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7 kere boşaldım
O zamanlar Ankara Çankaya`da oturuyorduk. Eşimden boşanalı 2 sene oluyordu, 38 yaşında oğluyla oturan yalnız bir kadındım.. Emir, yaşamın bana sunduğu tek armağandı sanki.. onsuz düşünemiyor , konuşamıyor, hiçbirşey yapamıyordum. Onu herşeyden herkesden çok seviyordum. Arkadaş toplantılarında Emir`den başka birşey yoktu dilimde. Bu onları sıkıyordu biraz belki ama umurumda değildi. Biricik oğlumu canımdan çok seviyordum.
O sıralarda lisede resim öğretmeniydim. İşimi seviyordum, hemen hemen oğlum yaşında çocuklarla haşir neşir olmak, oğlumu tanımama da yardımcı oluyordu. Bununla beraber 16 yaşında bir çocuğun dünyasında nasıl fırtınalar koptuğunu hala tam olarak bilmiyordum. Ergenlik heyecanlarını onlarla paylaşmaya çalışıyordum mümkün olduğunca… Aramızda fazla bir mesafe olmamasına gayret ediyordum. Zaten geri kalan despot öğretmenler sayesinde çocuklar kendilerini yeteri kadar tutsak hissediyorlardı. Bari resim derslerinde dilediklerince özgür olsundular…
Ergenlikte anne – oğul ilşkisiyle ilgili kitaplar raflarımdan dolup taşıyordu. Anneyle oğlu arasında çok garip, her seferinde farklı yaşanan, aşkla, masumiyetle, saflıkla ve tutkuyla örülü kopmaz bir bağ vardı…
Çocuk, ergenlik çağında kendi bedenini ve dürtülerini tanıyordu. Karşı cinsle ilgili tanımlamalarını da ilk olarak annesiyle yapıyordu… Ve çoğu zaman ona karşı gizliden gizliye bir aşk, bir tutku besliyordu. Bunları okuduktan sonra aklıma bir tek soru takılıp kaldı:
Acaba Emir de bana aşık mıydı? Hem de öyle bir takıldı ki bir türlü aklımdan çıkaramıyordum. Bu düşünce bana pek çok şeyi birden yaşattı. Onun o masum bakışlarını düşündüm ve birden aklıma tuvalette mastürbasyon yaptığı düştü. Mastürbasyon yapıyordu muhakkak ki ama kim bilir neler düşünüyordu.
Beni düşünüyor muydu acaba? Hadi canım neremi görmüştü ki düşünsün?..
Yok onu doğuran bendim, onu emziren, beraber banyoya girip herbiryerlerini yıkayan yine bendim, beni defalarca çırılçıplak gördüğünde şimdi hiçbirşey hatırlamayacak kadar küçüktü… Yoksa o anılar o küçük belleğinde silinmez izler mi bırakmıştı? Yoksa heryerimi hatırlıyor muydu? heryerimi.. Bunları düşünürken yatakta sırtüstü döndüm, geceliğimin önünü çözüp göğüslerimi avuçlarıma aldım. gençliğimden beri kocamandılar.
Boyum 1.74`tü ve 68 kiloydum. Aynanın karşısnda durmuş göğüslerime bakıyordum.
Geceliği olduğu gibi çıkarttım.. Yan döndüm…
Popomu elimle destekleyip kaldırdım. Acaba Emir benimle ilgili neler düşünüyordu? Bunu kesin olarak öğrenmeye karar verdim, ama önce küçük öğrencilerim üzerinde bir deneme yapmam gerekiyordu. Geceliğimi giydim, yatağa uzandım. Sanırım monoton hayatıma kendi kendime renk katmaya başlamıştım…
Ertesi sabah yataktan sanki daha dinlenmiş, daha dinç, daha mutlu kalktım. Emir`in servisi çok erken geliyordu, o yüzden hemen odasına gidip onu öperek uyandırdım. Gözlerini ovuşturdu “Anne çok garip bir rüya gördüm” dedi. Yatağın kenarına oturdum “Çabuk cabuk anlat yoksa servisi kaçırırsın” dedim.
Hızlıca ve heyecanla anlatmaya koyuldu.
– Çok yüksek bir binanın tepesindeydik senle ben… Sen bir sandalyede oturuyordun ben de yıldızlara bakıyordum. Anne, ne kadar çok yıldız var di mi? diye sordum
– Evet oğlum- dedin sonra bana
– çorabımı giydirir misin?- diye sordun.
Elinde o okula giderken giydiklerinden ince siyah bir çorap vardı. Ben de ayaklarını tutup ayağına giydirmeye başladım sen de ayağını kaldırıp ağzıma sürdün”
Bir süre hiçbirşey söyleyemedim. O ise gözlerini kocaman açmış benden bir yorum beklercesine masum masum bakıyordu..”Bu kadar mı?” diyebildim. “Evet” dedi. “Hadi o zaman çabuk fırla! Annenin seni ne kadar çok sevdiğini anlatan bir rüya görmüşsün ama eğer servisi kaçırırsan annenin ne kadar kızabileceğini de görürsün hem de GERÇEKTEN!”.. Poposuna bir şaplak indirdim. Kıkırdayarak banyoya koştu…
Emir gittikten sonra yatak odama yöneldim. Yapılacak işlerim vardı…Okul eve yakın olduğundan dersten 15 dakika önce çıksam yetişiyordum. Eve de Emir`den çok önce geliyordum.
O yüzden bol bol zamanım vardı. Bir an gördüğü rüya aklıma düştü. Acaba ayaklardan ve bacaklardan mı hoşlanıyordu Emir? Acaba benim çoraplı ayaklarıma çaktırmadan bakıyor muydu? Acaba onları öpmek mi istiyordu? heyecan ve utanç duyguları bedenimde çarpışıyordu. Ama yine de bu düşünceler o günkü planımla ilgili bir fikir verdi…
Çorap çekmecesinden koyu siyah-kahverengi 40 numara külotlu çorabımı çıkardım. Onu elimle genişlettim. Yatağa serdim. Buruşma yapmasın diye bacaklarıma krem sürdüm. Külodumu çıkardım. Çorabı özenle giydim ve ayak bileklerimden belime kadar elimle iterek gerdirdim. Dolabımı açtım. İşte orada asılı dıruyordu: Senelerdir giymediğim derin yırtmaçlı bordo daracık mini eteğim.
Aceleleyle içine girdim. Fermuarı biraz zorlandı. Şişmanlamıştım. Ama aynanın karşısına geçtiğimde bunun o kadar da vahim bir durum olmadığını heyecanla gördüm. Etek vücut hatlarımı zorluyor, belimi, popomu, bacakları olduğu gibi gözler önüne seriyordu, hele popomun her bir kıvrımı gözüküyordu.
Omuzları açık bej renkli straplez bluzumu içime sutyen giymeye gerek duymadan üstüme geçirdim. Göğüslerim dışarı fırlamıştı sanki, koca göğüs uçlarımın çıkıntısı belli oluyor, biraz dikkatli bakıldığında koyulukları da görülüyordu.. 10cm topuklu parlak gül kırmızısı terliklerimi ayağıma geçirdim… Aynanın karşısına geçip dikkatle baktım. O güne kadar okula dizimin hizasını geçmeyen eteklerle, kalın gömlekler ve bilumum gayet kapalı elbiselerle gitmiştim… Ve şimdi tam anlamıyla bir kaltak gibi gözüküyordum..
Üstüme uzun lacivert pardösümü aldım önünü kapadım ve okulun yolunu tuttum…
Hademeye günaydın dedim. Umursamaz gözlerle başını salladı. Planım tıkır tıkır işliyordu. Pardösünün altında neler olduğunu bilse bu yaşlı hademe hemen oracıkta kalpten gidebilirdi ama hiçbirşey anlamadı.
Koridordan hızlı hızlı sınıfıma doğru giderken zil çaldı.. Bütün öğrenciler sınıfa girdikten sonra o bildik manzara; kapının hafifçe aralanması, meraklı bir çift gözün koridoru taraması sonra benim geldiğim görüp kapıyı kapatıp ” Öğretmen geliyor!” diye haykırması…
Sınıfa girdim. ayağa kalkan öğrencilere oturun der gibi başımı salladım. en öndeki sıranın önünde durdum “Günaydın çocuklar bugün dersimizde çok zevkli bir konu işleyeceğiz” dedim.
sınıftan neşeli bir uğultu yükseldi. Pardösünün kuşağını usulca çözdüm, önü kendiliğinden iki yana açıldı. “Kadın vücudu çizeceğiz” dedim. Ön sıradaki bir öğrencinin gözleri pardösünün içinde fırlamış göğüslerime takılmıştı. Bütün öğrencilerime tek tek baktım. kız mevcudu olmayan 26 kişilik bir sınıftı..”Bu gün size ben modellik yapacağım”
Pardösüyü çıkardım. Sandalyeyi sınıfın ortasına getirdim ve bacak bacak üstüne atıp oturdum.
Hepsi de müthiş heyecanlanmıştı ve ben de bu heyecanı onlarla paylaşıyordum. Tenim ateş gibi olmuştu ama oyunumu da sonuna kadar oynayacaktım.”Evet çocuklar” dedim “Hepiniz herhalde az da olsa kadın vücudunun neye benzediğini biliyorsunuz”
Kafalarını hayır anlamında iki yana salladılar. Hemen hepsi ben bakışlarımı başka yöne çevirdiğimde vücuduma dikkatle bakıyor sonra onlara döndüğümde bakışlarını kaçırıyorlardı. Utanmışlar ve acayip heyecanlanmışlardı. Ben de aynı durumdaydım ve bu gün içlerinde kopan fırtınalara ortak olmaya kararlıydım.”ayağa kalkıp yanıma gelin” dedim. Hepsi bir anda zil sesini duymuşçasına fırladılar. Etrafımda küçük erkeklerden ufak bir ordu vardı. Arkada kalanlar parmaklarının üstüne basıyor, birbirlerini ite kaka bana bakmaya çalışıyorlardı.
“Şşşşt itişmeyin. Bu gün herkes istediği kadar bakacak” dedim.
“Şimdi beni iyice incelemenizi istiyorum. Bazı kıvrımları anlamanız için dokunmanız gerekecek. Sonra altlıklarınızı ve kağıtlarınızı alıp çizmeye başlayacaksınız. Blok ders yapacağız teneffüs yok.”
Bunları söylerken bacağımı bacağımın üstünden indirip eteğimi popoma kadar sıyırdım. Bazıları kafalarını bir hayli yakınıma uzatmışlardı. İçlerinden birinin elini tuttum, bacağımı ileriye doğru uzatıp elini baldırlarıma koydum. Eli ince çoraplı bacağıma deyince bundan oldukça heyecanlanmış gözüktü. Pantolonunun önünde kocaman bir şişkinlik farkettim.
Daha sonra hepsini yerlerine oturttum.
Kağıtlarını altlıklarına kıstırdılar. Ben de öndeki sıranın üstüne sandalye koydum.
“Çocuklar yardım edin de şunun üstüne çıkayım” dedim.
Üçü yarışırcasına öne atıldı. Biri elimi tuttu. Diğer ikisi de az önce arkadaşlarına yaptığım şeyden cesaret almış olmalılar ki bacaklarımdan kavradılar. Hepsi de alttan açılmış olan eteğimden bacaklarımı ve popomu dikizliyorlardı. Hemen hepsinin önü kocaman olmuştu. Terlikleri ayağımdan çıkardım. Bacaklarımı olabildiğince araladım. Parlak çoraplı bacaklarıma baktıklarını gördükçe ateş gibi oluyordum, heyecanlanıyordum.
“Bacaklara dikkat edin” dedim.
“Ve göğüsler. Göğüslerimi rahatça görebiliyor musunuz? Kıvrımları belli oluyor mu?”
Göğüslerimi altlarından tutup kaldırdım. Tam o anda hafif hafif bir tenin tene vurma sesi geldi. pıt pıt pıt! Ritmi bazen hızlanıyor bazen yavaşlıyordu. Küçük haylazlardan biri mastürbasyon yapıyordu. Allahım bu yaptığım delilikti. O anda sınıfa herhangi biri girecek olsa okuldan bile atılabilirdim.
Birden kafama bir yumruk yemiş gibi bacaklarımı topladım. terliklerimi giydim. Sandalyeden aşşağı inip onu yerine koydum.
“Hocam daha bitirmedik” uğultuları yükseldi “Bu günlük bu kadar yeter çocuklar haftaya başka bir konuyla devam ederiz” dedim. Çizdiklerini kontrol ettim. Hiçbirininkinden birşey anlaşılmıyordu. Eğer doğru düzgün çizilmiş bir desen olsaydı hemen toplayacaktım.
Pardösümü giydim ve sanat tarihi kitabından konu anlattırarak abuk subuk bir ders işledim. Zil çalınca da yine hızlı adımlarla evin yolunu tuttum.
Straplez buluzumu ve eteğimi çıkardım. Sutyen takıp o her zaman evde giydiğim uzun basmalı elbisemi üstüme geçirdim. Çorap ve terlikleri çıkartmadım. Hemen yemek yapmaya koyuldum. Oğlum eve geldiğinde herşey hazır olmalıydı.
Birkaç saat sonra anahtar sesi geldi. “Meraba anne ben geldim” diye mutfağa daldı. “Merhaba bitanem nasılsın?” dedim. Ama ondan ses gelmedi. Kafamı çevirdim. Topuklu ayakkabılarıma ve ayaklarıma bakıyordu…
“Anne çorabın kaçmış” dedi. Ayağımı havaya kaldırdım. Çorap topuktan bileğe kadar kaçmıştı. Bu her zaman olabilirdi evet ama normal olmayan Emir`in bakışlarıydı. Gözleri açıktı ve sanki kalbi burnunda atıyordu. Hızlı hızlı soluyordu. Tanrım oğlum ayaklarıma bayılıyordu. heyecandan ölecek gibi bir hali vardı. Kafamı lavaboya çevirdim. Bir ayağımı terlikten çıkardım ve sözümona üstüyle diğer ayağımın topuğunu kaşımaya başladım. Oğluma çoraplı ayaklarımı olduğu gibi sergiliyordum…
Yemekten sonra sanki çok yorulmuş gibi kanepeye uzandım. Elbisemin eteğini dizlerimin üstüne kadar sıyırdım ve Emir`i çağırdım. “Ayaklarımı biraz ovsana canımın içi, çok ağrıyorlar” dediğimde onun hakkındaki düşüncelerimde yanılmadığımı farkettim. Ne yapacağını bilemedi, heyecanını bastırayım derken iyice batıyordu, çok şirindi…
Sağ ayağımı hafif hafif yoğurmaya başladı. İki elinin avuçlarıyla ovuyordu ayağımı. Sonra (sanırım) yavaş yavaş cesareti arttı. Parmaklarımı tek tek okşuyor, onların bittiği yerleri, ayağımın ortasındaki boşluğu özenle ovuyordu. Topuğumu iki eline alıyor, parmaklarının ucuyla daireler çiziyordu sanki hep bu anı beklermiş gibiydi. Harikaydı ve aman tanrım vajinam sulanıyordu, oğluma ayaklarımı ovduruyordum ve senelerdir hiç yaşamadığım şeyleri yaşıyordum.
Derinden derine bunun hayatımdaki dönüm noktalarından biri olduğunu hissediyordum… İki ayağımı da çılgınca ovmuştu ama hiç yorulmuşa benzemiyordu ” Aslanım! bundan sonra her akşam annenin ayaklarını ovar mısın?” diye sordum. Gözleri parladı. Ve sonra o ana kadar aklıma getirmemek için çok zorlandığımı şeylerin bir anda beynime hücum etmesine yol açan şeyi çekine çekine söyledi: “Anne, ayakların çok güzel kokuyor…”
Bütün gün ayaktaydım. Ayaklarım gerçekten kokuyor olmalıydı, ve bu onun hoşuna gidiyordu. Müthiş heyecanlanmıştım. “Çorap ve topuklu ayakkabı giymemden hoşlanıyor musun peki?” dedim, “Evet anne ayaklarını çok seviyorum özellikle de çoraplı ayaklarını” deyiverdi. “Peki o zaman..” dedim, ”
Odamdaki çorap çekmecesini aç ve ordan en beğendiğin çorabı kap da gel, şu kaçmış çorabı değiştirelim”. Hemen fırladı. O çıkar çıkmaz elimi ateş gibi yanan vajinama götürdüm, dudakları şişmiş ve sarkmıştı içinden oluk oluk sıvı geliyordu. Emir`in ayak seslerini duyar duymaz toparlandım…
“Anne hangisini seçeceğimi bilemedim” dedi.
Bir elinde gül kırmızısı süper ince külotlu çorabım diğer elinde de 30 numara siyah parlak ince gül desenli külotlu çorabım vardı. “Önce hangisini giyeyim?” dedim, kırmızıyı uzattı… Sandalyeye oturdum. Bacaklarımı yana doğru uzattım, popomu hafifçe kaldırıp çorabı aşağıya sıyırdım. İçimde külot olmadığından eteğimi siper ederek çorabı yavaş yavaş çıkarttım. Oğlum dikkatle beni izliyordu.. Kırmızı çorabı sıvayıp önce bir ayağıma, sonra da diğerine geçirdim. İki bacağımın dizlerine kadar giydikten sonra ayağa kalkıp çorabı tamamen giydim. Bunu yaparken kadınlığımı bir an için açıkta bırakmıştım, Emir`in bunu farkettiğini hemen anladım. Kaçamak bakışları, nefesinin birden hızlanması beni müthiş heyecanlandırıyordu.
Oğlum tarafından dikizlenmek muhteşemdi…
Çorabın buruşukluklarını düzelttikten sonra ağır adımlarla oğlumun yanına geldim, etrafında döndüm (Elbisemin alt kısmını elimle dizlerimin üstüne doğru sıyırmıştım)… Yine bedenim ateş gibi yanıyordu, kendimi fahişe gibi hissediyordum ve canım yavrum oracıkta bana bakıyordu, eşofmanının kabaran önünü eliyle kapamaya çalışıyordu…
Duygularıma hakim olamıyordum artık..
Aniden arkamı dönüp kalçalarımı dışarıya doğru çıkarttım ve elbiseyi belime kadar sıyırdım.. Annesinin külotlu çoraplı poposu olduğu gibi Emir`in gözleri önündeydi…Başımı çevirip omuzumun üstünden oğluma baktım…
Eliye önünü kapama gereği duymuyordu artık.. Ve penisi neredeyse eşofmanı yırtıp dışarı fırlayacaktı.. Sanırım oğlumun kocaman bir erkeklik organı vardı ve onun içime girdiği düşüncesi bütün bedenimi alev alev yakıyordu…
Emreden bir sesle” Eşofmanını ve külodunu çıkart!” dedim. Dediklerimi tereddüt etmeden yaptı. penisi flop diye fırladı, yaklaşık 16cm boyunda kocaman mor bir başı olan kusursuz bir yaraktı…
Çorabın vajinamın üstüne denk gelen yerini tırnağımla yırrtım, ellerim yemek masasına dayadım, belimi büktüm, popomu dışarı çıkarıp parmaklarımın üstünde hafifçe yükselerek ” Hadi Emir, işte hep hayal ettiğin şey yavrum, hadi sik beni” deyiverdim…
Penisi oğlumun elindeydi arkama doğru yaklaşıp vajinama bastırmaya başladı ama nasıl sokacağını bilemedi, bacakları titriyordu… penisini elime alıp dosdoğru amıma soktum, kalçamı da ona doğru bastırıp oğlumun yarağını köküne kadar içime kaydırdım… O anda yüksek sesle çığlık attığımı hatırlıyorum… Bu 3 senedir vajinama giren ilk şeydi ve o da oğlumun sert, sıcak yarağıydı. Oradan çıkmıştı ve tekrar oraya giriyordu…” Ohhh Emir becer beni oğlum, ohh çok güzel sikiyorsun, damarlarını hissediyorum, dibine kadar bastır, becer anneni” diye yalvarırken o ikinci kere soktu, artık bu işin nasıl yapıldığını öğreniyordu..
Sonra seri kalça hareketleriyle beni sert bir şekilde sikmeye başladı. Orada, salonun ortasında, yemek masasına dayanmış kendimi öz oğluma siktiriyordum..
Birden daha da hızlandı, hareketlerinden anladım ki yavrucuğum boşalmak üzereydi… Amımın dudaklarını kastım ve içindeki yarağı sıktım.. Emir inleyerek içime boşaldı…
Yaptığım şeyden kesinlikle pişman değildim.. Bu muhteşem bir deneyim olmuştu… Artık oğlumun orospusuydum, o ne derse yapıyor, ne isterse giyiyordum.
İzlediği porno filmlerindeki sahneleri benimle deniyordu, becerilmedik yerimi bırakmıyordu..
Hala Ankara`da oturuyoruz, eşimden boşanalı 7 sene oldu. İyi ki de boşanmışız, yoksa hayatımın aşkıyla asla beraber olma şansım olmazdı..

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I woke up on saturday morning to Rachael,who was violently shaking me to wake me up."Wake up slave...wake up"Rachael grinned and i knew the next two days are going to be tough.Rachael was wearing her red cotton panties and her black tanktop,that was her usual sleeping attire.Now,let me describe Rachael to you.She had dirty blonde hairs,blue eyes,a cute face and a very cute smile.She was very beautiful but her best features were at the lower part of her body.Rachael filled up a 36D bra...

4 years ago
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Robbies Revelation part 12

"Rebecca! Calm down okay. We'll figure this out alright," Jen tells me trying to get me to stop panicking. "How are we going to figure this out in ten minutes?" I ask, fear gripping me. "I don't know... Think we should just tell her the truth? I know it's earlier than you wanted, but maybe that would be best," she told me quietly. "I don't know Jen. I don't want to lie to her, but I don't want to hurt her either. I don't know what to do. I know I shouldn't but I really do care...

3 years ago
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Goodbye Master Stokes Chapter 3 Lifting The Veil

CHAPTER 3: LIFTING THE VEIL I tried to say something to my parents that night. I really did. But the right moment never came. This was an evening in 21 Ashleigh Close, not an episode of The Partridge Family. I went to bed early, and lay there with the light on staring at the ceiling. I'd never given much thought to the future; now my mind was filled with nothing else. Your first menstrual period will most likely arrive between the ages of 9 and 16... Pansy wasn't sixteen...

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Mama Does Daddy

“What was that noise,” Brenda whispered to Morgan after poking her best friend in the ribs to wake her up!?! “W-what time is it,” Morgan asked sleepily, “I don’t hear anything, go back to sleep!!!” “Wake up, girl,” Brenda implored once again, “I’m not sure but it sounded like someone might be in trouble!!!” Morgan rolled over onto her side, and after wiping the sleep out of her eyes commented, “Are you sure you...

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A Day at School

Writer's Note: Reading the few reviews of my first part of this story it seemed the main complaint was the rules of how the device worked and what happened at the end. The strangeness at the end where the device went haywire against Dave is something that will be explained later in story, it is strange that it did that by itself isn't it, really messed up Lavina's plan. The second part is how it works. The device can change basically everything about a person, their personality, age,...

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Pandemoniums WakeChapter 5

"You're allowed to say it hurts when it does," Kayetti said. "Just hurry with the skin melt, please," Ferro whispered. "The sooner it's done, the sooner I can sleep." He sucked in his breath as she applied the fixative to a cut just above his bellybutton. "This was my worst mistake today, and the pain is excruciating," Ferro said between pressed lips. He held his head back as the tears dripped out of the corners of his eyes. "Doyan may be ancient and confined to a chair, but...

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Summer Country Club Job

It was the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore year in college and I guess I was lucky to even get a job. I was a gold course maintenance/caddy boy at the ;local snooty country club.Things went okay for about three weeks and I was eventually doing more caddy work than maintenance. The caddy stuff at least paid some tips.Tuesdays are ladies day at the course and my second Tuesday I was a bit surprised when the caddy manager told me I was going to help Ms. Andersen with her club maintenance...

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My Rebound Sex

Hey, guys, this is Dom. I’m from Bangalore. I had recently broken up with my girlfriend. She was a really pretty girl but was keen on staying a virgin till marriage. Even though I respected her choice it was very difficult for me to live without sex. I stayed faithful to her but it was really hard. So we had a mutual breakup and decided to be friends. After the breakup, I was really depressed and sad. So my friends decided to cheer me up and planned a trip to Dandeli, a famous tourist spot in...

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The Present Part 8

Three hours of tension and unable to do anything about it, Nick kept an eye out for the motorway exit into Birmingham. Trying to blank out any images for fear of distraction, even as Jayne sat alongside him sending messages on her phone. Playfully, she sucked the tip of her finger as she caught his eye, with a slight raise of the eyebrow and upturn of her mouth. Wipers running left and right, it had been raining for the last five miles but at least they were getting near."You want this next...

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LeslieChapter 13 Playing The Field

Jim Williams picked me up at 6:30 the following Friday. I'd checked around with anyone who was still talking to me and nobody seemed to know a lot about him. He was in a couple of honors classes, was on the tennis team, but wasn't your typical, popular athlete. Most people knew who he was but not a lot more than that. Jeff was at our house visiting Mom when Jim rang the doorbell. The next thing Jim knew, he was sitting on the couch, talking with Jeff as if they were old friends. About five...

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Kota Me Chodha

Jese ki jyada tr indian parents ki icha hoti h ki unka bacha iit clear kare aur engineering kare aur isi liye mere ghar walo ne bhi mujhe kota bhej diya padhne ke liye,by the way mera naam jasspreet singh aur m delhi ka hu aur abhi filal kota m rahta hu hostel m.To yeah baat jab ki h jab m naya-naya kota m aya tha mujhe yaha p kuch bhi acha nahi lagta tha. M hostel m hi rahta tha khayi bhar nahi jata to mere side m ek girls hostel tha m aksar chatt p jake beth jata tha aur ladkiyo ko dekha...

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Sarah in the Spa Pool

Sarah in the Spa Pool By Karen A. I’d had a nightmare day at work. The big deal I was on the verge of pulling off had gone horribly tits up all around me, and it looked like it was going to require a huge amount of work to get it back on track again – assuming I ever could. The day had gone steadily downhill and descended into an unending series of desperate phone calls in a vain attempt to salvage six weeks of painstaking work. By the time I finally left the office and braved the freezing...

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Market ForcesChapter 2 An Organisation

I looked again at the photographs. I'd often fantasised about having Rebecca like that but somehow things had never worked out that way. I handed the photographs back to Clegg. "There's only one trouble with your suggestion though," I said as I pulled an envelop from my own jacket, took out the sheet of paper within and handed it to Clegg. He peered at it and read it out laughing, "Rebecca, I'm sorry. This will be a shock but there's no easy way to say it. I think we should end it....

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Playing with Fire Ch 01

She entered the room seemingly oblivious to the man seated in the leather recliner. Her fiery hair was a blazing contrast to the immaculate, white oxford. He knew there were ten mother-of-pearl buttons lining the shirt’s placket, each one attached with an expert’s stitch. Obviously, she did not care, not a damned one was fastened. Beneath the stark white of the shirt was something black and lacy that briefly showed as she moved to the wet bar. Each long, splendidly muscled leg was sheathed in a...

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Boston to BirminghamChapter 4

Hardy found himself in the office of an old friend, waiting anxiously for his appointment. Rabbi William Goldberg had retired, gotten bored, and opened a counseling practice, specializing in marriage and relationship problems. His work with veterans had been gratifying, but the stress and the daily reminders of the horrors of war wore on his soul. Between active duty when he was younger and twenty five years the reserves, he was able to retire with honor and full benefits. He truly felt God...

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Ryans SummerChapter 6

The rain was pouring so hard that the old windshield wipers on Ryan's car were unable to clear the window and he almost passed the Wellsworth estate. He hit the brakes and turned quickly into their driveway. Suddenly, a lightning flash made the old iron gates look like something out of a bad horror movie. He stretched his arm out the permanently opened window and pressed the buzzer. Jigs sounded irritated when he answered. "Sorry Jigs but the pool still has to be cleaned, even when it...

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Family Ties

Pat Mitchell had little time for his mum, Christine's new husband and even less for his snotty daughter, Sophie who he brought with him. For eight years, he stayed out of their way, remaining in contact with his mum only with the odd phone call or letter and when the news came that his mum and her husband had been killed in a road accident, he was shocked and stunned, but not half as much as he was to find out that his mother's wishes were that he should care for Sophie. Not only was Pat...

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Miscarriage of Hope

Tara Edwards watched the cherubic face of her adorable three year old daughter. Her curly brown hair framed her beautiful face that was a lighter version of her beloved husband. How could something so simple bring both unspeakable joy and earth-shattering heart ache? She knew that she should probably quit being so hard on herself. She knew that her doctor and counsellor were right, she just needed time to grieve after the miscarriage. But dammit, she needed to be back to herself again. Or maybe...

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Angels Tale Part 10

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 10 As they took a well worn shortcut through a corner of the State Park, Angel stopped so suddenly that Robin ran into her, and they nearly fell down. When Robin started to ask what was up, Angel just held up her hand. *Angel! Don't go home yet!* Lena sent her. *Why?* *The police are on their way to talk with you. They think you are involved with something very bad. A kidnapping, I think.* *How do you know?*...

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A Stitch in Time Pt 07

Chapter 24 On Monday morning, I was racing to my locker after English and before Astronomy to switch my books. Getting rid of Moby Dick alone would improve my posture for the rest of the morning. I quickly dialed the combination and jerked the locker open, only to have it slam close again. Tommy Narburg was standing right next to me. The locker door had apparently banged off his forehead. Despite the dazed expression on his face, it didn’t appear to have done any damage. ‘Tommy?’ I asked as I...

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IAmMarcusLennox First Ride

A mini pudge protrudes under her chocolate mounds, with stretch marks creating a trail to her treasures hidden below. Her breast seems to hide the fact of any children. Above her right breast on the side of her right shoulder, I find a red rose embedded in her dark chocolate skin. Connected to the rose is a black line that attached to a cursive “I” that connects to a set of letters: FREDII spells out in black ink. I soon lose interest in the spelling when I see bright red lips slowly going down...

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Meeting Becca Ch 02

Around 1 year ago ‘May I sit down?’ Glancing up from my newspaper, for a moment I thought my heart would stop. Her photos didn’t do her justice. I was looking into bright, hazel eyes set in one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen. Amber honey-colored hair fell loosely to just past her shoulders. Tall, maybe 5’11’. Slender but not skinny. Athletic was my first thought. An expensive but tasteful engagement ring on her left ring finger. I notice important things. Rising from my chair,...

4 years ago
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I stood in front of the Greyhound bus station and watched herwalk away. In the three years since I turned 18 I have tried fourtimes to get sexually involved with a woman I was dating. Sylvia wasthe fourth to spend a week with me making love. She was also thefourth one to tell me I was a lousy fuck. I tried to accommodate them and do what they wanted, butwhenever I tried to 'eat pussy', I just gagged and choked on thesmell. As far as fucking was concerned, well just the idea...

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Sexy sister in law

“Where the hell is the party boy?” Suri asked, already in stratosphere and still swigging away the whisky. I smiled at him. “Dilip’s gone to fetch Ron.” “Well, that’s cute. Why couldn’t Ron make it on his own? He gotta problem with the place or what?” “Well, Suri, Ron’s one of Dilip’s best pals and he don’t know the city that well. He just flew in today.” I excused myself and walked quickly to the wet bar. Dilip had left barely a couple of minutes ago and already the crowd was missing him....

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cum on my pregnant belly 2

Hello again, my names shelly and for anyone who did not read my first story I am a 5’7 redhead with a slim figure (other than my 7 month pregnant bump) I have large breasts which are lacerating and a shapely arse, and I want to tell you what happened the week after I committed adultery with my next door neighbour Sean and his girlfriend Lyndsey, it turns out that Sean was really turned on by my pregnant belly and milk dripping nipples, so much so that the very next day he came round as soon...

3 years ago
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My Grandson My Owner

How I bacame my Grandson's sex slave. One of my grandsons his name is Sid and myself He calls me Gramps were sitting in my living room just two days before his 18th birthday. Now my grandson is a very cute, very sexy young man. He has dark skin his mother is from the Philippines, he's 5ft. 6 in. tall, weighs 145 pounds, black hair, dark brown eye's, slim, some really nice eye-candy! We were watching a movie on TV that included a lot of nudity, I don't remember the name of the movie, but I do...

4 years ago
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my slut is my master part 1

I walk into the house looking for my slut calling for him. I take off my red heels slipping them next to the door feeling the carpet under my feet loving the softness of it. I hear him from the bed room in a weak voice. “Yes mistress, your slut is here.” I walk down the hall into the bedroom saying “You were a bad slut.” He was standing in the middle of the room naked I could see his cock was hard from looking at me. He replied knowing he was getting a punishment for disobeying me.

1 year ago
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A cam site doesn’t thrive for over a decade for offering a shitty experience. Credit to Cam Contacts for all the hot girls with no fake fucking titties, plastic surgery, too much makeup and have that ‘girl-next-door’ vibe. Being an exhibitionist or simply a voyeur, hot girls from over 170 countries willing to assist you to realize your sexual fantasies.A lot of sites have great interactive features, but just takes it a notch higher. The site makes it possible for you to meet-up...

Live Sex Cam Sites
2 years ago
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The Gujarati Widow Neighbor

Hello everyone, this is Sam again with my latest experience. For those who has not read my earlier post, I’m Sam, 33 yrs residing in delhi. I know I promised the readers that I’d post the follow up story of getting caught in the park after the “Chandigarh Bus experience” but I wanted to share this latest incident which I feel should be shared first as this is still very fresh in my memory as it happened just yesterday, the 13th January’14. This is about how I fucked a widow who stays in the...

3 years ago
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Camel Toe

Lee and I were in the shower after having spent two solid hours working out. I was soaping myself down and sneaking glances at Lee’s fine pair of breasts. I was jealous, wishing I had some like that. Not very likely without cutting, I knew. My mom was just under six feet tall and flat chested as a board, I managed 5’9′ barely and was blessed with the exact same chest. I even had gone to see a Doctor once about getting something done, all he did was scare me. I sat perched on the edge of an...

4 years ago
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Exposing Cindy education our youth Chapter 5

Chapter 5 exposing Cindy- education our youth “The law of unintended consequences” As I entered our master bathroom, I raised my skirt hem, showing my husband that I was missing my panties, but what caught his attention was how red and swollen my vulva was. “Good lord girl! what happened to your cute little pussy? That looks absolutely raw.” “It is raw, I feel like I have been riding a ‘sandpaper hobby horse’.” I replied honestly. For the next 30 minues, Jim hung on every word as I described...

2 years ago
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After Hours Part One

Staying behind college to do my artwork wasn’t exactly my idea of fun, I was missing my bed, the TV and a lovely cup of tea but the painting was nearly finished. I wasn’t as irritated as I could be but I seriously wasn’t impressed either, the rooms were empty though so I could turn my music up louder and just get on with it. I was just applying the last few bits of detail when a boy I knew of well walked in. He moved with a swagger over to an empty table, perched on the edge and simply watched...

2 years ago
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New Years Rockin EveChapter 4

Angela was in the same state he had left her in: tears still streaming down her face. "Shhh, don't cry, it's ok. No one will touch you again, no one but me, that is." "What happened to that guy?" she asked. "He's been taken care of. He'll never bother anyone again." "You killed him?" she asked wide-eyed. "Just for you babe." said Justin sweetly. "But..." she stammered, "why me?" "Honestly, I don't really know. You seem so... rare, i couldn't treat you like any...

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Maid To Order Chapter Five

Maid to Order - Chapter Five By Michele Nylons "What the fuck?" Bill read Michele's return email. 'Look forward to having you for dinner. I know what you like ;) Michele' He clicked the attachment and was rewarded with a very short video of Michele. She was wearing a very nice tight black leather skirt and creamy satin top, stockings and heels. She lifted her skirt just high enough to expose her stocking tops, smiled cheekily into the camera and winked seductively. "What...

2 years ago
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44. FINAL Reminiscences from the manor estate SEX AND MY AMAZING WIFE. PART C[SEE ALSO 42 AND 43 FIRST] My wife a month or so later began to show signs that she was somewhat unwell, our family GP sent her for tests, and she decided to delay her next planned episode so I knew she was in trouble, (not that it would have been a good idea to appear at the hospital with assorted whip marks!) The test results must have had him worried as the old chap [he was near retirement], sent her rapidly...

1 year ago
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Bed Page! What could be better than perusing my website, finding a really sweet porn tube full of free smut, and then furiously stroking yourself to a mind-boggling, explosive climax? How about getting some hot slut to do that stroking for you? Maybe you can even upgrade from the handy to a full-fledged, full-completion oral massage. I guess it just depends on what the erotic masseuse happens to be offering and how much cash you’ve got in your pocket. Whatever the case, BedPage can help you...

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08 TogetherChapter 105

Present – Thom and Samantha – Driving Vic and the news crew to the tunnels Shit! I was hoping that Victor would take me up on a martial arts fight with the twins since I would love to see him get his ass kicked since he was such a RPITA. But he said he had fought them before, then I remembered where he had a run in with Ira: It was when Stacy shot Ben so I taunt, “Yeah, Ira really kicked your ass when Stacy shot Ben, you’re lucky she didn’t kill you.” Vic grumbles, “It was fortunate I...

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 26 Warrior Queen

Lee had found herself in a sticky situation. When Justin went to vault over the box he was standing in front of, he placed both hands on the lid and then halted. They all heard the ‘click, click’. He looked down to find the lid lifting up under his hands. “No,” screamed Jahn again. “They are my boxes, you can’t have them,” he yelled in frustration and sent an immobilising spell at Justin. Justin blinked out of the way and reappearing in front of Kim, ready to protect her. She stepped up...

1 year ago
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Part 5 I got fucked by my husbands friends

So far, you've met four of the boys: Ken, Alex, Jamal and of course, Rodney, whose approaches I simply couldn't resist. There is also a fifth guy, Nick, who I had not had any sexual encounters with due to his long term relationship. A few days ago, Nick messaged in our Whatsapp group chat which consists of the 5 guys (not including my husband) and me. He informed us that his girlfriend of two years broke things off with him. Nick was devastated and distraught and I wanted to do whatever I...

2 years ago
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Never Would Have Thought Part 2

That was, by far, the most powerful kiss I had ever experienced in my entire life. I was absolutely bewildered. How could I? How could he? I could see little tears well up in Kevin’s eyes. I felt so horrible and dirty. For GOD’s sake, this was my dead mother’s boyfriend! “De...Deanne, I don’t know what came over me.” Kevin reached out to my cheek and caressed it softly. His touch was so gentle. I don’t know what came over me, but I just jumped and ran into my bedroom. I...

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The ExchangeChapter 2

"Zortania. Three times in a row. Without using a booster. You know the chances of that happening in a single round?" said a voice belonging to what could be easily mistaken for a mere man with an evident penchant for crude augmetics and non-existent mouth hygiene. Around those parts of the ship, he was known as 'Alloy' and he had a rather nasty habit of spacing certain kinds of people. Namely, those who were unlucky or stupid enough to cross him. Sam smiled as innocently as possible....

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Iam a Cuckold Now Blacken

My current way of life started 3 years ago when I met my future wife. I was teaching 12th grade history when the most stunning girl I had ever seen walked into my class. Her name was Lynn and she had just turned 18. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement. She was 5 feet tall and weighed only 90 lbs. Her long blonde hair rested just above her perfect ass and she had just the right amount of curves. Besides being beautiful she was also incredibly sweet and kind which I found unusual...

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Angels Journey Chapter 20

I wake up to a soft cool hand on my forehead... feeling woozy it takes a while for me to come round, and slowly appreciate the pain in my head, in my jaw and in my waist... "W.. wha..." I mumble... "Shush sweety," a caring voice says. "You've been out for a while, don't rush things.. would you like a drink?" I nod, feeling increasingly sorry for myself. I try and move, realising I'm still wearing a corset, but not much else. This much must show on my face, because she strokes my...

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The Awakening of Bens Foot Fetish

As a private school teacher, I have a part time job to help make ends meet. I am working at the local shoe store. My infatuation with women’s feet started in my teens. Corrine and I met at the shoe store. She is twenty-five years old and very attractive. Corrine is 5’6” with shoulder length auburn hair. Her eyes are light brown. I always make sure to help her every time she comes in. One particular evening, Corrine came in just as I was getting ready to close up. She wore a knee length...

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TimBois Fantasies Table 69

In this fantasy, TimBoi is an overworked, stressed out waiter. He's having a hard time getting by and all he really wants is some big fucking tits to cum on to make his day in his otherwise crappy life. He's tired of jerking off to pictures on his computer...It's ashame he doesn't get alot of attention from women because he's got a big cock and its always loaded...Today finally things are starting to go TimBoi's way when a big tit MILF and her friends cum into his resturant at closing...

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Alone on the Couch My first foursome

This is a true story about the unexpected things that can happen while sitting on your couch….alone. I’m living in LA at the time, and I’m alone on my couch waiting on this fat girl Naomi to come over and blow me to sleep. Fat girls are like brussel sprouts, you will try them if they happen to be on your plate, but they are nothing you would brag to your friends about. She was the type I would call over when I was too lazy to jack off. She had a real pretty face, big tits but her self esteem...

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Her Secret Need

It was raining again, that's the way she liked it. It was a hot July night and she was on her way out the door for her weekly "girls night". She kissed her husband goodbye and wished he could fill the need she had. She was wearing a long thin red silk strapless dress with a slit on both sides that went to the middle of her thigh. He black fish net stockings showed as she walked down the front steps. She was off to find a man who could feed her apitite. She sat at the bar sipping a drink when in...

3 years ago
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My First Kiss That Made Me To Get Fucked By My Boyfriend

Coming to the story. I met a guy named Raj (name changed) in fb. I use to chat with him daily on fb. He asked me my num in but I refused to give it as it was d 2nd day that v were chatting. Later as the days went on I trusted hm n gave him my num. I have not seen him but shared my contact details with him n later v use to chat daily. Let me tell about him. He was 6ft tall. Fare in complexion. He had attractive lips. His cock was 7inch. I was 5.4ft tall and had figure 34-28-34 and fair in...

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Altered Fates Unbalanced

AF: Unbalanced By Bashful When Jeff Carson opened his front door that evening, he had no idea the mild looking woman on his porch had every intention of murdering him. Not to mention the harrowing transformation he must first endure. Probably the kindest thing that could be said about Lynn Butler was that she was unbalanced. Those that knew her best said much worse than that about her. In the five months she had lived in town, she had made no friends. People tried to get...

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Gender Role Reversal A New Day of High School

I stood on the sidewalk waiting for the bus, it was my first day of high school and I was nervous. For some reason I always got nervous around big groups, I wasn't a nerd or anything just your average teenager but I was shy. Fortunately a few of my friends were attending the same school as me but they lived in different parts of the neighbourhood and so we would meet up at school. So here I was standing on my own while the other students at the stop were hanging in groups. As I...

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Wife Vanessa Saves The Day

The last person I was expecting to see was my husband, Mark. He was supposed to be on his way to New Mexico to attend a business seminar. But there he was, standing in the doorway of our bedroom with his mouth hanging open, All of the guys were watching the big screen TV on the wall opposite of the doorway so nobody saw him except for me. His eyes were locked on mine and I momentarily looked away from him to glance into the large mirrored sliding closet door and I saw just what I looked like to...

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Seducing My StepSister Part 3

My name is Eunice, I am twenty years old, with 38DD-cup breasts and a tanned, toned body. I keep my mound clean shaven.Natalie is my eighteen year old stepsister. She has never had a lover, I am her first. Her mound is clean shaven and her 36C-cup breasts just arouse me every time I see them. * After a night of unbridled love making, Natalie and I take a quick shower as I have a whole day planned for her. Afterward we go to her room, arms around one another’s waist.“Sit Natalie, I want to do...

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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 20

Throughout the rest of the day Victoria keeps reliving the amazing sensation in her mind over and over. Her pussy shivers and moistens every time as she recalls the hot cum splashing all over her ass and crack. Her sphincter also puckers and throbs as it anticipates the feeling of him actually pushing into it. The rides and games are merely a distraction. Even Judy flirting and teasing her barely register. Victoria expects the man to clandestinely ask her for a repeat, but he never does. In...

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