- 2 years ago
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The Big Take
Nancy wasn’t in school again next day. I didn’t expect her. I kind of mooched and I guess I was giving out vibes because mostly no-one came near me. Then at lunchtime I was in the paper office by myself just, like, sitting, and Mandy came in. She said Nancy had said to tell me she didn’t want to see me again and I sort of said no like I kind of expected that and she gave me this like screwed up paper bag thing said Nancy’d said to give it to me and I opened it and it was the little silk vest and I just spread it on the desk and looked at it and it felt so totally desolate.
After a bit I folded it up carefully and hunted out a bit of tissue paper that had come wrapped around some photos or something and a little box and I wrapped it in the tissue and put it in the box and I gave it back to Mandy.
‘Look, could you maybe like keep it for her until she’s not so angry any more?’
‘Is that all?’
I sort of said like it’s maybe for the best. I said about how I’d really just made trouble for Nancy in her family and also how my mom was having trouble at work and I wasn’t sure whether she could handle it and now would Mandy please like go ’cause I was going to cry and I didn’t want her to see… She just came up and like cuddled me and because I was sitting down I just came up to her shoulder and I buried my head in it and sobbed for like a long time.
When I was all cried out she said like ‘do you want her back?’ – meaning Nancy – and I just said ‘yes.’ She said ‘ok’ and went over to the door and then turned back and said ‘by the way I think you’re brilliant’ and walked out.
Tuesday Nancy wasn’t in school in the morning either. Then at lunchtime I was outside sitting on a wall by myself just watching the people like I do and there was this like brown haired girl I didn’t recognise at all in this really like grungy old sweatshirt and smart jeans walking in through the gates and like there was absolutely nothing patrician or designer or in about her at all and I was wondering what it would be like to be a girl at our school who couldn’t afford to have the right clothes with the right labels and then suddenly I realised it was my sweatshirt and it was Nancy and I felt like the day change from grey to golden and I got up and went over and she saw me and I knew things were OK or even better.
After school she took me down the mall and bought me two nice sweatshirts and said they weren’t presents and I wasn’t to think they were presents they were just an exchange and I had to give her the one I was wearing as well as the one she’d already got on and I said why? and she said she’d swap me my jeans as well if she could but her hips wouldn’t fit. I said bet they would but it would be tight and she got a new pair of good ones my size off the shelf and went into the changing room and they did sort-of fit. She went and paid for them and then she pulled me into the changing room and made me swap everything I was wearing with her but my underpants and sneakers (she didn’t have anything on under the sweatshirt which kind of held us up a moment) and I was still saying why? She had to buy a belt ’cause the jeans which were like skin fitting over her butt and crotch were buckets loose at the waist and the guys in the shop are like thinking we’re crazy. We walked out the shop with me wearing these flash new clothes which felt weird and her wearing my old grungy stuff and she gave me the shop bag with the designer jeans she had been wearing in and said could I drop them in at Mandy’s and I said why? and she said ’cause she was going home to see her Dad and she wasn’t wearing anything else ’till he’d welcomed me into her place.
I did go to Mandy’s after work. Mandy looked strained and upset and I went to hug her but she wouldn’t let me and wouldn’t tell me what it was about. Her mom said nice things to me though, like I guess she approved of the OK about this breast thing speech.
Nancy came in the next morning in my grungies. She didn’t wear anything else that week. She couldn’t get away in the evenings either, but she looked happier each passing day. The timetable had completely gone to pot by now and we were supposed to be just revising but we did some of our revising on human biology with special reference to reproduction, which neither of us were officially studying… we felt we had some lost time to make up and some bonds to re-establish. At one point when we were struggling sweatily in the props room with overtight jeans I said something about wishing I had been wearing a skirt and she laughed and after school we went down the mall and got her a little wrap-around ra-ra type thing her dad really wouldn’t approve of. Sure enough the next day (Friday) she was wearing it and I asked what the reaction had been at the breakfast table and she said that it had been a little robust but not half as robust as it would have been if her dad had known what she was wearing under it so of course I had to have a feel up but I couldn’t find anything at all for him to get excited about.
So you’ll get the feeling that this was a good week for me and mostly it was. Except Mandy was sort of drifting around the school looking upset and not hanging out with us and like not talking much when we went over to try and be friendly, but quite often I’d catch her watching us (or just me when Nancy was doing something else) and she looked just so hurt.
Friday evening after I got in from work I had two unexpected phone calls. The first was from my dad. He wanted to know what I would like for a present. There were two weird things about that. First is my dad knows from way back that the only present I’ll take from him is a contribution to the cost of mom’s anti-psychotics, and if he won’t give us that I won’t take anything, and second it was almost June and nowhere near Christmas or my birthday or anything. Second was from Nancy. She said would it be OK if she come over and stayed the weekend, like, not pretending to be at Mandy’s but officially with me, and as mom had (for once) got the evening off I just handed the phone over and there was what sounded like a friendly conversation and the answer was yes.
So I was like keeping an eye out for her bike when this big dark coloured sports utility pulls up and Nancy’s dad gets out and helps her out and waves goodbye and drives off and she’s still wearing the same skirt and when she gets in and shuts the door it doesn’t take long to ascertain that she’s got the same nothing on under it and a couple of minutes later we’re on my bed and we’re actually fucking and carrying on this conversation at the same time and she’s saying no, he’s not cool about it and she’s still wearing the sweatshirt (which also had nothing under it) but she’s made him accept that she’s going to do it anyway so he may as well know where she is as not, and I said good for her but I was glad my mom hadn’t seen him and she said what are anti-psychotics and a light bulb kind of went on in my head and then she said no don’t answer just now I need to concentrate and then she did her blazing golden thing and that pushed me over the edge too and we’re collapsed in this sweaty sticky giggly heap and I’m explaining about the anti-psychotics and how we couldn’t really afford them and how sometimes there wasn’t really money to pay for food and she like says oh and mom bangs on the wall and says if we’re finished would we like some coffee and we sort of giggle and straighten our clothes and Nancy nips to the bathroom and then we go and sit down and try to behave like adults.
‘OK, so what can I give you as a present?’
‘Seriously, you can help me find out what’s upsetting Mandy and get it sorted.’
‘OK, that’s hard. Listen, I know what’s wrong with Mandy.’
‘OK, look, she’s really angry with me for the way I treated you…’
‘Hey, but that’s all past…’
‘Wait, you haven’t heard the bad bit…’
‘She’s really badly in love with you and just so jealous.’
‘But she got us back together…’
‘Yeah, because she loves us… Hey, like the present thing was so big for her, I’ve never seen her so angry.’
‘What is the present thing?’
‘You gave me that vest, and I never gave you anything. She was like incandescent when she found I’d made her take it back to you, she was so angry and so hurt and… she kept going on about the widow’s mite.’
‘Like,’ I said, ‘because I’m dirt poor and you’re rich?’
‘Well, it’s true, isn’t it? Anyway, it gets worse.’
‘OK, tell me?’
‘You’re going to feel so betrayed and so angry…’
‘Go on…’
She looked down.
‘OK, look, when she was going on about how poor you were and how much that vest cost I said you’d probably shoplifted it…’
She was right, it did feel like a punch in the guts.
‘Look, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’d lost my temper, I knew it wasn’t true when I said it.’
‘It’s OK,’ I said. ‘It’s happened. It’s over. You’re forgiven.’
‘That’s just it. I’m not, and I don’t know how I can get to be. I don’t know if she’ll ever forgive me. Hey, look, this present thing. I do want to give you a present for us, but also I do need her to see I’ve given you a present.’
And then suddenly I had an inspiration. ‘OK, get me some scaffolding poles and some rope.’
We took a compass and an old skateboard of mine and went round and found a scaffolding place where we found we could rent the bits we needed, which seemed more sensible because we only needed them for a couple of days. We got to ride up in the delivery truck to where we wanted them dumped up on the back of prospect hill. Then we carried the poles one at a time up to the pine tree I’d marked out, and assembled the whirligizmo I’d dreamed up.
When Mrs Price and the others came up she was like not at all convinced that this was safe and we had to spend a long time testing it before she would let us get underneath it for a trial take, but when Mandy heard that the scaffold poles were a present from Nancy she kind of got tearful and emotional and everybody hugged and things in that direction started to get better from that point.
We had a bit of a discussion about when to shoot the take. I’d got it set up so that the set was oriented for the real dawn, which was at 4 21 am the next morning, and the weather forecast was good. Mrs Price (very sensibly) pointed out that we’d get just one take and the timing would be like critical, so she persuaded us to do a whole bunch of ‘day for night’ takes, which we didn’t object to. If nothing else, they helped sort out the timing, and familiarise everyone with all the things that had to be done. Then, rather than all going home and trying to wake up predawn to trek back up the hill, we went back and collected blankets and sleeping bags and made a camp fire and actually it was a really nice evening all sitting around the fire and cooking burgers and stuff and just hanging out. After sunset we shot the walk-up scene which was supposed to be in the dark anyway. And then we all bedded down together in the nest of blankets.
Someone was shaking my shoulder. ‘Wake up, you guys, it’s four o’clock.’ It was Lill. I wasn’t actually asleep. I’d been lying awake, thinking about timing, thinking about how critical it would be, thinking about how to get it right. The noise of the bird song was amazing – I hadn’t really thought about that, but now I thought it would make it better. I pulled myself out of the snug warm blankets, away from the gentle warmth of Nancy’s satin skin, and, because I wasn’t supposed to have any clothes marks on my skin, pulled on one of the witches robes. It was scratchy and not very warm. I looked down at Nancy, still asleep, curled protectively round Mandy. I kissed them both awake. Mandy clung to me for a moment, and then let go suddenly. They got up groggily, Mandy into sweater and jeans, Nancy into her costume. Lill and Sharon had been up, preparing, for a while, checking all the fishing line laid out across the forest floor so it wouldn’t snag.
Lill and I pushed the whirligizmo arm round to its starting position, hitched it to a tree, and positioned the skateboard that would track along it. I walked back into the middle. Nancy was already lying down, and Sharon was hooking the fishing lines onto her costume. The light in the sky was getting brighter. Sharon looked at her watch. ‘I make it ten minutes to go. Everyone ready?’
Everyone said yes. Nancy was shivering. I was worried about goose-flesh in the shot. ‘Are you cold?’ ‘Mostly nerves…’ ‘OK,’ said Sharon, ‘it doesn’t matter if Kyle doesn’t come, but it would be really good if Nancy does. So what I’m going to do is go down on Nancy and keep her fluffed up right to the edge of orgasm until we’re ready to roll…’
Mandy and I butted in at the same time. ‘Nancy comes easier if she’s already come,’ I said. ‘If you can push her over the edge, do it. It’ll make it easier in the take… don’t you agree, Nancy?’ Nancy, still shivering, nodded. She looked a bit scared. Mandy said ‘May I do the fluffing? Please?’ Sharon looked at her hard. ‘Are you sure you know which strings to pull, in which order?’ Mandy nodded. Sharon gently pushed her down between Nancy’s legs. Mandy grinned. ‘OK, niece, let’s make with the incest…’
The sky was getting brighter very quickly now. I was dry throated, nervous about time, thinking about all the things that could go wrong. Sharon was away out at the far end of the boom, talking to Lill, who was already sitting in the sling. I couldn’t hear what they were saying over the noise of the birds. I looked down. Nancy was looking up at me, her throat working. She mouthed a kiss. I blew one back. Her hips were rolling under Mandy’s head, her breath shortening. Her eyes closed, and she shuddered and mewed. ‘Good girl, Mandy,’ I said, quietly. ‘Do it again.’ Mandy’s position didn’t change. Nancy’s eyes opened again, big and drugged looking. Her breasts were flushed, her nipples erect, her hips and belly moving. There was a little wind across the set, just stirring the hem of the chiffon undergown… good. The birds were really loud now, deafening.
Suddenly Sharon was back with us. ‘Three minutes, guys… You OK, Kyle? Need fluffed?’ To my amazement, I did. Sharon knelt down and started to nibble at my flaccid cock, dipping her tongue into the opening in my foreskin, scratching her fingernails across the underside of my balls. Agonizingly slowly my cock unfurled and began to engorge. She opened her mouth and engulfed it, dragging backwards with her teeth, pulling the blood into it. With soft lips she went down it again, easing the foreskin back, swirling her tongue under the rim of the head. ‘OK,’ she said, a bit gaspy. ‘That’ll have to do. Everyone to your stations… Kyle, start fucking her now. Nancy, if you can be coming when Lill comes over you so much the better, but don’t get too stressed… Good luck.’
I gave my gown to Sharon and knelt between Nancy’s legs, putting my hands on the two white stones which marked where they would clear the fishing lines, feeling the warm wet softness of her surround the head of my cock. I dropped my head and gently bit each nipple. ‘OK, Nancy?’ She nodded faintly. ‘Uh huh…’ Already she looked golden and orgasmic. Was it too soon? Could I keep her on that peak for long enough? I ploughed into her tightness, slowly, steadily, easing the walls of her cunt apart, feeling already the little fluttering contractions that might be aftershocks or precursors – or both. I didn’t hear the call of ‘Action’ over the noise of the birds, but I heard the faint creak of the gizmo and saw the first flickering tension in the fishing line. I started to build the fuck slowly, knowing from the previous night’s runs how long it should take. The hem of the outer gown pulled back, first on one side, then the other. Were they doing it fast
Nancy’s cunt clenched on my next thrust, and I could see her struggling to hold back orgasm. ‘Hold on!’ I whispered. ‘Uh huh…’ Her eyes held mine, struggling for focus, for concentration. A little frown line creased between her brows. The edge of the lace gown rose and flipped over on the right, and the wind caught it and flicked it away. Just right, just right… on the left it fell away too, perhaps not quite so naturally. I realised I was getting distracted…
I concentrated on my rhythm, stroking my cock into Nancy up to the balls, feeling the shuddering and clenching inside her build, pulling steadily out as far as I dared and then stroking smoothly in again… the chiffon gown fluttered and was gone. I thrust again, seeing highlights appear in Nancy’s eyes… and the bird song stopped, as if the conductor had lifted his baton. Nancy mewed in the silence, and overhead I heard a faint groan from the gizmo. I pulled out steadily.
At least one more stroke… I drove in, grinding my pubic bone into hers. Nancy’s legs came up and clenched around my waist, her cunt knotting wildly around me as her face smoothed out and went golden. Sunlight poured suddenly across it like maple syrup, and one bird, like a soloist, lead the chorus back up to full strength. And as Lill’s stocking foot gently touched the back of my head, telling me the whirligizmo had completed its transit and brought her and the camera smoothly into place above us, the orgasm I hadn’t even been aware I’d been holding back ripped through me and I exploded, shuddering, into Nancy, and then allowed my body to slump slowly over to her right, leaving her staring up into Lill’s lens only a yard above her head.
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"How was the concert, then?" Gerald asked as he came into the house with a smile. He was slightly loose from the dinner and drinks of the business meeting he had attended. It had apparently agreed with him. James replied that it was terrific. Valerie had slipped up to the bathroom to rinse her mouth and brush her teeth when she heard his car come into the drive. She had quickly inspected James for traces of lipstick before going. Now she bounded down the steps, with a welcoming...
Part 3: Just the beginning...I opened up a new chapter in my life that I'd never before thought was possible. That morning I spent with Max was the most excitement I had experienced to that day. My plan worked... Well, it would be nicer if he would last maybe a little longer than just half a minute. As soon as I got back inside the house I knelt down next to him to unhook the leash from his collar, and once Max was free he headed for the living room to drink water. I then went straight into my...
The next night was almost a repeat of the previous night except we fucked with the lights on and I fucked the daughter so hard she could not stop cumming and squirting until we slapped her pussy and pinched her nipples to stop her. I then fucked her horny mother and shot my load deep into her pussy. The Daughter was like my little puppy after that and was so nice on the ride home. She wanted to sit up front with me and give me a handjob. They dropped me off at the hotel and My Lady Friend went...
“Easter Present for Hubby” A letter from Abigail to her best friend, Danni. Abigail is married to a sailor, has no children, and frequently lives alone waiting for him to return home. Danni is married and has one son, Peter, aged 17. “Dear Danni, Danni my love, I told you I had an idea for an Easter Bunny costume to wear for Freddy when he comes home on leave at Easter. Well, here is how our dear friend Samantha helped me create something. I’ll save it ‘til he’s been at home...
LesbianOk so I've got this little fetish burning inside me. My wife is a sexy cute BBW. She wears thick rimmed stylish glasses and resembles the "sexy liabrarian" type. She's about 5'7" long brunette hair flowing to about the middle of her back. She's thick in the thighs and ass with 38D breasts. She is sexually verbal. Honestly she could qualify as a screamer in the right situation. She's not a dead fuck by any means she really works her hips and ass with the motion. She has a freaky side that she...
Rockie stepped into the room and turned to address Jasper, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know how much of a gratuity is appropriate. Can you tell me?” “I’ve already been taken care of, Miss Preston, but thank you. Please enjoy your stay.” The bellman handed her the card key, stepped back into the hallway and closed the door. Rockie walked into the room and realized that this was a multi-level suite. The first level consisted of a large living room area with a fire burning in the fireplace, a...
(Washington, D.C. 1862) "Oh crap, crap, CRAP," I muttered under my breath as I saw the hooded figures pass the alleyway where I was precariously balanced on a stack of wooden crates. I redoubled my efforts with the pick head I was using to chip the cement from around a pair of steel bars. "What is it?" replied a soft Southern voice from inside the tiny room I was trying to open. "They're here. They're here now." I said. "I thought we had more time." I put the pick aside, its tip...
I sat in front of my computer and started surfing transgendered sites when I came across an article on psychiatrists specializing in cross-dressers, transvestites, and transsexuals. Some of their treatments included a psychological evaluation, hormone therapy, group sessions, and preoperative assistance. The mail order hormones I was taking were having some positive effects, but I read there were better and safer hormone medicines available by prescription. also really wanted to get some breast...
CrossdressingLast time, we saw Andrew and Sarah they were doing sex in the hotel room. Andrew was loving licking Sarah’s clitoris. Sarah wanted to stop because she was getting hungry from all the sex they were having so they both decide to order room service. Anders who was done working the blackjack table had to go report to his boss. His boss told him he had a room service order to Andrew and Sarah. Anders was really excited to hear this. Anders went to the kitchen and spoke to the chef’s at Luxor kitchen...
My weekend with the girls My weekend with the girls ???? It all started when I decided to go out to some local bars and clubs in the area. I was having a good time looking at the ladies and what a bunch of eye candy there was. I was watching some of the ladies with very short skirts dancing in hope for a peek of a tight little thong or none at all when a flap of a skirt would jump up from all the wiggling. And then maybe a boob might jump out of some of the loose fitting blouses wishing...
I was on disability, so the military was no longer an option. This was disappointing for me, since President Reagan had started pumping a lot of money into the Department of Defense. "President" Reagan, I thought to myself, shaking my head. I remember him being governor of California when I was younger, and I sighed, thinking about the years that I had missed. Since I hadn't gone to college, I didn't have any degrees to qualify me for most white collar jobs. I wasn't averse to sweating...
As she predicted Ben came to her room, and sat on her bed. He first stroked her head and back to check if she's asleep. He smiled to himself as he noticed she didn't take the dog collar off. When he thought he's in the clear, he lifted the quilt. He fondled strongly her ass cheeks, making her wonder if it was dark enough for him not to notice her tattoo around her butt-hole. He laid between her spread legs. He was naked from waist down and his dick was touching her ass. She was...
Part 2 Lizzy leaves and starts walking away. I slowly start walking back to my apartment, making my way past more amazing females in their leggings. The wet spot in my boxers is starting to rub against my leg and for some reason it is making me slightly uncomfortable that its just there. Now, if I had a female friend licking it off it be completely more acceptable; but that’s not the case here and I’m just a timid college k** on his way back from class. After a short 10-minute walk back, I...
Jeff was getting increasingly concerned that his friend, Dave, was still in the house, as Monica was due to arrive in just a few minutes. Dave was also forty-eight-years-old.Jeff realised that it was probably his own fault as he had described how Monica always wore skimpy clothes which were usually a vest top with their midriff, and a very short very tight cotton skirt, all of which showed off her well-toned arms and legs and flat tummy. She was also well developed and the vest top tended to...
SpankingI met this incredible older woman on a kinky sex site. Her name was Trish she is 60 yrs old and a true slut! Not to be confused with a nymphomaniac or a whore. I think the definition of all three would be different and yet very much the same in many respects? A nymphomaniac has a strong and uncontrollable sex drive and in many cases is a classy attractive woman in all other respects! A whore is one that engages in all sorts of kinky nasty sex acts for money and can be young or old...
I was over at my coworkers place. Him, his gf, and myself. We of course were waiting for her to leave so we could fuck eachother. It seemed to take forever but he had told me we'd be alone when she had to leave for work and I was anxiously waiting to get some of that ass. It did come around as she got ready and left us, heading out the door. Saying bye to him and giving him a kiss as he stood by the door watching her get in her car outside the house. I got up from the couch, cock already hard...
It had been a long day. I finally made it home after nearly twelve gruelling hours in the office. As I walked through the front door, all I could think about was ditching my shoes, grabbing a drink, and flopping down on the couch to relax. Imagine my frustration when, as I entered the kitchen, I saw my wife Sarah sitting at the table, a serious look in her eyes.Sarah's large body took up the entire chair, and then some. Her luscious curves seemed to go on for miles, her beautiful behind...
By : Tor5sex This story is going to be a narration of a boy named Rahul. It is purely imaginary.Any resemblance of the characters involved is not held responsible. Hi i am Rahul. I am 19 years of old.I was going to my uncle’s house as a vacation trip.My uncle has married just a year ago.He is a professional doctor.He is also money minded.I haven’t gone to their reception and marriage due to some reasons.I didn’t know how my aunt would be. I was traveling to my uncle’s town by a bus.The place...
When I was about 16 I "accidently" let my sister catch me. I was laying on my bed on my back, stroking to a Penthouse, when I had a thought to have my sister catch me.( she was slender had a great chest and I had spied on her getting off several times). I closed my door almost all the way but left a slight crack, just enough to see in but not so much that it was obvious. There was a chest of drawers just outside my room that held bath linen etc.. The perfect set-up. I could hear her walking...
The Italian job 3I have told you about my adventures in the factory with Roseanna, Maria and Yvonne, this is a continuation of that adventure after I got over the shock of Maria teasing me about babies but I did continue to look after Maria and Yvonne sexually going for dinner at least once a week, taking her mother through the anal experience which she seemed to enjoy from the noise she made, I didn’t fuck Maria in the arse because for some reason I felt she was too special for me to spoil in...
Firstly mein apne baare mein btata hun im from ambala and my age is 19 ye story last year june month ki h mein apne baare mein kuch jyada toh ni but meri average body h simple looks n mein ye bhi ni kehta ki mera lund 9-10 inch h bt 6 inch h jo ki kisi bhi ladki yaa chadakkad aunty ko satisfy krne ke liye bahot h. Toh jyada der na karte hue is story ki heroine soniya (name changed) jiski height karib 5 feet 2 inches hogi . And she looks average not too gud bt uski fig. 34-32-38 or uski boobs...
All of the usual disclaimers apply. Please don't read this if you're underage for your particular corner of the world. This is my first attempt at writing since high school, so please be gentle :-) I'd actually appreciate any and all feedback, good or brutal. I can't improve if y'all don't tell me what I'm doing wrong. Call me an aspiring writer of this venue. [email protected] From nice wife to dominant bitch By Lipstick My wife used to be so vanilla. Used to be. I...
I was eating breakfast the next morning when my parents came down. "Aren't you going to be late for school?" Mom said. "I'm going in late today. Mr. Tilling knows all about it. I have an appointment at 8:30." "What kind of appointment?" Mom asked. "I'm going to see a psychologist," I told them. "I don't think so," Dad blurted out. "No Jenkins is going to see a psychologist." "Then I'll just have to change my last name to Lipschitz, won't I? "Don't get smart with...
It was late afternoon when Jo stopped the car in my driveway. When I moved back home, I simply took over one of my vacant, small rental houses as my own residence. I paid rent to my own company, and I was my own landlord. Being single, my needs were simple, and I let Jo into the house ahead of me. “Oh, my,” Jo said with a laugh as she took in my battered chair and its matching side table. “At least it’s clean,” she said as she took in my spartan living arrangements. “So I’m not an interior...
A month later Sammy and I headed over to Brenda and Tide's. Brenda was looking as cute and little as ever. Meanwhile, Tide was half way through gestation - her nipples protruding out like pink little puppy sausages. Even though both girls were carrying the products of our unprotected sex they were both horny as fuck. All Brenda had to do was wave that positive pregnancy test in my face to make my cock pop up. Tide would stick her furry ass in Sammy's snout and his babymaker was ready to go.As...
Sue went into great detail telling me how much she loved sucking Cody's big cock for the first time. Admitting she loved her first taste of cum and had been addicted to it since then. All this time when we were married to others and just friends I thought she was a sweet innocent woman. Sue was the woman of my dreams and loved sex as much as did. Although she had sucked multiple boys off at the same time she had never had two guys fucking her at once. She was very excited for this to happen...
The only company for me being the hired live-in staff and the stable hands, and of course mean old Stella, the Cook, that makes me eat her slimy steamed brussle sprouts *ick*. When you have people hired to do everything for you that leaves you with nothing to do but walk the grounds and lay on your bed dreaming of a life more exciting, more thrilling. I was currently doing the latter, laying on my bed in my white satin day robe day dreaming of some thrilling adventure when there was a...
Home Schooled SiblingsBy: Londebaaz Chohan Sylvia was almost 6 years younger to me but growing up to be a very tight woman with just the right amount of meat at all the desired places of her body. Since the split of our parents; we both were living with the parents of our dad because our mother was a drunk bitch woman who fought tooth and nails to get the custody as against our dad but soon after she ran away with some of her lover who also did arrange for her smokes and drinks in addition to...