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Brad enjoys his mom's highschool friends
Finally summer holidays had arrived! Brad had just finished his sophomore year in high school. He had even managed to raise that ever struggling geography grade so his parents weren't going to insist he worked on it during the holidays. This was actually a bit of a surprise, so for now the grand plan was to practice football and hang out with his friends and then relax as much as possible in between.

"My condolences .. yeah? .. oh? .. sounds nice! .. oh wow, that's kind of short notice .. I'm pretty sure Ted has to work, but maybe I can bring Brad". Brad had stepped through the door while his mom, Evelyn or Lyn to her friends, was on the phone. He promptly got her attention enough to show her the piece of paper that should spell total freedom for the duration of the summer. "Ooohh nice! I guess a bit of moms tutoring paid off? ... Huh? oh that was for my son, he just handed me his grades. Would you believe a bit of studying with his mom earned him a respectable grade in Geography? What are your plans for the next couple of weeks honey?" Lyn had looked up at Brad and angled the phone down a bit. It wouldn't sound much different for the person on the phone, but it was enough for Brad to register she was talking to him again. "Ohh, not much, just hanging with a couple of mates I guess". "Sure we would love to help out. Me and Brad. For the full 2 weeks. I look forward to seeing you girls again too". Lyn hung up and put the cell phone down on the kitchen table.

"Mom, who was that and what did you just volunteer me for?". "Volunteer? That sounds work-ish! you call 14 days vacation in Florida work?" "I only heard your half of the conversation" he countered. "You said we were going to help out, that sounds awfully work-ish to me". Brad should have expected it by now. That comment was bound to start the usual speech about how healthy it would be for him to start making his own money. Brad was doing well in school, but mostly by putting in the extra hours. Whenever he wasn't studying he was running, lifting weights or hanging out with friends from the football team. He usually claimed the latter was extra training, but in reality they would usually spend an hour on a field or doing something training related and then a couple of hours hanging out. But training or not, he just couldn't see how he was going to fit a spare time job into that schedule.

"Alright, alright. Maybe I can tutor some middle school k**s, or help the coach out with something during the summer". Brad figured one of those options could be called a summer job, without actually taking too much time away from hanging out with his friends. Besides with a little luck he could spend the time tutoring Sara. She lived just down the road, was one year his junior and always in need of help with math. To top it all off, Sara's mom absolutely adored Brad, so he was sure all he had to do was ask her if Sara needed tutoring.

"You still didn't tell me what that phone conversation was all about though!" Brad had to remind his mom. Lyn had pretty much been talking as if Brad had heard both ends of the phone conversation, somehow without revealing any more details than Florida and 2 weeks. "You remember my high school friend Amber?..."

Lyn had gotten pregnant in high school. Both Ted and Evelyns parents had been very supportive of the couple when they decided to keep the baby. Hence Brads father had managed to go on to college to finish his education and Lyns social life had recovered quite well after retaking just one year. By the time Lyn was through high-school she was tight with a new group of girls. A few of her friends went out of town for college as soon as they were through high school and wasn't around much, but Amber went to a college nearby and had stayed close until Lyn and Ted had to move for Teds new job. Hence, Brad had faint memories of most of his moms high school friends, but since Amber had been around longer she was the one he remembered best.

Brad hadn't seen Amber since he was 6, but to this day she was still his favorite babysitter. He remembered her as a very large woman, despite later learning she was much lower and thinner than Lyn. But then what grown woman isn't very large when you're 6? The memory that earned her the place of favorite sitter was one particularly hot day. They had gone to a secluded lake and Brad had wanted to go swimming, but they hadn't brought any bathing suits. Brad, being just 6, had simply ditched his clothes and jumped in before Amber could protest, forcing her to go in after him. She had stripped to panties and a t-shirt, both white incidentally, and gone in with him. They had played around in the water for about an hour, then spent the next half an hour drying up in the sun.

Even at age 6 brad had found the image of Amber in completely transparent t-shirt and panties extremely interesting. To this day he could recall every detail of her silver dollar sized areolae, how her nipples had stuck straight into the air, how smooth her pussy lips had looked (although he didn't give the lack of hair a second thought at the time) and how he had wished he was the piece of fabric in her panties clinging to the crack in the middle of her crotch. Even after finding porn on the internet, the memory of Amber was his favorite jack-off image.

Lyn finally started explaining the phone call. Amber had inherited a cottage in Florida from a deceased uncle. It was reportedly big enough for 5, but the uncle had been ill for a few years, so the cottage was most likely neglected. Amber had seized the opportunity to make an impromptu high school reunion for her closest friends. The way she figured it, they would spend a couple of days shining up the place so it could fetch a higher rent and then get in a weeks vacation of their own. Amber was recently divorced and the 2 other women that would be coming had never married for some reason, so she had asked Lyn to bring her husband in case they needed the muscle. Lyn had figured Brad would make a decent stand in for his dad with the way he kept in shape, maybe even better in some respect, being so young and fit as he was.

"Just how much will I be filling for dad, mom?" The words had flown out of Brads mouth on their own accord. He was almost shocked to hear his own, hidden suggestion. Despite his own shock Brad took the opportunity to check his mom out. He told himself it was just to emphasize the point. She was 5'9, had smooth light brown hair that reached the bottom of her shoulder blades. Her eyebrows were perfectly kept. Her nose was long and thin, pointing ever so slightly upward. Her eyes were a light greyish blue. She had nice D-cup breasts, a slim waist and full, round hips. She was wearing a v-neck shirt that showed just enough cleavage and a tight skirt that showed off her hips nicely.
Lyn didn't flinch. She just reacted with a cheekish grin and started "Not THAT much, I have plenty in your dads.." Her face suddenly changed to a more serious look "oh! I wonder if that's why.. I hadn't thought of.. " "Of what mom?" Brad pressed. "Oh nothing! In about 5 years get me drunk and ask me again, then MAYBE I will tell you! But if my suspicions are correct you are going to have one hell of a nice vacation." With that she gave the now very confused Brad a coy smile.

The rest of the week went by pretty fast. Brad spent most of the mornings doing chores in the garden or the garage for his dad, or tutoring Sara. Unfortunately he was ONLY tutoring math. His dad had surprised him on a few occasions. It was a 9 hour drive from where they lived to the cottage, so Lyn had decided they would drive there. Brad wouldn't be taking his drivers license for several months, but his dad had been teaching him stuff about driving for a while. Now the teachings took on a whole new urgency. He took Brad out practicing on empty parking lots, and even in an abandoned industrial area once.

One night when they had been practicing particularly late, his dad handed him a cold beer when they got home, sat him down on the porch and proceeded to have the talk. Brad didn't exactly need the warning about pregnancy, as he had spent most his c***dhood listening to the stories about his mom bringing him, books and diapers to high school classes. He was also relatively sure he wouldn't be catching something nasty should he fail to use rubber once or twice. A senior at school had contracted something really nasty recently, causing almost all the other parents to get their k**s tested. Besides he was pretty sure his first would be Sara, and he would also be her first.
True to Brad's history his dad skimped past the 2 subjects pretty fast, and, to Brad's surprise, went on to explain how best to please a woman. He told Brad how, if he was good enough in bed, he might actually be able to keep a couple of willing lovers, which would be far more satisfying in the long run than jumping from bed to bed. He explained how a few strategic touches in not so obvious places could bring a woman in the mood, how women could sometimes react to even the most sleazy compliments, and how some women could actually orgasm just from a practiced tongue on their nipple. The lesson ended with Ted demonstrating the light touches combined with the right compliments on an unsuspecting Lyn.

Brad's mom woke him at 7am Saturday. He grabbed a shower and went into the kitchen to find a very solid breakfast waiting. "Eat up honey, we'll pretty much be driving for 9 hours straight, so lunch is going to be very light". They had been on the road for 2 hours by the time Brad found out why his dad had been giving him driving lessons. His mom pulled over and said ”roads here are pretty straight, you're OK to drive aren't you?”. Brad found himself driving for 5 hours straight, only letting his mom drive for the 5 minutes it took him to inhale lunch. As they got closer to the cottage, the roads got smaller and a lot more twisty. That's when his mom took back control of the car.

No GPS in the world was going to lead them to the right cottage, so they met up with Amber by the nearest convenience store. Brad recognized her immediately, despite the change in perspective from 6 year old boy to nearly full grown teenager. Full, black hair with a hint of large curls, green eyes, a very small nose. Her breasts were slightly smaller than he would have thought, being small c-cups, but they looked perfect to her petite body. 15 minutes later a car with two tall, slim women arrived. One had blonde hair with a hint of red, the other was fully blonde. Her hair wasn't blonde all the way to the roots though, causing Brad to suspect she was bleaching it. The red-blonde had very full D-cup breasts, the other had 2 gorgeous F-cups! Brad felt his cock twitch at the sight of the 2 women, despite suspecting it was his moms friends. A cheerful greeting from his mom and Amber quickly confirmed his suspicion. ”Emma, Pat, welcome. You guys look great”. Brad's cock definitely agreed. Their outfits weren't bad either. Like a couple of teenagers they were both clad in tight sleeveless t-shirts that showed off a bit of midriff and light summer skirts.

When they reached the cottage, it was clear it hadn't been used for a couple of years, but at least the roof and all windows were intact. Amber made a beeline to the kitchen in order to get it clean and start dinner. ”There should be 5 bed spaces, so why don't the 4 of you figure out sleeping arrangements”.

There were 5 doors in the hallway. The first one was to the communal bathroom. It looked a bit odd to Brad: not only 2 sinks, but also a wide shower cubicle with 2 shower heads and a big spa. The second room held a small double bed. To Brads surprise Emma quickly said ”I guess this is us Pat?” and they both went in. Brad was sure the 2 fully grown women would have to lie pretty close to share that bed. In fact it was probably going to be a source of a fantasy or 2 during the vacation. The next room held a slightly larger double bed, the third held a single bed and the final room was locked. Lyn took one look at the double bed and quickly proclaimed ”Well, I'm NOT sharing that thing with anyone, least of all my own son. I'll take the single bed, hopefully for Amber there is a bed in the locked room.” ”But mom! What if there isn't?” ”Well, I'm sure you and Amber can work it out. She's not shy, and she won't kill you when your hand 'accidentally' touches something sensitive”. ”MOM!”.

From the moment Brad had stepped out of the climate controlled car, he was assaulted by the Florida heat and humidity. As they reached the cottage he dropped his shirt and just paraded around in his bare torso. Brad figured if the girls could show off, so could he. As it turned out he was wrong though; the women were only about to show off. Emma and Pat had barely entered the cottage before they had changed to the smallest string bikinis Brad had ever seen. Their tits were only just covered with 2 small triangles. Emma's bikini was so tight over her d-cup Brad could clearly see the outline of her areolae. Pat's didn't leave a shape on the bikini in the same way, but Brad would swear he could see the edges of the colored circle under the edge of the small triangle patches. He took a careful look at the crotches of their bikinis to confirm that the bottoms were hiding as much, or rather as little, as the bikini tops.

Brad quickly grabbed the garden shears and went outside to assault the wilderness around the cottage, first of all to get his all too obvious tent away from the gaze of the ladies, second to get the tent under control before dinner. This was of course a futile attempt. Not that his erection didn't go down, but the second he caught sight of Emma and Pat the erection was back with a vengeance. To make matters worse both they and Amber were very obviously admiring his trimmed body. After dinner the women got a glass of wine each. And Brad was treated to a cold beer.

They sat down in the couches in the living room. Lyn looked at Emma and Pat and asked ”What's up with the 2 of you volunteering to share the small bed?” Emma was first to answer ”Uhm, well, we ended up being roommates in college, and after sharing guys for a couple of years we found out we could be just as good to each other without a guy in between.” Then Pat took over ”yeah most those college jocks would just stick their meat in and do the deed. If they even know what a clit is, they go directly for it. Having another woman going down on you is much better! Emma knows how to start massaging the outer part of my labia then...” Pat then proceeded to mention the different parts of her pussy in pretty much the same order Brad had heard from his dad the night before. As Pat was talking Amber inadvertently put her hand in her crotch and started tracing the different parts as Pat was talking. Brad was definitely getting a thorough course in female anatomy. Amber had already leaned back in her chair and put one foot up on the seat, giving Brad a full view of her panties if he as much as glanced in her direction. With her moving her fingers around the area he could no longer help but look. He was a little confused at first, he was sure he should be able to see the cloth even if she was wearing a skimpy thong, it turned out she wasn't wearing panties at all. Brad was being treated to a full view of her naked pussy, complete with comments on the names of the different parts from Pat.

Brad leaned forward to try and hide his ever worsening boner. As he moved, he openly stared at Amber's crotch. She got the hint, but instead of covering up, she just made it less obvious that she was showing off to him. Lyn was the first to stand to go to bed. ”It's been a long drive up here, I'm pretty tired already. I think I'll take a bath and go to sleep”. Emma was fast to respond ”Yeah I need to hit the shower too, say Lyn! That cubicle is pretty big, you mind if we join you?” ”Alright, but you two stay in your half of the cubicle”. With that the 3 women left Amber and Brad alone.

Amber was quick to up the ante. ”You don't have to lean so far forward you know. It doesn't do much to hide anything” With that, she got up, went over to sit next to Brad and swung her legs up so she had them across his lap. ”Well, you're certainly giving me a view! It's almost better than I remembered” Brad replied, as he openly took a good look at her pussy. ”Remembered?!” Amber nearly shouted. She hadn't forgotten the episode at the lake, she also wasn't surprised he had gotten a good view of her tits. What she hadn't registered at the time was that her panties were just as transparent.

”Anyway, who's sleeping where?” Brad explained he had one of the double beds, and Amber would have to find the key for the locked room. ”Oh, that's not a bedroom, it's the broom cupboard!”. ”Ooohh, I guess I'll take a couch then” Brad offered. ”No way, I used to do that as a k**, your back will be sore for a week! We're sharing that double bed”. Brad protested ”but what about .. ” he looked down at his crotch. ”With you next to me it will be like that all night!” Amber just smiled and answered ”Promises promises ..”, ”huh??”, ”Just don't poke my back or my stomach when there is a perfectly good spot for it further down”.

Brad couldn't believe it. This gorgeous woman had been a fantasy of his ever since he started playing with his own manhood. Was she practically telling him they were going to fuck, or just telling him she wouldn't mind if he rested it in her crotch? He decided it was probably the latter. ”Now why don't you go get a shower and get ready for bed, I'll clean up here and be right in” Amber offered. ”Sounds like Emma and Pat are still in there”. They had seen Lyn come out and go to bed long ago, but the showers were still running. ”Not that they would mind you joining, but we have our own cubicle, did you miss that?” Yes he did. In splitting up the sleeping arrangements he had only looked at the bed from the hallway and tossed his bag onto it.

As he entered the bedroom he saw what she meant. At one end of the room was a small door to a toilet and shower cubicle. Of cause the shower cubicle itself was made of clear glass. Brad stripped and went into the shower without giving the water time to heat up. The first few seconds of cold water were doing wonders for his member. It had been trying to set new size and stiffness records for the past 2 hours straight. Now it was finally subsiding a bit. That is, until he felt the shower door open and another body step into the cubicle.

”Hey stud! I need a shower too! Between you, Emma and Pat I bet the hot water will be gone pretty soon”. He turned around to see a completely naked Amber standing there next to him. She put her arms around his neck and leaned in for a kiss. At first it was just lip to lip, then she opened her mouth a bit and pressed her tongue against his lips. He quickly got the point and opened up his mouth. While their tongues were wrestling Brad put his arms around Amber's lower back and pulled her close. At first his cock was trapped between their bellies, but he repositioned so it stuck straight out and found the gap by her crotch. He pumped a few times. His cock wasn't inside her, but it was trapped between her legs, and as he moved, the head was grinding along her pussy opening. Her outer pussy lips gently caressed the top and sides of his penis head, her thighs more roughly rubbed the lower sides of his penis. The movement was causing a series of low moans from Amber. Brad only moaned once. After just a few pumps he had had enough and was violently shooting sperm in between Amber's legs, on the wall behind her and down her legs.

”Oooohh, that was fast” Amber failed to hide the disappointment in her voice. ”I.. I'm sorry…, but what did you expect? I've been rock hard due to 3 gorgeous women showing off the past several hours”. ”Oohhh it's alright babe, you just surprised me. You're still young, I'm sure you will be ready again in no time”. As she spoke, she grabbed his cock with one hand and started lightly stroking, while she was using the tip to tease her own clit. Brads cock hadn't lost any size at all, only a bit of hardness, but he was rock hard again in seconds. Amber lifted one knee to the side of his ribcage and pressed up against him. Brad grabbed the leg to help her hold it, and with the other hand he reached around her, put his hand on her ass and pressed her pelvis against his. He grinded his cock against her opening a couple of times before she reached down, placed his head against her opening and guided him in. The feeling was sensational. Like a thousand soft fingers reaching around his cock pressing evenly on it from all sides.

Another series of moans escaped Amber's lips. Brad felt the walls of her pussy contract in small rippling motions. ”ohh, that feels nice.” Amber exclaimed as the rippling stopped. ”Now start pumping that lovely piece of meat into me!” Brad did as instructed, then remembered his dad's words about making it good for the girl. With one hand holding Amber's leg, he tried letting go of her ass, but that meant giving up too much control. Amber must have sensed his dilemma, because she lowered her own hand to her clit and rubbed for a few minutes. Then she reached around his cock and held her fingers out so she was caressing his balls with every stroke he made into her.
“HAAaaaiiihhh” Amber stopped her own long pant by holding her breath for a couple of seconds. Then Brad felt her pussy contract again, more violently this time. He just kept pumping, straight through what he would later learn was her orgasm. He had wanted to make this session last, but the sensation made him want to shoot his juice into her baby growth chamber. He sped up the pace of his thrusting. In the midst of the crazy movements his ring finger slipped into Amber's butt hole. He felt his own finger against the bottom of his cock, and the feeling made him squirt instantly. He pushed his cock in as far as it would go, and enjoyed the feeling of his semen rushing through his cock. He could even feel it being pressed out again around the head of his penis. With his second and third squirts he felt Amber's pussy clamping around his cock again. “Aaaaiiiiuuuuhhooooohhh!!” She screamed into his ear while she was experiencing the second part of her double orgasm. He let go of her leg, and was struggling to remain standing. Amber slumped forward and rested her head against his shoulder.

“oh-H-wo-h-ow!” Amber was speaking while trying to catch her breath. “I've never come so fast from a man before and rarely had a double climax, who's the lucky girl you've been practicing on?”. “Pr-Practicing? I didn't do anything but hold you and thrust. Besides..” he almost whispered the last part “this was actually my first time”. “Well, what can I say, your cock just feels fantastic! Hang on, this was your first?!” “uhm .. yes”. “Holy sh..! You've got talent k**! You're already on par with your dad” Brad decided to let that piece of information slide for now. “No woman will ever want to leave your bed again. This is going to be the best vacation ever!” Brads cock gave a small twitch at the thought of doing Amber every night for 14 days straight, and maybe even meet up with her after that.

When they were done gasping for air, they started cleaning each other off. Amber began by dropping to her knees and using her mouth to clean Brad's cock. Brad in turn did the same to her tits. Then, after carefully rubbing away as much semen as possible, dropped down and used his tongue on her pussy. Thanks to his dads instructions and the graphical demonstration he had gotten earlier, he soon had Amber gasping and moaning again. It felt good to give an experienced woman like Amber this much pleasure.

All done rinsing off, Amber stepped out, grabbed a towel and started to dry Brad off. The way she did his back was very interesting. She stood in front of him, reached around him to his back and pressed him up against herself. His cock was certainly dry by the time she was done with it, and she did a nice careful, but thorough job on his balls. She then handed Brad the towel, and he returned the favor using the same technique on her back. For her tits he turned her around and pressed her back up against himself, then made sure the tits were really dry. Of cause the towel slipped for him a couple of times while he dried her tits and pussy.

Brad finished up at Amber's feet, then put the towel on the rack. When he looked to the bed, Amber had thrown herself down on her back in the middle of the bed, with her legs spread. She looked up and said “I guess you're right, this is a fairly small bed. You think you can find somewhere to put yourself?” Brad smiled, knelt down on top of her and started kissing. “I'm quite comfortable right here, you?” “Hhmmm .. I got something poking at my stomaaahhh… Whatareyou-ohmygodalready?” While Amber was complaining about his dick he had repositioned and shoved it into her pussy, all the way to the balls. “What was that?” Brad asked with a smile. “Ohh, much better, right where it belongs! You're incredible, ready again so fast?” “Well, I've got the hottest babysitter on the planet for inspiratiommm” She closed his mouth with a kiss. Nothing was said again for a while, they were just kissing and making love. Brad made sure he massaged her love button with his pubic bone, and he was rewarded for his effort. After 10 minutes they were both pretty close, but Brad didn't want this to end. He slowed down his movements which only pushed Amber faster over the edge. To limit her movement on his cock he leaned down hard and pinned her to the bed. As Amber came even harder this time than in the showers, she pressed herself against him and bit into his shoulder in a futile attempt to muffle her own scream.

After she had calmed down, she looked up at him and asked “You didn't finish?” “No, I don't want this to end just yet.” “Impressive, but then I guess third load is easier to hold back. It's a shame though, I had hoped to come simultaneously again, it was great in the shower I can hardly imagine what that feels like in a bed.” Brads gave her a coy smile “Challenge accepted”, “Yeah right” Amber responded. Brad bent his back and managed to get his tongue and his lips working on her tits, while one hand was now giving her pussy and clit the same treatment his tongue had given them earlier. “Oooohh shhieeesh, that might actually work” Amber moaned. After another 5 minutes Amber was worked up again, and Brad was ready to fire. As he felt her pussy clamp down on his cock again, he made a couple of extra hard thrusts and then he was shooting into her. “OOHHh YEEESSSss! Put your baby juice to good use darliIIIIIng”. Amber's legs were locked around Brad, and while her heels were pushing him into her, her thighs were squeezing Brad from the side. Luckily they were squeezing his hip or Brad thought he'd have a hard time breathing.

All spent, Brad simply slumped down on top of Amber. They remained like that for about half an hour before Amber spoke. “I wish I could keep you in me all night like this, but you're getting a little heavy”. Brad's cock, although much softer now, hadn't left Amber's pussy. Brad used his knees and one hand and took his weight off Amber without moving. Then he put his free hand around her butt and turned both of them over, his cock never leaving its new home. “Ohh god, naughty boy. You're a wealth of impressive surprises!” He was even surprised himself, both that it worked, and that the movement had caused his cock to come to life again. They had sex once more in the cowgirl position, then fell asleep spooning.

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Her gorgeous tan breasts heaved as she moaned. She couldn’t believe how good her innocent little sister was at eating her out. “Oh... Yeah... Don’t stop Jacinta... IM SOOOO CLOSE!” Alex moaned so loud that the whole house would’ve heard. On any normal day she would have been much more cautious about moaning, however tonight her parents were out for dinner and given how late it was, were probably doing something similar. Jacinta continued too eat her sisters bare cunt just as she had been begged...

2 years ago
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Me Mom and Lots of My Friends

This story involving my Mom is true having begun many months ago. I’m writing only because I have no one else to share it with. All the names are real, although I’ve made up some dialog to enhance the story only because I don’t remember exactly every word that was said in each situation. As bizarre as this sounds, if it wasn’t for my friends, I would never have fucked my Mom. Let me explain. At the time, I was an eighteen year-old college male, in- between my freshman...

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A Beautiful Friendship

Lance's girlfriend Gina has another surprise for him. Group Sex It had been almost two months since the weekend when I lost my virginity and things had never been better. Gina and I were getting along great. Every chance we got we snuck away to some secluded place and attacked each other. After years of wondering why my friends were so fascinated and daring about sex, my raven-haired beauty was showing me what I had been missing. Every day I got to know her body’s mixture of hard muscle and...

1 year ago
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Strange Friendship

Strange friendship By Jennifer Adams I had to finally sit down and write this out to get my life into prospective. It has been several weeks since I last saw Micheal, my now ex-boyfriend. He said he had to move on with his life and find a nice girl who could give him children. I told him I understood and that I supported his decision. I have been crying ever since and I think I have finally cried myself out of tears. As my tears began to fade, my mind began to clear. I slowly began to...

4 years ago
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Childhood Friendship Turned Lustful Friendship

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. This time I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about how I and enjoyed sexual relationship with a friend without actual vaginal intercourse. It is not a real story. Guys, hands on your cock and girls, on your pussy now. I had a childhood friend called Sonakshi (Sonu). During childhood, we played together, went to same school and relished our childhood. Our families were friends too. It so happened that Sonakshi’s family...

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My Wife Was Gang Banged By My Friends

I had a wild dream of watching my wife gangbanged by 3-4 guys together. One day I had talked to some of my friends over a drink about my fantasy of a gang bang on my wife. Then everybody jokingly discussed about it and shared their on fantasies and stories of such gang bangs they have heard about. Thereafter this matter was forgotten and I had been transferred to another place about 600 KM away. About six months passed and then I got a call from one of my old friends. He told me that...

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Part 1 and 2 I got fucked by my husbands friends

If there is demand, I will post part 3. PART 1 My name is Nina, I'm Canadian-Lebanese [27 F], 5 ft 1, 115 pounds, and dark hair. This is the story of me and my husband [30, M, White] and his group of friends. My husband and I have been married for a year and he is the only guy I have ever been with. Since we've been married, my husband has wanted me to get to know his friends better, which I was happy to do. They are a close knit group of 6 guys (including my husband) and my husband is...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach Boyfriends

Bikini Beach -Boyfriends ElrodW Despite the girls telling them no, the boys follow Natalya, Megan, and her friends to Bikini Beach to surprise them. Now the girls have to deal with an unexpected complication in their tween romances, and then the fallout of the boys having changed afterwards. ********** Bikini Beach -Boyfriends This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported...

3 years ago
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Nans Boyfriends

I knew something was up because Nan had been fidgety since I walked in the front door. It was one of the signs that she had something to say that she didn't think I was going to like to hear. After fifteen years of marriage I knew the signs and I also knew that I couldn't hurry things along. When Nan had something like that to say she had to work herself up to say it. So, while I waited for her to finish dinner I grabbed a beer and went into the living room to watch CNN. When Nan called me...

4 years ago
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My Wifes Revenge With My Friends

Wife gets back at husband for flirting by making him watch.Chapter 1I met Kat at work two years ago. She was 22, 18 years younger than I, but we had a connection from her first day. I was the owner at a small ad agency, and she enjoyed flirting with, and later dating the boss. She was so pretty and alive, with an amazing body. She didn't dress slutty, but her curves were never hidden in the sundresses she wore all summer or the sweaters she wore in the winter. Things moved fast, she had moved...

1 year ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 11 The Power of Friends

It was still early, so Gail gave us directions to a place to go for some refreshments. We all pulled up to a place called "The Abbey". It seemed both pleasant and quaint, hardly a fitting structure for its name since it looked like a small, unimposing building. As we trooped in we found it to be a nice quiet place with several tables, a few big couches, and I noticed a bar along one wall. I didn't worry about it because I assumed Gail knew of any restrictions. Besides, most restaurants had...

1 year ago
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White Wife Provides Reparations for a Black Coworker and His Friends

Race relations in the United States were expected by many to improve after the first black president was elected and then reelected by wide margins. However, recent events involving conflicts between primarily black minorities and various police jurisdictions have caused numerous protests, some of which have turned violent. It is in the backdrop of those demonstrations that I first cuckolded my husband with some of the black protesters, many with prejudices against white people.My name is...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 121 Girlfriends

Candace and I had a blast. She was at least a couple inches shorter than me. That made me feel good, even though most of my friends were taller. We went through the exhibits and she wanted to see my ribbon for bread. She'd snagged a piece before we left the set and munched it as we loaded our stuff. On the way through the Commercial Building, we saw a sign at the Vita-Mix booth that said, "Brian's Gazpacho, 11:00, 1:00, 3:00, and 5:00." It was hastily lettered and was sitting next to the...

3 years ago
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Fucking Friends

When they first met, Calvin was one of the laziest people Shawna had ever met. He didn’t do any of his homework and nearly failed every test. Yet, he managed to graduate with everyone else. Even though he graduated, everyone thought he’d amount to nothing in life.Shawna was the total opposite; she did all of her homework and passed every test with flying colors. She wasn’t valedictorian or anything like that, but she was more productive than Calvin. It came as no surprise that she graduated and...

Straight Sex
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Part 3 I got fucked by my husbands friends

These words changed my life as I typed them into the group chat that my husband's friends created. My husband was not invited to the group chat. Just me, his slutty wife, who just the night before fucked one of his best friends behind his back. But let's back up for a second. My name is Nina. I'm 27 years old, 5 foot 1 inch tall, about 115 pounds with dark brown hair, light skin and brown eyes. I was born and raised in Canada but my background is Lebanese. I have small, but perky breasts,...

2 years ago
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Mature Married Man Discovers a Hunger for His Friends

My name is Ethan, and my wife, Jenny, and I were lucky to have been born and raised in the Savannah, Georgia area, and then able to find good jobs and raise our family here. We are in our mid-fifties now, and our children are grown and own their own, living in Atlanta.Jenny and I have a lot of good friends from high school who are still in the area, and she sees her old girlfriends socially at church gatherings, playing cards at bridge nights twice a month, and other get togethers with a couple...

1 year ago
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A mother gets blackmailed into being a sex slave for her son and his friends

Well to be honest it has been at least ten years since I talked with anyone directly involved with it all, and now it has been more than forty years since it all happened. Yet there are some defining moments in your life that you never forget. True, details become blurred with time and perhaps some details that still exist may have come from second hand accounts or perhaps even from an over active imagination; the realities of the moments are still there. It all started the summer of 1952 in...

3 years ago
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Bumchik With Girlfriend And Her Friends

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. This is Ram Prakash from Hyderabad, 23 years old. Thanks for commenting on my first real sex story through emails (First Femdom Act). Coming to the second sex encounter of my life, it was with my girlfriend and 3 of her friends. I am working in a software company in Chennai. There I met this girl named Aruna. She hails from Salem and is living with her seniors in a flat. She is light brown in color and has a good structure. Aruna and I were put into the...

2 years ago
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Best Friends

Best Friends - By: Theresa Denise Carter "But, Mike, I don't think that they'll let you join the Brownies," my Mom said with a look of dismay on her face. "I'm sure that the Brownies are only for little girls and you're not a little girl." "But why can't I be a Brownie?" "Well, because it's part of the Girl Scouts and in order to join the Girl Scouts, you have to be a girl. In any case you should join the Cub Scouts, it's part of the Boy Scouts," she explained. "But Mom,...

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The New Playmates Friends

The New Playmate's Friends by MaxSebastian 1 The young schoolboy lay back in the bath, entirely relaxed. The hot, steaming water enveloped his firm, slender yet muscular frame, the white foam making little islands of his knees, his slumbering penis and his head as he lay back, closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Jonathan could still feel a tingling running through his body from the morning’s encounter with Lucy, the daughter of his father’s new fiancée. It was the first day of the Christmas...

1 year ago
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*****Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.Note_2: in tribute to the great BB. Sorry about the time that it took me, and thank you for the ideas.*****Chapter 1: the sisters from hell.Rachel Smith was a very attractive divorced woman. She had long black hair, deep blue eyes, and a great body. Rachel was on her way to work...

2 years ago
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My slave and my Friends

My Master made me kept a journal of my experiences as his slut whore bitch slave, and I write here my experiences with my Master’s friends.Since being collared by Master, I had been used by countless number of men of almost every race and nationality, covering:White – German, Swede, Spanish, Dane, Serbian, British, Australian, American, Polish, Belgian, Dutch, Bosnian, New ZealanderBlack – African American, Indian, PakistaniYellow – China Chinese, Singaporean, Filipino, Malaysian, Japanese,...

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Best Friends

I pulled back and thought to myself, 'What the hell am I doing?' Instantly the little voice inside my head said, 'You know EXACTLY what you are doing.' I smiled, and ran my hands through Laurie's hair. I heard her make a little moan of pleasure as I pulled her back to me and I leaned in to kiss her again. When I first saw Laurie Duchow, it was early November just before the end of the football season. She was walking with one of my best friends and they stopped at my locker after school....

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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 10 Friendship

Kat and Cyrano Chapter 10: Friendship In the first nine chapters, I described in sensuous and erotic detail how the chemistry and the hunger between Eric and me led to some wonderful and creative sexual adventures four years ago. But if it had just been about the sex, then Nov. 10, 2008 wouldn’t still be a cherished memory and one of the happiest days of my life, right up there with my high school graduation and the births of my four children. There was also friendship, trust, respect, and...

Love Stories
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My best friendrsquos father and his friends

My best friend’s father and his friends Part (1)I was in the neighborhood of one of my close friends’ house, it was early night time, I decided to stop by, as of a sudden, without calling her, we usually do that to each other, as we are so close.She lived with her parents, I rang the doorbell and her father opened the door, he sure was glad to see me, asked me in, then apologized that my friend and her mom were spending the night at her married sister’s house, I said it is ok, we did not have...

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Making New Friends

Making New Friends By Bill Hart The three of them, Brandon Thomas, Carl Dalton, and Jennifer Miller, had been both friends and neighbors since they had been small. As they stood around casually shooting the shit as they normally did between classes, Mandi Fenton, one of the university's cheerleaders, not to mention a snooty little bitch, strolled by them, her nose stuck high in the air. Brandon and Carl stared after her. If only my breasts were larger than they are, thought...

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Bhabhi8217s Double Penetration Sex With Husband8217s Drunk Friends

Hey hunks! This is Simraan and I have wrote the following incident for my horny readers while sitting on my husband’s lap. Enjoy the surprise you find in the end that my husband is still unaware of! I am totally against my husband’s habit of bringing home his drunkard friends. And I despise him for taking the liberty of drinking in the house. But, on one occasion when he invited his two friends at home, I ended up having a super orgasmic Sunday evening! My husband went to open the door for...

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Femme Friends

My friend Pete and I were living the good life as a couple of bachelors; we had a string of different girls that we dated but we never got serious about any of them. All a girl had to do was to mention marriage and she'd never hear from us again. It was strictly "Love 'em and Leave 'em" with us. Our parents were constantly harping at us, "You're twenty three, when are you going to settle down?" they'd ask at every opportunity. If they went to a wedding, it was especially bad for us for...

2 years ago
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Mom Gang Banged By Friends

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, I am Vishal. My mom’s name is Anita. She is 45, an average lady with an amazing figure. I will get to the incident now. I and Mom had been to a social function. Mom got busy meeting people out there and I was getting bored and started roaming and by the far end of the place, I saw my college classmates. I went to them and got busy chatting with them and all of a sudden one of our classmate came to us and said, “hey guys,...

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Awakened To My Bisexual Hunger By Old Friends

My name is Owen, and now at the age of fifty-eight, I live in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with my wife of thirty-seven years, Emma. We were born and raised in Oshkosh and live frugal lives on my wages as a machine operator at a plastic packaging company, and hers as an elementary school teacher.I’ve always been a rugged, man’s man, and grew up hunting and fishing with my lifelong friends, Oliver (who friends call Ollie) and Henry, who are my age and also work as machine operators at my company. Our...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 14 Just Friends

April 2002, Spring Break There really are few simple pleasures in life better than just laying out on a beach, feeling the ocean breeze ruffling through your hair while you look around and ogle all the female flesh you can find. Yeah, I would probably choose naked over bikini any day; but nakedness stimulates me the point of boiling over. Bikinis, on the other hand, let my arousal simmer well above normal but below the threshold of instability. I could perpetually be aroused and kept at...

4 years ago
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Kim Kardashian used by Ray J his friends

"Kim come on over baby I have a surprise planed for you tonight.'"Oh Ray J 'what's my surprise?""You will see now get that big fat ass of yours over here Princess. I want you to wear the outfit I bought for you tonight."Ray J had recently purchased Kimberly a special outfit a leather fetish costume to celebrate her recent birthday. The leather outfit was hot! It was a leather bustier that squeezed her big boobs together and the bottom part was just a little thong that covered her big Ass.Ray J...

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Mom Gang Banged By Friends

I and Mom had been to a social function. Mom got busy meeting people out there and I was getting bored and started roaming and by the far end of the place, I saw my college classmates.I went to them and got busy chatting with them and all of a sudden one of our classmate came to us and said, “hey guys, there is a hot aunty in the function and I would like to seduce her and fuck her and I need your help”. We all agreed and then he took us to a distant place and pointed towards that aunt. To my...

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Watching Mom Fuck My Friends

"John thanks so much for having us over to your Christmas Party!" my Mom said in a drunken state as the music of the party finally ended.The Nelson's annual Christmas party was always an awesome time, and was known for getting pretty wild as they were very liberal with the alcohol. Every year, about 6-7 families from the neighborhood would get together the week before Christmas and party until the late hours of the morning. Almost all of the guests of the party had left, and Mrs. Nelson had...

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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 14 Real friends

Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 14 Real Friends. That evening as Ronnie's mother was making dinner, she had also been in deep thought about what Ronnie had told her. She was sitting at the kitchen table when her husband walked in from work, saw the look on her face, and had asked, "Maryann. Is something wrong?" "Ronnie told me something today," Maryann replied. "Is anything wrong?" "No. But, it's...

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Pitching Tents Camping with Daddy and his friends

My father’s parents weren’t still with us. I barely ever knew them. I don’t think them and Dad were that close. The grandparents on my mother’s side were (and still are) alive and kicking however, and they live in the same city. Usually, when my dad went away, one or both of my grandparents would come over and babysit me, as if that was really necessary any longer! But, I suppose I liked getting meals prepared. This time around my grandparent’s would, however, not be able to look after me...

1 year ago
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My Husbands Fantasy About My Friends

I think they do.My husband has for years. He has made it very clear that he is attracted to a few of my friends. I can’t blame him. I do have some very attractive friends. I love teasing him during sex, it's funny how he gets so worked up over it.After all, it’s just a wild fantasy, something that will never happen. All my friends are respectful and classy. I just couldn’t see anything ever happening with any of them and my husband.I have several close female friends that I have known for many...

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Suma Daddy His Friends

Hi, my name is Suma; I am from a small village in kerala. I am 26, got married one year back. Shy, sexy, soft-spoken, a graduate, yet a house wife; that’s me in a nutshell. 5.6”tall, fair, very shapely with a 36-28-36 figure. After my marriage I settled down in ernakulam with my husband and his father. His mother had passed away a few years ago, so we had to look after his dad. The main reason was that, my father-in-law was a very wealthy person and his only son, my husband, Sunil, wanted the...

4 years ago
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Gangbang Mom with Friends

My name is suneeth and I am a 15 year old guy studying in the final year of school in hyderabad, India. During the summer season it is sweltering hot and sweaty inside the house as we don’t have air conditioning. Hence I go up to the terrace to study under the light next to the stairwell.We live in a 4 storied apartment building and the terrace is shared by 36 other apartments. We have about 24 such apartments in our area. There are lots of young students in college and schools in our area and...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 7 A weekend with friends

The week when I would sit the all-important exams was rapidly approaching. There was just one weekend left to get ready. But Mirabelle and Sylvie didn't intend to spend the weekend studying. They agreed with their parents that it was better to clear the mind from all exam worries than to cram until the last minute, and planned to spend the weekend in the mountain hut. They would leave Friday afternoon and return on Sunday. Mirabelle told me with a wink that I was welcome to join them. None...

4 years ago
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Part 6 I got fucked by my husbands friends

- Nina So this is what it all came down to. Months of sneaking behind my husband’s back had led me to this moment. I felt unprepared and reluctant to handle the situation at hand. I could have just let things be as they were and kept my husband in the dark. But I knew that this task would prove to be more and more challenging as time went on. I was bound to get caught, to slip up. I would have eventually ran out of excuses, left my phone unlocked or he would have run into one of my friends...

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stripping for Master and his friends

I asked a female friend of mine to write down her fantasy as a story. She gave me a short premise and I asked if I could work it out as real story. She agreed and here are we now. This is her fantasy with a little bit of my ideas in them, As it is her fantasy, I will write it completely from the female point of view. I stood in front of the old theatre. The building had been closed for ages and was about to be destroyed in a couple of weeks. I wondered why master made me come here, dressed...

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wife fucked by my friends

This story relates way back to 1996 when I got married to Rittu who was a beautiful girl and within four years of constant fucking with her she blossomed into a ripe lady in fig of 36 34 38.We used to experiment in all kind of sexual positins and even she used to take all my cum in her mouth.Berfore my marriage I had two dear friends named Happy and Raminder.We used to drink fuck whores together in my flat but after my marriage to rittu this all stopped and I was not in touch with...

2 years ago
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Wife Fucked By My Friends

This story relates way back to 1996 when I got married to Rittu who was a beautiful girl and within four years of constant fucking with her she blossomed into a ripe lady in fig of 36 34 38.We used to experiment in all kind of sexual positins and even she used to take all my cum in her mouth. Berfore my marriage I had two dear friends named Happy and Raminder.We used to drink fuck whores together in my flat but after my marriage to rittu this all stopped and I was not in touch with...

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