CHAT WITH ROB(IN) free porn video

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Here's a chat I had with Rob(in) in 2008:

Me: Hi there. What's your dick like?
Rob(in): What a novel way to start a chat. I like it.
Me: Cool. Do you want to chat?
Rob(in): Yes, very much so. But first, I must explain that I am Robin not Rob. I am a 35 year old spinster so we can stop right here if you don't want to chat with me.
Me: Well, that is quite a surprise. Your profile was very brief and didn't mention that. However, no problem. I'd be happy to chat with you.
Robin: Ok that is wonderful, not a lot of guys will.
Me: I just won't ask you the traditional questions about what does your dick look like and what does it like to do.
Robin: Maybe you'd like to know about all the dicks "I've known and loved" then?
Me: Hey, that sounds good, bare all babe.
Robin: Should I start with the first dick I ever saw and carry on to then?
Me: Sure, that sounds good.
Robin: Ok, the first cock I ever saw was Dad's. I was outside and peaked in my parent's bedroom window and my Mom was sitting on the bed. My Dad was in front of her. I had a side view of what was going on. My Dad had his cock in Mom's mouth and he was moving it in and out. I got to see the shaft but not the tip. I thought I'd better not get caught so I only watched for a few seconds.
Me: Wow, how old were you then?
Robin: I was 9 or 10. When I was 12 I saw my older brother Paul's cock. He was upstairs in his bedroom. I wanted to play a trick on him & peak around the corner & shout "BOO" at him. But, when I looked around the corner, he was lying on the bed and his hand was stroking his cock, up and down. The skin on the end of his cock was sliding back and forth over his cockhead. I was mesmerized. I stayed perfectly still, hardly breathing. He kept stroking for several minutes and then all this white stuff came out of the end of his cock and splattered all over his belly. I let out a gasp and he saw me. I was scared and ran downstairs and out of the house to the park next to our house. He came chasing after me a while later, he had to put his pants on first, lol. He was really mad but I promised not to tell anybody and he calmed down. I used that knowledge several times to blackmail him over the years and he had to be extra nice to me.
Me: Did he have a big dick? How big was your Dad's dick?
Robin: I'm not sure how long my Dad's dick was but it seemed pretty fat. Paul's cock was about 6 inches and not as fat.
Me: Did you like what you saw Paul doing?
Robin: I did. Not in a sexual way as I knew nothing about sex at that time but I was still shocked and excited.
Me: Cool. Next?
Robin: I have a cousin the same age as me and when we were 13 we were in the garage one day and showed each other our genitals. His cock was small and floppy. I said something to that effect and he asked me to lick and suck it and see how big it would grow. His cock did not have skin at the end like Paul's did. I said no but he offered to lick me first if I'd do him after. So I let him. He licked up and down my crack. His tongue felt tickly at first but then I started to feel hot between my legs and didn't want him to stop. I only had light hair on my pussy but he licked the top of my pussy too and all around my pussy lips. I liked it best when he ran his tongue up and down my pussy lips. His mouth started to suck me at the top of my cunt and that felt bloody hot. Suddenly, he stopped though and said it was his turn. So I did. I didn't know what all to do but he told me to lick all around the tip first and then the sides and top and underside. Then he had me put it in my mouth and suck and he slid it in and out. It wasn't small and floppy now. He was stiff and his cock stood straight out and pointed towards his belly button. We were laying on an old carpet in the garage and I was between his spread legs. I got tired of sucking him pretty fast and he said to stroke it for awhile and he showed me how to hold his cock and move my hand up and down. Then he asked me to go faster and after a couple of minutes, white stuff squirted out of his cock. Just like Paul's cock had. His cock though didn't have that excess skin on the end.
Me: Wow, that is damm hot. Were you excited this time, being so close to the action?
Robin: I felt very warm and agitated. My face felt red hot and I felt incredibly itchy and warm down between my legs. I sort of started to rub myself and he said here let me get you off. He went down between my legs again and started to lick and suck my pussy. Now, I really got hot and warm feelings were spreading all over my belly and crotch and cunt. My breathing was fast and labored and my hips seemed to have a mind of their own. They kept pushing up and down into my cousin's face. Then, something incredible happened, I climaxed. I didn't know what it was but it had to be that. It could not have been anything else. And I really liked it. I learned to finger myself and rub my cunt so that I could enjoy these sensations as often as possible. One day, I was so horny, I even squeezed my legs together sitting in class until I climaxed, very quietly of course.
Me: Hot damm, wish I`d been there. Actual sex must have occurred in your life soon after I`d guess?
Robin: No not for a couple of years. The boys were not attracted to me. I was short and fat-assed and had to endure their negative remarks and comments. Consequently, I didn`t date. My cousin and I never did anything else again. It seemed we never got the chance to be alone or maybe he wasn`t attracted to me either. Since he knew what to do when we did it that first time, obviously he`d done it before and had other opportunities.
Me: That is very sad. Here you were horny as hell and no guys to fuck with.
Robin: Yes, I was sad and lonely. However, that all changed when I was 14. Since it was an older married man who first fucked me, maybe you don`t want to hear all the details since it was and still is statutory ****? There is a caveat, however. He never forced me to do anything. I was a most willing participant. I greatly appreciated his attentions. At the time I was lonely and liked the fact that he was interested in me at all. Plus, I was horny and looking for something new and exciting and I got it! Still want to hear all the hormy details?
Me: Well, I am a curious guy and I'm interested in all sorts of stuff. Carry on please.
Readers, the choice of reading this part, about statutory ****, rests with you.

Robin: Ok here goes. I have not told anyone what actually happened and it really upset me at the time so it might be good to get it off my chest. A bunch of us k**s used to meet and hang out around the hotel/cafe. In early July there was a crew staying at the hotel. They were from out of town and were doing repairs on the bridge 2 miles Southeast of town. After work they would come out and visit with us. The good looking stacked girls in our group attracted lots of attention and the local boys were not too impressed. A 35 year old guy specifically started chatting and talking to me. I was overjoyed of course. Talking to guys was new to me but he knew what he was doing. He was a real charmer. This went on for a few nights. It started to rain one night and he offered me a ride home. I gladly accepted. I gave him directions to our street but told him to let me off at the park as I sure didn't want my parents to see me getting a ride home. It was about 10:00, just getting dark and he asked me if I'd like to go for a drive first. I agreed and he then pulled me over to sit beside him and he drove outside of town. He put his right arm around me while he drove and it felt so good. I was totally inexperienced and his attentions were very eagerly accepted. He drove to the golf course and parked at the back of the lot. As it was raining, it was deserted and the clubhouse was closed. He started to kiss me and I liked it and kissd him back. When he attempted to get his hands under my blouse, I resisted and he stopped. We talked some and kissed some & I stopped his wandering hands at every attempt. I even told him "No, I'm only 14, I don't do that stuff." About 11:00, Hank, that was his name, drove me back to town and I walked from the park to my house and nobody was the wiser.
Me: So you were a virgin?
Robin: Oh yes. I didn't consider what my cousin had done as actual penetration so my hymen was still intact.
Me: So you must have seen Hank again.
Robin: Oh yes. The crew always left Saturday afternoons to return home and returned Monday mornings. They all had their own vehicles. Our group got together again the following week and once it got dark, he asked me if I wanted to go for a ride. I accepted and one of the other guys on the crew took him aside first. I don't know what he said (probably something to the affect that I was u******e) but I heard Hank tell him "Mind your own fucking business!" I sat next to Hank as he drove out of town. We drove around and he stopped at the golf course once it was dark. The lot was empty again. We kissed and talked and Hank's hands were wandering again. I still resisted though and he did not persist too vigorously. That was our routine for the next few nights. On Friday night he drove further out of town and parked off the road at a turn off. He rolled down his window & placed a towel over the edge and rolled it back up. He did the same with my window and the back window, securing it with masking tape. Then he turned on the dome light. Nobody could see inside the truck except from the front and before anybody could get that close, we would see them. So it was quite cozy. He'd done this before I'm sure. I knew he was married of course. This time when he tried to get his hands under my blouse, he said "please, I won't see you until next week, I'm going home tomorrow." I relented and he started feeling my breasts. He undid my bra and unbuttoned my blouse and started kissing and fondling both breasts. His lips and mouth caressed my nipples and they got hot and hard and lengthened to twice their size. I really liked what he was doing and of course the inevitable happened. I got wet and hot and horny between my legs. But, I didn't let on and when he tried to reach into my jeans, I stopped him. I put my bra back together & buttoned my blouse & told him that was enough & to take me home. The following week, I let him fondle my breasts and kiss them and my nipples but nothing else happened. Each night though I was so excited and horny, I masturbated furiously in my bed. Then that Friday night, when I wouldn't let him into my pants he says "Damm girl, you're got me so horny, you need to take care of me." He unzips his jeans and lowers them to his knees. I had been very curious about his cock and finally I got to see it and feel it. With the dome light on, he says "See what you've done to me." He takes my hand and wraps my fingers around his cock. He covers my hand with his and motions up and down. I stroke him like that for awhile. His cock is short, about 5 inches and he also has skin at the end of his cock. However it stays behind the ridge around his cock. It doesn't slide back and forth over his knob as I stroke him. He says "Harder, faster." I tighten my grip and stroke faster and soon white cum gushes out of his cock. Most of it splashes onto his shirt and belly but some gets on the seat. "Ahhhhhhhhh, my blue balls really needed that, thanks." "What do you mean, blue balls?" I asked. He then went on a long explanation about being in a long period of arousal and not getting off. The following week I masturbated him every night in the truck. It was fun and I enjoyed it. Thuesday night after he was done he asks "Can I do you now?" I knew what he meant but I replied "What do you mean?" "Let me show you" and his hand attempts to reach inside my jeans. I stop him but he persists and soon his fingers are touching my cunt. "Wow, are you ever wet!" he exclaims. His fingers probe my crack and he rubs my pussy lips, up and down. A finger gets inserted partways into my cunt and he strokes it in and out while his thumb goes to work on my clitoris. I am so hot and horny, my breathing is getting faster and faster and my hips buck on the seat and finally I cum frantically, jerking against his hand. "Did you like that?"
"Oh yes, gawd it was incredible" I pant. Friday night is a repeat of the same but we get totally naked first before we enjoy each other. The following week we start off the same but on Tuesday night while I am jerking him he asks "Do you want to taste me?" Again, I play dumb and reply "What do you mean?" He tells me what to do, like my cousin had done 2 years before. Hank's dick did not start out small and floppy though. He was already hard from my stroking. I put as much suction as I could into sucking him and soon he pulled out of my mouth and shot his stuff onto his belly. I innocently asked if it was my turn now and he says "For sure" and he gets me positioned on the bench seat and spreads my legs and goes down on me. Combined with his finger stroking up and down my pussy lips and his licking and sucking on them and my clit, I cum for what seems a long time. Wednesday and Thursday nights are more of the same. I am getting used to his nakedness and being naked with him in the truck. On Friday, July 31, my 15th birthday, we are naked and he is laying on the seat. I suck him for a couple of minutes. Then I crawl on top of him and lower myself onto his cock. I position him perfectly to go inside, take a deep breath and fall onto it. Ouch, it hurts like hell and I gasp! But, it is all inside. Our pubic mounds are squished together. We stay quiet for a moment and then he gently and slowly starts to thrust upwards. It hurts for a while but gradually excitement takes over and we are thrusting wildly. I cum and it is glorious. Then I feel his stuff squirting inside me. We relax for a few minutes and then I pull myself off him. By the light from the dome, I can see blood on his cock and between my legs. He takes the box of tissues and cleans me and himself, tossing the tissues out the window. He is happy but shocked that I gave up my virginity. I explained that I wanted a special birthday present and he was it.
When I get home and in bed, I experiment a bit with inserting my fingers in my cunt, very gently at first as it is still pretty tender. I get more aggressive later as my pussy warms up to the action and gets all excited. Soon, I cum. I continue to rub gently and soon my passion gets me going faster and harder and I cum again. Exhausted, I fall asleep. In the morning, I masturbate again. Gawd, it feels so good. The next week, Monday night he is not there. One of the guys, Dale, offers me a ride home. He is a tall, good looking 25 year old. I have him stop by the park. He reaches over and gets me to sit beside him. He starts to kiss me. He is a good kisser and I kiss him back. He takes my left hand and rubs it over his crotch. He has a considerable bulge and as I massage it, I can feel his cock getting bigger. He pushes the seat back. Undoes his belt, unfastens his pants and pulls his zipper down. He rises off the seat & lowers his pants to his knees. He takes my hand again and wraps my fingers around his cock. It is huge. My fingers do not go around it. I exclaim "Wow, is that ever big."
He looks around to see if anyone is nearby. There isn't and he asks "Do you wanna see it?" "Hell, yeah" I reply. He turns on the overhead dome light. His cock is fat & long & he has no skin at the end of his cock. His cockhead is smooth & pink & larger around than his cock. He turns the light off and puts my fingers around it again. He covers my hand and motions me to move it up and down. I do and he is humming and moaning with excitement. He puts a hand behind my head and pushes me down towards his cock. I know what he wants, so I take him into my mouth. I should say, I take some of him in my mouth. He is just so big! I suck that massive cock and move my head up and down in a steady rhythm. With a hand around the base of his cock, when I go down on it, my lips don't quite touch my hand. If I went any further down on him, I'd choke and gag. I apply lots of suction into blowing him and judging from the gasps and moans and his writhing on the seat, I think he likes it. Suddenly he cums. I wasn't expecting it and I open my mouth wide and cum spills out of my mouth. I keep bobbing up and down though and I can taste his creamy cum.
He says "Maybe I should have asked if you spit or swallow?"
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"Whether you like to swallow all a guy's cum or do you spit it out without swallowing. Didn't Hank go off in your mouth?"
Oh! Oh! It seems Hank has been telling the boys about us. I am hurt and shocked that he would do so. "He told you what we did?" I ask.
"Oops, sorry, I shouldn't have said anything but yes Hank told us all every day what went on in his truck the night before. That wasn't very discrete of him and I am sorry that he is such a rat. Rest assured, I will not do likewise. What we do, stays between us."
I ask him "Where is Hank?"
He replies "Oh, he & his family moved to Houston on Sunday. Both he & his wife got jobs there a month ago. They have been planning this move and packing for a month. I gather he didn't tell you?"
"No, he never mentioned it."
I start to cry. Dale puts his arms around me and consoles me. He is really being kind and considerate. When I've quit blubbering, I get out of the truck and walk home. I never go back to the cafe for the usual nightly get together. I can just imagine all the guys talking about me, the town cocksucker!
The following week, one night I see Dale's truck parked on the street by the park. I leave the house and approach from the opposite direction. I don't want him seeing where I live. He gets a big grin on his face when I open the passenger door and get in. I direct him to the road on the other side of the town's elevator's. It is dark & quiet there. We don't talk much. I reach for his cock & balls. When he is naked, I go down on him and give him one of the best blow jobs he'll ever have. I suck and lick and when he cums, I do my dammdest to swallow most of it. I resist the urge to gag and choke and very little escapes my mouth. I keep stroking his cock and kissing and licking his cock and balls and soon he is hard again. This time the end of his cock reaches the back of my throat and I can feel it against the back on my tongue. If the first blow job was one of his best, this one is 110% better. When he drives me to the park, I wish him well and let him know that he is not to come back again. As it turns out, the last head I gave turned into a double header. Ten days later I am in big trouble. My period doesn't come. Nor the next month either. When I start to show, the school kicks me out. My parents are mortified and I am sent to live with my grandma. My daughter is born April 28th. We live with Grandma and she takes care of us. When my daughter was 15, she bought us both computers. My daughter learns all about computers at school and teaches me all about computers and the internet at night or on the weekend. Hence, how I got to chat here. Sadly, Grandma develops dementia and now we take care of her. I have not had sexual intercourse but that one time. My only sex is masturbation. Very quiet masturbation. "I'd be mortified if my daughter or Grandma heard. Grandma would not approve if she heard me getting off. " "Can you guess who's cock I dream about when I'm masturbating?"
Me: "I'd bet it's Dale's"
Robin: "Yes, how did you figure that out?"
Me: "Well, in spite of Hank fucking you first, I got the impression that you really liked Dale & his big dick. Even if you only saw him twice."
Robin: "Well you`re right. Once in awhile I think about my cousin`s cock or Hank`s but Dale and his cock made a huge impression on me."
Me: Did you ever wonder what it would have been like if Dale had fucked you?"
Robin: "Oh yeah! Quite often, I dream about that huge prick in my cunt...mmmmmm...mmmmmm good, like Cambell's soup!."
Me: "Cool."
Robin: "So, there you have it. I am actually relieved and glad that I told you all this. Were you bored?"
Me: "Not at all, Robin. I feel so sad for you that it turned out that way. Hank is a bloody rotten excuse for a man. He's a sexual predator."
Robin: "Well, it took the two of us to tangle. On the bright side, I have my daughter. She's the best there is. I am never lonely."
Me: Do you know what happened to Hank or did you hear from him again?"
Robin: "No, never. Actually I have not been back home since I left. My folks dis-owned me, so fuck 'em."
Me: "Aww that is too bad. Do you regret that?"
Robin: "No, never. I have my life here. In 20 years I've put on 30 pounds so if I had a fat ass then you should see me now. "
Me: "Actually there was a girl in my class at school who had a fat ass. I got a boner everytime I walked behind her, lol. If you are familiar with singers, one gal is reported to have a fat ass. I get a boner when I see her from behind too. So, quit knocking yourself Robin. There may be a guy out there who wouls be a perfect fit for you and you're only 35. You could be happy with him for 50 years or more."
Robin: "We'll see. Hey I better get, take care ok."
Me: "You too Robin, I wish you all the best. Thanks for the chat"!


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Chaturbate’s BDSM shows don’t always take center stage on the website. After all, most masturbators are looking for something that’s arguably a little more vanilla, like pretty girls flashing their tits, twerking, or diddling themselves for the webcam. Some perverts appreciate something a little bit kinkier, though, so I thought today might be a good day to dive into the cam giant’s live offerings in the world of bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, even sadism and masochism. Where...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
1 year ago
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Chaturbate Cosplay

We all know about in general, but you haven’t had the opportunity to explore all the crazy categories and genres the platform offers. Specifically, one genre that caught my attention recently is cosplay cams. I mean, did you know that there are several girls out there with sexy-ass costumes they use to transform themselves into the chicks of your dreams? Well, in a matter of moments, by just putting on a piece of latex or an outfit, a girl can match the appearance of your...

Live Cosplay Sex Cams
4 years ago
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The New Robin

You let out a heavy breath, leaning against the training dummy. You've been in the Cave all day, training so Bruce will be able to trust you have his back. He took you in when no one else would, and after finding out about his crusade, you want nothing more than to help. Pushing your self back, you grit your teeth before sending more punches towards the dummy. "You been down here all day?" A voice catches your ears. You turn your head, finding the perfect figure of Batgirl, smiling at you as...

2 years ago
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Round Robin

Prologue. Ten year old Bobby left the hygienist office after having his teeth cleaned. He ran out into the waiting room where his mother was. His mother gave him his toy truck. He didn't like leaving the truck with his mother as he went into get his teeth cleaned, but now that it was over he could have it again. As his mother paid the receptionist and made another appointment for her son six months down the line, Bobby got on the floor on his hands and knees and pushed the truck...

2 years ago
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Round Robin

When I read stories about some guy who claims that he never lusted after the women in his house, I feel sorry for him. I also feel sorry for the needle-dicked fuckers who have swallowed that horseshit about it being "wrong" to fuck your sister or your mother. If you can get away with it, then go for it, is my motto. Sister, beware. Don't bend over that table when you put out the dishes if you don't want me to think about your "putting out" in another way. Then there are the guys who...

1 year ago
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Chaturbate Squirt

Remember hot and humid summers as a kid? Nobody had a pool in my neighborhood, so if you wanted to cool off with your friends, you had to find a hose. By attaching a sprinkler to it, you could turn the front yard into your own six flags water park. We would burn the day away, running back and forth all afternoon. Good times.Perhaps that’s why we love to be hosed down in pussy juice as adults. It’s nostalgic to a time of our lives we all cherish. Or perhaps we are all godless heathens bent on...

Live Squirt Cams
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Chaturbate Trans

Want to see chicks with dicks live at Chaturbate Trans? Live cams offer a totally different experience compared to regular, professionally shot porn. All of that shit is fake as fuck, and it’s always the same chicks. You can only watch Ava Adams get fucked so many times before it gets stale. It’s the same with trans videos. Carla Novaes is hot as fuck and all, but even watching her oil that plump ass of hers gets old.I need something new every time I jerk off. Otherwise, what’s the point?...

Live Trans Sex Cams
1 year ago
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Chaturbate Anal

Why even bother watching some camgirl who won’t do anything really hot? It’s the same old story time and time again. You click on some cute-looking camslut only to find that she stares at the camera for hours on end, barely even teasing a nipple, let alone anything worth jerking your dick to. It happens all of the fucking time. I want to find the best babes that actually get fucked, suck cock, and ride dildos. Oh, and I want sluts who aren’t afraid of a little anal. Let me see those butt plugs,...

Live Anal Sex Cams
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Chat Avenue

Let's go to ChatAvenue aka Chat Ave today! Do you remember when chat rooms ruled the online world? Personally, I have spent quite a few hours chatting with girls that I met from chat rooms on AOL Instant Messenger when I was a teenager. Well, at least I thought they were girls. Catfishing was not even a thing yet, nobody knew it was something to even watch out for really, so who the fuck knows. Chances are, though, at least a couple of the “girls” that I spoke with were, in fact, fat dudes...

Sex Chat Sites
1 year ago
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Chat ZoZo

ZoZo Chat, aka Kik Sexting! There are several reasons for you to use a sex chat site, if not for anything, to allow you to get naughty and say anything you want online and give you a chance to release your sexual tensions in the process. Add that to the possibility of hooking up with equally raunchy people, women from all over the world who bring their version of sexy to the site, and the prospects of building more than just friendship. These and many more are some of the reasons you will love...

Sex Chat Sites
3 years ago
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Username: freefall Password: ******* As always, I checked out the chat rooms after I logged on. I searched the list: sissy cross-dresser; cross-dresser for m; cross-dresser for f; but all my favorites were full. I even tried them, just to be sure. Access denied. Room is full. I hated when they were full. Also, none of my buddies were online yet. So, I scrolled down the list of rooms, trying to find one to enter. I never really chatted in them anyway. I liked to enter, check out...

1 year ago
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Chaturbate BBW

Big beautiful women! Sounds contradicting as fuck, doesn’t it? I’ll be honest; I normally stay away from the big girls. My usual lay weighs slightly less than her IQ. I bang skinny chicks, ok? I also have a thing for fit girls who hit the gym. Those kinds of bitches normally spend most of their days making their asses tighter and thicker. That’s my kind of woman. But, I am a porn connoisseur, so I have to scrape every part of the barrel, which means going all the way to the bottom. So I dove...

Live BBW Sex Cams
2 years ago
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CHAT MEMORIES:ROD-part 1 Years ago when I chatted on various sites with all kinds of guys, I saved a lot of them as text documents. Once in awhile I grab the flash drive that they are saved on and read them again. Some are pretty exciting, horny too. I can not confirm that the situation is real or accurate in any way. Maybe I've been had! Maybe not. For what it's worth, here's a chat I had with Rod from 2009: Me: Good morning. I've just read your profile and wondered if you wanted to chat?...

3 years ago
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Chat Room Romance Ch 01

*You are the man of my dreams. Thank you for your confidence in me, this is for you. Amber was a newly divorced Housewife of a twenty-year marriage. She was getting ready to celebrate her 43rd birthday, and was not going to have another year of just being content. She wanted to be desired, to feel sexy, and most of all wanted to experience the life she knew was out there. She was tired of just sitting around the house waiting for something to happen and was going to do something about it. One...

3 years ago
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Chat Friend Hot Sex

Hi friends this my first story in this site. I’m Arun 27 and I like sex lot I always use chat site to do sex chat. One fine day when I’m doing a sex chati started a chat with a girl Gayathri and we talked decent at first later on and I started crack sex jokes she enjoyed it. She waits for me in chat site and interest to hear my jokes more when asked joke I said today we are going play a game. I want to tell joke and she want Give Company for my chat she agreed and later the chat on following....

4 years ago
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Chattel Females

It was the first of July 2006. The paper's headline sent a thrill through my cock. "FEMALE CHATTEL LAW EFFECTIVE TODAY". I had been looking forward to it eagerly. New rules governing females took effect today. In essence they were: Women were chattel and had few rights. A woman belonged to her father, or if married to her FIRST husband. A woman was required to serve her owner in any way he demanded. A father was required to sell his daughter at public auction within two weeks of her...

4 years ago
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Chat With Indian Aunty

Hello readers, I am single guy living in pune, maharashtra. This is first story I am writing. I am a Indian sex stories reader since 2008. I planned every time to submit any story. But I got no time. So I am submitting it finally. Coming to story…. I am living in pune since 2007. I used to go on chat sites regularly. I met many girls on chat sites but never meet any girl personally. I am a shy type guy. So I never had a girlfriend or any affair. I was very conservative. But when I started...

2 years ago
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Mr Robinson

Mr Robinson "Mr Robinson, you are going to break many men's heart looking like that tonight at the club." Mrs Robinson playfully said to her husband, who was wearing a nice turquoise silk blouse with a pussybow, high waist black slacks, and 4" heels. Most men who crossdress cannot pull off this look, but the daring Mr Murray Robinson could. In fact, the outfit was exceptionally flattering on him, for he had the figure and the confidence to wear it. He also had the look, he was a...

1 year ago
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Chaturbate Latina

You betas should know that I love fucking Latina babes by now. No, I’m not simping for these whores like you are. There’s a difference. I actually take these babes back to my place and fuck their brains out. That’s a lot different than sitting alone in a dark basement fapping to their fresh OnlyFans releases. But I have a happy middle-ground for you guys this time around. I know most of you bastards are too shy to get out there in the real world and try to talk to a woman anyway. But if there’s...

Live Latina Sex Cams
1 year ago
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Chat Room

I found an anonymous chat room a few months ago. Some chat rooms were about hookups, and I chatted with a few women just for fun. I didn’t meet up with any of them since my sex life with Laura was excellent. Then I found a swingers chat room. I had talked with Laura about swinging. She didn’t like the idea of having sex with random men, but she didn’t drop the discussion right away and seemed somewhat open to the idea. We’d discussed having me watch her with one of my friends, Albert, but...

3 years ago
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Heres to You Mrs Robinson

Looking back on it, those summer days seem so unreal; unbelievable. Sometimes I can't believe it all actually happened at all - let alone happened to me! Yet, during the summer of my junior year in college, I found myself, for a few glorious months, passionately involved in a hot and heavy affair with a fantastic woman, an older woman - who happened to be the wife of my Dad's business partner.Even today, when I think back on it, I still hear 'Scarborough Fair' going through my head. It was the...

1 year ago
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Mrs Robinson

“Shit! I don’t believe it! That’s Mrs. Robinson!” Greg gasped as we turned the corner on our way home from the gym were we both worked. “Mrs. Robinson; like in the movie?” I asked. “Not really. I told you about Karen, didn’t I?” he continued, “this is her mum,” as we walked towards a middle aged, tartly dressed, bottle blonde, woman who was just the right side of being fat. “Oh! Karen!” I grinned as stories of Greg’s teenage sexual conquests shot through my mind. “Mrs. Robinson?” Greg asked as...

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Seducing Mrs Robinson

It all started the summer I turned 18. I was going to be a senior in high school that fall and I was trying to earn money to fix up this '69 Camaro project car I had been working on for the past year. I was cutting the grass of some of the neighbors that day. I live in a small Midwestern town and our neighborhood consists of a series of cul de sacs with a main street running up the center. Our neighborhood looks like a fern from the air. We lived on one of the cul de sacs and I was cutting Mrs....

1 year ago
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Chat Turned To Sexy Massage With Maami

Hi, Indian Sex Stories readers. Here I am sharing for the first time my life’s most secret story – ‘unforgettable sex with maami’. I hope many of you might get wet or hard on at the end of the story. Sure. If so email me – I don’t waste time and directly come to the story. Her name is Riya (name changed for obvious reasons). My maami. When I saw her for the first time, I had no feelings towards her. Since she was my maami. But when I have stated reading ISS incest stories, I thought, we can...

1 year ago
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ChatRoom Impersonation

[Attachment(s) from kimberly ott included below] "Chat-Room Impersonation" A Story by Kim Ott The internet is a strange place. When surfing it, participating in it, you can lose your identity, you really can become anyone. The anonymity of a chat-room is liberating, but what would happen if pretending had some sort of consequences? Little did I know, but I was about to find out. About a month ago I found out my kid sister was pregnant. I call her that, but in reality she's...

2 years ago
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Chat se chudai tak

Hello everybody. Aaj pata nahin mujh me kahan se himmat aa gai, ki bas laga ki mai bhee aaj apni story likh hi doon. Sach kahoon to bada ajeeb lag raha hai aur aur saath hi saath gudgudi si bhee ho rahi hai apni aapbeeti ko likhte huae. Waise to maine hundreds of sexy stories padhi hai yahan pe. Mere paas apne laptop mai unlimited internet wala plan liya hua hai…aur sahi kahoon to mai bas sexy videos download karne mai, sex stories padhne mai , chat karne mai aur xxx movies dekhne mai hi use...

2 years ago
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Chat room slut gets real

I’ve been playing online in adult chat rooms since before I got married and here I am 29 and never accepted a meeting invite, if I am honest it was just a way to masturbate and I never had any intention of meeting anyone. My husband knew and knows little of this secret life. Overtime I had developed regular chat buddies who knew my inner most sexual secrets and fantasies, but once they started to get too close and too demanding about meets I would drop them. Reality would destroy my marriage...

2 years ago
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Chat Aunty Swetha Tho

Hi to all.My self suresh reddy from hyderabad working as software engineer na age 25 present .E incident nenu btech complete ayinapudu jarigindi, appudu na age 21 appude exams complete ayay just ala online lo browse chestunte oka chat room lo oka ammai parichayam ayindi tana peru swetha( name change chesanu) tanadi btech ayindi ani chepindi ala koncham sepu chat chesukunam next tanaki nenu nachanu can we be frnds a anidigindi ok chepanu iddaram mail ids share chesukunam . Actually apatiki naku...

3 years ago
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Chat Doom Part 2

"Good Job Cunt. Now that your ass has been trained properly. It's time for you to start enjoying your pussy!!!" Three months have passed since I met Master4YngCunt, and we have been chatting every day since that. I learned that his name was Ivan but was asked to call him Master and nothing else. By guiding my first steps into sexual self-discovery Master had all my trust, as I was too naive to know when the things I was ordered to do were completely obscene. Master4YngCunt: For the...

2 years ago
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Chating Ne Kiya Barbad

hello dosto, kese ho aap log, mera nam he samina or me UP ki rehne wali hu, mene iss ko karib 6month se padhna suru kiya he or mujhe iski stories kafi achi lagti he. isse padh kar mene socha kyo na me bhi apni life ki 1 gatna aap logo ke sath share karu. vese to yaha per jyada tar stories fake hi hoti he, per me jo aap ko suna ne ja rahi hu vo real he. or real story hone ki wajah se aap logo ko pasand na aaye lekin jo sach he wahi bata sakti hu jhot to nahi bol sakti……… agar aap logo ko pasand...

3 years ago
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Chating ka maza

Hi ISS ke Sabhi reader dosto mera nam Sunil hai I am From SURAT 24 Male Hight 5.11 Averge body Or me kai Salo se ye stories padh rahau muje ye stories bahot pasand yati hai, par mene kabhi koi storie kisise sar nahi ki Aaj paheli bar me Aapani Sachi kahani likh rahau. Bat kuch mahino pahele ki hai me Aksar yahoo pe chatting karata raheta hu Ek din me chatting kar raha tha ki muje Ek Id mili mene Hi kaha or Samne se reply Aaya mene asl pucha to usane kaha 26 F from baroda fir mene use mere...

1 year ago
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Thanksgiving at the Robinsons

Codes: MF, oral, publicAuthor Note: Here's something for the Thanksgiving holiday. I wrote this under a different author name back in 2008 but thought it would be worthwhile posting here. Enjoy.***I could feel my prick spasm and my balls tense as my jism began to rise. I sat there at the table looking around at the faces surrounding me like a deer in the headlights of a truck. I knew that I was about to cum any second but there was nothing I could do to stop myself. I was beginning to pant and...

3 years ago
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The Robinsons

The frustrated maternal instincts of a woman are often the most powerful in the world, as inimical as the joy of giving birth is not. And as the days passed, the truism was all the more emphasized in Midge Robinson-Mason's life. At twenty-four, happily married and well-settled, she should have been looking forward to the expansion of her family, but with an absentee husband and a ticking biological clock, she was in no position for family planning. Her life was happy, yes, but that was when...

2 years ago
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Thanksgiving at the Robinsons

I could feel my prick spasm and my balls tense as my jism began to rise. I sat there at the table looking around at the faces surrounding me like a deer in the headlights of a truck. I knew that I was about to cum any second but there was nothing I could do to stop myself. I was beginning to pant and I knew that everyone in the room must know what I was about to do. When I'd first accepted Cheryl's invitation to Thanksgiving dinner at her folk's house during school break I'd never even...

3 years ago
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Chat girl made us horny

My girlfriend Emmi was alone at home watching erotic chat and she was logged at Angie's chat room in my account. I came home from work and noticed her masturbating and logged at your room. Angie was so hot and sexy but so was my girlfriend who was wearing sexy black baby doll dress and no panties. Emmi rub her pussy. I get close to her and touch her shoulders. Emmi was little surprised but she didn't stop rubbing itself. My Girlfriend turned her head and give long french kiss. I started to...

1 year ago
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Chat se sex mila

Ab mai aap sabko meri real story sunata hoon. Baat kuch months pehle ki hai ek din mai apne gher se yahoo per chat ker raha tha. Mai apko bata doon ki mai chat ka bahut addicted hoon per us din mai bahut bore ho raha tha kyonki koi bhi mast maal chat ke liye mil hi nai raha tha. Bore hone ki wajah se mai laptop band ker uthne hi wala tha ki tab hi ek pm mere pass aya usme likha tha “21 f from lucknow can we chat” to maine socha ki koi ladka hi hoga natak ker raha hoga jese aaj kal bahut log...

2 years ago
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Chatty Chipmunk and Ozzie the Owl

Once upon a time, long ago, in the land of impossible dreams lived a rather impressive little female chipmunk by the name of "Chatty Chipmunk". Now, little Miss Chatty was very respectable little chipmunk but her reputation for telling tall tales made most of the other forest creatures suspect that the perfectly proportioned 16 year old chipmunk was a bit "loose". She generally headed over to the next forest when she wanted to "get it on" with others of her species so there was no basis...

3 years ago
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chat rooms

Introduction: a fantasy we all think about, and i finally made it come true We start chatting via an internet chat room, out conversations become extremely heated and we both play with ourselves as we chat. Chatting about our sexual fantasies, giving and gaining great pleasure from detailing every sordid detail. After several chats, we know every detail of each others sexual tastes, while holding onto some secrecy with only knowing each others screen names&hellip, both secretly wanting more....

2 years ago
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Chat On Saturday Hot Hookup On Sunday

Hi friends, I am back with a new and a real story again. To tell you in brief about me, I am a 34-year-old married male and working for an e-commerce startup in its sales division. The work was very hectic after I moved to Bangalore and I couldn’t find time to go online and search for any new pussy. Last month, my wife went to her native place for some reasons and I had a few weeks to have fun. As usual, I started my search. I started posting Ads in classifieds site, going to chatrooms late in...

3 years ago
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Shadowing And Lusting After Ms Robinson

I stood looking at her teach in the classroom as I sat at my desk. Her perky lips moved as did her nicely sized boobs as she maneuvered. My panties got wet again as deep breaths were taken in. Admiration had a lot to do with my attraction and getting over my crush wasn't an option. A few years before, I sat in one those student chairs in her math class. Even as I hated the subject, I always arrived in the classroom as an anxious woman. Two years after I graduated from high school, I came back...


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