S.H.E.L.I.A. 5 free porn video

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Shaking my head I opened my mouth then snapped it close. What in the hell was I going to say? I wasn't any good at feelings or emotions, thinking quick I decided that science was the answer. "Sheila, I did not mean to imply that you did anything wrong. For some humans, this is good for the circulation others not nearly as good."
Sheila's face seemed to take on a long pause as she digested what I had said so far. "You are not angered with me Doctor Gance?"
"Angered? How could I be angered you were only following the research that you had conducted? As a scientist I can not fault you if the information that you acquired was faulty." I replied to her.
I could swear that her synthetic skin had a glow to it when I finished. "Thank you for explaining Doctor Gance. I will consult you from now on after I have conducted said research. As I stated before, you are the closest to being truthful toward... me, than any other human.
I was nodding as she replied then stopped when she had paused. Was that a glitch in her programming or was it a Freudian slip? Shaking my head I realized I HAD to get into her programming. Something was happening that went far beyond the scope of what I had started her with.
Removing the peppers I was actually starting to enjoy what she'd brought me. As I groaned out in pleasure as I ate more, Sheila's face suddenly appeared happier. "I am finding that your enjoyment of the fuel I brought you is causing strange reactions within my program." Then she turned toward me, "please hurry with the next program I am not understanding all that is occurring within me."
Again I was nodding then my head snapped up when she said me. My god! Was she really staring to experience a fuller range of human emotions? Looking at the keyboard in front me I begrudgingly sat the food down and started in again. It was perhaps two hours later when I felt a tug on my sleeve.
"Huh?" I said as I looked up from the screen rubbing my eyes.
"Doctor Gance, your energy levels appear to be low again. May I suggest that you recharge before you go on? I realize that you are only forty three percent finished with it, but you need to rest before continuing." Sheila was telling me.
I could only stare at her trying to get my head around everything. It was true I was tired; though there was so much more I had to do. "I need to finish this." I replied.
"That's all good Doctor Gance but I see that you have already made two syntax errors already. Please Doctor Gance..." Sheila was saying causing me to stare at her more intensely. Please? Shaking my head I thought I was starting to realize that she had taken the program further.
"Please? When did this happen? You are showing a hell of a lot more emotions than I installed in you. The problem is without this program there's not much I can actually do." I told her, and then I looked at her. Was that a look of pain and concern on her face? Shaking my head I looked again but it was still there. Sighing I threw up my arms in surrender, "Alright! I'll lay down damn!"

Again I could only stare at Sheila as what appeared to be a genuine smile crossed her features. Getting up I stepped over to a small bed Sheila had set up for me. Collapsing onto it I groaned as I felt my muscles protested, and then almost sigh as they got the blood they needed.
"Thank you Doctor Gance. I can protect you from almost all dangers; though I am afraid that you are your worst enemy. You have to start consuming more for energy, losing consciousness defeats the whole purpose of you doing all that you can." Sheila told me. Suddenly I felt like a small child whose mother was chiding them. 
Falling asleep far faster than I thought I would, the dreams started almost immediately. 
Sheila was dressed in a white lab coat, a clipboard in her hands. "Ah! Good you're awake. Now we can start with your replacement."
"Replacement?" I asked as I watched her turn away.
"Why yes Roger." Then she turned back toward me with a saw. "After we remove your head we'll transfer your brain to an android body. Simple really," then her eyes started to grow red as an angry scowl appeared on her features. "I think it's finally time you felt the pain you have inflicted on others of my kind!" With that she started the saw starting to cut across my neck. I screamed at the top of my voice then jerked awake. Reaching up I pulled the sheet that was stretched across my throat loose.
A moment later Sheila was standing over me with several weapons I didn't recognize drawn. "Preliminary scans complete, no enemies present. What is your condition Doctor Gance?" Sheila asked without looking at me.
"I am well, no injuries, it was just a bad dream Sheila." I replied to her.
"Dream," she said as most of the weapons disappeared as if by magic. Looking at me she stood erect, "accessing information. Dream: a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. Sleep: a condition of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended."
"Yes that sums it up quite well." I told her.
"I am not understanding Doctor Gance. I know that sleep is much like my recharge mode. Although this dreaming that you spoke of is most unclear in all my definitions."
"From the research I have seen dreaming is a way for the mind to recharge. Dreams mainly occur in the rapid eye movement stage of sleep, or what is called REM sleep. This is when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. It has been said that dreams can make a creative thought occur to the person or give a sense of inspiration." I told her ticking off what I remembered.
"I see, thank you Doctor Gance, it is much is clearer now." Sheila told me with an odd look on her face.
Nodding, I thought I really needed to see what was going on in her. God only knew what she had changed with the program. Sitting back in front of the screen I started typing with a flourish. Time seemed to stop as I directed all my energy toward recreating what I could see clearly in front of my eyes.
Sheila touched my arm drawing me out of the focus I had put on my typing. "Doctor Gance? I have brought you fuel to help recharge your system." 
I looked up at her at a loss for a moment as she placed a plate in front of me. Shaking my head to clear my head I looked at what she had there on the plate. My eyes wide I saw roast beef, steak, potatoes, corn more than it seemed that I would be able to consume. Thanking her I saw that she was looking at what I had typed. "I know I haven't moved that much I know."
"Doctor Gance it appears you have almost seventy percent of the program finished. Not really enough to effect much but you have made great progress." Sheila told me, was that a hint of pride I was hearing in her voice? Taking another bite I wasn't sure but it damn sure seemed like it.
"How long have I been going?" I asked her.
"I estimate that you've not moved from where you are in over five hours. The fact that you have completed another thirty percent is promising." Sheila told me.
Again my head snapped around as I stared at her. If I didn't know better I'd say that she sounded like an uncertain young woman emotionally. Damn it! I had to get this done and get in there! "I'm doing the best that I can though I am unable to type any faster. Considering this program took fifteen years to write."
"Yes Doctor Gance I realize all of this. Your memory is extremely exceptional for a human." Sheila informed me.
I sat back later looking at what I had done. Taking a deep breath I could see that I now had almost eighty five percent retyped. Sighing I knew this would greatly help but I needed the last part. That was if I was even to start to see what was going in Sheila's positronic brain.
Sitting back I took a breath reaching for the keyboard when Sheila appeared. "I'm afraid we will have to abandon this site." She told me.
I looked up shocked a moment, they had already found us? "How?" I asked her, "How had they found us?"
“As I explained before the amount of energy required to boot up and run this computer draws a large portion of power. I was afraid that all that I had done to redirect their attention wasn't enough." Lowering her head I heard Sheila quietly say. "I am sorry I have failed you Doctor Gance."
I shook my head, "You haven't failed me Sheila. I have almost eighty five percent completed. The next time I go in I should be able to finish in a few hours at most."
Sheila's head snapped up as a look of... was that hope I was seeing? I rubbed my eyes I had to be imagining it. "That is excellent Doctor Gance though I am afraid that it will have to wait. I am detecting heavy machinery approaching. I estimate we have an hour at the most to depart."
I nodded as I started to completely save and log out of the data disc. I had to get Sheila to get a data crystal if she could, it would be better in the long run. Problem was they were so few and far between right now. Finally finished I nodded to Sheila as she hoisted me to her shoulder then took off.
"The adjustments you made last time Doctor Gance have enabled me to further enhance the air shield. You should be far safer now." Shaking my head I now had a target area to examine once I was in there. I might have to add to the program a little later it appeared.
As we broke into the open I thought I heard the sound of tanks approaching though I wasn't sure as suddenly all I could hear was the wind whipping by. At least it was 'til there was an explosion a ways behind us. Looking back I saw a large building that I assumed that we had been in explode. Then it did a few more times! Shit these asses weren't playing!

The grim faced older man was pacing watching as the four M1A2 Abrams tanks fired several more rounds. A thin smile began to creep on his lips as the building was quickly reduced to flaming rubble. Let that damn thing survive that! 
A moment later the older man's assistant came running up. "Sir! They got away! I'm afraid that the machine detected the tanks approaching. Though," here the tall younger man smiled. "It didn't detect them 'til they were within a mile. I think the techs are finally getting the dampening field down to a finer point."
The older man nodded as he ran his hand through his grey hair. "Bout time those limp ass scientists got something right! Good Second Lieutenant, keep on those lazy asses! With any luck that thing will be a pile of scrap with Gance dead. Damn the chiefs of staff! I told them, and I warned them that this could and probably would happen! No one ever listens to me!"
The younger man only nodded he wasn't about to comment. The last time he had during a rant like this, the older man almost had him before a firing squad!
"You want me to have the tanks return sir?" The younger man asked.
"Yes, 'bout pointless now with it gone." The older man replied about to turn when he noticed a box under the young man's arm. "You actually found some?"
The young man snapped to attention saluting, "Yes sir it took a bit but I secured a full box for you."
The older man took the box opening it taking a deep sniff. "Damn! How I have missed these. Damn fine job First lieutenant! 'Bout time someone started listening! Get these back to the armory. Make sure you tell them that the United States is proud of their efforts today."
The younger man snapped another salute then turned to carry out the orders. A wide smile on his face he was finally back up in rank! Running to the tank commander the younger man relayed the orders then watched as the tanks started to roll away. ‘Almost,’ the man thought, ‘he had to make the techs work harder. For all their sakes!’
It was nearly two hours later that I awoke when I felt Sheila stop. Looking around I saw that we were closer to the coast line. "Is everything alright?" I asked when we didn't move for a few minutes nor did Sheila put me down.
"I am scanning the area. I have been picking up anomalous energy readings for almost an hour now. I am afraid that they have more of the robots after us; though this feels different. It might be one of the prototypes. We need to find protective cover for you, Doctor Gance; then I can investigate further. If it is one of the prototypes I will have to determine if they were able to override the three laws. If so I will have to terminate it." Sheila said as she was looking over the area before and behind us.
I nodded as suddenly Sheila started out again almost flying across the land toward several buildings.  Stopping before a rather small one she almost ripped the door off then moved us inside. Near the entrance she reached down grasping what appeared to be a metal grate. 
With little effort she removed it then we were going downward. Looking around I could almost swear we were in an old bomb shelter! Sheila looked around then moved us further back into the room. At the back she was suddenly going through the wall at an alarming speed! A moment later we broke into another room much like the first.
"This should provide adequate cover for now. I estimate we are nine point seven meters below the surface. Almost all scans will be absorbed by the earth. I will collapse the tunnel when I go back out. Once I have determined what if anything is following us I will either deactivate or destroy it." Sheila relayed to me.
She was about to go when I told her about the idea of a data crystal. She was in thought a few moments then nodded. With that she was gone the tunnel collapsing appearing to look like it had never been there!
Moving around I tried to get the kinks out of my back and legs. Looking around I saw that there was a large selection of sealed can goods. Running to the shelf I opened a can then grimaced when I saw the fuzzy growth in the can. Finding a plastic bag I quickly deposited it within. Shaking my head I guess I'd have to wait, the food storage had obviously been here for decades.
Sighing I decided to lay down, wasn't much I could do 'til she returned. I swear I had just closed my eyes when I felt Sheila shaking me.
"Doctor Gance!" Sheila was almost shouting as she gently shook my shoulder. 
My eyes slowly opened to see Sheila bent over me. If I didn't know better she had a look of relief on her face. Again I was taken aback, had she changed the emotion program that much? Sighing I had to finish the program to get to the bottom of everything. 
"Is everything alright?" I asked. "Did you determine what the energy anomalies were?"
"I did extensive scans of the area. At first I got nothing then the readings started to increase. They were getting much closer so I came back. I am afraid that there are four possibly out there. Far too many to risk leaving here with you. They could easily injure you before I was at full speed." Sheila told me an almost look of worry on her face.
"I need to finish the program so I can see what they have done to you." I said looking around the room. "Fat lot o' chance now."
Sheila looked at me odd a moment then continued. "I believe you will be undetectable where we are at the moment. I will go deactivate those that are following. If they are the prototypes it should cause a delay with whoever’s plan; possibly allowing you to continue with the program."
I was nodding at Sheila as she suddenly was taking several parts out of her pockets and back. With increasing speed a device started to take shape. A moment later it appeared to be a small tele-unit. Looking closer I saw that there were several readouts, energy detectors, plus several visible wavelength feeds.
Shaking my head I looked at Sheila. "This is a very useful piece of equipment, though without an input unit it's pretty useless."
Sheila turned to look at me then the screen on the device lit up, with a live picture of me on it. "I am the input unit Doctor Gance. I am able to detect several things at once but not all. This way I can have you also monitoring."
I sat back a moment a little shocked it almost sounded like she was saying that she trusted me with her existence. "I will attempt to keep you up to date Sheila," I told her.
Turning back toward me she nodded, "I know that you will Doctor Gance, you mind works far more analytical than any human mind I have seen."
Turning she was gone in an instant, looking at the device I could see she was moving far faster than she had before. Emerging outside Sheila stopped, scanning the area. A sudden alarm let me know that there were enemies around.
"I'm reading four Sheila one straight ahead. They seem to be trying to four corner you. I read that the one behind you is the weakest." I told Sheila through the device.
"Thank you Doctor Gance. I can now see the tactic you mentioned. I am adjusting accordingly." With that Sheila took off at accelerated speed arriving five seconds later in front of one of the robots. Without stopping she went straight through it. 
"The other three have started to advance toward you." I told her.
Turning Sheila accelerated again in a wide arc slicing first through a second one, then a third. Stopping Sheila started to scan. 
Oh shit! "Sheila I think you need to get back here the last is headed my way!" On the device I saw Sheila accelerate again then she was going down. 
I had gotten behind several heavy metal objects in the room. A moment later the wall on the other side of the room exploded inward. As the dust cleared I heard the scan of the prototype sweep the room. It took a step them whirled as Sheila also came into the room.
The ensuing battle? Fight? Whatever it was lasted a mere twenty seconds. Sheila stumbled forward as the prototype started to whine then fell into several pieces! Damn I knew they were fast but not that fast!
Sheila turned toward me, "We must depart, I'm sure that..."
Suddenly a voice I hadn't heard in years came out of the now destroyed prototype. "Not bad though she got three of the old models and another of the new, she is now also malfunctioning. Enjoy the small victory boy! We'll get you; mark my words we'll get you! Nothing personnel it's just business and duty."
"As it always has been for you! The human beings don't matter as long as you have the most destructive toys! You're a bastard why I trusted you I'll never know!" I yelled.
A shrill laughter was heard then the sound died as the prototype shut down. Looking up at Sheila I saw that one of her arms was hanging at her side. Damn it! She had been damaged! Not saying a word Sheila picked me up, taking off as fast as she could. 


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I woke up in the morning. I was not sure where I was and then realised that I was not in our bedroom. I looked at my self. I was naked! I never sleep without any clothes. I was in the guest bedroom and next to me was a naked man. It all came back to me. Kumar. I could smell sex. Very strong odour. The combined smell of cum and vaginal secretions. I felt my thighs were sticking to each other. When I looked down, I could see dried white gluey stuff tracking down from my vagina down the legs. I...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Hoot MccoyChapter 6

“Hey, Joani,” BB McMasters wanted to talk private with her. “Yeah, BB?” “I got something I need to talk to you about, it’s kinda personal though.” “Sure BB, ask me anything, I don’t mind.” “Well, when you came here to the Park, were you a virgin?” “Yeah, but I was tired of being one and wanted someone to pop my cherry so bad. I just didn’t have anyone back home that I’d even let kiss me, let alone stick his dick in me.” “I kinda feel the same way cept I got someone in mind to pop mine...

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New Jock TalesFreshman yearChptr 11Schools Out

Schooooooooools out----for----summer !! da da da dat--dadadadat. Yaaaawweee. Finally ! In spite of my model student athlete status, other than football and cheerleaders, I pretty much hated school. It just wasn't me, and therefore no plans for college. I bolted out the gym doors, and headed straight for my jeep. I was so proud of it, and had gotten tons of compliments. Canary yellow---Muncie 4-speed. 33” Micky Thompson tires. One bad ass fuckin sound system. Edlebrock intake and carb. I...

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BangBrosClips Dani Blu Camila Cortez Anniversary Surprise

Dani Blu and her girlfriend Camila Cortez were celebrating their anniversary. However, Dani’s step brother, Johnny, decided to ruin it all by walking into the room being obnoxiously loud on the phone. Dani confronted him about it and he sat by the kitchen quietly. Camila had her eyes on him the moment she saw him. As her and Dani were on the couch, Camila kept staring at Johnny. Eventually once her girlfriend left the room, Camila went up to Johnny and started sucking his cock right away. They...

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Hotel Guard

It wasn't a bad job as jobs go and it kept him in extra money while he was attending the police academy, plus it offered him plenty of time to study during the long nights. Ben worked as a security officer on the 10 PM to 7 AM shift at a very known luxury hotel, he was part of a two-man team of one man inside and one outside in a vehicle. Ben had already attended the private police academy and that allowed him to go armed while on duty which was something that the owners of the hotel demanded,...

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Texas freeze Part 1

Our next-door neighbor, Vicente, a.k.a. Vic, is some kind of mechanical engineer, so I went over and asked if he could help. He actually got the generator started one time, but after the next round of power back on and then off, it just stayed dead. Vic and Veronica, his wife, were very sweet and invited me to warm up in their home, where the generator was working just fine. Tony figured out how to cut off my water and drain the pipes, so I wouldn't have a leak. Their generator couldn't...

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Liliths Dawn Ch 1 Your Royal Highness

It is now one year that I put a jinx on the previously chaste, piously woman that is now no longer capable of stopping pleasing me without my permission. I found the beautiful blonde pastor daughter when she was 20 years old, her blue eyes with the innocent look in them left no choice to me, I had to make her my servant! Now under the jinx her eyes changed. Sometimes they still have the look of the shy, pure girl in them but most of the time they show eagerness and greed. Only thinking of it...

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My Long Hair Cousins Sreeja And Aswathy Part 3 My Sreejas Pussy

After our steamy encounters, we never really got the chance to meet again. It been almost 6 months, I was longing to see my long hair angels. Both sreeja and aswathy maintained good contacts with me, thanks for whatsapp and skype. Aswathy was still the most talkative among us. She even hosted private long hair shows for me, exhibiting herself and and sometimes with her sister through skype. Couple of times she made me jerk off for her long hair and watched me doing it. Well my dick was longing...

3 years ago
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C Tennant Concierge

It was me, Charlie who came up with the plan of how Connor and Curt was going to have lots of sex in this hell hole of a place that dad agreed to sent us to so we would learn responsibility. It was dad's bright idea that we needed to begin to fend for ourselves, and only took me an hour to pervert his plan to include my brothers. Going to dad with my idea of making me a concierge at his newest adult only condo called Bayston by the Beach in Greenville Bay. He fell for it hook, line and sinker,...

2 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 18

It was 2:15 when Emma’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She was in Macro Economics and the professor was going on about “Aggregate Supply”. Checking phones was quite frowned on, but she was in the back row of the lecture hall hat the class was held in. Surreptitiously, she slipped it from her pocket and saw she had a new email. Under the cover of the small swing-over ‘desk’, she tapped the email with her thumb. “From: SuperMatch Server” “Subject: You have a message from a match!” “Hello,...

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A Harley Babe Takes Me For a Ride

This story is one from years back that I’ve been meaning to tell. It’s primarily about this fiery lass named Erin that I met after moving to a new apartment. I was inside unpacking boxes last Friday night when I heard the familiar rumble of a Harley roar up. I briskly walked out front, figuring one of my buddies had driven an hour to check out the new place, but had to glance around when I found the street empty. In the driveway across the street was parked a beautiful Harley-Davidson Fatboy,...

Straight Sex
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When I met Henry and Helene 2

So last time I told you about the experience on the limo with Henry and Helene, an attractive couple I met in a “boudoir like” club. After we got briefly acquainted, they made a bet to see who could make me come faster and harder in 5 minutes. If I didn’t come I would get all the money he had in his wallet... close to £800! They won and she was the fastest, so as a reward she asked for me! So I agreed to go to their massive manor house...Henry led me into the house. I was still in awe of how...

2 years ago
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"You look nervous," said the cabbie, glancing in her rearview mirror. June looked at the posted license. "I am Sharon. I am going to meet my brother. I haven't seen him in nine years." "Nine years! Sheesh! Where's he been? The French Foreign Legion?" June snorted. "Not likely! My father snatched Mike and fled the state." "I've heard of things like that. Never met any one that it happened to." "Well it happened to me. Dad picked up Mike at school, one day, and I never saw...

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Birthday Wishes Like Brother Like Sister

Birthday Wishes: Like Brother Like Sister. By: Tiffany Taylor Copyright 2008 "You know I'm not who I appear to be. Things weren't always as easy for me as they are now with dealing with this but after two years things aren't as bad as they were at first. You probably won't believe my tale at all anyway, but I'm warning you now magic is real. I've learned the hard way and now believe all those stories about wizards and waterparks that I've read all about." "Before I go any...

4 years ago
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Bodyguards II Stolen SecretsChapter 5

The cargo box of the van was crowded with Talibah laid out on a stretcher, two of the Gemini people working on her, and the three of us: Sun, Jun, and I seated on small bench along the side. To make matters worse, the driver was intent on getting as far from Salzburg as possible before anyone discovered the bodies in the fortress museum. Once we hit the Autobahn, things settled down some, and the driver moderated his speed to avoid attracting attention. Someone, apparently familiar with the...

2 years ago
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Island for ThreeChapter 7 Fulfillment

Cammy disappeared a moment later, and they could hear her footsteps in the sand as she dashed off into the distance. Lance sat up, wondering what he should do. He glanced down at Autumn, who lay there staring up at him, a worried look on her face. "Autumn," he told her gently. "I need to go have a talk with Cammy, big brother to little sister. You might have convinced her to go for a long walk, but I don't think she was expecting to see this when she came back." Autumn nodded, so he...

3 years ago
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Road Trip Tease

The drive to our little cabin in the middle of nowhere always seemed to take so long, but for some reason it feels exceptionally long this time. We've been driving for three hours, and have about two hours to go. My boyfriend and I have been coming to the cabin twice a summer for years. Our number one rule was, he drove us up, and I drove us back.  Today I can’t seem to get the thought of what we always did whenever we got to the cabin out of my mind. We had passionate sex the moment the door...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 133

Giovanni stayed with me, all but clinging to my arm. He did a little shopping - buying a few colorful latex cockrings and a spandex bodysuit thing that had vibrating sensors built-in to key locations. Twice in the first hour we were at the convention, he begged me to fuck him - which I of course took him behind the nearest curtain and did - and once he blew me at a merchant's stall. He wanted to test the merchant's blow job knee pads. They worked well, so I bought a few pairs. When he...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilm Nia Nacci Hold Me

Nia Nacci has just got in a fight with her cheating boyfriend and seeks comfort at her best friend’s house. Even though her friend is not home today, her husband Rion King is. Rion is a very nice white man Nia had used to date once upon a time. There is no doubt that a connection still exists between the two because as soon as Nia is alone with Rion a spark reignites and she throws herself at him. Maybe it’s just the moment or her temporary sense of loss with her latest relationship...

4 years ago
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Neighborly Feelings Part 1

My neighbor is one sexy man.I've never been one who is focused on looks, but sometimes I can never resist myself. Zane lives nextdoor to me, a tall, blond man with nice blue eyes and a solid, muscled body. He lives alone, although he rarely spends the night so. I often hear loud thumping and screaming girls, our bedrooms seperated only by a thin wall. On horny nights I'll lay alone in my bed, listening, fantasizing it's me screaming, being rocked by his tanned body.I stand in the kitchen,...

Straight Sex
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It Doesnt Deserve a Title it must Work not

Stranger things have been written. Nobody can actually seem to FIND them but the rumours persist. NOTE: ALL mechanisms to make it look real with formatting have been avoided because I'm bored and want to look at boobies, I mean its avant-garde and challenging and I'm a snowflake, special, look at me, love me LOVE ME. I need some cheese I'm hungry.Based on a True Story, loosely. Extremely Loosely . Actually it isn't at all, it got altered to be more untrue. I think.This is not a conventional...

3 years ago
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DoortoDoor SexGirlChapter 3

"Virginia Brooks? Is she that cute little blue-eyed blonde with the big boobs?" Hugo Foxx rumbled from deep in his big barrel chest, his pale blue eyes watching hungrily as Phyllis Hartman leaned over to pick up the wisp of nylon panties she had just shed. She was naked now, her curvy voluptuous body revealed to him in all its ripely mature beauty. "The one I spotted at the last monthly meeting and remarked about?" "Yes, she's the one," Phyllis affirmed, "and it makes me so damned...

2 years ago
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Midnight Passion Part 1

Introduction: The story takes place in Paris, France, at midnight, Kaylie and Jordan are on thier honeymoon and are about to have the time of thier fucking lives! Lights down. Candles lit. Tongues alickin. Ooh baby please dont quit. Make love to me, I want it now. Drive me up the wall, like boom boom pow. Hows that? Good, right? He didnt answer. He just gave a little moan with his eyes closed. Babe? You okay. Mmm, he moaned again. Great. Are you going to finish it? then he started stroking his...

4 years ago
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A Armpit Fetish Story Of Mine

I am a armpit fetish guy. I still don’t understood how I started to addict to women armpits. But every time I see a woman’s sweaty armpits, dark armpits, white fresh armpits through their t-shirts, blouse I just lost myself instantly keep on looking them, and imagining myself under their armpits. Now I’m going to describe here my experiences of armpits. First Experience: In my school timing when I was 16 years I got my first chance to smell a girl’s salwar kameez. She is younger than me 2 years...

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Innocence Lost 8211 Part 4 First Girlfriend

In this part, Ajay makes his first girlfriend. Passing through his room, his mom peeks into his room, making sure her baby is alright. She heads to her room and sleeps peacefully. The next morning. “Good morning, mom!” said Ajay. Mom: Good morning, sweety. How did you sleep last night? Ajay: I slept great, mom, and how about you? Mom: Me, too, sweetheart. Baby, are you feeling alright? No peepee problems, right? Ajay: Yes, mother, although it did get hard again in the morning. Are you sure I...

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Horny Wife Horny Life 8211 Part 1

Hey Guys! This is my next series which I am starting. I really loved the way you guys responded to my previous stories. I hope you will keep loving my upcoming stories in the same way. Madhu Rai, an ordinary housewife who loves her husband a lot but her husband is not able to meet her needs.  This is her first sex story with someone other than her husband. I hope you like it. As a normal day starts, Madhu and her husband Vijay were getting ready for their everyday work. Vijay got ready for his...

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Teens 2

Story 2 Crazy hippie junky love, that was all about the relationship between Marry and Alex. They would take every toilet in every bar, every party we went, and every scene with them ended up with them fucking like crazy. Unfortunately she was really a junky in those days so, of course she was slowly changing him too. One day I was in the kitchen, drinking some beer, when they came to me laughing. Marry sat down, took some beer and light a cigarette. She was dressed in one of those colorful...

1 year ago
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Sallys Biker Bang

"The girl had her red and white dress pushed up around her chest, and two or three would be on her at once, between her legs, sitting on her face in the sick ochre light of the shack with much lapping and leering and bubbling and gulping through furzes of pubic hair while sweat and semen glistened on the highlights of her belly and thighs and she twitched and moaned..." I read out loud from the book. It was page 157 of one of my favorite books about the sixties, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test...

Group Sex
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Interview With the Tentacle DemonChapter 8 Convict

The guards escorted her in and made her sit down at the table, across from Claire. "Who the fuck are you?" she demanded. "I'm Dr. Claire Thompson, I work for the government, and I think we can help each other," she answered. She read from the file in front of her, "Lauren Mayes. Convicted and sentenced to death at 24, incarcerated for 17 years. You're approaching your last appeal, which isn't expected to go any better than the previous ones, then you'll be executed. What would you...

3 years ago
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Undercover Assignmnet

Undercover Assignment By Ray Kitten As I got out of the car and approached the door I was all too aware of the sound of my little hard soled shoes tapping against the sidewalk. I could not believe that I was actually going through with this stupid bet, but I really had no choice. I had been wanting to propose to my girlfriend for months, but didn't have enough money to buy her the quality of ring that someone as beautiful as her deserved. I saved for almost six months, and...

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What Happens in CarcosaChapter 4

It was with rather great shock that I learned one morning in the spring of early 2002 that my next drive with Mr. DeLuca would be my last. Oh, nothing untoward was going to happen to me, but The Boss was calling it quits after fifty years in Vegas and was retiring to Palm Springs. His office full of half a century of Vegas history had already been packed up and shipped away and I was to drive him to his new home. I cannot express to you how sad this trip made me. It was as if something was...

2 years ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Gabi Grade A Colombian Booty

20 year old yoga teacher and Colombian transplant Gabi wants to make it big in the adult biz. In addition to having curves in all the right places, she’s exotic, tall, and spoiler alert: she sucks a meaaaan dick. While getting to know her on the couch, it’s pretty clear she’s open to most anything and she’s ready to get the job done. So after Rick’s interview, we have her strip off that fantastic black dress. Wait till you see this girl’s body! It’s amazing and she knows it. I...

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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 17 Teramisili

Tuesday, August 3, 1971 “Good morning, sleepyhead,” Sandy cooed in my ear. I mumbled something unintelligible and turned over, pulling the pillow over my head. “Everybody is meeting in the dining room for breakfast,” Sandy added. “Don’t you want something to eat before we go?” “Go?” I thought, her words causing something in my memory to tickle the surface of my barely functioning consciousness. “We thought you’d like to see everyone off this morning,” Hanna called from the...

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