"Η συνάντη&am free porn video

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Αυτην την φορά η συνάντηση με το μωρό μου θα ήταν ακόμη πιο συναρπαστική γιατι θα κοιμόμασταν και αγκαλίτσα όλο το βράδυ! Ηταν Παρασκευή μεσημέρι όταν μπήκα στο δωμάτιο. Ο παίδαρός μου με περίμενε έτοιμος με το γκαβλί του σκληρό σαν πέτρα. Μόνο που τον αντίκρισα αρχισα να στάζω ολόκληρη... δεν αντεχα ούτε να ξεντυθώ. Έπεσα πάνω του και τον έπαιρνα τσιμπουκάρα ενω ταυτοχρονα προσπαθούσα να βγάλω τα ρούχα μου. Αυτή η γεύση του, αυτά τα ζουμιά του με τρελαίνουν, με γεμίζουν γκαβλα. Χωρις δεύτερη σκέψη ανέβηκα πάνω του και άρχισα να ξεσκίζω εναλλάξ τις τρυπούλες μου. Έχυνα συνεχόμενες φορές και συνέχιζα να ξεσκίζομαι....Ξάπλωσα και πήρα την γκαβλάρα του στον στόμα μου ενω το μωρό μου έπαιζε με το πιπινάκι μου. Εβαζε και έβγαζε μέσα την χερούκλα του και έχανα τον κόσμο μου... κατουριόμουνα απο την γαύλα! Και όσο με έβλεπε να γκαβλώνω άλλο τόσο παθαζιόταν!! Στήθηκα στα τέσσερα, στην αγαπημένη μου στάση και τέντωσα την κωλάρα μου. Ήθελα να μου την σκίσει και.... δεν μου χάλασε το χατήρι. Μπήκε μέσα μου και με έπαιρνε ασταμάτητα μπρος πίσω, μια αργά, μια γρήγορα και όλο αυτό ..... μαστιγώνοντάς με ταυτόχρόνα. Άκουγα την ζώνη να σφυρίζει πάνω στα κωλομέρια μου και την ίδια στιγμη ένιωθα την πουτσάρα του να μου σκίζει την κωλάρα. "Τι είσαι;" με ρωτούσε.. "Το πουτανάκι σου" του έλεγα " Μονο το δικό σου πουτανάκι" ... και έχυνα ..έχυνα. Αυτην την φορά το μωρό μου πήρε και καινούργια παιχνιδάκια. Μου έβαλε την σφήνα στο πιπινάκι μου και αυτός μπήκε στην κωλάρα μου. Έχασα το φως μου!! Εκει όμως που απογειώθηκα ήταν όταν μου έβαλε τον δονητη με τις καμπύλες. Δεν υπάρχει αυτη η γκάβλα.Ένιωθα ότι θα λιποθυμήσω. Έκανα παρτούζα με τους δονητές και το γκαβλί του και ειχα φύγει.. μέχρι στο στόμα είχα δονητη και τον ρουφούσα. Μαζί του γίνομαι η μεγαλύτερη πουτανάρα, η μεγαλύτερη ξεκωλιάρα, αλλα μου αρέσει!! "Σκίσε με μωρό μου!" του φώναζα και αυτος με μαστιγωνε δυνατά και με ξέσκιζε. Ένιωθα την πλάτη μου να ζεματάει, τα κωλομέρια μου είχαν κοκκινίσει και έσταζα ολόκληρη καυτά ζουμιά γεμάτα γκάβλα για τον παίδαρό μου. Κάποια στιγμή πήγα να του ξεφύγω .. έπεσε απο πάνω μου, μπήκε μέσα μου βαθιά και με ξέσκιζε με λύσσα! " Που θα πας πουτανάρα μου;" μου έλεγε. Έχυνα ασταμάτητα, δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω πότε τελείωνε ο ένας οργασμός και ερχόταν ο επόμενος. 'Ηταν η σειρά μου να τον περιποιηθώ.. Ξάπλωσε στο κρεβάτι και άρχισα να γλείφω την γκαβλάρα του. Μια τον ρουφούσα όλο μέσα στο στόμα μου, μια τον έγλειφα γύρω γύρω με την γλώσσα μου, έβαζα την γλώσσα μου στην τρυπούλα πάνω στο βελούδινο κεφαλάκι του και έβλεπα την απόλαυση στο πρόσωπο του αντρούκλα μου. Ρουφούσα τα αρχίδια του αλλα το πιο ωραιο .... έβαζα την γλωσσίτσα μου μέσα στην τρυπούλα του και την άνοιγα με τα δάχτυλά μου και έβαζα την γλώσσα μου πιο βαθιά και έσταζα τα σαλάκια μου και γλιστρούσε η γλώσσα μου όλο και πιο βαθιά!!! Πόσο γκαβλώνω όταν του το κάνω αυτό! Πόσο θα θελα να μπω ολόκληρη μέσα του να νιώσω την ζεστασιά που βγαίνει απο την γκαβλα του.Πήγαμε στο μπάνιο, πήρα τον δονητή και έπαιξα με την τρυπούλα του! Δεν υπάρχει μεγαλύτερη απόλαυση στον κόσμο απο το να βλέπεις τον άνθρωπο που λατρεύεις να απογειώνεται απο ευχαρίστηση, να τον νιώθεις να συσπάται στην αγκαλιά σου, να στάζουν τα ζουμιά της γκάβλας του στα χέρια σου!! Ο "ταύρος" μου όμως δεν κρατιόταν. Με έστησε πάλι στο κρεβάτι και συνέχισε να με ξεσκίζει.Έβαζε τον δονητη στην μουνάρα μου και ταυτόχρονα έμπαινε και αυτός και ξεσκιζόμουνα με δύο πουτσάρες μέσα μου η πουτανάρα. Με ξάπλωσε στο κρεβάτι, άνοιξα τις μπουτάρες μου και άρχισε να βάζει τις μελιτζάνες μέσα μου!!! Τι ώραια που γλιστρούσαν και γλουπ!! έμπαιναν μέσα μου. "Πηγάδι σου την έκανα την μουνάρα!!" μου έλεγε και εγω κατουριόμουν ασταμάτητα απο την γκάβλα. Μετά απο 4 ώρες τρελού ξεσκίσματος με ξεδίψασε με το σπέρμα του!! Είχε τρεις συνεχόμενους οργασμούς, με έλουσε με σπέρμα, γέμισε το στόμα μου, το πρόσωπο μου...
Μετά απο μια παύση κάποιων ωρών ξανασυναντηθήκαμε.Αν και ήταν περασμένες 12 δεν μπορούσαμε να ελέγξουμε και πάλι το πάθος μας!! Για μια ώρα με μαστίγωνε και με ξέσκιζε και δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω πως μπορούσα και έχυνα ακόμη. Χορτασμένη απο έρωτα κοιμήθηκα στην αγκαλιά του. Άλλη απόλαυση και αυτη!! Όταν είναι μετρημένες οι φορές που μπορείς να το ζήσεις αυτό, μοιάζει με όνειρο!! Να ξυπνάς την νύχτα και να βρίσκεις δίπλα σου τον άνθρωπο που λατρεύεις, να ακούς την αναπνοή του και τους χτύπους της καρδιάς του και να είναι σαν να βρίσκεσαι σε ένα σύννεφο και να ταξιδεύεις. Οταν πήγε 7.30 το πρωι ένιωσα το σώμα μου πάλι γεμάτο χυμούς που έπρεπε να αδειάσω!! Το μωρό μου ακόμη κοιμόταν όταν έσκυψα και άρχισα να γλειφω το γκαβλί του. Τι συναρπαστικό που είναι να το νιώθεις απο εκει που είναι κοιμισμένο να τεντώνεται και να σκληραίνει μέσα στο στόμα και να μεγαλώνει,να μεγαλώνει.... Είχε τέτοια στύση που πλέον δεν χωρούσε μέσα στο στόμα μου!! Το θεριό ξύπνησε! Αν και το πιπινάκι μου ήταν πολύ ταλαιπωρημένο, το έμπειρο μωρό μου βρήκε τον τρόπο και μπήκε μέσα μου χωρίς να νιώσω τον παραμικρό πόνο. Είμαι σίγουρη ότι δεν έχουν ζήσει πολλές γυναίκες τέτοιο ξέσκισμα!! Χούφτωνε τις βυζάρες μου, μου ρουφούσε τις ρώγες, με έσκιζε μπρος πίσω με τους δονητές και με το γκαβλί του, με μαστίγωνε και μετρούσε τους οργασμούς μου, μέχρι που έχασε για άλλη μια φορά το μέτρημα!!! " Τι σε κάνω πουτανάρα μου;" με ρωτούσε "Με ξεσκίιιιζεις" του απαντούσα και ενω ένιωθα οτι δεν άντεχα άλλο την ίδια στιγμή του φώναζα " Ποιό γρήγορα... τελειώνωωωω!!" και ταυτόχρονα άκουγα την ζώνη να πέφτει πάνω μου ΦΦΦΣΣΣΣ ΠΑΤ. Δεν υπήρχε πέτσετα, δεν υπήρχε σεντόνι που να μην το έχω μουσκέψει απο την γαυλα μου. Πέρασαν άλλες 4 ώρες που με ξέσκιζε και ακόμη τον ήθελα. Αυτός ο άντρας με έχει τρελάνει, είναι το πάθος μου, η λατρεία μου, θα μπορούσα να κάνω έρωτα μαζί του καθημερινά και ασταμάτητα και το επόμενο λεπτό να τον θέλω με το ίδιο πάθος. Είχε για άλλη μια φορά έναν τριπλό οργασμό! Δεν πίστευα ποτέ ότι ακόμη και το σπέρμα του θα ήταν τόσο νόστιμο!!! Μετά απο 9 ώρες τρελου ξεμουνιάσματος και ξεκωλιάσματος, ντυνόμουνα και μέσα μου δεν ήθελα να τον αποχωριστώ, ήθελα κι άλλο!! Αυτός ο άντρας είναι ο ΘΕΟΣ μου που κατέβηκε στην γη για να με κάνει να νιώσω ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ!!
Σε ευχαριστώ ΘΕΕ ΜΟΥ... για άλλη μια φορά ήσουν μοναδικός και συναρπαστικός!

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Mate Swapping A First ExperienceChapter 5

Phil and Pam had just had a sexy young Indian couple, Kavita and her husband Mahesh over for an evening of dinner and relaxation swapping mates in a joint fuck session. The foursome had hit it off great from the first and Phil had "fallen in lust" with Kavita, one of the sexiest women he'd ever met and a very sexy and sensual Indian babe. He and Kavita had readily paired off and Phil had finally gotten his cock buried inside Kavita's horny pussy and fucked her to orgasm. While Phil had...

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The Closest Thing to Heaven

‘I remember the way you used to walk, the swing in your hips, your long straight jet-black hair shielding your face as you walked from that old red brick classroom building over toward that old stone dorm that looked like a fortress. You know, the one you lived in your freshman year. You were in your black phase, remember? The old black cable knit sweater that hung down to your thighs, the dark olive corduroy skirt, the black tights. That sweater’s still in the closet, you know? Did you know I...

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Many Jamaican cocks for my wife

Ana came with a happy look in her face from the office.She had finally agreed with her Boss, that she could get her holidays at same time with mine. So, before I could regret it, Anita got the vouchers for a quick trip to Jamaica.I was thinking about some quiet days in the mountains, but my horny wife wanted sunny days, sandy beaches and especially, big black cocks all around this island…We picked a nice resort that had a natural beach, and Anita wanted to experience being in a place for...

3 years ago
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Becoming Bi Part 1 Bought and Paid For

When I was a teenager growing up in Chamblee, Georgia, a married couple in their fifties lived down the street. The husband's name was Dale. The wife's name was Geneva. They had a daughter named who lived somewhere in Tennessee, but I only met her on three or four occasions when she returned for holidays or birthdays.Dale worked for the DeKalb County water department as some form of manager, and Geneva had a small business selling antiques. Both Dale and Geneva were well-liked and sociable...

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Dick Picture PerfectChapter 17

With enough stimulants and viagra, the prospect of 72 virgins seems like a good idea. I mean, wouldn’t that suck, you go to heaven for your atrocity, get your reward, conk out after one maybe five girls and then have to suffer the nagging of 67 unsatisfied women? Always sounded more like hell to me. Adelaide was my focus. I think I loved her, I was definitely falling in love with her and my brain was flooded with so much bonding hormone and sexual ambition that I couldn’t look her in the...

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Captive AudienceChapter 8

“Holy shit, where are we?” I grabbed my forehead as I woke up a bit groggy. “Don’t worry. We finally did make it out of the banquet hall, dear. You thankfully didn’t drive, not after having serviced a dozen or so women and drank that much beer ... and ate that much food. You were in no shape for it, but being your mother, I volunteered to get my sweet boy home safely. Of course, I naturally went to bed with you, so that when you awoke, I could get the first fuck of the day out of you ......

4 years ago
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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 34

We awoke fairly early the next morning, as the Sisters wanted to see this new castle. I was worried about what Ken had said, and that they would be disappointed. We quickly dressed in our Wizard's robes, but I didn't know if Ken and the O'Hallinan Sisters were up yet. "Ken could still be asleep," I told my women, who were ready to leave for his apartment. "No, they are awake and up," Airmid told me, confidently. "Are you sure?" I asked wondering how she could know that. "Yes, we...

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Its Hard Being A Male

It's hard being a male By Maddy Maddison December 26 20XY Dear diary, Is that the way to start a diary entry? I don't know, I think I must have seen it somewhere.. Anyway, I got this diary for Christmas and after all the excitement of yesterday, this is the first opportunity to write in it. My name is Emile Scott, I'm 13 years old and live in a small country town Camden Park , near the state's capital, Sydney. I hate my name, I know it's a family name, but it sounds too...

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Slacker Moms

Slacker Moms By Gingerfred Man A Pantyboy Profile Introduction "Call me Cheryl" See, I'm not some dumb pantyboy. I know my literature. "Call me Ishmael" was the opening line in "Moby Dick." Which, by the way was a HUGE disappointment to me. I mean I only had to read like a page or two of that million-page novel before I figured out that it was NOT about what the title implied. I thought it was about big "man parts." You know, as in, "Wow, Baby, your dick is MOBY!" But it...

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Wife fucks a client and the black office handyman

Jane was at work the very next day after her encounter with Kenny, the firm’s new ‘handy man’. She was to meet with a client at a new property he had purchased and was planning to rent out. Jane was there to advise on prospective income and fees and had arranged for Kenny to be there to put up a ‘for lease’ board and see to any other works of improvement that could be done to better market the property.Now Jane had told me before that the client was a good looking chap in his mid-thirties but...

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Garden Me Mili Doctor Aunty

Hi friends mujhe to aap jante hi ho aapka pyara nick meri pehli story “Anjan aunty ki chudai” kafi logo ko pasand aai or kafi logo ne feed back bhi diya to me firse hajir hnu nai story k sath jo haal hi me mere sath hui so jo meri story pehli baar badh rahe hai unhe me bata apne bare me bata deta hnu mera naam nich hai me gujrat ahemdabad ka rehne vala hnu or mera lund 7 inch lamba or 2.5 inch mota hai jo kisi bhi pyasi orat ko shant karne k liye kafi hai to ab hum story pe aate hai baat un...

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At The Park

I want to start out by saying that ALL of my stories are written for my best friend Monica. They all were specifically written for her and I'm now sharing them as she believes they're worthy of being posted.This one is Monica's favorite.It’s 10AM and my alarm is singing its awful wake up call. Luckily it’s Friday and I don’t have any class today, but I figured that I would be productive today since the semester is drawing near an end and time is running short. I roll out of bed like usual, grab...

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All American BoyChapter 41

Mom let me drive home once again, and I was feeling like I was grown, I’ve driven more this week than I ever dreamed I would at fourteen. I’ll sure be glad to get my permit. I began to think of Ms. Maria, my Driver’s Ed teacher, and her sexy brown body as we fucked on her white bed. She’s as hot as her younger sister, Jacqi, and she wants me. How lucky can a guy get? I’m beginning to like being a teenager more and more. Monday morning, I woke up before dawn, as I always do. I ate a bowl of...

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it could happen to you

I was driving back from cork after a long day and started to feel tired so i decided it would be better if i pulled over for a 20 min rest i found a little carpark and stopped I dozed off for about 15 mins when i opened my eyes i noticed another car very close beside me with a couple inside just as i was about to pull away when their internal light came on and i could see the womans blouse was wide open and her beautiful tits where on view the guy was playing with her tits and nipples i just...

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Her Faux Blown FuseChapter 12 My Penis Bares the Truth

As we laid around on Sylvia’s bed, she, Maria and I, I told them more stories about the dairy. “It’s quite a long story yet only lasted about three months before the sisters transitioned. But what a time that was.” I told them about arriving and being left all alone to hike up the highway to a bunk house full of mentally challenged men. “I was scared so bad. I left my clothes on including my shoes all night long. And then they got up at 3:00 in the morning to go out and ‘call in the cows’....

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Samantha Grandmas GiftChapter 4 Cleaning up a bigger mess or making the biggest mess of all

"Let me get this straight. You want me to shower with your daughter?" I couldn't really believe that Mandy had suggested that. "Well, it's not like Samantha could see any more of you, and you should be safe now. You've cum three times in twenty minutes now. Not that you're even going to want to do anything with Samantha right now, but if somehow you did manage to do something, you've cum so much that I don't see how you could have anything left to pose any sort of pregnancy hazard...

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My bedside manner

Being a young, newly qualified doctor that works long hours any time from work is precious. I booked a short break for myself in the Lake District which meant that I could not be suddenly called in to work and for once I could relax.At the hotel that I was staying at was a mother with three teenage daughters, or so I thought at first. The youngest one was androgynous and at breakfast that first morning I found myself sat at a table next to theirs and found myself watching her. Is she or isn't...

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The Amulet

Alex Bennet was always the textbook definition of a nice guy. He helped out anyone he met with little thought of his own reward. Although truth be told as he grew older he became bitter at the fact that he did all the work and someone else reaped the benefits. And now on this ordinary spring day, Karma pays back a long overdue reward. Alex was heading home looking forward to a long lazy weekend, when he discovered the old man on the park bench. After watching the steady rise and fall of the...

Mind Control
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LinnetChapter 6

Ted watched and smiled as Linnet and Cherry sailed Serendipity close-hauled, south towards the open sea. They seemed happy and, he thought, his boat was happy too. Linnet's instructions and explanations were clear and concise. 'She really ought to be an instructor, ' he thought. 'I must be a fool to be unable to commit to someone like that, but... ' They didn't go anywhere in particular, just sailed as Cherry learned more about managing a sailing yacht, then headed back once the tide...

1 year ago
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First time31

As I walked over to the TV room to shut the TV off I found my roomy laying on the couch by himself playing with his cock. I was shocked and froze for a sec and found myself watching for some reason. I never saw another guys cock before and I guess I was interested. He didn't see me or hear me come in and was just going at it. Guess cause he was close to coming cause when I got over there his eyes where closed and he was breathing hard. So I found a spot were I could see him and the movie and...

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Conservative Indian Wife Turned Hotwife

My name is Ajit, and this incident is about 4 years Ago revolves around my friend Aniruddha (34) his hotwife Anushka (31) (Names are Changed). They were both happily married couples from Mumbai for about 4 years with no children. Let’s call my friend Ani. He is a Chartered Accountant who loves his job and is a caring family man. He was the happiest and optimistic guy I knew of. He was there for his friends and family and was always sweet and kind to everyone. He and Anushka were dating since...

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Katie The Hot Milf

Ashley Levy was Scott Nielsen’s girlfriend.  They had been dating for about six months.  When Ashley started bringing him around to the house, he seemed fascinated with her mother. Now Ashley’s mother was not your typical mom.  She was what most men called a “Milf.”  Katie wore crop tops with no bra which were always see through.  She wore tight yoga pants with no panties where you could see her camel toe.She would sunbathe with her bikini bottom but was always topless.  She had big breasts. ...

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A wifes story 6 Cloe and Alexus

That day out of the blue, she asked, "Ever the faithful wife?" This was after my tryst with her husband, my brother, and the adventure with a coworker, Jerome. I figured I could afford to be honest, since women don't ask their friends questions like that unless their own history is a bit colorful. Peter and me had yet to own up to both our dalliances; I told you about that in a previous story. "Well not exactly," I replied, trying to minimize my sins out of some sort of instinct I...

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Horses for Courses

Another interesting story I was sent, but written by a person whose English wasn’t their first language. I think it needed publishing in the right place and hope it reads well The 23 year old Norwegian Ingrid Steerstorme cheered along with the crowd as the horses crossed the two mile finishing line. Fenella had invited her new stable manager and Gofer, to watch her and Trencher race. While Trencher had not won, the thrill of the competition had Ingrid all charged up. She clapped and cheered as...

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City of New Orleans

I think it would have been better off without the rain. I mean, this was a rotten situation to begin with, but there was that fucking rain. I was crouched inside, you see. I didn't want that asshole Justin to see me. He wouldn't expect me to be there. I knew that. But I didn't want to take any chances. I had my tickets. Off in the distance, I could hear a lonesome wail from the train's whistle. I grabbed my backpack in the hopes that this was the train I'd been waiting for. I heard the...

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The Start Of Something Good

The night began as any other Friday—come home from university, have dinner with my parents then go out with my friends for a night out. My friends Ellie and Katie have both been known as notorious sluts and the people at my secondary school always wondered why I was friends with them. Many knew me to be a cocktease or even a bit frigid as the furthest I ever got with someone from my secondary school was a kiss. Ellie is 5’5 with dark, long hair and an athletic build as she frequently competed...

Oral Sex
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My Golden Shower Experience

It was a dark and stormy night ... SCREEEEEECH. NO it wasn’t!! But I always wanted to start a story that way. It was actually a hot July day in sunny South Florida. Ten minutes to 1 in the afternoon to be exact. I was finishing up getting ready for my guests to arrive at 1. I think I need to give you some background on me and who my guests will be. I’m Jerry a 55 year old married man. Not a hunk with an 8” cock that all the women worship. Just an all around average guy in all respects, except...

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lifestyle of choice 2

Trying to work during this week is always a chore, my mind going crazy & unable to concentrate are the norm.My phone pinged at 10am & I check my messages, from Vicki, I opened the attachment & my cock went from half hard to blast off. Vicki's face was contorted with her eyes rolled back in her head, her hands had her amazing breasts in them & her red hot finger nails were pulling her pierced nips by the rings in an upward direction. She was in the throes of a mind blowing...

4 years ago
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Getting the GEDChapter 6

Poor Bob Tucker, laying spread-eagled, unknowingly, on his own bed. Incapable of movement, sight or sound except at the whims of his captors. There were several of them, he deduced, from the hands he felt on his abused body. At least two were women, Rosa and someone else. Someone who had no qualms about roughing him up, using him at her will. But who and why remained unanswered. He tried to concentrate on his surroundings but with very limited senses, this was almost impossible. Now his head...

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