Asmodeus - Demon Of Lust: Part 9_(0) free porn video

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My father's dream envelops me like a tomb, it's darkness oppressing and tightening around my shoulders. This is what he feels, I realise, as I watch him pace. His footsteps pound in my ears; they are deafening in the darkness. I hear his desperation as he calls out my name and feel his frustration when I do not answer.

Choking on his pain, my throat closes against my tears. I want so desperately to run into his arms and assure him of my safety, but Asmodeus holds me to his side.

"Wait," he says, "we must ease is path to you. He will not believe you are as you say you are."

"Why not?" I croak, the corners of my eyes pricking.

Asmodeus looks down at me, his face displaying a profound sadness.

"He dreams of you every night, my sweet. Every night, you return to him only to disappear when he wakes. He is beginning to lose hope."

"No!" I gasp, face crumpling in anguish.

I want my family to move on, to live their lives without me, not to mourn me so sickeningly. The reality is heart-wrenching. My knees buckle under the weight of mine and my father's pain.

Asmodeus steadies me, holding me as I attempt to regulate my breathing. I dig my nails into his biceps, letting him hold me tight as I fight off a panic attack. All the while, my father continues his frantic calls. Every echo of his voice is a knife in my heart.

"Calm yourself, my love. You may go to him when you are in control of your emotions."

Still clinging to my lover, I draw in one shuddering deep breath after another, letting the air fill my lungs completely and feeling my heart slow its frantic thumping. It takes every iota of focus I possess to relax my screaming muscles. I shut out my father's calls and completely release one final breath. My tears dry as I do so and I look up to see Asmodeus watching me approvingly.

"Yes," he says, "Very good."

"Now what?" I ask, voice shaking slightly.

"Now you turn that focus of yours into energy and will your appearance to change. Become Rowan again and speak to your father as her. Convince him."

I don't question him. For once, I let him direct me completely, without hesitation, following every instruction to the letter. I try to wrap my head around the power of will. I'd always believed it to be a powerful thing; a practice which could help the willing achieve anything they put their mind to. Listening to Asmodeus' stories and learning that his shape - along with that of all the immortals - is directly influenced by nothing but the will of the human collective, gives me a boost of confidence.

I close my eyes and focus everything I have, everything I am, into becoming a stranger again. I picture the pigment in my skin bleaching, like a shirt left too long in the sun. I focus on lightening my hair and eyes, picturing hay-bales and emeralds replacing black silk and dark coffee. I demonstrate the sheer power of my will, the near tangible thing which makes me strong. The rush of adrenaline I feel when my skin prickles with the change, brings with it a giddy pride. I open my eyes to find Asmodeus beaming me a devastating smile and for once, I feel worthy of him. I am strong, a fitting Queen to his all powerful King.

He tilts his head towards my father and I step forward without hesitation. This realisation that I am stronger than I thought has me eager to face my challenges head on, like a patriotic soldier, absolutely positive she is fighting for a just cause. I will win, not just for me but for my family too. I owe them a chance to say goodbye.

"Lena!" My father's voice cracks as he calls out for me, yet again. "Where are you, my baby?"

That question is quiet, broken, and a prickling of fear races up my spine. He's about to give up, I realise.

"Mr Sastri!" I call, but he does not hear me.

"Mr Sastri!" His eyes rove his dreamscape hungrily, wild and desperate, seeing everything except me.

"Dad!" I scream and finally he whips around, that magic word speaking to his damaged heart. He looks past me, eager for a glimpse of his precious daughter and is shattered to realise that she isn't hiding behind the vaguely familiar white girl. I watch his face crumple and his body visibly deflate, shoulders hunched and head hung.

"Not her," he mumbles, "Not my Selena."

My heart aches as I rush toward him, lifting his face with my palms.

"It is me, dad, I'm right here".

"Not her," he whispers.

"Yes, I am Selena."

"Not her," he asserts, louder this time, "Not her. Not her, not her, NOT HER!"

He's shaking his head now, palms clamped over his ears and eyes squeezed shut. The audacity of me, he must be thinking, pretending to be his lost child.

I will my appearance to change again, back into my real face before saying, "It's me, dad, look."

His fury boils over and he screams, "You ARE NOT my daughter!"

His eyes snap open and he looks murderous until he registers my face. Immediately, his own softens and he crushes me to his chest, his body shaking as he cries silently into my neck.

"Oh, Selena!" He sobs, "Don't leave me again."

I feel like my chest is going to explode and my throat close forever. My immovable rock of a father, stoic and always so strong, is absolutely shattered and it's entirely my fault. I've never, ever seen him cry, not once and now here he is, broken down so completely. Every time I try to pull away, he holds me tighter until we've been clinging to each other for longer than I know. When he finally releases me, I am dizzy from his hold but he steadies me with heavy hands on my shoulders.

"Where have you been, babe?"

"I'm close," I tell him, "closer than you think."

"But where?!" He whines, desperate to know.

"I'm here," I reply and let my skin shift again so that Rowan completes the sentence.

His face twitches with momentary disbelief which morphs into an easy acceptance. Dreams aren't really supposed to make sense, after all. I keep switching faces as I stand before him, proving that it really is me by reminiscing with him. In his heart he knows who I am so it doesn't matter what I look like. I do it until I sense him watching Rowan with the same warmth he reserves for me and then I turn to say goodbye.

His face falls from the smile I took so long to coax out of him.

"You're leaving me again," he mumbles, squeezing my hands.

"I'll always be with you," I reply, "Will you come to my wedding?"

"Wedding," he blinks, suddenly realising that he is speaking to Rowan, "Wedding, yes. I'll be there."

I switch my face back and whisper, "Thank you, Daddy. I love you."

I kiss his cheek while he wears a dazed expression and register the tiniest shift in our surroundings as I step back. More quickly after that, the landscape fades away as my father focuses on something new. We're in our old living room in South Africa, standing on a course grey carpet, suddenly enclosed by painted brick. A rifle hangs on a plaque, mounted on the wall beside me. The front door is at my back, the protective bars clanging as my father walks toward the entrance of the hallway. He nearly trips over a little girl, sitting cross-legged on the floor, tears streaming down her face. Her hair is long and spider-web fine, matted and knotted from burying her head in her arms.

It's me, when I was younger, maybe five or six. I remember a scene I hadn't known I'd forgotten, of waiting for my father to come home from work. I remember now, pacing at the door, watching the hands of the wall clock speed carelessly by as I agonised over his arrival. One minute later than the time I'd expected him to be in and the tears would start as I'd imagine the worst.

My mother, poor thing, I can't have helped. She knew the risks my father took with his job, policing a town situated in a very violent country. It's not like she wasn't worried too, but to her credit, she saw that she needed to mask her own in order to ease mine.

Not that it helped much.

When I'd see him walk through the door I'd leap to my feet and squeeze him in a hug so tight I could barely breathe. In this particular memory of his, he scoops little me up and gives her a hug.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asks, gentle and sweet.

"I was s-scared," she hiccups, eyes red and nose running.

"Scared of what?"

"That you weren't c-coming home," she sobs, needing another soothing hug.

"Shh, it's okay, I'm home now," he pulls back and says, "I love you and I'm not going to leave you, okay?"

Silently, her little head moves in a couple of quick nods, mouth still pulled into a dimply frown.

"Enough now," he admonishes, suddenly the tough as old boots detective inspector whom everyone knew him as, "No more crying."

I chuckle as he leads her down the hall where I know he'll tuck her into bed with her sister. I turn away and walk out the door.


I visit Rochelle at school; she is dreaming of a time when we were younger, in our final year of high school. We'd known of each other then, of course, our school wasn't very big, both in physical size and population. It wasn't until university though, that we really hit it off and of course, by then we'd lamented the fact that we were both too stuck up our own asses to really take notice of how well we would have gotten along back then. Oh well, I'd told her, better late than never.

Rochelle is someone who is so absolutely decent that I was actually suspicious of her as I got to know her. From my experiences, I'd discovered that people were rarely who they seemed to be. Naturally, with this somewhat bleak assessment of human beings colouring my attitude towards them, I kept my distance from Roch at first, reluctant to share any vulnerable part of myself with someone who seemed too perfect to actually exist. Months passed into our budding friendship and Rochelle's charm chipped away at my reservations until I couldn't help but trust her completely. Virtuous without being preachy, hard-working but fun, and intelligent but quirky, Rochelle has been one of my best friends for two years now and I love her like a sister.

It doesn't take much to convince her to attend my wedding. We sit together on a bench, wearing the maroon jumpers, powder blue shirts and navy skirts of our school uniform. We lean into each other and tears stream down her face.

"I miss you," she says quietly, linking my arm in hers.

"Me too, sweetheart," I reply, "Don't cry; you'll see me tomorrow."

She nods her head, okay, and I envelop her tiny body in a deep hug, face buried in her long, wavy black tresses, before rising and stepping forward. I visualise Bailey next and am faced with large, white double doors, which I recognise as the entrance to her parents' house. Taking a deep breath, I open a door and walk through.

Bailey is sitting cross-legged on the family room floor, bucket of kettle corn in her lap, re-watching Ocean's Eleven. A younger version of me sits on the couch she leans against, looking content to be in the company of her oldest friend.

I met Bailey when we were ten. I'd just arrived from South Africa and was attending middle school in an unfamiliar country. Fresh off the plane, my skin was very dark and my accent very pronounced. I stuck out like a sore thumb, unfamiliar with the local culture and unpopular due to my lack of confidence. Having come from a community back home where you got mercilessly teased for being overweight, I had developed somewhat of a low self-esteem. I was afraid to talk to people, feeling unworthy of them because of my size and colour. The other brown skinned girl in my class was of course, Bailey.

Upon finding out that she was also born in South Africa, I latched onto the one thing we both had in common with the hope that we would become fast friends. I was soon to find out though, that unlike Rochelle, Bailey wasn't all that perfect. Petty at times, she held grudges and was far too opinionated for her own good. She thought she was better than me at first, incensed that I'd even suggested we were anything alike. The more I tried to cling to her, the more she grew to dislike me until finally, by some miracle I realised that I deserved better than an unwilling companion.

As I withdrew, Bailey was able to see me for who I was and I was able to construct my own identity, fragile though it was. Before, in South Africa, I had been held up on the social ladder by my siblings, who were always far more popular than I was. I'd been convinced that my size was the reason; and how could I not be? Children were cruel and adults unintentionally harsh about my weight. I'd grown up believing that I was too fat to be desirable in any way and was pleasantly surprised when popularity found me in my first year at high school. Bailey and I had been friends ever since.

She definitely wasn't perfect and I loved her for it. And while we'd had a rocky start to our friendship, I now had no doubt that she would do anything for me and I, her.

"Bee," I call, trying to snap her attention away from her dream television.

"Hmm?" She answers, still totally absorbed by a movie that she's seen at least half a dozen times before.

"Bee, it's me."

She turns to look at me and I watch her face crack with pain. Wordlessly, she hugs me and I feel sobs rack her body.

"Shh," I soothe, stroking her beautiful, wavy hair.

"It's not fair," she whimpers, "How could you be gone? How could anyone hurt you. You don't deserve that; you're the loveliest person I know."

"It's okay," I whisper, "I'm still here."

And I tell her exactly when she'll have a chance to see me again.


With my job done, Bailey's house melts away and is replaced with a forest. I'm surrounded by vegetation; colossal trees with sprawling roots and wide canopies. I'm in the gardens again; its tranquillity cradling me even in this dreamscape. Asmodeus appears here as he did in the waking world, cloaked in Ash's pale skin, golden hair and icy eyes.

I find myself emotionally drained after my interactions with my friends and my father. I want only to be held by my husband-to-be; to be comforted in my decision to stay with him and to borrow some of his boundless energy. His touch does exactly this, sending a spark through me so fast that I twitch violently. I exhale slowly, releasing the sudden tension that has built in my shoulders.

He looks at me, glacial eyes glinting, and tilts his head slightly. I launch at him, flinging my arms around his neck and using his unshakable frame to pull myself up. Our mouths collide hungrily, teeth bumping behind lips as we meld together. The kiss softens slightly as I part my lips, letting his tongue slip past them and massage mine. The sound of our lips gently smacking and our panting breaths has me aching for more.

Our lips stay locked so completely and for so long that when we finally part, I am delirious from the heat of it. I pull myself close to him and run my fingers along the hard line of his jaw. The feel of him, the sound of his breathing and the smell of his musk is so absolutely arousing that I want to feast on the taste of him too, just so that I can experience him through every sense. I bury my nose within the crook of his neck and inhale his intoxicating scent before grazing my teeth against it, gently nipping at his skin.

He begins ripping off my imaginary clothing and even in his dreamscape, the resistance of the material feels deliciously rough against my skin. He is bare before me already and the heat of his skin scalds mine. His length rises up between us and I grab it without thinking. It's as if it is an organism all on its own, growing longer and harder than I thought possible. I squeeze it hard and shudder at the thought of such resistance pushing into me.

I reach lower still, gently cupping the unbelievably soft skin of his loins and stroking the wiry blond hair with my fingertips. They move within my hand, shifting and contracting as the attached appendage grows greater still. Imagining him buried deep within me has me writhing with pleasure. My irrepressible desire compels me to behave like a wild woman. I squeeze him again and graze his chest with my teeth.

I'm moaning softly now, grinding my body against his. My mouth still works at his chest, capturing a rock hard nipple between my lips and running my tongue over it. My hands rake down his back until one reaches his ass. I slap it hard, the force of it stinging my hand. Asmodeus growls his assent and explores my body with his own hands. He reaches up and grabs a fistful of my ample left breast and massages it forcefully before pinching at my nipple.

I hiss at the pain which turns to shuddering pleasure a second later, and grab his balls. I want him to feel what I feel; the exquisite balance between euphoria and suffering. To me, pleasure can only truly be felt immediately following pain. The release from it feels like a miniature orgasm and I test this paradox on my lover. He grunts when I squeeze him harder still and I feel a rush from the knowledge that even my powerful demon King is as vulnerable with his Crown Jewels as any other man. I hold tight a second longer before I release him and use my other hand to massage his magnificent member. He groans, releasing the tension which had held his frame rigid and rocking his hips in time with my hand movements.

I sink to my knees and lick his belly while I stroke him; my own tightening with pleasure at his response to my touch. He groans a sound so beautiful that I never want it to end. I work him harder and faster, feeling his skin slide smoothly over the hot and unbelievably stiff meat of his tool. Suddenly, I want to do something I've never even considered doing before. I trail my kisses lower still, past his navel and into the hard plains of his pubic bone. Course, curly hair tickles my lips as my mouth ventures further south. The fingers of my right hand alternate between tickling his balls and massaging a hard lump just below them, while my left hand remains wrapped around his shaft.

Soon, my mouth is hovering against the swollen pink head of his dick, my warm breath washing over it. I dart my tongue out and lick the tip, marvelling at the incredibly smooth and slick surface. His member twitches in response but Ash reaches down and starts to pull me back up.

"No," I gasp, "Let me please you, my love. I want to taste you."

He is quick to oblige, no doubt more willing to experiment in this dream word rather than the real one. Excited, I take his length into my grasp, kneading it firmly as I work myself up to putting him in my mouth. Feeling his skin slide over his hardness is arousing beyond measure as I pump him with one fist and tickle him a little lower with the fingers of my other hand. I loom over the mushroom shaped head of his tool, massaging a milky droplet out of the tip. As soon as I do so, I have the irrepressible urge to taste this drop.

I lean over and dip my head lower still, sliding my tongue over the smooth head. He feels even silkier in my mouth than he did in my hands and I moan over a mouthful of him. He shudders in response, his fingers clenching in the tangles of my hair. My mouth is stretched to its limit as I continue to lick him, circling him with my tongue while sucking him passionately. He twitches in my mouth and the thought that I am providing him with such pleasure has me ecstatic.

I pleasure him with everything I have, drawing delicious moans from his quaking body. I hold him in my mouth until my jaw aches and, sensing my fatigue, he brushes my hair back and gently pushes me onto the soft earth. His body still shakes and I know it takes all his control not to be rough with me. As he lowers himself onto me, I smack his ass as hard as I can; a reminder that I'm not as delicate as he seems to think.

This sends him into a frenzy and he flips me over as if I am a rag doll. Now I'm on my hands and knees, gasping in anticipation, my clenched fists ripping up grass by the roots. His hands slide down my body before resting at my hips and the pleasure his touch brings sends a tingle up my spine. The sensation builds and races up, up, until it explodes in my mind. Asmodeus chooses this moment to plunge into me.

The pleasure is so great that it feels as if my heart is going to rupture. I almost come with that thrust alone. It feels so good that I can't contain the cry that bursts from within me and my song of lust bounces off the trees and back at me. I am a sweet voiced songbird, singing her joy.

He moves quickly, a deprived animal who has finally been given a mate. Every single push from him draws a high note from me until I can't take it any longer and my song becomes a guttural cry. I come so hard that I fall face first into the dirt and moan my sweet release. Asmodeus isn't far behind and his climax sends another stab of pure bliss throughout my body.

He collapses on the ground next to me while it takes everything I have to roll over onto my back. We're both panting heavily, caught between exhaustion and utter euphoria. I reach over with my hand and draw his face to mine. We share a kiss so passionate that for once, I feel we were fated to be together, just as Asmodeus had always insisted. I am suddenly wrapped within a feeling of pure comfort and absolute certainty. This feels so right; even as spent as we are, I feel powerful with my King, as if nothing can hurt us while we are together.


The little gap between the drawn curtains, which last night let silver light in, now allows a slice of gold through. I am awakened by the dawn of my wedding day and this sudden realisation has me bounding out of bed. Asmodeus isn't here; a note on the bedside table says that he has returned to his realm to gather supplies for our wedding. I assume that amongst these supplies is my wedding dress and a portion of glamour clay; enough to change my skin again.

I release a longing sigh as I replace the letter. I had wanted a kiss from my lover one last time before we kiss as husband and wife. Deciding not to dwell on it and instead look forward to an eternity at Asmodeus' side, I glide into the bathroom. I stop in my tracks, heart thudding painfully when I find someone waiting for me.

Ida stands rigid in the middle of the room; hands clasping a frosted glass box and head bowed in submission, still wearing the green dress I gave her. It's the dress that gives away who she is and without it I probably wouldn't have recognised her. She looks completely different; no doubt covered in the glamour clay. Her dark hair has lightened somewhat, chestnut brown instead of black. Her burgundy skin has warmed to a beautiful olive, as if she is a Mediterranean beauty with the perfect tan. Lastly, her yellow eyes have cooled into a deep ocean blue; the depths of which seem unfathomable. Behind her the sink is filled with the taupe coloured clay and I know she is here to help me get ready.

An uncontrollable wave of jealousy rolls over me. Here she stands, looking more beautiful than I could ever dream to be, on MY wedding day. My jealousy turns to anger before I notice the weary innocence in her gaze as she watches me. She can feel my anger, and wonders what she has done to deserve it. Sighing softly, I ask her as gently as I can to leave me be for now. When she walks into the main room - mysterious box still cradled in her arms - without a word of argument, I lock her out and breathe deeply. I'm not going to let irrationality win today, I decide. Asmodeus loves me, not her, and Ida, with her appearance of pure strength, is not as strong as she could be and certainly not as strong as me. I must try harder not to scare her.

The first thing I do is bathe, meticulously scrubbing every inch of my body. When my skin is red and squeaky clean, I dry off, brush my teeth, dry my hair with the bathroom's built in dryer and unlock the door for Ida.

Silently, she glides in, all easy elegance and infuriating grace. I do not hide my body from her - even these few days with Asmodeus were enough to rid me of a few layers of body insecurities; no easy feat, considering the years they've had to cultivate. Of course, they aren't completely gone, or else Ida's mere presence would not irk me so.

Without a word, she turns her attention to the clay in the sink, dipping her hands in and bringing out with them a thick layer of glamour. She proceeds to smooth it into my skin starting at my shoulders and working her way down. I say nothing to her, intending on keeping our relationship strictly professional from now on. My cheeks burn at the memory of our last meeting - of me kissing her on the mouth in gratitude. I was exhausted and relieved and in a moment of weakness, I displayed unforgivable emotion. Only Asmodeus should see me vulnerable, I have decided. I cannot look weak if I am to command respect one day.

That isn't to say I'll be unkind to this demoness - we do after all share a bond of suffering - but...

God, what am I thinking? I sound like a stuffy, snooty, up herself bitch! What the fuck is going on in this stupid head of mine?

Not five hours ago I was dreaming of my friends and family. People who I love and who have loved me. And in five more hours, I'll be saying goodbye forever. Who am I to turn my nose up at friendship? When have I ever thought myself above another living being? I, who have nothing but what has been given to me. I, who have always shared my heart so freely in the past.

Just as Ida reaches up to my face, I catch her hand in mine.

"I'm sorry", I say, "For everything. Please don't feel like you have to be meek around me. I'd like for you to think of me as a friend."

She bows her head in submission, not believing a word out of my mouth. I use my other hand to cup her cheek and raise her face to meet mine.

"Please Ida, will you be my friend? I'd love to have a girl friend to speak to."

Her eyes flash with an indiscernible emotion.

"Girlfriend, my lady?" She asks and I can hear the cringe in her words. I laugh at this,

"Not that kind of girlfriend. Someone I can confide in, be at ease with and trust with my secrets."

"Secrets, Majesty?" She asks, her eyes widening, "What of our King? Is he not whom you would choose to confide in?"

"In most things, yes," I agree, "But not all. What if he is the reason I need to vent? Or if I need advice regarding him? You can be my most trusted."

She looks torn, fear and mistrust so obviously written on her face.

"Think about it," I say gently, and she bows in servitude.

I sigh. It's a start.


When Ida is done with me, I am radiant. Some eye shadow, a little blush, deep lip colour and black eyeliner is what I would wear normally if I was looking to stand out a little. Hardly a fan of regular makeup use, when I'd pretty up my face for parties, the little I'd use would serve to highlight which I now realise to be quite sensual features. Sharp, high cheekbones, smattered with freckles, impossibly deep dimples, a well-defined jaw, large brown eyes, a little button nose, and plump, sensuous lips topped with a perfect Cupid's bow. Oh yes, I see now that I've always had a pretty face. A pity, it isn't mine I see in the mirror.

With this stranger's face, the same makeup which usually only just highlighted my prettiest features, now places them on display. Rowan's eyes look heavy, sexy and a little eerie, glimmering brighter while surrounded by the dark kohl. He cheeks look angular in a way mine could never be and her lips are bold, daring and seductive, dressed in an intoxicating merlot hue.

My dress is a similar colour, a dark, rich red, not quite so deep as the lipstick, but just as bold. I am enveloped in a heavy floor length silk. The skirt is studded and pinned with diamonds. The bodice has a sweetheart neckline, and is accented with silver filigree. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever had the privilege of wearing and it's mine, just as Asmodeus will soon be mine as well.

It feels as if no time at all has passed and I'm walking toward him, down an aisle of moss and fallen leaves. I walk alone, wishing I had my father to steady me. I can't complain though; I've found his face among the seated crowd. The other faces are a blur - not that I would have recognised most of them anyway. I see my mother and siblings, sitting close to Bailey and Rochelle. Seeing my sister and best friends make my heart leap.

I'm smiling so hard, my cheeks and teeth ache as unwanted tears roll down my face. The girls smile uncertainly at me and once again I am reminded that they do not see me as I picture myself. That reminder, in turn, causes me to realise that if I do not get my emotions under control, my glamour will fail. I'd imagine that the guests would flee from sheer terror if the demented panda makes an appearance here.

Taking and releasing a deep breath helps me focus. I walk deliberately forward, my eyes glued to my camouflaged groom. All the while, the sweetest music plays in the background, all piano and harp, married to a gorgeously husky voice and given weight by a deep cello. It makes my heart want to burst because somehow, it conveys everything I feel for Asmodeus, my family, my friends, and anyone else I've ever loved with its enigmatic elegance. It doesn't even matter that the lyrics are in a tongue I don't recognise.

I listen so intently that I don't even realise I'm at the end of the aisle until Asmodeus takes my hand. A celebrant stands with us and welcomes the guests. She keeps her speech about sanctity of marriage and immorality of love, blessedly short before announcing that Ash and I will make our own vows. A wave of light-headedness nearly drops me. I have not prepared for this!

I shoot a pleading look at Asmodeus, who smiles back reassuringly. Follow my lead, the smile says, you'll be fine.

I take another breath and try to steady my nerves enough so that I can actually hear Asmodeus when he begins to speak.

"My love; you are woman whom I have chosen and who has chosen me.

"I swear to you my trust, my honour, my fealty and my life.

"I will be your friend, your partner, your lover, and your King. You will be my Queen.

"I will love, treasure and protect you. I will grant you anything within my power and I will never harm you.

"This, I swear, until the end of days."


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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 7

Introduction: Will she choose to stay with the demon? A/N My dear readers! Thank you to everyone who has emailed me with your praise, encouragement and ideas! I love you all dearly and you keep me writing whenever I feel like throwing my laptop away. It is because of you that I present in all its ten thousand word glory, PART SEVEN!! As always PLEASE rate, comment and email me! I love hearing from you guys and I will reply to every email. Happy New Year! Cheers, Steelkat Part 7 My bed is...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part Two

Introduction: Her first time with the demon of lust… A/N – Hi guys, I hope you like this story. For those of you who left comments, I sincerely thank you. You have no idea how much it means to me, seriously! In fact I loved the comments so much that I this is the fastest I have ever written anything, ever! I want to please you fans of the story THAT much! So please, please, PLEASE log on and write a comment below, good or bad (as long as its constructive) I really do love reading them! ...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part Three

Cheers, Steelkat29 Part 3 When I wake, I am confused. This doesn’t feel like my bed. My body is sore and when I shift my legs slightly a spasm of pain rushes through me from my womb. My skin is chilled and feels odd, but I can’t yet place my discomfort. It doesn’t take me long to figure it out though. Why the fuck am I naked? My vision is blurred and my eyes feel itchy and painfully dry. Did I forget to remove my contacts last night? I make a move to rub my eyes. As soon as I lift my...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 6

Introduction: The demoness and the Queen meet again… A/N Hello readers! Im so sorry for the delay, it is truly humbling that so many of you enjoy my writing. Thank you all for sticking with me and for your continued support, you all keep me writing. The storyline will pick up from the next chapter onwards with the introduction of a few new characters. In the meantime, after youve read this chapter, post a comment below and check out my poetry. Asmodeus and Selena (sort of) cameo in one of them...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part Two

Cheers, Steelkat29 Part 2 Lying on the demon's soft bed, his body weighing over me, I feel my pleasure mounting again. One hot finger massages my throbbing clit while two more stroke the moist folds of my opening. My own hands are grasping at his dark broad shoulders, holding on to him as if he were my lifeline in this ocean of ecstasy. I'm drowning in it, sinking further into the abyss. My world is melting, becoming one with his, and becoming one with him. Every touch, every...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 6

Cheers, Steelkat Part 6 The next morning I wake up in Asmodeus’ arms again and nestle myself closer to his wonderfully warm chest. I tilt my face up and watch him sleep, letting my breathing mingle with his. He looks so lovely; his face peaceful and exquisite as an obsidian angel’s. I lean in and press my lips against his. When I draw back, twin rubies reveal themselves; framed by silver lashes. They are filled with only warmth and love for me while pearlescent white teeth flash...

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DemonDriven Lust

Mary scowled as she flipped through the pages of the scuffed book.  “Guys, this book is full of spelling mistakes. And most of the ‘potions’ chapter is just recipes for soup and chili.” Sean poured the last line of flour onto the living room carpet as straight as he could, completing the pentagram. “C’mon, Kaitlin only paid 50 cents. What do you expect?” He stood and dusted his hands. “How does this look, you two?”Mary stood staring at the design, clearly uncomfortable. The satanic symbol was...

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Kim Possible In the Curse of the Demons Hand Chapter 1 Ron Acquires the Demon Arm

Shego smiles a nasty little smile before answering “Of course I did, though I don’t know what you would want a dried up old mummified arm for.” She said, tossing the arm towards Dr. Drakken. Drakken sneers, “You don’t need to know, with this I’ll bring Middleton to its knees.” He said as he grabs the mummified arm. “Now all I have to do is place the arm in the center of the altar and read the ancient runes carved on it.” “Yeah…right this will turn out good, just like all your other...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 40 The Demonrsquos Wicked Lash

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Haunted Forest I waited for an answer from Plumdrop and Flutter, my arms folded across my chest. I needed to know why we couldn’t go to Drakin...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 41 The Naughty Succubus Wicked Demon

Kurtis – Drakin Castle, the Haunted Forest The succubus’s pussy suffocated me. I couldn’t breathe. She held me tight to her cunt. Her petals spilled over my lips and nose. I had to breathe. But if I did, I would drown in her pussy cream. It would fill my lungs. I had to submit. I had to lick her if I was to survive. My chest burned. My head pounded. I clenched my jaws tight. I welded my tongue to the roof of my mouth. I would not give her the satisfaction. I did not submit. I conquered....

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Making a deal with a demon part2

(Strip, Watch & Wait) I got very nerves, but when I looked up I saw that all the pets where already naked and each one standing at a point of the star. They acted like I was not even there. So I did as I was told. I striped, waited & watched. Lucas picked up the knife and chalice. He held the chalice in front of him self right over the candle there and said “Corvendom Levintoria” then let it go. But it did not fall. Instead it floated there. He took the knife and said “I give of my self...

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Leere The Lust Demon Ch2 The Demon Awakes

Slowly, but surely, the spectral mist floating around Marie’s sleeping form coalesced and solidified. The body of the demon materialised beside her bed, seeming to take physical form. But there was nothing monstrous or grotesque about the demon’s body. If anything it was beautiful. The perfect image of an attractive naked young man in the prime of his life, fully of energy and virility. The demon Leere looked down at his newly formed body. He admired and caressed the athletic form of his...

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The Demon Sting Concluding Part

I first Thanks ISS for helping me and to give courage by publishing my stories.If I heart any one’s feelin,He/she must excuse me. We, Honey and my dad cum husband left our country with Sam and Mag for their isolated curse village to help the people.Our Visa and passport was made ready by them and then only we came to know the position of the place where we are going. It is a small village at the border of Russia.The village is isolated by three side mountain and sea at the fourth side and thus...

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Demon cheerleaders

Demon Witch Cheerleaders my friend and I were at the wrong place at the wrong time when the cheerleaders come back then we were caught by them something was going to change me forever 1 . cheerleader snoop and changes "Come on man, this is heaven." My friend Jake tempts. "Dude if we get caught I heard the cheerleaders where ruthless." I reply. "But the risk Is worth it James!" he counters. I finally agree with him and we wait until school is over. When...

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Demon Queened Chapter 1

Demon Queened Chapter 1 Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. "Just how big is this thing?" Jacob muttered, glaring at his computer. The words "Tower Conquest" were stretched across his screen, in large golden letters. Beneath that was the subtitle, "Can you take...

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Demon Surrogates

It’s a clear spring night outside the bedroom of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace’s windows. The warm spring air has just come in for the season, pushing out the frigid air brought about by winter. With their apartment almost ten stories above the city below, the bedroom window is wide open letting the nice air in. Mrs. Wallace is lying on their bed, lost in a deep sleep. Her blonde hair covers her pillow, while the covers are down enough to show the outline of the nipples, sitting on B-Cup breasts under...

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Demon Crossing

I rode into the valley reluctantly and headed toward a pass on the far side. This whole valley was called Demon Crossing and there was a reason. Once a millennium ago an army of demons had spilled out of their realm and into this valley. They had one thing on their mind, to kill and destroy. We had been lucky, there had been signs before the demons surged out of the realm gate and a army was here to stop them. Every year one man was sent to scout the valley for signs that the demons might...

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Demon Line

Three times we have had other countries try to invade us. We were going to be prepared if they tried again so we built the Demon Line. First it was a thousand meters of fields of grain and then a deep trench filled with water that was twenty meters across. On the other side of that was the demon line. The outside was plates of steel and then several meters of reinforced concrete. The demon line was thirty meters high with machine guns in it. On top was huge turrets that held artillery and anti...

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Omake Devilla and Lucy in the woods Not Demon Queened 61 a softfork

Omake - Devilla and Lucy in the woods - (Not) Demon Queened 6.1 =============================================================== not written by Princess Kay, but posted "somewhere" with Princess Kay's permission (c) B.Lowe License: If you can imagine a use for this text, I allow it. If you are Princess Kay and can imagine a use for, I would feel honoured :-) This story is inspired by Demon Queened written by Princess Kay. It is not written by Princess Kay, nor is it cannon. It...

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Demon BaitChapter 9

Later that evening, the property wards were activated again. It was from the area of the driveway. “Who can that be? Has Josh returned?” I asked. “It’s David De Tocqueville,” Al told me, and on checking with my Magic senses, that was who I detected, also. “What in the world does he want? You don’t suppose that he made his apology while we were gone, do you?” I asked. Al didn’t answer. “Let’s go and see what he wants,” I told him in a bored voice, as I drew my wards up around both of us...

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Last Halloween Fucked by a Demon

I was hot and aroused, but frozen with fright at the same time. She was moaning and groaning, it was a female voice, yet there was something evil and monster-like with it. Fuck it! Why not get fucked by a demon? I mean it was a female, at least, and I am bisexual and like fucking girls too. Hey, if this feels good, what is the harm? Unless this demon kills or eats it's prey after fucking it, then I would be screwed. In the other way.This was last Halloween. I was at my fictional fantasy Sugar...

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The Bulldemon killer

          Bull the demon killer   by stHell66   (hero,comixs,d/s,w/s,humilation,rough)    Bull-half demon,half beast, hero of El Diablo, looks like a 8ft red demon with two horns and huge bat wings. A greek warrior hermit covers his face and his redish long beard braided down his muscular chest. His body shows the scars of past battles, covered by his huge black leather cloak. He is the cities greatest hero battling ghouls, demons,vampires, werewolves,etc and usally for a price. His powers are...

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Summoning a Demon

Introduction: Naomis boyfriends attempts to summon a demon work too well Nomi is that you? Naomis boyfriend shouted, from his garage, as she knocked on the front door. He used her families pronunciation of her name, rather than the normal one. Naomi had spent her whole live correcting people when they said her name the usual way, rather than the Nomi of her family. Ian had picked up on the proper way to say it very quickly after they had first met at the school disco. That had been nearly a...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 8 Vincent Fenway the Amorous Demon Slayer

Chapter 8: Vincent Fenway, the Amorous Demon Slayer The two sat on Cal's bed five minutes later, each very naked. Cal wrapped his arms around Althea as both leaned against the wall for support, the gentle light from his bedside lamp illuminating the room nicely. Althea massaged Cal's right thigh gently, luxuriating in the feeling of Cal's love pulsating through her. "Tell me about the war on the Astral Plane, Calvin of the Divine Soldiers..." she whispered lovingly to him as his...

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Summoning a Demon

“Yes it’s me.” She said heading towards his voice. “I’m in the garage, come on.” He said, sounding excited about something. She walked into the garage, her interest peaked even more by his excitement. She found him carefully examining a strange chalk design on the floor. Comparing it to a design on a piece of paper he was holding. “What the fuck is that?” She asked him. “A pentagram.” He replied without looking up. “A what.” “A pentagram, you know.” He said to her,...

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My Demon Prince Chapter 51

Sister   But stood in the door way. She gasped and put down her basket, before rushing to the figure on the ground. "Elisa!" Vilen screamed. Elisa came to the door and gasped. She rushed to Vilens side and helped her bring the girl inside and sit her in one of the chairs. Vilen rushed to the kitchen and got a glass and filled it with water then brought it to the figure. Elisa pulled the cloaks hood back and gasped again. It was a girl. Vilen looked at Elisa. "Do...

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The Journey Episode 1 The demon

Notes: 1)I am not an english-native writer, I do mistakes when I write in english, if you don?t like to read stories with errors, don?t read mine (but if you want to help me improving my english, feel free to send me your comments for sylvia.wechsel at gmail) 2)I conceived this series as an excellent opportunity to describe multiple gender swapping transformations, alternating f2m and m2f, while describing the different ways people adapt to the new situation. 3)The plot is located...

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Demon Queened Chapter 10

Demon Queened Chapter 10 Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Proofread by FallingLeaf Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. Standing naked in my bedroom with my back pressed against the wall, lacking even a towel to hide behind, I fought to maintain my composure as I took...

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A demon with an evil plan

A transsexual sex demon suddenly conjures up an evil plan while in the demon realm. The sex demon used to be a war master demon, until she had conquered all there was to conquer, now she has gotten bored and wants to do something fun The demon became a sex demon when there was no one left to fight in a war, by becoming a sex demon, the demon could hunt and rape anyone who she pleased to, for this same reason the demon transformed herself into a transsexual, as to be able to fuck anyone she...

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My Demon Prince chapter 2

>The Demon >  >She opened her eyes some time later and found the sun had set. Perfect. 'Time to put the spell together and cast it'. she thought smiling. She put on her cloak and grabbed the things, putting them in a bag. She left for the small meadow on her mare. She tied her mare to a low branch and went to the small fire pit. She lit the small fire and pulled out the things for the spell. Hopefuly this spell would work and she would have eather a man or woman to do the things she...

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My Demon Prince chapter 3

>Brother >She woke and found herself in the black chair. "Elisa..." She murmured. What the hell was with all these dreams? Was elisa sending her visions of the future? And if she was then why? >Vilen stood up and looked in the bedroom and smiled. He was still asleep. She looked at the room she was in and almost forgot that he cleaned the mess that she had made over the many years she had been...

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Demon BrideChapter 2

The next morning, Badger found himself excited thinking of the night's activities. He got up around the same time as the woman from the previous evening. As he looked at her, he felt Lucinda stir in his mind. He felt her lust as he considered the woman, but something else. He felt a desire to chase, to capture, to hunt. "Why not? I can at least try," he thought to himself. "Excuse me, but it's not often that a sexy woman I don't know mounts me for her pleasure after I have excited her....

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Demon Graveyard

Her car wasn’t too far away but still, she had already spotted her ex coming from behind. He was drunk and stumbling around. She looked around seeing a crypt. She rolled her eyes, usually in the movies she would be the first one to die by going into the crypt and waking the ancient horror within, a mummy, a zombie, some other kind of undead abomination. She slipped through the already open gate of the ten by ten crypt. She could hear him calling, and he was a violent man, never quite forgiving...

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Demon Queened Chapter 8

Demon Queened Chapter 8 Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. I stared at the horned wolf girl in my bed, hardly able to believe what I was seeing. My mind was reeling with the implications - had the wolves I fought actually been...

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How To Date a Demon King

It was eons ago that Hell was gifted to the demons by the angels of Heaven. Well, perhaps "gifted" is the wrong word to use. Demons were forced to stay there, never to again plague the surface en masse. Upon their forced migration, their new home was thrown into chaos as the demons fought among themselves for supremacy. One demon rose above the rest, more powerful, wicked, and ruthless than any other demon in the realm. He brought organized chaos to Hell and asserted himself as the dominant and...

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Alexandra the Demon Destroyer Episode 11

Alexandra: the Demon Destroyer, Episode 1.1 By Limbo's Mistress The first demon was dead before the other two even realized I was there. Being occupied with their attempt to terrorize and horribly murder the girl on the ground before them, the Hell-Spawn trio didn't see me emerge from the shadows that permeated the deserted playground. When the brilliant flash of light that followed their compatriot's beheading, and subsequent disintegration into brimstone-scented smoke, they...

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the demon emperors prize

Their celebrations were wild ones, rejoicing in the rush of battle and their resplendent victory by embracing those instincts which are most primal, those things most revered by the demons. Mock battles were waged, great tales, many exaggerated, were told, with sweeping gestures and often loud sound effects. Feasting began, the demons tearing into carcasses both raw and roasted, deer, and elk, sheep, and many other creatures, all were devoured in mass by the celebrating demons. Blood...

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Binding the Demon

Two days after the attack, they finally reached the river Sarn. The water moved along a gentle current, and trees lined the banks. Orange light reflected off the drifts, filling the stream with glittering brilliance, and darkened by the time they settled their campsite. Aurianna pulled Clara aside, “You can bathe first. We’ll be nearby by. Just, no screaming over snakes this time, yeah?” Embarrassed laughter and acknowledgment followed as Aurianna mussed up Clara’s hair. Turning, with hunger in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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ConvergenceChapter 21 Demonrsquos Lair

“Connor, I hope to hell you know what you’re doing,” Scotty grated from Washington DC. “So do I,” Caleb replied fervently, his footsteps dragging, while following the drone down the dilapidated building’s stairs in Iraq. “Right now, I’m trying to buy time and stay alive! We can sense too many of the drones to kill them all before they overwhelm us with this damn mist. We can’t try to wait them out, either. This constant, nagging, sense of dread will eventually wear us down. An airstrike may...

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Bureau of Extra Normal Affairs Dealing with Demon

All of them had been effected by the night of Faeries’ vernal ball, but perhaps most so was Redmayne. For the next couple of days he found himself unable to look at either of his undisputed favourites. He blushed heavily in their company which was to their great amusement, so much so that on one occasion they both collapsed into a fit of uncontrollable giggling when he chanced upon them in the archives. Which of course only served to further increase his embarrassment. Despite this, he felt...

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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 6

I again told her to stand. I then took her hand in mine, and we walked to the entrance of the hallway. I stopped her there, let go of her hand, then put my arm around her very small waist. I waited. She eventually got it, and started us moving down the hallway to the entrance of the bedroom, and we stopped again. I would bet money, that at this time, when she was looking into where things were "going to get real", she only thought of it as "THE ROOM". I gave her these few moments, to...

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My Demon Prince Chapter 4

>Elisa >As she ran home she thought about Elisa and wondered if she'd be able to leave the demon for one night, but then she remembered the bonding spell he had cast on her. So now he could see all that she did, hear all and feel all that she did. She thought about what would happen if he saw them together but couldn't think of what he'd say. >She thought about the feel of Elisa's hands on her body and frown. She missed her hands touching and exploring her... >She could almost feel...

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Demon Stranger

Steve moaned as he felt his master hump inside him. The master he had just met online the week before only known to him as Phil. As painful as it felt, it was also the most incredible pleasure he had ever felt in his life. The steel-like phallus reached deeper inside him than he thought possible, stimulating him in ways Steve didn't think possible. Slowly he began to push up on it, before letting his own weight drop him back down on the massive demon cock. That demon cock he had been...

2 years ago
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Demon Queened Chapter 9

Demon Queened Chapter 9 Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Proofread by FallingLeaf Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. I woke up early today, fully intending to reach the cooks before they started my breakfast. Unfortunately, I achieved my goal a little too well. I...

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BTVS Buffy Summers and the Sex Demon Part 4

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYERBuffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy Summers and the Sex Demon Part 4Part 1 - 2 - 3 - returned home after her evening with Faith even more convinced that something was wrong in the town of Sunnydale. By the time she got home, she had seen at least a dozen couples fucking. In their car, by...

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Vashka Demon Protector II

“Why do you need protection?” The words rang in my ears over and over again. What could I tell him without him thinking I was crazy? I almost choked on my laughter. He was a demon. Of course he would believe me, but would he help me? “I’ll tell you if you’ll promise to protect me.” Vashka smiled at me. “A bargain. What are the terms?” “You’ll help me no matter what the odds are.” I glared into his eyes. I was beginning to hate that smile; that arrogant self centered smile. “That’s not a...

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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 1 Arrival

by the Perv Otaku CHAPTER 1: ARRIVAL The ringing of the telephone woke her. Claire turned to check the clock. Just after 3 a.m. Damn. Now she wished she hadn’t stayed up later than usual. She rolled over and answered the phone with a sleepy "Hello?" "Dr. Thompson, it’s Major Jeffers. I apologize for the late hour, but we've got an incoming for you." Of course they did. There was no other reason for him to call at 3 am. "What's the ETA?" She asked, hoping for a little more...

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Iribis the Demon

"why am I summoned mortal?" his voice was filled with venom. "you're here to give me information, please tell me your name."  "Iribis, what is yours?" "mine is not of importance as of now. I have summoned you and you must listen to me and follow my commands." he said with an ever gaining confidence. "this is a deal I do not like, how about this human. You release me and I'll tell you the secret to immortality, all I want is to be set free upon your world." it said with a wicked...

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Demon BaitChapter 3

The following characters appear in this chapter and others: Samuel Barrett Master Wizard, presided over many of the Wizards meetings, 5’-10’’ tall, 205 pounds, 58 years old, dyed black hair and goatee, dark violet eyes Bob, Minor Demon, short at 4’-6’’ tall, red skin and horns on his head, gray beard and hair, Seventeenth century clothing, buckles on his shoes The meeting of the Executive Council of the Ley Line Wizards started at 8:00 that evening. It was attended by all of the major...

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Leere The Lust Demon Ch1 The Ritual

Marie gazed up at the red coloured moon glowing in the star-lit night sky. “All hail the blood-moon, portent of change and transformation.” She whispered. A gentle breeze softly caressed her skin and played gently with strands of her dark hair. She took a deep breath of the fresh air from the open window and closed her eyes. Everything was just perfect; so beautiful and peaceful. Just as things should be. Just as things would be for ever more. Marie opened her eyes and looked at the the moon...

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The Depraved High School Witches and their Quest to Summon the Demon God of Lust

What no one at Warren G High School knows is that within the student body is a coven of 4 nasty, naughty witches each from a different clique, each with a different power, and on this fateful day, each will undertake a different one of the “Four Sins of Asmodeus” (the perversion of the masses, the humiliation of the powerful, the corruption of the pious, the destruction of the innocent) the 4 goals that must be met to summon Asmodeus, the demon god of lust, to Earth to fuck all of human...

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Mom Is a Demon

I can’t believe what I just saw. Thank God she didn’t see me! I came home from school, shall we say, unannounced. Yeah, I cut class. Big fuckin’ deal. I’m seventeen. I’m practically an adult now, and who needs school if your mom has money? Anyway, I came into the house hours early, expecting to be alone. I headed upstairs to my room. Ever hear of a Sybian? Holy shit! I think I might be in love. Well, maybe addicted is closer to the truth. Trust me. Any time I go for a ride, I hit that big “O”,...

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Demon Whorehouse Transformation

The following tale of sexual depravity contains adult material. If you are under the legal age for your area (generally 18 or 21), or object to explicit sex, stop reading NOW. Otherwise, if erotic situations and taboo acts turn you on, then please enjoy yourself. The characters and situations are, of course, completely fictitious. Feel free to post or archive, as long as the story remains intact and unmodified, and my contact information remains attached. Otherwise, this work should...

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