Modern Relations (part 08): It's Complicated free porn video

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Wendy: 4:40 PM

“Okay, Okay, hold your damned horses,” Wendy yelled at the door. After ringing constantly for half a minute the door buzzer finally relented. Fresh out of the shower and dripping water all over her apartment, Wendy checked the time as she ran for the door. Andy was twenty minutes early. Wendy jabbed the intercom button, “That better not be you, Andy.” Jerking her finger off the button, she added, “because I’m getting tired of your fuck ups.”

“It’s me, can I come up?”

“Alex?” Wendy cheered up, it wasn’t Andy after all.

“Yeah, can you buzz me up?” asked Alex. She sounded weird.

“Are you crying?” Wendy grimaced.


“Oh, right.” Chagrined, Wendy pressed the door button. She’d been living here for three years, but still didn’t know how long to hold the button down. She leaned on it for ten seconds, just for good measure. Andy only rated a one second buzz.

Wendy walked back to her bedroom to put something on. There was plenty time before Alex made it up, the building's geriatric elevators were on the critical list. But Alex banged on the door before Wendy could get more that her bra and panties on.

“Coming,” she yelled. Alex knocked again. “Jesus, Alex. Hold your damned horses.”

Wendy got to the door and threw it open. Alex stood in the hallway huffing air exactly like she’d run up twelve flights of stairs at a sprint. Apparently she’d done it in four inch heels. Impressive. In addition to the strappy heels, Alex wore a choker and a chic collarless black leather coat cut short to reveal a miles of pale leg. Alex clutched the coat closed with both hands, preventing Wendy from seeing her dress. Tears distorted her heavy makeup.

“Wow,” said Wendy, “I don’t know whether to comfort you or lick you,” she teased. Alex teared up, looking pathetic.

“Aw, ba-by. Come here,” Wendy said, opening her arms.

Alex unclenched her coat as she ran into Wendy’s arms. The distraught woman simply held her friend in a death grip, pressing Wendy’s head against her chest. Alex’s bare chest, Wendy noticed. Even smothered, she could tell Alex wore nothing underneath her coat.

“I didn’t realize flesh tones were in vogue.”

“Ha ha,” Alex hiccuped. She sniffled. “I need a tissue.” 

Alex untangled herself from Wendy and walked to the kitchen for a paper towel. Wendy kicked the door closed and tracked Alex’s movement, worried, but also unable to take eyes off her beautiful, upset friend and some-times lover.

“Nice jacket though,” said Wendy, softly. Alex came back out into the living room and sat on the loveseat with a huff. “Want to talk about it?”

“How about some wine?”

“I can do that,” she said, going to the kitchen. Wendy opened a bottle of red and poured two huge glasses sensing it was no time for moderation. She sat down next to Alex, handing her one glass and drinking from the other. Wendy noticed the sparkle on Alex’s left hand.

“Oh, is that what I think it is?” She eyed the ring like it might bite.

“Yeah, HE proposed.” Alex extended her arm and looked at the ring set with a green gem. 

“I can’t say I’m completely happy about that, “ confessed Wendy. 

Alex put down her glass, twisted off the ring, and throw it on the table. “Happy about that?”

“Um, maybe?” Wendy said. “You look miserable. Aren’t you supposed to be thrilled?”

“I was until about an hour ago,” said Alex. Picking her glass back up, she took a heavy gulp.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know.”

“How can you not know?”

“Good wine,” Alex said, taking a sip, which she savored. “Thank you. He proposed last Saturday.”

“When I was in Boston,” said Wendy. 

“Don’t be hurt I didn’t tell you earlier, I wanted to tell you face to face.”

“It’s okay, Alex,” said Wendy bitterly. “You had the ring, so...”

“I accepted. And I told him everything about my history...”

“Uh. Before or after the proposal?” Wendy asked, cautiously.

“Some before, some after. I told him the worst stuff this morning. Stuff even you don’t know about.” 

“So he freaked?” Wendy gave Alex a calculating look, certain she knew everything about Alex. 

“No! He fucked my brains out. I thought we were great, but he went out early today and when he came back, everything went sideways.”

“Ok, but why are you here? In that,” she pointed to the coat.

“He came back. Said we couldn’t get married. There was lipstick on his cuff and what looked like a cum stain on his pants. He smelled like sex.” Alex teared up, “I just. I just ran out. I guess I grabbed a coat and the wrong car keys.”

Just then Wendy’s cell phone rang, playing I’m a woman.

“That’s your phone calling me,” Wendy said. Alex did have her purse. The two friends sat looking at each other awkwardly as Peggy Lee extolled her virtues and the phone buzzed angrily around on the bar.

“I dread listening to that voice message,” said Wendy after phone stopped ringing.

“I’m a woman?” asked Alex with a smile. “My ring is I’m a Woman?”

Wendy nodded, smiling. Unable to contain themselves, both women burst out laughing like they were back in college. The phone rang again. This time a generic ring.

“Ugh, I bet that’s Andy.” Wendy got the phone. She didn’t recognize the number, “Hello?”

“Wendy? This is Kevin.”

“Hi, Kevin,” said Wendy, looking to Alex for direction. “What’s up?”

“Is Alex OK?”

“Alex?” Wendy asked.

Alex turned white as a ghost. She shook her head violently.

“I don’t know Kevin. We texted earlier today, but I haven’t heard from her since then.” Wendy rolled her eyes at Alex. This was juvenile.

“So she’s Ok, then?”

"I just said…”

“I have her phone, she didn’t text you. I know she’s there, Wendy,” he interrupted. “Just tell me if she’s okay.”

“Fine,” Wendy sighed, “she’s fine. Just a broken heart.”

“Um, can you... Look. Just, can you tell her I really want to talk to her? When she’s ready.”

“Whatever,” said Wendy, hanging up.

“You know, he’s awfully sweet for someone who just cheated on you. Good actor, I guess. Who knew?”

“I don’t care who he fucked, but he said we couldn’t marry!” Alex cried, leaning into her friend, hugging her.

“Why don’t you tell me about it, then we can plot a just revenge. Also, tell me about the streaking,” she said, pointing at Alex’s half nude body.

Alex smiled, inhaled, held it, then exhaled.

“The night ended great. Well, with great sex anyway. Amazing, spectacular sex.” She smiled. “And stories from my college years.”

“You made that clear already. It’s not the important part.”

“Okay, when Kevin woke me…”


Alex: 10:15 AM

Kevin sat on the bed. His weight pinning Alex under the soft warm sheets. She sighed, content to stay in her pleasant dreamworld.

“I need to go out for a while,” he whispered. His warm breath tickled Alex’s ear. She wiggled against the covers, trying to burrow in further. “But I was wondering...”


“Why did you stop?” he asked.

“Stop what?”

“Working,” he said.

“Mm, law school is hard,” she said. “Disbarment. Not worth the risk.”

“Would you keep doing it if it was legal?”

“Nuhuh,” she shrugged lazily. “Trying to sleep.”

“Okay, okay. I love you. I’ll be back in a before one.”

Perversely, Alex couldn’t make it back to unconsciousness once Kevin’s warm weight left the bed. She snuggled in under the covers, but sleep evaded her. It was a rare Saturday where Alex and Kevin had nothing scheduled.

“Fuck,” she said softly, getting up.

Alex rolled out of bed, looking at the clock. 10:21. She looked outside. Overcast and misty. No workout, then. Instead, she threw on a robe and walked to her office. About a hundred pages of patent filings waited to be reviewed.

At 1:45 she got a text from Wendy confirming their run tomorrow. Alex put the phone down, picking up the filing. 

Later she texted Kevin wanting to know his whereabouts.

Alex picked up the filing to finish her review, but she couldn’t focus. She put the paper down and reclined, looking up at the ceiling. Absent-mindedly reaching under her robe, she rubbed her labia and clit gently, thinking about events of the last few days. She wanted more than fingers.

She picked up the phone again and urged Kevin to speed up. He texted back about picking up food.

Alex ambled into their walk in closet, rummaging for something to tease him with, but nothing seemed provocative enough to suit him. Her fetish gear, costumes, and whoring outfits were all packed in her mother’s attic. In the meantime, she had nothing to wear. 


Alex smiled to herself.

After a shower, she spent time putting on heavy slutty makeup because Kevin had complained about not seeing her in it. Then she put on the stilettos and the choker from last Sunday. Alex appraised herself in the mirror, feeling deliciously slutty.

“Alex?” yelled Kevin from the kitchen. “Food.”

“Just in time,” she yelled from the closet. Walking out into the dining area, Alex’s stomach growled and her mouth watered at the savory aroma of chicken and spices.

“Mm, that smells good.”

Kevin, looking her over appreciatively but with a sober expression, “we need to talk. Probably before things get sexier.”

Kevin leaned against the counter, as if for support, barefoot with windblown hair. He wore black slacks and a wrinkled, untucked white Oxford she had never seen before. The slacks also had wrinkles and by the looks of it, some small stains in the lap area, as if he’d spilled some cream and tried to wipe it off.

“Hey, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you look ‘just fucked’,” she said. “What have you been up to?”

Kevin blushed.

“Kevin?” Alex tittered nervously.

“We need to talk, Alex.” he said, glumly.


“We can’t get married,” he blurted.

The sour feeling welling up in Alex’s stomach matched the look on Kevin’s face. Alex closed the distance to him in three strides of her long legs.

“What do you mean…” Words failed her as she spotted and a smudge on his right sleeve cuff . She grabbed his arm, inspecting the smudge.

“Is that lipstick?” she asked. It was lipstick. Red. And she could smell perfume now. Something vaguely familiar, citrusy with notes of ginger. Not vanilla, like hers. “You smell like another woman.”

“Yeah, I do. It’s complicated,” he dissembled. “Look, we need to talk. We need to break it off.”

“YOU keep saying that.” She turned and ran for the door, heels clicking furiously. “Fuck you, Kevin.”

Alex grabbed car keys off the counter and a coat off the hook on her way out. She ran out of the house, putting on the coat as she stumbled down the stairs, toward the carport. The brisk February wind did nothing to cool her anger. She ignored the young jogger, stopped dead in the street, gawking at her exposed form.

The handles of Kevin’s Model S extended as she approached her car. She’d picked up the wrong keys. Alex couldn’t face going back to the house. She accepted the Tesla’s invitation.

The jogger stood frozen directly in her path. She blared the horn and mashed the pedal. He dove to the right. Alex juked to the left to avoid him and sped off, the acceleration pinning her head back against the headrest.

She drove recklessly around traffic, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Somehow she managed to get to the top of Mount Tam. Alex pulled off at a fogged in scenic overlook and settled back, trying to collect her thoughts.

Her pert breasts peeked out from behind the coat’s lapels. The coat divided around her legs, exposing her pussy and legs to anyone who cared to look. Ordinarily, Alex would feel deliciously slutty. If Kevin were here, she would crawl over the console and sit on him, letting him do whatever came to mind. A sob of grief escaped her.

They couldn’t get married? Who had he fucked? And why?

Alex sat in the gray fog, feeling sorry for herself until an SUV pulled up. Not wanting to be seen, she backed up the car and took off again, eventually finding her way to the city and Russian Hill.


Wendy 3:55 PM

“So he definitely cheated on you,” said Wendy.

“Admitted it,” replied Alex.

“I guess that’s why he called off the wedding?”

“No,” Alex said, rolling her eyes and bowing her head.


“Remember, I told him everything about my past.”


“So maybe I scared him away.”

“You told him about working with Fawn?” Wendy gulped.

“You knew?” Alex looked dumbfounded. Wendy nodded, pursing her lips guiltily. “How? I was so careful.”

“Yeah, but Fawn knew. So there is that,” Wendy sighed. “You can accuse Fawn of a lot of things, but being discrete? Nope.”

“Oh, come on. Even she didn’t talk about that, Wendy.”

“Well, I might have wheedled it out of her in the middle of a fight.”

“You fought?”

“Yeah, I was pissed at you. Jealous. You were out with some guy, I thought. Fawn defended you. She let it slip you were working. This was news to me, so I asked where. She wouldn’t say. But I wore her down. She confessed everything,” said Wendy. “She seemed relieved to get it off her chest.”

“A lot got off on her chest,” cracked Alex, unable to resist the pun. Wendy groaned. “You never confronted me about it.”

“I figured you’d tell me when you wanted to,” said Wendy. “Honestly, right now I’m more pissed at Kevin for getting you to talk than about anything else.”

A loud knock on the door startled both women. Wendy checked the time. Minutes to Four.

“Fuck,” she whispered. “It’s gotta be Andy, picking me up. I’ll get rid of him.”

“Oh, no,” said Alex. “Don’t on my account. I’ll borrow some clothes and leave.”

“Tsk,” said Wendy. Leaving Alex on the couch, she walked to the door.

“Who’s there?” she said.

“Andy,” a voice announced through the door, “I tailgated in.”

Wendy opened the door. Andy held a red heart shaped box of chocolates. He wore jeans and a black T-shirt with ‘Marlboro’ written on it in a bold red font. Disappointed, Wendy kept her arm on the door, effectively blocking Andy’s view of Alex and preventing him from coming in.

“Wow, are you planning on wearing that?” he joked, looking Wendy’s underwear over. “I mean, they’re really nice underwear. But it’s a bit cold...”

“I’m downright overdressed compared to some,” Wendy laughed, looking over at Alex who grinned. “And it’s better than a T-shirt and jeans, don’t you think?”

Andy looked down at himself, confused.

“First you spaced the reservations, so I had to make them. Now you show up like you’re going to a kegger . I get the feeling you’re not taking this seriously at all.”

“Look, if we’re going to fight, can we at least not do it in the hallway?”

“No, I have a friend over. She’s had a bit of a day and I’m consoling her,” Wendy said. “Maybe we should fight later.”

“Friend over. Hm, now who’s not taking this seriously?” he asked. “Let me in.”

Wendy checked with Alex, who tilted her head and shrugged.

“Yeah,” said Wendy sharply, “you know what? Fuck it. Be my guest. Come on in.” 

“Hi,” he said as he noticed Alex on the loveseat. Andy did a double take, his eyes scanning down her nude form. Like in the car, her breasts were hidden but her sex was bared for all to see. “Um, Hi. I’m Andy.”

“Alex,” said Alex, waving lamely. She opened her legs enjoying the look of delight and uncertainty on his face.

“Andy, this is Alex, my best friend,” explained Wendy, slamming the door. “She’s just found out Kevin, her fiance of one week, cheated on her and wants to call off the wedding. She’s a bit upset.”

“Uh,” said Andy, unable to fashion a response. Wendy had no such trouble.

“Tell me, Alex, did Kevin forget reservations for Valentine’s Day or go dressed like… this?” Wendy crossed her arms and hitched her hip out.

“Nope. It was a limo to Chez Panisse. He wore crisp slacks and a button down. We caught some Jazz and then danced at a club until two in the morning. Then fucked me properly. A regular one man gangbang,” she said. An evil grin spread across her face. “What did you have planned for tonight, Andy?”

“Uh,” Andy had backed up, not able to process her frank aggression.

“Look at me,” commanded Wendy. Hesitantly, Andy pulled his gaze away from Alex.


“When your girlfriend is standing in front of you, in her underwear no less, and you’re having a fight. You look at her. Not her friend.”

“But,” Andy pointed to Alex. “She’s naked, in your living room!”

“I don’t care if she’s being gangbanged by black triplet midgets with foot long cocks. You look at me.”

Alex giggled, she couldn’t help herself. Andy’s expression was priceless. Wendy opened the door and waved for Andy to leave.

“This is over. I was pretty sure before. But, now I’m certain.”

Andy helplessly walked through the door, turning back to Wendy in the hallway, clutching his red heart shaped box.

“Bye,” she slammed the door. “Have a nice life, Andy.”

Wendy turned to her friend who sat wide eyed on the couch.

“Well, he’ll remember me for the rest of his life. Bet he thinks about what could have been with you and me and him until he’s in the old folks home.”

“You’re brutal, Wendy,” she said. “I’ve never seen you break up with someone. Is that how you normally do it?”

“Shoot!” said Wendy yelled. “I should have grabbed the chocolates.”

“Heh, I could use the calories. Haven’t eaten since breakfast,” said Alex.



After Wendy ordered, the two friends sat around the kitchen bar and continued their talk.

“Sorry about the timing, Wendy,” said Alex. She put her nose in her wine glass and inhaled deeply, closing her eyes.

“Sista, please!” she replied, flipping a hand. “I would have decided to end it sometime over dinner. Then I would spend the rest of dinner deciding if I should fuck him one last time or release him back into the wild, right there on the spot.”

“The wild?”


Alex smirked.

They chit chatted until the food arrived. They ate in silence. Alex devoured her Crispy Basil Chicken and Tom Yum, looking up only to sip wine. She waited silently while Wendy delicately consumed the last of her Spicy Green Beans and Chicken.

“That looked good,’ said Alex as Wendy swallowed the last bite.

“Mm hm ,” she confirmed.

“Let me taste some,” said Alex, leaning in to Wendy. They kissed tentatively, then Wendy leaned into it. The two friends kissed like old lovers. Soft, deep, and meaningful .

“It’s been too long,” said Alex.

“More than a year,” sighed Wendy. “But, is this a good idea? I mean right now?”

“You want me to leave?”

“No. Stay. As long as you want. You know that.” Wendy pointed at the engagement ring on the table. “That’s some serious hardware. And as much as I’m happy you’re here. I know he’s the best guy you’ve ever dated. He’s not that bad…”

“Except for the cheating and breaking off the engagement,” quipped Alex, “probably because he couldn’t handle that I’ve fucked several hundred men. Or a few women.”

Alex leaned in for another kiss. Wendy pulled back as Alex playfully bit her lower lip.

“Stop,” she said. “I want more than rebound sex.”

“This isn’t rebound,” said Alex. “It’s more like... revenge. Or balance, maybe.”

“Hey!” Wendy slapped Alex hard enough to sting. Alex put a hand to her cheek, her lips making an ‘o’ of shock. “I’m not revenge.”

“Oh,” said Alex, looking down wide eyed, both cheeks turning red now. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Sorry, Wendy. I’m just mad and hurt.”

Alex cupped Wendy’s face in both hands. She kissed her friend tentatively, delicately, with real emotion. Wendy’s kissed back, first timidly, then with matching passion. Alex pulled Wendy closer. The smaller woman wrapped her arms around Alex’s naked torso, caressing her back gently. The two women kissed for quite a while.

“I’m not confused about you,” said Alex, coming up for air. “I’ve loved you forever. And you’ll always be my friend. I want you to be my lover, not just between boyfriends.”

“ O-kay ,” said Wendy, quietly blushing. “What about Kevin?”

“That’s the confusing part…” she began. “I feel the same way about him. Felt? No. I still love him, damnit. I don’t know what’s going on with him. But he’s the love of my life. The other love.”

Confession complete, Alex searched her friend's face, looking for a response.


“That’s, incredible,” said Wendy softly. “I’ve always wanted to hear you say… some of that. I hold back with every woman because they don’t compare to you. I have so many regrets.” 

She sighed, straightened her back and looked directly in Alex’s eyes.

“I should have staked my claim years ago,” said Wendy. She retrieved the engagement ring and kneeled down in front of Alex, who looked on with wild eyed amazement.

“Alexandra Williams, will you marry me?” She offered Kevin’s ring.

Wendy held her breath as she watched joy, distress, wonder, anguish, guilt, fear and acceptance play across Alex’s beautiful face. Alex cleared her throat and smiled.

“I want to,” she said quietly, “but..."

Wendy reverently put the ring on Alex’s hand and pulled her off the stool for a languid kiss . The two lovers kneeled next to each other kissing and hugging until Alex broke down crying.

“What a mess,” she said, sitting back down with a sigh. “My first thought when you asked was ‘I can’t wait to tell Kevin.’ I love him. I love you. My heart is breaking.”

“Talk to him. Resolve it or end it. Make a choice.”

“He said we couldn’t, Wendy!” Alex shook her head, looking heartbroken. 

Wendy grunted before dialing the phone.

“Kevin? Alex wants to talk to you,” she said. Alex could hear the response. Wendy hung up.

“Kevin doesn’t know where you live…”

“I guess he’ll figure it out on his own,” she shrugged. “Until then...”

Pulling her friend and lover close, Wendy kissed Alex fiercely. Forgetting about Kevin, for the moment, she responded in kind. At some point, kissing became foreplay .

“Come on,” she pulled Alex’s arm.

Alex let Wendy lead her into the bedroom. Wendy pulled Alex’s coat off and pushed her nearly nude friend onto the bed. She bent her head to kiss Alex, gently caressing her breast. Alex melted into the kiss and pushed up against the hand on her breast. Wendy drove a leg between Alex’s knees until she could feel her lover’s hot, wet sex against her thigh.

Wendy humped her thigh against Alex’s sex, mashing softly down on her clit and labia, then rubbing up and down just enough for a pleasant friction. She continued kissing, gently fondling Alex until her breathing turned ragged as she neared the peak.

“Cum, for me, Beautiful,” said Wendy.

“Oh,” Alex cried out, arching her back. Air hissed between her lips as she exhaled. “Ah, um,” She pushed back against Wendy’s silky thigh as her climax intensified and broke over her.

“Mm,” said Wendy, watching her friend come. “You are beautiful.”

“Hmm, I was so tense,” sighed Alex, lying back down.

“Tension relief. Good reason to pick me,” said Wendy.

“You’re both good at that,” said Alex, smiling mischievously. “You’ll have to be more persuasive.”

“Harumph, scoot up then.” Alex did.

“Here are two more reasons,” said Wendy. Rising up to remove her robe, she unsnapped her bra, letting her large breasts loose with a sigh of relief.

“Those are persuasive,” giggled Alex.

Wendy dove, down between Alex’s long pale legs and kissed her clit. Then bit it playfully. Alex let out a hiss of alarm, still sensitive. Wendy changed tunes, gently licking her labia and nuzzling her cheeks up and down Alex’s thighs, stopping occasionally to kiss her friend’s soft skin.

“Oo, no stubble,” said Alex.

“Hmm, that’s another one,” said Wendy. She kissed the hood of Alex’s clit reverently. “Let me show you a few more.”

Wendy pulled out all the stops.

She vigorously sucked on Alex’s clit until she cried out in orgasm. Wendy switched focus, sticking two fingers in Alex’s pussy and licking her dainty labia gently. Wendy rubbed the crenelated roof of Alex’s vagina, sending waves of pleasure through her. 

Alex tensed her legs and sighed, “Oh, that’s… Oh.” 

Wendy flicked her tongue on Alex’s clit causing her to burst into a long moaning orgasm. With fingers, lips, tongue and even her nose, Wendy kept Alex on the plateau of orgasm, pushing her over the edge into full climax then switching technique, never letting her come down to rest.

“Ah, god, okay, okay. Please stop, babe. My brain is turning to mush,” said Alex.

Wendy let up, crawling up Alex’s body and lying beside her panting lover. She kissed Alex’s cheek and shoulder, then lay back. They stared at the ceiling.

“How many reasons was that?” asked Alex.

“Not sure, was it enough?” asked Wendy with a smile.

“Maybe? Fuck, that was intense.”

Wendy rolled to rest her head on her lover. Alex put her arm under Wendy’s head and around to her shoulder. Wendy let out a content sigh, rubbing her hand up and down Alex’s smooth stomach.

“I love you,” she said, “who ever you choose.”

“How much time do you suppose we have before Kevin barges in?”

“Not long enough,” said Wendy.

Alex rolled Wendy onto her back and got on top of her. She kissed Wendy, tasting herself. She lingered on Wendy’s mouth, tongues playfully dancing. Biting her lips gently, she kissed her way down Wendy’s body, spending ample time on her considerable breasts and sensitive dark nipples. Alex wasn’t the aficionado of cunnilingus that Wendy was, but once her underwear was removed, Wendy found herself floating in a sea of orgasms. She let Alex pilot her from one orgasm to another with the bittersweet knowledge that this might be the last time for them. Or maybe just the first as a real couple.

A distant knock on the door interrupted them.

“Already?” complained Wendy.

“God, I’m not ready for this.” Alex lay back with an explosive sigh. They just lay there, waiting. The knock repeated, no louder or more urgently. “Do you want us to leave? We’re going to fight. It could get ugly.”

“Do you want to leave?”

“I don’t know what I want.”

“Don’t you mean who?,” asked Wendy. Frowning, she added, “You have to decide.”

“No pressure, then,” she quipped. Alex sighed and said, “I don’t want to lose you, Wendy.”

“I’ll always be your friend Alexandra. But I think we need to be adults about, you know, the shenanigans,” she joked. She added more seriously, “my heart can only take so much. I keep ending up with bad partners. I’m starting to see it’s because I’m hoping for you. I need to move on, with you, preferably. But...”

Tears came to Alex’s eyes. “I wish I could have you both.”

“Yeah, like that would work. Besides, isn’t he the one...” There was another knock, “breaking up with you?”

Alex shrugged, unwilling to believe he could want that.

“Go,” said Wendy. Her heart broke a little to let her friend go, possibly forever.

Alex hugged Wendy and left.


Kevin and Alex 6:30PM

Alex walked to the door nude, still wearing heels and that choker. She felt stupid for having them on, but at time she put them on, everything in her life was perfect and she had wanted to surprise her husband to be.

“Oh,” he said, when she jerked the door open. He looked her over, surprised in a different way.

Alex wasn’t sure if she preferred titillating Kevin or torturing him. He looked good, standing there with damp, windblown hair in jeans and a fleece. He’d taken the ferry then. Alex could imagine him standing near the prow squinting into the cold spray.

Kevin pursed his lips when he saw her, “that reminds me, Mick sends his regards.”

“Who?” said Alex, completely caught off guard.

“The jogger you nearly made a hood ornament of? His name is Mick,” he said. “I checked, he doesn’t want to sue. But you have a new fan. You can expect him to be jogging by on a regular basis.”

“Who says I’ll be there to notice?” she asked. Kevin’s expression softened. He extended his hand, offering her the gym bag he carried.

“In,” she said, taking it from him. 

Alex sat down on Wendy’s loveseat with the bag on her lap. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Kevin directly, but tracked him out of the corner of her eye while she rummaged through the bag. Cosmetics, her Pill dispenser, toothbrush, running clothes and shoes, jeans, a T-shirt , a fleece, and a sports bra. No panties.

“You have some of Wendy smeared all over your face,” he said. Alex snapped her head of up look at her fiance. He showed no anger.

“It’s complicated,” she said, bitterly. Kevin sighed as he took a seat in the armchair.

The two lovers sat across from each other in silence. Alex measured him up. He sat forward, elbows on knees, watching her attentively. Straight backed and clear eyed, he showed no remorse or apprehension and he had yet to offer anything by way of comment or apology.

Alex wanted to make it, or him, hard. She splayed herself out in front of him, throwing one leg up on the seat and leaving the other planted on the floor. Leaning back, she spread out her arms, one on the armrest and the other along the seat back . All she needed was a slave to feed her grapes. Kevin couldn’t avoid seeing her wet sex.

“Well?” said Alex, imperiously.

“I can’t decide what to start with,” he said.

“Start with why you don’t want to marry me. Then I want to know about the cunt you fucked today.” She dug the point of her heel between the cushions of Wendy’s loveseat, pointing and un-pointing her toes. It didn’t distract Kevin as much as Alex wanted.

“I said ‘We can’t marry’ not ‘I want to call it off.’ As a lawyer I thought you’d pick up on that.”

“You bastard. None of this is on me. I had just bared my soul to you. Told you everything. You seemed happy enough despite how sordid my past has been. Then you call it off. You think I care how you phrased it?” 

Alex wanted to scream.

“Ok, fair enough,” he said. “I think this will explain it faster.” 

He pulled out his iPhone. The one with compromising pictures of her, she remembered with regret. If they broke up, would he post them? He fiddled with the screen.

“You’re breaking up with me. Is there’s an app for that?”

Despite himself, Kevin smiled at her sarcasm.

“Probably there is. But this is just a picture. Let me zoom in...” 

He handed her the phone. It was a grainy picture of Kevin, looking younger. She looked at it uncertainly. What did that clear up? “Okay?”

“Zoom out,” he made pinching motions. One pinch and she could see Kevin was wearing odd clothes. Two pinches and she could see more men around him, smiling out at her. She knew this picture. She pinched again, all the way out.

“O, my. Guh. Oh, fucking hell.” A shiver ran down her back. She looked down at the five smiling faces of men who impregnated her mother, one of whom looked just like Kevin.

“Yeah,” said Kevin. “That was more or less my reaction.”

Alex hadn’t seen that photo in years, not since she decided not to track down her real dad. She’d left it on her SD card where Kevin must have found it earlier today.

“Is there any chance this is just a massive coincidence?” she asked. “I mean Mom never mentioned… we would be twins.”

Kevin shook his head. “My father’s name is Brian. I asked her.”

“You went to see, Mom.” she said dumbly as it all fell into place. Kevin nodded. Looking at her half-brother and now ex-fiance she said, “We can’t get married,”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to explain,” he said simply.

“But you were with someone else, too...” Wendy needed to know who he’d fucked. “Why.”

“I got rough with your Mom,” he said. “Really rough. She got submissive. I was so mad. One thing lead to another. I grudge fucked her.” 

“Woah, that’s a lot to take in.” Alex slouched back, putting her legs together, no longer concerned with projecting sexual power. “We can’t get married.”

“I’ll leave,” said Kevin quietly, nodding. He looked like someone had run over his puppy. Tears rolled down his face. “You can get your things when you want. I’ll stay out of the way.” 

“Wait,” she said, sitting back up to grab his ice cold hand. ”That’s not what I meant.”

He looked down at her, piteously.

“I...” she began. “Look. I don’t care about any of that. Do want me?”

“Yes.” An immediate and crystal clear response.

“This changes nothing for me,” she said, glancing at the door to Wendy’s room. “But it complicates things.”

“Look, what happened with Cynthia...”

“I’m talking about Wendy,” she said waving his apology away before it registered.

“Oh,” said Kevin, looking confused. “Care to explain?”

“Wait, what about Cynthia?” she backtracked.

“I went to confront her,” He threw his hands up. “Things got out of hand.”

“Tell me…” she said.


Kevin 10:30 AM

Parking near Cynthia’s house was easy this time of day, most local residents were leaving for their day of adventure or whatever. As Kevin approached her house he saw a tall, handsome black man descending the stoop. Kevin met him at the bottom.

The man stopped as said hello.

“Uh, hi,” said Kevin.

“Oh, My bad. Clayton Thayor. Old friend of the family,” he said, offering his hand affably.

“Kevin Shiply,” Clayton’s hand shake was powerful but not dominating. “Alex has nothing but good things to say about you, Clayton. But she didn’t tell me you were a professor now. Math?”

“Ah, Physics. I’m at a loss here,” he said. “How do you know Alexandra?”

“We’re engaged. Just recently.”

“Ah, Cynthia mentioned she was dating someone seriously,” he nodded. “Alex is special. You sure you can handle her?”

“Were you here to see Cynthia or Cindy?” asked Kevin, not liking being put on the spot. Now Clayton knew Kevin knew Cindy was Alex’s nickname for her mother when she was in slut mode.

“Hmm, Cindy,” he said, looking mischievous. “How about you?”

“Definitely Cynthia.”

“Good, now I have things to do,” he said. 

They shook hands again then separated, Kevin walking up to the house and Clayton to his car. Kevin knocked on her door.

After a minute, he could see Cynthia approach through the glass door. She wore a white terry cloth robe, her hair messed up but her makeup in good order. It looked suspiciously fresh. She grimaced at him.

“Hello, Kevin,” she said, opening the door. “Why darken my door at this hour?”

“Hi, Mom!” Kevin said, waiting for her reaction. The woman could win a poker tournament with that stone face.

“Come in, Son,” she said after a moment. 

She walked away from him, down the hall, through the dining room and into the kitchen at the back of the house.

“How did you find out.” she asked, pouring herself coffee. She held up the pot and raised her eyebrows, silently offering him a cup. He refused it.

“So it’s true,” Kevin slumped. 

“Obviously, but how…”

“Alex has a JPEG of your five sperm donors. She explained her parentage to me, so when I saw the picture, I knew.”

“Has she figured it out?”

“No, I guess it's been years since she looked at it. Way before we met. But she’ll find out, even if I don’t tell her.”

“So you were snooping on her computer?” She poured a glass of water and handed it to him. He took a sip just to be polite. She sat down at the table.

“Nice. Change the subject, focus on me,” he said. “But I don’t think so. You put me out for adoption?”

“Mom and Dad found good parents for you,” she said. Without even a flinch, she confirmed the unimaginable. “We made sure you would do well. And you have.”

“That doesn’t make it right,” said Kevin. He couldn’t get over it. It felt unreal. He was engaged to his half-sister. He laughed, “Usually reunions like this are awkward, but not this awkward.”

Cynthia’s face tightened.

“Did you recognize who I was when you first saw me?”

“Of course. It was like seeing Brian’s ghost. And before you ask. You and Alex were already going at if by that time, so I kept my mouth shut. But, yes. I knew you were out of me.”

“You feel no remorse, take no responsibility?” asked Kevin, his bile rising.

“What have I done?” she asked rhetorically. Then she sighed.

“I didn’t expect twins. But I got them. I couldn’t deal with two. And I didn’t want a boy. The adoption was blind but I made sure your adoptive parents were affluent, well educated and non-religious. I haven’t met them, but Alex tells me they’ve got , what, three PhDs between them? And they're retired at sixty? Plus, they dote on you. And look at you, CTO at 27. Your genes, the environment you grew up in, I’m responsible for some of that.”

“As for you and Alexandra. God, it was too late by the time she brought you over for dinner. And she was so in love. I figured, I hoped, you wouldn’t be the one to tame her.”

“I never tried to tame her.”

“Well, cheers to you,” she said, raising her mug, “for figuring that one out. But you had help.”


“It’s called genetic sexual attraction. You tend to be attracted to close genetic relatives if you’re not raised together.”

“You hate me so much you have to make up reasons for Alex to want me?”

“It’s a real thing,” she said. “Admit it, you feel attraction to me, don’t you?” 

His mouth dropped open. She nodded smugly. 

“Not only do I look like an older version of your lovely half-sister, but some part of you recognizes your own genetic material. So attraction happens. Subconsciously, if you’re Freudian. But I would say instinctively.”

“Is the reverse true?” asked Kevin. “Are you attracted to me?”

“Hard to tell. You look like Brian,” she shrugged. “Your father was my favorite of the five.”

“But you always made it clear you hated me,” he said.

“I want Alex to leave you. She doesn’t deserve these kinds of complications. Neither do you. Also, it’s hard for me to see you, standing there like Brian.”


“Brian was one of two men I’ve ever considered for a husband,” she said. “I’m just can’t stand being reminded he’s dead.”

“Get used to it. I love her,” he said. “And not like a sister.”

“Kevin, in the next five to ten years, genetic testing is going to be as routine as cholesterol tests are now. If you have kids…” She shook her head. “If one curious lab technician decides to compare screens, you’re cooked. You’d both be in jail in most states.”

Kevin rocked back by the truth of that, “we have kids.”

“Or get married. I’m sorry, Kevin,” she looked heartbroken. “I really am. This sucks for both of you. I would be proud to call you my son-in-law. If you weren’t my son.”

“Gee, thanks, Mom,” he looked down at his hands, palms up in his lap. Tears welled up in his eyes. He scrunched his face. “I really love her. We hadn’t talked about it, but I want her kids.”

“Aw, sweetheart, come here,” Cynthia stood and opened her arms. Kevin didn’t know why, but h accepted the hug crying into his mother’s arms for the first time in his life. They hugged, clutching each other as Kevin was wracked with confused grief.

Calming down, Kevin became painfully aware of Cynthia’s firm breasts pushing against his chest. Things stirred.

“Is that a rabbit in your pocket?” she quipped.

“Um,” Kevin blushed. They parted awkwardly. Looking at her seriously, with anger he couldn’t rationally explain or even justify, Kevin said. “I’m not sure if I should hug you, slap you, or fuck you.”

“Are you angry?” she asked demurely, almost submissively. Kevin’s cock twitched hard against his slacks. Somehow asking made him angrier, couldn’t she tell?

“It’s so unfair. I’m livid.” His palms itched to slap her. “I mean, you got to have her and she’ll always be your kid.

“Oh, she told you about…”

“Yes, Cindy,” he said, confirming it.

Thinking about Clayton fucking Cynthia and Alex made Kevin’s cock press pleasantly against his slacks. Cynthia’s eyes dilated, probably on the same train of thought, herself. He made a logical leap.

“Is Clayton the other guy?”

“What other guy?”

“The other man you considered as a mate.” 

“Yes,” she nodded.

“He dominates you.” She nodded, her hands stilled. “And Brian, my father, dominated you.” 

She nodded, looking down demurely.

“I met Clayton leaving. He fucked you, didn’t he?” 

Another nod.


“Anywhere he wanted,” she said timidly. 

Kevin pulled the belt on her robe, opening it. She didn’t stop him, so he peeled the robe back off her shoulders roughly. She let it fall to the floor. Her breasts were large, firm and teardrop shaped. And covered in dried cum. So were her thighs, lower belly, and bald pussy. She had a flat stomach, with good muscle definition. An athletic slut, just like her daughter.

“Not bad for having twins,” he said.

“We shouldn’t be like this,” she said, not looking up.

“Too late for that. We’re all ruined now,” he said bitterly. He swallowed his bile, adding, “you could have had two beautiful smart children grow up together. They would have kids, with other people, and you’d be this really hot grandmother. A big happy dynasty. Now, it’s just this.”

Cynthia seemed to shrink at that. He almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

“Does he come by often? Clayton, I mean.”

“Yes, since the new year when he moved back to the West Coast,” she said.

“He uses you well, doesn't he Cindy?” he asked to see how passive she would be.

She nodded.

“Not enough, I think,” he said. “Get on your knees.”

She dropped down immediately, quick to do as he commanded despite her earlier, weak protest. Cindy unzipped his fly, pulling out his rampant cock.

“Oh,” she said stroking the length.

“Suck it, slut,” said Kevin. “Let’s see if you’re as big a whore as your daughter is.”

Cindy was already putting him in her mouth. She suckled the head with gusto, clearly loving it.

Kevin had pumped three loads into her daughter the night before. It would take a miracleTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

Same as Modern Relations (part 08): It's Complicated Videos

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Why Must Everything Be So Complicated

Author’s Note: This is probably the most ambitious story I’ve ever tried to write, not so much because of the plot, but because of the changes the characters go through and the emotions they have to deal with along the way. (Events are easy; people are hard!) The problem is, even if I succeeded in my goal (and that’s one hell of an ?if,? since I’m certainly not a professional writer), everyone has a different idea of what exactly makes people and emotions seem real. What works for one person...

4 years ago
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Verry Incestous Relations 3

BY: JIWJIW11 CHAPTER 3 TITLE - Gorgeous Broads, Girl-On-Girl Incest & Sudden Changes A. – Waking Up Ravished / Just Like The Good Old Days: The next morning Cindy was awakened by the sound of her husband Bill taking a shower. She lay there for a couple of minutes, with her eyes closed, trying to get her bearings. She was so groggy that she felt like she’d been drugged. It seemed like she had a terrific hangover, but without the headache. Memories of last...

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Modern Renaissance

It was late when I arrived in Jersey. I was to meet a friend at a renaissance festival to be held at the Smithsonian in New York the following day. I decided to stop at a hotel near the G.W. Bridge, which crosses over into New York, for the night. I had the vallet take my things up to the room I purchased and headed to the hotel bar for a martini before turning in. I sat at the bar for sometime sipping martinis and chatting with other travelers at the bar. One of the gentleman at the bar caught...

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Modern Woman

I have been married to a wonderful man for twenty seven years. Our youngest of five children finished school and left for college eight months ago. I thought that my husband and I would really enjoy being empty-nesters. Boy, how wrong I was! He just worked longer hours, leaving home before I was out of bed in the morning and not getting home until dinnertime. And it was a dinnertime that had been pushed back later and later. I was frustrated and upset. I was even angry at times, but whenever...

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Modern Dominating Divorcee

Hey all thanks for your comments on my previous experiences. It was great to read them and thanks for all new proposals that you made, surely gonna get unite and make your wishes true. Keep sending your response to This context is all about a lady who is independent and aged around 33. She has her own boutique in Mumbai and is divorced just a year back due to some complexions in marriage. She is fair with 5’7 height 70 KGS and 34 d- 26- 36 figure. I received her email on my Kolkata diaries...

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Verry Incestous Relations 4

Introduction: Cindys twin teenage sons dedicate themselves to seducing their gorgeous mother, her breathtaking sister and their luciously ripe bodied cousin with randy results Verry Incestuous Relations Chapter 4 Title: Mother Gives It Up A – MOTHER DEAREST / AN INCESTUOUS PLAN: Jerry heard the sound of his bedroom door opening, followed by his Brother Larrys whisper, Hey, are you awake yet? Hell, Jerry whispered back, Ive been awake for a couple of hours. Shit, me too. I woke up with a...

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Verry Incestuous Relations

Introduction: Cindys twin teenage boys dedicate themselves to seducing their gorgeous mother, her breathtaking sister and her luciously ripe bodied cousin with randy results VERY INCESTUOUS RELATIONS CHAPTER 1 BOYS WILL BE (NAUGHTY) BOYS – DRINK UP COUSIN: After breakfast Margie sent her husband off on his regular week long sales trip. When his car had disappeared out of sight she went back inside to plan out her week. For the last month, she had been promising her mothers sister, Cindy,...

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South of Bikini 3 Renewed Relations

Alexandra Fleming awakes to witness her daughter Cassandra's gift has arrived. Several previously mentioned paradoxes reach finality. Episode 2 "Renewed Relations" Sanford Fleming house, Long Beach, California, 0630hrs, April 23rd, 1953 "Momma." That same dream had crept into my sleep again. Why did it constantly seek to ruin any full night's sleep I desperately needed? "Momma." The soft sheets, fluffy pillow, and warm blanket made me not want to answer the small...

2 years ago
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Fuckin Soldiers Part 1 Recruits Gone Wild

Introduction: Life in the army is awesome when youre a lesbian! Authors Note: Please keep in mind that I am only a writer. Because of this, it is possible that some of the military terms and regulations included in the following story are incorrect. *** Barbie Lez has always been exceptionally smart. At age eight, two things in her life were certain, she was a lesbian and she would become a US Marine. As usual, it did not take long for Barbie to tell her best friend April about it. Both...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Verry Incestous Relations 5

Introduction: Cindys twin teenage boys dedicate themselves to seducing their gorgeous mother, her breathtaking sister and her luciously ripe bodied cousin with randy results Verry Incestuous Relations CHAPTER 5 Mother Gets It All Three Ways TUESDAY: A – WELCOME TO THE ECSTACY MOTEL, ROOMS RENTED BY THE HOUR: Cindy was lying on her back on the floorboard of her van, right behind the bucket seats, with her son Larrys cock in her mouth, and his large scrotum lying on her forehead. She was...

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Verry Incestous Relations 6

Introduction: Cindys twin teenage boys dedicate themselves to seducing their gorgeous mother, their luciously ripe bodied aunts and their breathtaking cousin, with randy results VERRY INCESTUOUS RELATIONS CHAPTER 6 WEDDING PARTY TIME AN ORGY OF SEX: Cindy slowly came awake, opening her eyes just long enough to establish that she was in the king sized bed in her hotel suite in Santa Barbara.. The past 24 hours had been a sexual blur. Things had happened so quickly that she still wasnt sure...

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Weapons of Math Relations 6 Sara Seeks Sperm 1

Sara shows perfectly the paradoxes of some BDSM-relations. The Dom is officially fully in power of them two.Sara shows below that it's the slave, who decides matters of life & death, by being smart enough to her Dom.Sara shows that a talented & dedicated sexy submissive slave can get anything she wants from serving Him.Sara shows my dear readers her great talents, which are main reason behind more of our stories coming up!Sara sits at Professor Peter's lap, Friday evening late, after...

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EastWest Relations by loyalsock

Kimiko groaned softly to herself as the wide straps of her bra dug deep into her slender shoulders, and while only standing five feet tall and weighing in at a scant ninety five pounds, you'd swear that at least half of that weight was residing inside of the 32DD lace bra of the cute twenty three year old Japanese-American flight attendant!!! After being on her feet all day inside the cramped airliner, she was dying to get checked into her hotel room and just soak for and hour in a hot tub!!!...

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Lisa Performs Customers Relations

Lisa Performs Customer Relations Bob owned an efficient and profitable company in a large country town north and west of the city. He and I had done business together for a couple of years now. I sold and he bought my company’s products. We knew a little bit of personal information about each other, that he was a widower, that I was a contentedly married wife and mother, and that our respective c***dren were grown up. I usually overnighted in the local motel. Occasionally we had a meal...

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StudentTeacher Relations

STUDENT/TEACHER RELATIONS It was turning out to be quite the lovely day. The sun was shining brightly, only becoming obscured as the occasional white, fluffy cloud drifted in front of its rays. My sunglasses on, I walked at a nice, leisurely pace. I was quite familiar with where I was going, having become pretty sure of the college campus's layout from frequent trips to it. I glanced at my watch, pleased to see that it was only half past twelve; I had plenty of time to make my...

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Black Friday III Revolutions Revelations Relations

Mark Kinsey woke to a few moments’ disorientation. This was not his bed, or his room, and his sheets did not normally feel like naked women. Then the previous day’s events hit him in a rush. He had been picked up! There had been a small riot at the Macy’s during the pickup. He had ended up with five concubines including three Vietnamese-American women: a mother, Mai Williams, and her two daughters, June, nineteen and May, sixteen. Eight-year-old Tranh was with them as well. Sandra Jenson was...

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Cordial Relations

“Oh shit,” Rachel Parker exclaimed as the twenty-five-year old redhead recognized the well dressed older woman standing at the corner bus stop, not ten feet from the building she had just exited. Her outburst had been louder than she’d realized as both of her companions turned in her direction. Mary Ann Bradley, standing to Rachel’s left, had been a friend since high school while Brenda Phillips, on Mary’s left, had only met the two of them at another club a few weeks before. Realizing that,...

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RuneswardChapter 54 Normalizing Relations

“My Queen and King,” the royal herald announced in a loud, trembling voice. His brown eyes were wild and his milky skin even paler than usual. Shaking noticeably, his eyes kept flashing back to the six robed figures standing close to him. It was as if he wanted to be sure they were real and was terribly afraid they’d disappear when he glanced away. Or maybe, that they’d consume him if he weren’t watching diligently. The figures were passingly strange. They were all tall, each of them at...

1 year ago
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Human Relations Officer

I took this job because it was in the city and it would give me a chance to find an apartment and move out on my husband, who hasn't touched me in over two years. I finally got to the point I was tired of being his maid, for absolutely no benefits and this company was perfect. It is an Architectural Design and Engineering Company with only four people employed there. Three men and one woman, the owner, his daughter who is an architect, the younger man who was also an architect and the third man...

Group Sex
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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Judy and Her Itsy Bitsy Bikini Episode 4Chapter 1 First The Bed

Dinner was fulfilling in many ways. First, Judy's stomach was sated from the spaghetti dinner. Then Steve's repeated sensual attention also satisfied her body's needs. In addition Sam urged him to deflower her. When the girls asked for more, Steve suggested, almost pleaded, "Girls, it's time for bed." Running over to the couch, the nude girls couldn't figure out how to open it. Each manufacturer has its own unique way for opening their couches and this convertible was no different....

4 years ago
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Judy and Her Itsy Bitsy Bikini Episode 4Chapter 2 No Rest For The Weary

Steve had relaxed when he feigned a snore and that gave the girls just the edge they needed. They jumped up and pounced right on him. Sam landed straddling his chest and Judy astride his knees. As Steve lifted his arms up, Sam grabbed his wrists and pushed them over Steve's head with all of her might. Now, Sam was no match for Steve in an arm wrestling match, her being a tiny thing and him being, well, a guy. But as he playfully struggled with Sam and her efforts, Judy broke his...

3 years ago
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Judy and Her Itsy Bitsy Bikini Episode 4Chapter 3 Midnight Swim

When the nude trio landed in the downstairs private access hallway, Judy stopped in her tracks. Sam, second in line, bounced into Judy almost toppling both of them over. Steve seeing the collision, swerved to barely avoid smashing into the blockage ahead of him. Judy made an abrupt 'U' turn and went to the common access end of the hallway and opened the door. Peeking outside she saw that the lights were off and the pool was quiet. Turning to Steve and Sam she whispered, "Hey ... Look the...

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