Becoming Macy Ch. 01 free porn video

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My continued exploits with Steve, The middle aged bodybuilder. I began my transition publically while with Steve. . . . only seems right to start with him. In this chapter of my life I had just began transitioning. . . . . [/i]

. . . . . . . . . . Steve and I had been together for close to a year. In that time we had spent a lot of time together quickly. We practically lived together now. Either his apartment or mine, we were always together. We had been experimenting and exploring each other’s fantasies little by little, little more daring here and there. Steve wanted to play a little dominate game. Cloak and dagger type, secret notes with orders for me on what to wear or places to be, how to act. Steve would watch up to a point and then we would bang it out. But it was becoming more of a challenge for Steve to get aroused so the games were starting to lead to nowhere except disappointment for him. Then he’d get angry at me and himself. To much stress or steroids I don’t know.
I was already on my way to transitioning into the woman I had always felt I was. Steve just gave me a little more motivation and resources. I had spoken to Steve previously to see if he had a hook up on hormones. He was mixed on me taking my body to the next level. But I had made up my mind, it was the next step. I wanted softer skin. I wanted smaller muscle mass. I wanted to know if I could grow breasts. I didn’t want to look in the mirror and my body not reflect on the outside who I was on the inside. All the research I had done between the internet and speaking to the two transsexual friends I had led me to getting on hormones. I had taken my body almost as far as I could alone making it as feminine as possible. Steve told me he had news but first we needed to play are game. I went to Steve because I knew his roid dealer could honestly get you anything you could want or need and if he couldn’t, he knew who could. I had priced them thru a doctor and they seemed outrageously high in price.
After work each day I would go straight to the gym. The gym was called Edge’s, located just off main street downtown in the heart of the city madness. It was a steady gym but not overwhelmingly busy. Edge’s had a small group of straight folks mostly made up of straight women. The majority group and social scene at Edge’s was gay, bi, curious. Transgender men and woman were slowly making their way in and out. Yelp sites and message boards had put the word out on Edge’s. The whole gym was basically a serious meatmarket/hookup spot that practically gave out condoms in the locker rooms. Steve was part owner of the gym and full owner of the smoothie bar in the gym. Pulling up to the gym I looked for Steve’s black Cadillac STS. I parked a spot away from him and made my way into the gym.
I made my way to the locker room and found my locker. Steve would place what he wanted me to wear in the bottom of the locker folded. It made me wet thinking about how Steve would dominate me in his way. He loved leaving me the notes with orders or instructions. It turned him on something fierce watching me carrying out his orders. Looking down at the base of the locker brought a grin to my face. A Yoga mat stood in the locker and underneath a small stack of clothes. In the stack was a fresh pair of black tight compression shorts, a thin light grey tank top, a white female’s workout top almost like a sports bra with a racerback and a purple tiny string bikini thong with just the slightest shine to the purple.
I looked around looking for Steve and started stripping off my clothes as quick as I could. Wrapped a towel around my waist and went into the showers. I started the shower, hooked my towel and stepped into the steaming tile box. Breathing deep I began to calm myself, clear my head, breathing deeper taking in the steam from the hot water. I pumped the shampoo and started in on my hair. I made my way down my thin lean torso using the shampoo as a body wash, washing off the day of sweat and scents, getting clean. My hair was now down to the tips of my shoulders, dark brown almost black, thick, smooth and straight. I was proud of my hair, it had been an achievement for me. I had never had long hair and it had taken a little discipline to keep it the way I wanted it, keeping it beautiful. Steve loved to run his hands thru it. . . he loved grabbing fists full of it. . . .I loved him grabbing fists full of it. I dried off and made my way to the locker.
I took off the towel and placed the purple thong on slowly, tucking my smooth tan cock and balls into place. The thong had just enough room for all of me. I wasn’t that big especially when I wasn’t hard, only a few inches of member and average size balls I suppose. But even when I was hard I was an average six inches. I didn’t mind and no one else seemed to care. I was a bottom before my transition and will be a bottom after so my cock was mostly for me.
I lined up the top strings to curve slightly over the top of my smooth perky bubble ass, outlining its curves fantastically. I had always enjoyed wearing thongs since an early age. I would buy them when I was young and wear them out, feeling that tight string rubbing so lightly over my smooth bare hole made me feel sexy and turned on. I use to shave everything, now I wax everything. The pain was worth it. I knew Steve went mad seeing me smooth in thongs and panties. I preferred it. I didn’t wear men’s underwear anymore. I never tired of seeing that deep lust he had for me. It was fire in his eyes. It made me feel wanted, desired, needed.
I got the thong situated and slid the sports bra over my head pulling it down over my torso. It only covered down to the top of my abs, I liked it. I had never worn one before. The compression shorts went on over the thong easily enough. They were a little thick but very firm and very flexible. I looked down at my belly button ring and debated taking it out. I left it in. Something was going down with Steve and I wanted to look as good as I could. Steve loves the belly ring, he had his nipples pierced and thought me having my belly pierced ‘completed the picture’. . . wtf’ever that meant.
I studied the grey tank top. It was seriously thin and light but not delicate, it would survive the workout but probably not a spin cycle. I found the front and put it on. I looked into the mirror next to the locker. . . I looked great, lean, thin, tan . . . . . I glanced around at the now bustling locker room and noticed that more than a few guys in the gym agreed with me by the looks of them. They were staring and didn’t care that I knew it. I smiled blushing slightly while putting my long dark hair into a ponytail.
I use to be about building mass on my small skinny frame and I had done quite well, 5’9, 195lbs with 7% body fat at my most ripped. Just before meeting Steve my goals changed. I was into the dancer figure now or sporty chick look. I wanted to be packing a great ass and as lean and thin as I could get while staying healthy. I’m not into starving myself by any means. Steve helped me in that department. ‘Just pick a figure you want to look like and I’ll make you a plan on how to get there’ he had told me more than a year ago, before we were dating. At the time all that came into my head were female physiques. I had images of Jessica Biel and Beyonce, I wanted to look good in a bikini. I told Steve. He smiled and with out hesitation he wrote me up a plan on food and exercises. He knew where I was in my transition; I had just gotten my mind right about being who I was already, on the inside. He had been one of the first I came clean with that I felt that I was more of a woman on the inside than a man. No more weights, carbs and red meat. Now it was yoga, pilates, swimming and vegetarian with a little fish. I now stood 5’9, 125lbs, I was well beyond “beginning to transition”. I was already being confused for a woman. I liked it, it was a compliment to me, I was on track.
I grabbed the yoga mat and headed out into the gym. I looked for the regulars who I had become friends with over the last year. I saw a two guys I knew, Ben and Jose. They looked like they were in the middle of a serious back workout, everything these guys did was serious when it came to lifting iron. Ben’s massive 6’5, 280lbs body was on the bar pulling everything the machine had to offer down towards his chest. Jose’s stocky 5’9 ball of muscle of a body stood behind Ben yelling at him with intense encouragement.
They were bouncers at a club Steve and I went to every weekend. Ben was the only man in the gym that had a better body than Steve in my opinion. Ben was bigger in every way that I could tell but he didn’t have the bulging veins and didn’t shave every part of his body. Ben also didn’t move like the other body builders. I don’t know how to describe it, he just moved like he weighted 180lbs, light on his feet, didn’t run out of breath walking around. He was a different a****l. I knew he didn’t compete in bodybuilding competitions like Steve or Jose. Ben was more of a power lifter.
I saw Ben work at the club a few times when people would get out of line. Usually another bouncer like Jose would go and attempt to handle the situation peacefully, if that went south Ben moved in like a lion, scary quick and resolved all physical altercations a second after they started. Once, when we were at the club, four guys started getting loud with two other guys sitting down in a part of the lounge. I looked for Ben and saw him watching the guys from behind the bar. The minute one of the guys put hands on another Ben was already breaking up the fight. Ben flew over the bar, up a small flight of stairs and over a couch before a swing was even thrown. When you see a guy that size that can move like that . . . . . its strangely terrifying. . . . .and arousing. Ben fucking turned me on.
Some reason Steve and Ben did not care for each other at all. I didn’t know why. I had been warned by Steve a couple times that he didn’t like me talking to Ben. But I had my own friends and Steve was going to have to deal. Plus, Ben was always sweet to me. He would look out for me, check on me if I was alone at the club or with my girls. I tried hooking him up with a couple friends but he wasn’t extremely social. He came off as a little shy to me but he had a great sense of humor. Walking past them in the gym I nodded at them both, Jose waved and Ben nodded in my direction. Neither of them broke stride or slowed down there workout to even a pause, I respected that.
I made my way to the smoothie bar, found a clock and realized I was still 15 minutes away from the next yoga class. Steve’s manager Brenda was working the bar and was in the middle of mixing two shakes for a couple of meatheads. Brenda was 30 beautiful, smart and outgoing. She had beautiful skin, long tight curly hair she always kept in a pony tail. She was a little thick but had great curves, an ass like JLo, small waist, perky B tits. I think she was half Bolivian, I could never remember. She knew about Steve and me and I had become pretty damn good friends with her, she was my little gossip buddy.
Brenda saw me, smiled and said “hey you. . . . . . damn I think you need a sandwich with some extra mayo and some time on the bench press not no smoothie!!’. I busted out a loud laugh, she caught me off guard. I replied “don’t be jealous bitch, you’re sexy as you are!” The meatheads smiled, chuckled and kept checking out Brenda’s ass. If they only knew how easy she actually was. All it took was for them to hold a conversation about something other than themselves! She’d take them for a ride they would never forget.
“Steve left a note for you hold on a sec, did you want a smoothie hun?” Brenda said. “oh he did? No I’m good for now I’ll get one after class” I said. ‘Don’t he know how to use a cell phone?’ Brenda said, “he does, I don’t know, he is old school you know, romantic.” I said back. I couldn’t tell her it was apart of a fantasy game between us, she was still his employee. Brenda handed the meatheads their smoothies and slid me the note. I opened it, Steve had great handwriting, it said “Marshal, I’ll be watching you in yoga class. Do your best and stretch as much as you can for me! I’ve got you a massage paid for in room 13 after your class, Enjoy!” I folded it up and slid the note in my shorts seam. “I’ll see you later hun I’m gonna go stretch” I said to Brenda, Brenda replied “ok, you are looking fucking hot seriously, love that hair sweetie’ she paused staring at me ‘but I would need you to put on a few pounds before you could handle this”, she winked at me and I smiled thinking to myself “bitch you need a bigger dick to handle this” then thinking to myself. . . . .she probably did have a bigger dick than me. . . at home. . . . in a box. . . . . under the bed. . . . .that girl was a freak.
I went to the yoga room, found my spot near the back of the room closest to the windows so I could be seen better. As I started stretching I thought of Steve and all 6’2, 260lbs of ripped tanned smooth muscles watching me stretch. I got in a position to stretch my lower back, laying facedown flat I raised only my upper body with my arms in a almost push up, I looked straight ahead past the other yoga students and into the mirror. . . Steve was on a machine right behind me curling what looked like all the weight the machine had to offer.
I smiled and kept stretching, ‘showtime’ I thought to myself. The yoga instructor entered the room and began the class. We got in a variety of poses and I made sure to pop my ass out as much as I could, as slow as I could, as seductive as I could. I could see Steve every so often biting his lip, staring at me with hungry eyes, I knew those hungry eyes. . . . . . I didn’t know when . . . . . but I was in for a pounding. blood flowed thru my cock, my face flushed red ‘. . . . this class needed to hurry the fuck up’ I thought to myself. Steve got up and moved and I couldn’t see him anymore. I kept up as I was, performing for my man. The last yoga move we did was freestyle, anything we wanted to do. I spread my tan, smooth legs wide, testing the elastic of the shorts I was wearing, I felt the thong pull tight against my hole. I spread my legs out further and did the splits, leaned forward and laid my chest flat against the floor. My balls were tucked tight in the thong, I could feel them smashing up against the base of my cock. I grinded slightly into the ground rubbing my man clit against the floor before tucking my elbows into my hips and lifted myself off the ground, keeping my legs in the splits, wide, balancing. I looked around, everyone was in there own world in the class but a glance at the mirrors reflection of the gym. . . I had a more than a few eyes staring right at me. One set of eyes belonged to Ben.
Class finished, I rolled up my mat and walked out of the yoga room. I looked for Steve. I don’t know if I had turned him on as much as I had turned myself on but I wanted to get off and I wanted him in me when I did that. I scanned the weight room, Steve was near the water fountain. I walked up to him. He mouth was smiling but his eyes weren’t. “Well, what did you think?” I said. Steve looked around shaking his head saying ‘you’re to fucking much sometimes Marshal. I think I did to good with your yoga attire if I do say so’. I smiled, he had the hungry as fuck look in his eyes. I smiled back and replied ‘Yes you did, I think I’m going to keep these. And good. . . . I’m going to shower now and heading to what room was it. . . 13?’. ‘yeah. .. . . .13 you sexy piece of work, your getting more flexible every day aren’t you?’ Steve practically growled it at me. “I think I am” I replied. I left Steve slowly and went to my locker, changed out of everything except my thong. I needed to cum and I wanted to break these panties in. I assumed Steve was going to meet me in room 13 for a romp session.
I pulled my pony tail loose and looked behind me, Steve was at his locker stripping his clothes off. I knew it was on. I had awakened the b**st that was inside him. That b**st wanted to devour something and I couldn’t wait to be served up. I left the thong on and wrapped the towel around my waist. I went into the showers and went all the way in the back, started the shower and waited for it to warm up. There were a couple other guys in the showers I could hear them, water running, some skin slapping here and there, it was loud in there. . . . . I was glad.
Each shower was private with a two curtains. The first curtain led to a small bench and towel rack, the second curtain opened up to the main shower, it was a large square with more then enough room for two large males. It was like they were made for fucking. I stayed outside of both curtains waiting on the ‘water to warm up’, but I was waiting on Steve to see which shower I had gone into. Steve walked around the corner and saw me at the end. Steve went into the shower right next to mine and started the shower, more noise the better. I left the purple thong on and entered my shower. Pumping the shampoo pump I quickly washed all the sweat from my body, the thong stuck to me like paint, my six inch cock was bulging with anticipation fighting against the front of the thong. I pumped another hand full of shampoo and got down on my knees. I spread the shampoo over both hands. With my left hand I lathered my cock and balls pulling hard at both. With the right I reached back to my smooth hole and rubbed hard and slow on the outside, cleaning it, prepping it. I pushed a finger in deep. I felt my hole pulse on my knuckle the deeper I went. One finger, two fingers. I relaxed myself.
I heard the first curtain pull back quickly and pulled back into place, I froze. . . . . . the second curtain pulled back slowly. Steve stood there dripping wet head to toe, ripped smooth muscles shining, he was a beautiful specimen. I never got sick of staring at him, admiring his body. I looked down at his cock, it was primed up and fully erect, all 9 solid inches of him. Steve had the biggest cock that I had ever been with. It took a little getting use to, he just about gutted me the first few times we fucked.
Steve stepped into the shower with me pulling the curtain closed. Still on my knees I took my hands off myself and began to rub his inner thighs kissing the base of his huge cock sucking at it. His cock pushed against the side of my cheek as I kept rubbing his legs making my way to his balls. I massaged his balls softly and slowly. The steam was filling the small space. I felt Steve’s large hands on the side of my face pulling my hair behind my head and gripping it into a pony tail with both hands.
Steve was moaning quietly and breathing deeply as I started to pull hard on his cock with both hands. Licking and sucking the side of his cock up and down from the tip to the shaft. Steve slowly tightened his grip hard with a fist of my hair, I wasn’t in control of anything anymore I knew that, I was powerless against him, emotionally, physically. I could feel the precum starting to ooze out of me. Steve moved my mouth over his cock and guided it thru my lips, slowly, forcefully in a rhythm up and down slowly getting inch by inch just a little deeper down my throat. I placed my hands on the top of his thighs gripping tight getting ready for a pounding that I assumed my throat was going to take. ‘No’ Steve said quietly while pulling me off his throbbing cock, ‘stroke your little cock, stroke that fucking clit’ he said to me . I obeyed and started to rub my cock with my right hand, Steve almost whispered ‘now rub your sweet cunt at the same time’. I rubbed my hole in a circular motion over the thong with my left hand. ‘that’s it. . . ahhh yeah, my god your sexy you know that? .. . . of course you do. . . but your mine. . . you know your mine don’t you?’ Steve said to me in a low voice. I nodded yes in reply.
Steve guided my lips back over his cock and began to pump my head off and on his cock, deeper and deeper. I gagged lightly and Steve pulled me off his cock and slammed it back in my throat holding it there, I coughed around his cock and gagged hard, saliva and precum dripping out of my lips, he pulled me off his cock and bounced his cock on my face as I got my air back. Steve pulled me up by my hair with one hand quickly and brought me to my feet, he could lift at least two of me with one arm and I could feel it from the force. He brought me to his lips and kissed me hard digging his tongue into me tasting me from my depths . . . tasting himself. I was barely on the tips of my toes. One of his hands had a fist full of my hair and the other found its way around my throat firmly gripping, guiding me. He seemed a little angry but it was deep in him, something was off to me.
We kissed hard for a moment, I grinded my cock onto his as I gripped his huge cock with both my hands. Steve pulled me away and placed firmly against the wall in the shower. Keeping one hand firmly around my throat his rubbed his other hand up and down my chest, made his way to my cock, pulling the thong over and to the side of my raging cock he started jerking me off furiously. I let out a small cry of pleasure and his grip on my throat tightened, stopping the noise from my throat, then released but stayed firm. ‘shhhhhhh’ Steve said quietly while still stroking away at my cock. Steve said ‘I want you to do the splits for me’ I looked at him opening my eyes saying ‘there’s no room baby’, ‘do it against the wall’ Steve replied.
Steve spun me around and forced me against the wall, I looked to the side and watched him admiring my body, up and down. He settled his gaze on my ass. I felt the tip of his cock rubbing up and down my crack. Steve’s left hand started lifting my left leg at the thigh guiding my knee, extending my leg up in the air. I spread my arms for balance, I extended my leg pointing it straight up and leaned it against the wall, I looked back at Steve, his lips met mine lightly biting my lower lip, his hands all over me rubbing, up my leg to my hole, rubbing up my back and down using his finger nails all the way down to my crack. Passionately he kissed me sucking the air out of me. I felt his cock trying to find its way into my hole. I reached back and pulled my thong string to the side, finding his cock I started to rub it over my hole.
Steve gripped his cock and began to guide it into my hole, me still doing the splits one foot planted on the ground the other straight up on the wall. Steve popped the head of his cock into my hole, I breathed deep, pushing out with my ass muscles I felt his massive cock bury just a little deeper in me. I moaned softly, Steve found another fist full of my hair and pulled my head back forcing me to face straight up. I closed my eyes and pushed my hips back digging his cock into my hole, my cock was throbbing, I needed to shoot my load already, I felt like my cock was going to explode.
Steve got about half of him in me and began slowly in and out, in and out, in and out with me groaning with every in. Steve picked up the pounding and soon I felt his thighs slapping into my ass, he was completely in me. No sharp pains in my ass, just full, full of him *slap slap slap* his thighs slapping against my ass was echoing in the shower over the running shower head. My left leg began to cramp and I lowered it from the wall. Steve kept his fist full of my hair and moved his other hand to my hip gripping it hard. I arched my back popping my apple bottom out as much as I could. Steve became an a****l, he was beginning to groan almost a low roar. I thought for a moment that we were for sure going to be heard but that moment only lasted half a second.
Steve pulled back on my hair harder bending my neck backwards toward him, he pounded harder, faster, skin slapping skin with immense force, my hips meeting his every thrust. My ass felt fuller then it ever had, it burned slightly but the feeling and sounds were hypnotic, almost out of body, water was pouring into my face. He was taking me with everything he had. He was also taking some kind of frustration out on me but it was all channeled thru his steady pounding and force into me.
“Your mine and no one else’s!’ he growled, *slap slap slap*. Steve pounded hard into me, stopped and kept his monster dick inside of me holding me tight, firmly, impaling me on him. Steve pulled me close to his mouth whispered to me ‘I saw you performing baby. . ‘ Slowly he pulled out of me till the only the head of his cock was in me then violently slammed back into me, I gasped and almost screamed. ‘everyone saw you performing. . . . . but that’s all you are to them. . *SLAP*POUND*SLAP. . . is a fucking performer. . . . ‘ he said. Steve’s large hand covered my mouth, my screams were getting to loud. Steve pulled out to the tip and slammed back into me hard forcing my whole body to slap against the ceramic wall. I screamed a new kind of pleasure but it was stifled ‘but your FUCKING MINE!!’ Steve practically yelled the last part thru clinched teeth.
I couldn’t hold my load, it exploded off the ceramic wall. My asshole gripped tighter around Steve’s cock as I came, Steve didn’t slow down any more, he pounded hard and fast to the hilt gripping me harder then he ever had. Steve let out a deep low growl and he buried into me one last time, I felt his load shoot into my insides, the force of it surprised me. Letting go of my hair Steve gripped both hands around my hips and slowly pumped his load into me, shot after shot, deep into me. I squeezed my hole around his cock milking it for every drop. Pulling out of me Steve spun me around to face me, I leaned against the wall staring into Steve’s panting face. I was panting hard, there was no breath left in me. ‘Holy . . . . shit . . . . ‘ Steve said in between breaths, ‘ your almost to fucking . . .. good’. I just stared at him panting heavily, it was so intense but his face looked like it had all been an act now. He was grinning. My brain hadn’t processed it yet. Steve placed his large hand back around my neck pushing me flat against the wall. His lips met mine hard and he grinded he still hard monster cock against mine.
Pulling his lips away from me Steve released me completely and started to shower himself off quickly saying ‘make sure you go to 13, there is more there than just a massage ok?’. ‘Ok’ I replied, still panting and catching my breath that he had just fucked out of me. Steve turned around and walked out of the shower. I slid down the ceramic wall and sat on my heels letting the hot water beat over me. . . . . . . . . . . ‘what the fuck just happened. . . . . . ‘ I thought to myself. I reached up and turned the hot water on full blast, it began to steam up the small cube of lust that still lingered, you could almost taste it it was so thick. I wanted to curl up into a ball and melt away into the drain. . . . . . . .

To be continued. . . . . . . . .

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Part 1 2 3 day after the gangbang was interesting to say the least. I was tired, walking was a challenge and I was sore. Yet, all I could think about was the men's powerful hands all over me, their cocks taking me over completely. I knew I was hooked. A part of me was...

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Becoming Sarah Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Even with Lexie trying her best to hide not being in the best of moods, both Sarah and Audrey knew their friend was not in a good place. Then again, there was no way the girl sitting on the couch could cover up how her hopes for the night were elevated enough to be majorly let down by her boyfriend. Lexie might had been a great actress, but she was not that great. The Gord actually thought that his girlfriend running to be president of a social group she was not active in...

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Becoming Bambi

Becoming Bambi Synopsis: A chauvinistic womanizer inadvertently makes a wish to wake up every morning and see they type of women he desires. His wish comes true, just not the way he expects it to. What changes are in store for this once alpha male? What becomes of his friendship with his wingman Sean? Monday: I woke up feeling lightheaded and groggy. My boy and I had gone out the night before and I got stupid drunk. It was a hell of a night but one I knew I regret in the...

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Unbecoming A Princess

Note, this is technically a Star Wars fan-fic but to avoid any legal issues all characters are unnamed or their true identities are left vague and unclear. It can be considered a prequel of sorts to Return of the Jedi. Unbecoming A Princess I was torn up inside. The love of my life had been taken from me by the most villainous crime lord in the galaxy. My friends and I were plotting a way to break into the 'palace' and rescue him. My friend, a holy knight of a long-dead...

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Becoming a Lesbian Slave

Introduction: An older business woman is slowly dommed by a younger bitch. Becoming a Lesbian Slave Summary: An older business woman is slowly dommed by a younger bitch. Thanks to MAB7991 for his editing and story suggestions. BECOMING A LESBIAN SLAVE 1. A trivial beginning I couldnt believe it had come to this…getting outside help. I had run this business for almost twenty years as the owner and main decision maker and we had been successful throughout our run. My small, but amazing staff...

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Any one that knew me saw an average 18 year old teenage boy , friendly , a good student who worked a part time and lived with his divorced mom an older sister . That's what I wanted them to see , only a few special friends knew the real me and my secrets . In junior high I realized my growing sexual attraction to the other males and living with my mom and sister it wasn't long before my feminine side began to show . It was a Saturday morning mom and Sue my sister were just leaving for the for...

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Becoming a true whore in the club

I had always fantasized about how it'd be to become lewd and let any man have me, instead of turning down all the men I never felt were worth my time. Maybe it was time I let any man have my sexy body, feel my tight pussy, become a whore for anyone to take. I am far too sexy to not be shared. The porn that makes me cum the hardest is free use, gangbang, rough..being treated like a true whore is what makes my pussy the most wet. Its about time I give my pussy what its been craving all...

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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Three Ms Rebecca Shares Her Sexual Research of Sissies

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark & Rebecca, Part Three - Ms. Rebecca Begins Sharing Her Sexual Research NOTE to Review Writers: Thank you so much for the incredibly positive feedback. It is definitely motivating me to write more and write faster. Now to part three of our story. "Tell me what you know about males who are feminized so completely they are transformed into a sissy, changed from the less than manly person she had been before coming under the control of a strict...

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Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Nine Rebecca Prepares Daisy for Her Master with Some Help

Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Nine - Rebecca Prepares Daisy for Her Master with Some Help In Part Nine of Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Stevie (now Daisy) shares his view of what has been happening since Ms. Rebecca called and invited him (her) to visit Ms. Rebecca and Master Mark at their new home in an exclusive area of town. Alone, I was cramping from the enema Ms. Rebecca had finished administering a few minutes ago as I waited for her to answer...

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Fun at Macys

My wife and I went to Macy's to get a new blender. But instead my wife insisted on going into the lingerie department. She picked up a pink slip and held it up to me, loudly saying, "This will look good on you, and it's just your size. We'll take it." I got very hard immediately. The sales woman who'd been nearby snickered, looked at me and asked, "Would you like to check out now, Miss, or do you need matching panties?" My wife replied, "Oh, she's already wearing the matching panties....

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Becoming Anamika 8211 Part I 8211 Discovered At The Theatre

Hello dear ISS readers, My name is, well, my real name is not important anymore. A little introduction though. I belong to a small city in the state of Kerala in South India. Anatomically, I am a man. But since I was about 10-11 years old, I have always fantasized about being a girl. Typically, I didn’t have a lot of friends in school. When I hit puberty, nothing major happened. Only my ass grew big and round. I was continuously teased about the big ass. Anyway, since I pretty much kept to...

Gay Male
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Becoming a HuCow part 2

Chapter 2 My mind has long since been bent to My ranchers will as I feel him pumping inside and out of me. It's Milking time at the moment which occurs twice a day once in the morning and once early evening. This is the best part of us Cows day. The formula that we had been injected with, my Ranchers own design, I think he must have been a doctor or scientist in his previous life but I digress, means that us cows produce a huge amount of milk every day. By the time milking...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 59 A Lack of Diplomacy

The Az emissary to King Olaf’s court looked down at the letter and then back to the soldier that had delivered it. “I cannot present this to King Olaf,” he said, shaking his head. “Baron Jonathan said I was to tell you that you have your orders,” the soldier stated in a flat voice. He knew not what the letter said but he did know of the happenings in his capital – and the vexation those events had caused Jonathan, Elena and Choran. “If you refuse, you are to be relieved and I am to present...

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Becoming A Dream

Note: Ramapo originally wrote a story called "Transitions" in the lesbian genre. I always thought he/she got one of the genders wrong. Here then is my timid attempt to fix that mistake. I've changed the names and some of the details, but this is essentially a re-write of Ramapo's original... and some others, which can be found at Nifty. While I write rarely (Best Friends, Mother's Milk), and mostly for myself, I hope you like it. As always, if you shouldn't read this, don't....

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 14

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...

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Becoming A Daughter Revised

Becoming a Daughter - Revised There were 60 seconds left in the football game. We were ahead 21 to 0 and going for another shutout. This shutout win would break the school's long-time record of shutouts. My dad, a big guy, was on the original team a number of years ago that set the school's shutout record. My twin brother Jack, 18, was big like our dad, while I, was much smaller like our mom. We were both on the current team. My brother was a very good athlete and he started at...

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Becoming A CSing Bimbo

Becoming: a Blonde C***-S***ing Bimbo By Ida N. Tidy This is my first story for my 'Becoming' series. Think of it like a vacation form reality. Just a warning ahead of time, if you really want to be transformed for the duration of this story, you may not want to read this story while you are horny. Basically your vacation is simple, you let me hypnotize you, I give you some interesting memories in exchange for some email (yup, I'm an email whore). I know...

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Becoming Anya

Becoming Anya by Pol Roger An Elrod W's Morphic Adaptation Unit (MAU) Universe story One should always keep one's home wireless network secure, especially with alien devices around! The plain silvery metal box sat among the other bric-a-brac on the crowded table just inside the Portobello Road antiques shop. It was not much bigger than a shoebox, although squarer in shape. Harry Pringle was twenty-nine, rich, brash and very good at his...

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Becoming orgasmic

“You want to become what?”This was my first reaction when my flatmate Cara told me of her latest idea. I was used to her endless searching for the ‘thing’ that would change her life for ever. It was safe to say that she was not happy with her lot and tried aimlessly to find something that would enable her to feel better about her self. “I want to become orgasmic.”Usually I’m quick off the mark but this time she had stumped me.“What the hell does that mean? Become Orgasmic. How on earth did you...

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Becoming A Slave

THE MAKING OF A SLAVE By Betty Noone This is the story of Mark and Jennifer Jenkins. Married for twenty years, Mark was a retired dot-com millionaire at the age of 45. Not Donald Trump rich, but rich enough to do most things he wanted to do. There was a little over ten million dollars in investments which seemed to increase in value each year It furnished the couple with a tidy income of just under $500,000.00 per year. After taxes there was just over $7,000.00 a week, that is...

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Becoming My Mothers Lover

At the time mom was only in her early forties and quite attractive, at least I thought so. She was a relatively small woman, only about five foot three inches tall with a slender build and weighing only about 110 pounds. Her breasts were quite small and although she had a taut tummy and always looked wonderful in shorts or slacks, her hips were fairly full. Her hair was a warm, dark brown that she kept trimmed to just shoulder length. At that time she had begun to fret over the fact...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 10

Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...

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Becoming a Pet An Innocent Start

Introduction: Straight girl is seduced by a sexy, black woman. Becoming a Pet: An Innocent Start Note: This story is dedicated to Jamie who requested this perverse tale. Jamie you are one naughty deviant. Note 2: And thanks to Estragon for his dedicated copy editing. Becoming a Pet: An Innocent Start Ever look back on your life and try to pinpoint exactly when your life changed? It is almost never anything dramatic, but usually a decision that is out of character with what you thought your...

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Becoming A Sex Toy Part 3 Buying A New Bed And Chloe Visits

I consider myself to be a sexual girl. the day prior to this particular story, I’d had the ninth and tenth different cock fill me with cum. I’d had sex with the three members of my adopted family, as they sought to use me as their sex toy. The day began as any other weekend would but once my eyes were opened, seeing my step-brother Rob in a more sexual light, there was no turning back, despite resisting the urge to masturbate in front of him. My fall into the abyss really started when I went...

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Becoming Dee Dee

Becoming DeeDee by DeeDee Pauca Chapter One It's hard for me to believe that I lost my parents more that ten years ago. They were killed in an auto accident on June 10th - twelve days after my fourteenth birthday. Obviously, that's a day I'll never forget; to lose one's parents at such an age is traumatic. But I'll also remember the day because it became the first day in a whole new lifestyle. Mom and Dad left only one relative. My Mother's sister Bunny...

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Becoming a Housewife

Becoming A Housewife -------------------- Author Note: This story was inspired by fellow Fictionmania author JaneDough7 who started (but never completed) a wonderful series called "The Housewife" back in 2003. Ever since I read her stories, I've been entranced by the idea of a young man becoming a housewife - a regular, ordinary housewife with regular, ordinary duties. I started my version in 2009, but then got stuck in exactly the same place that JaneDough7 got stuck, and so...

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Becoming A Masturbation Addict

I love to masturbate. This is the story of how I turned myself into the bad masturbating slut that I am today. It all started when I was sixteen. I was in high school and I was a good girl at the time. I had never done anything sexual before, in fact I'd never even kissed anyone. I wasn't bad looking or anything but I was very shy. I had many friends who were all far ahead of me when it came to sex.One day I was with a few of them eating lunch. We were all talking about girly stuff. The...

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Becoming Father Michael

Becoming Father Michael Pt 1 Introduction: Michael finds celibate is the last thing a Father is. Genre: Fantasy.  Becoming Father Michael is a complete fantasy and any resemblance to anyone, or any location or convent is completely unintentional.=========================================================Becoming Father Michael part 1."Have you thought of becoming a priest Michael?" Father Rafferty said after one mass when I just finished my confession."No father," I said, "I think now I've...

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Becoming Beth

BECOMING BETH By Betty Noone CHAPTER ONE. THE EARLY DAYS Before I married my beautiful wife of fifteen years, I confessed to her that I occasionally had the desire to dress as a woman. At the age of 24, I had my own apartment before I wed, and had just a few articles for me to dress up in. One pair of panties, a bra, and a house-dress, commonly called a duster. I used pancake concealer to hide my beard and a little lipstick. I did not have a wig, but used a cotton...

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Becoming Jennifer

Becoming Jennifer By The Princess I received the shock of my life on the eve of my fortieth birthday. My name is or rather it was Mark Holms and my life at that time seemed idyllic. My wife of sixteen years, Jenny, had presented me with three wonderful sons. Our first boy was Andrew, aged fourteen. Our second lad was Doug aged twelve and our youngest was Michael aged ten. Jenny was still lovely at thirty-eight. Her five foot eight inch trim body was all woman and her looks if...

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Becoming WendyWhore

Emshon's Authors Note--This is an older story of mine that was posted on Crystal's Story Site (R.I.P.) back in 2001. I'm going to consolidate everything here on Fictionmania. I hope you enjoy this oldie-but-a- goodie. Becoming Wendy-Whore For those of you just joining in on this story, please allow me a moment to recuperate before I catch you up to speed on my tale. After all, so much had happened to me in the short span of just a few days, that I felt certain at times that I...

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Becoming A Were

This is the fourth story in my Were universe. But since I am using a new character, I thought that I would follow the example that I set in Be Were and instead of calling this Were 4, I am calling it Becoming a Were. Becoming A Were By Morpheus I scowled deeply as I leaned back on my bed, staring at the math book and homework questions that I'd been working on for the last half hour. Then with a sneer, I tossed the book onto the floor. "Who the fuck needs this shit anyway?" I...

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Becoming Chloe Part 2

Becoming Chloe Part 2 She felt so guilty about the incident at the bar with Ricky and wanted to make sure I wasn't hurt and explained that the only reason things went that way was because of the heightened sexual tension that was happening between her and I that night. She explained that with their sexual foreplay, all the drinks she had, things just got away from her and when Ricky showed up she wanted to tease me even more. She did admit that she enjoyed her time with Ricky but...

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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Two Ms Rebecca Explains the Purpose of Stevies Visit Explains

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark & Rebecca, Part Two: Ms. Rebecca Explains the Purpose of Stevie's Visit As we sat in the living room of the new house she and Mark had bought upon their return to the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex a few months earlier, Rebecca continued to lead our discussion as she shared her memories of the three of us in college, and more specifically how she and Mark had sometimes dominated me and forced me to serve them as their personal waitress at times. "As...

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Becoming Bride of My Brother

Becoming Bride of my Brother My name is Raj and we are two brothers and sons of a rich father. My brother, Sameer (His nickname is Sam) was married to Seema, my Sister-in- law (In India, we call such a relation as Bhabhi). My parents wanted a second child as a girl but as God would have had it, their wish was not fulfilled and thus was born a male that is I. My mother didn?t try to make me a girl but she always used to express that and whenever my cousin sisters used to come to our...

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Becoming Orgasmic

"You want to become what?" This was my first reaction when my flatmate Cara told me of her latest idea. I was used to her endless searching for the 'thing' that would change her life for ever. It was safe to say that she was not happy with her lot and tried aimlessly to find something that would enable her to feel better about her self. "I want to become orgasmic." Usually I'm quick off the mark but this time she had stumped me. "What the hell does that mean? Become Orgasmic. How on...

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Becoming CHer

I remember when I first felt it - silk. It was the most luxurious fabric my hands had ever touched. My fingers handled it with care in the department store. I was a teenager shopping when I noticed the silk nightgowns donned by the mannequins, draped so elegantly over their bodies. My body responded immediately and I had to buy some. That day, I bought a long nightgown and three pairs of panties - my first purchases in ladies' apparel.In the privacy of my bedroom, I slipped the panties on and...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Sissy

Becoming a Construction Site Sissy for AllI was just a few months past 21 when I left Mom and our small country trailer to try out life on my own. By this point in time, not only Mom but just about everyone in the rural country knew how queer I loved to be and act. Yes I can’t begin to count the cocks I had orally serviced and pleasured since my early days. While I had loved it more than anything, I had paid a strict price for my dick addictions. Verbal assaults every waking day, sometimes even...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter One

Becoming Brandee Chapter one: My wife, Julie, peered into the office where I was sitting at one of computer desks typing an IM to a new friend I had recently met on the internet. "Is this the man you have been telling me about?" "It is him, honey. As I've told you he is very different than most of the others I have chatted with online and I find myself really liking him and the way he thinks." She smiled back, "A girl does need a good man to share some of...

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Becoming Candi Part 2

It had been two weeks since I had transformed Jake to be my sissy slut Candi and today was the first day of the academic year. It was a Friday and it was the first lecture to get us introduced to the class and lecturer before enjoying a weekend break clubbing with our new classmates. Over the last two weeks Emma and I had continued training Candi to get her used to her new life. I was still giving her the muscle relaxant drugs each day and she seemed to have resigned to the fact...

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Becoming Anita Smith Book 2 Phil to Sharma Part 1

Thanks to Crocus 6, kwerty, Greggor7000, and Anon for the nice comments on the previous installment =) Thoughts on the future of the story were taken into consideration and mostly applied here, though not as you might have expected :p Steamy Prologue: Sharma lay in bed, the film of sweat that covered her bare midrift throwing moonlight across the room every time she breathed. Up, down, up, down, her chest kept rhythm, almost back to its normal pace now. Her chest. The word could...

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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part One Ms Rebecca Initiates a Discussion

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part One: Ms. Rebecca Initiates a Candid Discussion "I'm so glad you came over tonight Stevie," Rebecca said as she sat opposite me on another couch, a large glass of white wine in her hand. She was wearing a long, tight skirt and a pair of black, four-inch pumps. The back of her skirt had a long slit that revealed her amazing legs and the black pumps she was wearing revealed just the hint of her toes which were painted with dark red nail...

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Becoming Tammy Part 1

Becoming Tammy, Part 1 By Incognito ******************** Authors note: This is my first longer story. I've written a few caps over at Rachel's Haven, but nothing of this length. Therefore, I'd love to get feedback. Is there enough background information? Does the story work? Is it sexy? Is there any part of the story you'd like me to expand on? Does my writing style work? English is not my first language, but I like to believe I'm fairly good at it none-the-less. I would also like...

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Becoming Tammy Part 3

Becoming Tammy, Part 3 By Incognito ******************** Author's note: Part 3 of my series, "Becoming Tammy". Do give me comments and feedback. It is shaping up to become a pretty long story, by the looks of it. If I can keep myself from becoming repetitive and boring, it'll probably run for about 10 parts. Synopsis: John has switched bodies with his girlfriend Tammy to help her with an exam. They quickly discovered that bodies were not the only thing they switched, John...

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Becoming a Rubberdoll Part III

Becoming a Rubberdoll Part III By: Chloe Latex 69 Once again I wake up in a cloudy haze. I really hope that this doesn't happen every single time I have to do something. I'm still in shock about the orientation. What kind of company is this? I thought it was just a research facility for medical and psychological purposes. I guess I was partially correct from the fucking slideshow I saw. Being forced to become a ponygirl, breeder, baby, or a slave would be horrendous, but it doesn't...

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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part Four Ms Rebecca Shares More About Meeting Stephanie

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark & Rebecca, Part Four - Ms. Rebecca Continues to Share the Events Surrounding Her Meeting and Getting to Know Stephanie NOTE to Review Writers: Thank you so much for the incredibly positive feedback. It is definitely motivating me to write more and write faster. Now to part four of our story. If you have specific suggests or would be willing to proofread the story before I publish it as an eBook, please write me at [email protected]. Thanks so...

2 years ago
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Becoming a nymph

"Hello? Is there someone?" my voice echoed through the hall again and again until it started to sound foreign, becoming a whisper in my ear, asking me the very same question. What was this place? I felt a little insecure, but step after step I moved forward, trespassing crested pillars, ever seeing only 10 meters in front of me, until I reached some sort of huge bathing pool. This seemed to be the source of the mist. I couldn't see how big it was as I could see no end but that I was...

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