In My Life Ch. 04 free porn video

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As they pulled up, Emerson noticed several of his riders headed that way out of curiosity. They hadn’t seen anyone to talk to in quite a while.

A young lieutenant nodded at the herd as he spoke to Emerson. ‘I am Lieutenant Andrews. Are you in charge of this herd? It is possible the army could do business with you.’

Emerson shook the man’s hand. ‘Emerson Trask. Yes, I am and we will listen to any proposition you may make. I didn’t know the military was in the area.’

‘We are supposed to be everywhere, if you listened to Washington. The Indian problems have relaxed some. The government wants to put them on reservations. The problem with that is food. These people always hunted and have difficulty living in one area. Hungry men are not easy to control, so the army needs beef. I assume these cattle are for sale?’

‘You are exactly right. Do you have the authority to buy them?’ Emerson asked.

By this time several of the trail crew, including Maria and Cathy, rode up to listen. The soldiers were clearly surprised to see the women.

Andrews demonstrated that his officer training included conduct around lovely young ladies. ‘I am stunned to see two such beautiful creatures in these parts!’ As he spoke he tipped his hat. It was obvious to all that he totally liked what he saw. ‘I assume you ladies are part of this extremely fortunate crew. I am Lieutenant Andrews, at your service.’

Emerson laughed as the girls gave the soldier smiles that were meant to dazzle. ‘I would like the pleasure of introducing you to Cathy Jordan, the lovely blonde, and the dark-haired beauty is Maria Casey.’ Emerson then pointed to the men of the crew. ‘If you are interested in their names, let me know.’

Maria and Cathy both looked at Emerson. Their pleasure was apparent. ‘That is what I’d call a proper introduction!’ Maria laughed.

Andrews was captivated by the two women. He never let his gaze leave them. Emerson judged him to be a bit of a ladies’ man. Andrews shook hands with the girls and began asking questions. It wasn’t long before he knew they were both single and from Morgantown.

Emerson waited while the lieutenant made small talk with the women. Finally, he interrupted, ‘I am sure you are a busy man, Lieutenant. Could we get back to the business at hand?’

‘Yes, of course.’ Andrews realized he had been too attentive to the women, although he felt he had good reason. ‘I cannot buy these cattle, but my commanding officer can. He is Major Reynolds and our headquarters is presently located east of here about two hours ride. I would be glad to escort you to him. He is looking to buy beef. In fact, he is meeting with someone today in that regard. It would be to your advantage to speak to Major Reynolds as soon as possible.’

‘I don’t think it would hurt to hear what the Major has to say. We can let the cattle rest here today,’ Emerson decided. ‘I’ll ride back with you.’

‘Would you mind very much, Boss, if Cathy and I rode with you?’ Maria asked Emerson. ‘We could use the break.’

Tom quickly added, ‘Count me in, too. How about you, Bob?’

‘We have to leave a crew to watch the herd,’ protested Emerson.

‘Go ahead,’ it was Pat Casey. ‘You youngsters will enjoy it. The rest of us can manage here.’

Emerson knew he had no good reason to refuse Maria’s request, but felt reluctant to take the girls. ‘Do you realize the effect you will have on soldiers stationed out here? Andrews was just a sample of how these men will react. It might be best if I ride over alone and talk to the major.’

‘I don’t feel I over reacted, Mr. Trask. I can assure you the ladies will be quite safe with the U.S. Army. I would ask how concerned you are with their safety to allow them to participate in this venture. There are bands of thieves, and even worse out here.’ Andrews was clearly miffed at Emerson’s suggestion that he behaved improperly with the two women.

Emerson turned to face Andrews, his own temper flaring. Maria, seeing Emerson’s anger, quickly rode between them. ‘I appreciate your feelings that this is not safe country, but each of these three was wounded in a gunfight with the Gustin gang, fighting in large part, to protect Cathy and me. I would caution you against suggesting to any of these men that they aren’t concerned for our safety. I really don’t care to see any more fighting.’ Maria smiled as she finished, but her message was clear to Andrews.

Andrews quickly softened with Maria’s approach. ‘I really didn’t mean to suggest the ladies would not be safe with you. It is obvious that they are in good health. The Gustin gang is another one of our assignments. You were fortunate to survive that encounter,’ added Andrews. ‘Perhaps you could help us locate them. Do you have any idea where they would be now?

Cathy could not contain herself. ‘Lieutenant, we know exactly where they are. That is, the parts the buzzards haven’t finished. This crew is serious about its cattle and women, and fight for both. You can cross Gustin off your list of things to do!’

Andrews seemed to see the group in a new and more serious light. ‘That is good news. They were reported to be a seasoned and dangerous bunch. That must have been a battle.’

Cathy was all sugar again as she smiled at Andrews. ‘We have a couple of hours. I’ll tell you all about it as we ride.’

Maria chuckled as she said, ‘I bet she’ll use the whole two hours telling it.’ With that, the entire group laughed. Then Maria nudged her horse closer to Emerson’s. As the group watched, Maria gave Emerson a smile and asked, ‘Emerson, Dad said they could watch the herd. As a favor to me, can we ride along, too?’

Emerson groaned as the crew laughed. ‘I don’t think Emerson is going to able to refuse that request!’ laughed Tom. ‘If he does, he must have been wounded worse than any of us realized.’

Emerson looked at the smiling faces. Even Pat Casey was enjoying this. He returned Maria’s smile. ‘I can’t refuse that request. but keep in mind you are indebted to me now.’

With the long and dangerous drive nearly complete, Maria was feeling reckless. ‘Of course, Emerson. You can collect anytime. I just don’t know how a girl like me would ever be able to pay you back.’ She was still close to Emerson, but everyone heard her answer.

‘Maria! You are so forward! I love it. I think this trip has changed both of us,’ Cathy added. ‘Let’s ride everyone. Maria has sacrificed something, as yet unnamed, for the benefit of us all. We can thank her later.’

As Cathy, Maria, Tom, and Bob fell in with the lieutenant, Emerson faced Pat Casey. ‘Sir, I didn’t mean-‘

Pat was trying to keep a straight face. ‘Don’t try to hand me a line. I can see what’s going on! ‘

Emerson sat his horse, trying to come up with a response.

Pat Casey and Miguel, who had been listening to the conversation, both broke into laughter. ‘Emerson, you’d better get going or you’ll be left behind and that smooth lieutenant will be sweet talking those girls all the way.’ Pat was enjoying the situation.

Emerson turned his horse and chased after the rest, with the realization that Pat didn’t seem to be upset about Maria flirting with him. Maria had known he would not refuse her almost any request, and that he lacked the nerve to try to collect on that debt.

As he rode behind the others, Emerson was deep in thought. He accepted Maria’s power over him. He would probably play the fool at some point, but thoughts of her consumed him. A smile from her meant more than money. She was in control, not him. That could leave him vulnerable, but Emerson admitted to himself he could do nothing about it.

Maria dropped back a short while later, bringing her pony alongside Emerson’s. ‘You have been so quiet and thoughtful, Emerson. Are you angry with me?’

Surprise showed on Emerson’s face. ‘Angry? Maria, why or how could I be upset with you? I’ve trying to decide how to collect on t
hat debt.’

Maria’s leg was touching his as they rode. ‘So that’s your big problem! I think I can help you there.’ The rest of the riders were strung out a short distance ahead as the passed through a rocky canyon. Soon they passed around a boulder and were gone from view.

‘Stop your horse!’ Maria whispered.

Surprised, Emerson pulled back on the reins. He brought his attention back to Maria. She was leaning out of her saddle and brought her lips close to Emerson’s.

‘You’ll have to help a little,’ she smiled.

Emerson felt as if he were dreaming. He leaned down and pressed his lips to Maria’s and was lost in the passion she seemed to draw from him. Finally, Emerson pulled back, staring into Maria’s eyes.

Her voice was heavy with emotion as she spoke. ‘I consider that payment in full. Am I terrible?’

Emerson could not find his voice. He simply searched her eyes, not wanting to forget what he was seeing.

‘Unless I am fooling myself, I’d have to think you’re satisfied. We’d better catch up to the rest.’ With that, Maria kicked her pony and took off after the rest.

Lieutenant Andrews was still listening to Cathy as Maria rejoined them. Cathy looked at Maria, then glanced back at Emerson and nodded her head knowingly.

The small cavalcade rode into the army post in mid afternoon. It had been a pleasant ride with Andrews concentrating his attention on the two women. Bob, Tom and Emerson exchanged smiles several times over the last few miles as they watched the lieutenant’s efforts to impress the girls.

Before they dismounted, Andrews thought of another opportunity to see Maria and Cathy. ‘Next week, one week from today, is the Governor’s Ball in Santa Fe. Major Reynolds has plans on attending, along with some of his officers. It would be nice to see you ladies there,’ Andrews added.

Maria looked at Emerson before she responded. ‘I think that would be very nice. In fact, I would expect most, if not all, of our crew would want to attend. We can do that, can’t we Emerson?’

Emerson was surprised that Maria would ask him, as were the others. Cathy spoke, ‘Maria, Emerson won’t be giving us orders forever. At least not the rest of us,’ she amended. ‘Of course we’ll go. Emerson, you know I am not trying to offend you.’

Emerson grinned, ‘Cathy, you are correct. By that time we should be done with this job and everyone will be on their own. The ball sounds like a good idea.’

Andrews dismounted and the rest followed suit. ‘My men will take care of your horses. I’ll present you to the Major.’ With that he led the way through the camp.

As they walked, Emerson noted the stir the girls created. The soldiers were polite enough, but everyone of them flashed their best smiles and tipped their hats, and just plain stared. The girls giggled and smiled back enjoying the attention.

Some small chairs were placed in front of one of the larger tents. Seated there was a gray haired man in uniform and another man, a civilian. Cathy, who was walking ahead with Andrews, stopped in her tracks. Turning to the others, she whispered loudly, ‘Tom Taylor is already here! What do we do?’

By this time they were noticed by the major. Standing, he returned the lieutenant’s salute. ‘What have you brought back with you, Mr. Andrews? You should get a promotion for this!’ Reynolds laughed as the lieutenant began the introductions.

‘This is Cathy Jordan and this is Maria Casey, Major Reynolds. Emerson Trask to the left, and I’m afraid I didn’t catch the names of the other gentlemen.’ Andrews appeared to feel foolish at the oversight.

Cathy finished the introductions, ‘Tom Gordon and my brother Bob are the other two. It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.’ She shook hands with the commanding officer, as did the others.

Reynolds held Emerson’s hand longer than necessary and clapped him on his good shoulder. ‘I knew you must have made it, son. That was some piece of work! I trust things are working out for you here?’

‘Sir, we are here on cattle business,’ offered Emerson. It was obvious he was uncomfortable with Reynold’s question. ‘Not to be rude, but my personal situation can be discussed sometime in private. We are intruding. We would be glad to leave you alone with this gentleman. We can come back a bit later.’

Tom Taylor was in a rage. How was this possible? He never anticipated any competition for this government contract. Instinctively, he checked to be certain his two gunmen were near.

‘Thank-you, for the gesture, Mr. Trask, but our business is about finished. Mr. Taylor has just given me his final and lowest price. I would now be interested in what you have to say,’ replied Major Reynolds.

Taylor jumped to his feet. ‘You can’t consider dealing with this man! He’s a gunman, a killer. He has already shot two men dead in the streets of Morgantown! He is the kind of man the Army hunts down, not does business with,’ Taylor shouted.

Maria saw the Major look at Emerson with a slight smile on his face. ‘It would seem that Mr. Taylor questions your character, Mr. Trask. Do you offer any response to his charges?’

‘I really don’t care to discuss my character faults at this time. I am here to sell the Army some cattle,’ Emerson responded calmly.

Maria was shocked at Emerson’s lack of defense for his actions. ‘Major,’ she cried, ‘Emerson only shot those men in self defense after Taylor sent them after him. His men also beat Bob, and slapped Cathy and me on the main street of Morgantown! What kind of man is he?’

‘Your men struck these ladies?’ Reynolds asked Taylor. ‘Is that true?’ It was clear that Major Reynolds found that information revolting.

That was when Tom Taylor made a serious miscalculation about the men he was facing, and women he was talking about.

He responded, without thinking, ‘How can you call these women ladies? They have been traveling on a trail drive with a bunch of dirty cowboys. They are nothing more than-‘

Tom Gordon had reacted immediately at Taylor’s insults of Cathy and Maria. Before Taylor could say any more, Tom covered the short distance between them and grabbed Taylor by the shirt front. He then slapped Taylor’s head from side to side several times. In his anger, Tom had neglected Taylor’s henchmen. Seeing their employer roughed up, the men reached for their colts.

A shot rang out and suddenly everything was quiet. One of Taylor’s men dropped a gun to the ground and groaned as he held his arm. The other man took his hand off the butt of his gun and raised it slowly.

Maria turned and saw Emerson holding his left hand gun. Smoke was curling up from the barrel. It was pointed toward the man who had just removed his hand from his colt. Tom Gordon let go of Taylor and backed off.

Taylor was livid with rage. ‘Gordon, I’ll ruin your bank. You’ll regret this to your dying day! That bank will never see another dime of my money.’

‘Our bank would rather close than allow tinhorns like you to abuse decent women. If I ever hear you say anything like that again, I’ll gut shoot you myself.’ Tom Gordon’s voice was heavy with emotion.

‘Major Reynolds, I demand you arrest these men! The Army can’t allow the beating and shooting of innocent men,’ Taylor directed at Reynolds. ‘Do your job!’

By this time a good portion of the soldiers at the outpost had gathered around the scene. The Major seemed unruffled by the events he had just witnessed. Calmly he gave an order, ‘Sergeant Day, get this wounded man to the doctor’s tent and see that he is taken care of. Sergeant Williams, escort Mr. Taylor and his employee to their horses. I want them to leave as soon as the other man is patched up.’

‘Mr. Taylor, the Army is not interested in personal disputes between civilians.’ Reynolds continued, ‘I would say, however, these men were well within their rights to react as they did. I suspect you are lucky to have gotten off so easy. If Mr. Trask had use of bo
th his hands, and could have gotten to you before Gordon did, the damage to your sorry face would have been much greater. I have no use for a man that would talk that way to a lady, and these are ladies. Now, get out of my sight!’

Reynolds turned to the rest of the soldiers. ‘I want everyone to return to where they were before that shot was fired.’ As the troops began to leave, Reynolds turned to Maria and Cathy.

‘Could I offer you ladies a seat. It is rare indeed to have such attractive women out here.’ The officer pointed to two chairs near his. ‘I apologize for the rude behavior of Taylor. I assure you he did not in any way reflect my opinion, or those of the men under me.’

‘Major, I thank you for saying that. Maria and I have been through a lot the past couple of weeks, but we certainly are ladies,’ Cathy replied as she and Maria took the offered seats. ‘I’m also finding out that it is pretty unhealthy to suggest otherwise with Tom and Emerson around.’

‘I have to agree with you there,’ laughed Reynolds. ‘Taylor seemed to have no idea what he was getting into, although I could see it coming. He can’t read men very well if he thought Emerson would let him get away with that.’

‘I finally get to meet Maria Casey. I was certain the accounts of your beauty were an exaggeration, but now I see they didn’t do you justice.’ Reynolds held Maria’s hand as he spoke.

Maria was flabbergasted. ‘I don’t understand exactly what you are saying, but thank you. Could I ask where you may have had me described to you?’

‘It was in South America, wasn’t it Emerson?’ and Reynolds turned to laugh at the cornered look on Emerson’s face. ‘It seems Mr. Trask hasn’t mentioned that he and I go back a few years.’

Emerson found his voice. ‘Walt, let’s get on with the business at hand! We don’t have all day to reminisce. We are here to see about selling some cattle.’

‘Emerson, don’t be so rude,’ Cathy reprimanded. ‘We do have all day and the rest of us are interested in what General Reynolds has to say. Please go on, sir.

The Major laughed as he continued, ‘We had a sensitive situation in which the U.S. government couldn’t be directly involved. Emerson’s name was given to me as a man that could help. I was told he was capable and tough. His ship was in port at the time and he was kind enough to volunteer his services, greatly helping some Americans the government could not. This sounds vague to you, but to this day, the government denies involvement in the affair.’

‘I had the opportunity to have dinner with Emerson the evening before he performed his clairvoyant activities. At that time, he spoke of his misspent youth, and the stigma under which he left Morgantown. He also spent a good part of the meal describing the unlimited charms of one Maria Casey, a girl that absolutely hated him. That is why I am so glad to finally meet you, and see that you must have learned to tolerate Emerson, at least. Otherwise, it would have been a very difficult trip,’ Major Reynolds concluded.

‘Thank-you General,’ Cathy said. ‘We seem to run into people from all over the world that know about Maria. For a girl that has never left New Mexico, she is very well known.’

Maria was amazed. Did Emerson know everyone in the world? Was there anyone to whom he failed to mention her name? Still, it always seemed to be nice things that people heard about her and the fact that Emerson had not forgotten her made her feel good.

Maria began to allow her feelings to surface. Emerson had been thinking about her, and telling everyone about her beauty. Maria wasn’t particularly vain. She knew that she could be very attractive to Emerson, while still not impressing someone else. She admitted to herself that Emerson was the one she wanted to impress and it was beginning to appear that she had, even more than she dreamed.

Emerson, on the other hand, cursed himself for talking so freely about his past and Maria. Over the years he told more people than he could remember. He never thought Maria would meet any of them, but he should have known better. The world wasn’t that big, and people seemed to remember his stories. He hoped that Maria would not take offense at his mentioning of her name.

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Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty One The Sand Between Her Toes Year 1 A.S. Day 115 "Hang on I want to ask Derek if he can get away," she said. Jenny quickly dialed Derek and talked to him for a few minutes and then hung up. "Derek can't come," she said obviously disappointed. "He can't get away from the shop today. If you had given us more notice he probably could have," she said turning back to packing her beach bag. Kira glanced at Dianne. She'd noticed the us in that sentence...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Natalia Queen Sex Pills For Stepsis

When Natalia Queens stepbrother sleeps in, he is afraid that he is going to be late for work. He rushes into the bathroom to see if he can get himself ready and get there on time, but accidentally comes in on his sexy stepsister taking a shower. She is pissed, especially since the poor guy has a huge boner poking through his boxers while he looks at her. He realizes that he will not be able to go to work with his dick sticking out. Maybe you can help me out, he says to her. Lucky for him, she...

2 years ago
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BethChapter 43

August 12, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written August 14] The state tournament is held at an amazing soccer complex just outside the capital. It has three main fields and a host of satellites for practice or large tournaments. Today’s games take place two at a time on the outside two fields. The middle field will be saved for the final two games tomorrow. Being in the bottom of the bracket, we played in the second set of first-round games. Obviously, if we win, we’ll play whichever team won...

2 years ago
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Taking An XHamster Lover and Teaching Her PT 1

Taking An XHamster Lover and Teaching Her PT 1 Recently I have met a beautiful woman on here who has shared some amazing images of herself with me. While I am not at liberty to share either her user name or any of the pictures, I have taken what she has shared with me and written a story of what it would be like if she would just relent and consent to meeting with me for a night… or two… or four…..[/Image] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For my vacation, I was riding my motorcycle...

2 years ago
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College Ki Junior Ko Choda

Hi guys! Mera naam Aakash hai. Main Final Year Engineering ka Student hu. Aaj main aap logo ko apne sacche experience ke bare me batana chahta hu. Baat us waqt shuru hui jab maine use pahli bar apni college mein dekha. Ek to Engineering college mein ladkiya kam hoti hain aur jo hoti hain wo Chodne ke layek nahi hoti (Enginnering ke student samajh sakte hain) First year aur second year do saal tak achha maal dekhne ko nazrein taras gai thi. Acha maal dekhne ke liye MBBS college jana padta tha jo...

3 years ago
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A Hot drunken Night

Jay and I were back in the states in Seattle Washington giving our friends and family a surprise visit. Jay, All the AOM boys and I were at this sports bar in his hometown. Jay was never a big drinker so he quickly got a buzz after 2 drinks. But however his buddies encouraged him to drink more, which then made Jay’s Face become slightly pink in the cheeks and made him a lot more louder. “Guys, Guys wanna hear somethin’?” he asked with a goofy smile. “What’s that?”...

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Working Overtime Part 1

Ok, so I'd been working at this mailbox, packaging and service store... Kind of like a Kinkos. I was a supervisor 20 something at the time, but that mostly meant I was usually the one to open or close, sometimes both. We opened the doors at 8:00 am, but I usually got there at 7:45 or earlier to prep the store to open. It was usually slow in the mornings till like 10, depending on the day the next employee would come in at 9 or 10. One of the great things about working there at the time...

4 years ago
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Theres a time for everything Chapter 11

“So are you coming to dad’s play tomorrow?” Amanda asks as she lays there wrapped around the strong arms of Daniel, whom she has been dating for over two years, on the couch in his bedroom watching Notebook. Amanda loves this man. Along with the tear-stimulating sentiments of the movie, she recalls the first time they met at professor Shaw’s, her father who doesn’t have much liking for Daniel, theater class a long while back, when Amanda was still a freshman and he had first became the...

3 years ago
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Reign of madness

Welcome to Reign of madness. This story is a fiction, taking place in a parallel universe. Any resemblance to real situations, places or persons living or dead is purely accidental. If you are under 18, please leave and what are you doing here anyway? First of all, please pick a gender.

3 years ago
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Just a little nursing scene part two

I go into the bathroom and you hear water running soon I return with a cool rung out wash cloth and put it on your for head behind your neck be good and wait right here I say!SilentPartner 57M Switch1dI was warm but didn't feel that warmNurseVicki 55F Domme1dI be right backSilentPartner 57M Switch1dBut I guess the thermometer ddoesn't lieSilentPartner 57M Switch1d(when was your temp last taken?)NurseVicki 55F Domme1dI go to the med room looking into your med records and pull your meds the temp...

4 years ago
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The internet date

Driving out of London to a nearby market town I wondered what I was doing meeting a girl I'd been chatting to online for a few weeks. Emma was almost 19, and starting Uni in a few months. She described herself as looking a little like Cameron Diaz, and sounded very horsey on the phone when we'd chatted. She had a good sense of humour, and I was curious as to what she was like in the flesh. When she walked in to the bar I was pleasantly surprised, a classic shires horsey posh blonde with a...

2 years ago
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Malcolm on the Sidelines

Home Alone with Nikki "OH YEAH, OH GOD, THAT FEELS GREAT, harder, fuck me harder, it feels so good, so big, that's the spot, oh yes oh yes!!!!! Now here I am, my girlfriend begging for it, getting the fucking of her lifetime and I am pissed. Now I know what you all are thinking, is he crazy. No, just a normal 15 yr old boy, the name is Malcolm. Let me give you some background to this story and you may understand it a little better. I guess I should start with myself. I am Malcolm, 15 years...

3 years ago
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When the Subs are Ready the Master Will Cum

When the Subs Are Ready, the Master Will Cum Nancy, my wife, and I had just entered the nice hotel suite I had rented for us on the sixth floor. The view out the windows showed the city lights and the last vestige of the sunset. We were both horny, as I had promised her a “sexual surprise” for the evening. I refused to give her any clue what it might be. Soon, we were on the bed, making out and losing our clothing piece by piece. If I knew then what I know now, would I have done it? I don’t...

3 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 10

After their extended discussion, mainly one sided, about changing their dress code and public behavior, Amy was pouring wine for a toast to the future. Nathan and Kathy were aware of how the consumption of wine had caused weird changes in their guests, and even themselves. Nathan had even had the intelligence to relate cause and effect to his own prowess last night. When he drank that stuff, he seemed to get into a loving mood with some kind of ability to satisfy every female who wanted to do...

2 years ago
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The Nightgown

It is the power of the restraint that reaches into my slumber and pulls me from it. I am aware of my breathing changes as I become awake and I know with certainty he is awake also. Lying on my left side in the dark of the room, he is on his left side also as we spoon in the middle of our bed. Our bed, what a wondrous thought. Eyes still closed I inventory. His naked front to my nightgowned back. His cheek resting on my hair fanned over the pillows, a fragrant silken pillow case. His breath warm...

3 years ago
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Bens Instruction

“Summer vacation...great,” I sighed. My girls would be going to summer camp in a couple of days, and the husband will be going out of town for business. Who was I kidding? He was going to see his mistress. Not that I minded. Our marriage was basically just paper at this moment. I would have the house to myself for 2 weeks. What to do? What to do? I made my list of projects to get done, thinking that it would last me more than a couple of days. I needed to spring clean the house, as well as get...

First Time
1 year ago
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Saucy Evening Out

He watches her with two guys.She phoned me at work and asked what we were doing on the weekend? I said I had a meeting on the Saturday in Birmingham but that was all. "Ok" she said, and nothing more was said about the weekend.On Friday night she asked if she could come to Birmingham with me so she could do some shopping while I was at my meeting. Of course I agreed and so off we went the next morning. She dropped me off and we agreed to meet again at 6pm.When I came out of my meeting she was...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 4

Joe thought about Selena every waking hour for he next 3 days. He had no way of getting a hold of her at her dorm, unless he went over and stalked her, and that was out of the question. He would wait for her to make the next move. Friday afternoon his phone rang as he waited for some foreign market prices to come over his fax. Those prices would end his day and week. He was tired of the stock rat race for a bit. Somewhat distracted by the ringing, he answered to give the caller the...

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I Am So LuckyChapter 6

I woke the next day after a restless night and joined Mom in the kitchen. Mom was wearing a white button down blouse and a short pleated black skirt. Mom gave me a twirl and asked, "How do I look?" "You look great!" I told her, and I meant it. She looked a lot younger and happier than she had before meeting Susan. No matter what else had gone on, I was glad for that. "Aren't you missing something though?" I asked. I was staring at her chest and it was obvious to me that she wasn't...

3 years ago
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Angry Young Man

Edited by BarneyR. All errors are mine. I am Rick Stevenson, 28, and married for four years married to Debora Stevenson nee Richardson, 26. We have no children and ‘We’ will not have any. When we became engaged I explained to Debby that I will not tolerate disrespect or cheating. If she could not commit to a complete partnership don’t agree to marry me. She said she would marry me. The day started as a normal Friday for me. I am the head of the maintenance technicians for a large...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 5 Early Arrival

BEN NOVEMBER 1, 2001, SENIOR YEAR When I returned to my house, it was after midnight. All was quiet but there was a light on in my bedroom and the door was open. Great. Someone was up. I walked to the room and looked over to find my mom sitting on my bed, holding my cell phone. She first looked at me with a withering gaze and asked in a deadly quiet voice, "Where were you?" I had never, ever, once managed to lie to my mother's face. She always knew when I was hiding something. So I...

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Time for a Rebound

Since your latest breakup you found yourself retreating form the world. Barely crossing paths with your social circle since, they began to grow worried. Your two best friends, Chet Grizzly, and Dave Cowell had been trying to get in touch but you had been dodging their calls. *knocking at the door* Annoyed that you must now peel yourself from the darkness and Netflix you groggily wade toward the door. Before it opens you can already see your friends heads through the glass, so you swing it open...

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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca Part One Ms Rebecca Initiates a Discussion

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part One: Ms. Rebecca Initiates a Candid Discussion "I'm so glad you came over tonight Stevie," Rebecca said as she sat opposite me on another couch, a large glass of white wine in her hand. She was wearing a long, tight skirt and a pair of black, four-inch pumps. The back of her skirt had a long slit that revealed her amazing legs and the black pumps she was wearing revealed just the hint of her toes which were painted with dark red nail...

3 years ago
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Long Arm of Discipline Part 5

I checked my cell phone on my way to the mall. I cut out of my chemistry class since I probably knew what the professor was going to say. It was too nice a day to be in a lecture hall and the syllabus is online anyway. I can wing it from there. As I’m walking to the mall, I see that mom called 18 times. “What the hell is wrong with her?” I think to myself. I check my voicemail. She’s in freakin’ hysterics that someone stole the car. Ok, I know my mom isn’t the most rational person in the world,...

3 years ago
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Horny as hell at a truck rest stop

I had gone to Baton Rouge, for a very boring conference there.Now I was driving back home at Savannah and I was feeling a bit tired after more than seven hours in the road. The sun was falling down and I really needed some rest before continuing the drive.I suddenly saw ahead a truck parking area with restrooms. So, without any hesitation, I pulled over and parked there.It was cold outside; but in my warm car, I reclined the seat just enough to provide some comfort to myself. I had parked near...

4 years ago
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Sex with Horny Girl

Hey All ISS readers my name is Kranthi I live in Hyderabad this happened to me when I was in college and I was seducing my dad’s friends daughter Mamatha , she liked me too but she was younger to me by like 3 years , Now ill describe her nice tits white complexion slim n sexy. This happened at a party , we have parties with them almost every fortnight so it was normal but this time it was different . She came to our house looking very hot just a miniskirt and a sleeveless top .She may be 3...

2 years ago
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Things get wild in Africa

Back in the fifties and sixties, my father worked in Tanganyika or Tanzania as it’s now called. I was then twenty, I was in the British army, based in the UK and I had saved up two months leave having been given permission to take an extended leave to visit my parents. They lived at the time in a very remote area with only a small handful of European engineers and a number of Indians, mostly Sikhs who occupies mainly admin roles. I quickly realised how boring those two months were going to...

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Journey of Suman Turning Into Suma

Hi all, my name is Suman 22 slim hairless body. I live with my family. My family consists of 4 members. My father, 48, is a manager in a private company. Mother, 39, is a teacher in a school. My twin sister 22, is slim like me. This is my first story. A real story happened a few months back. I and my sister are twins. Even though our genders are different we look a lot alike. I always wished I was a girl because I like wearing all the girl’s dresses, putting makeup and all. Playfully I and my...

Gay Male
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 6

I woke up a couple hours later to the delightful feel of a soft, smooth, naked body cuddled up to me. As if that wasn't enough, a soft little hand was rubbing my chest and soft lips kissing my neck. I didn't have to guess this time who this was. Cindi, Cindi, Cindi, I sighed to myself. What was I going to do with that girl? I thought about just pretending I was still asleep and ignoring her, but I quickly decided that would be a bad idea. She would just keep on going until... well; I...

4 years ago
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My First Mature Love

Yeh baat before 3 years ka hai jab mera age 21 tha mujhe 20 age se sex ka bare ma pata chal gaya aur maine mera g.F ke sath sex kiya bhi i love her than anyone Jab mai 21 ka tha mera ek mom ka friend thi name geetha dekhne ma achi nahi thi bhut ugly aur pure black but nature acha tha uska figure i dont know exact slim thi but her boobs and ass wow so big. Ek din friday mom mujhe boli tujhe geetha ka help karna hai usko koi place jana hai tu usko gadi par leke jao maine haa kaha because woh achi...

4 years ago
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Couples Therapy Ch 2

Introduction: The therapy continues Chapter Two The next few days were not what I expected. Renee seemed to be back to her distant self and was withdrawn from me. When I finally got her to talk, she told me that she felt dirty and ashamed by her actions the other night. I assured her she had nothing to feel dirty or ashamed about, thats what the class is for. She said she could not help it but was planning on talking to Karen about it at this weeks class. As we were getting ready for our...

2 years ago
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SamChapter 32

Solar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Sam was heading away from the IP world as fast as he could. Thankfully the draining had stopped and the sun was getting him back to feeling normal. A look at the fleet showed that the wave that he and Thantas had used knocked most of them out. Sam, came the thoughts of Thantas. Are you alright? We thought you had departed us, when you streaked off like that. I apologize to all of you, when Drivas was hurt, I grew far angrier than I...

3 years ago
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Real Sex Ed Teacher

Real Sex Ed TeacherBy: Londebaaz Chohan There is no denying that all men remember their first time fucking. It is something in the make of men that first time fucking, may it be good or bad; it is etched in our memory for always. In contrast the women usually do not remember their first fucking as much as they remember their first best fucking. In my personal experience, women are also very good in trying to teach and educate their fuckers, in an attempt to make most if not all episodes as...

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