched around the thick base of the prick.

"That feels so good, sweetheart. Your mouth feels so nice on my cock," he muttered. He reached down to sweep a swath of blonde hair up off her face. He could see her cheek bulging around his hardening cock.

She began to plunge her mouth up and down, fucking him with her face. Her fingers clutched at the base of his shaft and she shucked up and down while she sucked. Her cheeks swelled and then hollowed. Her blonde hair flew from side to side. She was making happy humming sounds deep in her throat.

"Angel," he croaked. "If you keep this up, I'll be cumming. I'll be spurting cum in your sweet mouth."

That's the whole idea, thought Shelby. If she could only get him off with her mouth, he'd be less interested in her cunt. At least for the time being. She would have time to clean up, to douche even faster, showing poor Leo no mercy.

"Sweetheart, do you really want me to cum in your mouth?" he groaned. "Wouldn't it be better if we fucked? You don't have to be nervous. I'll be very gentle with you."

"Mmmmm, I want you to cum in my mouth," she gasped, taking time out from her sucking. "I want to taste your wonderful hot jism. I want it to gush and spurt onto my tongue and into my throat. I want to drink your hot spunk."

Her mouth dove back down onto his throbbing cock. She resumed her deep, rhythmic sucking. Her free hand scooped beneath his balls and she squeezed them gently, coaxing the jizz from the trembling eggs. The combination of both her hands, plus her sweet mouth, was almost too much to bear. Leo squirmed on the bed like a man in pain.

"Shelby, you're amazing," he wheezed. "I'd never have believed this was your first time if you hadn't told me yourself. You suck cock like you've been doing it all your life."

And so I have, Shelby thought, taking him deep into her throat on every stroke. I've sucked so many cocks I've lost count. But there's no reason for you to know that, my dear sweet husband.

"It's not fair," he went on, his voice hoarse with pleasure. "Here I am, all naked, having the time of my life. And what are you getting out of it? You're still fully dressed. I haven't even seen you naked yet. Don't you want out of your dress at least?"

"I suppose you do want to see my tits and pussy at least, huh?" she grinned, pulling her mouth off him yet again. "All right, you naughty man. Here goes."

Her hand left his cock for a moment and it snapped back against his belly. She stood up quickly and pulled off her short dress. Her tits strained against her flimsy bra, and she unhooked it and set them free. She left her panties on, along with her garter belt and stockings. Then she sank back onto her knees between his spread legs.

"You're so beautiful. You take my breath away," he gasped, watching her big tits bounce and heave. He reached out to touch her tits as she crouched in front of him.

"You like them? You like my big tits?" she cooed. "How would you like me to fuck you with them? Would you like a titty-fuck?"

Leo stared at her, not quite understanding. She playfully slapped his hands off her tits and heaved the heavy sacs up his thighs and to either side of his cock. She trapped his hard-on in her cleavage and pressed her tits tight on either side of it. Then she drove herself up and down, rubbing her tits all over his prick.

"Isn't this naughty? I only just thought it up," she grinned.

Actually, she'd fucked more cocks, with her tits than she could remember, but again she had no intention of letting Leo know this. Up and down she bounced, mashing her tits hard against his poor straining prick. The purple head kept disappearing and then bursting out into the open as she tit-fucked him. A pearl of pre-cum seeped from his piss-slit and soiled her nipple.

"You're leaking, you naughty man!" she teased. "Your big cock is leaking naughty goo all over my big tits."

Leo moaned softly. Where had she learned to tease a man this way? She seemed to know just what to do and say to drive him out of his mind. His cock trembled between her tits. His balls were melting against her rib cage. He wouldn't be able to stand much more of this. It was all too much.

"Angel, I think I'm going to cum very soon," he croaked. "I feel like I'm very, very close."

"That's okay, honey. I want you to cum," she purred. "When you're ready, just let me know, and I'll take your spunk in my mouth. I want to swallow it all down like a good little wife should."

Again Leo groaned. She had such a way of expressing herself. It was enough to drive a man out of his mind. He gazed down at her helplessly, watched her hump her tits up and down on his cock. Her tits were so firm, they pressed hard against his trapped prick. One of her nipples had bent inward and was scr****g up along the side of his prick. It felt like a hot chunk of stone.

"Which do you like best?" she cooed. "Tit fucking or cocksucking?"

"I love them both, you amazing girl," he wheezed. "I love them both so much I can't describe it to you."

"I like them both too," she grinned. "But I think I like cocksucking just a bit better. I love the feel of your big hard cock stretching my lips and bumping the roof of my mouth. It feels so dirty and exciting at the same time. Do you mind if I suck you some more?"

A low grunt escaped Leo's lips. He seemed unable to say anything more for the moment. He sat there in a kind of trance and watched as she freed his cock from her cleavage and gripped it in her hand. Then she was tilting it this way and that again, scr****g her tongue up its underside and all around the head. She finally slopped her mouth over the crown and sucked in five inches of prick.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhhh!" he moaned, glaring down at her. He watched another two inches of cock slide between her lips.

Her mouth moved up and down again, in that slow, cocksucking motion that seemed so practiced. She applied just the right amount of pressure with her lips. Her tongue swirled this way and that as she shaft slid across it. There was no nipping. Not once did he feel her teeth.

Her fingers meanwhile squeezed his cock base gently and chugged up and down.

"Shelby. Angel," he groaned, half out of his mind with pleasure. "I'm going to cum. I'm going to spurt cum in your sweet sucking mouth!"

He almost sounded apologetic. He was warning her at least, so that if she changed her mind at the last minute and wanted to pull her mouth off him, she could. But of course she didn't. She went right on sucking. In fate she moved her mouth up and down on his cock even faster. She teased him even more with her tongue. Once again her free hand was on his balls. She massaged the swollen balls with her fingers.

"Cumming! Cumming in your sweet mouth!" he hissed. And suddenly his whole lower body tensed. A shudder went through him.

A huge gusher of spunk shot against the roof of Shelby's mouth. It was followed almost at once by another, thicker jet. Her cheeks ballooned out as they were filled with steaming cum. Jism squished between her teeth and under her tongue. She gasped. Her eyes rolled up to his face. Two heavy streams of silver goo spilled from the corners of her mouth and drooled down her chin.

"Ohhhhhh! Ohhh!" he howled, as if in pain. "In your mouth! Cumming in your pretty mouth!"

Shelby drove her mouth down hard on his spurting cock. The head was lodged in her throat when the next streamer of cum burst free. She gulped it down. The jet squiggled into her gullet like a raw egg. Then she pulled back and let the head sit on her tongue as it spurted yet again.

There was nothing more exciting for a man than watching his cum spurt into a girl's mouth. Shelby knew this from all her years of experience. She reared back her head even farther. She opened her mouth wide. Now his cock was at an angle against her lips, and she could actually see the head gushing. He could watch his jets of jism leap across her waiting tongue.

The sight really did fascinate her. She could tell from the look in his eyes as he gazed down at her. Her hand slid up and down on his trembling cock. She was milking it expertly. Two more jets of silver cum spurted into her mouth, and she saved all the goo up in the back of her throat. Her fist went right on pumping, drawing out the dregs from his balls. She didn't let his cock go till she was sure he had no more to shoot.

"Oh my. Oh my," he wheezed, his breath ragged. He couldn't take his eyes off her drooling mouth.

Shelby squatted there between his legs, her mouth and throat clogged with spunk. Two thick strands of goo were already dangling from her chin like strings of elastic. Now, instead of swallowing her heavy load, she began to play with it. She swirled it around in her mouth with her tongue, and bit by bit she pushed it out over her bottom lip. It dribbled down over her chin like white glue.

"Shelby! Angel!" he hissed, unable to take his eyes off her. "Your mouth! So full of cum!"

She used her tongue like a snow-plow, pushing all the spunk forward and out over her bottom lip. For a moment her mouth was a solid oval of shimmering white jism. Then all the cum was spilling down, coating her chin, dangling from her face in elastic ropes six, twelve, and fifteen inches long. The jizz snapped and splashed messily over her heaving tits.

"Shelby! Oh my! Oh my!" Leo groaned.

But his young wife just grinned up at him. She spilled more cum from her mouth, till her chin was festooned with rubbery strands of it. She brought up her hands and began rubbing the goop into her tits.


Before dinner arrived, Shelby had time for a long hot bath. She was certain Leo would try to fuck her once the meal was over, and she made sure her cunt was washed clean of Kenny's cum. But as it turned out, she needn't have worded. Leo seemed drained after her blowjob, and after all it had been an exhausting day for both of them. He sank into a deep sleep before ten o'clock. She climbed into bed beside him and was soon asleep herself.

She woke up before six full of energy. She was raring to start the day, and she would have liked nothing better than an early morning fuck. But Leo was still sleeping soundly. She hadn't the heart to wake him. Instead she put on her exercise outfit and headed down to the hotel gym. Maybe she could work off her energy in other ways.

There was only one other person using the place. It was Rick, the good-looking young man who had taken them to their room the day before. He nodded at her coolly but didn't say anything. He went right on pumping weights on the universal equipment. He was very much involved in what he was doing, and didn't seem to have time for her.

Shelby began a gentle series of exercises on one of the low benches. Rick's coolness was fine with her. He was just a bellboy, after all. But from time to time she couldn't help but glance over at him. He was wearing nothing but a pair of very brief shorts, and the muscles of his arms and chest bulged beautifully as he moved. There was a fine film of oil covering his body.

Several minutes passed without either of them speaking. The only sound was the soft clank of weights rising and falling. But Shelby found herself staring at the handsome young man more and more. She loved the way the muscles of his belly rippled. And for some reason she wanted to break through his coolness.

"You have a great body," she said, her eyes still roaming over his oil-slick skin. "I like the way it shines so nicely."

"Thanks," he said, not even looking at her. He went right on pressing his weights.

There was a pause. She expected him to say something in return about her body. After all, wasn't she bulging out of her T-shirt? And hadn't her shorts ridden up far between the cheeks of her ass, leaving the buns damn near naked? What was the matter with the guy? She stopped working out and sat on her bench, pouting.

Her T-shirt was cut ragged just below her tits. If she moved in a certain way, the pale lower swells of the big tits were visible. She leaned back on the bench till she was flat on her back. The T-shirt rode up. Her tits separated slightly on her chest. They were on display now almost to the nipples.

She glanced over at him. Still he didn't look her way. She tugged the T-shirt even higher, until it was bunched up above her tits and her nipples and areolas were in the open. She flailed her arms out and back again on either side of her, stretching. Her tits heaved and strained on her chest, the nipples stiffening.

He still wasn't looking at her. Shelby couldn't believe it. She reached down and took hold of her shorts. She folded the crotchband into a narrow rope of material and tugged it upwards. The nylon fabric slipped between the pulpy outer lips of her cunt. It pressed against her clit and made her sigh with pleasure. Pussy-juice began seeping down from deep inside her.

She moaned softly. She couldn't help it. But still he didn't pay her any attention. In fact just as she was about to pull her T-shirt off altogether, he stopped pumping weights and stood up. He strode about for a while, stretching and turning his torso. Then he grabbed a towel and headed across the hall, into the area where the steam rooms and saunas were located. Shelby gazed after him, her eyes flashing.

Her first reaction was to say the hell with him. The guy was probably gay or something. But she didn't like to be ignored. It hardly ever happened, and so was never a problem. But when it did, it bothered her. It became a challenge getting the person's attention. And the young Rick guy was special because he was around her own age and he was so sexy and good-looking.

She climbed off her bench and followed him into the steam bath area. Her tits were still hanging half out of her T-shirt. The crotch band of her shorts was still partly stuck up her cunt. She poked her head into several rooms and didn't see him. But finally there he was, lying on an upper bench in one of the desert-dry saunas. He was naked. His huge cock lay gently curled over his left thigh.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, slipping into the room.

"Be my guest," he muttered, as if he could care less one way or the other.

Shelby stood just below him, so that there was no way he could ignore her. Then, very slowly, she hauled her T-shirt over her head and threw it to one side. She pushed down her shorts and stepped from them. She put her hands on her hips and faced him, her big tits thrust out proudly. The lips of her cunt were parted slightly, thanks to her crotch band.

"What's the matter, don't you like girls?" she sneered. She moved from side to side and her big tits heaved.

"Sure I like girls," he grunted. "But I stay away from the ones who are just married. Especially when they're married to guys who are friends of the hotel management. I have a job to consider."

"It's not much of a job," she went on, rubbing her hands up and down her flanks. "A lot of guys would throw it out the window for a chance to fuck someone as beautiful as me."

He stared at her. She really was a stunning young slut, he thought. Huge tits with stiff, juicy nipples. A tiny waist he could put both hands around easily. A tight, trim little ass with perfectly shaped cheeks. And a sweet blonde cunt that looked just oozing for cock. His cock flexed in his lap and rolled gently to the right.

Her eyes caught the movement of his prick and she smiled. She took a step forward, and then paused. It was as far as she was going to go. If he wanted her, he was going to have to make the rest of the moves himself. She'd sure done her bit.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked suddenly. "You just got married yesterday. Are you some kind of sex-crazy slut, or what?"

The question hadn't really occurred to Shelby. And as for her being newly married, well, she had to admit that she hadn't given her new husband much thought in the last few minutes. She was horny as hell suddenly. But instead of rushing upstairs to get it on with Leo, she was hanging around naked in a sauna with a virtual stranger. It seemed much more exciting, somehow.

"Do you want to fuck me or not?" she asked, her eyes flashing. Sweat was forming on her face from the heat of the sauna.

He didn't answer. And Shelby made a grab for her clothes suddenly and turned to leave the room. But then he was off the bench right behind her. He grabbed hold of her wrist, made her let go of her small bundle of clothes. He wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her to him. His big cock pressed into the cheek of her ass and up into the small of her back.

"You're a fucking hot little cockteaser, aren't you?" he gasped in her ear. "You may be freshly married, but you're still a fucking slut and a whore. Aren't you, bitch?"

"Yes! Oh fuck, yes!" she panted, pressing her ass back onto his cock. "I'm a cockteaser and a slut and a whore! Talk dirty to me like that! I love it when men call me filthy names like that!"

He reminded her of Kenny. They both seemed to know her so well. Unlike her poor husband Leo. She pressed herself hard against his big beautiful body, feeling his cock growing against her ass. She tried to reach around and grab the swelling prick, but he held her too tight against him. One of his hands was massaging her left tit roughly.

"Just a fucking whore. A cock teasing slut," he mumbled. "You just love fucking cock, don't you?"

Shelby didn't answer. She simply moaned as she felt his other hand slide down over her belly into her crotch. He pried her cuntlips open with two fingers and shoved a third finger inside her. She squirmed a little and welcomed the long finger. Her head rolled back onto his shoulder.

"I want to suck you," she muttered. "I want to suck your big beautiful cock till it's hard enough for me to sit on. Then I want to fuck you silly."

He grunted, and went right on fingering her cunt and massaging her tit. Her slender body was helpless in his strong arms. He diddled his long finger about between her cuntlips for another moment or two. Then his hand was leaving her crotch and smoothing up over her belly. He took a tit in each hand and squeezed them hard. He rolled them around and around on her chest.

"Such big fucking tits. Shit, they're a handful!" he hissed.

"I want to suck you," she repeated. "I want your cock in my mouth so bad. Please, please, please let me suck your big cock."

He let go her tits finally and she squirmed around in front of him. She pressed herself against him, mashing her tits against his chest. Then she sank lower and lower. She dipped to her knees and took his half-hard cock in her hand. She tilted it upwards and stuffed it between her pouting lips.

"Mmmmmm! Mmnfff!" she moaned, forcing her mouth way down on the shaft of his cock. She sounded as though she were tasting something truly delicious.

"Cocksucker. Hot little cocksucker," he muttered, watching over half of his thick cock disappear in her mouth. He held her head tightly in both his hands.

His prick was growing rapidly. It thickened and stiffened and stretched her lips to capacity. She pumped her mouth up and down and shucked the cock base up and down in her fist. Her cheeks swelled out grossly as she blew him.

He wanted to sit down. His knees felt weak all of a sudden. But he didn't want to disturb her. He didn't want to stop her glorious sucking. It felt wonderful. She obviously knew everything there was to know about cocksucking. She was swirling her tongue everywhere on his prick, and her lips were pressing on him with just the right pressure.

"Does your husband know you do this kind of thing with strangers?" he asked suddenly, for no particular reason. "Does your husband know his brand-new bride is a horny cocksucking slut who blows guys in saunas?"

"He'd only know if you told him," she gasped, snaking her tongue down the underside of his cock. "And even then he wouldn't believe you. He thinks I'm sweet and innocent. I'm his sweet little girl virgin."

"Fuck, if he could only see you now!"

Shelby giggled. Her tongue was tracing lower and lower on the underside of his cock. When she came to his balls she circled her tongue round and around, covering every inch of the leathery pouch. Her fist chugged up and down on his prick, keeping it hard.

"Yeah, lick my balls, bitch!" he grunted. "Use your hot cocksucking mouth all over my aching balls! That feels so nice!"

He spread his thighs wide on either side of her face. He wanted to give her as much room as possible. She had moved her mouth under his balls, and the heavy sac rolled about against her cheek and nose. Her tongue was licking and scr****g. Then her lips opened and she slurped one big ball into her mouth.

"What a dirty little cocksucker you are!" he groaned. "We get some hot little newlyweds in the hotel, but this is the first time I've been sucked by one of them. Oh yeah, use your tongue like that!"

Shelby sucked hard on his ball, tugging outwards on it so that the skin of his nut-sac stretched. Then she spat it out and shifted over to the other one. Her tongue tickled his balls every which way. She kept poking and prodding and teasing.

Then she was licking up the underside of his cock again. She gazed up at him with her big blue eyes and slurped her tongue from his balls all the way up to his cockhead. She pressed the cock crown against her lips and grinned up at him. Her tongue kept flicking along his piss-slit.

"I want to sit on your cock," she mumbled.

"Just one more quick suck, to make sure it's good and hard, and then I'll sit on it and fuck you hard. Would you like that?"

"You know I would, bitch. I'd like nothing better."

Her lips folded down over his cockhead and she sucked it hard. Then she went deeper, drawing more and more of the solid prick into her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down. More than half his cock slid into her mouth on every stroke. She squeezed and pumped the cock and tickled his balls with her free hand. His cock angled up into her face like a huge pink hose.

"Sonovabitch, baby, you sure know how to suck!" he wheezed. "You could make a fucking fortune with that mouth of yours!"

Shelby grunted but went right on sucking. The motions of her head became shorter and sharper. His prick was fully erect in her mouth now. It was huge and thick and throbbing. Veins popped in the side of the shaft. His balls trembled. She pulled her mouth off it suddenly and grinned up at him again.

"Sit down on the lower bench," she instructed. "I want to climb on top of you and sit on your cock. I want to fuck you till you can't stand it."

He seemed relieved to get some breathing space. He moved back, his monster cock bouncing up and down in front of him. He sank back onto the bench as instructed and waited for her. He spread his legs wide.

"Didn't your new husband give you a good enough fucking last night? Is that why you're so horny?" he panted.

"As a matter of fact, he hasn't fucked me at all yet," Shelby admitted. "I sucked him off and that was it."

"You mean I get to fuck you before your husband?" he gasped, his voice breaking.

"Yes. Aren't you the lucky one?" she smiled. "You sure were in the right place at the right time this morning."

She placed one foot on the bench beside him and heaved herself up in front of him. Her big tits dangled in his face. She squatted down, her knees bent. With one hand she gripped his hard-on and held it upright. She stuffed the cockhead between the lips of her cunt and then began sinking down on top of him.

"Do you feel it going into me?" she hissed in his face. "Do you feel your big hard cock bulling all the way inside my tight wet cunt?"

"Fuck, yeah!" he howled. "All the way, baby! Let it go up there all the fucking way!"

Lower and lower Shelby sank on top of him. And inch after inch of his rock-hard cock slid up into her cunt. Soon she could let it go. It was locked solidly in the wet pink folds of her pussy. She paused, shifted from left to right, and then sank down some more. Soon all of the thick cock was up inside her and her asscheeks were resting on his balls.

"There it goes, big boy! It's all the way up inside me!" she grinned. "Doesn't it feel good? Doesn't it feel nice and sweet inside my wet cunt?"

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Rick muttered. His eyes closed with pleasure.

His hands settled just above her hips. He could almost circle her whole waist with his fingers. They sat there like that for a moment, barely moving. Shelby just shifted slightly from time to time, adjusting to the feel of the big cock inside her. She braced herself by placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Here we go, baby! Are you ready for a hot fuck?" she said suddenly. She was grinning widely. Then she was bouncing up and down in his lap, driving herself along the shaft of his cock. She was doing all the work. All he had to do was sit there. Her tits jiggled this way and that as she moved. They smacked against his face from time to time.

"You're such a hot fucking slut! Such a fucking sleazy cunt!" he groaned. "And you're so fucking wet!"

She really was. Her cunt was oozing all kinds of cream down over his cock, making penetration easy. Each time she lunged down on him, there was a wet slurping sound. His cock gleamed with all the oil and juice.

"I love cock," she purred. "I love big hard cock so much! I don't think I'll ever get enough!"

Her lunges grew longer. She was rising high in his lap now on every stroke and then falling swiftly back down along his cock. She was taking every inch of his prick and loving it. She grunted and groaned and hissed in his face. Her tits kept smacking him in the mouth.

"So good! Your cock feels so good inside me!" she howled. "I'm going to cum real fast, I know it!"

"Me too, baby!" he gasped. "I can't take much more of this! Your cunt is squeezing my cock, I swear!"

She bucked up and down, her hairy flying, her tits bouncing. She was riding him faster and faster. Cunt-juice flowed down from deep inside her, soaking his cock and balls. Her lower body began to shudder and jerk. She dug her fingers into his shoulders. She bared her teeth in a weird snarl. Then she was cumming.

"Oh fuck! Cocksucker!" she wailed, her body pumping steadily. "So good! So fucking good inside me!"

Her cunt melted around his cock. Warm cunt juice gushed out all over the place. She chugged up and down, moaning and whimpering the whole time. The muscles in her legs and belly strained. Each time his cock knifed into her, a wave of pleasure flowed through her belly and into her tits.

"Cumming, you bastard! Cumming all over your big cock!" she raved. "So good! So fucking good!"

She went on for some time like this, wave after wave of pleasure rolling through her. But then he was jerking underneath her. He was humping his ass up off the bench, driving his prick far up inside her pussy. He groaned loudly as he felt his control slipping away.

"I'm cumming too, you bitch!" he grunted. "Shooting hot cum up your cunt, you hot slut!"

He lunged deep inside her, and his cock spewed out a thick wad of spunk. And another. And another. Cum gushed into her in juicy knots, splattering her curt walls and oozing back down along his shaft. Silver trickles of slime overflowed her cunt and dribbled over his balls.

"Yes! Cum inside my cunt, you bastard!" she howled. "Fill me full of hot fizz! I love it! I fucking love hot spunk spurting inside me!"

Still she rode up and down on top of him, meeting his upward thrusts. And more and more cum shot off from his cock, drenching her insides. Her cunt felt sticky, as if it was being shot full of glue. The warm wet slime coated the insides of her thighs and her crotch hair. He rammed his cock up inside her again and again, firing off glob after glob of cum. His eyes rolled back into his head and then came back into focus as the door to the sauna opened. He stopped moving so suddenly that Shelby glanced at him and then followed the direction of his stare. Together they found themselves looking at the stern features of Charlie Tate, the hotel manager and Leo's old friend. Obviously he was not amused.


Within twenty minutes Shelby was tapping at the door of Charlie Tate's office. She'd just had time to rush up to the bridal suite, clean up and dress. Thankfully, Leo was still sleeping. Without disturbing him, she slipped back downstairs. She had to try to set things right with the hotel manager. Her marriage was at stake.

The scene at the sauna had been over quickly. Mr. Tate didn't rant and rave. He didn't tell young Rick that he was fired. He just stood there quietly staring at them for maybe thirty seconds. Then he closed the sauna door and left. Rick had cursed her, calling her a cockteasing troublemaker. The two of them had quickly gone their separate ways.

Now she was about to see Mr. Tate on her own, and she didn't like the idea one bit. She felt like she was back in high school and was about to see the principal. She was nervous and shy. But it couldn't be avoided. She had to see the guy before he could tell Leo what he'd seen. It was her only chance.

She knocked on the office door again, and when there was still no answer she opened it and went inside. She had a feeling he was in there and she was right. He was sitting behind his desk, scribbling on a note pad. He didn't seem surprised to see her. He glanced up at her and went on writing.

"Mr. Tate. I have to see you. About what you saw downstairs a while back," she muttered. "I have to explain."

"What's to explain?" he sneered. "It was pretty obvious what was going on. You were fucking one of my employees. I'm surprised you're not busy looking for someone else to lead astray. How about one of my cooks? Or one of the janitorial staff? There must be someone else you can throw yourself at."

Shelby stood in front of his desk with her hands folded primly in her lap. This wasn't going to be easy. That much was clear. She wondered how to begin. He wasn't making it any simpler by ignoring her and writing on his damn sheet of paper.

"Are you going to fire him? Are you going to fire Rick for what I did with him?" she said.

"Probably. I can't have my employees acting that way with hotel guests. But in any case it's none of your business. I'll do what I see fit."

He stopped writing and, looked at her properly for the first time. There was kind of a sad look in his eyes, as if she were a daughter that had disappointed him in some way. He put down his pen and leaned forward on his elbows. His eyes traveled down her gorgeous young body and then back up again.

"However did you get poor Leo to marry you?" he said at last. "What did you do to get him to share his life with you?"

"I didn't have to do anything. He just liked what he saw," she snapped. "I happen to be pretty fucking attractive, in case you hadn't noticed. And I see that you have."

For a second she caught him off guard, and he looked away in embarrassment. He fumbled with his pen some more and then sat back in his chair, trying to look stern. She took a step closer to the desk, determined to press her advantage.

"There are thousands of guys out there, young guys, middle-aged guys, old guys, and most of them would like nothing better than to fuck someone as young and sexy and beautiful as I am. Leo was just more honest about it than most. He wanted to marry me first."

"Poor Leo," he sighed.

"I think you're just jealous. I've seen the way you look at me. You're just like all the rest. You'd like nothing better than to poke me. You'd just never admit it."

"You're nothing but a teenaged slut. Why should I want to do anything with you? My only concern is Leo, and what my poor old friend has gotten himself into."

"Oh yeah? And so if I offered myself to you, you'd turn me down?"

"Of course, you conceited little bitch."

Shelby was on familiar ground at last. Quite calmly, she undid her dress and stepped out of it. She stood there in front of him wearing nothing but a black lace garter belt, matching stockings, and a black quarter-cup bra. She wore no panties, and her freshly fucked cunt was on full display.

"There, Mr. Hotshot Hotel Manager. Tell me you don't want a piece of that. Tell me you don't want to shove your cock into this sweet piece of teenaged ass."

She placed her hands on her hips and grinned at him. All the color had drained from his face. He gazed at her as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. His mouth opened and then closed. He seemed to be trying to speak but no words came.

"What's the matter?" she teased. "You never seen teenaged cunt up close before? It's a little messy, I have to admit. Rick really blasted a huge load of cum up there. But it's still very sweet-tasting."

She actually spread her legs and peeled the lips of her cunt open with her fingers. The pink skin was already puffy and glistening. Now a thick glob of silvery goo rolled down and hung from her crotch like elastic. It was Rick's spunk, still oozing down from deep inside her.

"You're out of your mind," he gasped, his mouth finally forming words. "Too much sex has made you crazy. I'm going to call security. I'll have you thrown out of here."

He didn't move a muscle. He just sat there gaping at her oozing cunt, and at her big tits spilling over the top of her quarter-cup bra. He seemed dazed, as it he'd just been hit with something heavy and hard.

"I tell you what I'll do," she went on, easing round the desk toward him. "All you have to do is promise not to tell Leo what you saw this morning, and I'll let you poke your cock wherever you like. What do you say?"

"You're crazy. You're out of your mind," he muttered, staring at her through his tinted eyes.

"Maybe you won't want to fuck my cunt so soon after Rick filled it full of cum. But there are other places for a naughty man to shove his cock, if he has imagination. Do you think my cunt's too mussy?"

She was close enough to take his hand now, and she placed it squarely on her oozing cunt, pressing his fingers up the length of her slit. She felt a quiver go through him, but he didn't pull his hand away. Not even when a gob of slime slid into his palm. She poked one of his fingers directly inside her.

"What do you think, hhhmmm?" she purred. "Shelby's pussy too gooey to fuck right now? Can you think of any other place you'd like to put your naughty cock?"

Charlie was in a kind of trance. Again his mouth was moving but no words came. He made no movie to resist as Shelby reached down and unzipped his fly. He let her open up his pants and haul his half-hard cock from his shorts. His hand was still firmly lodged in her crotch. He was squirming his finger about up her cunt, as if trying to determine just how much cum young Rick really had shot off up there.

"See, you're more than half hard already," she scolded, squeezing his cock. "And here you are pretending to be angry with me. It's just like I said. You want to poke me just as much as anyone. You just won't admit it."

She moved closer to him and shucked his cock up and down in her fist. It grew rapidly in her fingers. She was leaning low over him, and one of her big tits grazed his cheek. Her nipple edged closer and closer to his mouth.

"Suck my tit," she said softly. "Take a nibble of my tit while you're thinking about how to fuck me."

She eased her tit even closer, and his mouth opened automatically. Her nipple slipped between his lips and he began to suck, gnawing on the brown nub gently. It was funny, Shelby thought, but five minutes ago he had been all business. He was the stem hotel manager with discipline to hand out. Now he was sucking on her tit like a helpless little boy. Sex was some weapon all right.

"That's nice. Suck it like that," she cooed, still playing with his cock. "Isn't it a nice tit to suck?"

"Mmmnnn," Charlie moaned.

"How'd you like to fuck my tits?" she went on. "Would you like that, or do you want to shove your cock someplace else?"

Charlie didn't answer. He was too busy sucking her nipple and digging his finger about up her cunt. But he was listening to her. Her words were exciting him, she could tell. His cock was fully erect in her fist now. It jutted up nine inches through her fingers.

"You can fuck my mouth if you like," Shelby purred. "You can shoot your load into my throat or all over my face. Have you ever done that to a pretty teenaged girl before? Have you ever spurted your hot gooey cum all over her face?"

Charlie groaned. And now he pulled his finger from her cunt and his mouth off her tit. He gasped in air, like a man drowning. His eyes rolled about in his head. He tried to grab her wrist, tried to force her hand off his straining cock. But her grip was too strong. And maybe he didn't want to remove her hand that badly. He sank back helplessly in his chair.

"This is crazy. This can't be happening," he wailed.

"But it is, Charlie dear," she cooed. "You're half undressed in your office with the teenaged girl you like to call a slut. You're getting it on with the sweet young bride of your dear old friend Leo."

Again he groaned. He made another halfhearted attempt to pull her hand off his cock. But then she was on her knees between his legs. Her lips had slipped down over the head of his prick and four or five inches of cock were in her mouth. She sucked up and down rapidly.

He gazed at the top of her head as if he were watching all this in a movie.

"Crazy. Fucking crazy," he mumbled. He gripped the arms of his chair till his knuckles grew white.

Shelby was in complete control of the situation. She blew him with expert tugs of her mouth. She watched him the whole time, trying to judge just how long to suck him. Before she went much farther she wanted some kind of promise from him. Not that he could do much to her now. But she did want to know where she stood.

"You won't say anything to Leo, will you?" she panted, pulling her mouth off his cock. "You'll forget you saw anything in the sauna this morning?"

"Oh fuck. How can I say anything?" he moaned. "You've got me by the balls, you horny little slut. You've got me by the fucking balls!"

"And you won't fire Rick either? You'll let him keep his job?"

"Oh fuck. If he wants it. Yes. Anything. Just suck my cock some more. Your mouth is so amazing."

She grinned and pushed his cock back between her lips. Her head resumed its up and down motions. But she still watched him closely. She wanted to know just how close he was to cumming. After another minute of solid sucking, she drew her mouth off him yet again. He was beginning to tremble in his chair.

"Fuck my face,"

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VisitorsChapter 4

Kevin was first to awake and was content to be lying in bed thinking about Kelly and the events of last night. He looked at her naked back and thought it was quite sexy just like the rest of her. That she enjoyed having sex and her reaction to the enhanced orgasms he gave her put a smile on his face has he thought about her. He also had time to think about what he was doing in cheating on his wife. He had only cheated when he was given this increase in brain power. His thinking was that he...

2 years ago
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15 Minutes is NOT Enough

In 1968 Andy Warhol posited ‘In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.’ Of course neither he nor Marshall McLuhan had ever heard of twitter or Paris Hilton and the sex-tape Kardashian family. As all great geniuses they were simply imagining the post-industrial, post-propaganda world where a simple hand-held digital device would completely democratize media. They imagined a world just like today in which virtually anyone (even those undeserving of legitimate celebrity) can...

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Abby TwoChapter 39

No. Seriously ... the high piedmont west of the Blue is having a ‘porker’ problem. We bought a couple of chilled piglets in Sydney ... Vickies was not the only place we went. I had a yearning for ‘pig in the ground.’ All my rowdy friends are coming over tonight ... Big Aussie rules match on the telly. Oh ... lest I forget ... I found the parts to fix the house unit in Sydney. Daddy is pissed... “Who shall we call to do the repairs,” I will admit ... the statement was said a little more...

2 years ago
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Mind Slaves

My name is Chris. I used to live a normal life, in other words, a boring life. I was single and lonely and a little depressed. It didn't help that I lived in the middle of nowhere, the only thing in my town was a small engineering college that I attended. I am kind of a pothead, and a real nerd, but that's normal for this school. This all changed one day when I met up with the guy who sells me weed, Dan. I walked down to his place at about 10 pm. I went in the front door(he always left it open)...

2 years ago
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Friday Night Ben Janes First Time Together

Introduction: Ben, 22, and Jane, 24, are brother and sister. Ben seduces Jane, and Jane turns out to like it nasty. Jane had been living with her younger brother Ben for almost four months before they started fucking. It wasnt something shed planned on happening, shed never fantasized about him before although after they started she couldnt imagine it any other way, couldnt imagine wanting anyone else. But Ben was the one who seduced her. Jane was a curvy young woman of twenty-four when Ben...

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Good Genes

Jake Morgan is not a normal child by any measure. Jake is the youngest son and only boy in a family with two lesbian mothers. He has 5 sisters, all born through a sperm donor and selectively bred to be the strongest, smartest, and hottest looking children two madly in love dykes could have. Much like the genetic supremacy of his sisters, Jake has a chiseled 6' stature, blue eyes, blonde hair, and a 10" beast of a cock. To the surprise of his family, Jake secretes a hormone that turns on any...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 226 Graduation

"I'd like to say I did a lot of thinking last night. That would be a lie, though. I beat off and went to sleep. I didn't wake up until a few minutes ago." I'd rolled out of bed wide awake and alert at exactly four-thirty. I started talking to Rhonda as soon as I got my teeth brushed and headed for the kitchen. I wanted to do something special for my girls and decided on raspberry almond scones. It was still too early in the season for local berries, but I'd seen raspberries at Kroger's...

3 years ago
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Massaging my Stepdaughter when she was 14

Sara used to love coming into the living room and putting her feet in my lap to rub. This became quite a tradition and it wasn't long before it aroused me with her cute feet in my lap. As I massaged her feet I would feel them rubbing my soft cock and sometimes it would grow hard. She never said anything about it, but would sometimes move them off my cock, but still want them rubbed. She would then want her legs rubbed, thighs rubbed, both her arms and hands, and then her back laying on the...

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Hubby Ke Friends Kiya Brutal Gangbang1

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston, Mera naam rutuja hai, mai pune ki rahne wali hu. Meri age 28 saal hai, rang gora. Ye meri sachi kahani hai. Ye baat karib 3 mahine pahle ki hai, mere pati it company mai kaam karte hai, unka naam sameer hai, aur unko company ke kaam ke liye onsite jana pada. Mai ghar mai akeli boar hone lagi. Ek din raat ko hum dono phone par baat kar rahe the, fir maine aise hi kaha mujhe shopping karni hai. To wo bole chali jao central mai, pass mai hi hai. Maine kaha mai...

3 years ago
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A Day In A Black Mans Life

Tonight, I am thankful to God that I am in one piece. The past seventy two hours have been really tough. My name is Stephen. A big and tall young Black man living in the town of Ottawa, province of Ontario, the Capital region of Canada. The last Saturday in July 2012 I went to the Saint Laurent Shopping Center bright-eyed and smiling. Why? Only one reason, to shop for a certain young Haitian lady named June. It was her birthday that Sunday. About two months ago I met this beautiful young...

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The Hiker Ch 01

It was a hot, Wednesday in early July. Around town there were still puddles in the streets and on the sidewalks from the storms on the Fourth, limbs and sticks scattered about from the fierce winds. It was sultry and nearly uncomfortable as I waited from the 18 to finally come around. As I saw its large headlights I waved frantically, always afraid they wouldn’t see me, or would just leave me. The bus pulled to the curb and I walked my bike out to bring down its bike rack and place my bike in...

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What a Surprise

It was seven thirty on a Friday night; my husband was where he always was at that time on Friday, down the pub. I knew I wouldn't see him until well after midnight when he would stagger in blind drunk, clump upstairs to the bedroom, undress and fall into bed. As for our thirteen-year-old son, he was too quiet, he was supposed to be up in his bedroom studying, normally there were clumps and bangs; tonight there was silence and that made me very curious. Heading upstairs I glanced at myself in...

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Cfnf moments

Picture it you are a woman thats naked with a female friend thats wearing clothes. You are in most of these embarrasing situatians where you are naked and your friend is wearing clothes and she and other females have see you naked rather the story is fiction or not. Feel free to add a story as it is a clothed lady seeing a naked woman. Guidlines: There should be no cfnm,cmnf,cmnm or ENM no lesbian sex. It could be just two females kissing on the lip and cloth girl touching the naked girls body....

2 years ago
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Mad Diaries Part 7 Keerthi Mam8217s Threesome

Hi friends, this is Madhan. In this part of the story, I’m going to write what happened after I had sex with Keerthi mam. Please read the previous parts for the understanding. It is the continuation of that story. We kept the video camera inside the box and kept the box in the next room, as per the instructions given by the kidnapper. I called Ashok to get ready when Keerthi mam went to the bathroom for freshening up. He came along with Sanjana and copied the video from the memory card of the...

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TripinChapter 5

I had no idea what her motivation might be. Hell I wasn't really sure why I was doing it. I had said no to Roy and Ray because there was no romantic foreplay, or so I had rationalized. There had been none with Misty either, still I had agreed to have sex with her and her boyfriend. I realized then that she had called him Benny in the restaurant and Jed in the bar. I wondered what that was all about, but I didn't ask. I decided that I would just call him whatever she did. Honey would most...

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Sex With Mom

I always thought of incest to be wrong, but one time changed my life completely. I always looked at my mother as very beautiful woman. She has large breasts and nice long legs. The first time i had thoughts of fucking her was when i peaked through the door while she was taking a bath. The way she slid the soap over her big breasts and nice brown nipples and through her large nice pussy. I had a hard on right away and jerked off still looking at her.Well it happened like this, i know she and my...

1 year ago
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Alisons Secret life

I wake up from a hand shaking my leg. Hovering over me, James, with his hand a little higher than it should be on my thigh, specially since I sleep in a tank top and my panties" get up Aliway Another day of school, but at least it's Friday". Summer and I always get ready together since we go to the same school, James is in college and has his own truck. Fridays are late start days, I drive Sum an I to school in dads old junker. We have 20 minutes or so when we get there, so Sum gets her...

1 year ago
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Four Roses Part 1

NOTE: This story is completely fictional! This all started when I was eighteen and just finishing my junior year at our local High School and my Sister was just starting Junior High School. We live with my Mother and Father. They were married when my Father was forty-two and my Mother was thirty-two. That’s ten years difference. I came along five years later. Dad was forty-seven and Mom was thirty-seven. POINT: My Father’s first wife died on their honeymoon when he was twenty-three. He was...

1 year ago
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Father Time

Saturday, two weeks ago, they were up here seeing to their old man and cooking, washing and cleaning (even though I didn't need them too). They were pushing me to find a new wife to come and take care of me. Finally, on Sunday morning as they were getting ready to leave and still pushing me to get a wife, I told them that I didn't need one. If I had someone to come in once a month and fuck me silly I would have all that I would ever need.The next Saturday I was going to saw up a lot of logs...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 2 The Slaver As A Young Man

Earlier today my partner and I, together with staff, celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the William Steelforth Agency. A second cause for festivities was that 2136 was promising to be a banner year for the firm. Our celebration caused me to reflect on just who I, William Steelforth, had been as a young man, what my values had been then and since, how I developed an early interest in slavery, and why I eventually founded a firm to earn my living doing something I not only...

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Good Neighbours

THE STORYIt’s a drag moving house. The first few weekends were spent unpacking and putting things away. Slowly our routine was established. The new house was in a hilly area, and it was easy to see over the fence to our neighbours place. I noticed the lady next door, like me in her 40’s. She had fair skin, red hair, a nice body for her age (in fact nice for any age). Sometimes she sat on her back veranda, dressed in a bikini, reading a book or the newspaper. I also noticed her husband or...

1 year ago
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Bit Porno! Looking for a social adult video sharing site that allows you to share whatever fucked up videos that may be in your possession with the rest of the fapping world? Or are you just too lazy to fuck and are looking to jack it off using porn collections from other pervs? Welcome home motherfucker!There is no better way to watch porn than checking out what other horny freaks are getting off and considering the amount of twisted freaks roaming the streets of the good old internet, you...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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ROTC slave MM

I'm a freshman in college this year, just thought I'd share with you how a3 letter athlete ended upa submissive slave to a Senior ROTC 2nd LT. It still doesn't seem real tome, except when I amcalled to report by Lt. Tim.It all started very early Saturday morning in my first semester here atthe university. I had been ajock in school but was aware that I had no outstanding talent, I wasn'tgonna be offered ascholarship. My best sport was Baseball, football was ok, and I barelygot by in...

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Movie night make out madness

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!!Friday night I get my 14 year old daughter and from the second she jumps into the car with me and from the moment she waves to my whore of an ex-wife on, she is talking about a midnight showing of a new movie and can she go, would I take her and a couple of her friends and blah blah, blah. You know how it works. I say know and I am the mean hateful Dad from hell she never wants to come see again, but I think I’d rather spend 45 minutes in...

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Number 67 Story by MrsAnaC Part Two

NOTICE: This story is fiction, no resemblance to RL context/characters/names so on doesn’t apply. It is my intellectual property and any individual or institution is NOT allowed to redistribute it without my written permission. I didn’t plan to write more so soon, but hey, inspiration hit and it hit me quite good (rofl)… Enjoy the second part here, let me know if you do, and stay tuned for more! This part is… a bit more special… you’ll see why If you happen to have a request for what the...

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Dusky Babysitter

I woke up in the middle of the night amidst all the shouting , I rolled over and looked at the time , I was 3am in the morning , I cursed my neighbors , they were always fighting , I put the pillow over my head and slept . next morning I got up and went for a run as usual , it was a beautiful morning , I stay on the fourth floor of a huge apartment building , its a sort of colony , my flat is the last one in the corner so I have to pass all the other flats , my neighbors front door was open a...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 38

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at After that intense threesome session with Anna and Rose, we fell asleep very quickly. Rose and I woke up early so that we can visit Chloe at her Grandma’s place. Anna was sleeping, God! She’s looking really...

2 years ago
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Straight old lady only cums when squirting

Part 1If you saw Mrs Cartwright in the street you would not think she was a devoted piss pervert. She at 60 plus, dressed so conservatively you would think she was utterly sexless. That’s what I thought, until afternoon tea last month.We were neighbours and I used to do a few small jobs for her and in turn she used to reward me with delightful afternoon teas.That afternoon, she seemed to drink a lot of tea – at least four cups – and not once did she go to the toilet. She must have been bursting...

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do me a favor0

First let me tell you about myself, my name is Mike and im 16 years old. Im 6 feet tall and weigh about 170 pounds. I don’t have a perfect body by any means but I am also not at all fat. Jacob on the other hand is 6 feet 2 inches tall. Very skinny but very muscular. Anyways, my grandparents had a fairly large house and lots of property for us to do whatever on. The sleeping arrangement however was that one cousin had a room to herself, the two young kids slept in the same room and my...

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JulesJordan Abigail Mac Gets Deep Anal Penetration

Abigal Mac is sultry and wet in the opening of this Jules Jordan exclusive scene. Mac does some serious tease poolside, decked out in a chain laced bikini. Her thick thighs and tight ass showcase well and then she gets under some water! Her ass drips as she gives the camera a pussy peek-a-boo. Manuel Ferrara shows up and Abigal is game. After gagging on his meat, Mac takes Ferrara’s dick standing doggy. He pounds her ass then lifts her leg as she yells approvingly. They head indoors and...

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Raped virgin bride

Raped virgin bride. By po469 FMMMMM Paul and I had been going together for about four months. He is 30 years old and quite a hunk. He is six feet tall and weighs 170. He has brown hair and dreamy brown eyes. About a month ago he asked me to marry him and I said yes. My name is Brenda. I am 19, 55 and weigh 120#. I have long red-brown straight hair and many people have told me that I am very pretty. We live in a small town in New York. I am still a virgin but I know that Paul is far from it....

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Bored in Titans Tower

(Please rate the threads; I want to know what I'm doing well on so I can do more of it, and what I'm doing poorly on so I can improve it.) (This takes place several years after the TV show ended. They still call themselves the Teen Titans, but the youngest of them [Terra] is already 18, and Cyborg is now in his mid-twenties.) Cyborg glanced around his room, bored out of his circuits. There was nothing good on TV, he’d already beaten BB at every video game they owned four times each so far today...

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Slut Neighbour

I stood there, rooted to the spot, for he was delicious, his bare torso glistening with sweat from his toil on the building site. "Jesus, will you look at them," came a soft voice next to me. A quick glance confirmed that someone else was also overcome from the view. She was mid to late twenties and very beautiful. "Yeah," I agreed, my voice sounding strangely hoarse. "Which one do you fancy most?" she asked. "The one on the mixer," I whispered as if he could hear me even though I...

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Handyboy and the Jaguar

Susie came through the front door at about ten-thirty and slammed it behind her, leaned against it and said, "Damn." Billy glanced up and then looked again. Her new shirt, the flowered one she had showed him only hours before, was ripped open and it looked like her nose was bleeding. He flipped off the TV. His sister's bra seemed to be gone and there were scratches on her lovely young breasts. She looked up at him and sniffed, wiped her mouth on the back of her hand and said, "Robby...

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Travelling to the US part 1

The story until nowSue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another child....

Wife Lovers
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I Get my Master and Mistress Part One

Friday arrived and I spent the day wondering what was going to happen. I was expected for dinner in the evening and could not help going through a lot of scenarios. Anyway, the time soon arrived and there I was with some trepidation, knocking at Diane and Michael's front door. Diane opened the door and took my hand. She led me into the sitting room, and there standing by the window was a big guy. He must have been 5' 8" tall and about 200lbs. My heart started to beat a lot faster. "John this is...

Group Sex
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An Unsinkable LoveChapter 6

Danny: After I suggested some tea, Lizzie asked me how. Did she really want me to have real sex with her? Yeah, she is as hooked as I am. I thought, what to use, what to use? Then I had an idea, if I put a flat stone over the flame, it could transfer heat to a hollowed out coconut. Danny told Lizzie his idea. As Lizzie relaxed on the bed, Danny went out and returned with a hollowed out coconut and a flat stone. He put the stone on the makeshift stove. Danny went out again and returned with...

2 years ago
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slut wifefucked me hadr

my wife planned for my b-day a hotel and we got drunk so when we went to the room she had 4 black men waiting for us and she tied my hands and feet as she started to suck all there cocks making me very horney and as she fucks all the guys and made them cum she told them to fuck me in the ass and for me to suck there cocks also. I said what are you crazy and she said it would turm her on really good to see me suck cum and get fucked in the ass. so i did suck all there cocks plus let them fuck me...

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Diavolo Ch 13

Light flickered against her eyelids and Gabe’s heart thudded loudly beneath her ear. Abby smiled and tightened the arm she had around him, snuggling closer to his comforting heat. His fingers flexed, squeezing her left butt cheek possessively as a lazy sigh made his broad chest rise and fall with its expulsion. She felt wonderfully sore, testimony to her husband’s prowess. How many times had he taken her? And the sun still hadn’t risen. She shifted the thigh she had draped across his groin and...

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Friday Night

George Smith lay in bed facing the large window deep in contemplation, he heard the clock in the hall strike twice a few minutes ago. It was just after two in the morning, and already it had been a long night, sleep was still a long, long way away. There was a stirring behind him as his wife, Wendy, moved position with a small exhaled breath once more. One consolation was that tomorrow was Saturday, and he did not have to get up early for work. The contemplation on George’s mind was about...

4 years ago
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Office main chudai

Hai, main Rajesh umar37 aur land mera 9 inch 3 inch motai. Is do mahina hua me iss ki story padhata hun.isme jyada log sister aur mother ko chodte hai lekin mera kahani alag hai, mai nashik mai kam karta hun. Mara sath ek laski staff kam karti thi, telephone ki opertor thi, dekhane ko oh itna sunder thi ki hamara office mai jo kam ki silsila me ate ha usko yani silpa ko (staff ka nam) pant gila karke jate hai. Silpa ki ball38size ki thi aur uski gand itna sunder thi sach bolu to har time mera...

1 year ago
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My Daughter and Her Mischievous Friend

My 14 year old Lori was always a good, well behaved c***d. She got straight A's in school, and never got into serious trouble. Her best friend Brittany on the other hand, well let's just say she wasn't really the pristine angel her parents thought she was. Brittany was a few months younger than Lori, but she developed faster than Lori did. And it was about that time when Brit became more than just a prick tease. Lori and Brit knew each other since the second grade when her family moved here 7...

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Josie Goes To The Mall

Josie Goes To The Mall By Josie Girlyc "Wake-up Josie," Sarina says loudly. "I have decided what punishment you are going to get for not getting the house cleaned up in time. It seems that you have to learn who your boss is." I wake up. I'm sleeping on my special pillow that is really just a small foam block that fits under my neck so that my updo doesn't get flattened. I've been only in updo hairstyles for the last week. And also I've been getting electrolysis on my...

1 year ago
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The Politicians Wife

***Editor's Note: I hope you enjoy this submission. Feel free to add any chapters you desire, or feel like the story should head. If you would rather have me write a chapter for you, feel free to send me a message with any ideas, plot twists, and so on, and I'll do my best to make it happen! ... Comments and Likes are also inspiring ... Once again ... ENJOY! *** "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Cyndi McAllister was cursing to herself as she pulled the car off, onto the shoulder of the road. Flashing blue...

4 years ago
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My February

February was getting rather boring. I guess after an awesome trip to Hedonism, everything would seem dull for a while, but I couldn't wait to see Dan and let him have me.I feel love for him — but I really don't want it to develop. So, we meet a few times a month when I can get away and I've accepted him as my Dom. I love his big cock and how he uses me. A few decent swingers' parties brightened me up as I got to talk about the Hedo trip, and got my fuck on. We met a nice black couple for...

3 years ago
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Accidental Experiment The Experiment BeginsChapter 3

Jen watched, out the back window, as they drove out of the area. From her position of being partially propped up she could see out the back easily. "Do we have any idea where we want to go?" asked Matt from the driver's seat. "I've been thinking about that. A few years ago I inherited some land from a great aunt that passed on. I never changed the title over to my name, so we should head there. It's in California." "Jason, we can't go to anywhere near there. These people know...

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Caught Out

Thanks to Mulligan for editing this story and making it a better read. To quote the words of the Baz Lurhmann song 'Sunscreen' from a few years ago: "The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday." Well it wasn't Tuesday, it was Thursday, but it certainly was real trouble. A bit about me, I'm Phil, 57 when this story starts, and married to Jane who was nearly 20 years younger than...

2 years ago
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The Girl Stories Mission 2

As the traffickers wanted innocent girls, one of the most important things was to cover her tattoos in a way, which would withstand different conditions. Penny contacted a friend, who was an expert in these matters, and soon, Lilly tattoos were begin covered with a water-proof paint, perfectly matching the color of her skin. She liked how the procedure, combined with a bare pussy, made her look so young, and fragile. But instead of pondering on the innocence that was ripped from her at her...

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the blind daddy

I was walking to my car , back from a friend place around 11pm I came accross a corner and they were approaching me asking where the bus station was , both looking a bit drunk, older black sympathic dudes , one with sunglasses who i realised was blindi told em i didnt know wasnt from the area but was going south of downtownand we all went in my car , chatting of tonight game and i endup offering them to drop them home both kinda on my way to homei drop one off and drove away the blind daddy...

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Quintuplets sisters and a little Brother the beginning

Now about my sisters let me just say they may have the same face with blue eyes like the sky and for some reason the same body, breast size, waist size and the same weight but all of them have different personalities, hair styles, taste in food and different interests like hobbies, tv shows, music and movies. Let just start from the first born to the last born. Iris the first born, has short light brown hair that looks very good on her that you can't understand what so ever on how she pulls...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 18

Ken woke with the alarm, of course. Jane did not. Of course. Quietly, he unclipped Ally and woke her. She groaned softly and flexed her shoulders, not moving very much because it was crowded in the bed - not that anyone was complaining. Certainly not Ken who was greeted by the sight of two naked women. Their scent filled the room, exciting him. "Why don't you wake her up, Ally?" The girl rubbed the sleep from her eyes and nodded. Jane was on her side, facing away from them and Ally...

4 years ago
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WendyChapter 2

When Bill returned to the kitchen there were enticing smells of bacon and freshly made coffee. "Ah, there you are. I can do the eggs now," said Wendy happily. "Which do you want scrambled or fried?" "Fried, please. Did you find the orange juice?" "I didn't look actually." "Like some?" "Yes, please." Bill poured two glasses and gave her one. Neither said anything as the eggs cooked. Indeed, nothing was said as they enjoyed their breakfast. As they turned to their coffee,...

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Dennis April Lorraine

Dennis Peck was absolutely livid as he looked at his watch. Sarah, his new girlfriend, was 45 minutes late! That does it, he thought. I am dumping her sorry ass today! He walked out of the bookstore, got into his pickup, and drove back to his apartment, quite ready to dump his detestable girlfriend. When he got there, he saw Sarah, sitting on the sofa, waiting for him. "Where the hell were you, Sarah?", Dennis asked her. "Not at that stupid bookstore of yours, that's for sure! I'm sick and...

Group Sex
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Just a SecChapter 24

The three ladies – Midge, Jan, and Jennifer – had to straighten their clothing a bit upon arrival at the place where Dennis stopped the limo and got out to assist their exit from the back. Jennifer had no idea where they were! But, the others with her were grinning with understanding, as if they all shared a mutual secret and she was the only on in the dark. But, she did not have time to ponder this, as Dennis was already holding the door and extending his hand to assist. Jennifer blushed...

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cuckold lifestyle 43

It's Monday and I just have to share what my wife did this weekend. Saturday it was in the low 80's here in Atlanta , my wife and I where working in the back yard around the pool , planting flowers and pulling weeds. I was going at it alone when my wife brought me a cold beer out. She had on a white tank top no bra and a hot pink thong bottom. She handed me the beer and ask if I needed any help? I said sure you can help, she bent over to pick up a flat of flowers and the tank top fell open and...

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Neighbour got the hots for me

It began in the early nineties when I was living with my girlfriend at the time, she work in a bar Saturday nights so I tend to go out with a friend James who live near me ,we went into town about 7 pm did the usual thing my neighbour Anne 38 years old.was in a bar with her friend we talk for a while but moved on eventually arriving at the nightclub a 11: 15 pm did the normal chatting a few women then about 11:45 pm Anne came in with her friend Gail, Anne was a bit giddy laugh and a bit freely...

2 years ago
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Girls Night In

Wow, what a weekend.There we were: Emma, Annie and me relaxing on my bed, reminiscing about our action-packed cock-fest with three teenage college guys, our cunts and arses used by them to excess over the weekend.It all started on Friday evening. We were sitting in my lounge with a glass of wine each, awaiting our guests: Ollie, John, and Mike, my eighteen-year-old son. Annie wore an extremely short white dress, almost translucent, a plunging neckline to her navel revealing plenty of her firm...


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