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7 kere boşaldım
O zamanlar Ankara Çankaya`da oturuyorduk. Eşimden boşanalı 2 sene oluyordu, 38 yaşında oğluyla oturan yalnız bir kadındım.. Emir, yaşamın bana sunduğu tek armağandı sanki.. onsuz düşünemiyor , konuşamıyor, hiçbirşey yapamıyordum. Onu herşeyden herkesden çok seviyordum. Arkadaş toplantılarında Emir`den başka birşey yoktu dilimde. Bu onları sıkıyordu biraz belki ama umurumda değildi. Biricik oğlumu canımdan çok seviyordum.
O sıralarda lisede resim öğretmeniydim. İşimi seviyordum, hemen hemen oğlum yaşında çocuklarla haşir neşir olmak, oğlumu tanımama da yardımcı oluyordu. Bununla beraber 16 yaşında bir çocuğun dünyasında nasıl fırtınalar koptuğunu hala tam olarak bilmiyordum. Ergenlik heyecanlarını onlarla paylaşmaya çalışıyordum mümkün olduğunca… Aramızda fazla bir mesafe olmamasına gayret ediyordum. Zaten geri kalan despot öğretmenler sayesinde çocuklar kendilerini yeteri kadar tutsak hissediyorlardı. Bari resim derslerinde dilediklerince özgür olsundular…
Ergenlikte anne – oğul ilşkisiyle ilgili kitaplar raflarımdan dolup taşıyordu. Anneyle oğlu arasında çok garip, her seferinde farklı yaşanan, aşkla, masumiyetle, saflıkla ve tutkuyla örülü kopmaz bir bağ vardı…
Çocuk, ergenlik çağında kendi bedenini ve dürtülerini tanıyordu. Karşı cinsle ilgili tanımlamalarını da ilk olarak annesiyle yapıyordu… Ve çoğu zaman ona karşı gizliden gizliye bir aşk, bir tutku besliyordu. Bunları okuduktan sonra aklıma bir tek soru takılıp kaldı:
Acaba Emir de bana aşık mıydı? Hem de öyle bir takıldı ki bir türlü aklımdan çıkaramıyordum. Bu düşünce bana pek çok şeyi birden yaşattı. Onun o masum bakışlarını düşündüm ve birden aklıma tuvalette mastürbasyon yaptığı düştü. Mastürbasyon yapıyordu muhakkak ki ama kim bilir neler düşünüyordu.
Beni düşünüyor muydu acaba? Hadi canım neremi görmüştü ki düşünsün?..
Yok onu doğuran bendim, onu emziren, beraber banyoya girip herbiryerlerini yıkayan yine bendim, beni defalarca çırılçıplak gördüğünde şimdi hiçbirşey hatırlamayacak kadar küçüktü… Yoksa o anılar o küçük belleğinde silinmez izler mi bırakmıştı? Yoksa heryerimi hatırlıyor muydu? heryerimi.. Bunları düşünürken yatakta sırtüstü döndüm, geceliğimin önünü çözüp göğüslerimi avuçlarıma aldım. gençliğimden beri kocamandılar.
Boyum 1.74`tü ve 68 kiloydum. Aynanın karşısnda durmuş göğüslerime bakıyordum.
Geceliği olduğu gibi çıkarttım.. Yan döndüm…
Popomu elimle destekleyip kaldırdım. Acaba Emir benimle ilgili neler düşünüyordu? Bunu kesin olarak öğrenmeye karar verdim, ama önce küçük öğrencilerim üzerinde bir deneme yapmam gerekiyordu. Geceliğimi giydim, yatağa uzandım. Sanırım monoton hayatıma kendi kendime renk katmaya başlamıştım…
Ertesi sabah yataktan sanki daha dinlenmiş, daha dinç, daha mutlu kalktım. Emir`in servisi çok erken geliyordu, o yüzden hemen odasına gidip onu öperek uyandırdım. Gözlerini ovuşturdu “Anne çok garip bir rüya gördüm” dedi. Yatağın kenarına oturdum “Çabuk cabuk anlat yoksa servisi kaçırırsın” dedim.
Hızlıca ve heyecanla anlatmaya koyuldu.
– Çok yüksek bir binanın tepesindeydik senle ben… Sen bir sandalyede oturuyordun ben de yıldızlara bakıyordum. Anne, ne kadar çok yıldız var di mi? diye sordum
– Evet oğlum- dedin sonra bana
– çorabımı giydirir misin?- diye sordun.
Elinde o okula giderken giydiklerinden ince siyah bir çorap vardı. Ben de ayaklarını tutup ayağına giydirmeye başladım sen de ayağını kaldırıp ağzıma sürdün”
Bir süre hiçbirşey söyleyemedim. O ise gözlerini kocaman açmış benden bir yorum beklercesine masum masum bakıyordu..”Bu kadar mı?” diyebildim. “Evet” dedi. “Hadi o zaman çabuk fırla! Annenin seni ne kadar çok sevdiğini anlatan bir rüya görmüşsün ama eğer servisi kaçırırsan annenin ne kadar kızabileceğini de görürsün hem de GERÇEKTEN!”.. Poposuna bir şaplak indirdim. Kıkırdayarak banyoya koştu…
Emir gittikten sonra yatak odama yöneldim. Yapılacak işlerim vardı…Okul eve yakın olduğundan dersten 15 dakika önce çıksam yetişiyordum. Eve de Emir`den çok önce geliyordum.
O yüzden bol bol zamanım vardı. Bir an gördüğü rüya aklıma düştü. Acaba ayaklardan ve bacaklardan mı hoşlanıyordu Emir? Acaba benim çoraplı ayaklarıma çaktırmadan bakıyor muydu? Acaba onları öpmek mi istiyordu? heyecan ve utanç duyguları bedenimde çarpışıyordu. Ama yine de bu düşünceler o günkü planımla ilgili bir fikir verdi…
Çorap çekmecesinden koyu siyah-kahverengi 40 numara külotlu çorabımı çıkardım. Onu elimle genişlettim. Yatağa serdim. Buruşma yapmasın diye bacaklarıma krem sürdüm. Külodumu çıkardım. Çorabı özenle giydim ve ayak bileklerimden belime kadar elimle iterek gerdirdim. Dolabımı açtım. İşte orada asılı dıruyordu: Senelerdir giymediğim derin yırtmaçlı bordo daracık mini eteğim.
Aceleleyle içine girdim. Fermuarı biraz zorlandı. Şişmanlamıştım. Ama aynanın karşısına geçtiğimde bunun o kadar da vahim bir durum olmadığını heyecanla gördüm. Etek vücut hatlarımı zorluyor, belimi, popomu, bacakları olduğu gibi gözler önüne seriyordu, hele popomun her bir kıvrımı gözüküyordu.
Omuzları açık bej renkli straplez bluzumu içime sutyen giymeye gerek duymadan üstüme geçirdim. Göğüslerim dışarı fırlamıştı sanki, koca göğüs uçlarımın çıkıntısı belli oluyor, biraz dikkatli bakıldığında koyulukları da görülüyordu.. 10cm topuklu parlak gül kırmızısı terliklerimi ayağıma geçirdim… Aynanın karşısına geçip dikkatle baktım. O güne kadar okula dizimin hizasını geçmeyen eteklerle, kalın gömlekler ve bilumum gayet kapalı elbiselerle gitmiştim… Ve şimdi tam anlamıyla bir kaltak gibi gözüküyordum..
Üstüme uzun lacivert pardösümü aldım önünü kapadım ve okulun yolunu tuttum…
Hademeye günaydın dedim. Umursamaz gözlerle başını salladı. Planım tıkır tıkır işliyordu. Pardösünün altında neler olduğunu bilse bu yaşlı hademe hemen oracıkta kalpten gidebilirdi ama hiçbirşey anlamadı.
Koridordan hızlı hızlı sınıfıma doğru giderken zil çaldı.. Bütün öğrenciler sınıfa girdikten sonra o bildik manzara; kapının hafifçe aralanması, meraklı bir çift gözün koridoru taraması sonra benim geldiğim görüp kapıyı kapatıp ” Öğretmen geliyor!” diye haykırması…
Sınıfa girdim. ayağa kalkan öğrencilere oturun der gibi başımı salladım. en öndeki sıranın önünde durdum “Günaydın çocuklar bugün dersimizde çok zevkli bir konu işleyeceğiz” dedim.
sınıftan neşeli bir uğultu yükseldi. Pardösünün kuşağını usulca çözdüm, önü kendiliğinden iki yana açıldı. “Kadın vücudu çizeceğiz” dedim. Ön sıradaki bir öğrencinin gözleri pardösünün içinde fırlamış göğüslerime takılmıştı. Bütün öğrencilerime tek tek baktım. kız mevcudu olmayan 26 kişilik bir sınıftı..”Bu gün size ben modellik yapacağım”
Pardösüyü çıkardım. Sandalyeyi sınıfın ortasına getirdim ve bacak bacak üstüne atıp oturdum.
Hepsi de müthiş heyecanlanmıştı ve ben de bu heyecanı onlarla paylaşıyordum. Tenim ateş gibi olmuştu ama oyunumu da sonuna kadar oynayacaktım.”Evet çocuklar” dedim “Hepiniz herhalde az da olsa kadın vücudunun neye benzediğini biliyorsunuz”
Kafalarını hayır anlamında iki yana salladılar. Hemen hepsi ben bakışlarımı başka yöne çevirdiğimde vücuduma dikkatle bakıyor sonra onlara döndüğümde bakışlarını kaçırıyorlardı. Utanmışlar ve acayip heyecanlanmışlardı. Ben de aynı durumdaydım ve bu gün içlerinde kopan fırtınalara ortak olmaya kararlıydım.”ayağa kalkıp yanıma gelin” dedim. Hepsi bir anda zil sesini duymuşçasına fırladılar. Etrafımda küçük erkeklerden ufak bir ordu vardı. Arkada kalanlar parmaklarının üstüne basıyor, birbirlerini ite kaka bana bakmaya çalışıyorlardı.
“Şşşşt itişmeyin. Bu gün herkes istediği kadar bakacak” dedim.
“Şimdi beni iyice incelemenizi istiyorum. Bazı kıvrımları anlamanız için dokunmanız gerekecek. Sonra altlıklarınızı ve kağıtlarınızı alıp çizmeye başlayacaksınız. Blok ders yapacağız teneffüs yok.”
Bunları söylerken bacağımı bacağımın üstünden indirip eteğimi popoma kadar sıyırdım. Bazıları kafalarını bir hayli yakınıma uzatmışlardı. İçlerinden birinin elini tuttum, bacağımı ileriye doğru uzatıp elini baldırlarıma koydum. Eli ince çoraplı bacağıma deyince bundan oldukça heyecanlanmış gözüktü. Pantolonunun önünde kocaman bir şişkinlik farkettim.
Daha sonra hepsini yerlerine oturttum.
Kağıtlarını altlıklarına kıstırdılar. Ben de öndeki sıranın üstüne sandalye koydum.
“Çocuklar yardım edin de şunun üstüne çıkayım” dedim.
Üçü yarışırcasına öne atıldı. Biri elimi tuttu. Diğer ikisi de az önce arkadaşlarına yaptığım şeyden cesaret almış olmalılar ki bacaklarımdan kavradılar. Hepsi de alttan açılmış olan eteğimden bacaklarımı ve popomu dikizliyorlardı. Hemen hepsinin önü kocaman olmuştu. Terlikleri ayağımdan çıkardım. Bacaklarımı olabildiğince araladım. Parlak çoraplı bacaklarıma baktıklarını gördükçe ateş gibi oluyordum, heyecanlanıyordum.
“Bacaklara dikkat edin” dedim.
“Ve göğüsler. Göğüslerimi rahatça görebiliyor musunuz? Kıvrımları belli oluyor mu?”
Göğüslerimi altlarından tutup kaldırdım. Tam o anda hafif hafif bir tenin tene vurma sesi geldi. pıt pıt pıt! Ritmi bazen hızlanıyor bazen yavaşlıyordu. Küçük haylazlardan biri mastürbasyon yapıyordu. Allahım bu yaptığım delilikti. O anda sınıfa herhangi biri girecek olsa okuldan bile atılabilirdim.
Birden kafama bir yumruk yemiş gibi bacaklarımı topladım. terliklerimi giydim. Sandalyeden aşşağı inip onu yerine koydum.
“Hocam daha bitirmedik” uğultuları yükseldi “Bu günlük bu kadar yeter çocuklar haftaya başka bir konuyla devam ederiz” dedim. Çizdiklerini kontrol ettim. Hiçbirininkinden birşey anlaşılmıyordu. Eğer doğru düzgün çizilmiş bir desen olsaydı hemen toplayacaktım.
Pardösümü giydim ve sanat tarihi kitabından konu anlattırarak abuk subuk bir ders işledim. Zil çalınca da yine hızlı adımlarla evin yolunu tuttum.
Straplez buluzumu ve eteğimi çıkardım. Sutyen takıp o her zaman evde giydiğim uzun basmalı elbisemi üstüme geçirdim. Çorap ve terlikleri çıkartmadım. Hemen yemek yapmaya koyuldum. Oğlum eve geldiğinde herşey hazır olmalıydı.
Birkaç saat sonra anahtar sesi geldi. “Meraba anne ben geldim” diye mutfağa daldı. “Merhaba bitanem nasılsın?” dedim. Ama ondan ses gelmedi. Kafamı çevirdim. Topuklu ayakkabılarıma ve ayaklarıma bakıyordu…
“Anne çorabın kaçmış” dedi. Ayağımı havaya kaldırdım. Çorap topuktan bileğe kadar kaçmıştı. Bu her zaman olabilirdi evet ama normal olmayan Emir`in bakışlarıydı. Gözleri açıktı ve sanki kalbi burnunda atıyordu. Hızlı hızlı soluyordu. Tanrım oğlum ayaklarıma bayılıyordu. heyecandan ölecek gibi bir hali vardı. Kafamı lavaboya çevirdim. Bir ayağımı terlikten çıkardım ve sözümona üstüyle diğer ayağımın topuğunu kaşımaya başladım. Oğluma çoraplı ayaklarımı olduğu gibi sergiliyordum…
Yemekten sonra sanki çok yorulmuş gibi kanepeye uzandım. Elbisemin eteğini dizlerimin üstüne kadar sıyırdım ve Emir`i çağırdım. “Ayaklarımı biraz ovsana canımın içi, çok ağrıyorlar” dediğimde onun hakkındaki düşüncelerimde yanılmadığımı farkettim. Ne yapacağını bilemedi, heyecanını bastırayım derken iyice batıyordu, çok şirindi…
Sağ ayağımı hafif hafif yoğurmaya başladı. İki elinin avuçlarıyla ovuyordu ayağımı. Sonra (sanırım) yavaş yavaş cesareti arttı. Parmaklarımı tek tek okşuyor, onların bittiği yerleri, ayağımın ortasındaki boşluğu özenle ovuyordu. Topuğumu iki eline alıyor, parmaklarının ucuyla daireler çiziyordu sanki hep bu anı beklermiş gibiydi. Harikaydı ve aman tanrım vajinam sulanıyordu, oğluma ayaklarımı ovduruyordum ve senelerdir hiç yaşamadığım şeyleri yaşıyordum.
Derinden derine bunun hayatımdaki dönüm noktalarından biri olduğunu hissediyordum… İki ayağımı da çılgınca ovmuştu ama hiç yorulmuşa benzemiyordu ” Aslanım! bundan sonra her akşam annenin ayaklarını ovar mısın?” diye sordum. Gözleri parladı. Ve sonra o ana kadar aklıma getirmemek için çok zorlandığımı şeylerin bir anda beynime hücum etmesine yol açan şeyi çekine çekine söyledi: “Anne, ayakların çok güzel kokuyor…”
Bütün gün ayaktaydım. Ayaklarım gerçekten kokuyor olmalıydı, ve bu onun hoşuna gidiyordu. Müthiş heyecanlanmıştım. “Çorap ve topuklu ayakkabı giymemden hoşlanıyor musun peki?” dedim, “Evet anne ayaklarını çok seviyorum özellikle de çoraplı ayaklarını” deyiverdi. “Peki o zaman..” dedim, ”
Odamdaki çorap çekmecesini aç ve ordan en beğendiğin çorabı kap da gel, şu kaçmış çorabı değiştirelim”. Hemen fırladı. O çıkar çıkmaz elimi ateş gibi yanan vajinama götürdüm, dudakları şişmiş ve sarkmıştı içinden oluk oluk sıvı geliyordu. Emir`in ayak seslerini duyar duymaz toparlandım…
“Anne hangisini seçeceğimi bilemedim” dedi.
Bir elinde gül kırmızısı süper ince külotlu çorabım diğer elinde de 30 numara siyah parlak ince gül desenli külotlu çorabım vardı. “Önce hangisini giyeyim?” dedim, kırmızıyı uzattı… Sandalyeye oturdum. Bacaklarımı yana doğru uzattım, popomu hafifçe kaldırıp çorabı aşağıya sıyırdım. İçimde külot olmadığından eteğimi siper ederek çorabı yavaş yavaş çıkarttım. Oğlum dikkatle beni izliyordu.. Kırmızı çorabı sıvayıp önce bir ayağıma, sonra da diğerine geçirdim. İki bacağımın dizlerine kadar giydikten sonra ayağa kalkıp çorabı tamamen giydim. Bunu yaparken kadınlığımı bir an için açıkta bırakmıştım, Emir`in bunu farkettiğini hemen anladım. Kaçamak bakışları, nefesinin birden hızlanması beni müthiş heyecanlandırıyordu.
Oğlum tarafından dikizlenmek muhteşemdi…
Çorabın buruşukluklarını düzelttikten sonra ağır adımlarla oğlumun yanına geldim, etrafında döndüm (Elbisemin alt kısmını elimle dizlerimin üstüne doğru sıyırmıştım)… Yine bedenim ateş gibi yanıyordu, kendimi fahişe gibi hissediyordum ve canım yavrum oracıkta bana bakıyordu, eşofmanının kabaran önünü eliyle kapamaya çalışıyordu…
Duygularıma hakim olamıyordum artık..
Aniden arkamı dönüp kalçalarımı dışarıya doğru çıkarttım ve elbiseyi belime kadar sıyırdım.. Annesinin külotlu çoraplı poposu olduğu gibi Emir`in gözleri önündeydi…Başımı çevirip omuzumun üstünden oğluma baktım…
Eliye önünü kapama gereği duymuyordu artık.. Ve penisi neredeyse eşofmanı yırtıp dışarı fırlayacaktı.. Sanırım oğlumun kocaman bir erkeklik organı vardı ve onun içime girdiği düşüncesi bütün bedenimi alev alev yakıyordu…
Emreden bir sesle” Eşofmanını ve külodunu çıkart!” dedim. Dediklerimi tereddüt etmeden yaptı. penisi flop diye fırladı, yaklaşık 16cm boyunda kocaman mor bir başı olan kusursuz bir yaraktı…
Çorabın vajinamın üstüne denk gelen yerini tırnağımla yırrtım, ellerim yemek masasına dayadım, belimi büktüm, popomu dışarı çıkarıp parmaklarımın üstünde hafifçe yükselerek ” Hadi Emir, işte hep hayal ettiğin şey yavrum, hadi sik beni” deyiverdim…
Penisi oğlumun elindeydi arkama doğru yaklaşıp vajinama bastırmaya başladı ama nasıl sokacağını bilemedi, bacakları titriyordu… penisini elime alıp dosdoğru amıma soktum, kalçamı da ona doğru bastırıp oğlumun yarağını köküne kadar içime kaydırdım… O anda yüksek sesle çığlık attığımı hatırlıyorum… Bu 3 senedir vajinama giren ilk şeydi ve o da oğlumun sert, sıcak yarağıydı. Oradan çıkmıştı ve tekrar oraya giriyordu…” Ohhh Emir becer beni oğlum, ohh çok güzel sikiyorsun, damarlarını hissediyorum, dibine kadar bastır, becer anneni” diye yalvarırken o ikinci kere soktu, artık bu işin nasıl yapıldığını öğreniyordu..
Sonra seri kalça hareketleriyle beni sert bir şekilde sikmeye başladı. Orada, salonun ortasında, yemek masasına dayanmış kendimi öz oğluma siktiriyordum..
Birden daha da hızlandı, hareketlerinden anladım ki yavrucuğum boşalmak üzereydi… Amımın dudaklarını kastım ve içindeki yarağı sıktım.. Emir inleyerek içime boşaldı…
Yaptığım şeyden kesinlikle pişman değildim.. Bu muhteşem bir deneyim olmuştu… Artık oğlumun orospusuydum, o ne derse yapıyor, ne isterse giyiyordum.
İzlediği porno filmlerindeki sahneleri benimle deniyordu, becerilmedik yerimi bırakmıyordu..
Hala Ankara`da oturuyoruz, eşimden boşanalı 7 sene oldu. İyi ki de boşanmışız, yoksa hayatımın aşkıyla asla beraber olma şansım olmazdı..

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Femme Your Hubby FAQ 2

Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #2 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to the head of the class. Not for dissemination to minors under any circumstance(s). Preface to FAQ #2: The author...

2 years ago
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Britneys First Time

I couldn't believe it. I was actually backstage at a Britney Spears concert. I could see her on stage from where I stood. She was performing "Boys" with Pharrell Williams. Talk about breath taking. Her body moved with the music as if she were the music. I knew she was going to be a star. I knew from the first time I watched "Hit Me Baby One More Time." And here she was now, exceeding what I felt her potential was. Here she comes off stage for a costume change. "Come on." She said to me grabbing...

3 years ago
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At the hot tubagain

After our last trip to the coast, we just couldn’t stop talking about how much fun we’d had with young Eric in the hot tub and how turned on we both had gotten. We have reminisced about the experience many times since that trip and always have amazingly hot sex when we start talking about it. We couldn’t wait to take another trip and see if we could recreate a similar scenario. Well, we did take that trip and you’ll never believe what happened… After we arrived and checked into our hotel, we...

4 years ago
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The Widow Next Door

Edith Downing had been my fifth grade teacher, as well as my next door neighbor, growing up. She had a daughter four or five years my junior, whom I babysat for a few times early in my high school days. I'd seen the death notice in the local paper, and since she was a former neighbor,  I thought I should pay my respects, so here I was at her funeral service. Let me back up here a moment. She wasn't just a neighbor, she was my first. She started me on a lifelong journey of giving and getting...

2 years ago
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sold part 2

Gina awoke in the dark. She was groggy, disoriented. Herlast memories were indistinct, but her tender pussy testifiedthat she had indeed been fucking someone. She tried to moveand discovered she couldn't. Her hands were tied above herhead somehow and her ankles were also secured. Fear washedover her. Where was she? She realized she was naked undersome sort of coarse blanket and there was a sensation ofmovement, as if the whole room were rocking. She assumed itwas the scotch she had so freely...

1 year ago
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Welcome to the park

I knew exactly where I wanted to take you when you visited my small town. I prayed my secret spot still existed. I hadn’t used it in years. In high school it was a well-kept secret. As teenagers we were all looking for a place to skip school and avoid the police. We also wanted privacy to mess around with our boyfriends. I missed so much school I really never used it like some girls. I just knew it was always an option. Here in florida we have a ton of parks designed to be trails and...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 39 Valuable Life Lessons

January 1, 1992, Chicago, Illinois I was surprised to hear the phone ringing at 12:10am on New Year’s and went to my study where I could get a bit of quiet. I shut the door and answered. “Happy New Year!” Katy O’Connor gushed into the phone. “Happy New Year to you, too! I wondered who would be calling me now!” “Well, I have two pieces of news. The first one is that Katt Sundström booked ten days next August for her and Mikael! She said something about summer holiday.” “The entire...

1 year ago
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Samanthas Lust For A mechanic

They were chit-chatting for a minute. Marcus was getting a little excited and so was Samantha. It was as if they were sexually in sync with each other. Marcus started thinking about sex with a white girl as I'm pretty sure Samantha was thinking the same thing. She's never going black before and if she does she's not coming back. He was talking to Samantha for a bit while staring at her chest. She was so busy talking to him she didn't realize he was looking but if she did she wouldn't...

3 years ago
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 19

It was just over three hours later when I was attacked at Munich airport. My attacker was a medium height, slim girl with red hair, who launched herself at me with a screech and wrapped her arms and legs around my neck and waist, covering my face with small kisses. “I assume that means you’re pleased to see me,” I said quietly when she slackened off a little. “Yes,” she agreed, “now are you going to kiss me, or do I have to strip naked, right here?” Much as I enjoyed the sight of Cal in...

2 years ago
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Dear Stepdaddy the 2013 Annual

Dear Stepdaddy, I'm in eighth grade and now I got a problem. It was all fine until last summer when Mom married Roy, my new stepdad. No, it ain't what you think, Roy's not fucking me. Though I know my age's not bothering him, since he is screwing my friend Tabby. He doesn't know I know, but her and I tell each other everything. The problem with Roy is that he makes me get good grades. Mom never cared much, but Bob says if I don't get good grades, he's gonna make me go to summer school...

4 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 11

The next morning Peter awoke not really sure where he was. He was still under thirty so it was more that he was just disoriented than any else. Sleeping on the floor in a totally different place left him shaky, even after three safe houses. It was just too much for his sleep drugged mind to process. After he rolled off the bed it took boiling water poured through coffee grinds to finally remove his head from his ass. Whether it was manipulating the non electric coffee maker, the time it took...

2 years ago
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Class Distraction

Ok. So this is something that happened.I have a teacher, I’ll just call her Ms. D. She teaches English. I’m in her fourth period class. She’s in her early 50s, I think. But she’s really pretty. She has this yellow dress and she wore it today. This dress, shows so much cleavage it’s not even funny. So, she’s talking to the class and I kinda start drifting off in my head. She comes over to my desk and leans over, and says, “Brat (that’s me), I can tell you’re not paying attention.” I know some...

1 year ago
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Story 2

PART 2 Lori sat back and thought about it. That would be awful. Cindy, who the new dress code was probably intended for, was a single Mom and needed this job. She needed the flexible hours and every Sunday and Monday off. "Oh David, I can't believe I went off like that..""My boss had every right to be upset with me, I will have to appologize on Tuesday first thing". "That's what I love about you, you are always ready to admit when you have made a mistake and make whatever amends you can,...

3 years ago
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The Indian Hostel Gangbang

Prologue."Uhhh...ohhh Ahhh" I moaned through a mouthful of cock. Ajay had started to clench his anal muscles around my cock. I was deep inside his ass, as he knelt before me doggystyle, and he was milking me, bringing me to the verge of cumming. Manoj was standing over Ajay, and mouthfucking me slowly. Behind me, Sandeep was crouched on the edge of the bed. He had his tongue deep inside my ass and I was being driven wild.Hi guys. Ashu, a long time reader of IGS with my story.Less than 24 hours...

3 years ago
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Damaged Goods Ch 00

Prologue June 2013 Julie sat in her wheelchair studying her reflection wondering if she was making the biggest mistake of her life. At eighteen she was fresh out of high school with no future. As a child she had lost her legs and arms in a horrifying accident that left her scarred both physically and emotionally. Her life had been bleak and the chances of it improving were zero. Until Alex entered her life. Alex, her neighbor, was forty-two, divorced, and with a daughter in college. He too...

3 years ago
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Good Game

Being a Summoner wasn't all it was cracked up to be. In fact, a choice is rarely given to the Summoner in question. Usually one of great potential and ability to access the Summoner Secrets sets their fate in stone. They are to exist within the boundaries of the League's walls, secluded from the rest of existence. It normally results in empty shells of people, roaming idle until a battle arises for them to take control of one of the League's combatants. The reason an individual gives their will...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 34

By the time I turned into our street I was breathless from running all the way from Kathy’s house. I stopped dead as I turned the corner. Outside our house and Cal’s two police cars and an ambulance were parked. The sight of them there, gave me my second wind and I sprinted the rest of the way, bursting through the front door and skidding to a halt in the living room. The sight I was confronted with in the living room horrified me. Cal was lying on the floor, apparently unconscious, being...

2 years ago
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The Tipsy Bucket Club

You're a young girl named Michelle who is in her freshman year of college. As far as looks go: caucasian, 5'6", brown hair, hazel eyes, 34D tits, in shape from running track, shaven pussy, nice ass, and not tan but not pale. You are wearing: A sexy light blue, tshirt material sun dress, black lace panties, no bra, sexy black heels, light colored lipstick, and some mascara. It's a Saturday night and you and a couple of your friends had been planning on going out to try to find a party or a bar...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Kylie Rocket Maid For You

Kylie Rocket has agreed to clean her stepbrother, Alex Puller’s, apartment since he helped her out by not ratting out her lies to their parents. When she arrives, Alex tells Kylie that there’s a catch. She walks inside and sexy maid outfit on the bed. She retreats into the bathroom to change, even though Alex points out that he has seen her naked before. Unimpressed, Kylie lets Alex walk her around the house while he issues instructions. Eventually, Alex tells Kylie that it’s...

3 years ago
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just out for a joy ride

Just out for a joy ride I was doing something I have only ever fantasized about. I borrowed my sister’s fire engine red convertible and drove with the top down on the interstate to see how many people notice that my skirt is up to my belly uncovering my bare pussy. It was a wonderful day for me. I got horns honked and yells with suggestions the whole time. I was so hot I played with my pussy and was dripping wet and super horny so I pulled over to the nearest rest stop, pulling to the back so...

2 years ago
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Michelle And Jimmy

I couldn't say that I wasn't warned. I had been and rather forcefully. "No!" Brian had said to me, "I will not be your best man, I will not be a party to the biggest mistake of your life." "It isn't a mistake Brian. I love her and she loves me." "She also loves cock Jimmy. You know her track record. She has been a cock hungry slut since the ninth grade and it never changed all the way through high school and the first three years of college." "I know that Brian, but that was all...

1 year ago
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50PlusMilfs Raven Swallowz For starters Raven fucks a guy young enough to be her son

“I’m Raven and I like to swallow,” says Raven Swallowz, a 53-year-old wife from Ohio who’s back for her first fuck at Here, the guy she’s fucking is easily young enough to be her son, and she happens to be fucking him in front of her husband, who obviously gets off on watching his big-titted wife (Raven has F-cup tits) having sex with other men. We asked Raven how often she has sex, and she said, “It depends on how busy my life is at the...

2 years ago
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Just One HourChapter 13

Up until now Stacey had felt unsure and a bit scared. She had hoped that this man would have just had his fun and left. The Boss although menacing had been almost affectionately polite to her; and though a lot older he had a certain animal charm. Even after he'd called her a bitch and been so arrogant she had rationalised it all until it virtually made sense. It had to be done for the house, for her lifestyle and well even for her useless husband. But now her gut twisted, and her chest rose...

3 years ago
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Time Assassin Shanghai Red

The young naval lieutenant pushed open the red swinging doors to Shanghai Red’s, San Pedro’s most notorious bar of the thirties. Calling Shanghai Red’s the most notorious bar on Beacon Street was saying something on a waterfront street swarming with the likes of the Scuttle Butt Inn, Whispering Joe’s Joint, and the Bonanza. These were all classy dumps in a neighborhood of flophouses, bail bond offices, chop suey joints, and pawn shops. Lt. Mathew Gaffey surveyed the dim, smoke-filled bar as he...

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Heather and Danielle at the beatch

Heather wanted to cheer up her friend Danielle. What better way than have some glamor photographs taken. What woman does not want to be told she is pretty and desirable. She knew just the photographer who could do the job and maybe have some fun doing it. I was that photographer. I had been doing photography for over 10 years and was good at my craft. People were not my specialty, but I had done my share of weddings and model shoots. So there was no reason not to do as Heather requested. She...

Straight Sex
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Daddys Girls Chapter 19 Togetherness

The shower was everything Becky expected it to be, and more. Every nerve was on sensory overload; the warm water beating on their bodies as they kissed under the spray, the wonderful feel of his hands all over her body as he soaped her up from head to toe. Bill took his time with her body, seemingly memorizing every bit of her, making sure he touched every square millimeter of her skin like he was a blind man, and her skin was written in Braille.Then once he had rinsed her off, he knelt in the...

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Mista ridges here again with a story I remembered today..I had a neighbor that lived across the street named zuzu she was a slender cape verdian her man @the time was always havin the cops at their house so one time he got locked up and did a bid..well one day I see zuzu an asked her if she smoked trees(cronic maryjane marajuana) for my non ebonic people:)..and she said yes. An invited me up to smoke later that night I went across the street an went upstairs to her spot and I have 2...

1 year ago
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Turning My Dream into Reality

Note: My story is fictional but inspired by a true account. I always dreamed of fucking my mom. She is a beautiful woman, though not sexy, but still beautiful. She is already 44 years old but still look like 38. If she just had been a little sexier, she will probably be mistaken as 33 years old. She has a 38c tits and about 5’6 in height. By the way, my name is Juan, 18 years old, 5’9 in height, has a 6” dick and a proud Filipino. My mom always asked me to massage her back and put a firming...

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Giving Thanks

Jenna's brother was coming home from college for thanksgiving break. That was the message that she had on her voice mail. Jenna hadn't seen him since Easter when she visited him over a long weekend. "We'll see you tomorrow." The message said. "We?" Had Joe finally met a girl worth enough to bring home to meet the family? Jenna couldn't wait! "Sis!" Joe exclaimed as she walked in her parent's living room. "Come here and give your big brother a hug!" As Jenna walked towards...

4 years ago
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Kelly and I Seven Minutes of Heaven

If this story looks familiar, that’s because it was originally uploaded years ago, and I’m re-uploading a few of my stories with grammar corrections, less awkward wording, etc. Hope you enjoy! This is the third in a trilogy based on a character named Kelly. This isn’t chronologically related to the previous story, but instead, is an entirely different story about a first time with the character. A lot of the beginning of this is just character development, build-up, and so on, so if you're just...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Gaby Ortega Hurry8230 While My Mom Is In Hotel Shower

Always book in advance, buckos! Getting a hotel suite with your wife that you have to share with your stepdaughter too, isn’t ideal. Or is it? I (Peter Fitzwell) caught a glimpse of my sexy teen stepdaughter Gaby Ortega showering, so I stayed and watched her lotion up her hot body before sneaking off. Later, she confronts me and tells me she saw me watch her shower!? She doesn’t seem angry, in fact she tries to kiss me and I let her but when she makes me squeeze her tits, I get...

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The Butt Slut Chronicles Chapter II

Baxter House Serena had no want for money when she left for college. In fact, she really didn't need to go to college. The trust funds established by her father allowed her a life of leisure if she wished - and likely those of any children she might have. Unlike her older sister, however, Serena grew up working for everything. So when she arrived in college, she didn't take the three bedroom apartment and car / driver offered by her socialite mother. Instead, she found an ad for a room mate -...

2 years ago
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Pioneers part 9 of 15

=== Trust Machines: Pioneers === part 9 of 15 by Trismegistus Shandy ----- This story is set in dkfenger's Trust Machines universe. It's a prequel to his stories, however, and I've written it to stand alone for readers who haven't read them. Thanks to dkfenger, clancy688, MrSimple, Karantela, Icaria, and JAK for feedback on earlier drafts. This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Share Alike...

3 years ago
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Rekindling Lesbian Love

"Hello, Sandra. I’m so glad to see you again! Come on in. Wait, what is wrong? You look uncomfortable… apprehensive maybe?" "Claire. I won’t lie. I am a little nervous. It’s been a long time and we didn’t exactly part on the best of terms. But I still missed you sometimes. Most of the time, maybe. So, I suppose I’m just scared to do the wrong thing." "Try to relax. It’s been almost five years now and much has changed." "Yeah, but not forgotten. At least not by me. You have a new place. I love...

2 years ago
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Wolf WivesChapter 6

Jay's knock was answered almost instantly by Linda Wells. When she came to the door, she was dressed in a floor-length hostess gown. It was practically transparent, and Jay could see that she wore nothing at all underneath it. Her big tits were dearly visible through the thin material, and Jay could see her nipples, big and erect, pressing against the ruffled bodice of the diaphanous gown. He couldn't stop his gaze from traveling to her crotch, where he could see the shadowy outline of her...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 68 Tiger Sex

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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Caught In The ActOn Purpose

It was Saturday morning and as usual I’d woken up with a tent pole between my legs.The question was should I grab a handful of tissues and go for a quick wank or hang on and hope the house would be empty…or even better, mostly empty, like last week.(For those who haven’t read part one of this debauched tale my sister, Alice had caught me masturbating in the bath. If you haven’t read it, you might want to catch up… So, being a Saturday...

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Initiated by Baxter Chapter 1

I laughed nervously. “I won’t take the pride of the dog away, Ann, what the hell.” The dog we were both referring to is the one I adopted four months ago. A big, smart and goofy stray dog, who we both named Baxter. “That bitch was on heat, it wasn’t his fault.” We were walking back to my home after spending the whole afternoon chasing our dog everywhere at the dog park. If there’s one thing Baxter has, that thing is energy. “Right, but look at him,” Ann said, pointing to the restless dog...

1 year ago
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Karis Exhibitionism and Beyond

He then stood up, pulled his pants up and said, "your husband is a lucky man." and turned around and left Kari there on her knees. Shortly after marrying my beautiful young wife, Kari, we were out having drinks at a local club when she complained about some guy staring at her. I had to chuckle at this when I saw not one, but several guys around the club trying to subtly check her out. "He's not the only one," I said, "and besides, who can blame them? I'd be checking you out myself if I wasn't...

1 year ago
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Beneath the Surface We Walk With DemonsChapter 5

Harper watches the girl as she sleeps peacefully. She is still clothed, save for the panties she took off. Unfortunately she looks normal again. That is something that definitely needs to be addressed ... maybe. Harper was super curious when she first saw it and then again the second time, but now it’s no longer a need to know as it is a curiosity. Right now the need is for her to pleasure the girl, but she also wants Anthe to have some energy left for Trevor. And as much as she doesn’t want...

3 years ago
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Second Chances

Steve had been trucking for eight years now. He started relatively late in life at 45 years of age. He was now 53 and relished every day of his life. He loved his life on the road. Every day brought new experiences and new country-side. He was seeing the USA as few people ever did. Life from the driver's seat of a big rig allowed Steve to see the real America. Yes he was able to stop and visit all the sites we've all heard about, from Venice Beach to Vegas to Wrigley Field to the Twin Tower...

1 year ago
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My Dad 2

Hi, it’s me again. Well, I finally got to do it again to my dad. I sure hope he doesn’t catch me, because I know he would ground me for life. But it’s the only way I’m going to learn about sex, and boys, right? Well, I have to tell you that this is so exciting that I just had to tell my best friend, Julie, OK? She promised to not tell anyone if I told her my biggest secret ever – so I did. Wow! It blew her mind! But she said she didn’t believe me, so I had to tell her every little detail. She...

2 years ago
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Park ThisChapter 15

Lane's turn: So I'm married again. I was married to a teenaged girl once before. I wasn't much past being a teen myself at the time. That was marriage #1. This is #4. This teen is different. So's her husband. For one thing, she acts like she's totally devoted to me, and heaven knows, I'm that way about her. Second thing is that she's level-headed. Early on, I sat her down and went over the financial situation. "You have money, Lane. Why are you living here in a...

4 years ago
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Saturday Morning Car Wash

It was a Saturday morning when I decided to take the Mini to the car wash. I knew if I got there early, I could get right in. The owner, Rick, greeted me. He was a young and strikingly handsome man. Dark short hair with deep green eyes and a beautiful smile, this soft spoken man stood about 5’9” tall. Nicely built, but not over done.  He had 4 other men working for him, but one stood out. He was very tall, I would guess 6”4”, black, and he was also remarkably handsome. His name was Sam and he...

1 year ago
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MylfXTeamSkeet Kenzie Taylor Tits In The Tub

Kenzie Taylor is everything we want in a woman. Tall, blonde, blue eyes, gorgeous. And most importantly, big, huge, ginormous titties. She has got it all, and she knows it. After we walk in on her in the bathroom, she caresses her beautiful boobs and shows us how soft and bountiful they truly are. After showing us her treasure chest, she hops in the bubble bath to get sudded up, and then reaches down to her nether regions to pleasure herself for us. All this before our stud joins her in the...

3 years ago
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Fucked Bangalore Lady After She Read My Story And Mailed Me

I had published few stories on ISS and have been asking mature ladies in Bangalore to contact me via mail I received a lot of emails with subjects “Great story”, “Fuck my pussy” blah blah blah. I was excited at first but all were males pretending to be females which disappointed me. After a month I got a mail which I thought was fake but then she started sending me photos of her boobs. They were 38dd. So big. To check if she was real I asked her to send some more pics. I identified it was real...

4 years ago
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Unique Family Reunion Chapter 2

I heard her calling me from some dark place, with moans of lust and pleasure in every word. I couldn’t tell exactly where she was but I wanted to be there with her.Clothed only in a blue bed sheet and a fez with antlers, I was running down hallways lined with family portraits without faces or clothing and the voice got louder. Soon I approached the double doors at the end of the hall from behind which my mother’s sultry voice emulated.I grabbed the door knobs and pushed the doors wide to survey...

3 years ago
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Since Tempe is perpetually hot, I spent a lot of time by the pool, especially during the summer months, which meant I was always in a skimpy two-piece bikini, either sunning on a chaise lounge or cooling off in the water. This also meant my big, natural 36E tits were always barely covered, jiggling beneath the fabric of my swimsuit as if I was wearing nothing at all. I loved the flattering side glances thrown my way whenever I was out by the pool and, although a little jealous sometimes, I...

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The Laptop Part Seven of Seven

Beth waited for Dax in her room, not being able to decide if she should just stay naked or put something on.  In the end, since she planned on just blowing him and jerking his dick, she chose her bathing suit.  That way, not only could she head out to the pool afterward, but if he made a mess on her it would be easy to wash off just by jumping in the water.Dax, not wanting to seem too eager, decided to take a medium length shower and really get clean.  He had also remembered reading an article...

4 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 25

As the drone’s camera pointed directly down, Alice and I stared straight up, whooping for joy, our mouths as wide open as baby sparrows awaiting a fresh worm. Our hungry-bird-faces filled the screen as Sheila reviewed her notes while she paused the video. “Oomph!” I let out an involuntary snort of laughter; we looked fucking ridiculous. Alice tried to stifle giggles as the audience got the joke. Titters and chuckles filled the hall. Sheila had a puzzled expression on her face as she looked...

2 years ago
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Fucking A Friendly Office Girl

Dear All, My name is Ronu from Ahmadabad and my email id is . This is a story of girl who used to work under me. I request you all to read till end because you are going to love it, and be patient because sex doesn’t start right away. We both have left the company and we are currently working in different sectors but we are well in touch with each other. She always used to and still calls me Sir. Her name is Milli. She is on a very heavy side. About 6 months ago I too was on a very heavy side....

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First Oral Session With Sonal8217s Bestie Divya

Hi friends this is too lengthy story for you all. You may feel bored by reading this story. As you read my earlier stories of sonal’s encounter on one fine evening in desi category and threesome with two married bitches in group categorie. Now I’m writing this true incident of one of my client who paid me huge amount for the same. So as I promised in previous story here I’m narrating the fun moments with sonals childhood friend who got married in wealthy family belongs to up. She was sex...

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My wife and Ronnie

My wife and RonnieI watched my wife in the throes of passion with another man as I stood naked beside the hotel bed, flogging my hard cock.We weren't swingers. We had never even discussed it, outside of the occasional joke about me wanting to see her with another woman. Even that was always met with a disapproving look and the words, "Not gonna happen."At 42, Leslie was still beautiful. She had a pretty, round face with soft brown eyes and a gorgeous, warm smile. She wore her light brown hair...

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