Kimiko Ch. 04 free porn video

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Over the next couple of days, we ‘christened’ each of the rooms in our new apartment several times over! Kimiko’s sexual appetite was insatiable! I certainly wasn’t going to complain! We made love on the bathroom counter, in the furo (hot tub), on the floors of the two unoccupied bedrooms, in the kitchen, standing in the hallway, everywhere! We even did it on the balcony late one night! That was utterly mind blowing!

The balcony was the last place that we had not ‘blessed’ with our love juices! But we corrected that ‘oversight’ after we returned home from her father’s house late one night. We had already changed into yukatas (robe-like kimonos) in anticipation of going to bed. That’s our preferred mode of dress before we call it a night. Just our yukatas without anything else on underneath. That makes it simpler when we retire to our bedroom as we would just slip them off before slipping into bed. And after our first time together, we have always slept in the nude together unless it was Kimiko’s time of month.

We were sitting on our balcony enjoying a cup of hot tea. It was close to midnight and the neighborhood was very quiet. I was sitting on one of the reclining loungers with Kimiko sitting in my lap when I quietly told her that we had yet to ‘bless’ the balcony.

She looked at me with her eyes wide open ovals, ‘Anata, everyone can see!’

‘Yes, but there’s no one awake.’ Our building was still pretty vacant and we didn’t have any neighbors yet on our penthouse floor.

‘Anata, I think you very naughty! But I love you.’ she smiled as she slowly ground her buns into my hardening erection.

‘I love you, too, you beautiful and sexy woman.’ I replied as we kissed slowly and deeply, savoring the connection between us.

She turned in my lap to straddle my thighs with her arms around my neck. She kissed me deeply once again as I took the opportunity to untie the sash for her yukata and cupped her soft and beautiful breasts and slowly rolled her nipples. Then I suckled first one then the other as Kimiko moaned her approval softly. ‘Yes …… feels so good …….’

Kimiko then untied the sash to my yukata, revealing my hard erection to her. She stroked my hard cock several times before she kissed me softly, then raised herself up and positioned me at her entrance. Then she slowly slid her warm and wet pussy down, engulfing my hard cock in her magical womanhood! As she bottomed out, Kimiko ground her clit into my pelvis as she moaned softly. Our love making on the balcony went on for more than thirty minutes as Kimiko impaled herself again and again on my hard cock! I strained to push my cock deeper into her on each downward thrust. Then Kimiko suddenly arched her back and hammered her pussy one last time down onto my dick and came!

It was as if she had triggered a hidden, unknown response in my body. I thrust my hips upward to bury my cock as deeply as I could in Kimiko’s warmth! My cock strained upwards and my balls tightened, then unloaded a huge cum into her womb! We clamped our lips together to stifle any cries that we might make as we came about the same time! Our tongues continuing to love each other as our bodies were melded into one.

A few minutes later as we lay on the lounger, Kimiko still impaled on my semi-hard erection, our yukatas open and our naked bodies on display for each other, Kimiko whispered her love for me.

‘Anata, I still not believe that I find man like you. I hope I never wake up this dream.’

‘Its no dream Kimiko. And it is I that am truly blessed to find someone like you.’

‘We both lucky. I love you, my husband to be.’

‘And I love you, my wife to be.’

Kimiko giggled and moaned her approval as she ground her pussy down on my cock which was beginning to reawaken, still embedded in her. This time, I laid her down on her back on the lounger and we made slow, passionate love, our overflowing juices dripping from her pussy with each thrust of my hard cock!


Before we knew it, it was a week prior to our wedding and we were meeting my parents at the airport. This was their first trip to Japan ever.

We met them just outside of customs at Kansai International Airport. We had set up one of the spare bedrooms as a guest room as they would be staying with us for the week. Mom and Kimiko were inseparable. It was as if they had known each other for years. Ai and Mikan were their frequent accomplices as they ran around tying down all the loose ends for our wedding and reception dinner.

Dad and Genzo (Kimiko’s father) took an instant liking to each other. He was constantly over at Genzo’s house ostensibly to keep out of mom’s and Kimiko’s hair, but really so the two men could share stories about life in Japan and in California. But each evening, we all got together as an extended family to share dinner and conversation.

It was at one of these dinners that Ai asked my mom what it was like being married to a nissei (second generation Japanese).

‘Well Ai, you must understand that I met Todd’s father when I was 19 years old. And it was just after the war. And it was in Sweden, where I am from. He was in the Army and I was helping to entertain the soldiers by dancing with them. He was very shy. I had to pull him to the dance floor otherwise he wouldn’t dance!’

Dad chuckled at that, ‘but she cured me of that very quickly!’ And we all laughed while mom blushed.

‘But Todd’s father was such a nice man and very different. In Sweden, we rarely saw Asian men. He was so different but such a gentleman. I liked him from the very first time that I met him.’

‘Was it love at first sight?’ Ai asked?

‘Oh no.’ mom replied. ‘Actually at first, I have to say that I was just curious about him.’

Dad butted in, ‘Aw, and I thought I swept you off your feet!’ And we all laughed at that.

Mom joined in as well in the laughter, ‘Oh no. But that came later after our fourth or fifth date when you kissed me. Now THAT was something!’ And that produced more laughter from all of us.

‘Otoosan,’ Kimiko asked her father, ‘how you meet okaasan (mother)?’

‘So-so-so. How we meet different from most. Your mother was city girl. I am country boy. We meet at work place. Matsushita. I like her but she not interested in me for long time. Then friends make blind date for me and she was date. Then we go out and she have good time. After that she like me. She tell me later she was afraid I would be rough country boy. But you know me. I try be respectful of her. I learn later that she not used to man.’

‘So okaasan was city girl?’ Kimiko asked?

‘Hai. She from Yokohama. But I learn she in Osaka because work. First time away from home. She was, ah……. how you say, worried. She live alone first time her life. Not used to.’

Genzo continued, ‘Okaasan and I date for long time before friends say we should marry. I ask okaasan and she say I must ask her father. So we go to Yokohama and I ask her father for permission. He say only if I agree to marry her forever. So I say yes. Of course I marry forever. And he say ok. So we marry.’

‘I know okaasan was very happy.’ Kimiko said, with a little sadness in her voice.

‘Hai, I think okaasan was happy. She would be very happy see you and Tetsuo all grown up. And Ai, you too. And Kimiko, you to marry good man.’ Genzo said. ‘But we had good life so don’t be sad. Please. Be happy for all us now.’

‘Hai otoosan. We all are.’ Kimiko replied.

To change the tone of our conversation, I asked Ai, ‘Ai-chan, when will you and Masanao-san marry?’

She blushed a little, ‘Oh, he not ask yet.’

‘But if he ask, will you say yes?’

She blushed even more, ‘Maybe.’ And we all laughed.

‘I don’t know. Maybe yes.’ she smiled. ‘But he shy. Not always say what he think. So I don’t know if he will ask.’

Genzo chimed in, ‘Don’t worry. Masanao-
san will ask. He need courage.’ And we all laughed again. ‘You bring him dinner tomorrow night. We drink sake! Give him courage!’ And that brought down the house!


Our wedding took place in a small neighborhood Buddhist temple. Kimiko and I had visited with the priest several months ago when we first decided to marry and he agreed to perform the ceremonies for us. During the week of our wedding, Kimiko and mom visited several more times to discuss details and to coordinate the event with him.

The night before our wedding, Kimiko stayed at her father’s home. I had yet to see her in her wedding gown although I was told that a family friend who was a seamstress had made it for her, and that it was a traditional wedding kimono. Called an ‘Uchikake’, it was supposed to be all white and long and flowing. Very formal looking and very appropriate for a blushing bride. I couldn’t wait to see Kimiko dressed in her Uchikake.

Tetsuo and Genzo had previously gone with me to fit me for a men’s traditional wedding kimono as well. The kimono I rented was full of blacks and greys, and was supposed to be traditional as well. I felt strange in it but Genzo thought that it made me look like Tom Cruise in the movie, ‘The Last Samurai.’ Tetsuo and I had a good laugh at that!

The morning of our wedding came before I knew it. As I dressed in my formal kimono, I had a few moments to reflect on the chain of events that allowed me to meet Kimiko and had ultimately brought me here. I was just plain lucky. Just lucky to be in the right place at the right time. And we, Kimiko and I, met and became kindred souls. We fit so well.

Dad knocked on my bedroom door to see if I was ready. He was dressed in a formal three piece suit and mom was dressed in a beautiful formal kimono. She had enlisted Ai’s help to help her find a kimono to wear and had insisted on buying it as ‘she planned to be over often’ once the grand kids started coming.

The limousine that I had hired for the day arrived and took us to the temple. Genzo and Tetsuo were already there along with Tanagawa Masanao, Ai’s boyfriend, and Mikan along with her fiancé, Fujii Megumi. They were all greeting people as they arrived for our wedding and introduced us to so many relatives, neighbors and friends. The small temple was packed by well wishers. I was overwhelmed by the crowd that had gathered.

Before I knew it, it was time to take our place at the front of the temple. Tetsuo lead me to the front of the temple where he and I stood, awaiting Kimiko’s arrival and entrance. Mom and dad had been seated previously and were busily chatting with others when the temple became silent as if by an unspoken command.

I sensed the change immediately and turned my head to the front doors of the temple and there she stood. A vision of such beauty …… my wife to be …… Kimiko …….. Words fail to adequately convey how beautiful she looked in her uchikake (wedding kimono). Her radiant smile as she looked at her relatives and friends who now filled the temple to over flowing. Ai stood behind her as her attendant while Genzo stood by her side, offering his arm to steady her and provide her with support if needed.

As they slowly walked down the center aisle of the temple, Kimiko’s eyes met with mine and her smile became even more radiant if that was possible. I know that I probably had a huge smile on my face as well as I waited for Kimiko to make her way to me.

They stopped just before me. Genzo stepped forward and took my hand in his and joined it with Kimiko’s and smiled. ‘I am happy you marry my daughter. Please take care her always.’ I was at a loss for words. My voice refused to work as the seriousness of the occasion hit me. Somehow I managed to bow to him, acknowledging his faith and trust in me.

Kimiko smiled and gripped my hand tightly in hers. Then we turned to face the priest who had taken his station in front of us. And the ceremony began. It was a traditional ceremony in a sense but also modern in some respects. There was the traditional burning of incense and the sipping of sake. But there was also an exchange of rings and our first kiss as a married couple. Kimiko had insisted on that during rehearsals and the priest laughed and gave his approval to this modest departure from custom. And before we knew it, we were husband and wife!

The rest of the day and evening went by in a blur for me. We had the reception over at Mikan’s parent’s restaurant. They opened up the entire second floor banquet hall to accommodate everyone. I just went with the flow and had a good time. Although Kimiko was the center of attraction with all of her relatives and friends there, she made sure that I was with her at all times and introduced to everyone. I caught a little of what she was telling people and was deeply touched as she told everyone that I was the most important person in the world to her.

Kimiko and I finally had a few moments to ourselves as the reception wound down.

‘Kimi-chan, I am very happy that you are my wife.’

‘Anata, so am I happy you are my husband.’

‘Are you tired?’ I asked as it had been a long day for both of us.

‘Hai, but I am happy tired …… good tired ……’ and we kissed.

We finally returned to our apartment. Mom and dad were staying at Genzo’s house that night to provide us with our privacy on our first night as a married couple.

We helped each other undress and embraced in our bedroom, our first time naked with each other now as husband and wife.

‘Anata, please make love me tonight.’ And we did. We bathed each other, then sat in our hot tub soothing our tired muscles with Kimiko impaled on my erection, our arms wrapped around each other. We made love repeatedly that night, only ceasing in the early morning hours as Kimiko’s pussy was beginning to get tender and my cock had just about given up.

‘Anata, you make love to me. I like very much. Make me feel so good. Because it is you, and you love me.’

I kissed her slowly and longingly. I understood exactly how she felt as I felt the same way. Making love with Kimiko was very special. Very special. To me it is the ultimate high to make love to this wonderful woman who is now my wife. And that is because she loves me and gives her love to me unselfishly and unconditionally. When I cum in her and she climaxes, it is as if our hearts are joined as one.


We finally got up around mid-morning, cleaned up and dressed as everyone was coming over for lunch. Mom and dad were leaving that afternoon to spend the week touring Japan. And we would be leaving the next morning for our honeymoon. In contrast with our reception the night before, lunch was a nice, relaxed affair with Genzo, Ai, Tetsuo, Mikan and mom and dad. Ai and Mikan brought all the food over and we enjoyed every savory morsel that they had prepared.

After we cleaned up, it was time to take mom and dad to the train station where they caught a local train up to Tokyo where they would meet their JTB (Japan Travel Bureau) guide. We got back around five in the afternoon and began to pack our bags for our trip. We decided to be comfortable so packed mostly comfort wear and swim wear. If we needed more, we probably could just buy what we needed there.

We flew to Tahiti the next morning then took an island hopper to Vahine Island which is a private island resort. When we got there and checked into the resort, the accommodations we found took our breath away! Each guest had their own private bungalow which was built on stilts on the water inside a protected lagoon. A wooden walkway joined the bungalow to the main island where most of the hotel’s amenities are located including the lobby, several restaurants, a fresh water pool, and spa.

Our bungalow took our breath away! We saw publicity photos of the hotel on their website and liked what we saw. But reality far exceeded what the photos
tried to depict.

Our bungalow was a large one bedroom affair. The side of the bungalow that faced the island was the entry to the unit, a kitchenette, and a large bathroom. The bathroom itself was huge with a bathtub that was large enough to fit two and a walk in shower that had two huge shower heads which could accommodate three or four people if you wanted to.

The rest of the room opened to the ocean with that end of the room being a set of super wide sliding glass doors that could be left open with screen doors in place to keep the bugs at bay. A large king-sized bed, a large sofa and coffee table made up the balance of the furnishings. Just outside of the glass doors was a balcony with several outdoor loungers.

It was late afternoon by the time we got to our room and unpacked, so we decided to just walk the hotel property to familiarize ourselves with its layout, have an early dinner, then retire for the evening. With the difference in time zones, our bodies might think that they were still in Japan and we would need to make the effort to get up on time in order to make our boat ride out to our first day trip to our island hideaway. So that’s what we did.

The island turned out to be on the smaller side. The hotel took up about a third of the shoreline around the island. The center part of the island was an old cinder cone which was high enough that it caught passing clouds and made them dump part of their moisture in the form of rain. That was probably the reason why a hotel could exist on this small island.

Dinner turned out to be a wonderful meal. The food was truly outstanding. Kimiko had a local reef fish that had been braised. The fish was soft and tender. I had an octopus stew that was made with coconut milk. Both meals were delicious!

We returned to our room and decided to bathe and retire for the evening. The flight from Osaka to Tahiti, then to Vahine Island, had been a long journey and we could benefit from an early evening. So we bathed, changed into robes provided by the hotel and went outside to our balcony to relax and enjoy the moon lit ocean.

It was so surreal. So calming. Kimiko was leaning against the railing of our balcony, looking out over the ocean, ‘Anata, this is wonderful place. I not see anything like this before.’

‘Me neither.’ I said as I came up from behind and embraced her, wrapping my arms around her as I molded my front to her back. Kimiko leaned back and rested her head against my shoulder, then turned her head to me and we kissed.

As I tenderly cupped her face with one of my hands, she whispered to me, ‘I love you, my husband. Thank you for loving me.’

I turned her so we faced each other, then untied my robe and then hers, and hugged her tightly to me. Kimiko responded in kind, then reached between us to grab my erection and slowly stroked me to a fully hard state. She rubbed the head of my cock to spread the precum that began to ooze from my slit.

‘Anata, I want always you make love to me ……. please?’

What a turn on! I guided Kimiko’s arms so that she had a firm grip around my neck. Then I cupped her buttock and lifted her slightly. As she raised her legs to wrap them around my waist, her pussy rotated slightly to open towards me and my hard cock slid between the lips of her pussy as if that were the most natural thing to do.

We both moaned our enjoyment at our coupling, and then began our dance of love.


Amazingly we got up the next morning with little difficulty. I think getting to sleep at a reasonable time enabled our internal body clocks to reset. We were up by seven in the morning, ate breakfast and had changed to our beach wear by eight thirty. We walked down to the pier fronting the hotel and met our boat skipper who would be shuttling us to and from the secluded island that we had reserved.

‘Skip’ as he called himself explained, ‘There are three islands that we use that are within an hour’s ride of here. They are all off the beaten track so we’ll provide you with a satellite phone that you can use if you need to call us. It’s been preset to call the hotel so all you need to do is press this button which turns it on and dials automatically.’

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Elena Koshka is quickly making a name for herself as the go-to slut when you need a good fucking. This Russian beauty’s got everything you could want, tight body, perky tits, firm ass, and great set of dick sucking lips. Elena’s wearing a tiny bathing suit and some hot body jewelry as she shows off that body by the pool. Manuel wastes no time getting her out of those clothes and servicing his cock. Watching this tiny whore suck on a huge cock with ease is a sight to see, but it only...

2 years ago
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Collateral Ch 1

Summary: Jake is young, wild, and runs with his brother's bad-ass gang. But he has a secret he needs to hide. When he is saved from a rival gang by a guy with eyes blue as the summer's sky, all dressed up in an Armani suit and moves like Bruce Lee, the walls he carefully built around him start to crumble.***Jake had never been the type to fear anything for too long. It was either that way or his way. It was how he had been taught to think from an early age. His brother was in charge now, and...

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Sues new story A Golf Bet Paid

It was a beautiful April morning in sunny central Florida, so I decided to take a break from work,and play 18 holes of golf. I went over to Disney’s Palm Golf course, and tried to get in to a foursome with some tourists. I was in luck, we started playing, and I struck up a conversation with one of the guys, his name was Craig. As we were playing, the competition between Craig and I was becoming very close. As we approached the last hole our scores were even. Throughout the day, Craig and I were...

2 years ago
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Falling For My StepsistersChapter 7 Telling our Parents

Sunday's chores seemed to take forever. I was beginning to feel like this day was more like me walking to my own death than just another day on the farm. Emily had come down to help, as did Heather. She was still gloating about us being in trouble. "I'm hoping that they make you two do all the chores for a month. I would love to get out of doing them." "Heather, would you shut up before I make you throw up." "And how would you do that?" I reached down like I was going to put my...

3 years ago
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Stepbrother Sleepwalking Surprise

“Fuck me!” Nicole couldn’t believe it; she had slipped on the icy path leading up to her house, her ankle had twisted painfully, and then she had heard (and felt!) the crack of her wrist as it hit the pavement. She was overwhelmed by dueling pain sources. “Mom! MOM!” she cried out desperately. Finally her stepmother and stepbrother Cam came out and helped her inside. 4 to 6 weeks, the doctor said; that was how long she’d have to remain bedridden unless her family practically carried her...

1 year ago
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Loren the Good Samaritan

I was driving along the highway headed home from a long trip for work when my engine blew. After pulling to the side of the road, and assesing the situation, I thought it was gonna be a terrible day, but little did I know what was in the making.I pulled my phone out, and was gonna call AAA; but you guessed it; no cell service. So I began my walk on what can only be described as the lonliest highway in America. Hoping to find some sort of civilization, I walked for what seemed for whenever...

2 years ago
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Lee had made plans for Carol and I

Lee wanted to talk to us over supper so we quickly cleaned ourselves up and drove to meet her. On the way to the diner we began to talk again about some of her kinky ideas.”What other kinky activities do you like or would like to try? “ I asked Carol. Carol responded “ I think if I told you that you would think I am a freak or something. “My husband taught me a few things and I have heard about others. I would like to have you as a steady boyfriend so I know I have to be honest with...

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The WolvesChapter 70

Menseio Station, orbiting Veria Jonuth Kidravia’s Ship - Abi 00:17 Ship Time September 12, 2019 (Abi) While cargo ships had been coming and going to hangar 11A almost constantly for days, people had to be wondering what was going on, though no one knew, exactly. Even those aboard Abi didn’t know that there was an entire factory that was cranking out many different items and components. That was including millions of rounds of ammunition for the mass drivers and the ball turrets. There...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Angel Youngs The Influencer8217s Feet

Angel Youngs is a hot social media influencer with millions of followers. She has a photo shoot set up with a famous photographer Jay Romero. She shows up wearing some hot pink high heels and tight skinny jeans. After a little catch up between the two Jay insists to let’s jump right in and create some awesome pictures. She starts posing on this cool blue sofa and the images are turning out just awesome. They both have fun with the shoot when Jay asks her if she would mind if he takes some...

3 years ago
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Revenge It feels so good

Jeffrey was having one of those days, the kind of day where it would have been better to roll over and go back to sleep rather then get up and go to work.Work was not going well for Jeffrey, but neither was most of the rest of his life. He had been working for the company for 15 years, but his position was pretty much stagnant. Jeffrey was good at what he did, one of the best in a very technical field, but management rewarded salesmanship and Jeff wasn't interested in that, and, consequently,...

3 years ago
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Heart of the MountainChapter 7 The Journey

Iden listened to her read for what might have been hours, quickly losing track of time. The tales of this de Mercier person were amazing, even if his poetry was a little flowery for Iden’s tastes. He had lived a long and fruitful life, exploring foreign lands, and fighting for noble causes rather than for coin. He was well-to-do, the heir to a noble house, and so putting food on his table was of little concern. Iden had to admit that he envied the man. Not for his devotion to justice, or for...

1 year ago
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The Game First Time Sex Part 2 Virgin Sex

Please read “The Game ... first time sex,” which is the first part of the story. I think you will find it very erotic, fun, and revealing. Recapping the previous story, “The Game ... first time sex,” my parents visited friends on a Sunday. I reluctantly went along, and that afternoon I got to stick my virgin dick into a girl’s pussy who lived next door. A girl named Donna introduced me to a sex game that ended up with her letting me fuck her. While I was deep in her pussy, she told me to get...

First Time
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74 First blow to Avril

74 First blow to Avril!Ed, Just a line to tell you of my first time as a slut and cocksucker, I didn't have much experience as a girl and being around a new school, I normally hooking up with my best friend Rita. Over hear we would be known as freshmen! We made our way though our new classes, noting a lot of the older seniors who once in a while looked our way. I had at that time a nice slim body with what can be described as ‘perky’ tits and rather pronounced nipples. I kept getting...

1 year ago
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Wife Pleases VIII

Things rocked along nicely with the doctor. He visited her every 2 weeks and we both enjoyed our parts, her getting fucked and me getting the leftovers along with another go using someone else's cum for the most delicous lube known to man! One week he called and said that he had to be out of town to a medical meeting during the time they would normally be having a "session." She was a little let down by that, but there was cause for optimism as the doctor had a close friend who was being...

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Spizoo Liv Revamped Fucks Cybercock

Living in a dystopian future where Artificial Intelligence has taken over, Liv Revamped is on a mission for survival. Armed with her heat blocking cape, she attempts to gather materials needed for the defense of the resistance. Dodging AI is a struggle but this little spinner makes it happen until she has a surprise encounter with a robot even she cannot avoid. These artificial humans have similar needs and desires to to humans so after being caught she has only one way to get herself out of...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kimber Woods Candy And Cock In A Prolapsing Anus

Gorgeous Kimber Woods visits director Mike Adriano for a graphic session of anal destruction. The all-natural nymph reveals her plump ass in tight workout garb, peeling off her pants to present a butt plug lodged in her anus. After trading rim jobs, Kimber gives a sloppy blow job, regurgitating and lewdly blowing gag spit over Mike’s prick before he plunges her tender booty. Mike inserts gummy bears into Kimber’s rectum, and amid an anal pounding, she pushes them out and shows her...

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Private Silvia Soprano Wild Debut

Today in Private Specials, Cheating With Black Cocks 3, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Silvia Soprano, a saucy brunette who is dissatisfied with her husband and looking for any excuse for a good fuck! Fortunately for Silvia, there are three black stallions awaiting her in the park and it doesn’t take long for this nympho to take full advantage as she takes them home all for herself. So watch this horny babe in action on private as she slips into her sexiest lingerie for a stunning...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Elle Voneva Vina Sky Tiny Asian Teens Learn To Share Foreigner Dick

When Elle Voneva and Vina Sky get the chance to ride a bicycle, they do not know how to share. Our stud wants to help them learn. He whips out his big white cock for these two Asian whores to slobber on. They take turns licking his long lollipop, and then spread their legs for him to stick his kickstand in their tight Asian pussies. Elle eats Vinas pussy while she gets dicked from behind, and then Vina gets her chance to ride our studs long wang. Finally the two Asian cuties fuck this guy into...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Identity Part Three

The sky was tinged in oranges, pinks and purples as the last rays of the sun gave way to the inky black of night. Jake checked his reflection one last time in the small mirror over his wash stand, running a hand over his freshly shaved chin and smoothing unruffled hair. He'd washed and changed after the work day, the button up dress shirt a novelty in the wilds of the west. The trousers were still just trousers, if perhaps a bit less rugged than his usual fare. Jake stepped out of the small...

Straight Sex
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friends wife and the glory hole

This begins a few weeks ago when i was in a adult store lookin for films. I was racking threw the film when a woman walked in that looked alot like my fiend mike's wife sue.She headed to the back of the store and threw to another room so i followed her in and there was three booths and the middle one was occuped so was the one on the right so i went in to the one on the left and closed the door. I could hear a slurping sound coming from the next booth and there was a 5" hole in the all so i had...

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New Year Gift to Sister

Hi Friends, Rinku once again with another new story. This is my 45th story on this site. This story will satisfy you. This story is about brother and sister. Sister is married and brother has visited her sister on New Year. Let us come to the story. I have visited my sister after 6 months of her marriage on this New Year. She has greeted me and takes me to her room. She gives me some snacks and water. I asked about her married life. She said his husband is out of city usually and this time he...

2 years ago
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With Tarun in flat

First off all I should thank all the ISS readers for giving a good response for my stories and it was so surprising to get lot of mails from both males and females. It was nice reading some mails and some people were asking for the email id of the gal and telephone number. I met this boy, Tarun, thru net only. We both had already exchanged lot of mails about each other’s liking and disliking. Finally we decided to meet and to go to bed one day. It was a cool late evening when Tarun came to...

1 year ago
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Lupe Loving Learning To ShareChapter 5

Friday night started out auspiciously and dinner was a huge success. Donna had prepared a shrimp scampi that was totally awesome. The wine had flowed freely throughout the meal and everyone was loose and relaxed. When Lupe had first arrived at around 6:00, she and Donna had gone upstairs, leaving Jim to oversee cooking the pasta and to make sure the scampi didn't overcook. They were gone for about 45 minutes and when they finally came down the stairs both girls were giggling and their hair...

3 years ago
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Deathbed Ch 6

Part Twenty-Six “No–” I said in a strangled voice. “No, I’m not undead! I can touch holy objects!” My heartbeat pounded in my ears, another proof of life. What could the Bearer of Indictments mean? “Like these–” Deadman suddenly glanced at the cartridges I had been about to display, and I broke off and hid them inside my jacket. Aitch hadn’t missed the exchange, though I wasn’t sure if he had noticed what I was holding before I concealed it, his sharp eyes went back and forth between us. ...

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How Much of a Coincidence

For Frank Grayton, twenty-seven-year-old journalist and hopeful author, the idea of coincidence was something that he might cover in a news story, but he would swear it never happened to him. He was no great believer in fate either, but sometimes circumstance can turn beliefs upside down.The circumstance of him being at a horse race meeting was a rare one. It was not a sport that Frank normally favoured, but his friend Larry had acquired tickets to the Silver Ring at the local racecourse, with...

Love Stories
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Syliva and Donnie on Benvenue Street in Berkeley

"Don, I'm a horny girl, can you tell it?" "Yeah, I like the way you...." The fat girl. Carole began to rub the back of his neck. I looked into his eyes. ''Donnie, I wouldn't mind sucking your dick, not a bit, but I'd like to go someplace where we can fool around. Does your girlfriend push her knee up against that spot behind your balls when she gives you a handjob? Does she whisper little fuck words in your ears when she is doing that? Does she tickle your nipples? Does she like it when you...

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The Wife and 3 Young Guys

September 2014, my husband and I decided to visit one of the many nude resorts here in Tampa Bay, Florida. Since we live in Pinellas County, I suggested to my husband we drive North about an hour to resort and see if we can find someone to get with.For a few days prior to visiting this nude resort, I suggested to my husband that I wanted to find a guy to possibly get with while we were there. As usual my husband is game for anything that is fun and enjoyable. However, he said on one condition;...

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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 24 Awakening

Friday, June 07 - Thursday, June 13, 1996, Sanford Maine Oh my, the stars were so very pretty out there... Hmmm? How was it that I could float out amongst the Heavens? I felt neither cold nor warmth; was I even breathing? Why did that thought not alarm me? My body felt normal, though, or at least I thought it did, as I tried to check myself out. I was wearing my favorite pair of faded blue jeans and my tight white t-shirt that Amber loved on me. She thought that it showed off my muscles...

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Es ist ein schrecklich langweiliger Freitag Nachmittag. Meine Name ist Bernd, ich bin 20 Jahre alt und stehe kurz vor dem Abitur. Eigentlich sollte ich lernen, aber wir haben gerade gestern zwei Klausuren gehabt und ich könne mir einen Tag Pause. Meinen Freunden Fred, Peter, Clara und Sophie geht es da ähnlich. Fred und Peter sind ähnlich gebaut wie ich. Peter ist etwas sportlicher und schlanker, Fred dagegen etwas rundlicher, aber dafür mit 1,95cm auch sehr groß. Clara ist wohl am besten als...

Group Sex
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Cock Worshipper Part 2

The continuation of my story… So I was 16 when I got a job at a hotel, of which I won’t give the name, but I’ll just say that now it is a Holiday Inn, but was a different hotel when I worked there. I worked in the formal restaurant as a busboy and also a room service waiter, mostly on weekends, holidays and all the time during summer vacation. There was a cook there who was Latino, in his 40’s, married with like four kids. He was such a perv and I loved it, the way he always was...

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Sophia Part II

So she finishes rinsing me off and has me go sit in the sauna again for a few minutes. I was literally light-headed because it got so hot and steamy in the shower room. All I could think of was how crazy fucking hot she was. She was way out of my league but, I was gonna be fucking her in about 10 minutes! She opened the door and took me by the hand back to the room and told me to lay on my stomach. This is where I usually got the 5 minute "massage" that tunred into what it was supposed to be. A...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 109 The way its gonna be

On Wednesday morning I packed the cell phone along on my morning ride with Cheryl. It was probably not a good thing that I had begun to think of the morning ride and Cheryl as part and parcel of the same thing. But there she was knocking on my door at 7;30AM again. Breakfast was again filled with guys leering at her boobs, while I smiled inwardly. I have no idea why I found it so satisfying, I mean she wasn't really with me in a romantic sense. Even so. I felt almost like a proud...

3 years ago
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Critical Modification Chapter 1

Robotic surgery has progressed to the point that machines can perform major, minor and microsurgery well beyond the talents of normal surgeons. In the local doctor's office, surgeries could be planned out using previously defined robotic surgical programs. Thus the robot would analyze the surgery to be completed and would follow the preset guidelines. Medical related problems could be dealt with a minimum time in surgery and would greatly minimize the trauma to the patient....

4 years ago
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Keep Me Warm in the Winter Part 1 Fantasies

“Be home by 6, Jess. Mom is making dinner,” Brian said over the phone. It was weird to hear Brian refer to Mrs. Michaels as just “Mom”. Not “my Mom” which he usually used. That was new. Didn’t help me get any closer to having sex with him though. When my dad got transferred to the middle of nowhere, my parents thought it would be fine if I stayed in Boston and finished my last year of high school with all my friends. That was in October, and I had loved every minute of being away from...

4 years ago
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Enjoyment With Dad That Changed My Life

Hi my name is Sathish. Age 22. I am bisexual. I realized it when i was 18. In my previous story with sex with insurance agent, i had mentioned that i have not 1 but 2sex partners. The other one being my sexy hunky dad. When i was having sex with Manoj the insurance agent, dad had come home. I did not realize this because the music was on and i was busy sucking and getting fucked by Manoj. Dad had heard the moans and came to my room. He did not open the door completely but saw how I and the...

Gay Male
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WWE ENF BP story italian

This is an italian translation of the original story written by Rvd1217 (thanks to him for writing this, it is one of my favorite stories) Link to the original story: *Uomo sconosciuto*: "Benvenuta in WWE, ti è stato offerto un contratto per farti lottare nella nostra compagnia per la futura decade a venire e diventare molto forte... Una leggenda! Siamo stati molto impressionati dal tuo talento e dalle tue capacitá. Nel tuo contratto puoi vedere...

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