"Η συνάντη&am free porn video

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Αυτην την φορά η συνάντηση με το μωρό μου θα ήταν ακόμη πιο συναρπαστική γιατι θα κοιμόμασταν και αγκαλίτσα όλο το βράδυ! Ηταν Παρασκευή μεσημέρι όταν μπήκα στο δωμάτιο. Ο παίδαρός μου με περίμενε έτοιμος με το γκαβλί του σκληρό σαν πέτρα. Μόνο που τον αντίκρισα αρχισα να στάζω ολόκληρη... δεν αντεχα ούτε να ξεντυθώ. Έπεσα πάνω του και τον έπαιρνα τσιμπουκάρα ενω ταυτοχρονα προσπαθούσα να βγάλω τα ρούχα μου. Αυτή η γεύση του, αυτά τα ζουμιά του με τρελαίνουν, με γεμίζουν γκαβλα. Χωρις δεύτερη σκέψη ανέβηκα πάνω του και άρχισα να ξεσκίζω εναλλάξ τις τρυπούλες μου. Έχυνα συνεχόμενες φορές και συνέχιζα να ξεσκίζομαι....Ξάπλωσα και πήρα την γκαβλάρα του στον στόμα μου ενω το μωρό μου έπαιζε με το πιπινάκι μου. Εβαζε και έβγαζε μέσα την χερούκλα του και έχανα τον κόσμο μου... κατουριόμουνα απο την γαύλα! Και όσο με έβλεπε να γκαβλώνω άλλο τόσο παθαζιόταν!! Στήθηκα στα τέσσερα, στην αγαπημένη μου στάση και τέντωσα την κωλάρα μου. Ήθελα να μου την σκίσει και.... δεν μου χάλασε το χατήρι. Μπήκε μέσα μου και με έπαιρνε ασταμάτητα μπρος πίσω, μια αργά, μια γρήγορα και όλο αυτό ..... μαστιγώνοντάς με ταυτόχρόνα. Άκουγα την ζώνη να σφυρίζει πάνω στα κωλομέρια μου και την ίδια στιγμη ένιωθα την πουτσάρα του να μου σκίζει την κωλάρα. "Τι είσαι;" με ρωτούσε.. "Το πουτανάκι σου" του έλεγα " Μονο το δικό σου πουτανάκι" ... και έχυνα ..έχυνα. Αυτην την φορά το μωρό μου πήρε και καινούργια παιχνιδάκια. Μου έβαλε την σφήνα στο πιπινάκι μου και αυτός μπήκε στην κωλάρα μου. Έχασα το φως μου!! Εκει όμως που απογειώθηκα ήταν όταν μου έβαλε τον δονητη με τις καμπύλες. Δεν υπάρχει αυτη η γκάβλα.Ένιωθα ότι θα λιποθυμήσω. Έκανα παρτούζα με τους δονητές και το γκαβλί του και ειχα φύγει.. μέχρι στο στόμα είχα δονητη και τον ρουφούσα. Μαζί του γίνομαι η μεγαλύτερη πουτανάρα, η μεγαλύτερη ξεκωλιάρα, αλλα μου αρέσει!! "Σκίσε με μωρό μου!" του φώναζα και αυτος με μαστιγωνε δυνατά και με ξέσκιζε. Ένιωθα την πλάτη μου να ζεματάει, τα κωλομέρια μου είχαν κοκκινίσει και έσταζα ολόκληρη καυτά ζουμιά γεμάτα γκάβλα για τον παίδαρό μου. Κάποια στιγμή πήγα να του ξεφύγω .. έπεσε απο πάνω μου, μπήκε μέσα μου βαθιά και με ξέσκιζε με λύσσα! " Που θα πας πουτανάρα μου;" μου έλεγε. Έχυνα ασταμάτητα, δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω πότε τελείωνε ο ένας οργασμός και ερχόταν ο επόμενος. 'Ηταν η σειρά μου να τον περιποιηθώ.. Ξάπλωσε στο κρεβάτι και άρχισα να γλείφω την γκαβλάρα του. Μια τον ρουφούσα όλο μέσα στο στόμα μου, μια τον έγλειφα γύρω γύρω με την γλώσσα μου, έβαζα την γλώσσα μου στην τρυπούλα πάνω στο βελούδινο κεφαλάκι του και έβλεπα την απόλαυση στο πρόσωπο του αντρούκλα μου. Ρουφούσα τα αρχίδια του αλλα το πιο ωραιο .... έβαζα την γλωσσίτσα μου μέσα στην τρυπούλα του και την άνοιγα με τα δάχτυλά μου και έβαζα την γλώσσα μου πιο βαθιά και έσταζα τα σαλάκια μου και γλιστρούσε η γλώσσα μου όλο και πιο βαθιά!!! Πόσο γκαβλώνω όταν του το κάνω αυτό! Πόσο θα θελα να μπω ολόκληρη μέσα του να νιώσω την ζεστασιά που βγαίνει απο την γκαβλα του.Πήγαμε στο μπάνιο, πήρα τον δονητή και έπαιξα με την τρυπούλα του! Δεν υπάρχει μεγαλύτερη απόλαυση στον κόσμο απο το να βλέπεις τον άνθρωπο που λατρεύεις να απογειώνεται απο ευχαρίστηση, να τον νιώθεις να συσπάται στην αγκαλιά σου, να στάζουν τα ζουμιά της γκάβλας του στα χέρια σου!! Ο "ταύρος" μου όμως δεν κρατιόταν. Με έστησε πάλι στο κρεβάτι και συνέχισε να με ξεσκίζει.Έβαζε τον δονητη στην μουνάρα μου και ταυτόχρονα έμπαινε και αυτός και ξεσκιζόμουνα με δύο πουτσάρες μέσα μου η πουτανάρα. Με ξάπλωσε στο κρεβάτι, άνοιξα τις μπουτάρες μου και άρχισε να βάζει τις μελιτζάνες μέσα μου!!! Τι ώραια που γλιστρούσαν και γλουπ!! έμπαιναν μέσα μου. "Πηγάδι σου την έκανα την μουνάρα!!" μου έλεγε και εγω κατουριόμουν ασταμάτητα απο την γκάβλα. Μετά απο 4 ώρες τρελού ξεσκίσματος με ξεδίψασε με το σπέρμα του!! Είχε τρεις συνεχόμενους οργασμούς, με έλουσε με σπέρμα, γέμισε το στόμα μου, το πρόσωπο μου...
Μετά απο μια παύση κάποιων ωρών ξανασυναντηθήκαμε.Αν και ήταν περασμένες 12 δεν μπορούσαμε να ελέγξουμε και πάλι το πάθος μας!! Για μια ώρα με μαστίγωνε και με ξέσκιζε και δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω πως μπορούσα και έχυνα ακόμη. Χορτασμένη απο έρωτα κοιμήθηκα στην αγκαλιά του. Άλλη απόλαυση και αυτη!! Όταν είναι μετρημένες οι φορές που μπορείς να το ζήσεις αυτό, μοιάζει με όνειρο!! Να ξυπνάς την νύχτα και να βρίσκεις δίπλα σου τον άνθρωπο που λατρεύεις, να ακούς την αναπνοή του και τους χτύπους της καρδιάς του και να είναι σαν να βρίσκεσαι σε ένα σύννεφο και να ταξιδεύεις. Οταν πήγε 7.30 το πρωι ένιωσα το σώμα μου πάλι γεμάτο χυμούς που έπρεπε να αδειάσω!! Το μωρό μου ακόμη κοιμόταν όταν έσκυψα και άρχισα να γλειφω το γκαβλί του. Τι συναρπαστικό που είναι να το νιώθεις απο εκει που είναι κοιμισμένο να τεντώνεται και να σκληραίνει μέσα στο στόμα και να μεγαλώνει,να μεγαλώνει.... Είχε τέτοια στύση που πλέον δεν χωρούσε μέσα στο στόμα μου!! Το θεριό ξύπνησε! Αν και το πιπινάκι μου ήταν πολύ ταλαιπωρημένο, το έμπειρο μωρό μου βρήκε τον τρόπο και μπήκε μέσα μου χωρίς να νιώσω τον παραμικρό πόνο. Είμαι σίγουρη ότι δεν έχουν ζήσει πολλές γυναίκες τέτοιο ξέσκισμα!! Χούφτωνε τις βυζάρες μου, μου ρουφούσε τις ρώγες, με έσκιζε μπρος πίσω με τους δονητές και με το γκαβλί του, με μαστίγωνε και μετρούσε τους οργασμούς μου, μέχρι που έχασε για άλλη μια φορά το μέτρημα!!! " Τι σε κάνω πουτανάρα μου;" με ρωτούσε "Με ξεσκίιιιζεις" του απαντούσα και ενω ένιωθα οτι δεν άντεχα άλλο την ίδια στιγμή του φώναζα " Ποιό γρήγορα... τελειώνωωωω!!" και ταυτόχρονα άκουγα την ζώνη να πέφτει πάνω μου ΦΦΦΣΣΣΣ ΠΑΤ. Δεν υπήρχε πέτσετα, δεν υπήρχε σεντόνι που να μην το έχω μουσκέψει απο την γαυλα μου. Πέρασαν άλλες 4 ώρες που με ξέσκιζε και ακόμη τον ήθελα. Αυτός ο άντρας με έχει τρελάνει, είναι το πάθος μου, η λατρεία μου, θα μπορούσα να κάνω έρωτα μαζί του καθημερινά και ασταμάτητα και το επόμενο λεπτό να τον θέλω με το ίδιο πάθος. Είχε για άλλη μια φορά έναν τριπλό οργασμό! Δεν πίστευα ποτέ ότι ακόμη και το σπέρμα του θα ήταν τόσο νόστιμο!!! Μετά απο 9 ώρες τρελου ξεμουνιάσματος και ξεκωλιάσματος, ντυνόμουνα και μέσα μου δεν ήθελα να τον αποχωριστώ, ήθελα κι άλλο!! Αυτός ο άντρας είναι ο ΘΕΟΣ μου που κατέβηκε στην γη για να με κάνει να νιώσω ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ!!
Σε ευχαριστώ ΘΕΕ ΜΟΥ... για άλλη μια φορά ήσουν μοναδικός και συναρπαστικός!

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Serving My Mistress

This true story happened just yesterday...The day started like any other, with me waking up my mistress Chrissy by licking out her sweet delicious pussy! She loves me waking her up that way, infact she demands that I act as her special alarm clock, waking her up precisely at 8:30am everyday with oral sex, as it gives her a "great start" to her day, and I great start to mine aswell!Anyway, after massaging her juicy pussy and hard clit with my tongue to orgasmic heaven, I drank every drop of cum...

2 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 3 Football Heats Up

I went to lunch and found Wayne and Ray at our table, again. This time they had been invited. I had gotten to know them over the past few days. Wayne had been a snot, at first, but soon learned that I could kick his ass (mostly due to Cassidy's teaching). Once that was established, he was a much nicer guy. I was less happy to see Maggie was back, and unfortunately nothing had changed on that front. I still felt she was too young, and I was not interested in letting her practice her games on...

1 year ago
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A lazy day on the water, sun shining, warm heat on the boat deck. She's lying on her towel sunning herself and gets really hot. She slips off her bikini top to reveal her full breasts to the sun. Not only the sun is graced with her beauty, the sailor below deck is treated to an eye-full when he happens to venture above. He comes to stand over her, blocking the sun on her body. She opens one eye to peer up at his silouheted frame. The expression on his face is one of pure lust. The urge to grab...

3 years ago
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Revenge The idea of this story came to me while I was writing the Escape series. So I thought of giving it a shot. Please be informed that I'm still trying to improve on my English and I'm relatively new to fiction writing. This would only be the second ongoing series (only if you guys wanted it to be continued) that I've done. Comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated. I hope you guys like it. Thanks. WARNING: This story contains TG, violence and surgery. The vengeful...

3 years ago
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Race day with my firends mom

My friend and I always go to motorcycle races. You simply have to love that mean machines and hot girls that come with it.So I came the other day to my friends house for a beer and we talked about going to next race. Then his mom came. She was at hairdresser, wearing black track suit which perfectly fit her body, showing her curves...and awesome hair, of course.As we were talking she said that she would also like to go to race because she never went on one before, so we all decided we will on...

2 years ago
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Erin Explores Ch 01 The Gift Card

Erin woke with a start as the wind billowed the heavy drape curtains through the open bedroom window, catching the curtains on the chair and leaving sunlight to spill directly on her face and torso. A rattle came from downstairs as the postman delivered the mail, startling her, and she grabbed her blackberry from the side table where it lay, face down. Hitting the central button with her thumb, she woke it up and looked at the time, then dropped the phone back on the table, and lay back,...

4 years ago
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Robs Choices

Foreword I am constantly receiving feedback from people who want to know why I ended a story a certain way and then telling me that I should have _________ (fill in the blank). Many asked me if I would mind if they wrote an ending to the story. This happened so many times that I decided to hold The Just Plain Bob Annual Invitational The idea was that I would write a story and then let those who so desired write and submit their own ending. They could take the story anywhere they wanted it to...

4 years ago
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Bikini Sister

It's tough having a sexy older sister. Growing up, she was always the center of everyone's attention. She was perfect at everything she did and everybody wanted to be around her. Even when my friends came over to our house, they could never stop gawking at her despite my objections. My sister never did me any favors either, as she loved to lounge around the house in shorts and a tshirt for them to drool over. Fast forward several years later; I was still living at home attending a local...

4 years ago
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Shazia my girl friend

My Name is rehan. I m 21. Basically I am from Islamabad, Pakistani m 5.9 in height with an athletic body I want to share my story with u. I have a girlfriend. Her Name is Shazia. She is also of 24 & she lives in near our house in Gujrat. She is the sister of my friend. Shazia is very beautiful girl with 34, 25, 34 figures. Her Height is 5 feet & 7 inches. She has nice boobs. Her skin is like a silk. We are interested in each other from the last few years. Shazia is also the friend of my sister....

4 years ago
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Knowing from a young age part 2

The next morning , my younger house guest and I pretended like nothing had happened. Actually I think we kind of avoided each other. I wouldn’t see him again until that evening. He was to sleep on the floor of my room, like the nights before.After all our parents went to bed and the house was dark and quiet. All I could thing about was his cock, the way it felt, the feeling of it in my mouth, the taste and texture of his cum. The so addictive taste of his cum. I slid silently out of my bed...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Jade Nile 06182018

Jade Nile is a self-proclaimed slut. Unlike most females in today’s society, Jade has no issues shopping at adult bookstores. She consumes pornography; Jade loves trying new sexual lubricants to see which ones work best; and, finally, like the lubes, Jade loves using all sorts of different sex toys to see which ones get her off the most. Jade tends to buy black dildos, as she loves all things interracial…especially the taboo aspects of I.R. sex. “Boy, I wish this was the real...

2 years ago
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Britneys Dark Desire

There's something about Britney Spears that would probably surprise the legions of bubblegum-chewing jailbait girls who buy her albums. No, it's not her well-publicised flirtations with bisexuality (after all, she spends a lot of time with budding young fans who'd do anything to get close to their hero), nor is it the fact that her career is based on her skill at the ancient art of fellatio. No, Britney's secret is much more intimate, and has been with her since she was a blossoming...

3 years ago
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Me And My Brother

Hello to all ISS readers. I am Archana from Chennai. I am 23 yrs old and my size is 32-28-32.I am a horny girl and always use to watch porn movies with my friends. I, Rachana and sreenithi always use to talk about sex. One day we decided to have sex with someone we were unable to find a right person and we were afraid too. One night when I was thinking seriously about it my brother came to my mind. My brother is 2 yrs younger to me and he is a very good guy. He has got a good respect from my...

4 years ago
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Mallory Monroe Rise of a Streetwalker

Mallory felt naked as she stepped into the night. Like a frightened child, she peered from her shadowed doorway, searching for any sign of someone coming her way. Seeing no one, and with a churning mix of relief and trepidation, she forced herself to begin the long walk toward the complex gate.The night was quiet on this side of the wall. Mallory’s senses were tuned for any sign of movement. By the time she was half-way to her goal, she’d heard nothing but the sound of her own heels on the hard...

2 years ago
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The SparkChapter 47

For the last couple of months our time in Israel was mostly uneventful with the two of us talking about what each of us had been asked. For myself the request was to develop businesses in both Israel and one or more of the Palestinian territories no set monetary amount was specified but after a couple of meetings with my people I knew there was no short cuts to be had if I wanted my people protected. For Antonia, her meeting was an attempt to address the various short comings throughout...

3 years ago
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The sun is warm on our backs as we walk down to the dock. A few dollars, a smiled thank you, and we are walking up the boarding ramp. There's almost nobody here. The gulls call out in the humid air, and the weight of my camera sits damply on my side. The boat is a warship. "Old Ironsides," whose wooden walls bounced cannonballs. It still has some of the original wood in places. It's beautiful, and smells of the sea. The wooden rails are soft and slightly wet under my hands. Your feet scuff a...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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House wife fantasy come true

Hi, I’m 28 years old. My name is Suman my husband Harry and I have been married for a little over five years. The first four and a half were great, but the last six months have really been incredible. You see, my husband and I started toying with the idea of having group sex. Particularly a three some with another man. Don’t get me wrong; our sex life has always been wonderful, but we missed the excitement of doing something new and different. Here’s how my story goes. One night while lying in...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 14

Tracy woke up before the other two, and as she opened her eyes, all she could see was pussy. She had fallen asleep between their legs and now was waking up between them. “MMMMM,” she thought, “maybe if I wake them up the same way I put them to sleep, they’ll be easier on me.” She started with Linda and got up close to her cunt and gently began to lick her. Tracy didn’t want to go too fast, for fear that she would wake up to quickly and be mad. So she just licked lightly until she felt Linda...

2 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 86

It took us awhile in the limo to thread through the filth and litter of the area we were going through. I admit that with all the wealth in this country, I couldn't figure out why they let their people live in the squalor in front of my eyes. I saw small children playing in the filthy streets and even inside the limo I could smell the stench of sewage and decay. One of the twin's cell phones rang. I think it was Paul who answered it and handed it to me. It was Quanta and I immediately...

3 years ago
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Submissive Pleasures Ch 4

She walked into the garadge with a determained pace. Aaron had told her that she could buy whatever she needed, no limit, but it had to be approved by Mac. She walked into the garadge and put the towle on the table, the smooth mat under her feet a nice change from the cold marble in the kitchen. She put on the old blue jeans and button down shirt with tennisues that had been washed at her arrivle. Aaron had told her that he threw out her cloths that were not sutabule for a heirs...

3 years ago
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Scent For a Man

Interestingly, or naturally, not, if you happen not to be interested. But what is interest anyway? I wonder if it's merely just passing fancy? The glimpse of the eyebrow on the side of the bus coquettishly raised to advertise yet more mascara? As the young grey tired man who longs for something he can't articulate drives by? On his way to work. Trying to maintain sufficient road rage to justify his mundane domestic existence as the cars roar noisily, as equally indifferent to...

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MoneyChapter 34

I woke up with a start because I knew that it was late. I found my phone and saw it was eleven in the morning. That’s not good. I called the contact number and reached my primary contact. He asked if everything was OK, and I told him I thought that we were able to get it taken care of. I wanted to know if he wanted us to come back for the training. He told me to come on Monday and they would work to get both us to where they wanted us for operational use. That was good news, so I took my...

1 year ago
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Aged Beauty

Reddit Aged Beauty, aka r/AgedBeauty! Sure, young babes are tight, hot, and new to almost everything… happy to experiment with a lot of shit as well. But if you really want to experience pleasures, then you need to have an aged beauty in your life, and thus I am here to introduce r/AgedBeauty/. I think we all know what the fuck I am talking about, right? The gorgeous older babes of Reddit.com!Now, if you are wondering, yes, Reddit.com is a free website, and everyone is welcome to visit. In...

Reddit NSFW List
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MyPervyFamily Melody Marks Bored Stepsis Finds Excitement from Big Brother Home on College Break

I’m so glad I stumbled into my sister’s room after a night of partying. I was tired but sis was grinding herself all over my leg, and running her hands up and down my body.. “I want you so bad right now” she tells me. Melody gets on top of me and teases my cock even more before giving me head. It felt so good too.. I couldn’t believe my own sister was sucking my cock! I slide myself deep into her perfect pussy and fuck her while our parents have no idea about this...

2 years ago
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Captured tortured and rad by gay Caribbean sad

They came out of nowhere. I was pushed into a van, hooded ,handcuffed and gagged.The van drove for about an hour, while the roads became bumpier and bumpier.I was shocked. What had happened to me? Who k**napped me? What did they want?When the van stopped, the door was opened and I was dragged into a room with a vast echo, when the door was slammed shut. I was pushed to a pole, my handcuffs were removed and I was tied to the pole.Nobody spoke. The only sound was some rustle and some...

3 years ago
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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 27

“If you are going to discipline me I would prefer if my parents do not hear about this, Sir” Victoria said very flatly to Junior and me. She wasn’t saying we couldn’t spank her. She was just saying that she would PREFER they not find out. This was turning out to be a very interesting day and I was realizing my cousin was a bigger freak then I’d ever imagined! Just in a good way instead of in a creepy way. Victoria was following us rather closely now but still stand offish and aloof. I had...

2 years ago
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My first creampie

This is another true story of me and my ex-wife. We were not married at the time just dating. I am changing her name out of respect and courtesy and mine due to shyness LOL, I hope you enjoy! Meredith and I had been dating for about six months, I was nineteen and she was s*******n, We always ran around with another couple, the guy was my best friend and the girl was hers. My buddy had been telling me that his girlfriend had gotten on " the pill" and since then every time they had sex, he...

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