Massaging Rohan and Shweta
- 3 years ago
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Chapter 3 A New Career
‘Okay, gentlemen,’ Leo said, ‘Here’s what I’ve decided. We will order one press now, along with a laminator and a pouch machine. Ralph, you indicated that the laminator and that one larger press were available almost immediately, correct?’
Ralph nodded.
‘The pouch machine comes from Japan and delivery is minimum sixteen weeks,’ Ralph confirmed. ‘The press and the laminator will be on site as soon as the preliminary work on the building is done. Luckily, there isn’t much to do except prepare the floor and upgrade the electrical and emission controls. I’d guess we’re three to four months away from having them installed. We’re staying with the slitters they have now and won’t replace them until necessary.’
Leo nodded. ‘Any questions?’
‘Can we start ordering now?’ Ralph asked.
‘Yes. Make sure they understand to time the delivery with our work in the plant. I don’t want crates of new equipment sitting around cluttering up the workplace while we’re trying to get prep work done.’
‘Got it,’ Ralph said.
‘Dave, assign one of your accounting people to manage the cash and invoices. Don’t pay any invoices more than a day before due, if then, okay?’
‘Sure, Leo,’ he chuckled.
‘Okay, that’s it. Andy, stick around. We need to talk.’
I saw Dave wink at me as he left the room, closing the door behind him.
‘Dave seems to think you can handle the Tracy operation,’ Leo said seriously.
‘If we make Mike Knowlton a regional sales manager it would be doable.’
‘I’m sure it would be. However, that’s not what I was thinking. I was thinking of making you general manager of Tracy. You’d be responsible for the entire operation.’
‘Me?’ Leo had caught me completely flat-footed. I didn’t know what to say.
‘I gave you this project to see how you worked with Dave and Ralph and to see how realistic your objectives were. You satisfied me that you understand what we are trying to do in the marketplace and know how to go about achieving results. You’ve already proven yourself as an excellent sales manager. This is a step up and a challenge. Do you think you can handle it?’
‘I don’t know,’ I said, shaking my head. ‘It never entered my mind that you might offer this to me. I’d like some time to think about it. You said Dave thought I could do it?’
He nodded. ‘Yeah, you impressed him. He’s my number two guy in this operation. He’s not just some bean counter, he’s senior management material. At some point, he’s going to be the head guy at Flex-Tek. I’m sure you can tell he knows the business inside and out. I trust him and he hasn’t let me down.’
‘No argument, Leo. Dave and Ralph were great to work with. I mean, I really relied on both of them to make this work. If I was to take this job, I’d need two guys I could count on in accounting and production. I’m not qualified in those areas.’
Again, Leo was nodding. ‘I know that. We wouldn’t leave you out there on your own. But in order for that plant to function, we are going to need to build sales and do it as soon as the equipment is installed and running. I can shift some production from here, but that won’t fill your press or your laminator. You’ll need to get that extra from the market.’
‘Well, I’d have a two-to-three month head start, so that would help. Ralph also cautioned me that the equipment wouldn’t be producing very much finished product to begin with. A lot of training and fine tuning is required. Anyhow, Leo, let me think about your question over the weekend and we’ll talk on Monday if that’s okay with you?’
‘That will be fine, Andy. Take it easy and don’t get too uptight over this decision. Dave, Ralph and I think you can do the job, so keep that in mind.’
‘I will,’ I smiled, ‘Thanks.’
I was pumped up as I left Leo’s office. Susan, Leo’s secretary, waved and smiled at me as I walked by. It dawned on me later that she knew what the meeting was all about. And Dave’s wink as he left Leo’s office told me he knew as well. It seemed I had a lot of support for something I would never have expected to be offered.
I went to my office and sat behind my desk. I wasn’t able to focus at that moment. Too many things were going through my head, all colliding with each other. I wasn’t going to be much use that particular Friday morning. I needed some advice and I had an idea of who might provide it.
Bill Costello was my largest and favorite customer. He was officially the assistant general manager of Wildwood Coffee, but in reality, he ran the business for his absentee owner. For some reason, this sixty-year-old man and I had hit it off almost right away and developed a business relationship that evolved into friendship. He was a widower for the past six years and had survived a cancer scare himself.
I had visited him in the hospital many times when he was undergoing treatment. We would play cards and generally talk about what was going on in our world. Bill had a common sense perspective about life and business in general and it was that which I sought today.
‘Bill, it’s Andy. How are you?’
‘Fine, thank you. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call,’ he chuckled.
‘Can I buy you lunch and get some advice at the same time?’
‘I like the lunch idea,’ he chuckled, ‘but you know what they say about free advice.’
‘Yeah … you get what you pay for. On the other hand, you’re one guy I have confidence you’ll steer me in the right direction.’
‘Very flattering, Andy, but if this is about your divorce, I’m not available.’
‘No, no, nothing like that. I wouldn’t do that to you.’
‘Okay, just make sure you don’t try and manoeuvre me around that way.’
‘I promise. Scout’s honour.’
‘Were you ever a scout?’
‘Nope,’ I laughed.
‘See you at noon,’ he said before hanging up.
‘So, now that I’ve been fed and you’ve been dancing around without saying anything, what’s this all about?’ Bill asked.
‘In confidence, Bill, I’ve been asked if I want to be G.M. at the new Tracy plant. I had no idea I was going to be offered it and I haven’t really been able to digest just what it would involve. The last thing I want to do is screw it up for Leo.’
‘Do you think you can do the job?’
‘I don’t know. I’m a salesman, Bill. You know that. I know something about how the other parts work, but not a lot.’
Bill didn’t comment right away.
‘When you were doing that proposal, did you understand all the parts that were going into it?’
‘Well, some of the financial stuff was beyond me, and when Ralph was discussing the electrical and environmental equipment, I won’t pretend I got all of that. Generally, I knew what they were talking about and why it was important.’
Bill nodded. ‘I assume you’ll have an accountant and a qualified manufacturing manager there?’
‘Yes, of course.’
‘So … what’s the problem,’ he said with a slight smile.
I thought about that for a few moments. Bill was right. I would have the support people in place to look after the things I wasn’t qualified to do. My job was to give those support people the means to do their jobs.
‘I guess that answers my question,’ I said.
‘Since this is in confidence, you should know that Leo called me a couple of weeks ago. He wanted my opinion on your taking that job.’
‘Oh … I didn’t know that. What did you tell him?’
‘I told him I couldn’t think of anyone better suited to getting a new operation up to speed than you, given that you had the people in place to get it done. I also told him that he’d better find someone as good as you to replace you. I wasn’t going to settle for half-assed representation.’
‘Oh,’ was all I could manage in embarrassment. ‘Thanks, Bill. If I take the job I’ll have you to thank again.’
‘If you take it?’ he said in surprise.
‘Yeah, well it’s a
big move. Phil is still living at home. I won’t just be moving to another town, I’ll be moving to another country. I’m not sure what to do about the boys. And there are the grandparents to think of as well as their mother.’
Bill nodded in acknowledgement. ‘When does Phil finish high school?’
‘Next June. He hasn’t decided about college yet. Neal is going to continue on at UBC, I’m sure. He’ll be gone during the school year and probably somewhere with a summer job. Last I heard, he was thinking about working for the Ministry of Environment in Kitimat next summer. He’s almost completely self sufficient now.’
‘So maybe your only concern is what Phil decides. I take it neither of them knows about this offer.’
I shook my head. ‘You’re the only person outside the management group at Flex-Tek that knows. I was looking for an outside opinion and you’ve helped a lot.’
‘I was pretty surprised but pleased that Leo asked for my opinion. I’m starting to feel like the wise old sage,’ he cackled.
‘No surprise, Bill. You fit the role perfectly.’
The rest of our conversation was discussing timing and where to live and assorted other less pressing issues. I think I knew all along I was going to accept the job, but I wanted to think out loud about my ability to do the job and about how to handle the family issues. Bill was the right guy to share them with. He always has been a good listener as well as a good thinker.
‘Phil, I’ve got some news to share with you,’ I said as we cleared the dinner dishes.
He looked at me quickly. ‘Are you and mom getting back together?’ he asked with a hopeful look.
I shook my head. ‘No, sorry, but that isn’t going to happen. What I wanted to let you know was that I’ve been offered a new job. Leo wants me to be the general manager of the new Tracy plant.’
‘In California?’ he said in complete surprise. ‘General Manager?’
‘Yup. It shocked the hell out of me, I’ll tell you. I had no idea he was thinking in that direction.’
‘When’s all this going to happen?’
‘Early next year if we can get all the construction done and the new equipment by then.’
‘So … like … you’ll be living down there then?’
‘Yes, I’ll be moving there sometime after New Years. So I wanted to talk to you about what you might want to do.’
‘You mean, if I go or if I stay?’
‘Yes. If you decide to go, we’ll have to arrange a student visa for you. But I want you to finish your school year here. Your mother could come back and live in the house again. That would probably work for her too. I’m sure your Aunt Ruth would let her stay, but she would have more privacy if your mother was here. If you decide to stay, then she’d be here to look after you.’
‘I don’t know what I want to do, Dad. I know Mom has a job now. That might affect what she wants to do.’
‘Where is your mother working?’
‘At the kitchen shop in Willowbrook.’
‘She must have just started there,’ I suggested.
‘Yeah, the first of November. I think she was going stir crazy doing nothing at Aunt Ruth’s place when she was at work.’
‘You don’t have to decide right away, Phil. As long as I know in time to apply for the student visa. I have to get my papers in order before then.’
‘What’s it like in Tracy?’
‘Well, it’s part bedroom community, part agricultural, part light industry and distribution. It’s right in the middle of central California.’
‘Maybe I should go down and have a look,’ he said.
‘If you use the Internet, you can find the local colleges and lots of information about the area. That way, you’ll have an idea of what to expect.’
‘I think that’s what I’ll do. I better talk to Mom too. She’ll want to know what’s going on.’
‘Good plan. Let me know if you have any questions.’
My forty-third birthday was coming up on the eleventh of December. In the past, Carla and I would go out to dinner at a nice restaurant. That wouldn’t be happening this year. My divorce was well along in the system with only two more weeks before it was final. I couldn’t bring myself to think of it as an early Christmas present. When I thought about the coming year and all the work I had in front of me, I was grateful that it would distract me from my failed marriage. I had no interest in dating. That might come some time later, but certainly not in the next six months.
‘Hello, Andy, it’s me.’
‘Hello, Carla. We haven’t talked in a quite a while.’
‘I just called to wish you a happy birthday.’
‘Thank you. Phil tells me you have a job.’
‘Yes, at the Willowbrook Kitchen Shop. I’m glad I have something to do during the day and the job is interesting. I’m actually enjoying it.’
‘Did Phil talk to you about what I’m doing next year?’
‘Yes. That’s one of the reasons I called. Congratulations on your promotion. I understand you’re moving to California soon. Phil hasn’t decided whether to go or to stay here. He told me you suggested I could live in the house if he decided to stay.’
‘That’s right. I’ll pay the mortgage and utilities and you can live there. That will give you a lot more freedom than staying at Ruth’s apartment.’
‘Can you afford it, Andy?’
‘Yes, I can. If our divorce had been contested, I would probably have had to provide it for you anyway.’
‘You’re being very good about this, Andy. Thank you. I’m not so sure I deserve it, but thank you anyway.’
‘You’re welcome. If Phil moves out and the house is too much for you, you can list it and when it sells, we can split the equity.’
‘Okay. I’m going to take you up on your offer then. Just let me know when you’re moving out and we can meet and get the details worked out.’
‘Sure. It will probably be in January. I’ll let you know as soon as I can.’
‘Thank you again, Andy. I appreciate your thinking of me.’
‘Sure, you’re welcome, Carla.’
As I hung up, I realized I had just had a civil conversation with my soon-to-be ex-wife. There was no anger or recriminations or even snide remarks. It was two adults having a practical talk about necessary decisions. More interestingly, I didn’t feel any sense of loss or pain from either of us. Once Carla had decided to act, everything had proceeded without delay.
It was two days later that I got a call from Ruth.
‘Hi, Andy. How are you?’
‘I’m fine, Ruth. And you?’
‘I’m good too. I hear congratulations are in order. Your new job sounds exciting.’
‘It’s going to be interesting all right. I can see myself buried in work for the next year trying to get everything going.’
‘I wanted to tell you how impressed I was that you offered your house to Carla. She really didn’t expect any kind of consideration from you and it came as a complete surprise. I don’t know what she’ll do if Phil decides to go south with you. She’ll be rattling around in that place. She’s trying to convince me to move in with her. I don’t know whether I want to or not. She’s my sister, but she and I aren’t exactly alike.’
‘Well, there’s no panic to decide, Ruth. I want Phil to finish school here and that gives you six months to think about it.’
‘Andy … you are a special guy, you know. Some woman is going to discover you and make you happier than you can imagine. Carla has made a mistake and just hasn’t realized it yet. Don’t hide yourself away when you get to California. Get out and socialize. I’m sure there’s someone out there for you.’
‘Thanks for the advice and the vote of confidence, Ruth. It’s always a pleasure to talk to you. I’ll see you at Christmas, if not sooner.’
‘I’m making my famous sausage rolls and have a dozen set aside with your name on them.’
‘Oh, now you’re talking. I can be bribed,’ I laughed.
I hung up with a smile on my face. Ruth was the upbeat half of the two sisters. Taller and older than Carla, and with a sparkling personality as a cont
rast to her sister. I often wondered why some guy hadn’t snapped her up.
Chapter 4 The Big Adventure
I was more than a bit surprised that Phil decided to stay in Langley instead of moving to the U.S. after he graduated. Perhaps it was the fact that his mother would be living in our house once more. That seemed to be a big thing with him and I got a lot of positive feedback about what my family felt was a very generous move on my part. I even got a nice note from Carla’s parents thanking me and wishing me good luck on my new job. That was a surprise in itself.
The week before Christmas, Dave, Ralph and I headed back to Tracy to make the announcement of our acquisition of Statewide Converting. We felt it would be a nice Christmas present for the remaining employees to know the business was going to be revitalized in a big way. We would also tell them that each employee would be evaluated to determine their potential and that we couldn’t promise that every one of them would retain their jobs. On the other hand, we needed at least fifty good people and each of them would be given an opportunity to earn a place in the new operation.
I was slightly surprised that I wasn’t nervous as the former owner, Lorne McDermott, introduced me as the new general manager. I guessed there were at most, thirty people at the assembly, ten fewer than Statewide once employed. We would begin our interviews early in January and begin recruiting additional production employees. We would also need staff for the office. I would be responsible for the sales, customer service, and graphics department evaluations. Dave would look after accounting and Ralph would interview the production and maintenance people.
My first interview with the sales staff was with Fiona Alexander.
‘Thanks for taking the time to meet with me, Fiona,’ I began. ‘We met briefly when I was here with the acquisition team, but I wanted to talk to you about your role here.’
‘Do you plan on keeping me?’ she asked, showing concern.
‘If you want to stay, I want you here. Your performance speaks for itself. With our new capabilities, I think you can be an even bigger success in the future.’
It was a barely audible sigh of relief that told me she was slightly worried about her future.
‘If what you said about the new equipment and products comes about, I’d be foolish not to stay.’
I pulled out some brochures from my briefcase and passed them to her.
‘There will be a second press with some special capabilities when we build the business up. In the meantime, this new press will put out almost twice the volume of the two old PCMC units. The laminator will be able to cope with that volume and we can order a second one if business warrants it. The pouch machine is the latest and greatest from Japan, so you’ll have a full range of products to sell.’
‘It’s hard to know where to start,’ she said, absorbed in the brochures. ‘We’ve passed up so many opportunities because we couldn’t make the product or couldn’t make it with the quality the customers demanded. This is like being let loose in a candy store,’ she grinned.
‘I’m glad you see it that way. As I said earlier, we’ll be supplying some of our product from the Langley plant until all the equipment is in place here. I’d like you to come up to see the plant and we’ll show you what we are already doing.’
‘I’d like that. The sooner I can get started, the sooner I can be earning some income.’
‘You’re on straight commission here, right?’ I asked.
‘Yes. My volume has been stagnant for the past year, so I haven’t been able to earn more. With Lorne’s permission, I have been sourcing some items elsewhere that didn’t compete with Statewide, but that hasn’t been my first choice.’
‘What have you been selling from other vendors?’
‘Stand-up pouch, mostly. A bit of lidding film and some printed polyethylene. Most of that was to keep the customers I already had from wandering off. With Flex-Tek coming in and taking over, those days are gone,’ she smiled.
I nodded. ‘Yes, I think we can give you almost everything you want or need. Let me tell you a little about the company. Leo Cornell and his brother Paul inherited a folding carton business from their parents. Leo could see that it was a mature industry and they were looking for growth. They bought our present Langley plant from another company who decided they didn’t want to be in the flexible packaging business. Leo took it over and made it what it is today with a clear vision of what it could be.
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It seems like it has already been such a long day. But when we got to the house I invited everyone in for a drink and was shocked to see that it’s only two o’clock! I’ve taken an awful lot of cock into my body since I got up this morning. I enjoyed it. But it’s the exciting things I did with Kyra I’m most going to remember about today. She’s an amazing young lady. I offered to make a light lunch. I’m tired but I suddenly have a huge appetite. I made some tuna salad sandwiches and served them...
The proposal was approved. Professor Adam was quite happy with it. It involved spending August and January in Queensland. I'd devote summer 1995 to something and then autumn back in Sydney. I invested several hundred dollars in getting the 4x4 a complete overhaul and new tyres. The first week in July I drove to Mitchell via a circuitous inland route. Sydney to Dubbo to Bourke to Charleville to home. I stayed two nights in Dubbo, spending a cool, damp day at the Taronga Western Plains Zoo. In...
It was going to be a long day, as Saturdays usually were. The weather was beautiful outside, which made me all the more bitter for being stuck at work. Library patrons always seemed more demanding on Saturday afternoons and doubly so on nice ones. They'd simply wave and beckon on me to attend to their needs. A dude has a to have a pretty strong stomach to deal with some of these people. The homeless people and the whores are always hooking up in this place. Saturdays are different, though. The...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: ‘Looking back from 25 years, it seems obvious that an informal family came together that week. Well, partly formal, since Dad did propose to and marry Mom. But, many of the people that came and went through my childhood, first met that week. After all, I do call Francine Martel, star of stage and screen, Aunt Frannie. Jason Porter and Christine Collins met that week, though, of course, I called her Nanny CC. Back then, she doubled as Mom’s secretary and...
I was staying in my father’s brother’s house for college studies in Lahore and I use to call my father’s brother as uncle and her wife as aunty. He is a production manager and normally has a regular trip to outstation. I like to say about my aunt, her name is Sakina, 28 yrs sexy shaped Indian wife, her breasts are so huge and can’t be hold one of it in one hand. She had just given birth to a child before one year. I had the chance to see her big breast naked for first time when she was feeding...
Incest“Greetings, Your Serene Highness,” the aging butler saluted the 4th Prince of Altberg-Langenstein-Briersdorf. “Good morning,” replied Maxmilian.“I have drawn your bath, sir.”“Very good, Finkel! I will make me way into the wash room shortly. Please have cook prepare potato pancakes and fruited sausage for me. Kuluc, be a dear and inform Finkel of what you wish for breakfast,” the thirty-three year-old sovereign said to his bedmate.Kuluc yawned and rolled over. Maxmilian Ferdinand Ernst Georg,...
Diane walked through the house passing by the den as she did. A quick glance told her that Glen was absorbed in the football game as usual and would be for at least a couple more hours. They had hardly spoken since their big fight last week which was not that out of the normal anymore. They just didn't make up overnight like they had back in the old days. Now in their 50's the fights could sometimes lead to 2 or 3 weeks of just cordial conversation and no affection at all. She decided tonight...
As the warm Missouri summer set in Becky had often wondered if she had the nerve to live out her fantasy of being an exhibitionist. The though of people's eyes undressing her was always quite the turn on, but her curiosity made her wonder "what if they don't have to undress me, what if I am already showing them what they imagine" One exceptionally warm July evening by accident she found out. Late in the evening, she was sitting home relaxing in just a pair of panties and tank top, when she...
Part 3Mom can we talk. Sure Megan about what? (as if I didn't know)It's about our weekends. Yes Megan what about it. I'm so horny all the time, all I want to do is fuck.That's understandable. You're in your early 20's your hormones are still raging. True but I don't want to just fuck anyone they may be selfish, not like the weekend group.That's why we go there. You may remember I mentioned it's safe & everyone there wants you to get off as much as they do.It's hard not to diddle myself...
We did dock at the same mooring arm we had used almost two years ago. Har-Hi standing next to me at the portside main airlock and tugged at his mask. He had decided to wear the Assassin mask that came with the armor suit. “You know we were basically still kids when we came here the first time.” His words expressed what I was thinking perfectly. “We aren’t kids anymore, but I think we are not exactly the experienced and seasoned officer kind either.” Shea standing to my other side...
MONDAY As the three friends entered the main doors of the school, Hardcase slipped her right hand through Steetch's left elbow, her left hand through Freaky's right arm, and with linked elbows muttered from the side of her mouth "Start with your right foot and go!" and launched them into the wizard of oz waltz down the wide hallway. The few fellow students already in the hallway got out of the way, and a few more carefree or daring of their classmates managed to link on the end extending...
Of course all my responses were from men. But one of the responses had a dick pic and it was a BBC. Below is my response to his reply: ===================================================== Oh hell no! There is no way that monster could fit into my virgin ass. That thing would rip me in half. LOL. I know someone experienced could handle that thing but I have never done nothing like this before. Of course, if I'm really goin to do this and want to be dominated, then might as well go all...
We decided a vacation was in order, and I took them to my old haunt in the south of France. They were a little selfconscious at first, wearing nothing but a thong in their current condition, but got over it quickly when they noticed the admiring looks from most of the men and a lot of the women on the beach. To quote Yogi Berra, it was deja vu all over again. The Goddess appeared, rising again from the sea. As she got closer and recognized me, her smile was radient. I was shocked by her...
Chapter XXXII – My Wife’s Cousin (based on Lovers No. 63 cover, Marvel, September 1954)I am an awkward person in the treats of my wife’s relatives. Sometimes, I feel so different among them, because they seem to live different lives as mine. Well, everyone does, but surely I feel unwell dealing with those people. The only one I couldn’t have any complaint about it was Arlene, her cousin. Arlene was the kind of woman that got everything right in her life. She married a perfect catch on a somehow...
He grabbed her huge tits in his palms. With a cry, my mother caught hold of his wrists and tried to push his hands away, but he was too strong for her. She kept on trying to stand up, but he held her in place. He dug his nose under her thick, straight hair and started kissing her neck, at the same time he started kneading her huge boobs very roughly. Quite thrilled, I watched how his strong palms were squeezing her round, melon-sized tits. Her sari had slid down her shoulders and I could see...
I just can't stop thinking about sex.I wake up in the morning, and it's like I have this uncontrollable impulse to masturbate. Thankfully the shower has that sprayer on a hose so it only takes me a few minutes to get myself off.Most times now when I go to class, I think about having sex with almost every boy I see. Jocks, geeks, teachers, even the derpy goth kids. And when changing for PE I find myself thinking about what the girls in my class would be like having sex. Oh no, not actually...
Teen“Your actions show extreme irresponsibility,” said my boss as she was scolding me. I’ve been in her office for over an hour and we still cannot find a reasonable solution to the problem I had created. I stayed quiet. I’m at a lost for words. I sit there totally embarrassed. “I have never been so disappointed. You represent this company. I gave you your position so that you will give it a good image, not ruin it!” my boss said. “I have to figure out how to fix this. I’ll have to call in a board...
Erotic FictionMy pulse starts to quicken as I pull into the driveway of my old school. My parents were living in Lagos at the time, so they sent me to (what I will call) The Old Masters School in Simla. That was years ago when I was 18. Now I have just joined the board of trustees and I am coming back for the first time.Standing in front of the main entrance is Miss Gupta, the meanest teacher when I attended school. She is now the headmistress. She is very young for her position. At the time she was probably...
Tori Loves to tease and fuck Chapter 1: Tori Loves Attention. I hope you enjoy and please vote. I will answer all your comments, as I always do. I am writing this in the person of the character. This is the first time writing as the woman. I hope you enjoy. I am Tori and Tom is my twin brother. We turned 18 a month ago. I am 5’6†with auburn hair, cut around my cheek bones flowing to the nape of my neck in the back. Big brown eyes a slight overbite with full lips. Slender shoulders firm round...
Exhibitionism~~~My fingers delicately slipped through the tangles of her hair, grasping at the peaks of intensity as my length slid its way in and out of her soft lips. Her tongue was soft but rough, an amazing carressing sensation burning through me as my dick throbbed. My eyes rolled back in the grasp of pleasure, and as my palm ran down her cheek and pressed against her jaw the thrill was overwhelming. My fingers pulled on her hair as my muscles tensed and writhed, and I could feel my shaft pump...
So here I was ready for the first day of High School to arrive. Today dad had dropped me off at the bus pick up point. I knew this wouldn’t be a daily occurrence, but it was nice for the first day at least. I was first to arrive. I knew I was a little early, so this wasn’t a surprise. One thing I was a little concerned about was Rory, I know he had seemed friendly when it had only been the two of us. Would he still want to associate with me, now that he was going to be with his normal...
I couldn't believe it when I got the call.It was something that most every straight man walking the face of the Earth, and certainly in the States, would kill for, and I was going to get the chance to do it.I'm talking about getting the keys to the "Playboy" kingdom, and everything that goes along with that.You hear stories all the time about people who fall Into a lot of money, or the opportunity of a lifetime in part due to them having a rich, long-lost family member who leaves them that...
Jenny and Cassie walked hand in hand along the secluded beach; it had been a couple of miles since they had left the small fishing village, leaving the throng of people behind them. Jenny wore a small white bikini with a sarong and was carrying a small bag with their picnic. Cassie's bikini was pink and was a bit smaller, over the top she wore a long tee shirt. Cassie's bag contained a couple of beach towels, some sun tan oil and a bottle of wine.They stopped near a small outcrop of rocks and...
LesbianLook at the tags. If you do not like snuff stories then do not read - - - - - - - - - - - - My boredom is my torture. That’s not the most politically correct thing for an actual torturer of girls to say but it’s true. I mean, a girl might experience more physical pain when, say, I snip her nipples off with a pair of scissors, but what about the metaphysical tedium I experience every moment of every day. How do other people bear the sheer mundanity of it all? At least when I’m...
Spencer Bradley stops by to see her step-dad, Dale Savage, at work. After greeting Dale, Spencer gets a mischievous look on her face and pulls her skirt up, revealing her pussy. Dale is shocked at Spencer’s exhibitionist ways as one of his employees, Jay Romero, walks in. Dale is even more shocked when Jay and Spencer recognize each other. Spencer winks at Jay, pulling down her top and flashing her perky breasts. Looks like Jay and Spencer were more than just friends, and Spencer wants to...
xmoviesforyouSklavin gesucht! Sabrina Schmitz saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und studierte die Kleinanzeigen in der Tageszeitung. Nicht, das sie etwas spezielles für sich suchte, sie las alles eher aus beruflichen Gründen. Als Kommissarin der Polizei in Aachen, verfolgte sie mit ihren Kollegen im Kommissariat für organisierte Kriminalität alles was ihr ungewöhnlich erschien. So konnten sie im letzten Jahr eine internationale Hehlerbande dingfest machen, die über Kleinanzeigen Fernseher und andere elektronische...
The civil war began when the old king died. His oldest son and heir assumed the throne and one of his many bastards tried to assassinate him. He failed and six of the twelve duchies split away from the crown. Of course one of the other duchies was empty and part of the royal lands and titles. The kingdom was split down the middle, east against west. The King and crown held the western duchies and the bastard and traitor dukes held the east. The king's uniforms were deep blue or Sapphire and...
My name is Sasha Munster (SissyMunster to my friends) I work a lot in telesales.Part of my job role is talking to international customers on busy office phonelines.I got the job becuase of my exceptional communication skills, but becuase I was willing to use my oral skills for a lot more than just sweet talking to customers and staff.To say my previous boss was very laid back would be an overstatement. He liked the staff to do all the work and seldom came to the office at all. His name was...
Hi readers ..ekkada telugu valla power sarigalevu .stories 1 or 2 matrame vsthunai ..chala days nunchi chadivuthunna ..telgu valla real life stories chaduvalani korika but ekkada anni stories ravadam ledu ..andhari anubhavalu chadivanu ga mari na anubhavam kuda rayali anukunnanu ..ok eka story lo ki vasthe peru gowtham .nenu rajamandry lo untunanu .nenu akkada chadukune vadini .nenu untunna house city lo unna rich people colony lo undhi eka adoka super home .dani pyna unna chinna room lo...
Saturday afternoon, I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend, her sister was in the chair by the window, we were relaxing with an old movie on the TV. Now, my girlfriend Karen was from Kenya, and we had just gotten the money together to send for her sister a month ago. Karen was beautiful, with a stocky athletic build and skin like dark mahogany. Val, two years younger, was a plumper, softer version of her sister. It was warm and Karen wasn’t wearing a bra, her 36D breasts loose under...
Another boring day with the same boring routine. With the kids safely off to school, I looked around in the cramped apartment. Time to start the first load of the neverending stream of laundry, then the dishwasher, the dust rag and vacuum cleaner, followed by the daily exercise of folding and ironing. An hour later, I opened the window of the laundry room and looked outside. Though still a bit chilly, it was bright and sunny, with a soft breeze that carried the smell of hawthorn blossom....
TrueBelow a world that seemed distant from hers was available to view. Pathways of cement matter interlinked in patterns killing plant life below. Ground shuttles followed these patterns to reach desired destination of their operators while clouds of thin exhaust rose to higher altitudes from the machines. Some homosapiens chose to walk for enjoyment of what's left of their natural planet. Reserves of what they called parks held life forms that roamed the lands before human arrival however now...
My wife Kara and I had been married for over 25 years when the following incident took place. From the outside, anyone who saw Kara, knew her to be a hard working mother, wife and teacher. She was always very attentive to her kids, seldom missing a thing that they were involved in. This often took us out of town, and when I couldn’t go, she’d go on her own. We had a good marriage, except for the lack of sex. She had a strong belief that sex was for procreation, and after our two children were...
JAY & J. PROP. Somehow, Jay was able to conceal the fact he had a 'J' form in his possession. While the other men were more or less servants, Jay had a different purpose. He was a maker. Besides the basic Gunsmith repairs to tourist mistakes, Jay constructed identical copies of commercial guns ... minus serial numbers and company markings. Jay worked with his hands. The simple series of steps necessary to build something had released certain things in his mind: Jay could think. He...