Bikini Sister free porn video

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It's tough having a sexy older sister.

Growing up, she was always the center of everyone's attention. She was perfect at everything she did and everybody wanted to be around her. Even when my friends came over to our house, they could never stop gawking at her despite my objections. My sister never did me any favors either, as she loved to lounge around the house in shorts and a tshirt for them to drool over.

Fast forward several years later; I was still living at home attending a local college, and my sister moved out to attend a far away university to experience something new in life.

She would always return home for the summer because she likes the heat where we live, and she always had the same routine. Tanning sessions in the morning was like therapy to her. She loved the sun and she loved hot weather. Neither of us expected for our relationship to change, but it did...

It was early Monday morning, our parents were both at work, and it was another blazing hot day outside. All things considered, my older sister must have been tanning in the backyard as usual.

Spying on Ashley was never a proud moment for me. It was just something that happened over time. I always blamed it on her for flaunting her sexy body around during hot summer days. Last year was the final straw for me when she became accustomed to wearing small bikini when we were home alone together. Since then, I was hooked.

I got out of bed and my timing was perfect. There she was; laying on a beach blanket in our backyard. The sun was shining on her perfectly tanned skin, and she was completely oblivious to the fact that she was being spied on by her perverted younger brother.

Her body was completely sprawled. She wore a skimpy pink bikini along with thick sun glasses, and nothing else. Her earphones were on and her feet were moving along to the music she was listening to.

Any man would be completely aroused looking at a beautiful sight like that. I know I was.

Then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed it. Mr. Jenkins, our neighbor from the other side of our yard, was also watching my sister from his balcony.

'What the fuck?!' I thought to myself. 'Come on Ashley, that perverted neighbor of ours is looking right at you!'

My thoughts went unheard and she kept on laying there. I couldn't believe that a well respected member of our community and my former professor (from last semester) would be doing something like this. It was as if he was infringing on my territory. Spying on Ashley during her summer tanning sessions was my job, and my job alone.

Ashley wasn't making things any easier as she stretched her arms like she just woke up. Her arms and legs spread wide open like a butterfly and she moved them around. For the first time since I ever started spying on her, she reached to her chest and briefly massaged her breasts. It looked like she was simply adjusting her bikini, but if I didn't know any better, I'd say she was doing it out of pleasure.

She kept on massaging them in the open space of our backyard until she decided she had enough and headed back inside the house.

After I washed up for the morning, I came downstairs for breakfast. My sister was sitting by the kitchen counter top eating granola cereal and catching up on her favorite reality tv shows. On hot days when we were home alone, she never bothered to cover herself. She was still in her bikini.

"What's up s*s?" I said playfully.

Her eyes stayed glued to the television as she ate. "Nothing much. I'm trying to figure out which side to root for. These women are nasty, I love it!"

My eyes quickly glossed over her tanned skin, and her legs which were sculpted from years of playing volleyball. I got my food and sat next to her as always.

"Whatever floats your boat."

"Hey, everyone is allowed a guilty pleasure every once and a while," she said. "By the way, I'm going out with my friends later. We're going to the beach."

"That's not a bad idea. I'm going out with friends also, but honestly, I think I'd rather hang out with your girlfriends. They always look good on hot days if you know what I mean."

She laughed, "Tank tops, shorts jeans, flip flops- yeah I know what you mean. They always dress for the occasion."

"So do you obviously," I said as I quickly looked at her.

"Did you just check me out?"

I turned my attention back to my food. "What? Don't get crazy."

"I know you were. I saw your eyes glance at my legs when you said that. You're not as slick as you think you are."

"Keep dreaming s*s. That's gross. Besides, you're the one being inappropriate wearing a bikini inside the house. I mean, who does that besides you?"

A grin suddenly appeared on her face. "You know, I wasn't going to make a big deal about it, but I saw you peeping on me while I was tanning in the backyard. My sun glasses were on, but my eyes were wide open. So now who's the inappropriate one?"

"Jeez. You knew?"

She nodded. "Every time since last summer."

"Oh god," I groaned. "What did you expect? You're always showing off your body and you're the hottest girl in town. I'm not proud of doing it, but whatever."

"It's always fun making you squirm," she said with a mischievous smile. "You always get so uptight and nervous when you think you're about to get in trouble."

"Very funny. By the way, just so you know, I caught Mr. Jenkins spying on you today. I'm surprised you didn't notice him as well."

"Oh...well...I'll look out for that next time..."

She sounded unusually coy and I immediately figured out why.

"You knew that Mr. Jenkins was watching you, didn't you?" I asked directly. "That's why you're so tense all of a sudden."

Ashley squinted her eyes and gave me a mean look. "That's really none of your business. You shouldn't have been spying on me in the first place."

" smart & classy older sister is a secret exhibitionist huh?"

"Stop being so smug," she snapped. "I like showing off my body sometimes. So what?"

"Calm down s*s," I replied gently. "I wasn't judging you or anything. I find it a little surprising, that's all."

"Fine. Sorry if I was starting to sound like a real bitch. But no one knows about this. You're the first person that I've admitted this to."

"About what? Your exhibitionist tendencies?"

She suddenly flashed a stern look. "Are you mocking me?"

"That came out wrong. I definitely wasn't mocking you."

"Good. And I don't want you thinking of me as some kind of dirty slut either. I work my ass off in school and I've been with less than 6 guys in my entire life. I'm a perfectly normal human being and I don't want you looking down on me."

"I don't think you're a slut at all," I replied. "We're all human beings and we all have our needs in certain areas. Trust me, I understand that more than anyone."


"Plus I think the whole exhibitionist thing is kind of hot," I playfully noted.

"You do?" she smiled. "And what exactly do you like about it?"

"I don't know. I guess I find it sexy when a woman knows exactly what she wants. You know, that she's in tune with her inner most desires. I've never really thought about why I like it, other than it fills the internet with tons of free nude pics."

She laughed, "That's definitely one benefit for men. But you're right about women knowing what they want. The same goes for male exhibitionists. People enjoy showing off and exposing themselves because of the rush that it gives. It's harmless and exciting. So why not?"

"You sound like you know a thing or two about other exhibitionists," I said with an eyebrow raised.


"Anything you want to share?"

She smiled, "Maybe...I might be a member of an internet forum with other similar-minded people."

I was caught off guard and I immediately wanted to know more. "Well aren't you going to tell me which website? I might have been there before."

Ring! Ring!

Her phone rang and she answered it. After a minute of talking, she hung up and turned her attention back towards me.

"I need to get going now," she said before putting her finger on my lips. "And remember, this conversation stays strictly between us. I don't want any of your nerdy friends knowing about this. Got it?"

I nodded to her while her finger still pressed tightly on my lip.

She winked. "Good."

With that said, she picked up her empty bowl and put it in the sink. My eyes stayed on her ass when she turned off the television and quickly headed up the stairs to get dressed.


The conversation we had was all I thought about for the rest of the day.

We had a nice family dinner that evening like we always did, and Ashley & I acted completely normal around each other. I wasn't sure if she was hiding the awkwardness between us or if she just carefree about the whole thing. It was always difficult to try and figure out her feelings because she was always happy and easy going about life.

I laid in bed that night wondering if we were ever going to continue our conversation. At the very least, I wondered if she was going to change her summer routine and the clothes she wore.

Tuesday morning and my sister wasn't in the backyard at her usual time despite the hot weather. A part of me felt disappointed, especially since I woke up extra early to see her, but I wasn't upset over it.

I went downstairs and Ashley was there eating breakfast. She was dressed more conservatively this time, which by her standards meant that she was wearing a tshirt and shorts.

"You look like shit," she joked when she saw me.

"Thanks. It takes a lot of effort to look like this. I'm just a little a sleepy, that's all."

"Is it because you were trying to spy on me again?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Of course not. What makes you say that?"

"I heard your footsteps upstairs. You were walked towards the window so you could see me in the backyard again."

"Nice try setting me up," I replied, trying to reverse the situation. "But you have no idea what I was doing upstairs."

"Don't deny it. You're caught red handed. On second thought, I don't think you've had a chance to use your hands yet to..."

"Okay, not another word. Jeez, you're really giving me a hard time about this."

I got my food and sat down next to her.

"I'm just teasing you," she said in a more serious tone. "I think it's great that you're into this whole thing."

"Really? What do you mean?"

A shy look appeared on her face, "I'm talking about exhibitionism, voyeur...and me. I didn't expect you to be fascinated with any of that."

"Yeah, well most guys are fascinated with all three of those things you've mentioned," I replied, trying not to show my embarrassment.

"You're not most guys. You're my little brother and I actually care what you think. So, have you thought about what we discussed yesterday?"

"Kind of. It's not something I could easily forget about my big sister."

"Interesting," she noted. "Have you ever had any urges to do something like that yourself? You know, have you ever wanted to show off your body to complete strangers?"

"I'm pretty sure I would be arrested if I did that," I joked. "Only pretty girls are allowed to do it."

She laughed, "You're probably right. But seriously, it's a real thrill for a lot of people. It's hard to explain to someone who's never felt it, but it's a serious adrenaline rush."

"You sound like you really enjoy this whole thing."

"Sure I do. But it's not like I do it all the time. I don't go around flashing people or putting on a show for perverts. But if I'm minding my own business and I notice that someone is secretly watching me, then I don't mind being a tease. It's like a compulsion. My body is aching to do it."

"I've never heard it put like that before," I replied in awe.

She smiled, "Well you've never talked to an exhibitionist before. There are a lot of people who feel this way and can only express their feelings online. So now you know more about my little secret."

"And I promise never to tell anyone. This all sounds so surreal to hear. I mean, obviously everyone knows about exhibitionism, but there's a dirty stigma to it. Everyone's got their own little kinks in life. This is just something that certain people enjoy doing."

Her eyes lit up, "Exactly! I'm so glad you understand. People have a natural urge to break taboos. The biggest turn-ons people have are when sexual taboos are broken. It's human nature."

"Now everything makes sense," I said jokingly. "All those years of you teasing my friends with your skimpy outfits. No wonder you seemed so excited doing that."

"I always aim to please."

"Apparently so. You have no idea how much they still talk about you. They were bummed when they found out you moved to a different college."

"Women always know when men are lusting after them," she replied smoothly.

"I figured that out a long time ago s*s."

"You've still got a lot to learn if you want to know more about women. Trust me on that."

"I believe you."

She paused and thought for a moment. "What are you doing this afternoon? Got any plans?"


"Let's go to the mall later," she smiled. "I'll probably regret this, but I think we can do something fun together."

We sat in the food court of the local mall eating pizza and drinking soda. Ashley was dressed in a tank top and a short skirt, with flip-flops on her feet.

"So what's the big plan today?" I asked. "I hope you didn't just trick me to go shopping with you."

"What's the matter? You don't like the pizza here?" she said playfully.

"I like pizza everywhere at anytime."

"I'm not wearing any panties," she said with a mischievous look.

I nearly froze in my seat. Even on a day as hot as this, I felt like my muscles turned into ice for a split second and my jaw nearly dropped.

"Very funny. You almost had me fooled. You're k**ding right?"

She shook her head, "Nope. I'm totally serious, and there's a woman who's glancing between my legs."

I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. I resisted all urges to turn around and look at the supposed woman glancing between my sister's legs. What was even harder was resisting the urge for me to take a peek underneath my sister's skirt.

The only thing I could see was that she spread her legs even further, raising her left knee. Whoever was looking must have had a clear view of her vagina, assuming Ashley was actually telling the truth.

"What does she look like?" I asked out of curiosity.

"She looks like a business women in her mid-40's, with brown hair and a nice suit. She kind of looks like mom and she's having lunch with a coworker who's the same age. Her friend doesn't know. But the lady I'm talking about occasionally takes a peak inside my skirt."

"God, that's so hot," I said, almost at a whisper. "Is it safe for me to turn around and look? I've really gotta see this."

"No, don't turn your head. She'll know we're talking about her if she sees you looking."

"Can she hear us?" I whispered again.

"Not in a food court this noisy. We're far enough that she can't hear us talking. But we're close enough that she could probably see the shape of my labia."

I leaned back and gave her a smile. "Good one. You really had me going for a moment s*s. I was fooled until you started getting graphic, now I know this is fake."

She briefly reached down between her legs, and when she brought her fingers back on the table, I saw that two of her fingers were covered in fluids.

"Now do you believe me?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

The proof was right there in her two fingers and I instantly became erect. My older sister was pantyless and flashing some lady who was trying to eat lunch.

"Oh god, you're such a dirty girl Ashley."

She smiled, "I know. Everyone is allowed to be bad sometimes right?"

"But in a shopping mall food court?" I joked.

"Don't act like aren't enjoying this. Women can tell when men are aroused."

"I never said I wasn't enjoying this."

Ashley opened her legs even further. "That makes two of us. If you count the perverted lady who's watching me, then that makes three."

"Was this your plan all along?" I asked. "Did you pick that lady to be your victim?"

"No. I never pick. I just opened my legs and she was the one who decided to look. And whenever someone looks, that's when the adrenaline rush kicks in."

"So what happens next?" I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"There's a clothing store I wanted to visit. Are you done eating?"


"Come on, let's go."

With that said, Ashley closed her legs and stood up. We both grabbed our plates to throw in the trash, and when I turned around, I saw the lady my sister was talking about.

Ashley was right. The woman looked like our mom, middle aged with a prim & proper vibe to her. My sister and I walked past her to the mall, and when we did, I couldn't help notice that Ashley and the lady briefly made eye contact. They smiled at each other.

Like most guys, I stood around awkwardly in a female clothing store as my sister did her shopping. She looked around and then grabbed a few pairs of bikinis from the clothing shelf. Afterwards, I had to stand in front of the women's changing room as she tried on the outfits.

As it turns out, I didn't have to wait for long.

"What do you think?" she said from the changing room.

I looked at her from where I stood, and saw her in a small bikini.

"You look great Ashley. Can we go now?"

She motioned for me to come to her with her finger. "Come here for a second. I want your opinion on some of this other stuff before I pick which one to buy. I'm on a tight budget."

I looked around the store to see that the employees were busy helping other customers.

"That's the woman's dressing room," I replied in a whisper. "If anyone sees me go inside, they'll call security."

"Don't be such a prude. Now get over here."

Before I could object, my body started moving on its own and quickly went inside the changing room with my sister. She immediately closed the door so that we were alone and in private. It was scary, but at least I got to see an up close look at her scantily clad body.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" she asked playfully.

"Easy for you to say. I'm the one who could be getting in real trouble here."

"Oh relax would you? I did something risky earlier, now it's your turn."

"I guess. So what are we doing?"

She smiled, "My heart is still pounding from flashing that lady earlier. Feel it."

Ashley grabbed my hand and placed it over her chest where her heart was. And of course, I got to feel the upper half of her breast as well.

"You're right s*s," I replied. "It feels like you just ran a marathon."

"I know. I told you it was a real adrenaline rush for me. How about you? Is your heart pounding from this also?"

"Better believe it. That was unbelievably hot. I still can't believe you did that to a respectable lady."

"Hey, it's not my fault she wanted to keep looking," Ashley shrugged. "It's not like I forced her."

"So how much longer do we have to stay in this dressing room? I'm starting to get nervous."

"Take a good look at this bikini."

She reached down and grabbed my cock through my shorts after I looked at her body for a few seconds.

"Whoa!...Jeez...what are you doing?"

"It appears that this bikini was enough to give you a semi-erection. That approval is good enough for me. There's no need to waste time looking at other outfits."

Her hand continued squeezing and rubbing my cock.

"I...uhhh....I think...I agree..."

Oh my, you're starting to throb down there," she noted. "Is my little brother in need of relief?"

My heart started pounding. "Well...If you're offering..."

"If you get caught walking around the department store with a raging hard-on, that would be a really big problem for us. So I think it's best if I took care of that for you."

I nodded. "If you insist."

"Of course I do."

My sister dropped to her knees and my heart raced. She yanked the front of my shorts down and my erection was freed. Her fingers felt soft against the skin of my cock when she began to stroke me. Then in a surreal moment, Ashley opened her mouth and took my cock inside of her mouth.

She sucked and slurped on my penis. It felt like a magical jolt was flowing through my body after years of fantasizing about her. Her tongue licked and circled around the swollen head of my cock and it felt amazing.

In the middle of my sister performing oral sex on me, we started hearing footsteps coming inside of the dressing room along with a woman's voice.

'Right this way. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask,' the saleswoman said to a nearby customer, leading her to the next booth.

Ashley looked me in the eyes as she continued sucking me off. She did it more quietly and with less intensity as there was another customer in the other room. We listened to the other customer changing her clothes and my sister winked at me. Not only was she sucking me off, this was also becoming a semi-exhibitionist experience for the both of us.

Her hand quickly & quietly jerked me off and her tongue continued swirling around my head. For the next several minutes, I tried my absolute best to hold in my breathing, and my sister tried her best not to make any lewd sucking or slurping noises. Neither of us wanted to get caught, and that was part of the fun. We could still hear the noises of the woman in other booth changing her clothes.

I moved my lips, saying, "I'm going to cum," without actually making a sound.

A smile grew on her face and she kept on stroking. My cum starting shooting inside of her mouth and I almost had to bite my tongue to keep from moaning out loud. My sister was a real pro at this. Her tongue was sticking out and she caught every single drop. The last thing we needed was for my cum stains to be on her body or on the clothes she was wearing.

After I finished, she stood up and let me watch her swallow my cum with one big gulp.

She put her finger on my lips to signal me to be quiet, then she turned around so that her back was facing me. She quickly undressed, removing the bikini and she changed back to her normal clothes. I almost got hard again seeing her bare back and a quick glimpse of her naked ass.

When it was over, she opened the door and peeked outside. The coast was clear and Ashley signaled for me to follow her lead. But as we left the dressing room, a young female saleswoman caught us and smiled at Ashley.

"Hello," Ashley said to her.

"Hello," the saleswoman replied awkwardly. "Find everything okay?"

"We sure did. He was just helping me decide which bikini to buy."

"Oh, is he your boyfriend?"

"He's my brother," Ashley said with a proud smile.

The saleswoman blushed and it looked like she was at a complete loss for words.

"That was fucking unbelievable," she laughed while I drove us home. "I've never experienced anything like that before in my life. Wow! I can't believe it."

"You're telling me. Holy shit. I almost ran out of there after you told her that I was your brother."

She was watching me drive and I could tell she was smiling. "You loved it. And I loved being the one to expose you to all this."

"You're so bad. I think I'm going to have to tell mom & dad just how bad you really are. It's the only option I have."

"We're adults now. So we're entitled to do adult things."

Ashley rubbed my leg and unbuckled her seat belt as I drove. Her hand moved to my crotch and she put her head in my lap. After freeing my cock from my shorts, she put it in her mouth and began to suck.

Wednesday morning came and I headed down the stairs for breakfast. The living room and dining area were both unusually quiet. Ashley always made noise whenever she was at home, whether it be with watching tv or talking on the phone. But she was nowhere to be found.

I looked around and saw the sliding door to the backyard was open. She was tanning again. It only took me a split second to decide to head back up the stairs and spy on her through the window.

Ashley was laying topless in the backyard. She was wearing a bikini bottom and she had her thick sun glasses on, but that was it. It was the first time I had ever seen her breasts and they looked beautiful. They were small and perky. Her nipples were bright pink. Even with the sun shining on her body, I could still see the bikini tan lines on her chest. Her body was tanned but her breasts were pale white.

She started rubbing her breasts like she did a few days ago and it was obvious she was teasing her audience. In this case, it was me and our neighbor Mr. Jenkins once again. I noticed him at his balcony gawking at my sister as her breasts were exposed. It looked like he was getting a real eye full and that he hit the jackpot.

Before either of us could satisfy our urges, Ashley got up and used a towel to cover her breasts before heading back inside the house

"Morning Ash..." I said before freezing.

I went downstairs to greet her, as if I hadn't just spied on her in the backyard, and I saw her in the kitchen getting breakfast. Her towel was folded neatly on the counter top. She was pouring orange juice in a cup and she was topless.

"Hey there," she smiled with her perky tits exposed. "You suddenly look wide awake."

"Well yeah, your tits are out," I replied with my eyes still on her chest.

"Quit pretending like you just discovered that. I saw you spying on me from the upstairs window."

"Yeah, but it's a lot different seeing them up close."

She put the juice down and used both hands to caress her small breasts. "You know, you could take a few lessons from our neighbor Mr. Jenkins. Whenever I come home for the summer, he's always on time to see me tan every morning. 8 am sharp, every morning. He's never late and he's always waiting."

Her nipples started to get hard as she pinched them.

"Sounds like you've found someone even creepier than me," I joked.

"Don't you think he deserves a little reward for his dedication?"

"Did you have anything extra in mind?"

Ashley continued playing with her nipples. "I'm incredibly aroused from everything we've done these past few days. Fall semester is starting soon and I won't have anyone to play with. So why don't we put on a show for our horny neighbor? There's a fun benefit for all three of us."

My jaw nearly dropped. "Show? I have no idea what you're talking about, but I have a wonderful feeling that I will."

"Strip. Right now. Get naked for me."


"We don't have all morning. Lately he's been peeking from his window into our kitchen to see me."

"Really? Now that's crossing the line."

"But it got my exhibitionist senses all worked up," she noted. "That blowjob I gave you yesterday is all thanks to him if you really think about it."

I paused for a moment. "It's hard to argue with that logic."

"Then get naked already," she said with her eyebrows raised.

After a deep breath, I realized that there was no point in arguing. Whatever Ashley had planned, I wanted to be a part of it. It was worth it just for another sexual encounter with her. I quickly pulled off my tshirt and threw them to the floor, and then came my shorts and underwear, leaving me naked in front my sister.

"Nice," she said, looking me over.

"I've never felt so objectified in my life," I joked.

"Now you know how women feel sometimes. Well, not me, but in general. Now get over here. I'm pretty sure he's still watching us."

When I walked over to her, she immediately grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me towards her. We kissed, and we kissed hard. It was a lewd and lustful type of a kiss with her tongue swirling around my mouth. Then she ended the kiss.

"So this is your reward for Mr. Jenkins huh?" I asked happily.

"Yep. That is, if you're interested in participating?"

"Of course I am," I smiled. "Now what's next in your dirty little plan?"

A grin appeared on her face. "Well, given that men seem to love sloppy blowjobs so much, I figured I'd suck your cock so that he can watch me be a dirty slut for my brother. Are you up for it?"

"You know I am."

"Good. Now just relax."

She got down on her knees and immediately went to work sucking me off. It wasn't like yesterday where she had to hold back so that we wouldn't get caught. This time it was loud and wet. The suction noises she was making was filling our house with lewd noises. Her mouth was like a vacuum and it was constantly producing saliva.

"Oh god..." I moaned in delight.

"Mmmm....Hmmm..." she moaned back before spitting out my cock. "Don't you love it?"

She put my cock back in her mouth and continued her sucking & slurping. Her head quickly bobbed back and forth like a seasoned pro.

"I love it. You're the best Ashley."

She looked up at me from her knees, and with my cock still in her mouth, she gave me a wink. After a few more minutes of bobbing her head on my cock, she finally stopped and stood back up.

"I've always wanted to have sex in the kitchen," she said as she wiped her mouth with her hand. "You do the honors of picking the spot. Dining table or kitchen counter?"

"Kitchen counter," I grinned. "The dining table is a good option, but it'll probably break from what I plan to do to your body."

She grinned back and pinched my cheek. "You're so smart. Now take off my bottom and put me on the counter to fuck."

Hearing those words were like music to my ears. I was more aroused than I had ever been before. I reached down and yanked her bikini bottom off to get her completely naked. Her crotch had the same bikini tan line as her breasts, where her legs were tanned, but her pubic area was pale white. She was cleanly shaven and I could see her sexy labia.

I lifted up her petite frame and placed her on the kitchen counter where she sat on her ass.

A wave of mixed emotions flowed through me. On one hand, all my hormones and instincts had kicked in and I was ready to fuck the most beautiful naked female I had ever laid on eyes. On the other hand, that person was my own sister. She didn't seem to mind, so neither did I.

Our arms held each other tightly and I used one hand to guide my cock inside of her. Her pussy was soaking wet and ready to be fucked. My cock slid right in and we began having sex for our old perverted neighbor to watch. It was the ultimate exhibitionist act for any person to commit. Ashley's eyes were filled with lust and she was breaking all of the taboos with just one act. She had always been a good person, but she was now overcome with lust and desires.

I fucked her tight pussy as hard as I possibly could, and as hard as our bodies would allow. The hot weather made things even dirtier. Sweat starting forming on our bodies. I could feel her skin sweating against mine, and she could feel the same from me. Beads of sweat starting forming on her face, as did mine. We were each giving in to our carnal lust.

"Oh shit..." she moaned with her eyes nearly rolling back. "This is fucking unbelievable."

Her face started twisting and turning. Her arms clenched me tight, and so did her vaginal muscles. The taboos and sexual desires were too much for both of us and she was on the brink of a powerful orgasm. So was I.

She screamed out loud and she clenched her eyes shut. Her arms and legs squeezed my body. Her vagina and thighs spasmed, and her back violently arched. She squirted on my cock and it was all over the kitchen counter and it spilled to the floor.

I grunted out loud and shot several loads of my cum deep inside of her womb. It was easily the most powerful orgasm of my life, and I assumed it was the same for her.

"Holy shit," I gasped, breathing heavily. "Is this really happening?"

She licked her lips, "That was too good to be a dream."

Ashley turned her head and looked through the window.

"Is he watching?" I asked.

"From the looks of things, he might think he's dreaming. Mr. Jenkins just saw two siblings fuck each others brains out. And we got to experience it first hand."

We let go of each other and she got back to her feet.

"What a crazy experience. I don't know where we go from here. I mean, you're my sister. I'm your brother."

"That's what makes this whole thing so hot. It'll be our secret. You, me, and our voyeuristic neighbor."

"So what next?" I asked.

Ashley dropped to her knees and held my orgasm covered cock in her hand, just inches from her face.

She smiled, "Next we clean up this filthy mess. I'll start with your cock."

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Bikini Beach Whats Good for the Gander

Bikini Beach: What's Good for the Gander... By Jezzi (c) 2000 As he neared the ticket booth, Carl Desmond's mind was filled with evil glee as he thought of what he had done to that little bimbo office girl temp. She had been eighteen, fresh out of high school with a virginal beauty oh so rare these days. Carl had played nice boss, drawing her out over several lunches, finding that she was a genuinely nice girl, a virgin saving herself for marriage to her college sweetheart. Carl...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach The Doctor

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach Guideline and Concordance

Bikini Beach -- Story Guide As one of the reviewers of stories for Elrod, I've been asked about guidelines and such. Elrod had a bunch of material on his web site, but he took that all down. I had printed some of that out. I also reread all of his stories. I'm treating the material I printed, his stories, plus those stories of mine that he had reviewed for me, as "canon." Here it all is. If you have a story you'd like me to review, in keeping with the wishes of Elrod some...

2 years ago
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Bikini Snow Skiing

Bikini Snow Skiing When I was in college I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would get such a prestigious job at a year round resort with skiing in the winter, golf in the summer, and all of the other things that were going on. They had condos, hotels, tennis courts, and an Olympic size swimming pool. There was something going on all of the time. It is amazing what doors open up for you when you graduate at the top of your class from Cornell University with a Master’s Degree...

3 years ago
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Bikini Boy

Story: Bikini Boy Author: Jakladd contact info [email protected] Bikini Boy I was the boy my father had hoped for after 3 daughters before me. Life in our suburban middle class two-story house was as normal as anyone else's. My dad was a loving father bringing me up and doing the things a father likes to do with his son - baseball, fishing, camping, working the garage. Then came the divorce. The fights, the yelling and screaming about the "other woman" resounded through the house...

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Bikini Beach A Boys Visit

Bikini Beach: A Boy's Visit By Daphne Xu Bikini Beach and its principal characters are copyright 1998 by Elrod W. ********************** The lines at all the checkout stands were long. That was to be expected on SuperSale Day, Black Friday, the Day after Thanksgiving, and I kept fidgeting impatiently. Ahead in line was an old woman and a pretty lady who looked like she might have been a college student, or in her lower twenties. I didn't realize...

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Bikini Beach Addiction

This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. This tale may be archived on Fictionmania; all others, ask. Bikini Beach: Addiction By Elrod W Calvin Lawson should have been overcome by lust as he and Fred walked toward the gate of Bikini Beach. All around him, luscious babes, most wearing next-to-nothing, streamed toward the gates. It should have been a man's paradise - a water park surrounded by hordes of beautiful shapely women. But there was something nagging in the...

4 years ago
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bikini boy an excellent story

Bikini Boyboy in panties – bisexual threesomes - bisexual lust – sisters' panties – boy on boy sexfest – crossdressing pleasure – luscious girl on girl sex – secret lingerie stashI was the boy my father had hoped for after 3 daughters before me. Life in our suburban middle class two-story house was as normal as anyone else's. My dad was a loving father bringing me up and doing the things a father likes to do with his son – baseball, fishing, camping, working the garage. Then came the divorce....

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach

******************************************************* This one came like all the others - in that strange world between dream and fantasy. What would happen if two macho guys went to a private beach where the price of admission was a change? I've got at least four story ideas in this same setting to follow - someday. In the meantime, if anyone else finds this stirs a story idea, I'll post the rules to the list. ******************************************************* Bikini...

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Bikini Boy

boy in panties – bisexual threesomes - bisexual lust – sisters' panties – boy on boy sexfest – crossdressing pleasure – luscious girl on girl sex – secret lingerie stashI was the boy my father had hoped for after 3 daughters before me. Life in our suburban middle class two-story house was as normal as anyone else's. My dad was a loving father bringing me up and doing the things a father likes to do with his son – baseball, fishing, camping, working the garage. Then came the divorce. The fights,...

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Bikini Girls Suckfest

“God fucking damn this is a hairy peanut butter jelly and ass hair sandwich!” said Lindi, a blond in a pink micro mini string bikini that was not for the meek. “Oh I got my old boyfriend Tony to let me use his ass hair.” Said Zelda. Zelda was a thin brunette in an orange Lycra Brazilian style mini bikini that offered scant coverage. “He’s Italian and very hairy. I just spread a portion of newspaper on the floor and had Tony stand on it while I dry shaved off his ass hair. You have to do...

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Bikini Beach A Private Matter

Bikini Beach: A Private Matter By Bashful Anya called her grandmother and told her the bad news. "We've had another incident, someone sprayed 'Silly String' inside a locker and ruined a girls leather coat." "Damn it! Of course, no one saw anything, right?" the old woman said. "Nothing. I told the girl we would replace the jacket but she said she wasn't coming back. I'm sorry grandmother, I don't know what else we can do." Anya was near tears. There had been many incidents...

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Bikini Beach A Punks Story

Bikini Beach: A Punk's Story By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 By the time we came back after the Memorial Day break, the school year's just about over. Sure, there were a couple weeks left -- and the exams, but who worries about them? Me, I was thinking about the summer, three months to have fun and raise hell. It looked like the fun was starting early. It was just a couple of days after we got back. I was walking around, looking for Bill Gerhart. Bill was just a guy I knew, but...

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Bikini Beach Twilight Zone Edition Chapter one

Bikini Beach - Twilight Zone Edition Chapter 1 There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone. Rod Serling Somewhere out in...

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Bikini Beach Swim Date

Bikini Beach: Swim Date By Ellie Dauber (c) 2000 "Hey, look," Mack Reilly said, "here comes that stuck-up Amy Bowlan." He pointed at a pretty blonde, about 17, who had just come into the school cafeteria. Paul Kauffman put down his Coke, and looked in the direction his friend was pointing. "Aw, I don't think she's stuck-up, man." "Then why won't she go out with anybody? She's either stuck-up or - hell, maybe she's a lesbie. You think?" "Nah. She's new here, just moved in the...

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Bikini Beach Nerds Fund Raiser

This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. It may be freely posted at Fictionmania. Any other site, free or otherwise, must ask permission. *** This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee,...

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Bikini Beach Friends with Benefits

Bikini Beach: Friends with Benefits By: Light Clark Synopsis: Andy seems like the kind of guy that has it all, rich parents, good looks, and smarts. However, in spite of all that, he leads a double life while hoping to find a special friend who might be willing to share in it. A heavy sigh slid out of my lips as I plunked down at one of the round, common area tables with my lunch tray in hand. It wasn't because of the low-quality, lukewarm meal. I wasn't picky. Nor was it...

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Bikini Beach The BrotherinLaw

This started as a quickie piece. It didn't finish up that way. There is, by the way, no relationship between this story and my recent (and forthcoming) Altered Fates stories. * * * * * Bikini Beach: Brother-In-Law By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 Lynette Dorsey was working at the sink when Carter Dorsey came into the kitchen. He stood by the door for a minute, watching the way her slender body moved and how the early evening light made her dark blonde hair seem to glow. He held...

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Bikini Wax

‘You’ll know summer is nearly here,’ my colleague Jeff told me, ‘when the amusement parks open and Bikini Wax is finally open for business.’ Having moved to the area in late January, I was quite surprised by this Bikini Wax place. ‘Bikini Wax?’ I prompted. ‘Yeah. Nice place for eye candy.’ He sipped his coffee with the same demeanor as if he had just told me it was raining outside. ‘I see… So it’s not a place where women go to get their hair removed.’ ‘Not at all, although I’d guess...

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Bikini Beach Wandering Eyes

Bikini Beach: Wandering Eyes By Elrodw An active volcano would not have fumed so much as Brenda. It always got to her. At first, she'd considered that she was just being jealous, that her husband's roving eye bothered her because she felt threatened by other women. But now, after several months, she was certain that it wasn't because he was jealous - it was because Dennis' ogling really bothered her. She slapped him lightly. "Stop that," she hissed. Dennis turned his gaze back...

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Bikini Beach Hey Hey Paula

Bikini Beach: Hey, Hey, Paula ElrodW A friend of Melinda's has some serious difficulties with women, mostly because he gets all tongue-tied and clumsy when he's around a girl he's attracted to. Jenny and Melinda think that a trip to Bikini Beach might help him find a different approach. ********** Bikini Beach: Hey, Hey, Paula This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivs...

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Bikini Beach Dear Jenny

Bikini Beach - Dear Jenny ElrodW Melinda and Jenny have a fling during Melinda's temporary job as a lifeguard. Jenny finds herself falling for Melinda. But Melinda's time is up, and Mitch has to go back to his life. What is Jenny going to do? Author's note: This story takes place after The Sub, but before Cousin Trouble. It is strongly suggested that you read Bikini Beach: The Sub first. This story and the Bikini Beach characters and universe are copyrighted by the author,...

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Bikini Beach Same Old Story

Bikini Beach is the creation of Elrod W, who has kindly let me visit and helped with editing this tale. May the Maker smile upon him! Bikini Beach: Same Old Story By Anne-Mal Hello. My name is Tina, or at least that is what I like to call myself. You see I was born male, but always wished to be treated as if I was female. So while my real name is male, please just think of me as Tina! One of my passions is dressing up as a woman. I have thought about undergoing the various...

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Bikini Bottom Not a Spongebob Story

(Not a Spongebob Story!) “Dammit, dammit, dammit!” I muttered as I hid behind the changing cottage on the beach. I tugged at the minuscule bottom of my new yellow bikini. It fit comfortably at home. Now, I was in serious trouble! “Get back in there!” I hissed, but seemingly, part of me was thinking with it’s own head and wanted a bit of fresh air! “What the hell was I thinking when I bought this bikini!” I muttered as I tugged at the blazing yellow fabric. I’m a grower, not a show-er. When...

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Bikini Beach The Regatta

Bikini Beach: The Regatta Synopsis: A few friends are looking for sponsors for their sailboat in the big annual regatta, but no one wants to help out. One of the guys overhears a conversation about 'diversity' in sponsorships, and he gets an idea. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: The Regatta by ElrodW Tim flinched visibly as he heard Mike give the number. "That much for the entry fee?"...

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Bikini Beach The Family Outing

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the express permission of the author. Bikini Beach: The Family Outing By Elrod W "This one doesn't look good, either." Mike Harwin slid his key into the ignition as he slammed the car door. He glanced over the seat. "Sorry kids, but this doesn't look like a very nice beach." There was an immediate cry of protest from little Jimmy and his older sister Nichole, seated in the back of the sedan....

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Bikini Beach The Nerds Holiday Queen

This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters: Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and Robert's best friend and roommate. Robert and Brandon grew up together. Brandon is a computer genius, but is very awkward around girls. Robert - Not quite...

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Bikini Beach Junior Prank

Bikini Beach: The Junior Prank By Heather St. Claire Because the magic of the Bikini Beach water park is designed to affect men, some people might mistakenly assume that men are the only ones who can be taught lessons there. That's far from the truth. Let's look back at a story from Bikini Beach's past, when Anya was younger, and not long after Grandmother first allowed her solo duty in the ticket booth. It was early March, and a beautiful weekday. The clouds had parted...

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Bikini Fanatics

This next site is for the Bikini Fanatics in the audience, which I’m sure you already know if you’ve heard of the joint. I actually think they might be selling themselves a little bit short with the branding, because there’s more to enjoy here than just the beautiful women showing off their bikinis. They may well be “The World’s Biggest Bikini Community,” as they’re claiming, but the site ain’t quite as softcore as that description makes it sound. Spoiler alert: there are also a ton of full-on...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Bikini Beach Denial

Bikini Beach: Denial By: Light Clark Synopsis: Logan Holt considered himself not just God's gift to women, but God's gift to the world until a trip to Bikini Beach gives him unwanted insight into who he really is. Will he be able to learn from the experience or will he sink into the depths of denial? "Jeez, look at all the babes!" Jayce Miller shouted as he caught glimpse of the line to get into the water park. "They don't call this place Bikini Beach for nothing. Hot...

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Bikini Girl And The Fire Fighters

The perfect time and place for me to indulge in one of my favorite life-long pastimes, cross-dressing. I’ve been a crossdresser pretty much my entire life, but it had always been a solo thing, something I’ve done alone by myself and no one else in the world knew about. Having the time and the freedom to do it up right now, I took my time and enjoyed myself to the fullest. After a long, warm bubble bath using all of my mother’s bath oils and lotions I borrowed her razor and proceeded to...

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Bikini Beach Priorities

Bikini Beach: Priorities By Bashful "Johnny, would you come here a minute, I need to speak to you?" The voice belonged to John's grandmother who he had lived with since he was twelve years old. He was now twenty-three. "Damn it Grandma, I've asked you not to call me Johnny any more. My name is John," he said gruffly as he entered the living room. His grandmother was sitting in her rocker and she looked very old and weary. "Johnn...John, I got a call from Carole Thornton...

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Bikini Beach Summer Fun

Bikini Beach: Summer Fun By Paul G. Jutras Charlie, Barry and Larry were on their summer vacation in Florida, listening to music on the radio. The group passed many billboard signs for water parks, amusements and resort areas. The group couldn't figure out which one to go to. Then a sign got their attention. BIKINI BEACH NEXT EXIT. "That's for me." Charlie said as he turned off the road and followed the road signs down to a parking lot. There were many cars in the parking lot,...

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Bikini Beach Saving A Life

Bikini Beach: Saving A Life Copyrighted 2000 By Radioactive Loner and JDG I was not a happy man. The heat was baking me. Well, not just me, but pretty much all the residents of the fair city where I lived, except those with air conditioners. I was unfortunately not among that number, and so I lay prostrate across my bed, sweat popping out of every pore in my body, feeling as if I was being baked in a slow heat, heat resounding both into and out of my body in a languid...

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Bikini Beach Desperate Times

Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Synopsis: Fred's life is coming apart, and in his desperation, he is gambling on a very extreme strategy. After a meeting with Anya at the park, however, he discovers a new, less final way to save what's important to him. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Most of you know me. You've seen me countless...

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Bikini Beach An Affair to Remember

Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember ElrodW A man who's having an affair would love to leave his wife for his best friend and love. The problem is that the wife has the power to ruin him if he tries. He needs help - magic help of the kind that Bikini Beach specializes in. But the results aren't quite what he was thinking. *********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember This story is copyright by the author. It is...

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Bikini Beach The Band

Bikini Beach - The Band ElrodW A high school garage band isn't doing very well at getting opportunities to perform. Some of the band members think they'd go further if they could replace the female lead vocalist who moved away. The problem is where to find such a singer. Then one of them decides to see if he can find a girl to recruit at Bikini Beach... ********** Bikini Beach: The Band This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative...

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Bikini Beach Self Sacrifice

1. The Penitent "You don't want to do that." The gunman's head jerked round, eyes flashing dangerously; had Brian misjudged things? Had he allowed his bravado to take him just a step too far? Would today be the day he drew his last breath? The boy could not have been more than nineteen; perhaps this had been a mistake; perhaps he was one of those in-between teenagers, where a mature view of the world had not quite caught up on the panic of being cast into it as an adult. He took...

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Bikini Beach Fixation

Bikini Beach: Fixation By: Light Clark Synopsis: Gavin was very fixated on a single attribute to the exclusion of all else, until a helpful stranger at the club suggests that he give Bikini Beach a try. "How about her, Gavin?" Craig suggested, pointing toward a perky looking blonde. The girl was quite cute, flaunting a charming innocence in her white sun dress as she danced to the music of the club. "She's cute." Rolling my eyes, I shook my head at my friend's suggestion. ...

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Bikini Beach Spring Break

Bikini Beach: Spring Break By Elrod W Stan and Chuck were still wiping their hands as they emerged from the restroom. They moved slowly; from the fatigued look in their eyes, one would correctly guess that they'd been awake for a very long time. Jack stood up behind the windshield, peering at the two. "Come on, guys! Time's a-wastin'." He slid back behind the steering wheel of his Camaro convertible, a sleek midnight blue car suited for a young man. Right now, however, it looked...

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Bikini Ready Mother

I would like to say hello, I am Mrs Johnson, age 42, married with two sons age 13 and 15.We have a fairly good life here in the UK, A detached house with a nice big garden.We go on holiday once a year, sometimes two, mostly in Europe, our favourite, well my favourite being the south of France.I love nothing more than relaxing in the sun and that is what this story is all about.2 years ago we went to France, but my body was not prepared for the hot weather, soon after arriving all I wanted to do...

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Bikini Beach The Gift Certificate

Bikini Beach: The Gift Certificate Elrod W Something strange was going on, Rick knew. That new water park, Bikini Beach, was a tremendous success; everyone was talking about how great it was. Yet something - some little quirk - tugged at the back of Rick's mind. The park was advertised as a haven for young ladies. So why weren't there hordes of guys going there - to pick up the babes? Perhaps other guys weren't paying attention to the little details, but Rick was. And that was...

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Bikini Beach The Purse Snatcher

Author's Note: This story got written while I was also working on the story, "Teaching Sally". I never meant it to be so long, but after I set up the initial situation, which involves a thirty-day pass, I had to do something to fill that time. I decided to try developing multiple story lines, sub-plots. So, this is an experiment. Let me know what you think. Negative constructive criticism ("I don't think you did X very well") is welcome. Suggestions on how to improve ("I...

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Bikini Beach Julies Dilemma

Bikini Beach: Julie's Dilemma This is the prize for my first story-writing contest, for Julie (who wrote the winning entry). Julie provided the idea, and I filled in the details. So she gets most of the credit for this one. Now whether this story bears any resemblance to reality is a question to ask Julie, not me. [email protected] ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Julie's Dilemma By Elrodw Julie eased herself...

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Bikini Beach Black Widow

Bikini Beach: Black Widow Synopsis: Guys are turning up dead, and the cops have no leads. Who is this very mysterious serial killer, and are BB's customers on the list? [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: Black Widow The club was busy, but not as busy as it normally was on a Friday night in the early summer. Guys sat in groups, watching the girls, as was the usual order of business. It was...

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Bikini Beach Initiation Rites

*********************************************************** This is the second in my Bikini Beach series. The good news is there are at least 5 more such stories in my head. The really good news is that I'm writing easily again :) Enjoy. And please comment... ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Initiation Rites by Elrod W Allen sighed as he drove slowly away from the beach. No luck - in fact, he'd almost had his face smashed by a few...

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Bikini Beach Teaching Sally

Bikini Beach - Teaching Sally By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Author's Note: When I wrote "Swim Date", I got several comments about how rotten I was to Sally, the young transformee that Paula met briefly on Sunday. It wasn't right, the comments said, for the Old Woman to take her memories away. Here's the whole story of Sally's transformation. Judge again, now that you have all the facts. * * * * * * * * * * * * "There's some cops out here to see you, Mitch,...

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Bikini Beach The New Neighbor

Copyright by author of story. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. Bikini Beach: The New Neighbor Elrod W Everything about Ronald Harris screamed of power - his clothes, his facial expression, his speech mannerisms, and his choices of words. And Ron Harris enjoyed his power. Particularly like now, when another of his plans was coming together. Even surrounded by construction workers and vehicles and equipment and noise,...

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Bikini Beach A New Experience

Bikini Beach: A New Experience By Roy Del Frink It was another boring old day at the water park. Anya sighed. Nothing unusual, or even notable, about today's customers. Sure, seventeen men had come along with nearly two hundred women, but they'd just gotten one-day passes. Not a single customer purchased a pass lasting longer than a week, and all buyers were female. And the lifeguard and security may as well have stayed home today; their presence had proved unnecessary. Even her lunch...

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Bikini Beach If I Should Die Before I Wake

Bikini Beach: If I Should Die Before I Wake by Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2000 (This story can be posted at Fictionmania or any free site. If you're not 18, or are offended by transgendered themes, don't read it!) (This story begins immediately following the events in Caleb Jones' story, "Gidget Surfs Up at Bikini Beach", and involves Gidget's dad and Gidget, from the TV series, as well as mentioning the character, Biff, from Caleb Jones' story.) July 2, 1968, 5:15pm Gidget...

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Bikini Beach A Day At The Beach

Bikini Beach: A Day At The Beach By Paul Jutras Pat and his friends Louis, Paul and Steve arrived at Bikini Beach and were given a change receipt before they entered the beach shower area. Before they were allowed in they were forced to answer questions on their favorite color and what they thought the perfect woman would look like. "Enjoy your stay at Bikini Beach." Josie laughed as she watched the shower doors close. She knew first hand what it meant to enter those...

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Bikini Beach The Activist

Bikini Beach: The Activist By Elrod W It was a quiet afternoon. So far, business had been quite good, but this late in the afternoon, it always slowed down. Still, a few people liked to slip in a little late swim and waterplay, so the ticket booth had to stay open. To divert herself from the obvious boredom, Anya wore headphones over her long dark hair; her choice of music didn't quite agree with her grandmother's, so the headphones were a compromise. She was really enjoying the...

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Bikini Beach Another Mans Shower Part 1

I wrote this story a long time ago and held off trying to post it. If I can find where I put my old notebooks I think I have at least one more chapter of it hand-written somewhere. Anyway, the idea was somewhat inspired by Ellie Dauber's story, Bikini Beach: The Novitiates. I wanted to explore what might happen if someone was changed into someone else's female alter ego at Bikini Beach and what might happen both to them and the rest of the world as a result. I want to thank Elrod W...

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Bikini Beach Cheer Squad

Bikini Beach: Cheer Squad A young man enjoys being on the cheer squad, but it causes him a lot of social problems. A friend suggests that maybe, if he wants to continue as a cheerleader, Bikini Beach could help out. ********** Bikini Beach: Cheer Squad This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Will Harding closed his eyes and took a deep breath, visibly...

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Bikini Beach The Nerds Revenge

Bikini Beach: The Nerds - Revenge By Elrod W Brandon and Robert had been the best of friends since they were four. They'd grown up across the street from each other. They went to the same schools, and they shared most of the same interests. The one problem, to the consternation of their mothers and the disappointment of their fathers, was that neither boy took any sort of interest in sports. Neither boy was built for sports; they were under six feet in height, and rather slight...

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Bikini Mix Up

Buying any holiday bikini is always a difficult and confusing choice. After visiting nearly every store in town, my partner and her two lovely daughters, aged sixteen and eighteen, ended up buying one from every outlet. Consequently, they ended up with half a dozen pairs each. They packed them with all their beach essentials into one suitcase for convenience.When they came to unpack at the holiday apartment, it was like a free for all trying to work out whose was whose. They were all about UK...

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Bikini High

Bikini High When our father was transferred to the Hawaiian Islands we were really excited but when we found out that we were going to be on the eighth island of Niihau we were not all that happy. Before we moved Dad’s company sent us all a seminar put on by a college professor, complete with a slide show. The problem was that he knew a lot about the two bigger islands of Hawaii and Maui, some about Oahu and Kauai, and a whole lot less about the rest of them. We learned that the...

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Bikini Beach Mommys Girl

Bikini Beach: Mommy's Girl By Ellie Dauber (c) 2001 "Alex, what are you doing downstairs?" Jill Nash stood in the living room doorway glaring at her sixteen-year old son. Alex jumped, pulling his long legs off the top of the coffee table. "I'm just watching SportsBeat, Mom. They're doing a feature on East Side's baseball team. Mr. Graham said we should watch it for English class." Alex's high school team was the likely city champion for the third year in a row, and the whole school...

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