Cross-dress Dreams Come True. free porn video

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A seductive CD fulfills some of my secret fantasies. And I bring him pleasure into the bargain.

Jeez, you bust your ass all year to be among the top sales people so you can get invited to the annual conference. Supposed to be in Hawaii or Vegas or somewhere exciting. And what happens? The company needs to save some money and holds it in the city where it's based.
Cincinnati. For fuck's sake. I nearly didn't bother but there'd been some lay-offs already this year, so I decided I should go. You have to network.
My wife begged off AND gave me shit that we weren't going somewhere nice. I promised her a trip somewhere when I got back.
So I left her in Houston and went to the conference alone. I wasn't feeling it. I'd lost my company-man enthusiasm.
On the first day, I sat at the back of the auditorium for the rah-rah inspirational bollocks coming from the speakers up front.
Responding to one particular bullshit statement I shook my head, rolled my eyes and groaned.
I heard a chuckle from the guy sitting next to me and looked over. We exchanged 'can you believe this shit' expressions. And then we started a running commentary of snide remarks about the speaker. Making each other laugh. A couple of guys turned around, shushing us.
We shut up. It isn't smart to disrespect the management in a struggling company. But when the current speaker finished and before the next one started I looked over at my co-conspirator, lifted my eyebrows as a question and nodded my head towards the door.
He smiled, nodded and stood. We slipped quietly out of the auditorium and headed for the bar.
We introduced ourselves as we walked. "Hi, I'm Roger" I told him.
"Martin. Pleased to meet you." It wasn't exactly necessary, we were wearing those lame 'Hello I'm...' badges that conference wearers are given.
I noticed several more in the bar. So we weren't the only fugitives from bullshit.
I started in on a diatribe about having to come to Cincinnati, but before I could get up a real head of steam he stopped me.
"Think you have it bad? I live here!"
Well, shit! At least he stopped me before I completely embarrassed myself by trashing his home town.
I sympathized:
"Damn, you don't even get to travel somewhere at all."
"I don't even get to stay in a hotel! Locals just have to commute. Cheap bastards!"
We'd begun to get a bit loud and I noticed a few disapproving looks.
"The Thought Police are in here. We'd better shut up." I said.
"Fuck that, come to my place and we can get properly relaxed and be completely frank about our thoughts."
I agreed and we went down to the garage and he drove us to his home.
It wasn't far, but by the time we got there we'd pretty much covered all the complaints we had about our employer.
So we got inside and he went and got us a couple of beers. And then we sat down and looked at each other in an embarrassed silence.
"So what else shall we talk about?" he asked.
"In Cincinnati? I might slit my throat."
We just chit-chatted for a while. He was a good talker. Well educated and smart and witty. I was enjoying his company. I kicked off my cowboy boots.
Physically, Martin seemed like just your average guy. Maybe a little shorted than average. Not thin but not excessively fat. He had a nice smile and his ready laughter was contagious.
As the beers relaxed us we eventually got onto the subject of sex.
Somehow it got pretty revealing and I found myself telling Martin some things I'd never told anyone.
I admitted that I'd had fantasies of being with a man dressed as a woman. Even admitted that I sometimes wore panties under my suit.
He wasn't shocked or anything. In fact he was agreeing that it is an exciting thing to do.
"Have you ever actually done anything? With another guy?" he asked me.
"Noooo it's all just fantasy."
"Well it sounds like you're pretty into it."
I had to admit I was.
I told him about how often I jerked off looking at pictures of cross-dressers. The excitement of imagining my hand going up under a skirt and touching a cock there.
"What else would you do?"
I really didn't have a simple answer.
Sometimes I thought about sucking a cock, or just rubbing it through sexy underwear.
Sometimes I imagined a man in a dress bending over for me... me lifting up the hem of his skirt, exposing his panty-clad ass.
I fantasized about burying my face in his ass and then fucking him.
Sometimes I thought about laying back and watching his erect cock, sticking out from a tiny miniskirt.... watching as he climbed between my legs and pushed himself into me.
Sometimes I even thought about bending over the arm of a chair and having a gorgeous 'woman' fuck me roughly in the ass.
It was all exciting.
I shyly admitted all of it to him.
"You really need to live some of your dream, Roger" he said with a grin.
"Yeah, I guess so." If I was openly talking about it, I guess I was ready for the real thing.
"I have an idea." He switched the TV on.
"Give me a few minutes... I'll be back in a little while."
I said OK and he left the room. I just sat there scanning the channels. Found nothing much and settled on an old movie.
I got into the show and didn't notice how much time passed, but it was more than 'a few minutes'. Then I heard Martin come back into the room.
I turned to greet him and was amazed. He was dressed completely as a woman. Wig and makeup clothes and shoes.
And he was hot! Martin had transformed himself... and he was gorgeous.
"Is this what you've been thinking about?"
"Oh fuck! Martin!"
"Call me Martine. What do you think?"
"You're stunning!"
Martin isn't exactly lean.. there's a little flesh on his bones. Turned into Martine, that all became a voluptuous beauty.
He turned around, slowly, on his peek-a-boo spike-heeled shoes.
Through the sheer silk of his stockings I could see the bright red toenails. There hadn't been time for him to do that just now.
Martin was walking around with bright red glossy toenails all the time!
I thought for a second about how erotic that would be. Like when I wore panties under my suit clothes.
I felt a little tickle in my pants. Could actually feel a burst of pre-cum escape from the tip of my cock.
Martine's high-heels gave his calf muscles great definition. Very sexy. Stocking-covered thighs ended almost exactly where his short skirt began. I could just see the clips of his suspender belt behind the hem.
His ass was perfect and womanly. A peach.
Under a silky blouse, Martine wasn't showing an enormous pair of tits, but there was certainly something there. Maybe just enough of himself to shape with a push-up bra into nice little biddies.
His wig was long and blond and tumbled down onto his shoulders. He wore it in such a way as to conceal his face slightly. Like a classic movie temptress.
Lips, now defined by a bright red gloss were full and oh, so kissable.
Martin had obviously shaven very closely and the skin on his face was smooth. There was only a little make up on his cheeks. He had gone to town on the eyes, though. Maybe a little too much. If my wife wore so much I'd probably say something, but here.... who was I to judge?
I was massively attracted.
A slightly pudgy man was now just the most fuckable woman I could imagine.
He turned away and bent over slightly. Oh what an ass! Full and round. And inviting.
Clearly inviting. This wan't just a fashion show.
"Can I come and sit with you?"
"Oh god yes please!"
He sat next to me on the couch.
He turned to me and put his hand on my thigh. Started slowly sliding it up my leg....
I didn't know what to do. This was my fantasy come to life and I just sat there like an idiot.
"Kiss me. I know you want to." Martine said.
He leaned over and put his wonderful red lips on mine. All my inhibitions melted away.
I kissed back. Hard. Took him in my arms.
His hand moved up my leg and I felt him cupping my hardening cock.
He stopped.... was feeling around down there... "Wow, Roger!!!"
I just smiled. Put my lips back on his....
I reached out and touched his thigh as we kissed.
Smooth silk-stocking covered thigh.
I slipped my hand up his leg.
Felt the hem of his dress slide over the back of my hand as I explored higher.
His thigh widening under my palm as I moved higher.
He opened his legs slightly as an invitation. I moved my hand further under his dress.
And then my fingers touched soft lace. His panties.
Further. Touching his cock through the thin material.
I traced the outline of his erection with my fingertips and he kissed me more fervently.
Then he broke away from me and looked me in the eye.
I felt him undoing the buckle of my belt....
the button of my trousers....
pulling down my zipper....
I lifted myself off the couch and he tugged my trousers and underwear down.
I kicked them off my ankles.
My cock was hard now.
"Oh my! You're a big boy!"
I smiled up at him.
"You've made me big, Martine."
I do have a big cock. 10 inches. Thick. Uncut.
He grasped the shaft and slowly tugged. Exposing the engorged head.
Kissing Martine - and the earlier conversation - had started a big flow of pre-cum.
The sensation was great. Martine was slow and steady. Clearly liking what was in his hand.
He stroked me up and down. The head of my penis exposed and then covered, exposed and then covered by my big foreskin.
"Do you like my big cock?"
"Oh baby!"
He leaned down into my lap and I felt him take my cock between his ruby lips. My hands couldn't reach him now.
He kept his hand gripping the shaft of my cock as he sucked me. Probably to stop it going in too deep and choking him.
His mouth was stretched to take me.
I just sat back with my legs apart and tried not to cum immediately. A man was sucking my cock. And a gorgeous woman was as well. I was aroused like never before. Started to think of baseball to slow myself down. But it was too much. I was going to blow.
"You'll make me cum, doll."
He kept on. "Ummmm Hmmmm" was all the response I got. Like 'I know'.
His head bobbed up and down, the sexy long hair of his wig tickled my thighs as he sucked me off.
Kept going, sucking my cock deeper into his lipstick covered mouth.
I reached down and held his head.
Shot an urgent load of cum into his mouth. He swallowed it up as fast as I filled his mouth. Sucking the cum down. Sucking with such passion it felt like he was sucking my cum right out of my balls.
I bucked my hips as each spurt left my body and filled his mouth. He rode it out. Gripping my shaft tighter to protect himself.
Finally it subsided. Martine came up for air.
His lipstick was smudged. His mouth was a blurry red smear on his face. Mascara had run, I guess he'd choked on my cock a little and it made his eyes water. His wig was askew.
And he looked unbelievably sexy. What a mouth.
That same mouth now came up to me and Martine kissed me. I held on tight. Could taste my own cum on his lips. His tongue pushed into my mouth and the taste was stronger.
I was loving it. I was kissing a man who had just sucked me off and I was tasting cum.
It was all things I had fantasized about. Brought to life by this sexy man.
We broke to catch our breath.
Martine was still fully dressed in his seductive outfit.
I was naked below the waist. But I hadn't taken off anything above. I was in a suit jacket, shirt and tie.
"Wow! That was fantastic!" I said. "I'm sorry it was so quick."
"Don't worry. I want you to fuck me, Roger. And I want it to last, so now you won't cum so fast when you get your cock in me."
Oh my god, I was going to fuck that fantastic, curvy ass!
Martine stood and reached out with his hand. I reached up and took it, stood, and followed as I was led to Martin's bedroom.
Martine told me I should get completely naked. I hurried to oblige. My jacket, tie and shirt quickly fell in a heap in the corner.
He stood there in front of me, looking fantastic. Even though his hair was slightly messed and lipstick was smeared, it was a very erotic sight. Maybe because the reason for the dishevelment was so fresh in my mind.
I was aroused by how he looked.
And he was clearly aroused by how I looked.
As my big cock began to swell again, I could clearly see Martine's penis was growing under her skirt.
The bulge in front was unmistakable and I wanted to see it.
Touch it.
I wanted to take Martine's cock in my mouth.
I dropped to my knees. Martine came towards me.
I ran my hands up the silk-covered legs, starting at the ankles. Strong, well-shaped legs.
Martine's calves were like iron from the tension of standing in those fuck-me pumps.
Thighs, firm and.... yes... under the stockings I could tell they were as smooth as the silk that covered them.
My hands went up further as Martine stood there. Reaching up under the dress.
I already knew I was moving towards a cock.
My first cock.
It was torture to go slow, but I wanted the moment to last forever.
My fingertips touched that lovely lace of his panties for the second time.
I moved my hands round to grasp Martine's sexy bum and pulled myself towards where he was standing.
My face was against the front of Martine's skirt. I felt his erection through the material, rubbing against my cheek.
My cock throbbed, I felt it pulsing with the excitement I was experiencing.
Martine's hands came down and rested on my head. Began to massage me and hold me against his cock and balls.
I moved my hands down, away from that sensational ass and began to lift up the hem of Martine's dress.
I kept my face tight to his body as the fabric slipped between my cheek and his panty-covered cock.
Then my fingers found the waist of his tiny, tight panties and I tugged them down. Over his wonderful bottom and stiff cock. He got caught up in the panties as I tried to slip them down further. I had to lean away to give his erection room.
I pulled again on the panties and his hard cock popped free.
He was exposed.
He was hard.
He was utterly hairless.
He had a beautiful penis... bare and smooth and hard... like the ones I'd fantasized about...
And it was right in front of my face.
My hands went back to his stunning rear... my lips opened... I took him into my mouth.
I'd imagined how it would be to suck a cock. Many times. I had tried sucking cucumbers, bananas.. my thumb...
But this was something else. Finally. It was a man. I was sucking a real cock.
Again I felt my own cock twitch. Again I felt a little spurt of pre-cum.
I sucked Martine. Pulled his cock into my mouth with my hands on his ass.
His fingers caressing my head as I sucked him... giving me subtle guidance as to how best to provide him with the most pleasure.
I wanted to feel his smooth skin as I sucked him off and started to undo the clips that were holding up his stockings.
His cock never left my mouth.
My hands worked around from the back to the front. When the rear suspenders were undone, my fingers traced the clefts at the tops of his thighs as I trailed my finger around. Undid the sides... then reached up in front and released the last clips.
His stockings sagged slightly and then I slipped them down to his knees.
Now I was able to caress those smooth and sexy thighs directly. Sucking his cock and rubbing my hands over his legs.
I felt his hands tighten in my hair.
Reached up between his legs.
One hand all the way between and onto his ass. The other touching his silky ballsack.
"I'm going to cum, sweetie."
Without taking Martine's cock from my mouth, I looked up at him and nodded.
His hands pulled me to him. More of his cock entered my mouth. He held me tight there.
I was deep-throating him. He began moving his hips. Fucking my mouth.
I moved my hands over his ass. Over his balls.
Sucked his cock. Left my mouth open for Martine to fuck it.
His hold on me tightened again and he whimpered a little and then started flooding my mouth with his cum.
I swallowed some, but there was so much... it spilled from my mouth. Dribbled down my chin. Dripped onto my chest. Trickled down into my pubic hair.
Martine untangled his fingers from my hair. Pulled his cock out of my mouth.
Stepped back and looked down at me.
Covered in his cum.
I swallowed the last that was in my mouth and for the first time was able to actually taste it.
It was something else new. Odd. You read about 'salty'..... but that's not it.
I didn't hate it, but concluded that it might be an acquired taste. Well, alright then....
"Do you want something else to drink?"
I was thirsty but, actually, didn't want to lose the taste in my mouth.
"No I'm good."
"Better than good, Roger. You never did that before?"
"No. But I've given it a lot of thought...."
"Have you thought about what it would be like to fuck me?"
"Since the moment you came back into the room dressed like a gorgeous woman, Martine."
"Are you ready to go again?"
I stood up.
My cock was at its most erect. Its most massive.
It was pointing directly at Martine as he stood there with his skirt up around his waist, his panties round his ankles and his stockings at half-mast.
He looked like a slut who just got fucked, not a man who just got a blow-job.... until you looked and saw his shaven cock and balls.. glistening with a mixture of his cum and my saliva.
"I want to fuck you, Martine. Right now. I want my cock in your fantastic ass. I want to know how it feels."
"Would you do something for me, Roger?"
"Anything at all"
"Go and put your cowboy boots on for me. Just the boots. I'll be back in a moment."
He removed the panties that were around his ankles and went to the bathroom. I went back to the living room, found my boots where I'd dropped them and pulled them on.
There was a full-length mirror in the hallway. I caught sight of myself on the way back to the bedroom.
Tall and muscular. Tight abs.
A monster erection.
Naked except for my boots.
I posed to myself for a moment. Feeling on top of the world. Stroked myself in the mirror briefly.. thinking about how I would soon be fucking Martine's unbelievable ass.
I stood waiting and soon Martine came back from the bathroom. The makeup had been fixed. The wig was straight again. The skirt back in place. I could see the bulge of his unfettered cock there. Martine in the miniskirt and silk blouse was as sexy as any woman I'd ever been with. I said so. Said I was anxious to fuck with him.
"Maybe I should undress".
He kicked off his shoes.
Barefoot now, and with me in my boots, I was nearly a foot taller than him.
He looked up at me, submissively. He unzipped his skirt. Let it fall to the floor. Stepped out of it.
His stocking had slipped further down his legs. Now rumpled and caught beneath his knees and above the swell of each shapely calf.
His hands went to the buttons of his blouse.
"Let me."
I stood in front of him. He raised each wrist in turn and I loosened the fastenings then worked down from the top button at the front. As the silken blouse opened up I could see he was wearing as bra and I could see I'd been right earlier. He didn't use anything to pad his chest, just his natural tendency to plumpness... magically transformed into sexy little breasts.
When I'd undone the last button, I leaned down and cupped his breasts in their bra with my hands. Nuzzled between them.
He shrugged off his blouse and it slipped from his shoulders to the floor.
Once more I went to my knees in front of Martine. His still glistening cock hung in front of my eyes as I reached around him and drew the suspender belt down over his lovely ass and slid it to the ground. Then I took each leg in turn and slipped his stockings down and off.
I took my time drawing them over his feet.... slowly exposing his painted toes.
He stood there on his dainty feet. I couldn't help myself... I knelt lower and kissed his toes, one by one. He lifted each foot in turn slightly so it could take each toe into my mouth, briefly.
This was my supplication to his sexiness. It was a homage to him, before I began a more intrusive demonstration of the lust he had brought to my mind.
I stood back up.
Martine stood naked before me. Except for his bra. I wanted to leave it. Holding his swelling breasts in a perfectly erotic way.
Now that I could see him naked for the first time I could see that there was not a single hair on his fantastic body. Not on his legs, not his arms, his pubic area... he knew what I was seeing and raised his arms..... no hair under there. He was as smooth as is humanly possible. and his skin was pale. No tan lines, not a mark of any kind. Like a Michelangelo marble.
I stood and took him in my arms, holding him tightly. Naked now, he somehow felt even smaller in my embrace. I relished the feeling of his smooth skin against mine. Feeling his small breasts against my chest. Rubbing my hand cock against him.
I bent my head and my mouth and nose found the crook of his neck and shoulder. He was wearing a perfume now. It made him even more desirable. I kept my face at his neck and breathed in his scent.
His hand came up and held my head and he whispered....
"I want you."
I wanted him just as much. My hard cock was pressed between us. Rubbing against his smooth pale skin.
I wanted to give him the choice of position. I didn't know if he had a preference. Put the ball in his court.
"Lay down for me, Martine."
He lay on his back in the middle of his bed.
Raised his knees.
Spread his legs.
Then he put a hand round his cock and balls and moved them up.....
exposing round jewel where his asshole should be. Maybe an inch across.
It was the end of a butt-plug, I guessed. And it made such a pretty picture, I caught my breath.
"Do you like it?" Martine asked.
"Oh yes. So cute!"
"Stay there a sec."
I stood at the end of the bed and watched as Martine reached between his raised thighs and started slowly tugging on the end of the plug.
His ass ring stretched as the wider part began to be withdrawn. I'd seen pictures but this one was bigger than the sex toys I'd seen before.
"I wanted to be ready for you, Roger." Martine told me. He grunted a couple of times with the effort of extracting the plug from his ass.
"So while I was in the bathroom I thought I'd prepare a little."
I just "Umm Humm"ed. I had no words. Transfixed by the sight of Martine pulling something out of his ass that just seemed to get wider and wider.
"Oooh!" he said, and the plug popped right out.
He put it on the bedside table and went back to his original position, lifting his genitals so I could see his asshole.
Exposing his sweet asshole. It stayed partly open from the stretching of his butt-plug.
He clenched and unclenched his muscles down there as I stood at the end of the bed, staring with lust.
The sight of his ass, winking at me, beckoning to me.... my cock throbbed.
"Come fuck, me, Roger. Give me that wonder weapon you're holding."
I looked down. Indeed, I was holding my cock. I didn't remember taking it in my hand, I'd been so wrapped up in watching Martine's ass-dance.
I got onto the bed and crawled up between his raised thighs.
My cock was pulsing. I could feel my heartbeat in it, I was so aroused.
Leaning forward, I used one hand to position the fat head of my penis against Martine's hole.
"Go slow, lover. You're so big. The biggest cock I ever took."
"I'll try" was all I said.
I meant it, but I wanted more than anything to shove my cock all the way into this sexy cross-dresser's ass.
It was with all my will-power that I gently pressed myself into him.
Even going slowly, I had to push hard, though.
He had given himself plenty of lubrication, but my cock was fatter than the plug he had just pulled out.
I began pushing harder and harder.
Martine moaned a little. Whimpered a little.
And finally I felt the big head of my cock slip past that muscular ring protecting his warm, wet interior.
"Oh yes!" he said. "Oh god. Stop!"
I stopped. Just the head of my cock, trapped by his anus.
"Lovely cock! You're amazing. So big. I want it all.... but slowly.."
The tightness of his ass around my big hard cock was unreal. Like I'd wrapped it in rubber bands. I pressed in more.
"Slow! Go slow! I have to get used to your massive cock a bit at a time." I stopped and waited.
Maybe two inches of my cock were in his ass now.
I waited, looking down at him. The expression of pain faded away and he opened his eyes. Nodded a little.
I pressed my hips more. Pushing more of my cock, millimeter by millimeter into his hot, tight ass. So slowly it was like torture for me, even though it was Martine feeling the pain.
I saw him wince.
I wanted to stop, there's no pleasure in causing pain.
I didn't want to hurt him.
I began to pull out but he reached up and held me.
"No don't! I want it! Just be patient.."
Again, I kept still above him.
Until he reached up... a gentle pressure on the small of my back told me to go on.
Slowly. So slowly.
Another few millimeters would go into his ass. And then a little break for him to adjust.
I guess I had about 5 inches into him, 5 to go, when he seemed to get a second wind.
I felt something relax a little.
Felt his hand on my back press me a little harder. Urging me to push more of my cock into him. The pressure remained and I continued. Still slowly, but maybe a little faster. Another inch, then another. Going deeper into his ass.
Another. Nearly all the way in.
Then my pubic hair began to tickle his bare ass. I looked down to see the final half inch of my ten inch cock drive home.
Home. Martine's ass was home, now.
I lowered my body onto his. My hands went to his little titties.
His lovely penis was erect. Trapped between us.
My cock was fully into his ass. He looked up at me.
His arms came around my neck and he pulled me down.
"Kiss me while you fuck me, Roger."
How could I refuse? Those sexy red lips, the long hair strewn across the pillow. The tightest grip I ever felt around the base of my cock....
I kissed him. Kissed him like a long-lost lover. Tongue and wet and steamy breath and lips. Wide open mouth, tongues in and out....
And I found myself beginning to move my hips as we kissed.
Slowly, beginning to withdraw the length of my cock....
and then slowly, gently, pressing back into him.
I think the first stroke, out and then back into his amazing ass took about thirty seconds. Our lips never parted. His eyes opened wide as I began to push back into him. His arms held me so fucking tight.....
It felt so good.
His ass held me so tight as well.
If I hadn't shot a load down his throat less than an hour before I would have cum as I bottomed out on that first stroke.
But I had some time in me now. I could go for a while.
I stayed slow, going in and out of Martine's ass.
I tried to be very aware of the body-language. Aware of his subtle signals. I knew when it was OK to begin a steadier rhythm.
But I never went terribly fast. I never wanted to.
I didn't want to hammer Martine. I was making love to him.
This sexy man had introduced me to something I didn't know I'd been missing.
I wanted him to sense my gratitude. Wanted him to feel how much it meant to me.
And the best way to do that was to make love to him.
Give him the kind of fucking he wanted.
Taking his direction, my cock inside him gave him the sensations he obviously craved.
And what he was doing for my rock-hard cock was something I'd never imagined possible.
It was slow and gentle and loving and in my memory it was all night long. But really, maybe half an hour.
It was wonderful. I was on top of this gorgeous person. His ass was making my cock feel great and it was clear that, now, my cock was making his bum feel the same way.
I stayed on top and mostly rested on my arms as we kissed and fucked. The traditional Missionary position. He held me tight in his arms. Our lips tight against each other. We changed it up a little....
I took his wrists and pinned them down above his head. Pressing all my weight on his smaller frame and making him submit to my thrusts. But it there was no malice. I was finding out what he liked.
But I preferred feeling him holding onto me.
At times he had his legs in the air, then locked at the small of my back, then held by me at the ankles, then resting on my shoulders... always with my big, fat, hard dick buried in his sexy beautiful curvaceous ass.
Our kisses were feverish. I fondled his boobs in their silky bra.
I pressed my belly down just to enjoy the feeling of his hard cock caught between our bodies, and then
I raised myself up slightly so I could reach between us and stroke his cock while we fucked.
I loved how it felt in the palm of my hand.
Martine's arms snaked up around my neck and she brought my ear down to her mouth. Her hot breath was just more aphrodisiac to my exploding libido... her words.. piling more one more...
"I'm going to cum again. Keep stroking my cock. Keep fucking my ass. I want to shoot my cum for you."
I did as I was told. I stroked his cock. I thrust in and out of his ass.
When he came with me inside him it was the impetus for my own orgasm.
Feeling his cock spasm, feeling the wetness of his cum hit my chest and drip down onto his... feeling it trickle onto my hand.. holding his slippery cock... rubbing his cum all over it... I reached my boiling point.
I was thrusting harder into him as I reached my peak and he cried out.... this time in pleasure.
"Yes! Cum inside me. Cum for me, Roger."
I reached down and took the sweet cheeks of his ass in my hands for the final strokes. It was so intense.
That ass. Oh, that ass.
And then POW, cumming like never before. Filling his tight asshole with my cum. Collapsing onto him. Grinding, grinding, grinding, as the cum left my cock.
We were both verbal, but it was just a jumble of words.
"So big!"
"Big cock. Ass. Fucking. In my ass. Cock."
"Martine, so sexy. Fucking. Ass. Oh."
I held on tight as my ejaculation came to a shuddering close.
Twitching. My whole body was a mass of tics and spasms.
Finally it subsided. My cock was so deep in his bottom. His hands were on mine... still pulling me into him.
My cock began to lose its hardness and I withdrew.
My forearms were shaking from bearing my weight and I needed to lie back.
I lay beside Martine on the bed.
Happily laughing.
From the exhilaration.
From the sheer wantonness of what we had just done.
I had fantasized for a long time about sex with a man... sex with a cross-dresser.... this had been better.
Sex with Martine had been better than any fantasy.

Same as Cross-dress dreams come true. Videos

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Dreams can come true

100% fiction! My back ached, my feet hurt and I was tired, Friday evening, the end of a long week. I’m the high school librarian and I’d spent most of the day in the stacks, filing books. I’d been standing, bending and lifting all day. I went to the bedroom, changed my shoes for bedroom slippers and went to the kitchen to get a glass of wine. My recliner called my name, I sat and kicked back, ah, yes, better; I sipped the Chardonnay. My eightteen year old son Tony was going out for pizza and...

2 years ago
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Making More Dreams Come True

The events depicted in this story take place in the months following the end of Making Dreams Come True and so may possibly make more sense if that story is read first. * * * Making More Dreams Come True by Writer 345© 1. Helena's At-Home It all began at one of Mom's "At-Homes". These are the soir?es that take place on the third Thursday afternoon of every month when we were "at home" to receive visitors - always members of "The C...

3 years ago
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Dreams Do Come True

DREAMS DO COME TRUE Hazel had been my next door neighbour for over a year and although we'd got on really well from day one, nothing sexual had ever happened between us but it didn't stop me dreaming. She wasn’t what you'd call a raving beauty but she had something special. She had a latent sex appeal!!! She didn't seem to do anything to push the point but it was just there. Each time, after we'd spent time together, I'd go back to my own flat and imagine how it would be to undress her...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Do ComeTrue

My name is Caleb and I am twenty-two years old. I work part-time as a stripper at The Dragon’s Lair by night and a full-time student by day. Every year The Dragon’s Lair puts on a charity silent auction for an animal rescue in our city. This year they are auctioning off their strippers instead for a dinner out and I am one of them. How I got talked into it I am not sure but I am standing here ready to go to the auction block. I have no problems taking my clothes off in front of maybe...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Make Your Dreams Come True

I look at my handsome husband and tears trickle down my cheeks. "Alexandria? Baby, it's okay. It was just a bad dream," Jake says, pulling me into his chest.Tell him. Tell him now."Jake, it wasn't a bad dream. I wasn't screaming in fear." I say and then pause, unable to look him in his deep brown eyes. "I was screaming because I was cumming ... I mean dreaming about cumming.""What? You had a sex dream?" he asks lifting my chin up to face him."Yes."He hugs me tighter whispering in...

3 years ago
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Secret dreams come true

SECRET DREAMS COME TRUE SECRET DREAMS COME TRUE Chapter 1 Claire was sitting in front of her computer opening her mailbox again and again. She was waiting for a special letter, but it hadn't arrived yet. It wasn't supposed to, but she hoped she could find it earlier. It would come from her possible Master. She remembered their first chat. She had always dreamt of finding a Master, but never dared to do anything for that. She was nervous, as it was the first time she was talking about her...

1 year ago
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Dreams comes true

Note : THis story is completely fictional! Hai, I am Jagan I like very much Incest . Every son have a dream so I have a dream. I am waiting till for that day it comes true in my life. Now the day came just one month before. So I want to share how my dreams coming true in my. Life if you also help it to get your momma as you like I am satisfied for it. The dream between my lovely momma and me, you know she is dream woman of everyman My mom was a fashionable lady in her late forties and till now....

1 year ago
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Cross Dressing Cock Slut Party

Sadly this wonderful story is just a fantasy, but who wants to make something similar a reality!?!The evening had taken a while to arrange, but had finally arrived. All 5 guests turned up within 15 minutes of each other and as they did, I fixed them a quick drink and showed them into the living room to get to know each other. Alan was a suited businessman in his mid thirties. Dave and Brian were dressed casually in jeans and Tshirts and both in their mid forties. Jeff and Keith were my age,...

1 year ago
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Dreams Do Come True

Hazel had been my next door neighbour for over a year and although we'd got on really well from day one, nothing sexual had ever happened between us but it didn't stop me dreaming. She wasn’t what you'd call a raving beauty but she had something special. She had a latent sex appeal!!! She didn't seem to do anything to push the point but it was just there. Each time, after we'd spent time together, I'd go back to my own flat and imagine how it would be to undress her and find out what sort of...

Erotic Fiction
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Cross Dressers First Time

I was in my mid 40's and divorced and living a great life. I ran my own successful from home and lived in a large house in it's own grounds at least 5 miles from my nearest neighbour.Whilst I was single I had an active sex life having been lucky enough to know 3 ladies who were unattached and had no need for a long term relationships but were happy to meet up for sex or go away for a break all no strings attached. They all knew of each other and I was aware they saw other men or ladies if they...

4 years ago
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Cross Dressing Led To Sexual Heaven 8211 Part 1

Addiction lets you do anything.. I addicted to cross dressing, addicted for the femininity.. Hi, I am 24 old close door part time cross dresser from Mumbai, regular reader of ISS. Narrating my own story for first time. I am good and beautiful looking, 5’3” height, perfectly slim as like every “women” wants to be and every man feels to hold, as I kept it with having exercises and yoga because I feel sexy with it.. I started cross-dressing when I was only 12. I haven’t knew it was called as a...

2 years ago
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Dreams Can Come True

I dreamt of you last night… There we were walking through the woods, the wind catching our laughter and carrying it away. The late evening autumn sky streaked with all the shades of red and orange, filling us with a warm cozy feeling. Arm in arm there’s no need for words between us, as we step into the cabin we had rented for our rendezvous. Closing the door behind us, I turn to find you just inches from me and I smile. Your strong arms pull me to you and softly you kiss me, parting my lips...

3 years ago
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It8217s A Family Affair 8211 Part 4 How We Make Dreams Come True

In the previous parts, you read how we got infatuated with our mom and how we got into incest. Now you will read how we make dreams come true. Probably one month had passed after our adventurous summer. I had a bad headache. I had spent the previous night having wild fantasies about my mom and couldn’t sleep. So I decided to bunk college. But I didn’t tell my mom as she would not allow this. So Chetan, mom, and I got out of the house at the same time to go to our respective schools and...

3 years ago
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Discipline and Reward A Love StoryChapter 14 In which our heroines dreams come true

I was monitoring Cindi’s dreams now, more closely than ever. Her dreams were all gruesome nightmares. They were filled with Ares, towering over her, beating her, berating her, raping her, killing her. Or at least they would have been if I had let them. I was inserting myself into her dreams, towering over Ares, dragging him off of her, beating the crap out of him, throwing him around like a rag doll. Eventually her dreams settled down a bit. Her subconscious had accepted that I would protect...

1 year ago
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My dreams come true

I travel to India on business every 2 months. My stays have become somewhat boring as there is not much to do in your off time except to visit bars and look at all the beautiful Indian girls. Lately I became friends with a well known Bollywood actor and at his home the one day we had been drinking and having a good time. I teased him and some of his friends that although there were close to 10 million females in Mumbai they had failed to organize me any. Well that is when they surprised me....

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Cross Dressing Lover

The weekend started off the same as any other for Dhiren. He threw off his drab male work clothes with alacrity and stepped into the shower. He shaved his face, legs and pubic area as was his custom, then, after turning off the tap, moisturized his legs, stepped into a pair of lacy pink panties and hooked on a matching bra. The feel of the light, soft, feminine fabric had always been a thrill to Dhiren, ever since that fateful day when, aged fourteen, he found himself alone in the house all...

Gay Male
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Dreams Come True

Dreams Come TrueFinally, I split with my long-term partner of 15 years and she had custody of our two c***dren.As a secret female wrestling addict since first fantasies aged 10 I decided that my new freedom was going to give me the chance to make fantasy a reality. My first move was to join a dating site and own up to my wrestling obsession. Surprisingly I received a lot of response from women living in the same coastal city as me and even more to my surprise, many were around the 30-40-age...

1 year ago
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When You Play Dreams Come True

I believe that everyone has sexual fantasies. Mine is to watch another man fuck my girlfriend. I have written several stories about my girlfriend, Judy. Out of all the stories, this is my favorite. It is a true story!Gil, who is a friend, kept calling Judy at work wanting to get back with her. He had no idea that I knew anything about their first sexual experience. Judy called me from her work to tell me that Gil had been calling. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. Of course, I wanted...

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Dreams do come true

I slid my cock into her slowly, enjoying how the head of my cock spread the inner hole of her moist love pit. Her pussy lips closed around me, grabbing hold of my shaft as it inched inside her. I started to pump finding a perfect rhythm as Iris and I joined as one. “Oh you feel so good! Wow you wrap yourself around me. It’s so tight in there. So tight.” I said as I worked inside her. Being the national marketing manager of Prestige Inc. had its perks. 5 star hotel rooms, unlimited credit and a...

2 years ago
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Dreams Can Come True

It was late Friday afternoon and Melanie and Julie were packing and cleaning up the vacation cabin. They had been there for two weeks and would be leaving for home tomorrow morning. Melanie paused from mopping the kitchen floor to reflect on the events of last week. "You know Jule, in my ten years of nursing I've never come across anything as bizarre as finding that hiker in the ravine." Julie tucked some stray hairs that had escaped from her headband behind her right ear. "I don't think...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 25

By HosieryQueenPart 25I quickly went into my apartment and found my handcuffs and took the elevator back up to Jaiden. I got to the apartment again and started rolling some joints while I took another beer. I thought about Lauren and how she was doing right now. If she just kept on getting fucked by Roger. started bothering me again. But then again, Jan had just fucked me. So I should maybe relax a little!? Mmm, that cock felt so good inside me. And his warm cum filled my pussy so...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 24

Part 24We took the elevator down to the parking garage and drove off in my pretty pink Rolls Royce.“Where are we going, Caroline?”We drove to the city where I knew there was this shop with all kinds of Victorian and l****a dresses.“First, we need to get your nails done, so we need to find a salon! I know there is one in the mall. So let’s start there!”He looked at me a bit frightened. “No...I can't! I'm in pantyhose and panties! I refuse!”I parked the car outside the mall and stepped out, but...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 23

Part 23It was a long flight back home and I was very glad to have a seat in first class. I walked through the tunnel and into the airport. I went to get my suitcase and walked through customs. Then check my passport.“Did you have a nice flight, miss?”“Yes. Pretty long though!”He looked at me and then my passport. “I bet! Well, you’re clear, miss. Have a nice day!”“Thanks. Ehmm. I’ve got my car stashed in a hangar. Can you maybe help me get to it?”“Sorry miss. But ask at the airport security...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 22

Part 22The taste of cum and her sweet saliva was so good. Feeling her soft tongue twirl around mine was just the best feeling. I was for real kissing the women I had a crush on for a while now. It was magical. Mmmm, I open the buttons on her beige silk shirt and pop one of her big breasts out of her black bra. We stopped kissing and we were both breathing heavily from the excitement."Wow,'re a really good kisser. Please untie me, sweety!"I got up and untied her hands and feet...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 21

Part 21My whole body felt warm inside when he talked that way about me. He knew that I had a tiny dick from the start, and I was treated like a princess. I totally blushed “Th...Thanks...Ehm!”Then the waiter came with some ice desert with some strawberries on the side.“Can I ask you something, Caroline?”“Sure!” I picked up a strawberry and put my dark red matt lips around one. Mmmm, they were juicy and full of flavour. It tasted so good; I closed my eyes as I took another bite.“God, you’re so...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 20

Part 20We stepped out of the car and inside. Such an old yet classy place. Noah came with the suitcase. Lauren was talking to the receptionist and was handed 2 keycards. She turned around and gave me one.“Here, Caroline. The room number is on the card. Do what you like. I need to go with Jonas and Noah to their tuning factory to check up on some things. It's very important that this racing deal goes smoothly. So don't wait up for me!”I nodded “Ok miss. What about your suitcase?”“Take it into...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 19

Part 19I woke up rested and feeling great. I went to bed late and woke up around 16:00. Luckily for me it was Saturday. I have just been in the shower, and cleaned my pussy good from Jan’s cum. As I was done with that, I turned on the TV and made myself a cup of coffee and saw my phone had received a text message.Afternoon Caroline. Put on some burgundy red nail polish. And do your makeup in the same colour theme. And put on some white opaque pantyhose.I went to the bathroom and took my...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 18

Part 18As I walked out of her office, I found my way to the elevator and went down again. I left the building and thought about her gorgeous nylon feet that I’d just massaged. I smelled my fingers and crossed the road to my parked light pink ‘Royce’ outside the cafe. I was so freaking horny thinking about her pretty nylon toes. I saw a girl with her friend taking pictures of my car. I unlocked the car and was about to get in, but then I thought ‘I’ve got black tinted windows all over’, only the...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 17

Part 17Well a text was showing on my TV again...That was fun to watch. Seeing Jan cum in his pants was kind of a surprise to me. He ran out like a little boy. I know how much he loves those pantyhose of yours. He was in your apartment while you were taking your driving licence.“What...? What do you mean?”Look at this.A video clip was showing onscreen. Watching Jan enter my apartment. There were multiple camera angles following him across the living room and straight into my bedroom. I saw him...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 16

Part 16He turned around and saw me sitting there on the bench with my champagne. He got a beer from the fridge and sat back down on the chair. He opened the beer and it foamed over. He drank from it and looked happy. “So I’m gonna tell you, was fun playing along, but did you really think you were the dominant type? Inside, I was laughing of that foolish attempt. How pathetic! I feel so tipsy about now, and you teasing me all night, made me so fucking horny. I think I’m gonna take...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 15

Part 15Oh god, this could not be happening!“Mmmm...aren't you a cute little girl?” She got a tight grip in my light pink hair, and pulled my head back. “I see why my useless thing of man wants to fuck you! Harrold, you need to pleasure this girl. Or can you not even do that right?” She looked at Luis, just laying there in the middle of it all, with his big black cock out, but she didn't care. “Does it feel good while my husband is fucking your tight little pussy?”Harrold got turned on, and...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 14

Part 14“Candy it is!”We had been driving for around 2 hours, mostly on the highway.“I'm getting hungry. Let's take a break!”“Yeah, I could really use a coffee too!” I said.“Good! Let’s hold at the next gas station!”After 10 minutes of driving, we turned off to the gas station and found a place to park. He quickly jumped out and got my heels for me, and opened the door for me again.“I got you, Candy! You just sit there with your feet turned to me!”I turned around on the seat. The car was pretty...

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Crossdressersaed and Turned Out Ch 02

So, after I blew the guy downstairs and told him to come and knock on my door and pay me to blow him again anytime, I went up and took a long hot shower and put on a nighty and went to sleep. I slept surprisingly well considering I had just spent a long night out selling my ass. I thought about how much it scared me and aroused me as I drifted off to sleep. The next day I called Jesse and talked about what happened. We talked about how turned on I was by the whole thing she told me I was nuts....

2 years ago
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Crossdressers Surprise

A Crossdresser' s Surprise - by: by Deborah Pinto I guess I should have seen it coming. My wife, Virginia, and I were drifting apart sexually, and I should have suspected that she was having an affair. Afterall, we had not made love in over a year except for one night she had come home a little drunk from her office Christmas party and had virtually raped me in the middle of the night. I remember her laughing and saying, "Tim, what's wrong with you tonight? You feel so tiny inside...

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Crossdressers Placement Agency

I know it's a little dated, but read it anyway. Crossdresser's Placement Agency By Ricky With apologies to those of you who weren't around to listen to radio in the sixties, I'll start this with a famous quote. In the immortal words of the Chicken Man: "They're everywhere, they're everywhere." Crossdressers, that is. In the last week everywhere I look I see a crossdresser, right out there in public. First there was the color coordinated Dennis Rodman with green hair and...

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Crossdressers Paradise

Crossdresser's Paradise By RogerGirl Charles had just returned from his summer trip with Stan and Desiree. It was a rare time of year since both his parents were home at their main mansion. Charles was feeling nervous, but felt he had to finally tell his parents about Charlene, his feminine side, and that he was bisexual. He walked into the kitchen where his parents were eating lunch. His father, Simon, came from a long line of wealthy businessmen and had expanded his family's...

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Crossdressers Spanking Scene

My roommate and I were both bi and part-time cross-dressers. We were also familiar with consensual B & D and had already worked out several code words, then went a step further and wrote scenes for each other, so that when we're in the mood, we could call up the scene rather than try to explain it or coach someone through it.   Sometimes we did a scene to please each other sometimes we asked for a scene because we were in a specific mood.   So it was that I got an e-mail at work, which...

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Dreams come true

Tonight was it. Every detail had been meticulously planned. He had haunted her footsteps like a shadow for the past two months, had her in his every thought for the past seven. He had memorized her every smile. He would awaken from his dreams to swear he could smell her sweet perfume. He had tried fruitlessly to win her attention, but she barely even noticed his existence. And with every unreturned smile he felt a hate burn inside of him. She thought she was better than him. She thought that...

2 years ago
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Sometimes Dreams Come True

This is going to be the last that you’ll hear from me for a while. I still have several commitments that I’ve got to fulfill. In the mean time, I wish nothing but the best for all of you. In the mean time, I’ll see you when I get done…whenever that is…lol. MoogPlayer ~~~~~~ If wishes were horses, Then dreamers would ride… Jon Butcher ~~~~~~ Have you ever wished really hard…and then prayed that it would come true? Well, this is a story about answered prayers. ~~~~~~ Hi, my name is...

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Coar dreams come true

Coar (Dream Come True) by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr Coar was a prince, third born and very willful. He had been told that to enter the Glittering Forest was very dangerous, if not deadly - and that went double when the three moons were in stepped-phase. Then, he had been told, there was created an opening between the world of Kingdom Tehnra and the realms of the Others. Coar was as curious as he was headstrong, and he was very interested in seeing an Other. So, ignoring all warnings and...

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Dreams Do Come True

I awoke late one Thursday night, early Friday morning, and was drenched in sweat. The air conditioning had went out and I had not cracked the window as I often do during the hot spring months. In Grants Hall, the air conditioning often went out during the night and we would surmises that the administration would shut it done to maintain cost. Any way, I got up and d****d myself in a towel and headed off to the common showers. As I opened the shower room door I heard the waters running, slowly I...

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Cross Dresser Enslaved

CROSS DRESSER ENSLAVED A Fictional Account Of A Cross Dresser’s FantasiesPROLOGUEI am a cross dresser and a slave to my wife and her friends. Let me tell you how I got this way. Since I was a little boy, I liked being tied up. I had always had a petite, almost feminine body. When I was 15 years old I started dressing in my mother’s lingerie and fucking myself with whatever I could fit inside my ass. I also gave my first blow job to one of my friends. This was my only sexual experience with a...

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Dreams Do Come True

Dreams Do Come True By K.C. Prologue Hi my name is Carl and a few days ago I was a 20-year-old pedophile. I had a very extensive picture collection of little girls. Mostly 6-14 year olds, nude, their smooth supple body there for me to masturbate to. I would almost cream my pants thinking of their breastless chests. One day something strange happened; now my name is Kaci and I am an eleven-year-old girl. This is my story. Chapter 1: Pre Kaci days I had just gotten home...

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Cross dressing journey

Hello everyone I wanna tell you all about my cross dressing fetish and how it all started. Before I begin let me start by telling you all a bit about my family and myself. We are a family of three, my mom, dad and myself. Both my parents worked which gave me a lot of time to be alone. Although both of them worked it was my Mom who was the main bread earner of the family. Her name is Shikha and she is the vice president of a private company and earning a good salary apart from amenities like...

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Sexual dreams come true

“I had that dream again last night,” Ed told his best friend Joey. “The one with that girl?” questioned Joey, “What was her name again? Terri? Toni?” “Tina. Her name was Tina. I just can’t get her out of my mind. It’s weird, Joe, she seems so…real. Maybe I’m just going nuts.” This was the eleventh time in the past month that Ed had had this dream. It was always the same. Somehow this girl had become entwined...

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Dreamscape The Conclusion

Dreamscape Conclusion By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 5: Dream Walker Fear, confusion and fraud. These were the three words, which had dominated my existence since I died in a car accident. Through cosmic happenstance, I emerged from a coma in the body of Lucy Maya. My second chance at life, so to speak, was not one of wonderment at the miracle of being given another crack at life, as one would expect. Quite the opposite. I tip toed through this life fearful more people...

4 years ago
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Black woman makes a strapon slut dreams cum true

Edward sat at his computer screen, staring at his monitor until his eyes started to close from exhaustion. Every once in a while, he would get so horny, so desperate to experience his fantasy he would stay up all night just stroking himself and looking at porn, desperate to feel . . . it. He had pretty much resigned himself to the fact that he was never going experience his dream come true. What was his dirty little secret? What thoughts tormented him? You see Edwards ultimate fantasy was to...

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Futurevision DreamScape Chris and Sarahs Shared Reality

Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that...

1 year ago
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Can dreams come true The dream crystal

Can dreams come true? (The dream crystal) A man has dreams of being female, which become more and more realistic, with the help of the dream crystal. (If this seems a bit rough, it is because some of dreams are based on actual dreams I have had; p.s. it is only "autobiographical" in that sense.) --------------- I can't remember the exact details, but I am running in a forest and playing. Gradually I become aware that I am wearing a dress. A blue and white, frilly dress, with...

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Dreams Do Sometimes Come True

Shawn strapped on his gear and prepared himself for another patrol in one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. Standing a whopping 6’5” and weighing a chiseled 275 pounds, citizens and hoodlums alike all new Shawn very well. On the mean streets, his nickname was “Big Jack.” Even his fellow officers looked up to him as well. When they got a rough call, they felt at ease when they saw Shawn arrive as their back-up. By no means was he considered one of those types who hid behind his...

First Time
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Day Dreams Do Come True

I am Shalu 34 years old homemaker. Married ten years ago in an arranged marriage. My would be was educated, simple to look at and had good running business at Mumbai.There was no reason for me to refuse except for I had leave parents at Bangalore and stay that far from them. It was a simple marriage performed at our home village and I was off to Mumbai. I had just heard of Mumbai and its ever busy streets, pani puris, pav bhajis, Juhu beach, Grand Ganapathi festivities, VT, Nariman point etc. I...

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CrossDressed Fairy Tales 3 The Adventures of Pierrot

Cross-Dressed Fairy Tales Part 3 By Dawn DeWinter In parts 1 and 2, Sherry and Sadie, two married men, went to a lesbian bar on their "girl's night out." There they came into the clutches of Mike and Big Sue, and are in danger of being raped - or worse - if Sherry cannot keep Big Sue entertained with "original" stories. This task has just become a mite more difficult with the arrival of two more people. Can they too be kept satisfied? Part 3 is based on Pinocchio, the story of the...

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Dreams Do Come True

I have written this story for a friend who says she just loves stories of a loving father and what he gives his little girl. Bunny, this one's for you. I had graduated from high school earlier than most and begun college at the youthful age of 15. Was I smarter then the rest? No, not by a long shot, I just happened to be able to score well on the tests and caught a break. I had been anxious to leave the home my parents had provided me along with the abusive treatment I had received every day...

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The Dressmaker

THE DRESSMAKER By Lisa Lovelace I had utterly the most horrid crisis in my boudoir on Wednesday morning. Phineas and I had responded s'il vous pla?t to a Thursday night soiree at the Gardners' on Chestnut Street, on the coveted south slope of Beacon Hill. It was the grandest house to which we had yet been invited - and the gorgeous new gown that I planned to wear lay in ruins. It was two-layered floor-length tulle over light gold taffeta, embroidered with purple and plum flowers. The ...

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Dreams Do Come True

This is my entry into the ‘Winter Holidays Story Contest’. Be sure to vote, and either leave a comment or send feedback. I hope you enjoy it. **** Dozens of lights twinkled from their perches. A fresh pine scent filled the air. Gaily wrapped presents crowded together to find a spot under the tree. People scurried through the stores to find those last elusive gifts. It was three days before Christmas, and Abby wished it was over. The packages were empty, fake, like the tree with its air...

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Beyond Dreamscape Part 1

Author's note to reader: This is a sequel to the multi- part, completed, story "Dreamscape". Knowledge of that story will make this a much more comfortable read. Beyond Dreamscape Part 1 by Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: Magic, Malevolence and Malarkey He looked at the face of his watch glowing dimly in the darkness: quarter to eleven. The snoring told Arnie Williamson the man who slept above him was finally asleep. The former bus driver moved quietly off his bunk...

4 years ago
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Dreams Do Come True

We had been looking forward to this vacation my wife, Rita, and I for a long time. We had both worked hard since just before Christmas. Rita to build up a good-will so she could take some time off when she had the baby we were planning to conceive during this week or so we should spend hiking in the mountains. Rita even told me about a dream she had the night before. It was on our second or third day and we had made camp in a little valley and during the next morning we had been overcome with...

1 year ago
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Dreams come true

I wanted him. How desperately I wanted him I cannot begin to tell you. Alone at night I thought of nothing but his face, his arms, the white and pink and ivory blue of his delicate skin, the curls of his hair, the soft smile of his lips, the glitter of his eyes. But he wasn’t there and I sat alone, the bottle before me, the bottle pouring into the glass, into the glass until there were only shadows. And then sleep. But even in sleep he towered above me, lay supine below me, his every curve and...


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