K&T, LLC Ch. 06 free porn video

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Author’s note: This is the final installment of book two. There will be a wedding in book three. I promise.

Chapter 14 — Shift Change

Interlude: 25th Anniversary


After the party, getting home was evidently not easy. I do not think anyone was drunk, but for some reason Mom was not up to driving. This was a problem, since she had early appointments on Wednesday. Nanny CC did not have a license yet and no sane person wants to ride with Aunt Francine. I can tell you this from personal experience. That left Aunt Jo and she had come in the family car.


The poor john was so scared he barely enjoyed it. Three strokes and poof—barely worth the effort. I went to check Christine’s work. It was exemplary, though I had to give an assist to Siobhan. The girl was clearly reacting favorably to her brand of soft restraint. All I had to do was give a little prod and off she went.

It was all very well received. People were rushing to be helpful. Siobhan and Francine managed to get the hooker out of the crush and everyone else released the john. I was enough pleased that I decided to give Christine a gift. I would let her choose her flogger, warning her not to go overboard. Christine chose a nine tailed cat, which was right on the edge of me refusing outright.

Christine is a master of nonverbal communication. I could see that she was choosing in earnest and full understanding of my likely reaction. That required an explanation. I had them tie Christine up, then dropped to a knee and asked her what was up. Christine said, ‘Wedding present. Me.’

I almost broke down and cried. If we had no audience, I might have. Instead, I pulled Cynthia around me and went to work. Fortunately, I had a small army of willing lackeys. They already had Christine naked and artfully trussed. That was the problem. They tied up Christine, not Tess. To be fair, I was having trouble being Cynthia. Sobeit. The show must go on. Cynthia may be the mistress of pain, but all her skills are mine. Using a cat, I would need them.

Pacing is so important in this sort of work. I took time to examine each bond and add a few extra touches, like an ass plug. The head of the anal spreader would protect the skin around it. It was a small thing, but important. They were all important, but the time it took to accomplish them mattered more. When I could not delay any longer, I took my place facing the crowd. I had to give a good show, without breaking Christine’s skin. Even with a fairly light cat, this would be a serious test of my skill.

The first four lashes were easy, both in technique and in force. Almost certainly there were people watching that would understand this detail. It was alright, because it was foreplay. I built on it. The fifth and sixth lashes were serious in anyone’s book. Not only were they barely pulled, I landed them on the tender areas behind the knees. As I suspected there were at least two in my audience commenting for the rest. I gave them a minute to do so, while I gathered my nerve. When I could wait no longer, I gave Christine permission to climax—followed immediately by my only full stroke of the evening.

I fully extended my arm. This was not just to lay the full weight of the whip. I was also trying to hit Christine’s bump, which I could not see. Whether I did, or not, Christine’s reaction was everything I could have hoped for. I had left her ungagged as both a test of Christine’s will and to add force to this moment. Christine did cry out, briefly, but there was no mistaking the magnitude of her orgasm. Even I could see the puddle that was under her. All I cared was whether her tender flesh had parted, or not.

In any form of performance, the very best applause begins with none at all. That is what Christine and I received. I held my breath, waiting for the first response, fearing that Christine’s sacrifice would be for nothing. Then it came, growing louder than seemed possible from the small numbers. I raised the lash in salute, then presented Christine for her bow, though possibly only Francine would understand the gesture. Suddenly I was exceedingly tired.

Post performance jitters were not new. I was a wreck after doing Jason, though I had been forced to march on for several more hours. Eventually Sean had carried me home. This was at least that bad and we were not even in the same state as home. I stumbled to the wall before I fell over.

The next few minutes were a blur, but clearly Siobhan and Francine took over. Siobhan came to collect me, while Francine cleared the room. I gave Siobhan a fierce hug, which she returned in Sean-like fashion. G_d I loved these people. Once the initial shock had passed, I was able to walk unassisted. I went to where they were treating Christine. The next thing I knew, I was kneeling on the floor hugging her like my sanity depended on it. Perhaps it did.

Then there was more jostling. Robes appeared from somewhere and I was maneuvered into the passenger seat of Sean’s Mercedes. Christine was on the floor in front of me, with her head in my lap. That was nice. We were able to hold each other and Christine did not have to sit on her fresh bruises. We were across the bridge to Staten Island, on the way to New Jersey when I finally wondered what had happened to my car.

I asked Russell to find an ice cream vendor. I was soon enjoying a rum raisin double dip, letting Christine have alternate licks. As I had hoped, Siobhan pulled up in my car. We were able to talk while Francine went in search of another thousand calories. To Siobhan’s reaction I offered a word of hard learned wisdom. Francine could eat whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, because she went through life constantly hungry. What was a mere diet compared to that? I had my bustier to keep me trim.

Then I realized I did not have my bustier. Julian did. It was one of the most naked sensations of my life. Even dancing bottomless in a short dress did not compare. Christine took the opportunity to stroke my belly. I took her meaning. Even early in a pregnancy, I would not be able to wear my foundations. I laid my hand on Christine’s face. ‘That’s right. You are my support now.’ Christine smiled like the sun after a storm. Then the smile changed and her had slipped under my panties.

Russell got us home. I will need to ask him about that someday. Sean said the car smelled of sex for weeks.


We came out of the club and I stopped cold. Sheila was done out, CC was a medical casualty and I was not about to entrust both of them to Francine’s driving. There was a bit of a confrontation over who was driving whom, but putting Sheila and CC in the Mercedes made too much sense. It also became clear that Francine had heard commentary about her driving—from police and judges.

Loading Sheila into the front seat was easy enough, but CC was a problem. There was no way she should be sitting. Eventually, we moved some packages to the other car, so we could slide the seat all the way back. Then CC could kneel on the floor at Sheila’s feet. Ironically, the symbolism escaped me at the time. Everyone understood it was the way things had to be.

The drive was excruciating. If she were not so obviously intelligent, I would write Francine off as an airhead blonde. Ye gods that woman talked. About halfway across Staten Island, Russell signaled a pullover. We were concerned. Francine even stopped yakking until the car turned into an ice cream chain. Ice cream evidently had some special significance for Sheila. So, Francine started talking about getting a snack.

As Francine had deduced, Sheila was looking much better. I would have been tempted to offer her keys back, except for the possessive way she was stroking CC’s hair. I had called CC ‘Pet’ more than once, but clearly the relationship went deeper for the two of them. I had little doubt that CC would be sleeping with me that night, but even less that she would go back to Sheila. Whateve
r I was to CC, Sheila was her mistress and likely always would be.

After that, I had a few minutes of silence while Francine absorbed her family sized order. Sheila told me that eternal hunger was the price Francine paid for her metabolism. I found this more than a philosophical comfort. It also gave me time to formulate some questions. Francine is much more helpful when there is a question posed. Only about 75% of the commentary is disposable.

Francine told me about the evening she and CC had spent. I knew from experience that Francine was an excellent teacher. This helped me connect some dots. I asked Francine about plans for the wedding preparations. Much to my surprise, she was well informed with the progress, including what Sean had done that day. Having Amish in the picture raised some interesting questions, though Evaine would love it. The Amish could provide a great deal of expertise for what sounded like a circus side show, complete with clowns and rides.

The house itself was getting a major cleaning, obviously, but it did not sound as though many actual changes were under way. As an anthropologist recreating a period affair, this was quite hopeful. The more kerosene light we could manage, the better my students and I would like it. On a personal level, it sounded like a great deal of fun.

There would be a skill booths, where one could win stuffed animals, makeup booths, canoes and paddle boats, horseshoes, volleyball and badminton, races of several kinds and a variety of finger food. I particularly liked Sean’s idea of having an ice cream freezer on site. Tea, lemonade, beer and soda all went back 100 years or more. It was going to be quite a party.

One of our companies had most of the booths on hand, as well as a large stock of tents and, of all things, a merry-go-round. This was in addition to things like rope, fencing, tables and chairs. Francine’s production company was providing all the signs and most of the decorations, in addition to a couple of professional makeup artists, the clowns, jugglers and a magician.

The orchestra had been hired from the junior college. I had my doubts about that, but it turned out they had a national reputation. One of the instructors would be doing a John Phillip Sousa impression, in full costume. Naturally, we had the Gilbert brothers to ride heard on it all. I was beginning to think I would have nothing to do. Ha!

Thinking about my grad students started me thinking about Sheila’s scene. At least two of my girls had some of that wide eyed innocence. What struck me was just how not-innocent CC was at times. I thought of having CC stretch out on the bed, legs fully spread, so that I could rub aloe gel into the the whip burns. In spite of everything, I expected that exact scene to occur in a couple of hours. It was making me hot.

Suddenly, I realized that Francine had stopped talking and was watching me. A couple of datums clicked in my head. Francine chattered as a defense mechanism and she was seriously affected by the scene. Without taking my eyes off the road, I said, ‘Tell me.’

There was a significant pause, then Francine said, ‘I had to admire the art of the rope tying. CC’s legs were fully spread across the length of the crossbar. Her weight was supported by the soft tissue of the midriff, but with a lot of pressure on the pubic bones. Dancers know that area. It will support your weight, but there is a connection to the genitalia. Getting lifted there a lot can make you horny as hell. Of course Sheila left her in that position while she fussed around, killing time. You saw how she played with the john, right? That was nothing compared to the artistry she used on CC. The anticipation was killer.’

I said, ‘That fits with what I was thinking. My focus was on CC, though I am beginning to think of her as Christine, like Sheila does. No one calls me by my proper name, but from her it is a profound gesture. Anyway, Sheila said Christine wanted to give herself as a gift. That makes perfect sense, given their relationship. Think about it. Which of us is the Maid of Honor?’

Francine literally hit her forehead. ‘Doh. I missed that completely. Schwartz always was loyal as hell. She found—well Ricky found—someone that would return it. I must admit, CC found the perfect gift. For someone with no experience and no education, she reads Sheila perfectly. Naturally, Sheila made a special effort. She had to push the edges, because it would improve the quality of the gift. You got that, right?’ I had, sort of.

‘Not exactly, but that sums up several things I had been thinking about. For one thing, Christine may be passive and biddable as hell, but she’s sharp and observant. Damn, she is almost like the perfect spy, since no one will pay any attention to her. You and I stand out like dykes in the Tea Party.’ That got me a laugh. ‘Tell me more about Sheila. Like, why is she so torn up?’

Francine shrugged that off. ‘It’s performance anxiety. You saw her at the ice cream stand—much recovered. What she was doing required exacting control. There was the real possibility of scarring injury. On top of that, it was someone Sheila cares deeply about. For a perfectionist like Schwartz, it does not get any more nerve wracking. For comparison, look at the way she blew off the john. That was Sheila sleepwalking through a performance. Let me tell you about a little scene she did on me.’

Francine went on to tell, in great and loving detail, about the night they spent together. I had noted it before, but Francine could really make a story work. I shivered when the ice came out. I ached through the long wait in the dark. I damn near lost control of the car when she described turning the tables. Ye gods that was funny. Then I realized that Francine was hitting on me. I was tempted, but I had a raft of students to put to bed. I also realized that Lars Gunter was the one I itched for. Who’d’a thunk it?

It was a day of firsts. What would tomorrow bring?


You have to love GPS trackers. Both the Mercedes and Sheila’s Volvo were equipped. As expected, our giggle of girls had gone to Elizabeth for their fitting. Sheila’s car stayed parked, but Russell moved the Mercedes a couple of times. Russell updated us that the girls were shopping, while they waited for the tailoring to be done. Then the cars moved through rush hour traffic at speeds topping 70 MPH. That had to be Francine. They stopped in Brooklyn for a while, then moved a short distance. Russell updated us that they went to some sort of warehouse, followed by dinner near the bay. Dinner lasted a while.

Russell did not update us when they started moving again. That came when they stopped for ice cream on Staten Island. I could hear Sheila in the car and almost asked to speak with her. Judging from the way Sheila got along with Gerald, I thought she might not mind me keeping tabs, but I did not press my luck. Once they started moving again, at a reasonably safe speed, I forced myself out of the command center.

I went down to look over the work. TempWorks had a crew down to wax floors and polish brass. This was the second overnight session. Monday night they had done the Foyer, the Parlors and the main hall. Mitchell had elected to do the Library during the day, because of the amount of moving involved. When I arrived, they were moving the last of the rugs and furniture into the Foyer. Mitchell would be positioning those in the morning. That night was for the dance floor.

Still nervous as a cat by a rocking chair, I went out to the garage. As I had been told to expect, the single piston engine was spread out on the maintenance bench. From the look of the piston rings, the eighty year old diesel had another eighty years to go. Near the door sat an old White Mountain twenty quart ice cream maker. The thing was fitted with a hand crank. Oh my back. It would need to be mounted on a base and a new flywheel attached, but we would have fresh cranked ice cream for the reception. Two of my mechanics
were arguing recipes—at least til they saw me. I gave them a wink and passed on.

Out on the main floor, there was a team looking at the Bentley. Since we almost never used the big Rolls, that stopped me for a moment. Then, I realized that Sheila had laid claim to it for the post-ceremony exit. It was certainly fitting, even though we would only be driving to the airport. Naturally, it would be decorated for the event, but these things needed to be done correctly.

‘Nice. I should have mentioned it, but you anticipated the need. Make sure everything works well and don’t overdo the decorations. I would not want you to deal with Sheila after a problem.’ Sheila’s name brought me four variations of red and white. The only one to do neither was George. He wore a self-satisfied smirk. I suspect some money changed hands after I left. Once again I was heartened by the way Sheila was seen by the staff. For a while—a short while, granted—I had been worried. Sheila was merging easily into the flow of things.

Then it hit me. Sheila and I had been talking of mergers for several days, but we were not talking about the same merger.


I had promised Christine to Siobhan for the night. Even if I had not, Christine was in no condition to be alone. That said, I was not about to enter the house in a bathrobe. So, I told Russell to take us to the studio. On the way I text our destination to Gerald, Sean, Siobhan and Francine.

Once in my wardrobe, I had to pause and consider. I acutely felt the lack of pressure on my ribs. Maybe Sean was right—that I used my foundations as emotional support. In any event, many of my outfits would not work without one. My problem is that it was a wardrobe for a dominatrix and I wanted something feminine. Christine was not a problem. She needed something loose and full length, but a workout suit does that nicely.

I was saved, for a moment, by the arrival of Siobhan and Francine. As before, Francine looked at my collection with outright lust. On the spur of the moment, I said. ‘Pick one Frannie. I’ll have it made for you.’ Francine completely shocked me be coming over and crushing me with a hug. I looked up and both Christine and Siobhan were misty eyed. What the hell?

Francine did not exactly explain herself. ‘Shut up, you idiot. This was all supposed to be about you. Miss Ivy League and I get upstaged by Miss Cums-a-lot and her zebra thighs. Then you come here and think about me. Why don’t you take a God Damned minute for yourself.’ Huh?

Siobhan was just as bad. ‘You know that Bridezilla’s are focused on making themselves look good, right? This going an extra mile, because your pet submissive wants to make a gesture, is not in keeping with a selfish attitude. Suck it up and do what you want for yourself—for once. Take the car. I will drop of Francine, then I am going to take Christine to my room and rub aloe into her tender places. Grab something that will get you through traffic and go fuck my brother to unconsciousness.’ Francine snorted.

Siobhan looked at Francine and said, ‘Really? I was just using it as a figure of speech.’ Francine retorted, ‘I don’t know about Ricky, but Miss Proper here has a thing about Sean’s dick bumping her cervix—hard. She claims to have passed out in the middle of a quickie, in Ballerina position, damn it.’ Siobhan said, ‘I always wanted to do a girl in Ballerina, but none of them were flexible enough. Sheila, get the fuck out. Christine and I will show Miss Broadway how the other half lives. I’ll see that your car gets home.’

It was so contrived that I had to laugh. Too bad my recording equipment was being moved. I had a feeling that Francine had bit off more than she could chew. Siobhan would tie Francine up and gag her before Francine realized that she was serious. Dancers deal with a lot of pain, but Francine was not ready for what was coming.

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My wife and I got married few years ago. Since that time my wife (Eva) is in contact with our wedding photographer (Mike). He is an older guy in his 50th and good looking. My wife and I are 29 and 31. She told me from the first time they met, that this would be “the guy”. I thought at this time she meant photographer. But I was so wrong. They had several meetings before the wedding to decide what type of photos and so on. On the day of our wedding they had a photo session, he told me for the...

1 year ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 3 Irsquove Got a Secret

SIX O’CLOCK GETS EARLIER every morning. If it weren’t for the wet nose stuck in my face and the demands of having a pet that needs to be walked, I’d have rolled over and stayed warm and comfy in my bed. But Maizie was insistent. I hauled myself out of the sack and headed for the john. Aging sucks. A back injury from when I was in the Navy keeps acting up on me, especially when the weather changes from dry to wet like it did this morning. I count it a good day if I can stand up straight by...

4 years ago
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TwentyFive PairsChapter 2

Harden, Utah 2010 "Hi Daddy!" I gave him a hug and a kiss, like I always did when he came home from work. "Hi Princess. Where's your mom?" Dad hugged me back, nice and tight. "In the kitchen." I made a little face and lowered my voice. "Meatloaf." My dad chuckled at that. "Mmmm ... Must be Monday." "Definitely," I nodded. "So, how was your first day of school?" Dad asked as he headed towards the kitchen and I trailed along behind him. "It was good," I shrugged. "It's...

3 years ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 37

8PHE0037 word count 1042 ******** Day 37, Wednesday Chastity watched Keisha share a video clip with Noel. Keisha bought coffee at Noel's cart. Then she came to Chastity's cart. "You have to see this," she said to Chastity. She shared the video clip. It was Roy, posing with his Greatest Of All Time coffee cup. Chastity smiled. "Did he buy that cup for himself?" "No, some woman gave it to him. Your mom swears it wasn't her." ******** Chastity saw the woman before...

1 year ago
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Janey Tells Mom the Facts of Life

Janey sat down in the booth at the diner. She looked across the table and saw a middle-aged woman with gray streaks showing in her once auburn hair and bags under her eyes. Her mother looked, as they say, as if she had been ridden hard and put away wet.” “OK Mom. What do you want?” she asked. “That’s no way to greet your mother. We haven’t seen each other for such a long time,” Amanda replied. The younger woman hesitated a moment before speaking. “Mom you took off about, what — a year and...

1 year ago
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The Heart BelievesChapter 3

Violet moaned. Cynthia, from her position down between her lover's thighs, chuckled, raising her eyes. From there, she could see the two blue furred primates do their work. Red tongues snaked out to lick Violet's breasts, teasing her nipples. The one on the left, Ro, used its two hands to squeeze and kneed the fleshy mound. La saw this, adapting its plan of attack to mirror Ro. Violet gave another groan, hands moving down through the creatures to grab her breasts herself. "Oh ... it's...

4 years ago
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Jealousy drama

"Come here, she-monkey."I go to Mr Hagarch on my hands and knees. I am not allowed to erect myself. I am fully naked, as usual. "Come bitch, here is something for your knees. Kneel on this tray of rice."I obey. It hurts, of course, but i love the humiliation. "Put your hands on the back of your head."My humiliation grows, my nipples are hardening. Hagarch, aka Gorilla, observes it and starts grinding them between his fingers, causing pain. I am aroused more. "Listen, slave. Beta Epsilon...

3 years ago
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There Is a ReasonChapter 4

The morning after my "rescue" by Abigail, I woke to the smell of frying bacon. I was a bit disoriented at first, and then remembered where I was and smiled. I had slept very well and the sofa had been a comfortable and warm place for my exhausted body. Looking around I saw the fire was back on and gray light was filtering through the lacy curtains at the big windows that looked over the valley. The wind still buffeted the house but seemed to have lessened a bit. I got up and took a quick...

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Passionate Love Sex Part 2

Welcome back readers continuing the part 1, if not read do please read it to have a basic foundation of the story ” Passionate Love & Sex Part 1″ and the story continues … Part 5: The day of sexual encounter The next day Saturday was holiday and we both were missing each other. So I called at 12 pm and even she wanted to meet but she had to finished the house chores and she was tired to which I said fine ” I WILL GIVE YOU A MASSAGE ” To which she obliged and at 2pm went to her home and received...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Caitlin Bell Hot Latina Caitlin Bell Takes Manuel On A Wild Ride

Blonde Caitlin Bell will make her your ambition when watching this scene from JulesJordan.com. The tasty temptress is outdoors primped in rocking cheetah lingerie with flesh toned nylons. Her tease sequence is a wonderful watch especially when she gets topless, shot on the ground with her legs split or ass pointed to the sky or when she (you get the idea)… Inside Caitlin continues to tantalize on the sofa until a frothing at the mouth Manuel arrives. The couple initiate contact with some...

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Pregnancy risk sex goes beyond simple barebacking

Reciprocal NeedsPregnancy risk sex goes beyond simple barebacking.Barebacking is basically a selfish, lazy thing -- don't want to wear a condom, and just want to appeal to one's own pleasure. One can bareback with birth control, and not risk pregnancy (or at least, lower the risk).Pregnancy risk sex requires stalking the woman and getting familiar with her menstrual cycle, and watching carefully for signs of ovulation. It also requires arguing against birth control, so you know she's fertile....

2 years ago
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Just a SecChapter 13

Within the next three weeks, Gregg Collins married his fiancée, Miss Amanda Dorn, known affectionately now as ‘Mouse’, at a ceremony held – once again – at Jan and Brad Pittman’s house. This time, there were very few attendees, as Mouse and Gregg both had asked for a small gathering. Afterward, the happy couple took up residence in their new home; another expansive and magnificent place in the Riverside Estates. Conveniently, this was the same subdivision in which the Pittmans already...

2 years ago
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Elevator Meeting

Elevator Meeting Copyright 2002 - Katrina Llyr ([email protected]) We met first on the elevator in my building, I'd seen him around the building, and thought that he had a friend down the hall from me, I'd seen him knocking at a nearby door. I was on my way home from work, he was on his way back from a jog by the looks of his exercise shorts and sweat soaked T- shirt. "Hey, I've seen you around but haven't introduced myself, I'm Carl, you're up on 8 right?" "Yeah, hi,...

3 years ago
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Love or Lust

With some apprehension I slowly began to pack an overnight bag, for out of the blue I had received a phone call from Peter asking me to attend his graduation. I was truly flummoxed, for it must have been 6 months or more since we last made contact and I truly thought he had forgotten all about me. All through my journey I kept wondering whether I should really be doing this, OK we had a great time when we first met but to renew and continue our relationship was a different matter, anyhow lust...

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Sex storys

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Here are some random sex story's that i had on my computer so enjoy...

2 years ago
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Seducing My Grandpa In The Shower

Hi Indian Sex Story users. I am Siddarth Joshi and Im 19 years old.This story takes place in India in 2015. My grandparents live India and I live in US. I wanted to visit my grandparents for a long time especially my grandpa. My grandpa and I share a special bond. I would sit on his lap and when I was young I would shower with him. My luck was on my side because when I arrived my gradma had to go out of town for a few days. As soon as she left, I told grandpa, “Lets shower together we haven’t...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Angela White Autumn Falls Big Boob Heaven Angela White Teen Autumn Falls Have Squirting Orgasms

Angela White and Autumn Falls soak Markus Dupree with SQUIRT! Angela & Autumn are dressed in matching pink bikini’s with raincoats and umbrellas as they jump up and down so we can see their massive tits bounce up and down. They make their way up to the balcony where Angela pulls out Autumn’s amazing rack and starts sucking and playing with them before heading back down to the pool so they can oil each other up. Using squirt bottles, the girls lather themselves up with oil as their skin...

1 year ago
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Mr Skin

Mr.Skin! Who hasn't heard of MrSkin (blog)? Well, do you love the thrill of seeing your favorite actress strip nude or get fucked during your favorite movies? Are you the person always eagerly awaiting the next sex scene to pop during your weekly HBO or Showtime series? Then I have just the genre of porn for you. Celebrity nudes! No more sitting through an entire boring episode of some hour-long show just to catch a glimpse of Emmy Rossum’s perky little tits. What if I told you there was a site...

Premium Nude Celebrities
3 years ago
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Two Short Stories

These are based on persons that I have had the disadvantage to have known. The stories are based on facts that are real, with a great deal of distorting the facts to make a better story. At least better in my opinion. If anyone thinks they recognize themselves in these stories, then I truly pity them. SHE WAS NOT A PRETTY WOMAN She was not a pretty woman, in fact she was borderline hideous. The first time I saw here was years ago in a store that her father managed. She was badly in need of a...

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Blue RibbonChapter 4

I strode into Mr Beaton’s second English 11 class of the day. Eyes turned towards me, I was the center of attention. I had a momentary flight response in my gut. I had never been popular and this was still settling on me. Just this morning, I had been a loner, a shadow, a virgin, a whatever. Now with the green ribbon pinned over my heart; I was the boss. The Master. I had Lisa by my side. She ducked behind my shoulder, shyly smiling at Owen, her boyfriend. Owen looked gutshot and sour. I...

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Aunt LilithChapter 6

“Well, this is it, our last encounter for the week, and the last until we meet again, alas. Ursula, I trust that I’m leaving my sweet nephew, Maurice, here, in your very capable, if spectral, hands. Don’t worry, I’ll be back to check up and touch ... shall we say, base? You’ll take good care of my beloved Maurice, won’t you, Ursy?” Lilith urged the French ghost Ursula Daucourt to look out for the best interests of her favorite angel, Maurice Koenig, the one that El Belial had handpicked to...

2 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 14 Driving Lessons

Codes for this story:[mf, incest, brother, sister, rape] Alice Jones sat in the middle of the truck’s bench seat, next to her brother, “Let the clutch out slow.” The car lurched forward twice then died. Tim Jones brought his fists down on the steering wheel, “Gawd! I hate this truck!” Fifteen minutes of failure was taking its toll. He had recently gotten his learner’s permit, and his sister was giving him his first driving lesson. The smoke from the cigarette hanging out of Alice’s mouth...

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Bite MeChapter 11

“Hail, the conquering hero!” Mr. Hugo was a bit goofy as he greeted me coming in, but I could tell that he somewhat meant it. It felt more and more as if the attention was all on me, just as I felt as weak as possible right then. I needed to feed and to get out of sunlight, but neither seemed possible right then. I would just have to somehow last until lunchtime and see if I could find my sisters to feed off them. They were sophomores, after all, and they seemed willing to let me dine off...

1 year ago
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First Dates

First Dates “What are you doing Friday, Cin?” I asked. “A guy’s taking me to the new Coen movie after dinner. It’s our first date. He’s a stockbroker and wicked handsome.” “For real? I’m doing the same thing with my date. Wanna go double?” “Sure, but I gotta check with Ben.” A few phone calls later and the double date was arranged. Friday, beat after my last law class, I bathed to relax, then dressed for the date. Unless this guy is a complete jerk, I’m going to fuck him, first date or not, I...

2 years ago
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Honey We have to Talk Creampie CS Gay

She is also very submissive in the bedroom, allowing me to take complete control. She has very few limits and is willing to do almost anything I suggest.I can only imagine the look on our neighbours' faces if they knew she routinely took it in the ass. Although I don't fuck her ass often, when I do she loves it and begs for me to pound the shit out of her.My cock, unfortunately, as already mentioned, is only five inches and very thin, so we often use a black eight inch vibrating dildo to finish...

4 years ago
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SixChapter 11 Life moves on

Perhaps the rota, and even the sex, was a mistake. It freed everything up somewhat. Girls no longer worried about appearing for breakfast in robes which weren’t securely tied. Meeting a girl coming from the shower in her bra and knickers was not an unusual experience anymore. Martin tried to maintain standards. He always dressed properly outside the bedroom, and encouraged the girls to do the same; but they often just laughed now. “You’ve seen a lot more than the vague shape of a nipple...

3 years ago
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Day to In Amsterdam

The prior night in Amsterdam, I was awaken to the joys of getting my cock sucked at a glory hole. The next morning from the time I woke, all I could think about was going back to the arcade and sucking cock.Around lunch time, I decided it was time to go back to the place I was the night before. I paid the cover charge and went upstairs and milled around. There were not quite as many guys up there as the night before, but there was enough to make it interesting. I picked a booth and went in and...

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cuckold to the gardener pt 2

I had not spoke to Lisa all day, not because i didn't want to but because i wanted to ask her what happened earlier by the pool an didn't know how to. I mean how do you ask your young teen girlfriend why she gave a older black gut a blow job, how many times had it happened an was it going to happen again.I was lying in bed playing it over in my head trying to convince my self it never happened and to my surprise getting horny .Lisa got into bed next to me so i turned to face her an my hard cock...

4 years ago
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Pegging My BF Ass

Up until a few years ago, my sex life was very conservative and pretty boring; certainly nothing worthy of a story. I had been with several men and the sex was often enjoyable, but it always ended up being very predictable and in the end, very vanilla. That all changed when I met my present boyfriend, Mike. He is very good-looking and is nicely equipped but what really sets him apart is his ability to use what he has. He is very open, very creative, and has this ability to get me to try things...

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Why I Love Lesbians 2

Why I love lesbians over female friends fucking great guys has a second sexy secret raunchy reasonHow easy it is to start friendship untroubled by confusion about future possibilities in real or notYou do not need to pretend, only genuinely share ideas about which sexy scenes you both seem to likeI easily made contact with lots of them, especially when most my friends were lesbian or bi-curiousLong lasts in my memory the first time, when I crossed borders by accident, talking to a dear...

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Job HuntChapter 4

Before leaving the lunchroom, I poured two cups of coffee and took them back for Ms. White and me. On the way, Julie said, "That was something. I've never seen those girls so aggressive. You're going to be the talk of the place before five. I don't know whether it's good or bad, but you're going to have a rep real quick." Ms. White smiled happily and accepted the cup of coffee. I told her, "I've caught up on correspondence and filing, what do you have for me until it's time for me...

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Letter from Jelske

thedudeisback4This is a letter posted to me from a chat gf I chat with on Skype. She's addicted to bbc, and this is her experience with one particular hung African stud from Ghana.You wanted to know how it feels and how I experience it as I stroke and suck that enormous dick and get fucked by it. Every time when I grab his dick in my hands and feel it gently beginning to swell it makes me horny again. Even writing about it makes me horny lol. If I get the chance I grab his dick with both hands...

3 years ago
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A Christmas Tail Oops Tale

Christmas was only another three days away. Thankfully, my wife and I have never been swept up in the frenzy of shopping and preparations that far too many people manage to get themselves embroiled in. That’s not to say that we don’t enjoy the Christmas season. We’re not religious in any sense of the word but we do embrace the spirit and the feelings which it engenders. Much the same holds true for her family, and we do make the effort to get together over the season. My wife, Lana, and her...

Group Sex
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A quick visit to a glory hole

During dinner my lovely Ana suggested about visiting an adult book store to buy some new toys. She had already a nice collection at home; but she really wanted to get something new. The sexual tension was high and then I knew she wanted to do something kinky, instead of just purchasing a dildo…There was an adult store just outside the city limits; so after dinner we decided to stop by before heading out for some drinks. Ana had been told by her girlfriend Helena that it could be a typical adult...

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Harry and Hermione

Harry Potter, "The Boy Who Lived", was beyond mad. He was seethingly angry. He had just been out on a date with Cho Chang, the girl he had had a crush on since his 3rd year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. Thing had looked up over the past few months. Cho actually seemed to be liking him! It had taken him ages to screw up the courage to ask her our, but he couldn't have wished for a better response. She had accepted immediately. However, once out on the date, Harry found...

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